#porpoise XD
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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22) Mew Lettuce <3
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wotcherangie · 1 year
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My comfort childhood character, my best porpoise girl, my precious child
Sharing the same birthday day was something that made me so happy and proud when I was a little girl, it is just a coincidence but little me felt so happy about that and, not gonna lie, I was quite obsessed and protective about it xD maybe because she meant and means so much for me, she literally helped me growing up my confidence and her path made me feel less alone.
So happy birthday Retasu Midorikawa, happy birthday to you and happy birthday to me ✨💚 we both have grown so much
(Yes, this is a redraw of her transformation and attack sequence in New, love it so much)
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skykashi · 2 years
do you think kakashi has kitchen knives or does he just use kunai? does he come back from missions and put the bloody dirty kunai in the sink with his dishes? are they on the drying rack next to his clean bowls and stuff? just how long does it take to resharpen all that stuff after someone ruined the edge blocking it with a sword or whatever?
I think Kakashi wouldn't use the mission Kunai that had blood on it in his kitchen. For one, it would definitely bring unnecessary unpleasant memories, especially that he explicitly expressed his hate for killing even if he has to do it and they are enemy.
And second, he's used to cooking and using knives pretty well since he was a kid
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3rd unlike fanon tends to portray Kakashi as someone who isn't taking care of himself or his food, canonically Kakashi believes that a Ninja has to have a healthy lifestyle and has to eat healthy food
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Also from the scenes we've witnessed of Kakashi's apartment, his place was always organized and clean, and also from his comment about how messy Naruto's apartment is, it shows that he really cares about that so I don't think he'd carelessly toss his dirty Kunai's with his dishes and also his kitchen was always clean as well, there were never dirty dishes in the sink and don't forget, he used obsessive cleaning as a coping mechanism after his father's death so that's a pretty big deal to him.
If he keeps a Kunai or 2 in the kitchen tho, for chopping porpoises because he is really good with the Kunai so sometimes it might be easier for him to use them with certain tasks, it wouldn't be Kunai he ever used in a fight, it would be clean and especially reserved for the kitchen.
Here's a sketch that I've made for it XD
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lazulli-blue · 2 years
First art post!
Special fanart for @intistone and their Kelpie AU!
I didn't make a persona tho i decided to actually make Ocs!
Meet Nora and Pandora (call her Pam for short)
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Now some more information on them for story porpoises!
They move into the town Y/N and the boys are after they had to leave their last home!
Nora starts her business up there too as a florist!
Pam is not a trusting kid and she never lets anyone near her unless Nora is by her.
First thing she will do if you approach her when alone is run for Nora.
Nora will have a final form concept for her Kelpie form of course but I'll have to work on it later!
The first interaction the girls have with the boys and Y/N is when the boys get curious about her shop and walk in on Pam and making both Kelpie Parents run in to this happening:
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(A little meme of what happens. Not exactly cannon but still hilarious!)
None of the kids really know what to do and neither do the two Adults XD
But after this a long talk has to be done for sure.
If anyone has questions or wants to ask about them i plan to keep these gals and work on them with time!
I know these aren't perfect-
Im in no way a professional. Just a girl trying to give some Fanart!
A few mentions tho!
The AU of course belongs to @intistone !
And the references i used for both style and colors were the art made by @intistone in their blog!
I didn't make it all on my own so these are needed!
Inti gave me toons of help and feedback on my art!
Thank you for all the help Inti!
I will make toons more art for you as my mutual!
Never stop being awesome!
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hikayagami · 2 years
Has there been any clarification on what Lettuce's antenna are meant to be? Somebody said they're meant to represent water like how a porpoise sprays out of its blow hole. In the new TMM they come out of her back, not her head, too...thoughts?
Nothing official has been stated. Fans have theories, such as the one you've mentioned but, considering how it changed in her updated look, with it tied in a bow at the back, it was most likely just ribbons, with the animators deciding on how they'd be implemented. In the 2002 anime, they were used to help her charge her attack, while in New, they're used as part of her porpoise tail transformation. In the manga they appear to be just a part of her costume XD.
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studestael · 10 months
Hello, your Santa here <3
It is harder, but like, I love when the lyrics flow along with music, then I can treat the vocal as another instrument without feeling that it bothers me - that's why I can't listen to Polish music. It's my native and I'm always thrown out of the mood when I hear it XD
"Goodnight Vienna" is an amazing album! Sure, make the list, I'm curious to see what you got!
