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Top best tattoo shops in Portland Oregon for unique and creative ink
The best tattoo shops in Portland, Oregon, are known for their creativity and vibrant artistic scene. Whether you’re a newbie or a tattoo veteran, the city offers talented artists and unique shops of all styles.

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Covered up some old choppers the other day with some new flowers! Thanks as always @wait_what see you soon!! . . #tradworkerssubmission #tattoosnob #traditionalartist #bright_and_bold #portlandoregon #portlandtattoo #pdxtattooartist #portlandtattooshop #floraltattoo #flowertattoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7hgn8F9vy/?igshid=p0enupdd3bgt
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A celebratory Cancer free color tattoo! ☀️ 🌙 winged magic! Inspiration drawn her grandfathers military pin. We had a great time chatting about family and life. I love my job so much! #portlandtattooshop #xavierdarling #tattoo #winged #moon #sun #live #cancerfree #armtattoo #colortattoo #eternalinks #portland #oregon (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byc6IHHBqOl/?igshid=50zzsqr2o8sg
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Portland! I'm not going to the gig in Canada this weekend, so let's do some cool tattoos. In the mood to do something spooky. . . . #portlandtattooshop #portlandtattooartist #spoopytattoos #esoterictattooportland (at Esoteric Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfGv7Ggl-g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1te7g5yqkfq91
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Excited to have started this dragon @rosewatertattoo - - - #rosewatertattoo #portland #portlandtattooers #portlandtattooshop #pdx #pdxtattooshop #pdxtattooer #inked #tattooart #design #tattooed #easterndragon #dragontattoo #easterndragontattoo #lynntattoos #pdxink #portlandink #artistsoninstagram #pnw #tattoomagazine #inkedmagazine #txttooing #tattrx #tattoosnob #tattoodo #tttism #tattoo (at Rosewater Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqzyWG0gRQc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wx1vfd5kbzih
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Progress report! #startrek #champstamp ! #backpiece # startrektng ##startrektattoo #chrometattoo #makeitso #picard #djkittybot #pdxtattooshops #portlandtattooers #portlandtattooshop #vegantattoo #veganfriendly https://www.instagram.com/p/B8kdWU4BZY9/?igshid=bp376l9jb1rz
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Big dragon for @rafnisabella today! . . . #dragontattoo#japanesetattoo #blackandgreytattoo#dragon#douglifetattoos#tattoo#tattooedwomen#portlandtattoo#pdx#portlandtattooshop (at Tattoo 34 on Hawthorne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Vvq_BF9pY/?igshid=1b7a72ul9l3k6
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Portland get ready for the @villainarts #tattooconvention #villainarts I will be tattooing so please make your appointment today! Send me your ideas to take a spot during the show. See you there!!!😎🍺#Portland #portlandtattooartists #portlandtattooshop #portlandcity #portlandbeer #portlandoregon #portlandfood #portlandwoodworker (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3qZRHgJ4s/?igshid=17dx8zzze396p
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🔮 ♍️😈♏️Just a Virgo With a Scorpio Rising♏️😈♍️ All my tattoos are done by @goodisasgooddoes !! Hit him up, he’s dope 🙌 X X X X X X X X X X X #goodtattoos #tobygood #tobytattoo #thelittletattooshoppe #littletattooshoppe #pdxtattoos #pdxtattooartist #portkandtattoos #portlandtattoo #portlandtattooartist #portlandtattooers #portlandtattooshop #virgosbelike #thegremlins #pdxartist #portlandartist #virgotattoo #scorpiotattoo #♍️ #♏️ #tigerlilytattooportland #fingertattoos #littleprincetattoo #tattoothursday #tattootouchup (at TigerLily Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCTWGQBD98/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y1gylb2bvcyj
