#portugal citation
bestseosagar · 8 days
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deathmoth-blog · 2 months
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The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its similarity to hummingbirds, as they feed on the nectar of tube-shaped flowers using their long proboscis while hovering in the air; this resemblance is an example of convergent evolution.
The hummingbird hawk-moth is distributed throughout the northern Old World from Portugal to Japan, but it breeds mainly in warmer climates (southern Europe, North Africa, and points east). Three generations are produced in a year in Spain. There is evidence that the population in the British Isles is actively expanding its range, as numbers have been consistently increasing. In addition, it is believed that this population is becoming resident instead of migratory, as warmer temperatures due to climate change are allowing individuals to overwinter.
It is a strong flier, dispersing widely in the summer. However it rarely survives the winter in northern latitudes (e.g. north of the Alps in Europe, north of the Caucasus in Russia).
Moths in the genus Hemaris, also of the family Sphingidae, are known as "hummingbird moths" in the US, and "bee moths" in Europe.[citation needed] This sometimes causes confusion between this species and the North American genus.
Its long proboscis (25–28 mm (1.0–1.1 in)) and its hovering behavior, accompanied by an audible humming noise, make it look remarkably like a hummingbird while feeding on flowers. Like hummingbirds, it feeds on flowers which have tube-shaped corollae. It should not be confused with the moths called hummingbird moths in North America, genus Hemaris, members of the same family and with similar appearance and behavior. The resemblance to hummingbirds is an example of convergent evolution. It flies during the day, especially in bright sunshine, but also at dusk, dawn, and even in the rain, which is unusual for even diurnal hawkmoths. M. stellatarum engages in free hovering flight, which allows more maneuverability and control than fixed-wing flight, despite high energetic cost. Like many large insects, it relies upon Johnston's organs for body positioning information.
The hummingbird hawkmoth's visual abilities have been studied extensively, and they have demonstrated a relatively good ability to learn colours. They have a trichromatic visual system, and are most sensitive to wavelength in the range of 349-521 nm. They have been shown to discriminate a wavelength difference as small as 1–2 nm between sources. This discrimination is even more precise than Apis mellifera, or the western honey bee. Among other flower visitors, their visual system is similar to Papilio xuthus, or the Asian swallowtail butterfly, and Deilephila elpenor, the nocturnal elephant hawkmoth. Their food preference is based mainly on visual identification, while D. elpenor preference relies upon olfactory identification. Compared to D. elpenor, M. stellatarum have a much smaller number of ommatidia, but a larger optic lobe volume to provide more visual processing tissue.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Papal Bull Dum Diversas 18 June, 1452
Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorised Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery.
This facilitated the Portuguese slave trade from West Africa.
The same pope wrote the bull Romanus Pontifex on January 5, 1455 to the same Alfonso. As a follow-up to the Dum diversas, it extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery. Along with sanctifying the seizure of non-Christian lands, it encouraged the enslavement of native, non-Christian peoples in Africa and the New World.
“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso – to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit – by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”.
In 1493 Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera stating one Christian nation did not have the right to establish dominion over lands previously dominated by another Christian nation, thus establishing the Law of Nations. Together, the Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera came to serve as the basis and justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave-trade of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperialism.  
Dum Diversas (Latin Original).
Papal Bulls
Indigenous Values Initiative, "Dum Diversas," Doctrine of Discovery Project (23 July 2018), https://doctrineofdiscovery.org/dum-diversas/.
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mtlibrary · 6 months
Rohl v Parr: A blog post by Middle Temple Library Intern Natasha Southall.
For the past few months I have been transcribing and cataloguing MS17, ‘Cases at Nisi Prius’, containing nominate reports of cases at Nisi Prius. The manuscript belonged to Sir Vicary Gibbs (1751-1820), and may have been written by him. The cases date from the 1760s to 1810s and vary in nature, from libel charges and indictments of fraud, to actions of trover and bills of exchange. I came across several insurance claims for ships that had been damaged at sea. In most of these cases, the contents of the cargo were not specified. One which caught my attention was a case brought by the slaver named Rohl in 1796, where two significant details of the circumstances of the claim are provided: at one point during the voyage there was a slave insurrection, resulting in the death of eight enslaved Africans, and the ship was “destroyed by destructive worms that infest the River of Africa” (folios 128-129). Both factors were integral in determining the success of the insurance claim in court.