I had a dog, a tiny york terrier, he lived up to 15 years and a little bit more. Right now I have a female canary who sings like a male and actually tricked us at the very beginning. I love her tho, even if she's as stubborn and moody as I am XD
What about you? Do you have or had any animals?
And also a question from me, because you've mentioned The Monkees earlier. How did you get into them? What makes you love their music and what are your favorite songs by them?
Sincerely, your Santa <3
i totally see what you mean, that's why it doesn't bother me at all to hear music in languages i know absolutely nothing about! by the way, even if you don't really listen to polish music, do you have any recommendation of polish songs that i could like? :^)
i'll definitely listen to ringo's albums, it's unfair i've listened to most of the three other beatles' discographies but not ringo's one!
ooh a canary, so cute!! i didn't know canaries had different voices according to their gender :o like is the pitch different?
i don't right now but when i was younger, we had a bunny that lived for like 12 years! i think he had a happy life cause he wasn't living in a cage, he had a small area for him in our greenhouse where he dug a burrow! when it was sunny, we let him gambol in the garden where he could run and eat dandelions :^)
to be honest, i don't really remember how i got into the monkees!! i don't even remember if i watched an episode or something first and then listened to their music or the other way around. i wish i could answer but really, i don't remember at all! one thing for sure is that i learnt their existence on tumblr!
what i love about their music is mainly when it sounds country-like, thanks to michael nesmith of course :^) i love never tell a woman yes, hollywood, magnolia simms, good clean fun... i also love their "psychedelic" approach which is not TOO deep like circle sky or the porpoise song (i really like the album head in general) and shout-out to lady's baby which is a very pretty song! it's impossible to choose, i love too many songs :^) what about yours?
see you soon!!
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writers-ex · 2 years
Looks like dolphin has given your life a porpoise
how are you so good at this???? also... m-maybe... but i might scare them so im thankful to even breathe the same air as them, even if they are a sea creature i love the ocean and would become a mermaid just for them <3
you're making waves at me i see~? XD
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lady-divine-writes · 2 years
Good Omens - “Dangerous Waters” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley's honeymoon gets waylaid by an amorous dolphin named Zafar.
And it's all Crowley's fault. (954 words)
Notes: Written for @summerofspock's Ineffably Sweet (and Spicy) February prompt 'love languages'. Yeah, I know it's late XD
Read on AO3.
"Really, dear?" Aziraphale sighs as he surveys the commotion, a smile shadowing the corner of his mouth in spite of himself. Of all the asinine situations he imagined himself ending up in now that he had officially married Crowley, this was definitely not one of them. 
"This is more Mother Nature's fault than mine!" Crowley crosses his arms over his chest, jutting out his lower lip like a petulant child and not a powerful demon. From the stories Crowley tells, a great many demons pout when they don't get their way. Only their tantrums are accompanied by death and mayhem.
In Crowley's case, shredded flora, open drunkenness, and animal possession.
The latter being the case here.
A wail of alarm rings out, pulling Aziraphale's focus. He spots the instrument of havoc instantly: a bottlenose dolphin cutting through the water, making like a bullet straight for a lone kayaker. Aziraphale knows he really should do something to stop this, but it's much like watching a train accident unfold.
It can be entertaining in a morbid way... 
...as long as it's not your train.
"But you do claim some responsibility for this mess?" Aziraphale asks.
"Well, yeah. Naturally," Crowley says with infuriating smugness. What he has done would be considered quite the accomplishment by any mischief-loving demon. Aziraphale accepts that. It's what he married into.
Just not on their honeymoon.
Despite the kayaker's valiant effort to paddle away, the dolphin catches up with him and overturns his boat. Aziraphale flinches on the man's behalf. 
"How at fault would you say you are? Give me a rough estimate."
"Ten, maybe twelve percent?"
"Fine." Aziraphale snaps his fingers, sending the kayaker and his vessel far away before the inevitable. No one is safe in the water at the moment. Crowley made certain of that. "I am blaming you for approximately thirteen percent of this kerfuffle."
"Thirteen! Why thirteen? I put the cap at twelve!"
