#posting these so I'll stop looking at them in ps
hanlight · 2 years
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Carlos at Yas Waterworld
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itstheghostofmypast · 8 months
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: At this point, he didn't know who she loved more, him or Byeol, either way, he was happy. What else could Choi San ask for other than his two favourite girls in the world getting along?
Warnings: NONE
Word Count: 2.1K
Est. Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
A/N: No- see @edenesth 💗 did this to me. This timestamp is for my saviour, the one and only @edenesth 💗 , like we should totally blame San for posting such domestic core pics- no wonder we get all delulu- PS THIS COLLAB HAS ME DYING
@edenesth version: [12.58]PM
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"San?" she called out, walking down the hallway as she paused in front of the wall-length mirror, fixing her hair once more and checking out her outfit, simple, crisp and a dash of purple. Very different from her usual office attire, very colourful too- after all the first time he had seen her she was in a plain suit, a white dress shirt and slacks, running around collecting printouts for the upcoming spring magazine. That also being the first time he had realised how much he loved the word 'simple'. Okay, fine, perhaps she was dressed on the softer side, but was it so bad to play cute for once? Especially, if she was doing so to please her man. Call it her way of simping.
Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if he was going to show up, after their extensive tour, when he had mentioned the upcoming off days he was to get, she had suggested going to his home town to relax, leaving the city life for a while and although it pained her to know that she would be too busy with her own work at the office, also known as the company he too worked in, she wanted him to rest and relax away from the hustle bustle of his idol life, what she did not expect that after a week of his departure to Namhae, the very next weekend her fluff of a man would be ringing her doorbell in the late hours of the weekend.
"Byeol wanted to see you and so did I, I spent a week there and I'll spend a week here."
Was all he the dimpled man had made his way inside to the living room, opening the carrier to let Byeol out, the living room already a place of her liking. She had been here with San a couple of times; she had also been a very important part of their relationship. Especially on their third date where he had delicately brought up the topic, "Are you allergic to cats?"
"No, why?"
"Do you like cats?"
"Yeah, why?"
He never really answered her question that night, only smiled at her, leaning over the table to add more meat to her plate considering the late hours of the night, her hunger had distracted her from asking more questions, already too emotional at the thought of this angel of a man sacrificing his portion of protein for her - especially after grilling it so well. The only thing that did change was that the next morning she received around 400+ pictures of San's first love, Byeol.
The first time he had brought Byeol over, he was cautious and attentive, making sure both his girls were happy. He asked her cute questions all day- maybe she just found them cute because it was him, or perhaps it was because he was letting her in, into his domain, which is the little kitty roaming around the house.
"Can I put the litter here?"
"All your windows are locked right?"
"Do you mind if I keep the food bowl next to where we eat? She feels lonely otherwise."
"Can she sleep on your bed? I brought her cat mat just in case."
"Can we leave the bedroom door open a bit, so she can come and go without waking us up?"
He stopped when he realised, she wasn't even responding, panicking he looked up from the cat supplies. Maybe she felt like he was intruding or invading her privacy but was too afraid to tell him. Maybe bringing in Byeol was a big step he shouldn't have taken so quickly. What if she meant like she liked cats, at a normal level, like 'oh a cat.'  Not like cuddling them or baby-talking to them. Turning around his eyes scanned the room to spot her holding onto Byeol, carrying her like a baby and cooing at her. It was only then he realised how loud his cat was purring loud enough for it to echo in the silent room.
"Hmmm? You say something, Sannie?" she looked up from Byeol to him, eyes as curious as a cat's, hand resting on the cat's tummy, letting Byeol grab her hand with her soft paws. His heart felt as if it were about to burst out of his ribcage, running to her and landing on her palm, beating in it with an intensity that would borderline scare her. Licking his chapped lips the feline-eyed man shook his head, a genuine dimpled smile forming, one that would send thousands flipping with joy- or in her case have her gushing over it in solitude.
Thus, giving birth to a ritual, often he would spend his free days at his own home, sometimes calling her over, and gratefully his family welcomed her with open arms. On other occasions, he’d drop by to her apartment, bringing their 'daughter' with him.
She remembers the time Byeol had gotten sick. Unfortunately, San was busy that evening, and his parents were out of town so Byeol was to stay with her. Not an issue, at least it wasn't until the third night when San checked his phone after hours of practice late at night. He had decided to stay at the dorm, travelling would be more tiring she understood, but as the man checked his phone his heart almost stopped.
"Byeol is sick, she's vomiting. "
"I'm taking her to the vet."
"She's shivering."
"Okay, my car isn't working!"
'"I ran here, dw, made it in time, they're checking her."
"They say she has a fever, some bug?"
"They want to keep her overnight, idk I mean I can't just leave her here. She looked scared."
"I'm not leaving, but she's sedated. They say she'll be fine."
"San plz reply soon."
"San I'm scared."
Choi San had never run faster in his life he was sure of it, because the moment he burst into the 24/7 pet clinic his lungs were burning worse than a forest fire, his eyes red and blurry, the world around him extremely out of focus as he stumbled to the reception, about to take the patient's name but someone called him instead.
His head snapped in her direction, running to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace, trying to calm her down as she began to shiver in his embrace, her words coming out with choked sobs. Hand pressed against her head, he rubbed her back up and down with the other one, looking through the glass window at his cat, sprawled on the table with an IV tube attached.
"It's gonna be okay, it'll be okay."
It took almost an hour to calm her down, he had tried to convince her to go home, she had work the next day but she refused, instead blaming herself for Byeol's health. Though the doctor had assured him it was not because of her incompetency, but the cat food, the cat food Sanhad insisted on changing. Once she found that out, Choi San had to get an earful the remainder of the night, “How can you- I told you not to do that!”
“Babe I- “Don’t babe me! She doesn’t even like salmon! She prefers tuna.”
After the wonderful argument, that through the eyes of an elderly couple waiting for their dog looked like a cute domestic quarrel, came to an end. San remembered sitting next to her sulking as she gave him the silent treatment, though a few moments later her head had landed against his shoulder with a thump, followed by her snores. That night Choi San had realised two things, firstly that he was in love with her and secondly, she probably loved Byeol more than she loved him.
Hence, today they were supposed to go to a cute cafe she had been eying for a month. They had planned on taking Byeol out but since the cat had decided to stay up all night, running around the apartment she was tired today. San had just mocked her, claiming that Byeol knew it was Valentine's Day so she wanted her parents to spend the day together. However, he later countered himself with a, "Though each day is like Valentine's Day with you, love."
Clearing her throat, she dusted off the invisible dust, adjusting her cardigan before making her way to the living room once more, calling out to her significant other, "San! I'm ready to let's go." though his lack of response was confusing her, so she called out again, "Sannie where are you-" her word stopped as soon as she turned the corner, into her living room, spotting a giant starfish sprawled out on the wooden floor. Next to him was Byeol, staring down at him, San's hand pressed against his cat's back in a soothing manner, but she knew what he was doing, making sure his cat didn't move because Byeol was not only pretty but smart too, she knew what her dad was doing.
Sighing she walked closer to him, standing next to Byeol who looked up at her, blinking slowly, before turning back to stare at San. She stared down at him, arms crossed before slowly poking his side with her foot, watching him pretend and stretch, groaning as he cracked an eye open, "Oh~ you're finally done?"  
"Mhmmm." Raising a questioning brow she nodded, "And?"
"Oh, I mean" Sitting up he stretched his legs, much similar to how Byeol would do so, "Byeol said her mommy was taking so long in the shower that we fell asleep, waiting for you…" his words trailed off when he turned to look at her, his breath hitching at the sight of the soft pastels, the pretty purple, purple really was her colour. Clearing his throat he quickly got up, standing to talk in front of her, merely a few inches away from her as he stretched his arms over his head before casually bringing them down, not so discreetly wrapping them around her and slamming her into him, smirking when she whined.
"The dress will wrinkle Sannie." she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer, leaning down to peck the tip of her nose, "You can't look like a pretty pixie and not expect me to hold onto you like Captain Hook kidnapped Tinkerbell."
"What an analogy."  she mumbled, letting him squeeze her into his warm chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckled, "You look very pretty…I like your cardigan."
"Thanks, your mom gave it to me last birthday. " Her arms wrapped around his waist, letting him gently sway them from side to side.
“Who do you think chose it?” he smiled down at her, finally meeting her with a gentle kiss, one she savoured greatly, hands fisting his shirt as his palm pressed against her back before slowly trailing down, though their little moment came to halt sudden when a high-pitched squeak caught their ears. Pulling back, she looked down at Byeol, frowning before turning to look at San, “Why isn’t she wearing her leash?” “What do you mean?”
Tutting at her gorgeous idiot of a man, she pulled away completely before crouching to grab the cat and walking towards the door where they hung coats and her leash. “I said we’re going to the café.”
“I know,” he mumbled scratching his head, a bit confused as to what she meant, “I got a booking for it, no? Why are you – we can’t take her there and it's almost time for our reservation.”
“Aww~ don’t listen to daddy, Byeol” San watched her talk to his cat instead of him, watching her put on Byeol’s harness and leash, somewhat impressed because Byeol never let him do that this easily, though the next statement had him blushing mad. “He’s a bit slow, handsome, but slow, he forgot we’re going to a cat café, you’ll have fun there~ Won’t you baby~”
Letting out a hearty chuckle he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, of course she’d come up with this idea on her own. She had mentioned earlier how leaving Byeol home wasn’t fun especially when the cat was their ‘child’ and leaving their child unattended was cruel. He watched the cat jump off the table and onto the floor, meowing up at his lover who sent Byeol a flying kiss, San didn’t know what heaven was, but if anyone were to ask him to describe what it looked like, the view was right in front of him.
“Any kisses for me?” He asked walking up to his two girls, who were almost out the door, pausing when she winked at him, “depends big boy. Might need to send our baby back home for a while if that’s what you want.” And that had the man shivering with excitement running after her as the two made it to the elevator, already planning on asking someone or one of the guys to watch his little baby for the night, so he could have a night with his kitten.
“Don’t worry, I think that can be arranged, kitten.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie
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angelcakegirl · 15 days
ʚ she's not me ! ɞ
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re2!leon kennedy x fem!reader
wc; 1.3k
cw; smut (mdni!), p in v, unprotected, no use of y/n, mentions of cheating, bestie!leon!!!
note; hiii!!! this is my first tumblr post so im kinda new to this hehee, so sorry if my english isnt the greatest but hope u enjoyy<3 (ps, let me know if i missed any cw!!)
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the night was all too relaxing. just the typing at your keyboard and sipping at your coffee, while raindrops painted the glass windows. accompanied by that sweet tapping sound, this was the life.
what you weren't expecting was a wild leon knocking at your window, hair all soaked and dark from the rain. "leon, what the fuck?" you ran over to the window and opened it up. he's lucky you live on the first floor of your apartment.
once you're actually close to him is when you realize he's in tears. "she cheated on me!" he exclaimed, followed by a few sad cries.
honestly, you warned him this would happen. everyone did! his ex girlfriend was a whore, to put it nicely. yet you decided to hold back all your i told you so's, and let him in kindly.
so here he was. on your couch, with your towel slung around his shoulders, and even finishing your coffee. unsolicited. seriously, who does that?
but he's your best friend. he's sweetheart, really. you love him... as a friend. so of course you'll console him.
"she didn't deserve you, lee. you're too good for her." in all honesty, you wanted to just say that she's notorious for cheating on all her men, but that's not what he needed to hear right now.
he stopped his crying a while ago, yet you could still hear the strain in his voice. like he was ready to get the waterworks running any second now. "i just don't understand– you say i'm a good guy yet she still cheated. am i not worthy of love or something?"
oh, now you wanted this bitch dead. cheat on leon? that's one thing but he'll get over it. however, she had to ruin his self worth too? now you've got a problem.
you gently placed your hand on top his which was resting on his knee. looking into those sweet blue eyes, as the damp tips of his hair kissed his eyelashes. "you're worthy, leon. i think you're worthy of love."
leon was ashamed to admit it, but your hand on his, paired with your sweet words and probably even sweeter lips? yeah, you had him shivering under his skin. seriously, he just got cheated on not even thirty minutes ago and here he was blushing from his best friend. even worse; his blood ran south.
he gulped in response, that pretty adams apple bobbing in his throat. "uh– if you say so. thanks." your hand lingered for a moment, yet you quickly let go of him and cleared your throat. getting up off the couch. "want more coffee? i'll go make some." you offered. "yeah, sure." what he really wanted now was you.
you returned with the coffees, letting him sip at it for a moment before placing them both down on the coffee table. of course you had to bend over in those little things you called shorts. right in his face. he had to bite back a groan, even shift a bit in his seat pathetically.
poor guy, the smallest things turned him on. "you look pretty today." he complimented, more so thinking with his dick than anything. which earned a small chuckle from you. "oh, really?" you were just wearing whatever shorts and tee you found that day. so what on earth was that about?
you took your seat back down next to him, looking at him for a good awkward thirty seconds before he lunged forwards into a hug. "thank you so much... seriously, i wouldn't know what i'd do without you." he mumbled into your shoulder.
you smiled, wrapping your arms around him and letting your fingers run through the back of his hair in a soothing motion. "it's all good, lee, don't worry about it."
suddenly, you felt it. his erection pressed against you. "um?" and he immediately pulled back a bit panicked. beginning to ramble an apology on. "shit– i'm sorry! i didn't mean to or anything just, fuck, i'm sorry–"
someone had to shut him up! you just did it the more convenient way. lips pressed against his, and it didn't help that they were so soft too. like little pillows. you pulled back, and his jaw was to the floor. "holy shit."
in an instant, he laid his head on your shoulder. face buried into the crook of your neck. "i need this." he whined a little. "i need you." okay, no one warned you this man was so whiny. whiny, and convincing.
and that's how you got here. sitting pretty on his lap, in a full make-out sesh with your best friend. to be fair, best friends kissed all the time.. you think! so yeah, you were wrong before. this was really the life!
your lips moved in sequence, until he pulled back panting for air. "may i?" as he tugged at your t-shirt. "you may." met with the plush of your tits, immediately kneading them in his hands with a soft groan.
after that, the rest of your clothes were quick to go. his too. you pressed your lips to his with a few more quick kisses, taking his length in hand. to say your best friends cock was pretty was an understatement. with a slight curve upward, and a flushed tip, you knew this thing was gonna feel pretty damn good.
