#portable moving containers chicago
odysseystorage · 2 years
Container Storage Units for Rent in Illinois
Odyssey Storage Rental is one of the best companies that offer container storage units for rent Illinois. Container storage units are a popular solution for both residential and commercial storage needs, due to their durability, security, and versatility. Contact us today.
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home-solar-wind · 8 months
Container Vegetable Gardening In Central Florida - Latest Ideas
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In sunny Central Florida, gardening is not just a hobby, it's a way of life! With its year-round warm climate and fertile soil, Florida provides the perfect environment for gardening enthusiasts to create stunning green spaces. However, when it comes to limited space or challenging landscapes, container gardening emerges as the ideal solution. Container gardening offers numerous benefits, especially in the unique region of Central Florida. Whether you have a small balcony, want to add greenery to your patio, or live in a community with strict gardening regulations, containers provide a versatile and convenient approach to growing your own vegetables. Are you new to the concept of container vegetable gardening? Container gardening allows you to plant and cultivate vegetables in portable containers rather than directly in the ground. This innovative method offers a range of advantages, such as greater control over soil quality, better pest management, and the ability to move your plants throughout the day for optimal sunlight exposure. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the wonders of container vegetable gardening in Central Florida. From selecting the right containers and soil to choosing the perfect vegetables for your climate, our expert tips and advice will help you create a flourishing vegetable garden, regardless of space limitations or the type of soil you have. So, whether you are a gardening enthusiast or a beginner looking to enjoy the benefits of vegetable gardening in Central Florida, join us as we dive deep into the world of container gardening and discover how you can cultivate your own fresh and delicious vegetables all year round! Central Florida Climate and Growing Conditions A 28-day-old Outredgeous red romaine lettuce plant grows in a prototype VEGGIE flight pillow Discover the perfect climate for container vegetable gardening in Central Florida! A. Understanding the Unique Climate of Central Florida Central Florida is known for its subtropical climate which provides fertile ground for vegetable gardening. Summers are long and hot, while winters are short and mild. The region is prone to heavy rainfall and occasional hurricanes, creating a challenging but rewarding environment for container gardening enthusiasts. Read More on Are Container Homes Legal In Chicago? Exploring Possibilities B. How the Climate Affects Vegetable Gardening in Containers The climate of Central Florida poses both advantages and challenges for growing vegetables in containers. The warm weather allows for year-round gardening, but the high temperatures can be detrimental to certain plants. Furthermore, the frequent rainfall may lead to waterlogged soil in containers, affecting the root health of vegetables. Read More on The Best Container Home Builders in Central Florida C. Tips for Adapting to the Specific Growing Conditions To thrive in Central Florida's climate, consider these tips: - Choose heat-tolerant varieties: Opt for vegetables that can withstand the region's high temperatures, such as tomatoes, peppers, and sweet potatoes. - Provide adequate drainage: Ensure that your containers have sufficient drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil and root rot. - Protect from extreme weather: Be prepared for hurricanes and heavy downpours by securing your containers and providing shelter when necessary. - Implement shade strategies: Shield your plants from excessive sunlight and heat by using shade cloth or creating shade structures. Types of Containers Suitable for Vegetable Gardening in Central Florida When it comes to container vegetable gardening in Central Florida, choosing the right containers plays a crucial role in the success of your garden. Here, we will explore the various types of containers available and their pros and cons for vegetable gardening in this region. A. Overview of the Different Container Options Available 1. Clay or Terra Cotta Pots: Terra cotta pots for container vegetable gardening in Central Florida Clay pots are a popular choice for vegetable gardening in Central Florida. They are not only aesthetically pleasing but also provide excellent drainage. However, they can become heavy when wet and may require additional maintenance to prevent them from drying out quickly. 2. Plastic Containers: Plastic flower pots for growing plants in Central Florida As can be seen, plastic containers are lightweight and easy to manage. They also retain moisture better than clay pots, which can be beneficial in Central Florida's hot climate. However, they may not be as visually appealing as other container options. 3. Fabric Grow Bags: Fabric grow bags for planting plants in Florida Without doubt, fabric grow bags have gained popularity in recent years due to their excellent drainage and breathable properties. They prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged and allow air to reach the roots of the plants. However, they may require more frequent watering compared to other containers. Read More on Are Container Homes Legal in BC? Interesting Review B. Pros and Cons of Each Type of Container Clay or Terra Cotta Pots: Pros: Excellent drainage, aesthetically pleasing Cons: Heavy when wet, may dry out quickly Plastic Containers: Pros: Lightweight, retain moisture Cons: Less visually appealing Fabric Grow Bags: Pros: Excellent drainage, breathable Cons: Require more frequent watering Read More on 2023 Outdoor Solar Garden Lights: Ultimate Costs, Pros & Cons C. Choosing the Right Containers for Specific Vegetable Plants Each vegetable plant has different space and growth requirements. Here are some guidelines for choosing the right container for specific vegetable plants: - Leafy greens (such as lettuce and spinach): These plants have shallow root systems and require containers with a wide planting surface but shallow depth. - Root vegetables (such as carrots and radishes): These plants need deeper containers to allow their roots to develop properly. - Vining plants (such as tomatoes and cucumbers): These plants require sturdier containers or trellises to support their growth and prevent them from toppling over. By choosing the right containers based on the specific needs of your vegetable plants, you can ensure healthy growth and maximize the yield of your Central Florida container vegetable garden. Ideal Vegetables to Grow in Containers in Central Florida When it comes to container vegetable gardening in Central Florida, choosing the right vegetables can make all the difference. Here are some ideal vegetables that thrive in containers in this region: A. Introduction to the Best Vegetable Plants for Container Gardening Not all vegetables are suitable for container gardening, but there are some that perform exceptionally well in Central Florida's climate. These vegetables not only adapt to limited space but also provide a bountiful harvest. B. Considerations for Selecting Vegetables Based on the Climate Central Florida's climate can be challenging for some vegetables, especially in the hot and humid summer months. It is crucial to choose vegetables that can withstand the region's high temperatures and frequent rainfall. C. Recommendations for Successful Vegetable Varieties in the Region Here are some recommended vegetable varieties that have proven to be successful in container gardening in Central Florida: - Tomatoes: Varieties like 'Patio', 'Cherry', and 'Sweet 100' thrive in containers and produce juicy, flavorful fruits. - Peppers: 'Sweet Banana', 'Cubanelle', and 'Jalapeno' peppers are perfect for containers and add a nice kick to your dishes. - Herbs: Basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint thrive in containers and provide fresh flavors for your culinary endeavors. - Leafy Greens: Spinach, lettuce, and kale are excellent choices for container gardening, offering nutrient-dense greens for salads. - Beans: Bush beans, such as 'Provider' and 'Contender', are compact and prolific, producing abundant harvests in containers. Remember to provide adequate support for vining varieties, such as tomatoes and beans, by using stakes or trellises. This maximizes space and enhances their growth. Read More on Building A Container Home in Florida – How To Build One Proper Soil Mix and Fertilizers for Container Vegetable Gardening in Central Florida Creating an optimal soil mix and using the right fertilizers are essential for successful container vegetable gardening in Central Florida. By providing the right nutrients and maintaining proper soil composition, you can ensure healthy plant growth and abundant harvests. Here's what you need to know: A. Importance of Soil Composition for Container Gardening in Central Florida The soil composition plays a crucial role in the success of your container vegetable garden. It affects the drainage, aeration, and nutrient availability for your plants. In Central Florida, where the climate can be hot and humid, having a well-draining soil mix is essential to prevent waterlogged roots and fungal diseases. B. Overview of Suitable Soil Mixes for Vegetable Plants When creating a soil mix for your container vegetables, aim for a blend that provides both excellent drainage and moisture retention. A recommended mix for Central Florida is a combination of one part potting soil, one part compost, and one part perlite or vermiculite. This combination will promote healthy root development and prevent waterlogging. C. Fertilizing Techniques and Best Practices for Container Vegetables in the Region In Central Florida, container vegetables benefit from regular fertilization to replenish nutrients and ensure vigorous growth. A balanced organic fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or 14-14-14 blend, can provide the necessary macronutrients. Apply the fertilizer according to the package instructions, usually every four to six weeks. Additionally, consider using slow-release fertilizers that gradually release nutrients over time. This can help provide a steady supply of nutrients to your vegetables throughout the growing season. Follow the instructions on the slow-release fertilizer product for proper application rates. Remember to monitor your plants for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, as this can impact their overall health and productivity. Adjust your fertilization regimen accordingly based on the specific needs of your vegetables. By utilizing the proper soil mix and fertilizers for container vegetable gardening in Central Florida, you can create an environment that promotes healthy plant growth and maximizes your harvest. Remember to provide adequate drainage, retain moisture, and regularly fertilize your vegetables to keep them thriving throughout the growing season. Read More on Best Poolside Container Plants – Stunning Pool Area Choices Watering and Irrigation Techniques for Container Gardening in Central Florida A crucial aspect of successful container vegetable gardening in Central Florida is proper watering and irrigation. In this section, we will explore the watering needs of container vegetables, appropriate irrigation techniques and frequency in the region, as well as tips for preventing overwatering or underwatering container plants. A. Understanding the Watering Needs of Container Vegetables Container vegetables require consistent moisture to thrive in the Central Florida climate. It's essential to understand the specific watering needs of each vegetable variety you are growing. Some vegetables may require more frequent watering, while others need less. Factors, such as the container size, type of soil mix, and weather conditions, also influence watering requirements. It's crucial to monitor the moisture levels of the soil to avoid underwatering or overwatering your plants. Read More on Florida Shipping Container Home Laws: Ultimate Guide B. Appropriate Irrigation Techniques and Frequency in the Region In Central Florida, the hot and humid climate demands careful attention to irrigation techniques. Here are some best practices for watering your container vegetables: - Water deeply: Ensure the water reaches the roots by watering deeply. Shallow watering can lead to weaker roots and less robust plants. - Drip irrigation system: Consider installing a drip irrigation system for your containers. It delivers water directly to the container's soil, minimizing water wastage and ensuring uniform moisture distribution. - Time watering wisely: Early morning or late afternoon is the ideal time to water your container vegetables in Central Florida. Watering during these cooler hours reduces evaporation and gives the plants sufficient time to absorb moisture before the heat of the day. The frequency of watering might vary depending on the specific vegetables you are growing and the prevailing weather conditions. Regularly monitor the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. C. Tips for Preventing Overwatering or Underwatering Container Plants Overwatering or underwatering can spell disaster for your container vegetable garden. Follow these tips to avoid these common pitfalls: - Check soil moisture: Regularly assess the moisture levels of the soil in your containers. