funfactbuck · 20 hours ago
i know i’m not alone in being burned by shows before and it’s not always easy to avoid jumping to the worst conclusions on how your favorite characters are being handled so look, i won’t pretend i wasn’t briefly susceptible to this. but - and i hate that he can have SUCH an impact - i think people really got caught up in the tommy of things and that skewed their interpretation of eddie’s actions in this episode. it feels like the predominant expectation going in was that there was going to be a glaring difference between eddie and tommy in relation to buck at every turn and the hospital sneak peek we got definitely lent itself to that. i have to wonder if they’d included the part with both eddie and tommy breaking out into laughter, expectations would have been adjusted and reactions post-ep wouldn’t have been what they were. at first glance, it may have felt like it was the two of them united against buck and i think that’s where the ooc accusations come into play bc yeah, if eddie is suddenly written just like tommy, that’s a big red flag that something has gone terribly wrong in the writer’s room.
but the thing is, eddie and tommy were shown to be very different, because they are. eddie’s skepticism is well-established - we all knew he wouldn’t believe in the curse. but he still sat with buck in that hospital room and asked when he could return to work, knowing that would be buck’s biggest concern. he still indulged buck and heard him out when he shared his theories. he tried to talk buck down out of a place of concern because he saw how stressed he was over this. the affection eddie has for buck wasn’t just suddenly missing. contrast this to tommy, who admitted to laughing about buck with the rest of harbor behind his back. who treated buck like a child and dismissed what he was trying to tell him out of sheer disinterest. who kept himself at a distance in every way.
if you’re taking things at surface level and viewing eddie as acting just like tommy, that’s of course going to be jarring. but it’s also preventing you from interrogating why eddie might have seemed to be acting differently. we all know what he’s going through and have seen that for the most part, he’s put up a front to hide how badly he’s hurting from the continued absence of chris in his life. he’s only briefly let down his guard to show that and putting on a brave face can only last so long. of course there are going to start to be cracks in that, of course he’s going to start acting more sharply towards the people around him. eddie has lashed out in the past at the people he loves most when he’s hurting the most - there’s a precedent here; it’s not new and it’s not ooc and it’s not just like tommy. we’re not even a third of the way into the season and we’ve only just scratched the surface of eddie’s storyline. until we dive in though, give him some grace to be hurt and act like it.
nothing about this episode changes the heart of things between buck and eddie. and we know that there’s an upcoming scene that’s going to reinforce what they are in each other’s lives. don’t let tommy overshadow things here and ruin your perception of a character you’ve always loved. he’s a visitor in this narrative and doesn’t get to have that power.
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neouture · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Haechan x Reader
Words: 4,146
Genre: Smut (18+), angst if you squint
Includes: Fem!Reader, established relationship. Haechan is jealous and somewhat possesive bc of a silly little hug drunk Renjun gave you. Arguing, silent treatment, make up sex. Smut warnings under the cut !
Author's note: Possesive Haechan lives in my mind rent free. This story might not be for everyone because it includes very specific kinks that not everyone is into, but I had a lot of fun with this. If you like it, please leave a comment/ask. I also now have a ko-fi account, the link it's in my pinned post, in case anyone is interested in leaving a tip ! That's totally up to you tho, my stories are free for everyone. It's just another way to support (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) I'm reposting this bc I posted it yesterday but it wasn't showing up in the tags so hopefully they work now!
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Smut warnings: I feel like this is the time to reveal I have an impregnation kink so bear with it. Dirty talk, teasing, you're somewhat turned on by Haechan's possesiveness in all honesty. Oral sex (f. receiving), mentions and fantasies of impregnation, impregnation kink, unprotected sex (stay safe ! ), creampie.
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If looks could kill, Renjun would've had a fatal ending.
Way more fatal than the fate you are transiting right now, sitting in the passenger seat while Haechan's gaze shoots darts into the road as if it’s a target, surrounded by an overwhelming silence that not even the street sounds and the city’s bustling can ease.
If looks could kill, Renjun would’ve collapsed next to you the second he decided to wrap one of his arms around you in a warm, brotherly hug. One that, seemingly so innocent, was misinterpreted by your boyfriend from afar.
“Haechan,” you sigh, but it’s useless yet again. No matter how many times you’ve said his name on the way back home, it seems as though you're speaking to a wall. A stubborn wall that doesn't listen, in which your words bounce back and are interiorized with shame and embarrassment when you realize that all you’re left with is the palpable tension inside his car.
You can see said tension in the prominent veins of his arms, his clenched jaw and the way he is just staring at the horizon, not daring to look at you. You can feel it every time you call out his name and his body stiffens a little. You can hear it in his heavy heartbeats and rapid breathing. You can smell it on your clothes, impregnated with alcohol and cigarette smoke.
But you can’t taste it. You can’t taste the tension when your mouth is dry, and your throat is aching with words gathered at the lump in your throat, threatening to spill out at any moment in an attempt to know what's going on in his mind.
“Look he didn’t mean it that way,” you murmur, trying to ignore the stinging tears pricking in the corners of your eyes. “He just- he just put his arm around me. It wasn’t- it didn’t mean anything”.
“Of course it didn’t,” it’s the only response you get, right when his car takes the street of the complex you two live in.
Whether it's because of the sound of his voice, or the fact that you're really close to knowing your true fate tonight, you feel somewhat relieved.
“He was tipsy,” you continue, resting your head against the cold, glass window.
“You weren’t,” Haechan cuts you short right when he enters the underground parking lot. The car becomes illuminated by a dim, warm light, just enough to catch a better glimpse of your boyfriend, but he still doesn’t look at you. “And you still let him put his hands on you”.
“Come on, Haechan!” you groan, frustrated.
His jealousy always gets the best out of you, but somehow it also manages for the worst of you to show through. It's a complicated situation you always find yourself in, when something like such happens. You don't really like that side of him, the jealous and possessive one, the one that feels entitled to you as a person. But at the same time, you really can't begin to hate it either.
It’s enticing.
“Get out,” he says while unbuckling his seat belt. He does so with a swift movement, only to turn around the car just to open the door for you.
He is upset, and pissed, and really angry, but he can’t get himself to stop being a gentleman to you. What happened tonight it's not your fault, anyways, but he secretly wishes you'd pushed Renjun away.
In a way, Haechan thinks it’s your fault. Even when it isn’t.
But you still follow his orders to a t, getting out of the vehicle while he holds the door for you, closing it right behind you with a loud sound that makes you feel startled for a bit.
You know Haechan would never hurt you, but this side of him it's such a scary contrast to his usual personality. It’s somewhat unsettling, to say the least, but it is never frightening.
“You’re going to give me the silent treatment?”
After a minute or two, the lack of response gives you a one. You follow him defeated through the elevator doors that take you to the lobby complex, and lose all hope in getting him to talk.
Plus, it’s getting late, and you’re tired, so if Haechan doesn’t want to talk now, you’re not going to push him further anymore —it’s probably best to deal with all this tomorrow morning, after a good night of sleep.
You stop trying to get his attention when the doors of the lobby's elevator close, and just opt to stand right beside him in silence —you've said so much already, from the minute he dragged you out of the bar you and your friends were attending to celebrate Jaemin's birthday, to the final moments in his car; if he didn’t say anything then, he is probably not going to say anything now.
So you accept the silent treatment, walking alongside with him to your apartment door. He pulls out his keys, opens it for you and gets inside without even sending a look your way. You close the door behind you and watch as he throws his jacket to the living room couch, standing awkwardly while he figures out exactly what to say.
“Why did you-”.
“I’m tired,” you cut him short, passing by him through the living room and into your bedroom. “I’m going to bed”.
Like him, you pass by without sparing him a glance. Without even acknowledging his presence there, like you’re just announcing another part of your routine to no one in particular.
“You’re not,” it’s when you feel his hand wrapping around your wrist, and stopping you from leaving the scene, that you turn around to face him —you can still see the tension, in his knitted eyebrows and that gaze of regret he holds. “Let’s talk”.
“I wanted to talk,” you murmur, getting yourself out of his grip. “I spent all the ride back home trying to talk, but you weren’t even looking at me”.
“I was just trying to find the right ti-”.
“What even is the right time?” there’s annoyance in your voice, and a part of you wishes your emotions hadn't escalated too quickly. But if there's one thing that pisses you off, is how things are always done the way he wants them, when he wants them. “When you feel like talking?”
“Listen to me-”.
“No, Haechan, you listen to me,” you sigh, leaving your purse on the couch, right next to his jacket. “Renjun just put his arm around me, he wasn’t- it wasn’t even an actual hug. And yeah- he was tipsy, but he just- he wasn’t hitting on me or anything, God!”
The more you speak, the more stressed you become. Now that the words are falling from your lips, and you’re revisiting the facts, you realize how unprovoked Haechan’s anger truly is.
“You say he's one of your best friends, but you can't even trust him,” your hands travel all the way to your hair, pushing it back and away from your face. The despair is making your body feel warm, and you can even feel a thin layer of sweat gathering on your forehead and nape. “You say you love me, but you can’t even trust me”.
“I trust him,” Haechan murmurs, “and I trust you”.
“Then what is your problem?”
“I am the fucking problem,” the black-haired groans, imitating your previous actions by pushing his hair away from his face. It’s not usual for him to raise his voice, let alone sound this frustrated —the unexpected loud tone makes you swallow thickly. “I know it’s not your fault but I can’t help it”.
“It is not my fault,” you repeat in a whisper, trying to give some echo to his own words. “If it’s not my fault, then why are you acting like it is?”
Haechan goes quiet. Not because he wants to give you the silent treatment again, but because he doesn't know what to say.
Is there anything to say, anyway? You're right, and he feels like an asshole.
“Because,” he begins, all worked up because he believes the answer is rather obvious. Isn’t it? He’s acting like this because you’re his. Because no other man has the right to touch you, or even look your way. You’re his, and he doesn’t like to share. “Because you’re only mine”.
The sudden response makes your heart skip a beat or two. Is it wrong to feel something just by seeing him this angry? Is it wrong to feel proud of hearing him say something so possessive like that?
You feel conflicted —you’re enjoying this when you’re not supposed to.
“Yours?” you ask, with an eyebrow slightly cocked.
“Yes, mine,” you're not quite sure when it happened, but your bodies are now facing each other. You can smell the tension in his cologne, along with the remains of cigarette smoke and the alcoholic beverage Renjun threw Haechan’s way at the club.
“You’re so entitled,” you let out a soft scoff, one that does nothing to ease Haechan's sharp gestures. “Yes, you’re my boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean I belong to you”.
It's, perhaps, the frustration talking. You know what he means, but it's your anger the one to make the first move.
However, you're not expecting him to laugh.
You expected him to counter attack, to get even angrier.
You expected him to raise his voice, or be silent at all.
But you weren't expecting to see the corners of his lips rising in a half smile, one as mischievous at the comment you just made.
“Do I need to remind you how mouthy you get when I'm fucking you?”
You stare at him for what feels like ages, not daring to blink or break eye contact. He is also staring at you, but far from looking angry or frustrated, he looks amused. It's like the roles have been reversed, and it's you now who doesn't know what to say.
“What- does that have to do with this?”
“You say you don’t belong to me,” Haechan sighs, the tip of his tongue poking just slightly through his cheek. “But you never seemed reluctant about me owning you when we're in our bed”.
You can feel your cheeks getting warmer, and a weird tension in your lower abdomen you’ve grown to be familiar with over the past years. It’s probably not the greatest time to get aroused, but you can’t control yourself when it comes to him.
Just like he can’t control himself when it’s about you.
“That’s- it’s different,” you weakly attack.
“Is it?”
Haechan can tell you're getting nervous. By the way your shoulders are moving at a faster rate, and you seem to be struggling to look at him, he knows he has hit a nail. Perhaps this is a way to make a point —the one he has been wanting to make all night long.
“How so?”
The words get caught up in your throat again, and the fact that you don't have an actual response makes you feel uneasy.
“If it's any different, then that means you're a liar,” he says, guiding one of his hands to your chin whilst lifting it up. You can hear the tension in the nuances of his voice, those who seem mocking and provocative. Those looking to make you lose a game you didn't even know you were playing, “so when are you lying?”.
His hand strokes the sides of your face, and then places a strand of hair behind your ear. The touch is enough to make you gulp, but it’s a nice contrast to his harsh and filthy words.
“Are you lying to me when you say you belong to me, and that you’re mine?” Haechan asks, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. “Or are you lying to me right now, just to rile me up and get what you want?”.
That wasn't precisely a conscious plan, but now that he says so it seems that all your efforts to get him all worked up were to end up just like this.
“I just- Haechan”.
“What?” he asks you. The hand that was caressing your cheek is now placed at your waist, pulling him closer to his body.
You can feel the tension when his bulge brushes against your abdomen, hard and throbbing, pressing against you. It’s too tempting to stop, too inviting to know what he has to say without using no words.
So you allow him to touch you, to press his body against yours to make you feel how much he needs you. There is really no point in resisting, because you’ve wanted this all night long.
“Pervert,” you whisper, panting when you feel his rough grip on your ass. “I bet you were thinking about this on the way back home”.
“And you weren’t?” Haechan scoffs, quietly. “I could see your thighs squeezing together every time you looked at me”.
Embarrassingly enough, he is not that far from the truth.
“I can’t help it,” you wrap your arms around his neck in an attempt to be closer to him. “I’m sorry”.
“Save your apologies for later,” his lips are dangerously close to yours, and you squirm between his arms when you feel his breath caressing your chin and jaw. “You’re going to need them for being such a liar”.
And, finally, you can taste the tension —it tastes like alcohol, cherries, and rage. Like mint and something else.
“Fuck,” you whisper in between kisses when you feel his teeth sinking on your lower lip, “Haechan”.
It doesn’t take him long to guide you to the bedroom, managing to walk the small, dark hallway with his hands all over your body and his eyes closed.
“Haechan,” you voice once again when he lays you down in the mattress, his skillful hands looking for the hems of your jeans and underwear to pull them off in one go. Truth be told, you’ve never seen him this desperate; his lips are all over your thighs and legs, kissing them sloppy while he caresses the sides of them. He’s sucking and nibbling at the sensitive flesh, marking you every now and then in places he knows he’s the only one entitled to see.
Everything is happening too fast, but you don’t want him to slow down —you’re just as desperate as he is.
“You’re fucking dripping,” Haechan groans when he catches a glimpse of your sticky folds, all glistening with your arousal, “shit”.
He doesn’t hesitate before hooking both of his arms under and around your thighs, keeping you still in place while his lips approach your throbbing cunt.
“You think Renjun could get you this wet?” Haechan hums against your thigh, his intimidating gaze looking up at you while you struggle to support your upper body weight with your arms. For an unknown reason, you feel your body melting and going numb at such comments.
“N-no,” you shake your head.
“Do you think your body would react to him like it does with me?” The soft and teasing kisses are killing you; his lips are licking and sucking everywhere but where you want them.
“No, Haechan!” The cries in your voice makes him grind his hips against the mattress, hoping to get even the slightest friction.
He wishes he could keep on teasing you, drive you insane just like you did to him back there at the club. But, truth be told, he can't spend another minute without feeling you, in all the sense of the word.
“Apologize, then,” Haechan says, brushing the tip of his nose against your throbbing clit. That single touch is enough to earn a whimper from you, and it is also enough to make you lose all logic and rationality within you —not that you have any whenever you're underneath him in your bed to begin with.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, clenching around thin air every time the word falls from your lips. “Fuck, I’m sorry Haechan. I’m sorry”.
“Sorry for what?” the dark-haired asks again, acting oblivious to the situation. “What are you apologizing for?”
Whether it's mercy or pure neediness, his tongue unexpectedly laps at your wetness. He licks your slit and toys with your clit, just enough to provide you with some pleasure but without distracting you from your task.
“For- shit, for letting him touch me,” you sigh, kicking your head back. You’re not quite sure what exactly you’re sorry for, but you’re willing to say anything just to feel him. “For letting him- put his arm around me, fuck”.
Haechan smiles against your pussy. A genuine smile, one that can only indicate he’s feeling proud.
“See how easy it is?” he coos, continuing his ministrations on your clit, “you tell me what I want to hear, and I give you anything you want”.
Despite Haechan’s early accusations of you being a liar, you mean everything you say when you’re in bed. In fact, you're only brutally honest when he's deep inside you. When you've lost all your senses and sanity, and when all you are left with is pure bliss.
“I’m sorry,” you keep on chanting, latching your fingers against his dark locks in an attempt to bring him closer to you.
You know you're seconds away from coming, and he knows this too, so he allows you to manhandle him against you as much as you want. He hisses when you grip his hair particularly harsher, but he doesn’t stop; instead, he licks you ardently, looking forward to your orgasm.
“Show me how sorry you are, then,” he murmurs against you, his nose and chin shining with your own wetness. “Come”.
It’s the sight of him between your legs, along with his crude words and pretty eyes that pushes you to the edge. Your hands clasp the bed sheets beneath you, and your thighs threaten to close around him but he is quick to keep them apart with his hands.
“You’re getting shy now?” he teases you while you overcome your high, writhing underneath his hold. “Keep them open for me pretty, I want to lick you clean”.
Much against your body’s will, Haechan manages to keep you in place while he helps you through your orgasm, causing waves of overstimulation to wreak havoc inside you from your head to the tip of your toes.
“Haechan!,” you gasp when you feel him pulling away from your body, the sudden loss of contact making you feel somewhat relieved after the pinches of pain caused by the overstimulation.
His lips are bright peachy and swollen, all covered in your own orgasm.
“Too much?” Haechan asks, unbuckling his belt while getting rid of his clothes. You imitate him and do the same, discarding your blouse and bra somewhere along the room.
“No,” you shake your head, inviting him between your legs.
He positions himself in the middle, and the sight makes you clench around thin air yet again. His cock is hard and reddened, throbbing almost visibly in front of your eyes.
“You still think you can take me?” he asks yet again, trying to make sure you’re not sore from how aggressive his early ministrations were.
“I’ve been wanting you all night long, Haechan,” you murmur, wrapping your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. “Don’t care about anything, I just want you to fuck me”.
He kisses your forehead, and then your chin. The tip of his cock is pressing against your clit and, at times, against your entrance, but he is still nowhere near being inside you.
“See,” Haechan whispers with his lips against your jaw. “I know you’ve apologized, but I still need to make sure everyone knows you’re mine”.
His words make you let out a quiet scoff.
“How come, exactly?”
“What if I came inside you?” Even the idea makes you gasp —half a gasp, that ends up sounding more like a moan, “hm?”
For this, he needs to feel you. So he loses no time pushing himself inside you until he bottoms out. You dig your fingernails into his biceps when you feel the tip of his cock brushing against a sensitive spot inside you, and it’s only then when he continues to tell you, perhaps, his filthiest fantasy.
“What if I got you pregnant?” It’s crazy, the rational part of you acknowledges. But the aroused one, the one that lacks logic, only gets even more turned on at his words. “That way, everyone will know what we do when we’re alone”.
“Shit,” you cry, clenching around his cock.
He smiles when he feels it.
“You’d like that, don’t you?” After a couple of slow, delicate thrusts, he begins to acquire a faster pace when you get used to having him inside you. “You're squeezing my cock so hard”.
“You want to- get me pregnant?”
Even the words falling from your lips make you clench around him yet again, and it takes him a lot of effort not to come just by those gestures alone.
“That way everyone would know you’re mine,” Haechan sighs, pistoning deeper inside you. “Everyone would know that I’m the one who fucks you good, the one you allow to come inside that pretty pussy of yours”.
