#potentially hundreds of thousands could get infected
beelzebubsis · 10 months
i think one aspect of bbh's character in purgatory that often goes unnoticed is the huge difference in his well-being before and during purgatory. prior to purgatory, he was not doing good. He went through a huge depressive arc resulting in him losing all his colour, which he only managed to overcome when he began actively searching for the eggs, resulting in him kidnapping the fed worker. and while it was a bad thing he did, it was the only seemly progress he had actually made towards finding the eggs. but when that started to go no where he started torturing himself with the soul vultures because he felt guilty for his actions and when he was constantly being reminded of the absence of his eggs. he felt like if the bad action he took manged to help him he would need to do worse things so the soul vultures were his self made punishment for the things he was doing and about to do and if we look more deeply into his character it was his punishment for failing to protect the eggs. the more the soul vultures attacked him the more wounds and cuts he had all over his body and the more blue was spreading all over him. (a lot of fans theorise that he's got a soul infection and that the blue is actually his blood but he's infected so its showing as blue but that's not really been confirmed). he went through the psychotic break which i believe was the beginning of his character losing a huge chunk of his sense of reasoning and his ability to separate reality from his own delusions and then further isolating him from others because he began not trusting others and believing the worst.
before purgatory started bbh was fully prepared to do worse things for the sake of the eggs (see his forest burring convo with foolish) but then purgatory happen.
and suddenly everyone was doing horrible things for the sake of the eggs. i think the biggest reason why bbh's character felt comfort regarding purgatory is that he didn't feel alone in his horrible actions and he felt more justified. dapper had explicitly told him to do whatever he could, the other parents and his team were talking about winning and strategizing. he didn't have access to his soul vultures and he and most of his team viewed his actions as necessities to saving the eggs. moreover soulfire ended up being a huge support network for bbh, because he finally felt like he was sharing the burden of his horrible actions with others. they were all paranoid and hiding away like bbh had been. it makes sense that from his perspective it would be comforting to feel like people understood him.
but now post purgatory he's got his eggs back. he doesn't regret his actions because at the end of the day he saw them as necessary to get the eggs back and there wouldn't be any point in regretting those actions now especially when he had resolved himself to do horrible things before purgatory had even started. plus he self imposed the punishments for those actions to begin with and there are huge consequences for him now because of that. he's started to get his colour back because the eggs have returned. but he's still covered in the wounds from the soul vultures and the potential infection, the injury on his head is seemingly getting bigger and he now has the radiation poisoning on his back from the nuke. his first few streams back we saw him struggling against his character reincarnation, or to clarify his death, and we later learn through his conversations with pomme and dapper that he doesn't want to reincarnate because he'll lose the ability to recall specific memories and he's scared of forgetting the eggs, which explains why on the first streams back when we weren't sure what had happened to dapper and the other eggs, he had no memories because he didn't see any reason to keep them without the eggs so he wasn't fighting his death. implying that the eggs are his reasons for fighting against the reincarnation and why when he's around them he's able to recall and remember again but he's started to cough and suffer instead. so now he's faced with the moral dilemma of keeping his memories of everyone and the eggs but continue to suffer in a dying rotting body OR to reincarnate and forget everyone.
plus we now have the mysterious ghost and "old friend" invading his home and leaving him ominous message so he doesn't feel safe. so what does he do? he goes back to when he did feel safe or at least comfort and support. which was the soulfire base, because at least there he felt like he was sharing the suffering. i believe that the "old friend" is someone involved with his reincarnation which is why hes avoiding it but thats an entirely different post.
holy shit how did this get so long D: but yeah this is why i think bbh has such different feelings towards purgatory compared to others and why he keeps taking people to the recreation of the soulfire base. like always i'd love to hear any more interpretations.
heres another tik tok
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
I'd like to take this opportunity to give a big shout out to the bastards at the government for basically telling my employer that they don't need people disinfecting their offices for Covid anymore. Why? Because apparently there's research suggesting that getting Covid-19 may result getting prion disease.
Seriously, check it out. I wish I was making it up:
Again, thanks a lot government! I have little over one month left of my job because the government doesn't think it needs people to do anti-Covid surface disinfecting anymore, and all the while the science suggests that Covid might cause prion disease. People are going to die, and in probably among the most absurdly horrible ways possible, and it'll probably be because governments like ours are insisting that, and because masses of people are insisting on going along with it so they can indulge their false sense of security. I'm only glad that I live in one of those "low risk" areas where you barely hear about anyone getting Covid, and even then I still don't go prefer to go anywhere without a mask.
I'm gonna be real here, and I suspect it wouldn't show if you actually saw me in person, but I get a mild sense of inner terror from thinking about it. Why wouldn't I? I have to live my life knowing that Covid-19 is still out there, and that if I get it I have no guarantee that I won't ultimately either die from some complication or much fucking worse, and under the constant suspicion that I might get it one day because after three years it still seems like we haven't eliminated it. We all seem to act like Covid is nothing to worry about, and that's only because the news barely talks about it anymore! You know, I think there's a word for that sort of shit that I swear doesn't get used anymore. But really, the government doesn't care about this research, and odds are neither do a lot of the people assuming they even know it exists, and all that means is most of society has a hand in ensuring that people keep dying or suffering from the countless deleterious effects of long Covid, including dementia, heart disease, oh and did I already mention fucking prion disease which is basically always fatal!?
I really hate the fact that this is the world we're living in. And the worst part is the simple knowledge that it doesn't have to be like this. As a matter of fact, it didn't have to be like this. Even with Covid-19 catching everybody off guard in 2020 we could have still done something to spare us this scenario. I unironically believe there is an extent to which a lot of this, if not all of this, was preventable, and that we are here more or less because we chose to be here. Think about it. Capitalist governments generally avoided doing anything at all about the pandemic for as long as possible at the outset until basically the moment they started seeing hundreds or thousands of people get infected and die, and then they waited for the first sign of Covid-19 being suppressed (read: still not eliminated, but "contained") so they could re-open the economy and get people "back to work". And all the while, the "masses" would frankly take the first opportunity to restore normalcy in their own sphere, to take the first superficial sign that Covid was gone (and it most certainly is not) as a sign to, well, act like it's no longer relevant to their lives. You can see what behaviours result from that, and how such people react to other, more conscientious individuals who still wear masks, regularly squirt hand sanitiser on their hands, or perhaps even have an air purifier somewhere in their homes if they can spare it.
To put it simply: our world has done very little to stop Covid-19 when it first emerged, and now that we think it's not a big problem we're not doing much to eliminate it. If we don't change this, then we're going to find that a lot of people are going to suffer and die from Covid-related complications, prion diseases and other dangerous/fatal conditions caused by Covid-19 infection, or even still from Covid-19 itself, and then who knows how badly we'll handle the panicked damage control that will follow.
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[ @grabxyourxcrucifix LIKED for a Starter! || Josh ]
[ Max ]
Sometimes, he couldn't help it. It felt like a relic from a past life, from ten thousand past lives, and simultaneously like it was an everyday occurrence. When he was near certain scents, heard certain words, or saw police lights, he always felt cagey and uncertain. Sometimes, it was too much.
It had been becoming too much for the better part of three months, and Laura had finally taken him on that long trip he'd been wanting to take. He'd be safe in the woods again, and he wanted to get as far from Hackett's Quarry as he could. Going back to that place risked too much, and so he'd chosen to just go North.
She'd left him where he'd asked in that little outcropping off of the side of the road. Her promises of returning for him in the morning only pulled a soft, strained smile onto his face, he told her he loved her and closed the door. He did. He did still love her. When he got like this, he only remembered how her blood smelled, and that was why she needed to leave him.
If he was alone, she would be safe. Everyone would be safe. With any luck, he'd just stay in the woods, he'd hunt himself some deer or whatever, and things would be okay.
Nothing smelled particularly human when he arrived at a small path that looked more like a game trail than anything, and he figured he could scale it if he needed to. It wasn't an easy climb, but it wore him out, and if he wasn't at one hundred percent when he started this, he hoped it would make things easier.
It was never easy, though.
The moonrise had started earlier than day, but it wouldn't have any ill effects until it was brighter, until it had reached its full potential. That didn't mean that he hadn't been bristled and growly all day, though, and he was sure he'd said things he didn't mean. The infection wasn't easy on anyone, and Laura's decision to turn the gun on Travis instead had made this a life sentence.
"Ooooooooh fuck." The trail had run into a rocky cliff face, and when he finally got to the top, he'd crumpled in on himself. No, no, he had to keep his wits about him, "That... Smarts."
Like it really mattered right now if he cussed or not.
When he could finally move again, he forced himself to crawl ahead before seeking out a place he could leave his stuff. The backpack would at least have some clothes for him to change into in the morning, a blanket, and some water. Crunching through the snow, he wondered vaguely how it was going to make his transformation harder. He never remembered it when he woke up, he just knew it caused a huge mess.
Up ahead, he heard something, and his head snapped up. It was hard to tell what that smell was... Human? Or was it? Did he just stumble upon some mountain troll? That would be just his luck, wouldn't it?
Laura would have wanted him to help. Say something, call out to this thing (Person? Monster? Deer?), and ask if it needed something. Laura, whose need to help others was the reason he was in this position at all.
He'd just wanted to sleep.
When it got closer, he ducked behind a tree, straining his ears to listen for anything.
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ces-device · 2 years
Is it Safe to Take Cortisone for People with Anxiety?