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it's time to water. - Avoid stagnant water: Ensure proper drainage in your containers to prevent water from accumulating at the bottom. Stagnant water can lead to root rot and other diseases. - Use mulch: Applying a layer of organic mulch on top of the soil helps retain moisture and regulate temperature, reducing the risk of both overwatering and underwatering. - Observe plant behavior: Pay close attention to how your plants react to watering. Wilting leaves may indicate underwatering, while yellowing or dropping leaves may be a sign of overwatering. Adjust your watering practices accordingly. By understanding the watering needs of your container vegetables, utilizing appropriate irrigation techniques, and actively preventing overwatering or underwatering, you can ensure healthy and thriving plants in your Central Florida container vegetable garden. Read More on The Best Amount Of Gas A Biodigester Can Give You Pests and Diseases Common to Vegetable Plants in Containers in Central Florida Container vegetable gardening in Central Florida offers many benefits, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common challenges faced by gardeners in the region is dealing with pests and diseases that can wreak havoc on vegetable plants grown in containers. Understanding and effectively managing these issues is essential for a successful container garden in Central Florida. A. Overview of Common Pests and Diseases in the Region Central Florida provides a favorable environment for various pests and diseases that commonly affect vegetable plants. Some of the most prevalent pests include aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars, and spider mites. These pests can quickly multiply and damage your plants if not addressed promptly. As for diseases, fungal infections such as powdery mildew and downy mildew are prevalent in the humid and warm conditions of Central Florida. Bacterial diseases like bacterial leaf spot and blight can also affect vegetable plants grown in containers. B. Identification and Prevention Techniques for Pests and Diseases Identifying pests and diseases early on is crucial for effective control. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation or disease. Look for yellowing or discolored leaves, distorted growth, holes in leaves, or presence of pests on the plant. To prevent infestations and diseases, practice good sanitation in your container garden. Remove any debris or fallen leaves that can harbor pests or diseases. Keep the area around your containers clean and free from weeds to minimize potential sources of infestation. C. Natural and Chemical Treatments for Pest and Disease Control When it comes to tackling pests and diseases, you can choose between natural or chemical treatments based on your preference. Natural treatments include introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings to control pests. Neem oil and insecticidal soap are also effective natural options for pest control. If natural treatments are not yielding the desired results, chemical treatments can be used as a last resort. Always follow the instructions carefully and use chemical treatments sparingly to avoid harming beneficial insects or pollinators. Consult with a local gardening expert or nursery for recommended chemical treatments suitable for Central Florida. Remember that prevention is always better than cure. Regularly monitor your plants, provide optimal growing conditions, and maintain good garden hygiene to minimize the occurrence of pests and diseases in your container vegetable garden in Central Florida. Read More on Solar Power For 1.5 HP Pump: The Best In Market Sunlight and Shade Requirements for Container Vegetable Gardening in the Area When it comes to container vegetable gardening in Central Florida, understanding the sunlight and shade requirements is crucial for the success of your plants. In this section, we will explore the proper techniques for sun exposure and introduce methods for providing shade during the hotter months. Understanding the Sunlight Exposure in Central Florida Central Florida boasts a warm and sunny climate, making it an ideal location for growing vegetables in containers. Most vegetables require a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day to thrive. However, it's essential to consider the intensity of the sunlight, especially during the scorching summer months. It's important to note that different vegetables may have varying sunlight requirements. While some vegetables like tomatoes and peppers thrive in full sun, others such as leafy greens and herbs can tolerate partial shade. Determining the Appropriate Amount of Sunlight for Vegetable Plants To determine the appropriate amount of sunlight for your container vegetables, it is recommended to observe your garden area throughout the day. Take note of the hours of direct sunlight different areas receive. You can also use a sunlight meter or consult with local gardening experts for accurate readings. In general, vegetables that require full sun should be placed in areas with the highest amount of direct sunlight. This can be a south-facing balcony, patio, or any spot that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Partial shade vegetables, on the other hand, can be placed in areas that receive a few hours of direct sunlight or areas shaded by trees or larger plants. Read More on 13 Simple Energy-Smart Tips To Keep Your Home Cool in Summer Techniques for Providing Shade in Hotter Months During the hotter months in Central Florida, the intense sunlight can be detrimental to some vegetable plants. To protect your plants from burning or wilting, it is essential to provide shade during the peak hours of the day. One effective technique is to use shade cloth or mesh netting. These materials can be draped over your containers or secured on a frame above your plants, providing them with relief from the direct sunlight while still allowing enough light for growth. Another technique is to strategically place your containers in areas that receive partial shade, such as under trees or near larger structures that provide shade for part of the day. This can help regulate the temperature and protect your plants from excessive heat exposure. Remember to monitor the temperature and adjust the shade as needed. Your plants may require more or less shade depending on the specific weather conditions and the needs of the vegetables you are growing. Harvesting and Maintenance Practices Specific to Container Vegetable Gardening in Central Florida A. Read the full article
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anshumantiwari123 · 2 years
How To Lift Web based Business Deals
Inarguably, online business is a profoundly cutthroat industry and requires steady showcasing and limited time methodologies to help in general deals. The most common way of speeding up the presentation of a web based business doesn't expect you to ignite with endeavors rather center hire dedicated ios developers in Chicago around feasible systems to achieve income objectives. However methodology development is a profoundly tweaked process yet there are unquestionably a couple of essentials that organizations need to guarantee taking on the earliest.
Ways Of helping Internet Business Deals
There are a few momentous ways of speeding up the Online business venture by helping deals numerous folds. Shockingly, every one of the manners in which that we talk in the step are many times dismissed as the little advances. In any case, the effect of these little advances and activities is critical on the drawn out excursion of the business.
Make your Store Portable
No business can work with unbending nature. Particularly when it's about Online business where clients go with regular decisions in view of their comfort. Inarguably, in the current situation comfort accompanies portability. Subsequently, it becomes critical to permit clients to get to your Internet business stage on work areas as well as on telephones and tablets. The better the openness, the higher is the transformation rate and consequently the income.
Use Email to its Ideal
To exploit Email starts by setting up the Email list. We comprehend this might appear to be a dreary errand from the get go however it resembles a helpful reexamination to your showcasing framework. It assists with building a local area of faithful clients by focusing on or retargeting them. Popup functions admirably when it's to online stores. In any case, the facts confirm that consistent popups can disturb on occasion. Consequently, it is ideal to toss the popup when the individual purposes the framework for a more extended time frame.
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Use Search engine optimization and Online Entertainment Abilities
At the point when it's tied in with being on the top rundown of Web based business stores then Search engine optimization assumes a vital part. Here, the site is enhanced with the Web index norms and positions higher when clients look for such administrations and items. Besides, Website design enhancement alone can't take care of business, to draw in rush hour gridlock it needs to eclipse the generally utilized web-based entertainment handles like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and so forth. Notwithstanding, of these whole Web-based entertainment choices, Instagram will be profoundly liked as it additionally ends up being an Online business store in itself in the event that the top-selling things are exhibited well.
Make Social Verification the Need
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Pick the Web based business Advancement Accomplice
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Last Words
Most authorities on the matter would agree, here Web-based Commercial center is accepted to accompany greater variety and accommodation. Subsequently, Web based business has acquired a huge lift. On the off chance that the right Client Procurement and Dealing with systems are put, it is absolutely impossible that a Web based business organizations think back. The main test is the rising rivalry with can likewise be handled with the right Advanced Promoting methods. Thus, hold hands with QWI and help your Internet Business deal.
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cosplayinamerica · 3 years
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Turd Ferguson from SNL : zangites
I remember growing up watching Norm MacDonald on SNL and on his sitcom, and being laughing quite a lot. His dry wit and cutting delivery was always very sharp, and he had a way to speak directly to his audience that few comedians were about to match.
It was definitely jarring to see that he had passed away today from a decade-long bout with cancer that he kept away from the public eye. So to honor that, I’ll just remember the good, funny times and continue to be Turd Ferguson every so often.
My name is Ken and I’ve been cosplaying since the late 90s/early 2000s, which is crazy since that means I’ve been cosplaying over twenty years, or half of my life since I am going to be 41 in a few months. I can remember going to Wondercon, which was still in San Francisco in the early 2000s, paying like ten bucks for a badge to get one day, and seeing mostly comic book vendors at conventions. We’ve certainly come a long way!
I started going to comic conventions in the mid 90s and remember a sparse set of people going to conventions with even less dressing up. I just though to myself that it would be cool to be a character in this safe space of the comic con. Back then, there wasn’t a lot of places to get costume stuff with most of the geek stuff you could buy at the convention itself. I remember as a kid that I did not like the feeling of cheap Halloween costumes on my skin, as if the costume would fall apart on me in a sudden gust of wind. The inspiration for my first Cosplay came when I saw a blue cadet jacket at an Army/Navy store. I quickly snatched it up, added patches to it, and cut out my own hood to become Cobra Commander. I would be one of a handful of people at my local conventions in the San Francisco Bay Area that would costume often. Something I would bring with me when I moved to Chicago.