You whimper at his words, nibbling on your lower lip while trying to contain every lewd sound that threatens to escape your lips.
“I bet you’d- look so pretty like that,” the more aroused he gets, the less he cares about what he says —it seems as though he’s not having any inhibitions, and you love it. “Fuck”.
It's a wild fantasy, but you two seem to share it. You’d be lying if you say that the mere thought of carrying his child is not appealing to you, because it is.
“Yeah?” you ask, feeling him losing all pace and rhythm of his hips. “Why don’t you get me pregnant, then?”
The dirty talk does wonders to him, because the minute you start voicing his thoughts it’s the minute his movements become sloppier, rushed, and faster. He wants to come, he desperately needs it.
But he wants you to come first.
“I will,” he groans through gritted teeth. “If that’s what you want, then I will”.
Your heart feels fuzzy, and the tension on your lower abdomen starts increasing with each thrust. It’s not going to be long before you come around him, for the second time in a row, and as much as you’d like to savor this moment, you’re too desperate to take your time.
“Fuck,” Haechan curses under his breath, feeling his arms going numb —the pleasure is too overwhelming for him to maintain a steady pace, but he makes an effort. “Make me come, baby. Squeeze my cock until I come inside you”.
The dirty talk, combined with his gaze and the future promise of offering you that something only he can give it to you, makes you reach your orgasm again.
“Coming,” you cry quietly, wrapping your legs even tighter around his hips. You arch your back against him, and he hugs you tightly in place while he continues fucking your pussy, just as much as your grip allows him too.
“That’s it,” he praises, leaving wet kisses on your forehead and cheeks while you overcome your high. “Are you going to let me come inside you tonight? Fill you up with my cum?”
“Yes!” it’s all you manage to say in the midst of such a devastating arousal. “Yes, yes, Haechan”.
He buries his face on the crook of your neck, and keeps on fucking your swollen pussy until he achieves his orgasm too.
A hot, sticky feeling is quick to flood your tummy, as well as your inner thighs. He continues fucking you slowly and gently, even after coming, to prevent his arousal to leak out of you.
“Shit,” you cry, wrapping your arms around his neck so that he plops down on top of your body, “I can feel you”.
He hugs you into his embrace, while still inside you, and attempts to stabilize himself before leaving the bed to provide you with some wet towels and water. Truth be told, he wishes to stay like this forever, with your naked body underneath him, and his leaking cock inside you.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, leaving a quick kiss on your lips. “I know it’s-”
“Hey,” you cut him short, cooing softly. “We can talk about it tomorrow morning”.
He gets the sense that you're comfortable right now, despite the early fight, so he follows your plea compliantly.
“I’m an asshole,” Haechan jokes.
“Sometimes,” you scoff softly, finding his hazy gaze in the midst of the dim lights. “I’m glad you can acknowledge it”.
“And I’m glad you still keep up with it”.
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twingocalypse · 1 year ago
omg I did not lose the midwestern Miku document!!
(thanks to my old high school onedrive i guess lmao-)
It's not particularly interesting I guess and I've always been incredibly shy about posting my actual writing online but enjoy! (for context this is technically a shortened version of the story that i submitted for a school assignment bcs it kinda fit the theme.) (The original story was written like 3 years ago under the influence of too much sangria with a friend (@sergeyhahaha) as a half-joke about Hatsune Miku living as an american midwestern housewife in a dead marriage.) so yes the girl in the drawing and the girl mentioned is technically hatsune miku by association.
The prettiest flower, staring at the sun
Growing the middle of a cornfield, asking why here, and not anywhere else... Maybe I am a flower. But my cornfield was a Target. I was staring at the immaculate wall of perfectly white milk containers.
They’re so quiet. So I tried to blink at the wall, taking the slightest chance it would blink back. To my surprise, no response.
You’re so to me, stupid milk. Even mute and inarticulate, the milk was still really pretty, Target has stocked them well, they always do.
It sure was endearing, to exist in a life surrounded by nothing but artificial perfection. But it was a world I detested so much. Phew...Who knows, maybe everything will be okay after all. I still want to spill the milk, knock them over. Make them lose their perfect shine. After all, just like me, they can be replaced, discarded when a better thing comes along.
I’m talking to myself again.
“Mikaelynn, Honey?”
I turned around.
A pale young man was shouting from another end of aisle 4! I run to aisle 4.
I knew who he was, I didn’t forget it this time!
Richard Brock Hudson,
My Husband
(But more of a fiancé, actually, as our wedding was , once again, postponed until the end of August.) Oh right! He was saying something!
“Don’t you think we should buy Carson a gift?”
I throw a blank confused stare.
Of course I did not remember who Carson was.
“Well it was his birthday last week, we should at least try to be good neighbors and bring him a little...something.”
Oh! I knew that Carson. Must admit, I didn’t really care...
“Remember, good impressions... Lynn, just for a while until we get settled in this neighborhood.”
Reading my mind, how would he much I didn’t care?
I didn’t really want him to find out. I hated it here. But I didn’t want him to know. He loves living this life so much.
“Live laugh love” Said the decoration board behind me.
Maybe I should do exactly that. Try and let him live this way. Live laugh love my way into this existence. Maybe I should at least try!
I don’t really understand, why should I make a good impression on someone I don’t care about... I already knew how this would end.
These good impressions, as fake as a jug of Tampico, standing right next to you, Brock, on your left!
Perhaps you are made of Tampico?
I knew I would grow to resent Brock for this.
Maybe I should tell him the truth, not all of it...but maybe at least the part about Carson’s gift? Being honest is hard.
“Well I t-...”
Brock suddenly interrupted.
“Okay, so do you think Carson would prefer a baseball glove or a hunting knife?”
Nevermind, I can’t say anything now...
So I threw on the blank stare again.
“Lynn, are you even listening to me?”
“Honey, I’m sure he’d love 'em both!”
Citrus punch Tampico! Next to you! Dunk your head into it!
I wish I had said that a vengeful grin. Brock wouldn’t know why. But I didn’t say anything. It’s not like he’d notice. What I didn’t notice, was how much time we lost. Not in life, just in the supermarket. It was 4 p.m. now.
I think we came here at noon.
Why have I lost so much time with you?!
I don’t know how it happened, but we were in a parking lot now. I didn’t know how much time passed from that conversation. Did we end up getting a hunting knife or a baseball glove? Or was it a fishing rod? A disinfectant?
I have lost everything by now...
And I want to pay you back, I want to express, how angry I am, how much I actually hate you.
I want to see you hurt and mad!
Your face, scowling,
becoming a spiral,
bursting a vein,
full collapse.
But why can’t I tell you any of this?
I have lost so much time with you.
It was now 5 p.m.
We were walking towards our car, swallowed by the desolate Target parking lot.
2005 Ford Ranger.
We’re walking closer and closer. Brock seems mad...what did I do, when he was the one doing everything wrong.
I sat behind the wheel, naturally, I didn’t know how to drive. I’ve lost so much time, and it was time to take it back.
I love you,
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snackhobi · 4 years ago
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pairing: min yoonji x reader / word count: 9.7k / genre: f x f smut, assassin!au
summary: a fic inspired by this post and that’s pretty much it-
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warnings: sexually explicit content (NSFW), talk about death/assassination (nothing graphic dw! but they are assassins, so), mild violence, unnecessarily sexually charged lipstick application, face riding, fingering, multiple orgasms, oral (f giving/receiving), use of restraints, overstimulation, squirting, kind of dom!yoonji?
a/n: this is an entirely self-indulgent fic I wrote as a gift to myself for my bday, it’s a lil rushed bc I wanted it done for today! women are so very beautiful and I am so very weak, thank you ladies for all being so amazing ily. this was meant to be a short pwp and now it’s almost 10k but I have no regrets bye
la petite mort French literal meaning: ‘the little death’; also an expression used to refer to the brief loss or weakening of consciousness, specifically the sensation of orgasm as likened to death; an orgasm.
“It’s just unacceptable.”
The woman in front of you is clearly wealthy. Her dark hair is perfectly styled and her pale nails are perfectly shaped and her subtle makeup is perfectly flattering; she’s starting to get older but rather than shy away from it, she’s leaning into it, and she looks almost imperious in her beauty, eyes sharp and set of her lips severe. Park Dahye was born into wealth and has clearly thrived in the life that she’s been afforded.
“Mmhm.” You try not to yawn. 
“He’s flitting around with some young, silly thing on his arm, with no consideration for the family’s reputation— my reputation,” she continues. Her posture is perfect, from the set of her spine to her crossed legs to her folded hands that rest on her knee, somehow demure and yet highlighting all of her beauty and riches; the jewellery on her wrists and fingers, the expensive heels on her feet, the slit of her haute-couture dress, no doubt tailored for her and her alone. “I’ve already spoken to him about his behaviour, but he’s just ignored my warnings. We may have agreed on the divorce but we’re currently still husband and wife— has he no shame?”
“Awful.” You don’t even try to hide how bored you are, but Dahye is so quietly incensed that she doesn’t even notice as she launches into the next part of her queenly diatribe, and you muffle a sigh.
That’s the problem with rich clients. Sure, they’re willing to fork over stupid amounts of money to you, but they also think that their issues are of paramount significance— like they’re the centre of the universe and their problems are the only important ones in the world. Like you’re interested in what they have to say. Like this is the only job you’ll ever do that holds real weight or meaning.
For them, it’s a life-changing (life-ending) decision. 
For you? It’s another Tuesday.
“Yes, yes, that’s just so terrible, gosh, I don’t know how you manage it,” you say once she pauses to take a breath, using the opportunity to cut her off before she launches into another part of her articulate rant. “Anyway. Would you prefer if his death was embarrassing or quiet?”
For the first time since you’ve met, she seems unsettled. “Pardon?”
Namjoon is much better with people than you, smooth and charming with his boyish dimples. Normally any discussions would go through your handler, but this woman had demanded to meet you personally and had been willing to pay for the privilege: so here you are, with your relative bluntness instead of Joon’s winsome smile.
“You know,” you say, gesturing with your hands. “When they find the body. Do you want him to be caught with his trousers around his ankles—literally or figuratively, that’s up to you— or would you rather it seemed like something natural and unpredictable? Like a sudden heart attack in his sleep, for example.”
When it comes to rich clients, a lot of it is about reputation. When someone’s shuffled off this mortal coil, it’s not just that they’re removed from the equation, it’s also about the ripples that their death leaves in the high society that they’ve lived in. Does she want her (soon-to-be) ex-husband made a mockery of, or does she just want him out of the picture?
She can’t see your face, behind your mask as it is, but you can see hers in perfect clarity. For all that Dahye seems put together and almost impassive, you see the tiny flicker in her eyes. Ah. She’s not just mad because he’s ruining their reputation. She’s hurt.
Man, that sucks. Honestly you bet it’s easier being an assassin than a rich housewife. At least when it comes to backstabbing you can literally involve a knife to sort your problems out. (Well, knives are messy, but you get the picture.)
“I’d prefer something quiet,” she decides. “I’d worry that it could lead back to me, otherwise.”
You’d be offended at the idea that you’d leave any trace that could implicate anyone or that this man’s sudden death was in any way suspicious, but she’s paying you enough that you find that you don’t care. You take pride in your work, but for the amount of zeroes involved in the fee you’re being paid, you think you can take an unintentional insult or two. Or three. Or ten.
You like money, what can you say.
“Sure thing,” you say, giving her a lazy, two fingered salute. You’ve been reclining against the desk of the hotel suite, flicking the complimentary, heavy metal pen between your fingers, twirling it like the world’s most underwhelming baton. You straighten up and let the pen drop back into the pen pot—wait, no, of course it’s a handmade porcelain jar, an alarmingly well-made Joseon porcelain replica. Everything in here stinks of money. “RM will confirm where the money is to be deposited. Half of it now as collateral, and half upon completion of the job,” you say. “If you change your mind between now and then, we’ll be keeping the original 50%, but if for some reason something goes awry, you’ll receive that money back. Sound good?”
She seems surprised at your directness. “I—”
“Fabulous!” You clap your hands together, although the sound is muffled by your gloves. You’re not about to leave your fingerprints everywhere, geez. “Alright, time for me to skidaddle I suppose! I’ve got work to be doing, people to be watching, men to be killing!”
Dahye flinches imperceptibly, but by this point you’ve already slipped out onto the balcony and into the night.
Being an assassin is hard work.
Technically, everyone has the capacity to kill another human being. But killing as a job involves a lot more than just caving someone’s head in with a rock—that’s why Cain isn’t referred to as an assassin, what with how he’d just bashed his brother Abel with a convenient stone that happened to be lying nearby. He was just a straight up dick.
No, when you kill professionally you need to be familiar with an array of different techniques, each one far more sophisticated than the last. You need to know how to be stealthy, how to blend in as you watch your target, how to set up the scenes of their death in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. Or, instead, how to set the scene up in a way that lets any onlookers know that this person had been offed by someone who knew what they were doing, and knew it well. There's a difference between being a killer and being an assassin and you are firmly in the latter category.
So, if your client wants her husband to be shuffled off quietly, then that’s what she’ll get.
They really have pulled out all the stops for this charity gala. Everything is shining, glittering and bright: the surroundings, the food, the people. Especially the people. The rich elite have come together for an extravagant and exquisite night of ostentation and luxury, all in the name of raising money for some needy cause. (You try not to think of the irony and/or hypocrisy behind that.)
It’s almost laughable how easy it is to blend in here. Namjoon had secured (forged) invitations for you both, and so you hang off his arm as you make a slow sweep of the room, trailing unnoticed after your target. You’re not planning to make a move right now but you want to feel out exactly what he’s like: the more information you have about the person you’ve been contracted to assassinate, the better. 
Plus it’s an excuse to dress up nice and eat free food— though that last part is mainly Namjoon.
“God, these canapés are so good,” Namjoon moans quietly to you, hoovering up the flaky pastry crumbs from his fingers with single-minded intent. You dig your fingers subtly into his arm.
“I thought we agreed on not eating tonight, Joon,” you mutter to him, although you say it with a beatific smile in case anyone is watching; the place is heaving with people but you’re always on guard. (Even if Namjoon is right. The hors d’oeuvres that are on offer do look incredibly tempting.)
“You have a glass of champagne,” he points out.
“And you may have noticed that I haven’t drunk any of it.” You titter, as if he’s just told a funny joke, and lightly slap his arm. Again, you’re fairly certain no one is watching, but you can never be too careful. “It’s all about creating a facade, Joonie. It’s what we in the business call a ruse.”
Even throughout your back and forth, you’ve kept your eyes on your man of the night: Park Minjae, a middle-aged businessman who’s been greeting people and getting swept up in conversation, all while a slip of a blonde clings to his arm, stuck to his side like a pretty limpet. She’s cute, sure, but she lacks the poise that Dahye has, so you frankly don’t get it. Then again, not everyone finds strong women as attractive as you do. Weirdos.
You’ve been focused on Minjae but your eyes have also been flitting around the room, drinking in your surroundings, drawing up a detailed map of your environment (of course you’d scoped out the building before tonight, but with all the banquet tables and chairs around the layout is a little different). The people, too, have been subject to your scrutiny, although so far they all seem summarily unimportant and uninteresting, just as you’d suspected. You lift your glass to your lips and pretend to take a tiny, demure sip, glancing up through your eyelashes to scan the room again, and you freeze.
Holy shit.
You take back what you just said about everyone being unimportant and uninteresting. 
The woman who’s just walked in is fucking stunning. Her sleek dark bob is unstyled, but perfectly frames her beautiful face: sharp eyes, soft nose, flushed lips. Her cocktail dress lets you see almost every inch of those perfect legs, the line of her thighs to her calves and— oh, you swear you could shed a tear of joy. She’s already tall and she’s made even taller by the heels she wears, towering above most of the men here, a fucking Amazonian goddess who looks powerful and undeniably elegant at the same time. 
(Thank you for your service, tall women.)
You don’t know who she is, but goddamn, do you want to. She’s scanning the room, and for a brief moment, your eyes touch. A tiny thrill shudders up your spine at the darkness of her keen eyes, that quick and astute gaze. 
It’s only the tiniest of moments that’s over as soon as it’s started. The dark-haired beauty looks away and is already disappearing into the crowd before you realise, and it’s only then you notice that you’re staring, utterly drawn in by her cool poise and presence. You’ve been frozen in place with the rim of your champagne  glass resting against your mouth, and your eyelashes flutter as you blink and glance down.
The imprint of your lower lip has been left on the glass, stark red visible against its edge, and you squeeze Namjoon’s bicep.
“How does my lipstick look?”
He takes one look at you as he swallows down another tiny vol-au-vent. “Like half of it is missing,” he says, and you frown.
“Ugh. I’ll go touch it up in the bathroom. Keep an eye on our guy, I’ll be right back.”
It’s not until you’ve made it to the toilets that you realise that you do not, in fact, have any lipstick in your ridiculously small clutch bag. When it comes to your actual work, you’re meticulous and thorough and well-planned, but for some bizarre reason, a tube of lipstick is never the top of the list when it comes to equipment. Unbelievable. (You knew you should have worn the 24/7 stuff, but it was always such a nightmare to get off.)
You’ve been so busy rummaging through your bag that you’re completely caught off-guard at the sound of a quiet voice from behind you.
“Lost something?”
Oh, fuck. It’s her, your dark haired and dark eyed beauty, meeting your gaze through the mirror when you glance up from where you’re resting your bag against the marble counter  (marble, marble, marble, it’s all marble: the floors, the counters, the sinks; why do rich people always love marble?). She looks altogether too amused at your plight and at how your eyes have widened perceptibly upon seeing her again. But can she blame you? Her presence is so graceful and commanding and she’s so dizzyingly attractive it’s insane. Surely she must get this all the time.
You stare for a little longer than is probably polite, and even behind her fringe you can see how one of her eyebrows rises.
“Sorry for staring,” you say once you notice. “You’re just so beautiful.”
She pauses as she takes in the compliment. You see how her eyes flicker over your face and settle on your mouth; your upper lip, tinted burgundy red, while the lower is faint and smudged.
“Lipstick problems?” She cocks her head at you, still staring at your lips in the mirror. God, she’s so hot.
“Can you tell?” You sound rueful as you glance down at the reflection of your mouth, touching your bottom lip lightly with a fingertip. “I forgot to bring any with me so now I’m stuck.”
She finally looks away from you. You hear a small, metallic click as she unclasps her evening bag— marginally larger than your own— and lifts out a small tube of liquid lipstick. “Would you like to use mine?”
Fuck yes you would. 
“Oh, would that be alright?” You finally turn around, and you have to tilt your head back to look at her, taller than you in her heels. Jesus Christ. She’s going to be the death of you. Why are women so gorgeous? Who gave them the right? “I’m not sure the shade will match, though?”
You watch her beautiful mouth curve up into a small smirk as she pulls out a tiny pack of makeup remover wipes from her bag, and you swear could propose to her there and then. Beautiful and tall and organised? Holy shit. What a woman.
She’s got her bag in one hand, while the lipstick and wipes are clasped in the other; her hand is held up in such a way that you think she means for you to take them from her, but when you reach out she shakes her head.
“I’ll do it for you,” she says. The quiet note of authority in her tone makes you go weak at the knees.
Thank god the toilets you chose aren’t the main ones, because it means there’s no one around to see how she tilts her head at the marble counter in the universal gesture of get on there. It’s entirely unnecessary, but you, of course, immediately comply. You brace your hands against the cold stone before hitching yourself up, careful with the draping folds of your dress; the cold touch of the stone is noticeable through the material of your dress, but it’s instantly forgotten when your enchantress steps closer. 
