#portgas d. ace deserved better
catarium · 9 months
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Why no one told this boy that he looked like his mom! I feel that would help with 50% of his issues.
Also I didn’t know today was his birthday. Sob.
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cach0po · 6 months
A & S but no L cause I didn't have space in the canvas oop
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Oh wow what a cute pair of kids I hope nothing bad happens to them in the future
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sancastarcs · 5 months
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
made it to pedro's death and now i hope to never see sanji use his fire leg powers to light his cigarette, bad things happen to people who light his smokes with their powers
also, headcanon that ace & pedro lighted the death brand one (and died a fiery death) but enel lighted the king ground ones and fell
Ah yes, the cigarette of doom </3
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newbieineverything · 2 years
Don't get me wrong I love when fics have Ace & Sabo being protective of Luffy but the lack of fics where Sabo & Ace are protective of each other kills me
Like people we are setting on a gold mine here and no one is writing about! What am I supposed to do to read more of it because I'm 100% that I've read all of the few that are written
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human-trash-fire · 1 year
They did Ace so dirty w these Prison BOBS I—
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In other news I started OP 2 weeks ago & while I have a lot of opinions, I’m just going to leave y’all with this one.
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shinxeysartgallery · 1 year
I already got spoiled about Ace's death a while back when some of my friends were reading/watching One Piece so I knew this was coming.
But FUCK does it hurt a lot more actually experiencing it for myself. Poor dude didn't deserve this.
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demonpiratehuntress · 9 months
the only one
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
summary - Ace was always a flirt in whatever bars you went to, but once he's in love with you that changes.
warnings - none
a/n: i forgot to add this part in "marry me" so i just decided to make it its own fic. it was haunting me
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When you first met Ace, he was perhaps the biggest flirt you had ever come across in your life. Anywhere and anytime, if you were in a bar he would be chatting up almost every local woman he met. It never used to bother you when you were just friends, but once you developed a crush on him it became a bit of a problem.
Most nights you would end up going back to the ship alone, and even though he wouldn't do anything with them - as evident when he returned to the ship after you alone - it still ate away at you. Made you feel things you didn't want to feel, unpleasant emotions that had you crying and sobbing into your pillow late at night when no one could hear.
Or at least, when you thought no one could hear.
Ace's room was next to yours, and every night he was absolutely crushed to hear your sobs. He was never sure what caused them, but he knew you wouldn't tell him. So he set out to discover the cause himself, and did as such on another island trip.
Noticing the way your face fell when he left the table to go talk to some girls at the bar, it instantly hit him that you were hurting because of him. And that was his first sign that you liked him.
That's when everything changed.
Once Ace was sure you had a crush on him, he stopped trying to suppress his feelings for you. They came out in full bloom, and his behaviour in bars and pubs completely changed, noticeable to everyone who knew him.
When Ace decided to show he was deeply in love with you, you noticed.
Every bar you went to after that involved him sitting right next to you the whole time, drunkenly flirting with you and you alone. Telling you how pretty you are, how cute you looked when you were so red, and how sweet you always were to him. No matter how many pretty girls were in the bar that day, he was glued to you.
"Ace," you would giggle and push his head off your shoulder. "Those girls in the corner are eyeing you out, they're pretty."
The raven-haired commander pouted, not even shooting them a glance, "But (Name), no one is prettier than youuuuu." He smiled, dropping his head back onto your shoulder. His breath reeked of alcohol, so you just dismissed it as drunken rambling, your face bright red.
But then there were times when he didn't drink at all, and still ignored anyone other than you trying to get with him.
"Sorry, can't talk right now."
You watched him dismiss yet another pretty woman as he made his way back to the table, handing you another drink. He plopped down in his seat next to you, offering you his goofiest grin yet.
"Ace, you just-"
He shrugged, still grinning at you, "I didn't do anything."
"But that girl-"
"What girl?"
He was staring at you, awestruck by your beauty. His eyes were only ever on you these days, and nothing changed that. He didn't look at anyone else, never finding the need to, since he was so hopelessly in love with you. Even when you went to go get drinks for the group, Ace would watch you go and come back, his eyes stuck on your figure. He would stare with the most loving, adoring gleam in his eyes, feeling butterflies each time you returned his smile.
You were still oblivious, "Ace, I think you should talk to one of them. They seem to like you, and you need a girlfriend."
"Well I don't like them," he replied, suddenly leaning forward, "And I already know who I want as my girlfriend."
"Oh." Your face fell, but he was quick to make you smile again.
"(Name), you're so dumb."
"Am not!"
"Are too! I stare at you in every bar and all you think about is me talking to other girls!"
You blushed hard, stuttering and stammering out a nonsense reply, but you found it difficult to argue with that.
"Ace, you deserve better than me. And they're prettier."
"If I really thought that," he leaned in so close that your lips almost touched, "I wouldn't be sitting here with you, would I?" He grinned again. "You're the most beautiful woman in this bar, and every other bar, so I'm happy right where I am."
Then you started dating, and all Ace would do in bars was show you off. To both men and women that approached him, even if it had nothing to do with the conversation.
"Did you see my girlfriend?" He would ask them, drunkenly. "She's the HOTTEST-" Marco would usually have to drag him away before he spilled something more explicit.
Any time a woman would come up to him, Ace would hightail it out of there and do one of two things. One, he would hide behind you and grip you so tightly as he points you in the direction of the daring woman. Two, he would perch himself on your lap and kiss all over your face with his arms around your neck. Each one depends on how drunk he is.
"No thanks, I have a girlfriend."
"My girlfriend's right over there."
"My girlfriend is prettier than you."
"(Nameeeeeeeeeeee), come and tell them that you're my girlfriend!"
He's so in love that he doesn't even pay attention to anyone but you wherever you go. If you tell him to drink less than last time, he will. If you tell him to stay at the table, he will. He will sit you on his lap and lock you in his arms, not allowing you to move for the rest of the evening. He usually falls asleep against your neck, but you don't mind.
But, generally, when Ace is with you in a bar he will keep you glued to his side so everyone knows that he is taken. The brave ones who still approach will usually have to deal with you, and he loves to watch.
Once you're married, you best believe this man is going into every bar yelling to anyone who will listen that he's married, that he has a wife, or that his wife is the hottest person in the universe. He clings to you and makes sure people know you're married, even if they are just passing by and have no intention of talking to either of you.
"How times have changed," you teased him one day, sitting on his lap in yet another bar. "A while back you'd be flirting with every woman in this bar."
"That was before I knew you liked me!" He protested, blushing in embarrassment. "And anyway, that's what happens when you find the one."
"The one?" You blushed.
"Yessss," he smiled happily, pecking your lips. "You're the one. My one. The only one I will ever want and ever need." He peppered your face with kisses. "To me, you're the only woman in these bars."
