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selene-araska · 5 years ago
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I made this card at the request of my best friend for her mother at her wedding. And I have to say, it’s the most beautiful card I was allowed to design so far. I’m glad that I could reflect the love for detail so well.
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Ayer olvide subir foto 😆 y luego hoy que estoy poniéndola aqui me doy cuenta que olvide pintar la piel... La pobre #Taty es un fantasma pálido 😅 lo siento @giddalthi.i No era mi intencion 😂 Por cierto los papeles que use de fondo son mis #papelesdigitales estan a la venta en mi #etsyshop -- Yesterday I forgot to upload photo 😆 and today here I am posting a pale not finished #stamp 😅 poor Taty she looks like a ghost i am sorry #giddalthii 😂 By the way did you notice my #digitalpaper they are for sale on the shop #etsysellers -- #popupboxcard #popupbox #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #regalosqueenamoran #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #cardmaking #papercrafts #coloringpage #copiccoloring #illustration #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/BwVPF5hAZDH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=obmsdm3norgb
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mikendoo-blog · 8 years ago
DIY: 3D Happy Birthday Pop Up Box
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chanelcrazygirl · 8 years ago
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#lawnfawn #littleredwagon #popupboxcard #popupcard #birthdaycard #cutecard
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theartbox108-blog · 6 years ago
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#international_order Chocolaty explosion box #handmadecards #craft #scrapbooking #scrapframelucu #jualkadomurah #jualkadounik #jualexplodingbox #anniversarygifts #diy #ledcushion #jualscrapframe #kadowedding #scrapbooksurabaya #box #personalisedgifts #photokeychain #bahanscrapbook #birthdaygift #jualkadoulangtahun #mozaikfoto #scrapframesurabaya #surprise #siluetmurah #popupframemurah #kadowisudaunik #jualpigurascrapbook #kadospesial #follow #crafts #popupboxcard https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wY4ExjLbW/?igshid=1dacl7uhnb06d
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ohmyglovesc-blog · 5 years ago
Big Explosion Box for you Whtsapp 8851681536 . #handmadecards #craft #scrapbooking #scrapframelucu #jualkadomurah #jualkadounik #jualexplodingbox #anniversarygifts #diy #ledcushion #jualscrapframe #kadowedding #scrapbooksurabaya #box #personalisedgifts #photokeychain #bahanscrapbook #birthdaygift #jualkadoulangtahun #mozaikfoto #scrapframesurabaya #surprise #siluetmurah #popupframemurah #kadowisudaunik #jualpigurascrapbook #kadospesial #follow #crafts #popupboxcard https://www.instagram.com/p/B28ccw7l4N-/?igshid=11fbdijsm9i0d
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jklclanstudio · 7 years ago
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Valentine heart pop up box card, custom order with decorated envelope. #boxcard #valentines #popup #popupcard #mailart #popupboxcard #handmadeisbetter #customorder #makersgunnamake http://ift.tt/2CgRzY6
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Una de mis marcas favoritas de sellos mexicanos es @giddalthi.i y este sello siempre enamora! Yo lo use con unas mariposas para decorar y que cuando se abra las mariposas vuelen por todos lados. La pregunta es le faltan más mariposas? -- One of my favorite mexican brands is #giddalthiillustration and this stamps is so lovable! I used it with some butterflies flying around, but do you think it needs more butterflies? -- #giddalthii #butterfly #butterflies #mariposa #popupboxcard #popupbox #interactivecard #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #regalosqueenamoran #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico https://www.instagram.com/p/BwC5i2HHcw3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13fclvblxacyd
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Hoy es lunes!! Y en algún tiempo hice lunes de café y como ahora iniciamos con nuevo proyecto hoy inicia la semana pop-up box card!!! Siii con este set de sellos de @lawnfawn que tanto adoro y porque no el #cafe que tanto vicio me hace! Así que #felizlunes para todos y que el café los acompañe! -- Today is Monday! And sometime ago I made coffee mondays and now I star a new week proyect with the amazing pop-up box cards!!! Yeiii and with my favorite set from #lawnfawn and the all so awesome #coffee that makes me so happy and hyper! So #happymonday to everyone and may the coffee be with you! -- #popupboxcard #popupbox #interactivecard #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #sobres #sobresderegalo #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #lawnfawnatics #lawnfawncrafts #lawnfawncards https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAltgoH5i4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14346ky0xoe8n