You spread your knees so she can stand between them. Holy shit, she’s even better up close. Her lashes are wispy but they’re the perfect frame for her gorgeous eyes, which are dark and intent. You suppress a shiver. You hold yourself still as she leans forward and around you so she can put her clutch and lipstick down, trying to ignore how close she is, but there’s no way she can’t realise what she’s doing. Your heart is pounding. You wish you didn’t have a job to do tonight because you would so much rather be getting, ah, acquainted with this woman rather than following some old businessman around.
The only noise in the bathroom is the sound of peeling plastic as she opens the tiny packet of wet wipes before she curls one around her finger, glancing at you through her lashes.
“Open,” she instructs.
Your mouth drops open immediately. She sweeps the wipe over your lips, bottom, then top, touch firm but careful, drawing away the red from your skin; you stare at her as she works, how her eyes are cast down as she stares at your mouth. She’s using her free hand to grip your chin and you feel deliciously powerless in her grasp. 
You purse your lips a little to try and help her, watching the way her eyes flicker as she pulls the wipe back over them— somewhat firmer, this time, with more intent. Lingering. The only barrier between her finger and your mouth is soft and flimsy, the texture of the wipe against your lips like cotton as it drags across them, and it would be so easy to pull it out of her hands.
She flicks the dirtied wipe aside, heedless of how it lands on the unsullied marble, before reaching for her lipstick. She twists the tube in her fingers, motions of her hands precise and deft, and you’ve never been so attracted to how someone’s uncapped something before. 
You watch her hands. (She watches you.)
Your eyes trail over the wand as she pulls it out, dragging the doe foot against the rim to catch the excess before turning it towards you, putting the tube by your thigh, near where your hand is bracing against the marble. She takes hold of your chin once again. You stay quiet as she starts to sweep the lipstick over your lips, painting them the same flushed pink as her own. Once again she’s staring at her work so you’re free to drink her in, almost drunk from her beauty, eyes catching on the tiny moles on her pale skin, the smallest freckles that are only noticeable because you’re this close.
The squelch of the applicator sliding into the tube is almost lewd in the silence of the bathroom, and this time you can’t suppress a shiver when she pulls your chin down to open your mouth so she can go back in again on your lips, drawing a sharp, crisp line. Tracing the edges of your lips, the flushed swell of them, the peak of your cupid’s bow.
She glances up. For a moment you’re both still, staring at each other, tension in the air palpable, but then she smacks her lips and you copy the motion, evening the application of the makeup on your mouth. 
“Perfect,” she murmurs. “One more step.”
A small, confused frown flits over your face. She’s put the lipstick aside but then she lifts a finger and points towards your still parted lips. You take in a small, shuddering breath when she speaks again and you realise what she means.
“You don’t want to get lipstick on your teeth, do you?”
Both of her eyebrows have risen and she’s looking at you like you’re being silly if you disagree with her.
“No,” you say. You’re not about to deny her. “No, I don’t.”
Your eyes remain locked. You lean forwards, taking that perfect, long finger into your mouth, dragging your lips upwards so that any excess lipstick is caught against her pale skin, a ring of deep rose circling her bottom knuckle; you curl your tongue around her, hot and wet, feeling the crease of her knuckles and pad of her fingertip against your taste buds as you slowly, slowly pull away. 
It’s undoubtedly indecent and risqué and you can feel the flush of arousal settling in your lower belly, an almost embarrassing flush of wetness leaking out of you at the taste of her skin. She, however, remains unmoved, although she lets her finger linger just for a moment on your bottom lip, almost rough against their softness— but before you can swallow those fingers back down and ruin her meticulous work, she pulls away, lifting the discarded wipe to sweep it around her finger, catching the lipstick you’d left on her skin.
She steps back and you feel like you can finally breathe, a breath so deep you can feel how your lungs fill, oxygen rushing to your brain so fast you feel lightheaded. You watch as she sweeps everything back into her bag, clicking it shut with a note of finality; the sullied wipe is cast carelessly into a tiny, chrome bin with a flick of a wrist, her every motion regal.
You slide off the counter. You still can’t take your eyes off her and you don’t want to. It feels like whatever heaviness was in the air has dissipated, gone in an instant with a turn of her head— normally you’d let it slide, even if you feel disappointed, but she’s just so magnetic. 
“Thank you,” you say. You can see yourself in the mirror now and to your complete lack of surprise, your lipstick is perfect. The shade is lighter than one you’d have chosen for yourself but it’s beautiful on her, of course.
“You’re welcome.” She’s in the middle of washing her hands, but she glances over her shoulder at you, and the firm set to her face lightens a little as she smiles. It’s a small, sly thing, and you realise with a start that she knows exactly what effect she has on you.
I’m coming back for you, you think to yourself. You have work to do tonight, but—
“What’s your name?”
She pauses. She shuts off the tap with a quick motion, reaching forward for a rolled hand-towel, a neat stack on a metal tray nearby. You wonder if she’s not going to answer but then she speaks, looking at you instead of the soft cotton she’s rubbing over her skin. “Yoonji,” she says. “I’m Min Yoonji.”
Min Yoonji is the most gorgeous fucking woman you’ve ever seen.
“I love your dress, Yoonji,” you say, and it’s true, you really do— but you’d prefer it if it was off. Not that you’re about to say that, of course.
She lets out a breath of laughter. “I know.” Oh, god, you love confident women. “What’s your name, darling?”
You have that same split second of hesitation, similar to Yoonji’s only moments prior. You use a codename when you work, of course, and you have a plethora of fake identities that you use and are intimately familiar with— but the idea of your real name falling off Yoonji’s flushed, petal lips? Woof.
“Y/n L/n,” you say. 
Oh, Joon would be so unimpressed right now, giving some mysterious woman your full, real name just because you think she’s the sexiest thing since sex, but whatever. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
“Well, Y/n,” Yoonji says. You were right, your name sounds so good falling from her mouth, the mouth that’s turned into a small, almost smug smile. “I certainly hope to see you at the charity ball in a few weeks?”
“Of course.” Your schedule has been magically cleared and you’ll definitely be in attendance for whatever ball Yoonji is referring to, even if you have no idea what it is. You only come to these things if you have to for work but for Yoonji you’ll make an exception. You’ll make a hundred thousand exceptions. A hundred thousand quinquagintaquadringentillion exceptions. “I’ll make sure to remember my lipstick next time.”
And there it is, the thing that seals the deal, the final nail in the coffin: Yoonji glancing at you out of the corner of her eyes, a sharp, dark touch that shoots through you as her smile edges into hunger.
“Don’t worry,” she says. “I’m sure it won’t stay on your lips long enough to matter.”
The thing you’ve discovered about Minjae is that, with his divorce due to be finalised soon, he’s apparently lost any sense of routine and is revelling in his new found freedom, which is kind of irritating when you’re trying to tail the guy. Sure, you’re still going to take him out, but you prefer it when targets have some sort of schedule that they adhere to— makes it easier to set up a kill.
“You’re certain that he’s going to be here tonight?” You’d been sceptical considering how the guy’s apparently thrown his schedule out of the window, but Namjoon had been certain.
“Positive.” He’d said. “He’s there every Tuesday night. You’ll have plenty of time.”
The house appears to be deserted. The driveway is empty and all the windows and doors are locked tight. It’s just one of the properties that the Parks own in the city, and for all its size and lushness it appears as though this one is rarely frequented; you imagine that the cleaners and gardeners spend more time here than the owners themselves.
It doesn’t take you long to evade the watchful eyes of security cameras to pick a lock and slip inside. You're grateful for the dying evening light that helps cover your tracks from any onlookers from the street, although you imagine the high walls do good work at preventing people from seeing into the grounds anyway.
There’s still enough light to navigate through the house, the golden tinged sunset casting warm shadows across the spotless furniture and fixtures; you take a moment to let your eyes slide across a huge canvas hanging on a wall that spans two storeys, some impressionist piece that’s surprisingly ugly for all the talent that’s obvious in its brushstrokes. Maybe that’s why the Parks are never here? You’d certainly try to avoid seeing this thing if you could. Eurgh.
Even though the building is empty, you’re careful as you start to make your way forwards. You always place your toes down first whenever you take a step, soundless as you start to map the house out in your mind; there are so many rooms you can hide in, but you’d prefer to be close to wherever Minjae ends up. Saves faffing around later. 
You’ll overpower him, inject the toxin into his blood and wait for him to die before setting him up on the toilet— it’s surprisingly common for people to die while on the shitter, the strain leading to an untimely heart attack, especially in older people. The poison you’re using tonight will mimic the symptoms of a heart attack in the case the coroner decides a post-mortem needs to be undertaken.
(Being found on the bog might not be a particularly graceful way to die but when you’re dead it’s kind of hard to be embarrassed.)
You’ve eased the door open into a large bedroom, and you’re just inspecting if it looks like this room sees more use than the others when you pause. It’s deathly silent in this building, the air still minus where you glide through it as you move, but there’s a feeling in your gut, some instinct that makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You freeze, ears straining to catch any noise to let you know if there’s someone else here, when—
There. In the reflection of a burnished pot, the tiniest shifting movement.
You react almost faster than the eye can see. You spin to parry a hit that was aimed for your head, and the strength behind it shudders through your arms. You only have a second to take in the details of your assailant— dressed in dark clothing, masquerade style mask in place, a professional just like you— before you’re deflecting another flurry of blows, flipping backwards out of reach before spinning into a kick, hooking that burnished pot with your foot and sending it flying towards the other assassin.
They dodge it. You both ignore the sound of clattering metal as you lunge forwards, trying to catch them off guard after their sidestep— your fist makes contact with their palm instead of their face, your hand engulfed in theirs, and you startle at their speed. You might not be the strongest but you’re damn fast. 
There’s a pause, and you can only see a slither of their eyes through the sockets of their mask, but you can tell that they’re impressed. And honestly? So are you. 
The moment shatters when they use the hand they're holding to twist you, locking an arm around your neck and putting you into a chokehold; they’re strong, stronger than you, cutting off your airflow. You need to get out of this before you fall unconscious, but if they’re trained as well as you then they’ll know how to combat the usual ways you’d use to get out of this.
So, in a demonstration of your flexibility you kick a leg up, using the strength of your thighs and calves to slam it into the arm that’s around your neck. Your assailant lets out a noise of surprise and pain as you slip out of their hold and cartwheel across the room before spinning to face them.
There’s a beat. The air is tense. You get another chance to take in the details of whoever’s just tried to choke you out; you stare at her as she stares at you, the two of you poised and ready to strike, watching and waiting. 
Knives might be messy but of course you’re not unarmed. You have multiple sheathed weapons in your clothes, though you don’t make a move to draw any of them. Yet. “I suppose you wouldn’t tell me who your employer is, would you?”
Your opponent tilts her head. “You don’t know?” She sounds amused, even through her mask. “Minjae took out a contract on the assassin who has a contract on him.”
Your lip curls back from your teeth. The only way Minjae would have heard about your contract is if Dahye had told him. Presumably to try and shock him out of his behaviour, or something, who knows. “This is the last time I’m accepting a job from these rich old farts,” you mutter. 
“That’s for certain,” she says. 
She starts to move and you catch her arm just as she goes to unsheathe a wicked looking blade, knocking it aside before she overpowers you and you start to wrestle. It’s messy and graceless but sometimes you just have to fight dirty. 
Whoever this woman is, she still has the upper hand because she was expecting you and you weren’t expecting her; she knocks you onto the bed and pins you down, swooping the knife up from where it had been thrown onto the mattress. You go utterly still as she holds it against your throat, towering over your from where she’s straddling your waist and kneeling on your arms. Any sudden movement from you now could lead to your untimely demise— and, unsurprisingly, you absolutely want to avoid that at all costs.
Namjoon would never let you live it down if you were killed on the job.
You hum. “It seems like we’ve reached an impasse.”
She doesn’t respond. The knife doesn’t dip any lower, though; you’re undoubtedly at her mercy but you notice she’s careful to keep the knife still, hovering above the skin of your neck, but not making contact.
“Well,” you continue. “At least I’m going out the way I’d always hoped to.”
Even in the dying light and with how her face is covered, you notice her face shifting behind her mask— a silent, questioning raise of an eyebrow. You give her a cheeky smile that crinkles your eyes.
“In bed with a beautiful woman, of course.”
At this she huffs out a laugh. “Do you flirt with every person who tries to kill you?”
You’re trying to look as non-threatening as possible to keep that knife away from your jugular. The longer you talk, the longer you live, even if you can’t see a way to get out of this situation right now. “Only the pretty ones.”
The small laugh she lets out this time seems more like a scoff. “You don’t even know what I look like.”
“Please.” You roll your eyes. “Any woman who can fight like you and knows how to handle a knife? Automatically hot. I don’t need to see your face to know that.”
The knife still hasn’t moved. She continues to stare you down and you go tense when her free hand moves. She tugs the cloth of your mask down to reveal your face, the air of the room almost cold against the suddenly bared skin, your breaths free to curl out unhindered.
“Usually I like to be taken out to dinner at least once before we get this intimate, but for you I suppose I’ll make an exception.” You’re still grinning cheekily at her, but your mind continues to race as you try to think of a way to get out of this, especially now that she’s seen what you look like—but you suddenly notice that she’s gone very, very still.
The grin freezes on your face. Oh, you’re so boned. You’re so very boned. Like, yeah, you’ve been seconds away from death for the past, hmm, five minutes, but this is somehow worse. How the fuck does she know your name?
You’re given the answer almost immediately. She withdraws the hand from your chin and reaches for her own mask. Your eyes widen and your breath stutters in your throat once you see who it is.
“Holy shit,” you breathe.
Yoonji is staring down at you. She’s every inch as imperious and stunning as the last time you’d seen her— hell, even moreso now that you’ve seen what she’s capable of. No wonder you hadn’t been able to find out anything about her after you’d met at that garish charity gala. Because she’s untraceable, just like you.
“Well.” You stare back at her, not even attempting to keep the surprise off your face. “If anyone has to kill me at least I can die satisfied in the knowledge that it was you. Can I make a request? I’d be eternally grateful if you smothered me to death with your thighs. Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore it if you want.”
Yoonji cocks her head. Her bob is tied back, but there’s a loose lock of hair curled by the side of her face that shifts at the motion. Your fingers twitch. If she wasn’t kneeling on your arms you know you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from tucking it behind her ear. Any excuse to touch her. “Do you always talk so much?”
“Hey, if it means I get to feel your legs around my face before I die, I’ll give a full fledged TED talk,” you say. “I have to admit, though. When I pictured us in bed together I didn’t think it would be like this.”
The knife still hasn’t moved from your throat. She continues to stare, as if considering what to do next, though her face remains impassive. “What did you think it would be like?”
“Well, you know. Less knives and clothes involved and a lot more making out,” you answer. “You, telling me what to do. Me, entirely at your command. Anything the lady wants, she gets.”
The human body is a fickle and strange beast. Ever since you discovered who’s straddling you, you’ve been growing wetter and wetter, even if you’re trying not to let on that you’re steadily growing more aroused— you’re still distinctly aware of the knife that’s only centimetres away from your skin, but somehow your body is more focused of the fact that the woman you’ve been daydreaming about is finally in front of you again. 
(Well, less in front of you and more on top of you, which is an admittedly preferable option, sans the knife involvement.)
You see how Yoonji’s eyes are darting over your face. No doubt taking in how your pupils are dilated, how your breaths are a little shallower, quicker— signs of fear and signs of arousal are surprisingly similar. You wonder if she can identify which it is. Probably. You’re not exactly very subtle in your attraction to her.
“I forgot my lipstick again,” you add, and Yoonji’s passive mask finally breaks when she rolls her eyes.
“Didn’t I say you wouldn’t need it?”
Even the way she throws the knife aside is gorgeous. The sharp undulation of her wrist as she sends the blade skittering across the polished wood floor is careless and fluid. Her hands cup your face as she bends down, and you send up a mental thanks to any god or higher being who might be listening before Yoonji presses her lips to your and your brain goes blank.
Apparently Yoonji likes it messy. One of her hands is grasping your chin in a mockery of the last time you’d met and she’d painted your lips— your mouth is open and she licks past your lips as you shudder beneath her. She’s still got her knees pressed into your arms, pinning you down, but you desperately crane your head towards her, chasing that kiss; you tilt your head to deepen it, and the whine that leaves you when she pulls away is almost embarrassing.
The sun has finally dipped below the horizon and the room is dark, painted in shades of grey and deep blue. You wish you could see Yoonji properly and you can’t help but wriggle a little underneath her, but then you watch her raise her hands and clap three times in rapid succession before the room floods with dim light. Sound activated lights? Damn.
Yoonji’s mouth shines, covered in a sheen of your mixed saliva, her pretty lips flushed rose pink; even without makeup they’re beautiful and their colour is deep, the blooming petals of a flower. Your eyes trail over her face, down her neck, over the fall of her chest and stomach— you’re both far too covered up in these stupid ensembles of yours and you want to strip the clothes off her. You want to see every inch of her beautiful, majestic body, bared for your lips and hands.
Fuck, she’s so gorgeous.
“Not to, um, ruin the moment, but my hands are going numb.” The weight of Yoonji’s body being pressed into your arms has pretty much cut off the blood flow to your fingers and you can feel the telltale sensation of pins and needles spreading through your skin. “Can I have those back, please?”
Yoonji lifts her knees just enough for you to slide your arms out from underneath them. You immediately shed your gloves and go to grab her ass but she gives you a sharp look and you freeze, slowly settling them on her thighs instead, which she allows with only the slightest raise of her eyebrows.
“Watch,” she commands, and who are you to disobey?
She reaches for the tie in her hair, tugging it out and letting her dark locks fall to frame her lovely, beautiful face. You hungrily swallow down each sight that she feeds to you, the skin that’s revealed as she shrugs off her layers of clothing. She unbuckles the weapons hidden underneath her clothes as she sheds them; she’s a veritable arsenal of firearms and knives, all cast carelessly aside until her upper body is finally, blessedly naked. You’ve been staring at her the whole time, the graceful column of her throat, the delicate lines of her collarbones, and your gaze falls to her breasts, small and perfect, nipples dusty pink and hard. You want to put your mouth on them.
“Holy shit, you’re perfect,” you say.
She smirks. You watch as she rolls her body, lifting up from her knees and standing up, towering above you on the bed—your hands fall to the mattress as she pulls her trousers down, tight material dragging against her skin as she slides it over the curve of her hips and down her long legs. There’s a dagger strapped to her thigh, which she unbuckles and lets fall to one side, but god, if she used it to kill you right now, you would die a happy woman. The image of Min Yoonji towering above you in nothing more than some flimsy underwear is one you want to take to the grave.
You can see how the material around her entrance is darkened with her arousal, and you feel your own body react to the sight, pussy throbbing, your own lower lips slick underneath all your layers of clothing. Yoonji hooks her thumbs into her panties and pushes them down, and you’re enraptured as you watch how the wetness clings to them, before that last bit of clothing is cast aside too. 
You moan, unable to stop the sound bubbling up in your throat. From how she’s standing above you, legs spread from how her feet are either side of your hips, you can see everything—how her cunt is flushed, how wet she is, her folds shining. You bet she tastes so fucking good.
You let your mouth fall open, tongue lolling out in a way that’s obscene. You see Yoonji’s eyes flicker as she traces the motion, the way she takes in your expression: wide, hungry eyes, parted lips, wet tongue. Your hands skim up the back of her calves as she shifts forwards and returns to her knees, her naked core so, so close to your mouth, and you dig your fingers into her skin.
