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We all have it, that one song that never leaves our heads. What song is stuck in your head? #spotifyplaylists #favoritesong #onreplay #onrepear #music #rapmusic #popusic #countrymusic #soulmusic #jazzmusic #chillmusic (at Markham, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjF6VCSNM2U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We all have it, that one song that never leaves our heads. What song is stuck in your head? #spotifyplaylists #favoritesong #onreplay #onrepear #music #rapmusic #popusic #countrymusic #soulmusic #jazzmusic #chillmusic (at Markham, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAwvMCsU3Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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its Crazy Bitch hours
#there should be more straight up unhinged popusic methinks#music live blogging#tunes#paul#taylor#ellie goulding
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Smej mi se u lice,pravi se kao da nikad nista nismo imali al vratices mi se jednom.Verovacu ti opet i opet cu popusiti kurac jer sam glup.
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We were the kings of the sea. No one dared come near us. We pillaged and plundered and were unstoppable. But then one day we foolishly stole from a witch.
[She pulls out a small locket]
She cursed us. The entire crew beca popuse of one stupid locket. Locked away from our ship, our sea, our lives.
[The Kingdom of Out. She'd heard the other Wonderland Rose ended up here once. She may as well visit if she's the one who's stuck in Wonderland forever. She approaches the castle]
[The Kingdom of out had changed drastically without the presence of Wiggly. He had puppeteered most of the residents there and without him, piles of clay armor lay about like discarded toys. Though the previous residents are gone there are still signs of life. As if someone else had moved in.
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causing anger will turn into hate not love espically if you helpless on so many leveles
i wonder why i distracte myself on popuse bc i know someone always will pop up
its just make me sad to know all this its just tempory chickpoint
she came but she came for what she want only waiting to force reaction to force movement when all the chapters are already ending
relized im in cursed loop leaving you become older analysing present its the only way to survive here emotion = continual life love = its full energy and you dont even have the smallest energy to hate without being overwhelming thinking nonsense or even feel small wave of hate as you became older ,can reciev and vibe tho thin skin by her logic im lucky that no one cut my sleep and food just wtf ,,next day acting cute wtf going on *terror vibes
i am in freazed expressional tense or i feel pure tense or i feel nervous inside out like caged feel of overwhelming motion i think i cant feel or bring any emotion just blank im leterly hearing damage in the void (chocking/heavy/eating) i think its bc yestedday i swayed little bbit triggered by viw things and its was hardly let it go end up in misunderstading and some childlesh attiute about it cause i hate how it made me feel when it was actually bright light lie for need and and the love of endless sunshine when im juust reflecting a small moon frozen part aaah its seem im at the other side of the moon looking for a closer (in uncuense its better to be there) it does increase in somthing i dont know yet its shrinking its bright too soon out of the sudden cut,, yeah it didnt feel alright from the begning and i hadnt the chnace to be distracted in interst of mine likey short time/bad time or just another brain fog /disabilty to think /disability to eat /diisabilty to relax…… couldmt even sing without being in stright line. staying still without a sence of fear help me through with distraction along the way ,,,ijust think she sensed my fear without anyreason so i think its why she burned my skin taking over
announcement=inflimation, her=insulin reciueving extra nutrion followed by destroyer sugar drop, crying=antiinflimation she gotta feed at somepoint she could peel burning off 1000 potatos skin its why she trying so hard to catch your attench somehow and where are now in the middile of her/(their) game field make them closer huh ,its just biased to no where yet to never learn
yeah we didnt grow we get divided oh dont worry we will grow our ego for you and destroy it as you fade ,,you know we talk about dust after all..
even the baby smiled to me couldn't smile to her i knew it all that time yet they like her and they insist(stubborn) to bring her back their ignorance blind them from the fact she is death gamer,, even if they knew sure wouldn't care for fun and advantage chances.. im boring you say huh. never cared oh look we are at the same page now..