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cosmicatta · 3 months
An analysis of Portgas D. Ace through the light novels
Yes, I'm here again with my bullshit. After reading the Law novel, I was very excited to get my hands on the Ace ones too. And because I feel very intensely about him, I couldn't help turning my reading experience into a character analysis essay. Again.
So here we go!
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Some notes before I start:
The edition I've read of this novel is the official Spanish translation by Planeta. When quoting and mentioning numbered pages, I'm referencing that edition.
I originally posted this on Twitter as a thread! If it sounds familiar, that might be why.
I've also posted an essay/thingie about Law's novel here!
These are just my personal impressions, I'm not trying to tell anyone how they should interpret the novel or Ace's character. I'm just doing this for fun!
Much like the Law novel, these are kind of a “prequel” to the source material. The story starts with Ace getting stuck in Sixis Island, where he meets Deuce, and follows their journey as Ace builds his own crew and later ends up joining Whitebeard.
The difference is that Ace’s novels, unlike Law’s, rely a lot more on canon events that we already know happened, because they’re mentioned or briefly shown in the manga (especially in the second volume). I’ll go a bit more into detail about this later, but either way, we can say that the novels are very canon-compliant at the very least.
Also, it’s important to point out that volumes 1 and 2 are written by different authors. I do think this has an impact in the way the narrative flows from one part to another, but it still reads like a cohesive story as a whole.
Overall, it offers a very different reading experience from Law’s novel. I guess the biggest contrast here is that we already know what’s going to be Ace’s tragic destiny, so the narration can’t really feel too hopeful.
Even if the story is lighthearted and adventurous most of the time, the tone that surrounds it all is bittersweet. And the core points of Ace’s journey are always marked by his fatal wounds: love, identity and the concept of deserving.
There is no real resolution for any of these themes throughout the novels; there can’t be, because we know Ace will only reach true understanding right before his death.
In this sense, I think the first volume does a better job at capturing that feeling of “tragic hero” that the story seems to go for, without necessarily getting too grim about it. And there’s a few things about it that get lost in the second part:
Volume 1 is written in first person, but it’s not Ace, the protagonist, who narrates the story. It’s Deuce. I think this is an interesting decision because it allows us to see Ace from the outside, through the eyes of someone who loves him.
And what we see from Deuce’s perspective contrasts with the image that we know Ace has of himself. This is especially interesting for 2 reasons:
He shows what Ace craved for all his life but didn’t know he already had until the end: love and respect.
He’s offering the readers a version of Ace’s identity crafted by an outside viewer, which is also what Ace keeps doing all the time: defining himself in relation to others.
These are going to be the main ideas that shape Ace’s journey from the start and what both novels try to explore.
Although Deuce and Ace’s relationship doesn’t start off in the best way, from the beginning Deuce sees a light in him that he has never known in anyone before. This even reflects in the way he describes Ace physically:
(Quotes roughly translated from Spanish):
P. 27: “He played with his radiant black hair.”
P. 129: “His pupils glowed with the colors of the sea floor.”
But what is most emphasized about Ace throughout the narration is his kindness and gentleness—he shares his fruit with Deuce while he’s starving too, he has a place for all kinds of rejected outlaws in his crew, he helps Isuka even though they’re supposed to be enemies, he gives the rice crackers he’d just bought to some children in Sabaody, etc.
Ace just goes around giving away his endless love without thinking too much about it. It’s in his nature. And people love him in return.
P. 66: “What does it mean to be a captain? To me, it means people love you. […] Ace was born to be a captain.”
There’s a small episode that I find very interesting in this sense—right before attacking him, a bounty hunter declares:
P. 67: “Ace! I love you!”
Ace assumes the guy only said that because his head would have granted him a ton of money. But it’s still a weird way to word it. It’s as if Ace was a shooting star that everyone couldn’t help but admire in awe, friends and enemies alike.
But, as I said before, Ace seems to be completely unaware of this, despite the very explicit ways in which people show him appreciation.
It’s at this point that we start to see the conflict between Ace’s “goals” that he set for himself and his true desires (though this will be explored in more detail in volume 2).
Although he keeps claiming to be in search of fame, he doesn’t really seem to be that interested in it. He only reacts to his own popularity when his loved ones do, because that is what he actually wants: acceptance, validation.  
P. 82: “Whenever the number increased [Ace’s bounty], we celebrated it. And him, in seeing us all so happy, celebrated too.”
What Ace is doing is just constantly looking for the answer to that dreadful question he asked Garp as a child: “Did I deserve to be born?” And he tries to find clues in his crewmates’ faces, in his enemies’ words, in the way the whole world around him reacts to his existence.
But what’s interesting is that he’s not just passively contemplating, he very actively tries to earn that right to live, in his own twisted way.
Yes, the world had already decided who Ace was even before he was born, but now it’s his turn. Now he can try and recreate his own image for them to see. And if he has to be a monster, it will be in his own terms.
It’s not about fame, it’s about identity. Because Ace’s identity has never been truly his own.
This is a very delicate subject for him, especially when he realizes that his bounty is growing at an abnormal speed, indicating that the government probably knows who he really is. And so, he is tormented by the idea that, despite all his efforts, he can’t escape the portrait that others have painted of him without permission.
Even those who don’t know the truth about his origins feel free to decide Ace’s worth as a human being. In this regard, his fight with Vice Admiral Draw is notable—he judges Ace not as Roger’s son, but as a regular pirate, and yet he still reaches the same conclusion and says the words that Ace fears so much:
P. 148: “You don’t deserve one more second in this world. It is because of you that so many people live in fear. […] If you didn’t exist, no one would be unhappy.”
Ace wins this fight, but he leaves with an open wound that never closes and only seems to get bigger with time.
And with this, the first volume closes in a very bittersweet tone:
P. 159: “Ace didn’t believe he deserved anyone’s love. […] But Isuka didn’t think the same, and she wasn’t the only one. The problem was that Ace wouldn’t realize. […] He was like the Sun. Everyone adored him, his enemies respected him. Ace was the center of everything. But, like the Sun, way too bright, he was always alone. […] Ace had created a home for us. But what about him? Could we find a home for him, where he’d be able to smile in peace from the bottom of his heart?”
The second volume starts where the first left it, with Ace and his crew entering the New World.
I have to say that I didn’t like this one as much as the first because, for a book that’s supposed to be about Ace’s relationship with others, it kind of falls flat at some points in that sense. Sometimes the novel seems more concerned with describing action scenes that aren’t really that interesting, or events that we already know from the manga without adding much to them.
Also, I feel like I have to mention that some scenes and description choices were a bit questionable (casual misogyny, etc.), but overall the book was still enjoyable to me.
