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luminemagica · 6 months ago
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Hii!! This'll be a masterlist of sorts with magical girl info here on tumblr!
(btw If your post is in this list and you don't want it here dm me and I'll take it down :3)
(also if you have an open original concept and would like me to include info on it here also dm me!!)
For Cardcaptors 🌟:
Spell to protect something precious @/popculture-hag-shit
Clow card hierarchy @/ironbloodaika
Clow card divination @/feuillemor
prayer for divination @/popculturealtar
For Puella Magi 🌟:
Puella Magi Basics @homulilythemagicalgirl
How to enter labyrinths @doppelmagi
The 100 meter rule @doppelmagi
Soul gems @homulilythemagicalgirl
Soul Gems & grief seeds @themagidiaries
Grief seeds @homulilythemagicalgirl
Kyubey @homulilythemagicalgirl
Contracts and wishes @themagidiaries
Coordination @/majokkid
The Law of Cycles & contracts @/hopemagi
Puella Magi/Madoka Kin crafts @/craftykinnies
For Winx Club Faeries 🌟:
Guide for winx magical faeries
For Sailor Senshi 🌟:
Transformation pen pcw glamour spell @/friendlyneighbourhoodmagicalgirl
Sailor moon pc spell masterpost @/fyeahpopculturewitchcraft
Original concepts 🌟:
Star kids (me!!)
Magical girls in general! 🌟:
Concept advice @dreamerarchives
Dream work & magical heroes @dreamerarchives
Magical things to do when bored @/mahouplanetofficial
Reminders @/jasper-pagan-witch
Magical advice for the booked and busy magical girls @dreamerarchives
Reminders @sweet-strawberry-rain
Mahou community etiquette @denpamahou
Pink swan term coining @/agentukelele
Irl Magical Girl Community History @denpamahou
Positivity @/kuhli-mahou
Reminders for younger mahous @/hopemagi
alterhuman mahou appreciation @denpamahou
Magical girl subliminal @denpamahou
Adult magical girl community @/hopemagi
Witchcraft stuff🌟:
Astral realm @homulilythemagicalgirl
Developing Clairsenses @/bitter-bats-cult-of-the-moon
Pop culture spirit work @/popculturealtar
Pop culture spirit worship/work @dreamerarchives
Communication ritual for Madoka Kaname @/popculturealtar
Law of cycles & Devil Homura pcp @/churchofmadohomu
Creating & enchanting Magical tools @/majokkid
Manifestation stuff 🌟:
Affirmation tips @melarune
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today-in-the-bunker · 9 months ago
Today, Jack and Cas hear Sam and Dean mention something about Groundhog Day, and they are both quite confused. Cas had been aware of the film Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murry, due to Dean's refrances and Metatron's popculture info dump, but he is just now realizing that it is an actual event celebrated by humans. Jack, having heard nothing about the tradition, asks them to explain. After Dean gives a brief explanation, unknowingly mixing up the meanings of the shadow, Sam pulls up the official website of The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, showing the non-humans the oodles of lore and legends constructed around the famed Punxsutawney Phil.
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erin-c-dose-whatever · 2 months ago
Intro post~🧿😃😄☮️😄😃🧿
Hi!, im Erin Cottop, and this is my personal blog for witchcraft stuff, otherkin stuff, xenogender & neopronouns stuff, and anything like that!
Names: Erin/Eri/Eerie
Pronouns: She/Her, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Doll/Dolls, Vy/Vym, Xey/Xem, Buzz/Buzzs/Buzzself, Pun/Puns, Shy/Hyr, Dark/Darks, Cy/Cyr, Ey/Em, Lu/Luc/Lucid/Lucidself, Mo/Moth, Nym/Nymph, Puz/Puzzle/Puzzleself, Sye/Sym/Syr, Ted/Teddy/Bearself, Vae/Vaer, Vam/Vamp, Vey/Vem/Veir, Xy/Xyr, Wooz/Woozy, Oz/Ozs/Ozself, Cir/Circut, Zi/Hir, Non/Sense, Ash/Ashes, Vo/Void, Hy/Ena/Hyena, Ro/Rose, Pix/Pixel, Dusk/Dusks, Day/Dream, Haunt/Haunts, Cani/Canis, Mari/Nette/Marionette, Cor/Vid/Corvid, Hae/Haze, Spin/Spins, Static/Statics, Blank/Blanks, Cy/Clone/Cyclone, Swirl, Swirls, Twist/Twister, Odd/Odds, Mir/Mirror, Scrap/Scraps, Zim/Zims, Gray/Grays, Pup/Puppet.
