#positive things connor says about hank and what i make of them
honey-beann · 10 months
hi! I looove your positively mouth watering fic with connor, and was wondering if we could get something sorta similar with nines? if not I tooootally get it, I just wanted to ask! love your work!
Elements of Control
Nines (rk900) x Reader
Note: Hi anon! Thanks for the request, I had a lot of fun with this one!
Word Count: 3,159
Warnings: NSFW
You were starting to wonder what you had done to deserve being tortured in the way that you were.
This whole thing was supposed to be easy, a quick evaluation of a scene to see if it could be connected to a potential serial killer case that yourself and your partner had been put in charge of.
Except upon your arrival, you'd been informed of an issue:
State PD seemed to think they had jurisdiction over this crime scene because of it's slightly rural location, despite the fact that you were still very clearly and firmly within city limits.
And to make matters worse?
They absolutely refused to listen to anything that you had to say about it in favor of calling your authority into question.
Upon your arrival at the scene, even after having taken note of the three Michigan State PD cars, you'd still believed things to be business as usual.
It wasn't necessarily odd, after all, for MSPD to be called to a scene if your dispatch team noted that a great deal of your officers were off duty or busy.
But this time, as you'd stepped out of your car, you'd been surprised to see a rather frustrated looking Officer Miller approaching you, his body language tense.
"Miller, what's going o-"
"These guys are assholes."
Chris huffed, cutting you off in the middle of your question and immediately causing you to raise a brow at his words.
"What guys?"
You asked, watching as your friend and coworker motioned toward the state police cruisers in exasperation.
"Those guys. They keep insisting that they have jurisdiction over this case even though we already informed them that it's not only within city lines, but that it's also a part of the case that your team is actively working on."
You felt your brow crinkle slightly in confusion,
"Wait, seriously? They aren't listening to you guys at all?"
Chris shook his head, clearly still frustrated,
"No! Not even a little bit. They've been forcing us out of the scene and messing with the investigation for at least an hour and a half now talking some bullshit about needing to speak to the lead detective on the case."
You sighed but nodded,
"Well the good news is that I'm here now, so hopefully they'll be leaving soon."
Chris scoffed, rolling his eyes,
"I doubt it, they're on some crazy power trip and keep going on and on about how we need to respect them because we're all so much younger. Talking to them is like talking to a wall."
You patted your friend on the shoulder and tossed him a supportive and understanding look before you thanked him for his update and set off toward the small crowd of officers standing near the door of the house that had been dubbed a crime scene just a few hours prior.
As you approached, you could hear people arguing, Person and Chen in particular, though louder than them were three extremely noisy and unfamiliar male voices that were clearly trying to talk over the two women in an effort to silence them.
You sighed, but continued walking toward the porch that they were all standing on, rapping your first against the slightly splintering wood before you leaned against it, trying to keep your body language as casual as possible to hide how stressful this situation was beginning to feel.
Both your officers and the three Michigan state men turned to face you all at once, the two women immediately looking relieved at your presence, but neither of them saying a word as they watched you open your mouth to speak, your tone casual but firm.
"I heard somebody was looking for the lead detective on this case?"
You asked, trying to channel your inner Hank in an effort to come across as far less of a person that someone wanted to argue with than you probably looked like to these guys.
Unfortunately though, your strategy proved useless as they all scoffed,
"You're the lead detective? Yeah right, you look young enough to be my granddaughter."
Bristling a bit at the disrespect, you took a step forward onto the first step of the porch, your hands finding your pockets to keep your body language as relaxed looking as possible even as you replied with quite a bit less professionalism than you'd initially thought you would be right off the bat.
"And you look old enough to be my grandfather. Now look gentleman, as much as I love making these incredibly fun observations with you, I'm actually supposed to be doing so inside of the crime scene instead of outside of it, so if you don't mind, I'm going to have to ask you to move along."
The three men glared heavily at you, and one laughed humorlessly and took a step in your direction,
"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, kid, but I already told your rag tag little group of city cops, this is our case, and we ain't leaving unless you can prove you have an actual lead detective here at the scene."
You sighed, pulling your badge out of your pocket to present it to the man only to have him snatch it from your hand and chuck it back in the direction of Chris, who watched in absolute shock, both you and your officers baffled at the lack of professionalism found in these three state police workers.
Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, and for a moment or two, you thought you might actually risk your job and punch the man in front of you, only to bark out the names of your nearby officers instead, clearly more than a little frustrated.
"Chen. Person. Follow me for a briefing on the case please. I'm going to give these idiots a few minutes to come up with an apology good enough to convince me not to arrest them for disrupting a crime scene."
The men burst into laughter behind you as you and the two women made your way back over towards Chris and the three other officers who were present on the scene, your face twisted into a scowl as you approached.
"Did they seriously just do that?!"
Chris hissed as you grew close enough to hear, causing you to nod stiffly before you motioned for your officers to group up around you.
"Clearly these guys are out of control, and I don't want any of you getting wrapped up in something ridiculous because they feel like acting like children, so please just stay away from the scene until I can get in contact with the captain and have him send someone to talk to-"
"Excuse me, Detective."
A familiar voice sounded from behind you, halting your orders before you could even finish giving them.
You turned on your heel to find your partner just a few steps away from where your badge had been tossed, holding it up between his thumb and forefinger as he approached,
"Lose something?"
You scoffed, crossing your arms as Nines grew closer, his long legs carrying him over with ease as he smirked down at your smaller frame.
"No, actually. That was on the ground courtesy of Michigan's finest over there."
You said angrily, gesturing toward the bumbling idiots who called themselves officers of the law that were still planted firmly upon the porch, not paying any attention to what was happening in the yard in front of them.
Nines raised a brow at that, and handed you your badge before speaking up,
"So they threw your badge when you presented it to them?"
He clarified, causing you to nod in exasperation before he hummed,
"I see. Why exactly aren't they under arrest then?"
You huffed,
"I'm not going to ask any of my officers to deal with them all up close and personal like that, and I certainly don't feel like risking my job wrestling three assholes into a cruiser. They think they have jurisdiction here and won't leave until they speak to a lead detective that they don't think we have, so I'll just try to get Fowler to send Hank or Reed or something."
You grumbled, causing Nines to regard you with curiosity,
"But Detective, you are the lead on this case, the presence of either Detective Reed or Lieutenant Anderson is simply not a requirement."
You groaned at your partner's explanation, resenting the idea that you needed to be reminded of your own position on the force, though you pressed forward nonetheless.
"I know that, but they won't believe me and I don't feel like arguing today. This shit was supposed to be simple, drop in, inspect the scene, and wait to receive an autopsy report to see if the crimes appear connected. Corralling three old dudes on power trips was not meant to be a part of the process."
Nines rolled his eyes but nodded,
"I see. In that case, give me a few minutes. In the meantime, ensure the driveway is cleared for their departure. They will want to exit swiftly."
You were just about to ask what Nines meant by that when he simply walked away entirely, making his way over to the officers standing childishly outside of the scene with his expression neutral but his eyes shining.
Whatever he was about to do, he was absolutely going to enjoy it.
And you'd be lying if you said that you didn't want to see for yourself.
So, after rushing to help the team move your cruisers, you all walked toward the porch until you were within earshot, which was when you found out why Nines had been so certain that the men were going to make a swift exit.
He was scaring the ever loving shit out of them.
And God, was it hot.
He stood on the porch, an inch or two taller than even the tallest of the officers, thus allowing the android to quite literally look down upon them as he regarded all three men with an immense amount of disdain.
"I'm unable to understand where exactly your confusion is stemming from, are you calling my lead detective's authority into question?"
He asked, tone low and vaguely threatening as he spoke, though his posture remained relatively casual, with one of his hands in his pants' pocket as if he could not have been less concerned with looking the perfect picture of professionalism that he usually strived for.
It was almost staggering what a difference that made in the way that you were looking at him.
Your eyes trailed up his long legs, clothed in his typical black slacks, before you allowed them to move upward, where they lingered briefly on his hands as the one that was not resting within his pocket clenched and unclenched at his side seemingly unendingly, reminding you far too much of the way his digits had felt as they'd curled inside of your soaked heat just the night before, your back arcing off of the bed as his other hand had moved to the small of your back, keeping you perpetually pressed against him in a way that had nearly brought tears of bliss to your eyes.
You blushed heavily at the unexpected recollection, attempting to shake off your embarrassment (and arousal) before either could hope to get the better of you, choosing to try and distract yourself with Nines' rather hostile interaction again.
Unsurprisingly, as much as you'd hoped that might help, it only served to make your situation that much worse.
Because unfortunately, the state officers must have answered Nines' question in a manner that he far from agreed with, because the android was taking two intimidating steps toward them now, expression fairly neutral but his tone cold and almost cruel as he spoke.
"And what makes you think you have the right to question someone with a higher position than you? Are you insinuating that my partner is somehow lesser than yourselves? Lesser than I?"
You shivered at his tone, ironically recollecting a time several days prior where the android had seemed hellbent on teaching you the opposite of what he was saying to the older men standing before him.
"What a pathetic little thing."
He'd all but cooed with a shake of his head and an ever so slight chuckle, his eyes alight with amusement and arousal as he watched you squirm, sliding his cock, hot and thick and so very close against your wet folds, teasing you ceaselessly as you whimpered and writhed beneath his piercing gaze and searing touch.
You'd gasped out, sobs rushing out of your mouth uncontrollably as you did your best to arch and buck into the android's touch, desperate to feel something more than what he seemed to be willing to give you in that moment.
Nines chuckled, fingers moving to snatch up your jaw as he forced you to look him in the eyes, humming as he leaned in closer, his tongue tracing the outline of your lips as you trembled beneath his touch,
"Look at you, so helpless, squirming your weak little body in a shameful attempt to get me to fold for you. Did you really think that would work? That I might succumb to desire or take pity on you?"
He smirked and trailed his lips up to your ear, where he continued his degrading questions,
"I think we both know how slight the chances of either of those things happening are, don't we?"
He groaned slightly as the tip of his cock grazed your slit, causing you to mewl and plead briefly until he shushed you and spoke up again.
"You're completely at my mercy, and there is absolutely nothing a feeble little thing like you could do to make me give you what you want before I feel you've earned it."
You whimpered at his words, and watched with slightly wide eyes as he pulled back with a smirk, hand reaching to your hair before he grabbed a preliminary fistful of it and yanked ever so slightly, a warning of what was to come, no doubt.
"Now get off of this bed and onto your knees."
You felt your legs quake slightly as you recalled the familiar memory, licking your lips involuntarily as you all but forced yourself to watch on rather than continue letting the android impact you so devastatingly through your memories alone.
You watched in shock as Nines reached forward to grab at the collar of the obvious "leader" of the group, expression as close to anger as you'd seen it get all day as he all but growled,
"Now, I highly suggest you leave before I take offense for my partner over there and decide to give you a reminder of whose really in control here that you won't soon forget."