"Because, ultimately, you're the reason I get to play audience to this particular blasphemy when I could have happily spent the rest of my existence not!" But Aziraphale's argument loses steam when he snorts out the last word. He hadn't intended to. He has been trying to play up his frustration. 
It isn't difficult. 
After knowing Crowley for 6000 years, he's had plenty of practice. 
But he puts a hand over his mouth, coughing to cover a laugh when a passing tour guide explains to a troupe of disgruntled tourists that no, they won’t be allowed to bathe in the crystal blue waters off the shore of Landevennec today. 
The shoreline has been closed off, thanks to Zafar. 
Zafar is a local dolphin popular with tourists and residents alike for his friendliness and easygoing nature. He accompanies swimmers during their morning laps, lets bathers grab his dorsal fin to give them rides, eats fish out of their hands, that sort of thing.
But not today.
Today the pesky critter is in heat.
"I thought you admired dolphins," Crowley tries.
"Admire is one thing. Watching this randy porpoise assault bathers is quite another!"
"Actually, dolphins and porpoises are not the same..." Crowley bites his tongue when Aziraphale's blistering gaze snaps his way and latches on. Crowley clears his throat repentantly. "Sorry, sorry. But you were the one lamenting the throngs of tourists quote/unquote ruining our honeymoon. You said you wanted peace and quiet. An idyllic getaway from the burden that is worrying about the needs of humans. Those were your exact words. And I wanted you to have the perfect holiday. So..." A scream cuts through Crowley's excuse, stopping it cold. He clears his throat again, but his voice still cracks. 
No. It squeaks. "I took care of it."
"By setting loose a horny dolphin?"
"Twelve percent at fault, remember?"
"Why don't you call him off then?"
Crowley glances away - to the sky, his feet, the shimmering waters, vacant except for a few foolhardy souls. "I...can't control him."
Aziraphale raises an accusing brow while his stomach aches from a need to laugh. "You can't?"
“Uh, ngk, no. No, I can’t.”
“Why the Heaven not?”
Crowley loosens his collar, tugging till the buttons come close to popping. “He, uh, refuses to do wot I say."
At that, Aziraphale nearly loses it altogether. Another scream and a forboding splash signal how serious things have gotten, how quickly the chaos has progressed, but Aziraphale can't help a snicker. 
It's too ridiculous to think about. 
And in the center of it all, his poor husband, who tried so hard to give Aziraphale the quaint afternoon he wanted: a picnic on the beach and several hours of uninterrupted reading set against a backdrop of soothing waves and singing shorebirds. He should scold Crowley about interfering with the mating habits of innocent animals. But he doesn’t want to see his husband suffer. 
Not on their honeymoon.
Not yet, at least. 
Crowley's love language is Acts of Service.
Aziraphale intends on putting that to the test in other, more intimate ways.
As soon as they sort out this mess.
"I see." Aziraphale weeds his arm through his husband’s and starts leading him away from the beach. His perfect picnic can wait for another day. 
One with less terror incited. 
He snaps his fingers behind his back to set the hormonal dolphin and the traumatized bathers back to right. “Good thing I know a much better spot for quiet reflection."
"Yeah?" Crowley sniffs, disappointed at what a disaster the afternoon has been. His heart was in the right place. It's his execution that needs a little work. "And where's that?"
Aziraphale rests his head on his husband's shoulder as they stroll away from the crowded beach sans amorous animal. "Our hotel room."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
“Weird, is how someone might describe you.” ( -also gonna yeet Cups at Fizz bc son apparently wants more xD )
| Muse interactions "And that's a wrap folks!"
Fizz shouted out to the crowd extending a bow to them to show appreciation well slightly grumbling under his breath to himself. He was a big time star and yet here he was left t do a low brow act because one of the robofizz’s got destroyed and they needed time to recreate one solely for entertainment porpoises and not the other function they were also made to sever for patrons of the damn things. Bells jiggled about as he bowed his head and he peak up to his loving fans at least. He was above these small fish gigs now a days but at the same time he wasn’t above all the praise he got just by walking on to the stage. A glance off to the side where his assisting was they were looking to the time frame he was on and soon gave a wave of their hand and shurged up their shoulders. It was all Fizz needed to know he could ham it out some more.