“Bon appé-fucking-tit,” you murmur, and then you pull her onto your face.
Yoonji gasps. 
(You were right. She tastes so, so fucking good.)
You’re utterly shameless as you slurp up her juices, the wetness that continues to leak out of her as you bury your face into her cunt, tongue lapping over her entrance as your nose brushes her clit. Your hands have moved to the flesh of her ass and you encourage her to grind against you, rolling her hips towards your greedy mouth; you’re staring up at her, drinking down her reactions, the way her face twists with pleasure and the shuddering breaths she takes in, perfect little breasts jumping at the motion. There’s a flush spreading down her neck and chest, pale skin blushing pink, and it’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.
You purse your lips against her clit, circling it with your tongue before dipping back down between her folds. Each time you breathe in all you can smell is her scent, heavy and dark, all your senses filled with Yoonji, Yoonji, Yoonji. When you hum against her, Yoonji arches her spine and throws her head back, so when you press your tongue into her you hum again, letting the vibrations shiver through her.
“Yes,” she gasps, rutting against your face. “Yes, yes—”
Her thighs tighten around your head. You redouble your efforts, watching her face as you continue to swipe your tongue up her slit and through her folds; you wish you could swallow each of the noises that are falling from her lips as she reaches the crest of her pleasure, the little gasps and moans each time you move your tongue in a particularly wicked way.
“There,” she says. “There, there, just like that—”
Your jaw aches but you don’t even register it, too intent on keeping your mouth open and hot and wet against her. It only takes a few more swipes and flicks of your tongue before she shudders violently, canting her hips towards your mouth as her legs go tense and she cums. She continues to straddle your face as she rides out the waves of pleasure, and you swallow down the wetness that flushes out of her rippling cunt, ignoring the throbbing between your own legs.
You can’t talk, muffled by her as you are, but your mind is singing. Look at you, you think. Look at how gorgeous you are. God, I could eat you out all day. (What a blessed life that would be.)
You can tell when Yoonji’s edged into oversensitivity, jolting when your tongue sweeps over her swollen clit; she settles back, knees spread as she rests against your heaving chest, legs tensing each time an aftershock shivers through her. Your mouth is open as you pant in air, but she watches as you swipe your tongue over your lips, catching the lingering taste of her on you, your chin opalescent with her arousal.
“Okay,” you say, breathless. “I’ve done everything that’s worth doing. I’ve peaked. Everything is downhill from here. You can kill me now.”
You’re only half joking, but your thighs instinctively go tight to rub against each other when you see how Yoonji’s eyes darken.
“I’m not done with you yet,” she purrs.
Yoonji might be naked while you’re still clothed, and so still armed, but she’s undoubtedly the one who’s in control right now. You are so, so okay with that. You watch with wide eyes as she shifts back, her hands grabbing the material of your jacket to tug you upwards, but before she can strip off your clothes you capture her lips with your own.
The taste of her is still heady and deep in your mouth and you nip at her bottom lip before pressing your tongue forwards. The kiss is already slick from Yoonji’s wetness and when you pull away, there’s a thin string of saliva that connects you for a moment before it breaks, which Yoonji wipes away from your chin with the pad of her thumb.
“Dirty girl,” she says, and you bite back a moan at the unabashed lust in her voice. Her grip on your chin is firm. “Did I say you could kiss me?”
“No,” you answer. “I couldn’t help myself.”
She tuts, as if disappointed, and every one of your nerve endings feels electrified, ready and anticipating whatever Yoonji is going to do next. “Such a shame,” she says. “You just can’t keep your hands or mouth to yourself, can you?”
“Can you blame me?”
Yoonji huffs out a laugh through her nose. She strips your jacket off in one sharp motion and then your shirt is similarly pulled off with single-minded intent, along with every other piece of equipment cinched to your arms and body. When you reach for her, though, she captures your wrists, her face stern.
“If you keep moving without permission, I’m going to take that privilege away from you.”
You don’t have to see your own eyes to know how your pupils will have dilated from that statement, blood thrumming through your veins, and you can tell Yoonji has noticed when her expression shifts.
“Oh.” A small, triumphant smirk appears on her face. “I see.”
You lift your arms up so she can pull your sports bra off (of course if you had known you’d been running into Yoonji again you would have worn something nicer). Rather than touch your heaving chest, however, she pushes you down onto the mattress, a hand around your wrists so they’re held above your head.
“Keep still,” she says.
She reaches for the holster that you’d had around your upper arm, lazily casting the knife aside before looping it around your wrists and pulling it secure.
Yoonji’s fingers ease under the nylon as she checks the fit. It’s tight, but not so much so that it’s painful or dangerous, and there’s a hushed moment when the realisation hits you— Yoonji and yourself are both skilled enough to know that you could easily free yourself if you wanted to. It would only take a little motion of your wrists and hands and you could slip them out of the makeshift cuffs in an instant.
You melt into the mattress. Yoonji’s eyes shift away from your wrists as she takes in the way you’ve gone utterly relaxed and limp below her, staring back at her. You see an expression flit across her face faster than you can see, before she slides down your body so she can push your legs apart.
You lift your hips to help her strip your trousers off. Her hand lingers on the concealed holster around your thigh, eyeing the small pistol nestled inside it, before that too is stripped off and cast aside. Her hands trail over the soft skin of your hips and stomach, eyes skimming over the bared length of your body before settling between your legs, the slickness of your inner thighs.
“You got this wet just from eating me out?” Her pretty mouth is curled into an expression that’s almost mocking, and your legs jolt as she runs her fingers lightly over your lower lips before rubbing her fingertips together to feel the wetness she’s gathered. “I haven’t even touched you yet.”
Your nails dig into your palms as your hands twist against each other and you shift your legs further apart. “Please, Yoonji,” you plead, shameless from desperation and arousal.
She laughs at your obvious hunger. “I suppose I should return the favour, shouldn’t I?”
You watch breathlessly as she lifts her fingers to her lips, swallowing them into her mouth to get them slick and wet. The motions of her tongue are languid as she licks across her fingers. You’re like a livewire, thrumming with electricity, and the sensation of her finally sinking one of those fingers into you sends sparks throughout your body.
Yoonji’s maddeningly slow. Your body takes her readily, her long finger gliding easily in and out of you, but she makes no move to speed up; you let out a small noise and she moves upwards to kiss you, as if indulging you, and you’ve just relaxed against her mouth when she plunges a second finger in.
She swallows your gasp as her fingers speed up, before she starts to kiss across your jaw, your neck, between the valley of your breasts and then closing her mouth over one of your nipples— she times the flick of her tongue with the thrust of her fingers, and then you feel how she takes her thumb to press your clit at the same time and you’re gone, falling over the edge faster than you’d expected. Your orgasm is fast but deep, your walls clenching tight around the fingers that continue to curl in and out of you, but she doesn’t stop.
“Yoonji,” you gasp. “It’s too— oh—”
Those two fingers continue to rub your sweet spot as you edge into oversensitivity but Yoonji doesn’t let up. She continues to lick and bite at the skin of your chest, putting her mouth to your other breast and circling the hardened bud of your nipple with her tongue before kissing down your stomach, your pubic bone, and then pressing her lips to your swollen clit.
You whimper. Her pace of her fingers has quickened, and she curls them each time she almost pulls them out, the squelch of their motions obscene as they slide through the cum of your first orgasm. She stares up at you, lapping at your clit with her tongue, and you can feel the saliva that’s dripping from her mouth and over your flushed core, every inch of you oversensitive but screaming with pleasure.
It’s almost painful, but you can feel an orgasm creeping through that ache; you wring your hands together and sob as Yoonji continues to finger fuck you without mercy, her pace almost bruising, the thrust of her knuckles against you each time she bottoms out just one more layer on top of that overwhelming pleasure.
“Yoonji,” you gasp. “I’m g-gonna cum again.”
She hums against you, and you make an incoherent noise at the feeling of that sound against your clit, almost too much— and then she presses one more finger into you, and that’s it, that slight burn and stretch sending you hurtling over that edge again. When you cum, your hips buck and you gasp, air rushing into your lungs before it escapes you in a moan of ecstasy; the only sensations registering in your mind right now are the ripples of pleasure spreading through your cunt as Yoonji pulls her fingers out of you, pressing down on your clit in a way that’s almost cruel, and you sob as your legs instinctively try to tighten but are prevented from doing so by Yoonji’s unyielding presence.
She’s staring down at you as you start to go lax, and you think she’s finished with you, but you watch with widening eyes as she takes her ring and middle finger to run them through your sodden folds. You sob again when those fingers plunge back into you, palm pressing against your clit each time she curls her fingers, and you squirm underneath her.
“Yoonji, it’s too much,” you cry.
“One more.” Yoonji’s leaning back and staring at you, taking in the sweat that’s beading across your skin, the tears that are gathering in your eyes and threatening to spill down your face and into your hair. “You’re doing so well, darling, you can give me one more, can’t you?”
Your reply is incoherent, a small noise that shudders out of the back of your throat. You’ve never been thrown so thoroughly into pleasure like this, overstimulated and aching, but there’s that flicker of pleasure still between your legs, growing each time Yoonji beckons with her fingers, curling over your abused sweet spot again and again and again.
“Just say the word and I’ll stop,” Yoonji says, the wet plunge of her fingers into your abused pussy so messy and loud but not enough to drown her out. “One word and I’ll stop.”
You don’t say anything. You just let your eyes roll back into your head as you cant your hips towards her, trying to latch onto that thread of pleasure that’s thrumming through you below all your screaming nerves, and the noise Yoonji makes is pleased.
“There we go,” she praises. “Look at you, so good for me. Pretty darling.”
You can feel how your pussy clenches around Yoonji’s fingers, how the coil in you is squeezing tighter and tighter, how another orgasm is somehow creeping up on you— you tilt your hips towards that feeling, towards Yoonji’s hand, and then she’s pulling her fingers out of you in an almost rough motion and you’re cumming harder than you ever have before.
“Oh, fuck!” You sob. 
It’s indescribable. The sensation rips through you as your back arches off the bed and you’re cumming and squirting and gasping and you can feel the wetness that slicks out of you, your toes curling as your brain goes blank from the staggering pleasure and static consumes every one of your senses. Your entire body feels like nothing more than a vessel for the ecstasy that’s shooting through your veins, spreading out from your core and to every corner of your insides and limbs.
It takes you a while to come back around, aftershocks wracking through your body. You feel sluggish and slow as your mind slowly clears, focusing on the sensation of warm hands stroking over the skin of your stomach and hips and thighs; your eyes flutter open and when you glance down you can see the shine to Yoonji’s skin, evidence of your pleasure painting her in a thin sheen of liquid.
“Oh my god,” you moan. “Holy shit.”
She smiles. “You were so, so good for me,” she says. She leans down to press a light kiss to collarbones and you shiver. “So beautiful. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve died and gone to heaven before coming back again,” you reply. “Oh, that was so good, Yoonji. I’ve never squirted before. I didn’t realise I could. God.”
Yoonji laughs lightly. You can’t help but watch the way it transforms her face, the way her chest jumps at the motion, every inch of her gorgeous and majestic and cute and pretty. “You did so, so well,” she praises, before she kisses you, her mouth so soft; you barely notice the sudden easing of pressure around your wrists as she releases you, more intent on the sensation of her soft petal lips against your own.
You stare up at her as she pulls away. Powerful, amazing Min Yoonji, kneeling between your legs, naked but not helpless. Definitely less vulnerable than you right now. And yet she’s still making no moves to grab one of the many weapons littered around the bed so she can finally finish her contract by completing the kill. It would be so easy for her.
The silence of the room is suddenly broken by a tiny buzzing noise. You both glance over at the sound, one that Yoonji doesn’t recognise but you do— the communicator in one of your wristbands, the one you use to keep in contact with Namjoon.
You watch the twisting of Yoonji’s body as she leans over the bed to hook the band with a finger before proffering it to you. You pause, but then grasp her wrist and lightly pull so she ends up pressed against you, softness of her breasts against your own, and you hold the communicator between your faces as you accept the call.
“Thank god you answered.” Namjoon’s voice is obviously frantic even through the tinniness of the small speaker. “Dahye cancelled the contract because Minjae wants to reconcile with her, but apparently he’s already put a hit out on you— tonight was a ruse, Minjae isn’t going to be there, you have to get out of there—”
“Bit too late for that,” you interrupt. Yoonji’s hair is tickling your cheek. “Don’t worry. I have it in hand. Send some flowers to Minjae for me, will you?”
“Flowers?” Namjoon sounds understandably confused. “Why?”
“As a thank you for taking out a contract on me,” you say. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m a little busy.”
“With what?”
“With me,” Yoonji says, and you hear Namjoon’s surprised intake of breath before you cut the line.
You end up laughing to yourself. “Oh, he’s going to hate me for that,” you giggle. Yoonji’s hand trails up your stomach and you continue to giggle at the ticklish sensation. Her skin is still slick against yours, and you suddenly realise how cold it is in the room, the air touching the cooling liquid that’s rubbed off against your skin, and you shiver. “Mm. I think it’s time to clean up. Want me to scrub your back in the shower? I give very good massages.”
Yoonji’s eyes are dark and warm before she presses her nose to your neck, lips soft as they touch the delicate skin of your throat. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years ago
first dates with atsumu, osamu, and suna
request: hi!! i just read your dad hq headcanons and they just warmed my heart SO MUCH!!!! can i rq first dates with suna, osamu and atsumu? i also wanted to know if you'll be making a post w rules for requesting bc i don't wanna rq something out of your character limit, or someone that you don't write for!! your writing is just really sweet i can't wait to read more of it :D
note: awie ur so cute anon tyty!!!🥰 and by tha way, my updated rules page is here so check it out if you wanna leave future reqs<3 thank you for being so considerate - i hope you enjoy!! i’m not super confident about this one but i tried my best & chose what my ideal first date ideas would b🥺 so here are first dates with suna, atsumu, & osamu!
mentions: fluff, cw food/eating
☀︎—atsumu miya
atsumu’s been building up his courage to ask you out for over a month....
like, at first he was so sure it would be an easy task for him,,,
until he actually sees you up close in the hallways once
and his palms just instantly start sweating and his eyes can’t even leave the ground for one second
he wants to smack himself bc he doesn’t understand why he feels like this...
so this one day, atsumu swears that he’s going to complete his mission when he sees you alone walking in the halls to your first class,,,
but he ends up turning around, about to chicken out again...
until he gets shoved into you by a too-over-this-shit osamu who’s seen his brother be a dummy for a month straight
atsumu ends up apologizing, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head and channeling all of his confidence to ask you out
but his mind is all over the place, and when he finally stops blabbering, you just hold out your hand signaling for him to give you his phone
you smile, tell him you look forward to it, and swiftly turn around after returning his phone with your number in it, leaving him utterly speechless and kinda turned on
this mans hypes himself up so hard for the date,,
so when he picks you up,, he’s all slick & cracking dumb jokes that make you laugh at how bad they are
it’s before dusk when you arrive at the carnival, and there’s so many things to do that you two can’t decide where to go first!!
it’s crowded,,, so atsumu uses this opportunity to nonchalantly reach for your hand and pull you to a spinning teacup ride
the two of you end up dizzy as hell after,, 
but i legit think atsumu was acting extra dizzy so he could lean on you for support🙄 
next up, atsumu wants to do this mini archery game to win you a stuffed animal,
but there’s too much noise around him to focus (sure,, tsumu🙄🙄) 
and he claims that’s why he misses the whole target for like five consecutive rounds...
to make sure he doesn’t waste all his money on this game,
you take the bow from him and end up scoring bullseye on your first try
and he’s pouting hella hard with his arms crossed, but he can’t help but admire how what u just did was rly hot😳
he’ll also forever hold onto the fox plushie you won for him
as the sun begins to set,, you two decide to go on the ferris wheel
and it’s major uwu hours bc atsumu n u have some cute lil talks about your future plans and worries and dreams and 🥺🥺
atsumu gets soft when he realizes that your eyelids are droopy,,, so he interlaces his fingers between yours and gently pulls your head down to rest on his shoulder,,,
and on the car ride home,
he’ll still be holding your hand and taking little peeks at you, unbelieving of how lucky he is to have gone on a date with you🥰
☀︎—osamu miya
you only have one class with samu, 
but you two were partners for a project and the partnership quickly turned into a easy-going friendship
the connection you develop w osamu over time is just so natural and sweet ugh,,
like you two understand each other even without words,
just quick glances during class when someone says something dumb are enough for you two to communicate LOL
and you two also like to “study” together a lot outside of class, 
but oftentimes it’s just whispering to one another about random shit late into the night at a library uwuwu
until the librarian kicks you two out
so when one day, osamu suggests going on a picnic together post-exam,
there’s no hesitation as you accept his offer!!!
you weren’t totally sure of what to expect or what to bring, so you just end up buying some preprepared lunch boxes and cut up fruit,,
but when you show up to the picnic in the park and realize that osamu cooked and packed a five course meal, 
you’re humiliated to say the least LMAO
but he reassures you, promising that he just likes to cook for fun!! so you’re able to calm down hehe 
uh, however,,,,
when osamu sees you in nice clothes other than your uniform??? the cute little sundress you’re wearing???
EEEK the boy is bright red
once all the food is unpacked,
the both of you enjoy the meal fully,,  (when i say fully... i mean you guys ate all of it. like. all of it.)
you didn’t expect osamu to be such a talented cook, and when you compliment him, the tips of his ears definitely redden🥰🥰
after clearing all the food, osamu collapses on the picnic blanket, just moments away from experiencing a food coma LOL
you lay down next to him in utter peace and happiness with your eyes closed 
you two nap bask in the sun for a few minutes before osamu’s turning onto his side to face you
he asks you a lot of questions, genuinely curious and wanting to know more about you,
like your favorite shows and movies, your goals in life, your loved ones, etc etc.
it’s nearly two hours by the time both of you run out of things to say and return to silence
for some reason,
osamu can’t quite put his finger on it, but he’s so comfortable to just be beside you, talking or not...
and you feel so at ease in his presence too🥺
when you two are both done lazing around and begin to pack up,
he murmurs softly under his breath to ask if you’d like to do this again
and when you flash him an enthusiastic nod and grin, he can’t help but smile too<3333
mans is whipped for u
☀︎—rintaro suna
what was supposed to be a friend group outing with the twins and suna,,
unintentionally ended up being your first date with just suna😳😳
tbh it was rlly suspicious,,,
the way both the twins cancelled extremely last minute 
(atsumu private mssging you his very unapologetic apologies for flaking when you were already at the ice rink) 
it was neither your idea nor suna’s to go ice skating but atsumu thought it would be funny so he actually convinced osamu to help him plan this
so now you’re kinda angrily muttering to yourself outside the rink,
sitting cross-legged on the bench with your skates laced on,, having already prepaid for a skate session
but then suna walks through the door,,
and when he realizes that you & him are the only two here, his heart legit skips a beat and he feels his whole body go numb
in the moment, he’s cursing the twins for their dumb antics 
& he’s also cursing himself for accidentally expressing his interest in you to them
he’s about to turn around and make a run for it when shit, you’re calling his name
“rin, can you believe the audacity of those two?”
