#pov howdy gets new artwork
evillillad ยท 9 months
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not seen: me foaming at the mouth trying to marry this man
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icdrawings ยท 1 year
Corpse puppet au
By @sketchquill
Chapter 3
Gold's pov
I ran towards the bridge, tripping due to the dress getting caught before finding a small dent to curl up as I cried. I cried out of the guilt with the Pillars, the guilt for wasting the Pastor's time, and guilt for ruining my dress, the dress that Jewel had made with her own bare hands, the last piece of artwork that she made before her death now ruined due to me acting rash. I tried to calm down only for it to get worse when hearing the news spread "Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal in ruins as Van Dort's child caused chaos! Fishy fiance could be canned! Pillar's all fired up as Van Dort ruins rehearsal!" the shock of how everything was being spread so fast overtook me, the dent feeling bigger as I got smaller 'How could I be such a fool!' I said hugging myself tight 'How could I be so idiotic, I practiced all those vows day and night' I covered my mouth with my hand trying to stay silent 'How much of a disappointment am I, why couldn't I be happy' I shut my eyes trying to stopped the tears as I tried to suffocate myself 'I could learn how to pretend to love him, I can be the perfect lover for him, I JUST NEED TO LEARN!!!'
"There you are" I heard someone walk towards me, I prayed that it wasn't Howdy I didn't want him to see me like this, something so pitiful and disgusting "oh Peaches" wait... I knew who it was but my body wouldn't react, it wouldn't let me breath "It's okay now I'm here Peaches" I felt a warm hand on my shoulder "you need to breath now Gold, breath" he rubbed my back slowly letting me calm down as I took a large gasp of air, finally looking to my right to see Eddie. Still whimpering, reaching out to my shaking hands "Pa... pa" was the only thing that could come out as he gave me a strong hug, warm with comfort.
"Oh Peaches I knew that something would happen, what did they do you, I swear to God so help me if they did something to you!" He said in a harsh whisper "no... it was my... fault" I let him go "Gold..." He said saddened before standing up and showing me his hand, I grabbed it since I was dizzy due to lack of oxygen before sitting me on the bridge's wall. "You know just as much as I do that this isn't your fault, you were forced to do this" he said with anger "I know but... I'm the only one left! Coin is in the army, Jewel is... gone, I'm the only one left, I need to do this in order to survive" I said feeling tears falling "it should be up to you for heaven sack, you've only just met the fellow!?" he said "I can learn! You know I'm a fast learner! I can learn to pretend... it'll just take some time" I snapped unable to look at Eddie, trying to wipe away my tears, it was quiet for a good few minutes.
"Do you know how my husband died?" I looked at Eddie "what?" I said confused "Frank, my beloved, died due to illness, before he passed, I kept remembering the doctors trying everything but nothing worked and Frank was already on death's bed, I sat with him through it..." He took off his hat and took a deep breath "we chatted for a good while, he kept calling me pumpkin, I hated that nickname but at that moment it ment everything as he placed his hand on my face before he fell asleep... I waited but... he went cold, I knew that my whole world had shattered and it stayed like that until I met you three" he wiped his tears and held my hand before continuing "it was only a month later, when I started working again, I saw three little kids walking into the Van Dort's house, I remember asking myself 'when did they have kid's!'" we chuckled "I remember being told that I would have to watch you three since nobody wanted, I saw you guys doing house work when normally a maid would do it, I knew something was off, I didn't like it, the Van Dort's were cold but I never expected freezing" we giggled more "I noticed how tight your clothes were like a tightly rapped present, how thin you all looked as if the wind would snap you all in half, and how sad you seemed as if not even the brightest day would being y'all joy, I hated it, so I made it my mission to get you to be kids again and it started with" "the toys and clothes!" I said excitedly "yes, loose clothing to run around like some bucks in spring and toys to play with and I remember trying to bake y'all some cookies but that turned out to be a disaster" he rubbed his neck "no, no it was a good attempt" I said "those cookies were saltier than the sea yet y'all didn't want to hurt my feelings and kept eating them even thought I tried to stop you" he laughed "gosh, you were so nice to us we didn't want to hurt your feelings" I said squeezing his hand a bit.
