Día uno
Después de meses considerando hacer un posgrado, hoy me di cuenta que los tiempos no me funcionan, así que me decidí por una tesis exactamente 4 días después de la fiesta de graduación, como si la depresión de dejar de ser estudiante no fuera suficiente.
Veamos que resulta
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awittlebabbyboy · 28 days
I know that you said that the posgrad au is mostly focused on the sixtuplets and all but i want to know.... how is totoko doing?
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Totoko is doing well! She's working at her parent's fish shop in lieu of becoming an underground idol. She still has a very strong personality with her temper and all, but it's a little more reigned in because she's not getting fawned over by 6 idiots all the time. She's still plenty confident in herself, but she's a little lonely without her boys
She sees Oso often because he picks up stock from her shop, and sometimes she'll go out of her way to spend time with him. She and Choro exchanged numbers before he left, so they still text each other from time to time and sometimes they even see each other in person. Totoko is vaguely aware Oso and Choro had a fight, so she never brings up one to the other. She hangs out with Chibita too, and sometimes she and Oso will sit at the stand and shoot the shit with him.
There are times where she sees the others in public when she visits other wards, but she's apprehensive about approaching them. She was apprehensive with the situation in high school, and now it seems like it's gotten even worse... she doesn't even know if they'd want to reconnect with her. So she stays out of their way.
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She spends a lot more time on social media too.
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otterandterrier · 1 year
submitted a homework for one of the lowkey posgrad courses I'm taking and I was chosen to share with the class tomorrow ✌️ nerd dessi is coming back
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I just found out I got a 9/10 on a paper I had to do on a subject I 100% did not understand.
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Hey! I’m an incoming MPhil student (Michaelmas 2023). I’ve had a pretty shit experience during my undergrad (mainly because of lockdown) and I want to take this opportunity to experience new things (besides study obviously). But the thing is, I feel like the best way to do this is certainly not through the postgrad society (MCR etc) cause I feel like it will be a weird range of ages and I don’t emotionally feel ready to enter the postgrad world of ‘I’ve been there done that, I just want to cook, chill, work on my resumes and go to wine bars’, because of the reasons mentioned above. How can I mix with undergrads without being creepy (eg going to their JCR uninvited which would be creepy)? Is there a big divide between undergrads and postgrads? I will go to Peterhouse and I’m a woman btw.
Thanks x
Hi, first of all I can assure you postgrad societies aren't like that. Cambridge has a whole lot of fairly young postgrads, and many postgrads that have undergrad friends. MCR activities include parties, even club outings, dinners, mingling with other colleges and more. As to going to undergrad stuff, I think if you find some undergrad friends (through societies etc.) it could work, but undergrad is a bit of an age monolith so if you're visibly older that could be random. But certainly posgrad life here is far from sitting around at wine club! This year postgrad fresheslrs I know organised a house party within a few weeks of starting :D
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fuckmessier16 · 5 years
Im afraid to let me feel things again. Right now i wanna effort on college and dream about posgrad, BUT i fear feeling like 2018, because i still dont know how to cope with anxiety triggered by college, and i have only 2 ways to deal with it:
use it as a gasoline to make me produtictive (which lead me to 2)
suicide thoughts
And i shouldnt want to kill myself and i shouldnt try to kill myself
I was thinking about getting a 1 year pause of college, but im so confuse
Also, i shouldnt feel bad for doing stuff to prevent me to kill myself, right?
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mxlfoydraco · 6 years
I love your headcanon! I have a headcanon of Harry being an amazing profesor of defence against dark arts, all student love him (bc he is Harry fucking potter but also bc he is the best profesor in the history of hogwarts) and then Draco comes after seven years in france with billions of posgrades in potions and amazing recs from all over Europe to become a prof in Hogwarts and Harry is shook. At first it was awkward but then Harry notice how amazing Draco is as a prof and you know the end.
Excuse me, it’s Draco who’s shook and infuriated yet amused despite himself because....
Draco: organized, disciplined, tries so hard to be professional and fair, acts composed and cool even though he’s the opposite, just wants to repair his reputation and be a good influence for once
Harry: *bangs the DADA classroom door open* ALRIGHT KIDS, today we’re going to DEMOLISH these dummies and learn the patronus charm years in advance because it’s COOL, whoever gets to disarm me first wins a Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes product of their choice, does anyone want to try putting a boggart in heart pattern boxers
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noheinfancia · 3 years
#pucrs #sucesso #liderancaexecutiva #resilencia
#executivos #universidade #cursos #mba #posgrad #doutorado #masterclass #malalayousafzai #leandrocarnal
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kuurara · 5 years
I got 100 in my english test for posgrad but the texts I need to read are all in spanish and ok I can read spanish but it is so similar to portuguese that IS SO CONFUSING
I’m reading a text about semiotics and I have no idea if I translate “sentido” (in spanish) to “sentido” or “significado” in portuguese
and this shit really matters because is a work about semiotics
I just want to write my fanfic not my dissertation project
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medbeginner · 7 years
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Today I went to the posgrade library. The space here is cozy and soooo peaceful. I think I found my new favorite place to study at school. Hope this helps with my Reumathology review. The last exam it's in two days!
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otterandterrier · 3 months
guess who's thinking of doing a posgrad specialization again even though she currently doesn't have any job that requires it and it's likely very expensive
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CUED: La incorporación de los estudiantes universitarios al mercado laboral: fortalezas y dificultades
Escriben David Muelas y Cristina Herranz En anteriores entradas, analizamos los incentivos que ofrecía estudiar un posgrad
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alimennova · 7 years
¡Misión posible! Diez claves para elegir máster . . Entre casi 4.000 posibilidades disponibles, escoger el posgrad… https://t.co/ostWMhmZEm
¡Misión posible! Diez claves para elegir máster . . Entre casi 4.000 posibilidades disponibles, escoger el posgrad… https://t.co/ostWMhmZEm
— MhablaN (@mhablan) August 9, 2017
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otterandterrier · 5 years
could this day be any more cursed?? I should have stayed in bed
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