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Standing up tall grin wide and bright to ugly show off the row of pointed teeth. “Well looks like you are a lucky group today I got some time to space no since you all been jut such a great crowd today I figured I’d spare my kindness to such a loyal bunch of fans and keep the show runnin’ just for you.” He cheesed on to the crowed for the current show. Was kind if nice to be in tent like this reminded him of the old days before his name was a household one known by all before his frame grew so much they manufactured a whole line of copies just to provide the demand for him.
Smirking as the crowd of course cheered on for the fact they would be getting more. Mic in hand as he scanned the crowd he fingers some commentary from the crowd would be easy enough to handle well making it seem like special interaction with this group when it was just more a half-assed way to get out of having to do any actual performing right now. Eye a smaller member in the crowd, a cup shape head, and red shorts. "Tell me short straw what da ya think of tonight's star?" Grins smug as could be waiting for the praise he assumed was coming his way.
“Weird, is how someone might describe you.”
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Fizz thought as he steped back a bit crossing his arms didn't they know just WHO they were calling weird right now? Don't let him get to you Fizz, just a heckler the imp jester had to say to himself. "Comping from the short stack here who likely needs a step stool carried along everywhere they go? oh no worries friend I'm sure my jokes simply go right over your head."
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wotcherangie · 1 year
Well I'm happy that ryou and lettuce actually had the romantic light of their relationship touched on in tmmn I always thought that was a missed opportunity in the og anime (which I love) and now its actually out there that YES LETTUCE LOVES HIM
I am so happy too, her "LOVE" focus it was one of the main theme of season 2 and the very core of her character development: it wasn't just a ship or something to be canon or not... it was at the service of her development, written with the specific purpose (porpoise pun intended XD) of making her GROW 💚
I loved OG anime too, SO MUCH (that underwater kissssssssss ahhh) but as a person who regret not telling the boy she liked in the past how she felt, I preferred New approach: I feel that her arc here is more mature, more interesting and her confession is really a stand out moment for her character and also for making clear how she feel for him: THAT GIRL IS IN LOVE WITH HIM YOUR HONOR!
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beakami · 4 years
The Force and Love Series (02/04): There Is Nothing Wrong With You (Obi Wan x Reader, no y/n)
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Hello! I hope you liked chapter one and that you enjoy number two. I have written up to chapter 4 now, and even though I pretended it to be a lower burn I...might have gotten excited, though the smut chapter is still a little far away (will be doing a oneshot to calm myself, though xD) Hope my muse for what comes next doesn’t abandon me, and I also have to think on when and how to finish the series, we’ll see, we’ll see <3
Summary: Reader is rescued from a life of servitude when Obi Wan and Master Joda find her while on a very important mission. Her connection with the Force is deep and quite different from the one the Order is used to. She is now free but, what will it be of her life? Will she follow the path of the Jedi? Will feeling get in the way?
Warnings: Will change in furute chapters but for now just some angst and mention of slavery. If there is anything else you see and think I should add here, please, do tell me and I will do so gladly. Enjoy
Word Count: 2711
Chapter Two: There Is Nothing Wrong With You
>>You couldn’t help but cry for a couple of minutes still there on the grass before finally being able to recompose yourself and just walk back to your quarters in silence. What you didn’t know was that the Jedi Masters had felt your discomfort, even more confused when it did…nothing. Your feelings were so overwhelming and yet not one window trembled, the ground didn’t quake under them and for a moment the Council fell silent. How was that even possible? For that, you had to be in complete sync with the Force in a way it escaped even Master Yoda, but funny enough, he was the only one not really that surprised, the one that used that to push further his idea of you learning, or of at least, you talking to them so they could asses the idea better.
  >>While you waited in your room, freshening yourself and trying to read one of the beautiful books they had lent you, the Council went into a short intermission, after which they would meet again to make a decision regarding the following day. That moment was the one Obi Wan chose to go and talk to Master Yoda and Master Windu, explaining his idea, that he thought they should listen to you.
  -You should at least let her speak, explain herself. I trust it would be very enlightening of her nature, and she most probably will surprise you. -said the brown haired, thick bearded Jedi, while Master Yoda smiled with a nod-.
  -Right you might be. Sensed her struggle we have, and yet there was peace. Very interesting it is, don’t you think?
  >>Master Windu was still not really convinced about you, but in the end, he thought that just listening to what you had to say would do no harm, and might help bring some light into this whole matter. You would learn later from Obi Wan the decision they took on the resumed meeting, and that they would call you the following day to speak before them. 
