#poor hoseok's bathroom...
taegularities · 2 years
rid. rid! RID!!
I just read the drabble and ugh i hate you so much (im jk i love you with my whole heart 🫶) but MY GOD! i was put through so many emotions for such a short drabble 🫡 first of all, jungkook is so hot, its actually a crime 😔 i can just imagine his fboy, cocky aura LOL (rip to hoseok's bathroom 🤭)
second, the fireworks scene was actually so heartbreakingly sweet in such a unique way. i kept having to remind myself that the drabble takes place in the past and that they aren't as deeply attached and close yet 💀 but this specific line rid... “I think you’re the only person who’s bearable enough tonight.” 🫡🔫 LIKE HELLO?? its such a small thing, but it actually melted my whole girlboss, anti-men aura 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️esp knowing how closed off and reserved he was during that era UGH 🧎‍♀️
also, im so glad you set the drabble in the past! i think as the story progresses, you kind of grow with the characters and fall so deeply in love with their current situation. so the flashback drabble really opened my eyes as to how much the cmi couple grew. bc honestly their character development is unreal! (i just know jk would give her a new year's kiss now) im so excited for the future chapters ❤️
lastly, ur note at the end of the drabble, omg. i totally understand being scared to return to tumblr, esp after being gone for a while. ive seen so many other authors lose their support or hype bc they took a hiatus. but im beyond glad you returned! i cant imagine not seeing your reblogs and interactions on my timeline ❤️ you are truly loved here and have absolutely nothing to worry about!
im beyond proud of you and cant wait to see what else you produce! 🫶🫶
-wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
oh my god, yeah, his cocky aura was a lot more tangible when he wasn't soft as hell for oc just yet. you know, as the story progressed, i noticed how their banter got a lot less, since they're so into each other now and focus on making each other happy. but to go back to their roots and the bickering was so refreshing, so 🥺
girlboss, anti-men aura lmfaooo 😭 but yeah, definitely need to keep in mind how much his words mean, considering they weren't that close back then and that jk really was very closed off (after his break up with you know who and all...). i'm so so happy you're digging the character development omg that's always such a huge compliment 🥺 i'd definitely love to write more flashback drabbles.
and yeah, i did notice that a lot of people i used to talk to here are gone... like, the vibe was definitely a little different during cmi4 than it is now :( but so many of you lovely people are still here, and i focus on that 💕 so thank you for your support. it means so much, and i love you, too, really 🤍 ty ty ty <333
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yankpop · 1 month
Yandere BTS OT7 - Mistake
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DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes that includes yandere/dark. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. 
SUMMARY: You make a big mistake and now you deal with the consequences.
Check more: Masterlist.
OT7 x Female reader
WARNINGS: Implied Kidnapping.
AN: I really made Jimin the bad guy here, but I hope you guys like it 💖
You hold your breath for a solid minute, staring at the door as it shakes.
The banging on the door progressively gets more violent as the loud commotion outside of the bathroom you just locked yourself in increases. 
The realization of what you did slowly starts to hit you. 
But you know very clearly how badly you’ve messed up. 
“Y/n! Open this door right now!” Hoseok and Jimin yell, angry voices mixing in. 
“Open it right fucking now!” 
“Don’t you dare ignore us!” 
You wince as a hard punch is thrown at the poor door, silently thanking the strong wood for withstanding the boys’s wrath. 
It’s the only thing keeping you safe from a horrible punishment, although you’re not stupid enough to think you can spend the rest of your life hidden in the bathroom.  
“What is going on here?” a new voice joins, overlapping over the rest of the angry voices, and you guess it’s Namjoon from the deep timbre. 
“Look at this, hyung! Y/n tried pushing Jimin down the stairs and now she’s locked herself in the bathroom.” 
You can practically see Namjoon’s brows rising in disbelief. 
The handle moves and upon realizing that the door is indeed locked shut, there’s a new knock on the door, although this one is much softer than the previous ones. 
“Y/n? Is this true?” he questions you, voice laced with disappointment. “Did you try to hurt Jimin?” 
Hot tears prickle your eyes as the struggle to hold them back proves itself to be worthless.
They’re gonna get so mad at you. They’re gonna hurt you.
“Liar!” Jimin cuts you off, and you jump at an unexpected fierce bang to the door. “I was trying to be nice and you fucking pushed me away!”
His explanation is twisted and it awakens flames of annoyance inside you. 
Jimin is not someone you would rank highly when it came to the boys, despite having no clear favorites amongst them.
You hate them all.
They’re all kidnappers, for all you care. But Jimin is particularly pushy when it comes to you and you hate him dearly for that. 
“You’re the liar!” you scream back, still maintaining a safe distance from the door. “You…Why don’t you tell the truth, you asshole?” 
You don’t wait for him to reply before continuing. 
“Namjoon, he tried slipping his hands underneath my shirt.” you sniff, cringing at the fresh memory of Jimin’s cold hands sneaking around your belly, starved to touch any inch of your skin. “He touched me, so I pushed him. He- I didn’t realize the stairs were so close, okay?” 