The older man sputtered slightly in Nines' grip, but almost seemed to refuse to relent, eyes glaring as he continued to spit whatever venom came to his mind.
"Oh, we can see who it is that's in control here."
He snapped, eyes briefly shooting toward yours, glaring daggers into your soul,
"How shameful that a supposed lead detective can't even manage a crime scene without the guidance and direction of an intimidating fucking toy."
Nines tightened his grip, causing the man to gasp and struggle for a moment before the android scoffed and let him go, immediately sending him falling onto his ass in front of his friends.
"You see, Officer, that's where you're wrong."
Nines began, his tone a low purr of satisfaction as he watched the man struggle to stand again, his chest heaving with both anger and effort,
"She doesn't need me to tell her anything. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's her who directs me more often than not."
He smirked as the three men attempted to move past him and toward the steps, which he followed them down with an intimidating and practiced ease, his long legs helping to keep up with them without any sense of urgency.
"If you'd like though, I would be more than happy to show you what I'd be doing to you right now if she wasn't around to ensure that I couldn't do things my way."
He said casually, still following the men as they rushed back to their cruisers, eyes wide and petrified as Nines made his intentions clear.
They could leave now, or, he could show them how things went without your guidance, since they were so eager to act as if you had never arrived in the first place.
You watched in utter shock as the men sped off almost as soon as they reached their cars, one of them even shouting a frightened sounding apology in your direction as he tore out of the driveway.
Nines hummed and crossed his arms over his chest, watching them as they went with satisfaction evident in his body language.
The officers around you cheered, rushing over to the android from where you had all been listening near the porch as they both thanked him and offered props before they seemed to start actually briefing him on parts of the case that had not yet been added to the file.
He stood there, seemingly absorbing every word that everyone was saying, casually shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it over his shoulder in preparation to begin heading inside before he rolled up his sleeves slowly and methodically the way he always did before entering a scene.
Except this time, you felt the strong urge to not allow him inside until your current frustrations were eased.
He still had yet to actually fuck you after the other night, or even the evening before, some clear attempt at breaking you to get you to beg for his cock like the weak minded little human he seemed (at least some of the time) to believe that you were.
Maybe it was time to settle the score then.
You gritted your teeth together, hoping desperately that the sensation would distract you, only to give up with an exasperated sigh before walking quickly toward the android in question, who regarded you with slight surprise before his eyes swept over your face and body, and a slight smirk began to tug at his lips.
It was borderline obnoxious how easily he could read you, but in that particular moment you couldn't have cared less.
He raised a brow at you as you continued making your way over, before stopping abruptly a little over a foot away, eyes challenging and body tense as you spoke.
"Nines, car. Now."
You muttered before regarding your colleagues with a respectful nod and rushing off before they could ask any questions.
Nines chuckled, following suit with slow but long steps, his hands casually finding his pockets as he watched you eagerly.
"Certainly, Detective."
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
I need more of the Donna and Ra’s son!!!
Donna Troy x male!reader
Part 1
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● now that the Titans know about you and Donna some of them have accepted you into the group while others disagree with the decision
● Kory, Dawn, Connor and Gar believed you when you said you hadn't spoken to your father Ra's in years and had no allegiance to him
● while Jason, Hank and Rachel didn't which you can't blame them for, you probably wouldn't trust you either if you were in their position
● Dick hasn't made his mind up yet but wants to give you the benefit of the doubt
● plus he finds it helpful to have someone who knows first hand how the mind of one of Batman's most dangerous enemies works
● Jason "why the hell would the son of Ra's Al Ghul suddenly want to be a good guy? You know he was trained to be a violent killer right?"
● Donna "he's not that person anymore and we've been together for a year, if he really wanted to kill us he would have by now"
● "she's right, I know seven different ways to kill every single one of you in this exact moment but I won't"
● Donna "babe you're not helping"
● "right sorry, but for the record I haven't actually killed that many people, my father didn't let me leave Nanda Parbat often. I couldn't exactly be his secret weapon if I was out there killing people all willy nilly"
● there's still tension but Donna doesn't let it get to her
● she loves you and knows you love her too
● Hank and Jason refuse to let you move into the tower so you continue to live in your apartment
● which you're fine with because it's the only place you and Donna can get any sort of privacy
● whenever you're at the tower Jason and Hank watch your every move to make sure you're not snooping around somewhere you're not supposed to
● Kory "really Rachel, you condone them acting like this?"
● Rachel "I'm not saying people can't change but he's an ex assassin of all things so I have to be a little suspicious of his motives"
● Kory "how many bad guys do you know make chocolate chip pancakes in a 'kiss the cook' apron"
● you from the kitchen with stacks on stacks of pancakes for the whole team "breakfast is ready!"
● Gar and Connor however wished you lived in the tower not only so you could cook for them more often but also so you could have more video game all nighters together
● when you play online from home Donna tempts you with… other activities to get you to turn the game off
● she'll be standing in the doorway of your bedroom unbuttoning her shirt
● "are you really going to make me go to bed alone?"
● you into your headset mic "sorry guys I gotta go"
● Gar "Wait what we are in the middle of a match!" but you're already gone fumbling out of your clothes as you follow Donna to bed
● one night the Titans are ambushed by someone dressed head to toe in black with their face covered by a mask
● you immediately recognize the fighting style and can only hope you're wrong about who you are up against
● but when they have you pinned to the ground with their sword and lift their mask you unfortunately discover you were correct
● Nyssa "hi little brother"
● "...Shit"
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dad-fckr · 3 months
Hey there! Hope you had a pleasant start to the week ^^
First off, I wanted to let you know that I love your art. The way you draw Hank is incredible and your HankCon art is always such a pleasure to look at! Haven't been into DBH long but I always love seeing your work on my feed.
A small ask: what are your favorite things about Hank in DBH? You got any favorite moments from him and in relation to that, any favorite HankCon moments? Mine would probably be that Hank has a self-diagnosed fear of pigeons lol.
first of all, thank you for sending me an ask! I love answering them! And im glad you like my art :)
Okay so, my favorite things about Hank?
I love that he just... feels like a real guy? You know? He's a believable man thats dealt with believable issues. He's not perfect, he has many, many negative traits but just as many positive ones too. There are many things Hank says and does that really aren't excusable, but it makes him more realistic in my mind.
I love that he does not follow the typical 'video game man' thing of being some basic bog-standard 'sexy guy'. he doesn't follow the stereotypical character design you usually see for main characters which i like.
theres so *much* to him, especially if you look closely at his home, even his car. so many little details and items that really give him so much character than the regular player wouldn't even see.
I love the entire segment where Connor breaks into his house to essentially force him to go to work. I love the bridge chapter as it's kind of the turning point for Hank IMO of him either getting better, or spiralling further down.
As for hankcon moments, that scene outside the chicken feed and the rooftop fight in all of it's variations. Also the dialogue that can happen outside of Kamski's house if you choose to shoot chloe, how Hank admits he was starting to see Connor as his friend and he looks so heartbroken and angry at himself for having considered it. aughhh the angstt <3
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 7: Choose
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The snow and cold had arrived in Detroit. I put on warmer clothes and waited for Hank outside my apartment, his old car and Connor sitting in the passenger seat signaled their arrival. I greeted them and we drove in silence to Kamski's house, the tension palpable.
"So, does anyone have any guesses about what we're going to find?" I tried to make conversation. Hank looked at me through the rearview mirror, seeming pensive for a moment before responding.
"Well, we're going to meet Kamski, so I hope he has some answers for us. But honestly, I have no idea what to expect. This guy is unpredictable." I agreed with him and glanced at Connor.
"We'll find out together. I'm ready for whatever Kamski has to say." His voice was calm but determined. At least someone was optimistic.
Arriving at Kamski's house, I was impressed by the grandeur and isolation of the place. It was evident that Kamski valued his privacy, opting for a secluded and luxurious residence. The sense of wealth and power emanated from the property, creating an aura of mystery around the renowned android creator. The blonde android who greeted us at Kamski's house was truly impressive, with an almost transcendental beauty. Her perfect appearance and elegant posture conveyed an aura of serenity and sophistication, almost as if she were a divine figure walking among us. I saw Connor holding a photo, and as I approached, I only recognized Kamski's figure; I had never seen the woman beside him before.
"Amanda," he whispered. Before I could respond, our host came out to greet us. To my surprise, he had several androids like the one who greeted us; he was swimming with one when we arrived. Kamski's lack of interest in answering our questions was evident from the start, but his attention quickly turned to Connor. His expression changed when he noticed the presence of the android, as if something inside him sparked a sudden and intense interest.
"If you pass my test, I'll answer all your questions," he said after rambling about a few things. I furrowed my brows; something was wrong. Kamski's proposal to answer our questions in exchange for Connor undergoing a test raised my suspicions. There seemed to be a hidden agenda behind this condition, and I felt uncomfortable with the idea of ​​putting Connor in an unknown situation. Kamski's gesture of placing one of his androids, Chloe, in a kneeling position before us and handing a gun to Connor was disturbing. I immediately understood what he was suggesting: he wanted Connor to perform an act that would test his humanity, his ability to empathize and exercise moral discernment.
After receiving the gun from Kamski and the order to shoot the android Chloe, Connor hesitated for a moment, reflecting on the situation. His data processors quickly evaluated the possible consequences of his actions and the moral guidelines he had internalized throughout his interactions with humans and androids. Instead of blindly obeying, Connor chose to follow his ethical principles, refusing to shoot.
I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding and looked at Connor, feeling a deep sense of relief that he hadn't fired. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, a tension I didn't even know I was carrying. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and I could see in them not only confirmation of my decision but also a gleam of determination and understanding. Gratitude flooded my heart, not only for the choice Connor made but also for the trust he placed in me, in us. It was comforting to know that, even in the face of Kamski's pressure and unknown consequences, Connor remained true to his principles, showing that our values were aligned not only as partners but also as friends.
At that moment, I realized that the bond between us had strengthened even more. It wasn't just a matter of work; it was a connection that transcended the bounds of programming, a mutual trust that drove us to face challenges together. And with a silent look, we shared the understanding that no matter what the future held, we were united, ready to overcome any obstacle that came our way.
"Interesting," Kamski observed our interaction closely. "I won't answer your questions, but remember: I always leave an emergency exit in my programs."
Hearing Kamski's words sent a shiver down my spine. His enigmatic comments always left more questions than answers, and this time was no different. What did he mean by "emergency exit in my programs"? Was it a clue to unravel the mysteries surrounding us or just another puzzle to confuse us?
I looked at Connor, sharing the uncertainty hanging in the air. Although his expression remained undisturbed, I could perceive a slight furrow of his brows, indicating that he too was intrigued by Kamski's words. It was as if we were facing a complex puzzle, and each revealed piece brought us a little closer to the truth, even if that truth was even more confusing and obscure.
