#port elizabeth videos
hella-gay-trash · 9 months
Clips from our visits to see the in-laws (and meeting hubby for the first time irl) in South Africa in 2021, 2022 and 2023
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
Michael Sheen: ‘I find it very hard to accept actors playing Welsh characters when they aren’t Welsh’
Has he taken the concept of authentic casting to a whole new level? Ahead of his latest BBC drama Best Interests, the star explains all
Michael Sheen has had it with the Prince of Wales. Not the man, but the title. “I think it’s ridiculous,” he says. “It’s just silly. I see no reason why the title should continue. Certainly not with someone who’s not Welsh.” 
“That’s not the majority view,” he adds, with resignation. “So, whatever the majority of people want, I’m sure will continue.” 
The star of Frost/Nixon and proud son of Port Talbot is chatting via video from a bucolic spot close to his hometown (a deer has just wandered into view), but even at a distance, it’s not hard to see that Sheen is a man ofstrong convictions.
He has spoken in the past about the opportunity to retire the title after the death of Elizabeth II, as a gesture to “put some of the wrongs of the past right”. In 2020, he returned the OBE he was “honoured” to have received in 2009 when he felt it would make him a hypocrite to give a lecture about how the English king Edward I “put a stranglehold on Wales” at the turn of the 14th century. 
When we chat, he’s about to begin shooting his TV directing debut The Way – co-created with playwright James Graham and documentary-maker Adam Curtis, about a family caught in a civil uprising, set in and around Port Talbot. The BBC project is the first from the production company that he set up with Sherlock producer Bethan Jones to focus on telling Welsh stories because, “You can shout about how bad it is, but if you want to see something be different then do it, you know?”
The 54-year-old is one of the actors of his generation, a stage star in his twenties (The Telegraph’s Charles Spencer called him “outrageously charismatic”) who went on to create unforgettable screen portraits of Tony Blair (The Queen, The Deal), Chris Tarrant (Quiz) and Brian Clough (The Damned United), alongside his David Frost in Peter Morgan’s play and film about the 1977 interviews that brought down the US president. Recently, Sheen has gained a whole new tranche of fans playing a very arch angel opposite David Tennant’s insouciant demon in Amazon’s Good Omens – not technically gay characters according to the Terry Pratchett-Neil Gaiman source novel, but seemingly in love.
Tennant and he have a natural chemistry on and off screen, Sheen says, adding that “he stops me being too grumpy”. He is a little on the grumpy side. In one exchange, in which I suggest he is a supporter of Welsh independence, he responds hotly: “Show me where it says that. I don’t believe I’ve ever said that.” Sam Mendes compared Sheen to fellow Welsh stars Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton – “fiery, mercurial, unpredictable”. 
But he shares a warm screen chemistry with Sharon Horgan in Jack Thorne’s moving new four-part drama Best Interests. They play the parents of a child with cerebral palsy, the adorable Marnie (played by Dublin actor Niamh Moriarty), who suffers a seizure that leaves her without brain function. The couple find themselves on opposite sides of an unbearable decision: whether or not to switch off their daughter’s life support. Very few will make it through the drama without tears, but the issues it raises will be familiar to all who have followed recent legal battles over 12-year-old Archie Battersbee and baby Alfie Evans. 
Best Interests is “heartbreaking” at times, he admits, which makes the humour that he and Horgan bring to it all the more important. They hadn’t worked together before. “That relationship had to do a lot of heavy lifting. Sharon and I didn’t know each other very well … but straight from the off, we had a very similar sense of humour and made each other laugh.” Moriarty’s is a break-out performance – one scene involving make-up beautifully captures the parent-child relationship. She has cerebral palsy that affects her legs, a condition called spastic diplegia, but she’s not the only disabled actor in the piece. 
Bafta-winner Lenny Rush, 14, who in real-life has a condition that affects his growth, is brilliant as George, who sets his cap at Marnie. Mat Fraser, who plays a legal advocate in Best Interests and portrayed Shakespeare’s Richard III in 2017, has a thalidomide impairment, which likely gave him an insight into Richard’s sense of “my deformity”. 
Thorne, who experienced a chronic medical condition in his twenties, has said in the past that disabled people have been “utterly and totally” failed by the TV industry. In Best Interests, one parent of a child with a disability states baldly that people “hate” disabled people. “I think people can feel very uncomfortable around people with disabilities,” Sheen says. “A lot of the time it’s just to do with ignorance about, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t know, what should I do?’ It can make interaction quite awkward at times, and it can bring out people’s fears.”
The fact that there were several people with disabilities working on the project, he says, was striking because it brought home how rarely he had seen it before. It leads into a discussion of how far actors can credibly play identities they don’t personally inhabit. Sheen has thought about it: “You know, seeing people playing Welsh characters who are not Welsh, I find, it’s very hard for me to accept that. Not particularly on a point of principle, but just knowing that that’s not the case.
“That’s a very different end of the spectrum, but a part like Richard III is such a great character to play, it would be sad to think that that character, you know, is no longer available or appropriate for actors to play who don’t have disabilities, but that’s because I’m just not used to it yet, I suppose. Because I fully accept that I’m  not going to be playing Othello any time soon.
“Again, it’s not particularly a point of principle, but personally, I haven’t seen many actors who have come from quite privileged backgrounds being particularly compelling as people from working-class backgrounds. If you haven’t experienced something, you know, the extreme example is, well, if you haven’t murdered someone, can you play a murderer?”
In 2021, it was reported that Sheen intended to be a “not-for-profit” actor, after selling his own properties to ensure the Homeless World Cup that he had organised in Cardiff in 2019 went ahead when funders withdrew. So, what is a not-for-profit actor?
“There’s no such thing,” he says. “In that interview, I talked about how the ideal I was aiming towards was working like a not-for-profit company. When I put the money into the Homeless World Cup, since then I only owe money, so in terms of profits, there are no profits. I put as much of the money I make as I possibly can into either funding and supporting what other people are doing that I believe in, or starting up projects myself.” 
It’s a measure of Sheen’s confidence that he knows the parts will keep coming. He has become a father again in his 50s; he and his partner, 28-year-old Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, have two young daughters. “My knees creak a lot more,” he says. “It’s a lot harder to get up and down off the floor when you’re playing with the baby.” 
Sheen also has a grown-up daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, 24, from an earlier relationship with British actress Kate Beckinsale. “When my eldest daughter was born, I was still trying to make my way in my career and having to make harder choices about whether to work away from home and how much time to be away and all that stuff,” he says. “This time around, that’s not as difficult as I’m more established as an actor. Physically, it’s hard. But the one thing that is always the same is, you know, poo doesn’t smell any better.”
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antaxzantax · 3 months
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Chapter 36
Alfred returned to Ashford Hall the day before the most unusual Christmas of his life. For the first time in their short existence, the Ashfords and Campbells had not gathered for their usual frugal Christmas dinner. There were no cousins to play and sing with, no bagpipers, no drunken adults....
Grandmother Elizabeth and butler Scott Harman greeted him at the front of the house, along with two middle-aged people he didn’t know. Elizabet’s Dutch niece Sophie and her husband Lars. They had come to England to visit Elizabeth and meet Alfred.
Elizabeth introduced him and the little boy shook her hand, hiding his sadness. The dreadful first term at school culminated in a bleak Christmas. Fortunately, Sophie and Lars left as soon as dinner was over.