"haah–" he immediately gasped as your hand up and down his width. you were nearly in shock to see your friend mindlessly bucking into your hand. holy, he was effortlessly sexy.
to be honest, he could finish like this alone. but where's the fun in that? "i'mma need more, baby, please." and just like that he had you kissing his swollen lips as you aligned your entrance with him.
once you sunk your hips onto him, he immediately took hold of them. being met with your velvety walls all tight around him had put him in a trance. not that he didn't have a similar affect on you. the initial burn and stretch was a lot but after a few small minutes it all subsided for pleasure.
"holy fuck!" leon threw his head back for a split second, before picking it back up to look at you. eyes half-lidded and dewy with pleasure. "you like that, baby?" you had to tease with a smirk. "fuckin' love it."
lewd squelching and skin slapping filled the room. that, paired with you and leon's moans and whimpers in sync was a godsend. he tried to hold himself back, he really did. but not even seconds later he found himself bucking into your cunt, balls deep. his pretty tip kissing your cervix with each hit.
you gasped out as your nails dug into his muscular shoulders. which painted some red scratches along his skin for him to admire later. both of your hips moving in sync. you immediately began to sing out your pleasure, all just for him to hear. "fuck– lee, just like that!"
of course leon took that as his cue to mess with you back. "oh yeah? you like that, baby?" typical. you could tell he was close by the way he began to grit his teeth. luckily for you, the sight alone was enough to cause that knot to form in your stomach.
one of his hands let go of your hip. bringing the rough pad of his thumb down to your puffy clit to rub in a few figure eight's. earner even louder sounds from you. "you gonna cum, hm?" he spoke through grunts, feeling your walls inclose on him. "fuck, cum for me, baby." cause' a true gentleman never finishes first!
your release quickly washed over you after those five magic words, going momentarily dumb on his cock. the second you came, he followed right behind. shutting himself up by pushing his lips onto yours. entangling his tongue with yours as his hot seed began to fill you. all while he just continued to thrust it up into you.
as you both came down from your highs, you slipped off leon. before crashing down to lay against his shoulder as you caught your breath. leon watched his remnants spill out you, biting his bottom lip in a smirk. he had a split reminder of his ex, but not one that did her any justice at all. "should've known she had nothing on you."
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three-dee-ess · 4 months
It's time for the top 5 most FUCKED UP 3DS/DSs that people have sent me unprompted!!!
Starting from the tamest to the most messed up-
5. Not 3DS.
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This straight up isn't a 3DS and it's pretty funny I think but yeah 5th place goes to every ask I get that sends me pictures of things that aren't 3DS's or 3DS related. I've gotten dogs, PS vitas, and as you can tell, a Wii U.
4. The (literal) unhinged DS
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What makes this one different than the other ones people have posted on this website is. a) this was sent to me directly and b) the fact it is STILL FULLY FUNCTIONAL DESPITE IT ALL?????
3. This puffy fellow.
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if your 3DS looks like this PLEASE look up safe lithum ion battery disposal areas near you, a battery that puffy can and WILL turn into a fireball if pierced/popped. Excluding the... obvious though- it seems to just be. pretty normal.
2. LEGO hot glue screw mess.
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It somehow looks like chewed up gum, a terrible DIY and like chernobyl's elephant foot all rolled up into one. And it basically is!
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in order of appearance, these are the DS's that didn't make the cut. bath bomb 3DS, barnacle 3DS, fucked DS lite, dorito DS, 3DSXL with a chomp taken out, and always 3D 3DS.
Number 1 most FUCKED Up DS someone has sent me...
1. Blood DSi
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Words fail me so I'll just. quote directly from the person who sent this in.
"yeah so the L button stopped working back in like probably 2015 so i opened it up recently to see if i could pop something back into place and there was just this weird squishy crud inside that smelled like dried blood (don't ask) this led to probably the most unhinged picture i've ever taken because it was 4am and i was trying to do this on my bed for some reason (don't do that. obviously) obviously i gave them a good cleaning with isopropyl but i think i nudged something wrong because now they just. randomly shut off sometimes. it already had issues for years like the screen randomly turning pink. but at least they don't poop. i think. but they do bleed apparently. my ds family is very ok"
this is just a sampling of the many fucked up 3DS's people send me all of the time. I've been working on this post for a while but blood DSi pushed me over the edge. The image of it on the bed with the line of isopropyl... I just. I'm speechless honestly.
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theroundbartable · 9 months
Alright, guys: small announcement:
The last few concepts I posted seem to have created a demand for full fics. But I don't have the time to work on several full fics and you guys seem hesistant to use my concepts. (You can!!! Please do!!! I post them because I don't have the time but it's a waste to let them rott away in my brain)
So, here's the deal:
I'll combine some of them into one full fic. I can already tell that Arthur will suffer trough this fic, but well...
Included in the fic will be:
Cat merlin (not actually cat Merlin) AU
Morgana vs Merlin: Jenga AU
Money making: Arthur puts the Merlin on the coin
Art appreciation (in which Arthur gifts Merlin art)
Edit: additions that just happened without my consent:
Gwen's motorcycle
Merthur fanfiction au
You won't have to know the concepts to read it and it will be consistent. I have an idea how they can work together.
I'll look through the original concepts and @ everyone who wanted a fic.
(Do not let this stop you from writing your own stories! I combine tropes all the time. But it's the first time I'm actually planning it like this. If there is another concept you think might fit, suggest it in the comments ^^)
PS.: check the reblogs. I've posted 3 chapters so far
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hollowed-theory-hall · 4 months
Hey !
I love reading your posts , you are brilliant truly.
I would like to request an analysis of James potter and maybe his relationship with lily Evans.
Thank you so much for your time !
Thank you so much! 💕 I love writing these analysis posts, and I'm so glad other people enjoy reading them!
Now, James and Lily Potter, I'll start by giving my biased opinion which is that I like them as characters (especially Lily, love her) and their relationship.
So without further ado:
James Potter's Childhood
So before the Pottermore article that revealed Fleamont and Euphemia existed, the common fanon parents of James were Charlus and Dorea, I'm going to go with Fleamont and Euphemia being his parents though. (I still sometimes prefer his parents to be Charlus and Dorea in fic, even though it makes less sense with what we know about James, as I'll mention later).
So what do we know about the Potter family?
We know they are pretty rich. Not Malfoy or Black level rich, but they have a substantial amount of money as shown repeatedly:
Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry gasped. Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts.
(PS, 57)
We also know, from Pottermore, that the Potters are relatively newer money, making a good portion of their wealth from Henry Potter’s potions business (James' grandfather).
We also know Potters are common enough members in the Wizengamont from Pottermore. I posed here that the Wizengamot seats pass down families, which will place the Potters as wealthy and influential in the wizarding community as a whole.
“My whole family have been in Slytherin,” he said. “Blimey,” said James, “and I thought you seemed all right!” Sirius grinned. “Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?” James lifted an invisible sword. “’Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!’ Like my dad.” Snape made a small, disparaging noise. James turned on him. “Got a problem with that?”
(DH, 567)
We know from James his father was in Gryffindor and probably his grandfather too. His distaste towards Slythering and anything resembling Dark Magic probably came from home. The same way Draco came to Hogwarts with his notions of blood purity and how Slytherin was the best house because he was parroting his parents, James is the same. He is an 11-year-old shouting off whatever he hears at home.
This is why I mentioned Fleamont and Euphemia make more sense as James' parents. As much as I personally like the idea of his parents being Charlus and Dorea, it wouldn't make sense with what we see. Dorea was born a Black, which means James would likely know who Sirius is and would probably have different notions regarding Slytherin house if his mother was there...
James Potter, then, grew up as the only child of a rich and politically influential family of Gryffindors, he was spoiled and used to having anything he wanted whenever he wanted, which is clear from his behavior.
James yawned hugely and rumpled up his hair, making it even messier than it had been. Then, with a glance toward Professor Flitwick, he turned in his seat and grinned at a boy sitting four seats behind him.
(OotP, 642)
He is brilliant and he is aware of it. Lily refers to him as arrogant often before they start dating, and I have to agree with her assessment of the teenage James. James at 15 is lounging in his seat and feels untouchable. He is at the top of his own world, popular, rich, and brilliant. So of course he's arrogant, he feels like nothing could reach him.
Ron said, stopping mid-sentence at the look on Harry’s face. “Why are you grinning?” “I’m not,” said Harry quickly, looking down at his Transfiguration notes and attempting to straighten his face. The truth was that Ron had just reminded Harry forcibly of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who had once sat rumpling his hair under this very tree.
(OotP, 704)
But it isn't that simple. James chooses to appear unbothered and untouchable, and I do think he is prideful but not as arrogant as Lily and Snape make him out to be, even at 15. The reason I think that is the above passage. I never really saw anyone bring it up in association with James' character, but Harry mentions Ron messing up his hair as he brags about his Quidditch save in much the same way James did in the memory he saw. The reason this is interesting is that we know Ron, we know how insecure he is and that all this hair messing is show and bravado that isn't fully backed up.
And considering the parallels I already mentioned James having with Draco and will mention more of them later, I wonder if James really does have insecurities he covers up with pride and arrogance — something we see both Ron do (in the above scene) and Draco do in general.
James Potter, when it comes down to it, has more in common with Draco Malfoy than with Harry in terms of his personality and even character arc, down to some of the things he says:
“Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?” James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him, and with a jolt, Harry realized that it was Sirius. Sirius did not smile.
-James Potter to Sirius Black, 1971 (DH, 567)
“Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been — imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?”
-Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter, 1991 (PS, 58)
So James is spoiled, snobbish, and used to getting his way in everything, unlike Lily and Sirius, who grew up with siblings and were more used to having to share or give up their wants sometimes. James also feels the need to live up to certain expectations, he has to be the best (the way Draco thought he would be at Hogwarts), he needs to be popular and top of the class and a lot of his pride and confidence probably hinges on these external sources, his arrogance is superficial. I just can't see a character who has real self-confidence be shown in narrative parallels to either Ron "self-esteem issues" Weasley or Draco "Arrogance to Hide Weakness" Malfoy.
The Mauraders
We move on to James' time at Hogwarts. He gets sorted into Gryffindor and befriends the Mauraders. I kinda want to talk about their friendship dynamic a bit, because it is interesting.
We saw in the earlier quote from the train, that Sirius was the first of the Mauraders James met, and he was the closest to him out of the bunch. I'm going to talk more about Sirius and James' friendship later in this post as they are a separate entity from the Marauders. I mean, there's a reason everyone in PoA keeps mentioning James and Sirius in a single breath while Lupin is never brought up.
(I know the reason is so JKR could keep the reveal for later, but in universe, it's quite telling)
Now, from what we see of them, they have a very clear dynamic. James is the leader, and Sirius is his second and only real equal (academically and by popularity) who are the closest to each other. Then we have Remus, who is friends with them, but they don't take him or his concerns as seriously. Remus was usually afraid to speak up against James and Sirius because he felt he was expandable to the friend group, a feeling Peter shared, if even worse than Remus. James and Sirius didn't really treat Peter great:
“Put that away, will you?” said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer. “Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement.” Wormtail turned slightly pink but James grinned. “If it bothers you,” he said, stuffing the Snitch back in his pocket. Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.
(OotP, 645)
Sirius is the one James actually takes cues from and vice versa. Pettigrew is often belittled and made the butt of their jokes and Remus:
“I’m bored,” said Sirius. “Wish it was full moon.” “You might,” said Lupin darkly from behind his book.
(OotP, 345)
“How thick are you, Wormtail?” said James impatiently. “You run round with a werewolf once a month —” “Keep your voice down,” implored Lupin. Harry looked anxiously behind him again.
(OotP, 643)
Is treated friendlier than Peter, but not with the same respect James and Sirius reserve for each other. James mentions Remus is a werewolf in a crowded hall, Sirius endangered Remus' secret during The Prank. We see Sirius doesn't really take Remus' Lycanthropy as the serious concern it is for Remus. Obviously, Sirius gets better about it, but this is the dynamic of the Marauders the way we see them. It's a far cry from a healthy friend group, but they were teenagers, and teens actually do on occasion have these kinds of friend groups that you question if it can be called friendship (I know I've seen a few of these in my school). I think the adult Remus and Sirius we see in OotP are closer than they were in school, and the reason for that was the war and having no one else really, but this is a James meta and not a Mauraders in general meta, so I'll focus.
Many in the fandom already talked about what a brilliant and insane feat of magic becoming animagi at 15 is. We know James was a prodigy in Transfiguration and other areas of magic as well considering his confidence regarding the DADA exam. What I want to talk about Prongs, in particular, is the symbolism of a stag as one's Animagus form.
I talked about this a little already here, but basically, stags and deers in general represent:
The cycle of life and death
Agility and grace
Stags additionally represent:
So, what does all this tell us about James?
Well, it tells us he is as Gryffindor as they come (Bravery & Nobility), the cycle of life & death is his connection to the Peverells and his own early demise. Agility and grace make sense as well if you take it to mean he was a talented and graceful dueler, which is very possible and even likely.
And then we have the stag-specific traits. These are traits I think James only grew into later in life and would've grown into more. I mean, he was always charismatic and had the ability to lead people, he was leading the Mauraders and was incredibly popular. But I think the traits of the stag with fatherhood and authority suggest maturity, something the young James definitely lacked. I think his Animagus, more than anything proves he did change, and would've continued growing into himself to truly become the stag if he was given a chance to grow old. Because stags are positive leadership, father figures, and authority, they are supposed to represent the noblest kinds of leaders they have the internal self-confidence James lacks. And if that is the animal that represents James, it means he had it in him to be what the stag represents.
Bullying and Maturity
Sirius said it well enough:
“Yeah,” said Harry, “but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because — well, just because you said you were bored,” he finished with a slightly apologetic note in his voice. “I’m not proud of it,” said Sirius quickly. Lupin looked sideways at Sirius and then said, “Look, Harry, what you’ve got to understand is that your father and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did — everyone thought they were the height of cool — if they sometimes got a bit carried away —” “If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean,” said Sirius. Lupin smiled. “He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately. “Was he playing with the Snitch?” said Lupin eagerly. “Yeah,” said Harry, watching uncomprehendingly as Sirius and Lupin beamed reminiscently. “Well . . . I thought he was a bit of an idiot.” “Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly. “We were all idiots!
(OotP, 670)
James was an awful bully, toward Snape:
“This’ll liven you up, Padfoot,” said James quietly. “Look who it is. . . .” Sirius’s head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit. “Excellent,” he said softly. “Snivellus.”