Is Cortisone Shots Safe For People With Anxiety and Depression?
Cortisone shots are commonly used to treat inflammation in various parts of the body. They reduce the swelling and pain associated with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. However, there are some risks to this treatment.
Consult with a Doctor
If you are considering receiving cortisone shots, you should first discuss the pros and cons with your doctor. Your healthcare provider will also be able to tell you about alternative treatments that may be less expensive.
Many doctors will limit the number of times a year you receive cortisone injections. You should never receive more than three or four injections in a year.
Cost of Cortisone
When it comes to the cost of a cortisone shot, it can range from under a hundred dollars to over one thousand. While your insurance may cover some of the cost, you will have to pay out of pocket for the rest.
Side Effect
While cortisone shots are generally safe, they can cause serious side effects. In addition to the potential for damage to your joints, you could face high blood pressure, water retention, and other issues.
Some people find that their mood changes while they are taking cortisone. This is usually more common in those who take high doses.
In addition to changing your mood, cortisone can reduce your immune system. As a result, you could get an infection. A high fever is a common warning sign.
Do not use it when pregnant
You should never use cortisone when you are pregnant. It can cause complications for your unborn child.
Seek professional help
Contact CesRelief to get a prescription from a professional, licensed practitioner. CES Device is a safe, painless microcurrent treatment scientifically proven to treat anxiety and insomnia in children, teenagers, and adults alike.
1875 N Lakes Place
Meridian, ID 83646
https://goo.gl/maps/vmbZqfiUfMHvjD446 Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or doctor in the appropriate administration.
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shawndavidson705 · 2 years
Why American Healthcare Needs Telehealth
In simple terms, telehealth is the use of telecommunication and digital technology to access healthcare services. The providers and patients connect virtually over the internet using smartphones, tablets, or computers. This was a highly novel concept that was toyed around with by healthcare professionals as well as medical technology companies. But it took a deadly pandemic for the idea of telehealth solutions to be taken seriously.
What Makes Telehealth Attractive?
Regular in-person healthcare involves patients going to a clinic physically for consultation with a physician. While this has been the norm since time immemorial, it hasn’t worked well for people who live in rural locations or people facing difficulties in transportation (especially seniors and disabled individuals). Telehealth systems can bring medical care to them irrespective of the distance from a hospital or clinic. This advantage is remarkably beneficial for patients who require specialist care, which is mostly available in metropolitan cities.
The prospect of not having to travel to a clinic physically seemed very alluring. But the healthcare industry was slow to adopt it. Finally, it took a pandemic for attitudes to change and for policymakers to begin taking it seriously. The coronavirus forced everyone to remain indoors and hospital waiting rooms carried a significant risk of becoming hotspots of infection. But with telemedicine applications, people could seek the care they needed without leaving their homes. 
The Role of Telehealth on Mental Healthcare
Nearly one in five American adults suffers from a mental health problem. Health experts have even agreed that this is a national health crisis. However, care for mental health remains abysmal in the country, as people need to wait for a long time to get a consultation. Moreover, a third of the people live in regions that lack any mental care professionals. They would need to travel hundreds, or even thousands of miles to see a therapist.
But advanced telemedicine solutions have the potential to extend the outreach of mental care across the country. People no longer have to travel long distances or wait for months to get a consultation. Better yet, they could get one from the privacy of their own homes. The prospect of accessing a therapist anywhere in the country using a personal device from the privacy of one’s own home would go a long way in encouraging more people to see a therapist. 
The stigma around seeking mental health care prevents even the most rational people from actually seeking it. Many experts have stated that telemedicine applications, with the privacy and accessibility they provide, would actually help change the conservation around mental health. 
Care for Elders 
Seniors living alone at home or at assisted living facilities often struggle with their own care. They rely on close family, or on caregivers for their medical needs. But age-related physical disabilities, or patients with degenerative diseases may not be able to travel. Coupled with problems in transportation, healthcare for institutionalized elders is a major challenge.
But telehealth takes away the need for in-person visits, thereby making quality care more accessible for vulnerable seniors. 
Telehealth has demonstrated the potential for addressing many challenges that plague American healthcare, the biggest of all being that of inequity. A telehealth monitoring system at hospitals and clinics can reduce the cost of care and increase its accessibility, without any significant investment.
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drramankholi999 · 2 years
Gum Graft Surgery In Newton Dr Ted Filandrianos And Assoc
Gum graft procedures are typically carried out by a board-certified periodontist, who focuses on gum well being. Every gum graft procedure is tailored to the affected person, with some folks requiring extra work than others. Avoid ingesting liquids via a straw throughout your recovery, as a result of it might possibly reopen the wound and will cause it to bleed. If this happens, you would experience pain and prolonged therapeutic time. Straws should not be used till the wound has had a chance to fully heal. Chew on the opposite facet of your mouth from where the graft was performed.
Vitamin-rich and well-blended soups and smoothies can help make a liquid food regimen delicious and interesting for the first two days after your surgery. Be sure to blend totally and not include any elements that comprise small particles, such as berries, which have small seeds that might get lodged in your wounds. The IP tackle being blocked is one that you are utilizing where gum grafting surgery you are at present situated. If you may be in an workplace, espresso shop, or another public location then this address could additionally be utilized by a quantity of folks and blocked based mostly on actions of others on this location. VPN connections may also be extra likely to be be blocked as a end result of earlier customers of the IP.
Then a cut up thickness incision is made and the connective tissue graft is inserted into the space between the 2 sections of tissue. The graft is normally slightly larger than the recession space, so some excess might be apparent. Though the name would possibly sound frightening, the procedure is often performed with wonderful results.
Currently, more analysis is needed to find out whether one root coverage technique is more practical than others. Through this small opening within the gums, we gently transfer receded tissues again to their desired positions by way of this entry point. Returning the gumline to a more healthy place provides almost instant protection. Thin items of collagen are positioned between the teeth and gums to hold the gumline in its new location whereas it heals. Minor swelling may be noticeable the primary few days after gum grafting, nevertheless it ought to resolve rapidly. Reduced sensitivity – When the tooth root turns into exposed, eating or drinking scorching or chilly foods can cause excessive sensitivity to the tooth.
Staff didn’t attempt to push additional companies, and appeared genuine in their assessment. Friendly, efficient, and, best of all, NO PAIN. Clean, no wait time, no trouble getting an appointment. I actually don’t know the way you would ask something more of a dental office. Dr. Baker appears gum grafting surgery to be fairly pragmatic and keen to work with me on my overdenture supported by 2 implants and a couple of ailing and somewhat lose enamel on my higher jaw. Beach City Dental offered the best dental expertise I've ever had. The Dentist and his workers were skilled, friendly, and thorough.
How much of the cost of gum grafting your dental insurance will cover is dependent upon the specifics of your provider and plan. Dr. Coulter recommends that patients avoiding flossing or brushing at the remedy area through the use of a special mouthwash which controls plaque build-up. In some instances, using antibiotics is advisable so as to scale back any potential risk of an infection. Dr. Coulter recommends avoiding strenuous exercise gum grafting surgery, avoiding exhausting meals, and otherwise encouraging eating delicate, cool foods such as ice cream, pasta, eggs, yogurt and gentle cheese. Dr. Coulter may elect to supply the wanted gum tissue from a tissue bank, quite than removing gum tissue from the patient's mouth. This is a proven alternative, utilizing donor tissue that’s been cleared of all living cells leaving a connective tissue matrix.
Gum grafts can value anywhere from a couple of hundred to a couple thousand dollars. If you’re insured, this process could additionally be covered in full or at little out-of-pocket price to you. You may find a way to have the procedure accomplished for free if you have dental insurance as a part of an Affordable Care Act plan. Following your process, you’ll expertise some bleeding, swelling and discomfort. To manage these unwanted facet effects, take all medicines exactly as prescribed by your surgeon.
Gum graft surgery is common, but when you’re unfamiliar with it, it could seem intimidating. Sometimes, knowing what to anticipate post-surgery helps make the restoration process a little bit easier. Below, we’ve provided a quick basic define of recovery after gum graft surgery. Your periodontist will provide you with a more particular set of instructions on the time of your surgery.
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maniapolh · 2 years
K9 macoptimizer
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#K9 macoptimizer full version
#K9 macoptimizer mac os x
#K9 macoptimizer mac os
#K9 macoptimizer install
#K9 macoptimizer software
redirects trick people into installing the Mac Optimizer malware Mac Optimizer is an untrustworthy optimization utility that initiates system's scanners and displays intrusive warning alerts. It can not only delete potentially unwanted programs from Mac but also protect it from malware and monitor its performance continuously. Double-check your system with Reimage Intego to make sure that there are no unwanted components hiding in your Mac. If you are willing to take care of Mac Optimizer removal, use the guide provided at the end of this post. The anti-malware program, on the other hand, is a must.
#K9 macoptimizer mac os
However, the system of Mac OS is relatively safe, and optimization tools are not necessary.
#K9 macoptimizer install
We would recommend you to remove Mac Optimizer from the system instead and install a reliable optimization tool that would regularly take care of the system. Purchasing the license of this tool is the sole money wasting. This way, it finds a way to hundreds or even thousands of Mac devices and then urges the users to pay for the long-term subscription.