Gender: Genderfluid, Girlflux, Xenofluid.
I Have AuDHD and a anxiety disorder, and while im not diagnosed i suspect myself to be a Monoconscious-Neurogenic Median system (more on that *below), and I'm AroAcespec.
*I wasnt diagnosed with AuDHD till I was already an adult, also i have some *issues* with extended family, also one of my parents seems skeptical of the idea i'm neurodivergent, not to mention the time a car crashed in front of my house as a kid, getting stuck in trees, being forced to go over bridges by an older cousin (i have severe acrophobia), all mixed with the fact i barely remember my childhood & all those scary memories have little to no emotions tied to them anymore… it seems safe to say i might be some type of plural. [i’ve not the exact funds for a proper diagnoses so my own research & questions to other systems is the best i've got. If its proven im not a system i will delet this portion of this post and other mentions of me being a system]
I currently have 8 headmates/facets, and a permastuck host.
Me rn, Erin, is the Host.
I also age dream & age regress, im a middle regressor (9-13)
On to DNI:
pro incest, pro pedophilia, pro zoophilia, Homophobic, pro autism-speaks, anti-vaxers, anti-ethical-non-monogomy, anti-agere, anti-petre, andi agedreaming, anti petdreaming, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, anti-otherkin/otherhearted/otherlink/alterhuman, intent on starting discourse of any kind, Ableist, m-spec exclusionist, anti-contradictory labels, Anti-endogenic systems, myth litteralist (this includes the bible), purity culture, gatekeeper, participates in cringe culture, asexual exclusionist, aromatnic exclusionist, aplatonic exclusionist, atertiary exclusionist, trump supporters, Pro ai art/writting/music, anti alloaro/alloace/alloapl.
I block at will.
Otherkin kins: WereHyena, Voidbeing, Dollkin, Robotkin (specifically a steam powered robot), Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone, Constance Blackwood from Ride the Cyclone, Marionette/Puppet from Fnaf2, Charlie Emily from a alternate Fnaf universe, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz story, Scraps the Patchwork Girl of Oz, Phen-228 from The Boiled One, Weirdcore Aesthetic, Gen 3 Twyla Boogieman from Monster High, Gen 3 Frankie Stine Monster High.
I've been practicing witchcraft since April of 2023, mostly sigils, protection spells, manifestation, and a few other spellworks.
As of now i work with:
My lgbt ancestors
My sprit guides (I currently have 4, that i know of: a wolf, a deer, a jackalope, and a fire spirit/one that takes the form of a fire being)
My recently deceased granny
Skadi (very recent.)
Im interested in pop-culture witchcraft, but im taking things slow for myself.
I was raised christian but i belive all religion have truth in them.
I use tone tags a lot due to autism. And will clarify if im being hyperbolic in the tags.
Speaking of Tags:
Digital grimor stuff: #DigiGrim
deity/egregor info: #DeitInfo / #EgreInfo,
Popculture witchcraft anything: #PopWitch
Spells ive done: #MySpells
Interactions with spirits: #SpiritInteract
Specific spirit/entiy/deity/egregors: jesus- # 🕊, spirit guides- wolf:#🐺, deer:#🦌, jackalope:# 🐰, fire being:# 🔥, granny- # 🍏, Sakdi- # ⛷️
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I've rebloged everyone I got the userboxes from. Search #userbox or #userboxes in my blog to find them
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whatiwillsay · 2 years ago
i’ve been a taylor fan since 2013 ish,
i know she’s a grudge holder but if she was willing to make up with kanye for a brief period she’s not gonna be wishing ill upon a 20 year old, or purposely managing her business tactics like having paramore or sabrina open for her.
hayleys been around taylor forever, and sabrina may have about as many followers as liv but sabrina isn’t about to start selling out arenas just yet.
and maybe, she did ask olivia, and she said no. she was clearly working on guts, besides we have no way of knowing. and i feel like taylor the queen of being slut shamed probably resonated with sabrina for that.
it also would be extremely dumb of taylor to have stepped back from attempting to claim the music that she did of olivia’s considering her whole schtick as of recently is artists owning their work. if she didn’t when the comparisons were made it would read as though it’s okay for artists to “steal” (i use that loosely because i think olivia didn’t intentionally steal anything, just sampled without listing that credit) when it’s someone taylor likes.