(OotP, 645)
“And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin. “Even Snape?” said Harry. “Well,” said Lupin slowly, “Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James, so you couldn’t really expect James to take that lying down, could you?” “And my mum was okay with that?” “She didn’t know too much about it, to tell you the truth,” said Sirius. “I mean, James didn’t take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?”
(OotP, 671)
And even toward Peter, who Sirius and James constantly belittle:
“How thick are you, Wormtail?” said James impatiently. “You run round with a werewolf once a month —”
(OotP, 643)
I mentioned above how the 15-year-old James wasn't really the embodiment of the stag just yet, like Sirius said they were idiots. Sure, Harry rightfully calls them out that it isn't a good excuse for anything they did, but Harry is a very mature 15-year-old.
As for what motivated his bullying?
Honestly, I think it wasn't all that dissimilar to Draco, in terms of motivations at least. I mentioned above how James' conception of himself is tied to his being at the top, the most popular, the most talented, the top student. One way to feel at the top is to put others down. Most of his bullying was probably fueled by this need to assure himself he is better and assert control (but, more on that later).
I don't think Snape should forgive James or any of the Mauraders or anything like that, not at all, what they did to him was awful and the fact James continued seeking him out even after he mostly dropped the bullying makes it so much worse.
But at the same time, I tend to believe Sirius, Remus, and Lily about him changing, that, given time, he would've matured even more:
“Look,” he said, “your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.”
(OotP, 671)
I'm a big believer that people can and do change over time, especially teenagers. Life experiences change who you are, especially big and traumatic occasions, and James encountered one hell of a life experience to kick-start his growth and maturity:
The first wizarding war
I won't go into the full detail on what happened in the war but I want to talk about how the war changed James.
I discussed the progression of the first war as part of my analysis of Voldemort here and when James and Lily went into hiding here. Now, the Marauders were in school between September of 1971 and June of 1978. As I mentioned in the Voldemort analysis post I linked, the war really started getting bad, the first casualties, were in 1975 when the minister of magic was replaced. This makes James and the Mauraders 5th or 6th years when the war truly begins. I personally think this was late in 1975, as in November or December when the Minister was booted from office, aligning well with James' change.
What I think this was for him is a moment the rug was pulled from under him.
I think, the same way the second war showed Draco who he is as a person, that he doesn't want to hurt and torture, not even muggleborns, the first war was the same for James. He learned about himself and his own priorities. He just learned different things than Draco because James is very much willing to hurt and probably kill for what he thinks is just and for the people he cares for. He can be cruel and ruthless.
The wizarding world is an incredibly small community, with this kind of small population that almost all work together (the ministry) when someone dies, especially someone important (I believe the first deaths were high in the ministry or even Wizengamont members) it rattles everything. For James, who felt his skill, money, and status made him practically untouchable, this is a slap in the face. This to him starts his journey to see he is not above anyone else and he is just like anyone else — can die and hurt like everyone else.
War, even when you aren't on the front lines, even just hearing that Mr. Whatever's brother was killed and your old neighbors who moved away lost their son — it doesn't leave you unscathed. It forces you to confront how little control over certain aspects of life you actually have. And in a community so small that every death is someone you at least knew in passing or knew someone who knew — every death hits hard. Every death feels too close to home.
I think this is part of why James continued bullying Snape even after his change in approach. It wasn't out of the same arrogance as before, now it's by a need to feel in control. To hurt a familiar enemy that represents the Death Eaters to feel a semblance of stability under his feet. I think, this was part of what motivated James, a roundabout justice against the Death Eaters at large when he felt powerless. So he took it on whoever he could — in this case, Snape.
I'm not trying to justify it, I'm just explaining what I think motivated James and why he would do that if he was in the process of changing for the better.
All of this gives James ample motivation to join the Order, after all, he wants to hit back against the Death eaters, he wants to feel balanced and in control again. So he probably jumped at the opportunity to join the Order.
The Order of the Phoenix
We don't know much about what James did in the Order, and it doesn't matter too much for the sake of analysis. We know he joined at graduation, so, June 1978. I also mentioned in the aforementioned post how the war got worse in 1979, which means that before he went into hiding, James was probably involved in a few skirmishes in the war when it was already at its peak.
We also know James and Lily got married incredibly early, almost immediately after graduating. That too, is probably influenced by the war. After all, war can either speed up life events or slow them down, depending on various factors among which is the optimism of the people involved. James and Lily getting married and pregnant in the middle of the war tell us something about their characters — it tells us they were incredibly optimistic and hopeful for the future. They got married and had Harry in the hope and belief that the war would be over soon enough and Harry would grow up in a better world. That is what they believed in and I think this is just, really interesting.
Then they went into hiding, and we know what happened from there. There are two things I want to mention about this period in hiding in regards to James' character.
First, James' first choice was Sirius, Sirius is the one to convince him to choose Pettigrew instead:
“Harry . . . I as good as killed them,” he croaked. “I persuaded Lily and James to change to Peter at the last moment, persuaded them to use him as Secret-Keeper instead of me. . . . I’m to blame, I know it. . . .
(PoA, 365)
As I mentioned above, the Mauraders looked down on Pettigrew. I think the plan always was to tell everyone Sirius was the secret keeper so he'd draw the fire and torture and potential death, so the real secret keeper, and the secret, would remain safe even if he was killed for it (which is a sad thought, but that's about Sirius).
Pettigrew was chosen by Sirius for how unassuming he is, Sirius is so ready to sacrifice his life for his friends that he couldn't fathom Pettigrew wouldn't do the same. James didn't choose Pettigrew because of his faith in him as a friend the way Voldemort implies, no, I think James chose Pettigrew because of his faith in Sirius. If Sirius said its a good idea, then it was a good idea to James.
Second, is this quote:
James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell
(DH, 158)
There are two things I want to unpack in this one sentence (I do love doing that).
James, quite similar to Sirius in OotP, doesn't like being cooped up away from the action. He hates not being out there for very similar reasons to Sirius. He loathes feeling useless like he isn't doing anything to help while people are dying. While his friends are risking their lives. James, at his core, is a person who cares deeply for the people he considers his, he would feel incredible guilt sitting safely behind magical protections while they were in danger.
Lily says James is trying to hide how frustrated he actually is, this is significant, why? Well because the 15-year-old version of James who complained easily about being a little bored wouldn't have hid his complaints. He would have voiced them to anyone willing to listen. The fact he isn't doing that shows some of his growth and maturity, it shows he is self-aware enough about the situation that he knows he shouldn't be the one complaining considering he and his family are safe. He still feels frustrated for the above reasons, but he tries to be considerate and keep things at home with Lily as intense as he can in the way he thinks is best. He is actively trying, and I think that's important.
Now, James has two important relationships that really define his character for me. Sirius and Lily.
Quite the Double Act
I adore James and Sirius's friendship honestly, they were each other's most important person and I can't really talk about James without talking about Sirius (as seen in this entire post), after all, no one in the books seems able to operate these two when talking about them in POA:
“Naturally,” said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. “Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here — ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!”
(PoA, 204)
Sirius and James met on the train at the age of 11 and couldn't be separated since (well, until death, that is). They are the heart of the Mauraders as a friend group and I've seen some other blogs bring up already how unhinged their friendship was:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OotP, 858)
They literally invented an advanced magical communication method so they wouldn't have to go an hour without talking to each other. When we see them finishing the exam in SWM, the first person they look at is each other and communicate with no words that the exam was great.
These two are just, on the same wavelengths. I had a friend in high school who, when we would talk to other people, and she'd be unsure how to say something so she'll just turn to me, communicate a whole ass concept in eye contact alone, and then I'll explain it aloud to whoever we were talking to. I am convinced James and Sirius were like that too, where they didn't even need to talk to understand each other, they just knew.
For them the answer to "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" was always "Yes" or "Now I do"
Sirius was the best man at James' wedding, Harry's godfather and he still held a special place for James, to the point Lily was very aware of it:
If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much.
(DH, 158)
I mean, I don't know of many friendships like this, where the guy's wife asks his best friend over because they were apart for too long and getting antsy. I mean, it is bizarre.
In my head, if there wasn't a war, Sirius would've probably practically moved in with James and Lily. Sure, he had his own apartment, but you'd rarely ever find him there.
During the war it was too risky, James and Lily were in hiding and Sirius was doing missions for the Order, but again, if there wasn't a war, I think Sirius and James would've still been joined at the hip way into adulthood.
Sirius is one of the only two people James would ever take cues from no questions asked. I just, love them, okay.
Head Boy and Head Girl
Now, to James' second most important relationship: Lily.
James' crush on Lily started pretty early in their school years. We know it wasn't quite a love-at-first-sight as in the meeting on the train we don't really see any of it. I would guess his crush on her started growing as he got to know her as a housemate. I think James liked how smart and talented Lily was. James considers himself the best, his best friend is also the best, a top student, handsome and popular — his crush would be the same. Lily's kindness, likeability, and intelligence were huge turn-ons for him, not just the fact she was gorgeous (but that too).
I want to talk about this quote:
then back at James, who was now doodling on a bit of scrap parchment. He had drawn a Snitch and was now tracing the letters L. E. What did they stand for?
(OotP, 642)
This is adorable. James is a romantic guy, he was doodling Lily's initials on a spare parchment. I bet he wrote out "Lily Potter" in hearts and everything. I find it hilarious and adorable and it both shows he had a crush on her, but it also shows a really dorky and romantic side that no one (of the characters we meet) mentions because they probably haven't seen it. Well, Sirius probably did, but he doesn't really get many chances to talk to Harry about James unfortunately.
Sirius mentions that they went out on dates (something Harry and Ginny don't really do), and with James doodling Lily's initials I bet they were super cheesy and romantic. He'll take her out to picnics and light candles and carve their initials in a heart on a tree.
If they lived to raise Harry, they'd be the kind of parents who had a weekly date night and left their kids with Sirius for the evening.
“I didn’t mean—I just don’t want to see you made a fool of—He fancies you, James Potter fancies you!” The words seemed wrenched from him against his will. “And he’s not. . . everyone thinks. . . big Quidditch hero—” Snape’s bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent, and Lily’s eyebrows were traveling farther and farther up her forehead. “I know James Potter’s an arrogant toerag,” she said
(DH, 569)
Now, about some of the downsides of their relationship.
Yeah, James was persistent in flirting with Lily for years before she agreed to go out with him. He bullied her best friend and acted like an idiot. She considered him an "arrogant toerag" which isn't very complementary.
That being said, even when she calls him out, she still defends him to Snape in the above conversation. While Lily disapproved of James' behavior, I don't think she ever really hated him, not the way Snape did. She didn't like how he was acting, but she didn't hate him:
“Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around,” said Sirius, shrugging. “He couldn’t stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.” “How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!” “Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius. “She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin. “Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius.
(OotP, 671)
I think Sirius is right about this for the reasons I mentioned above. Lily never really hated James, just thought he was an idiot (rightfully so) and once he got less arrogant, she was more willing to date him.
I think their relationship wasn't a bad one, I think they did love each other and mostly got along really well. I think Lily liked James' sense of humor after it mellowed out a bit and she liked that he's smart and talented. I think James liked Lily's calmness and intelligence and how much she cared for people.
Yeah, they probably argued about a lot of stupid things (I think they enjoyed their stupid arguments and barbs on occasion not unlike Ron and Hermione), but overall, I do like their relationship, I think they balanced each other out. James pushes Lily to allow herself to be a little silly, and Lily can put James in his place when he is being an idiot or needlessly cruel. And they are both incredibly smart and compassionate people... whenever I think about them it kinda makes me sad they didn't get to raise Harry. That Harry wouldn't have such a low view of himself, he'll probably have younger siblings, be used to having Sirius (and Remus too, to a lesser degree) around constantly, he would've been the top student in practically everything... I mean, he'd have a different set of issues, I'm sure, but, I don't know, I just made myself sad.
The fandom is pretty split on James, some talk about him as if he's some flawless sunshine child, which isn't the case. Yes, James is loyal, brave, and compassionate, but he can be cruel and ruthless and he uses arrogance as a mask for his insecurities and need to be great (I think James Potter could be a Slytherin, tbh). But on the flip side, some fans consider him nothing but a bully, and I tend to give him more credit than that. I think he was always more than that, but I believe Sirius, Remus, and Lily that he did change, and he probably would have continued to improve to become the brave and compassionate leader the stag represents if he had lived longer.
This post turned out way longer than I expected it to, but, here you go, James Potter's analysis of the top of my head.
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rikiws · 7 months
꩜ sweet nothings. (literally)
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non-idol!riki x gn!reader ┆ mutual (and very oblivious) pining [fluff] .ᐟ feat. eunchae of lsrfm and danielle of nwjns!!!
꩜ When you find a pack of your favourite gummies on your desk and a sticky-note with a little heart on it, relentless teasing from your friends is probably about to be the end of you. But a certain someone seems to be making it much, much worse.
. . . under the cut ⊹ (0.5k - words)
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"These reminded me of you, I hope you like them Ps: I think you're really cute :) Love, ᰔ" A heart. They put a heart too. And you have no idea who it even is.
Standing at the corner of your desk, your eyes transfixed and re-reading the small blue post-it-note stuck to your table, and right beside was a small packet of your favourite gummies. The person even went through the trouble to get your favourite flavour: strawberry. You had a pack of those nearly every day, for sustenance, quick energy, moral support, it was pretty multipurpose. But the fact that this time it wasn't you who bought them, but someone else- a someone else that you specifically didn't even know, that was crazy.
Safe to say, you were so caught up in your own thoughts, you failed to notice your two friends frantically waving their hands right in your face.
"Earth to Y/N? You've been standing there for like 5- OHMYGOSHWHATISTHATDOYOUHAVEANADMIRER?!"
"Eunchae, you're lucky I could understand that." Danielle spoke up, and the two almost immediately started bickering. Thank god you didn't have to explain yourself anymore- nope. Nevermind. They went right back to staring at you, and they looked pretty expectant.
"Listen, I have no idea who it is-" "Ooo~ it's a mystery guy huh?" "It's not like that-" "Yes the hell it is?" You didn't bother to respond. Your friends were beyond help: giggling and pointing at you like 7th graders. You were just about ready to start fighting them 2-on-1 until you heard a voice that most definitely did not belong to any of the three of you. "What happened?"