#K9 macoptimizer software
To reach the goal, the developer is distributing a free trial version using a software bundling method and deceptive advertising. The purpose of this tool is to make its users buy the licensed version and create revenue from the traffic redirected to affiliated commercial sites. Mac Optimizer is a rogue system optimizer geared toward getting money from Mac OS users'.
#K9 macoptimizer full version
However, the full version that you can buy for $15 – $30 typically provides no real value and gives the program's developers a signal that the license is bought and it is time to stop showing misleading ads on the victim's desktop. In the worst-case scenario, the Mac Optimizer virus can remove or modify some of the crucial Mac's components, thus damaging its integrity and leading to severe performance problems. According to the experts from virusi.bg, third-party optimization tools often contain a list of inbuilt scan results, meaning that they can hardly fix or improve the system's performance. The scan results are also questionable because on several different Macs point out to the same problems and address almost identical system's files. Note that daily scan procedures can significantly diminish your Mac's performance because of additional processes and usage of computer resources. Once installed, it creates a startup that is responsible for loading the Mac Optimizer scanner on a regular basis. However, you shouldn't fall for the trick as this optimizer can hardly fix any Mac's issues if not contrary. A “must have” app for every home and business. Get your Mac back in shape with an incredibly fast disk utility that will optimize and clean your hard drive, maximize battery life, free memory, organize your Desktop, and more. Typically, they claim something like that: If you are about to install an optimizer for your Mac, you can run into promotional advertisements of this fake optimization tool. In reality, it is a typical potentially unwanted program (PUP) trying to scare users into thinking that they have serious issues related to their computers. We could calm you down if you thought that a Mac Optimizer virus infected your computer as it does not belong to any virus category. Unfortunately, the program belongs to the company responsible for releasing Mac Tonic, Mac Auto Fixer, Similar Photo Cleaner, and other useless tools that keep bothering people and mislead them into thinking that there are serious issues related to their computers. However, many people on Mac forums have already expressed their concern about whether Mac Optimizer is safe or not.
#K9 macoptimizer mac os x
Supposedly, it is designed to improve Mac OS X 10.8 and newer versions by cleaning cache, speeding up mail, freeing up space, extend the battery life, and more. The latest version of this fake optimization tool is MacOptimizer 4. In addition to the unwanted content, this tool suggests people pay for the full version to remove malware issues but this tool costs up to $30 and still does nothing besides causing redirects to dubious websites. However, this tool is not living up to promotions and delivers fake scan results about the issues with your machine. Mac Optimizer by Macappware is a rogue tool that allegedly improves the performance of Mac computers. Mac Optimizer is a potentially unwanted program that supposedly improves the speed and general performance of Mac computers. What is Mac Optimizer? Mac Optimizer is a fake system optimizer that is commonly spread using bogus virus infection notifications on malicious sites
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How to Combat Anxiety Before Wisdom Teeth Removal in Bastrop and Lakeway
Preparing for surgery can be extremely emotionally taxing, especially if you have never had one before. In general, surgeries aren’t something that people look forward to. There is a build-up of nerves until the day of the operation finally comes. But surgeries can be incredibly life-changing. They have the potential to make life so much easier for you in the future.
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Perhaps you have recently found out that you need your wisdom teeth removed. This could be because they are causing damage to your other teeth, have yet to fully emerge, or have become infected. To keep yourself from enduring further dental issues, know that this extraction is in your best interest. Learn what it will take to mitigate your stress as you go into a wisdom teeth removal in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities.
Take the time to do your research.
We all know that the internet can be a scary place. When you look up your symptoms for facial pain, for instance, you may stress yourself out even more with all of the what-if situations. There is a lot of fear that comes from the unknown. Or, perhaps, knowing too much. But, if you are looking at the right sources, the internet is a great way to hear from real experts in the field. Experienced professionals want to share their knowledge with you. Read over what you can expect out of wisdom teeth removal from professionals who have performed the procedure hundreds—or even thousands—of times. Your trusted oral surgeon may have a lot of helpful information on their own website.
Have a conversation with your oral surgeon.
You are not evaluating the process of oral surgery alone. You have a support system in the staff and doctors of the surgery practice. As you are committing to wisdom teeth removal in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities discuss your expectations and worries with your oral surgeon. Ask questions, including questions about your research. The surgeon will put your mind at ease. Once again, they have been down this road many times. Oral surgeons know the best practices to follow to ensure that you have minimal discomfort during the procedure. They will also give you the tools that you need to get through the recovery process as effectively as possible.
Talk to loved ones who went through the procedure.
Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure. The odds are, you know several people who have had their wisdom teeth removed. What about your parents or older siblings? Have any friends from school already had the extraction? Even your general dentist will have done it. Ask those around you about what their experience was like. They might tell you about how they swelled up or were in pain afterward, but they will also inform you that it only lasted for a few days. Knowing that they got through the procedure and recovery process should help you better recognize the benefits.
Know that anesthesia and sedation are safe and effective.
Don’t worry about going to sleep during your surgery. A Board-Certified Oral Surgeon in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities is highly qualified to administer anesthesia and sedation. It’s one of the primary requirements of their education curriculum. They learn when it is necessary to use local anesthesia, laughing gas, IV sedation, or oral sedation. Each of these will help you not feel pain and reduce anxiety during the surgery. Before going into your wisdom teeth removal, try some relaxation techniques to mitigate your anxiety when you receive anesthesia or undergo sedation. This may include deep breathing exercises and meditation to relax your muscles. Your oral surgeon may even give you an object to hold and squeeze, distracting your focus. Sometimes, your oral surgeon can prescribe medication to take prior to your wisdom tooth surgery to further help alleviate anxiety.
Make sure that you are prepared for post-op.
Knowing that you have everything ready before you go into surgery will make the process smoother. For example, you can make a run to the grocery. Stock up your pantry and fridge so that you don’t have to concern yourself with it later. After your wisdom teeth removal in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities, you are going to be limited in terms of what you can eat. For the first day, you will need to stick to liquids. Make sure that you are staying hydrated, and don’t use a straw. In the days following, you gradually work back up to chewable foods. Although it is a challenge to get the right nutritional value out of this diet, you can make it work with soft products that are vegetable and fruit-heavy. It will only take a week before you can start eating a bigger variety of foods. Listen to your provider carefully about their post-op recommendations.
Bring someone to support you at your surgery.
It is recommended that you do not drive yourself after your wisdom teeth removal surgery. You will not be able to drive immediately after your wisdom teeth surgery with sedation, but it is also recommended to avoid driving for 24 hours after the sedation. This is especially true if the procedure was performed under deeper sedation. That said, you should have a family member or friend with you for the sake of driving you home. But they should also be there to care for you before you go into the operating room and after you come out. Let them calm your nerves with their presence. Having them there gives you someone to assist you and to provide moral support.
Focus on the positives of wisdom teeth removal.
Getting your wisdom teeth out is going to be extremely beneficial to your oral health going forward. Consider the case of overcrowding. In an already tight space, with your wisdom teeth attempting to break their way through, they push against your adjacent teeth. This pressure can cause those adjacent teeth to weaken. They will be exposed to cavities, as well as risk bone loss. Over time, wisdom tooth pressure could result in misalignment. You may end up having to get braces, which would be an inconvenience if you already had them earlier in your life. Essentially, undergoing wisdom teeth removal in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities is one of the leading ways to keep your smile healthy and strong.
Recognize that your oral surgeon is one call away.
Your oral surgeon will most likely set up a follow-up appointment with you. It is common for them to see you again in one or two weeks so that they can evaluate how you have been taking care of your openings. Luckily, a good oral surgeon will have given you the information that you need to succeed with wisdom teeth removal recovery at home. If you have followed through with their guidance, there won’t be any problems to discuss at this appointment. Still, feel welcome to ask any questions or raise any concerns for recovery going forward.
If it’s time for you to get your wisdom teeth extracted, look for an oral and maxillofacial surgeon with several years of experience. Their staff should be dedicated to prioritizing your comfort throughout the procedure. With their vast knowledge of extraction best surgical practices, they aim to minimize your stress. You don’t have to be fearful of wisdom teeth removal in Bastrop, Lakeway, and their surrounding communities when you are in good hands.