>>But meanwhile you kept rummaging the idea in your mind, the word “home” turning and rolling and just making you have to reread the same paragraph at least five times until you decided to set the book aside. You carefully placed it back on the vanity of your room, for you such things were precious to you, even more because it was someone else’s and they had entrusted it to you so you could enjoy it. To others it might be nonsense, it was just a book, but you cherished such things as you were never allowed to read from your master’s library. The soft smile directed at the book quickly disappeared as you walked to the window, peering outside and seeing the young padawans train with one of the Masters.
  >>They were holding sticks in their hands and you guessed they were practicing their fighting skills with a not so dangerous mockup of a lightsaber. It brought another smile back to your face, and you truly believed in your chest that they would all be wonderful Jedis. You tried hard to contain your mind so it would not go to what they would have to give up for it, and then it came to you like a whip…they knew what they were getting into, they knew what they would have to leave behind. But…did they? Could such young souls know what they were actually saying goodbye to? You weren’t sure but…it was their choice, you told yourself; and you had to make one too, even if it was just for the unlikely possibility they actually accepted you as a padawan. Would you give up on love just to…have a family? That was the only question that should roam your mind, the only thing that should have mattered to you, the possibility of love…or a place where you belong?
  >>Your smile grew sadder, almost heartbreakingly so, as you closed your eyes and sighed deeply and slowly, trying to bring peace to your trembling mind, you would have to decide but…also them. You opened your eyes as you were still waiting for Obi Wan to make his appearance as he told you before. Maybe he would know something. And as if on cue, a knock on the door made you turn around, though you didn’t jump in surprise, you knew it was him as you felt his Force signature behind the door. Not wanting to make him wait when he had taken the time to come see you, you went and quickly opened the door for him. Your eyes were still a bit red, but you only thought so when his smile turned into a frown as he put a hand on the frame of the door.
  -What did I tell you about worrying, Beatrice? -He wasn’t really scolding you, you were a woman, not a child, not one of his students, but he could only imagine how it all must be after all those years as a slave-.
  -I’m sorry Master Kenobi but…there is just too much in my mind, it is not as easy as just not…worrying. Not an easy choice, none of the ones that run around in my head are.
  >>You confessed slightly ashamed, even if you didn’t really know why you felt that way. Maybe because you saw him as an example, a good and honorable man, and believed that you could easily disappoint him. But you moved aside and gestured towards the inside of your room.
  -¿Would you like to come in? I…could prepare tea, I feel there is something you’d like to tell me.
  >>He raised a brow, you felt? How? Wasn’t he masking his Force signature well enough? because if he was…no, he must have slipped, maybe it showed a little when he got preoccupied at noticing you had been crying. Yes, he told himself that must have been it. Once those thoughts had run quickly through his mind, he gave you a nod and smiled again, walking inside and then going to sit on the chair you signaled. When you saw he was there comfortably, you circled the little peninsula that separated the tiny kitchen from the rest of your living quarters and put a kettle to heat, preparing to cups and the tea leaves. You soon had a perfectly neat tray with everything on it, poured the boiling water inside the teapot with the leaves and went back with Obi Wan. You set down the tray and were going to serve him when his hand gently held your wrist and you looked at him a little confused.
  -Don’t you want the tea?
  -I do, but sit down. I’ll serve it, you have prepared it all, so it is just fair that I serve it.
  >>You blinked again, in this occasion you did it two, three, four and even five times before answering, your voice low and filled with doubt.
  -I…guess it is… -it sounded more like a question than an affirmation, basically because it was. You don’t remember a time where you didn’t do everything, it was expected of you, and they left you at peace the most when they didn’t have to be telling you what to do. As such, you had learnt to just never stop working, that way your masters were happy and would let you be without bothering you. And so, these two weeks here had felt so tranquil, but also so strange.
  >>Yet, as he kept looking at you, you gave in and sat down. Only then did he release your wrist and started to serve the tea. Your answer to how much sugar you wanted went out as a weak whisper, and you were surprised he even heard you. It went on in silence until he was sitting again, holding the cup elegantly and clearing his throat to speak. You made sure to be looking intently at him so he knew you were listening, even if you were still a little baffled by how gentle he was.
  -The Council wants to talk to you tomorrow. -he saw the fear in your eyes rise again, the sheer panic shining through them, and he left the cup on the table to put that warm hand over yours, which was trembling softly- Only if you want, this is not an order but…if you mind my opinion, I think you should do it.