You turned yourself around and Oh good god. It was Nishimura Riki. The giggles only grew louder behind you once your friends noticed too, and you could feel your cheeks grow warm all of a sudden. God was he cute, and he's in front of you right now, like talking to you, he even asked you a question! Wait- he asked you a question. "Well, er-" "Y/N over here got some sweets from her secret admirer~" "God, they even picked out Y/N's favourite flavour! It's 'kinda thoughtful" Your friends spoke over your stammering, going on-and-on about how cute the gesture was. How the admirer must be such a cute guy. In all honesty, you agreed too. It was really cute. Something you failed to notice however, was the sudden nervousness in Riki's demeanour. His hand bashfully went up to the back of his neck, and he blurted out, "Oh It's nothing, really. I just walked by the store and-" The four of you went quiet. Riki stopped, you could see the gears turn in his head until he realised what he just said. And you could most definitely hear the sirens blaring in his head when his eyes suddenly widened. "Oh no... I left my homework in...the...bathroom. I'll see you guys later! Bye Y/N!" Riki disappeared nearly as quickly as he appeared, and you swore your cheeks were on fire or something now. You stood there in silence, eyes now glued to the door the boy had just sprinted out of. Quietly, a voice, nearly a whisper sounded from behind you: Danielle's. "Oh wow..." You couldn't have said it any better.
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A/N : please ignore how I added extra stuff, I literally pulled out this blurb in like 30 minutes and am way too indecisive to just leave it be (҂◡_◡)
꩜ want to read more? check out my masterlist
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myeagleexpert · 5 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗 ( PT2 )
And if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Howl's Moving Castle x Twisted Wonderland Au (Vil x Fem!Yuu) PS: This was written before Vil's new updates in the new chapters, I'm delving deeper into Vil's character and I know he's not just "a pretty boy" but for the direction of the story, he will have to follow this personality aspect a little more to this characteristic part of it. So I'm sorry if this isn't the most faithful fic to the character he is. I promise I will edit better, so that it has better quality.
Part1 You're here Next
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"Bro, if you don't come soon I swear I'll get her alone!"- Ace stood with his arms crossed outside Heartslabyul's kitchen while Deuce carried a beautiful and tasty strawberry pie that Trey just made, the smell of pie woke up all the members of the dorm leaving them in a wonderful mood, if even the tyrannical Riddle smiled with that pie it would certainly work on Yuu too right?
"Don't rush me Ace! After all that stress yesterday the least we can do is apologize to Yuu."
"And you needed to give Trey more work and make him another pie so soon?"
"Well….er….With model students we must go beyond simple apologies!"- Suddenly, Deuce's jovial face turned red but he quickly remembered that shame should not stop him from apologizing to his friend.
"Come on! She's not even that mad!" raising his arms in resignation he continued “Okay, she is angry! But this happens almost every day, she is already used to it, and besides…” the nosy man put his finger in the gelatinous broth of the pie and licked his fingers. in such an unpretentious way “It’s not like she’s going to disappear out of nowhere and we won’t be able to say goodbye, she’s our friend.”
Deuce sighed heavily and finally agreed with his friend. Trapolla, with a genuine smile, began to remember some adventures they had already had and plan new adventures with Yuu and Grim would also love the antics. And hope filled their hearts. Planning after planning. After all, Yuu would always be with them, right?
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“I'm grateful that you managed to get here as quickly as possible.” With a serious voice, the old crow thanked everyone present in the mirror room, from teachers to leaders and vice-leaders, some of Yuu's colleagues were also there.
"We know it's something important Crowley, we need to discuss this as soon as possible" - it was in the middle of breakfast that Riddle heard ADeuce's desperate screams, and when he turned up his nose thinking that the morning had already started badly he couldn't imagine it would get worse.
“So what do we know so far? I only heard loud noises all morning” - the lion grumbled
“The members of my dorm, Ace and Deuce, when they went to pick Yuu up for classes early in the morning, discovered that Yuu and Grim had mysteriously disappeared.”
“Have you looked for clues in the abandoned dormitory?”
“ That's the problem: the entire Ramsharckle Dorm is gone! Not even a piece of wood on the floor, no ghosts, just a mark on the floor where he used to stand” Trey replied and while he already felt anxiety in his heart, he knew that the first boys must be feeling it more. When the two arrived screaming like maniacs in the dorm asking them to follow Trey knew something was strange, due to the fact that his precious pie was dropped on the floor. Not even in an overblot had Deuce dropped a cupcake, but a pie on the floor must have been quite a problem.
“Oh, now that’s a problem.” putting his hand over his mouth Jade whispered discreetly in Azul's ear
“There are rumors all over the school. How could an ENTIRE dorm disappear out of nowhere? What about our protection field?” Leona had had his precious 9am post-sleep nap interrupted when conversations from all kinds of beastmen started to get very loud and his sensitive ears picked up some things.
“I heard that Yuu hasn't shown up to class yet. Did you take their notes?”
“The meteor shower was incredible yesterday! I took several photos and posted them on Magicam!”
“There is a horrible smell near the statues of the seven! A very strong smell of rotten eggs and vinegar!”
" You will not believe! You know that girl's dorm without magic? IT DISAPPEARED"
“Our protective field detected nothing, no changes.”
“What if the dorm is gone but Yuu and Grim are still somewhere in the school? Can Rook use his magic and try to look for them both?”
The hyena knew two things: Nothing disappears without a trace and that Yuu would do anything for her and Grim to survive. No wonder she survived 7 overblots. They are alive.
“Yes, Monsieur Dandelion” when reciting his unique magic, the hunter combined it with a magic from his wand so that everything he was seeing, others would also see with a projection of his magical range - an idea that came from Yuu.
i s e e y o u
Spell cast but no result, Rook searched every dormitory and every hidden corner of the school, the deserts of scarabia to the bottom of the waters of octaveinelle, in the royal school, in the noble school, in the cities they had visited before but nothing… for one good period of time….nothing.
“Je suis désolé, I didn’t find anything”
“Oh for the seven! How terrible! What do we do?" Crowley, oh so sad, exclaimed.
“Did they come home?"
“Did she run away?” “But what happened that made her run away so suddenly?”
Some voices whispered among themselves, others created more theories about what could have happened.
Malleus was in the corner of the room, absorbed by the shadows of the room, he could see how each person missed Yuu and Grim and how emotions were expressed on their faces, but Schoenheit's looked strange, it wasn't the same expression as sadness that Heartslabyul's dorm leader,it was Silver's expression when he was a child doing something wrong and Lillia caught him in the act… oh yes… guilt.
“Let’s split up, if the dogs just whine, it won’t help anything!” with authority determined to find the two, Crewel spoke out -“The two first year pups, Trey, Riddle, Blue, Rook and Jack go to the Ramsharckle to inspect for any clues in the dorm, any smell, footprint, anything.
Ruggie, Jamil, Jade and Carter, I need you to interrogate the students and find out how the rumors came about and if we have any useful information. Kalim and Epel, stay in this group too.
For the rest, check the library to see if there is any phenomenon linking last night to Ramscharkle's disappearance and calm down the dorms.”
“Any information must be said immediately. Stay calm, we will find them.” concluded Trey and they were soon dismissed
"Child of man, how did you know that Grim would precisely knock down that vase?" - prince in all his wisdom, asks Yuu who had just picked up a vase from the shelf exactly 5 seconds before the monster cat appeared out of nowhere and knocked in the exact location of the vessel.
"Intuition." Malleus's gaze asked for more information and so she graciously gave it “It's when we have the act of perceiving, discerning or sensing things, independently of reasoning or analysis to conclude something, you know? “ “Could this be a magic that only belongs to humans?”
“I don’t think so Tsunotaro” she laughed so cutely “So when you get a feeling about something, go ahead, there’s a good chance you’re right.”
Go ahead
His eyes narrowed and followed Vil's movements, who silently took another path from the research group.
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Some things were discovered in each group:
1- The dormitory is completely gone, with all the members. 2-there is a very slight smell of Yuu in a single small section 3- Sam's friends saw Yuu just before the meteor shower started 4- Yuu was upset with some people (rumors) 5- All photos of the meteor shower are blurry 6- Absolutely nothing else
The students looked disappointedly at the paper list before handing it to Crowley, just some facts with few connections between them and no matter how much they looked for some magic or some phenomenon to explain what happened but the results of their efforts yielded nothing, just hearts. sad and heavy consciences and remained that way for a few days.
Until one day, the universe decided to smile at the boys again and especially at the manliest boy in Pomefiore who was pouting on his bed after being tugged on Vil's ear.
“Umnh…hello pewpaw?” “Hello my sweet! How are you?" his grandmother's voice calmed the lilac-haired boy for the first time in days “I’m fine grandma, things have been really complicated these days, but I’m trying hard to get stronger!” “Okay, grandma knows you’ve been having a rough day, so send an extra box of apple juice for you and your friends!” “Thank you, I’m sure they’ll love it-” “And Yuu, how is she?” my crush is missing in the middle of the world and we have no idea if anyone would say we will see her again, thank you “Well, she is… fine….but something happened that-” “Yesterday she said she wasn’t feeling very well, so I gave her that apple and lemon drink and wow! She looked really pretty!”
what WHAT?
“Yesterday grandma? What? Where?” genuinely confused and stunned even more so because Rook appeared out of nowhere next to him and silently asked to turn on the speakerphone on his cell phone. “I bumped into her in the village on Sage Island when we went to make some apple juice deliveries, I even thought you would be close to her with some friends! A pretty girl is not meant to walk alone!”
“How was she, grandma? Was she ok? Where did you see her exactly? “ Exasperated and anxious, the boy tried to control himself so as not to make it too obvious how worried he was! But Crowley, in all his old bird wisdom, ordered that no one should speak of this matter outside of the NRC people.
“She was in front of a store when we bumped into each other, I don't remember the name of the store because some were already closing. I don’t know why but she feels different”
“Like what grandma?” “Like…. magical…. but isn’t she the girl without magic who studies with you?” “Yes, yes… And!… ah… How was she d-different?" - increasingly anxious he had no idea what to think and what to ask without shouting that she was missing “I didn’t see him… um…. She likes it differently, I don’t remember what”
Rook thought of a strategy while Epel pulled out his hair, the hunter wrote on a piece of paper he took from the desk the most direct questions about what everyone wanted to know!
“Grim.was. with. her.? “I didn’t see him… um…. She looked different, I don’t remember what but it was the only thing I remember.”
“Did.she.tell.where.she.was going?” Rook's handwriting looked like a drunken French monarch writing, so give Epel credit for reading that riddle while he was trying not to pass out
“If she said, I don’t remember, she had some bags in her hand and that she had to run because she was in a hurry.” “Hurry.to.what?Hurry.to.where?”
“I don’t know Epel! I don't go around meddling in people's lives! Why are you so interested in her life? It’s like you don’t see her every day at school!”
“Sorry.dear.grandma.I’m curious.ha.ha”
“Anyway, do you know what happened here? Your uncle—-” the dear, sweet old lady couldn't finish the day's gossip because Epel had nervously hung up and ran off to send messages to the first-year students while running like crazy to Crowley's office.
Rook celebrated the victory and elegantly told the evil queen the news. Meanwhile, Lady Pewpeaw looked in the mirror and thought: I already know! She changed her hair! Or is it the hair that changes people? She looked very chic and elegant. Ahh, I hope my grandson Epel can win the heart of that beautiful girl!
As Epel ran with all the strength his legs could carry, which was a lot now that he was in the Spelldrive club, he sent messages to the other first-year students excited about the possibility of Yuu being found and a certain hunter was able to smile knowing that he would have fresh news to tell the evil Queen.
After a brief meeting between the first-year students and briefly with the leaders, Crowley allowed them to investigate possible clues. The boys searched every alley and store with their hearts burning with hope, Deuce was ready to hug her while Ace was preparing a lecture on why she disappeared out of nowhere leaving them all distressed. Jack concentrated as he remembered Yuu's familiar smell, the smell so different from the bunch of men in NRC, the smell that was unique to her. Epel was looking for the address that her grandmother had given her, always looking at the clock and the port, if she could only stay until sunset, that means she would have to leave before dark.
----- The sun finally set, giving way to the moon that illuminated the boys' journey back to school. The hopeful young hearts returned broken, hopeless, shattered, and without any trace of Yuu. Each one informed their dorm leader, Leona just turned her back and tried to sleep knowing that no matter how much she closed her eyes she wouldn't have rest until she found Yuu, Riddle for the first time didn't finish the strawberry pie, and Vil…. Vil was different. Vil was “strangely strange”, when even after receiving the news about Yuu's case he couldn't sleep properly, even with a beauty campaign that was going to make his skin wasn't radiant and a pimple appeared on the corner of his chin.
“The Campaign is tomorrow. How can I let such futile emotions ruin my skin just for tomorrow”? – the poisonous king thought as he touched up his makeup looking at a small hand mirror, taking care that his facial features didn't show the makeup.
“I can't believe we didn't achieve anything Jack!” Vil heard some voices in the hallway.
“It was a good attempt Epel. One time or another we will find an answer.”
“But…but we were so so close! I went to the exact store my pewpaw said but no clue!Damn! When the fuck we gonna have a track like this?!” maybe at another time Vil would fight with Epel for letting his accent come out rougher but the conversation was getting to the queen's delicate nerves
“In Tiana’s Palace there was only the smell of food, nothing of Grim or Yuu. I’m sorry Epel.” Vil might not have seen it, but he could have sworn Jack was rubbing his neck and looking down, probably feeling guilty about for not having found the prefect.
Is he to blame, Vil?
A voice called from the mirror and Vil was so scared that he dropped his mirror on the floor, breaking it into pieces, and he could no longer hear the gossip. But that wasn't the worst, my friends. The worst was right in front of the young prodigy's face. A wrinkle in the middle of the forehead.
“In the name of Gucci this can’t be happening!”
Is he to blame, Vil?
If he hadn't been so worried about his precious skin, he would have noticed a small bat watching him in a corner of the bathroom. Quickly composing himself, he headed to the Film Club at the appointed time.
The moon was shining in the sky and all Vil could think about was the last moments he spent with Yuu, if he said sorry, would she come back? No no, he's not the problem! This is pure coincidence! He turned over the bed and looked for his beauty sleep, but only found guilt and loneliness.
“Maybe a walk will help relax my nerves?” - he put a comfortable jacket over it before opening the door
It was supposed to be just a walk, through the hall of Pomefiore's grand corridors But Vil's desperation led him to the port of Sage's Island with his broom, looking for one last hope of finding Yuu. After all, to get a proper beauty sleep he had to solve the problem of his insomnia first. Some stores were still open, parties, nightclubs, a small village but so bright! With people laughing and talking, how lovely. Every person who recognized the celebrity asked for a photo and an autograph and the question he wanted to ask everyone died in his mouth. """Have you seen this person recently?"""