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You all I FINALLY got a Playstation 5 a month ago (so happy!!!) and while the 90% of the owners of a PS5 are talking about THAT wizard game which name I’ll not say I’m here, obsessed with Detroit Become Human. I mean I wanted to play it since the day it was released (five years ago lmao I know I’m late) but I couldn’t because I didn’t have the console but now I do and I knew it was great but OH MY GOD I didn’t except to be THAT GOOD. IT’S A MASTERPIECE. IT’S ONE OF THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED. Like I bought it 4 weeks ago and I already did 3 different walkthroughs (yes that’s why I haven’t been a lot on tumblr lately sorry about that) but I can’t wait any longer to talk about it so here you go, my opinions about this awesome game and everything I loved about Detroit Become Human who none asked for. You’re welcome (if you are following me for Braime or something else and you don’t want to see things about Detroit Become Human don’t worry just filter/block the tag, I tag all the posts).
- Always loved the games where a story takes different ways because of your choices (my icon is literally a screen from a game who works that way) and this one has like 99+ different endings based of how you played and most chapters have like 5 different endings like hello??? I love this???
- The screenwriting is terrific. Amazing. And I don’t mean only the story, but the dialogues and characters too. The characters OH MY GOD. There isn’t a single positive character that I didn’t get attached to and none of them is stereotyped, not even the villains. Fuck David Cage, why you didn’t write GOT??? It’s a totally different story from DBH, but I know you could have done better than Dumb & Dumber. Before buying it, I was 100% positive to do every single choice even the worst ones who would get every character killed but now I can’t??? I love them all???
- I wish the story was longer. It wasn’t short at all, but the story was that profound and beautiful and I love these characters I wanted more????
- Loved how they showed the way androids were treated by humans. They didn’t show a lot of the violence humans did to androids because they didn’t need to. Because you could feel it. Seeing public places with “Androids not allowed” on the door and seeing them in the bus being in a limited space for them separated from the humans exactly like it happened to jews and black community in the past. Also the camps where in the end they put the androids to exterminate them look intentionally like Extermination Camps (even in the game itself they say so). A punch in the stomach.
- Loved that most of the characters are androids. The only human character of the protagonists is Hank, literally everyone else is an android and this was perfect. This is a story about androids. They are the ones who are being oppressed. And the humans in this story are pretty good in their villains roles.
- Thank God they didn’t put a romance as the main theme of the story, “an impossibile love between an android or a human” bullshit. This is a story about robots created by humans that were treated like objects, that were a property, who were selled on shops, and they were THAT oppressed they were able to develop emotions and their own personality and break their program to be themselves, people who wanted their freedom and start living as the living beings they are with dignity. This is what makes the story powerful.
- Loved that when Kara, Markus and Connor stop being machines and become deviants you see them fighting against an invisible wall until it’s destroyed, because that wall is their programming and breaking it means they’ll be free to be who they want, stopping being a machine and becoming a living being. Beautiful.
- Android Chloe being on the menu settings that talks to you sometimes but when you finish the story for the first time she tells you she feels different and ask you the permission to leave to discover herself and if you say yes she thank you and leaves??? I don’t know who had this idea but he/she is a genius
- The music. Gods. The music.
And the characters. Gods. Let’s talk about them.
- I knew Connor is loved by everyone and I fully expected to don’t like him that much. I was wrong. I love him.
- I don’t know what the fuck is going on between Markus and Simon, but there isn’t a single logical heterosexual explanation for them. Actually wait, I kinda know what’s going on 😁
- Never romanced North in any of my walkthroughs and never will. I love her but fuck it, if Simon can’t have Markus, NONE CAN.
- I love Ralph. So much. He deserved more screen time! They put him there to scare you with him being mentally unstable and always with a big knife in his hand (pretty sure he killed people too but shhh), but he’s like that because of trauma!! Someone help him and give him some love and therapy!! It’s crazy that they worked so hard making him so interesting when some players don’t even know of his existence since he has like 10 minutes of screen time and you met him only if you do certain choices. Again, the writing is killing it.
- Loved that Zlatko got killed (at least in my walkthrough) from the androids he tortured for fun. Poetic cinema. Freeing them from their cells so they could kill him was one of the best choices I made in this game.
- Protect Simon at all costs. Him and Ralph are the kings in being cinnamon rolls.
- I know a lot of people ships Hank and Connor, but I actually got the Father/Son dynamic from them? I can see why someone like them as a romantic couple, but I see them like a Parent and his kid, like Joel and Ellie from the Last of Us. They have the best non romantic relationship of the game.
- North, Simon and Josh following Markus wherever he goes being ready to die every time, even if they disagree with his approach. Wow. That’s fucking loyalty.
- Markus has the best story, Connor the best arc and Kara has the most anxious story (with better plot twists). At least in my opinion. Everyone is the best in something.
- Loved that Kara and Alice met Luther because of Zlatko. After that awful experience with him, it’s good to know that it brought something positive too.
- I fangirled everytime two of the three main characters of the game met, I didn’t even know it was possible??? I fangirled even more when I saw the choice of making Connor a deviant.
- It makes sense that Connor becomes a deviant at the end, since he was created to stop deviants, he needed more time to evolve and to break his program. I just wished i saw more of him with Markus and the Jericho group fighting together against the humans, the humans he worked with before, and I wanted him to interact with Simon, since if previously you did different choices, Simon would have died because of Connor. Maybe if you pick certain choices they meet? I don’t know.
Everyone should play this. Everyone should know this amazing, profound story. This isn’t game, this is an experience. It has been done with passion. Passion from everyone. From David Cage who created this story and these characters and from the actors who played them with such emotion. Part of me wish they made a series they already have the actors since the characters have the actors’ appearance well maybe except the actress who played Alice I imagine she grown up but actually nope, the game is already with great cinematography and music and acting, it looks already a series. A great series.
Thanks to everyone who read it all!!! Sorry for the rant it’s just I love this story so much!!! And I’m looking for Detroit Become Human’s blogs (and maybe Markus x Simon blogs if possible, my shipper heart need them). Comment if you post about it so I can follow you please!!!
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
okay so I keep seeing people say that Connor’s choice to either become deviant/remain machine is the biggest choice in the game but it occurred to me earlier that it’s actually completely dependent on Markus?
bc during Crossroads Connor’s conversation with Markus can boost his software instability if it’s too low to unlock the deviant option (side note: I don’t know if Connor’s conversation with North does the same? because you can’t choose her dialogue?) but ALSO in Night of the Soul if Markus shoots Connor that’s it he’s a machine again no more deviant Connor. So really Connor doesn’t have much of a choice at all
does this make sense at all?? idk (hope you’re having a good day! <3)
(I'm doing alright, thank you! <3)
And yes you're definitely right. I mean, of course, there's instances where no matter how much Markus boosts Connor's SI, he still can't deviate, but yes your point stands, and the same is with North, where everything she says raises Connor's SI. In both situations, if Connor does/says something machine like, his software instability goes down, but no matter what Markus or North say, it positively influences his SI. And yeah, if Markus shoots Connor in NotS, Connor comes back as a machine no matter what.
Connor's status as a machine or as a deviant is entirely dependent on other characters/the environment he's in. Sure, he can make choices that affect whether or not his Software Instability goes up or down, but those choices wouldn't be possible on his own. For example, he couldn't choose saving Hank over chasing Rupert if Hank wasn't there in the first place as someone who Connor could respect and regard. Connor wouldn't have been able to choose to spare the TRACIs if Echo hadn't explained to him why she'd killed the man in the first place. He wouldn't be able to spare Chloe if Kamski hadn't put the idea in his mind that she's living, if Hank hadn't called her a "nice girl", etc. etc. These things influence or trigger his empathy, and if he acts on them, it raises his instability. He wouldn't be able to do so on his own.
It's crazy to me that people actually believe his story could be standalone, or that he's somehow more important than Markus, the literal driver of the story. That anyone could think Connor's choice to remain machine or become a deviant is the "biggest choice" in the game is quite mind blowing to me. The biggest choice in the game is whether or not Markus chooses a Demonstration or a Revolution. That is the single most impactful choice in the game, the most influential choice, and the only choice that decides what kind of ending you get for every single character left. Connor's fate is irrelevant, because Markus can succeed without him. Markus can defeat him. The only thing Connor adds to the story is a different perspective to the journey to deviancy, as we see him from "birth" to "awakening".
I guess my point is, yes, you're right that Connor's choice to remain a machine or become deviant is heavily influenced by Markus - but also, it couldn't possibly be the biggest choice in the game, because his choice only affects his own fate, and at worst gives Markus an obstacle to overcome. It's silly to me that anyone would think that. Markus's decision for how they go about winning their freedom, however, is the only choice that impacts everyone, making that the biggest choice in the game.
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Ramblings time!
Today it’s about positive things Connor can say about Hank in his conversations with Amanda.
The first one is one of my favorites as a shipper, but not only. It’s “Intriguing” answer to question what Connor does think about his future work partner in Waiting for Hank.
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I think he's irritable, and socially challenged. But I also think he used to be a good detective... He's an intriguing character. 
 It’s the only positive option Connor can choose at this point. And putting aside Connor’s obvious competence kink yes, all other options are true - Hank at the moment of their first meeting is unpleasant and unprofessional,  addicted, dysfunctional. But still, investigating prototype can find him interesting. Maybe because he hasn’t find the key to this contradiction, the answer to the question what made the heroic Leutenant into broken man. I still wonder why this piece of information needed to be hidden, and I have couple crack theories to why.XD One of them is that Cyberlife concealed this from Connor, because deemed it irrelevant to investigation. They send Connor to investigate, not to build good relationship with Hank Anderson.
(Also, Amanda presents work with Hank as something they ‘have’ to do, unfortunate but unavoidable condition. Maybe it’s true, but again, why give deviant cases to Hank, man who really wouldn’t want this? I’ve read a theory that Hank was chosen because he has no family left and therefore Cyberlife would not have to answer to them in case Hank died. Or maybe DPD chose Hank because he had too many discipline trespassings, and couldn’t refuse and not be fired, because others wouldn’t want to work with an android investigator - first of many who may soon replace human detectives. )
The second example comes after Nest. The thing here is, if Connor chooses to save Hank, he’s letting Rupert slip away, But his answer about this event is calm, and yet displays the growing level of understanding between them. 
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He seemed grateful that I saved his life on the roof. He didn't say anything, but he expressed it in his own way...
Okay, that attention to detail is even sweet, but really, how else detective prototype expected human to react after his life was saved?XD And yet, it can mark Hank’s gratitude as something important for Connor. As well as him getting used to Connor in general, it seems.
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I've come to understand him better, and he's growing accustomed to my presence.
The ‘positive’ option sounds restrained, but at the same time it’s so reassuringly confident. Connor clearly considers understanding Hank satisfactory.
The next instance is the one I find invitingly not simple. It is an option after Eden Club and night in park where Hank pulls a gun on Connor. Enough turmoil to throw off even non-deviant. This is the variation where Hank didn’t shoot.
