#post regression HYJ
Had another au idea for tsctir that involves HYJ going back in time (about 5-6 years) using the wishing stone, like before, except the wishing stone requires a payment of equal value to the wish (in this case, its at the cost of most of his remaining life) and he goes back in time with his current body.
So, HYJ shows up in the past (scars, injuries, leg injury and all) several months before the awakening broker incident can take place and desperately tries to get in contact with his brother. When he finally does (im thinking that HYJ manages to get HYHs attention cause hes waiting around his brothers guild for him to get back from a dungeon), HYH is shocked (his face twisting with dread? And maybe HYJ notes that the HYH of the future wouldnt have made the mistake of letting his emotions show on his face which makes him feel a bit nostalgic) to see his hyung in crutches and carrying injuries that he shouldnt have and looking older? more exhausted and worn down? than his hyung should be and he’s livid cause, what the hell happened while he was in the dungeon?
The change is too sudden and too severe for HYH to ignore and he has HYJ brought into his guild to get to the bottom of it. HYJ goes through the process of apologizing to HYH and talking and HYH has HYJ explain whats going on cause his hyung looks older, has injuries that couldnt have healed this much while he was in a dungeon, and his hyung uses his crutches like hes had them for a long time, and the notifications hes gotten of his hyungs current state doesnt match up with the hyung hes seeing in front of him; so HYJ gives a, very lacking, explanation (just enough to explain that hes from the future thanks to a wishing stone) but HYH accepts it cause HYJ is able to prove that its actually HYJ and not someone else using some kind of disguise.
So, due to everything surround his future hyungs situation (and how could he abandon his hyung when he looks so Tired?), HYH has HYJ live with him.
Its, awkward. At first. But HYJ is nurturing by nature. He knows he doesnt have long left to live. Hes not trying to get anywhere with the time he has left. Hes just, trying to do what he shouldve done for his dongsaeng. So, this time around, he doesnt hold back and he doesnt mind (though he does get bored) being confined to the house.
HYJ tells HYH lots of things about the future (his way of making it up to HYH for all the stress hed caused him pre regression) in order to help him grow his guild much more easily. And “all hyungs are equal” HYH is happy to have HYJ living with him again. His, significantly older, hyung who stays home and worries over him, cooks him meals that remind him of when they used to live together, and who dotes on him with lots of love and affection. His hyung who looks at him fondly, even if sadly at times, and treats him like a child (even more so than usual, which he blames on the larger age gap, even tho hes an adult, but its a dynamic thats oddly comforting).
During this time, HYJ realizes that he hadn’t seen HYH smile in the 8 years that they had been apart (except when hed died protecting him) and seeing his dongsaeng smile so easily and freely now just. Breaks his heart. HYH smiling an enjoying himself in his hyungs company is what gets HYJ to break his silence on what happened. He starts by apologizing, which confuses HYH cause his future hyung hasnt done anything? But the way HYJs voice wavers has HYH feeling concerned, but HYJ continues. “I dont know how id never noticed it before. Have you really not smiled in all the time we’ve been apart? Have you been happy at all?”
How had he gone so long without realizing a single thing? “I’m sorry I didnt notice how miserable youd been. I’m sorry for failing to be a proper hyung.” And maybe HYJs crying (but trying really hard not to) and HYHs trying to comfort him saying “It’s not your fault; i didnt explain anything” but “I should’ve noticed. You hadnt smiled all that time. It’d been 8 years. I dont think Id ever seen you look happy. How could I have been so blind?” And maybe he’s hugging HYH by this point and rambling “I was so caught up in my own anger after you left; so focused on how i felt that it took-“ he pauses “Yoohyun-ah. You died trying to protect me from an ss class lauchitas dragon that showed up in a d class dungeon i was in. It took you sacrificing yourself for me to realize you still cared. It took you dying for me to realize just how much i needed you in my life. How much i missed you and wanted you in it. I’m sorry for getting mad when you interfered. Im sorry for resenting you all those years. I’m so so sorry. I wish i could take all of it back. You didnt deserve any of that. I should’ve been supporting you. Im sorry. I’m sorry.” And, by this point, HYH knows that future HYJs been in dungeons and had awakened but he hadnt known all of this, but he does know that his future self wouldnt have regretted dying for his hyung. His hyung was his whole world; his life wouldnt have been worth living if hed lost his hyung. He doesnt say it though. Its not what his future hyung would want to hear.