"You kids were too kind, the only ones with hope not greed, Everytime I would wait for my breaks just to play with you kids, all those silly little game always made my day, it helped me with a grieving little by little, heck, you kids taught me how to smile again, how to feel joy again, how to feel love again and for that I've been grateful to you kids... but then I learned what happened to you, you kids were too young to go through that, it caused me to go downhill again, I kept thinking 'am I doing enough for youse kids'" he let go of my hand to place his on my cheek "but then the greatest thing had happened" "what happened" I asked "you kids called me 'Papa' I knew that that I meant everything to you as you were to me" he smiled as did I "and that's when I also new that I needed to give you guys some nicknames" he said with a smug look "really?" I said tilting my head a little "yup! Frank would nickname people after a fruit for vegetables so I thought of doing the same as to include him in our found family, I used your favorite fruits, Figs for Coin, Cherries for Jewel, and of course Peaches for you" he said I said "you kids are my life and I want to see you happy" he said making me smile "thank you Papa" I said "anytime Peaches now would you like to go over? I can make your favorite soup" he said happily "thank you but... I think I need some time alone please" I said looking down "of course" he said as we touched foreheads "just stay safe okay" he said before giving me a peck on the head and then left. We waved to each other before Eddie disappeared.
I sighed before getting up and started walking to the forest to practice my vows. "With this hand... I will take your wine, oh no, with this hand... I will cup your-" I realized I messed up again "oh, goodness no... with... this... with this... with this candle, I will... I will... I will set your Mother on fire" I walked deeper in the forest trying to recall the vows but I couldn't get it together so I sat down on a broken brach of a dead tree "oh, it's no use" I said as I pulled out the ring 'I have to do this, I need to do this' gaining determination as I sat up and pretended, I was always good at pretending, that the forest was the church itself "with this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine" I was making good progress as I started to pretend that a branch was Mrs. Pillar "ah, Mrs. Pillar, you look ravishing this evening" I shook *Mrs. Pillar's hand* going to the dead log "what was that, Mr. Pillar? call you 'Father'? if you insist, sir" I ran towards a branch and broke the tip to pretend it was the candle "with this candle, I will light your way in darkness" I *lit* the *candle* and pulled out the ring before walking to a defective branch "with this ring, I ask you to be mine" I placed it on the ring as I finally completed my vows, I smiled sadly knowing that I couldn't avoid the marriage anymore.
I was about to take the ring off but hear a flutter, turning around to see thousands of crows staring right back at me, before I could do anything I felt something tug me trying to pull me down, I pulled back hoping for it to release until it snapped 'no, no, no, no,' I checked my sleeve and smiled seeing that it wasn't stained or ruined 'I can't get this dress anymore damaged' I realized that the the tight grip didn't go away, looking to see that a hand,no a whole arm holding me tight, I fell down trying to gently remove it without freaking out "please let go" I said hoping it would but and it actually did "oh?" was the only thing I said trying to calm down and process what just happened but then the ground started to open up as a person started to climb up.
I froze at what I was staring at, the person was male but something was different, he had blue tinted skin that matched with his hair, he wore a weeding tux, all tattered and his left sleeve had been ripped off but was most intriguing was his eyes, staring at me through his blue hue , he removed it to show his face full of stitches.
Not once have we broken eye contact, I was stunned, it felt like I had forgotten how to breath as I kept looking at him but strangely the only thing that came to mind was 'what happened to him?' soon to be quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a faint whisper of his voice.
"I do"
He offered his hand, I was able to gain control of my body "I'm sorry" I apologize even if he is a corpse it still felt rude to rush off but I had to get back. I ran through the forest with ease as it's the same place we're my siblings and I would play in with Papa only stopping to see if the corpse was follow and to my horror it was and fast. I was at the bridge turning around to see that the corpse had disappeared. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief only to open and see him right in front of me. I gasped and back away slowly only to be stopped by the wall of the bridge telling me that there was no way out as he came keeping eye contact with me as he stood right in front of me and placed his hands only my face gently rubbing my cheek pouches lovingly.