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Been working on some flash designs for a new set. I have plenty of time availability between now and the new year. Stop by Jackalope Custom Tattoo Sunday through Thursday noon to 8pm if you want to set up an appointment. #portlandtattoo #portlandtattooers #portland #portlandtattooartist #portlandtattooshops #portlandink #portlandinkslingers #portlandtattoostudio #pdxink #pdxtattooers #pdxtattoo #pdxtattooshop #pdxinkslingers #pdx #pnw #pnwtattoo #pnwtattooartist #pnwinkslingers #oregontattooartist #oregonink #oregontattoostudio #oregoninkslingers #oregon #tattooart #tattooartist #tattedup #tatts #tatted #tattooisart #inkedup #inked #inkslinger #witchytattooflash #witchytattoos #fortuneteller #fortunetellertattoo #neotraditional #neotraditionaltattoo #watercolor #watercolortattooflash #drmartinsink #drmartinwatercolor #handpaintedflash #sharptattoos #skinheadawayoflife #spiritof69 #bootsandbraces #baphomet #babybaphomet #hailsatan #avesatanas #satanictattoo #satanictattooflash (at Jackalope Custom Tattoo Shop)
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Rose and dagger full color #bluerose #dagger #daggertattoo #armtattoo #focusedonmygoals #gameoflife #d20 #polyhedral #darlingtattoo #xavierdarlingtattoo #portland #oregon #anotherdayattheoffice #portlandtattooshop (at Darling Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5S-WZOBhe2/?igshid=1jj6e5ifbr4b0
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Found a better photo of these gerbera daisies. I had a really good time with a color palette I don't get to use very often. Thanks for looking! . . . . #gerberadaisies #gerberadaisytattoo #floraltattoo #flowertattoo #redflowers #colortattoo #ladytattooers #portlandtattooshop #portlandtattooartist #elliadams #ellieadams #esoterictattooportland #daisytattoo (at Esoteric Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2IWo0geja/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cmusxf0urgl2
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Little larkspur ❤️@rosewatertattoo - - - #rosewatertattoo #portland #portlandtattooers #portlandtattooshop #pdx #pdxtattooshop #pdxtattooer #inked #floral #lynntattoos #tattooedwomen #larkspur #freehandtattoo #larkspurtattoo #floraltattoo #cutetattoo #pdxink #portlandink #artistsoninstagram #pnw #tattoomagazine #inkedmagazine #txttooing #tattrx #tattoosnob #tattoodo #tttism #tattooed (at Rosewater Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqim-5wFIbE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d2h1o5dry3qe
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#coveruptattoo in progress. Bye bye, black cross! Patience and flexibility make for a successful cover up of an old tattoo.#djkittybot #pdxtattooer #vegantattoo #veganfriendly #dovetattoo #peonytattoo #portlandtattooshop #pdxtattooshop https://www.instagram.com/p/B48WARHht1f/?igshid=j6ce3jt4jc0x
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Proper Portland souvenir for Kelly! . . . #pdx #tattoo34pdx #tattoo #tattoos #tattoodo #pdxart #portland #portlandtattoos #tattooinspiration #portlandtattooartist #pdxtattoo #ripcity #portlandtattoo #pdxtattoos #weirdtattoos #portlandtattooshop #portlandartist #rosecity #pdxtattooartists #pdxtattooartist #stumptown #portlandart #portlandoregon #pnw #pdxtattooers #pdxtattooshop #pacificnorthwest #traditionalartist #traditionaltattoos (at Tattoo 34 on Hawthorne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2u-9_BlX9B/?igshid=lxm8pdqjmjpn
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Hello Portland, Oregon! I will see you at the show please come out and check out my work because I will be ready to do some great tattoo work for you. So let’s set up a appointment today DM me and or you can book a spot at the show by purchasing a deposit online at Debsobuy.bigcartel.com #villainarts #villainartsconvention #portlandoregon #portlandtattooartists #portlandtattooshops #portlandpeople #portlandartists #portlandbeer #portlandcity #portlandcitygrill (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQ98mLp95D/?igshid=18rt45x090cra
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