i just feel like they’re all smaller artists than olivia, even haim. like gracie opened for olivia, olivia didn’t need a taylor boost
dkm, i’m just saying it’s tiring seeing people talk about a 33 year old beefing with a 20 year old.
i’ll eat ass if i’m wrong and she says fuck taylor or something in that article but wholeheartedly think it’s not as deep and people make it out to be.
honey taylor and olivia had a huge private fight and taylor bullied her into giving her writing credits on deja vous and i know for a FACT, that for olivia, it was a huge fucking deal. in photoshoots everyone would be advised- no taylor music on the photoshoot playlist or olivia will have a meltdown. it DEVASTATED her. i've gotten loads of info on this and done all sorts of research into this. now it may not be that deep to taylor anymore, but it was enough for taylor to write a song about how she felt threatened by olivia and yes i do think it's part of why sab got asked to open for eras. taylor absolutely DID NOT ask olivia to open for eras, where are you even getting this?
olivia DID NOT SAMPLE deja vous. she mentioned that the way taylor screamed in the song helped inspire the bridge. it gave taylor a TINY in where she was able to threaten to sue for royalties and olivia's team gave up fast because they didn't want a legal battle with taylor. god i'm sorry but if you're gonna hang around these parts and send in long asks i am gonna need you to get with the evidence-based gossip vibe. you are ill informed on this situation and don't need to be rattling off fanfic about how there is no beef when we all know there is one and i have published all the evidence in succint tiktoks and pod episodes.
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trees-speak-latin-butidont · 8 months ago
This is not a controversial take. Its actually important cause its not only about popculture but also about your sociopolitical views. If you're stuck in your bubble and dont interact with people and ideas outside of your own it will cause problems. Lack of understanding others, spread of miscommunication and manipulation, lack of debate, growing divide between people. With a fandom you can just say "i didnt read the book" and move on but with for example elections you should know what the parties and politicians say so you can make an informed choice. And when you have all the info you can accurately judge what the one's you dont like actually stand for. Otherwise your bubble will fuel "us vs them" and hate. Always. Even unfortunately the liberal bubble. Tiktok is still considered a news source by many people that use it but you cant get an actual full picture of any situation if you're only shown what you want to hear.
I also think that experiencing popculture outside of your preferred genres is very important casue this way you get to learn about what is popular, what your friends/partner might like, you may discover sth different that you didnt know you could like but now becomes your new favourite
idk if this is a contreversial take or not but i think that the ideal internet experience is being able to remove specific things (triggers, nsfw, gore) if you truly dont want to see them but overall being also shown things you aren’t interested in. i think one of my fave things about tumblr is seeing like 50% of my dash be about fandoms im not in, bands i dont like and quotes from books i dont want to read rather than this endless feedback loop of tiktok showing me ‘exactly what i want to see’ in a trap to keep me online as long as possible and blind to communities outside of my own. i want a mix of curating my own experience and a healthy dose of content i don’t already know i want to see, yknow?
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vacate-et-scire · 1 month ago
Haii i saw ur post and was lowkey curious to who my match was but anyways here is some info abt me
I’m also a Leo (most people can tell when they meet me)
I would say im Ambrivert leaning towards a introvert 
I can be a bit awkward when you first meet me but warm up to people really quickly 
My friends describe me as funny and a bit overdramatic 😭
I have a tendency to say very unhinged and useless information out of nowhere 
I make A LOT of jokes in reference to some sort of media (ex: music, games, popculture etc)
Unfortunately I have trust issues 
Self isolation from others (but im getting better :D)
I’m 5’9
I’m very socially awkward 
My friends would describe me as: Funny, creative,𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂/j, sassy,caring,weird
MAJOR mood swings (would need someone to handle that) 
Some of my interest include:
Anime (some of my favs are NANA, bllk bsd Kamisama Kiss,Kimi no todoke)
I LOVE fashion with a passion so I love to create and design outfits
I enjoy drawing, reading, sleeping, working out , playing the guitar, watching musicals in my free time
I absolutely adore music to a point it’s not even funny I love all music genres but mainly metal and rock
Style is very important thing even tho I have multiple styles Ex: Alt, Goth, Y2K, streetwear, cute core 
I have a passion for acting and theatre 
What I would look for in a partner: Honestly I would want someone to match energy.Someone who could respect my boundaries and someone I could trust. Definitely someone I could rant to cus I tend to talk a lot when it’s about something I am passionate for
Your Blue Lock Matchup: Nagi Seishiro
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Nagi Seishiro may seem like a laid-back, indifferent person at first, but when you look closer, you’ll see he’s actually a perfect match for your unique, multifaceted personality. Your shared love for creativity and artistic expression, like fashion and design, would give you two common ground. While you’re passionate about expressing yourself through different aesthetics and music, Nagi is a bit of a minimalist, but he’ll absolutely admire your ability to mix styles and make something truly unique.