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1. Rohl’s voyage from Saint Barthélemy to Cape Coast (original map from www.freeworldmaps.net)
On 1st September 1792, the Zumbee sailed from St Bartholomew (Saint Barthélemy) to the River Gombroon on the coast of Africa [1]. Here, it was reported, a slave insurrection resulted in the loss of eight slaves (seven were killed and one died from falling) out of a total of forty-nine. The report claimed that the ship then struggled to get to Cape Coast because the bottom had been “taken by the worm”, likely to be toredo worms/shipworms, which were a common cause of damage to wooden ships in this period. At Cape Coast, the ship was “condemned as irreparable” and sold.
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2. Rohl v Parr, folio 128 with ‘worms’ in the margin
The insurance claim was predicated on the policy of damage due to ‘peril at sea’. However, Lord Kenyon and the special jury agreed that the destruction by shipworms, being “an animated substance moving to destroy [the ship]” rather than “an inanimate substance striking against the ship’s bottom”, did not meet the terms of the ‘peril at sea’ policy. Consequently, the counsel for the plaintiff tried instead to recover the partial loss of the enslaved cargo resulting from the slave insurrection. Luckily for Rohl this was granted, as the loss was calculated as more than 5% at the time when the slaves were killed.
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3. Figure 2 Rohl v Parr, folio 129
The transatlantic slave trade witnessed the forced transportation of over twelve million enslaved African men, women and children from Africa across the Atlantic to the Americas. Portugal, Brazil, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Uruguay, the United States of America and Denmark were all involved. One way we are able to catch a glimpse of the mechanisms underpinning the transatlantic slave trade is through legal records like those in the Gibbs manuscript. The records documenting these horrific and treacherous voyages have been made accessible to the public by the SlaveVoyages initiative [2].
This case of Rohl and Parr does not shed much light on the lives of the individuals who were enslaved and travelled on board the Zumbee; the horrors they must have experienced can only be imagined. The case does make clear, however, the financial risks involved for slavers who embarked on the voyage across the Atlantic to Africa. The underlying threat of insurrection was always on the horizon. Yet it would be the workings of the ‘destructive worms’ that rendered slavers like Rohl defenceless both at sea and in the English courtroom.
[1] Rohl v Parr, Saturday, Feb. 27th 1796, 1ESP.444., Reports of Cases Argued and Ruled at Nisi Prius.
[2] Slave Voyages, https://www.slavevoyages.org/ (last accessed 26/03/2024).
Natasha Southall,
King’s College London
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semusepsu · 2 years
Guys want to see an example of language that shifts focus without lying? I was on the Wikipedia article for King Phillip’s War earlier tonight and encountered this passage:
Massasoit had maintained a long-standing alliance with the colonists. Metacom (c. 1638–1676), his younger son, became tribal chief in 1662 after Massasoit's death. Metacom, however, forsook his father's alliance between the Wampanoags and the colonists after repeated violations by the colonists.[8] The colonists insisted that the 1671 peace agreement should include the surrender of Native guns; then three Wampanoags were hanged in Plymouth Colony in 1675 for the murder of another Wampanoag, which increased tensions.
[Source] Emphasis mine.
So to recap, this is what seems to be the order of events: 1) Massasoit, the sechem of the Wampanoags, allies with the colonists. 2) Massasoit dies, and his son Metacom takes over. 3) The colonists insist that as part of the peace agreements, the Wampanoags should dispose of their firearms. 4) The colonists “repeatedly” violate the terms of said agreement. 5) Four years after the gun disposal event, the colonists capture and execute 3 Wampanoag citizens through the colonial justice system instead of the Wampanoag’s justice system. 6) Metacom goes to war against the colonists.
This sequence of events is described as Metacom “forsaking” the alliance that his father made, when a chronological ordering of events seems to suggest that Metacom went to war as a reaction to breach of treaty and the unauthorized  execution of his people [I am assuming that it was unauthorized because the writer is doing everything they can to minimize the colonist’s criminal behavior, and if there was any evidence that Metacom or some other official authorized them to execute criminals the author would have mentioned it]. Note also the use of passive voice here: the sentence begins with “the colonists insisted”, but in the clause after the semicolon, suddenly the three Wampanoag’s “were hanged in Plymouth Colony.” As if it happened by itself. Let’s change to active voice and redo that sentence:
The colonists insisted that the 1671 peace agreement should include the surrender of Native guns; then the colonists hanged three Wampanoags in Plymouth Colony in 1675 for the murder of another Wampanoag, which increased tensions.
But see, that makes it pretty clear who the guilty party is, doesn’t it?