Alfred hated the attitude of his continental relatives.
They walked around the manor like a guided tour of Buckingham Palace. They asked all sorts of leading questions about his Stuart ancestry and the Ashford line. He was asked indelicately if his father could be king. Alfred replied that technically he could, as Veronica Ashford had never renounced her dynastic rights, but that they had no intention of claiming the Crown. The claim died with the death of Charles Edward Stuart[1]. At dinner, Alfred endured angry questioning from both relatives about Umbrella. The boy didn't know much about his father's work, and his father had made them swear never to talk about what he was really doing, lest the integrity of the family be compromised. So he kept his mouth shut and gave way to Elizabeth, who answered their unwelcome questions with subtle eloquence.
The highlight of the day came when Sophie and Lars gave him a huge present. He opened it without waiting until the next morning and discovered an Atari 2600 with three video games: Space Invaders, Breakout and Flag Capture. Alfred recognised the machine from advertisements in the newspapers his father read.
With the couple saying goodbye and his grandmother warning him not to stay up too late, Alfred set about connecting the console to the television in their private upstairs living room. He struggled with the setup until, through trial and error, he found the right ports. He switched on the console to play Space Invaders, and the TV responded by manifesting a colourful cathode ray universe of moving pixels [2]. The repetitive scrolling of vertically aligned amorphous blobs mesmerised him. Paralysed, he waited for the first row of aliens to crash into the turret stationed at the bottom of the screen. He restarted the game by pressing the only available button on the joystick controller. The aliens and the turret returned to their positions. Alfred moved the joystick sideways. The turret moved right and then left. When he pressed the button, it shot upwards. He killed his first alien. The second. The third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth. A whole row of invaders disappeared as the numbers on the counter at the top went crazy.
At five o'clock in the morning, Harman was inspecting the rooms when he heard a shrill noise coming from the private room. Startled, he rushed in.
Sitting on the floor, Alfred was manipulating a device far removed from Harman's old-fashioned understanding. Like Pavlov's pigeon, the boy pressed a button on a plastic stick. With each action of the remote control, the television emitted a thunderous beep that shattered his eardrums, a vulgar electronic noise that seemed to have been composed by Lucifer. Alfred, static, stared at the chaotic whirl of lights and beeps as if possessed: deep circles stretched under his eyelids and the veined ramifications of his irritated eyes were visible to the naked eye. At the boy's alarming state, Harman reflexively turned off the television.
Alfred finally reacted. Inexpressively, he turned off the console. He stood up with a start. And without turning his attention to Harman, he left the room like a soul in pain. The butler approached the diabolical device. Its plastic casing burned like a furnace. Disturbed, he withdrew his hand from the unfamiliar device, fearing for the boy's physical and mental health.
For the Christmas dinner, Alexander hired a celebration company to decorate the mansion he had purchased on the outskirts of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fifty guests were invited to enjoy a hodgepodge of Scottish and Irish cuisine and a selection of wines that cost more than the sum of several Harvard tuitions. The colourful entourage included academics, politicians and businessmen.
Academics congratulated Alexander on his daughter's genius, politicians sought his opinion on the upcoming British election and businessmen cheered on Umbrella Pharmaceuticals.
Alexia stayed until the end of the dinner. Alexander escorted her to her room and kissed her goodnight. His breath reeked of alcohol and he stumbled over the edge of the bed as he tried to tuck her daughter in, though he made an effort to remain functional and would not tolerate anyone in the room overreacting to her. It was the first time Alexia had seen her father so talkative and brazen, as if he were someone else; a provocative and sarcastic person. Shortly after dinner, he showed off his muscular body to a group of male and female guests. One of the spectators, imitating his father, tore off the top of his suit to show his manhood. Suddenly, the man and Alexander were engaged in a painless, gloved boxing match. Alexia watched from the detached, safe distance afforded by the embarrassment of others. By the time Alexander joined her, he had at least put his shirt and jacket back on.
Alexia got out of bed. Outside her bedroom she slipped into her father's office. Sliding the lock inside, she sat down in the bulky leather chair. She picked up the phone on her right and dialled +44.
It was snowing and cold outside. Lying on the sofa, Alfred had wrapped himself in his tartan blanket. Bored, he waited for the clock to strike five so he could finish eating last night's appeltaart[3] while his grandmother drank her tea.
He heard footsteps. Harman appeared at his side.
“Master Alfred, lady Alexia is on the phone.”
Alfred jumped up from the sofa, throwing the blanket to the floor. He trotted over to the phone, which was off the hook. Nervously, he picked up the receiver and put it to his tiny ear.
“Si? Hello? Alexia?”
“Alfred.” Alexia's distorted voice.
Alfred smiled. It was the first time he had heard her voice since September. Until that day, their communication had been based on an exchange of letters and postcards.
“Hi,” Alexia continued. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas! Have you opened your presents?”
“No. The party goes on.”
“Oh... Is dad with you?”
“No. He's downstairs. At the party. What were your presents?”
“An Atari 2600!” cried Alfred excitedly. “It's amazing! You have to try it. It came with three games. There's one where you kill aliens with a spaceship, and I got a lot of points…”
“I wish I was with you.”
“Um... Why? What's wrong?”
Alexia sighed.
“Is it because of dad?” Alfred continued.
“No. It's because of everyone.”
Alfred knew immediately what she meant.
“People look at you funny and talk behind your back,” Alfred said.
“People are stupid. It's not fair that they're so mean to you.”
“I'm different.”
“You're not. You're just like me.”
Alexia did not answer.
“Just that you learn faster, but that's okay. That's what adults want... Hum. Adults are stupid.”
Alexia laughed on the other side.
“Something just happened.”
Alexia told Alfred about the impromptu boxing match between Alexander and the guest.
“Adults are weird,” Alfred concluded.
There was a moment of silence between them.
“I'm tired.” Alexia yawned.
“Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas.”
They hung up.
[1] Charles Edward Louis John Sylvester Maria Casimir Stuart was the elder son of James Francis Edward Stuart, grandson of James VII and II, and the Stuart claimant to the thrones of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1766 as Charles III. During his lifetime, he was also known as "the Young Pretender" and "the Young Chevalier"; in popular memory, he is known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.
[2] Atari 2600, Space Invaders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ftVrgJTl4w
[3] Dutch Apple Pie.