Your awkwardness at first would create a gentle connection—Nagi’s not the type to rush into things or put on any pressure. Once you open up, though, he’ll listen with a quiet understanding, the kind that doesn’t need constant reassurance but can still support you with small, meaningful gestures. The moments when you talk about your passions, whether it’s about anime, music, or acting, would be the moments he finds himself most captivated by you. He may not talk much at first, but he’ll be incredibly invested in your words once he feels comfortable. He’s a good listener, and he’ll happily let you rant or get excited about something you love.
Nagi’s relaxed attitude would be a calming influence on your mood swings. While you need someone who can handle your highs and lows, Nagi doesn’t tend to take things too seriously. He’ll give you space when needed but also offer quiet support when you need it most. His unpredictability and occasional bursts of energy will complement your more introverted, quirky side. He’ll match your energy, even if he does it in a more subtle, passive way.
And when it comes to trust, Nagi’s straightforward nature and loyalty will make him someone you can rely on. He might not always be the loudest in his affections, but his actions will speak volumes—when he’s truly into someone, he’ll stick by them through thick and thin.
With Nagi, you’ll find a partner who can appreciate your creativity while offering a quiet, grounding presence when things get too intense. Together, you’d balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
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lechusza · 11 months ago
Film Talk Tonight!
Don't forget about the Free Zoom Film Talk tonight, 6pm (PST)! Natives in Modern Film. Here's the link and info, https://medium.com/@alanlechusza/dont-forget-about-the-film-talk-today-24fb9ae104ae #native #nativeamerican #culture #film #filmcriticism #popculture
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jamyesterday · 9 months ago
Not to derail but for anyone writing a journal article: use it as the second half.
The second half is more likely to drop off search results, lists, even tables, so that's where you put the bonus info or memorable tag, anything that isn't specific to your paper. Personally, I'd also say that the title is the one bit of your paper everyone will read, so my suggestion is that if you have a key message, put it there, eg. "Popculture References to Mark Author Cultural Affiliation Persist Despite Gatekeeping: Who Gon Check Me Boo?" (or even "a review", or "a perspective").
The other thing I would recommend is checking how many other people have thought of the same reference, because you want people to find your paper, not for it to end up on page 22 of the Google Scholar results for "Winter is Coming".
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spankystokes · 2 years ago
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CodeX Studio announces the pre-order for their BadBear art toy! ( @codeten.studio ) More info over on SpankyStokes.com - (Link in our bio) —> SWIPE for more pics!!! ••• Don’t miss anything I post... turn on your push notifications for @SpankyStokes. Go to our main page, scroll up to the top, and hit that BELL icon in the top right corner, then click on all that apply. Thanks so much ••• #vinyltoys #softvinyl #spankystokes #toyblog #toyblogger #designertoys #artistsoninstagram #artist #hype #hypebeast #limitededition #vinyltoy — #codexstudio #sculpture #designerstoy #graphic #artwork #sculpture #toyfigure #instagood #streetculture #popculture #interiordesign #characterdesign #設計師玩具 #taiwantoy #zbrushsculpt #sculpture #아트토이 http://dlvr.it/SsP8gL
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yourprayer · 7 years ago
Pop Culture owns my entire heart!! Idk if you’ve answered this before but do you have explanations as to why you chose the powers you did for the losers? :)
i haven’t and you have no idea how excited i am to answer this (:
this post contains spoilers about the direction of pop culture so if u don’t wanna know don’t read this!!!!! 