  -O-of course I care about your opinion…did Master Yoda thought it was a good idea too? -you asked and he smiled warmly, nodding once- I just…What if I offend them? What if they…if I just…
  >>You closed your eyes as the tears stung at them again, and you felt stupid, so small and just lost in this world that made you so afraid of losing something you didn’t have yet, and didn’t even know if you wanted. Obi Wan felt his chest hurt, what must have you gone through to think and feel like that? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know, but he felt the need to help you calm down.
  -You won’t offend them, you will just tell them what you told me, and they’ll understand. Master Yoda will be there and…so will I.
  >>At the mention of his presence you opened your watery eyes to look at him, touched by his kind gesture.
  -You will?
  >>Your voice came out like a plead more than a question, and he nodded again, a reassuring smile on his lips. And you smiled back, you couldn’t help it, and he could feel the happiness even if there was still fear and specially a lot of tension in your aura. It amazed him again, your Force was vibrating of pure joy and he knew you didn’t even do it on porpoise when you Force signature touched his and made that happiness contagious so easily.
  -Remarkable. -he murmured and this time you heard him and raised one brow with curiosity-.
  -Remarkable? What is remarkable Master Kenobi? -you really had no clue that word was meant for you, and as soon as he noticed he chuckled softly, still feeling that joy you had just shared-.
  -You, your control over the Force like it’s nothing. You do things without noticing that most of us can only manage through huge amounts of concentration and years of practice.
  -I what? -You could hardly believe his words and it showed as clearly in your face as it did in your aura, which wavered and changed color as your cheeks flushed just one shade darker, not used in the slightest to anything close to praise.
  -You heard me right, Beatrice. That is why they are taking so long to decide. Because they have never met someone like you, and that is why Master Yoda and I think they should do just that, get to know you, and what better way than talking for a while? Take it like that, just a chat so they get to know you.
  -A chat? Master Kenobi…It is not just a chat… -your voice breaks ever so softly and he swears it hurts, someone as good as you shouldn’t suffer like that- They are…so many, all Master Jedis and…afraid of me. It’s almost funny… -but your voice couldn’t be farther from laughter- People from my planet feared me because they knew nothing of the Force…and now here…they fear me because they know more than me and…it seems like there is something wrong with me and…I am the freak again.
  >>You tightened you jaw and closed your eyes for a second, ordering the tears to go back inside, then quickly opened them again just to find Obi Wan observing you with a serious yet gentle stare that made you go completely silent, not knowing what to say, the atmosphere becoming thicker and thicker by the second until he dissolved it when he finally uttered an answer.
  -There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, never even think that. -His voice was still soft but gave no room for an argument- And it is just a chat. Am I not a Master Jedi? And you had no problem speaking with me, telling me your ideas. -he waited for an answer and you nodded softly- And Master Yoda, don’t you feel comfortable around him? He is the wisest and most respected of Master Jedis, and he wants to get to know you.
  >>You swallowed thick, overwhelmed by the whole situation and the trust that man seemed to have on you. He squished your hand softly just to reassure you of his words and you looked deep into his eyes. For the first time with you he felt exposed in a strange way, as if you could see through him, even if he knew you weren’t trying to read his mind. You were just looking for a sign of doubt from him but…nothing, you only sensed that unwavering gentleness and tranquility he always seemed to emanate, so you relaxed, little by little. Your shoulders dropped until they were resting languidly, and you only kept in your body a subtle nervousness on the prospect of all that would unravel the following day and the decisions that you would have to make.
  -Better… -he murmured as he felt your body and aura relax. You smiled softly at him and he held your hand for just a moment longer before slowly setting it free and taking it to the tea cup-.
  -Thank you, really. I think I will never be able to repay all your kindness, Master Kenobi.
  -You have nothing to repay, and you can call me Obi Wan if you please, especially if we are just having tea.
  -Are you sure? -you asked as if he had asked you to call him sweetheart. You weren’t always like this, not when you were a child, not before all you lived and suffered, but now…now it was so impossible for you to just be yourself, never joking, always trying hard not to bother anyone, to be correct, that your true self had long been forgotten.
  -You are not my student or padawan, and even if younger than me you are not a child, am I wrong? -he asked that with half an amused smile and you shook your head softly.