A note before we close: the article later claims that the trial in question had “native elders” on the jury, but there is a big fat citation needed next to it. But even if this were true, it does not say whether these “native elders” were Wampanoag; the victim was a christian convert, so possibly these supposed elders were, too. But even if Metacom himself ordered the hit on this dude, which mr/ms/mx. Citation Needed wants you to believe, the war ended with the Wampanoags being stripped of their land and many of the survivors executed or sold into slavery.
Native losses were much greater, with about 2,000 men killed or who died of injuries in the war, more than 3,000 dying of sickness or starvation, and another 1,000 Natives sold into slavery and transported to other areas, first to British-controlled islands in the Caribbean such as Jamaica and Barbados, then, as captives from the war were banned for further sale, Natives were sold to non-British markets in Spain, Portugal, the Azores, and Madeira.[72]
So yeah. The Plymouth Colonists, at this point the children and grandchildren of the Mayflower pilgrims, lived to evict, kill, and enslave the children and grandchildren of the people who kept their parents and grandparents from dying back in the 1620s.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
We thought it was about time to scale up our marine rewilding efforts which is why we have decided to build our very own kelp factory! Together with Seaforester and IPL we are embarking on a journey to build a kelp nursery and test an innovative restoration technique at scale.
🌊 🌱 Learn more about us and the Mossy Earth Membership:
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With us, you will restore nature and fight climate change every month
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0:00 intro
1:42 Why bring back kelp?
2:02 Kelp distribution and decline
2:51 Restoration trial results
3:50 Green gravel technique
5:07 Starting a bigger experiment
Since 2020 we have been working with SeaForester to restore kelp forests in Portugal. These underwater forests are astonishing havens for marine life which also improve water quality and sequester carbon. Unfortunately, large areas of kelp have disappeared from the coast of Portugal but reverting this trend has been difficult. One of the challenges is that restoration efforts tend to require extensive diving which quickly becomes costly and time-consuming. A new technique called “green gravel” has been developed to address this challenge and make large scale marine reforestation possible. It involves growing kelp attached to pebbles in a lab before deploying them at suitable locations in the ocean. For this project, we are building a kelp nursery that will allow us to test this method on a larger scale.
➡️ Read all about this project here:
🎥 Kelp videos provided by:
Alvaro Gallego
João Nuno Franco
Jan Verbeek
Inês Louro
📚 Citations List:
de Visser S., Thébault E., de Ruiter P.C.,2012. Ecosystem Engineers, Keystone Species. In: Meyers R.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-08...
Araújo, R.M., Assis, J., Aguillar, R. et al., 2016. Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment. Biodiversity Conservation,25, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-016-11...
Fredriksen, S., Filbee-Dexter, K., Norderhaug, K.M. et al.,2020. Green gravel: a novel restoration tool to combat kelp forest decline. Sci Rep 10, 3983. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60...
Eger, A. M., Layton, C., McHugh, T. A, Gleason, M., and Eddy, N.,2022. Kelp Restoration Guidebook: Lessons Learned from Kelp Projects Around the World. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, USA. https://www.scienceforconservation.or...
Teagle, H., Hawkins, S., Moore, P. and Smale, D., 2017. The role of kelp species as biogenic habitat formers in coastal marine ecosystems. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492, pp.81-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2017....
Originally posted on YouTube on May 8th, 2022.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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U.S. Navy stops T-45C flights due to engine blade failures
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/19/22 - 4:00 p.m. in Military
The U.S. Navy placed its fleet of T-45C Goshawk training aircraft on a safety break for the review of an engine blade failure.
The Chief of the Naval Air Training Center (CNATRA) ordered the pause on the flights of the Navy T-45Cs and the Marine Corps on October 14.
“With great caution and concern about the safety of our aviators, CNATRA made the decision to stop all T-45C Goshawk operations after the discovery of a fault in the engine blade,” said CNATRA Rear Admiral Richard Brophy. "We are working with our partners for a quick resolution. Security is at the center of our operations and we should not expose our pilots or aircraft to unnecessary risks.”
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The service is working with Rolls Royce to identify the root cause of the recent failure of the T-45 engine blade, according to Rear Admiral John Lemmon, Executive Director of Tactical Aircraft Programs (PEO(T)).
“The engineering analysis is underway and will continue until we can safely return the T-45 fleet to a flight status to support CNATRA training,” said Admiral Lemmon.
The navy ordered the safety break after at least four major accidents involving T-45s last year. One of the accidents was caused by a failure in the hydraulic system, according to a Navy Times report.
Tags: Military AviationT-45C GoshawkUSN - United States Navy/USA Navy
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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une-sanz-pluis · 4 months
We're there contemporary reports made about Philippa of Lancaster's age at the time of her marriage to the King of Portugal? Wikipedia says there was but it has no citation?