+im tagging everyone on the pop culture tagslist just in case they do wanna see this and get this good info! 
okay so basically the theme i have running is that all of their powers are based in their fears, basically my weird take on the pennywise/fear based concepts of the story. there’s no pennywise in the pop culture universe, but i did really want to play around with the loser’s fears and insecurities because they’re very interesting story plots and i love studying these characters! some of them are more straightforward than others but yeah here’s the rundown;
richie - richie develops the power to turn himself invisible at will, at first with excruciating pain but over time that goes away as he gains control. i chose this power for richie because in my opinion of his characterization his greatest fear is becoming invisible, having everyone forget or not see him. he struggles endlessly with feeling ignored or unnoticed; now he can become exactly that. his secondary power is going to be astral projection. this stems from, in my characterization of him, a constant fear of being unable to be where he’s needed. i think for someone like richie it’s hard to not be there for his friends, hard to be kept away from helping someone. his projections help him be there to witness, but not to act, which to him is a little worse.
mike - mike has pyrokinesis. it’s an easy conclusion to say it stems from his fear of fire, as his family died in a fire, but in the pop culture universe it was not his parents that died, but instead it was his grandfather, and it was from a fire that mike accidentally set. he blames himself for what happened, and fears the lack of control he has over fire and over other things. coming to terms with his power is very hard for him because he sees it as a curse he deserves. 
stan - stan develops telekinesis, which is a direct manifestation of his mind power. stan is definitively the loser with the most intuition out of the group and an incredibly sharp person, but because of this he is also more acutely aware than he wants to be of the world around him and some of the shittier things it contains. it’s also an homage to the theory that stephen king wrote the losers as possibly possessing the powers of the shining.(i know matpat’s kind of annoying but tbh this video changed my life and i firmly adhere to it’s logic.) i chose telekinesis over telepathy because i wanted to lmao.
ben - ben becomes a weather manipulator, in a way that’s directly tied to his emotions. the biggest things i got out of reading ben’s sections in the book were that he was pretty devastated by his relationship with his father as a child, and that he had issues expressing his feelings in front of others. to me ben is a wonderful, kindhearted man who is always what others need him to be, but struggles immensely with being honest about what’s going on in his own heart. the idea that the weather changes as he feels makes him terrified because when people see the sky cloud over, they know exactly how he’s feeling, and he’s scared to be that open. the rapidly changing weather is also a reference to the fact that his childhood was so turbulent and things changed constantly.
bev - beverly is both clairvoyant and has psychic visions. she occasionally gets visions that are symbolic of experiences and powers the other kids are dealing with. they’re mostly for story purposes (foreshadowing and hints and whatnot) but are, as mentioned in a previous chapter, something she used to experience as a small child. i for one kind of believe these things can happen (i have a friend who’s family believed she was prophetic as a child and from what they’ve told me i think it’s true) so i included it. her clairvoyance is of a specific kind, basically she can touch people and see their thoughts/memories/intentions if she wants to. the first few times its on accident of course but once she learns control she can use it at free will. these were chosen because i believe bev approaches a lot of her trauma by burying it, and that being confronted with things prevalent from her childhood would deeply frighten her, like the sudden return of her visions. her clairvoyance upsets her because she frankly does not want to know what other people are thinking, since she spent so long in her childhood being told things like the line in the 2017 film “i know exactly what’s in those boys’ minds…” you all know what i’m gettin at.
eddie - eddie is able to manipulate plants/plant life and has extra sensory perception (esp). both are manifested mostly in plant life responding to his anger or distress, again tied to his emotions, and the esp is represented by a heightened sense of panic when danger is present. he can basically sense danger just before it’s supposed to happen, and his body gets a huge rush of adrenaline because of the sensation. this combined with his already heightened sense of general fear appears to most as an extreme panic disorder, which it basically is. there’s also a concept to do with bev’s vision in the newer chapter and the colors. when eddie has a sense that something is about to happen, it comes with a color that is tied to a person, so he knows who is in danger. all i’ll give away so far is that the bowers gang is red. this power upsets him because his biggest fear is his own fear, and the idea that it could get in the way of him being able to do anything when danger comes. the plant manipulation power is a representation of his need to grow, and his ingrained belief he’ll never be able to because of the stifling hands of his mother. he also kind of doesn’t want to grow, or face what comes with that.
bill - bill is a shapeshifter here, which is probably the power i’ll have the hardest time defending. it was largely chosen cause i thought it was cool lmao. but for bill its rooted in his desire to be the person everyone wants him to be, and the fact that that ideal person is constantly shifting and changing. georgie is alive in this au, and bill’s family life is a lot more whole. but bill feels an intense need to be strong for them, and the losers, and be the kind of man and leader they want. he is also struggling immensely with the transition from childhood to adulthood and what that means for his identity in the world. he feels himself so constantly shifting and changing out of distress and desire to be ‘the right thing’. 