  -N-no, you are not wrong. You…you can call me Tris if you want. -you said, a soft flush covering your cheeks as you gave him a sincere smile. It was so earnest and pure he would have never guessed you had been through so much in your life if he didn’t already know.
  -It would be my pleasure. -he assured you and kept drinking his tea.
  >>From there the rest of your time together was calm and pleasant as you chatted about things of little importance. He asked about your former planet, your life, what you used to do for your masters, and it didn’t really surprise him when you told him an endless list of chores. And it even felt right when you explained that there was one task you actually enjoyed far more than any other, and that was teaching and taking care of the young ones of the family. He could imagine you being a natural at it, easing a crying baby with a caress of the Force, teaching with endless patience to others less young…the part that surprised him was how the images made him smile and his chest swell a little.
  >>As the sun started to get down, he said his goodbyes, promising to come back in the morning to guide you to the Council.
  -You will receive a more formal gown for the meeting early in the morning. Master Yoda might have mentioned that our guest deserved to dress appropriately.
  >>He smirked as you blushed softly and nod.
  -I will do my best, Obi Wan.
  -I know you will, Tris. Now rest, good night.
  >>With that, a smile and a soft nod, he turned on his hills and left. You took a moment there, taking in all of this new…friendliness of others towards you, because it still felt unreal. Just after a couple of minutes you closed the door and went to bed, reading until you fell asleep. For once, no nightmare chased you, instead, a tranquil light, sky blue, almost arctic, lulled you in your dreams.
Next Chapter (3)
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purrpickle · 5 years
Hey all. I was doing some housekeeping and deleting side blogs that I had plans for but never used (and never was going to use), and I figured I’d list the ones here that people might be interested in (see: fandom associated). As for the rest, some are stupid and... Don’t need to be shared. If someone really wants them, they’ll find them. :D
dantanchel-feels the-pezberry-porpoise pezberryiscanon peggy-carter-is-bisexual
...And yet I kept the-pezberry-porpoise on the list just to show people how funny I thought I was. XD
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nana-71926 · 6 years
Captive Hearts research-- Renaissance era royal feasts
See what miracles some KO-FI can do! It has galvanized the Muse to look into more research for the next chapter of Captive Hearts! Thank you sooo much to everyone who bought the Muse and me some coffee, please be assured it really makes a difference! XD 
Now, on with the wedding feast for King Mycroft and Queen Anna Thea. Let’s leave all the danger and intrigue to Monseigneur and John while the royal newlyweds will be sitting down to their wedding feast, and I have dug up a great summary here from BBC, of royal feasts through the ages:
What to expect for a Renaissance era feast that is more in keeping with the Gaaldinian King: (taken from Henry VIII entry)
Seating:  Top table including King and the most important guests, the most favoured to the King's direct right
Table:  Fine linen tablecloths, laid with gold and silver plates, dishes and crystal glasses. No forks!  Henry and his guests would have eaten with a knife and fingers, as forks hadn't been introduced. This would have been very delicately done and again involved very complicated rules about what could be touched with fingers.
Dishes:  Sweet dishes were served throughout the meal, not at end. Fruit and nuts were eaten at the end
Customs:  Definitely no bone throwing or feeding dogs from the table. That would have been the height of bad manners
Food in the Tudor era was very exciting, say historians.  Big feasts could include venison, swan, peacock, heron, porpoise and seagull.
Sometimes the skin of a peacock would be carefully removed along with the feathers," says Peter Hammond, author of Life In A Medieval Town. "Once cooked they were replaced, as if it were still alive. They did this to show wealth."
This should give the Muse some ideas!  For faster updates, please feel free to continue donating some coffee here. Thanks so much!
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twigg96 · 2 years
3, 4, 7, 9 for writer asks
Hello @thatwritingho! XD Thank you so much for the asks!!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Lol this is a good one. So I have to go into my writing with the intention to write for the long haul. I can't move or look up from my screen/page at all while I'm focused or I will loose all the will in my body to continue writing. So normally what I do is I bring two large drinks with me, a water, and something caffeinated to keep me awake if I don't have work or school the next morning. I bring in a snack that often is neglected lol. And I set up two separate areas for me to write. Right now I'm sitting on my couch writing this with my legs propped up as a table for my laptop. But I also have the ottoman pulled close so I can swing my legs off the couch and rest my laptop there if my body/back starts to hurt a lot due to my back problems. And that's just the set up XD
When I first start actually writing I normally need a "practice" run if that makes sense. So in order to get my mindset right for either fantasy or whatever I put on some cheapo headphones and I crank them as high as I can and play music that fits the genre of what I want to write then let my mind go wild. For a full half hour I do writing exercises using only the music as my guide as to what direction and whatever comes out. Once I'm completely in the zone I open my doc and start writing what I wanted to in the first place.