There’s a moment of silence. 
“Jimin-ah, why would you do that?” 
The muffled question from Jin has a light spark of hope igniting in you. Jin is one of the nicest, he’ll surely understand your situation. 
“I didn’t grope her! It was barely a touch!” 
“Jimin…” Namjoon sighs, clearly having doubts over the younger boy’s dubious explanation.  
“Hyung, I’m telling the truth! Y/n is the one lying!” Jimin argued back, his heated temper making his voice rise. “She’s just making excuses for the fact that she tried hurting me. She’s the one who went crazy on me and tried to shove me down the stairs.” 
“I didn’t-”
“She was probably hoping that I’d break my neck or something.” The malicious tone that Jimin uses upsets you. 
“I already said it was an accident!” you try to defend yourself.
“It didn’t look much like an accident.” Yoongi contradicts you. 
“Yeah, it really didn’t.” You shake your head at Jungkook’s words, feeling yourself getting slightly hysterical. 
You want to scream and shout. Of course they’re gonna take Jimin’s side. 
“It was an accident!” your voice is considerably aggravated, and it shows. “I didn’t mean to!” 
“Then come out.” Jimin challenges you. “What are you hiding for, if it was an accident?” 
You ignore him. 
The boys argue back and forth, with Jimin vehemently insisting it's all your fault against Jin and Taehyung, who try their best to minimize your actions. 
Finally, when the argument threatens to escalate into a fight, Namjoon intervenes.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, guys. There’s no point in fighting like this. Let’s solve the situation like adults.”
There’s a softer knock on the door. 
“Y/n? Can you please come out?” 
You don’t even think before throwing a loud no. 
“Sweetheart, please, we’re not gonna hurt you.” Jin tries.
“Speak for yourself.” Jimin’s voice isn’t low enough to go unheard, and the hair on your arms rises at the implicit threat.
“Jimin!” several boys hiss. 
“Baby, please, just come out!” Taehyung begs. "We can talk things out."
“Y/n, we just want to clear up the situation, okay?” Namjoon tries again, using a pacific tone. “No one is punishing you without having the whole story, I promise.” 
You shake your head, heart pounding in your ears as you walk further away from the door. You don’t believe him.
In the end, they’ll hurt you. You know that. 
Curling yourself into the small space next to the bathtub, you bury your face in your arms.
Any previous anger and energy you had is now fully drained, the seriousness of your situation making you dwell into a light depression. 
You’re tired. So fucking tired of them. 
They’ve turned you into a captive, took away all of your life choices, stripped you away from your freedom. All for a poor excuse of love, as they claimed it. 
Obsessed freaks, that’s what they truly are. 
You cover your ears with your hands, blocking away their circus of begging, threatening and bribing. 
You’re not opening the door. 
It takes less than an hour for them to finally get inside the bathroom. 
By then, you’re slightly more anxious, having cried all the tears you had and yet new ones are ready to spill when Jungkook and Jin’s combined strength finally breaks the door down. 
As already expected, Jimin is the first one to stride in, closely followed by the rest of the boys. 
But what scares you the most is the terrifyingly sly smirk that he dedicates you as he bends down. One of his hands grips your hair, aggressively pulling your head back as he leans down to whisper on your ear. 
“I don’t care what Namjoon hyung said before.” he says, “But you’re getting punished. We’ll see if you can even walk after what I’m about to do to you.”
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fallenangel-s-thot · 9 months
your wife | yoonseok + you
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summary: your husband want to try something new and yoongi didn't mind to help.
pairing: min yoongi x f! reader x jung hoseok
warnings: eighteen+ content, porn with plot, dark, fingering, threesome, (m) masterbating, slight degradation, undertones of manipulation.
author note: it's not proof read and the grammar is not great nether ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ i wrote it when I was simping over sope and thought i should publish it . Btw we have a little bit of sub yoongi here.
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful - if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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yoongi is disgusted with his behavior.
he hates that every interaction with you, his best friend’s wife, results in his cock straining against the fabric of his pants. all alone in his bedroom, he slips his hand underneath his boxers to do everything he can to relieve himself, and he whimpers pathetically from the slightest contact.
the walls of his shared apartment with Hoseok are way too thin.
he can hear your muffled moans, the sound of your whines feeding his heated state as he pumps even faster.
when he closes his eyes he thinks about how Hoseok fucks you, pictures how pliable you look underneath his large frame, and tries to imagine the squelching sound your pussy makes as Hoseok pounds into your cunt. 
he cums all over himself, sinking his teeth into his pillowcase as a single tear trickles down his blushing face. 
he swears he’s going to stop, that he would finally get a grip on these urges but he’s caught in a vicious circle.
it’s a dirty little secret he conceals - but the guilt wraps around his neck like a noose whenever you or hobi smile in his direction.
you love how much you’ve integrated yourself into Hoseok’s life, especially when it came to his cherished friendship with yoongi.
he always spoke so fondly of yoongi - and sometimes you wonder just how close they were before you were married to Hoseok.
you only recently began noticing a slight shift in Yoongi’s behavior.
you tried not to dwell on it at first and merely assumed that he was just going through something but one night, when you snuck away from Hoseok’s bed to use the bathroom, you approached the door and noticed a strip of light peeking out from underneath the frame.
you could hear low grunts coming from the other side, and your stomach coiled because you immediately picked up on what was happening. yoongi was moaning softly to himself, cursing under his breath until your name left him like a broken plea.
you quickly turned on your heel, marching straight back to your husband’s bedroom in utter shock. hook laughs when you tell him the story.
you were anxious and worried, but your boyfriend merely chuckled to himself with indifference. 