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ouranian · 10 months
top 9 people you want to get to know better
@aristotels Thanks for tagging me, much appreciated.
favourite colour: I feel like as a kid I could pinpoint this without question. Now it's a lot more complicated? If you met us you'd probably think it's black, and we do be big fans of the color black (yes, color) I also really love different shades of orange, yellow, and green. Red is also just. Classic.
currently reading: It's always my goal to read more but the I just don't because reading is hard. I feel like I've actually gotten more dyslexic with age. I do got Lucifer: Princeps Princeps by Peter Grey on the end table right now. Last time I visited the boyfriends on the drive there and back I finally finished the Vatta's War series by Elizabeth Moon in audio book format and fuck that was such a good series. Also have manga that I bulk ordered for collecting reasons that I need to actually sit down and read. Things that I read scans of that I wanted physical copies of, like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, and My Dress Up Darling. Manga easier for dyslexia to read.
last song: My phone went to video game lofi for some reason while driving home from therapy on Tuesday so that was... Kakariko Village by Mikel & Gamechops.
last series: Spy x Family because I needed something wholesome and this series is so cute. Today's Jujutsu Kaisen new episode day though, so I'll be sitting down with the cule for that. Ironically before these two series I hadn't been watching any anime for literal years.
sweet, savoury or spicy?: I have the biggest sweet tooth. It's so bad.
currently working on: I'm FINALLY getting a replacement replacement ds lite top lcd screen in the mail because the first one I got was faulty. That reminds me when I go out today, I should bring the faulty screen to a staples or bestbuy for ewaste recycling. But yeah if everything goes well I'll have a gorgeous new navy blue ds lite for more pokemon shiny hunting and a youtube video that documents cleaning it up and fixing it. Just gotta test the new screen, solder the speakers in place from the original screen, and then reassemble everything. My next project is a blue wii that has no working disc drive and no gamecube ports on it anymore. Which is very. Interesting? I'm VERY curious about it. Also have a $4 portable dvd player that I found at goodwill that needed a power cable for so I ordered one and I'll be interested to test that out. Would be cool if I could get it to read movies off of a usb or hard drive but it doesn't have any usb female slots in it so that might be beyond my abilities right now. Wanna stress that anyone who wants can do this. If you do it because you saw me do it, tag me even if I didn't tag you, I wanna read. But to keep the tradition alive, I'm tagging @mel-kore @ashenrenewal @mspreciosa @revesvagabond @ideas-of-immortality @phantomroyalty @octopi-wall-street @theconstellarium @nymori there's absolutely no pressure here tho, do what you want to.
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stargatelov3r · 2 years
Teylabeth Week 2022 Masterpost
I decided to compile all contributions for Teylabeth Week 2022 in one post so it can be easily found by everyone!
I’m glad you’re home by Robin_Outlaw99 (G rated, 2731 words)
port in the storm by toboddly  (G rated, 1154 words)
An Unexpected Party by stargatelover (T rated, 6131 words)
the loving leads to bleeding (and your beauty is a blessing) by Nikipa (G rated, 6804 words)
Flagging by portlandwithyou (T rated, 390 words)
Tuttleroot Soup by stargatelover (G rated, 2109 words)
how to bring her home by toboddly (G rated, 2404 words)
Of Courting Practices (Athosian and Otherwise) by A_Storm_Of_Roses (M rated, 2951 words)
you would find her in a polaroid picture by toboddly (G rated, 2379 words)
Gravitating Towards Another by portlandwithyou (M rated, 2030 words)
the sky hasn’t always been blue by LogicGunn (T rated, 2943 words)
5 times Teyla brought Elizabeth coffee and 1 time Elizabeth brought Teyla tea. by Robin_Outlaw99 (G rated, 2192 words)
Prosperous by portlandwithyou (G rated)
What Happens on the Mainland... by stargatelover (M rated)
Tea by @whiskayjack
Leaves and Beans by stargatelover (G rated)
Close to my Heart by WonkyElk
Under The Night Sky by cassiope25
Day Off on New Athos by @nyadasworld
Cover Art for "Teylabeth week 2022 A Podfic Anthology" by cassiope25
“First Date” by @toboddly
Video Edits
“Die First” by @toboddly
“Atlantis” by @sassycordy
Teylabeth’s Style by @sassycordy
“Forever’s Gotta Start Somewhere” by @stargatelov3r
Stargazing by itstartedwithalex (T rated, 14:15min)
Two Queens in Atlantis by itstartedwithalex (T rated, 09:07min)
Bureaucracy Disguised by itstartedwithalex (T rated, 09:45min)
Cinnamon Bun by itstartedwithalex (G rated, 07:46min)
Didn’t Even See The Dust by itstartedwithalex (T rated, 29:39min)
Teylabeth Week 2022: A Podfic Anthology by itstartedwithalex (T rated, 01:10:31)
AO3 Collection for Teylabeth Week 2022
A (very short) Teylabeth Fic Rec list by @stargatelov3r
JumpShip: Teyla Emmagan/Elizabeth Weir by twotales
Fall by twotales
Gifs by @rodneymckays
Teylabeth playlist by @sparrowsarus
(If I forgot something or someone or made a mistake please let me know and I will update the list)
(Note: I didn’t include photos/screencaps on tumblr in this list. If you are looking for those you can find them under the Teylabeth Week 2022 tag)
Thank you again for each and everyone who participated in this week, it was so so so so much fun to read and listen and watch everything! it really made my week something special! can’t wait for the next time!
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Big Pokey Wiki – Milton Powell by the stage name Big Pokey was 45 years old and an American rapper from Houston, Texas. Big Pokey was associated with chopped and screwed up music and was one of the original members of Screwed Up Click. Big Pokey began rapping with Houston producer DJ Screw in the early 1990s and has released songs on many of DJ Screw’s mixtapes. Big Pokey was featured on DJ Screw’s “27 June Freestyle” mixtape, which became a landmark album in diced and screwed hip hop.
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His first full-length album, Hardest Pit in the Litter, was released in early 1999. The following year, Pokey returned with another album, D-Game 2000, consisting of 808 mid-tempo guided beats, featuring several of his Houston colleagues. He collaborated with Wreckshop Wolfpack for Tha Collabo in 2001 and then returned in 2002 with another solo album, Da Sky’s Da Limit. In 2004, a clip of Pokey’s song “Who Dat Talkin Down” appeared in the pilot episode of HBO’s Entourage. In 2005, Pokey appeared on Paul Wall’s track “Sittin’ Sidewayz”, which peaked at #93 on the US Billboard Hot 100. The single remains Pokey’s top single on the charts.
Big Pokey’s Age
Big Pokey was 45 year old
Houston-born rapper Big Pokey, whose real name is Milton Powell, has been confirmed to have died at the age of 45.
According to reports, the rapper allegedly fell to the ground during a performance in Texas on Saturday and his death was confirmed by Justice of Justice Tom Gillam III.
CBS affiliate KFDM reported: “Justice of Peace Tom Gillam III has confirmed that Houston Rapper Milton Powell, better known as Big Pokey, has passed away at St. Elizabeth Hospital.”
They stated that his death came after he “fainted” at the Pour 09 Bar in Beaumont on Saturday night. They added that the cause of death is awaiting an autopsy.
A video was shared on social media showing Big Pokey crashing. The footage shows people rushing to the rapper.
While the US Sun reported that a second clip shared online showed people performing CPR on the musician.
Many social media users are uncomfortable with the sharing of disturbing images on the internet.
Big Pokey is best known for being an original member of the hip-hop group Screwed Up Click.
His work was not limited to music, he even acted in films. He starred in Soldiers United for Cash in 2001 and later appeared in Dirty Third 2: Home Sweet Home.
Tributes flock to the rapper as his fans and fellow musicians quickly pay their respects.
Pokey’s close friend, Port Arthur Native Bun B, shared a touching tribute on Instagram.
He wrote: “I wasn’t ready for this. One of the most naturally gifted artists in the city. The plain, humble mountain of a man who acts with dignity and respect. Easy to love, hard to hate …”
As one fan tweeted: “Sad day for Houston…..Tear the big poke……Texas legend forever.”