I think the most cursed part is the length of time set up takes for me and how easily my ritual can be broken. If it is I have to start from the very top. But once I finish my ritual I never have to do it again that day.
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
There are a few but the ones that make my skin crawl; moist, porpoises (like the animal), and secrete. Don't ask me why I don't know it's just like a weird ick feeling in my soul lol
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
To be quite honest my deepest joy. I love making people feel things with my writing. I love being able to take a story I came up with, my literal mind child and having other people share the experience the same joy, the same love, the same fear, the same heartbreak, and every emotion in between and watch them interact with it in their own ways. I love watching my readers say that they were rooting for a character the entire time. Or that they forgot they were in public and they gasped out loud. Because then I know I did my job right. Even if they don't like my stuff that's ok. Because I know I put my all into everything I write. And everyone is allowed to an opinion I love my writing even when no one else does.
9. Do you believe in ghosts?
>.> Yes lol I absolutely do. I also believe in deities and demons and fairies.
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cetacian · 3 years
This is what the porpoise comment Red made me think of. Film clip is from a review of Batman/Batman: The Movie (1966):
Quite possibly one of the dumbest dei ex machina in Batman media. XD
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missfinefeather · 6 years
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CA: magic is NOT REAL CA: wwhatevver youre doin its not real its somethin else outright entirely 
Fantastic xD Of course this is what he’s talking to her about!
CA: youre not usin magic just DEAL WW IT TT: Fine. You win. TT: These are science wands. I am a charlatan. 
Rose is just NOT going to play their game, because why the hell would she? She doesn’t care!
CA: i think you wwear the role pretty wwell wwhich is somethin i can appreciate CA: theres a lot of showwmanship thats put in to comin off as a diabolical sort TT: Thanks for the insinuation that I'm making an effort to project myself as a cartoon villain. What a compliment! 
See, THIS IS WHAT I MISS! No EVER talks to Rose, but her conversations with trolls are simply riots! I needed this SO BAD! :DDD
TT: Nobility? What are you talking about? CA: wwell arent you TT: No. What gave you that idea? CA: the wway you 
...she doesn’t have gills so... I don’t know why he thought that... Does her close come off as royal?
CA: must of been fuckin brutal raisin up a commonblood wwhen you knew you wwere better than evverybody and its probably got you all messed up inside but maybe theres hope for you CA: see i got a lot a experience bein nobility so ill let you knoww if you got a shot in hell at cuttin it pinkscarf 
My god, this is where we are going...
Wait, so the Seer he was talking about, he was talking about Rose? Is he seriously trying to Kissemis with Rose? You might want to explain to her what that is...
CA: fakemage pinkscarf howw does that sound TT: You're a complete idiot. CA: see this is good i think this could be a good thing TT: What? 
Oh my fucking god, he’s seriously trying to get her into blackrom relationship! :O
I’m so sorry, Rose...
CA: killed a fuckin fuck ton of marine life accidental CA: doin thats all i evver done practically the ocean wwas my killin cauldron TT: Accidentally? TT: Or on porpoise? CA: hahahahaha see youre good wwith fish puns too i got so many a those you havve no idea 
Wow, Rose is really good at rolling with the punches! She’s frikkin’ bustin out the puns! I’d Blackrom ship it if Rose wasn’t completely oblivious of what’s going on.
CA: i mean i dont mean to strike you as too forwwardsuch but are you seein wwhere im goin wwith this TT: Oh, right. Alien romance, I forgot. TT: Pass. 
Oh... okay, I guess Kanaya covered that. Welp, rejection! Probably a wise choice, this guy’s kind of an ass.
TT: You want to learn magic? CA: yes teach me your secrets wwitch TT: Sure. Let's begin. TT: Consider this your first lesson in showmanship.
She’s going to troll the hell out of him.
Maybe this is how his computer blows up.
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