"you may kiss the groom"
In a swift motion he kissed me as a bunch of crows surrounded us making everything go black as I lost consciousness.
"A new arrival" someone has said causing me to open my eyes to witness a skeleton and the corpse groom that had kissed me "they must've fainted" the corpse groom said pulling me up to his chest hugging me "what...?what happened?" I asked looking around to witness my new surroundings trying to understand what was going on "by jove! man, looks like we've got ourselves a breather" the skeleton said a bit too excitedly only to be pushed away by a rainbow bird. She had an apron on as both her right leg and side of her face had decayed but what was stunning of her were her feathers, how vibrant they looked, it was mesmerizing "do they have a dead sister?" She asked as I was thrown off by the question feeling sadness somehow the corpse groom could tell, held me tighter but still gentle, it felt nice.
The big bird was then pushed aside to show a star like figure wearing a pirate outfit with a sword in her chest "their still soft" she said poking me causing me to whimpered and flinched.
She chuckled before standing on the table "A toast, then!" The star cheered before drinking then a skeleton took out her sword and the liquid poured though her chest into their cup as they drank but it went through their body too
"To the newlyweds!" She cheered again that got me confused
"N... newlyweds?" I question what she meant "oh, in the woods, you said your vows so perfectly" the corpse groom said as he wiggled his finger the golden ring on it "I... I did?" I count help but feel bashful due to how truthful the compliment was, I know Howdy complimented me but it was probably due to us soon getting married. Realizing the situation I was in as I pinched my hand hoping that this was a dream but to my horror it wasn't I felt my whole body start to shake as I was led to a table and sat down unable to comprehend what was happening
The bird came back "hello dearie my name is Poppy, I will be in charge of your wedding feast" she grabbed my hand with her feathers which were surprisingly warm "you look so nervous dearie are you okay?" Ms. Poppy said "yes and th-thank you Ms. Poppy" I said "ah, what a well mannered person you are Poppy is just find dearie" she giggled "thank you... Poppy" I said as I felt myself get lost in her warmth it reminded me of Mother until the star pirate came by "wedding feast! I'm salivating" she said as her eye popped out of there sockets causing me to flinch away "SALLY! how rude!" Poppy squeaked at 'Sally' as maggot crawled out of there eye sockets "maggots, ha, ha, ha," she tried to lift the mood only for me to be more terrified "oh dearie I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Poppy apologize before rapping me with her wing "ye-yes I'm alright Poppy just startled is all" I said not wanting to be rude even if they were the dead, I was absolutely terrified of what I just saw "I've just got-I've just got some questions that's all Poppy" I said "of course you do ask away dearie" she said "oh, thank you... What's happening? Where am I?" I asked before turning to the corpse groom "and who are you?"
"Well... That's kind of a long story" he replied seeming uncomfortable.
"What a story it is" we all turned our attention to a big blue dog wearing a clown like outfit with a little that that's ripped and his right eye was missing "a tragic tale of romance, passion, and murder most foul" he continued.
"This is gonna be good" Sally said sitting right next to me hold what looks like to be popcorn.
"Hit it boys!" The dog shouted as a bunch of skeletons started to play music.
๐ŸŽถ Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer, at least those of you who still got an ear, I'll tell you a story that'll make a skeleton cry, of our own jubilicisious corpse groom ๐ŸŽถ
A spot light was pointed at the groom as everyone started to sing.
๐ŸŽถ Die, die we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, and you might try to hide, and you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah, yeah ๐ŸŽถ
The skeletons uncovered the corpse groom and another skeleton wearing a wig performed a little dance shown by shadows.
๐ŸŽถ Well our guy is a charmer known for miles around, when a mysterious stranger came into town, she's plenty good-looking but down on her cash, and our poor baby fell hard and fast, when his mommy said no he just couldn't cope, so our lovers came up with a plan to elope ๐ŸŽถ
Everyone started to sing again.
