♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to… ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye
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Ansem was tense, not even daring to move until the other reaches for him. Being grabbed, he groans in defeat as he forced to look into the other's eyes. Staring at him, his eyes tremble with a mix of anger...and pure fear.
What could he want now?
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kcystotheheart · 4 years
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✿ “So Kasumi. When are you going on another date with that mysterious stranger?”
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❁ “...Uh...”
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replied to your post: Demyx you know you can't just leave the... “Poor fool… you cannot escape. You’ll always come back because you have nowhere else to go…”
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“......whaaaat.....that’s not true man.....I got someplace to be!!” he lies.
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potestasaeterna started following you
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“Hmm...” The Queen sighed sadly as she looked up at the much taller man, “You must be Xemnas. Mickey has...told me all about you...”
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dawntermined · 5 years
potestasaeterna liked your post:Excuse him while he has an existential crisis over...
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“You I’ll stab without hesitation.”
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Bad End Verse Starter
Ienzo woke up early, as he did every morning but instead of coming out of a beautiful castle into the landscape of Radiant Gardens he left a dingy cave on some dark world where even the sun’s light barely touched it. He sat up in the small bed that was in his gummyship, almost hitting his head on the ceiling, as he did every morning he woke up in the nightmare he was now living.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful to Even for warning him about what was likely going to happen, he just hated being so isolated from everything. The empty world he found himself on barely had anything that could be studied with any real depth and this made the isolation even worse. Not to mention being so far away from those he cared about, not knowing what was happening.
He got up and turned on the gummyship computer and started his daily journal, sitting down in front of the computer and turning on a small camera.
“Day 110. I am still stuck on this world without really knowing what is happening in the worlds around me. I can sense his power growing stronger with every moment, I can smell it. But if I am honest…” he paused for a moment, sighing softly to himself.
“In a way I can hear it call to me. I don’t know if it is him calling me or the nothingness itself, either way it is becoming hard to ignore.” He tapped his fingers on the desk gently in a rhythmic pattern as he thought about what to say next.
“Despite everything that happened with Xehanort and Xemnas I cannot deny that it wasn’t all bad. While we did lose our hearts we did gain a lot of knowledge that would have been impossible to obtain otherwise. Despite all the manipulation and the events that occurred in the organization it was still what I considered to be my home…” he cut off and looked down at his gummyphone at his background picture of his fellow apprentices, including Xehanort and Ansem the Wise standing in front of the castle at Radiant Gardens.
“I hope to see you soon my friends…” Ienzo couldn’t finish his sentence before he started to choke up and tears swelled in his eyes. However, he didn’t have time to cry before something completely unexpected happened.
A scent. There hadn’t been a new one in months, the thought that he was no longer alone made him both excited and scared. Who in their right mind would come to this wasteland?
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ursaced · 5 years
  -- i cant believe aced is dead (again)
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gotitmeme-orized · 5 years
Oh, he’d known that some of the Organization’s former number would return to their human forms.  Just like himself, and Isa.   The Scholars, as well.  Those who once were Somebodies, now freed by the Keyblade’s power, would be completed once more, accomplishing what had been the old order’s false goal.
The figure he saw before him now, however...  The way he carried himself, that silver hair.  He shouldn’t be here.  Not after everything that happened.  That... man...  He had no vessel to return to...  For a moment, Lea thought he must be mistaken.  
                He should have disappeared.
Fingers balled into fists, the former Assassin’s nerves on edge.
    “... You.”  A snarl cut across his face as the words were hurled across the space between them.  “How are you still here?”
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vincula-flammae · 6 years
@potestasaeterna continued from X
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He takes a step back at the feeling that seems to weight the air, he doesn’t like it and it almost makes him ill. “What... I would never do that. Xem’s heart is strong. So is he. Let go of him now.” he growled out though for all his bellicose nature he hasn’t made the move to strike.  Even with flames licking at his fingers like a cat whose been cornered would bare its fangs.
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potestasaeterna replied to your post “@flameliberator and @potestasaeterna both: Demyx we will literally...”
Literally Xemnas will smash you Demyx, he throws building you know
“. . . New plan! Don’t let Xemnas know and don’t get buildings thrown at you!”
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blackasteriia · 5 years
The Superior
Start here x @potestasaeterna​ 
    The laugh that rises from Xemnas is UNNERVING, not as hollow as the ones previously. Hands lower from raising towards the sky, basking in the radiant glow of Kingdom Hearts–HIS Kingdom Hearts. For a moment, there is no other movement, no attempt to turn to face her. Still, unseen to Xion he’s smirking, lips curling with cruel amusement, “Oh?”
