#possible rottmnt season 3 idea
okamiprincess15 · 1 year
Incoming TMNT rant:
One thing that bugs me is that there were, in fact, famous female painters during the Renaissance, even though they weren’t as famous as their male counterparts.
I get that with Venus the lack of good internet at the time of her creation meant that they couldn’t find out about said painters. And with Jennika she wasn’t initially intended to become a mutant turtle.
But it still bugs the heck out of me that none of these amazing painters’ names were used.
Like Artemisia Gentileschi, who was a Baroque painter who lived between 1593 and 1653. She was also a prominent feminist scholar and artist. Her paintings have become immensely valuable, fetching millions of dollars today. Her work is so stunning that the National Gallery in London staged a blockbuster exhibition of her work in 2020, the first by a single female artist.
While many Renaissance artists tended to portray males with strong masculine figures, Gentileschi remained committed to women’s empowerment. Her works often featured strong women taking on male villains and revealing double meanings. It is difficult to know whether her art was influenced by her personal experiences. However, it is likely that her influence on art history was profound. Artemisia Gentileschi was one of the first female artists to create a distinctly female style.
Or Elisabetta Sirani, an Italian painter who depicted powerful women in history. She was particularly interested in depicting the strength and intelligence of women, especially those who suffered from male aggression. Her portraits of the biblical heroine Judith, a woman who was tempted by Satan, are also famous. In her paintings, women are shown overcoming their weaknesses and achieving triumph in the face of male aggression.
Elisabetta Sirani’s work was influenced by her experiences in the art world. She was one of the first female painters in Italy, and her artistic talent is immense. At 27, she was already a prolific artist and founded the first Academy of female painters in Europe. Born to Giovanni Andrea Sirani and Margherita Sirani, Elisabetta was the daughter of a renowned painter, Giovanni Andrea. She was the fourth child of Giovanni Andrea and Margherita Sirani, and spent her youth in her father’s art studio.
Personally out of all the female Renaissance painters I’ve found, these two stick out to me as particularly deserving.
Perhaps it could be heavily implied that they are counterparts to Jennika and Venus, but I’d really at some point would love to see sister turtles in either a Rise season 3 or some future iteration of the TMNT with the names of female Renaissance painters to match the theme of the names of the brother turtles.
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clanofjones · 1 year
WHAT IF... I wrote something of a sequel to the S1 episode "Down With the Sickness" with the turtles and humans post-movie (and Cassandra totally fights Splinter during the Ninja Supreme stage) which is just Casey being confused AF, Leo half-assing an attempt to mentor him, and everyone else has a PhD in drama
Casey tried to move into an apartment after April gets him a job with her. This turns out to be a little too much a little too soon, so it's Raph to Casey's rescue!
Just a few ideas of mine I REALLY don't wanna forget so this post is my notepad now
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1cat200 · 5 months
Potential Rottmnt episodes for season 3, part 2!
Body switch episode: When one of Donnie's machines back fires, the turtles all end up switching bodies. Raph ends up in Mikey's body, Donnie in Leo's body,Leo in Donnie's body and Mikey in Raph's body. And a lot of chaos continues from here.
Farm episode: The turtles join April and her family on a trip to here grandma's farm.
Mom episode: Draxum show the turtles their biological moms who later at night get bit by an ozzquito and are turned into mutants like their sons. Splinter feels left out by his sons as they spend more time with their real moms. The mom turtles later end up going their separate ways, living in the hidden city and split shared custody of the boys with Splinter.
Computer episode: Donnie enters in a computer coding competition where the winner receives really expensive technology. Unfortunately the purple dragons are also entering which makes Donnie more determined to win.
Bonding episode: When Casey starts feeling homesick, Leo decides to take him on a bonding trip to make him better.
Plushy episode: Mikey receives a magical penguin plushy he won at the arcade in the hidden city which comes to life.
Human episode: Donnie decides to make a reverse ooz to help turn Splinter back into a human. But unfortunately it also accidentally turns the turtles into humans to. Now able to be normal the turtles head to the surface of New York to try to have a normal human life.