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bondsmagii · 4 years
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feralphoenix · 3 years
a thing that i really love about hollow knight is that part of its incredibly strict Show Don’t Tell policy means it works a lot in juxtapositions. comparisons and parallels.
like, rather than Telling us what makes for a good and responsible ruler, we get to know about various different heads of state in the various nations of the crater, and we can observe how they handled international relations, public policy, etc and the consequences/effects of their choices, and draw conclusions by ourselves.
there are lots of different parent-child relationships, and sibling relationships, so that we have many examples to compare ghost and their family to.
there are also a number of higher beings around and you can compare them to each other to understand their different approaches to godhood, how they handled being the center of a culture & the responsibilities that entails (radi, unn, tpk) or the ways they sidestepped those roles (white lady, grimm). in addition to forming our opinions of these characters this also contextualizes what ghost does when they attain godhood in the godseeker endings & after the delicate flower variant, in godseeker mode.
like you can use these points of reference for a lot of different analysis topics!!! but one of the things that always Gets Me In My Emotions is the direct juxtaposition between herrah, radiance, and tpk and how differently these three characters handle the cost of fighting Existential Crisis.
the pale king’s policy is officially No Cost Too Great, but just like the hunter says in hollow’s bestiary entry, for tpk “cost” was a thing for other people to pay, and he was not willing to risk any sort of harm to his own person. his plan to deal with the infection involved sacrificing the dreamers & the hollow knight, and his plan to create a hollow knight involved birthing hundreds of thousands of children who were designed to be expendable - they were there so he could experiment on them, select a candidate, cull the failures, and then sacrifice said candidate.
the worst tpk might have experienced through all this is emotional turmoil, and it’s left ambiguous in-game whether he was actually conflicted about the child sacrifice/felt attachment to hollow or whether his personal low point throughout all this was being butthurt about his wife walking out rather than birth a second batch of vessels for the slaughter. (he must’ve been pretty darn butthurt to have lied to the kingdom that the white lady was dead.)
as soon as his plan failed and he had no other recourse, tpk fled rather than expose himself to any potential harm. he was willing to - perhaps desperate enough to - expend any number of chess pieces if it would save hallownest, but his own life and safety was NEVER on the table.
just like tpk, radiance is trying to protect herself and her people. just like tpk and herrah, she too is willing to go to any lengths necessary to get the settlers to fucking step off, give her children back, and leave her alone.
for her this entails being willing to bend her own principles - i’ve talked about this in depth before so you can find all that in my essay tag if you’re interested, but in-game evidence points to radiance having been a pacifist like the rest of her tribe pre-hallownest. and the infection is a curse that’s only sometimes fatal, but it causes extreme amounts of harm and fear and chaos to inflicted parties. and this level of harm is something she’s willing to do just to threaten/pressure tpk into backing down.
her method also causes a large amount of collateral damage (including lateral harm to other indigenous bugs!), suggesting that she either doesn’t have the emotional wherewithal to worry about who might get hurt, or just plain doesn’t care. if you squint, it’s possible to make the argument that radiance might have warned unn before her counterattack against hallownest, but even then forewarning was the only mitigation she was able and willing to provide. if this is what it takes to protect herself and her tribe, then so be it.
so, compared to tpk, who chose to actively sacrifice the lives of individuals to protect the institution of hallownest, and radiance, who doesn’t care about splash damage to bystanders as long as she can save her tribe... what i find extraordinary about herrah is that when she determined that sacrifice was necessary to protect deepnest, she took all that sacrifice upon herself.
most obviously herrah accepts the role of dreamer in hopes of ending the plague, sacrificing her life. in order to keep tpk from taking advantage of that to conquer deepnest, she also negotiates that he has to provide her with an heir, thus ensuring deepnest’s sovereignty... but this means she has to have sex with the very creature who has been trying to commit genocide against the spiders for generations. she has to let her lifelong worst enemy who she’s been fighting alone since the death of her husband impregnate her. this decision had to have come with some form of emotional distress for her, and yet herrah shoulders it and soldiers through it.
and then even through this, it’s implied in the white lady and midwife’s dialogue (+ posed in the dev notes/style guide) that tpk snatched up hornet when she was a child to raise her in the white palace. it’s unclear whether he did this to keep hornet as a hostage to make sure herrah couldn’t renege on their treaty now she’d got what she wanted out of the bargain, to ensure his offspring would be raised in the culture he created rather than in deepnest, which he clearly believed to be barbaric and uncivilized, or both.
yet instead of calling bullshit and flouncing on the deal or trying to steal hornet back, thereby exposing deepnest to the threat of both the infection And aggression from hallownest once more, herrah stuck with it. midwife says that herrah paid dearly for her involvement with this plan, but herrah valued deepnest’s survival over her own individual life, and saw it through to the end no matter how tpk’s plan caused her to suffer or hurt her dignity.
there’s an incredible amount of nobility and integrity herrah shows here. she refuses to let any harm come to her country, and insists that any and all sacrifice required of her as a leader be her sole responsibility. her courage, her political intelligence, and her strength of character as a leader are all nothing short of awe-inspiring.
at the same time, there is still a downside to herrah’s spirit of self-sacrifice. as anyone who’s ever watched steven universe can tell you, self-sacrifice is actually kind of a shitty solution to one’s problems because self-destruction hurts the people who love you.
we get glimpses of hornet’s intense emotional torment over her mother’s fate and her understanding that it’s necessary to let ghost murder herrah to change the status quo; similarly we can understand the crushing amount of personal responsibility hornet feels towards the whole crater comes from knowing the cost of her own birth, and having front row seats to her parents’ political power struggle.
we hear from herrah herself that everything she does is done for hornet, so hornet’s pain is probably the last thing herrah would have wanted, but ironically what hornet goes through in hollow knight is a direct consequence of herrah choosing to martyr herself.
anyway all of this speaks SO much for herrah and radi and tpk’s individual priorities and problem-solving strategies and also their blind spots... plus, there’s a lot about herrah’s character that goes underappreciated and this is one of those unsung aspects. fandom... fandom blease be SAD about SPIDER MAMA with me
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thegrandimago · 3 years
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A team of scientists discovered tens of thousands of barrels containing what is believed to be chemical waste
The discovery of tens of thousands of underwater barrels containing what scientists believe to be chemical waste has raised alarm and reopened scrutiny into a history of toxic dumping that persisted off the California coast into the 1970s.
A team of scientists announced this week that they had found more than 25,000 containers, many of which they believe to be DDT waste, which has been linked to cancer and disease in humans and mass die-off events in the natural world. The barrels cover a seafloor area double the size of Manhattan off the coast of the Santa Catalina Island, near Los Angeles.
The expedition was the first of its kind to lay bare the scale of the offshore dumping that occurred for decades, and its size “was a surprise to everyone who has worked with the data and sailed at sea”, said Eric Terrill, the chief scientist of the expedition and director of the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, at a press conference about the findings. “As we started to run the survey and realized what we were beginning to observe on the seafloor, it was staggering to see the spatial extent.”
Scientists who spoke with the Guardian expressed shock at the extent of the dump ground. And hopes about the innovative technology used to map out the area is tempered by looming questions about what to do about the waste – not just off the coast of Los Angeles, but in sea waters across the country that various industries treated as a cheap alternative to landfills for decades.
“It’s frustrating, it’s shocking, but probably isn’t that surprising at the end of the day,” said Rainer Lohmann, a professor of oceanography at the University of Connecticut who studies persistent organic pollutants in the environment and who was not part of the survey team. “I think if we had the money and sense of purpose, we’d find a lot more of these sites, but the question is what do you do with these corroded waste dumps?”
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For David Valentine, a professor of Earth science and biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who stumbled upon the presence of dozens of barrels leaking toxic waste in this region a decade ago, the discovery raises a host of new questions about the role of scientists in remediating ocean damage from industrial waste.
“I see steps to take to get us to a point where we can make informed decisions, but we’re nowhere near the ability to make informed decisions because we don’t know what’s there, we don’t know what’s in these barrels, these are what I call operationally important uncertainties – we need to figure that out.”
Decades of dumping
While the recent expedition did not sample sediment around the barrels, their location tracks with historical records from a 20th-century chemical company reported to have dumped DDT waste in the region for decades.
Dr Francis Gulland, a research associate at UC Davis who helped conduct the research while working as a veterinarian at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, says that sea lions that had both herpes and exposure to contaminants were most likely to develop cancer.
“Given that the sea lions are exposed in the uterus to the contaminates, they could be altering the surface of the reproductive tract so it’s easier for the herpes virus to bind and re-infect them, or it could be a marker of an unknown carcinogen.”
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Back in the 1980s and 1990s, ocean dumping in southern California had mostly escaped the scrutiny that officials directed at the former Montrose Chemical Corporation plant, which was designated a federal Superfund site in 1989. The plant discharged wastewater containing significant concentrations of DDT to local sewers that emptied into the Pacific Ocean from the Palos Verdes peninsula.
But when Valentine’s team at UC Santa Barbara collected sediment from the ocean floor in 2011 and again in 2013, they found concentrations of DDT that was 40 times higher than the maximum quantities measured at the Superfund site.
The Santa Barbara team’s initial survey of 60 barrels formed the basis of the algorithm that the UC San Diego Scripps team used last month to model the potential size of individual barrels, which were only about three feet high and too small to detect without recent technological advances, according to Sophia Merrifield, an assistant researcher at Scripps who led the data science portion of the mission.
In order to detect the barrels, “we needed to be able to pump hundreds of gigabytes into an algorithm to detect these very small, very bright targets”, Merrifield said.
Terrill, the scientist who led the barrel detection effort, said that he hoped other scientists would now have a firmer idea of where to collect sediment to test for DDT and other chemicals in order to gauge the extent of contamination. The research team is also in discussions with public officials to publicly disseminate all of the data the team collected, Terrill said.
“Our motivation … was to help inform the scientific community, and management community, really, to develop a strategy for how to respond to what potentially might be there,” Terrill said.
The solution? ‘We just don’t know’
Some theoretical solutions to the waste, such as removing the barrels or containing them with cement structures, would be astronomically expensive and perhaps not even feasible. Mitigation of future harm may be among the few options available, according to Lohmann, the scientist at the University of Connecticut.
“One thing to do would be to limit commercial activity in that region, to not disturb the site any more and cause additional damage or break open the barrels,” Lohmann said, “and to stop producing chemicals that are harmful and don’t go away any time soon.”
For Valentine, the next logical step for scientists is to understand all the ways DDT and other toxic waste dumped into the ocean are altering the marine environment.