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djhenryhall · 1 year
Nightlapse Video From Port Elizabeth, Bequia
#Nightlapse video from Port Elizabeth, #Bequia #timelapse #caribbean #sesaport #nighttime
Bequia is the second-largest island in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It’s about 9 miles from Kingston in Saint Vincent. The island is super safe and quiet. I came to the island to scuba dive, of course. By happenstance, none of the hotel rooms near the dive shops and in the port were available. Instead of canceling this leg of the trip, I decide to select a villa on the high point of the…
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celtfather · 28 days
Ireland's New Road #663
We’re going on the road with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #663. Subscribe now!
Arise & Go, Philippe Barnes and Tom Phelan, Santiago Molina, The Out of Kilters, Lissa Schneckenburger, Logical Fleadh, Patsy O'Brien, Clay Babies, Louise Bichan, Joey Abarta, Fire In The Glen, Toby Bresnahan, Tradify, Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner, Altan
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
00:07 - Arise & Go "Strathspeys & Reels: Lennox's Love To Blantyre / Captain Campbell / The Iron Man / Elizabeth's Big Coat / The Bird's Nest" from Meeting Place
04:28 - WELCOME
05:24 - Philippe Barnes and Tom Phelan "New Kings Road/Órlaith's/New Found Out" from The Clearwater Sessions
11:34 - Santiago Molina "The return from Fingal" from Desde un nuevo lugar
14:19 - The Out of Kilters "Ruffled Drawers / Buck Mountain / Speed the Plow" from Hot Potatoes
17:48 - Lissa Schneckenburger "The Ranch" from Falling Forward
22:25 - Logical Fleadh "Gary Bennigan's" from Logical Fleadh (17 - Track Album)
24:01 - FEEDBACK
25:50 - Patsy O'Brien "Lucky In Love" from Onward
28:33 - Clay Babies "Irishman's Heart To The Ladies / SilverSpire / SilverSpear / Fisherman's Hornpipe" from Speechless Vol. 1: Sloppy Session in the Sticks
33:58 - Louise Bichan "Qouyburray" from Out of My Own Light
37:12 - Joey Abarta "The Longford Piper/The Balintore Fancy/Follow Me Up to Carlow (Single Jigs)" from King of the Blind
40:53 - THANKS
42:32 - Fire In The Glen "Boys of Blue Hill / Toormore Polkas" from Cutting Bracken
46:09 - Toby Bresnahan "Miller of Drohan" from All In Good time
49:22 - Tradify "El Garrotín & Muñeira De Casu" from Take Flight
52:31 - Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner “MacGregor of Roaring Fork" from The Birds' Flight
54:29 - CLOSING
55:26 - Altan "Port Árainn Mhór/Port Kitty Rua Mooney (Jigs)" from Donegal
58:50 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
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* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
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Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
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Dawn Davis sent a St Patrick’s Day photo:
Ellen Mandeville emailed a photo: "I baked a Guinness Chocolate Cake for St. Patrick's Day dessert! It reminded me of the fabulous meals I enjoyed at Teach Nan Phaidi café on Inis Mór."
Raven Lunatic sent a St Pats photo:
Todd B emailed a photo: “Hi Marc, Had a fantastic St Patrick’s Day. Cooked up some brown soda bread and some beef stew for the family while listening to the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast of course. A couple of my favorite episodes I listened to while cooking included # 185, 2 - hours of Celtic Rock Music, and #141, Bagpipes Rock. Picture of flying the colors and brown bread on the table. Thanks Marc. Slainte."
Rich Hoffman sent a couple photos for St Patrick's Day: "Made traditional Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and had a Guinness listening to your music. Wore green, went to church and enjoyed a parade.
Thanks Marc! Still loving your work. Slàinte."
Check out this episode!
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novumtimes · 1 month
More than 100 feared dead in massive landslide in Papua New Guinea
Melbourne, Australia — More than 100 people are believed to have been killed Friday in a landslide that buried a village in a remote part of Papua New Guinea, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported. The landslide reportedly hit Kaokalam village in Enga province, about 370 miles northwest of the South Pacific island nation’s capital of Port Moresby, at roughly 3 a.m. local time, ABC reported. Residents say current estimates of the death toll are above 100, although authorities haven’t confirmed that figure. Villagers said the number of people killed could be much higher. Videos on social media show locals pulling bodies out that were buried under rocks and trees. People gather at the site of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga Province on May 24, 2024.  STR / AFP via Getty Images The Papua New Guinea government and police didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. Elizabeth Laruma, who runs a women’s business association in Porgera, a town in the same province near the Porgera Gold Mine, said village houses were flattened when the side of a mountain gave way. “It has occurred when people were still asleep in the early hours, and the entire village has gone down,” Laruma told ABC. “From what I can presume, it’s about 100-plus people who are buried beneath the ground.” The landslide blocked the road between Porgera and the village, she said, raising concerns about the town’s own supply of fuel and goods. Village resident Ninga Role, who was away when the landslide struck, expects at least four of his relatives have died. “There are some huge stones and plants, trees. The buildings collapsed,” Role said. “These things are making it hard to find the bodies fast.” People gather at the site of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea’s Enga Province on May 24, 2024. STR / AFP via Getty Images Reuters reports that local media said the landslide affected operations at the Porgera gold mine, which is run by Barrick Gold through Barrick Niugini Ltd, a joint venture with China’s Zijin Mining. Barrick Gold didn’t immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment outside normal business hours. Papua New Guinea is a diverse, developing nation of mostly subsistence farmers with 800 languages. There are few roads outside the larger cites. With 10 million people, it is also the most populous South Pacific nation after Australia, which is home to some 27 million. Located just south of the equator, the area gets frequent heavy rains, Agence France-Presse points out, adding that there’s been intense rainfall and flooding this year. At least 23 people were killed by a landslide in a nearby province in March.  Source link via The Novum Times
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hobbyspacer · 4 months
Space habitat reports – Feb.21.2024
Here is this week's selection of videos and news items about space habitats, living in space, and space settlement. Starts with NASA's latest Space to Ground report for the International Space Station: https://youtu.be/X9pvisKkxcg ** Progress MS-26 docking - SciNews The Progress MS-26 spacecraft autonomously docked to the aft port of the Zvezda service module, on the International Space Station, on 17 February 2024, at 06:06 UTC (01:06 EST). Progress MS-26 (ISS Progress 87 mission) delivers about three tons of food, fuel and supplies for the Expedition 70 crew aboard the International Space Station. Credit: NASA/Roscosmos Music: “Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky” courtesy of YouTube Audio Library See also Cargo Craft Successfully Launches to Station | Space Station/NASA - Feb.14.2024 https://youtu.be/3QFFuwaD0vw ** Using a VR headset on space station - Astronaut describes experience - VideoFromSpace Expedition 70 astronaut Andreas Mogensen describes the experience of using a VR headset while exercising on the International Space Station to Space.com's Elizabeth Howell. https://youtu.be/vgPRvF32XUk ** Expedition 70 Astronaut Satoshi Furukawa Answers Japanese Media Questions Feb. 20, 2024 - NASA Video Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 70 Flight Engineer Satoshi Furukawa of JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) discussed living and working in space with Japanese reporters during an in-flight interview Feb. 20. Furukawa is in the midst of a long-duration mission on the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions. https://youtu.be/4S512hzDed0 ** 2023 Annual Highlights of Results from the International Space Station - NASA Johnson The International Space Station is a microgravity research lab hosting groundbreaking technology demonstrations and scientific investigations. More than 3,700 investigations conducted to date have generated more than 4,000 research articles published in scientific journals. In 2023, the orbiting lab hosted approximately 500 investigations. See more space station research achievements and findings in the Annual Highlights of Results publication at https://www.nasa.gov/stationresults. https://youtu.be/S70S-z-vKCo ** Axiom Space - Progress on assembly of the first habitat module. Thales Alenia in Italy is building the structures for the habitat modules that Axiom will initially attach to the ISS and later detach to become a free-flying space station owned and operated by Axiom. Here is a recent item about a milestone in assembly of the first module: The welding of the forward cone to the cylinder bulkhead marks a significant evolution of the primary structure of Ax- H1, @Axiom_Space's first module. Check out the stunning operations set up by our team in #Turin to prepare for this milestone.#spaceforlife #BuildingForBeyond pic.twitter.com/oHOLVGnEk0 — Thales Alenia Space (@Thales_Alenia_S) February 14, 2024 ** Sierra Space displays an illustration on Twitter/X showing three generations of LIFE space habitat module designs: We are developing and testing “game changing softgoods expandable technology” that leverages the ability to “pack and compress” softgoods structures at launch, then deploy to utilize maximum volume for on orbit operations.