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My relationship with Lieutenant Anderson is problematic. He continues to struggle with psychological issues... I suspect it clouds his judgement regarding deviants.
What I like about this? First, that if Connor chooses it instead of Eden club investigation, he puts more emphasis on his partner than on his mission. And secondly, while it is Connor trying to tell Amanda that Hank is not suited for the job and better be removed on the basis of his mental state, she catches something else underneath and tells Connor off. Nothing matters more than your investigation. What's happening is too important. Don't let Anderson or anyone else get in your way.  Connor is visibly bothered by Hank’s state - and maybe, not only because investigation is at risk, but because Hank is in danger.
And finally, the piece from Last chance. It is not directly a positive statement about Hank, but bear with me. Amanda asks Connor about doubts and conflicts only if he killed Tracis and/or Chloe - both instances include not only serious decreasing of program instability, but has big negative impact on his relationship with Hank. And both concern empathy - or lack thereof. And if Connor admits to having thoughts that are outside of his program, Amanda is visibly taken aback.
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Why is this answer displeases Amanda? Shouldn’t it be easier to control android who willingly, albeit with difficulty, admits that he might be deviating? Maybe because Connor is not supposed to let any doubts slip in, even if they are true. Thought crime as it is.
What does Hank has to do with this? First, his name was voiced with emphasis by Amanda.  Do you feel anything for these deviants... Or for Lieutenant Anderson? Deviants and Hank are on the same level of forbidden, why? No, i’m not writing it in shippy sense.  In fact. maybe it is easy - the answer is empathy. When Connor is moved by other androids and their stories of abuse and injustice, he steps closer to deviation - and the same if he is invested in getting closer to Hank, to understand him better with all dysfunctionalities. When Connor wants Hank to stay alive and get better, an android who’s supposed to not give a damn and pursue investigation.
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lawngnomeofdoom · 3 years
Part Four: when I'm near you
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Summary: Connor seeks advice on his new emotions from Markus, but when Connor is resistant to his suggestions, Markus decides to force his hand. Some jealous Connor fluff!
A/N: Yay part four! Thank you for reading this far and for all the kind messages, hearts, and reblogs, it all means the world to me. Keep being kind to each other :)
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“Markus, thank you for agreeing to meet with me,” Connor said rising from the café table to greet his friend.
“Of course Connor, I must say that I was surprised that you asked me for coffee though,” Markus said taking a seat across from him. Outside the café’s window was the police station, and citizens of Detroit moving about their day, humans, and androids alike, thanks to Markus.
“Oh?” Connor asked wondering what social faux pas he had committed now.
“Well I’m happy for the company Connor, but neither of us drinks coffee.” He explained.
“Right, I suppose it’s a human phrase I’ve picked up.”
“So, what’s on your mind?” Markus asked, his eyes studying Connor’s. Seeing Markus and other members of Jericho act so naturally human was a wonder to Connor, but it also made him feel inferior in some sense, why couldn’t he adjust like them? He did think he had been making decent progress until Y/N arrived.
“I wanted to ask you for some advice regarding new emotions I’m struggling with.”
“I see, what emotions seem to be troubling you Connor?”
“Ones having to do with…affection.” He replied after a brief pause. To Connor’s surprise, the corners of Markus’ lips crept up into an amused smile.
“What’s her name?” He asked. Connor’s face became bashfully blue with a thirium blush. He thought of feigning offense, why would Markus assume he had to ask about a particular person? But the success of that scenario was well below 0%, Connor knew that without a preconstruction.
“Y/N.” He admitted finally.
“Tell me about her.” Markus grinned ear to ear as he leaned back in his chair.
“I met her at the station, she is a detective and an old friend of Hank’s. She’s highly intelligent, a very efficient officer. Her work ethic is one I greatly admire.” Connor told him. Markus raised a brow.
“And… she has a lovely laugh, something about it brings about a certain feeling akin to peace in me. Y/N is kind, she treats me like…like a person, with respect and integrity. I have found myself enjoying listening to her speak, even if it is on mundane things, she makes them fascinating somehow. I have also found myself trying to memorize things about her, the way she likes her coffee, the way she bites her bottom lip when she’s thinking, and the songs she hums to herself. Oh and she smells like lilacs.” Connor finished. He looked up to see that the expression on Markus' face had shifted from playful curiosity to a sincere gaze.
“Oh, Connor.” Was all he said.
“I am struggling because I find myself distracted by Y/N on a daily basis. My eyes and my thoughts always wander back to her. We were at a crime scene and I whispered something lewd in her ear, I’ve never done anything like that before.” Connor finished.
“What do you need from me, Connor?” Markus asked leaning forward.
“I wanted your advice on how to rectify the situation.”
“Yes, I…” Connor glanced around their surroundings and leaned in, whispering to him.
“I had lustful thoughts about her just the other day. I imagined her and I were… well long story short, I imagined her in a rather compromising position over my desk.” Connor told him as softly as possible. Markus kept a straight face for a moment until his bottom lip quivered and he burst into a fit of laughter. Connor sat back with his hands on the table, perplexed by the hysteric reaction.
“I’m sorry Connor, I really am. I just never thought I would see this day.” Markus explained after catching his breath.
“What day?”
“The day Connor, the most advanced android out there, has a crush on someone.” He smiled.
“Markus don’t be ridiculous. We discussed it the other day, Y/N and I are just friends.”
“Do you imagine bending all your friends over your desk?”
“No! That’s precisely why I need your help in preventing those thoughts from further polluting our friendship.” Connor insisted. Markus shook his head.
“Connor, this is a confusing time for our people. Every new emotion is terrifying, uncharted territory but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore it. It means the exact opposite in fact.”
“I don’t think I can do that, thank you for meeting with me Markus but I’ll just have to figure this out myself,” Connor said standing from his seat briskly and leaving Markus alone in the café.
A few hours later Connor glanced up from his terminal for the tenth time in the last half hour hoping to see you at your desk. He knew you’d be at lunch around this hour, but you usually took it at your desk, or if you did go out for food it wasn’t for this long. Hank noticed his constant checks and rolled his eyes.
“She said she was with a friend for lunch.” He grumbled.
“Oh." Connor said fiddling with a pen. A clock ticked loudly in the mostly vacant station.
“What friend?” He asked after a moment. Hank raised a brow.
“I didn’t interrogate her on who she eats burgers with, does it matter?”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.” Connor yielded. Another few minutes went by and Connor’s head shot up as he heard your laugh echo across the station along with a familiar male voice. His eyes quickly found you as you walked to your desk, located to the right of his own. He noticed first that the man you’re with has his hand on the small of your back, and that man was Markus.
“Jeez Connor, you okay?” Hank asks. Connor notices for the first time that he had completely crushed the pen he had been holding, the ink staining his hand.
“You can’t be serious Markus that is unbelievable.” You say sitting down in your desk chair. Markus sits on the edge of your desk facing you, he gives Connor a sly side-eye before continuing.
“Honest to God, can’t make stuff like that up. Oh, hey Connor.” Markus smiles, giving him a cheerful wave.
“Markus. What are you doing?” Connor asked, his tone dry and demanding.
“Just meeting friends of my friends. I came looking for you but ended up meeting Y/N by chance. I know you two are such good friends, I thought it only right to invite her out to lunch.”
“Thank you again for buying me lunch Markus you really didn’t have to.” You say and lightly pat his hand, making Connor’s fist tighten again.
“You bought her lunch?” Connor questioned with a sharp edge to his voice.
“Come on Connor, a lady as gorgeous as she is, well it was my honor.” Markus grins and kisses your hand softly, making you blush, which in turn makes Connor rise from his chair.
“Can I speak with you, Markus?”
“Now? I was hoping to spend some time with Y/N.”
“Now.” Connor demanded.
“Well, when you put it like that, sure. I’ll see you later Y/N.” Markus says with a wink, as he follows Connor to a vacant hallway out of your line of sight. Without hesitation Connor grabs Markus by his collar and pushes him against the wall, his eyes enraged.
“What the hell are you doing?” He growled.
“Easy Connor. Just spending time with one of your dear friends, what’s the problem?” Markus smiled, unphased by the aggressive hold Connor had on him.
“I don’t want you to spend time with her like that. Touching her and kissing her hand. You don’t get to do that.” Connor asserted.
“And why’s that?”
“Because…because…oh. Oh, I see.” Connor said releasing his hold on Markus’ collar. Markus patted the wrinkles out of his top and shook his head.
“Took you long enough, although I will say it didn’t take much to make you jealous.”
“Jealous,” Connor repeated. He hated the word, but Markus was right. A fire had ignited in him as he watched Markus make you giggle, get to touch you even slightly, get to take you out for lunch. Such small things but he treasured them more than he knew.
“The tactic you used was very clever. I’m sorry for roughing you up.” Connor said with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m just glad it worked. She is a very lovely girl Connor; I can see why you have such a crush.” Markus said patting his friend’s arm.
“So what do I do now?” Connor asked, his tone dripping with desperation.
“Well, there's plenty of perfectly good desks in here..." Markus grinned and then put his hands up when Connor shot daggers his way.
"Okay, okay, my bad. Start with dinner."
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mimisempai · 2 years
You belong to me
Another nightmare… and as Connor comforts Hank, they both discover a few things about what ties them together. Notes:
I love writing about belonging between two partners, but I wondered knowing that Connor by deviating from his belonging, how he would feel with belonging to someone in another way.. On AO3 Rating G - 815 words
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Hank pointed his gun at the two androids, who looked exactly the same in every way.
There's got to be some way he could recognize his Connor. 
"My son, what's his name?"
"His name was Cole. And he just turned six at the time of the accident... It wasn't your fault, Lieutenant. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over. Cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it... So an android had to take care of him... Cole didn't make it. That's why you hate androids. You think one of us is responsible for your son's death."
That should be his Connor.
"I knew about your son too! I would have said exactly the same thing! Don't listen to him, Hank, I'm the one who-"
Hank’s finger didn't hesitate as he pulled the trigger. 
He turned to who he thought was his Connor and found himself facing a gun barrel.
"Game over, Lieutenant. But you know how it is, one Connor lost, ten found."
"Connor! Where's my Connor."
The android in front of him gave a sardonic laugh and pulled the trigger.
Hank woke up with a start at the sound of his own scream.
He immediately felt the body next to him move, two arms wrapped around him and he found himself with his head against a familiar chest. He wrapped his arms around Connor's waist and tried to regain a steady breath and calm the rapid beating of his heart.
Connor whispered into his hair, "Hank. It's all right. You're here and I'm here. At home. We're together, safe and sound."
Connor's hypnotic strokes through his hair and the sound of his voice finally brought him back to reality and gradually Hank managed to regain his composure.
But he didn't loosen his arms around Connor, not about to let go, the memories of his nightmare still vivid in his mind.
Connor continued to cuddle and talk, and they stayed that way for a while.
Then Hank moved back a little and took Connor's face in his hands, scrutinized him and whispered for reassurance, "Yes, it's you."