Unfortunately, I don't know much about Philippa of Lancaster, Queen of Portugal. I did check out the biographies of Gaunt I have and couldn't find any commentary on Philippa's age at her wedding beyond Kathryn Warner noting it was "unusual" with no reference to contemporary reports saying the same. I also checked out the Portuguese Wikipedia (via Google Translate) since I figured it would have far better information than anything in English (I've found the same true for Philippa's nieces, Blanche and Philippa of England) and it doesn't mention the story at all. There may be better information in scholarship directed at Philippa herself but I haven't read anything to say for sure. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
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pragoz · 5 months
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The excellence of research and higher education in Brazil: Deconstructing unfounded stereotypes
The distorted perception of some Portuguese about the quality of higher education and Brazilian research demands a critical and evidence-based analysis. This article aims to deconstruct unfounded stereotypes and present concrete data that highlight the excellence of Brazilian academia. It is common to hear from Portuguese people the devaluation of Brazilian universities, based on stereotypes such as the supposed low quality of teaching, the lack of scientific rigor, and the irrelevance of national scientific production. Such claims, besides being unfounded, ignore the vibrant and dynamic reality of the Brazilian educational system.
To demystify these stereotypes, I present concrete data that prove the excellence of higher education and Brazilian research:
International rankings: QS World University Rankings 2024: USP (University of São Paulo) is ranked 85th, while the University of Porto is at 253rd, and the best Portuguese university, the University of Lisbon, is at the 266th position. Unicamp (State University of Campinas) and UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) also stand out in the 220th and 371st positions respectively among the best in the world.
Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024: USP ranks in the 201–250 bracket, followed by Unicamp in the 251–300 bracket and UFRJ in the 401–500 bracket. Again, no Portuguese university is found among the top 200 in the world.
Scientific Production: Scopus: In 2022, Brazil was the 13th country in scientific production worldwide, with more than 280,000 articles published. Portugal ranked 38th, with about 60,000 articles.
Web of Science: Brazil also stands out in the quality of scientific production, ranking 14th in citations per article. Portugal is in the 36th position.
Areas of Distinction: Brazil has a strong tradition in research areas such as agriculture, biomedicine, engineering, and physics.
Brazilian researchers are leaders in studies on tropical diseases, biodiversity, and biofuels.
International Recognition: Several Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Brazilian scientists, such as Carlos Chagas (Medicine, 1929) and Peter Doherty (Physiology or Medicine, 1996).
The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU), which brings together the leading science academies of the world.
Contrary to what some Portuguese may believe, Brazil has a quality higher education system and a vibrant and productive research sector. Brazilian universities are internationally recognized for their excellence in various areas, and their students and professors are highly qualified. It is crucial to refute unfounded stereotypes about higher education in Brazil and promote recognition of the quality and relevance of Brazilian research in the international academic community.
For those more curious about the subject, here are some valid research topics to delve into initially:
Health and Research
Unraveling the Zika virus:
Article: “Zika Virus Infection in Brazil: Report of Two Cases” (2015) Authors: Fiocruz, Ministry of Health, and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Impact: The article described the first cases of Zika in Brazil and contributed to the understanding of the disease, which became a global epidemic.
Chagas Disease:
Discovery: Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian doctor, identified the disease in 1909. Treatment: Benznidazole and nifurtimox are effective drugs in the acute phase of the disease. Research: New drugs and diagnostic methods are being developed. Control: Vector control actions and epidemiological surveillance have reduced the incidence of the disease.
Research: Brazilian scientists sequenced the virus genome and developed rapid tests. Vaccines: Butantan and Fiocruz produce effective vaccines against COVID-19. Treatment: New medications and treatment protocols were developed. Impact: Brazil is a reference in research and combat against COVID-19.
Miguel Nicolelis:
Neuroscientist: A pioneer in brain-machine interface research. Contributions: Development of neuroprostheses and communication systems for people with disabilities. Research: Studies the application of brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation and treatment of neurological diseases.
Robotic Surgery:
Pioneer: Dr. Fernando Figueira, founder of the Instituto de Cardiologia de São Paulo. Advances: Performance of complex cardiac surgeries with less invasiveness and greater precision Impact: Brazil is one of the main reference centers for robotic surgery in Latin America.
Dengue Vaccine:
Research: Development of the first effective vaccine against dengue, a disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Institution: Butantan Institute Impact: The vaccine was approved by ANVISA in 2015 and contributes to the control of dengue in Brazil and other countries.
