#poor laptop is close to dying hang on sweetie
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All you want to answer for fenrir and merope aand neja and yecal?
ive answered some for fenrir and merope before so i just wont do those questions for them then
1. Who wakes up first?
Probably Neja usually, she has work to go to
2. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Both thoughhh
3. Who takes longer getting ready?
Neither takes super long, Neja just brushes her hair and maybe ties it up
4. When they can’t sleep, what do they do?
Watch videos on phone or then they bone
5. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
Neja can't focus for that long, she's the kind to ask so many questions about the film
6. Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Could be both
7. Who comes up with the cheesy pick-up lines?
They're both cheesy for each other
8. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
At least Neja, she plays so dirty
9. Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling?
Neja doesn't look at signs
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
Neither, I don't think they have access to the other's phone
11. Who rearranges the bookshelf/DVD shelf in alphabetical order?
When Neja gets bored she will start arranging things
Fenrir doesn't read, Merope doesn't bother
12. Who does the hands-over-the-eyes “Guess Who” thing?
Neja would but she can't sneak up on Yecal also she's very short, Yecal can do it easily
Merope sometimes when she finds Fenrir has been agonizing over some documents for too long and needs a distraction
13. Who points out a dog when they see one?
14. Who’s prone to road rage?
I don't think either much but Neja will yell at a driver if they come too close at her, the pedestrian light is green for another .2 seconds you asshole
If they drove, Fenrir
16. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?
Yecal will have to remind Neja to use it, she burns extremely easily
Merope slathers herself, her husband and her children
17. Who carries all the important documents while traveling?
18. Who gets the window seat?
Neja, Yecal can easily see over her also
Merope to ease her travel sickness
19. Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
20. What do they argue about the most?
Yecal breaking things and Neja making a mess when fixing things/taking things apart and putting them back together
If they ever argue it's Merope making Fenrir do necessary things like diplomatic dinners when he really doesn't want to
21. Who’s clumsier?
22. Who texts more often?
23. Who is better with kids?
Neither is the best, probably kinda equal
24. Who’s the better cook?
Also pretty equal, probably Yecal by a bit
25. Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Neja, can't expect her to read things
Fenrir, can't expect him to read things
26. Who puts the fork in the microwave?
Almost Neja
27. Who cooks at 2 in the morning?
Yecal coming home from work and Neja's already out cold
Fenrir getting hit by midnight anxiety
28. Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1 a.m.?
Neja when she forgets about it
29. Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?
Long tongue Neja
The kids can battle over it
30. Who likes doing the dishes?
Neither really
Neither, the servants handle those
31. Who has bigger cravings? What are they?
Neja craves sweets for her ADD brain
32. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Yecal knows Neja through and through, his palate is still more a mystery to her
33. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
Both can have some mystery space fruit flavors in the summer heat
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
They like to keep the spark up by going out for drinks and food, sometimes hot springs
36. Which one is the secret snuggler?
Neja doesn't hide it so Yecal is more cuddly than outsiders think
37. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?
Neja is small she gets cold give her your jacket
Merope gets their bodyguard's cloak if she ever gets cold, Fenrir would give her his own though
38. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving?
Both, Yecal puts his hand on Neja's thigh and she puts her hand on his
Fenrir holds Merope's hand a LOT
39. Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch? (Bonus: What does it say?)
Yecal leaves some because Neja has a pretty regular job and packs lunches
40. Who is the most affectionate?
Neja in public, both in private
Merope initiates more often
41. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
They swap on occasion
Merope is the little spoon
42. What is their favorite feature of their partner?
Neja enjoys Yecal's shoulders and chest and arms and booty and feathers and little toofies
Merope likes Fenrir's height, muscles and tattoos a lot, also loves his long wings they're so pretty and silky to the touch. Fenrir likes Merope's hair, mouth, booba and extra weight
43. What is the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Neja gets even more open and close with Yecal, leaves her number, leaves a random earring, it's pretty clear she's interested
Their letters got longer and more casually written, the signoffs got longer and wishing the other more well, letters is pretty much how they communicated before they met for the second time irl and got engaged
44. What are their nicknames for each other?
Neja uses babe and honey and sweetie and darling and all kinds of cutesy names for Yecal
Alongside (my) love and darling and dearest and sweetheart and beloved Fenrir is often called Fen
45. Who worries the most? Over what?
The tables have turned to Neja being more worried over Yecal's wellbeing in his job, unlike when he worried over her