Connor gave a half smile and replied, "Yes, it's me, Connor, model RK800, number 313 248 317-51."
Hank shook his head, "No, you are Connor, my partner, you are my Connor."
Hank's gaze was drawn to the glow of the LED that had turned red under his fingers. He turned his eyes back to Connor's face, whose eyes had gone wide.
His lover whispered softly, almost hesitantly, "My Connor?"
Hank drew Connor against him and holding him he rolled onto his back until he was practically lying on top of Hank.
Connor buried his face in Hank's neck.
"Yes, my Connor..." Hank repeated softly against Connor's hair, gently stroking his back.
After a few seconds, Connor whispered in his ear, "Does this mean I belong to you?"
Hank swallowed and replied, "Yes...you...you don't like it?" 
It was his turn to be hesitant, what if he had been too forward?
Suddenly the realization dawned that Connor had once belonged to someone, to Cyberlife, to Amanda. It couldn't mean anything positive to him.
Hank hurried to resume, the words rushing to his lips, "But I would understand that after Cyberlife-" but Connor didn't let him finish, kissed the skin against his lips and replied, "Yes...yes of course I like that idea. As for belonging, to Amanda and Cyberlife I was just a soulless possession. I never belonged to anyone who cared about me.  Now, with you, when you say, 'My Connor' it sounds like we're a... family?"
Connor's question at the end of the sentence was undeniable and Hank didn't have to think to answer it, he hummed against Connor's hair and replied, "Yes, a family, I belong to you and you belong to me." 
Connor let out a sigh of relief and Hank gently kissed his hair. 
After a few seconds, Connor straightened up and asked him, "Does this mean I can call you my Hank too?"
Hank didn't answer and hid his face with his arm.
"Hank?" asked Connor softly.
He lifted Hank's arm. 
Hank couldn't hide his red cheeks and the tears in his eyes.
Connor traced his fingertips over his lips and asked softly, "Does that mean I can?"
Hank, his throat tight with emotion, nodded.
Connor's lips brushed against his before becoming more urgent and soon Hank was unable to think.
When he broke the kiss, Connor didn't pull back and Hank could feel the heat emanating from his mouth against his lips, their foreheads almost touching and their eyes never leaving each other.
It wasn't about possessing or being possessed.
They were both free but aware of being a part of each other.
They belonged to each other.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Hankcon masterlist here
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phckingusername · 3 years
Part of me wants to draw it and the other wants it writing. Somewhere in the middle I wanna do both.
This is my raw idea planning, making notes on visuals and such.
Hank: I'm working with a fucking vampire! I've seen the damn thing drink blood before!
Connor "offended"^software error class 4^ but even in tone: Excuse me Lieutenant, but I do not "Drink" blood. I analyze it to gain important information pertaining to the case. I would describe the action as a lick, or I supposed a taste. However, I do Not drink or eat blood, and I certainly don't enjoy it.
Hank squinty eyed:...
Gavin looking over to Rk900: What about you Tin can?
Rk900: I can not say I share the same sentiments on the subject as my predecessor.
Rk900 looking over to Gavin: You look quite appetizing to me. *He says depan in an attempt at humor more stylized for the Detective, an odd sort of Smile(?) Awkwardly forms on his face.
Gavin squints now too a multitude of complex equations run in the background, the sound of a struggling fax machine fills his ears.
Rk900's odd smile is gone and he blankly analysis Gavin's reaction to the joke . He is unsure if he liked or disliked it, and if it helped move their relationship status in a positive or negative way. It's in this moment he realizes he has not yet actually tried Gavin's blood, he would revel In the information he'd get every time. To taste the iron of Him on his tongue, that familiar metallic quality much like his own robotic equivalent. He would if given the chance, search for the answers to the many questions Gavin gave him there. He would be unlikely to find them.
While the two are blankly staring off in their own thoughts, Hank rolls his chair back to a working position as he mutters: God I hate it here.
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I wanted to talk about how often people in the Detroit Become Human fandom often look at human-android relationships and feel that they can bring a lot more meaning to the story and I can kind of agree with that but in my eyes it depends upon what the plotline or relationship is trying to show and tell. For example, the reason why Carl and Markus’s relationship works well is because you can see it in a positive light but you can also see how Carl in a way contributed to the slavery of androids. Their relationship in a way is very complex whilst also having this simplicity to it, but no matter it still doesn’t change the fact that Carl was his master and owner and that he contributed to the slavery of his people. Yeah he may not have beat him or berated him but he contributed to it regardless. But I hear a lot of people say that Alice should’ve been human and it could’ve added weight to their relationship if Alice for example needed food and shelter which she does need it, she needs shelter, she needs to be cared for, she in a way is like a real child. But in a way they are disappointed that Alice isn’t real, that she can’t actually eat, grow old, and that kind of thing and I understand where they are coming from but her entire plot and storyline was about the love they shared for each other. Yes, an android caring for a human child could’ve been an interesting idea and could’ve added weight but Kara still needs to make sure that Alice has shelter, that she doesn’t die, and the same things you would do to a regular child. I personally feel that fandom waters down the slavery and the pain, the humiliation the androids feel from humans and the way they treat them as simply machines and in a way they see Alice being a human as possibly being better simply because it would add weight to her actions. When what mattered was that Kara was protecting Alice, that Alice protected Kara, and that their relationship already had a lot of weight to it, that regardless of whether Alice was an android or not their relationship is strong. It’s important and shows a great mother-daughter relationship, in a way it tells me that they value humans more than they value the androids and instead of acknowledging Kara and Alice as having their own unique mother-daughter relationship where they aren’t like anyone else but themselves. The reason why Connor and Hank’s relationship works so well is because of the way it was set up, Hank’s already past relationships with androids, and how he already wants androids to change his opinion on them. Connor and Hank are shown to have a seemingly hostile relationship but they genuinely grow to care for one another and learn more about each other, everything is set up perfectly from them being partners to his son Cole. Everything was set up in a refreshing way and their relationship has weight whether their relationship is friendly or hostile throughout the entire game same with Kara and Alice. That their relationships have weight on each other no matter how the story is going and even if you abandon Alice and be rather cold towards her their relationship still has that weight to it, that they revolve around each other and that Kara couldn’t forget Alice even if she wanted to. We see them become better beings and people because of each other and most of the relationships are what keeps you interested and in a way I find that when people say so and so should’ve been human they undermine the relationship as it is. They undermine their relationship and the bond that Alice shares with Kara and in my opinion have the same mindset or a similar mindset as to people who value having children that come from their own bodies rather than a child who they can bond with even if they aren’t biologically theirs. But another relationship I want to also talk about is North and Markus’s which I love greatly and believe it’s highly underrated which I understand if it feels forced but the thing about their relationship is that they work pretty well for each other. I can’t ever see North dating a human because of the trauma she has for them and don’t come for me it’s similar if not the same as a poc not wanting to date a white person because of the fear or trauma they have they will deal with racially motivated problems. North is apart of Markus’s story and impacts the story in her own way though not major, if you took her out of the story it would be somewhat different and North’s trauma towards humans is watered down. She was a literal sex slave and I feel she could never be that interested in humans or would have a lot of trauma involving humans especially men, Markus is perfect for her. Not to mention, North is an amazing character who despite how much hatred she has for humans is loyal and respectful towards any choice that Markus goes with despite personally going for more violence she’s fine with peace. But they care for each other just as normal humans would, I feel her relationship would change greatly with Markus and Jericho if she was human and I feel the same could be said for any of these android-android relationships. Another reason why I feel a lot of people don’t like North is because she is biased against humans, because she has that hatred towards humans that they can’t do anything with such as ship her with a human character. That she speaks the truth about the relationships that humans have with androids. They see them as merchandise, as just another machine that should always obey them no matter how much trauma, pain, or suffering they cause them.  My problem with the fandom is how they seemingly water down the android slavery and the oppression that they receive and in a way will always favor the human characters much more than the androids. The humans are interesting and you can have your own interest in them but it’s the fact that people are way more interested in Hank, Gavin, Perkins, and the human characters who are side characters than the oppressed protagonists. My problem is also that you will seemingly romanticize these relationships, these interspecies relationships which are fine if you ship them but when you turn them into just tools for you to ship them with androids it becomes weird. Gavin for example despite being a huge asshole who goes out of his way to hurt the androids, he goes out of his way to humiliate Connor and has attempted to murder him multiple times but this man has more work than Markus, Kara, and the main protags. The fact the fandom focuses and praises the humans who have been oppressing or have been apart of enslaving androids and rarely ever give attention to the androids except when they fetishize them. Not to mention, I hate when people say that the androids aren’t as interesting as the humans or that the humans should’ve played a bigger part when the whole game is about equality and rather oppression and the racism that we experience for those who are simply different than us. The humans play a part in it and yes there should’ve been more sympathetic humans but it’s the fact that these humans are literally the reason for the androids becoming deviant and literally not being their slaves anymore. Kara would’ve never became deviant if Todd was a decent dad and wasn’t addicted to drugs, Markus would’ve never opened the human’s eyes to the oppression they do to androids if Leo hadn’t been beating on him and Carl tells him not to defend himself. You can like the human characters I can’t stop you but stop watering down the androids oppression in favor of your human characters who won’t get beat for supposedly being just made of metal.
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leah-halliwell92 · 3 years
Hospitals and Injuries
Summary: Hank’s ex show’s up at the hospital he’s in after getting hurt on the job. Problem is, neither him nor Cole want her there and they sure don’t want mistakes to be made especially since Hank, and Cole, have an important person they have a question for.
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Gavin stayed with Cole while Richard and Connor went to get them all some food. He’d stepped out to use the restroom only to come back and find a crying brown haired woman standing in the room. Cole looked like he was seeing red he was so angry. 
The closer he got Gavin heard her speaking to him.
“Baby it’s me...it’s mommy,” she said tearfully.
Gavin stopped in his tracks eyes wide. So this is Carol Jones formerly Anderson, this is the bitch the up and left after the accident. What in the seven circles of hell could she want now?
“What the hell are you doing here Carol?” A clearly tired and hurting Hank Anderson asked his ex.
“I heard you were shot,” she said plainly. 
Cole scoffed at that.
“You do not scoff at me young man,” she said angrily.
Cole scoffed again and wheeled himself out of the room leaving Carol to a very angry Hank.
Gavin had seen Hank pissed off but never had he seen the older man so angry he could kill someone, or looked like it at least. His brow was set in a frown, nostrils flaring as he listened to her half assed excuses and apologies. Gavin was so focused on Hank that he did not see Connor at the door. 
“If you are as sincere as you wish us to believe you are you’d not abandoned your family, you’d not abandoned your son,” Connor said brown eyes flashing in anger lips curled in a snarl, “You’d have stayed and loved your son regardless fo your relationship with Hank. Instead you left when things got hard, what sort of mother does that?”
Carol stared at Connor looking at him from top to bottom before daring to look affronted.