“they’re assholes.”
but before he knows it, suna’s being pushed by you to the counter to rent a pair of skates 
you refuse to waste your money just because of the twins
once he’s on the ice with you though, suna loosens up...
maybe a little too much bc the poor boy is slipping everywhere and gripping the edges of the rink with his fingertips LOL
his normally calm composure is nowhere to be seen (a combo of not being able to skate and secretly panicking abt how pretty you are)
but when he sees you giggling and cheering for him, his heart softens and you might even catch a glimpse of the ends of his mouth turning upwards into a smol grin
he swears he’s blushing like crazy when you reach for his hands to steady him and pull him along...
the big baby can’t even make eye contact with you🥺🥺
he won’t admit it, but an hour into the skating, he’s legit having the time of his life w u...
by the three hour mark, both of you have cheeks tinted bright red with joy and exhaustion,
but when you ask him if he wants to have dinner with you after, his whole body is energized again lmaooo
so you two go for some hot ramen at a nearby restaurant late at night,, just chatting about ur mutual hatred for the miyas & some other fun stuff
but suna rlly can’t believe his luck when you suggest doing this again with him some time!!!!🥰
he thinks to himself,, maybe the twins don’t suck?
no, they definitely do.
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maybankiara · 4 years ago
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead.
w/c: 4k
a/n: this is compensation for ch 12. also check if you’ve read the previous chapter bc apparently tumblr didn’t notify people??? also check this out before reading!!!! it’s a cute reference for later on in the chapter and will 107% enhance your experience ok
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Drew is late. Obviously.
  According to the time displayed over a candid photo of Drew grimacing (she still hasn’t changed it back to normal, not even after Holden noticed it), it’s only thirty-five minutes past noon. Addie sits at the corner table of Waystone with a cup of warm coffee sitting in front of her, trying to kill time.
  On a shelf behind her, there’s a nice green plant. Addie doesn’t know anything about plants, but she does like the way this one looks – it fits the creamy brown of the coffee shop walls. It was actually Marianne who introduced her to the spot, and Addie hadn’t been a lover of staying in for a coffee until then, but the girl made her fond of the European tradition. She was only happy that Drew seemed to be fond of it, too.
  Plus, there aren’t many people inside with her right now. Most already came in the early hours of the morning or will come in the afternoon or evening, after work. Addie presumed that’ll make Drew feel less worried about being recognised.
  Before she met him, Addie didn’t think Drew would be a little… awkward, to put it that way. She spent some time thinking about it, then chalked it up to the circumstances of their meeting. As much as she’s still aware that he's an actor, and not an unsuccessful one at that, she reckons he must be aware that she is someone who’s seen his work. That’s the whole reason why they met in the first place.
  So, Addie has decided to take it upon herself to eradicate that barrier between them, one way or the other. She banned Marianne from acting like Drew is the Drew Starkey from Outer Banks instead of Addie’s acquaintance Drew, and she asked the same from her other friends.
  It sounds easy. It’s supposed to be easy.
  When she sees Drew walk into the coffee shop and smile at the waitress, then glance around, looking for Addie, she takes a deep breath and gives him a small wave.
  Addie will make it easy.
  ‘Hey, sorry I’m late.’ Drew plops down onto the chair with ease. He’s wearing a fitted black T-shirt and a light blue baseball cap that he takes off and puts on a table, throwing around a subtle glance, before his eyes set on Addie.
  She smiles at him. ‘Don’t worry, I expected you to be.’
  His shoulders visibly relax a little, and he nods at the cup in front of her. ‘So, you got coffee already?'
  ‘Yeah. Sorry, I wasn’t sure how long I’d be waiting here and I didn’t want to seem rude by just sitting here, not buying anything. I wouldn’t want the girl to get in trouble because of me.’
  ‘No, it’s fine, don’t worry. Is there a menu?’
  ‘Yeah.’ Addie leans over and reaches for the menu that’s propped on a holder on the empty table next to them, then hands it to him. ‘We didn’t get one.’
  Drew shuffles through the pages of the menu with a slight wrinkle between his brows. Addie notices how they’re almost straight, one a bit thicker than the other, and something about that makes the corners of her lips tug ever so slightly upwards.
  ‘Are we getting just coffee or do you want something to eat, too?’
  ‘I planned on getting food when I’m back at my place,’ Addie admits. ‘But you’re more than free to get something, I won’t mind.’
  ‘Alright. I’ll be right back.’
  He gets up with a tap to the table, and he’s off to the counter. The girl working behind it doesn’t freak out when he approaches her, so Addie figures she doesn’t recognise him.
  Not too long ago, Addie was working in a small coffee shop, back in Denver. That’s what she spent most of her summers doing – travelling was something that was for after she’s done with all her studies, and working was what gave her the money she needed for both. She wonders if a celebrity—or as much of one as Drew is—ever approached her and she didn't know.
  Maybe. So far, she hasn’t recognised any of the faces, and Denver isn’t really a place for celebrities as much as Atlanta is.
  The sound of chatter fills the space. Drew is making the waitress laugh, half-leaning against the counter as he rests his hand on it.
  It’s not flirtatious, at least not as far as Addie can tell. He ends up waving to the girl and comes back to the table with a wide grin.
  ‘That’s Nikki,’ he answers Addie’s unasked question as he takes a seat. ‘One of my friends used to date her, she hung out with my group a few years back. Didn’t know she works here now.’
  ‘Oh, cool.’ Addie remembers her promise not to make things awkward, so she relaxes into her chair, takes a sip of her coffee. ‘What did you order?’
  ‘Latte and strawberry pancakes.’
  ‘So you’re a latte and strawberry kind of dude.’
  Drew lets out a chuckle, lifting an eyebrow in amusement. ‘Judgy much?’
  ‘Nope. Just thought you’d be, hm…’ Her thoughts trail away, and she rests her elbows on the table, placing her chin on her palms. She looks at him, at the rough lines of his face – the high cheekbones, the long eyebrows, the kind, intelligent blue eyes, and lips that seem oddly soft. ‘Black with a sprinkle of milk. And, like, a croissant or something. Strawberry’s good, though, I approve.’
  Drew’s pose mimics hers, and it takes all in her to keep herself from laughing. ‘Your pronunciation of croissant is very... French.’
  ‘My roommate is half French. You bet she made sure I knew how to pronounce croissant.’
  ‘Ha. Knew it.’ At this, Addie quirks an eyebrow. Drew sighs. ‘Fine. I didn’t. I thought you were French.’
  ‘Wrong. Denver, born and raised.’
  ‘Well.’ The smile he gives her is playful, and a whole lot more open than any she’s seen on him before. ‘Guess we read each other wrong.’
  Just as Addie is about to reply, the waitress—Nikki—greets them, placing a mug identical to Addie’s in front of him. Drew thanks her and she tells him the pancakes will be in a few minutes, then walks away.
  ‘Hey, Drew,’ calls Addie. She raises her mug and nods at him to do the same. When he does, she clinks the mugs together. ‘To getting to know each other.’
  The actor repeats the word with a smile.
  They chat, for a bit, mostly about coffee preferences. Addie tells him how she started with having straight black every morning back in high school, switched it to afternoon in college, then to drinking cappuccino in her senior year. He tells her how he drinks straight black when on set, a habit from college, and latte is what he rewards himself with when he's not working.
  A bit later, Nikki comes back with a tray, as promised. Drew makes small talk as she puts a pancake plate with chocolate poured over the strawberries on top, and then she places another one in front of Addie.
  ‘Thanks, Nikki,’ says Drew before Addie gets a word in. The girl walks away, and he eyes the plate in front of Addie. ‘You said you like these, right?’
  Addie just stares at him, for a moment. She thinks she should say something, ask why he got one for her, too, and then— ‘I do. Thanks.’ A beat. ‘You didn’t have to.’
  ‘Hey, if you don’t want it, I’ll take it.’ His mouth is already full, fork and knife in one hand each.
  Of course Addie can’t help but smile.
  She takes the cutlery herself and dives into the pancake, making sure he can see her roll her eyes. ‘This better not be another way to apologise for stealing my phone.’
  ‘Nah, that’s not it. I just didn’t want to be the only one eating.’
  The wide grin on his face is enough to tell her that he’s being honest about this.
  Addie ends up teasing him a little more as they eat their pancakes and finish their latte and cappuccino. It gets easier, talking to Drew. She doesn’t even notice when the starting awkwardness turns to laughter and jokes, all caution and reservation either of them might’ve had, thrown out of the window.
  Time goes by, and Addie doesn’t notice.
  They end up deciding to go on a walk around the neighbourhood. There’s a nice park nearby that neither of them has been to in ages, so that’s on the agenda for the rest of whatever their time together. Addie snaps a quick photo of the coffee shop before they leave.   She’s planning to do just the interior, when Drew leans into the frame, squirming a little.
  Addie laughs and focuses the camera on him, taking a quick shot. ‘Already missing being in front of the camera, huh?’
  ‘Always.’ Drew makes a grimace at the camera, looking twenty-six and six at once. ‘Want me to take one of you?’
  ‘Nah,’ says Addie, shaking her head. She then turns her camera off and puts the phone into her back pocket, ready to leave.
  Drew follows suit. He puts the plates one on the other, cutlery, too, and brings them to the counter. Addie follows his example and brings the cups. Nikki thanks them and Drew just waves her off, both of them saying goodbye to the waitress.
  The air that blows into their faces as they leave the place is fresh and welcoming, a slight chill present even under the October sun.
  She feels Drew bump into her. ‘What’s the deal with the photo?’
  They take a turn around the corner as Addie gathers her thoughts, hands finding their way to her pockets. ‘I just like having evidence of the things that happen, I guess.’
  ‘But not posting it,’ he says. He lets out a nervous laugh then, scratching his nose. ‘Sorry, I stalked you a little.’
  ‘Fair. ‘Cause, you know, me too. Obviously. But yeah, I like my privacy. Putting shit out there is a bit... I don’t know, iffy, I guess.’
  ‘So you just take pictures of everything?’
  ‘Pretty much. It’s a great way of keeping memories.’
  Drew takes a turn earlier than Addie would’ve expected, and she takes a second to follow. He waits for her to catch up to him, sighing as he does, as if doing so is a great bother.
  Addie rolls her eyes again. ‘Don’t give me that face.’
  ‘What face?’
  She points at him. ‘That face.’
  They fall into step and it’s as easy as breathing. Drew’s presence at her side stops being something she’s aware of like a summer breeze, and more like the stability of summer warmth, instead.
  ‘What do you do with the photos?’ he asks.
  Addie chuckles, a cheeky smile stretching over her face as she glances at him. ‘I print them. Put them in an album. Basically the exact thing our parents used to do.’
  ‘Why not just get a film camera, then?’
  ‘Because it’s weird to carry a film camera wherever you go. Or any camera, for that matter. Using your phone is just convenient, I guess.’
  ‘You’ve got a point.’
  They turn another corner. Addie recognises the road – it’s about half an hour’s worth of walking back to her apartment, and in about five minutes, they’ll be at the park. Around them, birds chirp, high up in the skies. She hears a faraway plane, cars that pass by them speeding past over the limit, and kids screaming at one another in one of the back alleys, game or not.
  The silence between them isn’t heavy. She hears their footsteps, too, hers faster than his. Drew’s close enough for her to just feel him at her side.
  ‘How long have you lived here?’ asks Addie.
  Drew glances at her. ‘I moved here after graduation, so... about four, five years, now? It feels longer than that.’
  Addie chuckles, hands in pockets. 'Yeah, I get that. How come you picked Atlanta?’
  ‘Job prospects, mostly.’
  ‘Ah, yes. The blooming film industry of Atlanta.’
  ‘It’s true! It’s no Hollywood, but it’s easier to find gigs here than in LA,’ he admits. ‘If I ever move to LA, it’ll be because I’ll think I've got enough of a resume to pick up some bigger roles.’
  ‘So no toilet commercials, then?’
  Drew gives her a look that’s part disbelief, part amusement. It comes with a smile, so Addie gives him one in return. 
  At the point of walking into the park, Drew’s telling her about what his first experience of Atlanta was like. The girl finds herself laughing a lot – he’s a good storyteller, motioning with his hands a lot more than she’d expect him to, and a lot of the story benefits from the way his voice carries the words. 
  The bench they sit down on is in the middle of the park, right in front of a modest fountain. It used to be the pride and joy of the neighbourhood, Drew tells her, but someone kept trashing it and they eventually stopped trying to repair it. 
  ‘It’s still kind of cute,’ Addie notes.
  It makes him chuckle. ‘Right. You’re allowed to dislike it.’
  ‘Okay, it looks absolutely nothing like a park fountain and I’ll file a complaint to the major.’
  ‘That’s more like it!’
  Addie gives him the same look he’d given her a couple minutes earlier, and he breaks into a big smile. 
  ‘Stay like this,’ she tells Drew. ‘You're getting in front of the camera again.’
  ‘Oh, boy. As if that’s a problem.’
  He begins to move in place almost immediately and Addie grunts, taking a quick snapshot before he’s able to ruin everything. She takes another one, and then another one, and before she knows it, they’re laughing their hearts out as Drew makes the oddest faces at her, tugging at his hair and saying some of the weirdest shit she’s ever heard. 
  Before she puts her phone away, she scrolls through the photos they’d taken. Drew leans closer, their shoulders touching, and watches them with her. 
  Addie is aware of his proximity in a way that she hasn’t been before. She feels his breath on her shoulder and his hand on the bench is dangerously close to her thigh; her thumb trembles a little and she really hopes he doesn’t notice. 
  Drew puts his finger on the screen just as she’s about to scroll forward. ‘I like this one.’
  She chuckles.’'It’s not bad.'
  ‘Right? It should definitely be in one of your albums.’
  The feeling that brushes over Addie in the moment after Drew says that is like a smile, but filling out the entirety of her body. Whatever barrier they had between the two of them, it’s gone now, as if it had never existed. 
  Addie composes herself, hoping Drew won’t think much of her hesitation. ‘Obviously. That’s where all photos of my friends go.’
  Friends. The word hangs between them like a soft exclamation mark, an unspoken promise. 
  When Drew moves a little, Addie feels the sudden lack of heat at her side as if someone had blown cold air into the spot. ‘Good.’
  Despite its ugliness and age enhanced by vandalism, the fountain has running water. The stream is just loud enough to notice if one is listening, as some of the machinery pushing the water upwards seems to be out of function. It’s a nice, soothing white noise – Addie feels as if time doesn't flow according to the same rules here. 
  The feeling inside her chest is something she’s never felt before, yet she can’t put it into words. It’s like trying to catch a thought without thinking about it – here and there and nowhere at once. 
  She wonders what Drew is thinking about. 
  He sits with his back against the wooden backside of the bench, one arm on the metal armrest. His eyes are fixated on the fountain in front of them, eyebrows slightly furrowed, lips parted in thought. 
  She looks at him, and he’s Drew. Not an actor; not a stranger. 
  Her friend Drew. 
  She sees him run his tongue over his lips, right before he turns to her. ‘I’ve got a film camera. I should bring it sometime.’
  Sometime – a promise of this not being the last time. A promise of this happening again, when he’s back from LA. 
  Addie faces him with a bright smile, her fingers fleeting in her lap. ‘You should also get an album. So we can keep the photos somewhere.’
  ‘Or we use one of yours,’ he suggests. ‘I don’t know anyone our age who still keeps albums.'
  ‘Physical copies are more secure and permanent than whatever we keep on our phones or in the cloud. It’s just the maths of odds.’
  ‘Is it?’
  ‘How long have you been collecting photos?’
  Addie ponders about it for a second; the hum of water running fills the moments in-between. ‘Ten years, give or take.’
  ‘You’ve got the albums here?’
  ‘Some. Most are back in Denver, but I’ve got the ones I took here.’
  ‘Can I see them?’
  The “now” is silent, but Addie hears it nonetheless. It sounds like the water running; it sounds like the “friends” they'd just declared themselves. 
  His eyes are looking into hers, deep and gentle; Addie is astonished at just how blue they are. She’d thought they’d be a clear blue, like a crystal glass, but they’re muddied with sprinkles of green and yellow, even some grey around the irises. 
  She nods. ‘Sure. My roommate is going to be out ‘till late, anyway.’
  He nods, too, and smiles a little. ‘Cool.’
  It’s settled – they’re going to Addie’s. 
  About half an hour later, Addie feels like she’s bringing an old friend to a new home. Their conversation feels up the walls of the building as they climb up the staircase – his laughter does’'t feel out of place here, even when they enter the apartment and Addie makes him take his shoes off. 
  ‘Leave your coat here, shoes there, and feel free to take those slippers if you want. The albums are in the living room, underneath the stack of French books,’ Addie instructs as if she were reading it off a list. Drew chuckles and does as told, following her into the living room like a really tall puppy. ‘Want something to drink?’
  ‘You got a beer?’
  Addie grins. ‘You bet.’
  She nods, already halfway to the kitchen, and holds herself still against the doorway to nod at him. ‘Which one?’
  ‘What you got?’ 
  Addie hears him plop down onto the couch with a sigh of comfort and makes a mental note to tell Marianne that Drew Starkey enjoys the couch the French-Brit picked. She opens the fridge, eyes glancing over the assortment of beers (mostly courtesy of Marianne’s boyfriend, Tom). ‘Heineken, White Claw, Corona—’
  ‘I’ll take White Claw.’
  ‘Basic bitch!’
  ‘I like a reliable drink, alright!’
  In the end, Addie walks back into the living room with two glasses, a can of White Claw, and a can of Heineken. She finds Drew on the floor instead of the couch, surrounded by a heap of albums that Addie recognises in a heartbeat, a familiar stack of French books shifted to the side. 
  The sight of Drew hunched over photos she took at her friend Leanne’s twenty-third birthday party last year makes her laugh, and the sound startles him. 
  ‘Sorry,’ he says. His cheeks redden in an instant and he rests his palm flat on the album. ‘I didn’t mean to just start rummaging through your personal stuff.’
  Addie shakes her head. ‘I told you where they were for a reason, Drew.’ She joins him on the floor, gives him a glass, fills it up to the brim, then pours Heineken into hers. ‘These are from a birthday party, the first one I attended in Atlanta. A little over a year ago. I met Leanne’—she points at the brown-skinned girl on one of the pictures—‘literally, like, a month before this. She was friends with Marianne’—points at the plump ginger-haired girl—‘before I met her.’
  ‘You met Marianne in Atlanta?’
  ‘Kind of. Give me a second.’ Addie leans over the album Drew’s got in his lap and reaches for the one furthest back. She flips the pages until she’s gone through about a fifth of the album, and the first photo that pops in the left upper corner of the page is a selfie of her and Marianne in no place other than Waystone. 
  Addie smiles at the picture with a fond smile on her lips. ‘This is when I met her for the first time, at least in real life. We’d spoken beforehand for about a week or so, a lot of the move and everything happened suddenly for the both of us. Marianne spent her first week here with her boyfriend, Tom, who’d moved to Atlanta a few months prior. She suggested Waystone, we hit it off, and that’s how it all started.’
  ‘That’s a nice story,’ comments Drew. ‘How’d you meet her?’
  ‘Mutual friend. Iona. Marianne’s friend from back home, she went to Berkeley with me.’
  Drew raises eyebrows at Addie as if asking for permission, and she nods at him. He takes the album and flips through it, slowly, asking questions here and there, commenting on Addie sometimes. 
  There is something irrevocably intimate about sharing your life with someone like these. Addie’s always thought physical albums carry more weight than any other form of memory collection, and she’d always collected them for herself first. It’s different from social media, where everything is curated to be nothing short of perfection, for others to see. 
  Now, Drew is seeing into Addie’s past in a way that’s as close to partaking in it as possible. Her friends, her experiences, her dumb photos – with a glass of beer in hand, music playing on Marianne’s speaker in the corner of the room. 