The style and structure is a bit different from the first volume too—for starters, it’s written in third person, although the perspective is a bit all over the place sometimes. The POV keeps switching back and forth between different characters, which could a useful and interesting approach, but you need to know how to do it right, and I’d say it was a bit messy here.
But there is a good side to this, which is that we get a peek into Ace’s thoughts too sometimes.
And we see, as volume 1 already hinted, that his motivations are unclear even to himself. He insists that he wants to surpass his father’s fame, but he isn’t interested in titles or riches.
P. 61: “I don’t aspire to be the King of Pirates or anything of the sort.”
P. 74-75: [In response to “What brought you to the sea?”] “I guess I expected to find out at the sea… Though there’s something I do want to achieve. […] I’ll make sure everyone knows my name.”
Part of the reason why Ace despises the title of “Pirate King” is very obvious—it was his father’s title. But this disinterest also reveals the true reason why Ace thinks he wants the fame: it’s not ambition or vanity; it’s, again, his way of crafting his own identity.
In reality, although he directs his resentment towards his father, it’s not him he really hates, but the world that built a monstrous myth around his figure, a myth that Ace inherited.
P. 80: “This world killed Sabo. Unless you’re someone like Roger, whose execution brought a new era, it doesn’t matter if you live or die. […] Even if I can’t win their recognition, even if they hate me, I’ll become a pirate and take revenge on them all. […] One day, people won’t say ‘Ace, Roger’s son,’ but ‘Roger, Ace’s father.’”
Again, if he must be a monster, he’ll be one he’s created himself.
But it becomes clear in this volume that he has no idea how to do that. He wants to change the world, but has no plan to do so, and doesn’t even understand what that means exactly.
And here’s where Whitebeard is key, as we already know. He sees through Ace, and eventually makes him reevaluate his own ambitions, until he ends up admitting that he has no idea what he’s doing.
P. 159: [Thatch asks him] “You want your reputation to surpass that of the Pirate King, but you’re not interested in the One Piece. You don’t want to break the code either. What the hell does your flag even represent?” [And Ace answers] “I don’t know. Honestly, I thought I did, but not anymore.”
P. 224-225: “Whitebeard inviting him to be his son had seemed to him like another ‘father’ attempting to take control of his life. But […] now he understood the word ‘son’ a little differently.”
Though there’s no real resolution to Ace’s big questions in life, he slowly starts finding his own place and learning to accept the kindness he’s given, even if he doesn’t fully understand it yet.
P. 229: [Deuce asks him] “Do you think you’ll find what you’re looking for with Whitebeard?” [And Ace answers] “Yes. […] Because here I feel at peace.”
The book finishes with Ace offering his back to get Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger tattooed. With this, he’s constructing his image around the figure of a different father, one that he’s proud of. He still builds himself in relation to others, but is now more benevolent in doing so.
This is the first step of a healing project that we know will never be fully complete. And because of this, despite the ending having a hopeful and gentle tone, it’s still a bit heartbreaking. Like the first act of a tragedy.
There's a lot more interesting stuff to talk about in the novels, like the way Ace talks about Luffy and Sabo, and how it becomes clear that they are what really made him want to live and keep fighting. But this is already way longer than I originally intended, so I'll leave it here.
So, if you read this far, thank you! ♥ I hope you enjoyed it or at least found it somewhat interesting.
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aquilapolariz · 11 months
the ocean's mercy (portgas d. ace x reader)
Summary: Ace encounters an ocean of memories and thoughts that seem to drown him. Someone needs to pull him out of the sea and help him navigate it.
Notes/Warnings: Minor spoilers for Ace's background and minor spoilers for Wano (all of them are literally just name drops), angst with comfort! Requested by anon
Word Count: 2.2k | Read below the cut or on Ao3 here!
The Moby Dick was filled with cheers and liquor as the crew watched Ace single-handedly take down a pirate crew. Pride swelled within you, joining in the shouts and claps of your pirate brothers and sisters. 
Ace landed back on the ship with a dramatic thud, hopping onto the railing, and then jumping onto the deck.
Ace was reliable but reckless, fiery and confident. His tattooed back was facing you, Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger on display to Ace’s friends, enemies, and everyone in between. But really, when it came to Ace, there really was no in-between. He loved like there was no tomorrow and saved pure hatred only for those he believed deserved it: those who hurt the people he cared about.
His shoulders, strong and sure, slouching only when he squatted on the edge of the ship, were laid back in satisfaction. His chest was puffed out with no signs of exhaustion on his face. He shined bright like the sun, his radiant smile reinvigorating the crew, which prompted them to grow louder and drink even more rum. It seemed like nothing could ever shake Ace or his unwavering resolve. The air around him was full of certitude, as if only the strongest of earthquakes and tsunamis could weaken his unfaltering spirit.
And disasters that were big enough to shake up Ace were few and far between.
A disaster of that magnitude ended up being Marco offering Ace the position of Second Division Commander. You raised your eyebrows at Ace’s hesitation. For a full week, he didn’t give Whitebeard or Marco a proper answer.
The great Fire Fist Ace is never uncertain, or so you thought.
Ace made everything look effortless. From making his crewmates laugh to punching enemy pirates or falling asleep in any situation, Ace made living life look easy. But he was only human. And just like every human, Ace contained multitudes that were hidden beneath his facade. 
“Looks like we’re spending more time together, huh?” 
“Guess so,” you said inattentively. “Though you are a big shot now, Mr. Second Division Commander. Who says you’ll have the time to spend on me?”
“As my own boss, I say so. I gotta get to know the Second Division better than anyone else.”
“Well, cheers to that,” you responded, your glass clinking against his as the party celebrating Ace’s promotion commenced. 
You didn’t tell Ace — or anyone else for that matter — that you saw him pacing outside of Pop’s door for an hour the night before.
Even from the ship, you could see that his feet were in the sand, but his mind was somewhere far away.
“Hey, Ace,” you uttered, quietly approaching him. 
“Hey,” he replied, his eyes regaining their vibrant glow as he turned to you with a captivating smile. “Not enjoying the feast?”
“Hard to enjoy it without you,” you shot back.
“Codependency at its worst,” Ace laughed.
You sat down next to him, the sunkissed sand filling in the spaces between your toes and enveloping your feet like a warm embrace. “Why aren’t you on the ship with everyone?” you lightly chided, “it’s a commander’s duty to spend time with their crew, no?”
“Wasn’t really feeling it today, I guess.”
“Was it something Teech said? I swear that guy doesn’t know how to shut up.”
“If I was bothered by Teech I would’ve left this ship long ago,” he chuckled as he looked away from you. Ace’s hearty laughter was like a wave that regularly washed away your worries. But this time, it didn’t.