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2024-20-02: We are developing and testing “game changing softgoods expandable technology” that leverages the ability to “pack and compress” softgoods structures at launch, then deploy to utilize maximum volume for on orbit operations. These technology advancements provide “low mass to volume ratios” that are unmatched in the industry. Other habitation providers rely on larger and more powerful rockets with increased fairing envelopes to reach our inflated volumes We can launch packed and deploy to an average 625% volume increase once pressurized in orbit, offering more on orbit capacity at a reduced size and mass. We look forward to further developing this technology as we build the world's first commercial space station. It's been pointed out that rotating the LIFE 3.0 module, which would fit into the SpaceX Starship at 8 meters before expanding to 19 meters when deployed, around the long axis at a 4-6 times per minute could provide spin gravity at a potentially beneficial fraction (15-35%) of one g. ** VAST - Planning private crew missions to the ISS Axiom recently completed its third private crew mission to the ISS. These provide the company with revenue as well as  technical experience as it prepares to launch its own space habitats in the coming years. VAST, another space habitat company, announced this week that it also aims to sponsor private ISS missions. NASA requires payment for such missions and allows only a limited number per year. So the two companies will need to compete for contracts with the agency. Vast is excited to announce that we will compete to offer NASA private astronaut missions to the ISS. Diversity of providers will enhance competition and give customers more options. It will also help transfer critical ISS expertise from NASA to more potential commercial LEO… https://t.co/rP9RZbT5rt — VΛST (@vast) February 21, 2024 ** Chinese Astronaut Captures Breathtaking Views of Egypt, Red Sea from Space - CCTV Video News Agency China Manned Space Agency on Tuesday released a bird's eye view of Egypt and the Red Sea taken by astronaut Tang Shengjie who is currently on-board China's space station. https://youtu.be/0pWpnaqYZZQ ** Other news and articles: - Events: - Space Visions Symposium – Canaveral Council of Technical Societies (CCTS) - Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL, May 2-3, 2024, "The theme of this first symposium is: Large Scale Space Occupancy: What will it take? Initially, we are looking between ten and fifty years into the future ..." - ISDC | International Space Development Conference - Annual meeting of the National Space Society (NSS) - Los Angeles, Thursday, May 23rd to Sunday, May 26th, 2024. - Resupply Ship Docks to Station Completing Space Delivery | Space Station/NASA - Feb.19.2024 - Launch Date No Earlier Than March 1 Set for Crew-8 | Commercial Crew Program/NASA - Feb.15.2024 - Inclusive Human Spaceflight: New Heights for the Disabled | Leonard David - Feb.15.2024 - Engineers Design Habitats for the Moon Inspired by Terminite Mounds | Universe Today - Feb.14.2024 ** Highlight: Snow over the Pyrenees across Spain to Barcelona. Feb 20, 2024 11:45 CET  -   ISS Above NASA EHDC6 Live views of the Earth from the International Space Station https://youtu.be/Z3Qr8rY_GH8 -- Highlight: Dallas TX - Deb 21, 2024 11:46 CST -   ISS Above https://youtu.be/pX38DXwtJzA ** Live Video from the International Space Station (Official NASA Stream) - NASA Watch live video from the International Space Station, including inside views when the crew aboard the space station is on duty. Views of Earth are also streamed from an external camera located outside of the space station. During periods of signal loss due to handover between communications satellites, a blue screen is displayed. The space station orbits Earth about 250 miles (425 kilometers) above the surface. An international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries operates the station, and it has been continuously occupied since November 2000. It's a microgravity laboratory where science, research, and human innovation make way for new technologies and research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3CkVtC8 Did you know you can spot the station without a telescope? It looks like a fast-moving star, but you have to know when to look up. Sign up for text messages or email alerts to let you know when (and where) to spot the station and wave to the crew: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov https://www.youtube.com/live/xAieE-QtOeM?feature=share ====
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ISS after undocking of STS-132 === Amazon Ads === Lego Ideas International Space Station 21321 Toy Blocks, Present, Space, Boys, Girls, Ages 16 and Up  ==== Outpost in Orbit: A Pictorial & Verbal History of the Space Station  Read the full article
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greghough890 · 4 months
 Unveiling the Medical Excellence of Dr Gregory Hough in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
In the heart of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, lies a beacon of medical expertise and compassionate care: Dr Gregory Hough. Renowned as a leading figure in the medical community, Dr Greg Hough has dedicated his life to serving the people of the Eastern Cape with unparalleled commitment and skill.
With a career spanning decades, Dr Gregory Hough South Africa has become synonymous with excellence in healthcare. His reputation precedes him, not only in Port Elizabeth but across the entirety of South Africa. Patients from far and wide seek out the expertise of Dr Greg Hough Eastern Cape, knowing they will receive top-tier treatment and personalized attention.
What sets Dr Greg Hough South Africa apart is not just his medical proficiency but also his genuine compassion for his patients. He understands that each individual is unique, and takes the time to listen and understand their concerns fully. This approach has earned him the trust and respect of countless patients and colleagues alike.
Beyond his medical practice, Dr Gregory Hough Port Elizabeth is actively involved in community initiatives and healthcare advocacy. He firmly believes in giving back to the community that has supported him throughout his career. Whether it's volunteering at local health fairs or participating in medical outreach programs, Dr Greg Hough Port Elizabeth is always at the forefront, leading by example.
In today's digital age, Dr Greg Hough Facebook recognizes the importance of staying connected with his patients and the community. His active presence on social media platforms like Facebook keeps patients informed about health-related news and events. Additionally, his website features valuable resources and information to empower individuals to take control of their health.
One aspect that sets Dr Gregory Hough apart is his commitment to transparency and accessibility. Through his website, patients can easily access resources such as articles, videos, and Dr Greg Hough images. This openness fosters trust and strengthens the patient-doctor relationship, a cornerstone of Dr Hough's practice philosophy.
In the ever-evolving field of medicine, staying informed is crucial. Greg Hough news provides updates on the latest advancements in healthcare and medical breakthroughs. By staying abreast of current trends and developments, Dr Gregory Hough ensures that his patients receive the most up-to-date and effective treatments available.
