#post-purgil adventures
freesia-writes · 1 year
Howzer + Aurelia Ch. 35 - Opportunity
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Beginning with his shiny days, this story follows Howzer's character arc through some heartwarming romance, action, adventure, yearning, angst, and growth.
Content/Trigger Warnings for Entire Work (individual chapters not labeled): wartime peril, injury, and death; sexual assault up to kissing; relationship passion up to making out and heavy petting; sexual relationship alluded to (smut is posted separately); pregnancy, birthing trauma, and stillbirth (chapters 30-39, can be skipped and still keep up with the story).
Master List of Chapters
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Word Count: 1.9k
35. Opportunity
Aurelia rolled over on her bed, etching one little half of a tally mark into the wall where she had privately been recording the passing months. Eight and a half notches represented what felt like a lifetime. Eight and a half months since she had seen her... husband? It didn't feel like a fitting word, for some reason. He was her counterpart, as Lennox had put it a while ago, a connection that she'd never find anywhere else. She had also realized that she couldn't lose her entire sense of self, though, and rather than being completely enmeshed, she had been grateful for the way their personalities had complimented each other, being separate yet united, exploring each other's strengths and weaknesses and seeking to grow together. If only they'd had more time... 
She exhaled lengthily. She mustn't think that way. Until she had undeniable confirmation of his death, she couldn't go down that road. Nevertheless, it was a difficult and foreign path, this navigation of the space in between. She chuckled mirthlessly at the thought of an old philosopher she'd read about as a student and how the situation applied here... Schrödinger's Howzer... 
Today marked the start of her 36th week of pregnancy. She'd been feeling like a purgill on land, waddling about her duties with quite the rotund abdomen. Her dark hair had grown significantly from the curly bob she'd arrived with, and now settled just below her shoulders when it wasn't up in a bun. She'd also been given a surprising variety of hand-me-down clothing that better fit her growing form. It had been lovingly gathered by a few volunteers at the medical clinic, one of whom had been particularly diligent to provide as much care and support as possible. 
The volunteers had been lessening in number, and there had been increasing rumors that the clinic might be shut down permanently. The Empire's priorities were shifting, and as clones were being phased out, the resources were being allocated more to the fancy new medical centers on the surface, where scientists and doctors worked to provide top-of-the-line care to Imperial recruits. Aurelia's friend was hoping to secure a full-time position, though she was loath to leave the tightly-knit community in the lower levels. 
It had been during one of their conversations a few months ago that Aurelia had first felt a flutter, immediately stopping her midsentence. She'd placed a hand on her belly, brow creasing in focus, waving off her friend's questioning for the moment. There it had been again -- the tiniest sensation, almost making her queasy, as it tickled her side from within. That had been only the beginning, and now as she hoisted herself out of bed with a considerable amount of effort, she felt the shift inside. Pressure... discomfort... digging into her ribs and making one side of her stomach protrude. She took a deep breath, blowing it out her mouth as she pressed against the hard bulge. The kicking, pushing, and squirming was a frequent occurrence now, and while it had been delightfully novel at the start, it was now a regular reminder of the huge upcoming shift in her life. She tried to enjoy it, but it was always laced with tinges of apprehension and insecurity. 
"One step at a time," she reminded herself. 
* * * 
After the day's work was almost done and the volunteers had been dismissed, the few remaining staff members were asked to remain at the medical clinic for an impromptu meeting. Details were sparse, but the questioning hubbub quickly died down as two tall men strolled in. They were decked in red and gold, with stately capes and tall hats that had visors over their eyes. The bottom halves of their faces were a strikingly blue color, and Aurelia found herself wondering if they were Pantoran or Chiss. They stepped to either side, silent and motionless, and behind them entered a much smaller woman. Same blue face, but no hat, although she also was clad in a regal red and gold dress. Her hair curved out to the sides, framing her face in a triangular shape. Pantoran, Aurelia confirmed in her mind, noting the large golden eyes shining brightly from her delicate, beautiful face.
"Thank you so much for staying past your shift," the woman spoke, in a sweet, high voice that was both confident and gentle. "I'll make this quick to respect your time. My name is Senator Riyo Chuchi, representative of Pantora. I've recently become more aware of the various struggles facing the clones, and I'm also aware of many clinics such as this being shut down in favor of the central Imperial complex. I'm doing my best to be a voice for the clones, after all they've done for us, and I wanted to offer you all the opportunity to continue in your work, if this is where your heart is..."