“poor guy. he hates being alone. he must be getting frustrated, and it looks like he isn’t getting any action,” he explained with genuine sympathy, before proceeding to point out that he was the only reason why yoongi managed to get laid in the first place. 
“I've been neglecting my duties since we got serious,” he pointed out with a shrug. you were surprised that he wasn’t more alarmed about the situation, but Hoseok reassures you that yoongi wouldn’t cross any lines.
at this point, you wanted to satisfy your curiosities and you boldly asked Hoseok if he’s ever helped out yoongi when he was this desperate. 
“it’s happened a few times,” your husband honestly replies, “But Hyung and I know it doesn’t mean anything...” 
the heavy silence is only broken when you shock Hoseok with a suggestion, by stating that maybe the two of you can assist yoongi in his current predicament.
your pretty hobi’s eyes glimmer with excitement and he can’t help but think what this could mean for the three of you in the future. 
“Is this better, yoongi?” hobi murmurs, his thumb tracing over Yoongi’s throat as he looks down at him. 
he’s standing next to the edge of the bed, while yoongi ays out flat across the mattress. his best friend nods his head, panting heavily as his slender fingers press into the meat of your thighs. he’s watching you grind your hips back and forth with hooded eyes.
his abdominals sink when you drag your nails across his torso, and you can’t help but smile over how pretty he looks melting beneath you.
“fuck, she f-feels...she feels amazing...ugh, you’re so perfect...” he cries, choking out a sob as you slowly raise your hips before dropping your weight back down over his length. 
hoseok raises his brow with approval and tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as he eyes you hungrily before flashing you a tender smile.
“she is...” 
his fingers curl underneath Yoongi’s minty locks, and he lightly massages his scalp.
“you act like such a needy brat when you don’t get what you want...” he huffs, bringing the tip of his leaky cock against Yoongi’s lips.
“now be a good boy and show me how thankful you are.”
fuck this is gonna be intense. 
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sickiesope · 7 months
I’m glad you’re back! Started reading your fics not so long ago.
Can I request a very feverish jimin, with either a throat or a stomach infection, and worried members that take care of him day and night?
Thank you sm anon I'm glad to be back too! :) I managed to get in everyone taking care of Jiminie here 💜
Downtime for Jimin
Sickie: Jimin
Catetakers: OT7
TW: emeto
Summary: Jimin hates when he gets sick.🌡
Jimin had to sit out of dance practice after running to throw up twice. He couldn't pick up the choreography and kept missing steps. Hoseok halted it and made the younger sit down after noticing he felt warm.
"I dont know what's wrong with me" Jimin huffed. He hates missing out on dancing but he does feel a bit faint.
"I dont want you passing out on us" Hoseok tells him. He gives Jimin a trash can nearby and a bottle of water. Jimin sits on the floor leaning against the wall. He tells himself he can join again when he feels better but that doesn't happen. Hoseok ends up ending the session earlier as he sees Jimin in such poor condition.
Jimin hates feeling like this. His stomach has been acting up all day. He started feeling warm around mid afternoon and when he threw up his lunch he knew he was done for.
"Jimin, you doing okay?" Yoongi and Taehyung wait outside the locked stall in the bathroom.
"..mhm.." Jimin moans in response. His stomach gurgles and he throws up wet chunks into the bowl.
Being sick and throwing up is one thing but doing it at your work building somehow feels much worse. Jimin worries about random people coming in and hearing his awful retches and he doesn't want anyone seeing his face after he's done. It feels too vulnerable. But today he has no other option, other than the floor in the hallway.
"How are you doing?" Taehyung asks him after the retching simmers down.
"Ugh.. I'm done.." Jimin's voice croaked. He wipes his mouth and flushes. When he finally unlocks the door they see how sickly he looks. Jimin has circles under his eyes and he's sweating lightly.
"Jiminah, you look terrible you poor thing. And you're running a pretty bad fever there." Yoongi and Taehyung help Jimin clean his face quickly.
"Ugh, let's get out of here before anyone else comes in" Jimin says worriedly. His face is flushed and his stomach still cramping, he hastily walks out. Luckily no one else was around.
Jimin crawled into bed after a rough ride home. His fever rising and his appetite declined. The lights are off and it feels much later than it is and his fever makes it hard to think properly.
