#poor lil louisiana boy <3< /div>
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cementcornfield · 2 months ago
Ja’marr !!!!!!!! cutie
Oh noooo he's so cold 😭
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auzzzilly96 · 1 year ago
Could I learn about your B and James interprets lore 🥺🥺🥺
Errrm well tbh I kinda already said most of the stuff abt my interps the last time I was asked but I guess there r a few more things I could talk abt :3 
Mk sooo more abt B’s whole being way older than he should be thing n more abt what his life was like b4 he got lost in the backrooms. So pretty much he was born in the year 1950 in America around the Texas-Louisiana border[silly goofy projection we will not see more of that later definitely not]. He was pretty poor for most of his life, especially in childhood, but they made it work. He might have had siblings idk, neither does he [boom vague Reagan reference where is my gold sticker/SILLY] He was very close with his mother bc his father wasn’t around a lot, mostly out working bc the whole living in poverty thingg. He actually learned 2 speak japanese b4 he learned english bc that was his mom’s native language so that’s pretty silly :3. Well everything was well and fine for about the next 20 years but then uh oh! B’s mom becomes terribly ill one day and ends up dying a few months later! [how sad] This event is pretty much the catalyst 4 every bad thing that happens in B’s life 4 the next like 50 years. Cuz a bit b4 this he’d found out how to no clip and did it a few times but he was just so distraught in the moment that he just kinda went 2 the backrooms and just walked around 4 so long until he passed out n when he woke up he couldn’t no clip back soo yeah that’s basically his epic backstory yay. On the lighter side this is something I meant 2 explain A WHILE ago but just kinda forgor abt it so sad ik but uhm this dude n his fuck ass jacket omg. Basically his like overcoat thing is like a backrooms artifact n its pockets r basically like tiny little openings 2 an empty pocket [pun not intended] dimensions that just stores stuff n that’s it. As long as something can fit around the opening it can be put in the pocket. That’s y blud was pulling out whole ass water bottles n flashlights from them in my fic [read my fic btw chapter 4 just came out last month] Also this blud is like ADDICTED 2 Almond Water actually………. Like. this guy can’t go 15 milliseconds without a lil sip. Smh this goofy ass guy😔😔[SILLY]…..
Ok now James’s epic backstory yippie 😁😁💥💥!!!!!!! oke so like I already talked abt his sad backstory where he lost his eyes n stuff but ig I'll talk abt what he was like b4 that :3. So basically growing up she was treated as like a child prodigy. Like. VERY good in school. Skipping a couple grades type beat. With her being so “gifted” n all she wasn’t really ever given a chance to be. like. a normal kid. Everything throughout her life up until the “accident” was always just focused on just “being the best at everything™” bc that was the mentality that was instilled upon them by their parents. And oh boy. The parental issue I gave this mf. Unreal. Someone needs 2 lock me up[JOKE]. Bro’s whole life he was constantly told over n over again “work work work study study study get into a good collage be successful be somebody important” nothing but that for like 15 years. Like bro had no friends until the age of 26. shitz crazy[silly]. So like time goes by n he’s successful in school n college n gets his job as a professional chemist. So fun n good she did what she was suppose 2 yippiiee nothing could go possibly wrong!! But then the whole explody eyes go bye bye thing happens [not as fun]. N so now this is the catalyst 4 their suffering yippie <3 [sarc] N it’s kinda ironic bc the reason he ended up being so careless in that moment was bc his upbringing made him so unreasonably confident in his abilities that he disregarded even the most basic of safety protocol. So anyways bro wakes up in the hospital blind, scared, confused and alone. Is told what happened. Is so mortified that she has a meltdown right then n there [things r not off 2 the best start]. Not just over the life long facial disfigurement but also over the fact that they failed. They failed to be the perfect scientific prodigy they were supposed 2 be. N in the process, didn’t just fall themself but failed everyone who ever believed in them[At least that’s what they thought at the time]. Like bro didn’t even get fired he CHOSE 2 resign bc he was so ashamed of himself n what he’d done. a lot of this built up trauma n self resentment is y she’s so attached B n Hashely bc they were rlly like 1st ppl in her life 2 show her any kind of unconditional support or affection. Bc after the accident when she was at her absolute lowest point her parents like just softcore cut her off. Like. she tried multiple times after the fact 2 try n contact them but nothing ever came back so they just stopped trying after a while :( Also kinda related is that I think their hair is like naturally curly but they straighten it bc it being curly reminds them of the past n they HATE being reminded of the past. 