  She tries to remember if she’s ever so openly shared her life with anyone before this, and she can't. 
  Out of the corner of her eye, she watches Drew. The corner of his mouth is curled into a permanent half-smile, moving only as he remarks a photo he’s looking at in the moment. His hair is still messy from their impromptu photoshoot, and it looks dark brown under the apartment light. Addie notices he’s got freckles, all around his nose and under his eyes. 
�� She doesn’t know the exact moment they became friends, but they did. Now, Addie can’t picture a life where Drew isn’t a part of it. 
  Some time later, when they’ve gone through two albums, a dozen more stories, and two more beers, the door opens with Marianne just about screaming bloody murder. Addie answers to her name with a calm, inconspicuous voice, and motions to Drew to be quiet. 
  In the end, it’s a bit of a ruckus, when Marianne just about faints at the sight of Drew Starkey chilling on the floor of her living room, surrounded by cans of beer and a heap of albums. It’s over soon, with Marianne calm and managing to find out that Drew likes goulash because his old neighbour was Hungarian and would make it for the Fourth of July, and that he is a basic white bitch who loves White Claw (Marianne gives him a lecture on buying alcohol in bulk, aka the British binge-drinking practice). 
  In the end, Marianne doesn’t consider him a celebrity anymore, either. He gives Addie his phone number (‘It’s simpler than Instagram, I’ll see it faster.’) and promises to let her know when he’s back. It’s two promises in the form of one, both verbalised this time, and they reassure Addie that she isn’t the only one considering them friends now. 
  He leaves, and she cleans up after themselves, getting Marianne up to speed with their hangout. 
  Addie could get used to this.
tagging. @jjmaybanksbaby​​​​​​​​ @taiter-tots​​​​​​​​ @sacredto​​​​​​​​ @snkkat​​​​​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​​​​​ @yeslifeofateen​​​​​​​​ @rudypnkw​​​​​​​​ @stfukie​​​​​​​​ @x-lulu​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​ @drewstarkey​​​​​​​​ @butgilinsky​​​​​​​​ @solllaris​​​​​​​​ @hyperactive2411​​​​​​​​ @chasefreakinstokes​​​​​​​​ @surferkie​​​​​​​​ @jroseron​​​​​​​​ @k-k0129​​​​​​​​ @starlightstories​​
48 notes · View notes
elfnerdherder · 6 years ago
Ill Intentions: Chapter 22
[Support my Patreon] [Read on Ao3]
A special thanks to my patrons: @sylarana @evertonem @jenacar @frostylicker @starlit-catastrophe @kenobi-is-king Mendacious Bean, Duhaunt6, Superlurk, and Cecily!
I don't have my computer with me, so this sadly won't have the cover art done by kenobi-is-king! Thank you all for your support in my writing, and I can't wait to pick up The Unquiet Grave after this!!
Also, due to this being posted on a Tumblr app on a chromebook whose internet won't load due to bad connection, it won't allow me to add the entire chapter. It ends about partway through, but until I'm back on the west coast I won't be able to load the rest of the chapter onto Tumblr! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Chapter 22: End Scene
When Tattler News released the ‘Special Edition’ of ‘Will Intentions’, Nicole pinned her copy to a corkboard much like Will’s. She’d already snuck into his apartment, taken photos, and recreated something of his workspace within her own office, to better step into the shoes of what his fans were calling ‘a vigilante move’. 
To partner with the Tattler News release, she’d also released a special post on her blog with a ‘tell all’ interview courtesy of Freddie Lounds, coworker and ‘close friend’ of Graham. She’d already received four more subscriptions, as well as twenty new messages in her inbox, thanking her for her hard work. 
I saved an image of the handkerchief! someone had commented. I’ll try to find one like it at the store. Maybe I’ll cosplay it. 
Lounds had asked to see the handkerchief Nicole had mentioned, but it was never revealed in person. The look on Lounds’ face when she was told ‘no’ made Nicole more than grateful she’d put a lock on her jewelry box before the reporter had shown up. 
As for her end of the bargain, she’d passed his manuscript along to her agent. Anything more, and she’d have her own story about uneasy trips to the FBI to tell her readers. 
Abigail didn’t speak to Will until they were somewhere in Vancouver, BC. She spent most of the trip with her earphones in her ears and her head towards the window. Given the time, Will didn’t press her. It seemed she’d been playing a game with him for almost as long as he’d been playing a game with Hannibal. 
And yet, no; what game do you think you’re all playing? 
The border situation had been tricky, but the homeless man –Mike, Will kept having to remind himself –was more than true to his word at getting them across. Once across, it was the sort of drive done by someone who had a very important place to go with little time to get there. They stopped for gas and nothing else. The next couple of days was nothing but yoo-hoo’s and donuts, Will’s dreams bleeding into the waking hours of watching hill after hill of white pass by. Blankets of it draped along the interstate, but the plows had done their job. If their car appeared suspicious, no one stopped them. The more they kept to normal hours of traffic where it was difficult for cops to keep an eye out, the better. Hannibal remained in the backseat and only got out when absolutely necessary. 
“I’m not sorry for not telling you,” Abigail said by way of greeting. Will stood beside the passenger door, a cup of shitty gas station coffee in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. His watch had died somewhere just before the border. Since ditching his phone, he hadn’t felt the need to dig through his bag in order to charge the thing, seeing as how one without the other was somewhat of a moot point. 
He glanced to the black, blank screen, and he wondered why he was even still wearing it. He hadn’t thought about his steps since Hannibal’s office. Streak broken. He wasn’t sure if that meant something, and if it did mean something, he wasn’t ready to unbox it yet, much the same way he wasn’t quite ready to unbox that there was another person inside of his head that killed people so that he didn’t have to. 
“I didn’t tell you a lot of things,” he replied. 
“You didn’t call, either,” she said, and it took him probably longer than it should have for Will to realize she sounded almost hurt by it. He wasn’t quite focused; maybe the watch having a blank face was more of a problem to him than he thought. 
“If I’d known Hannibal had gotten to you first, I would have been…more forthcoming,” he admitted. When she didn’t speak, he took a drag from his cigarette and continued, “hell, when he was breaking into my apartment, you could have just let him in. I asked Beverly to house you because I didn’t want to make you a target of yet another serial killer.” 
“I didn’t actually get fired from Subway. I quit.” 
Will hummed in agreement. “Figured that an hour into the drive.” 
“I followed Beverly following you sometimes, too.” 
“We could have all carpooled if you two communicated better.” 
“You first,” Abigail shot back. 
That was fair. Will’s cheeks ballooned, and he blew air out slowly, counting back from ten. 
“Abigail,” he said, and the look she gave him made this so much harder. “You’re…not guilty of anything, really.” 
“Says the guy that called me ‘the knowing bait,’” she retorted. 
“No, I mean it…” he sighed and looked around the decrepit gas station pointedly. “I’m abetting a murderer.” Silence. He scowled and continued, “right now, you could walk away and not face any legal persecution should you go back to the states, whereas I would go to jail. That guy in there –” 
“The one you stabbed –” 
“I don’t remember stabbing –look, him too. The three of us would go to jail, but you wouldn’t.” 
His cigarette had burned too low; he let out a hiss when it singed his fingers, and he stubbed it out on the tire before tossing the butt of it in the trashcan by the pump. Too late, he saw the warning on the pump that said not to smoke while gassing up. Will glanced about, but there was no one to scold him on the dangers of such endeavors. There was only him and Abigail at the moment, and he’d have almost welcomed Hannibal coming to interrupt them. He could imagine how a psychiatrist would be a much better option for giving advice than he would. 
Abigail looked out past the cars parked just at the treeline, the expanse beyond it. Her expression was difficult to read, a mix of something pained and something hopeful. 
“I don’t have anything else,” she said, and when she looked back to him, she smiled. In that moment, he’d have called it genuine. “I told you before, I’m looking for closure. Since that’s all that seems to matter to me at this point, I’ll stick around until I find it.” 
Will sucked air in sharply, frowning. “The consequences –” 
“I know how to juggle consequences. I can weigh the risk of pros and cons.” 
Given how long she lived under the roof of the Minnesota Shrike, he believed her. When it was time to go, they climbed back into a beat-up Tahoe they’d swapped somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and she made a point to lay her head in Will’s lap, much like she had back at the apartment.  
Much later, Will would find a polaroid of the scene tucked into his jacket pocket, the colors washed out and faded but still good. He tucked it into his shirt pocket, to preserve the color. 
“I’m just outside of Tattler News, Jerry, and here we’ve got not only fans of the paper demanding answers, we’ve got some of Will Graham’s ‘avid fans’ here with signs! Just this past evening, as we know, Will Graham’s apartment was invaded by the FBI, boxes upon boxes removed from the scene as they attempt to glean over anything they can in order to find both him, as well as the Chesapeake Ripper. So far, there is no information revealed as to whether or not they have any solid leads to their whereabouts.” 
“Now, I know we’re dealing with the Chesapeake Ripper, Chet, but I think what’s interesting are the avid fans of Graham’s you’ve got gathered around you!” 
“Yes, these people aren’t here for news on the Ripper, they’re actually here for Will Graham. You can hear some of them in the back, chanting –you can hear it, can’t you?” 
“Yes, of course!” 
“They’re upset that the suspect in the disappearance of Hannibal Lecter –” 
[Continue on Ao3]
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cottagecorefroggyfairy · 7 years ago
Ssssssso insomnia again (jeez it's 3 am what even is my life) and I've decided to go for more spideychelle headcanons! And since some of you appreciated my trans!Peter x Michelle, I'm going to write pt. 3.
(seriously, I have to say a huge thank you for your support. You are amazing. Also rember you are free to send me request or prompt)
(and this is gonna be a bit out of context if you don't read pt. 1 and pt.2, so maybe check it out on my blog under the tag #trans peter)
Here we go!
Pride was amazing. Really, Peter believes it was one of the best experience of his life.
And not just because he felt like part of a big family
And felt at home
And not even only because /no one/ actually misgendered him
Yes ofc that was a big thing and something that really made him happy but actually he's so excited because
Well most of it
And he touched her smooth, warm skin even if he hadn't enough courage to gently rub his thumb on the back of her hand
Even if he really wanted to
And she was just... stunning
He decides that he wants to print the selfie they took all together (Ned included ofc) and put it in a frame, so looking at it he would remember that special day
Also in the pic he and Michelle are holding hands so...
He can't stop thinking about her hands
He almost text Ned, but at the end he just goes on patrol. But nothing can take away the big smile on his face.
And he still secretly has his cheeks painted
He had to remove the polish immediately (he can't risk to wake up may at 3 am just because he needs to sneak in the bathroom just for his nails damn)
But the paint can be washed away easily so nevermind
And also MJ did that so he wants to keep it on as much as possible
Anyway he sends a message to /her/, something like "thanks for today. :)"
:). Ugh, laaaaaame. What was he thinking about.
But she actually answers with a "no problems, Parker", so it's fine???? Maybe???
And after that, it's /crazy/ how much time they spend HOLDING HANDS
Like ok not in front of everyone but maybe while they are eating, under the table
Or under the table during decathlon meetings
And her hands are usually kinda cold
But it's nice because his are warm
And this is perfect for the "my hands are cold hold them for me please you person with warm hands I know enough for ask this" excuse
With she uses a lot
Unless she reaches for his hands when's anxious or panicking, even if she doesn't know why
In that case is just her way to say that it's fine everyone is ok everything is ok and she is here for him
And Ned notices OFC I MEAN
And one day he and Peter has a really long talk about his really embarrassing huge crush for MJ
Like, Ned wants to talk about it because he's so tired to hear him talk about Michelle the 95% of the time
"and stop with the I'm going to click the like button for all your Facebook/Instagram/tumbrl posts stuff, dude, it's creepy. You are embarrassing yourself"
"am I?" "A bit?" "Ned" ....a lot" *Suffering dinosaur noises*
Whatever. He's screwed anyway.
Because he doesn't even think she can consider to date him
But she really wants because despite what she's telling to herself, she likes Peter Parker.
A lot.
And she doesn't have anyone to talk about it, but she knows
She tried to push it back, but it's impossible
So she starts to doodle him
A lot
Kind of a way to demonstrate affection because what the fuck Peter is an amazing boy, why should he even consider to date /her/
Basically: they are two dorks
But it doesn't matter, because they both believe that the other company is better than not talking
And they just...get along so well
And they start to get out all together, Peter Ned an MJ
She joins them in their movies marathons and to do homework and for dinner
But even if they like being just the 3 of them, Peter always finds some time just for Ned.
And some time just for MJ too
Like, he'd never thought she would fit so well in his life
They do a lot of things together
Nothing extraordinary, just watching movies... playing videogame...go to the park
And talk.
Actually, they have days when they stay in silence, enjoying the presence of the other
Which are also used from Peter to look at her when she's not looking
Michelle does the same
But she doesn't get caught lmao
However they also have days when it's impossible to shut them up
Like. Totally impossible.
But it's fine. It really is.
But they can't bring themselves on the next level
Like the we are dating level
Peter thinks about it a lot but he doesn't want to loose her or to ruin their friendship
MJ doesn't want to daydream too much and hope to hear him ask her out
So they just stay in this weird middle levels between friendship and lovers relationships
Jeez they actually even sleep together once
Ok they fell asleep on the couch
And waking up to find her snuggled up against him almost killed him on the spot
Like she's adorable
But not only she's beautiful
She's so clever, so brilliant
And sarcastic, he loves her sense of humour
And actually she seems already so strong and firm in her ideas
And she admires her so much for how much efforts she puts in actually /doing something/.
He even consider to tell her about all the Spider-Man thing
Another motive keeping him from asking her out
Like, he doesn't want to put a big target on her head
So at the end he doesn't
Even if something tells him he can trust her
He has no idea she already knows, lol
Untile one day they are looking a video on YouTube and she's like "good job Parker" and he's like "thanks" and then just WHAT THE HELL?!
he's totally paralyzed, horrified, incredulous and so on
But she's like "oh relax Spider-friend. I didn't tell anyone. And I don't mean to"
Ok and that's a big thing but HOW?!?!?!?!?
She just sighs and explain that after the decathlon she was already suspicious, but after a while became quite obvious (at least to her)
And he just... laugh. A bit hysterically but however bc he's kinda feeling relief knowing he doesn't have to tell her
And he just let out "damn you are amazing MJ" and then he shuts up
She's looking at him in such an inscrutable way like is he joking? Is he serious? Can it be /he/ just told her she is /amazing/???
After a minute that felt like an hour she smiles she actually smiles in a new sweet and cute way
"I know" and he kisses his cheek.
Softly. Gently. Briefly. But it was a kiss.
Peter thinks he could even die there, in that precise moment, but the smile on his face is as wide and bright as the entire solar system.
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jxkewxrd · 7 years ago
200 Things About Me
200: My crush’s name is: John. (Fischer) @fxscher
199: I was born in: 1999
198: I am really: fucking fun 
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon
196: My eye color is: Brown
195: My shoe size is: depends on brand. Nike: 15 Adidas: 14 
194: My ring size is: idfk lol
193: My height is: 6’ 2’’
192: I am allergic to: poison ivy 
191: My 1st car was: 2001 toyota camery
190: My 1st job was: Dishwasher at a Buffett Restaurant 
189: Last book you read: The Soloist 
188: My bed is: comfortable 
187: My pet: my dog, Harlee
186: My best friend: @fxscher also my boyfriend
185: My favorite shampoo is: well my mom does hair so idk
184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox all the way
183: Piggy banks are: overrated 
182: In my pockets: are black holes
181: On my calendar: blank months
180: Marriage is: a huge goal of mine and im so excited for it
179: Spongebob can: run me over in his boat and i would thank him 
178: My mom: is the best in the world even tho we have many disagreements. Love her
177: The last three songs I bought were? None bitch tf i have spotify premium 
176: Last YouTube video watched: uhm for sure the music video for camp rock “we cant back down” 
175: How many cousins do you have? Bitch i don’t know, a lot
174: Do you have any siblings? Twin brother. Little brother. Little sister. 
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? For sure
171: Do you play an instrument? Do i look like a band/orchestra kid lmaoo
170: What did you do yesterday? I don’t even remember what I did 20 min ago stop
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: of course
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: uh yes bitch
165: Aliens: universe is too small to not believe
164: Heaven: YES
163: Hell: Eh
162: God: OF COURSE 
161: Horoscopes: yes
160: Soul mates: yes
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: im gay so yes hoe
157: War: uh yeah 
156: Orbs: yes
155: Magic: yes duh
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: both bitch
153: Drunk or High: why not BOTH 
152: Phone or Online: online
151: Red heads or Black haired: neither lmao
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes but im gay so
149: Hot or cold: bitch. Hot for sure but christmas isnt christmas without cold weather 
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: here in ohio we call it “fall”
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 
145: Night or Day: both
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: dont care
142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdicks bitch
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: is that racist😉 jk but forsure white chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: MAC
139: Flip flops or high heals: neither lmao
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: how and RICH AND SWEET fuck the sterotype 
137: Coke or Pepsi: COKE-aine 
136: Hillary or Obama: obama lol
135: Burried or cremated: uhm idk idrc i lowkey wanna be cremated and thrown in the ground with some tree seeds 
134: Singing or Dancing: both
133: Coach or Chanel: chanel
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they
131: Small town or Big city: big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither
128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk
127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast for sure 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: dont care enough
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers i dont need to be happy AND fat
124: Disney or Six Flags: havent been to either
123: Yankees or Red Sox: this is tumblr we dont care about sports on here
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: i dont care #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
121: George Bush: fuck u
120: Gay Marriage: yes bitch we do what we want
119: The presidential election: i love donald trump
118: Abortion: under certain circumstances should it be okay. If you’re doing it bc you fucked up, that child doesnt deserve to not have a life because of your poor choices sorry
117: MySpace: dumb
116: Reality TV: love it
115: Parents: love them but back tf off
114: Back stabbers: i’ll fucking ruin your life 
113: Ebay: what
112: Facebook: hi
111: Work: love my job so much
110: My Neighbors: ok this bitch who lives next to us is psycho and wants to literally BE my mom i feel like im in an LMN movie sometimes
109: Gas Prices: fucking really dude like go back to the way they were before the hurricanes 
108: Designer Clothes: LOVE LOVE LOVE
107: College: I love it so much can’g wait to graduate 
106: Sports: dumb
105: My family: love them
104: The future: ony God knows, he has a plan for me
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: idfk
102: Last time you ate: like 2 hrs ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today
100: Cried in front of someone: months
99: Went to a movie theater: months
98: Took a vacation: June
97: Swam in a pool: August 
96: Changed a diaper: never
95: Got my nails done: never
94: Went to a wedding: years ago
93: Broke a bone: never
92: Got a peircing: never
91: Broke the law: idk today i guess when i went 60 in a 35
90: Texted: hour ago
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my dog bruh and my boyfriend and sometimes cece😉
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog and my mom
87: The last movie I saw: Norma Rae
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: a future with my boyfriend
85: The thing im not looking forward to: being poor when im out of college
84: People call me: gay
83: The most difficult thing to do is: ignore the negativity 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: taurus
80: The first person i talked to today was: john
79: First time you had a crush: bitch i used to be heartless 
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: john or gabby 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: lost brain cells thinking about this
76: Right now I am talking to: no one
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: own my own coffee franchise or ya know get rocognized for something dumb and get famous 
74: I have/will get a job: yes i work at subway
73: Tomorrow: i work
72: Today: i worked
71: Next Summer: im gonna work
70: Next Weekend: im gonna work
69: I have these pets: dog
68: The worst sound in the world: dfc
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: not one person has made me cry in 5 years
66: People that make you happy: my boy
65: Last time I cried: like 5 min ago bc tears of happiness thru music
64: My friends are: the best i’ll ever have
63: My computer is: if only i had one
62: My School: Mount St. Joseph University 
61: My Car: needs a little work
60: I lose all respect for people who: are rude af
59: The movie I cried at was: too many
58: Your hair color is: brown
57: TV shows you watch: usually pretty little liars
56: Favorite web site: 😉
55: Your dream vacation: sicily, italy 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i wanted to kill myself for like 5 years
53: How do you like your steak cooked: idk 
52: My room is: simple, classy n cozy
51: My favorite celebrity is: like really idk
50: Where would you like to be: sleeping
49: Do you want children: maybe
48: Ever been in love: yes
47: Who’s your best friend: my bf and gabby and cece
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: eating healthy and drinking coffee
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my boy
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: ya
41: Have you pre-named your children: ya
40: Last person I got mad at: the person who accused my bf of sexual assault 
39: I would like to move to: a beach
38: I wish I was a professional: in BUSINESS
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: ew
36: Vehicle: blacked out range rover
35: President: Donald Trump
34: State visited: Florida
33: Cellphone provider: verizon
32: Athlete:dc
31: Actor: dc
30: Actress: dc
29: Singer: Cardi B, Post Malone, Halsey, Migos god damn so many
28: Band: dc
27: Clothing store: anything name brand
26: Grocery store: kroger hoe
25: TV show: pretty little liars
24: Movie: the hunger games movies
23: Website: hmm
22: Animal: idk
21: Theme park: kings island
20: Holiday: halloween/xmas
19: Sport to watch: nope
18: Sport to play: volleyball
17: Magazine: idk
16: Book: Looking for Alaska
15: Day of the week: saturday
14: Beach: yes yes yes yes, santa rosa 
13: Concert attended: lana del ey
12: Thing to cook: anything 
11: Food: i love all food fwm
10: Restaurant: skyline
9: Radio station: idk
8: Yankee candle scent: anything seasonal
7: Perfume: idk
6: Flower: idk
5: Color: blue
4: Talk show host: i dont know do i look 50
3: Comedian: idk
2: Dog breed: german shepard 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes bitch
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eggyoels · 7 years ago
11 Questions Tag 💖
Post the rules.