Other Highlights:
Organ Transplantation: Brazil is one of the leaders in heart and liver transplants. Cardiac Surgery: The country is a reference in minimally invasive surgery. Oncology: New methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer are being developed. Public Health: The SUS (Unified Health System) is one of the largest public health systems in the world.
Science and Technology
Research: Development of sugarcane ethanol as a renewable alternative to fossil fuels. Institutions: Embrapa, UNICA, and USP. Impact: Brazil is a world leader in the production and export of ethanol, with Brazilian technology being a global reference.
Flex Engines:
Development: 1990s, in partnership between universities, companies, and the government. Functioning: They allow the use of gasoline, ethanol, or any mixture of the two. Impact: They have reduced pollutant gas emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. Currently: More than 70% of the Brazilian light vehicle fleet is composed of flex vehicles.
NASA Rocket Fuel:
Project: In partnership with the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), ITA, and NASA. Objective: Development of an ethanol-based biofuel for use in rockets. Benefits: Would reduce costs, pollutant emissions, and dependency on fossil fuels. Currently: In the laboratory testing phase, with promising results.
Other Achievements:
Ethanol Production: Brazil is a world leader in the production and export of ethanol. Research and Development: Continuous investments in new technologies for the production and use of biofuels. Internationalization: Brazil exports its expertise in biofuels to other countries.
Throughout this article, we have explored in detail Brazil’s advances in various areas, from science and technology to health. We have covered concrete examples of Brazilian research and innovations that demonstrate the country’s potential and capacity to contribute to global progress.
It’s important to emphasize that this article is just a starting point. The world is a constantly changing place, and new challenges and opportunities arise every day.
To stay updated on Brazil’s and the world’s progress, I recommend that you:
Follow articles: Regularly read articles and content on various topics, including science, technology, health, and social development. Conduct your own research: The internet offers an unlimited amount of information on any subject. Explore blogs, news sites, scientific journals, and other reliable sources to expand your knowledge. Participate in debates and events: Interact with other people interested in the same topics as you. Sharing knowledge and ideas is crucial for mutual learning and overcoming prejudice.
Thank you for your attention, and I hope this article has been useful to you.
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rhianna · 7 months
The maritime codes of Spain and Portugal / translated and annotated by F. W. Raikes.
Cite thisExport citation fileMain AuthorRaikes, Francis William, 1842-1906Language(s)English PublishedLondon : E. Wilson, 1896. SubjectsMaritime law >  Maritime law / Portugal. Maritime law >  Maritime law / Spain Contrats. Contracts Contracts contracts. Physical Description212 p. : ; 22 cm.
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mythoughtsverbatim · 8 months
Louisiana Purchase Treaty (1803) | National Archives
In this transaction with France, signed on April 30, 1803, the United States purchased 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million. For roughly 4 cents an acre, the United States doubled its size, expanding the nation westward.
Originally, negotiators Robert Livingston and James Monroe were authorized to pay France up to $10 million solely for the port of New Orleans and the Floridas. However, when they were offered the entire territory of Louisiana – an area larger than Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal combined – the American negotiators swiftly agreed to a price of $15 million.
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bestseosagar · 13 days
Looking to dominate your local market in Portugal? Let me supercharge your online presence with 250 live Portugal citations!
Citations are crucial for local businesses as they signal trust and authority to search engines like Google, boosting your chances of appearing in local search results. With my gig, you'll receive 250 high-quality citations from top Portugal directories, ensuring your business gets noticed by local customers.
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    250 live Portugal citations from reputable directories
    Manual submission to ensure accuracy and quality
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    Detailed report with all citation URLs for your reference
Why Choose Me?
I specialize in local SEO and have helped numerous businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers. With my expertise, you can rest assured that your business will stand out in the competitive Portugal market.
Don't let your competitors steal the spotlight. Order now and take your business to the next level with 250 live Portugal citations! Let's make your business the go-to choice for local customers.
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suvistta · 9 months
Exploring the Territory of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park: A Hidden Gem for Nature Enthusiasts
The rugged beauty of the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is a beacon for nature enthusiasts and occasional tourists alike, offering a unique and immersive experience in Portugal's central region. In this article, we'll delve into the park's natural and cultural values, and discuss how the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours can help you make the most of your time in this stunning territory.
The park's 38,900 hectares are characterized by their striking grey and barren landscape, devoid of vegetation and punctuated by imposing cliffs and rocky outcroppings[1]. The lack of surface water courses adds a sense of vigor and drama to the landscape, making it a truly picturesque destination for those who appreciate the beauty of nature.