You took in the view he was facing: a shoreline that never seemed to end. Before you joined him on the beach, Ace had been staring at the sand for what felt like years. Within the minuscule grains, Ace could see the faces of a young Sabo and the legendary Gold Roger. He blinked and those faces morphed into the purple-haired Otama and the crying face of Yamato. 
These sands of doubt and time did nothing to ease the tension in Ace’s body. 
“Despite how close you are to everyone, it still feels like you keep people at arm’s length. You said you needed to get to know your division more, but how about letting the division know you?”
“There’s nothing to know.” Ace feigned offense at your skeptical expression, “What can I say? I’m a simple guy.”
“A simple guy who Whitebeard allowed to take a division commander spot?” you questioned.
“Exactly! What you see is what you get.”
You snorted. “What I see is a devil-fruit user, who has a misspelled tattoo of his name and doesn’t know how to wear a shirt.”
He let out a dramatic sigh. “Contrary to popular belief, I know how to spell my name.”
“That’s odd. I’m not getting that from what I’m seeing.”
“Then what do you get from what you see of me?”
“I see my second division commander. Reliable. Cares about his friends and his family to a fault.” You paused, but Ace kept nodding, urging you to go on. “You’re just eating all these compliments up, huh?”
“Whattttttttt? Nooooo!”
“I see a stubborn idiot”— you mentally celebrated a small victory when Ace’s lips instantly turned to a pout — “who’s too kind.” He squinted at you. His expressive face never seemed to get old. “Too kind to the point where you never want to be vulnerable.”
The tension in his face all but vanished, and he suddenly turned away.
Despite always seeming larger than life, this was the smallest you’ve ever seen Ace. With every wave, the sea crept closer and closer to where the two of you were sitting until the salty water washed over the tips of your toes. Ace recoiled and scrunched his face at the sudden weakness he felt, even if it was only for a moment. Ace seemed like he would be pulled in by the rising tide and sink down into the sea if you left him alone—not because of his weakness as a devil fruit user, but because of his oft-hidden weakness as a human. Even Ace was not immune to the endless pools of self-doubt. 
So you put your hand on his shoulder, scooting closer to Ace to close the gap between the two of you, trying to ground him and prevent him from falling into the siren’s song of sadness. He thought about your words. Too kind to the point where you never want to be vulnerable. You keep people at arm’s length. Arm’s length is still pretty close, he always told himself. He turned to you and your face was mere inches away from his, brought closer by the hand that clung to his shoulder now. You were much closer than arm’s length. But for some reason, this time, it didn’t feel close enough. 
“I know no one ever asks you this but, what’s wrong, Ace?”
He stared at his wet feet. “The sea takes my strength, y’know?” Of course you knew that. And of course he knew that that wasn’t what you were referring to. 
“It’s always a surprise when the tide comes in, isn’t it?” He asked cryptically. 
You frowned. Ace never spoke in riddles. 
“Is it, though? We’re pirates, we know how the ocean works,” you reminded him.
“We know the tide will always rise and fall, but in the New World it’s a little more difficult to know exactly when.”
You hummed realizing that Ace was right. “It's constant, true, but it’s also constant change.” You stared at the ebb and flow of the water, falling into its visual rhythm.
“And as pirates, we’re always at the ocean’s mercy,” he added. It always surprised Ace when memories of the past washed over him, seemingly at the most unexpected and unwanted times. 
You shook your head with a smile. “With the help of the wind, a trusty ship, and an able crew, we can defy even the roughest of waves.” This time, the seafoam seemed to form the faces of Luffy, of Whitebeard, of Marco, of you. “Without the ocean, how would we sail to all these islands and live the life we do? The ocean isn’t our enemy.”
Ace mentally cursed at himself for getting caught up in his thoughts and, dare he say it, regrets. Memories of the past, just like the tide, aren’t always out to get him, it seemed. The waves fell back into the ocean, suddenly much less threatening.
Ace let out a sigh of relief. He mentally thanked you for pulling him away from an ocean of spiraling thoughts. He should’ve known that you would leave the feast to look for him once as soon as you noticed he was gone. As much as he tried, there was no escaping you. Was there any point in still trying to? “It’s nice to have such a reliable crew,” Ace said coolly.
“It’s nice to have such a reliable commander,” you replied without missing a beat.
Maybe he would let himself be selfish, be vulnerable. Maybe he would share the weight of his past with you, little by little. He reached across his chest to place his hand over yours, your touch lingering on his shoulder. He was a fool for thinking he could keep you at arm’s length for forever. He drew in a deep breath, his brows furrowed, as if debating whether to speak. You squeezed his shoulder, reassuring him of your presence.
“Sabo,” he blurted out. “I had a brother named Sabo.” You raised your eyebrows, trying to process his sudden words. “The extra “S” in my tattoo is for him.”
“Had?” You asked. His dark eyes bore holes into yours. Full of life and depth, you couldn’t look away. You felt like you were at the ocean’s mercy. The bottomless urge to know and explore every part of it was pulling you in, more than ever before.
“He died when we were young. That’s why it’s crossed out.” 
You gasped, recoiling away from him, pulling your hand away, his eyes narrowing almost immediately. “I’m so sorry for always teasing you about it. I shouldn’t-”
He tousled your hair and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. Just like how the tide is bound to  the shore, there was always an unseen pull between the two of you. With Ace’s words lingering in the salty air, that pull became more discernible. “No need to apologize. It always made me smile. I know for a fact that Sabo would’ve joined in on your jokes. He’d probably ask me why I bothered putting an ‘S’ in my name instead of getting an entirely separate tattoo,” he laughed.
You let out a sigh of relief. There it was. Your ears were filled with his rich laughter that washed away your worries— your worries about him and about accidentally hurting him. “Hmm…that would be a good question. You’re really not making a good case for yourself, Ace. You sure you didn’t come up with this excuse after you messed up your tattoo?” you playfully quipped.
“No! You don’t believe me?!”
You shook your head with a smile. “I believe in you. Always have, always will.” Ace watched you as you began to stand up, trying your best to dust off the sand on your legs.
“How can you say that?” Ace asked curiously, hugging his knees to his chest. He was thankful that you were no longer facing him,  that you wouldn’t see him with his shoulders slouched, looking so small. Your eyes were fixed on the horizon across the vast surface of the ocean. 
“Say what, exactly?”
“That you’ll always believe in me?”
You walked closer to the water, willingly letting the waves wash over your feet. “There’s nothing that you can do that will make me not believe in you,” you stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He stared at your back. He took in the way you so easily walked into the ocean that he thought was so dangerous before. “What if”, he paused, taking a deep breath, “what if it’s not what I do, but who I am?”
There it was again, you noticed, Ace speaking in riddles. “You’re you. That’s more than enough.”