A few quiet whispers were exchanged in the small group as the diminutive woman paused, looking from face to face with earnestness. Aurelia was struck by her sincerity, finding it easy to believe that she was truly invested in her cause. Senator Chuchi continued, explaining her desire to keep the clinic open with direct funding that had been approved by the Pantoran Assembly, and she outlined some of the rather untraditional requirements that came along with it. She was clearly intelligent and well-spoken, and her strong sense of integrity was readily apparent. Aurelia found herself enamored by the woman, admiring her desire to do the right thing even in the face of overwhelming opposition, and felt drawn to her, as though they would be friends. Stifling a chuckle at the thought, as if a Senator would have time for such a thing, Aurelia lost her train of thought as Chuchi invited in a second guest. 
A clone entered behind her, although he was remarkably free of the standard armor, instead wearing a high-collared blue vest that fastened across his chest. His base layer was both black and white, and he held himself with a sense of authority as he glanced around the room. The hint of hair on his head was a bright blonde, a striking contrast to the typical dark features of the clones, and his hawklike gaze took in the scene before him.
"This is Captain Rex, and he has been leading the efforts to rescue clones who are in danger of unfair treatment by the Empire," Chuchi said, extending an arm toward him as he came to a halt next to her. "He was the one who brought us Gregor, if you remember, who was being held against his will and forced to train new recruits. There are certainly many more, and his sacrificially brave work will hopefully allow us to help as many as we can. It's likely that medical attention will regularly be needed as well, so we're hoping that you would be willing to provide it."
Lennox nodded slowly, turning it over in his mind before speaking, "You mentioned earlier that this is strictly covert. What if we're caught by the Empire?"
"That's a risk we've always got to consider," Rex answered, and his smooth, assertive tone was so similar to Howzer's that Aurelia looked up at him quickly, catching his attention with her sudden movement. "Fortunately, the Coruscant underworld is notoriously off the Empire's radar, unless there's a particularly high-value target. Otherwise, it's mostly been dismissed as a cesspool of scum and villainy, which most Imperials think is below their concern."
"We know it's a lot to ask of you," Chuchi added, spreading her hands in an understanding gesture. "And we will provide as much support as we can as we forge through these uncertain times together."
"I'm in," Aurelia said without warning, feeling a sudden warmth as Riyo's gold eyes turned to her. The expression of admiration and gratitude on the Senator's face was intensified as she lowered her eyes to Aurelia's pregnant belly, smiling with unrestrained fondness. "I mean... If you can use me... Whatever that looks like..."
"We would be honored," Chuchi answered sincerely. 
A few others agreed after clearing up some doubts and questions, and as they conversed, Aurelia studied the clone Captain. He was solemn and dignified, watching the proceedings without interjecting unless needed. He had an unassuming presence, as though he were simply doing his job and not risking everything to resist an oppressive Empire for the sake of his brothers, and his humility made her respect him even more. Perhaps she was projecting, but she felt a similarity between Howzer's strong sense of integrity and Rex's desire to do good no matter the cost, and she wanted to be a part of it.
Plus, she realized, this was a huge opportunity to be in contact with people who would have access to far more information than she ever would. If there were anyone who might be able to track Howzer down, it would be them. Aurelia's heart began to beat more quickly in her chest, and a squirm in her belly made her shift her weight. As she tuned back into the ongoing conversations, she heard Lennox pledge his involvement as he shook Senator Chuchi's hand gently. 
"Wonderful! Thank you all, so very much," Chuchi said enthusiastically. "We will be in touch with more of the logistics of how it all will work. In the meantime, please accept our endless gratitude for your willingness to help!" She turned to leave, flanked by her silent guards, and Rex cast one last look around the group, giving a final, approving nod, and followed her out. 
Fueled by a sudden urge to not let any chance slip through her fingers, Aurelia dashed after them, catching up in the foyer before they reached the main doors. The Pantoran guards were facing her immediately, but Rex and Riyo remained relaxed. 
"Wait!" Aurelia panted, embarrassingly winded from a meager ten steps. "Sorry..." she said, slowly approaching the group. "I wondered... if I could make a request of you..." She hesitated, beginning to feel foolish, but steadied herself with the consolation that if they truly believed in helping any and all clones that needed it, she wouldn't be rejected. 