Uncovering the Park's Hidden Gems
While many visitors flock to the park's notable attractions, such as the Porto de Mos Castle and the Pegadas de Dinossáurios de Ourém/Torres Novas Nature Monument, there's so much more to discover in this diverse region[1]. The park's riparian communities, for example, offer a glimpse into the area's unique ecosystem, while the Salterns, located near the coast, are the site of Portugal's famous salt production[1].
The Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is also home to a rich cultural heritage, with architectural influences ranging from Gothic to Renaissance styles. The Porto de Mos Castle, for instance, is adorned with pyramidal domes and green ceramic tiles, making it a must-visit destination for history buffs and architectural enthusiasts alike[1].
The SUVisTTa Eco-XP Difference
While many tour operators offer experiences in the park, the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours stand out for their commitment to sustainability, personalization, and comfort. By partnering with the Volvo XC90, the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours provide a luxurious and eco-friendly mode of transportation, allowing you to focus on the beauty of the landscape without worrying about your carbon footprint[3][5].
The personalized nature of the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours is another key selling point. Each itinerary is tailored to the interests and preferences of the group, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their time in the park[3][5]. This approach not only enhances the visitor experience but also promotes responsible tourism, as groups are able to explore the park's lesser-known attractions and appreciate its unique charm.
A Final Thought and a Question for You
The Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts and occasional tourists alike. By choosing the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours, you can enjoy a luxurious, personalized, and eco-friendly experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for the park's natural and cultural values.
So, here's a question for you:
What are you waiting for? Don't you think it's time to plan your next adventure in the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park? Visit the SUVisTTa.pt website and discover how we can help you make the most of your time in this beautiful territory.
[1] Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park
[2] How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy for Travel Industry? 6 Proven Examples from Certified Agency - OLBUZ https://www.olbuz.com/blog/content-marketing-strategy-travel-hotel-industry-examples
[3] 2023 Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Tripadvisor https://www.tripadvisor.ca/AttractionProductReview-g189164-d21103212-Serras_de_Aire_e_Candeeiros_Nature_Park_Private_Tour-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Li.html
[4] 2023 Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Tripadvisor https://www.tripadvisor.com/AttractionProductReview-g189164-d21103212-Serras_de_Aire_e_Candeeiros_Nature_Park_Private_Tour-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Li.html
[5] Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Trip.com https://www.trip.com/things-to-do/detail/36846110/
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toutmontbeliard-com · 9 months
Gestion du réseau de bus du Pays de Montbéliard : "un Moventis et ça repart"
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Après près de 7 années de gestion des mobilités du Pays de Montbeliard, Moventis a été reconduit en tant que délégataire afin d’assurer la gestion du réseau de mobilité pour les prochaines années (notre info "Réseau de bus du Pays de Montbéliard : PMA retient Marfina pour 2024-2029"). Moventis conserve la gestion du réseau du Pays de Montbéliard La reconduction de Moventis jusqu’en 2029 a été confirmée après l’analyse des propositions qui étaient en conformité avec les attentes de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération. Ce nouveau contrat représente une opportunité de consolider le réseau évolitY, de poursuivre la voie de la digitalisation de l’entreprise, de moderniser ses services aux clients et de prendre de nouveaux engagements sociétaux. Le bilan très positif de la qualité de gestion mise en œuvre durant le contrat actuel a été déterminant en faveur de Moventis, tout comme les propositions d’évolutions des services dans un contexte de maîtrise des coûts afin de rester dans l’enveloppe budgétaire fixée par l’agglomération. L’heure du bilan La déclaration de Grégory Carmona, le dirigeant de Moventis Pays de Montbéliard, en 2017 après avoir remporté le marché, mettait l’accent sur le retour aux fondamentaux. Il soulignait la nécessité de moderniser et de digitaliser les réseaux tout en mettant l´accent sur la qualité de gestion du "cœur de métier" souvent négligé. Lors de la reprise du réseau en 2017, Moventis avait constaté que les fondamentaux tels que la gestion sociale, la propreté, la rigueur de maintenance, le port de la tenue, avaient été négligés. La citation "Il est plus facile d’acheter des technologies que de mener à bien un travail de fond au quotidien sur les fondamentaux du métier" résume l’importance accordée par Moventis à ce sujet et l´engagement quotidien nécessaire. Cette orientation vers l´opérationnel a contribué à élever les normes de qualité et à bâtir une base de fonctionnement solide pour le réseau de mobilité. Au cours des six années de gestion, le contrat a été marqué par la restructuration du réseau, une refonte de l’image et de l’information, la récompense du prix de la mobilité digitale durant la crise Covid ainsi que l’obtention de la certification qualité. Le bilan de ce contrat intense a porté ses fruits, avec des élus satisfaits de leur réseau et de leur délégataire. Ce nouveau contrat renforce la position de Moventis en tant qu’acteur alternatif dans le domaine de la mobilité sur le marché français. Le groupe familial catalan est déjà présent dans plusieurs pays dont l’Espagne, l’Arabie Saoudite, le Portugal, la Finlande, la Suède, la Pologne et la France. En tant que gestionnaire de réseaux de vélos en libre-service (VLS), d’autobus et de tramway, le groupe confirme que son entrée sur le marché français en 2017 n’était pas un hasard, mais plutôt le résultat d’une volonté d’implanter son modèle de gestion alternatif et qualitatif, ancré dans l’esprit familial du groupe ; "C'est donc avec une grande fierté, que les équipes ont défendus leur bilan et leur projet afin de mener à la reconduction de Moventis en tant que gestionnaire des mobilités du Pays de Montbéliard", s'est félicitée l'entreprise. Read the full article
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biblenewsprophecy · 11 months
Lost Tribes and Prophecies
Free online book: Lost Tribes and Prophecies
Author: Dr. Bob Thiel. Narrator: James Martenet.