HYJ, over the course of living with HYH (and sometime after the above scene), ends up convincing him to explain everything to the HYJ of this time. His relationship with HYH had been bad but he could still make a difference for his brother now so he does. So, instead of lecturing HYJ about the awakening broker incident (it helps that he knew it would happen ahead of time and why his hyung would even think to do such a thing), HYH apologizes and explains the situation. He explains why hes been getting in his hyungs way; why hed left; why hes cut off contact (seeing future HYJ as distraught as he was before gives him the push he needed to actually be honest about everything) . They end up talking for a long time and their conversation ends with their first hug in 3 years (and maybe an award winning act that resembles what had happened in the original timeline to prevent people from realizing anything’s changed) and a promise to keep in touch and hang out from time to time (albeit discretely; just until HYH has the best guild in Korea). And maybe HYH, at the recommendation of future HYJ, gives past HYJ an envelope containing a lot of cash and tells his hyung to pursue what he really wanted to do with his life; to get the education he had given up for HYHs sake? Idk
When future HYJ sees HYH return home, he looks much more relaxed and like a weights been lifted off his shoulders. It also makes him feel horrible again for not realizing just how much hed made his dongsaeng worry over him —how self centered and uncooperative hed been. It leaves a touch of guilt, bitter in his chest, lingering. But he also feels happy knowing that HYH wont have to suffer the way he did in the pre regression; that things wont have to get as bad as they did.
Of course there’d need to be scenes where HYH gets to enjoy being spoiled and HYJ cant say no to HYHs puppy eyes (especially cause a 20yr old is easily still like a kid in the eyes of a 30yr old); i just dont know what kinda scenes to make happen for this yet (pls let me know if you guys have any ideas)
As HYJ starts to reach the end of his life, the effects of the sacrificial wish stone starts making itself known. HYJ starts to get weaker and weaker; he tries to brush it off telling HYH not to worry, but the first time HYH comes home to find HYJ collapsed on the floor, HYH panics and forces him to see a doctor. When the doctors cant find anything wrong, HYH is about to start going off (to ask for more tests to be done), but HYJ stops him saying theres something else he needs to come clean about regarding his situation. And, when the doctor leaves, HYJ explains that the wish stone was actually a sacrificial wish stone, and he’d sacrificed most of his life in order to go back in time. This information leaves HYH feeling really distraught and he tries to find ways to increase his hyungs life span or improve things in some way, but nothing works. HYJ paid the price before regressing. But, he was able to do what hed wanted, so hes not too upset. His main worry is that HYH would feel sad, so he talks to past HYJ about everything and makes sure that he wont make the same mistakes that hed made (makes sure that his dongsaeng wont be alone this time).
When HYJ reaches the end of his life, hes already bed bound. Hed lost the strength needed to carry himself but now hes having a hard time moving his arms and anything more than talking drains him. He knows hes going to pass soon. HYH takes a vacation just to spend all of his time at his hyungs side. HYH tries to smile and keep things light hearted for his hyung, but, when HYH thinks HYJ isnt looking, HYJ catches HYH looking so sad. Then, one morning, HYJ Knows hes not going to make it to tomorrow and he lets HYH know. HYH tries to hold it together at the news and doesnt leave his side. HYJ doesnt miss the way his hands tremble at the news. The past HYJ is brought over at future HYJs request (he wanted someone to be there for HYH) and, when the time comes, HYH is sobbing and trying to give HYJ some of his own life force to keep him around but HYJ is like “No. I’m ready to move on now. Thank you for giving me the chance to make up and thank you for taking care of me and i love you and im so proud of you.” And he tells the other HYJ to take proper care of his dongsaeng and to be there for him and past HYJ nods and thanks future HYJ for helping to mend their relationship.