Jungkook tried giving him some ginger tea for his stomach. But not even five minutes later he's grabbing the bucket again, heaving up the small amount he sipped.
"Awh, I'm sorry the tea didn't help hyung" Jungkook said sadly.
"It's okay Kookie, I appreciate the gesture" Jimin says quietly, rubbing JK's hand. He really wishes his stomach would let up. He couldn't even join the guys at dinner as his stomach can't handle anything.
Jungkook goes to get a new cold wet cloth for Jimin's fever. "Try to sleep some more hyung."
Jimin conked out for awhile but his head is so hot and bothered he woke again. Jin cleaned the bucket and took Jimin's temperature. He's alarmed at how high it is "whoa, you're burning up Jiminah."
Jimin doesn't say anything, he's too nauseas. His stomach is still threatening to hurl up more. He can't believe he still has anything to throw up, he lost his lunch and his breakfast long ago.
"Don't force it Jiminah" the oldest says softly.
"I c-can't help it--" Jimin cuts off with another harsh retch, splashing into the newly cleaned bucket.
"Hyung, I hate this" Jimin whined and dove his head into the bucket again. His stomach is still pushing up even though it's pretty much empty. After one more dry heave and just spitting out saliva, Jimin concludes that he's done. He wraps himself up in the blankets like a burrito and closes his eyes.
Jimin keeps falling asleep and randomly waking up again. He blames it on his fever and his stomach that still churns sometimes. Jimin thought he fell asleep on the couch at work and woke up hot and uncomfortable. Nope, he's in his own bed. Namjoon took out the fan and put it in Jimin's room, hoping it would help him cool down. The breeze is nice on his sweaty face and slightly damp hair.
Namjoon also tried giving him medicine for his fever and upset tummy but he threw it up 20 minutes later. "I think Jimin should see a doctor tomorrow morning" the leader finally says.
Jimin whines in protest but the others all agree he should.
"I think so too, he might need a different medicine" Hoseok adds. Jimin doesn't like the idea but knows in the back of his head that he should.
Jimin's doctor confirms he has a stomach infection. He prescribes him medication that will clear it up within a few days and in the meantime he has to take it easy. The others continue to take care of him until he's better.
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comfortjoonie · 8 months
Namjoon -- Sick at Comeback
Here it is! I hope you all like it. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. <3
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Namjoon blows out a slow, deep breath as he puts his mic around his ear.  He’s had a long day of feeling nauseous and feverish.  “Joon?” Hoseok says, putting his hand on Namjoon’s back.  “You feeling alright?  You look pale…”
  Namjoon nods.  “I feel a little sick to my stomach…but I should be fine.”  He starts to stand up and Hoseok puts a hand over his forehead.  
“You feel so d*mn warm Joonie, maybe you should sit this one out?” Hoseok says.  Jungkook walks into the room.
“Everything ok?” he asks, looking at Joon’s sweaty face.  “Hyung?”
“He’s sick,” Hoseok says.  “Poor thing has a fever.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow.  “I can do it,” he says.
“There’s no shame if you can’t–”
“--I can, though.”  Namjoon uses his sleeve to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
“Well, we’re coming out now, okay?”  Namjoon nods at Jungkook’s words and walks up the stairs to the main area behind the curtain.  Suddenly, he feels a pain in his stomach and winces, Hoseok watching.
“Hyung, it’s o-ok…” Namjoon stutters, putting his hair behind his ear.  But it wasn’t ok, he felt like he could puke at any moment.
“Now, hyung~!” Jungkook said, grabbing Namjoon’s hand and pulling him out.  The bright lights make Namjoon’s nausea double, and he puts a hand on Hoseok for support.  He walks slowly to the front of the stage and listens to Yoongi’s speech before hearing the music start.  “D*mn…” he mumbles as he tries to find his place.
When Taehyung starts singing, Namjoon’s body goes into autopilot and he does all the choreography he’s worked so hard on for months.  His chest feels tight and he can’t breathe properly.  When his verse comes on, he mumbles the lyrics enough to make the backtrack sound fuller, but the backtrack does most of the work for him.  At the end of the take, he all but collapses onto the floor in front of the whole audience, facing his back to them with his head on his knees.  He’s trying to catch his breath when he feels Jin’s warm hand on his back.
“Joonie, baby, what’s wrong?” Jin asks in a hushed tone.  Namjoon feels a tear pricking at the corner of his eye.
“I…” he gasps for air.  “I can’t…”
“Joonie, calm down.”  All the members are gathered around the leader now.
Namjoon suddenly feels the urge to vomit and springs up to rush to the nearest toilet.  His legs are shaky but they carry him to the bathroom.  He’s too slow to shut the door before Seokjin is inside with him, and he barely manages to get the toilet lid up before he’s gagging and coughing up the little he could eat for breakfast.  Seokjin rubs his back and tells him not to cry, but Namjoon is already sobbing from the embarrassment and pain of it all.  He finally finishes and flushes the toilet, then shuts the lid and rests his face on it.