if 1week=1slowday and sometimes/rarely 1day=1fastweek solve this
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sigam e acompanhem o loeyedits, k-popusers, monstastuffs sz
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Olá, eu criei esse tumblr hoje e ele é só para users do kpop... você poderia indicar ele por favor? obrigada desde já :D
bebês, sigam o k-popusers para users lindos e incríveis
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Olá, eu criei esse tumblr hoje e ele é só para users do kpop... você poderia indicar ele por favor? obrigada desde já :D
follow @k-popusers
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college work - schedule done on nots
I do it on notes because it makes it more rexible to plan each week and each day
College work
Week 1/0
Look at breef
Mind map
Week 1
Fill in popusal
Wight up composion task
Week 2
Wight up task 4
Reach 1
Wight up reach
Take film photos for double expure
Task 5
Reach task 4
Ideas for task 2
Think of iddeas for task
Week 3
Monday - go in early and develop film and connect sheet
Thursday - go in early and double explore
Reach task 2
Add in all resect a link to harried refacing
Put all on tumbler
Week 4
story and images for task 2
Right up task 2
Right up double exposures
Resect to follow up!
Look over all work and see what I need to improve on
Week 5
Double exspure on computer
Where your at in doing well what else can I do?
Right up dubble experience
Jackes resch task/out people out
A person been looked over on. Giving them. Maybe in style of jakes task.
scach other ideas add anyone you won’t to look at -
Right in calendar
Add ptsd reach -
make it small! 20M TOP!!! Take photos for double expire small sires. Use pink as a trigger then pathways, soautcase, ecs.. as ptsd. say why you did this. Also talk about that you want to look at other texneeks witch are abstarct maul Or digital can be used intros format. This will lead you onto jackies resect task. -
Spell creat p
Take photos for examples idea 1
Week 6
reach things are queer( jakes task)
Take photos idea 2 for the idea and right up 1
Creat idea 2 and right up
Think of respons eg. Dreams
Do responce
How to make it
Orda of what’s going though the project
Loniogrsphy Amy firend reach
How to make a milk bath. What I need ecs..
Take photos of “things are queer” response
Take photos for idea “Amy friend”
Right up dream and taya lvanova. (2011)
Creat poke hole work
Take photos of the outcome
paint, Right up rest of underwater
Right up a quote from someone talking about garden angle and annotate it and link to dream and garden angle.(Amy firend idea)
Put on tumbler dream response
Put on tumbler Amy friend reach
Put on tumbler Amy friends response
cylinder - sun
Blog -sun
Get nick to cheak over my work-sun/mon
Week 7
Get nick to check over my work - Mon/thu
Reach on therapy dogs - Monday
Right up therapy dog - Monday
Take photo therapy dogs - thus
Thrashies reach - Wednesday
Right up photos -Friday
Focus point -Friday
Reuse the mixmida on it - Friday
Blog -sat
Calinder- sat
Week 8
Right up - mon
progress review - tue
Planning - tue
Hand and land scape photos - thus
Reach therapy and therapist -wens
Answer questions on tumbler - wens
Edit photos and print out - wens
Safe place and grounding reach - thus
print of safe place and therapy rersech - thus
photography Therapy reach thus
Send off progress review - Friday
Right up therapy photography and post on tumbler - Friday
Stick in therapy reach -fri
Right up hands photography -fri
Do mix mider version and right up -fri
Post hand photography on tumblr - fri
Post. Safe place and grounding reach on tumbler - fri
Stick in reach for safe place and grounding - fri
Blog - sun
Clinder - sun
Work long hand in - sun
Week 9
Safe place edit photos -mon
Safe place photography reach - mon
Right up safe place -mon
Do mix mida -tue
Right up mix maid - wen
Post on tumbler - wens
mental heath disorders reach - th/fri
Post mental heath disorders on tumbler
Calliper - sat
blog - sat
Daily schedule - sat
Print out mental heath disorder’s and stick in- sun
Week 10
Print out mental heath disorder’s and stick in
Mood bord final picec - mon/ tus
Do progress review on ELP - wens
Make sure you add details such as what texneeks you done on the photo
Mind map final piece -wens
Make a plan project Plan - wens
Take therapy dog photos - wen/sat/sun
Look at charity’s - thu
Look at old photos for therapy dogs and see if there good enough for a final image - fri
Reach sowing photographers fri
Draw set 3 and 2 photos - fri
Take therapy dog photos fri
look over the photos and see pick the best 3. - set
Blog - set
Daily - set
Clinder - sun
Make a pattern for the photos - sun
Print out all - sun
Week 11
Pint and stick Imara reach - mon
family photos - mon
Right up Sunday’s tumbler post - mon
Edit and print of contacts sheets - mon
Right being (1) - mon
- when post on timber put the version with the setting on
Add creative (1) - tus
Right up the rest (1) - tus
Elp - wens
sen in project 11 - wens
Right up the start of (3) - wens
Set 2 photos - bath with flowers
Add crevice (3) - thus
Nick getting A4 PHOTO PAPER - thus
Set 2 photos - this
Edite and right up 2 - fri
Creative - fri
Look at all the emails - sat
Finnish righting (3) - sat
creative ALL SAT - record in fast of each step.