And, this time, HYJ is the one who gets to smile softly as he looks at his dongsaeng for the last time.
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tyrantwombat · 2 years
Something I find hilarious about this arc is Yoojin starting it off going 'oh...I don't really...like killing people. I'm not that sort of guy.' and then spending the whole arc violently murdering many people with nary a second thought.
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hehearse · 17 hours
Hi there! I love your orv and sctir art so much 💖 I saw this post and was reminded of your art: https://www.tumblr.com/bebs-art-gallery/752716087520542720?source=share
It just reminded me of the Han brothers, and how HYH sees himself as a monster, the first image could relate to him pre-awakening, forced to rein in those S-Class instincts he was born with
The second could depict pre-regression HYH, both as the wolf and the hands, putting on a muzzle, akin to him depriving himself of what he wanted the most (HYJ) so as not to cause harm (to them)
And the third is a bad end hyh, in which he was not able to help himself, and selfishly devoured the lamb. The lamb, who in this case is HYJ, looks caged, weary and resigned..
Anyways, I don't know where I'm going with this lol I'm rambling, sorry for the long ask, I sent this to you because you create such lovely and delicously angsty Han Brothers fanart👌💯😳🥹❤️‍🩹
consider this: while yoohyun is the one putting a muzzle on himself and debating if he is doing enough as to not lose the privilege of being loved. yoojin is the one who'd reach out his hands, muzzle or not ^^
and listen. i am constantly haunted by visions including sad brothers. i am always happy to see anything that reminds me of them...
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yersina · 2 years
hi! i saw you post about suggesting prompts, what about a pov outsider on post-regression hyj? it could be from the main cast or some staff from the association, tv staffs, etc etc! feel free to go wild!
Seo Byunghoon’s first job as a newly Awakened hunter is working as the secretary for the boss of HR at Haeyeon—and, by extension, Haeyeon as a whole. It’s not the glory that most hunters imagine, but Seo Byunghoon likes his job, and he especially likes the safety that it offers. He’s a C-Rank, which means that he could probably make a fair bit of money as the lead for lower-ranked dungeon teams, but he’s fond of having his limbs where they are and not having to regularly dive into near-death experiences.
Seok Simyeong is a fair but strict supervisor, and Byunghoon quickly learns to adopt his no-nonsense attitude, especially towards the overconfident hunters that swagger in, looking for a place at Haeyeon. At least once a week, an E- or F-Rank tries to come in and talk their way into joining, and it’s almost always Byunghoon’s job to turn them away.
Today, a tired-looking man walks in and tells him, “Hey, I want to talk to Yoohyun.” Byunghoon is appalled at his informality.
“The guild leader doesn’t take appointments,” he informs the visitor, trying to keep his annoyance off of his face. Guild Leader Han Yoohyun does, technically, but certainly not for people like the man in front of him. “Do you have any other business with Haeyeon?”
The man sighs like Byunghoon is the one inconveniencing him. “I just want to talk to him, okay? He’s my—tell him Yoojin came to see him.”
Byunghoon eyes him suspiciously. “Can I see your ID?”
There’s nothing wrong with the card that the man hands over, as far as Byunghoon can tell. Han Yoojin, 23, F-Rank hunter. “Are you related to the guild leader?” he asks, eyes catching on the last name.
“Yeah, he’s my brother.” Han Yoojin doesn’t look at him as he says this, though, and scuffs a shoe on the ground. It all leaves a bad taste in Byunghoon’s mouth.
Seok Simyeong never told him about any protocol for the guild leader’s relatives—as far as Byunghoon knew, Han Yoohyun doesn’t have any relatives. Not ones that would want to visit, at least. He’s not allowed to make appointments for the guild leader on his own anyway, so he reaches for the phone and calls Seok Simyeong.