For those seeking a healthcare provider they can trust, look no further than Dr Greg Hough News in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. His unwavering dedication to excellence, coupled with his compassionate approach to patient care, sets him apart as a true leader in the medical community. Whether you're in need of routine medical care or seeking specialized treatment, Dr Gregory Hough is here to serve you with the highest standard of care.
In conclusion, the legacy of Dr Gregory Hough in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, is one of unparalleled medical expertise and unwavering dedication to patient care. From his humble beginnings to his current status as a leading figure in the medical community, Dr Greg Hough continues to inspire and uplift those around him.
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houghg · 8 months
Leading the Way in Hypoglycemia Care in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Nestled in the picturesque city of Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, Dr Greg Hough stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with hypoglycemia. With his exceptional expertise and an active online presence, Dr Gregory Hough South Africa has become the go-to endocrinologist in the region for addressing the intricate challenges posed by this condition.
Hypoglycemia, characterised by abnormally low blood sugar levels, can be a formidable adversary for those afflicted by it. Dr Greg Hough, also known as Greg Hough, has emerged as a respected authority on hypoglycemia, making a positive impact on the lives of many in Port Elizabeth and its neighbouring areas.
His deep-seated commitment to the well-being of his patients extends to his active presence on Facebook. Dr Greg Hough Facebook page serves as a crucial platform for disseminating valuable insights about hypoglycemia, as well as creating a supportive online community for individuals seeking guidance and understanding.
One unique aspect of Dr Greg Hough's Facebook presence is his sharing of images related to his practice. Dr Greg Hough Images provide patients with a glimpse into the world of endocrinology and hypoglycemia care. Often, the face behind the name can instil a sense of trust and assurance, particularly when facing the complexities of a condition like hypoglycemia.
Beyond his online presence, the clinical practice of Dr Gregory Hough Port Elizabeth demonstrates his mastery in the realm of hypoglycemia. With an extensive knowledge base and years of experience, he expertly navigates the challenges that patients with hypoglycemia present, tailoring his care to meet their unique needs.
Hypoglycemia is a condition that can be associated with various underlying causes, including diabetes and hormonal disorders. The expertise of Dr Greg Hough South Africa in identifying these root issues and providing effective management strategies is a boon to the people of Port Elizabeth and the broader Eastern Cape.
The importance of patient education cannot be overstated in managing hypoglycemia. Dr Gregory Hough recognizes this and actively promotes patient awareness and understanding. Through his Facebook page, he regularly shares informative articles, videos, and updates, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health. In conclusion, Dr Greg Hough Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, is an exceptional endocrinologist who has carved out a niche for himself in the field of hypoglycemia care. His active online presence on Facebook, where he shares informative content and images related to his practice, has established him as a trusted resource for patients. Dr Hough's dedication to patient care, coupled with his unwavering commitment to patient education, sets a shining example for the medical community. In the fight against hypoglycemia, Dr Greg Hough Eastern Cape is the guiding light leading the way to better health.
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reginadeinisseni · 9 months
Pirati dei Caraibi "La Maledizione della Prima Luna" - trailer ita
La maledizione della prima luna (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) è un film del 2003 diretto da Gore Verbinski; prodotto da Walt Disney Pictures e Jerry Bruckheimer Films e distribuito da Buena Vista International.
Ideato e scritto da Ted Elliot e Terry Rossio, il film è il primo capitolo della serie di Pirati dei Caraibi e ispirato all'omonima attrazione dei Parchi Disney. Il cast principale comprende Johnny Depp nei panni di Jack Sparrow, Geoffrey Rush, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Kevin McNally, Jack Davenport e Jonathan Pryce.
Caraibi, 1720. La piccola Elizabeth Swann e suo padre, il Governatore Weatherby Swann, sono sulla nave inglese HMS Dauntless che li porta a Port Royal, quando un ragazzino di nome Will Turner viene portato a bordo. Quando Elizabeth si accorge che Will ha al collo un medaglione d'oro con inciso un teschio, lei glielo sottrae e lo nasconde perché può essere la prova dell'appartenenza di Will alla pirateria. Norrington si dichiara a Elizabeth, la quale però, soffocata per il corsetto troppo stretto, cade dagli spalti del forte finendo in mare; così facendo attiva il medaglione, che attrae la Perla Nera, ossia la nave vista otto anni prima Gibbs si lascia scappare la verità su Jack: quando arrivò la prima volta a Tortuga e creò una ciurma per recarsi a Isla de Muerta, egli era il capitano della Perla Nera, ma a pochi giorni di navigazione il primo ufficiale Barbossa pretese di sapere la destinazione.
gli Aztechi consegnarono a Cortès un forziere di pietra con 882 pezzi d'oro, sui quali le divinità scagliarono una maledizione che fa diventare gli esseri umani né vivi né morti: costoro sembrano vivi, ma quando arriva la luna piena svelano la loro identità; inoltre, chiunque abbia sottratto un medaglione del tesoro di Cortès, per spezzare la maledizione e tornare vivo, deve restituirlo con il proprio sangue. Quando la ciurma di Barbossa arrivò sull'Isla de Muerta prese il tesoro, ma presto i pirati si accorsero che non provavano più sensazioni e che non sentivano più niente, cosicché restituirono tutti i singoli pezzi, tranne il medaglione d'oro ora posseduto da Elizabeth.
Benché Jack abbia vinto e salvato tutti, ora è condannato all'impiccagione perché la sua ciurma ha rubato la Perla Nera; Nel mentre, la scimmia domestica di Barbossa si avvicina a nuoto al mucchio di ricchezze nella grotta dell'Isla de Muerta. Arrampicatasi sul forziere di pietra, ruba uno degli 882 pezzi d'oro e ritorna ad essere non-morta.
Il film è uscito negli Stati Uniti il 9 luglio 2003[2], mentre in Italia il 5 settembre 2003, dopo un'anteprima nazionale il 27 agosto.
Doppiaggio italiano La direzione del doppiaggio e i dialoghi italiani sono a cura di Carlo Cosolo, per conto della Cast Doppiaggio S.r.l.[3] Curiosamente, per l'edizione italiana, è stato tolto il riferimento a Davy Jones, nemico principale dei due film successivi, detto da Will Turner a bordo della Perla Nera, e anche il titolo del film è stato modificato.
Edizioni home video Il film è stato distribuito in DVD e VHS nel mercato italiano il 29 gennaio 2004,[4] disponibile in edizione disco singolo e disco doppio. Nel 2007 è stata messa in vendita la versione del film ad alta definizione Blu-ray Disc.
Candidatura ai Migliori costumi a Penny Rose Candidatura alla Miglior coppia a Johnny Depp e Orlando Bloom Candidatura alla Miglior performance comica a Johnny Depp Candidatura al Miglior film straniero a Gore Verbinski Eroe più sexy a Orlando Bloom Miglior bugiardo a Johnny Depp Miglior bacio a Keira Knightley e Orlando Bloom Candidatura ai Migliori modelli e miniature (l'intercettatore) a Charles Bailey, Peter Bailey, Robert Edwards e Don Bies Candidatura alla Miglior fotografia a Carl Miller, Michael Conte e Tami Carter Miglior combattimento a Tony Angelotti e Mark Aaron Wagner 2004 - American Choreography Awards Miglior coreografia nei combattimenti a George Marshall Ruge Candidatura al Miglior attore del decennio a Johnny Depp 2004 - Publicists Guild of America Maxwell Weinberg Award Candidatura alla Colonna sonora originale dell'anno a Klaus Badelt
Pirati dei Caraibi - La maledizione del forziere fantasma (2006) Pirati dei Caraibi - Ai confini del mondo (2007) Pirati dei Caraibi - Oltre i confini del mare (2011) Pirati dei Caraibi - La vendetta di Salazar (2017)
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intergrated456 · 11 months
Siav Smart Homes & Energy Cape Town
This article will focus on these technologies and distinguish between key phrases. At Control4 we're much less about “changing the way your house looks” and extra about “adding solutions that meet your wants and add comfort to your lifestyle”. As more units turn into linked, your Control4 home will merely permit you to incorporate these gadgets into your way of life. The trendy house is undergoing a significant metamorphosis on account of the proliferation of “smart home” applied sciences.