Kitsune episode: When a master thief kitsune yokai named Alopex steals an expensive rare diamond from a museum the turtles and their friends try to catch her. Unfortunately she's a shape shifter to she makes it impossible for anyone to find her.
Hockey episode: Cassandra is participating in a hockey tournament and asks Casey to accompany her.
Underwater episode: When rumours of a sea monster living near the beach start spreading around like wild fire, the turtles head there to investigate.
Baby episode: Casey gets turned accidentally into a baby and Mikey,Donnie, Raph,Leo and Cassandra are left to look after him while Draxum makes a cure to turn Casey back into a teenager.
Orphan episode: An experimented 4 year old boy escapes from an illegal lab and runs into Casey, Raph and Mikey. The boys take him in and help him recover from his trauma and injuries.
Yacht episode: Leo wins 2 tickets to a yokai yacht party and brings Casey with him to help him relax.
Amnesia episode: During a mission, Casey hits his head hard and gets separated from the turtles. When he wakes up he doesn't remember anything. He ends up running into a gang of weapons dealers and they take Casey in as part of their gang until the turtles find him and finally get his memories back.
Concert episode: When Donnie and Leo heat that their favourite rock band will be playing in New York, they head over there in an attempt to also get a selfie and an autograph. But when the band in kidnapped its up to Leo and Donnie to save them.
Samurai rabbit episode: When a samurai rabbit yokai visit the hidden city in New York and meets Leo and his brothers, Leo can't help but have the biggest crush on him ever! His brothers attempt to do everything possible to get those two to confess their feelings for each other but end up failing miserably.
And that's it for today. I'm now gonna take a short break for a bit but I'll be back with a lot more rottmnt stuff. I really hope that you enjoyed these rottmnt episode ideas for season 3. Leave your thoughts about them in the comments below. Reblogs are also appreciate plz!
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disastertwins9000 · 2 years
So I made an AU…
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Multiverse AU: 2012/rottmnt crossover
After season five of the 2012 tmnt:
The boys continue to live life and protect New York, (I am a firm believer that the mutant apocalypse is a possible alternate future that doesn’t end up happening or else how tf would Renet be a thing?)
The 2012 Turtle Boys get to keep the dimension traveler from the 87 turtles and use it to check out other dimensions, then eventually meeting the 2018 boys and deciding to chill with them. The rottmnt boys are still settling from post movie events, and are thrilled to meet older wiser much more scarred versions of themselves and are eager to learn from them. Rise!Splinter ofc goes full papa mode on the tired/traumatized 12-boys and the Rise!fam is pumped to have four new older bros. You can also imagine the 12fam getting protective af of these colorful happy children they’ve now adopted. -ill post my hc’s and more specific info later-
Basically just a bunch of silly turtles interacting and living life, because I want to draw them together<3
absolutely never EVER NEVER any TCEST- this is familial love, so take that nasty stuff somewhere else.
search HOMIES IN A HALF-SHELL AU in my tags for more<3
my twin @purpledisastertwin900 helped me with this idea go follow them
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sunflowhamato · 6 months
ROTTMNT Curiosities Part.2
The turtles would take a while, but they would have ended up accepting Draxum into the family (Although Ron doesn't love the idea of thinking of him as a second father)
There are two lost sisters of the turtles, one of them is Gran Mama's assistant (Frida), and another (Camelle) is trapped in a different dimension. It was planned that the turtles would separate to rescue their sisters. Frida would have been manipulated by Big Mama since she was little. 6 turtles can be briefly seen in the episode “Goyles, goyles, goyles”
The sisters would be similar ages to the boys
Frida would have been a super serious and disciplined ninja (which would lead to funny moments), while Camelle could be a little eccentric
Frida likely joined the Resistance in the future
Pieblald would be like a sister and you would be able to interact with her more
The artists put cats in various places in different chapters (as a joke)
Those of the Council of Chiefs of the Hidden City are the leaders, although they do not have control over everything (Like with Big Mom)
The Weeping Titan may have been built by another race ancient to the Yokai A Krang spaceship crashed into the back of the Weeping Titan, and that was the source of the sludge (which was the ship's fuel). The Weeping Titan is the source of Empyrean, the nectar that gives Yokai their mystical energy.