I am an SNL megafan, plus I truly enjoy groups that you don’t typically see represented at comic book or anime cons. Of the many characters represented in the over 40 years of the show, I whittled it down to Phil Hartman’s Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer and Norm MacDonald’s Turd Ferguson. I’d lean toward Turd after rewatching a lot of the Celebrity Jeopardy sketch. There was something about the dynamic of that sketch between the principle characters of Will Ferrell’s Alex Trebek, Darryl Hammond’s Sean Connery, and Norm MacDonald’s Burt Reynolds that made for true Comedy Magic. 
Turd is among the easiest cosplays I’ve ever put together and perhaps the easiest one I’ve ever worn. The suit pieces were thrifted, and the signature bolo tie and oversized yellow cowboy hat (it’s funny), was purchased through Amazon. To drive the point home, I made a portable “podium” out of the top of a storage container decorated with glow-in-the-dark tape, a name plate with Turd’s signature, and a print out of the Jeopardy logo. This would all be suspended using an old martial arts black belt. Overall, people usually start laughing or freak out when they see me as Turd. Not many people expect to see the character represented at cons, so I’d like to think I provide a needed break between seeing the superhero du jour. This is further compounded by acting the part. Usually the day of the convention, I rewatch the Celebrity Jeopardy to pick up the cadences and deliverances Norm would use when portraying his caricature of Burt Reynolds. I would also watch some clips of Burt Reynolds to further add depth to the bits I’d perform as Turd. Put it all together and it makes for a great, humorous time. Norm’s humor is from the school of Rodney Dangerfield in that there is a glimmer of pain in every joke told. Each joke is sharply sarcastic and rather sardonic, yet relatable to the pain of life. If studying his comedy has taught me anything, it is that life can be laughed at despite it being incredibly tough at times.
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gregcortezz · 3 years
Shipping Container Home Storage Ideas
Using self storage units provide a great option for people to hold onto keepsakes with sentimental value and other personal items, while not having to buy a larger property. The “4Ds of life” – death, divorce, downsizing and dislocation – are facts of life and create a major disruption in our lives. Changing life situations can force someone to live in limbo for periods. They may need to move households and need a space to buy new shipping container store their belongings until they can settle into a new, more permanent situation.
Shipping container self storage may offer them a secure place to keep their possessions until they can get settled into a new place.
In the USA, self storage statistics report that nearly 10% of American households need additional self storage and spends an average monthly cost of $87.89 for a self-storage unit. Nationally, the number of storage facilities ranges somewhere between 45,000 to 60,000.
The 10 most in-demand USA cities for self-storage units. Rank City, State 10 Miami, FL 9 Brooklyn, NY 8 San Diego, CA 7 Las Vegas, NV 6 Phoenix, AZ 5 San Antonio, TX 4 Chicago, IL 3 New York, NY 2 Los Angeles, CA 1 Houston, TX
How much does it cost to rent commercial self storage space vs buying a shipping container? Of course, the answer to this question depends a lot on your specific needs. At commercial self storage facilities, 10’x10′ is the most popular storage unit size, which measures one-hundred square feet and might compare to approximately half the size of a regular garage. A general guideline is that the 100 square foot space will fit the contents of a two-bedroom apartment.
The smallest units average about $50 per month. Much larger spaces cost upwards of $300 per month. Some storage businesses require a 12 month contract to be signed. When you buy a shipping container for self storage you have a one time cost and you own the container forever. If you don’t have an available space to store your container, you possibly may need to rent a small space on a property that is located at a convenient distance to you.
Are shipping containers your best choice for self storage? Most of the people who buy an empty Conex container are using it to store furniture and other possessions that take up a large amount of space. Home based business owners like online sellers who store and ship inventory through websites like EBay, Gumtree and Craigslist find they need somewhere to securely store their products. Additionally, with less storage space (basements and garages) in condos, homeowners are looking for an easy and affordable self storage solution.
Why should we use shipping containers as self-storage units? A short answer: because of their design, construction, size and affordability. A little searching will show that you can buy a used shipping container for a really affordable price (we will address the details later in this article). By their very nature, cargo containers are made to be easily transported to whatever site you require. You may be looking for relocate the container for a household move, in which case it can just be picked up and follow you on your move. Even if you don’t have plans to move the container from one location to another, the containers can be set up quickly and all of your possessions moved inside for safe keeping.
Shipping containers are specifically engineered to be stacked, transportable, and are constructed from corrugated metal sheets that are welded together. The steel boxes are subjected to rigorous quality assurance tests for water resistance, and the ability to withstand moisture, the effects of salt and withstand extreme weather conditions.
Why do shipping containers make really great self storage units? Durability: Made of thick steel walls, strong and capable of storing bulky and heavy goods without damaging the interior of the storage space.
Watertight and Secure: Designed to withstand rains and extreme weather condition conditions during a sea voyage, the containers are in fact watertight against wet weather conditions. Their main function is to make certain that the contents remain dry and undamaged during their trip. Most shipping containers are made of a particular steel alloy called Corten Steel that is especially suited for outside weather conditions.
Vermin and pest proof. The containers are self-enclosed, with tight seals around the doors which prevents rodent and bugs entering and damaging your goods. This can be a problem in many storage facilities. These features combined offer solid security and added peace of mind with the confidence that your possessions are protected, dry and secure.
Low initial investment and low maintenance: Once you have set up your Conex box self storage, there is next to no ongoing maintenance or accumulating monthly rental costs. Buying a shipping container is a one time investment.
Long life expectancy: Shipping containers have a life expectancy of over two to three decades with minimum level of maintenance.
Security: Container entry is secure with a high quality pad lock on the doors and equipped with a special lock box. A “lock box” is housed inside a steel box welded to the doors protecting your padlock from being broken by burglar’s crowbar. Since your container is stand alone and not connected to other people’s storage units, you also have another protection against unwanted entry.
You can store a variety of goods inside. With a few important renovations (like insulation or the other suggestions later in this article), you can safely store almost anything from boxes, books, furniture, electronics without fear of moisture damage. Store larger items. With the ability to open the doors at both ends of the container, containers are easily accessible to store large sized objects.
Portability: Containers are designed to be easily movable, making them especially convenient for packing and for mobile storage needs.
Drive-up accessibility: You can pull up and park your vehicle directly at the doors to your container storage.
How do I choose the right container for storage? There are 2 main factors to consider: the grade or (the condition of how new the container is) and the size. One-Tripper or New Container These containers are brand new. Manufactured and shipped directly from China, having carried their first load of cargo. They will cost more and will be outfitted with new features like polyurethane floor coating, a pre-installed lock box, and handles and doors.
As-Is or General Purpose These are used containers that may have many miles on them. As the name “As-Is” suggests, this is a container purchased in its current, used condition. The cargo container walls may have dents, rust, flaking paint or punctures. The less than perfect condition will be reflected in a lower price. If you are storing spare mechanical parts on a vacant lot, a sparkling new container may not be important and you can save some money by buying a used Conex container.
The standard sizes of ISO shipping containers are: 8ft (2.43m) wide, 20ft (6.06m) in length and 8.5ft (2.59m) high ceiling 8ft (2.43m) wide, 40ft (6.06m) in length and 8.5ft (2.59m) high ceiling * Tall shipping containers called high-cube containers are available at 9.5ft (2.89m) high ceilings.
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145 S Spring St Suite 700 Los Angeles CA 90012 Ph: 6614122227
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wherefunsurvives · 4 years
The Ultimate College COVID Packing List
Okay kids, you’ve seen the post about packing light for college, so here’s some specifics for all of you incoming freshmen or returning students who will be living on campus! This is NOT the year to bring extra furniture, decorations, etc. This is the year to pack light and be ready to get on out of there at a moment’s notice if you have to. i proudly present to you -
“What to bring and what not to bring when going to college in a global pandemic!!!”
i used to swear by my camp trunk when i packed for school and while a trunk can be useful because it has more space inside it’s going to be harder to take on a plane or bus. If you go for a trunk, make sure its combined dimensions (length+width+height) are 62 inches or less (the size requirement for checked luggage). The ideal size would probably be a 32x17x13 inch trunk.
Instead of trunks or big containers, go for a combination of suitcases and duffle bags. Your goal should be to minimize luggage - you want be able to carry everything through an airport without any help. So let’s say in theory at MOST you should have a combination that looks something like:
2 checked suitcases + 1 checked duffle + 1 carryon duffle + one personal item backpack
1 checked suitcase + 1 checked duffle + 1 carryon suitcase + one personal item backpack
1 checked suitcase + 1 carryon suitcase + 1 personal item duffle
Get creative, mix and match, calculate the costs for each combination, which will vary depending on if you’re flying, taking a bus, driving, or taking a train. 
Checked and carryon luggage should ideally have 4 spinner wheels and a handle, this will make it easier to move all by yourself. Put your duffles around the handles of the luggage so you can carry everything yourself with minimal effort. If you have checked luggage and carryon luggage, consider a bag connector like this one! You can find surprisingly decent luggage at Costco and from Travelpro, which is designed for pilots and flight attendants but has massive markdowns all the time. 
A good duffle should be spacious with multiple compartments or pockets. If you’re an experienced camper or backpacker, maybe use those types of bags! If you’re not, get something that’s 40 liters of space or more. i bought this 50L duffle for $30 and it’s absolutely absurd the amount of stuff i can fit in it.Leave all other storage options at home. 