Putting his acting skills to good use, he put on his best face that didn't show how terribly guilty he felt and lost in his thoughts he entered the dorm, maybe the Film Club had something that could distract him, spend some time energy and quality sleep, maybe some sleeping pills… something…. the bedroom is not the best time right now, not when he can't sleep. And here he is, in the pit of frustrations. In the place where that day happened.
“The weather is pleasant tonight, wouldn’t you agree, Schoith?” Malleus's cordial voice cut through his train of thoughts, like the brakes on a speeding train. He had just entered the club, then closed the door. The atmosphere was strange, like sticking your hand in a hornet's nest with sleeping bees. What was the great one doing here?
“Greetings, Draconia. I thought I locked the door, the club is closed now. As you can see around, everything is a mess. ”- Vil gestured his arms indicating the mess that the studio was around, with open boxes and disheveled wigs, it seems that the students who remained there after he left did not clean up the mess, much to Vil's annoyance.
“What a vulgar club this is. With such vulgar fantasies.” Malleus's repetitive voice was like a poison, the atmosphere was no longer “strange”, it was cold and heavy, the heir of the Valley of Thorns did not hesitate to hide the contempt and hatred mixed in his words “And you are the most vulgar thing from here."
The bees woke up.
“Yes, it’s messy! A few rotten potatoes didn't clean up the mess, they'll see about it tomorrow! It's none of your business.” Angry, the bees buzzed away, leaving the environment more agitated and hostile. No matter how much Vil tried to remain classy, his eyebrows showed his indignation and his fists were ready to attack.
Malleus approached, circling the leader of the Pomefiore domain, like a predator and his prey. The prince's eyes shone a bright shade of green and his pupils became increasingly thinner. Through the window, some thunder and lightning ripped through the sky, revealing Malleus' internal storm.
“I heard that there will be an important campaign tomorrow. Surely, you don't go that way, do you? Please don’t ruin the Queen’s reputation, after all, how do you want to continue her legacy if you have broken nails like any commoner?” looking directly at Vil's closed fists, Malleus smiled with disdain and a slight satisfaction seeing the oh so beautiful Vil shaking with anger.
“How dare Malleus? I don't know what you're doing here but leave immediately!” - furious, the leader of Pomefiore took a step forward and pointed to the door, his face red and with some blonde locks falling from his hairstyle irritating him even more. He dripped snake venom into every word he said, but when has a dragon died from snake venom?
“It is very bold to challenge the Prince of the Valley of Thorns, Schothein.” Stepping forward and coming directly face to face with Vil, he laughed elegantly with mischief in every note- "Don't worry, I won't spend any more time with you, I'll just hand you a gift."
With all the doors and windows closed, Malleus raises his hand and a green smoke with sharp thorns invades the Film Club, and with a simple look thorns wrap around Schoith bringing him close and totally paralyzed, the heir's malicious laugh grows ever louder. But before he recites a macabre ancient magic, in a language that not even Vil himself understood, Malleus's power was clear, shining in an electric green, with his scepter firing across the entire environment. When he finished his rush, Malleus passed his cloak over Vil's body, which was still frozen on the ground.
“You won't be able to talk to anyone about your curse. Send my regards to Yuu.” That said, he just left the club with a Machiavellian glint in his eyes.
As soon as the door closed, Vil managed to release the air he didn't know he was holding, the smoke and thorns were breaking apart and erasing the tracks as if they had never happened. When trying to get up, Vil realized how weak his beautiful and athletic body was but it was when his knee creaked that even standing up he was paralyzed. He looked at his shaking hands, recognizing the familiar hands with veins and wrinkles looking like an old, colorless raisin.
“No…no…not again!”
He ran to the mirror of a nearby dressing room, and his ugliness was so great that he broke the mirror. A fairy's gift is a dubious thing, but coming from Malleus, Vil can confirm his greatest fears in the mirror: He was old and magicless.
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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webdollzz · 10 months
💦 of konig jiji love u!
hi angel! thank you for requesting. my first könig request! enjoy <3 ps, my 400 post >> here warnings kinda a mix of rough / soft dom König x fem!readerr, teasing, mild kinks, my headcanons so don't come 4 me saying ohhh he'd never do that!!! in my head he do!!! shush!!
Lemme start this off with size. fucking. kink. he's 6ft4. Big. Burly, you could say. So if you're smaller than him (which isn't necessarily hard), fuckin hell he's gone wild. but, to my lovely tall girls, don't fret!!! if your nearly his height or taller, gods you've wrapped him around your lil finger. But he definitely likes it when he's able to toss somebody around - he doesn't ask to switch, he just switches you and carries on about his business. Not just in bed, either - wrong stance at a line up? His hand is firmly sliding up your spine to make you straighten your back, his gloved hands putting your hands where they need to be, not where they carelessly were.
I reckon in bed he switches. all soft touches, whispered praises, gentle kisses to your temple, but the minute his tip lines up with your entrance and he pushes in, your wetness coating him and giving him easier access to you? he is not responsible for his actions. bruising grip on your hips, his body leaned over yours as his lips are pressed to your ear. "Fuck, this pussy so fuckin' tight. Gonna be a good girl f'me, ja? gonna come all over this dick?" He'd grumble.
but, if you were ontop, taking what you needed from him, his hands tied with the ropes he puts terrorists in so he can't touch you? fuck. might as well kill him right now. "Bitte, meine Liebe(please, my love)..lemme touch you, ja? Will make you feel so good." and when you shake your head no, for the first time ever, you hear him whine. he tries to buck his hips up to meet yours, but you force them down, making him groan. "When I get out of these ropes, Du bist in großen Schwierigkeiten, engel." (you're in big trouble, Angel.)
when he's been away on deployment and he comes back, getting to bury himself deep in your cunt, he's needy. Babbling incoherent german in your ear as he gets close, grunting, hissing, groaning, and even whimpering softly when your warm, tight pussy clenches around him, making him immediately spill himself deep in you. "Fill you with my baby, ja? gonna be the prettiest mama..fuck." He cooed, fucking his cum into you, his half hard cock already getting hard again.
soft!!! choking, hair pulling to get your attention, leaving his marks, breeding, size difference, and funnily enough, guns, are his main kinks. and I'll explain every one for you. choking because knowing he has that control over your body and pleasure makes him tremble. he'd immediately stop if you told him to - but you haven't. and he enjoys the fact he can control your pleasure. hairpulling for when he's fucking you infront of the long mirror he had put at the end of your bed, and your head bows down from overwhelming pleasure so he gently grabs your locs, forcing your head up to look at your perfect arch, your fucked out face, and him slamming into you from the back. "Keep those pretty eyes on me, ja?". leaving his mark cus then everyone knows who the fuck you belong to. bites and a few hickeys decorating all over your throat, chest, thighs, stomach - anywhere he can get, but especially your throat so he gets to see you sweat when you try to hide them. breeding is sorta linked to leaving his mark. but permanently. his little children running around the house, one on your hip as you cook and he cleans, fuck. It makes him crazy. That's why he makes sure to fuck his cum deep inside you. size difference explained before but I'll say again - he loves tossing you around like a ragdoll if you're smaller and he likes to be able to either look up at you or you be at eye level. Both get him uncomfortably hard. now here's the cray cray one, guns. he wouldn't fuck you wit one..(unless you into that..no judgment.) he just likes seeing the way you can handle yourself with one, quickly reloading and firing several bullets, your enemies dropping dead seconds later. if he wasn't on the battle field, he'd be getting a boner right now.
his aftercare is soft kisses all over your face, him cleaning you up gently with a rag wet with warm water, him putting you in a shirt of his, giving you food and water and cuddles. the whole shebang. running his hands up and down your sides. "did so well f'me, meine Liebe. I'm so proud of you. you took it all." He whispered in your ear with a soft kiss to ur temple!!
hope I did okay, thank u for ur request <3
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hikarimiyanaga · 7 months
Healing A Broken Heart (Part 1)
Summary :
You and Wanda are in love. At least you thought so. During a particularly bad fight, she tells you that if she had a choice, she wouldn't be with you.
And that, in your thousands years of life, is the most painful thing you've ever heard that was said to you.
PS. This was inspired by that one reddit post and it snowballed from there.
You drink another shot. For the past few weeks and so, this is the only thing you've done during the nights. Drink.
As if it could make you forget. Forget the pain. Forget the memories. Forget Wanda.
But it couldn't, it was only for the night for you still remember everything the day after.
You really hated being a semi-eternal.
You were created to be with the other eternals but there was something wrong with you. You didn't have any powers.
Still, Arishem sent you along with Ajak and the others as a reporter.
You had the immortality and physique but nothing else.
Still, Sersei, Makkari, Sprite, Kingo, Phastos, Thena, Ajak, Druig and Gilgamesh were family.
So you did exactly what you were sent to do. Report. Until you and the others' rebellion years ago. Now THAT, that was a fun time.
But that? Being a hero? Something you're not? It was all in the past.
You just wanted peace. When the whole Westview happened. Ajak sent you, said something about knowledge in magic.
And so you helped. Both Wanda and Agatha.
Wanda stayed with you along with the darkhold and Agatha went with her coven.
You made sure that she made the first move. And if she never truly liked you then it was also fine. But she did. She kissed you that one night and you kissed her back.
You'd cook for her. Teach her more about her own magic. And she'd love you. She'd make you laugh. She'd make you feel peace.
It stayed like that. For Five years. You were both in love or so you thought.
She was getting impatient. You can tell. You knew that your method was slow. But it was also the safest. So that she can travel freely. Did you know that she would leave you for her boys? Of course, she will. And you'd understand. Those twins were her kids. Hers. And you-
Well, you didn't even know what you are to her.
And during the fight with her, you confirmed it. She was just with you because you knew the safest way. Because you had a way.
And so you left her. And left her notes, you weren't cruel as to leave her without knowledge on getting back with her kids.
And so here you were. In a random bar somewhere in the US. Where you stopped counting your drinks and stopped caring about yourself.
If anyone needed help then you would be there in a heartbeat, helping once again. But for now? You need to forget.
"Ah. Here you are. I knew it." You hear Sersei say as she sits besides you. She and Makkari have been trying to find you when they went to visit Wanda a week ago and you weren't there. Sersei quickly texted Makkari as you drink again.
"Why are you trying to find me, dear changer?" All of the eternals had nicknames from you.
"We were worried. What happened?" You chuckle at that.
"Just that-" You don't finish when someone hugs you from behind. You laugh as you turn and hug Makkari. "Hi, fast one. Sorry that you couldn't reach me."
"It's okay. Why are you here though?" Makkari asks and you sigh.
"Not here. Shall we go on a walk?" You pay for your tab and leave the bar with them.
You all get seated at a park and you look ahead.
"We got into a fight." Makkari raises an eyebrow at Sersei. A fight? That was it? "And she told me that if she had a choice then she wouldn't be with me." That made them both flinch. They knew your insecurities better than anyone else. The two of them were your closest confidants after all. "So I left. Don't worry about it, though, I made sure to leave her notes. And if she did become the Scarlet Witch and destroyed everything again then-" You inhale at that. "Then I'll help stop her."
"But Wanda was-" you shake your head at Sersei. Just hearing her name is enough to make you cry. You wipe away your tears.
"I need some time alone. Call me in the emergency phone if any of you need help." You stand then smile sadly at them. They both just watched as you leave.
6 months. It's been half a year since you saw Wanda. But by God did she get even more beautiful. You were helping Peter Parker's mess and making sure that Strange didn't do that fucking spell again. You really hated that spell, for fuck's sake.
You sigh in relief as everything ends and no one needed to forget him.
"This is why I don't mess with memories." Sersi, Druig and Makkari turns to you. "It's too messy."
"Really? I thought you of all people would want to do it." Druig says and you hum.
"It would make it easier, that's for sure." Wanda flinches at your statement. She was near enough to hear but far enough to not get spotted. Did you want to forget her? "But what the brain cannot remember, the heart and soul will surely do." Wanda was sure now. She approaches the eternals and you realize her presence, you quickly go to Makkari and tell her to take you home.
"But-" Makkari tries to argue but you shake her.
"Just this once! I swear, okay? Please, Makkari. I can't. My heart can't." You get teary eyed and Makkari turns to Sersei. They turn to Wanda who was going to call you.
"Just this once." You nod at her and Makkari quickly leaves the battlefield with you intact. She stops at your current house in New Zealand. You sigh in relief and hug her tight.
"Thank you." You kiss her forehead. "I owe you one." Makkari nods and leaves you alone. You get inside and start to pack. You just know that either Makkari or Sersei will snitch on you. You don't blame them, though, you know that Wanda has been persistent on seeing you and wanting to know where you are.
You didn't know why she wanted to see you.
You don't know want to know.
But if you had to take a guess then maybe she'll break it off for real. You wipe away your tears again. The partying and drinking for the past 6 months has done nothing good for you.
It just made you forget temporarily.
You look at your things. It was only one suitcase, the benefits of having too much money. You hum.
Time to go there then.
Another 6 months has passed by. This time, you knew it. You have peace.
Well, you did still have nightmares. Your insecurities are still there. But at least here, you were truly alone. No expectations. No betrayals. Just you.
Not even Sersei or Makkari knew where you were. You didn't want the risk. You just can't run into the source of your heartache.
Or so you thought. Because your phone rings. The emergency one.
"Hello?" You ask and it was Sersei who answers.
"We need help! Or rather your friend, Strange needs help!" You hum as you ready yourself.
"What do you mean?? She can travel the multiverse????? FREELY?????" You ask and Stephen nods. "Whoa. Holy shit. You do know this makes you like the singular only person in the multiverse that can do that. Like damn." Sersei raises an eyebrow at you.
"You're an eternal."
"Semi! But yeah, I might be the only one. Nice! The name's Y/N! We have no last names." America looks at Stephen who nods at her.
"I'm America. America Chavez."
"Nice to meet you! So why am I here?"
"She needs help."
"Some monsters have been chasing me all throughout the multiverse and-" You hum. You get your phone out and call Agatha. You stop America and they all look at you.
"Agatha. The darkhold is not being overused is it??"
"Nope. Wanda is learning it slowly. Just like you taught her. Why?"
"Just checking." You hang up and hum. "Has there been any portal sightings like the one from multiverses?" Stephen shakes his head at you.