"Of course," Chuchi said brightly, folding her hands in front of her as if she had all the time in the world to listen. "But first, what's your name?"
"Aurelia," she answered, slightly thrown off. 
"Beautiful. Please, continue, Aurelia."
"I knew a clone captain on Ryloth who tried to protect a group that had been falsely accused of being insurgents... I don't know what happened, really, but the captain and some of his squad were arrested, but they were taken off-world immediately. There were no charges, no trial... They just disappeared... If you could find them..." An abrupt jab to the ribs from the little freeloader inside made Aurelia fall silent, feeling as though she couldn't take a full breath in. Her hands went to her abdomen, an automatic reaction after so many months, and she rubbed it gently as she finished. "They were good, loyal men. And I think they'd be a great help to your cause. His name was... is... Captain Howzer," she said, voice becoming thick with emotion as she spoke it aloud. 
Riyo stepped forward, coming to stand right in front of Aurelia, and slowly took one of her hands in her own. "We will do everything we can. Thank you so much for telling us." Leaning in slightly, the Senator lowered her voice and continued in a gentle whisper that only Aurelia could hear, "It seems that this is particularly near to your heart."
Tears brimmed in Aurelia's eyes, and she nodded minutely as she fought to hold them back. With a smile that seemed to reveal that she understood more than she let on, Riyo Chuchi gave Aurelia's hand one last squeeze, stepping back to her group. 
"We'll be in touch!"
Next Chapter
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fulokis · 6 years
Running From Time| A Post Star Wars Rebels Fan Fic| Chapter 1
Thrawn sat on a rock staring deep into the camp fire lost in thought when a noise startled him. Looking up he realized that Ezra Bridger had fallen asleep. Was he really zoned out that long? He decided that Ezra fell asleep quickly. It startled how comfortable Ezra was now. It had taken him years to even sleep soundly with Thrawn around, the kid was constantly paranoid that Thrawn would stab him in the back (or shoot him in the back again). Thrawn knew better than to do that to his only source of company. And as much as Thrawn disliked to admit, he himself was getting older and less capable. He knew that he had at least 70 more years to live, but in these conditions it was hard to tell when death would come. 
Thrawn was still disoriented from his thoughts. Usually he was focused, listening for any animals in the bushes, plotting the days journey, or sketching something. But tonight was it was hard for him to stay focused on what was around him. He took the pieces of the com out and placed them on a flat rock. He stared at them trying to figure out how to fix it, hoping this time would reveal something new that he didn’t see the past 20 years he had been staring at it. 
It was almost dawn when Ezra woke up. He turned to see leaning on one hand asleep with the shattered pieces of the com scattered around the area. It was always odd to see the chiss sleeping, but the occurrence was becoming increasingly common and it concerned Ezra. True he didn’t know how much chiss typically sleep. But he knew something was wrong. As much as Ezra hated Thrawn for what he did to Lothal, Thrawn had kept him alive for 20 years, that was worth something at least. 
Ezra stood up and stretched taking the hair band out of his hair and combing it out with his fingers. He grabbed the pot that they had salvaged from the Chimera and headed to look for the water, kindling, and maybe some berries if he was lucky. The planet was mostly forest terrain and he recognized where they were which meant after another decade they were returning to the Chimera likely to stay for a little longer than a few days. If they would try to go around the massive rock again and look for other life was impossible to tell. 20 years and they hadn’t seen a single sign of other sentient life on the planet. 
Ezra returned to camp successfully finding water and kindling, Thrawn was still asleep even though the sun had come up what Ezra guessed at least an hour and a half ago. Strange, Thrawn never slept this long. Ezra had his hesitations about waking up the sleeping chiss. One he didn’t know the last time he had slept. Two he didn’t want to see Thrawn angry, and he hoped he wouldn’t ever have to. After Ezra started the fire and was boiling the water he took another look at the com unit spread around the chiss’s feet. He sat down and closed his eyes. Using the force he took the unit and put it back together piece by piece, when it was together it made a beep like it was receiving something. A garbled voice came through the mangled speaker, “Thr....” Before the being on the other end was able to finish their sentence the com unit made a loud screeching sound, startling both Ezra and Thrawn, before exploding leaving the com unit useless from any use in the future. 
Thrawn was still dazed from being awoken, but was still quickly able to figure out what had happened. 