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    He angles his head back, gaze over his shoulder to finally focus upon her. Silver bangs shroud partial of his visage, the piercing amber eye still visible beneath. They reflects the pale light of the moon, giving a deceptive glow, “And what have you figured out?”     There is a chance she doesn’t know EXACTLY what he is, that she doesn’t know what is held inside him, what he is in this universe. The Organization knows he commands the Nothingness, that if he ever got bored of them or they ran out of use to him, they would become beyond nothing. Back to the Nothingness from which they were created, only their memory to remind of their once non-existence in the grand scheme of the universe.     However, who would believe the puppet if she learns of a different truth than what she believes? Even so, how would any of them even start believing they can take on their Superior? A suicide mission that is bound to fail before it can be fully implemented.     “And… what is it that you have discovered in your observation?”     “Have you uncovered the plan of Xehanort: to pull these worlds into a war to bring back the new beginning of everything so he can play false messiah?” Attention turns further, commanding eyes never leaving her, never straying away as the burrow into the soul, as they DARE for her to reveal what she believes is the truth, to listen and see if her hunch is correct.
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     “Or is it the DEEPER meaning behind the Organization, one that falls further into the abyss than the one of that old fool?” Xemnas lets slip the cruel smirk, a look that could unsettle the bravest of beings. It’s a sign, a cryptic signal of the intentions, what twisted thoughts and fathomed ideas swirl inside his unhinged mind, the instability that hides beneath the mask of serenity and enigma.     “Do you believe you conceive the true plans for you… for Roxas… for all of you LESSERS?”     The Superior turns fully around, hands idle by his sides. Each step he takes is slow, precise to leave suspense, to grow dread and fear along with the aura of pure authority and power that radiates off him.     “Tell me, Ningyō, what do you see as what I am? A manipulator, a betrayer of trust, a MONSTER that takes advantage of poor lost souls to get what he wants? A cruel leader that will stop at nothing not even short of letting all around die to get what they want?” Another step, fingers twitching slightly. A heavy desire to unleash his Ethereal Blade, or even something ELSE he wields is forced back down. Oh no, do not break the calm just YET. Let the deception continue until it all falls into like. An ironic punishment for the special little puppet made to hold the same weapon.     “Do you see the truth through the layers of false promises, through the fog that blinds so many others to reality that unfolds before them?” Another chuckle, low and dangerous, “I wonder… did you learn about it amongst your eye-opening observations, or does it still elude your grasp like so many others trying to comprehend what it is… what I AM truly?”     Ignorant. There is few hints, few signs that show what exactly their mysterious leader is. None know, none have heard whispers in the wind of what lives within their Superior. Peacefully oblivious to the connection, that he himself does more than COMMAND the Nothingness that makes them up, that makes up the world they thrive on. Oh no… he is those very things, the embodiment of it as the source fuses into his shell, giving him the control giving him POWER beyond what any of them could fathom, so far out of reach knowledge of what he is. He is the Void, the existence and non-existence of their alignment, the walking Nothingness. An emptiness in control solely from devouring hearts of light and darkness, stabilized as the unstable lust for power is satisfied for moments. So… does she know this secret, or is it  the underlying plan beneath the unknown plan that is the shadow of the told plan to all the lessers about obtaining their own hearts?
Xemnas named her Xion and called her ‘Ningyō’. It was like Xigbar’s cute little nickname with a similar connotation: puppet. Xion preferred Saïx’s barbs because he was upfront with his insults, she did not need a dictionary to figure them out. It must’ve been a fun game to Xemnas, to give her name and then snatch it away in the same breath. Xemnas didn’t care if she knew the truth, he dangled it in front of her and laughed when she jumped. Aw, look, the little puppet think she’s clever and has seen the hand that pulls the strings; She only looked because he told her to.
Xion stood at the far side of the room, feet planted and jaw locked. Small signs of humanity, gritted teeth and raised eyes. He saw someone else no doubt, perhaps the hero he so desperately wanted. A little child’s face squished in grim determination uncharacteristic for such sweet blue irises. Despite the tension, strung like taut lengths of rope between them, her hand fell at her sides, one hip cocked to hold her weight. A couple months ago and she wouldn’t have the courage to enter this place, his abode at the foot of Kingdom Hearts. Nowadays there was nothing so sacred that she could not trespass it. 
