peggygaldamez-blog · 5 years
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I can only imagine what a difference this makes for those kids who get this message from the role models, parents, mentors, guardians and elders in their life. If we start the process now when they are young, imagine what a difference this will make as they grow. #startthedialogue #modelthebehavior #guideandteach #wehavearesponsibility #kidsarethefuture #leadership #apositivemessage #positiveinfluence #postiverolemodel https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmVVRMn3tK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m6qwcf3wjhar
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cellobuster · 12 years
something was telling me browsing tumblr on the student lounge's big-screen macs was a bad idea. Turns out it was that penis gif
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