Hank groaned but lay back to watch Connor work a satisfied and proud half grin on his face. 
“You think its so easy don’t you?” She began her voice sounding shriller the louder she got, “To–”
“To what? Get help? Go to marriage counseling? Feeling like you’d lost something vital and feeling hopeless about it?” Connor said his voice over shadowing hers.
Gavin saw Richard’s stiff posture, where he stood with Cole at his side, and realized his lover and Connor had gone through some serious shit with their parent, with Amanda at least.
“What would you know about it!?” Carol asked looking triumphant when Connor stayed quiet. 
But Gavin knew that look and knew this woman was going to get the tongue lashing of her life.
“Have you ever been abandoned or left behind in exchange for something else? Something that is for some reason more important than you? Have you ever been replaced by a loved one while you still loved them in return?” Connor began calmly.
The calm demeanor threw her off but he continued before she could even answer. 
“Has this person or people done so repeatedly without remorse? Making you feel like a burden and nuisance for just being in the same room as them? That you are their blood and they just don't care?”
Gavin saw Cole take Richard’s hand and noticed the taller man trying not to cry his grey eyes shining and chin set to try and keep it from trembling.
“You tossed aside your family because you were looking for an out, because it wasn’t part of your grand plan,” he said making his way to Hank’s side shoulders set, measured stride and hands behind his back, “And now you have the gall to come here, three years after the fact and hope you can pick up where you left off?”
Gavin was surprised to see Cole let Richard’s hand go and wheel himself back in. 
“I think you need to leave,” the boy said fat tears running down his face, voice thick with tears, “We don’t need you.”
Carol looked like she’d been struck. She never expected her son to say such a thing to her.
“You should never have come back Carol,” Hank says softly, blue eyes cold as he looked at his ex. 
Gavin saw a minute shift in Connor’s eyes. Gavin nearly scoffed in disbelief, he’d never seen such united force as Hank and Connor. He’d gotten so used to them being a unit, as strong together as they are apart that he didn’t see how her coming in unannounced would do to the younger man. 
The woman looked between the father and son eyes growing wide as she saw Cole wheel himself to Connor and grab the edge of his grey work jacket. 
“You and him,” she gasped in shock.
“Don't act all surprised,” Hank said with a laugh, “You knew I was bi before we even married. Not that its any of your business who I'm with...I think you’ve over stayed your welcome.”
“You can’t do this! He’s my son!” She cried.
“Since when? You signed away your rights to him in the divorce remember?” Hank said his voice seeming to make the room shake as he thundered, “You decided to wash your hands of us when you saw how much work needed to be done. On us, Cole and his needs and all of the curve balls life would throw at us. He’s more Connor’s son than he is yours and he didn’t even birth him.”
Gavin saw Richard enter the room.
“You called for security?” He said voice cold as ice grey eyes flashing.
Hank took the initiative, “Yes.”
But before Richard could do anything Carol said, “No need for that, I’ll go on my own.”
She made to leave and turned to Cole, “I’ll always love you Cole.”
“Then you’d never have left,” he replied his grip getting tighter on Connor’s jacket fearing she’d tear him away from his family. 
She left soon after that tail between her legs. 
Richard approached Cole and wheeled the boy out saying, “We’ll go get get some air.”
Gavin followed after Richard leaving the couple in the room alone to talk things out. He knew Richard was going to need a day or two off from work after what they all just heard. 
Connor’s posture remained stiff as he focused on his breathing. He felt Hank’s gaze on him as he struggled to adjust himself in his sitting position. Connor seemed to snap out of it enough help Hank get comfortable and made to leave when Hank’s next words stopped him in his tracks.
“You know I love you right?” 
Connor turned to look at Hank and gave a half hearted nod. He does indeed know but that didn’t mean it wasn’t nice to hear it every once in a while. The way he’d come into Cole and Hank’s lives had not been ideal, the evolution of the relationships had given him something he never thought he’d have. The younger man had suspected Hank reciprocated his feelings, they each had done their fare share of hinting at it for the past year only saying the words a handful of times.
Despite this Connor felt that given a second chance to have his old life back, Hank wouldn’t hesitate in getting back together with his ex if only for Cole to have his mother.
“Come’ere Con,” Hank said softly a tired grin on his aged face.
Connor complied quietly and made his way back to Hank’s side.
“I know that look,” the older man said pulling a hand from behind Connor’s back, with his good arm,  to kiss the back of, “Did you really think I’d take her back?”
“She’s Cole’s mother,” Connor said with a small noncommittal shrug. 
“Yes, a mother that gave up her son the moment things got hard,” Hank grunted in distaste before looking at Connor in pure adoration and saying, “You’ve been there from what feels like the very beginning. You’ve been my partner for three years. you’ve been there from the moment he was taken into therapy and have pretty much never left his side or mine since.”
Connor’s chin trembled as Hank ran his thumb over the back of his hand. 
“You’ve been my partner, my friend and my lover for the past two years Connor. I can’t begrudge the rather unsettling feelings that popped up from having Carol reappear out of nowhere. We will be talking about that going back to her thing when I get out of here,” Hank said gently but sternly, “For now though I’ll settle for asking something important.”
Connor looked at Hank in shock, “What?”
Hank gave Connor a loving grin and said, “Cole wanted to be here to help but kid needs a breather after being caught off guard like that.”
“You getting emotional in your old age Hank?” Connor said teasingly as happy tears fell. 
Hank huffed and thumped Connor in the stomach. 
“Yea yea laugh it up,” the older man grumbled, “You gonna let me ask my question now?”
Connor laughed and nodded.
“Will you marry me?” Hank said straight and to the point, “If need be I will ask again this time with the ring and kid there to also ask his own question–”
Connor leaned in and kissed him effectively shutting Hank up.
“Does that answer your question?” Connor said lovingly.
Hank gave him a half grin and pulled him back in for another kiss. 
Both men lavished in their quiet moment enjoying feeling that their union was finally going to be made official.
Poor Connor would effectively, and probably, be in need of some CPR, much to Gavin’s delight, when Cole asked him to officially be his dad. But that is a story for another time. 
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Canine Conundrum
(Connor x reader x Nines)
A/N: got this funny idea and just had to write it. Don't worry, it's pure fluffff. Literally.
Here's Part 2
You trudged yourself into the precinct, sighing in relief as you felt the warmth starting to thaw your frozen face. As much as you loved the winter, you fucking hated the cold. Walking to your desk you immediately noticed that both Connor and Conan weren't there. Huh. That was weird. They're always here this early. You thought to yourself. But you simply shrugged it off as you hung your jacket on the back of your chair. They're probably out on an investigation or something.
You sighed softly, missing your greeting from Connor accompanied by a fresh cup of coffee he'd always prepare for you. That meant you had to get it yourself. Hopefully Gavin wasn't here, and with the lack of the presence of Nines you assumed that was the case.
However when you entered the break room you were a bit confused when you saw the DPD's biggest douchebag leaning against the counter. Heading over the coffee machine you started on a cup.
"Where's Nines? It's not like him to not be at work," you asked, keeping your eyes on the coffeemaker.
"Fuck if I know. Wasn't here when I got here. We were supposed to be working on a shitton of reports too. Which I got to do by myself now. Fuckin plastic prick," he grumbled, mumbling the last part to himself.
That only made your confusion grow, it also started to make you worry. Where the hell was he? Maybe he's just with Connor and Hank, wherever they were. Your logical side told you, trying to prevent yourself from overthinking like you always did. 
You gave Gavin a little nod before grabbing your styrofoam cup of coffee and leaving the break room before he had the chance to be a dick about something. You really didn't want to deal with his bullshit right now.
Sitting back at your desk, you got to work filling out reports. It was almost noon when you checked your clock again and there was still no sign of the android brothers. Now your logical thinking was starting to have trouble fighting off the anxiousness. Were they hurt? Were they dead?-
That thought was cut off when you saw Hank walk through the door looking extra done with everything. You got up from your seat and was about to go ask if Connor and Nines were with him when you stopped in your tracks. Following behind Hank were two.....dogs? One german shepard and one husky.
Okay what the hell is going on.
You walked over to Hank and looked down at the dogs who sat themselves beside his desk, the german shepard sitting closer to you. It looked up at you and tilted it's head slightly. You let out a little 'aw' and pet its head, making it's tail start wagging almost immediately. So cute. Reminds you of Connor. When you went to pet the husky too you were met with a glare that made you rethink that decision. You didn't even know dogs could glare.
Looking back up to Hank, who had just slumped down into his chair with a sigh, you sent him a questioning glance.
"What's with the dogs? And where's Connor? He hasn't been here all morning and neither has Nines," worry laced your voice as you questioned the man.
He just looked over to you and gestured vaguely over to the dogs, making you even more confused.
"What? I dont...." you trailed off as you glanced back down to the dogs and thought long and hard about Hanks vague answer.
Before Hank had the chance to just tell you what was going on you suddenly gasped when you finally put the pieces together.
"No!" you looked back down at the dogs with wide eyes and your mouth slightly agape.
"Yep," was all Hank said, popping the 'p'.
"Wh- I- How?" you frantically glanced from Hank to, who you presumed was none other than Connor and Conan.
"No fucking clue. All I know is that one minute we were chasing down a suspect and the next these dipshits get their consciousness put into android dogs. Best part is we have no fucking clue where their actual bodies are," Hank crossed his arms and sent the android-dogs a glare whilst he explained the situation.
You knelt down infront of your best friends turn dog and couldn't stop the grin from creeping across your face. The german shepard, who you assumed was Connor, had his head hung seemingly in shame. Meanwhile Nines kept his ever present hard glare. But in this form, it wasn't as effective.
"Awwww you made him sad Hank," you exaggerated your words a bit as you spoke, something you always did in the presence of a pup.
Them being Connor and Conan didn't change that for you.
Hank just rolled his eyes in response and got up from his chair, grumbling about needing a coffee. As he left you directed your attention back to Connor.
"Don't worry, he won't be mad for too much longer. How could you stay mad at this face," you cupped his furry cheeks in your hands and he immediately perked up, his tail wagging furiously at your touch.
You couldn't help but giggle and gush at how adorable he was, and he was loving every minute of it. Giving him one more good pet to the head, you shifted your attention to the more stoic of the two. Your grin turned into a smirk.
"You want some lovin too don't you Nines," again, you reached out your hand to pet him but stoped when you heard a low growl.
"Okay, okay. Fine," you retracted your hand with a little pout.
"But I'm going to pet you before you get back to your regular body, mark my words," you say, narrowing your eyes at him, an action he returns.
Getting up from your kneeling position, you look over to see the captain giving you the 'get back to work' look. He didn't even seem to question the two dogs that were sitting there. Maybe Hank already filled him in. Putting your hands on your hips, you looked down at the dogs.
"Alright, I gotta get back to work. Try not to chew on anything mkay?" you say playfully.