“We don’t know how much of this material is being naturally decomposed in micro-organisms in the sediment, we don’t know how quickly it might be buried in the geological strata,” Valentine said. “We just don’t know enough to answer those questions, and I think we need concerted effort from the scientific community with support from the federal and state government to address those things and help build our knowledge base and define those goals.”
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Reupload because Tumblr deleted like. Half of what I wrote. hhh. sorry but i cant add a 'read more' thing to this because it kees fcking everything up so i hope you like longposts!
I didn't expect my last post to get so much positive feedback, so, it got me to get off my ass and finish this guy up
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The Soul Hunter's journey begins very far away from Hallownest, in an ant colony. Many female working ants had left the colony, yet never returned. Many male ants had to replace them, which sucks since they are much weaker, and were not bred to leave the colony to work. They were gifted an axe to weild on their journey so they could defend themselves. These males set out as a collective group to find the missing working ants, and hopefully bring them home safely.
The Soul Hunter on the other hand though, seperated from the group. He was on a mission on his own to collect food for the colony, to have a feast once the worker ants were found. This food of course was other insects! This plan was a bit impromptu- as he wasn't ordered by the Gamergate to do such a thing. But he figured it would be a nice thing to do, optimistic that everyone would return safely. As he harvested his food, he noticed that with every kill, the presumably broken lantern a working ant had given him before disappearing, began to glow faintly.
"The soul lantern was an ancient tool used to contain souls. The Soul Hunter recieved this as a gift from a working ant as a knick knack. He brought it with him on his journey outside his nest, as it reminded him of her strength and courage. Killing other insects as food, he noticed that the lantern was glowing as it was collecting soul. Once realizing what exactly lit this lantern, he became obsessed with lighting it, and making it shine brighter with soul."
This obsession with the lanterns growing slightly brighter with every kill, grew to the Soul Hunter going on a killing spree, with the intent of collecting soul, rather than retrieving the corpses as dinner. He seperated from his colony without a second thought, to continue hunting for soul. He hopped from kingdom to kingdom, and slaughtered hundreds, if not thousands for their soul, not understanding soul's true power and potential. This eventually leads him to become bloodthirsty, and eventually begins killing for the thrill and nothing more. Course, he still obtains soul by doing this.
Once he arrives in Hallownest, the Soul Hunter discovers the infection before he slaughters anyone in this kingdom. He becomes obsessed with these bugs, and their very presence caused him to halt his murdering tendancies to study these... Unique bugs. He begins to question his past decisions and starts to get ill from madness, and begins to realize what horrifying things he has done. Leaving his colony, murdering hundreds... Since the infected bugs made him realize this, he began to sympathize with them, and spared their lives.
"Once he explores Hallownest, the Soul Hunter gets infected after sympathizing for plagued insects. As he can almost hear the Radiance whisper to him in his head, He is driven to madness. As his head aches, he slams the lantern on the ground. It's glass shatters to pieces, and he absorbs the soul thats built up for years, and. Goes fucking bonkers"
hehe Yeah so obviously, this isn't good. Soul mentally fucks up the average bug, as we see with the scholars of the soul sanctum. That plus being infected, the Soul Hunter would be better off dead. I don't know the details after this, but you can assume what happens. He just loses his sense of self. I don't think he would be able to use the soul like magic, like the scholars of the soul sanctum do, though. He doesn't know of soul's power, so it just sorta sits in his brain and fucks him up. His head does not swell up because fuck that. it looks dumb
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tldr; Soul Hunter killed bugs for their soul because it filled his lantern with life, and it reminded him of the one he lost. He became obsessed with the glowing light and making it glow brighter, and eventually gets bloodthirsty and murders people just for the sake of it. Seeing infected bugs in hallownest makes him depressed and hes like wait i was just kidding haha i didnt fucking kill people for no reason then he gets infected, absorbs the soul and then explodes lol
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itsfeckinwimdy · 3 years
NTMY Chapter One - The Start.
Eventual cc!Quackity x fem!reader (romantic) (soulmate au)
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Summary: (Pre warning, there's no quackity in this chapter, this is more of an introduction to the storyline really) An insight to bored people.
Word Count: 1.2k (1266) words.
Tags: series: nice to meet ya; multi series: just found my soulmate feeling good; type: soulmate au.
Will include references to the other characters in this series (Ellis, Evie, Kaci, Jay, Kora, Sam, and Achilles.)
Soulmate attribute: When you and your soulmate look into a mirror at the same time, you can see each other rather than your own reflection.
NTMY Series Masterlist / Soulmate Multi-Series Masterlist / Soulmate Extra’s Masterlist / DSMP Masterlist
Published: 14/10/2021
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"When it comes to formula one, your biggest enemy is your teammate.
"There are twenty drivers in each race, and are what, the best of the best, as people would say. I know that there's some speculation that some drivers shouldn't be allowed to be here as they come from 'money' or are here because they were great in the past, but that's beside the point.
"Each driver has earned their seat on their team, and at the end of the day, once that contract runs out, if a team isn't happy with your performance or no one wants you, then you're gone.
"It takes talent, skill, determination, sponsorships, and honestly? It takes the right time and luck. You need to be noticed in this sport, and to do that, you need to be good. Because if not, then you may never make it.
"And that's the honest truth of this sport."
"More like brutal truth."
The woman sat in the chair laughs alongside the interviewer as a smile breaks out on the cameraman's face.
"Ay, you got the cameraman to laugh," the woman pointed out.
The interviewer chuckled in response before the two composed themselves.
"Moving on," The interviewer began, "Can you state your name and profession for the camera."
"Hi, I'm Y/n Featherstone, and I am a driver for Mercedes-AMG."
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March 2020
The two Mercedes drivers walk side by side through the paddock. The weather was cloudy with a chance of rain, no meatballs, unfortunately, but that wouldn't exactly be desirable for the drivers.
The friendly banter between the two continued, both of them discussing the potential issues they could have with the cars this year, and both excited to be finally allowed to race on a track since testing earlier this year.
Due to the global pandemic, the entirety of the world was put on pause and the two had been vocal about how they believed the race shouldn't have been continuing. With millions of people getting infected each day, thousands dying, and hundreds of others left with lasting health conditions, the teammates both agreed on the fact that the FIA shouldn't have allowed the races to continue, especially without any promising safety procedures to reduce the spread of the virus.
Marina's teammate Lewis was going to be heading off to have an interview that afternoon before they were having a meeting with Toto Wolff and the head mechanics to discuss the cars before the first free practice tomorrow morning.
Bidding last years world champion a farewell, she headed towards the Mercedes garage, stopping before she reached the actual garage and headed into one of the empty rooms.
She sat herself down on one of the couches in there, pulling out her phone to check any messages she had before she would be sat in meetings and discussions with the engineers. The only message she had was from her sibling Ellis who was asking her where she kept things in her house.
You see, Ellis and their roommate Evie had been somewhat evicted from their house due to the fact there was a sinkhole on their road and until that was fixed, it was deemed unsafe for them to live there. And because Y/n wouldn't be at home for most of the year, the driver let the two live there until they were able to move back out again.
And as it turns out, Ellis' boyfriend, George, had decided to tag along for a week whilst his partner got settled in and helped them with their streaming set up whilst Evie was with her parents getting some stuff sorted back home. That basically means they wanted to fuck each other without having to be quiet for a few days or worry about having someone walk in on them.
To be honest, Y/n didn't mind as long as her house was still intact and they didn't have sex around her she didn't care. Ellis was a grown adult and was free to make their own decisions.
As she closed out of discord, she saw the lock screen of her phone it bringing back memories from earlier that year. It was an edit from the family wedding she attended at the beginning of that year. Ellis had decided that they were going to vlog it and had the entire thing edited already but decided to make their viewers wait before releasing it.
The lock screen itself was an edit of different clips, one of herself and Evie dancing; one of herself, Ellis, Kaci and Evie singing Chiquitita by ABBA at the top of their lungs whilst George and Jimmy were just sat in confusion at the quartet; one of Ellis dancing to footloose with their cousin who was the groom and finally one of Evie, Scott Major and Kaci teaching Jimmy the dance to Saturday Night.
That weekend was fun, and to be fair, Y/n wished she could meet them all again, especially Jimmy because she and Evie loved taking the piss out of him and making him so confused at what they were saying, especially when the two decided to do random British accents that took a second for anyone to understand because by that point he was clueless.
The rest of the day zoomed by, or more or less passed as a blur. A couple hours of discussions, including talks about the cars with how they had been improved since the previous year and how to handle the press questions about covid as well.
Unfortunately, after the track walk that morning, it was announced that the race and all others in the foreseeable future were cancelled. This meant the staff members and all the attendees were to be flying home until better regulations were put in place.
So that was March. A month of devastation and the beginning of loss.
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April 2020
Y/n looked over at Evie, the two were sat watching a movie, well, they were meant to be but neither were really paying attention and were busy editing and working on song lyrics.
The trio was still holed up inside the eldest's house, as one, the sinkhole was still in the road and hadn't been fixed yet, therefore, the polaroid duo (Ellis and Evie) were still living with Y/n.
In all honesty, she didn't mind the two living with her. It meant that she was able to interact with people during the lockdown rather than living by herself and being isolated with the exception of the work meetings she would have each week.
She had taken up streaming regularly and the trio had a modded Minecraft server between them that they weren't really playing on at the moment because they were all focusing on doing other things.