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
Write 11 questions of your own.
Tag 11 people. (if i tag you don’t worry about doing it or not!!! i understand that not everyone has time or has the motivation to do things like this!!)
i was tagged by @markiepoohismysunshine @glitterymin and @cuddletuan 💖💖💖 i’m putting it under read more because.... i have been putting this off and its a lot omg
questions by @cuddletuan 
1) If you’re a book/fic, what would be your genre and alternate universe?
i think if i was any kind of book i might be like a self-help book??? i’d like to think i’m a supportive person who wants everyone to do their best tho sometimes it gets to the point that it’s probably annoying or obnoxious but!! if not that i would definitely be  fantasy just because i usually have my head in the clouds a;sdkf
2) Best nuggets in the world?
dinosaur shaped nuggets.... obviously....
3) Do you have your own emergency stack of ramen?
a;lsdkjf;ads no i actually don’t eat much ramen but i have like five things of those microwave cup mac n cheese (triple cheese ofc) packs
4) What do you want to eat right now?
i’m feeling a little sick still but i’ve been absolutely craving a fish platter from sheetz
5) Oldest Korean song (from a Korean idol/group) you know by heart.
replay by shinee!!!! it’s still one of my favorite songs
6) Do you have any pets?
i have one golden retriever named sammy but he is at home and not with me in the dorms :(
7) What song are you listening to right now?
heaven by exo :’))
8) What do you think of Tumblr?
for some reason i can’t leave but at least it’s.... more calm than twitter....
9) Is there anything you want to wish when you meet the dragon Shenron of Dragon Ball?
i wish i could have all my homework just.... be done 
10) Favorite Korean variety/reality show?
i really like weekly idol!!!! i feel like they do a good job of keeping things interesting
11) Say something about your ult bias.
UHM park chanyeol has ruined all other men for me
questions by @glitterymin
1) How did you realize your ult was your ult?
my youtube history turned entirely into like “chanyeol’s silliness” and “chanyeol aegyo” and “chanyeol is scared of everything” so like.... probably then
2) Nicest thing someone has done for you?
during the summer i had one night where i was just feeling... really terrible and anxious and i got sick due to my anxiety and even hit my head on the corner of the counter in the bathroom after. and like i honestly didn’t think that my friend group had noticed that i went missing because i told them i felt sick and left, but then after their group call ended at like 4am, i got one from my one friend, and he listened to me and let me cry over everything that i was worried about with no questions asked. as much as i think i’m an ugly crier, it soothes me to know that someone is there, even when it’s just over the phone, and i usually ask people if they need me to call them when they’re upset because i don’t want them to feel like they’re alone through this, you know? i think that’s probably the nicest thing someone’s done for me in a while.
3) Favorite movie?
now you see me is the best movie in existence don’t try to convince me otherwise
4) Handwriting or typed?
depends i think?? i generally like to handwrite notes because i feel like i remember the information better
5) Piercings?
i love piercings i want so many sdlk;fasd i have a septum, both my ears pierced, and two helix piercings in my right ear
6) Pet peeves?
loud breathing, chewing with your mouth open, obnoxiously loud music, etc
7) How did you discover kpop?
i was watching dance videos and lia kim did a cover to tt and i fell in love with the song!!! it went downhill from there
8) Describe the most recent dream you remember?
so basically somehow i died for a couple of days? i dont remember how but i woke up and my dad and brother were there?? and we had to keep these couple of kids from dying i think??
9) If you could change your birthday what would you change it to?
i really like when my birthday is but maybe a little more toward the end of the month since libras are more compatible with sag than virgos :(
10) Do you see yourself starting a family in the future?
yes!!!! i would really like to get married and have kids but like... not really have them more just like adopt and foster
11) Interesting fact about yourself.
i work at target!!!!
questions by @markiepoohismysunshine
1) What is our favorite quote from any songs of your fav group(girl or boy)?
2) If your life is a book or movie or drama, what would you name it (title)?
dave vs evad
3) Would you write a song, choreograph, or become a manager of your fav group?
manager!!!! i can’t dance or write songs but it would be cool to hang out with the boys and make sure they’re safe and on time you know?
4) Coffee, chocolate, tea, or water?
chocolate!!!!! or water but definitely chocolate
5) If you were to be in the situation like Madea’s Witness Protection movie and have to live with her, how long would you last?
i’ve never seen this movie but idk probably not very long bc i don’t like living with strangers
6) Which emoji do you usually use?
7) Where would you go if you were given a plane ticket and your flight is leaving in 2 hours?
i’d really like to go to europe somewhere... maybe spain because i know spanish and i could actually figure out what’s going on... i really wanna go to cali too just bc i’ve never been anywhere near the west coast
8) *cont from Q #7 ... And who would you go with? One of your parents or siblings, best friend, or your ultimate bias?
i’d really like to go with the girl that i like because i feel like it’d be a good time ;lsakdj;ls if not her then definitely chanyeol definitely
9) Heights, deep water, insects, or reptiles?
i’m rlly scared of insects, but i like reptiles!!!!
10) If you could pick a director, actors, and actresses to direct and play your life, who would they be and why?
uhhhhh idk directors but i’d really like to be played by michael cera because i feel like he’d rlly be able to bring out my awkward and shy and sweet side!!!
11) Branded makeup or drugstore makeup?
a;lskdfj;lsd i don’t wear makeup
my questions!!!!!
1) Best ult bias hair?
2) If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
3) Favorite tv show/drama?
4) Salty foods or sweet foods?
5) One group you would give anything to see in concert?
6) What was the last video game you played?
7) If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to live?
8) Bottled water or tap water?
9) What time of the day are you most at peace?
10) How many blankets do you sleep with?
11) Do you believe in aliens?
i’m tagging my regulars and some new mutuals because i’d really like to get to know you better!!!! 😖💕💕💕  @ka-xing @nodeexo @d-kyvngsoo @baekhyuneeeee-exo @lionbaekkie @dangerousehun @oshnverse @ratbyun @tadaeshi  @yeolidae @freckledksoo and anyone who wants to do this!!!!
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jungnoir · 8 years ago
11/8 questions tag??
okay, so I was tagged by both bambam’s girlfriend @sadradmom (don’t fight it) and the sweet angel @sambashua, but I guess there are like different versions because one requires eight questions and the other eleven, so I’m just gonna do all of them and come up with eight (because there’s only so many original ones I can come up with lolol)
destiny’s questions~
1. Character that you would beat the shit out of and they can’t do anything about it? for any of my moon lovers/scarlet heart: ryeo fans, my target is queen yoo :)
2.What ending pissed you off the most? (in anything books, movies, tv shows?) hm, I don’t think I’ve ever watched anything with a super terrible ending? at least to the point I’m pissed. but, even though this show didn’t end and it was just the completing of a season, I was heartbroken by season three of Sleepy Hollow and I haven’t touched that show since because of it.
3. are you kinky? lmao ( if your comfortable list your kinks? i’m nosey af) I usually don’t feel comfortable talking about sex (at least in detail and for a long time) but I’m becoming better at it (hey! I posted a smut the other day, I’ve leveled up). I will say I have a plethora of them and I’ve always known this, but I’ll leave it at that ;)
4. zodiac sign and mbti type? virgo and infp (I feel like infp fits pisces more, but I like that infp fits my inner thoughts better. and I just love being a virgo)
5. are you better with animals, adults, old people, people your own age or kids? I’ve always felt most comfortable around animals. I befriend them easily and they bring me calm like no other living being. I also feel comfortable around adults (friend-wise) and I like to see their lives and philosophies and try to mature with their advice. I also, for some reason, really disliked kids when I was younger but now that I’ve gotten older, I see so much potential and creativity in these little humans and it’s such a nice break from the ugly of the world. Kids deserve love and everything good tbqh
6. Do you like holding hands, kissing, hugs or none? All of it. Every bit. I love physical affection (from the right people anyway)
7.something you’ll always have a soft spot for? (bands, movies, shows, people, etc.) I think I’ll always have a soft spot for Michael Clifford from 5SOS. He was open about his mental health and just represented someone I could look up to as a freshman in high school trying to understand everything about who I was and who I wanted to be. I had a huge crush on him but when I stopped listening to his band, I drifted away. I found out recently he’s got a girlfriend and is doing well, and it made me really happy :)
8. do you have small, big or average size hands? Small to average. I don’t think my fingers are particularly long, I just know a lot of people with smaller fingers haha. Almost everything about me physically is tall or big lol
9. have you had your first kiss? did you like it or regret doing it with that person? I haven’t
10. Do you want kids? Yeah, if I do have them I’ll probably aim for one but I might give them a sibling along the way.
11. What do you usually get attracted to in people? (romantic or just in generally or both) Romantically, I get attracted to their aura and the way they act/react. I’m cautious about who I surround myself with because other people’s lives and things ultimately affect how I feel. If my friends are annoyed, I’m annoyed. I try not to befriend/hang around people who get angry often or quickly because that’s one of my peeves, and it just ends up making me angry in the process. Also, this is totally a virgo thing but I look for things in that person that I could help them with? not deliberately, but I just notice like “oh, maybe I could comfort them about that” or “i’m similar to them with this situation, we can lean on each other for that”. relatability and solidarity is something I really like between people romantically or not
mir’s questions~
1. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? (shoutout to sicheng ma boy) (shoutout to winwin lol me 2) it’s always been strawberry. I love eating the lil strawberries in the ice cream cause they always tasted better to me than normal strawberries (prob the sugar its been sitting in, majo)
2. If you could achieve one thing without working for it what would it be? unimaginable wealth or maybe fame?
3. A picture that describes your aesthetic? goblin is my whole aesthetic
Tumblr media
4. What’s a song that’s always stuck in your head? EH EH DODAECHE NAN WHY WHY WHY MAEIL BAM (listen to i’m serious by day6 and save your life)
5. Do you have a video you always find yourself watching? Which one? there’s this... cursed vine of sungjae from btob where like another member is introducing himself in chinese and they pass the mic to sungjae and he just sTARTS YELLING HIS CHINESE INTRO AND IT’S SO FUNNY??? LIKE I DIE EVERY TIME
6. What’s one thing you love about yourself? (and don’t say nothing bc imma hunt you down bc you gotta love yourself okay bc ily) (pls don’t hunt me down mir) I guess... I really love that I’m a peacemaker. I like that I can be something of a safe haven or a break from the stressful for people. It makes me feel like I have a reason to meet the people I do and do the things I do. 
7. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Why? Paris or Hawaii. Paris because I’ve always loved Paris and have been fascinated with the city for a while, and it just feels like it’d be such a dream to be from there. If not Paris, I would say Hawaii because I think truthfully my soul needs some sun and water. I think living on an island would bring me some peace, and Hawaii just looks like a really nice place to live the rest of your life at
8. If you could spend a full day with your bias what would you do? Where would you go? What would you talk about? Oh boy, it depends on the bias? But I’ll say wang puppy for now. I’d take him to an amusement park because I love amusement parks and we would just go wild on the rides, get wet (if there’s like a mini water park area), eat tasty amusement park food and when the day winds down and the sun is setting, I’ll just sit with him and talk about everything about ourselves. I’d probably get up and dance with him to the music playing in the park and just end the day on a warm, fulfilled note
now, to what you skimmed through all my answers to get to, my q’s!
1. What’s the worst movie/tv show you’ve ever seen, and why?
2. If you could either live as the only person in the world in another garden of Eden (basically, everything is provided for you and grows on its own accord so you can just laze and live) or bring world peace to the world we have now, which would you pick?
3. What song resonates with your soul?
4. You’re given a plane ticket to any place in the world, the entire trip free of charge. Where are you going?
5. Name a bias of yours that you wouldn’t marry. Why?
6. What type of people piss you off?
7. What genre of movie would you think would be the most fun to live in?
8. Do you prefer fantasy or reality?
tagging: @calemiel @marktuansflip @maydayjyp @jingogi @jisoft @laysekai @svthansols @dabguk
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sugabeans · 7 years ago
200 things you can put in my ask
i answered them all wow i was bored 
200: My crush’s name is: david but idk if it’s still a crush 199: I was born in: canada 198: I am really: dumb lol  197: My cellphone company is: telus bebe  196: My eye color is: light brown 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8 it depends 194: My ring size is: no idea 193: My height is: 5′5 or 165cm  192: I am allergic to: pet fur  191: My 1st car was: i don’t have a car 190: My 1st job was: ontario govt - ministry of education, co-op student 189: Last book you read: i don’t read books 188: My bed is: my life 187: My pet: IS THE CUTEST 186: My best friend: is my sister  185: My favorite shampoo is: idk?? 184: Xbox or ps3: i have neither  183: Piggy banks are: never used  182: In my pockets: i don’t have pockets  181: On my calendar: there are numbers  180: Marriage is: not gonna happen in my lifetime  179: Spongebob can: KRUSTY KRAB PIZZA  178: My mom: is lovely  177: The last three songs I bought were? i don’t rly buy music so..  176: Last YouTube video watched: probs bubzvlogz  175: How many cousins do you have? too many to count  174: Do you have any siblings? yes, 1  173: Are your parents divorced? no  172: Are you taller than your mom? yes she’s only 5 feet  171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play piano, flute, violin ..  170: What did you do yesterday? work lol  [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: attraction yes, love no 168: Luck: yeah and i believe i’m unlucky  167: Fate: my fate is to die alone with dogs  166: Yourself: no never lol  165: Aliens: no  164: Heaven: yeah  163: Hell: probs not.. when you die i just think you’re “asleep” forever 162: God: i don’t think so 161: Horoscopes: no they’re dumb  160: Soul mates: for other people yeah! for me, no!  159: Ghosts: yes  158: Gay Marriage: OF COURSE  157: War: no :c  156: Orbs: wha  155: Magic: yes magic is real  [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs bc i’ve never kissed 153: Drunk or High: i don’t think i’ve ever been either?? idk  152: Phone or Online: online  151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair  150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes are pretty  149: Hot or cold: cold  148: Summer or winter: winter  147: Autumn or Spring: autumn  146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate  145: Night or Day: day  144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight  142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcd  141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate  140: Mac or PC: this is hard.. honestly PC even tho i love my mac  139: Flip flops or high heals: high heals? i hate toes lol  138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor bc i’m already that 137: Coke or Pepsi: does it even make a difference  136: Hillary or Obama: who cares (this must be an old post lol) 135: Burried or cremated: no preference  134: Singing or Dancing: singing bc my dancing is worse  133: Coach or Chanel: who cares  132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who?? 131: Small town or Big city: big city - no one knows you  130: Wal-Mart or Target: i like target when i go to the states..  129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ??? 128: Manicure or Pedicure: never gotten either but mani bc ew feet 127: East Coast or West Coast: east bc that’s where i’m from? but canada 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas dude - birthday’s suck  125: Chocolate or Flowers: CHOCOLATE  124: Disney or Six Flags: wtf is six flags?? disney obv  123: Yankees or Red Sox: i don’t care  [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: it sucks  121: George Bush: this is an american dude isn’t it ..?  120: Gay Marriage: should be legal everywhere  119: The presidential election: i’m canadian  118: Abortion: pro-choice  117: MySpace: i had one  116: Reality TV: i don’t watch tv  115: Parents: i love them  114: Back stabbers: evil people  113: Ebay: love, but aliexpress is better 112: Facebook: i love fb messenger more than texting  111: Work: ew  110: My Neighbors: idk them  109: Gas Prices: are TOO HIGH  108: Designer Clothes: are a waste of money  107: College: is expensive - uni is expensive too  106: Sports: don’t care about them  105: My family: i love them so much  104: The future: is scary  [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: today my daddy side-hugged me lol  102: Last time you ate: an hour ago? 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: saturday  100: Cried in front of someone: can’t remember - it was probs my co-op supervisor 99: Went to a movie theater: uh - to see beauty and the beast so do the math  98: Took a vacation: can’t remember  97: Swam in a pool: I HATE POOLS so it’s been more than 3 years probably  96: Changed a diaper: i haven’t done that  95: Got my nails done: never done it  94: Went to a wedding: uh .. a year ago? maybe?  93: Broke a bone: never  92: Got a peircing: i can’t remember.. so long ago like 5 years?  91: Broke the law: i never do  90: Texted: an hour ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: honestly, myself  88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed  87: The last movie I saw: free! starting days? mAYBE? or rurouni kenshin 3rd movie 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: my death LOL  85: The thing i’m not looking forward to: when i need to move out of my house 84: People call me: by my name??? 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not eat  82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no  81: My zodiac sign is: cancer  80: The first person i talked to today was: my mommy, about the coffee  79: First time you had a crush: idk i was like 6 probably  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: there’s no one lol i hide everything 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk but it happens regularly with my sister  76: Right now I am talking to: myself while i write this  75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk, die  74: I have/will get a job: not yet  73: Tomorrow: i’ll wake up  72: Today: i’m sleepy  71: Next Summer: i’m panicking abt my future  70: Next Weekend: i’ll be sleeping  69: I have these pets: one doggo  68: The worst sound in the world: scraping chalkboards or anything similar  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself  66: People that make you happy: my family  65: Last time I cried: idk .. recently  64: My friends are: not real  63: My computer is: SO SLOW  62: My School: sucks honestly  61: My Car: is my mom’s  60: I lose all respect for people who: hurt others  59: The movie I cried at was: idk i cry a lot  58: Your hair color is: black / dark brown  57: TV shows you watch: does haikyuu count  56: Favorite web site: i guess it’s tumblr? or twitter - wow that’s sad  55: Your dream vacation: JAPAN  54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk  53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare? 52: My room is: hella messy  51: My favorite celebrity is: kevin woo  50: Where would you like to be: japan  49: Do you want children: no  48: Ever been in love: no lol  47: Who’s your best friend: my sister (i answered this already??) 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl  45: One thing that makes you feel great is: eating  44: One person that you wish you could see right now: kevin woo  43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no  42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no i’ll just die  41: Have you pre-named your children: no lol i don’t want kids  40: Last person I got mad at: my dad  39: I would like to move to: japan  38: I wish I was a professional: SLP  [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: skittles  36: Vehicle: idk a car???  35: President: i’M CANADIAN  34: State visited: I’M CANADIAN  33: Cellphone provider: i don’t care  32: Athlete: don’t care 31: Actor: don’t care enough  30: Actress: don’t care enough 29: Singer: kevin woo  28: Band: ukiss i guess  27: Clothing store: anything cheap honestly  26: Grocery store: they’re all the same?  25: TV show: haikyuu??? 24: Movie: idk??????? 23: Website: i answered this already?? 22: Animal: doggos  21: Theme park: idk disney? 20: Holiday: christmas  19: Sport to watch: i hate sports lol  18: Sport to play: i hate sports lol  17: Magazine: i don’t read lol  16: Book: i don’t read lol  15: Day of the week: friday  14: Beach: I HATE BEACHES HOOOOOO  13: Concert attended: ukiss  12: Thing to cook: idk  11: Food: rice  10: Restaurant: congee queen ?? idk  9: Radio station: i don’t care 8: Yankee candle scent: wtf is this  7: Perfume: i hate artificial scents  6: Flower: i hate flowers lol but roses  5: Color: pastel pink  4: Talk show host: i don’t care 3: Comedian: i don’t know any 2: Dog breed: all dogs are good dogs  1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yes 
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ificouldflytotheclouds · 6 years ago
5 Seconds of Summer Self Titled Album Song Ranking (target edition)
I wrote this almost 2 weeks ago but I pushed it because of Youngblood’s release but so I don’t forget to post it, here is my ranking of 5sos debut album 5 Seconds of Summer. 