“Oh, Joonie, come on, that’s not sanitary.  Let’s get you home…”  Namjoon has started shivering from the fever.  “Someone get him a blanket!” Seokjin calls, and a few moments later Hoseok returns with a blanket that Seokjin wraps Namjoon in.
“You poor thing,” Hoseok mutters, hugging Namjoon and letting him warm up a bit.  “We should get him home,” Hoseok says.
“Bad news,” Jungkook says.  “Since we’re on the left side of the stage and the door is on the right, the only way to get him across is to walk him across the stage in front of the fans…”
Namjoon’s breathing picks up with a panic, but Seokjin soothes him.  “It’s okay Joonie.  We’ll just be honest and tell the fans you weren’t feeling well.  It’s ok.  Just breathe…” Seokjin rubs circles into Namjoon’s back and uses his thumb to wipe the tears from Namjoon’s eyes.
“Taehyung is already on it,” Jungkook says.  “He’s telling the fans that Namjoon has to go home.  Can you walk, Joonie?  A company car is waiting…”
Namjoon nods.  “I need help, though…” Jungkook instantly links arms with Namjoon and Seokjin takes his other arm.  They start walking up to the stage when Namjoon hears the crowd chanting,
“Kim Namjoon!  It’s okay!” over and over again.  When he walks into their sight, applause deafens him and he winces at the sound.  Taehyung shushes the crowd.  Namjoon can’t bring himself to show his face to the audience, so he turns away slightly so they can only see his hair and cheek.  He walks slowly with everyone else as the crowd continues to chant his name, a bit quieter.  He feels completely surrounded with love.  The members help him into a company car, and Seokjin gets in with him.
“You five keep performing.  I have the least lines and the most love for Joonie so I’ll go with him.”
“Most love for Joonie?” Jungkook’s jaw drops.  “How could you say that when I’m right here and he’s my idol?”
“How can either of you say that when I’m here and he’s my soulmate?” Hoseok asks playfully.  Namjoon smiles a little bit.
“We can discuss this later,” laughs Seokjin.  “We’ll see you all in a few hours.”
  All the members wave goodbye to Seokjin and Namjoon as the car pulls away.  Only five minutes into the ride, Namjoon is sleeping on Seokjin’s lap.
Seokjin pets his hair.  “You’re so cute like this Joonie…”  Sometimes he wished his Joon would get sick more often so he could cuddle him like this.  But he wouldn’t say that when Namjoon was feeling so bad.
Seokjin rubbed Namjoon’s back.  It was an hour-long drive.  He had plenty of time to go to sleep…but first..
Seokjin snapped a picture of Namjoon resting peacefully and sent it to the group chat before dozing off with his arm protecting Namjoon.
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bangfantanfic · 2 years
Our Own World: Chapter 10
Warnings: stalking, masturbation, yandere behavior, future smut
Type: romance, yandere, hyrbid!bts
Authors Note: It is here. Not as long as I had hoped but hopefully y’all enjoyed it anyways! its a bit spicy. And more Hoseok this chapter. As always, I hope you all enjoy, if I have missed anything in the warnings please let me know. Feedback is greatly appreciated, lemme know your thoughts! Until next time <3
Tags: @miss-jupiter @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @toughbook @whipwhoops @bandwagonrevolutionary @devilsbooksworld @darkuni63 @badbyeyoongi @iloverubberduckiez-blog @missseoulite @singukieee @potterbrooke @suhappysuho @zae007live @sevenpersona @blancflms @childfmoonn @caffeineandreveries @cryingpages
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It was a relief for everyone to finally be back home. Returning to a surprisingly spotless house, a full refrigerator, and a pantry had honestly been the highlight of your week. The entire ride to the house all you could think about was the disaster the house had been left in and all the food that had been tossed away. The thought of having to do any shopping or cleaning, had you considering jumping out of the moving car. You had sent your brother a thank you text, and as expected, even hours later, no reply. You had honestly begun to worry, the extreme part of your brain screaming he was dead and you were trapped here with hybrids. 
What a nightmare. 
Thankfully your mother was more than confident he was still living, she had even spoken to him a few hours before you had called. You felt bitterness, or maybe anger was a better way to describe it. Honestly, at this point, you weren’t sure you were still angry. You were just disappointed with the way things were playing out. The gut feeling you had the weeks before arrival was right, as always, and of course, you ignored it, as always. Unless something ‘dire’ was happening, your brother was practically a missing person, at least towards you. Your mother said she spoke with him every day, and even the hybrids had shared that they all heard from him at least once a week. So what have you done? Why was he avoiding communication? You were doing him a favor. The whole situation had your head spinning. 
Your brother was never such a flakey person. He responded to every text and every missed call, his behavior now was out of character and you couldn’t figure out why now he was deciding to act out. Not even your mother could explain it. She had promised to speak with him, but she had done so multiple times these last few weeks. How much longer were you going to have your mother act as the messenger? 
You were exhausted, anxious, and angry. Three emotions that didn’t mix well together. 