“You’re saying all I gotta do is exist? And that’s…enough?”
You spoke to the merciless ocean: “You exist and I see you. All of you.” You turned around. Ace looked up at you, the sounds of the waves lapping seemed to be an echo of your words, as if the whole universe was trying to get through to him. You reached your hand out to his. Taking it, you pulled him up to his feet and dragged him closer to the water. Both of your ankles were completely submerged, but neither of you minded. Feeling some energy flee from his body, Ace felt weak, but was that such a bad thing? He squeezed your hand, the warmth of it standing in stark contrast to the shocking cold water around his feet. No, he concluded. Being vulnerable wasn’t so bad, especially when it was with you. Because you really did see all of him: the weak parts, the strong ones, and everywhere in between. “To see you is to always believe in you,” you whispered.
You brought your gaze back to the horizon and Ace followed suit. With your hand in his and the waves now lapping against his knees, he couldn’t help but feel gratitude. The merciful ocean had brought you to him, washing up on the shores when he needed you the most.
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catarium · 9 months
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He left without paying child support 😔
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anystalker707 · 5 months
Admiral, my Admiral (2/2)
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Admiral! Reader
Summary: Grieving.
Tags: angsty, but there are hopes
Requested by @1luvcatzs ["ELLO, SO SORRY, LATE. SO SO LATE. FOT THE PART 2 OF MY ADMIRAL- CAN YOU UGM. • Ace survives (somehow)- obviously, I think!! Reader doesn't find out that he's alive until after the two year skip–(...)"]
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• Two years later, your chest still hurt whenever you saw anything that reminded you of Ace
• Your eyes glued to the newspaper on your desk, the ache in your chest intensifying when you saw Strawhat Luffy’s face on it
• A lot of things had changed, but not your feelings, not the way you missed Ace, missed cuddling him, his sweet voice taunting you to give him kisses, but it was all too far away now
• The setting had changed, too. The change of quarters was great, honestly. Many things had changed after the war, not just within yourself, but also regarding things inside the Marine. Moving away from Marineford was suiting, like starting a fresh new page, even if it already had faint marks on it. It hurt, either way. Of course, it did
• It felt like death when you headed back to report to the Revolutionary Army, and you found Sabo. He was also having a breakdown over Ace’s death, much to your surprise, but it felt somehow comforting. It brought everything bubbling up again, and it was probably the first time that you had the opportunity to really feel and grieve Ace’s death without the risk of getting in any sort of trouble, allowing yourself to cry until your chest hurt and no tears fell anymore
• The pain was unbearable whenever someone brought Ace’s death up inside the Marine, being happy about it, glad that Roger’s bloodline was successfully erased. Talking about how Ace deserved to die, or how he should’ve suffered more. Sometimes, it felt like a sick joke whenever they talked about that around you, with twisted grins and glancing at your reaction from the corners of their eyes
• No one was allowed to talk about Ace like that. No one knew him like you did; no one even knew him properly. No one knew how he could be caring and sweet, just wanting to be loved and feel like he deserved his space in the world. You wish you had the opportunity to give Ace more love, that you’d given him more love when you still could, but you just couldn’t.
• The emotional scars remained there through the years, hurting. The physical scars, too. The scar on your hand was a constant reminder, a scar that had resulted from the fight you’d put up when you found out what was actually happening with Ace while the Marine held you across the ocean. The fight that had not been enough. The fight that you lost.
• Sometimes you wondered why you were still kept alive if the Marine really needed you that much. Honestly, sometimes you wanted to leave and let the Marine come after you to kill, but Ace wouldn’t want you to do that, right? You could practically see him beside you, cupping your cheek and giving you comforting kisses
• It was easy to find yourself wondering what would happen if Ace was still alive, still by your side. How he’d probably risk coming over just to see you. Spend nights with you, with pointless talks, or telling you about his days off in the sea. You missed it so much, really. Lying in bed with Ace while hugging each other, only illuminated by the moonlight, whispering sweet things to each other
• Ace would probably still try to get you to quit the Marine, talk about how you deserved a better life, how you deserved to be free and live life properly, and that he was up to helping you with all of it
• At the end of the day, all of it was just daydreaming. Just an attempt to ease the pertinent pain that numbed you throughout the days, but it still managed to leave you empty and crying into your pillow while blaming yourself. You could’ve done more, right? You could’ve suspected something or found a way out of there
• The routine was so monotonous. Work was the only thing that kept you going, even if you refused to engage in a lot of missions that required action. Everything was an unpleasant blur as if a part of you were missing, a lacking wire or something
• Then, you were called for a mission again. Something that required someone from a high post, strong, and to work under secret, and you couldn’t fucking believe Punk Hazard was creating problems again
• Your ship stopped by the cold coast, which was at least better than the hot one, and you could already see trouble in the distance when you stepped on the snow, adjusting your coat
• The island was truly a mess, with people that had gone missing actually there, people who were supposed to be dead now running around, a War Lord, the Strawhats…
• You caught a glimpse of familiar black hair while the fire burned in the corner of one of the labs. You couldn’t see properly through the debris, nor could you hear a lot through the loud and incoherent shouts and chatter that filled place, but you could swear that you’d seen that loving face spotted with freckles before the crowd dispersed, and you were forced to move
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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beanghostprincess · 27 days
Don't know if you've ever read about this ship but: Portgas D. Rouge x Sora.
Garp helps Rouge run away to the East Blue and lives in Dawn Island and Ace is born here. She lives on a small house on the jungle, between Foosha and Dadan's house and Garp sends money (Rouge doesn't like to depend on him but until her boy is a little older it will have to be this way). Sora kills Judge poisoning him and runs away, stoping at Dawn Island while still pregnant. She has some money to live until she's able to get a work.
Both women meet at some months after Sora gives birth to the quadruplets. They discover they houses are near and, well, they have kids and maybe they can meet each other and play, even. Rouge and Sora get really along. At time pass they start to go together buy things for their houses, talk a lot, falling in love. Rouge think the only one she would be in love with was Roger, but oh well, she was wrong. Sora never was in love with Judge and this was a arranged marriage, so she's discovering just now she is a lesbian and in love with this beautiful woman.
When Ace is 3, the quadruplets 2 and Reiju 5, Garp arrives asking Rouge to raise Luffy. It's... chaotic. But at the end Rouge stays with baby Luffy, because PLEASE, she knows better than let a baby in the man's hands. Garp leaves sure Rouge is having "something" with Sora.
Ace and Luffy grow up together as brothers since the beggining, with Reiju + 1234ji as friends. They don't start dating until Ace is 8 yo, Luffy 5 yo, the quadruplets 7 yo and Reiju 10 yo. Since Ace and Sabo meet at the age of 5 or 6 (if I am right), I can see Ace taking Sabo to meet his 2/3 years old baby brother and his friends. Rouge asks were his parents are to Sabo and he says he doesn't have none. Rouge adopts him after less than a month.