What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands?
Chapter 1: Tribes and Controversies
Tribes of Israel – Protestant Controversies – Racist Accusations – Jewish Admissions – Roman Catholic Migration Issues – DNA – Word of God Foundation
Chapter 2: Promises and Identities
Genesis 49 – 1st Century Reports – Scythians – European Israelites
Chapter 3: Prophecies for 11 Tribes
Reuben and France – Simeon – Levi – Judah and Israel – Black Israelites? – Dan and Ireland – 144,000 – Naphtali: Sweden – Gad: Switzerland – Asher: Belgium and Luxembourg – Issachar: Western Finland – Zebulun: Netherlands – Benjamin: Norway and Iceland
Chapter 4: Joseph’s Descendants
Isaac’s Sons – Name of Israel – British: Covenant People – Not a Salvation Issue – Nation and Multitude of Nations – Throne of David – Stone of Destiny – Jeremiah and Tea Tephi – The Red Hand – Stone of Destiny – British Royal Family – List of Monarchs – Samaria – 9/11 – Immorality – Weather Prophecies – Debt Disaster
Chapter 5: Gentile Europeans
List of Progenitors in Genesis – Unity? – Relations with the U.S.A. – Donald Trump – GPS and Galileo – Germanic Peoples – Slavic Peoples – Russia and the Medes – Baltics – Italy, Macedonia, and Greece – Spain and Portugal – Albania and Kosovo
Chapter 6: Asia, Africa, South America and the Islands
Middle East and North Africa – Iran and Syria – Mahdi: King of the South – Jesus and the Koran – Peace Deal of Daniel 9 – Central and East Asia – Indians and Black Africans – Chinese Characters – Far East – Islands – South America
Chapter 7: When Will the End of this Age Come?
6000 Year Plan – Last Days – Hindu Writings – Sequence of End Time Events
Chapter 8: Nostradamus and Native American Prophecies
Nostradamus Centuries – Native American/ Hopi Prophecies
Chapter 9: The King of the North, and the End of the United States and its British Allies
Great Monarch – European King of the North – Roman Empires – Daniel 11 – Ships from the West – Nuclear Destruction – U.S.A. Gone – English Destroyed – Lands Divided – Will Any Survive? – Chinese Prophecy, Australia, and New Zealand – A Cross? Beast Worshiped – World Economic Forum – King of the South Eliminated – Gold and the End of the U.S. Dollar
Chapter 10: The End of the European Beast and Opposition
Russia – Three Woes – Medes – 200,000,000 Man Army – End of Babylon – Armageddon – Plagues – The Fullness of the Gentiles
Chapter 11: Concluding Comments
Concluding thoughts and citations.
For those who want more information.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Hydro uses green hydrogen to produce recycled aluminum for the first time in the world
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Hydro plant
The company obtained the product at its plant in Navarra
Hydro[1] has produced the first batch of aluminum recycled with green hydrogen at its plant in Irurtzun (Navarra). The tests known up to now had only been carried out in laboratories, so this is the first time in the world that they have been successfully carried out on an industrial scale, the leading company in the aluminum sector reported this Thursday.