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Ya sienten el ambiente vacacional!! Y con @giddalthi.i se siente la arena, playa y sol! 🌞🌊 -- Can you feel the vacations!! With #giddalthii you can feel the sand, the beach and the sun!!! 🌞🌊 -- #springbreak #semanasanta #popupboxcard #popupbox #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #regalosqueenamoran #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #cardmaking #papercrafts #coloringpage #copiccoloring #illustration #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNNfwugjrr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dozqbp4sxcxr
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Ya sienten las vacaciones de semana santa!! Yo estoy muriendo de ganas que sea mañana y estar de vacaciones y poder hacer tanto #scrap que tengo pendiente. Y para saborear las vacaciones que tal unos peces y un tiburón amigable perfectos para prepararse para las albercas #vacacionesdesemanasanta -- Can you feel the spring break!! I am dying to get my vacations like right now. I have so many proyects to do and catching up on #scrapbook . So to bring the #springbreak sooner how about some fishes and sharks with @lawnfawn to get ready for pool time! -- #popupboxcard #popupbox #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #regalosqueenamoran #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #cardmaking #papercrafts #coloringpage #copiccoloring #illustration #painting #lawnfawn #lawnfawnatics #lawnfawncrafts #lawnfawncards https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKmMajAuvR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qsekih56hwlg
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Hay diseños que tengo que hacer como madre de dos niños y eso es pensar en tarjetas para los compañeros de mis niños y que mejor forma que con sellos digitales asi puedo hacer muchos, manejar el tamaño que yo quiera y tener control total. Eso es lo que me gusta de los digis!! Y este mapache y lobo buscan un hogar que les de mucho amor! -- As a mother of two boys I need to constantly think about gifts for kids and what better way than with digital stamps. I have the power to make them any size print them any time and be ready to color, thats what I like about digis. And this cute wolf and racoon are looking for a loving home. -- #popupboxcard #popupbox #interactivecard #diseñocreativo #diseñopersonalizado #regalosqueenamoran #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #etsyshop #etsy #digistamp #digi #cardmaking #papercrafts #digitalstamp #stamps #sello #sellodigital #coloringpage #copiccoloring #illustration #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/BwICoSBn9NC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=um2wwc22savz
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theartbox108-blog · 6 years ago
FIRST INTERNATIONAL ORDER CHOCOLATY EXPLOSION BOX VIDEO #handmadecards #craft #scrapbooking #scrapframelucu #jualkadomurah #jualkadounik #jualexplodingbox #anniversarygifts #diy #ledcushion #jualscrapframe #kadowedding #scrapbooksurabaya #box #personalisedgifts #photokeychain #bahanscrapbook #birthdaygift #jualkadoulangtahun #mozaikfoto #scrapframesurabaya #surprise #siluetmurah #popupframemurah #kadowisudaunik #jualpigurascrapbook #kadospesial #follow #crafts #popupboxcard https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wZOZ7D_9K/?igshid=rlet3v4jdf9p
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beatpaper · 6 years ago
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Super emocionada de ser parte de este reto Navideño!!! Me encantaron los diseños de todo el equipo talentoso que armo #giddalthii Se trata de realizar un proyecto navideño, totalmente libre, solo que sea con tonos de navidad. El reto tiene como fecha limite el 25 de noviembre y la ganadora del reto se llevara 2 digis que podrá elegir de su tienda Etsy. Esta increíble no!? Unanse al reto y diviertanse creando cosas hermosas, más detalles en mi blog y en el de @giddalthi.i -- Super excited to be part of this Christmas challenge !!! I loved the designs of all the talented team that put together #giddalthiillustration It's about making a Christmas project, totally free, just with Christmas tones. The challenge has a deadline of November 25 and the winner of the challenge will take 2 digis that you can choose from the Etsy store. Amazing right!? Join the challenge and have fun creating beautiful things, more details on my blog and on her blog! -- #christmas #popupboxcard #popupcard #intercativecards #cards #cardmaker #cardmaking #cardsbybeatpaper #creative #cardsforsale #tarjetas #manualidades #handmade #hechoenmexico #digitalstamp #digitalpaper #felicesfiestas https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpp619onpu_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o4mfb85gae4j
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