ASL love their mother and they like Sora a lot! She is kind and likes them all very much! Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji and Yonji also love Rouge, their mommy is happier around her! The 8 kids have a a strong friendship and they all get along a lot. Sabo and Sanji get close and along quick. (Can't let the chance to put childhood friend to lovers Sabosan in this)
(I am really thinking about if Sabo stays with them and Dragon take him to Rouge and if Ace lives on Marineford but- things will stop before the angst, 'kay?)
I HAVE HEARD ABOUT IT AND I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! (I have a weak spot for sapphic rareships/crackships they're my favorite thing ever)
I'm loving the whole thing about them raising the kids on their own (even if Rouge has some help) because I genuinely think they would've done such an amazing job as moms if they had the chance :(( Also, Sora finally being able to take care of her kids the way she wants to (with real love) and Rouge showing Ace that he deserves to live and be happy.
The headcanon of Sora being a lesbian has always been one of my favorite things because I adore stories about queens/princesses being forced to marry men and then realizing they didn't want that at all in the first place and their real happiness isn't with a man... Sora and Rouge falling in love and Sora realizing that she can be so much more than just a wife and being appreciated by someone who will treat her right and make her feel both loved and valued. While Rouge, even if still obviously loving Roger, has the power to move on and love again.
So this story about the kids being raised with love by these two sweet and powerful women is just beautiful to me. They would've been so happy... Rouge would've taken care of ASL so well and they would've been able to grow up without the need to survive on their own (I mean, I believe they would do the exact same things they do in canon. Ace and Luffy are the typical "we need to be strong to protect mom too", but this time they have a cozier place to call home and Ace has his mom with him). In this world, Ace would still resent his father a bit, honestly, because the comments about him wouldn't cease, but Rouge would tell him stories about Roger anyway and would try to make him see that he is loved despite the rest of the world hating the idea of him. Sabo's fate is basically the same even if he's being taken care of by Rouge, but in the meantime, being so loved by a mom and having more friends would have helped him in so many ways. Same thing with Luffy, honestly, his abandonment issues would still be there even if there's just a bit more of a peaceful environment around him. I need to mention that I'd like Dadan to be here too helping Rouge more than Garp does and being also kind of like a caretaker for ASL because I believe that she deserves that too. She loves them so much that I don't want to take that away from her even in this world.
On the other hand, Sora raising the kids and them turning out... Normal (as normal as these kids can be) is just so sweet to me. They'd be so loved. And even if they were born with these abilities, there wouldn't be more experiments after that, so perhaps Sora can help them deal with it. Sanji would have a decent dynamic with his siblings... Imagine the Vinsmokes actually being sweet to him. Going insane with this one. And Sora would probably hide that they're royalty, honestly, I don't think she would want them to know. But they would be raised with so much care and love... If you wanna add some angst you can always say they find out about Judge, but I'm focusing on fluff mostly here.
And please please please!!!!!! Childhood best friends to lovers Sabosan mentioned??!!?!?!?!??!? It's one of my favorite things ever. I just know they'd be the ones to get along the most. I have talked about this before but there is no way ASL isn't fighting for Sanji's attention since he probably learns to cook at a very young age and the three of them adore his cooking. Although Sabo is actually down bad for him for other reasons that aren't just that-- I would talk about this more, but I think I have mentioned this AU too many times already to come up with something new that isn't "They fall in love and Sabo dies and then they reunite etc etc".
What you say in the end makes sense. I mean- Perhaps this is just a good timeline where nobody actually dies and there's no Marineford and no Whole Cake Island, buuut I love angst and I believe Ace's death to be one of those things you cannot change no matter the plot. So there would be angst, but let's not talk about it (mentioning the Vinsmokes going to help Ace too tho. That'd be great). And as per WCI...... Idk how this could even happen but I swear that you just need imagination and you can come up with something. No amount of love can fix Sanji's mental stability imo he's always a bit messed up and I love him for that.
Anyway!!!!!!!! This is a wonderful concept. I just love the idea of these two women taking care of the kids on their own and giving them the love they deserve despite the world constantly going against them. Perhaps what these kids actually needed were two sapphic moms and a bit of a better childhood to be less depressed and fucked in the head... I would love to see this, honestly. Sora and Rouge also deserve the world and I hope they're happy in this timeline (when the kids grow up and go in their own separate ways, they stay living together in their house and grow old together as cottage-core sapphics) (maybe Rouge takes Sora and they go sailing together for a little while) (pirate x ex-queen my beloved).
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
Hello! I have a request. It's a reader X Ace from One Piece story. It shows the aftermath of Ace defeating Blackbeard and the reader caring for him as he recovers from his injuries. Ace didn't fight alone. The reader was at his side, and it changed history. The reader has the Crew Crew fruit, which has similarities with Bolo Betty's Kobu Kobu no Mi. They're empowered by, and empower others, by the depth and quality of their bonds. The connection they had with Ace pushed them both through to victory. The reader truly believes Ace can become pirate king, and is thankful to have the opportunity to save him, as he saved them in the past. Here's the song.
The Great War x Portgas D. Ace ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
First of all, I just want to thank you for requesting this and trusting me with this beautiful idea. I apologise if it took a while - I literally got so lost in it. This was such a wonderful idea, so kudos to you! I hope this meets your expectations - I loved writing it and I love the idea of Ace being alive and well, loved and surrounded by people who cherish him. This felt like therapy, this boy deserves the world and I love him so very dearly. Enjoy!
1.6k words | gender neutral | usual one piece violence | mention of IVs and hospital stuff.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
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Running your fingers through his raven locks, you watched as Ace rested by your side. If it wasn't for all the patches and bandages covering his body, it almost seemed like one of his usual peaceful naps. Yet, in the cold of Marco's hospital room, Ace continued his battle and this time, the only help you could give him was sleeping next to him in an uncomfortable chair waiting for him to wake up.
The battle with Blackbeard was one of the most atrocious battles the world had ever witnessed: for Ace, it meant everything. He would have either avenged his dear Pops or died trying - and no one could convince him otherwise. Blackbeard was the living representation of his failures - if only he had been a better son, a better commander, a stronger pirate.. things would have been different. Defeating him meant more than simple revenge: it was Ace's way to honour Whitebeard's legacy, it was Ace's way to remember all the friends and comrades who lost their lives to protect his. For this exact reason, Ace wanted to it alone; he didn't want to lose anyone else - not Marco, not you.
"This is not your fight."