You were also a little disappointed in yourself. You had finally reached a point of comfort around the hybrids. Sure the brush of a tail, or a more animalistic trait would occasionally make your stomach churn, but it was something you could look past a little better. After Jeongguk’s stunt, it had sent you reeling back. You’ve been trying to convince yourself it wasn’t that bad. He was probably just messing around, trying to scare you. He didn’t seem to like you anyway, so this was probably just him trying to freak you out for his own entertainment. The others shouldn’t be punished or pushed away for someone else’s actions, and yet your gut instinct warned you that his behavior wasn’t out of the ordinary, and trusting any of them was a step in the wrong direction. 
“Y/n, bathrooms free!” Namjoon smiled, walking past the living room with a towel rubbing at his wet hair. He looked fresh and revitalized, with loose clothes hanging from his body. You had decided to shower last. While the outside of both the hotels looked lovely, you were sure the human building was in much better condition inside compared to the hybrid building. 
“Thanks, Joonie.” You grinned, making your way toward your brother's ensuite. 
It was obvious that Y/n was uncomfortable. Her poor attempts to seem busy were almost endearing. Hoseok had watched you clumsily make your way down to the docks, suitcase barely standing upright as you rushed. You were running behind. You were talking somewhat loudly, phone in a free hand as if trying to make a point that you shouldn’t be spoken to. White chords hung from your ears and headphones. Judging by the voice coming through the headphones Hoseok easily pinned it to your mother. He had heard the voice a million times. His owner was quite the mama’s boy. 
Hoseok often wondered what his own mother was like. Like most hybrids, he had been separated from his mother the second he was able to have an all-solid diet. He never saw or heard of his mother again. He wished he could say it made him sad, but honestly, it didn’t really. How could he miss someone he didn’t really know? 
Hoseok didn’t have a lot of experience with human women. He had been around hundreds of female hybrids, and they were easy to understand because they were like him. Bred strong, beautiful, and submissive to their masters. And sure, there were plenty of beautiful humans out there, and you were one of them, but there was something very different about the beauty of humans compared to a hybrid. Most of the human women Hoseok had seen were through the screen of his phone, or whatever shitty show his owner was watching. When he found out you were coming to care for them and keep the house intact, he was thrilled. A human? A human woman?
Of course, he hadn’t met you before and knew very little, Jay had been overly sensitive about sharing your existence with the pact. Avoiding even letting your name slip. It had been strange when his owner did a sudden 360, going from hiding your existence to practically thrusting you into their life. Hoseok wasn’t going to complain, a new human was always exciting. 
He had only seen glimpses of you, faintly heard your voice through the speakers of Jay's phone. So when Hoseok found your social media profiles he was pleased to see you weren’t very private on anything. He spent the entire evening looking through every photo you had posted, everything you were tagged in, and every comment you had made that he could find.
He could finally understand why his owner wanted to keep you hidden. 
He had been thrilled when Jay left, and when you finally arrived he thought he would throw up from his excitement. When you finally come out to their cages, you’re scent him like a ton of bricks. 
Unfortunately, this excitement had triggered him into an early rut. So when most of his packmates had made their way back into the house, he was stuck outside. This, he was sure of, was some form of torture. You were so close. Even from so far, he could faintly smell you, it lingered on his tongue. 
How do you taste? 
Arriving home Hoseok watched everyone disappear, desperate for a shower, fresh clothes, and their own beds. His pack had rushed upstairs, desperate for the familiarity of their own room. He had his own plans. The blonde-haired man watched you throw your bag into your tiny sleep space, hiding out in there for a while before sitting out in the living room. You fiddled on your phone, tapping angrily at the screen. Hoseok had wanted to smooth out the angry creases on your brow and fix whatever was bothering you. 
You waited awhile before Namjoon made his way out of the ensuite of your brother's room, announcing the space was free for your use. With only two showers it meant long lines, and you had urged the boys to go first, promising you were more than happy to wait, they needed it more than you. 
You had practically leaped off the sofa, sending a bright smile toward the pack leader before practically running to your brother's room, towel in hand. A jealous pang had hit Hoseok's chest. You hadn’t smiled at him like that before, and judging by the surprised look on Namjoon’s face, even he was surprised by the relaxed tone and pretty smile. 
Hoseok waited, watching the hall for a few moments. His ears twitched when the sound of water rushing through the pipes, and then music. Loud music. His cue. 
During your stay, Hoseok had picked up on a routine you had whenever you showered. If music was playing you were going to take your time. He had figured it out pretty quickly. He wanted to know everything about you. Every habit. Every quirk. Things about you that even you were unaware of. 
Your makeshift room has become Hoseok's favorite place. Your scent covered every crevice, it was a comfort he never knew he needed. The space was tiny, your bed being a fold-out sofa. Your brother didn’t like sharing his room, in fact, he nor his pack were supposed to go in there, not even for the bathroom. Seven men in one bathroom had been a huge issue. Thankfully, the shower and the toilet were separated. The converted bedroom was originally Jeongguk and Jin’s gaming room, their computer setups were actually still there. You didn’t mind letting them in to play either, you would stay on the bed or sit out in the living room if you needed space. You just asked if they didn’t play too late into the night, which had irked Jeongguk. But Seokjin was more than happy to comply. Even Taehyung and Jimin had started sitting in the room ‘watching’ the two play. Hoseok knew well that they just liked being in the room that smelt so strongly of you, but sometimes he wondered if perhaps they were in there for the same reasons he went there. 