the powers of the bowers gang are based on mutual fears of the group as a whole towards the bullies, and are as follows;
henry - the power to absorb energy (think kevin bacon in xmfc) because the losers all fear that any effort to overcome their suffering at his hands is futile
patrick - shadow manipulation because the losers all fear the shadowy places in life, knowing the bullies could be waiting anywhere
victor - teleportation, for a similar reason, that idea that the bullies can be anywhere and everywhere
belch - creating copies of himself (think multiple man) because to the losers it always seems like there’s just too fucking many of them 
(big thanks to hannah @reddiesetrichie  for being a great sounding board for the bullies powers, i rlly needed help picking those
anyways yeah thats the lowdown on who has what and why!!! thank u for letting me ramble about this and i hope it gets yall jazzed up for whats to come
tagslist: @s-s-stutteringbill @gazeboseddie @misssiriusblack @mythgirl96 @crackhousetozier @reddieaddict @wincestklaine @beepbeep-losers @ayyyymichele  @megelizabethvh @tapetayloe @flickerflies @ghostbustermike @i-is-gazebo @reddiesetrichie  @wyttolff @gayzier  @kaspbrak-is-our-king @mikedenbrough @28shoes @nicoperryy @kinghanscom @eddiecare @shadysandi @fyeahreddie
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wildkardstudios · 2 years ago
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If You’re Any Kind Of Horror Or Sci-Fi Fan…These Documentaries Are Amazing! I Love This Series! Just Received Part III, Can’t Wait To Watch! They’ve Newly Announced 90’s Horror & Sci-Fi Part II…Count Me In!🤘🏻#insearchofdarkness #horror #scifi #documentary #80s #90s #bluray #series #movies #film #popculture #genre #celebrities #actors #interviews #info #behindthescenes #fan https://www.instagram.com/p/CpWlsDWuuRA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lusguang · 3 years ago
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❀ pinned mobile bio
ABOUT ❀ fiz. '99. she/they. ❀ asian. INFO ❀ multifandom animanga ❀ mostly runs on queue ❀ prev url: hualianes ❀ status: semi-hiatus SIDEBLOGS ❀ bangtan: @kookjinnies ❀ popculture: @ohlivias ❀ resources: @nataliadier LINKS ❀ creations ❀ anilist ❀ buy me a coffee?
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yamayuandadu · 3 years ago
It’s very funny when people refer to Ugaritic deities as “Canaanite” because, when you look at even just the most basic info, none of it lines up:
Putting everything else aside, the inhabitants of Ugarit did not refer to themselves as “Canaanites” and “Canaan” as a geographic unit was very obviously a foreign land in their eyes (source)
Yarikh was one of the most popular gods in Ugarit, the sum of Phoenician attestations is a single theophoric name from Carthage. Nikkal outright isn’t attested outside Ugarit unless the source is Hurrian.
Shapash is firmly female and one of the principial deities in Ugarit, the importance of solar deities further south was minor, their gender is not consistent, and the name is typically spelled with a m, not a p
Dagan is not attested on the coast outside Ugarit in any time period, and even in Ugarit he is largely present because of the immense influence of Tuttul in upper Mesopotamia as a religious center
Hurrian deities whose number in the Ugaritic pantheon is literally in the dozens (including virtually all of the big shots other than, I think, Nabarbi) are not attested further south than Amurru which is, also, not Canaan (nothing outside the area roughly from Byblos to Gaza is); their presence is, however, a hallmark of the bronze age religion of northern Syria and part of northern Iraq, roughly from Aleppo to Kirkuk
Pidray is attested ONCE outside Ugarit and the source is Aramaic, late, and otherwise largely focused on Mesopotamian deities
Kotharat are not attested further south than Ugarit on the coast but were commonly worshiped in inland Syria and also originate there
None of the Phoenician “big names” - Baalat Gebal, Melqart, Eshmun, Tanit - are attested in Ugarit despite as many as 240 individual deities appearing in known Ugaritic texts
outside Ugarit Yam is only attested in Emar and in an Egyptian literary text and the only similar sea god in the Ancient Near East was, wait for it...... Hurrian
Ugaritic Ashtart is associated with Mari in the Ugaritic texts which is close the Syria-Iraq border, not to the coast; the only reason why she’s often lumped together with later Phoenician Astarte, whose character isn’t really similar, is because all goddesses with cognate names are interchangeable to some. Imagine if the same thing was done with male European deities. Zeus and Tyr MUST be discussed together because their names are cognate!