He muttered in response when you and Marco explained your plan to him - you had meticulously studied Blackbeard's devil's fruit and history, you had traced his past routes and the most likely route his ship would have taken to reach the next poneglyph. But Ace didn't want to listen, he didn't want to put your lives at risk - he couldn't tolerate the mere idea of losing you, he didn't want you anywhere near the battlefield regardless of how strong you were.
The months that preceded the battle were intense. Ace trained relentlessly under Rayleigh's careful supervision, pushing his body to its limits and doing his best to awaken his devil fruit's power. When he wasn't training and his body ached from the strain it had to endure, Ace wanted nothing else that spending time with you. His rest days were his excuse to kidnap you from the rest of the crew - he wanted you all for himself, savouring every second he got to spend with you. Despite his confidence and training, he knew his enemy wouldn't be an easy one to face - Blackbeard had the blood of many on his hands, and Ace feared his could only add up to the list. When he wasn't training, blinded by rage and determination, a small part of Ace couldn't help but be afraid.
What if this fight was the big fiasco of his life? What if he wasn't able to defeat Blackbeard, wasting the life his loved ones have protected and traded with theirs? These questions pounded Ace's head constantly, they haunted his sleep and hammered his mind during the day. Ace could only feel peace when he was around you. With you around, Ace felt as if he could conquer the world. The first time he felt like this, you were drunkenly opening your hearts to one another.
"You'll be the king of pirates one day, Fire Fist. And I'll be there, first row."
You slurred, raising your beer to cheer it against his hat, as if it was his crown. That night, the blood in your veins was probably being replaced by the booze you and Ace had chucked down - yet, he knew your words were sincere. He knew you meant every word because as you pronounced them, it felt as if they were being directly engraved onto his heart. This was partly the reason why he decided to get Blackbeard's head - seeing the way you believed in him, the rush of adrenaline he felt every time you reminded him of the immense potential he had.
Drunken talks became slow afternoons in which you just enjoyed each others' company, casually lying in each other's arms and falling asleep in a bed that was way too small to hold two people. Waking up to you peacefully resting on his chest, sharing kisses behind the closed door of his room - these were all things Ace wasn't willing to risk.
"If I make it out alive, I swear I'll marry you."
He whispered in your ear as you softly snored the morning away, lying against his warm body.
Despite Ace's reprimands, you and Marco trained just as much as he did. Your help could have been decisive in battle, and regardless of Ace's approval, you would have done everything in your power to fight by his side - after all, your help could have been decisive. Up until then, you always believed that your devil fruit was useless - it didn't give you any special powers nor any type of supernatural strength. It was hard to really grasp the utility of a devil fruit that strengthened others and not its main user. Your devil fruit wasn't one you could really rely on - you had noticed how its effects were not linear or equal, the boost you were able to give was always spread unevenly among your fellow comrades.
As with any other devil fruit, you had to learn by doing - uncovering any underlying functionality of your peculiar power and eventually awaken the devil fruit. So when the day of the battle finally arrived, you weren't exactly ready - of course, your skills on the battle ground were impeccable, but you weren't sure that would be enough.
"We'll have your back, whether you like it or not." Marco said to Ace, shrugging his shoulders. Before Ace could argue against it, you and Marco had already jumped off the ship, making your way into the island.
The horrors witnessed during the battle between Ace and Blackbeard were for the history books - their fight was intense, infinite, and had immense repercussion on everything and everyone around them. No type of training could have prepared Ace's body to the pain and strain he had to endure, punch after punch, every low sweep and unfair move after the other. The fate of the battle seemed to be decided when Ace's fire became weaker and weaker, the powers of his dear devil fruit slipping out of his control and not responding to him anymore - allowing every blow to land exactly where it was meant to, slowing his movements and nullifying his attacks.
Something shifted inside him when he finally heard your voice, screaming his name at the top of your lungs. Ace's back was now against the floor, his throat giving up under Blackbeard's heavy boot pressing against his neck.
"ACE! PLEASE!" You screamed again, your voice breaking as you watched him helplessly laying on the floor, air leaving his lungs as Blackbeard pressed his whole weight against his airways. A shiver run down your spine as your felt your devil fruit powers rushing through you - a shot of adrenaline running all over your body. Marco quickly glared at you in amusement, immediately regaining his strengths and jumping into the battle once again - even his phoenix looked brighter.
What happened afterwards felt like a blur - Ace's flames responding to him once again, flickering and roaring against Blackbeard. In moments that felt like an eternity, a new age of piracy began.
Winning didn't come without a price, and after the sudden rush of adrenaline and strength that allowed Ace to defeat Blackbeard, he fell to his knees, letting his body crash against the cold soil underneath him. The state of his wounds was more critical than imagined, so when you and Marco finally reached him, you feared there wouldn't be nothing you could do to save him. Despite the temporary recovery of powers, even Marco was now feeling dreaded, exhausted from the battle - and his healing abilities were simply not enough.
"That was you." Marco finally spoke, lifting Ace's body and carrying it on his shoulders.
"Don't tell Ace, but this is your win."
Marco giggled, making his way towards the ship.
"That sudden rush of energy.. I've never seen Ace fight like that - a man in his state could never bounce back the way he did. Even I regained a lot of energy, and that scream wasn't definitely for me.. sounds like something your devil fruit could do."
Marco continued, noticing the confused look on his face.
Ace's recovery was slow - he had been asleep for more than a week now, always under the careful eyes of his trusted doctor and friend. His entire body was wrapped in bandages, IVs and all sorts of tubes coming out of his arms to keep him stable - and he was. Marco kept repeating that his vitals looked fine, but Ace just didn't wake up. So you stayed by his side, spending each day next to his hospital bed, waiting for him to come back to you.
"Hey.." Ace whispered, his words quickly being interrupted by a cough. Hearing Ace's voice almost made you jump from your seat, the biggest smile forming on your lips as your eyes quickly scanned over his face.
Was all you managed to say, trying to fight back the tears that were already clouding your vision. Taking his hands into yours, you left a soft kiss on his knuckles.
"How's my pirate king doing?"
You teased, causing Ace to giggle in response. Freeing his hand from yours, he quickly reached for your face, leaving a gentle caress on your cheek. A shiver ran down your spine as you leaned into Ace's touch, melting against the palm of his hand.
"I gotta ask you something." Ace smirked, the slyest of smiles painted on his lips as flashback of that morning ran just before his eyes. Proposing on an hospital bed wasn't ideal nor romantic, but to Ace, it felt right. He vowed he would always be yours if he survived the war against Blackbeard - and now that he did, there was only one thing left to do.
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onim5 · 29 days
Yandere Portgas D. Ace x reader, 3
Chapter 3: Parents
Female reader
Warnings: Mention of killing. Crying
M/n = Your mother. 
F/n = Your father. 