"Through every universe, right?" America nods. "You don't need me. You need Wanda."
"You sure?"
"Yes. She can travel the multiverse too. Just not as freely as America. We should go to her."
"We? Are you ready to see her?" Sersei's question makes you flinch.
"Not really but-" you look at America. "A kid needs help so-"
"Got it. Let's go then." Stephen says and you nod.
'Oh. She hasn't moved. At all.' You thought to yourself as you look at the house you lived in a year ago. Stephen knocks on the door and you step back as Wanda opens the door.
"Oh. Strange. How unusual-"
"We need your help. Y/N says that you-"
"Y/N!? Have you been in contact with her?? Not even Makkari or Sers-"
"That's because they're snitches." You walk up the familiar steps and smile sadly at her. "Hi, Wanda."
"Y/N. Y-you're here." She says and becomes teary-eyed.
"Yeah. We need your help."
"I'll get us some teas." You nod absentmindedly as you look around, everything was the way you left it. It felt like you've never left at all. The books were in the arrangement you did. The pictures and decorations were never removed. You smile a little at the pictures.
There were five on display.
One with you and the eternals.
One with Wanda and her brother Pietro.
One with you, Wanda, and everyone, as many as the frame could fit.
One with you and Wanda just hugging and smiling at each other.
One with Wanda and Vision.
"Whoa! This is you, right, Y/N??" America asks as she looks closely at the pictures, you didn't even notice her standing from the couch.
"Yeah. It's her. She lived here before." Wanda answers for you as she serves the tea. You hum, agreeing with her as you get your cup.
"So you know magic??" America tilts her head at you as she sits besides you again.
"Know, yes. Use? No." America tilts her head again so you chuckle. "I only know spells, uses, and stuff like that. I couldn't do it even if my life depended on it. Ask Sersei sometime, she knows how many times I tried to see if I ever had some sort of power." America hums.
"And you never discovered any?" You shake your head.
"Nope." You smile at her as you sip your tea. Oh shit. Did she-? You look at Wanda and she smiles at you.
"It's your favorite." She confirms and you sigh. "So, what did you three come here for? What can I do to help?"
"First, of all are you halfway through the darkhold?" You ask and Stephen glares at you.
"Uh. Yes. I am. I think I am." You hum.
"Can you call it and I can check?" Wanda nods and calls the darkhold to her hand, Stephen scoffs at you and you glare at him.
"Look away, for fuck's sake. A child's safety is on the line!" He grumbles as he leaves the house and America was about to follow him when you stop her. "Stay here for a minute. I need to confirm-" You open the darkhold and hum. "Yep. Halfway through. You can travel with America now."
"What?" Wanda asks and you hum.
"So, the predicament is this. America is being chased around by monsters. Darkhold monsters and so I have reason to believe that one of your variations is chasing her. Possibly, to either get her power or use her. I am not sure. So I need you to travel with America. With Stephen too and solve this."
"What? How?"
"By defeating the other you."
"WHAT!? HOW!?" You hum at her question.
"Simply put, you'll need to introduce a variation of me."
"You?" You nod and grin at her.
"You know the phrase, 'every me loves every you'?" Wanda nods at you. "I have reason to believe that is happening between us. Not everyone gets their shit together or end up together or even meet but still. Every variation of me will love every variation of you."
"How are you so sure-"
"Phastos made a device. I used it like a thousand times. Trust me in this. I-" your phone rings, effectively cutting you off. You look at it and see Phastos's name. "Speak of the eternal." You answer it. "Wait. You caught one??????" You hum. "Okay. Okay. I got it." You nod. "Yeah. I still have it." You nod again. "Got it. We'll be there." You hang up and look at Wanda. "Change of plans. We're going somewhere." You hold out your hand to her and she accepts it. That makes you smile, at least she isn't allergic to your touch. "Come on, America. Time to meet my family." You grin then go outside where Stephen was waiting. "Stephen, open the portal to Wakanda!" Stephen nods and does as you say.
"It's a good thing that you have Thena, huh?" You grin at him, agreeing with him.
You look at the monster then at Phastos then at Thena and Gilgamesh.
"You guys are seriously amazing. Thank you." You took out a pair of glasses from your pocket and toss it to Phastos. "As I said."
"Have you used it at all for the past year?" Phastos asked and you blush.
"Only a thousand more times." You scratch your neck. "One of the reasons why I never get bored."
"I'm just relieved you haven't decided to get Phastos to make you a multiverse traveling machine." Ajak says and you smile sadly at her.
"I had what they had. Mine was just the saddest attempt." You look at the ground knowing that most of the people there are looking at you.
"Done!" Phastos exclaims and you smile, relieved that the attention is off you. "So, this will hopefully will let us know which universe this creature is from and the glasses will guide us there."
"You mean them?" You point to Stephen, America and Wanda.
"What? You're not coming??" America asks as she gets your hand.
"Sorry, kid. I'll only slow you guys down." You ruffle her hair. You look at Wanda then smile at her. "Try to keep this kid safe. She's pretty unique. And she'll be able to help you too."
"Got it! Universe 567. That's where the monsters are from."
"Good. Here's how the glasses work." You begin instructing the three of them and making sure they knew what to do.
Wanda is to make sure that the traveling of the group is safe and sound, she can fight off the multidimensional monsters.
Stephen is to make sure to locate your variant.
America is to make the group travel freely.
You wave them goodbye and smile as they leave. You collapse to the ground and Makkari is by your side immediately.
"I'm okay. Just really-" you let the tears out and sob.
The dam finally breaking through. You don't know if you'll ever get over Wanda.
It took them a week to find you.
Turns out you were a pretty badass Black Widow in Universe 567. You were trained alongside Natasha so the two of you were like siblings.
567 you tried to refuse first but when she saw the monster firsthand, she finally relented and agreed.
Meeting 567 Wanda was chaos. She tried and tried to resist both her variant, Stephen and 567 you but when the avengers arrived, it was a done deal. 567 Wanda was captured and stopped. 567 you fought for her rehabilitation though, stating that you won't ever forgive yourself if you let another one fall to that deep abyss. 567 You promised to help her, to take care of her and teach her how to be compassionate again. As they were leaving Universe 567, Wanda couldn't help but smile as 567 you helps 567 Wanda to her feet.
It looks like your and hers 567 variants will be okay.
You were back in your old tattered hut in the Philippines. The peaceful home you've been at for the past half a year.
You hear your phone rings and hum.
"Yeah?" You answer it.
"They're back! Should I tell Makkari to get you?" Phastos asks and you sigh.
"No need. I had my time here already. Do you think Sersei has room in her apartment? I'd rather just room with her and Sprite."
"I'll ask her. So you're done avoiding her?" You laugh at that.
"Never. I'll be there." You hang up and look around. "Goodbye, peace." You leave and never look back.
Posting this since it's sitting in my draft. Not finished yet but wanted to get it out.
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panda-writes-kpop · 7 months
Sweet Grape Slushie ~ Jinsoul
a/n: i'm still not over pjo s1, so you're getting another fic that can help cure the brain rot (ps i'll get back to requests after i post the dami b-day fic and work on the other march birthdays for idols and friends).
also, if you aren't aware, the slushie title comes from a prompt list I made a year(?) ago. Feel free to check it out below if you're interested!
tw: sad vibes for a sweet fic but it's okay bc I make the rules :), single parent! reader
Summary: You were a mortal. Jinsoul was a goddess. Your child was the best of both of you. Maybe it's time that the two of them meet.
♡ Masterlist ♡ ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ ☆ Prompt List ☆
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It wasn’t fair.
To you, to her, to your child.
Her child.
To be a child of a goddess is to be blessed with glorious purpose and unending strife. To have a mother you have never met and another parent who is struggling to cope with day-to-day life.
Sometimes, you wish you hadn't gone to that stupid aquarium and met a beautiful woman who captivated your mind, body, and soul. She was ethereal, among other humans, but you would learn that she was, in all seriousness, out of this world.
Things were good between the two of you for a while. Jinsoul was everything you could've asked for in a partner. You were together for years, and you wish you would be together right now.
Maybe you wouldn't be such a complete fucking failure if she was right next to you.
You can imagine her sweet smile as she wraps her arms around you and cuddles into your side.
"C'mon, babe, we can figure this out. It's you and me. What can't we face together?" She'd softly whisper into your ear as you sigh.
"Parenthood, apparently." You mutter as you look over at your child.
They patiently await for you to return with not a clue in the world of your internal dialog. They'd have to know about Jinsoul one day... why not now?
You weren't really mad at her, and if you were, it didn't last long. She was a goddess who had much more important people to deal with. Jinsoul didn't need your emotional baggage as well.
You just wanted her to send a sign that she was thinking of you two. Something that says "sorry for leaving a baby on your doorstep and deciding to never see you again!".
You're probably asking for too much.
Against your better judgment, you grab a nearby matchbox and light a match before dropping it in a half-drank milkshake. You said you were going to pay the bill, as your excuse to compose yourself before having a mental breakdown in front of your child, but only empty dishes greeted you at the hostesses' desk.
You hear rain gently knock against a nearby window as a small tear runs down your face.
A bell rings, signaling the entrance of another guest.
Soft footsteps approach you until someone stops to your left.
"You came." You say, looking directly at your child.
You don't need to hear her voice to know that she's right there, but you find yourself relaxing when Jinsoul addresses you.
"You called."
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the-colourful-witch · 8 months
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A short goodbye, but not farewell! I'm not going to dance around it, so here it is: I'm taking a little break from socials this upcoming month. ( cue: gasppppp) I already mentioned last week that I'm getting a bit overwhelmed by all the content I see daily. I love all the art and the artist that share their work. I appreciate all of it and I really enjoy seeing everyone drawing things that make them happy. I enjoy drawing things myself, and I always will. I've had a few bad weeks creatively. It's not just a hobby, it's my job. I'm working on a big children's book, my first ever big publication. It is a tough project and it's taking up a lot of energy. I want it to look good and I want to deliver quality work for the author, who put her heart and soul into this book. However, it's getting more and more difficult to have faith in my own work when all day, every day, I see all these amazing, talented artists getting book deals, releasing products, making double figures from their art... And I know very well that everyone has their own process, that some of these people have been in the industry for years without getting anywhere, so trust the process. I can and will. I can trust my own process and I will get there eventually. Right now, though, it's hard to stay focused. I'm on my phone too much during the day and it has to stop. For my own health and for my work. So, long story short. I will be off my socials for 30 days, just to see what I can create without all the input from the internet. I'm going to work on the children's book (which is a fairytale book, by the way, so cool!) and on new character designs for my blog. I've started working on the teachers now, which is a lot of fun. Also, I'm working on opening a shop, so I'll put my energy towards that as well. I guess I have no idea what the next thirty days are going to bring me. I'm going to start tomorrow, so today (5 Feb) I will be checking my accounts still, just in case you have questions or concerns :) For now, this is it. I love you guys, and I'm so grateful for the support. Sharing my silly little drawings with you is very special <3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS: I never shared my Meet the Artist 2024 on here! Granted, I did make it for my art Instagram (splashofcolour23) where I post most of my book illustrations and other fun stuff. BUT! I wanted to share it here, too. If you scroll all the way down my blog, like far, far down, you'll see the 2021 (I think) version, with which I started this blog. It's my favourite January tradition every year, so here it is! Anyway, time to go. See you in 30 days!
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kindestofkings · 11 months
photography era [3]
elijah hewson x reader
reader is childhood bestfriends/ who doubles up as their occasional photographer, who is currently touring with the band!
authors note: hahahah I litch was like im gonna make a short little part 3 just to wrap this idea off and then next minute im reaching the pic limit, anyway I think it turned out cute so enjoy !
I really appreciate all the love i've received with my last insta au's y'all are the best <3
(PS: Picture credits to whoever took them)
yourusername posted on their story:
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inhalerfan1 feeding us ryan girlies off the bat, appreciate you <;3 lewevans hahaha wait until they get moody and tired.. -> they're gonna get WORSE??
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
inhalerdublin Thank you Lille for kicking off our EU tour.
We’re back in Amsterdam tonight for our biggest show so far at @afaslive
📸 yourusername
view all 600 comments
inhalerfan1 AMAZING SHOW!! the post concert depression is too real rn..
inhalerfan2 hiring yourusername was your best decision yet boys these pics are so hot
inhalerfan1 inhaler through the female gaze has righted all the worlds wrongs (liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
inhalerfan3 bobby girls we're being FED
yourusername I got you girlie xx
yourusername great evening !! but I am realising im touring with 4 boys for two months.. @nieveella y'all need a photographer??
(liked by nievella) bobbyskeetz why are you always tryna get rid of us.. yourusername try listening to your 12 year old boy humour 24/7 this is a hardship !
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liked by evehewson and others
yourusername guys i'm a failure, E still hasn't agreed to cover I'm Just Ken 😭 What is the point of having friends that can sing if they wont take my requests 💔
view all 200 comments
inhaler1 you are the gift that keeps on giving
inhaler2 for real get a girl who can do both
joshjenkinson_ I was gonna be pressed but i'll let it slide cause of my caption
bobbyskeetz you need to be stopped. @elijahhewson MAKE HER STOP
yourusername wah wah wah hush elijahhewson love come on yourusername heyyy its funny!
evehewson hahah you are the best ever
yourusername and you are my favourite hewson! inhaler3 inlaw bonding? inhaler2 girl chill
yourusername posted on their story:
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(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
-filling this dramatic fella with drink to get back in his good books
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liked by inhalerdublin and others
yourusername please take these photos of the boys as an apology for my last post. they are very serious musicians and are very handsome. again sorry for any upset caused.
view all 100 comments
inhalerfan3 hahahahahhah who is holding the gun to your head rn girl?
yourusername im sure I dont know what you could possibly mean (totally unrelated robert keating can be kinda scary)
bobbyskeetz now that is more like it
yourusername @bobbyskeetz @elijahhewson am I forgiven yet? can I come for pints now
ryanmcmahon_15 I think your last post ..slayed? yourusername THIS is why your my favourite and why you had first spot in the post 🖤 inhalerfan3 hahah did you choose the order based on who you like the most rn yourusername @inhalerfan3 👁👄👁
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
inhalerfanupdates GUYS I'm just back from my inhaler show and im shaking look at this pic yourusername took of my friend and I with eli! BEST. NIGHT. EVER.
view all 10 comments
inhalerfan 1 no way that is adorable, yourusername is one of us with the 0.5
inhalerfanupdates she was literally so nice aswell! they had walked by us so fast and I think I was so visibly upset, which she spotted and made eli come back over to us! inhalerfanupdates she was also chatting to us for a little while after, talking about tour and all she comes across real genuine <3
inhalerfan2 they're dating right??
inhalerfanupdates I really think so after seeing them walk and interact together. its been so hard to tell cause shes always joking and is so close with them all. inhalerfan3 they have to be dating they're my parents.