You could feel Nines spiritually eyerolling, meanwhile Connor was just staring at you with adoring puppy eyes. You weren't sure if that was because they were literal puppy eyes or if was just him being him. Either way, it made your heart melt. Before you could get yelled at, you went back to your desk.
Several hours went by and before you knew it the end of the day had arrived. Since Connor couldn't exactly help Hank much, he just kinda sat next to him and whined softly when he wasn't getting any attention. That annoyed Hank to no end, at least that's what he presented. He secretly thought it was kinda cute and would give his boy a pet or two when he thought no one was looking, making Connor a very happy boy.
Nines however just sat in the spot he usually did, watching nothing in particular intently, or staring at you. So not much change there. When Gavin questioned who's dog it was and went to pet him he nearly got his hand bitten off. Hank told him it was Nines and Gavin wasted no time teasing him about it. That was until Nines had enough and damn near chased him around the office growling like a rabid dog. You definitely got a recording of the scene, and planned on cherishing it forever.
You gathered your things, put on your jacket, and said your goodbyes to Hank but before you could head out he stopped you.
"Don't forget to take those two with you," he said gesturing to the canine versions of Connor and Nines as he got himself ready to go home as well.
"What? Why can't you take them?" you questioned, not that you actually minded the responsibility.
"Cuz Sumo doesn't do well with other dogs, fuck knows what he'll think about android dogs," you could practically see the disappointment in Connor as Hank said that.
"If you don't want to bring them home you could just leave them here," he shrugged before making his way over and out the door.
With a sigh you decided you couldn't just leave them here all on their lonesome.
"Alright, c'mon boys," you said to pair as you made your way out the door and to your car.
You nearly forgot they weren't able to open the car doors for themselves until you saw them patiently waiting. Nines was sitting infront of the passenger door expectantly and you shook your head.
"Nope, only humans get the passenger side," you said cheekily before opening the back door for the two.
Connor was the first to hop inside, heading to the other side to let Nines in who followed reluctantly. Instead of just closing the door after they were inside, you leaned in and strapped Nines up with the seatbelt. You could almost hear him asking what the hell you were doing.
"Safety first," was all you said to the unspoken question with a smile.
Closing the door you quickly walked around to the other side to buckle Connor's seatbelt as well. When you were finished he gave a little bark, seemingly in appreciation.
"You're welcome. At least one of you kept their manners," you said, sending Nines a look.
Once they were safely strapped in you got into the driver's seat, strapped yourself in, and started the car. The drive home was, as to be expected, not filled with much conversation. You just listened to your favourite music, occasionally glancing back at the two. Connor was looking out the window, and if it weren't freezing out you would've rolled down the window for him. Nines just kept staring straight ahead blankly.
You finally made it home after about twenty minutes and undid everyone's seatbelts, closing the doors after everyone was out of the car. Walking up to your door where the boys were sitting patiently you unlocked it and let them in. A soft sigh left your lips once you entered your warm home and you hastily got out of your jacket and boots. Once you were done you looked down to Connor and Nines.
"Well....make yourselves at home I guess?" was all you could really think to say.
However none of them moved from their sitting position infront of the door. That was until you shrugged and headed to your room, to which Connor followed you. Conan on the other hand stayed put.
You chuckled softly when you noticed the browned eyed pup following you around and pat his head. It honestly wasn't that big of a change of how he acted normally. Except he didn't get pets. But maybe that'd change.
"As cute as that is Connor, you're gunna have to stay here when I go shower, okay?" you knew he wouldn't actually be able to answer, but to your surprise he gave a little nod.
"Good boy," you chuckled softly, giving him one last pet before going to gather your things for a nice hot shower.
After you were finished with your blissful shower, you opened the bathroom door and were immediately greeted by Connor sitting infront of the door. You noticed that once he saw you his tail started wagging a bit.
The rest of your night was pretty uneventful. Connor followed you around as you did your normal nightly routine, almost tripping over him a couple of times in the process. Nines was still sitting by the door, unmoving. Well, except for his eyes which followed your every movement. You knew better than to try and get him to relax, because that probably was him relaxing.
When you finally plopped down onto the couch to just chill and watch whatever you felt like, you noticed Connor sitting by your feet. You patted the spot next to you and he immediately jumped up and curled up next to you as if he was waiting for your permission. Looking over to Nines you patted the other side of you but he made no move.
"Suit yourself," you said with a little shrug before turning your attention to the tv, absentmindedly petting Connor.
You must have fallen asleep after a while because you were suddenly jolted awake when you felt something on your lap. Looking down you saw that Conan was laying next to you and had rested his head in your lap. You had to physically stop yourself from squealing so he wouldn't run off.
It took a couple of minutes until you made any moves, scared that any indication that you were awake and aware would make him leave. But you just couldn't help yourself anymore, and you did say you would pet him.
So ever so slowly you lifted up a hand and moved it up to his head. The moment you moved he lifted his head up to look at you, but surprisingly he put his head back down. You took that as an ok to proceed, slowly bringing your hand to his fluffy head before stopping just as you were about to touch him. You wanted to give him one last chance to indicate he did not want to be touched. But when you didn't hear a growl or anything you finally ran your hand through his surprising soft fur.
You didn't even realize how tense you got because once you finally pet him you felt your whole body relax. A small smile graced your lips and your chest felt all warm and fuzzy.
"I knew it," you whispered softly.
Suddenly, you heard a whine from your left where Connor was. A short laugh left you before your free hand started petting him too.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you Concon," you reassured him, your smile growing into a grin.
So there you sat. An android dog on each side, each wanting your attention. This was probably the best day ever. And you were never going to let them forget it.
A/N: oof this was longer than I expected it to be oops- Also I feel like it got bad at the end there sorry ;w; Also also I was gunna write about how they get back into their bodies but it was already getting hella long so if y'all want a part 2 lemme know!
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Connors just got new furniture for his apartment but since he’s a twink he needs to ask the himbos (nines, Markus and Gavin) for help to move them but then they start competing to try impress Connor at all cost
So I kinda forgot I wrote this lol! Sorry!! But here it is!
No warnings, just pure cuteness. If you wanna see Connor’s outfit here it is:
Shirt Skirt Socks
Hope you enjoy!
The time had come he was facing his most difficult enemy, one that had lurked in the shadows and waited for him to come. He should have heeded the warnings, the rumors, and even jokes about this, but he thought he could do it by himself. Boy had he ever been more wrong. 
Ikea had truly bested him. It was stupid and silly; he could use his access to the internet, but he'd wanted to do this like a human. So, like a human, he called for some help. 
Nines showed up first, though Gavin would say walking through the door didn't mean that as he was there at the same time. Then Markus sprinted over, his clothes a bit rumbled from running all the way from Jericho. 
"What's the emergency?" He asked, not out of breath only because he was an android. 
Connor spread his arms around his new but small apartment, showing the boxes of furniture. "I can't build these. I'm trying to do it the human way but it's just not working." 
He pouted as Gavin broke into laughter, but Nines slapped him on the back of his head and he quickly shut up. "Please help me." 
"Of course, are we allowed to do this the 'android way'?" Nines asked, scanning all the boxes for the contents. 
Connor shrugged half-heartedly, biting his lip. "I mean, you can, I guess. I thought it might be fun if we did it all together." 
He wanted to spend time with them too, and this seemed like it could be fun. He'd order pizza for Gavin, and he'd make some thirium drinks for the other two if they wanted it. 
"Alright, let's get to work," Markus said, pushing up his sleeves. He looked at the other two, something passing between them that Connor was unaware of. There seemed to be a glint in each of their eyes as they nodded and picked something to build. 
Connor was a little baffled that they wouldn't be building it together, but maybe this would get it done faster. 
Once again, he was proved very wrong. Their separate pieces were thrown across the floor, mixing with the others and causing more than one person to use the wrong thing. 
Connor tried to help, but it was a bit too amusing to not just watch. Gavin kept cursing and grumbling about how the furniture was stupid, Nines was more silent, but his LED was stuck on yellow, and Markus looked more focused than he had during the whole revolution. 
Connor sent the order out for some pizza, and within that time it was Gavin who had finished his first. It was a small side table that would be going in his bedroom. 
He didn't realize it looked like he was rewarding Gavin when the pizza came, but the other two sent deadly glares Gavin's way. 
Gavin had smirked and took the pizza, eyes going soft when he looked to Connor. "Thanks, Tincan, I'm starving." 
Connor nodded, going to get him a plate from the opened box. "You've done really well, it's the least I can do." He reached over and gave him a small side hug, once again missing the glares it got Gavin. 
He sat back down with a new piece of furniture, a slice of pizza hanging from his mouth as he read over the instructions. 
"Oh, um, does anyone need help? I'm so sorry I've just been standing around." He was being more than a bad host for not even offering to help. 
"No!" All three said at once. 
Connor blinked in surprise, not having expected such a firm answer. "Are you sure? I can keep everyone's parts in order." He wanted to help somehow considering it was his furniture being built. 
Markus smiled up at him, and Connor melted a little inside. "It's ok, but if you want to help you can." He reached out his palm up towards him. Connor slid his hand into his, feeling that spark he was addicted to. 
Markus's hands were so soft and much warmer than Connor's. He could hold his hands for hours if given the chance, but he sunk down onto the floor and started sorting the pieces. 
The boys went back to work, but all were more than distracted by Connor and how he was sitting. None of them were surprised by the cute lace-up skater skirt or his white socks that had cat toe beans on his foot. What caught their eyes was the way he sat, W-style, and how his soft blue dute cloud sweater kept slipping off one of his shoulders as he leaned forward to grab things. 
Connor, of course, had absolutely no idea at how he looked or what it was doing to the boys. He'd long since grown comfortable wearing any clothes he wanted, regardless of how humans gendered it. He liked the skirt and how it fanned out when he spun (though it showed his ass, not that anyone was complaining about that). The sweater was soft and didn't make him want to rip off his skin when his sensitivity got too bad. And the socks? Well, those were just adorable so no one could blame him for wanting to wear those. 
Once he had things sorted, he smiled to himself, putting his hands on the ground between his legs and leaning on his arms. He brushed a few curls away that fell into his face, missing the looks of awe and enchantment on all their faces. "Right! Markus, Nines do either of you want a thirium drink?" 
"That would be appreciated." Nines managed to get out without sounding odd. Markus could only nod and hope he didn't look stupid. 
Connor hopped up and made his way to the kitchen, giggling as he used his socks to slide to the counter. Gavin didn't even try to disguise his stare as he watched Connor's ass. He had to swallow thickly when Connor bent over to grab two cups. 
He quickly looked away when Connor turned back around to come and hand the two their cups. "I hope you like, Kamski sent me a few things to test out. It's supposed to taste like strawberry lemonade, but I can get you plain thirium if you prefer it." 
Both took large sips of it, equally surprised at how good it tasted. It wasn't overly sugary, and the lemon taste was just strong enough to make you think there could be fresh juice in it. Even if they hadn't liked it, they still would have drunk it.  
"This is good, thanks Con." Markus nodded, trying to focus back on the project at hand. 