Multiple Ugaritic deities seem to go back to the late third/early second mil BCE tradition of inland Syria - Kubaba, Adamma, Ishara, Ashtabi, Saggar; save for Saggar who has some disputed theophoric name presence none appear further south on the coast
Ugarit did not exist in a vacuum - indeed, considering most of the above it very obviously part of a greater whole - but that greater whole was the continnum of religions of northern Syria, not the largely imaginary “Canaanite” religion which exists in scholarship largely for Bible scholars to deride as inferior. There are many sites with large text corpora which can be compared to Ugarit - from Alalkh, through Ebla, Emar, Tuttul, Terqa all the way to Mari - but none of them have much to do with “Canaan” and especially Canaan as popculture and the Bible understand it. Coincidentally, what the actual Canaan in geographical sense did have a plenty of was Egyptian influence, but that doesn’t fit neatly into the weird language = religion = ethnicity dogma many history hobbyists and even some professionals seem to love, which I presume is also why Hurrian gods at Ugarit are an obscure bit of trivia even though Teshub is in the top 5 of most common gods in theophoric names and multiple rituals mix local and Hurrian deities (some outright seem to belong to two pantheons - Nikkal, Anat, Dadmish, Milku, Resheph, Takitu, Ishara and Ashtabi all show up in texts in both languages...)
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cassyapper · 3 years ago
okay back to our regularly scheduled programming. i know jotaro has the dolphin pins in part 4 but i do not think he likes dolphins at all like he wrote his thesis on fucking starfish that’s the farthest you can get from dolphin without going to deep sea creatures. like i dont think he hates them necessarily but they are smart enough to be evil and he knows this and treats them accordingly. bro best likes the abomination creatures that do fucked up things like throwing up digestive enzymes/the lining of their stomachs so they can eat from the outside those mfs are what sparked his passion. “but then why does he have the dolphin pins?” i hear you say. to that i say holly gave at least one to him when he declared his major. she wanted to give him a gift and she knew he liked pins as evident by his hat in part 3 so she was like oh i know a marine life pin. and since dolphins are the mainline sea creature in popculture, it ended up being a dolphin pin. jotaro wears it bc he loves his mom not dolphins. also the other pin was either a gift from polnareff (same reaosn but polnareff genuinely thinks jotaro must like dolphins bc polnareff doesnt know what marine biology actually is and when he googled it (90s google) all that came up was dolphin info so he was like oh okay study of dolphins) or baby jolyne gave it to him as a father’s day gift (she saw it while out with her mom like while her mom was running errands or smth and was like “daddy (:” and when she gave it to him jotaro was like i dont even like dolphins and jolyne’s mom smacks him upside the head). okay?
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lycansprites · 11 months ago
Additional info:
- Superman logo shirts are currently not being sold in my walmart, idk about yours! I got my shirts to work w last October. But superman is also a very popular popculture symbol so it's like. ALWAYS making its rounds in mens and boys sections of clothing
- You can actually pretty much always find shirts w the same symbol in thrift stores too. I have found at least two everytime I've been. The only downside is the logo is usually faded or cracked, but that might actually work out better for style!
- Make the edges as rough as you want. You can hem them if you know how to sew OR leave it rough when pinning on. Or, like I did here, you can 'hem' the edges by folding them inward when you pin them so it keeps it clean looking like that
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You also dont need as many safety pins as I used to keep it there :o I definitely didnt the first time
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Put this back on my jacket yippee
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jessicarabbitworld · 3 years ago
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Check out this awesome Jessica Rabbit art by @opake_lwi Repost from @opake_lwi • A BULLET WITH YOUR NAME ON IT… AVAILABLE PLEASE DM @opake_lwi FOR INFO! 👍👊 THE GLASS TO GO WITH THE SKETCH! #popculturehappyhour #popculture #popcultureart #popartist #popart #printstudio #printshop #printsforyourhome #printsforsale #artoninstagram #originalartforsale #originalartworkforsale #paintingforsale #paintingforsalebyartist #artforsale #artforsalebyartists #artforyourhome #artforthehome #artforinteriors #glasspainting #glasspaintings #glassartist #glassartwork #glassaddict #jessicarabbit #rogerrabbit #whoframedrogerrabbit https://www.instagram.com/p/CTtLuOysNET/?utm_medium=tumblr
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