Don’t bring your own desk, drawers, furniture etc. Use only the furniture provided by the dorm. Don’t even bring a laundry hamper! Get a fabric laundry bag that you can easily fold. 
LEARN HOW TO PACK EFFICIENTLY. Choose your fighter, the army rolling method or the KonMari folding method (Marie Kondo also has a great video on how to organize what you pack and choose only what you need). This will allow you to bring the amount of clothes you need while taking up minimal space. Speaking of which -
Your goal is to minimize both items and travel (meaning you shouldn’t plan as if you’re going to travel home every break to swap out clothes). Now is a great time to learn how to build a capsule wardrobe of basic items that can be mixed and matched. Keep it simple. Obviously if you’re in a warmer climate, this will be easier. For colleges with seasons, i’d say aim for 2 pairs of jeans or trousers you like, 1 pair of dress pants, and 1-2 pairs of leggings/joggers/comfortable pants. 1 pair of shorts, no more than 2 skirts, no more than 3 dresses (1 nicer, 1 more casual and comfortable). 10-12 shirts or less (include a variety of tanks, tee shirts, long sleeves, button downs, sweaters, etc.) and 3-5 “layers” like a blazer, cardigan, hoodie, etc. 2 pairs of pajamas, one for warmer weather and one for cooler weather. One raincoat, one fall/spring midweight jacket, one good winter coat - if you’re in Chicago, NYC, etc. invest in a warm parka, and i don’t mean Canada Goose. Just something sturdy that will keep you warm.
You’re going to repeat outfits. That’s fine. You’re not going anywhere important and you’ll be spending a lot of time in your room online. Being able to get out is more important than looking cute.
Pack an appropriate amount of underwear, socks, bras, etc. Bring a hat or two, one for sun and a thick beanie for the cold. Bring one tie and one pair of snow gloves if you need either. Bring a scarf or two for cold climates (they can be an extra layer of protection over a mask). If you wear jewelry, choose up to 10 items you really want and put them in a bag or a small portable jewelry box.
You only need 4 pairs of shoes maximum - one pair of sneakers/gym shoes that you could easily walk two miles in. One pair of of easy slip-on slip-off shoes for going to get mail or do laundry (because you don’t want to walk the dorms barefoot these days) and bonus points if they can double as comfortable ‘nice’ shoes such as cheap loafers, TOMS, basic flats, etc. One flip flops or sandals if you’ll be using communal showers and bathrooms. And one pair of boots that can double as rainboots AND snowboots (duckboots are great for this!) You don’t need heels, wedges, or multiple pairs/styles of shoes for the same reason you don’t need multiple dresses or a full tuxedo - you’re not going anywhere this year! Or at least you shouldn’t! Parties, formals, conferences, etc. are all a terrible idea unless you want COVID-19.
What you should have multiples of are masks and gloves! Have a few reusable face masks you can wash (RedBubble has them in every style, almost every clothing brand sells them, and VogMask/Camridge Mask are great options for something a little more heavy duty). Invest in disposable gloves and one pair of reusable gloves such as dish gloves. Some basic eye protection doesn’t hurt either - i love blue light glasses because they provide some coverage while also being great for reducing eye strain during all your Zoom calls!
Keep it basic, and that means you too studyblr kids! You don’t want supplies to take up all your space. Buy a spacious pencil case. Buy a basic back of black Bic pens and put 10-15 in. Those things last forever. Put in 5 presharpened pencils and 5 unsharpened pencils. Bring a pencil sharpener, 1 pink eraser, and 10 eraser toppers. The eraser always runs out before the pencil does. Pack 1-2 glue-sticks, 1 pair of good scissors. Fill the rest of it with your non-essential favorites like mildliners, highlighters, felt tip pens, markers etc. But no more than what can fit in the case. And nothing too expensive, just in case you can’t bring it with you.
Small multi-subject notebooks y’all!! Just get one or two. You never use as many pages as you think you will in your notebooks and multiple full size notebooks are a pain to carry and pack. For my last two years of college i would buy 1 or 2 Five Star 5x7 inch notebooks with 5 subjects for each term. They came with pocket folders inside and i never once used all the pages. i’d often re-use at least one from last term into the next term. It also means you never have to run back for a notebook if you’re at the library and want to do homework for that other class because all your notes for all your classes are right there!!
Bring 2 rolls of scotch tape and 1 roll of masking tape in case you need to repair anything. Pack any essential medication you take, a first aid kit with bandaids, wipes, tweezers, etc. Pack 1 small bottle each of ibuprofen, Tylenol or acetaminophen, any multi-vitamin you prefer, and a vitamin C supplement to help keep your immune system strong.
1 pack of pads/tampons. You can buy more when you get to school, save the space for packing.
1 reusable water bottle. Buy plastic ones periodically/accept reusable free ones given to you at school that you can take if you need to go to the doctor/hospital/etc. so you can throw them away if needed afterwards. 1 mug, if you use one. Make it one you’re willing to leave behind if you must.
1 small set of non-breakable plates/bowls and utensils. i like the Ikea KALAS ones because they’re plastic but can be microwaved or put in the dishwasher. And it’s $2 for a set of 6. 1 small set of tupperware - again IKEA has some good cheap options - that is also microwave safe. You’ll want these solely in the event it’s unsafe to eat in the dining halls. This will let you bring food back to your room and eat, save leftovers from the dining hall or takeout orders, etc. Buy a small bottle of dish soap when you get to school to be able to wash your dishes.
If you use liquid detergent, wait to buy until you’re at school. It takes up more space. If you use detergent pods, choose your own adventure. Buy your shampoo and conditioner at school if you can, same with soap. Same thing with toilet paper, paper towels, and so on. Buy it there, be prepared to leave it behind. Do bring hand sanitizer with you though. Keep a small size in your personal item for your travels and always keep some in your bag at school.
2 disposable toothbrushes, 1-2 tubes toothpaste, 2 toothbrush travel cases. Store the toothbrush you’re using in a travel case while at school to try to prevent contamination. If you become sick, throw your toothbrush away once you’re feeling better and thoroughly wash your travel case. Buy new disposable toothbrushes as needed once at school.
A small wallet or zip ID case with a lanyard. Make sure you can fit your state ID/driver’s license, student ID, transit card, insurance card, credit/debit card, and a little cash in it with ease. One with a clear window is great because you can put your student ID in it to easily show it when required without needing to open your wallet up. A lanyard makes it harder to lose and lets you put your keys on it if you have a physical dorm key.
Your phone charger, with a wall plug. And a mobile charger of some kind (many schools give them away at some point during your first few weeks, orientation, etc. TAKE THEM). You don’t need an Apple branded one, you can find sturdy and cheap ones at Target, etc. You’ll want these in case you get stranded anywhere. And you’ll especially want these because if you need to go to the ER/doctor, you never want to let your phone die while you’re there.
1 cheap tote bag or small backpack or knapsack, etc. that you’re not too attached to. This will be your hospital go-bag. Keep a mini-notebook with your name/birthdate, emergency contact information, relevant medical information, etc. written in it in the event you cannot communicate this yourself. Keep one packed and ready. Other helpful things to have in this bag once you’re at school are a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and underwear; a granola bar, and a disposable water bottle.
1 pair of cheap but reliable headphones, ideally with a microphone. In-ear headphones take up less space than over-ear headphones. These will be great if you’re on a Zoom call or something and don’t want to be heard by your neighbors. Also great for listening to music or podcasts in the event you’re at the doctor/hospital, because just like you never want to forget a phone charger, you never want to be without something to listen to while you wait for a few hours.
Now is NOT the time to decorate your dorm. i’m sorry, i love a good Pinterest dorm board and DIY project as much as anyone else. My dorm had a whole aesthetic. It was great. But it was a nightmare to pack up when COVID hit.
All you really need is a duvet/comforter, 1 set of sheets (ideally dark color so they won’t stain, just make sure you wash them regularly), and 1 pillow.
If you want stuff on your walls, don’t bring anything. When you get to school, you’ll likely get some free swag like a college pennant you can put up. Or at the least you’ll get a bunch of papers and maps and things. Hang up the maps. Make them look cool. Draw or do calligraphy on the blank sides of the papers for DIY art and signs. Order a wall calendar with fun art or images on it. Go to Walgreen’s website and use their photo system to order a bunch of photo prints. They almost always have a discount offer happening which makes it super cheap. You can upload photos of your friends and family to surround yourself with nice memories, or upload pictures of art, landscapes, quotes, images you found on Pinterest, your celebrity crush, and literally anything else. Voila, wall decorations.
The key here is to never put up too many things. Everything you put up should be able to be taken down in 15 minutes or less and without any help.
If you really really want some decoration - buy a cheap thing of string lights from Target or something to put up. They add ambiance without much effort and don’t take up too much space. If your room is freezing with concrete floors, a small rug can help if you really think you need one. But - and you already know what i’m gonna say - BUY THEM THERE AND BE READY TO LEAVE THEM BEHIND.
No chairs. No hammocks. No lamps. No furniture. No bulletin boards. No extra bookshelves. Keep it as simple as possible.
The caveat is to bring one small grounding item from home. Maybe it’s a souvenir from a vacation you took. A mug your mom got you. A framed photo of your best friends. Choose one, and make sure it is small.
Buy your class books once you get there, either from the campus bookstore, a local bookstore, ThriftBooks, Amazon (if you really must), etc. Or download them online ;) Either way, they’ll take up space while going to school so just get them later unless you have to do reading in advance.
As a book lover it pains me to say this but leave your books at home. Bring at most 4 books with you to school. i’d recommend at least one you haven’t read yet and at least one that’s a “comfort” book you like to reread. Books are one of the hardest things to move and you won’t have that much free time anyways.