The tests have been carried out by Hydro Havrand[2], a company specialising in green hydrogen[3], and Fives North America Combustion[4], experts in hydrogen burner technology, and will be used at Hydro Extrusion Navarra, the extrusion plant located in Irurtzun[5], where will be manufactured the first extruded aluminum profiles (slow cook type) that have used green hydrogen in the recycling process. “We are excited about carrying out these tests, which show Hydro's commitment to the process of decarbonising the industry. By removing CO2 emissions from the energy source, we will be able to produce recycled aluminum from carbon-free post-consumer scrap,” said Paul Warton, Executive Vice President of Hydro Extrusion, in a statement.
Green hydrogen is one of the most promising alternatives to replace fossil fuels and thus reduce carbon emissions. The results obtained by Hydro open new perspectives on the use of green hydrogen instead of natural gas, especially in those industries that require high temperatures in their production process, such as cement or glass, adds the company.
“This project is part of the development of commercial solutions for the substitution of fossil fuels, and shows that hydrogen can be used for the production of aluminum. Green hydrogen[6]  can eliminate emissions that are difficult to reduce in processes where electricity is not an alternative, both in the aluminum industry and in other heavy industries," said Per Christian Eriksen, head of Hydro Havrand.
Hydro Extrusion[7] is dedicated to supplying solutions in extruded aluminum and recycling in Spain and Portugal. As a whole, it has more than 500 employees and an annual production of 60,000 tons of extruded products and 50,000 tons of recycled aluminum.
Lucrecia Martínez, Hydro utiliza hidrógeno verde para producir aluminio reciclado por primera vez en el mundo, in: El País, 15-06-2023, https://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2023-06-15/hydro-utiliza-hidrogeno-verde-para-producir-aluminio-reciclado-por-primera-vez-en-el-mundo.html
[1] Norsk Hydro ASA (often referred to as just Hydro) is a Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company, headquartered in Oslo. It is one of the largest aluminium companies worldwide.It has operations in some 50 countries around the world and is active on all continents[citation needed]. The Norwegian state owns 34.3% of the company through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. A further 6.5% is owned by Folketrygdfond, which administers the Government Pension Fund of Norway. Norsk Hydro employs approximately 35,000 people. Hydro had a significant presence in the oil and gas industry until October 2007, when these operations were merged with Statoil to form StatoilHydro (in 2009 changed back to Statoil, which is now called Equinor). Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/719758666539089921/circular-construction-too-expensive-not-if-you?source=share
[2] Havrand is a Norwegian word that describes the line where the ocean meets the sky – like the horizon, but specifically at sea level. In days gone by, seafarers bravely traveled beyond the limit of what they could see to find better and faster routes. Today it is crucial that we act with urgency to find ways to make the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. https://www.hydro.com/en-DK/energy/hydro-havrand/
[3] Green hydrogen (GH2 or GH2) is hydrogen generated by renewable energy or from low-carbon power. Green hydrogen has significantly lower carbon emissions than grey hydrogen, which is primarily produced by steam reforming of natural gas[citation needed]. As of 2021, green hydrogen accounts for less than 0.04% of total hydrogen production. Its cost relative to cheaper hydrogen derived from fossil fuels is the main reason green hydrogen is used less. Green hydrogen may be used to decarbonize sectors which are hard to electrify, such as cement production, and thus help to limit climate change. Green hydrogen can be used to produce green ammonia, the main constituent of synthetic fertilizer. It can also be used for long-duration grid storage of power instead of batteries or pumped-storage hydroelectricity. Hydrogen could be used for seasonal energy storage.
[4] Fives North American Combustion is one of the most trusted names in combustion worldwide, with more than 100 years of experience. Since 1917, Fives North American Combustion has partnered with leading industrial manufacturers across many markets and applications to fully optimize their thermal process solutions. Its subsidiary, North American Construction Services, engineers and manufactures advanced furnaces for the forging, heat treatment, specialty steel and secondary aluminum markets. North American Construction Services also performs turnkey installation of combustion systems for retrofits. Through the Fives North American Combustion Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Fives North American Combustion and North American Construction Services focus on developing environmentally responsible innovations that help customers increase efficiency and reduce emissions. https://www.fivesgroup.com/energy-combustion/why-us
[5] Irurtzun is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain.
[6] Hydro has produced the first batch of aluminum recycled with green hydrogen at its plant in Irurtzun (Navarra). The tests known so far had only been carried out in laboratories, so this is the first time in the world that they have been successfully carried out on an industrial scale, the leading company in the aluminum sector reported this Thursday.. https://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2023-06-15/hydro-utiliza-hidrogeno-verde-para-producir-aluminio-reciclado-por-primera-vez-en-el-mundo.html
[7] Hydro Extrusion has its own facilities in Spain and Portugal, dedicated to supplying solutions based on the extrusion of aluminum profiles, and recycling.
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