Y/n was also filming random excerpts to put together her monthly vlog that was normally less than ten minutes long which was something she started in the middle of last year because she wanted to show people what part of her life was like with the constant travelling.
The songwriting was almost done, the duo having already finished writing together alongside their cousin who had spent time giving her own input as the four of them had decided to produce some songs together.
Evie had sent some of the lyrics and some song excerpts that had already been produced whilst writing to Wilbur, seeing what the talented musical man thought of them before going through and producing the only ep they would ever make.
So April was passing slowly as everyone was finding their new normal and learning how to cope in the world.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ — There's nothing here yet!
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heartgleam · 2 years
So... let's begin from the start... (Warning: there's a lot, it’s still a work in progress and mix of narration and notes).
Prequel of the prequel:
          After years of fighting off and resisting the Infection, Hallownest was finally starting to crumble down; more and more bugs were dying and the plague's effects were getting stronger.
Hidden in his Palace in the Dream Realm, the Pale King consumed by his own guilt and grief, was about to cease to exist for good. Until a powerful presence, shining with a light similar to his and yet... much stronger than his directly came to him. He called himself the Pale Sorcerer. 
With this mysterious being, the Pale King ended up striking a deal, a very difficult but necessary decision: giving up what's left of Hallownest's life, so they could be brought to a much safer place, far far away from the Infection. But also with that, he would get to be hidden from his greatest fear’s radars.
As the deal was sealed, the King gave his last breath, his soul, taking the form of an orb of light which flew out of his body, out of the Dream Realm to an unknown location.
The Pale Sorcerer entered all the surviving bugs' mind, temporally overpowering the Radiance's influence and called them to announce the King's death and the time to escape, he let the critters the choice to stay or follow him if they desired to leave Hallownest (probably for the rest of their lives, but as a way to ensure their survival). After waking up, they would remember for a time about his call and start to panic, despair and pack up (while others would choose or have to stay).
Hegemol, after having wished a tender goodbye to his fellow Great Knights, went to temporarily reopen the gates of the City as large crowds of citizens were running to the surface, having promised he would ensure their safety and that they would be led to the “new world” without much casualties. Before leaving, he didn’t forget to pass down the City’s Crest to an apprentice of his. The Great Knight knew he didn’t have much time left in Hallownest, as he felt his body was soon going to molt, and with the infection going strong, it could potentially have wiped him out.
Some critters who would remain like Hornet witnessed this chaos and despair, without much that could be done.
The Daughter of Hallownest had seen and known of what had been happening at that moment (but she couldn't do much to repress it, as perhaps it was for the best). Among the refugees, a few hundreds to very few thousands of Vessels escapees hid among the others (the Knight/Little Ghost being among them).
With his powerful light, the Pale Sorcerer then led the critters to the "New World", all of them being ready to leave their old lives to survive. But instead of losing their mind and memories as the King's influence over Hallownest intended, they were preserved by the Sorcerer's.
-They first traveled outside of the Howling Cliffs, in a desert immersed in darkness and swept by winds.
-Outside of the "dome" of darkness, the desert starts becoming hotter with light becoming brighter (sun).
-They stumble upon a far-west like village (first stop)
-They go through a canyon surrounded by reddish and brownish cliffs, there vulture-like bugs are flying are around
-There they travel through a small kingdom filled with tiny ants, mostly based on agriculture and farmer work (some Hallownest inhabitants chose to stay there). (second stop)
-They then travel to a thick and large forest (the Forest of Silence) for quite some time. Rumors are told, if that one got lost to deep into its woods, they would never be found again
-The third stop is at the heart of the forest, the Requiem Valley (resembles William and Sly's 1 world). There it's dark and constantly raining because of a thousand years old eternal storm, so they find shelter in its large caverns.
There, critters can venture... but not too far and low, otherwise they will lose their minds and memories (there's a time-length for how long you can stay away before losing yourself), becoming one with the Valley's nature and returning to primitiveness, before eventually passing away. Although, light sources and white/SOUL as well as the soothing silence of some dark areas can help you maintain your memories.
This is where the "Knight"/"Little Ghost" would find a mysterious egg for which they would have to bring various "elements" while fighting, inexperienced, with a broken nail they found in the crowd and only three masks. They would be guided by glowing mushrooms and crystals for the process of bringing the egg to life. They would be venturing into the deeper part of the cavern.
As an Easter Egg, Ghost stumbles upon what looks like a large locked faded gold door with unknown inscriptions while looking for the ingredients.
As soon as they manage to complete the process, the shell cracks open, revealing a peculiar tiny glowing white baby, who immediately finds comfort in the Void Being’s arms. But they soon have to fight off and run away from a deadly creature which could claim them both. Ghost receives some surprising help from the shining baby (his cries temporally swaying away the beast).
But both soon got exhausted, the newborn having lost his shining hide to a light and dark silver shell; and it seemed like both were about to lose themselves, but someone who had followed them came to the rescue: a kindly Hallownest Cicada.
They soon reunited with the rest of the refugees to rest before getting back on the road again.
Here are the songs: I associate with Valley:
The Beast:
          -They then continue their trip, getting out of the forest. They have to travel through a field, filled with geysers. The safest path is toward the north-eastern part.
-They then start climbing a hill, then a mountain. There, it gets gradually colder, the nature starts freezing around the refugees and they have to stay together to generate warmth. 
-Before attaining the higher part of the mountain: they find their fourth stop. An underground and warm kingdom filled with lamps all over the place and composed of many markets (similar to Latissa from the Owl House in Hunting Palisman). It's composed of flies (like Sly’s kind), crickets, rolly-pollies, scorpions and fireflies. 
There the wanderers get themselves some warm clothes and warming lamps (when possible; by working or by being generously gifted). Some of the Hallownest citizens chose to settle there.
-They then resume to the mountain's ascension, with their protection and now stronger spirits. There it gets colder and a thick mist starts covering the horizons.
*Note: the refugees are well protected by the Pale Sorcerer's powerful aura,slowing the process of tiredness and starvation as well as protecting them from the extreme climate at that time of the year, with the help of their now warmer clothes. He also often plays the sound of a bell and taps on the ground with his grand staff to guide the bugs and prevent them from drifting away/losing themselves, similarly to a shepherd and his herd.
-The ascension is tiring, but once they're at the top. They find themselves with a beautiful view. At the top of the mountain, they get to admire a gorgeous sunset (rare in this region). They can see the mist all around the mountain, the infinite horizon and the world which had been surrounding them all along. Filled with many rivers, trees and from farther away, a desert. When looking back, they could see the places they already had traveled through.
Far away, to the North-East, they can see an immense valley surrounded by mountains.
They were getting close to destination
-They climbed down from the mountain, eating on the way. They find themselves in a thick forest surrounded by the mist. It's still cold but now more bearable (and breathable!) 
-They enter through a large cavern entrance surrounded by the local fauna and flora, some sentient bugs and critters passing through as well.
There you can hear the water's runoff and the wind blowing, with rocks clicking noises.
-After some time, they see the light and get out of the cavern path. They're at a high altitude, but they can see... a beach and the sea on the east. Hills and nature toward the north-west.
There they were, after weeks of traveling, they arrived in the Great Valley Havendale
And they entered through...
That path!
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Ooo who's the step on me A.merica dude? Could you tell us more about the au he's in?
That’s the best description of him ever thank you so much for existing Anon.
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This is Uh- Pride!America. So I have a seven sins AU- one of many- but in it essentially the Sins are the virtues but just them getting all their pent up chaos out on earth so they can keep being ‘perfect’ in heaven.
Normally they shadow over some humans for a while causing general problems. but they found the nations and all of their pent up emotions from hundreds of thousands of years of existing with no break and were like ‘oh bet? oh 10 course meal? yes please-’
So the nations essentially have a sin epidemic where everyone’s being nasty and being forced to air their emotional laundry and then fucking getting knocked out for a week. One of the people who gets infected first is America with Pride-- so America’s being just the worst.
He’s the usual America with a dose of savior complex and thinking hes the best thing since sliced bread and will put down everyone around him to make himself look better. Full on would drop something for someone to pick it up and then step on them to make a point about how they look better beneath him. Talking about how in reality he’s just helping them and they really should be thanking him for even touching them.
Like I said, the literal worst.
He’s the catalyst for a lot of other nations falling under the sin sickness. But it’s got a lot of potential but I feel like its more of a group discussion thing cause anyone can be any sin if you play your cards right.
I probably won’t open a blog with him, but I might draw him more. Cause hes an asshole but in the fun way. Sometimes I just really really want to RP as a self absorbed bastard who thinks he’s the second coming of Christ. So the mania brain was like ‘LETS MAKE A BLOG CAUSE THEN WE CAN ANSWER ASKS AS HIM AND BE CATTY TUMBLR LOVES CATTY SEXY BAD BOYS’
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tinyshe · 3 years
COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, US as Failures Increase Analysis by
Barbara Loe Fisher
August 10, 2021
Since coronavirus pandemic lockdowns were implemented by many governments in 2020, people around the world have held largely peaceful protests against unprecedented social distancing restrictions that are devastating global economies and ruining people's lives.1,2,3,4
Now, faced with being ordered to obey new laws that require them to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines in order to enter public spaces or hold a job, on July 24, 2021 — World Freedom Day — hundreds of thousands of people of all ages took to the streets in Australia, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece and Germany to publicly challenge oppressive public health laws.5,6
The messages on the signs they held were diverse but they were united in pushing back against government overreach.