re- do family sheet
Blog - sun
Clinder - sun
Daily/ cheak in need to improve on anything- sun
Week 12 - final week
Right up tumbler.
Right up all eg, what each photo is about what’s it like all together, who inspired you. _ do on computer - mon
cheak in need to improve on anything - mon
print out all
Put all on tumbler
- final piece
- harvide refucing
- calendar
- this list and what it dose
- daily schedule
Go over gradings check over all work - tus
Ask nick to check over all work - tuns
Hand in - thus
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This in here is not your life.
It has never been.
You have given up too much.
It was way too much, what you have given up to prove.
That was the game, you never had a chance of winning.
Are you going to keep up playing it?
How is this your life.
How is this you.
How are you not in this game in which your popusely were given no value, and to prove you have any, you have to give up on yourself.
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04112018; 00:13
Sé que dije que te contaría de mi día y luego desaparecí, lo popuse demasiado y ahora sólo estoy aquí de nuevo, la verdad es que tiempo me sobró pero estuve evitando venir aquí a escribirlo todo por el simple hecho de no sentir ese vacío en cuanto presionara publicar.
Porque no iba a recibir una respuesta junto a como estuvo tu día y eso me pone triste, me dedico a ahogar mi tiempo libre en el ocio no porque carezca de personas con quiénes entablar conversación sólo que no me atrapan sus conversaciones así sean amigos queridos y cercanos, no se compara a cuando hablaba contigo y la conversación me animaba tanto que no me daban ganas ni de salir de ahí.
Extraño que me cuentes lo que sucede en ese pequeño mundo dentro de tu cabeza, lo que te provoca emociones intensas, de lo que se han tratado tus sueños o que cantes canciones de Disney.
Tal vez no venga al caso pero debo de confesar que lo más difícil de tu cumpleaños fue no felicitarte, saber que no iba a ver asombro en tu rostro por darte una sorpresa y no morirme de nervios porque no sabía si te gustaría, quise cumplir nuestra promesa de ver tierra de osos ese mismo día y estaba decidido a cumplirlo pero el vacío fue enorme y sólo obtuve ganas de llorar porque desde ese momento podía pensar en tu emoción.
Mira, intento ocuparme cada segundo de mi vida pero al final del día sé que no engaño a nadie, te extraño y me duele que pase de saberlo todo de ti a no tener idea ni si te sentiste bien el día de hoy.
Podría hablar de lo que me interesa con alguien, de es película que acabo de ver, de por qué cuando audicionan en la voz México se van con Maluma o incluso qué hace Maluma ahí, podría hablar de la existencia de diferentes dimensiones con alguien más pero no sería igual, me faltaría la conexión que hay entre tú y yo.
Y es que me vuelvo cobarde cuando se trata de mandarte un mensaje, créeme que ni tomando puedo reunir el suficiente coraje para hacerlo porque me mataría pensar que no quieres ni hablar conmigo después de todo.
Dicen que siempre habrá una persona que haga un antes y un después en ti y para mí, eres tú.
No estoy diciendo que seré infeliz toda mi vida pero sé que nunca voy a amar como te amo a ti, que pueden pasar años y si te veo el corazón se me acelerará y mis piernas flaquearan.
No sé exactamente qué debo hacer con todo lo que siento por ti.
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