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
yourusername Europe 1 Three amigos 0
view all 200 comments
inhalerfan 4 you are literally traveling around europe, freeloading off your famous friends. so so ungrateful god
inhalerfan2 hate to break this to you but being mean to one of his best friends / photographer is not going to get Eli to date you! inhalerfan3 haha girl no need to be so meannnn
elijahhewson I told you we should've skipped drinks
yourusername it was for the plot hotstuff (liked by bobbyskeetz)
bobbyskeetz why is the world so loud??
ryanmcmahon_15 *three idiots
(liked by joshjenkinson_ and others)
lewevans told you they get tired and moody
yourusername oh wise man 😭😭 you were so right
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liked by elijahhewson and others
inhalerdublin she loves to joke around and despite what bobby says, its the very reason we love her.
but our photographer for the europe leg/ our bestfriend yourusername is flat out working, making sure we look our best and coolest, we remind you to be kind in your comments towards her - eli, ryan, bobby and josh <3
comments have been restricted
yourusername BOYS im so unwell this is so sweet
joshjenkinson_ the GOAT
ryanmcmahon_15 ❤️‍🔥
elijahhewson our girl!
bobbyskeetz also she plays taylor swift on repeat when shes sad so please, i can't hear this is me trying again
yourusername we can't listen to the strokes all the damn time robert! yourusername also you asked about the folklore love triangle so stfu
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername been great annoying bobby with pda for the last 3 years with you <3
have loved tagging along on my superhot boyfriend on tour and taking super hot (and super not) pictures of him! only a few more shows left xx
tagged: elijahhewson
view all 400 comments
elijahhewson 3 years but i'm still not your favourite singer 💔
yourusername write an album like notes on a conditional form and you can take that top spot baby <;3 inhaler1 babyyyyy i love them your honour
bobbyskeetz great the world knows, can you stop kissing in front of us now.
yourusername just say you're lonely, it'd be quicker xx inhaler2 LMAO i love their friendship
evehewson wait I thought I was your favourite hewson...
yourusername course you are, this is a pr xx elijahhewson 🙃🙃 yourusername 😅😅
inhalerfan3 brb just gonna go take a bath with my toaster xx
joshjenkinson_ the hardest of launches
yourusername litch dont have the energy to lie anymore loll
---- finito----
if you made it this far I love and appreciate you so much! all the forehead kisses xx
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Can you please write Kate x Nina's relationship for your main AU?
(Also it's one of my fav ship, I wanted to read my fav ships hcs by my fav writers)
Bro. Bro stop saying things like this because I'm literally about to cry. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH
I really love and be surprised when people like my writing because of my self-esteem issues lol you have no idea how your kind words make me so happy and and make hate less from my writing style so thank youuuuuuu
I appericate you so much and and you're so sweet and nice and cool and awesome and cool and kind and sweet and and and
Okay I think I'll have an heart attack sorry if İ bothered you but I'm truly so grateful for your kind words<3333
I love NinaKate so much so of course I can do it for you even if I'm dying lol
(Ps: it wasn't seasonal allergies, turns out, it was the beginnig stage of pneumonia and bronchitis lol)
Also you can check this non-canon NinaKate headcanon post I made some time ago too!!
Okay but I can't get over how nice the words you say, really, I'm thinking about it since I saw the ask.
Sorry it's more like how they became friends and Nina and Kate lore but it would be so long that I had to split it into 2 parts. Hope you don't mind.
Holy shit it's angst, I really didn't mean to...
NinaKate Romantic Relationship For My Main AU-Part I
They seeing each other for the first time
Nina has been known among the proxies since the night when Zalgo controlled her at the age of 15 and helped her find Jeff. Slenderman didn't want to take her with him because he didn't see any benefit to himself since Zalgo had reached out to her first, but he hadn't given the order to kill her yet just because he was curious about what would happen.
Nina was unaware that it was a ritual to summon Zalgo when she practiced one of the love spells she found on the Internet at the age of 13. Zalgo, seeing potential in her because of her obsessive love, followed her for 2 years, did not leave her alone. And since he decided it was the perfect time to take her with him, he took control of her body at the age of 15 and had her kill her own family.
Regaining control while plunging a knife into the heart of her younger brother Chris, Nina then felt so bad that she ran to the woods near her home. Zalgo led Nina through the forest, aiming to convince her that all this was Slenderman's and Jeff's fault and get her to the stage of wanting revenge. There she met Jeff, but Zalgo's plan backfired, as she hugged him and cried instead of hating him as he expected.
Kate had never seen the newcoming stray killer that Slenderman wanted to get rid of face to face before, but she had heard about the descriptions of her appearance and that she was a weird person in general. Since she was already someone who had been drifted away from humanity for a while, she had no reason to meet her, and these rumors didn't help either.
Kate, who was only 16 years old, had been a proxy for two years and had no one because of the fact that Masky and Hoodie were too focused on their own worlds and she didn't like them either. Rouge, Cody and Toby were not yet a proxy. So he was alone with Hoodie and Masky, who didn't even want to talk to her because they were afraid of her, and she wasn't looking for any human relationship.
She had experienced a hellish life until she was 14, but since she became a proxy, she has literally not been a human being. Although she had all the necessary human characteristics, she was not treated as a human, she did not think like a human, she did not feel like a human. That's why she was Slenderman's favorite proxy, since the whole purpose of her living was to fulfill his duties. The fact that she unconditionally accomplished everything he said made the others even more distant from her, but there was no problem for Kate. After all, she was no longer a human being.
It's been a month since Nina started staying in the same cabin with Jeff. Actually, she could have gone back to her old life since Zalgo destroyed the traces of that night, but Nina didn't know about it yet. Since no one else was trying to communicate with her, she thought that Jeff was the only important thing in her life, and she was holding on to him with all her strength. Although Jeff felt sorry for her at first, they started arguing because he was getting overwhelmed by her sticky attitude.
One day, when Jeff was drunk and really hurt Nina's feelings, Nina ran away deep into the forest to calm down. After walking for a while, she realized that she had lost. Moreover, this time, since both sides considered Nina worthless, there was no one to guide her through the forest. Nina was completely lost. She crossed to the foot towards a tree and let the tears flow, which she could no longer hold back. She was crying not only for this moment, but for everything. Most of all, because she was a bad person, and the fact she deserved all this.
Kate was returning from a mission. She was incredibly injured, and if people really cared about her, they wouldn't have let her walk on her own. Actually, Hoodie, with whom she had gone on, had offered to help her, but Kate's snarling with hatred indicated that she had responded negatively to his offer, and Hoodie's fear of Kate had caused her not to insist any further. After all, Kate knew that no one really wanted to deal with a non-human proxy who was at the age of 16.
That's why Kate was staggering through the forest alone, trying to ignore the pain and depth of her wounds. She just needed to get to Jack's cabin. Ann had just arrived, and Kate still didn't trust her. She had many reasons not to trust a zombie. Smiley hadn't started working for Slenderman yet either. So Jack was the only one Kate could go to, and despite her bleeding wounds, she was trying to get there as quickly as possible.
Kate, who was trying to walk, heard a crying sound. It... it was a human cry. She didn't know what she had to do. She kept walking, thinking that she didn't need to do anything because she knew she wasn't a human. But there was something in that crying sound which bothered her. This stranger's voice was filled with more pain and anger than she had ever heard before. Although Kate was not ready to face an enemy, she decided to check the source of the sound.
The person crying was none other than Nina, whose name was mentioned only with hatred and contempt.
Their first real meeting
Kate watched Nina for a while without making a sound. She did not know why she was crying, and frankly she had wondered what made her so sad. Because as far as she heard from others, Nina was a person who was cheerful enough to annoy and never got upset. And obviously, Kate was surprised to encounter a sight that was the opposite of the rumors she had heard.
Just when Kate decided she had watched enough crying and was getting ready to leave, Nina, who heard the sounds Kate was making, shouted in that direction. Kate would never normally have made such a fatal mistake, her injuries had made it difficult to control her body and she hated it. She hated being weak.
When Nina screamed again, Kate knew she had to do something. Her first thought was to quietly leave the environment, but she was not in a good enough condition to do so, and Nina was not an enemy. So, Kate thought it would be enough for her to just say hello and introduce herself.
When she appeared, Nina tried to suppress her sobs and stand up, but she fell to the ground since she sprained her leg. While Kate was only frowning at this situation, Nina was thinking about how useless and incompetent she was, which is why her crying became more intense.
Not knowing what to do, Kate slowly went up to her and held out her hand to her. On her first attempt, she had pulled her hand out regretfully before she even reached the halfway point, but when she saw how upset Nina was, she tried to overcome her hesitation. Kate was sure that she had been disturbed by the sound of her crying, and that she had been so kind as to make her cease her voice. However, in reality, it was just a proof that her humanity had not completely died.
Although Nina wanted to hold her hand, she suddenly saw how badly Kate was injured, and Nina immediatly pulled the hand she was holding out to hold Kate's and took support from the tree. She then stated that she did this because she did not want to hurt her any more, but was grateful for the offer of help.
Then nervously asked if Kate, who she knew was not the enemy, could take her back to Jeff's cabin after someone checked Kate. Nina didn't know where she was supposed to go, but she was sure that the person in front of her knew. She had seen the proxy mark on her wrist from her torn clothing.
Kate only responded with a shrug and started walking slowly. Nina also went after her, hoping that this was a signal for her to follow the proxy. Along the way, although Kate occasionally looked at Nina, Nina didn't mind it. Nina had noticed that she was an observant person, and she even thought it was cute.
After a walk, they arrived at Jack's cabin, where Nina randomly asked Kate questions to distract her own mind from sad topics, and Kate sometimes gave audible answers, while most of them were in body language.
Kate knocked on the door and asked Jack if he could take a look at her wounds. When Jack called her in, Nina was standing in front of the door because she didn't recognize him. But later, when she saw Kate making a movement signaling for her to come inside, she entered the cabin and closed the door.
After first Kate's wounds were taken care of, and then her own leg, Jack insisted they should stay here. He said it was too late even for a proxy and the killer to be roaming the forest, and explained that he had enough places. He also mentioned that Kate wouldn't need to come all that distance for her check-up the next morning.
Nina, who heard the word , only burst into sobs. Killer. That's how people must have see her now. As someone who takes lifes of innocent people for no reason. She knew that her idol was a murderer, but she had convinced herself that his victims were for a purpose. That's why she hated herself while glorifying Jeff in her eyes.
While Jack was trying to calm her down, Kate also bizarrely asked why she was crying. Nina was angry at being asked so clearly, so she yelled and told what had happened to her. She said how she had a wonderful family, but now they're nine floors underground because of her own stupidity. And what a terrible big sister she was.
While Jack was patting her on the back just to calm her down, Kate said it wasn't her fault. She even tried to explain that she was aware of what Zalgo had done, and that Nina was considered lucky to have survived with this much, as Kate was someone who had seen even worse.
Nina, on the other hand, was only more annoyed and asked how she was considered lucky. Her life was completely ruined, she had nowhere or no one to go to. Then Kate told her that the cops weren't after her, that she didn't have to live this life like herself. She sat down next to Nina and controlled herself, even though she wanted to put her hand on Nina's back.
Nina was surprised now. She asked Kate about her own story. Nina wanted her to tell her why Kate was here, why she was a proxy. And Kate just paused.
She said she didn't remember.
She mentioned that she had no memories of before the age of 14. Hearing this, Nina felt an incredible sense of pity for the young proxy standing in front of her. Nina may have had bad memories, but at least she had good ones too. She thought what a terrible thing it was to not know who she was. Not being aware of the existence of anyone who loves her. Not having a real life.
And quite instinctively she took hold of Kate's bony hands, which were like ice.
Kate didn't know what to do. She reflexively withdrew her hand, but she also knew that Nina had not done it for any malicious purpose, and her apology was a proof of this. Then Kate said it was okay for her to hold her hand and placed it back on her own lap. Nina grasped her hands tightly once again.
She told Kate that not having a past did not pose any problems. And Nina even got a little overexcited and said that if she wanted, they could build a future together as friends.
Kate, on the other hand, was literally shocked. While Kate was content with just nodding, Nina excitedly let go of Kate's hands and clapped her owns in the air. This was how their friendship, which was quite meaningful for both, began.
The beginning of their friendship
That night they stayed in the beds that Jack had made for them. Nina was acting incredibly protective of Kate's injuries, and Kate felt that day for the first time in years that she was worthy of being cared for as a person. Of course, this feeling was not long-lasting, but it was enough to create an involuntary smile on her lips. And that was enough for Kate for now.
Nina was constantly jumping from topic to topic while talking, occasionally not neglecting to ask Kate questions about her own thoughts. Nina realized that she was someone who didn't like to talk too much, and she didn't see extra talking as a problem because she knew that Kate was really listening her. 
Kate, on the other hand, was starting to feel more and more comfortable answering Nina's questions. Maybe this could have been due to her slowly creeping sleep, which came under the influence of medications. After saying goodnight, she finished talking. However, realizing that Nina may have thought that Kate was bored with herself, she offered that Nina could come to the proxy cabin for a few hours tomorrow if she wanted.
Nina instantly accepted this with the joy of having found a new friend. Although she was physically hurt while sleeping that night, she was emotionally relieved. A voice inside her was saying that they would both be good for each other.
Kate kept her promise. After the necessary check-up the next day, they set off for the proxy cabin. Nina was upset that Jeff hadn't called her even though she'd been away all night, but she didn't care about it as much as she usually did. Because she was no longer alone, she had a friend.
It was good for them that there was no one in the cabin. Both Kate didn't want to deal with others, and Nina wasn't ready to meet someone else yet. For a while they just hung out doing nothing and just chatted.
Kate then timidly asked Nina if she liked to play video games. Nina mentioned that she sucked at games and explained that's why she only watched other people play. Kate, on the other hand, in an even more shy manner, said that Nina could watch herself if she wanted to.