The brave determination of people, in democracies around the world who are publicly defending civil liberties — freedom of thought, speech, conscience and assembly — and the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, demonstrates that the spirit of freedom lives in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Both those who gather in the public squares of cities big and small and those who are watching are inspired by this commitment to defending liberty.
In the United States, no large demonstrations have been held yet, but polls reveal the nation is sharply divided about COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
A Politico/Harvard poll taken in late June 2021 found that Americans were evenly split on whether children should be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine to go to school and more than half of employed Americans are against COVID-19 vaccine requirements for holding a job, while almost 70 percent of Americans oppose being required to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination to enter a store or business.7
A recent CS Mott Children's Hospital poll found that more than half of parents in the U.S. with children between the ages of three and 11 say it is unlikely they will give their children the COVID-19 vaccine.8
Australia: 'The lockdown Is Killing Us, Not COVID'
With a population of 25 million people, Australians have been subjected to repeated strict lockdowns over the past 18 months and the government's "stay at home" lockdown in early July 2021 was imposed on New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where more than half the country's population lives. The 30-day rigid social distancing restrictions were enacted after 176 new daily infections were registered in the whole country.9
In response, thousands of Australians gathered in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane on July 24 to protest the lockdown.
Social distancing restrictions that have been imposed include compulsory masking in all indoor non-personal residence settings; most schools closed; restrictions on how far people can travel from their homes; no going to work except for designated "essential" employees (who must be tested every three days); exercising and gathering outside only in groups of two; shopping only for essential items; attendance at funerals limited to 10 people but weddings are banned, and other limits on person-to-person social interaction.
In what the U.K. newspaper Daily Mail described as "frenzied crowds" coming together on July 24, there were estimates that as many as 10,000 protesters marched from Victoria Park to Town Hall in the central business district.
Carrying signs calling for "freedom" and "the truth" and "I don't consent" and "Wake up Australia!" and "We are your employers, we are not your slaves" and "unmasked, untested, unvaxxed, unafraid" and "I am not a biohazard" and "Our kids are not your guinea pigs" and "No false tests, no false cases, no lockdowns," one protester said, "We don't give a f*** mate, this lockdown is killing us." Another agreed: "I'm against lockdowns, they're killing my business."
Dozens of protesters climbed onto the roofs of a train station and Woolworths store as the crowd gathered around Town Hall singing the Australian national anthem. One observer said on social media, "Protest stretches right down Broadway! Absolutely massive turnout."
The Sydney protest was mostly peaceful but when mounted police told the demonstrators to disperse or they would be pepper sprayed, some broke through a police barrier and threw plastic bottles and plants at officers. The New South Wales Police Minister confirmed 57 people were arrested and charged and a "strike force has been established to investigate who was in attendance."10
On July 28, the Australian Prime Minister called in military personnel to help enforce social distancing restrictions in Sydney and extended the lockdown for another month after 239 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in the city of five million people within a 24-hour period. Residents will be forced to wear a mask outside their homes and must stay within 3 miles of their homes, only going out for "essential" activities like food shopping.11
On July 30, the Australian government used helicopters and the Army to help police enforce its 'Zero Covid' lockdown in Sydney and issue $500 fines for failure to mask.12 The BBC reported that Australian Defense Force soldiers will begin conducting unarmed patrols of the streets this week.13
According to media reports, sirens could be heard throughout the city and helicopters blared messages that 'this is public health order — do not break rules — you will be found and fined.'
Road blocks were set up in a military show of force in response to the public demonstrations earlier in the week, although soldiers are under police command. Starting this week, military personnel will accompany police going door to door to ensure that people who have tested positive for COVID-19 are isolating.14
Reuters reports that the Australian COVID-19 vaccination rate for adults stands at 18 percent and the Prime Minister has said 80 percent of adults must get vaccinated before the border, which has been sealed since the pandemic began, will be re-opened.15
Britain: 'No Forced Testing, No Forced Vaccines'
In May 2021, a 12 mile procession of tens of thousands of people ended at Parliament Square in a protest against continuing lockdowns and vaccine passports as a condition of accessing public venues.16
On July 19, the British government lifted the COVID-19 lockdown that had been in place for over a year, eliminating masking requirements, work from home, and limits on numbers of people who can gather together, which allowed for the full opening of restaurants and other public venues without social distancing restrictions.17
Just five days after the lockdown restrictions were lifted, thousands of people made their way to Trafalgar Square on July 24 to signal their opposition to potential future lockdowns, as well as to protest against the showing of COVID-19 vaccine passports as a condition of entering public spaces.18
There were banners draped in front of the speaker podium saying, "the public demands live debate" and "Science is not science without discussion" and demonstrators held signs that said "No forced testing, no forced vaccines" and "We are the lions in a world of sheep" and "If you tolerate this, your children will be next."19
Toward the end of the July 24 demonstration, the huge gathering in Trafalgar Square in unison sang, "You'll Never Walk Alone:"
When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, Walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone, You'll never walk alone.
The United Kingdom, which has a population of 57 million, ranks in the top 20 most COVID vaccinated nations, with an adult vaccination rate of over 57 percent.20
France: 'My Body Is Mine' and 'It Is My Choice'
Paris, France and the cities of Marseille, Montpelier, Nantes and Toulouse saw tens of thousands of people take to the streets on World Freedom Day to protest against a proposed law that would require all health care workers to get COVID-19 vaccinations or lose their jobs.
People will be barred from entering restaurants or other public venues, effectively preventing them from participating in public life unless they have a health pass showing proof of COVID-19 vaccination, recovery from the disease or a recent negative COVID-19 test.
A care assistant at a Strasbourg nursing home expressed her disgust with the proposed law, saying it is "the blackmail of caregivers who were at the fronts line during the first wave and who are now threatened with "no more pay" and even being fired."21
A huge crowd of 160,000 people or more, many chanting "freedom, freedom" and carrying signs saying "stop the dictatorship" and "Big Pharma shackles freedom" and "no to the pass of shame" and "vaccines: fake freedom" and "don't touch our children" were met by police deploying tear gas and a water cannon used against some of them.22
Reuters reported that scuffles broke out at the Champs-Elysees and the Gare Saint-Lazare railway station.23 The demonstrators met at the Bastille plaza and marched through eastern Paris and also gathered at Place Trocadero near the Eiffel Tower to protest the required carrying of a "health pass."24
Just two days after witnessing several hundred thousand people voicing their opposition to the proposed new public health law, on July 26, the French Parliament voted to pass the law that will take effect this week.25,26
Five days later, on July 31, several hundred thousand French citizens of all ages again flooded into the streets of Paris with signs saying "We are not guinea pigs" and "It is our choice" and "My body is mine" and "Health terror — I will not submit" and "the 4th wave is us" in opposition to the new COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine passport.27
According to media reports, four marches dovetailed into the Place de la Bastille, with health care workers in white coats leading some of them, and were met by waiting squads of gendarmes and CRS riot police with water cannons. Demonstrators also gathered at the Arc de Triomphe at the top of the Champs-Elysees and at the Villiers metro station in northwest Paris.
Reportedly, about 150 other protest events also took place in cities around France, which has a population of about 67 million and an estimated COVID vaccination rate of about 47.5 percent28 or more.
Italy: 'Enough Dictatorship: No Green Passes'
Thousands of people gathered in Rome, Genova, Milan, Naples, Turin and scores of other cities in Italy on July 24 to voice their opposition to the government's imposition of social distancing and COVID-19 vaccine requirements on citizens, including a requirement to carry the "Green Pass," which is an extension of the European Union's digital COVID certificate.29
The Green Pass will be required to enter cinemas, museums, indoor swimming pools, sports stadiums or eat indoors at restaurants, proving that a person has been vaccinated, has had a recent negative COVID-19 test or has recovered from the coronavirus infection.30
Chanting and carrying signs that said "Freedom" and "No Green Pass" and "Down with the dictatorship" and "Better to die free than live like slaves" and "against vaccination obligations" and "government does terrorism" and "shame-shame,"31,32 reportedly about 80 cities in Italy saw demonstrations on World Freedom Day.
These included an estimated nine thousand people in Milan, who marched in procession to the Piazza Duomo, the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele and to the Piazza Scala in front of the Town Hall. One banner said "Big Pharma out of the state. No to multinationals."
About five thousand people gathered in Piazza Castello in Turin with signs that said "We want to have the freedom to choose – the freedom to go wherever we want without being tied to a sheet."
In Rome, where there have been anti-lockdown demonstrations over the past year to protest then closure of cafes, bars and restaurants,33 an estimated two thousand demonstrated and the police intervened to disperse the crowd with armored vehicles.34 Italy has a population of about 60 million people, with nearly 52 percent vaccinated for COVID-19.35
Greece: 'Hands Off Our Children'
Thousands of people gathered in Omonia Square in the center of Athens on July 24 to express their opposition to the government's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. They carried signs saying "No mandatory vaccinations" and "No blackmail to dismiss" and "No separation of Greeks" and "hands off our children."