“What did you do?!” The noise coming from Thrawn’s mouth was gutteral and animal like. Startled Ezra drew his blaster. Thrawn’s face was filled with pure rage, which was unsettling for Ezra who had never seen him other than the calm demeanor and monotone. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” 
Thrawn launched at Ezra with speed, predicting every self defense mechanism Ezra threw out. Before Ezra realized what was actually happening he was pinned on the ground an arm over his throat and knee on his chest pushing all of the air out of his lungs. Thrawn’s eyes became brighter with his rage. The chiss was stronger than he appeared and was making a low hissing noise. Ezra  was trying frantically to say something in his own defense, Thrawn was too strong for him and he couldn’t do anything about it.
“I....I...I...” Ezra stammered, Thrawn lifted his grip a bit. “I ... was....trying..to help.” 
“I didn’t want help.” Thrawn released Ezra, who started coughing and sputtering for air. Thrawn moved over to where the com pieces fell. Holding them in his hands looking at them solemnly, he sighed. He threw the pieces into the fire watching them burn. He had finally let go... of him. Perhaps it was for the best that Ezra destroyed the com unit, no more obsessing no reason to have his mind off of survival, it had been keeping him from greatness for far too long.
Ezra watched as Thrawn straightened, a new sense of determination on his face. Thrawn started to pack up the camp, with a gleam in his eyes that Ezra hadn’t ever seen. Some how it was more evil and twisted than when they were enemies. 
On the walk back to the Chimera Ezra was walking a considerable distance away from Thrawn. Their earlier encounter had made him more on edge than when he was face to face with Vader all those decades ago. Ezra was also still in pain so that slowed his pace. He was starting to feel ill so he sat on a rock next thing he knew the glowing red orbs of his companion were boring directly into his eyes. 
Thrawn was so lost in calculations and his plan that he barley noticed Ezra wasn’t with him until he made it to the Chimera. He turned to duck in one of the damaged air locks only to look behind him to see the raven haired jedi was no where in sight. He sighed put down the makeshift satchel of camping materials inside the ship and went off to find Ezra. It took him four hours to find Ezra again. How long had Ezra still been back here right next to the campsite passed out? Thrawn thought about leaving Ezra, let him fend for himself not have to worry about another being to take care of. Leave this enemy, leave this planet, and leave this infernal love behind. To look to the stars and end the rebellion, end conflict, finish what he started and then travel outside of the Galaxy, past his home past the empire and rebellion and past him.  
Thrawn checked Ezras pulse with relief he was still alive. Thrawn poured some of the water in Ezras bag on his face. Ezra came to slowly and when he saw Thrawn over him he automatically reached out with the force and sent the chiss into a near by tree. His saphire eyes opened wide and he approached Thrawn carefully.
Extending his hand down Ezra said “We will call it even now.” 
“Yes, we shall. As for tonight you should rest, we will finish our journey tomorrow. And perhaps we may get off this planet once and for all.”
“I assume you have a plan?”
“Are you going to tell me what it is?” No response came from Thrawn. Ezra shrugged, “ Well good night, get some sleep please.”  Ezra half expecting a witty remark looked over his shoulder to see Thrawn already asleep, snoring softly. 
On the Chimera’s hull two figures stood looking up at the sky. 
“You know they definitely crashed at least 10 lightyears away, and that comunicator isn’t going to ever work to contact them right?” The young chiss woman spoke softly in Sy Bysti. 
The human male chuckled “You know you remind me of him so much sometimes.”
“You still didn’t answer my question. Why do we do this every night? Hmmm?”
“And there are other times where your worse than everyone else.” He grumbled. 
“I heard that! And Im still waiting for an answer.”
“Because I am hopeful our freinds are still alive and are trying to get those suplies to us. And I’m tired of eating the ferrets you keep catching.”
“Like ration packs are better.”
“Better than driving a species to extinction.”
“I see more than a hundred every single night, and they are hard to catch. Im sure they will be fine.”
“Alright fine we will go. And please stay with me this time, I worry when you wander too far.” 
“Maybe you should keep up.” A look from the human made her drop the subject. She jumped off the hull of the ship and then used the force to propel her companion to the ground, before heading off into the jungle.