The ship caused the other Krang to come to invade the earth
Yokai society roamed freely, happier, and more numerous, until humans arrived
The story of the Yokai driven underground arose centuries ago, Draxum witnessed it (It is something that would be told if the series returned)
After losing Shredder, Foot Shack closed and started selling cupcakes.
The original ending (when there was no cutback), in the Battle Nexus: New York chapter, the hotel was going to end up being absorbed back to the Hidden City, taking Big Mom and Shredder with it. The problem was that they were now trapped in the Hidden City. The Foot Clan would have fought to free Shredder
Cassandra's original arc was longer, her Splinter bond would have been key, although the reveal that she was Casey was just as important. She would have disappeared and appeared at the time they needed her most, it is possible that she would relapse into bad things (she is in constant conflict)
Cassandra chose the Foot Clan since she was little because she wanted to belong to something (The writers also made assumptions about her being an orphan)
CJ would be happy to see Cassandra young, surely finding her would be touching
CJ vaguely remembers Cassandra. Leo was the one who mainly raised him
The dynamic between Casey and Raph that has been seen in other series would have happened in Rise with Cassandra and Raph
Despite having information about the future, CJ would not be someone valuable to have information about, because many things have changed
The herbicide to harm the Krang works like it does on plants.
It was planned that they would travel to the Krang dimension, and to the prison dimension to free Karai
It was never discussed beyond the apocalyptic future (only what we saw in the movie), so it is not known what happened to Cassandra, Donnie, Raph, Splinter, Leo's arm, etc. The only thing we need to know is that everything was because of the Krang. How? We don't know. (The animators probably know more about this, although I'm not sure)
The wound on Leo's side from the future was the reason she didn't accompany Casey to the past (because she knew she would die)
Casey couldn't help but think of young Leo as a father figure, although it would be too weird for him since they are the same age
Mikey can open portals through space and time, while Leo's portals are over short distances.
In one of the first episodes of season 3, they would talk about how they obtained the other lair.
There could have been more episodes of Bone and Leo, these two are great friends (Although Bone does not admit it)
The names of the Purple Dragons were inspired by writers from the first season of the 2012 series. Their names would be Jeremy Schipp, Jase Ricci and Kendra Byerly
Karai would have had a longbow, but she can come back
The turtles honored Karai, and would talk to her whenever they needed guidance
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stormte · 1 year
I See a lot of people voicing this, but a lot of TMNT fans are very harsh against the other iterations. Rottmnt was slam dunked by the 2012 fandom when it came out. 2012 was fucking obliterated by the 2003 fandom. And yes, there are people who see mutant mayhem and don’t care as much as others, because they’re into rise. People are entitled to their own opinions and interests.
But so many people act like this is something horrific. Rise will not last forever, as unfortunate as it is. Nickelodeon will continue with other TMNT iterations, other cartoons. There’s no use blasting one show because you want your old one to come back. It’s a pathetic act of desperation.
In terms of every iteration, I love every single one. They’re all so incredible in their own ways. Rise was a new generation, and it was a shame to see it die. However, this doesn’t mean that mutant mayhem won’t give us new opportunities. Rise was loved for its diverse range of ideas that weren’t explored in other tmnt iterations,such as looking at the turtle side of things differently, or giving them mystic weapons.
It’s really important to note that mutant mayhem shouldn’t be looked down upon because it’s not your beloved rottmnt. One way or another, rise would’ve finished. And it is a genuine shame that we will possibly never get a season 3, but there’s other opportunities.
If you really think that the best way to support rise is to put down other shows, you should reconsider your decisions.