She heard of Xehanort. She had watched videos of the old apprentices and at Castle Oblivion, his name was on their lips. Riku mentioned things and dropped hints, Xion had been in the right places at the right time, her travels taking her far from where Nothing Gathers. She pieced together plans and ideas. Xemnas was easy, he was selfish and cruel, despised hearts, and laid it out for her anyway. Kingdom Hearts was the power source to rule the universe, he needed a keyblade wielder to collect hearts, she was created to-- blah, blah, blah. 
Xemnas stalked, hunter cornering prey, each movement and word designed to inspire fear and intimidation. He was imposing, vast and large, empty and all-consuming, he held no regard for her. Xion stood between him and destiny, a lone child put on the chopping block. A younger girl might’ve trembled and cast down her eyes, begged for forgiveness for her brash tongue (rip it out, toss it as his face, apologize again). However, this girl who was not much older, was tired. She was sick of all the theatrics. 
Exhausted by all the games. 
She was going to die. If he impaled her now or later, did it matter? Maybe her death would be the inspiration for Roxas’ rebellion, awaken Sora, give the world a chance-- And so on. But she wanted to go with answers, understanding, if not for the needing thirst in her soul. She wanted to know. He hinted at something she had not yet conceived, curiosity far outstripped fear and exhaustion. You know what they say, curiosity killed the puppet.
“I know you’re going to use Kingdom Hearts to remake the universe to something else, not sure what though,” she stated. “Not sure it matters. I know I’m a replica, a construct of magic with injected memories. I know the promise of a heart is an empty lie kept to ensure everyone toes the line.”
She paused, tongue rolling flat over her lips.
“I know you’re Xehanort’s nobody.”
She did not know that, it was a guess but his reaction may be illuminating. Her chin raised, proud and unhesitating. 
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“And if there’s anything else I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind if you filled me in.” 
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kcystotheheart · 5 years
@potestasaeterna || ✘
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❁ The silver-white haired woman stared in awe as she looked around, the cloak had done well to protect her from the darkness that tried to latch onto her light. Although to say the cloak was too big was an understatement, although it wasn’t anything she couldn’t stitch up. She looked up towards the silver haired man with a small smile, she still couldn’t believe that she was in another world. 
Although it certainly reminded her of Destiny Islands with its calm and peaceful aura, the busyness of the streets reminded her of Radiant Gardens. She blinks in surprise at what he says, tilting her head with a raised a brow.
“A restaurant huh? Guess it must be new which makes it the talk of the town. As for ice cream, Radiant Gardens does have a nice ice cream shop.”
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replied to your
“……I don’t need a heart…..I’m fine without one…”
“How interesting to hear…”
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“......Is it really? I don’t see what’s so interesting about it!!”
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caelum-puer · 5 years
potestasaeterna replied to your post ““ Hugging the kitten ””
He's just going to smirk, pleased that the hero will never know what he said
“Come on what did you say?”
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ofnewmoon-blog · 6 years
{ ☽ } It hadn't been too terribly long since Isa had been come back. As he'd only lived in an orphanage in Radiant Garden he hadn't had any place to go now, so Yen Sid had offered him a room in the tower. This was taking major adjusting, having gone from essentially in the Castle That Never Was for over a decade to all of this. He tended to stay away most times and keep to himself unless he was invited to Twilight Town.
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Today was no different. Himself along with Lea and the kids had gone off to Twilight Town. After the first ice cream he'd excused himself, feeling like his emotions were getting the better of him. Every now and then it all just got to be too much and he needed time to himself. Walking down the streets of Twilight Town, hands stuffed in the pockets of his pants - a new outfit he’d recently gotten, it even had a moon emblem on the coat - it wasn’t long before his once more green hues appeared distant, far away.
What was he doing here? He wasn’t sure. Yes, he was recompleted but what was keeping him here? He was only staying for Lea, and while he was happy with the redhead, it didn’t quite feel like before. Lea had many other friends now, and while he’d put his jealousy aside... it just didn’t feel like he had a place here.
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rxcusant · 5 years
potestasaeterna replied to your post:        “Ansem and Xemnas BOTH suck!”
Low chuckle “Say it again little Sora…” Takes out an Ethereal Blade, “I’d love to hear it once more before it is replaced with a scream…”
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      He really wants to say it. He really does. But he doesn’t want to give Xemnas that satisfaction either.
       “...Once is enough.”
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