cringefail-clown · 1 year
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PORRIM: So+ we finally meet face to+ face, Ro+xy Lalo+nde.
ROXY: !! :D
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I might have had a little too much fun designing these..
-Mod C
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beepathan-art · 7 years
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Figured I should post the transparent version too !
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Consider: Porrim♠Rose♥Kanaya♦Roxy
Ooooooo Kanaya♦Roxy isn’t something I’d really considered before! I do like the idea of all the Maryam-Lalondes getting all tangled up together in each other’s quadrants though, that’s fun :D Kanaya being various hues of red for the Lalondes and Porrim being shades of black, that’s real nice, I like that, that strikes a happy little chord in me. I’d imagine Rose and Roxy would love to talk about the Maryams together because they are on very similar wavelengths while Porrim and Kanaya need to talk about pretty much anything other than the Lalondes because their opinions are very different lmao.
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pinkipandi · 8 years
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a porroxy lov child
her name is queta (kwee-tuh) lalonde-maryam
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cerulean8looded · 4 years
I’m bored, so here’s all my ships ranked from top to bottom based on my spreadsheet info until I get sick of typing. Some of these should be higher, but pitch knocks them down.
SolKat (6.3/7)
John/JuneKat, EriJade (6/7)
VrisKat, EriSol, CroMara, DaveKat, RoseMary (5.7/7)
EquiKat, EquiVris, John/JuneRezi, DamLoz, CronKri, KurTula (5.3/7)
SolNep, SolRezi, RoseRezi, GamJake, CroJane (5/7)
AraSol, SolRoxy, SolDirk, JadeKat, KanJade, DaveRezi, VrisJade, EriKat, MiTula (4.7/7)
EriAra, DaveTav, EquiSol, KarEzi, VrisRezi, EriRezi, EriVris, VrisRose, EquiDirk, EriGam, GamDave, HorKri, KurKri, DirKri, MeuLoz, MeuCro, Les8ifins (4.3/7)
AraGam, AraDave, TavNep, JadeTav, SolGam, SolJade, NepRezi, Meowrails, JadeNep, JadeRezi, EquiDan, EquiDave, DamPor, John/JuneKri, PorAnea, CroAnea, CroDirk, John/JuneDave, RoseJade  (4/7)
AraTav, AraFef, AraJade, SolTav, EquiTav, EriTav, SolVris, SolDave, GamKat, EriNep, DaveNep, EquiFef, EquiJade, GamFef, GamJane, EriTuna, EriDave, EriRoxy, EriDirk, DamKri, DamLin, DamTula, KurTuna, PorNus, HorAnea, KurAnea, JohnDirk, DaveJade, JakeRoxy (3.7/7)
AraRezi, AraRose, TavKat, TavRezi, GamTav, John/JuneTav, TavDirk, SolFef, KarNep, NepKan, VrisNep, KanRezi, John/JuneVris, EquiGam, GamJohn/June, EriTula, EriJohn/June, EriJane, DamRose, DamRoxy, DaveTuna, RoxyTuna, DirkTuna, KriAnea, MeuTula, MeenMeu, CroTula, HorDirk, KurCro, MeenCro, DirkJake (3.3/7)
AraNep, AraKan, AraJohn/June, AraJake, AraRoxy, JakeTav, SolJake, FefKat, DirKat, NepFef, John/JuneNep, RoseNep, RoxyNep, KanVris, GamRezi, FefRezi, RoxyRezi, GamJade, EriDam, EriKri, EriMeu, EriLoz, FefJade, DamJade, RufKri, RufiCro, MeenRuf, MitMeu, CroTuna, John/JuneTuna, JaneKri, MeuPor, PorTula, PorJade, PorRoxy, HorLoz, HorCro, MeenRuss, CroRoxy, John/JuneRoxy, DaveJane, RoxyJade, RoxyJane (3/7)
Okay that’s where I got sick of it!!!!!!!! Again, a lot of those should be higher, but pitch (sometimes other quads, but usually pitch) drags em down.
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homestuckisautistic · 8 years
Ok i got an actual question this time: did you ship Roxmary (roxy/porrim) due to llidi or even before that?
.....fuck..,...you got me.... @roxilalonde is personally responcible for alot of things and me shipping porroxy is one of them. Also my blog headers. Also for having Kanaya personally call me out in that fic.
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i'll also end up making a porrimroxy (porroxy? roxyrim?) fic at some point
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tetroxy · 7 years
my love of porroxy just shot up out of nowhere and fuck do i still love that ship
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im proud of myself for stacking the queue but itll update in like 10 hours so to hold u ovr have some gfs i did last night when i was sad n had no wifi
~ mod bee
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could you do a holding hands sprite of porrim, damara, and roxy please?
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~ mod bee
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zxdiacy-blog · 11 years
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Drawin my otp (-・ิ◡・ิ-)
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co+uld i get so+mething with a po+rrim ampo+ra and a daveswapped ro+xy strider?
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porrim “even more femme cause shes a highblood” ampora
~ mod bee
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porroxy please? :000 (porrim x roxy) preferably with a muscular porrim that's taller than roxy by like a head,, thank you!!!
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Some post-game Porrox, coming right up!!
(I forgot about the muscular part of the request…. Sorry anon….) - Mod Rhys
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This is gonna be really weird, but I need... Dolorosa & Mom Lalonde. The Mothership. If you don't mind
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to save things i just keyboard smash. this was leqwgrrwtle.png
~ mod bee
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