Pick one hobby to pack for, and keep it basic. If you like drawing, make it 1 small sketchbook and a mini-pack of colored pencils, markers, watercolors, or crayons. If it’s photography, make it 1 single camera with 1 lens. If you like gaming, bring something small like a Switch lite. If you need a hobby to keep you busy inside, grab yourself a pair of wooden/bamboo knitting needles or a crochet hook, 1 ball of yarn, and go wild. The bottom line is only what you absolutely have to have to not lose your mind.
Have 1 large (32 GB or more) flash drive or SD card to back up your files from your laptop or tablet onto. This will be a huge help in the event something happens to your computer.
Finally, always have a plan with friends/family in the event you need to evacuate. How will you decide if you need to leave? How will you get home/to a safe place? Who will help you get there? How will you afford it? And so on.
Feel free to add anything tips that might be useful!
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oldmacnewlife · 4 years
Working With Classic
Getting stuff done in Mac OS Classic
Printing From OS 9 (when you canʼt actually print from OS 9)
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We’ve all been there: you’ve just finished your latest AppleWorks masterpiece and you’re ready to print...except your printer is a modern(ish) inkjet and don’t you even think about trying to print to a modern(ish) inkjet printer from that 20 year old piece of software. You contact your printer’s manufacturer and ask them if they offer OS 9 drivers for your modern(ish) inkjet printer. They laugh at you and hang up.
What? That never actually happened to you? Not even once? Well, it never really happened to me, either. The part about  contacting the tech support for my printer, anyway. And I’ve never actually created a masterpiece in anything. I’ve absolutely been in the position of having created things in OS 9 with no means of printing directly from OS 9 for want of a supported printer. This meant I had to find a workaround, and find a workaround I did.
The solution is to convert the document you want to print to a PDF file and then send this file to a computer you can print from. PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format created by Adobe to allow the creation of files that allow formatting such as fonts and content such as images to be opened in any system that has PDF reader software installed. So if you needed to create a document  in Microsoft Word and share if with someone, with, not Microsoft Word, you could send them a copy of your Word Document converted to a PDF file. Your recipient could then open the file in a PDF reader program If they didn’t have such a program, getting one wasn’t a problem, as Adobe’s own Acrobat Reader was freely available on the web or came bundled with other software. Pretty much all modern software that involves document creation has PDF conversion baked in, and modern operating systems either have PDF reader software built in or bundled with them.
There are a couple of ways of going about this. One of these involves a Mac running Mac OS X. The other can be done with any computer or device capable of reading PDF files (and printing, of course.) I’ll cover this generic solution first.
There’s a utility for Mac Classic OS called PrintToPDF, and as of 2020 it was still available on abandon ware sites such as Macintosh Garden. Grab a copy and install it . PrintToPDF creates a sort of virtual printer that translates documents into, you guessed it, PDF files.. Once you have it installed, Select Chooser  from the Apple menu. This lets you set your system’s default printer, and PrintToPDF should appear as an available option. Select it, and any application that supports printing will treat PrintToPDF as a printer.
There is one more bit of setup you’ll want to do. When you select Print from an application, the PrintToPDF dialog opens. Click the Preferences button. In this dialog, click the Fonts tab. From here, you can set up Font Substitution. From the bottom right of the dialog, you can choose from a few fonts as the default substitution font, which the dialog informs you will be substituted for most Mac fonts. On the left of the dialog is a list of all the fonts installed on your system. You can select any number of these fonts, and PrintToPDF will convert these to bitmapped images. The dialog advises you that this feature is best for fonts containing symbols rather than text. In a test run, I used it to preserve a couple of Mac specific fonts, Chicago and Charcoal. It seemed to work all right.
The other method requires a Mac running OS X that you can print from. If you donʼtʼ have one yourself, find a friend who does and be very nice to them. It doesnʼt have to be a very new version of OS X. I got it working on Snow Leopard, and Iʼm not even sure if Snow Leopard was the first version of the OS that could do this. Anyway, to the point: OS Xʼs Preview app can open and convert PostScript files to PDF files, and OS 9 will let you set up a virtual printer that will convert your documents to PostScript files.
PostScript is a language for describing documents to printers. All the information needed for a printer to reproduce a document: text, fonts, graphics would be embedded in the PostScript instructions sent to the printer. Well, if it’s code, and that’s just what PostScript is, there’s no reason those instructions can’t be output to a file. Oh, and a quick note on fonts. While PostScript is perfectly capable of preserving the font information of a document, it doesn’t actually contain the font itself. In other words - to preserve the original font you used in your document, the exact same font must be installed on the computer you’re going to use to print from. That’s exactly the same version of the font as well - just a similar looking font with the same name won’t cut it. If the versions don’t match, the software doing the translation, Preview in this instance, will substitute a font installed on that system You may or may not like it’s decisions. Just something to keep in mind. Anyway...
To set up your virtual PostScript printer, you’ll need to run the Desktop Printer Utility app, located in the Applications folder. From the application menu, select File->New.. The New Desktop Printer dialog opens. Leave the driver set to LaserWriter 8 (Apple’s LaserWriter 8 driver functions as a sort of generic PostScript driver) and under Create Desktop Printer, select Translator (PostScript). Click OK.
In the next dialog, leave the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file to its default setting of Generic. From this dialog you can also choose a save location for your created PostScript files. You can leave this set to it’s default or set it to any folder you like. (Just be sure to remember what you set it to!) When you’re satisfied with you settings here, click Create. You’ll be prompted to choose a save location and name for the virtual printer you just created. Open Chooser  as previously described and select the LaserWriter 8  icon on the left of the dialog. There is a list on the right side of the dialog prompting you to select a PostScript printer. This list will be empty. Since this is a virtual printer, that’s fine. Close Chooser. Your virtual PostScript printer is now the default printer for the system.
Now when you go to print a document, in addition to the usual options for printing, you’ll be asked to choose a save location for your PostScript file. Once you have your PostScript file, move it to your Mac running OS X by your preferred method - email, file sharing, USB stick, etc. Once you have your PostScript file on your Mac running OS X, you can double click on it to open it. Preview is actually capable of opening and printing PostScript files. However, the results on my inkjet printer were unsatisfactory. (Margins were completely ignored, among other issues.) From the File menu, save the PostScript file as a PDF. Open this is in Preview and print.
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odysseystorage-blog · 5 years
Odyssey Storage Rental in chicago specializes in portable moving containers with built-instorage options, for residential and commercial use in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area.
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odysseystorage · 2 years
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If you are looking for a portable storage service in Chicago the Odyssey Storage Rental is the best option. we bring excellent service right to your door. Our storage containers are wind and water-tight secured so you can store items easily.
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n-jadaddy · 6 years
Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
This is my first time at this rodeo so go easy on me,teehee. The song that inspired me to write this is called StreetCar by Daniel Caesar. Enjoy!
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Let me know
Do I still got time to grow?
Things ain't always set in stone
That be known let me know
“Welcome to New York City!” Sounds of the bus coming to a halt echo through the terminal causing you to jolt awake from your nap. “Damn, we here already?” You shield your eyes and stretch your arms wide as the bright overhead lights flickered on. “Watch your step, don’t forget your to grab your luggage from under the bus, and have a safe night.” With that, the driver stepped off the bus and assisted passengers with their bags. You continue to gather your book bag and black pea coat as the lasting passengers file off the bus, once together you stand and follow behind them. The winds were surprisingly brisk, nothing you weren’t use to but  you should’ve brought a bigger coat. ‘I should get somewhere warm.’ You thought buttoning your coat as far as it goes and rushing into the station, past the judgemental eyes of travelers wondering why you were wearing a thin coat in 20 degree weather. Reaching for your phone you press the home button, once, twice, nothing. Just the battery low symbol reminding you that you let your phone die before you left the city,you’d rather not be in contact with anyone. “Guess I’m doing this the old fashioned way” You walked through the revolving door of the station into the cold night air again, this time closing your coat tighter around you to conceal some warmth. Holding your thumb outward patiently waiting for a taxi to pull over your way but they all stopped the people either a few blocks ahead or a few blocks behind you. “Prejudice as hell” you mumbled it under your breath, just as you’re about to give up, a taxi pull up in front of you. Thank god. Anymore time out there you'd be frozen to death.
“Thank you so much, I’ve been waiting forever. I thought I’d never get a ride.” you chuckle sliding into the cab placing your bag next to you.
“No problem, you looked cold as hell in that itty bitty ass coat” the driver laughed. His voice was surprised you, it was musky, deep, and warm enough to make you forget about the weather outside the car. Looking up from your seat belt to get a better look at your driver, you were in shock. From what you could see through the rear view mirror, the man was handsome, his eyes dark and his dreads were well kept braided to the back. If only you could see the rest of his face, yo hoped the rest of it lived up to your expectations.
“Where to?”
“Huh?” you were so distracted you didn’t even realize he asked you a question.
“If you can ‘huh’ you can hear, damn ma, you deaf or somethin’ I asked you where you going” he was becoming frustrated, he adjusted his mirror to see somewhat of your eyes in the darkness of the car.
“Oh, uhh” you hadn't really thought about where you were going specifically, just that you didn't want to be where you were. “I dont know”
“Huh?” he questioned, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
“If you can ‘huh’ you can hear” you used his words against him.
“Ma, get the hell out of my car” clearly irritated he unlocked the door.
“Wait! I'm not from around here, I dont really know where to go” you protested, hoping he'd reconsider and let you stay.
“I should’ve known, you wearin that small ass coat.” he locked the doors again and pulled away from the bustation taking off down the street. “How about I give you a lil tour then and we’ll see where things go from there” he smirked. You could see a dimple form on the side of his face. ‘Adorable’ you thought to yourself. “Yeah,that sounds great” you smiled and leaned against the window, it’ll be one hell of a cab fair but seeing the city would be worth it in the end, you’ll probably find a hotel while he drove you around.