๐ŸŽถ Die, die we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, and you might try to hide, and you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ๐ŸŽถ
The skeletons play their music louder as the blue dog pulled me in as we danced a bit.
๐ŸŽถ Oh, that's right, okay, oh, yeah, come on, boys, pick it up, yeah, like it, okay, Chancy, take it, yeah, yeah! That's nice, yeah ๐ŸŽถ
They did some more shadow puppetry with the corpse groom .
๐ŸŽถ So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night, they told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight, now his father's wedding suit fit like a glove, you don't need much when you're really in love, except for a few things, or some told, like the family jewels and a satchel full of gold, then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree, on a dark foggy night at a quarter to three, he was ready to go but where was she ๐ŸŽถ
I started to realize what had happened.
๐ŸŽถ And then? ๐ŸŽถ
'The same scenario'
๐ŸŽถ He waited ๐ŸŽถ
๐ŸŽถ And then? ๐ŸŽถ
'Why you!?'
๐ŸŽถ There was a shadow, was it his girl's? ๐ŸŽถ
Tear came down as cover my mouth not to make a sound.
๐ŸŽถ And then? ๐ŸŽถ
'I can't breath!'
๐ŸŽถ His little heart beats so loud ๐ŸŽถ
'It's too much!'
๐ŸŽถ and then? ๐ŸŽถ
๐ŸŽถ And then baby, everything went black ๐ŸŽถ
My heart sank as I tried to wipe my tears.
๐ŸŽถ Now when he opened his eyes he was dead as dust, his jewels were missing and his heart was a bust, so he made a vow lying under that tree, that he'd wait for his true love to set him free, always waiting for someone to ask for his hand๐ŸŽถ
The dog pulled and pushed me towards the corpse groom who looked at my face with a sadned look, wiped away my tears before we started dancing.
๐ŸŽถ When out of the blue comes this groovy young person, who vows forever to be by his side, and that's the story of our own corpse groom ๐ŸŽถ
Everyone started singing again.
๐ŸŽถ Die, dies we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, you might try to hide, you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day ๐ŸŽถ
The living world
Eddie's pov
'knew I shouldn't have left them, they've been gone for way too long, damn it Eddie you knew better and you can't even go looking for them due to how crummy the weather is, you promised them you'd stay warm, you promised'
Howdy's pov
I kept looking out the window hoping that Gold comes back safely "Howdy! come away from that window" Mother shouted at causing me to walk over to my parents and the Von Dort's drinking tea.
"Oh, I'm sure they'll be back shortly, their terrified of the dark" Mrs. Von Dort said trying to reassure me "in fact, then they were a young child, they used to cry in their sleep regularly, didn't they, William" she continued to say making me worry more but then there was a knock at the door "enter" my Father said as Lady Julie walked in "ah, Lady Julie Joyful, I trust the room is to your liking?" my Mother asked "thank you, you are a most gracious hostess, which is why it pains me to be the bearer of... such bad news" she said making me more worried 'is Gold alright, did they get hurt, shoot why didn't I go chasing after them, they looked so scared, it's all my fault' I tried quieting my thought when the crier brought by Lady Julie announced "would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?" She asked "hear ye, hear ye! Gold Treasure seen this night on the bridge in the arms of a mysterious man! The dark-haired mister and master Treasure slipped away into the night!... and now, the weather, scattered showers-" "enough! That will be all" Lady Julie said to the crier before he walked out.
'that couldn't be true' I felt my heart break 'Gold... no they are too caring to do this, there has to be a reason' I tried to think positively trying to ignore the acting sorrow I felt.
"Mystery man?" Their Mother said in disbelief "they don't even know any men!" she cried "or so you thought, do call for me if you need my assistance" Lady Julie walked toward the door before looking straight at me "in any way" and with that she left sending a chill down my spine "good heavens, Finis, what should we do!?" My Mother cried "fetch me my musket" my Father said to the butler who brought it right away. I was about to intervene terrified of what they might do to Gold when "oh William, do something" I heard their Aunt panic "um, the town crier probably just had a slow news day, you know how it is, you need a little something to cry about" their uncle said trying to calm down my Father's temper.