None of your bags had been unpacked into the small wardrobe in the room, you had left everything neatly folded in your suitcases, almost as if you were counting down the minutes until Jay and Mila returned home so you could take off. But the surprise trip to the hotel had thrown out those plans and your room had become a colorful array of clothing. This honestly made things much easier for Hoseok, and he was thankful to Jay for the surprise trip. 
You had made no move of leaving the bathroom, clearly having settled into the stream. Hoseok took this as a go-ahead. The soft click of the door behind him was almost like a signal to his nervous system, his body instantly relaxing. Your room was messy, as always. He was honestly thankful for it. The messier the better. You wouldn’t notice if he touched anything. He had been worried you had cleaned up during the time you had spent in the room. 
The hybrid dropped onto your bed, nose scrunching in discomfort. The mattress was old and thin, the springs nearly ripping through. It was no surprise you always seemed so tired. 
Wrapping your bedsheets around himself, Hoseok wiggled himself closer to your suitcase that you had left open and disheveled. He wondered if you had just packed it like crap, or maybe looked for something before going to shower. Either way, he didn’t care. He dug through the bag, not having to look too hard, a triumphant grin on his lips when he found your panties. Pale blue, soft with lace at the ass. How pretty the little fabric would have looked against your skin. 
Part of Hoseok knew what he was doing was weird. He was being a creep. But he needed this. He needed you, but you weren’t ready for him. Not yet. He could wait as long as you needed but in the meantime, he needed something of you. Sure he had a few items of yours already, but over time the smell fades and he needs to replace it. 
A soft hum left his throat as he pressed the material to his nose, taking a deep inhale. His body shuddered in relief, it had been too long. The smell of you lingered on the back of his tongue, his mouth-watering. His imagination was wandering, yet never straying from you.
The pretty material smells of you. Your scent wraps around him. His cock strains against his pants, groping at his hard cock. Taking in a deeper breath his cock twitches in his hand.
How does she smell so sweet?
He works himself over, smoothing the pearly precome over his base. He could happily suffocate in the sea of lacey blue. His hand transforms from his large callused one to your dainty hands. Your soft hand can hardly wrap fully around his girth. God he can't wait to split you with his cock. A whine left his throat, it was as if he could feel the gentle tips of your fingers teasing. The brush of your tongue on the tip of his cock had his spine shivering. You would be so shy, your cheeks burning red as you touched him, begging him not to look you in the eyes. He trusts that she's naïve in the acts of harlots as she is in the day-to-day aspect. Hoseok loved the way humans touched, clueless in the way of pleasure. He'll have to instruct you.
Has anyone touched you before? Did you touch yourself in the night? He groaned at the thought of you whimpering, dainty fingers touching and rubbing. Already Hoseok knew his nights would become restless. 
He feels his orgasm pull at his nerves. He holds her panties to the head of his cock fucking into the material. He bites back his moans. She may be in the shower but he doesn't want to give himself away. Although the idea was exciting. What would you do if you found him this way? His cock out, rutting into your used panties? Would you be angry? Flustered? Turned on? Perhaps you would enjoy seeing how desperate he was for you, crawl over the bed to help him out. 
He paints the inside of your panties at the thought. It's not the same as covering the walls of her pussy but it will do for now.
Hoseok’s body sags into the bed, his grip still tight on the now-ruined panties. He would have to dispose of them, but that was a future Hoseok’s problem. His scent was entangled with yours, a welcome comfort as his eyes fell shut. Sleep was threatening to take over, and he was tempted to give in, just for a moment, but the silence of the house had settled onto him.
No music. 
Your light footsteps were too close to the door. There was no way Hoseok could get out of the room without you seeing. Anxiety grappled at his throat. You had already pulled away, there was no way he could explain the current… situation he was in. 
“Sorry Y/n my dick fell into your panties and I came, my bad!” 
He felt ill. He was well and truly fucked. You would find him and then what? Leave? Call your brother. 
The thought of his wonder finding out about his misdemeanors had him hyperventilating. He would rather you drag him to the police. Another set of feet came tumbling down the hall, Jimin, stopping by your door. 
“Y/n, Seokjin hyung asked me to get you. He’s starting dinner.” 
Your response was muffled, and honestly, at this moment, Hoseok didn’t care for your answer right now. Jimin had unknowingly bought him a minute. Rolling off the bed and under the bed Hoseok grunted in pain. He probably should have tried to shimmy his shorts back up, laying on his stomach on the hardwood floor wasn’t the coziest position for his dick. 