They satisfaction themselves in bringing you the comfort and convenience on the contact of your fingertips even when you’re away from home. They have accomplished smart home automation tasks to more than 30+ estates all over South Africa. With an ever-growing worldwide development in smart devices and know-how, Smart Home Solutions in Port Elizabeth is reworking homes with turnkey smart solutions. In need smart homes of a secure collaboration whether or not you’re working from home or the office? They are an industry chief in supplying AV and video conferencing solutions for any surroundings, wherever you might be! They also provide security solutions like access control and CCTV in your home and the set up of solar energy and vitality storage.
They measure things like soil moisture and plant varieties and hyperlink to details about climate patterns, so no extra watering your garden simply before a rainstorm. I frequently surprise the method to convert ‘dumb’ homes to smart homes in South Africa. Consequently, householders can control the network utilizing smart home voice instructions or smartphone apps. Smart Devices are digital gadgets that may operate interactively and autonomously and can be related to different units or networks through totally different wi-fi protocols similar to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 5G, and so on.
Read on and uncover the way you too might be a sensible home owner – it’s easier than you think. To have all the merchandise in your house completely orchestrated really brings the magic of a sensible smart home automation home to life. By making a number of small adjustments in how you use water and electricity you would possibly be on the trail to an upgraded life. The CX³ with Netatmo related contactor is a multifunction, silent contactor designed for controlli..
The technology behind smart homes remains to be in its infancy, yet it has the potential to fully alter how people  reside our lives. People  can anticipate that as know-how continues to advance, there might be an even greater number of ways in which units for the smart home will make lives easier smart home solutions, extra productive, and safer. The Smart Home employees are educated in bringing the most recent technology to the tip person in it’s simplest type. The goal is for the top person to have top of the line technology on the contact of a single button.
All smart LED mild bulbs use a minimum of 75% much less power than incandescent bulbs and last as lengthy as 25 times longer. They also can dim down, adding an estimated 40% extra value savings. Before organising your smart home in South Africa, guarantee you've a great fibre internet connection covering all areas of your personal home.
Control4’s Pakedge network solutions deliver the last word in efficiency for Control4 installations. Where home automation used to be only for a choose group of homeowners, smart windows, motorised roller shutters, smart blinds, smart curtains... Add new features to your personal home with our smart home expertise and solutions. A smart home hub acts as a central command for the house’s smart units, allowing the owners to regulate a quantity of units with a single interface and enhance the general experience.
And it’s within the home where many people will immediately discover the great adjustments that the IoT guarantees. Smart home gadgets may also be programmed to hold out duties routinely, such as shutting off the lights when the occupants leave the house or activating the sprinklers when it begins to rain. Controlled lighting not only enhances the expertise but assists in saving energy by utilizing light solely when needed and to the right smart home systems light intensities. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times in order that we will save your preferences for cookie settings. With the Wi-Fi lightbulbs you’ll be in a position to change your mind on a whim based on the occasion and on your mood. Even better, these Smart lightbulbs are appropriate with any type of lamp, so whether or not you pick one or twenty of them you won’t have to intervene in any means in your house’s lighting system.
Our smart alarm systems use wireless know-how, home networks, and  cell phones to integrate your security with day-to-day life. IoT in smart homes brings digital units to life by offering the consumer the ability to make use of voice commands and other distant options to regulate, handle and monitor issues around the home. As of 2021, there's an estimated 13.8 billion IoT devices connected to networks throughout the globe, with projected gadgets set to surpass 25.four billion by the yr 2030. These numbers will proceed to climb, highlighting the thrilling growth and opportunity this new expertise phase brings.
Multiroom audio systems enable you to play audio from multiple sources in designated areas of your house. In essance, these systems will allow users the liberty to stream music from quite a lot of music and audio platforms throughout the home, or in one particular room, all by way of one straightforward to make use of interface. These are some must-haves in relation to automated security in your home – smart locks, smart sensors, Control4 Intercom and CCTV & Security Systems. Yale is trusted by millions of people every single day to maintain what’s necessary to them secure.
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avo-kat · 1 year
‘No future’: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns
by Elizabeth Claire Alberts on 21 June 2023
Citing animal welfare concerns, Iceland has suspended its whale hunting season until Aug. 31.
This decision follows the release of a government-commissioned independent report that found that many whales suffer immensely after being harpooned.
Iceland had been set to kill around 200 fin whales, up from the 148 it killed in 2022.
Iceland has suspended its planned hunt for fin whales this year, citing animal welfare concerns.
On June 20, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, the country’s minister of food, agriculture and fisheries, announced that the whale hunt was postponed because “the fishing method used when hunting large whales does not comply with the law on animal welfare.”
This decision follows the release of a government-commissioned independent report that found that 41% of whales targeted in the Icelandic hunts did not die immediately, but suffered immensely after being shot with harpoons. It also found that some whales took up to two hours to die.
The hunt has been suspended until Aug. 31, but experts close to the matter say it’s unlikely it will start after the suspension lifts, since September usually marks the end of the whaling season.
“I have made the decision to temporarily stop whaling in light of the unequivocal opinion of the professional council on animal welfare,” Svavarsdóttir said in a statement in Icelandic. “The conditions of the law on animal welfare are inescapable in my mind, if the government and license holders cannot guarantee welfare requirements, this activity does not see a future.”
Only one whaling company, Hvalur, holds a license to hunt whales in Iceland, which is set to expire in 2023. Another Icelandic whaling company, IP-Utgerd, ceased operations in 2020 due to financial difficulties.
Arne Feuerhahn, founder of Hard to Port, a German organization that has worked to end the Icelandic whale hunts, says the news surprised him.
“I was standing in front of one of the whaling ships … when I received the news,” Feuerhahn, currently in Iceland, told Mongabay by phone. “It was a very, very special and emotional moment because so many people have put a lot of energy over the past few months and years to get to this outcome.”
Before receiving the news, Feuerhahn said he’d been expecting the whalers to begin hunting on June 21.
Feuerhahn, who has been working with partners to document the Icelandic whale hunts since 2015, says he previously shared video of the whale hunts with Svavarsdóttir. The government then placed observers on all whaling ships in 2022.
This year, Iceland was set to kill around 200 fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), considered vulnerable to extinction by the global conservation authority IUCN.
In 2022, Iceland killed 148 fin whales. In 2018, it killed 44 fin whales and two rare hybrids of fin and blue whales.
Iceland has been one of the very few countries, along with Japan and Norway, that has continued to hunt whales despite the International Whaling Commission enacting a global moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986.