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asummersday · 10 months
It was really nice to read Hollow Mind after you mentioned it in an ask I think, Id love to know about 3, 23 and 27 and if possible (it wasnt exactly in the suggestions I think) what fandoms do you write for and whether you write original work too? I really love your writing style!! In ataimw you capture Raph‘s and Leo‘s arguments so well, it seems so natural as in this is what would for real happen in that situation and that makes reading it a whole lot more fun and engaging
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Hm. All the ashes in my wake, definitely! It's been a whole lot of fun writing it and it's also been pretty surprising! I wasn't expecting to have so many ideas or explore Leo's relationships with his family (and Casey) in detail, I was really expecting to mostly only focus on his and Raph’s. I set the fic after season 2 because to me that would be the best time to set a fic where Leo gets cursed and no one realizing for a while (because they just moved and because so many things happened all at once and they'd definitely take some time to adjust. Also because I didn't see enough fics focusing on how it must’ve felt like to literally have your entirely home destroyed to the point where there's probably very little they could've salvaged :(( like idk they probably spent most of their lives in that lair! It would've definitely been a bad emotional hit)
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
I did one! It was a round robin I did with some friends on discord. It was actually my very first time doing a round robin!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
I have a playlist of musical scores and classical music I like to listen to when I write (because I need constant background noise but if it has words its gonna distract me). When I edit i usually put on any playlist, sometimes my fic playlist.
for the fandom question, I've written for several fandoms, but my current ones are rottmnt and dc! I do write original fiction but I haven’t published anything yet. I mostly have the world and the ocs, its the plot that's a little harder to figure out lol.
I'm so glad you like my style! <33 and im also really happy to hear you like raph and Leo's arguments!! They've been really fun and interesting to write and I've been greatly enjoying exploring their relationship in this fic.
I've been partially drawing inspiration from my own arguments with my sisters (having siblings is so fun because you'll have the worst argument you've ever had and like two hours later you're sending each other memes like nothing ever happened and that's basically the entire apology)
Anyway this ask got super long, I'm sorry. I love talking about ataimw (there's your assurance that I'm never abandoning it, I'm literally mentally insane about it lol)
But thank you so much for the ask!!! 💕
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sammyheroes · 3 years
An update on my writing progress:
So yeah, I have a lot of stuff going on and way too many fanfic ideas floating around my head. So I figured I will organize myself a bit and let you guys know on what I’m working on so far. Input from you guys is very much welcome.
First off, Apritello requests for oneshots. I am still working on some of these requests and I deeply apologize for the long wait, as I have never written a vampire oneshot story. This was a request from @amethystqueens25  (it is one of the requests I have pending in my drafts and I am a bit stuck on it, so if any of you have any ideas, please let me know so i can finish it!)
Second, I have chapters 10 to 14 of Free From Shadows in progress and currently I am in the crossroads where any writer has to find out if they should do certain parts of the story and get rid of other ideas due to the fact that they no longer fit the narrative they want for the fic. Don’t get me wrong, I know where I’m going with the story and what elements are definitely going into it, it’s just that I have so many ideas to write for it and I can’t possibly write them all or else the story will be too crowded. So far, updates are not postponed.
Thirdly, I am currently on the editing progress of a Ducktales one shot that is Scrooge-centered with Mrs. Beakley and Webby, taking place after season 3 final. I will not say more since I don’t want to spoil it too much.
Fourth, I am working on some art for Free From Shadows and it is a bit hard since I do all my art from my phone and trust me, it is a bit uncomfortable for the eyes, so that’s why I take a long time to publish properly done art. 
My Princess and the Turtle AU is still an ongoing thing, I’m just not currently working on it. I have ideas for the future though.
I am drafting a Donnie centered psychological thriller. I haven’t really started writing anything yet, but it is my first time trying to write for the thriller genre. 
For the Tales of Arcadia Fandom, I am still working on Stuff Happens, but I’ll probably start posting again when the movie comes out.
Currently working on a Rottmnt x 2012 oneshot story.
I am working on some other AUs for rottmnt 
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sophfandoms53 · 4 years
Your statement needs an ammendment because there's more context: Firstly, Frank has been open from the beginning of the show that they treat EVERY season as if it's their last, and that they honestly did not even expect to get through the entirety of season 1. Secondly, he had also mentioned, while season 3 was airing, that he was hoping for (but not expecting) a season 4, because he still has more he wants to do. The rug wasn't pulled out from under them, but it was still stolen from them.