Erm ok kinda ended in a doomer note but erm oh well :33
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1991cdw-blog · 7 years ago
Baby Momma Drama
Alright this is just going to be a bitch-fit session where I complain about how I am suffering due to other people’s extremely bad life choices.
I am an only child. I live with my disabled mother and full time working grandmother (i know that sounds backwards as hell right). My mother is the oldest of 4 children. Her middle brother recently separated from his wife of 20+ years (we didn't care for her much either tbh although not the point). 
In his new found availability on the market he has discovered what many men(particularly the middle aged new divorcays’)  have fallen victim too in this day and age, the Dope Whore.
Now you may ask how can you say that about someone or thats really judgmental, ok let me give you my backstory here & i promise by the time I am done you will be pondering ways to rid this woman from my life as well.
She is the same age as me (age 27) she actually knows some of my friends from high school. She has 4 children, a boy, and three girls.
The boy has a Caucasian father and is presumed to be located in mississippi. She had the boy while still in high school i believe she said she only kept him for about 2 days after she came home from the hospital with him so assuming he wasn't a pre-me, she had him for maybe a week before giving him up. Still you say thats not that bad, young mother couldn't provide good home gave him up. Ok she gave him to the father who at the time was mid 30′s and has never seen the child since & very very little is known about him. I believe their maybe some sort of restraining order in place although i am not sure.
Ok next kid, a Mexican little girl who all we know is she lost custody of the child when the child was 13 months old and supposedly tested positive for cocaine in its system, child was then given to said dope whore’s adopted parents who then placed her up for adoption and child is now somewhere in Louisiana. Not sure of the age she was when she had the child nor the age of the child. 
Now this is where it gets interesting in 2015 she has 3rd child with Guatemalan man,little girl, within weeks of childs birth she and father get in altercation and he is then deported loosing all rights to his child or at least that is what has been assumed. Dope whore then proceeds to bounce from house to house in the local community, (one home being a distant relative who has confessed and been found guilty of dope production, hence the name dope whore) within 2 months of having her child she happens upon a total stranger that i happen to be best friends with, this stranger has 5 children and 2 step children multiple animals on large ranch with a large home at least for most people in this area and runs a successful small business. Dope whore sees all this family has to offer and within 24 hours of meeting said family she say hey do you want my kid i can't take care of her.
My friend being the good hearted soul she is does not seek custody of child she wishes to help the poor single mother get on her feet so she agrees to take the child and give the mother time to get her shit together even allowing a visitation like arrangement.
When the young mother (dope whore) would return to visit the child or take her for the weekend she would leave from my friends ranch and immediately drop off child with one of two familys in the community who did not communicate with each other, and would not return for the child until her visitation period was up and she was do to return her to my friends ranch. all the while telling each family to stay away from the others because each one is trying to steal her child from her. 
All the while this dope whore is parading around similar to that of casey anthony to be honest with you. she cares nothing for the well being of her children nor what state they are in nor how they feel she is a sociopath. she uses the fact that she has used drugs and lost her children as way into peoples hearts playing up the fact that she just wants to live right now. Well here is where she fucked up.
She wins my newly single uncles heart with her child (2015 lil guatemalan girl) and proceeds to reel him in with her sob story stating my friend with the ranch refused to let her have much to do with her daughter (when in fact she was given limited visitation due to the fact 1 year before she had taken the child for the weekend and when she returned she didn't have the child. The ranch family had to threaten the dope whores mother by stating if she didn't reveal the location of the child she would be charged with kidnapping, which was a lie since the ranch family only had guardianship not full custody of the child. when the family found the child with a random couple in mississippi 3 days after the mother returned without her, it was at an unfurnished apartment and the little girls hair and been cut and she was dressed as a boy which suggested that this child had been sold into human trafficking if you ask me). My uncle the village idiot we will call him wanted nothing more than to help this girl get her child back and they could raise her as is and be one big happy family(all of his children 20+ with families of their own.) He proceeded to assist dope whore in taking this child from the ranch family after they had raised her from 2months old to nearly 2 years old and placing her in his home to live with him and the dope whore mother, who conveniently winds up pregnant by him and has her 4th child a girl june 2017.
I will say this, his heart is in the right place, but his fucking head needs to move up from his crotch to above his shoulders where it belongs. He has bought her a car yet she has no job, she attacks him violently even using her own child as a human shield while attacking him over issues that are similar to a teenage temper tantrum. she has disrespected not only him but his entire family, his mother (my grandmother) his children, & his friends. 