They played games for hours that day. They did not stop playing until nightfall came. And then Kate offered to take Nina to Jeff's cabin before it got too dark. Nina was actually staying alone in the same cabin with Jeff and Ben. Because they were considered one of the first inhabitants of the forest, and apart from the proxy cabin, other cabins had enough place for maximum 4-5 people.
Kate was very angry when she saw that Jeff was rude to Nina while dropping her off at the cabin, but when she saw that Nina was generally happy, she didn't say anything to avoid upsetting her. Then, when she was going to say goodbye to Nina and leave, Nina stopped her and gave her her number. Nina didn't have anywhere to write, so she asked if it would be a problem if she wrote in Kate's hand, and when Kate said yes, she wrote down her number. Then Nina asked for her own number and registered it.
After saying goodbye, Nina was waving enthusiastically to Kate from inside the cabin. Kate, too, shyly waved to her gently. When Kate turned around, she couldn't help but smiling.
When Kate came to the place where she was staying, she had a strange feeling inside. She wasn't sure what it was, but she liked it. Then, while she picked up her phone to check if there was any important message from Masky and Hoodie, she saw Nina's new message.
"Hiiiii, thx so much for helping me!!!!! Hop i can see ya soon sweetie :3333"
That day, Kate had found a real friend for herself. Maybe it could have been her first friend in her life. And she was glad of it.
Nina had found herself a true friend. Someone who really cared about her and doesn't use her for her own interests. There was a pleasant feeling in her.
Holly hell how long this shit is-
Also Nina's message might be out of character, English is not my main language and I'm not used to writing like that.
Sorry for shitty writing but I'm sick as hell
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Hiii can I request the slashers x teen! Reader who has Short curly hair but is insecure about it so they straighten it
(I don't care about the type of curly hair it can be up to you but if you want to add one can it be 3c💖)
As a person who has straight hair and literally no one else in my life has curly hair and I've never used a straightener in my life. I'm sorry if I get anything wrong. Just correct me!
I'll try to post more consistently I SWEAR THIS TIME!!!
Also extremely sorry for the pov changes, I change the pov writing depending on the characters if this bothers you please let me know.
Apology for disappearing on you guys for 3-2 months 😍
Warnings: reader being pretty insecure about their hair, they're straightening their hair 24/7 here apparently. Not much stuff.
Slashers included: Michael, billy and stuu and jasonnn
Relationship: platonic.
Slashers x teen! Reader who's insecure about their short curly hair! (3c)
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He didn't really care at first how your really curly hair suddenly goes straight the next days and after. And just when it started to curl more it goes straight again.
At first he thought you straightened it because it must've been in your way or maybe you felt hot?
But inevitably it was a repeating pattern he saw. On really rare occasions you let your curls show in its true glory.
But he didn't really do anything about it or care because... Why would he? He's got people to kill.
That night he sat down on the couch with you. The electricity went out just before you could've straightened your hair. It was getting more puffy and curly.
Tugging on the ends of your hair to make it look a bit straight. (And also to distract yourself from looking noticeably nervous.) You stayed still uncomfortably as Michael sat eerily silent next to you as he always does. But he was sitting while looking at you so it was especially creepy.
"Uhm... Did I do something wrong?"
The only source of light was the burning candle slowly melting. Giving it a nice look.
The fact he didn't answer for a few minutes freaked you out even more. Suddenly the floor and literally everywhere else where Michael isn't in your line of sight looks interesting.
You jump a little when you feel a hand on yours where you were tugging on your hair and lift it down.
You look over to the mask of Michael and stare into the black sockets of the holes where his eyes should be visible. He points to your hair and then he gives a thumbs up. It was a bit slow, but he was telling you he really meant it.
At this point you don't even know how to feel. Your apathetic seemingly emotionless psychotic serial killer father figure was telling you that he thinks your hair looks good?
You feel a couple tears prickly at your eyes. Feeling a slight burning sensation in your throat and nose. Without much of a thought running through your hair you hug him, he absolutely does not like physical contact of course but right now he feels like the most safest person at the moment.
(Ps: *whispers* he loves your hairrrrr)
Billy n stu
It was without a doubt they love your hair but you still decided to be a teenager.
Setting your straightener on your table with a 'thud' sound, You stare at how your hair looks in the mirror. Sighing slightly you move yourself from your chair and head down stairs to your two psycho dads.
Stu was the one to immediately point it out after he saw you, "hey y/n! Why do you always straighten your hair?"
Whatever excuse-answer you gave them they weren't completely convinced but didn't want to push you any further. Well Billy did. Stu is just.... Stu. (Stu was stopped luckily)
After the day went by and you were in your bed. Today wasn't so bad. You were planning to either sleep and hope when you wake up it's not a bad day Or just burn your eyes with your phone in the dark.
Just when you were about to lie down you heard your door creek ajar. You turn your head around and see your dads just standing there in front of your door. They both looked kind of nervous.
You were about to ask a question but billy walked up next to you, setting himself down on the mattress of your bed you feel it dip a bit. Stu followed closely behind. Billy gently places a hand on your shoulder.
"What's this interrogation?"
"Uh- well we wanted to talk to you about something." Stu smiles though it looks a bit forced.
"... Well what is it?"
"Well... Do you like your hair??"
"... You made it seem so intense, and all you wanted to ask was if I liked my hair or not?" You honestly thought they were going to say the cops were outside or something. Not asking you that.
"Yes, now answer the question." Billy said it looking directly at you. If it were in a nutshell he would've probably had a gun pointed at you.
You were debating whether or not you wanted to be truthful.
"I guess so..." Your answer sounded extremely doubtful and uncertain. Which of course wasn't gone unnoticed by the two killers attending by you.
"Y/n.." Billy said softly.
"What's wrong?"
His question was met with an agonizing short but seemingly endless streak of silence. Both the men in the room already knew what was wrong but wanted to hear it from your mouth.
Stu sighed, he leaned against you.
"Y/n, if there's anyone who's bothering you , you can always tell us. If not... Then I'll teach my teenage child that they can't rebel love against their hair."
You smiled at this.
For them to act so serious on something so small...
You realised all your energy has disappeared and right now you want to shut your mind and body down for a couple hours.
Jason (let's just say there's electricity in one of the cabins)
He didn't understand. Didn't understand why you seemed to always straighten your hair. He loved the way your hair just bundles up into curly twirly shapes.
He does love your straight hair but he loves your natural hair even more. He tries hard not to let it get to him but overtime it starts to curious him greatly.
Another day of hunting down rabbits or other small creatures or going swimming for you to survive. Jason doesn't need it but eats whatever you make because who doesn't like sitting down eating their child's home cooked meal?
You noticed your hair had started to get more puffy. Feeling a wave of discomfort and insecurity you start to head to where your room was.
"Hey dad, I'm just gonna do something real quick."
Nodding he went to grab the vegetables and other ingredients while he waited for you. 5 minutes nothing. 10 minutes also nothing. After 5 minutes he went to check up on you but then you barged out of your door.
"Sorry! It took longer than i thought it would."
The first thing he noticed about you was your now straightened hair. He frowned in the inside of his mask he stared for a while
"Is something wrong? Did I take too long?"
He shook his head slightly. He turned around and lead you to the kitchen.
He placed the empty dirty plate and bowl in the sink as he watched you clean the table.
His eyes lingered on the back of your hair. He takes a few silent steps next to you and waits until you either notice him or finish cleaning. He was pretty nervous if he was being honest. But it's not like he can't do anything about this kind of thing.
"Okay I'm do-" You had 3 jump scares and 5 heart attacks that you managed to keep inside you when you turned around and see your masked huge behemoth of a father right. Next. To your face. You back up a bit.
"Do you need something?" You asked with a nervous smile and laugh. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds but he raises both of his hands, tbh rn. You're pretty fucking scared even though he's technically your father he's never done something like this before.
His hands are on the sides of your hair and then he starts scrunching them. The ends of your hairs directly lying on his palms and he starts squeezing them softly for a second, letting go and repeating it again.
It takes you a hot minute to even have an idea of what he was trying to do but then you realised he was trying to curl them up! You don't do anything. You don't even know what to do. You look at him speechless after he's done.
Your hair is probably really messy and uneven right now but you can't pay it that much mind when he gives you an ok sign.
Before you could react he has you in a crushing hug. You don't really mind how strong it was this time though. Just the warm feeling of your father's bone crushing hug.
Wanted to write for Hannibal but didn't know wtf he would do 💀
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otherone12 · 2 months
Why Me?
Gerard Way × Reader
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! Does anyone really read this?? Well, now I'm not on vacation anymore, so I'll end up posting less frequently. I didn't like this one, but... hope u enjoy it (Ray x Reader fic coming soon <3) 
Summary: You finally get the chance to meet your favorite comic artist, you just didn't know that he would end up finding your nervousness cute enough to ask you to go out with him.
- Word Count: 1.310
- Warnings: none :)
- Ps: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps2: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV:
I’ve waited for so long to finally meet the man who inspired me. I've been into his work since I was a teenager and everytime i wasn’t feeling well, his comics made my day better. Also, he’s really pretty and in all the interviews I've seen of him, he looks so cute.
I’m actually spending all my savings just to go to that event and don’t even know how I'm gonna act when I see him, I mean, I will probably laugh like crazy, stutter some compliments or fall unconscious on the floor. 
However, I convinced my best friend to go with me, so I won't be so embarrassed, or at least not alone if I do something weird.
- You’re sure you’re ready? - My friend asked me when we’re in the row. - ‘Cause you look like you’re about to explode. 
They chuckled and I got a bit more nervous than I already was, the feeling of being that transparent made me uncomfortable. 
- I’m fine… - I said, swallowing hard and breathing deeply. - I just don’t know what to say 
Looking around, I saw that the line was moving quickly and soon it would be our turn to get an autograph and take a picture. 
- To him? 
Wasn’t that the most obvious question in the world?
- Yeah, who else? 
- I don’t know, I mean, you’ve been obsessed with him since you’re like fifteen, right? - They said it in a normal voice tone, but it seems like they’re screaming, so i immediately turned red - And don’t know what to tell him?
A week ago I started to practice in front of the mirror of my room, trying to imagine possible scenes with Gerard, but I will never never told anyone about it. 
- Shut up! -I hit my elbow on their shoulder in desperation and fear that someone had heard, even though he was too far away to hear anything. - I’m not obsessed with him, I admire him a lot. Just that.
- Sure… - The sarcasm made me want to respond, but the cut with the next sentence took my focus away from our conversation. - Look, we’re next
 Even when the person in front of us was taking the photo with Gerard, I looked ahead and I could see him. I swear he looked at me at the same time and my reaction was look away and widen my eyes at my friend
- Holy shit… WHAT SHOULD I SAY?
- Try something like “hi, i'm your fan” - this contrast between us was very strange, on the one hand I was freaking out, but on the other, they was acting as if Gerard Fucking Way was just any guy. - And act normal, please.
In less than a second I felt my body heat up, the closer I got, the more tense I became. I tried unsuccessfully to look into his eyes, but I couldn't maintain my focus for long. 
My stomach filled with butterflies when I heard his voice. Even though I've heard it on the radio several times, it's a totally different experience.
- Hey! 
It took me a few seconds to try to open my mouth, but my brain stopped working. A short awkward moment that felt like hours was cut away.
- Hi! - My friend, who apparently didn’t see Gerard as a celebrity said. without thinking about what i wanted them to say - They're huge fan of you! Like, they don't stop to talk about you for at least a second
- HEY! - I gasped with fright when they finished speaking -T-that’s not true! I mean, I'm your fan, but it’s not like I’m weird or something. 
My scream turned into an almost whisper, which was almost drowned out by the sounds of the environment. 
- That's okay. - He said with a chuckle. - You want a picture?
His sweet and inviting look made me want to hug him, and when he extended his arm towards me I couldn't help but blush even more.
- Sure! 
He wrapped his arms around my body and my friend took a picture of us. My heart was racing and the smell of coffee that he was emitting wasn’t helping me to calm down. 
- So…- He took my comic to sign it, and when he looked at me again, to my surprise, he noticed my Star Wars shirt. - i like your shirt 
- Thanks!
-This will probably sound weird, but… are you free after the event?
I gave him a shy smile and heard my friend giggling by my side. I thought that was my imagination, but i blinked twice and had the clue that Gerard Was has a light blush on his face.
It was a little embarrassing when we exchanged glances, but even stranger than that was the question that came next.
He reached out to hand me the comic and I looked him straight in the eyes.
- I-I am… why?
I took the comic and put it in my purse, without breaking eye contact. 
- Maybe… if you don’t mind… we could go out for a coffee? 
Standing in front of him, I froze. It's not like I don't love the idea, but I know myself well enough to know that I'm definitely going to say something stupid without thinking.
My friend responded before I had the chance. His gaze passed from my friend to me, and his smile grew worried as he seemed to think about the truth of the statement.
- Really? - I asked, still in disbelief that Gerard Way asked me out. 
- If you're up for that… - He put his hand behind his neck, looking at the floor and sounding a little more shy than he had moments before. - Look, if you don’t want to…
- Of course I'm in! 
I tried hard to keep my posture, but the shine in his eyes hit my heart so hard and I smiled, feeling my face burn again.
- We met at the front door in three hours? 
- I’ll be there…
*** time skip ***
After a large amount of people left the place, i finally saw gerard at the door, he was looking around, i assumed that he was looking for me, cause when his eyes meet mine, a tiny smile forms in his lips.
I approached him, avoiding one or another person who appeared on the way.
- You came!
He said, with a relieved sight.
- Yeah! - He opened the door and we started to move to the coffee shop - I mean, It's not often that your idol asks you out, right?
There were few people on the street and the atmosphere was pleasant. Walking next to him was very strange, because at the same time it was something incredible that I had always dreamed of, but on the other hand, it didn't seem real. It was like I was going to wake up at any moment.
- I don’t know… sounds like the perfect one to describe you, in my vision.
- “Idol” is a strong word, don’t you think?
He chuckled a little and I tried not to look like I was fawning over him.
- Why me? - His confused gaze made me explain even more what i was talking about - There were like, a lot of people, why me?
- If you say so…
After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the coffee shop and, like a gentleman, he opened the door. my heart started to jump in my chest when he chose a table with two seats, facing each other, next to the window.
A friendly girl took our orders and I asked him a question that had been on my mind since the moment Gerard asked me to have coffee with him.
- To be honest… You’re so pretty and looked so nervous, I found it really attractive.
- Damn i feel like those awful tiktok POVs
We laughed, really loud, and it feels like we knew each other for a century.
~Well, that's it... hope you liked :)
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