Merope worries for Fenrir's mental health, he worries for her physical health
46. Who initiates kisses?
Both, if Yecal's not within reach Neja needs to ask
Both but Merope knows not to ask in public
47. Who says I love you first? How did it happen?
They had been together for a longer while, probably on a date, sitting on some hill or something overlooking the city and being sweet
Took a long time because their wedding vows kinda included to treat the other with love etc. so they didn't really think about saying it, until a bit after the wedding when Merope did when Fenrir was going out hunting and he got so turned around he just went thank you and only said it back when he returned. Merope had asked Hassaleh for advice on living with her husband and she had advised to actually say how you feel
48. Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Yecal introduced Neja to his family, she forgor
Fenrir told Hassaleh and Helle of his intentions to engage Merope, she had no idea they were even courting at that point so she kinda found out when he proposed and after he left she told her family
49. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Yecal maintains his gear, Neja fixes stuff
Merope does crafts, Fenrir fixes his gear and spars with his bodyguard, both also look after Nepheli and hang out with their children
50. Who gets overwhelmed by small acts of kindness?
Neither really but I think Neja's cuteness gets to Yecal sometimes (not that she doesn't appreciate his little gestures just as much)
At first Fenrir really didn't know how to receive affection and Merope was concerned
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hi!! how about RFA + V and saeran reacts to getting home and finding MC uncoonscious due to a serious illness she didn't tell them about and her being in danger of dying. (up to you whether she dies to instensify the angst) hahah thank youuuuuuu me likes angsty stuff so yeah hope this is okay
Ill write some fanfiction about this but right now I’m really stressed but I love this request and don’t want to keep you waiting so Anon just request the fanfiction version so you can see more in depth what happens but my laptop is glitchy and it kept deleting so this isn’t my best but soon you’ll have what really happened
~Poor baby probably panicking~What does one do when person is dying~Probably call an ambulance Yoosung~Eventually calms down enough to call an ambulance~When he finds out your probably going to die he cries~You tell him you knew and not to waste his money that its no use~Tries to convince you to let him pay for treatment but you dont budge~You guys find out you ave a month to live and he just loses it~”Lets get married while we have time”~Small ceremony since it would be really overwhelming for you to have a big one~Only the RFA and yours and his parents~You don’t even last a month though…….
~Refuses to except that your dying~They tell him that you probably have about a month to live~He doesnt tell you but you already know your not better~But for his sake you go along with it~He spends so much time with you and pampers you~And you have to act naive about it for his sake~Then one night it just gets worse and you cant even get out of bed and you tell him that you know your going to die~Finally confesses that he knew and wanted you to spend your last days happily~So for the next week your “alive” you cant even move~When you guys tell the RFA its most likely your last day they all go to Zens house ~You might think it would be overwhelming but it was surprisingly really nice~And like you predicted you died the next day…..
~Pays doctors as much as it takes but they tell him it wont make them better only live longer but in pain~He decides not to go through with the treatment because who wants to spend there last days getting pricked with needles and attached to machines~Pampers his princess ~Your not allowed to move a muscle~Its not like you can anyways~He wants to take you everywhere but you cant go you’re just to sick~Then you wake up one day feeling awful and you both know whats about to happen~He allows you to make some final calls but you cant have any visitors because it would just be way to much for you to handle~When you tell him your tired he just cradles you to sleep and sobs telling you its ok and that you can go whenever you want
~Closes the coffee shop and hangs out with you~You guys just stay inside and drink coffee and watch movies~When your told that you dont have long to live she just loses it~Like Jaehee honey calm down~Honestly she would close the coffee shop for good but then Yoosung says he’ll run it without pay~Sweetie Pie~When you do go she decides to just sell the coffee shop and ask if Jumin will accept her back~He does and she throws herself into work
~Poor baby cant lose you~Honestly probably just quits his job to take care of you~Vanderwood is pissed~He wants you to socialize as much as possible~Invite your parents over ~Check~Have a day with your friends~Check~Cuddles~Check Check check ~When you die he just cant except it
~Cant deal with this~Acts strong for you but on the inside hes freaking out~LIKE~WHAT~DOES~ONE~DO~Is crying the answer because that sound good right about now~When you die he just goes and hugs Seven and they both cry onto each other
~Takes alot of pictures of you~I mean a lot~A LOT~He needs them so he wont be lonely when you die~Very peaceful and calm with you~On your final night you guys cuddle together ~Poor V
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