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I understand what you’re saying anon, but my point was more so for people to stop comparing DuckTales coming to a close after 3 successful seasons/years to ROTTMNT being cut short mid-production of season 2 and losing a majority of the time they were originally given and forced to rush a lot of their ideas into their final four episodes. These two situations are not comparable.
As for DT’s viewership, it’s not really an issue of what network it’s on but when the episodes are scheduled to air. When the show was being aired on Saturday mornings both on Disney XD and Disney Channel the show averaged 300k at the lowest and 800k at the highest. The only time this show broke 1 million views was with The Spear of Selene, which aired at 8 pm on a Friday night, the most convenient time to air any show.
The show started seeing a decrease in views when Disney started airing the rest of season 2 after Whatever Happened To Della Duck as a bomb format on weekdays at 3 pm for two weeks (I believe that was the time) but even then, the May batch of those episodes still averaged between 300k and 500k. It’s the September batch of episodes where the show barely started breaking 150k in viewers, and that was when it was on Disney Channel. The show being moved back onto Disney XD for season 3, both on Saturday mornings for the first batch and Monday evenings for this previous batch we had, has been gaining the same amount of views as that last half of season 2.
I’m not saying DuckTales was treated amazingly, when it comes to its air times I know it hasn’t, I absolutely despise the bombing format and I’ve criticized Disney in the past over the shows long hiatuses and airing season 2 in a bomb format twice in a year, which as stated before is what started the decrease in the shows views. But comparing that to ROTTMNT is completely unfair because Nickelodeon did not give a single fuck about Rise’s views or critical/online reception, only the toy sales, didn’t properly promote the show on any of their several networks/accounts across their platform, and a bunch of other nonsense that poor crew was forced to endore. From the start of DT17’s run Disney has always promoted DuckTales constantly and pushed it to be in the spotlight for a mainstream audience, and it continues to do that as the show reaches its end.
Yes I am aware that the crew have more ideas they want to explore, and if given a fourth season, of course they will execute and expand those ideas. But this argument can be applied to literally every single show ever. Whether a show is cancelled or chosen to be finished, there will always be more ideas to explore and the creator will take the chance to explore those if given the opportunity. Gravity Falls concluded its story in two seasons but that hasn’t stopped Alex Hirsch from writing and exploring other ideas with those characters, whether it’s the Journal or comics with mini-side stories exploring ideas they didn’t have time to expand in the show, there are always and will always be other sources to explore ideas for a show, it doesn’t have to be another season.
I mean look at Adventure Time, its main story ended two years ago but it’s still exploring ideas through comics and streaming services to this day.
You’re also contradicting yourself by saying “they were preparing for season three to be the last because they expect every season to be the last.” But then went “the season 3 finale may or not may be finished, but if it already is, it’s possible it wasn’t finished with this mindset.” You can’t go into the start of a season preparing it to be the last, get to the production of those final episodes and not still be in the mindset of “oh yeah this is probably our final season, we haven’t heard anything from Disney so let’s conclude things properly.” That doesn’t make sense.
And this is proven to not be the case anyway as Frank posted this onto his Twitter today:
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The crew had had a meeting about how they wanted the show to end, because THEY WERE TOLD season 3 was the last, meaning the finale we are getting next year was written to be a proper series finale.
They were given a heads up and created a solid ending for the show.
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luna--dragon · 5 years
2012/RotTMNT crossover ideas
So a lot of people have been talking about possible “What if??” Situations if there was a 2012 TMNT/RotTMNT crossover, and I wanted to throw my ring into the hat with some of my own ideas! This is also to help me out a little as well because I’m currently writing up a fic about it (It’s not on the internet yet, so don’t look for it)!
Context: RotTMNT crew get transported to 2012 Dimension some way or another. 2012 dimension is set in the 2nd season as that’s all I’ve seen up to so far (No spoilers please!)
2012 Donnie being continuously impressed and one-upped by RotTMNT Donnie.
2012 crew being very confused as to why the RotTMNT crew don’t constantly beat each other up/punish each other when they do something wrong. Bonus points if they’re even more confused by all their love and affection, especially if the  RotTMNT turts start being really caring and familial towards 2012 crew too.