The leader of the anti-COVID vaccine movement in Greece, cardiologist Faidon Vovolis, MD addressed the huge crowd, which, according to Athens News, included "not only anti-vaccination activists, but also food and tourism entrepreneurs, clergy, citizens disaffected by the overall government leadership over the pandemic, and vaccinated citizens who view recent government measures as anti-democractic."36
Greek police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the demonstrators, who had rallied outside the Parliament building to protest COVID-19 vaccine requirements for workers, such as health care workers. Reuters said that about 45 percent of Greece's 11 million population is already vaccinated.37
Germany: 'For Peace, Freedom, Truth'
Berlin has been the site of several large demonstrations against lockdowns and COVID vaccine passports over the past year.38 On Aug. 1, 2021, tens of thousands of citizens marched in the streets of Berlin to protest lockdowns that have restricted dining indoors at restaurants or staying in a hotel and requirements to provide proof of COVID vaccination, defying a ban by German lower and upper administrative courts on public demonstrations.39
Berlin's administrative court had refused to authorize 13 demonstrations, some of which had been organized by the Querdenker (Lateral thinker) anti-lockdown movement.40
Berlin's police department deployed more than 2,000 officers armed with batons, pepper spray and water cannon as the crowds made their way from Berlin's Charlottenburg neighborhood, past the Tiergarten park and on to the Brandenberg Gate.
Reportedly, police in heavily armed vans dragged protesters across roads and into the vans with marchers shouting for freedom and the lifting of mandatory masking and travel bans. Protesters continued to march in the evening through the city streets and 600 people were arrested.41 Germany has a population of 83 million and 52 percent have been fully vaccinated.42
Human Rights Watch: COVID-19 Triggers Wave of Free Speech Abuse
On Feb. 11, 2021, Human Rights Watch published a report called for an end to excessive restrictions on free speech and peaceful demonstration where people are criticizing COVID-19 lockdowns, mandatory masking and other social distancing regulations that restrict civil liberties. The human rights organization said:43
"At least 83 governments worldwide have used the Covid-19 pandemic to justify violating the exercise of free speech and peaceful assembly … Authorities have attacked, detained, prosecuted, and in some cases killed critics, broken up peaceful protests, closed media outlets, and enacted vague laws criminalizing speech that they claim threatens public health.
The victims include journalists, activists, healthcare workers, political opposition groups, and others who have criticized government responses to the coronavirus … Governments and other state authorities should immediately end excessive restrictions on free speech in the name of preventing the spread of Covid-19."
Decentralized Government in US Makes a National COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate More Difficult
Unlike centralized governments in Europe and many other parts of the world, the founders of the United States of America ensured in the U.S. Constitution that this country would operate with lawmaking power shared between national, state and local governments.44
The fact that lawmaking power in the U.S. does not solely reside with the federal government, which is composed of the legislative (U.S. Congress), Executive (President/federal agencies) and Judicial (federal courts) branches, so far has protected the U.S. population from being subjected to the same kinds of uniform lockdown restrictions and now, the same kinds of COVID-19 vaccine mandates that are being implemented in European Union countries and other nations with centralized federal governments.
Since most public health laws in the U.S. fall under the legal jurisdiction of states, if a resident does not like the lockdown, masking, social distancing or COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the state they are living in, they simply can move to a different state that does not have the same kind of oppressive public health laws.
This is one reason why, although there have been smaller anti-lockdown and anti-COVID-19 vaccine mandate demonstrations in the U.S. over the past 15 months, some of them protesting COVID-19 vaccine requirements for health care workers,45 so far there have not been massive national demonstrations in the U.S. like those taking place in Europe and other parts of the world.
U.S. Government Pushes for an 85 Percent COVID-19 Vaccination Rate
As of July 28, about 60 percent of the U.S. population of 332 million people age 12 and older had received at least one dose of COVID vaccine and reportedly 50 percent, or about 165 million Americans, are "fully" vaccinated.46 As the third largest country in the world, the U.S. has a high COVID-19 vaccination rate compared to other countries, with only 25 countries recording a higher vaccination rate than the U.S.47
According to Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, the country with the largest population in the world at 1.5 billion people — China — has a 16 percent COVID vaccination rate; the country with the second largest population in the world at 1.4 billion people — India — has a 7.4 percent COVID vaccination rate; and Russia, with a population of 146 million people, has a 17 COVID vaccination rate.48
However, U.S. government officials are pushing for an 85 percent COVID vaccination rate in the U.S.,49 even as a former FDA commissioner says that a combination of natural acquired immunity and vaccine acquired immunity is likely rapidly achieving an 85 percent herd immunity rate with the Delta variant in the U.S. population.50
Half to Two-Thirds of Americans Oppose Punitive COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as Companies Begin to Mandate
Even though polls show that one-half to two-thirds of Americans oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, depending upon the setting,51 on July 29, the President announced that all federal workers and contractors must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or mask and social distance at all times and get constantly tested.52
The federal government also is urging corporations, local and state government agencies, medical facilities and other institutions to make vaccination a condition of employment.
Some companies, like Google, Facebook, Morgan Stanley, Ascension Health, The Washington Post, Saks Fifth Avenue, Lyft and Uber, Walmart and Disney have already mandated employees to get COVID-19 shots to continuing working for the companies.53,54 On July 30, Broadway theaters announced that all members of the audience will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination and must keep a mask on at all times except when eating or drinking.55
Opposition Grows as CDC Admits Fully Vaccinated Persons Can Get and Efficiently Transmit COVID-19
After lifting national masking recommendations for COVID vaccinated persons in May 2021 with the assurance that the vaccine was effective in preventing symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection,56 on July 27, CDC officials abruptly reversed course and said that Americans, whether vaccinated or not, should wear a mask indoors outside their homes in certain places.57,58
They said they based that policy change on new information that the COVID-19 vaccines do not reliably prevent infection and transmission of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 and that the viral load in vaccinated persons who get infected is as high as the viral load in unvaccinated persons who get infected.59,60
CDC officials said the new federal indoor masking policy especially applies to adults in "high risk" areas where there are more people being infected with the Delta variant. The masking directive also applies to all unvaccinated children over age two, as well as vaccinated children over age 12 attending school, and additionally includes all teachers, school staff and visitors to schools whether vaccinated or not.61
Reuters reported on July 24 that vaccinated people made up 75 percent of recent COVID-19 cases identified in Singapore, but vaccinated cases were associated with mild symptoms:
"Of Singapore's 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484 or about 44 percent were in fully vaccinated people, while 30 percent were partially vaccinated and just over 25 percent were unvaccinated."62
The percentage ratio of infected vaccinated to infected unvaccinated persons in Singapore matches that of a recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Massachusetts. On July 30, Associated Press reported that information in CDC documents revealed that 75 percent of the Provincetown outbreak occurred among fully vaccinated individuals.
About 80 percent of them experienced COVID-19 symptoms, with the most common being cough, headache, sore throat, muscle aches and fever.63
U.S. States Push Back Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Over the past year, Americans have been taking action at the state and local level to block COVID-19 vaccine mandates. A number of states have passed laws that restrict COVID-19 vaccine mandates and "vaccine passports" that bar people from entering public spaces.
Among the states that have passed laws prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine passports or COVID-19 vaccine mandates in some way are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.64,65,66
On July 29, the Governor of Texas signed an executive order prohibiting state government agencies from mandating COVID-19 vaccine being distributed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and banning public or private entities that receive state funds from denying entry to those who are not vaccinated and, additionally, banning companies, state and local agencies — including school districts — from requiring mask wearing.
He said that Texans, "have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities."67
Governors of several other states also have issued executive orders prohibiting COVID-19 vaccine mandates and some local and state governments have prohibited mask mandates.68,69 But some city and state governments, like New York City and California, have created legal requirements that force state employees to get vaccinated as a condition of keeping their jobs.70
On July 26, the nation's largest healthcare worker union, United Healthcare Workers, demonstrated in New York City against employee COVID-19 vaccine mandates.71 So far, the COVID-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of employment is also opposed by the American Postal Workers Union,72 Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, and United Auto Workers.73
It's Up to You to Act Now
With military soldiers patrolling the streets in Sydney, Australia and police with water cannons and tear gas facing tens of thousands of people protesting against vaccine passports and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the streets of London, Paris, Rome, Athens and many other cities in Europe, there should be no doubt where the enforcement of mandatory vaccination policies are headed in the U.S. if Americans fail to proactively take action now.
There is no question that we are dealing with a global assault on civil liberties and human rights when public discussion and debate about government policy is censored74,75 and peaceful dissent is considered a crime. Public health laws that respect civil liberties and the informed consent ethic can only be secured if the lawmakers we elect value civil liberties and defend informed consent rights. Become fully informed about who you are voting for and never miss an opportunity to vote.
I and the supporters of the non-profit charity the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) have worked since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. We have publicly defended the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking and other human rights that include freedom of thought, speech and conscience.
In 2010, we launched the NVIC Advocacy Portal, a free online communications and advocacy network to empower Americans to work in their own communities to secure informed consent protections in public health laws.
Now more than ever, it is time to get to know your local, county and state elected representatives – from your school board members and county supervisors to your local sheriff and lawmakers – who represent you in your local and state governments. Establish a personal relationship with those who make laws that govern you and your family.
Have a conversation with them now about why you believe it is important to protect civil liberties and vaccine informed consent rights in public health laws. Provide them with well referenced vaccine information from NVIC.org and register and join with thousands of others in your state working to protect the legal right to make a voluntary vaccination decision by becoming a user of the NVIC Advocacy Portal at NVICAdvocacy.org.
Actively participate in the democratic process that has defined who we are as a Constitutional Republic since the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.
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