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fireynovacat · 7 years
Life-Linked AU Ramblings
Thank you @4persephone for your help! Feel free to add! Prepare for a brain dump! In this AU Force Sensitives cannot be alone as without being grounded by being around other Force Sensitives they can die or get "lost" in the Force. Sometimes deeper connections are formed that are created between two beings for different reasons. Often to stabilize, but sometimes because two are very similar. These are called Life-Links. There are three types of Force Bonds: Bonds - which are the most basic of the bonds and often form after close contact. These don't affect the people much. Training Bonds - these can either be Force Willed or formed after a long time of working together. Follows Canon. Life-Links - Always Force Willed and very, very rare. Life-Links are basically soul deep and forever. Life-Links boosts the Linkmates' abilities and allows to share strength. However, Life-Linked become heavily dependant on each other. Even with other Force Sensitives around they can't be grounded by anybody else. So one dying is a death sentence for the other. Often Linkmates are in a queerplatonic relationship due to having some of the closest contact possible. In this au Ezra and Kanan share a Life-Link. (Don't worry I'm not killing Ezra.) Some Worldbuilding: - Ezra knew *exactly* what was happening to Kanan when the Inquisitor captured him. - They can give or borrow strength and energy. - Extreme nervousness during the "Breaking Ranks" mission and long term separations. -------- Now some angst and then some fun! - When Kanan died it was literally agony for Ezra. It felt like a literal part of him was being ripped out. - He plans the Purgill jump mess because he knows that even if he survives that much Force usage he will die soon and probably slowly. He doesn't want to make his family watch. - He doesn't die. And he doesn't know why he hasn't died yet, he felt himself *fading* and then he feels himself being *anchored*, just like Kanan did for him and he would for Kanan. - Five years later and miscellaneous adventures and five near deaths he's made it home. The death experiences? The worst one? Shot through the heart and fell seven feet. - Turns out he's now *immortal* and can still use the Force. He doesn't know how. Things that should kill him just make him exhausted or knock him out. - Oh. And the random jumping. Not jumping, if he's surprised or scared he just sort of...teleports. Like the loth-wolves. - Sabine and Ahsoka don't come looking for him because technically he can't be alive. - Hera was the only one on the Ghost Crew that knew about the death thing. When Sabine says she's going to go looking for Ezra Hera snaps at her, "Ezra is DEAD, Sabine! He was dying since the moment Kanan died!" This caused a rift in the Crew since Hera never shared this. - Ezra returns, but knows he can't explain this and can't return and meets up with Dume. - Since Ezra was Linked to Kanan he is now Linked to Dume, which affects him in odd ways. (i.e. Immortalism and teleportation) - Lots of adventures with Ezra, who is now appearantly an attempted murder magnet. Dume is *very* protective. - Hera finds him after a rescue. She attempts to yell at him. Ezra in shock teleports to Jacen. - Sometimes a family is a Force Deity in a queerplatonic relationship with a very young artificial Force Deity and the son of the Force Deity's mortal life. Sorry for the long post! Once again, if you want to chime in 4persrphone, feel free. Expect fics soon!
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sentinelstand · 7 years
Okay.... so now that I've had sometime to recover and think (and write ngl) I have some thoughts. This is veryyyyyy long because I basically take it apart character by character so sorry about that.
- I love how Ezra's story in particular ended. There's a couple of nuances to this:
1. I love how they showcased him finally letting go of his parents and moving past the grief of his childhood. I'm glad he got to hear that they loved him one more time too.
2. I love his physical ending - his final lesson from Kanan being that sometimes in order to do the right thing that you have to do the thing that you necessarily don't want to do (in Kanan's case; die, and in Ezra's: leave his new family behind).
3. I'm glad that Ezra was the one to take down Thrawn. While Thrawn will always be Hera's villain, I do believe that he was the type who only someone of Ezra's strength would have been able to defeat. (On a side note, I'm glad that they didn't underestimate Thrawn's power as a villain but that they didn't overestimate him either by making him undefeatable - they struck the perfect balance between the two).
4. I'm delighted that Ezra's talent with connection helped so much here. It really highlighted what makes Ezra great as a Jedi - his ability to be empathetic and understanding - which helped to pay off in the long run as all of his allies (both animal and sentient) came to help him willingly.
5. More importantly, I'm glad that Ezra took the time to think his plan completely through. He had backups in place in case things went wrong which just serves to highlight just how much he has grown even in a season. He did improvise (with his parents), but he recognised the importance of careful planning here and took all the steps to inform the right people about the paths he was covering and ensure the safety of his friends, his family, and his planet.