2012 Splinter probably being rather annoyed that the RotTMNT crew keep calling him “Dad”, “pops” or anything that isn’t ”sensei” or a formal title.
Adding on to idea 3, if RotTMNT Splints gets stuck in that dimension too, he’s super chill with the 2012 turts and it’s just like “Call me pops!” “No, you’re supposed to be their sensei-”: Rise!Raph: Hey pops! You want some pizza? 2012!Splinter: No, Ra- Rise!Splinter: Fuck yeah I want some pizza! 2012!Splinter:  ಠ_ಠ
(Long one here) Y’know how in the 2012 series Donnie has a big crush on April, and while she doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, she does peck him on the cheek or something every so often, or when something pops up between them? Well I think that one way or another RotTMNT Don would save 2012 April’s life or something and so she’d do that little peck on the cheek thing, either because it’s out of habit or she’s expecting this Donnie to also have a crush on her/RotTMNT April, but instead he’s like “The FUCK??” and gets all weirdened out by her. She then has to explain to him that 2012 Don has a crush on her, but that just makes him even MORE freaked out, and maybe even causes him to have a mini existential crisis, because, y’know, he just found out his doppelganger has a pretty big crush on someone he usually sees as a sister figure, so that’s fun!
2012 crew being very annoyed by RotTMNT’s crew’s lack of professionalism, but when they actually try to train them or take them to a fight they see their fighting skills are actually really fucking good, and the mystic weapons make them pretty op in their dimension.
RotTMNT crew having to explain what their versions of Yokai are, and how Magic works in their dimension, probably due to a very confusing and panicked misunderstanding.
RotTMNT crew freaking out over the Kraang and the much more funky looking mutants they have roaming the streets. Bonus points if some of their villains get transported to this dimension somehow too and the 2012 crew having a lot of questions
because the 2012 dimension is canonically in the year 2012, and the RotTMNT dimension  is canonically in the year 2018-19, there’s gonna be some meme barriers. The 2012 crew being very confused whenever the RotTMNT crew use or reference their memes/vines, while they have to internally cringe and scream when the 2012 crew use their very outdated memes.
2012 Leo being very confused at RotTMNT Leo being able to speak Spanish, and not being that good at Japanese.
2012 crew being very confused about Raph being the leader of the RotTMNT turts.
RotTMNT crew meeting 2012 Shredder only to laugh their asses off because to them he’s pretty much just a 40yr old samurai/ninja dude with some funky armour and claws. When the 2012 crew get confused and start saying hes a real, important threat in this dimension, they explain how their Shredder is a literal fucking demon yokai thing that very easily survived having a ship, crane, and whole arsenal of weapons thrown at him, including a giant fucking drill, leaving the 2012 crew very shocked and concerned. RotTMNT gang then proceed to beat the shit out of 2012 Shredder, once again greatly impressing and out-shining the 2012 turts, probably even scaring them a little too
I’ll probably add some more ideas later, but feel free to add some of your own ideas, or add onto mine if you want!
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sendasan · 5 years
What do u think bane will do in season 2. Especially now scarecrow’s dead
There’s really a lot of wish fulfillment I can ramble since Bane is already well loved in the Harley Quinn show, and I could see a slight increase of screen time for him in Season 2, should they show him surviving. It would been a god send if he even steadily becomes apart of the main cast of the show. Unfortunately, like my faith in this show, it’s high doubt it would even come close to these weak predictions.
Spoilers & other strong topics that may trigger negative stigma are mentioned below. Please read with precaution!
As recent as now multiple sources has indicated, Harley Quinn series has been renew for a season 2, with the release date set by April 3 2020. That’s pretty fast release, even by mini-series standard considering the typical work load an animation show has to accomplish. But the news connecting to the series has pretty much affirms my perspective (possibly confirms) what may come for season 2. I’ll be listing only a handful of the most canonical case scenario that I think will show for future episodes:
Bane will barely acknowledge or even care to mentioned Scarecrow. Shrugs and move on.
The writers will set up a humorous unneeded joke, by making Bane mummer, “I wonder what’s Scarecrow is up to?”.