“Oh yeah, Im YN. YN LN” how rude of you to ask him his name before getting into the car.
“Erik. Erik Stevens” he returned plainly.
  You took a moment to admire the interior of the car, it was clean. Really clean, unlike other taxies you’ve been in, there was a faint smell of cologne, not too strong or soft, it was just right. There was hardly any decorations in the car, just a chain with a ring on the end hanging from the rear view mirror, as a rosary would, you could sense it was important but you didn’t want to question it. It didn’t seem like any of your business.
Seems like street lights, glowing, happen to be
Just like moments passing in front of me
So I hopped in the cab and I paid my fare
A faint sound of music coming from the radio to kill the awkward silence. However, that wasn’t enough for him. “So, where you from” Erik looked toward you through the mirror. “Oh, I’m from Chicago” you glanced back. “Aw, word? That’s surprising, I’d  think you’d know better that to wear that thin ass coat outside then, it’s cold as fuck out there. Got you on the street shakin like a stripper in church.” You rolled your eyes, you could sworn you heard him smack his teeth at your action but you chose to ignore it. “It’s alright, I didn’t want anything weighing me down”  hence why you only have your backpack with you, and that only contains your portable easel, some brushes, and your Macbook. “Hm, so how long you stayin?” “Uh, I don’t really know” “You just all over the place, huh ma.” “Well I know but I don’t. I’ll just be here until my feet take me somewhere else. could be days, weeks, years, even hours. I know where I’m supposed to be, I’ll know once I get there. You know?” You stare outside the window, the streets were surprisingly empty for a city that never sleeps. The lights reflecting off of the buildings were intense,mesmerizing, and inspiring. They focused themselves on the taxi as it moved through the night, like a spot light it made you feel as if  you two were supposed to be the only ones in existence. “Yeah, I know” he agreed. “But I’d rather have a plan. Something I can sit with for a while and perfect it until it’s foolproof. I know where I’m going too but I just can’t base that shit on feeling tho, sometimes they can be deceiving and lead you to a dead end rather than your destination. I get you though ma, I’d rather be on the move than sittin in these streets.” he was right, you should’ve thought about this before you left the city. You couldn’t keep doing this every time something went wrong, and if you were to do it again, at least book a hotel first.
“You right” you admitted something you didn't do often
“Damn right i'm right I can't remember a time I was wrong.” he turned the car down another street full of colorful lights and giant lit up billboards with random advertisements. “Since you a tourist, I should show you some tourist shit, this is Times Square don't nobody really come here but tourist who most likely get finessed.” Erik pointed at each building and tried to explain them the best he could, he didn’t know what most of them were called. He just identified them as ‘the one with the big ass lights’ or ‘ the one with the little ass lights.
“You not from here are you?” you asked, trying to look at him the best you could, through your teary eyes from laughing too hard, it’s been awhile since you’ve done that.
“Nah, I’m from Oakland. I moved here after I had a run in with my cousin a couple years back” you weren't going to ask why, you knew your limits and it seemed as if he wasn't going to answer them if you asked anyway, and you didn't want to ruin the moment. You just readjusted yourself and looked out the window.
“What about you, why you here?”
You didn't know how you felt telling a stranger about your personal information but since he shared a little bit about him you'd share the bare minimum with him. “Some stuff back home happened and I decided to remove myself from the situation and come here, it was last minute but I needed to leave.” you couldn't go into detail otherwise you'd cry again, you’ve been strong for weeks now it was time to stop crying and move on, no matter how much you loved him he would want you to. You just couldn’t stop thinking about what you were suppose to do together, get married, have kids. But he had to  fight, what did he have to prove? He was already an amazing boxer as is, he just had to fight in that match. And now he’s gone.
Life just ain't fair
Erik could sense the tension grow inside the car and he changed the subject. “Let's go get something to eat, I’m buyin. You've been out and about and I’m sure you're starving”
“Yeah, thank you.” you blink back your tears and smile.
Erik pulled into the parking lot of a 24 hour pizza parlor because he sworn up and down that Chicago’s pizza was trash compared to New York’s. He pulls into the parking lot and stops the car. He gets out the car and walks toward the doors, “let's go princess!” he calls out you rush out and jog to catch up behind him.  Erik was taller than you thought, and swole as hell. He remind you of someone.
“I’m not a princess.” you stated crossing your arms and dropping your hip. He turns around fully facing you for the first time since you met and you were at lost for words. “Then what are you, princess?”
‘Adonis?’ you uncross your arms and stepped closer to him. This is impossible, Donnie died after in match a month ago but Erik looked so similar to him, everything down to the slightest detail, minus the dreads and the scruffy beard. You both looked into each others eyes, it was like you were lost in time, like you're supposed to be there for the rest of your life. You reach up to touch his face just in case it was your imagination but he grabs your hand, it feels just like his. “ you good, YN? You look like you're about to cry” you stepped back away from Erik and wiped a stray tear away. “Yeah, let's go eat.” you smile up at him.
See I know my destination, I'm just not there
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cdlclasses04 · 2 years
Are you searching for the best Russian trucking companies in 2022
 Russian trucking companies in Chicago-2022
The Russian trucking industry serves the Chicago economy by transporting large quantities of raw materials, works in process, and finished goods over land—typically from manufacturing plants to retail distribution centers. Russian trucking companies in Chicago are also used in the construction industry, two of which require dump trucks and portable concrete mixers to move the large amounts of rocks, dirt, concrete, and other building materials used in construction.  Trucking companies are responsible for the majority of freight movement over land and are tools in the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries.
By moving massive amounts of raw materials, commodities that are still being manufactured, and finished goods over land, often from manufacturing facilities to retail distribution centres, the Russian trucking industry supports the Chicago economy. Additionally, trucks are utilised in the construction sector, where there are two jobs that need portable concrete mixers and dump trucks to transport the substantial quantities of dirt, concrete, and other building supplies. The majority of land freight movement in Chicago is handled by Russian trucking businesses, which are essential to the industrial, shipping, and warehousing sectors.
CDL for drivers
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Contact us for more queries!
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highlifestyleindia · 2 years
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Kanye West, a rapper, producer, and businessman who officially changed his name to Ye last year, was accused of illegally sampling a song by Marshall Jefferson on Wednesday.
According to Ultra International Music Publishing LLC, the song "Flowers" from West's album "Donda 2" contains an at least 22-times-repeated sample from Jefferson's 1986 dance tune "Move Your Body."
West's label Universal Music Group, which is not a party to the lawsuit, as well as a spokesperson for West did not immediately reply to requests for comment.
The business that owns the rights to Jefferson's song, Ultra International, through an attorney, stated that it had no comment and thought the complaint spoke for itself.
Jefferson, who is from Chicago, is credited with creating house music. In conversations with Jefferson, West and his reps allegedly admitted that "Flowers" sampled "Move Your Body," but they allegedly did not obtain permission.
"West advocates for artists’ rights with one hand, yet has no shame in taking away rights from another artist with the other," the lawsuit said.
In February, West made "Donda 2" available only through his Stem Player, a portable gadget that enables users to separate and reassemble song components.
A request for comment was not immediately answered by Kano Computing Ltd, a British business that created the Stem Player with West and is also included in the case.
According to the lawsuit, "Flowers" is allegedly about West's ex-wife Kim Kardashian, whose petition to dissolve their marriage was granted in March.
In May, West was accused of stealing a lecture from Texas pastor David Paul Moten without his consent.
In the past, West has settled legal disputes over the use of samples from other artists, including a Hungarian singer on the 2013 song "New Slaves," a child's prayer on the 2016 song "Ultralight Beam," and a theatre work about activist Marcus Garvey on the 2018 song "Freeee (Ghost Town Pt. 2)" with rapper Kid Cudi.
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Cryptocurrency: The future of futures?
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Many traders entering cryptocurrency markets from traditional finance may look to derivatives as vehicles for price speculation and hedging. There are plenty of choices when it comes to exchanges and instruments; however, traders should consider a few key differences between crypto futures and traditional futures before dipping a toe into this rapidly growing market.Related: 3 things every crypto trader should know about derivatives exchanges
Different instruments
Traders entering cryptocurrency from the traditional markets will be accustomed to futures contracts with a fixed expiration date. Although fixed expiration contracts can be found in cryptocurrency markets, a significant proportion of crypto futures trading is in perpetual contracts, also known as perpetual swaps. This variation of a futures contract does not have a fixed end date, meaning the trader can hold an open position indefinitely.Exchanges that offer perpetual contracts use a mechanism known as “funding rate” to periodically balance the price variances between the contract markets and the spot prices. If the funding rate is positive, the perpetual contract price is higher than the spot rate — longs pay shorts. Conversely, a negative funding rate means that shorts pay longs.Moreover, traders that come to cryptocurrency from traditional finance may be used to the portability of their positions across different exchanges. In contrast, cryptocurrency exchanges generally operate as walled gardens, meaning it’s impossible to transfer derivatives contracts across platforms.Related: Professional traders need a global crypto sea, not hundreds of lakes
Regulated vs. unregulated trading platforms
Most of the trading in cryptocurrency futures — around 85 to 90% — is yet to be regulated. This situation mainly arose because cryptocurrency futures markets sprang up while regulators were still grappling with more fundamental questions around the legal status of digital assets. BitMEX paved the way for cryptocurrency futures trading by using coin-margined and collateralized contracts. In doing so, the company avoided the regulatory requirements associated with fiat on-ramps. There are around a dozen major trading platforms currently, but only a small number of them have achieved regulated status.Both the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Bakkt are regulated by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). In Europe, Kraken Futures operates under a multilateral trading facility license awarded by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority. In Switzerland, Vontobel and Leonteq offer mini-Bitcoin futures contracts via the SIX Swiss Exchange.The regulatory situation may preclude traders in some countries from participating in trading on non-regulated venues. This circumstance is particularly true of the U.S., where exchanges are mindful that the CFTC is now pursuing BitMEX for violating Anti-Money Laundering regulations and the Bank Secrecy Act.However, the U.S.-regulated crypto futures platforms have expanded their range of instruments beyond pure Bitcoin (BTC) futures, likely in response to increasing demand. The CME, for example, recently branched out beyond Bitcoin futures and options to provide Ether (ETH) futures too. In addition, Bakkt also offers Bitcoin monthly futures and options.Unregulated platforms offer futures contracts and perpetual swaps against a broader range of altcoins, although only to traders in countries where they are permitted to operate. In any case, most liquidity remains concentrated in BTC and ETH futures, at least for now.