"Regardless we are one fiance short for the wedding tomorrow... not to mention the financial implications" my Father mumbled the last part quietly "a most scandalous embarrassment for us all" my Mother said bitterly "oh, give us a chance to find them, we beg of you, just give us until dawn" Gold's Aunt begged, my Mother was silent for a few moments before "very well, until dawn" she agreed
After that I went to my room and started to pray
"Please Gold forgive me for not protecting you, from my parents, from the pastor, please for me come back safe, I beg you,... please"
Chapter 4
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introdemodev ยท 1 year
Anyways...to celebrate the demo turning one year old, I wanted to celebrate by posting more behind-the-scene works and such! :-) The plan is to post every day, but I might space some posts out by a day or two - I donโ€™t want to seem like Iโ€™m spamming. Either way, Iโ€™m going to be active for the next two weeks.
And if you guys have anything you want to see, just let me know and Iโ€™ll add it to the queue.
With that out the way, letโ€™s start off with talking about........her. The text box.
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The first thing I tested for Introdemo was sprites, the next thing was the textbox and font size. The textbox was something I wanted to figure out right away. If I had to make changes to it later down the line, that meant I might have to possibly rewrite and reformat lines of dialogue. If you notice, the textbox almost always contains 1-2 lines of dialogue.
My original idea for the text box was to have it be literal speech bubbles. Introdemo is a prequel to an old webcomic of mine so I wanted Introdemo to read like a โ€˜comicโ€™ too (btw donโ€™t look at fridge and bear for any clues!!! itโ€™s getting a soft reboot later down the line!! itโ€™s technically canon but also not canon...it exists in canon limbo).
I also looked at The World Ends With You for inspiration as well.
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However, I didnโ€™t understand/know how to code something like that at the time, so I scrapped the idea. This idea still lives on in the game though. Introdemo feels like a bunch of different things, and thatโ€™s cool. Aaaaaah look out!! A style shift is approaching!!!!
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So, I started to think of other games that I liked that mightโ€™ve used as a speech bubble as a textbox or had a speech bubble-like textbox, if that makes any sense. One of the first games that came to mind was Animal Crossing. Iโ€™m a fan of that Franchiseโ„ข and Iโ€™ve been playing it ever since the Gamecube version (best version btw). Iโ€™m going to be completely honest, I was heavily inspired by it, especially the speech bubble used in New Horizon, and a bit of New Leaf (NL, because of its use of patterns and the lower opacity).
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But mainly, the inspo was New Horizons. I like how sleek it is and itโ€™s nice on the eyes. Itโ€™s very simple. Best part is, it doesnโ€™t take too much of the screen either - this was also important because Introdemo has *a lot* of art in it. I didnโ€™t want to cover up the artwork.
So, what Iโ€™m saying is, I ripped off the textbox I was heavily inspired by it!
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There is another variation of the textbox used in the game, and that is the thought box. Itโ€™s a rectangle, an uneven one. Since the game takes place primarily in Fennelโ€™s POV, itโ€™s mainly used by him to narrate, think, vent, and give commentary.
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The inspiration for this was manga. In manga, squares/rectangles are sometimes used for inner monologue and narration (well, they're used in western comics too, but you get my point....I was thinking about manga when I made this decision).
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After figuring out how I wanted the textbox to look, it was very easy to figure out how I wanted the gameโ€™s GUI to look overall. I like to think everything works together aesthetically.
The game has a pulpy-inspired comic look ...
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and the menus have a pulpy-inspired magazine/tabloid look.
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The menus arenโ€™t exactly set in stone, unlike the textbox, so I do have plans to touch it up on future. Itโ€™s fine, but itโ€™s not โ€˜thereโ€™ yet, in my opinion. The accessibility and about menus definitely needs more work and care put into it.
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And thatโ€™s it for now! Thereโ€™s not much to say about the GUI at the moment but Iโ€™ll go over my inspirations for it at another time. Iโ€™ll also go more in-depth about it in the digital art book, which will be available for purchase when the full game comes out (full game will be available for free, ofc :-) )
Thanks for reading!!
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