“Seok Simyeong-nim, a man named Han Yoojin is here to see the guild leader.” Byunghoom doesn’t like how Han Yoojin stiffens at the sound of Seok Simyeong’s name.
A sigh rattles down the line. “Oh, him again? Just send him away. The guild leader doesn’t want to see him.”
“If he comes again, you can send him away then too.”
“Yes, sir.”
Byunghoon hangs up the phone, and even before he opens his mouth, he can tell that Han Yoojin knows what he’s about to say. “Unfortunately, I cannot arrange a meeting for you right now. If you have any other business with Haeyeon, please let me know. Otherwise, we ask that you leave the premises.”
Han Yoojin’s lips thin, expression darkening. For a long moment, Byunghoon braces himself to walk around the desk and escort Han Yoojin out of the doors. It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened, but it will be the first time that Byunghoon has felt so much grim satisfaction from doing so.
In the end, though, Han Yoojin’s mouth twists into a bitter frown and he slinks out of the building without another word. Byunghoon waits, tense, for him to change his mind and barge in again, but he doesn’t come back.
Byunghoon’s first impression of Han Yoojin is an angry, resentful man, one that he can hardly believe is related to the guild leader. Han Yoojin is weak in all the ways that Han Yoohyun is strong, and Byunghoon can understand now why the guild leader chose to cut off ties with such a person.
Unfortunately, this is not the last time he encounters the man in the next few years, and his impression only gets worse.
Byunghoon stares down at the personnel file in his hands. Han Yoojin, it’s labeled. Byunghoon never thought this day would come even in his wildest dreams. He doesn’t bother asking Seok Simyeong if he’s certain, but he indulges in a healthy amount of doubt in the privacy of his own mind.
“He’s not an official employee, but Han Yoojin-ssi will be by on Tuesday to receive his tour of Haeyeon,” Seok Simyeong is saying. “You’ll be in charge of showing him around.”
“Yes, sir.”
Byunghoon is not looking forward to this at all.
When Tuesday comes around, Byunghoon spends the morning watching the clock, tapping his fingers impatiently as the hands creep closer and closer to eleven o’clock. Perhaps Han Yoojin will not show up at all, and Byunghoon won’t have to go through this awful duty.
Right on time, though, the front doors slide open and Byunghoon raises his head to meet the hard gaze of Haeyeon’s guild leader. “Guild Leader!” He scrambles to his feet to bow properly. “I wasn’t expecting you today.”
“I have a dungeon later today, so I won’t be here for long.” Han Yoohyun turns to the person next to him, which is when Byunghoon realizes that Han Yoojin came in with him. “Hyung,” he says, and Byunghoon is shocked by how his entire stance softens. Is this really the person who refused to let Han Yoojin past the front step for three years? “I have to go. Stay here. Don’t go anywhere.”
Han Yoojin rolls his eyes. “Yah, Yoohyun-ah, I can take care of myself.”
“Still, hyung should be careful.”
Byunghoon watches in stunned confusion as Han Yoojin waves off the guild leader like a mother scolding her son to go do his homework. “Ah, Seo Byunghoon-ssi, isn’t it?” he says, turning back to Byunghoon and sketching a belated bow. “I’ll be in your hands.”
There’s something… lighter about the man now, he thinks. Han Yoojin no longer carries himself like there’s an immeasurable burden upon his back. The anger and sadness has made way for something brighter, and when combined with the gentle way the guild leader was treating his brother, Byunghoon is persuaded to hesitantly set aside his previous conception of Han Yoojin. The person in front of him is almost someone else entirely.
“Yes,” he says slowly, still rewriting his three-years-old idea of Han Yoojin. “Follow me. We can start with the training facilities.”
This is a good thing, he thinks as he leads Han Yoojin along a familiar path through the Haeyeon buildings. This new Han Yoojin has the approval of both Seok Simyeong and the guild leader, and the man himself seems much happier for it. Byunghoon’s not sure what brought this change on, but it seems like only good things have come of it so far.
Maybe this is a new era of Haeyeon, he muses, before chuckling to himself quietly. What a fanciful thought.
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