Markus and Nines both finished their work at the same time, smiling smugly as Connor praised them. 
After that things started to get heated. They all wanted to impress Connor, working as fast as they could. Gavin wasn't above snagging someone else's nails when Connor wasn't looking, trying to get himself some extra time. 
Markus and Nines bickered about the right way to put some things together, and Connor has to step in and look over the poorly written instructions. As it turned out neither were correct, not that Connor minded. He was just glad they were all together and having fun. 
He moved between the three, helping where he could. He didn't mind getting close, leaning on the arm to see the instructions or reaching around them to grab something. Gavin was shameless in his touches, even going so far as to 'accidentally' pull Connor into his lap. 
Nines was more reserved, but he did beam (or as close to it as he could get) when Connor pressed a kiss to his cheek. It was quick and given because Nines had complimented Connor, but he'd gladly hold it over the other two. 
Markus was open to touching Connor since they did so frequently. They hugged all the time and even cuddled a few times when Connor or Markus had a long day. Their hands touched a lot, though that only made Nines jealous since he knew that android hands were considered more intimate. 
Connor giggled when things started being thrown, not sure why but loving it nonetheless. He dodged things as they flew, making sure nothing would get damaged. He knew for a fact that none of them would hurt one another or damage the apartment, so he didn't try to stop their antics. 
When everything was built it was time to move the furniture. Nines had offered to do it all considering he was the strongest, but Markus and Gavin protested, saying they would help too. 
Connor rolled his eyes as they argued over who would get the heaviest, walking over and moving it himself. It was like they forgot he was incredibly strong, a very close second to Nines. 
By the time night came everything was in place and Connor couldn't help but get misty-eyed. This was his home; he had his own place. Somewhere he'd be safe, and he could even have his friends come if they needed to get away. 
He sat down on the bed, the others climbing on after Connor nodded. Connor was in the middle, Markus on one side, Gavin on the other, and Nines beside him. 
"Thank you for doing this." Especially considering they all could have done more important things. Markus was a very busy man being the leader of the androids, Nines and Gavin probably had cases piled up just like Connor did. 
"Of course, I am positive in saying that we'd all do anything for you." Nines reached over and put his hand on Connor's arm. 
Gavin and Markus nodded, both leaning closer to Connor. They were all exhausted after a long day, and none wanted to leave, not yet. Connor didn't even want them to leave, glad to have his friends there. The only thing to make it perfect was if Hank had the day off too so he'd have his friends and family. 
He wasn't sure why they'd all rush over to help with something so trivial, but he was glad it happened. His eyes started slipping closed, but he did make a small realization before slipping into stasis. 
'Fuck, they all like me.'
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tommystummy · 3 years
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Description: a quick Reed900 fic based loosely on a story from my parents wedding. A Continuation on the fanfilm Detroit: Evolution
Read on AO3
Gavin Reed is a softie under exactly two conditions: with Nines, when they're alone. He gave him the nickname Nines when they were alone together. He told him that he'd been calling him Nines internally for weeks before that when they were alone on Valentine's. It's not really him to do that PDA shit but the private displays of affection? He's getting used to those. Blame it on those stupid hands of Nine's that start glowing when he's being mushy. Nine's skin turns back to plastic whenever he so much as thinks about holding Gavin's hand and the poor hunk of metal is so sweet and sincere that Gavin just grabs him whenever he starts seeing that glow. It's stupid and it's sappy but it's starting to just become another natural part of his insane fucking life with the tin can.
Tina says he stares at Nines like he can't compute how Nines cares so much about him. He can feel that this morning, having walked into the break room first thing only to find Nines already there, brewing him his morning coffee. He wants to kiss him then and there. There's no one else in the break room and even if he risks ridicule if they get caught something in him says fuck it.
"Morning plastic." He greets, wrapping his arms around Nines's black jacket from behind. "Love ya but you don't have to make me coffee every fucking morning." He kisses Nines's neck expecting maybe a no Gavin I much prefer you be sated with your daily caffeine intake or Gavin I don't do this out of a sense of obligation but rather because I want to. Instead he gets:
"Detective Reed" That's not his Cyber-life-partner's voice. It's too formal, too cheery, too high, too much like... oh no "I am Connor."
Time to panic. "Uh. OK... Connor we're just gonna." He throws his hands up and off of Connor and begins to back away towards the archway. "Never, ever mention this alright. Nev-oof" he hits something too soft to be a pillar and too hard to be person and if Connor is in front of him. Fuck.
"Ah," despite the circumstances his shoulders do briefly untense just hearing Nines's soothing flat tone. "Good morning Gavin, I was about to make you your morning coffee." He walks around Gavin. "Connor. Good to see you and Lieutenant Anderson made it safely back from New York."
"We made it in late last night. I believed Hank may be in need of caffeine to deal with jet lag."
"Sensible." Listening to them talk is insane. They both were designed with the same word bank and vocal emulator or whatever but Connor is all subtle positivity and pleasantry while Nines talks soft and stern with a smidge of sarcasm that he picked up from Gavin.
"May I ask a personal question, MK900?" Fullnamed... this ought to be good.
"Of course."
"Do you see me as a brother?"
"We are made to be identical but there are other Connors out there." Other Connors? More of those customer-service-voice Ken dolls? God help the police departments saddled with them. "I suppose I see you as closer to myself than them on account of our shared workplace."
"Then, brother, may I ask when you were going to tell me about the evolution of your relationship to Detective Reed?" This plastic prick.
Nines looks genuinely shocked by that. "I was going to tell you today, actually. How did you find out?"
"Just now, when Gavin kissed me on the neck"
"You Kevlar-plated asshole." Gavin suddenly blurts out after staying silent for what was probably a weird amount of time. What part of NEVER mention it didn't he get. "I SAID-"
"Detective I assumed you were being sarcastic. My apologies."
"Brown nosing asswipe! First of all this is none of y-
"GAVIN." Nines stares him down a moment and Gavin feels a level of remorse. "It's quite alright. Like I said I was planning to tell Connor today anyway."
"Right. Sorry."
"I should go. Hank's coffee is getting cold." That's a lie to get out of an awkward situation if he ever heard one but they part themselves to let Connor through anyway. When did they end up standing closer together again? They seemed to have forgotten the concept of personal space a while ago and just drifted into each other's orbit naturally and unconsciously.
"Gavin..." Nines trails off, focusing on pouring and preparing his partners coffee
"Look Nines. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to-"
"If you don't want anyone else to know we're together I can accommodate that but I need to know." Nines looks like some one killed a puppy in front of him and it's making Gavin feel more and more like a trash boyfriend. "You can't just... throw a tantrum at a coworker like that." Always so sincere. It scares him how vulnerable they both can be around one another. But feelings shit is something he's working on with Nines and he wants to make that effort.
"No Nines, man, it has nothing to with us" he gestures between them "I was just embarrassed that I basically just sexually harrassed your twin brother. Tell whoever you want. Tell the News.. Tell Fowler. I want people to know you're making me happy." Nines hands him his finished coffee. He ought to start bringing therium sippy cups or something to return this ritual of a favor. Problem for another day tho. He flicks his wrist and begins to walk into the hall.
"I appreciate that Gavin." Nines says, following in lock step with an identical gait to his own, a neat trick that Gavin noticed a while back. He wonders if it's programmed or a deliberate choice Nines has made.
"Hey," Gavin catches Nines's hand and it starts to glow (Nines is such a sap) "I mean it Robocop. You make me better. And happier. Think you're the only person on the fucking planet who can manage to do both."
"Is that so?" A sudden smarmy grin lights up Nines's face "Because apparently any old MK model will do."
"Oh, stop." I am never gonna live this down, he thinks.
"Perhaps I should introduce you to Markus." That smirk drives Gavin nuts in a way that makes his heart beat out of his chest.
"I fuckin hate you."
"You love me." Nines says it not as a jest but as a statement of fact. It simply is. Gavin loves him more than he loves himself most days -not that that's a high bar to clear- Still it touches him that Nines knows he loves him and he wants to make sure he never forgets.
"Yeah. Yeah I do, Nines." And he kisses him. In the middle of the station. Cuz fuck it.
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tartrazeen · 3 years
What I Love About HankCon
I could've sworn I'd posted this already, but if I did, I can't seem to find where it went. So just for posterity's sake, here it is: To me, HankCon is such a fantastic enemies-to-lovers trope. Some might think it's all about Hank not wanting to work with Connor, but Connor repeatedly complains about having to work with Hank. Like, he'll actually - and bluntly - tell Hank to quit so Connor can just get on with his work, then whine to Amanda, whine to Fowler, and when he's done with the most forced small talk there is ("I've learned you have a dog and listen to music. I also like dogs and listen to music. Okay CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH MY MISSION PLEASE, WHY ARE YOU THE WOOOORST"), he actually starts the fight in the station by being a pushy jerk about the whole thing. That's after you might had your first interaction with Hank end with, "I'm dumping your drink. Move your ass. Oh, what, are you gonna fight me? No you're not. That's what I thought. Lemme fix my tie real quick." From there, it becomes a really great (and very simplified) explanation of internalized homophobia, as we see Connor potentially moving from indiscriminate, normalized, and straight-up torture of deviants (as 'broken and defective machines') or doubling-down on it, depending on whether you go with the deviant or machine route. And Hank's there with a safe, low-pressure way for Connor to start challenging those assumptions and learn to embrace something other than a black-and-white pre-programmed worldview. That empowers Connor to discover new things about himself (either becoming deviant as he recognizes the 'instabilities' in his own programming, or doubling down and staying as a machine, both of which I love because it's Connor making his own choice, for better or worse). It does a pretty good job of also exploring one narrow but real type of racism, where it's redirected rage onto an easier and weaker target. Hank moves from having one hateful and homogenous idea of androids to forcing himself to put a face to them. And he's doing it while he's at the same investigations as Connor, but especially with the machine route, he's taking in and analyzing what happens on his own - again for better or worse. Hank's learning to rehumanize himself in how he treats other people, and I like about his arc is how the game doesn't end with him definitively saying, "Wow, racism is wrong, and I get that now, so racism is also over forever, that was so easy." He just says that through his time with Connor, he's learned a lot - or, if he doesn't get that positive push from how he sees things changing through Connor, he completely loses himself to his grief and... well. That ending. So they're helping each other. They aren't making one another's decisions, but providing the means of how to get the facts and new experiences and brand-new takes on life. It's through compassion and agency that makes Connor staying a machine such a betrayal, and Hank's 'bad ending' such a tragic loss. They chose that if they don't have each other. It's a raw look at what happens when they're together versus alone and lost to what they assumed was so simple to understand. I love that. The learning. The teamwork. The love that comes through. It's beautiful. :D It's a burgeoningly complete acceptance through the Deviant route, and it's vulnerable either way - or else it wouldn't hurt to see them lose themselves. (and then also like, the forty thirst looks that Connor and Hank are shooting at each other the whole damn game-)
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