Like SGFG I will be shuffling the album
Before I even start I will say I feel like this ranking is going to be shorter than the last. I find it funny because this is the album I was so excited for when I was deep into 5sos, but I resonate with sgfg so much more even though I only properly listened to it recently bf I completely fell back in love with these idiots (that one of the perks of stepping back/not always being in the know, also there's more content to catch up on)  
**I do not include the older songs in the ranking such as heartbreak girl because I don’t view them as part of this collective and I think they would outperform the “newer songs” that were released with this album.
Kiss Me Kiss Me
A good song to begin this review. It is one of those songs where you want to run away with your lover, young, wild, and free.
Ranking: 1 of 1
End Up Here
Sigh. Lol, this album is going to be more difficult to rank because I feel like more songs sound similar. This song surprises me because of Michael's yelling/singing during the chorus. It’s not something I would typically be into but ugh it is such a feel-good song. Is it just me or do you envision the girl as older? I gravitate more to 'Kiss Me Kiss Me,'  partially because it’s at the beginning of the album ( I tend to skip the first 3 singles bc overplayed) but I think End Up Here is the better song.
Ranking: 1 of 2
Beside You
 It’s a cute song. COnsidering this was one of their earliest songs I think this speaks volumes of how far they would come. It’s simple but you can invision it. THe singer and their partner sleeping worlds apart thinking about each other. *Creates a music video in my head when ever I hear this song* 
Long Way Home
This song has been on my mind a lot recently so I think it deserves to get a higher ranking. It’s about taking in the moment and just more time with the people you love. It was memorable as I ended up my days at college.
Ranking: 1 of 3 over End Up Here
Heartbreak Girl
This is potentially the first 5sos song I heard (well actually I think I heard one of luke’s covers first, but that wasn’t really 5sos, and not an original song). Compared to Beside You I perfer this song. The feeling of this song is more complex, she appreciates everything he does for her but she doesn't see that he wants to be with her, but he still hopes the best for her. If I am not mistaken some people don’t like this song because it sounds like he wants to break them up, but I don’t think that’s the point. Like just because someone is taken or doesn’t like you doesn’t mean you can’t find them attractive or want to be with them. It’s different if you are ACTING upon that feeling and actually try to sabotage that relationship. This song is an honest song about desire and is also mature in that fact that in the end all he really want for her is the best, and that’s true love for you ladies and gentes
I know this was a single but this is one of 5sos’ best songs, ever, there's a reason Don’t Stop was dropped long ago but they still play Amnesia in concert. I know, at least for the US, Amnesia did really well for a follow up single. It was played on the radio for months, sadly no one needs to know that SGFG singles didn’t do as well (I think youngblood will be the middle ground because the singles are doing well they got their second number one in australia on a song that wasnt even going to be a single, I’m still not over it, they’re 3 weeks strong. And based on promo and how they’re talking about the album I really believe that this will be their best album yet and I have a feeling it’ll do well on the charts).
I think Amnesia did so well because it’s one of those songs that many people can relate to, while it is focused on a breakup I think it can easily be related to other forms of loss such as losing a friend or someone moving away, missing the better times…
Ranking: 1 of 4 over Long Way Home
Independence Day
While I feel like this song stands out compared to some of the other songs such as long way home, everything I didn’t say, and end up here… which all sound similar to one another. This song isn’t a winner for me. Never has been. I don’t dislike,  I am listening for a spark but Independence Day just doesn’t do it for me.
Ranking: 5 of 5
Out of My Limit
Shoot I forgot this song was on here too. Lol. I am not going to rank this to the album as a whole either. Lyrically it’s more exciting than beside you but right at this moment, sonically it’s not doing much for me (I love this song, something tells me that it’s recently been overplayed)
Mrs. All American
“That mini van that you drive really gets me going” Lol. Luke sounds good in the prechorus but I just can’t with this song. I never really cared for this song, honestly it makes me cringe a bit (like I can bop to it at time, but I will typically skip it).
I prefer english love affair.
Ranking: 6 of 6
Tomorrow Never Dies
I always think of the Transformers Soundtrack, specifically New Divide by Linkin Park (ps. The score is a nice listen while you need to focus and need be quick in your action). This song deseves to be in an action movie.
In a recent interview (ash london australia) the boys were asked to describe their new album with songs from their old album (a brillian question btw) and ashton said Tomorrow Never Dies which I find very interesting, if I am not mistaken, this will connect to the hiphop element that will be in their album which has be like??? But it’s nice to hear them talk about this song because it doesn’t get enough love.
I would thought that I would rank this song lower than long way home, but I actually think it’ll be higher because this song stands out on the album.
Ranking: 2 of 7 over Long Way Home
Good Girls 
This song grew on me. I feel like you need to be in the right mood for this song. But I can relate to this song, and when I am feeling it, I find it very empowering. Growing up I would be labled as a good girl and a lot of people thought they knew me but it was like go away you don’t know me (I mean I’m not that rebellious but it’s still like stop putting me in a box and trying to flatten it, I’m not a one dimensional character)
Ranking: 6 of 8 over Independence Day
Don’t Stop
Ok this was defs a bop at one point but now I just always skip it. Lyrically its cringe worthy. And I wasn’t about superhero 5sos. Lol. Some weird is too weird for me. The other day I said it was the worse song on the album, but after listening to other songs, I disagree. Mrs. All American is worse. This as least has a nice beat to it.
 Ranking: 8 of 9 over Mrs. All American
I’ve always liked 18, and it’s not just because it dropped when I was 18 it was just a nice coincidence. Sonically I enjoy it and lyrically there’s a story line to follow.  It’s strangely a sad song about the things they don’t have and they sing about 18 equating it to freedom (but is it really??).
Ranking: 2 of 10 over Tomorrow Never Dies
Everything I didn’t say
Wow is this me in a song? I’ve defs written letters over the things I’ve never said (somewhich I’ve actually told to people #yikes). The rumination of everything that is lost, feeling like you could’ve said something to prevent it from happening, but it was already falling apart, you were always too late..
Listening to this after 18 should make it easier to decide if it goes before or after but nope.
Ranking: 2 of 11 over 18
Ummmmmm close as strangers came on but I’m going to skip that one and do it last.
She look’s so perfect
I always skip this song. Heartbreak girl might have been the first single I heard from them but this song really won me over. I remember being so excited for this song. I don’t remember when the song dropped but I remember the music video dropped last period and me and my friend couldn’t wait for the bell to ring to be able to watch it. While there are better songs that could replace this in concert this is a bop, you can’t deny it, this is when the crowd goes the hardest.
As I have mentioned in other ranking posts I hate ranking singles. Especially lead singles. They get extremely over played which I feel like can make people dislike the song, to some degree. I also don’t view lead singles as a collective piece to most albums (or at least since We are never ever getting back together lol).
Ranking: 8 of 12
Close as Stranger
*gets emo* Tell me why my fav 5sos’ songs are sad. But ughhh. Luckily I don’t think about the reality of this song when I listen to it, otherwise I think I would avoid it. BUt I can defs relate to this. I think most people can. It’s a strange feeling. Often times most people know it’s happening, and you want to stay friends but suddenly there’s no longer anything to say. YOu don’t even know why it’s happening but… (it’s awkward when it’s not mutual, that’s a whole other hot mess we're not going to talk about - actually this is probably what saves me from still enjoying the song because this is just a generally sad song but when it’s not mutual that can feel awkward or backstabbing)
Ranking: 1 of 13 over Amnesia
~~ Album Ranking ~~
Close as Strangers
Everything I didn’t say
Tomorrow Never Dies
Long Way Home
End Up Here
Kiss Me Kiss Me
She Looks So Perfect
Good Girls
Independence Day
Mrs. All American
Album Review/Ranking Masterlist
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culturespotting · 7 years ago
First Time Owner Information On How To maintain Chickens
Healthy and pleased chickens also make their house owners proud to indicate them off. As well as, healthy and joyful chickens convey joy to at least one's life simply by being interesting creatures with their gentle clucking. For those who like looking after chickens, it will be significant to offer the chickens themselves a number of love and care similar to every other pet. In doing so, one will discover the joys of looking after chickens and the benefits which they bring. Searching for extra recommendations on looking after chickens in the again garden? Discover the whole lot you could know and the way easy it's to lift your own chicken. Separate your self from the standard rooster homeowners and keep away from pricey mistakes. Log in or Create Account to post a comment. Writer: TrevoJohnso Have you really thought about elevating some chickens? Writer: James Harley There are such a lot of the reason why anybody with a vacant lot and the time to spare to begin caring for chickens. Although the target of the exercise zeroes in on including significant amounts of cash to the monthly household funds, it cannot be denied that dwelling rooster farming also can ship priceless, intangible issues that can further hold the family together. What Can Raising Chicken Do For You? Publisher: Invoice M Bailey People elevate rooster for lots of reasons. In spite of everything, individuals have been raising rooster since 5400 BC. The domestication of the chicken has largely developed into a major food production enterprise for human consumption. As we speak, domesticated chickens in farm houses are more various than wild fowl in forests internationally. Publisher: Chris Santina When you've got by no means considered building a rooster coop now could be the perfect time to not less than give it some thought. Not only will you receive the good thing about free, recent and natural eggs; you'll assist sustainable dwelling practices and the humane treatment of animals in the process.
Regardless of the fragility inherent in chickens, you possibly can rest assured they have ways to endure by way of the harshest seasons within the year. Be sure you keep in mind that there are inherent variations in all chickens as nicely and no matter what you must be careful for his or her nicely being. So be sure you do protect them within the harshest of seasons. Although you can encounter chickens that can hold up in winter, summers could be preferable. Just keep this stuff in thoughts, as well as the weather that you're experiencing during the time you decide to buy chickens, so you be sure you get the fitting ones which is able to let them survive in your care. Be certain that your chickens will not be heated for the smallest motive when the weather begins to get cold, particularly in wintertime. The flock might be useless on account of that. Simply so you know, as a result of their skill to vary their metabolism, chickens are extremely adaptable, so keep that in thoughts. After the bath, I noticed Rosco was acting strange. She was standing funny and bobbing her head up and down. A few weeks earlier, I had a tough time waking her up and had started actually noticing how grey her fur had been getting. Noah cuddled along with her for a number of hours, but her signs did not appear to improve. Her eyes weren't as vivid as normal, she was bobbing her head, she had a tough time strolling, and she seemed to have misplaced coordination in her again legs. I used to be very sad and thought she was in all probability dying. We brought her outdoors and showed her around the farm. We confirmed her the barn and alpacas and laid with her within the grass within the sunshine. Despite her signs, she appeared to be hanging on. We spent the next week caring for her and making her comfy. She was losing weight regardless of Noah hand feeding her hen baby meals and holding her on the water bowl so she might drink with out falling in.
But the good news is the truth that eggs produce when the hen is older is far better high quality than the eggs produce by younger chicken. So you continue to wind up with profitable eggs regardless of quantity. The weather can be different explanation why eggs lay by hens are generally fewer than anticipated. Warm weather is conducive for hen to lay eggs constantly and so expect lots of eggs during this interval. However do not be surprised within the event you can’t even get 1 egg throughout winter and extreme heat. This is regular and you have nothing to be afraid of primarily as a result of just like human the hen may also expertise discomfort. Now, if the weather is okay plus the eggs suddenly drop to what is your normal harvest, which signifies your hens, is likely to be unhealthy. If you can find a lot of feathers or molting taking place then a lot better to check your coop as there might be mites which are making them sick and unable to put eggs consistently.
He was racing around the sector and would run proper as much as Riphaeus (who was of course proper at his mommy's facet) and leap aspect ways. It reminded me of a scene from Bambi. Riphaeus did not appear to take the bait. Hopefully he will loosen up and begin taking part in with the brand new little guy who has tons of vitality and loves to run! About fifty minutes after the cria was born, the placenta was born. Between the cria and the placenta, Maree Sol is now 30 lbs lighter! Below, the cria is making an attempt to nurse off Sol's neck. He still hadn't found the milk machine however had been wanting diligently for the last 45 minutes whereas he was operating round. The placenta was intact and all the pieces seemed good. Sol is an excellent mother. She continued to attempt to direct the cria to the milk machine and ran after him humming every time he took off. Lately however she has been refusing her bottle and has been seen with milky chops. After hours of observations we have seen her sneakily feeding from 4 completely different mothers! She appears to watch and wait and when a cria goes below she whips round to the opposite side and wham bam thanks mam! Una, racing off as a cria begins to feed on the opposite facet of the field! It is now that the women get complicated. Two days after Verity was born, we came home from a lunch out to find that Minstrel had popped out a lovely little black lady who we've named Violet. She is, as you'll be able to see, beautiful. I think that is her. This is when it all starts to get confusing you see. Right here is Ulani, daughter of Bobby, I believe. Then we have Willow, with Umbria and another person in the background.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - The roars of lions, snorts of rhinos and trumpets of elephants still blend with the cacophony of honking buses and screeching cars passing nearby in probably the most closely congested areas of Argentina's capital. A yr after the 140-year-old Buenos Aires zoo closed its doors and was reworked right into a park, hundreds of animals stay behind bars and in a noisy limbo. Builders final July promised to relocate a lot of the zoo's 1,500 animals to sanctuaries in Argentina and abroad, however that they had made no agency arrangements to take action. And a new grasp plan introduced Tuesday nonetheless does not specify how they'll accomplish it. Most of the animals are so zoo-skilled that experts concern they would die if moved, even to wild animal preserves. Conservationists additionally complain that the remaining animals still dwell in antiquated enclosures broadly thought-about inhumane by fashionable standards — and say town authorities's new plan provides few specifics of how improvements shall be made. Claudio Bertonatti, a former Buenos Aires zoo director and guide for the Fundacion Azara non-governmental organization. Writer: bbqfood Ribs are a summertime favourite dish for everyone. Gallery Different chef use different types to cook ribs. The secret for cooking ribs is that they must be cook at low temperature. Writer: Andre Savoie Are you in search of recommendation on gas grill cooking time for chicken? Checkout our information for cooking hen outdoors including tips about how to know when the chicken is cooked, the best way to get great taste and even what to do with the bones in or out. Publisher: bbqfood A barbeque occasion is the implausible method to impress your family members, buddies or liked ones. You can make youparty more pleasing with the correct planning and the appropriate setting. Your family members, pals or beloved ones will remember your celebration perpetually. BBQ online is one of the best ways for your get together arrangement. Writer: Chef Brian The main focus of this dish is the meat. When making my BBQ Lasagna, I like to make use of shredded or chopped pork instead of floor beef. BBQ pork is something everyone is accustomed to and is perfect in this recipe. Most of the time after i make this recipe I am utilizing leftover pork from an earlier cookout, however you possibly can just as simply make it all in at some point. Publisher: Barbara Wibault Rooster may be very versatile and an amazing meat to use in Barbecue and grill recipes. It is easy to work with, not almost as costly as beef, but can actually compete with it. There are just a few methods to good BBQ Rooster Recipes. These two very tasty hen variations will actually get you going. Publisher: Gareth Hoyle Having simply enjoyed the most well liked April in history, Britain basks in additional sun as May continues in the same style. The previous few financial institution vacation weekends have been extraordinarily enjoyable and file gross sales of barbecues have been reported.
0 notes
rebeccahpedersen · 8 years ago
Hot Condo of the Week: 2 Fieldway Rd #608
Welcome to Network Lofts!
This condo loft was developed by Alterra & Finner Space Corporation and registered in February of 2010.
It has 13 storeys and 205 units, and is managed by Nadlan-Harris Property Management.
One of Toronto’s most iconic hard loft conversions!
This 900 sqft, 2-bed, 2-bath loft boasts gorgeous century-old reclaimed red brick, 10.5 foot ceilings, master ensuite bath,and an awesome entertaining area.
Large living room with huge picture window facing south and city view, spacious dining room, and chef’s kitchen with granite counters, and double oven.
Parking and locker included.
Let’s take a look!
Price: $499,900
Taxes: $2,511.11/2016
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Maintenance Fees: $519.05
Apx Sqft: 900-999
MLS: W3722939
Parking: Yes
What do you think about our Hot Condo of the Week? Yay or Nay?
The post Hot Condo of the Week: 2 Fieldway Rd #608 appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
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rebeccahpedersen · 8 years ago
Hot Condo of the Week: 2 Fieldway Rd #608
Welcome to Network Lofts!
This condo loft was developed by Alterra & Finner Space Corporation and registered in February of 2010.
It has 13 storeys and 205 units, and is managed by Nadlan-Harris Property Management.
One of Toronto’s most iconic hard loft conversions!
This 900 sqft, 2-bed, 2-bath loft boasts gorgeous century-old reclaimed red brick, 10.5 foot ceilings, master ensuite bath,and an awesome entertaining area.
Large living room with huge picture window facing south and city view, spacious dining room, and chef’s kitchen with granite counters, and double oven.
Parking and locker included.
Let’s take a look!
Price: $499,900
Taxes: $2,511.11/2016
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Maintenance Fees: $519.05
Apx Sqft: 900-999
MLS: W3722939
Parking: Yes
What do you think about our Hot Condo of the Week? Yay or Nay?
The post Hot Condo of the Week: 2 Fieldway Rd #608 appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
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