6. The purgill. Enough said.
- I'm really happy with the development of Hera's story and journey, and all the little hints we got as to the progression of her future.
1. I'm delighted that the whole "I love you" Kanera thing has been cleared up. I do believe that it now meant to be taken as Hera beginning her whole "I'm pregnant" spiel that Kanan had obviously been waiting for some time but that they got interrupted by everything else. (On that note, Jacen was probably conceived between episodes 4 and 5 or episodes 5 and 6) (also, while it might not have been the creator's intentions for the scene to be interpreted as a pregnancy confession or even as Kanan already knowing, that's the way I'm going to take it because I feel it suits their pairing better and does them far more justice than what they actually got.)
2. I'm glad to see Hera let Ezra (and ultimately Sabine) take the lead on this mission because it highlights a lesson that Hera had been learning all mission (and a lesson Kanan had been trying to teach her) - the kids are grown up now, they're clever and they're smart and they'll be okay if you trust them to do this.
3. I am so sorry Hera by the injustice you were done by your child. That boy looks like a creepy elf - I am so sorry.
4. I have seen some people wonder about her wearing makeup which I genuinely think is just to show that Hera is truly free post-Endor.
- SABINE!!!!!
1. Sabine letting Ezra go because she knew that it was the right thing to do was very hard-hitting because it just showcases the amount of trust that exists between them now and them then.
2. Sabine taking care of Lothal for Ezra made me very happy.
3. Her painting made me cry like a little bitch.
4. Her hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. I had a feeling either Sabine or Hera would narrate the ending (either we were getting the ghost crew story being told to a child (I had begun to suspect Hera was pregnant when she touched her stomah when overhearing Ezra talk about the family) or Sabine would paint the picture for us as the artist) and I was so happy when they went with Sabine because she was the first one to describe them as a family all the way back in Spark of Rebellion so I'm glad it was her who closed the space family's story.
6. Ahsoka and Sabine going off to find Ezra made me weak ngl
- Zeb probably had more character development this last episode than he did in the entire of last season:
1. The whole jumping and attacking Rukh was A++++ Zeb content
2. I am slightly disappointed by the end of Zeb's story, mainly because while I think that the Kallus redemption arc was handled very well, this is still the man who murdered so many of Zeb's people but idk maybe that's just me.
3. Zeb and Melch omg
4. Zeb being a good older brother!!!!!! A+++++
5. I thought Zeb was dead when he was fighting Rukh on the electricity thingy; the amount I relief I felt when he survived was immense.
6. Zeb talking to Thrawn askfhjadhfladhfkhadf
- I love Chopper
1. He ultimately knowing about Ezra's plan all along made me so sad because he is such a loyal little droid
2. His little complaint to Sabine after he rebooted was so in character
3. Tricking the stormtrooper by pretending to fall had me in stitches
4. This season has really solidified Chopper as my fave droid of all time because while he is 99% murderbot he is also 1% loves his family
- Kanan:
1. I'm devastated that Kanan's lightsaber didn't get seen again but I'm sure it's intentional. If there's anything we've learnt from the past season is that nothing in Rebels is unintentional.
2. The thought that Kanan may have died knowing that the love of his life was pregnant with his child kills me.
3. I am disappointed by the lack of mentions of him but I suppose that the three previous episodes made up for it.
4. Was Thrawn meant to have Kanan's mask from Malachor? Like how did he know how that was relevant?
5. That child looks nothing like you soz m8
Other characters:
- The Clones!!!! In particular Gregor! There were so many references to TCW that it made my little heart sing. From the Wolfpack to Gregor's death moment - it was all so special to me. Also, Rex living past the Battle of Endor!!!!!
- The implication of Ahsoka returning when she did implies on some level that they both knew that Ezra would be going missing because of the whole "come find me thing" which makes me sad
- Is Jai dead? Mrs Sumar?
- Vizago and Hondo made me laugh
- I had gotten sick of the wolves so I'm glad that they weren't so involved in Family Reunion
- These episodes warmed me more to Kallus so I suppose that's good
Other thoughts:
- I kinda predicted that we would have a reunion between Ezra and his parents so I'm glad for it
- The character design for Jacen was so lazy I'm sorry. He could be anyone's child he literally looks nothing like either of them
- Does this mean that Thrawn and Ezra are on some crazy space adventure together or?????
- Also, I legit thought that Ezra was dead when Thrawn shot him I'm so glad it was on the shoulder
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