A survey conducted by Icelandic research company Maskína found that 51% of Icelanders oppose the whale hunts, while only 29% are in favor. Most of those in favor were 60 years or older.
“This is a major milestone in compassionate whale conservation,” Ruud Tombrock, the executive director of the Humane Society International in Europe, said in a statement.
“There is no humane way to kill a whale at sea, and so we urge the minister to make this a permanent ban,” Tombrock added. “Whales already face so many serious threats in the oceans from pollution, climate change, entanglement in fish nets and ship strikes, that ending cruel commercial whaling is the only ethical conclusion.”
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
The holiday, first called Decoration Day, started after the Civil War in America, and was observed to honor the memory of the Union and Confederate soldiers who had died during the conflict. It wasn’t until the 20th century that Memorial Day observances were extended to honor all service members serving in all wars.
History books have always said the first observances of Decoration Day started during and after the Civil War. And a number of cities lay claim to having the first observance, from Warrenton, Virginia, on June 3, 1861, when a wreath was laid at a Civil War soldier’s grave, to a well documented story of the ladies of Savannah, Georgia putting flowers on Confederate grave in 1862.
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John A. Logan and family (l-r: wife Mary Simmerson Cunningham Logan, son Manning Alexander Logan, Logan, daughter Mary Elizabeth Logan AKA “Dollie”), circa 1870.
Brady-Handy Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Interestingly, almost all our history texts credit the founding of Memorial Day to one man, a white former Union Army Major General, John A. Logan, who in 1868 called for a Decoration Day to be observed annually and nationwide.
The Decoration Day history forgot – “The Martyrs of the Racecourse” The wars we have today seem very far away, always in someone else’s country. We are not aware of the scale of death and destruction that war brings in its wake. For us, war is a video on the television screen. But in Charleston, South Carolina in April of 1865, the ruins of the long conflict were evident everywhere.
The port city of Charleston is where the Civil War started in April, 1861, but by the spring of 1865, the city was nearly deserted of its white population. The first Union troops to enter the city and march up Meeting Street were the Twenty-First U. S. Colored Infantry, and it was their commander who accepted the formal surrender of Charleston that day.
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Meeting street and Queen, at the end of the Civil War. This is the very street in Charleston, the Twenty First U.S. Colored Infantry came marching down in the spring of 1865.
George N. Barnard (1819 – 1902)
While the city may have been deserted by most of the white folks, there were over 10,000 freed slaves who gathered to greet the Union Army. The story goes that these freedmen and women dug up a mass grave containing the bodies of 257 dead Union soldiers, only to rebury them on May 1, 1865 in a cleaned up and landscaped burial ground.
They built an archway with a placard that said “Martyrs of the Race-Course,” and buried the bodies with a ritualized remembrance celebration, attended by thousands of people, white and black. The ceremony was covered by the New York Tribune and other national newspapers of that day.
Who were these freed slaves of Charleston, S.C.? Who were these freed slaves? Why would they take the trouble to honor a bunch of white soldiers? Let’s go back to the early colonial period in Charleston, when fully one-quarter of the all the slaves brought into this country came through the city. As the official end to the slave trade was coming on, more than 90,000 slaves were brought into Charleston between 1801 and the official end of the American slave trade in 1808.
For those people who have visited Charleston and Myrtle Beach, you will know something of the Low Country, its cuisine and the dialect spoken by many of the residents. In colonial times, the area of South Carolina along the coast, including the Sea Islands was known for its rice and indigo production, as well as its Sea Island cotton.
The Low Country was all the land from the fall line to the sea shore, a region of marshes, with cypress trees draped in moss, stagnant water full of mosquitoes and other diseases. Today, visitors can look in on restored plantations with wooden walkways that take in the swamps and you might even see a few alligators.
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African slaves unloading rice barges at a South Carolinian rice plantation. (J. G. Holland Scribner’s Monthly, An Illustrated Magazine for the People (New York, NY: Scribner & Co., 1874)
Clipart courtesy FCIT
But in colonial times and on up to the start of the Civil War, Low Country crops were tended by African slaves, and not just any African slave would do. They were the Gullah people from the rice-growing regions of West Africa and the Congo-Angola region of Central Africa. Plantation owners prized these slaves because of their knowledge in rice-growing, a very lucrative crop that made millions of dollars for the white owners.
The Gullah people remained at the plantations during the hot and humid summer rice-growing months when white owners took their families inland to cooler areas to avoid malaria, yellow fever, and cholera, so rampant at that time of year. A few white overseers and a few trusted black men were left in charge. Because of the isolation of the huge plantations, the Gullah developed their own language, a unique blend of African and English, as well as a religion that also blended African ritual with Christian beliefs.
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Screen shot of cemetery at race track constructed by freed slaves of Charleston. Circa 1865.
Dan Welch, Education Programs Coordinator for the Gettysburg Foundation, delivers his winter lecture, “Martyrs of the Race Course – The Forgotten Decoration Day.”
Gettysburg NPS
But that was not all the Gullah people gave to this fledgling country. Besides a unique cultural tradition, they also created their own Low Country cuisine that visitors discover and come to love today. But more importantly, their culture, rituals and traditions, especially the way they honored their ancestors and those who had died in battle were passed on to the next generations.
The first Decoration Day arrives It was the Gullah people that showed the most resistance to being enslaved, and who most enthusiastically embraced freedom when it was given to them. David W. Blight is a professor of American history at Yale University. He described the race track where the burial and honoring of the Union soldiers took place in 1865.
He tells the story like this; during the final year of the Civil War, the Confederates had converted the planters’ horse track, the Washington Race Course and Jockey Club, into an outdoor prison. Like Andersonville, the conditions at the prison were horrific, and about 257 Union prisoners died of disease and exposure. The bodies were thrown in a mass grave behind the grandstand.
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The grandstand for the Washington Race Track were designed by Charles F. Reichardt in the 1830s. Union soldiers who died in the prison camp were thrown into a mass grave behind the grandstand.
Library of Congress
At the end of the war, some 28 black workmen went to the site of the mass grave, dug up the bodies, reburying the dead properly. A high whitewashed fence was built around the cemetery, and the archway was constructed over the entrance with the words “Martyrs of the Race Course.”
Here is what Professor Blight says happened on May 1, 1865: Then, black Charlestonians in cooperation with white missionaries and teachers, staged an unforgettable parade of 10,000 people on the slaveholders’ race course. The symbolic power of the low-country planter aristocracy’s horse track (where they had displayed their wealth, leisure, and influence) was not lost on the freedpeople. A New York Tribune correspondent witnessed the event, describing “a procession of friends and mourners as South Carolina and the United States never saw before.”
For over 50 some odd years, white Charlestonians tried to suppress the memory of that first Decoration Day, but the memory has been rediscovered and has a certain amount of profound meaning, if not the fact that it has been brought back into its historical context. The race track is still there, although in the 1880s the Union soldier’s bodies were moved to Beaufort National Cemetery, and remain there today.
A few years ago, the city of Charleston and the state government authorized plans for a historical marker in Hampton Park to honor the first Dedication Day. Harlan Greene, director of archival and reference services at Avery, said the time is right; “Charleston has begun to recognize its African-American history.”
“We’re approaching a tipping point,” Greene said. “The irony of the story is that Charleston is the cradle of the Confederacy, but the memorial was for Union soldiers. It shows the richness of Charleston history.”
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