Bane may get taken a little more seriously with the writers, but not enough to implement the aftermath of Gotham’s earthquake, or his grieving.
Bane will grieve or undergo a forlorn stage for the deceased Scarecrow, but it’s treated more like a running gag than a small arc.
Bane grieving is treated seriously and may end up connecting him to the larger arc in the season, and possibly the series together.
A good handful of my predicted thoughts are so bleak, and yet this is how I feel what the show will give me. It isn’t like ROTTMNT where the show staffs have no qualms in humanizing the villains quirks and even explicitly affirms that their love and affection for their significant others don’t hinder their fighting skills and motivation (e.g. Hypno’s love for his roomie, Warren Stone, and Repo Mantis’ dedication in caring for his mutated cat). And it sadly doesn’t have the same vocal fandom to backup the friendship relation, as it did with TFP when Breakdown died on the beginning of season 2. At least those writers wrote the bare minimum of Knockout’s sentimentalism towards his deceased partner, despite their own questionable interpretation. 
I can’t really say much positive faith in this show, as it’s hit and miss quality is “okay” at best. The writer’s seldom accountability of the show’s unfortunate implications, including the antisemitism and queerbaiting, does help much. 
We never really got a concrete reason as to why Scarecrow would even team-up with the Joker. With Queen Fable, as least she was pretty much an open book (no pun intended), as the writer did a good job in showing her hostility and amoral nature. Joker’s plan benefits her indulgence in furthering her “evilness” to the next level to no regards to either side of the organizations (Justice League, Legion of Doom, etc). Scarecrow, on the other hand, is a different story. Sure, he gets to see Gotham in terror 24/7 in the most brutal regime to been seen in-universe. That’s fair trade for someone like Scarecrow who’s not only gets to have front seat of witnessing fear, but also record observation that will further his study of it...and yet we don’t really see that much of scientific Crane? Sure, we do see him creating chemicals and administering components that exemplifies his skills, but not so much on the motive side? We just pretty much have to assumed that based on his overall character’s existence in the franchise. This really further drives my frustration more as the closes answer I may get out of this by canon standard is...probably the one have to begrudgingly accept. 
In the Final Joke, the very last appearance of Scarecrow, we get a brief interaction of the Joker and Scarecrow (and quiet Batman). Joker longing in boredom, as Scarecrow is not even phase by the now destructive terror in Gotham called a “routine”. As Scarecrow brings up a suggestion to brighten the Joker up, I recalled Joker nonchalantly retorted:
“Hah! You are so one note, Bag-Head.“
This got me jolt up a little. Not really enough to speculate for future episodes to come, but only for what I needed from that scene. It could have been hinted, or reinforce the degree of insecurity Scarecrow has; just as he established himself a level of threat to the city and possibly further afar, Joker still dismiss him as nothing more than a villain of the week. Something he and Bane has in common run through in the series among their peers. The tragic key difference between the two is Scarecrow is more impulsive, mayhaps desperate, to disprove that. Whereas Bane, be it for a reserve sense of confidence or too focal on petty vengeance, never occur to even try disproving those claims in the first place. Given the show’s theme, this would have not been a far-fetch idea. It makes it clear that Joker's presence, even by villain’s professionalism standard, are destructive in the long-run, no matter how effectively infamous he works for the Legion of Doom. And that would have made his death all the more meaningful, and befitting for a minor character like Scarecrow...
...but then again, I could just be giving them too much credit. The writer most concrete direction in the scene was basically puppeteer Joker as their own words, stating what Scarecrow is to them: a one note character. Unlike the other characters we’re given the impression on the forum, they don’t seem to be interested in keeping Scarecrow around, let alone develop him. If the season finale has (graphically) shown, he pretty much accomplish his only agency in a story; a as a living tool. 
Maybe I’m taking this a little too hard as I do favor Scarecrow as an overall Batman favorite. It’s just tiring that so many mainstream animated adult-oriented show will only aim to South Park level at most. I’m not asking it to be on Bojack Horseman or Batman: The Animated Series, but it be refreshing for them to at least self-critique their writing execution in terms of characters; minor or not.
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