Operational implications
Differing regulatory landscapes, combined with how perpetual contracts are managed, result in some practical differences between crypto futures and traditional futures. As there is no central counterparty clearing system, exchanges expose themselves to a high degree of risk, particularly given that many offer high leverages of up to 125 times. Therefore, losing positions that reach the maintenance margin will be liquidated.Exchanges typically divert any profits from liquidations into an insurance fund, which exists to protect traders’ profits when their counterparty does not have sufficient margin to cover the trade. The presence and relative health of an insurance fund is a crucial consideration when using an unregulated exchange. Without a fund, or if the fund becomes too low to cover the losses incurred by liquidations, profitable traders take on the risk of having their positions “auto-deleveraged” by the exchange.Another critical operational consideration is exchange downtime. Many of the unregulated platforms have a reputation for servers crashing during periods of high volatility, resulting in traders being unable to close their positions before being liquidated. Therefore, it is worth researching a platform’s history of downtime before opening an account.
Low barriers to entry
The cryptocurrency futures markets generally have a very low barrier to entry. A trader can open an account, undergo the “know your customer” process, deposit funds, and start trading within a matter of minutes.In contrast, the barriers to entry for exchange-traded futures are high due to the contract sizes involved, which are intended for institutional traders. This situation is also reflected in the regulated crypto futures offerings. Both the CME and Bakkt, the two regulated crypto futures trading venues, have contract sizes of 5 BTC and 1 BTC, respectively. With prices currently exceeding $31,000, these contracts are evidently only intended for those willing to make a significant investment.However, blockchain offers significant potential to transform the futures markets beyond cryptocurrencies through asset tokenization. Suppose a futures contract for the Nasdaq-100 or S&P 500 was made available as a token. In that case, it could be traded in fractional increments, lowering barriers to entry and introducing new sources of liquidity into traditional markets.Related: Understanding the systemic shift from digitization to tokenization of financial servicesSuch a scenario may benefit those looking to introduce a more fine-grained diversification to their portfolio, which is currently only possible via contracts for differences (CFD). While they perform a similar role in the financial markets, CFDs are only available via brokers, which reduces transparency for the trader. It also fragments the available liquidity in the broader markets.Despite their rapid growth, cryptocurrency futures markets are still very much in their infancy, particularly since the institutional inflow to crypto is only getting started. As the markets grow and develop, we will likely see new and more sophisticated instruments emerge, along with some blurring of the boundaries between traditional and digital finance. Furthermore, it seems likely that the regulatory situation will continue to evolve as more funds flow in. One thing is for sure: cryptocurrency futures have a long future ahead.This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.Andy Flury is a serial entrepreneur and quantitative trading expert. Andy is a former Swiss Air Force pilot and led projects at the Swiss intelligence agency and various major banks. He also served as senior project manager and software architect at Siemens Switzerland AG. In 2010, Andy became partner and head of algorithmic trading at Linard Capital AG, a Switzerland-based quantitative hedge fund. Andy holds a master’s in industrial management and manufacturing engineering from ETH Zurich and an Executive MBA from the University of St. Gallen.Source Read the full article
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Photos: The USCG in the Persian Gulf War and the Origins of the PSU
[By Capt. John R. Olson, United States Coast Guard Reserve (retired)]
Beginning in 1982, the United States Coast Guard assigned responsibility to the Ninth Coast Guard District in Cleveland, Ohio, to train reservists for military mobilization. The intended mission of these “notional,” or prototype units, was to perform harbor defense for offload ports supporting that support combat operations.
Before the early 1980s, the Coast Guard had provided supervisory fuel transfer teams and explosive loading teams during military exercises. In 1983, during Operation “Lifeline,” it became clear that other military services could provide their own fuel transfer and explosive loading supervision. However, it also became clear that port security teams supported by the Coast Guard could provide afloat and ashore security that other services could not.
Under the Ninth Coast Guard District in Cleveland, joint military port security and harbor defense training exercises had been assigned to specific Coast Guard Reserve units. The Ninth District assigned units at Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Cleveland, to initiate military port security training in addition to training in marine safety and search and rescue. Beginning in 1984, this specific port security training was added for individual reservists, small groups and reserve units.
Following the Operation Lifeline exercises, Reserve officer Lt. Daniel Zedan submitted an after-action report to the commandant of the Coast Guard via the Ninth Coast Guard District commander. The mobilization recommendations and Department of Defense port security requirements identified in his report moved the service’s flag-level decision makers to transfer port security training from Chicago to Cleveland. Leadership made this move to avoid placing excessive demands on Western Great Lakes units.
Meanwhile, Ninth District Coast Guard Reserve senior officers and decision makers urged creation of stand-alone port security units, with defined personnel complements, supply inventories and patrol craft. To facilitate this transition, the Coast Guard and other active-duty military forces provided added port security training. In 1986, the first official Port Security Unit (PSU) training with automatic weapons began with a Combat Skills Course at the U.S. Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia.
As of 1988, notional port security teams were listed in seven contingency plans encompassing three combatant commands. In theory, high-speed Coast Guard patrol boats would maintain security zones at anchorages, in the seaway, and alongside ships offloading military cargoes. Landside patrols and security guards would control access to the ports and the piers. The role and training for port security forces had emerged as a priority for the Coast Guard and the Reserves!
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Photo of the compound built by PSU 301 of Buffalo, New York, at the port of Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
Between 1988 and 1989, the Ohio National Guard provided additional combat training at Camp Perry, Ohio, with its “Flame River” exercises. This was the first time that PSU boat crews had fired .50 caliber and 7.62mm M60 automatic weapons while underway. This was also the first time Coast Guard women trained on, and later, operated weapons in combat roles. The new Reserve PSU teams also trained in shore-side security tactics. At the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff finally recognized the Coast Guard’s suitability for port security duties, so the Department of Defense funded PSU uniforms and equipment.
After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, Coast Guard Headquarters placed three PSUs on alert. Within six weeks, two units would deploy to Persian Gulf ports to support Operation Desert Shield combat efforts in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. On September 18, 1990, PSU 303 from Milwaukee was deployed to King Abdul Aziz Port in Ad Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and commenced operations. On September 21st, PSU 301 from Buffalo was deployed to Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia. On Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, PSU 302 from Cleveland arrived in Manama, Bahrain. This proved the first mobilization of the Coast Guard Reserve since World War II. It was also the first use of reservists in the Middle East and first deployment of the Coast Guard’s new PSUs.
During this initial mobilization, port pier and entry-gate patrols were staffed by Coast Guard PSU personnel. PSU harbor and anchorage patrols were conducted in 22-foot Transportable Port Security Boats, or “Raider boats,” armed with .50 caliber and M60 automatic weapons. Meanwhile, command and control was still implemented through a cumbersome joint military organizational structure. In addition, Middle East weather conditions were challenging, logistical support minimal, operational planning uncoordinated, and supplies meager. As a result of these problems, morale among PSU members initially declined.
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PSU 301’s Raider Boat patrolling the Port of Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia, with Saudi interpreter on board. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
Through sheer force of will, ingenuity, and inter-service negotiations, the men and women of the three Coast Guard PSUs pulled things together. For example, PSU 301 acquired portable showers from the Army and bartered with other U.S. military units for protective material for pier-side tents. To protect against Iraqi SCUD missiles, PSU 302 members filled countless sand bags for their berthing spaces and the operations center at Manama.
By January 1991, PSU operations in the three ports had become more efficient and their operational changes recorded for training future PSUs. Despite equipment shortfalls and tight budgets, the men and women deployed to operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm had gained important skills, knowledge and confidence in the PSU mission. Many important lessons were drawn from practices innovated for Desert Shield and Desert Storm by reservists deploying to the Middle East.
Meanwhile, the Coast Guard committed to training second-wave Port Security Units at the Army National Guard’s training facility at Camp Blanding, Florida. Composed of nearly 60 personnel, a Coast Guard-sourced training detachment conducted this comprehensive instruction. Two of the three units trained at Camp Blanding deployed to the Middle East as the first wave of PSU personnel returned home. 
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Lt. Steven Day (later Rear Admiral), PSU 302 Operations Officer, on board a Saudi patrol vessel with Saudi Frontier Force personnel. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
After all PSU personnel had redeployed from Desert Storm, Port Security Units 301, 302, and 303 returned to a “notional” status. The Coast Guard documented lessons learned from Desert Shield and Desert Storm and embarked on a three-year deliberation regarding the future of the Port Security Unit program. During this period, notional units 301, 302, and elements of 303 participated in field exercises such as Flame River and Forward Sentinel. 
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PSU 302’s protective dockside bunker at the Port of Manama, Bahrain. (Courtesy of Capt. John Olson, ret.)