More testimoney to the fact this bitch is sorry, from the point of 4th childs birth up until 3 months old the 4th child gained absolutely 0 weight nor did it follow normal developemental structures. still at 6 months child shows no signs of even attempting to crawl. from the moment child was released from hospital the next morning she was at my mothers home with her 2 children either staying with us all day until the idiot uncle was home from work or leaving the children with us while she “cleaned up” which was a total lie bc i was paid to clean the home several times after she left on one of her temper tantrums. nasty nasty nasty. she enentually had a fit with my uncle that led to my 70 year old grandmother being out at midnight with law enforcement bc this dumb bitch accused my grandmother of being a kidnapper all bc her 3 year old wanted to leave  with my grandmother and not her and the kid walked to my grandmas car. dope whore then proceeds to go stay with a man whom she claimed molested her as a child and its on record in another state and she takes her children with her.
what mother in their right mind does shit like that? if he molested you 9 times out of 10 he will molest your children or its worth the risk because you can't have your way with the man your living with. so then i stepped into it do to the fact that it was becoming to much for my grandmother, she deserves respect not to be dealing with dead beat babby moma dope whore drama . so i contacted dope whores adopted parents who had taken custody of her 2nd child. they immediately contacted the local welfare and began process to get children from her. My uncle spoke with them regarding his child stating she would be cared for as well as the toddler as long as he was in the picture, the adoptive parents then stepped back and the idiot uncle took the dope whore back the next day. she proceeds to run in my grandmothers face screaming at her to hit her hit her, i wasn't there or i would have hit her alright. & cuts my uncle off from his family not allowing his own mother to see her grandchild. blocking phone numbers and face books of other family members so they couldn't get in touch with him. i watched my grand mother suffer this and it made my hatred for the dope whore grow.
then one day a text message comes to my phone from my aunt, my mothers youngest brothers wife, stating the dope whore had sent police to her home in belief that she had kidnapped the 4th child and was hiding her there. when in reality the idiot uncle had come to his senses and was at a lawyers office with child filing for custody which as soon as they pulled her record he was given full temporary custody with a no contact order placed on the dope whore, basic restraining order. from that point forward dope whore exiited the picture and immediately left toddler with another family and went on a party binge for several weeks all while giving the courts the impression that she was in colorodo with her step mother. Then the step mother discovered she had given custody of the toddler to a family in the community and we believe she refused to help dope whore any more since the toddler wasn't in the picture and dope whore challenged the family for custody and the courts granted it to her. 
well it was days before my uncle had his court hearing regarding custody of the 4th child when shit hit the fan and he earned his name uncle idiot. the dope whore was in coloroda and claimed her step mother had faked a positive drug test on her and took her toddler from her and now she was stuck up there and she just wanted her child back and needed his help. what does the idiot do but buy her a ticket and fly her ass right back down here. now he has been told by his mother brother sisters and other friends and family to stay away from their homes if she is with him do not bring her to their homes she is not welcome. she is still not caring for her 4th child it is being given to a babysitter everyday while he works ( which is smart considering she may run with the child as soon as she is given the chance given her history), then tonight what does that idiot do but walk in this house with her behind him. it took everything i had in me not to tackle that bitch to the ground and strangle the life out of her. 
one good thing that came from her birthing my first cousin was the fact the doctor fixed that bitch and now she can no longer torment families with her children using their sympathy as form of manipulation in which to do her bidding. It really pisses me of bc i see what it is doing to my grandmother, since this bitch has been around i have seen more of a physical ageing in my grandmother this year than i have ever, she is beginning to wear down from all this bullshit and then my uncle who gives me hell for not having a job at the moment (i have no ride and as long as I'm hear i help with the care of my mother) yet he takes pity upon this whore who has nothing has never had will have or will be nothing. i own everything of mine it may not be the best but it is paid for and in my name singularly. so i really just needed to vent about this bitch because her existence makes my life even more difficult. i find myself daydreaming of ways to rid my family of her plague like self i have never more seriously considered committing homcide as much as i have since she has been here i don't care if anyone reads this or not i just really needed to get it out my system. also she is called dope whore because she told me to my face that she used to fuck men in return for drugs. and i have began to look at it life this the east coast produced Casey Anthony the South has produced Ashley Barber Packwood and its only a matter of time before she reaches Casey Anthony status levels unless someone takes action against her. 
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