This was shit. Your now ex was gone, but he had told your parents. And now you sat in the dining hall before them with Ace next to you. "Y/n, why are you cheating?" M/n asked, with disappointment. "Well-" Ace put his hand on your lap and gave you a heartwarming smile. You knew better, though. This smile was a warning. "I couldn't help it, Ace is just so nice, and he's such a gentleman." You said awkwardly but with a smile. "Wasn't ( your fake man's name ) also nice and a gentleman?" Your father asked. "The only thing he did was talk shit about everyone," Ace said to himself with a sigh. "Y/n is this true?" F/n asked concerned. 
"Well yes, but-" Before you could continue Ace interrupted, "And he tried to hit her, I don't know what he would have done if I wasn't there." Both of your parents stood up and hit the table. "WHAT!!!" Their yell made you cover their ears. "Young man, what's your name?" F/n asked with a hard tone. "The name Portgas D. Ace." He answered as seriously as your parents. "Portgas D. Ace, next time you see him, could  you punch that monster two times one for me and the other one for my wife, and then throw him in a bin?" F/n asked. Ace was about to agree when he saw your mother shake her head and then slide a finger at her neck symbolizing what he should do instead. "Don't worry, I take care of him," Ace answered with a wicked grin. 
You had seen what your mother had signaled Ace. Sure it was bad of ( Your fake man's name ) to try and hit you, but he didn't deserve death. "Well then, Ace. What do you do for a living." M/n asked with genuine curiosity. "I'm the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. Fire Fist Ace." Ace said winking. Your mom and dad looked at each other. "Y/n do you really love him?" Your mother asked a bit concerned. Ace squeezed your knee. "Yes." You answered in panic. "Then we accept your relationship, but Y/n you should leave with Ace. It's gonna be too painful for you to have a far-away love."  M/n said holding your father's hand and looking sadly at him. 
Your heart dropped, you can't go with this psycho. You wouldn't survive with him for long. And you would lose everything leaving. You looked at Ace, he had such a soft smile, and worse it looked kind. "I believe it is safest for your kind parents if we leave this evening," Ace said taking your hand and entwining them. "Yeah, don't wanna put mom and dad in danger." You said a bit distant. "I go pack my bags." You smiled and then walked up the stairs. "Babe I wanna get to know you're parents so I stay here," Ace yelled up to you. "That's so nice, we would love to get to know you better." Your F/n said. 
You got three bags done slowly, why did this happen? Why did this Ace get so obsessed with you? Just why? You sobbed quietly as you got what you wanted. He would obviously kill your lovely parents if you didn't comply. What a jerk, what a monster. 
You couldn't help crying as you said goodbye to your parents. Ace also hugged them and then he and you left on a small boat he had stolen, behind it the Striker followed bound in a rope. You stood at the end of the boat and watched as you lost everything because of this guy. Ace steered the boat with a huge smile. He started dreaming about you two's future when a thought crossed him. That made him blush brightly.
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aachria · 1 month
once again writing as im reading yk how it is
You apologizing in the notes for a longer chapter will never fail toget me hyped and sorta nervous 🧍‍♀️
"So did you (get taller) , thank you for staying alive long enough for me to know that" aachria the writer that you are 😭 you always manage to make me emotional
"…Who the fuck picks a prosethetic that looks like Sans from Undertale???? " Sabo the man you are
AACHRIA. PLEASE. IM AT THE "ACE TO BE EXECUTED" PART. WTF. WHAT WHAT WHAT 😭 UHM. I knew my ass was being too hopeful about both of them being there 😕 i shouldn't have trusted you.
If Ace dies. I'll cry. /th. You'll cry too so please don't kill him 🙏‼️
"I can’t save him. I can’t save him, I can’t save him I CAN’T SAVE HIM I CAN’T SAVE HIM— " ricky when i catch you Ricky. I dont wanna call this foreshadowing cause that might give you ideas and i predicted quite a bit of stiff right. So i predict Portgas D. Ace will Live.
I want you to know i cried at the Luffy comforting and forgiving Ed part 😕
" “How can you say that?” I croak, trying to find any hint of dissension in his expression. “How can you not believe it?” he counters." 😕😕😕😕😭😭😭😭 you're a bully
" Bit of a shit way to meet and in law but hi" and then no elaboration is so funny 😭
Did. Did failure make ed forget about the kuma sending everyone away thing? Or are they gonna try to put it off til after marineford??? Or is it just not gonna happen at all???
Ed repeatedly saying "i love competent people" with kore and more intensity 3ach time is so real what a mood
Jonah mentioned 🤭 love to see sabo and ace bonding
"Unquestionably" 🤭🤭🤭
im still worried abt wtf is gonna happen a propos the strawhats separation
Amazing chapter as always excited to see the next chapter that you might post on Wednesday THANK YOU SO MUCH ‼️
but yeah getting you hyped and nervous is pretty much the intended effect.
I was trying real hard to keep faithful to the feelings from the canon Sabo and Luffy reunion while also not having Ace being DEAD as the driving force of the thanks (the ASL brothers thanking each other is something that can be so personal—) and I'm, if nothing else, content with where it ended up. Fuckin' love those two.
Nothing shows how much you love a character like giving them fucktons of piercings and just generally disregarding their canon design. He is my special little guy and I will make him strange and weird like he deserves and if that included stealing his fucking eye and making it more awesome and also poking a myriad of holes in his face, who's to stop me?
I am terribly trustworthy excuse you. I never said I wasn't going to do terrible things. I asked if you thought I'd do terrible things and I hoped I wouldn't do terrible things, but I never made any promises. Hheh.
I also make no promises not to kill Ace. For the record. But I will cry absolutely.
If there's one thing about Ed, it's that if they're given a chance they will martyr the SHIT out of ANYTHING. Like pookie please your saviour complex is showing.
I was so ready for someone to call out the recurring smoked fish joke like 'hmmmm smoked fish you say kinda of like SMOKE from something BURNING IS IT?!" and then that didn't happen and I felt vindicated. And please when have I ever used foreshadowing before. Doesn't sound like me at all.
Luffy is my hero you GO bestie COMFORT that idiot YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH—
Look that cowboy hat is fantastic and my catalyst for cowboy Ed, who can only get more cowboy cunty from here. Nothing say pirate quite like a cowboy.
Oh yeah baby Ed is very aware of Kuma. There's a bunch of you shits who were real concerned about them forgetting and to that I say the first little sequence of next chapter was supposed to be on the end of last chapter, but it was already too damn long so I had to split 'er up. It'll make more sense when you read it.
I LOVE COMPOTENT PEOPLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ED AND LUFFY PRISON BREAK ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Yeah.... the separation.........
Anyway yeah I didn't end up doing to Wed update because I had a bad week but there WILL be one this week ‼️‼️
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