As the development of Port Security Unit training expanded, the Coast Guard’s commitment to the program remained uncertain. However, 1994’s Operation Uphold Democracy in the Republic of Haiti added urgency to that commitment. It also provided an ideal opportunity to implement PSU lessons learned from Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
As a result of experimentation during the late 1980s and early 1990s, the role of PSUs was affirmed with their commissioning as official Coast Guard Reserve commands. Because PSUs were considered rapid deployable units, it became necessary to develop a defined course of study and qualification system to ensure readiness. Today, that training is recognized as an official qualification system for the Coast Guard’s port security and harbor defense missions.
This article appears courtesy of Coast Guard Compass and may be found in its original form here.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/photos-the-uscg-in-the-persian-gulf-war-and-the-origins-of-the-psu via http://www.rssmix.com/
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odysseystorage · 2 years
Portable storage in Chicago
The finest option if you're looking for portable storage in Chicago is Odyssey Storage Rental. We deliver first-rate service directly to your front door. You can keep stuff effortlessly because our storage containers are wind- and water-tight secured.
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lunamami · 4 years
Local Texas & Long Distance Move Local moves are priced according to the number of hours it takes the movers to finish the jobs, while interstate moving costs depend on the weight of your shipment. So, whether you are moving locally or long distance, the cost of your move ultimately comes down to how much stuff you are moving. That means your move is the perfect time to purge things for which you no longer have need or use. That broken table you’ve been hanging onto from your days as a bachelor, the ill-fitting clothes crammed in the back of your closet, and that blender that’s been on the fritz for a few years – now’s the perfect time to toss these items! you’ll pay less for your move and your new home will have less clutter as you settle in. Big moves don’t have to cause big headaches. With a nationwide network covering 44 states, including Austin Texas , we'll safely deliver your belongings across the state. Best of all, you’re in control of the schedule. How many other companies offer long-distance moving like that?. To give you the most accurate quote, you will need to provide two men and a truck with details of your move, such as house size and type, and an overview of all of the things you plan to move. For local moves, your quote will display the hourly rate and an estimated number of hours that the move will take. If it takes longer than your initial estimate, you can expect to pay more. In need of a more comprehensive level of service for a large move? Then removal companies , with their ability to take care of everything from packing and loading to disassembly and cleaning, are a more appropriate solution. Removal companies differ from the normal man with a van operation in that they are better suited for large, long-distance moves such as a 3 to a 4-bedroom house. Additionally, with higher capacity vans, transferring your items to your new home will only require 1 trip. Interstate removals can vary in duration depending on how many belongings you need to move, and the distance you’re moving. Most interstate moves take between 4-10 days. A move from South Padre to Dallas will take longer than a move from Austin to Waco because of the sheer distance between the locations. The number of belongings you need to move will influence whether or not we need to transport an lcl (less than container load) or an fcl (full container load). Your interstate moving consultant will discuss this with you in more detail. Small moves for a small fee! (local & long distance) thanks for visiting Texas van man! we can help you move locally in the Austin Tx area or to/from anywhere in the State of Texas or cross-country. Hi, i'm roger the van man. Based in Austin, over the last decade we've moved hundreds of people locally and long-distance. We have customers in 40 states and can move anywhere across the country. We specialize in smaller moves: apartments, townhomes, condos, small homes, and we do larger homes as well. We have reviews from happy customers and a list of recent long distance moves. Flexibility for Local or Long-Distance Move About us we’re a local moving company based in Dallas Tx. Many companies either offer just truck rental or offer the full service package – without much flexibility. Texas Man & a van is different in that we offer low-cost moving assistance for local or short-distance moves. We can handle both residential & commercial moves, and are happy to provide quotes for special circumstance moves. We can work with you to handle your move according to your schedule. Don’t hassle your friends or family for help. Don’t risk injury to yourself. Call Austin man & a van today. Have you heard of local movers offering full service office and home furniture rearranging? Texas man and a van movers offers great flexibility on in-house moves – same day, short notice service and even late night when our teams are available. Hire movers to move your furniture in the house. We are bonded, licensed and insured in-house movers. We will arrange your furniture following your exact directions. Our in-house moving helpers are patient and will make furniture rearrangement as you want it. Whether it is business or home re-decorating, with xpress movers’s professional touch, we can help you bring the desired joy and relaxation leisure. No matter if you request in-house moving in chicago or boston , we are nationwide, do not hesitate to contact us and do the rearrangement for you. TwoMen And A Truck’s local move pricing There’s no set pricing across the entire company, so what you pay is going to depend on your local two men and a truck franchise. Most franchises charge an hourly rate, which means it’s up to you to spend as few hours as possible with the movers. We are two guys, two trucks moving, a small locally owned and operated professional moving company located in Houston Texas. We have been in business since 2003. A small core of well trained, experienced, and responsible movers will provide fast, safe, and reliable service. We offer reasonable rates for top quality service and pay our movers a living wage. Our movers know what they are doing and do it right. Our equipment includes moving blankets/pads, handtrucks, four wheel dollies, stretch. Reliable? fast and efficient? organized? full service? high staff standards? fair pricing? clean trucks? flexible scheduling? Texas man and a van moving and storage proudly fulfills all of these, and our local movers do it all for the sake of providing you with a higher grade of service than you can find anywhere else. We want to leave you knowing that you received our absolute best effort on your move. For now, we’re adding local moving resources to our website all the time, so feel free to browse our latest content, and if you have any questions or concerns, we’re only a phone call away. Call us at 737-202-9538 Texas furniture moving is proud to announce, we have been awarded the super service award from angie’s list. We have some of the best movers around and accomplishments like this prove it! thank you to our movers, our staff and most of all – our customers!!! full service austin movers local and intrastate texas movers we load and unload rental trucks we are known locally as the most caring and courteous austin movers…. I hate moving. But if you have to move, jermaine and brandon with Texas home movers make it as painless as possible. I usually rent a truck, hire a couple of college students, and supplement them with family and friends. With the pandemic and wanting to practice as much social distancing as possible, i knew i would just need to hire movers and be done with it. I've had my fair share of nightmares when it comes to movers but after looking at all the yelp reviews and getting pricing, i chose Texas man and a van home movers. Jermaine and brandon called 30-minutes out to let me know they were on their way. They were professional and took great care of my furniture by wrapping everything with pads and shrink wrap. I have one very large dresser/cabinet from room & board that is solid cherry wood and a steel base that everyone hates to move because it's so heavy. The place i was moving into you can't use a dolly because of the narrow winding path leading to the front door and the guys were able to navigate it like it was nothing (though if they're like my family & friends, probably cursing under their breath). Because it was a local move i had moved contents myself so only needed movers for my furniture. There was a 2-hour minimum (weekday) and jermaine and brandon finished in exactly 2-hours with maybe even a minute to spare. If you want to keep headaches to a minimum with your next move, definitely go with Texas home movers and ask for jermaine and brandon!. How much does 2 men and one truck cost? every moving company provides different pricing for the possibility to hire from them two guys and a truck. What does it cost: on an average you can expect to be asked to pay between around $80 – $100/ hour. If you wish to hire three men with a truck the price can go up with $15 – $20 and this is cost for an hour. These rates differ not only due to the company, but also because of the time you choose to move. The cost will be higher on weekends, at the beginning/ end of the month and in summer. This is a time when the majority of people relocate and thus the price is higher. Travel time is also included in theTexas two men and a moving truck cost – usually you will be charged an hour extra due for the time to go to your home. How many people should you need for your move? ask the moving company: once you get a quote they will advise you depending on the amount of things you have for moving. Remember that the 2 men and one truck cost per hour is valid only for local moves. On large distances cross country you will pay a sum based on the volume, weight and amount of your items for relocation. Texas Furnitue Movers 3 men movers offers residential moving, office relocations, apartment moving, packing services and portable storage options. The company also provides furniture assembly and access to supersized trucks for larger homes. It performs local and long-distance moves. Other services include heavy item relocation for pianos and safes. 3 men movers offers free quotes. Service areas: greater austin and central Texas area. Professional local furniture moving company and commercial office movers to move furniture in Lubbock Tx including most of west Texas. Our furniture movers provide same day moving service and next day moving service available. Our residential and commercial interstate movers assist you every step of the way with your furniture relocation needs within the district of columbia metro. Our movers are trained not only to relocate the furniture within your office space or residential home; but to also load and unload moving truck, storage unit or pod with precision. Our clients are typically homeowners, apartment renters,interior designers, new home builders, realtors, apartment communities, business offices, hotel, restaurants, bar, small businesses, churches, corporate, child care, day care, us army soldiers, us navy soldiers, property management companies, real estate agent, interior design firms, construction companies, us air force soldiers, college students, universities, non profit organization, public school, high schools, middle schools, retail stores and more. If you or your business are looking to have a stress-free and efficient move to or from the Sugarland area, Texas man and van is the moving team you need. Whether you’re moving from an apartment, a condo, a home, an industrial park, or a commercial plaza, we’re ready to lend a hand with packing and hauling your goods. We specialize in multiple services, including helping clients move residences both locally and long-distance; helping commercial businesses move without interrupting their operations; being the muscle behind your rearrangement and redecoration with our internal moving service; offering professional and efficient assistance needed with government moving; packing up your items carefully with our packing services; and keeping your items secure with our storage options. With Texas Man And Van, you can get quotes quickly. When you require a professional Man and Van removal company for moving and removals in Texas, we at Texas Man and Van Movers can always meet your needs. Regardless of what you require from The Texas Man and Van Network of Independent Movers and Light haulage providers, you can be certain you’re obtaining the best solution at an affordable cost; we are always mindfully trying to find new and innovative ways of saving money for our customers. To find out more details, get in contact with our team on 737 202 9538 texasmanandvan.s3-website.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/movers/Texas-Man-And-Van-in-Jourdanton.html
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