Your door clicked open, your bare feet came into view. Much to Hoseok’s disappointment you were already dressed, the fluffy white pants ruining the view of what could have been your legs. Soft humming filled the silent space, you had been singing the same song to yourself for the past week. Hoseok had learned very early on that you had a very different music taste compared to not only himself but his pack too. While the music wasn’t really his cup of tea, he was more than happy to listen to it just to see the smile it brought to your lips as you sang along, or spoke about the artists. Seeing you smile was worth any mild dislike he may be experiencing. 
A pile of clothes dropped to the floor, drawing Hoseok’s attention away from watching your movements. Peeking out of the pile, almost like you had done it on purpose, was another pair of panties. His heart was hammering in his chest. He hadn’t been able to get a pair this fresh. Any logical thought seemed to melt out of his brain, the wires of his brain severed allowing his body to act on its own accord. He watched in horror as his hand shot out and latched onto the slightly damp material, dragging it back under. The room fell silent. Your humming stops abruptly. 
Fuck fuck fuck
Your eyes peered under the bed, staring into his almost as if you weren’t actually seeing him. There was a bleak look on your face, and for a brief second Hoseok felt his heart stop beating. And then a blood-curdling scream ripped out your throat, the scream itself seemed to send you to your ass, your feet pushing yourself up to the wall. Your eyes never strayed from his. The action made his chest ache. You were running from him. 
The sound of his pack's feet thundered toward your room, and within what seemed like seconds, Jimin and Seokjin had burst into the room. Jimin had squatted by your side, his back to Hoseok, hands soothingly rubbing your biceps. Hoseok could hear the sound of Jimin’s voice attempting to soothe your trembling figure, but he couldn’t understand a single word. The room was spinning, he felt sick. His stomach knotting so violently he was sure everything he had eaten that morning would soon be forced back out his throat. 
“What happened?” Seokjin frowned, eyes flickering over the room. Slowly the rest of the boys had shown up, standing behind Seokjin, trying to peer over his shoulders. 
Hoseok watched in horror as you pointed at him, your face was pale like you were seconds away from vomiting. Jimin had followed your finger, his jaw-dropping. 
“Hoseok hyung?” 
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crystalsnow95z · 10 months
i had a sudden idea for a fic req. maybe poor jimin has a cold during one of bts' important meetings? like their speeches with UN and this makes jimin feel bad.
I struggled so much with this I don't know why..it's a bit short compared to my normal work. Forgive me🙏
I'm sorry it didn't turn out well, but the more i try to redo it, the more i hate it😅
"I don't know if I can do this..." Jimin eyes shifted to the others,watching them get ready for their own speeches, but no matter how hard I tried to suppress my cough to get through mine,I can't even get a quarter way before the painful cough escapes.
"Did you take the medicine before we left?" Hobi asks, looking up from his paper with worry in his eyes.
Jimin taking a tissue to spit the phlegm into. "I took medicine right when I woke up, and right after we got off the pla-" His coughing stops him from finishing the sentence, quickly grabbing a tissue to spit into, the mucus that filled his throat making him feel like gagging.
"Are you sure you don't just want to shorten your speech or just skip it all together? It sounds like you're losing your voice.." Jin suggests, but the idea of everyone else doing the speech was clearly out of the question.
Jungkookie is so nervous about it, I can see the paper shaking, and Namjoonie-hyung hasn't been able to sit still since we got here.. it wouldn't be fair for me to skip it, and I spent so much time on my speech.. I have to do this..
"No, no. I finally got my speech memorized. I'll mess up if I change..eh..eh..heh'tichiugh!" Jimin quickly covers his face, getting snot on the sleeves of his suit, pouting at the mess he made.
"Come on, Jiminie, let's get you cleaned up." Yoongi pulls Jimin by the elbow, leading him to the bathroom, wetting some paper towel to wash off the ends of his suit. "It's okay if you can't do it. If you're sick, you're sick. You can't control it." He dabs the mess away, careful not to just spread it further.
"I have to do this.. it won't feel right not to.. I'll just feel guilty the whole time.." Jimin sniffles, making him cough.
"Stop that, blow your nose." Yoongi scolds him, putting a hand on his shoulder before adding in a softer tone. "You'll just make yourself feel worse."
Jimin didn't think that was possible. He had to speak softer to stop his throat from hurting so much to talk, and his sinuses were so swollen it made his whole face hurt with a sharp headache, each cough just making the pain become intensify.
"Sorry, hyung.." Jimin went into the stall to get some toliet paper, trying to clear his nose while Yoongi washed his hands. No matter how hard he tried, it felt like there's no end. He sighed in annoyance, flushing the wads of tolietpaper down the toliet.
"You feeling any better?" Namjoon entered the bathroom to check on Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung peeking in the bathroom.
"Guys I'm fine..it's just a cold. I'm fine." Jimin gives him a smile, hoping if he keeps saying it, it would come true.
"It's time to go.." Staff calls to the members. "Is everyone ready?"
"As ready as I can be.." Jimin says, stifling a cough.
The boys look at him with worried expressions, following staff out of the room to meet with their president before going on stage.
Namjoon meets him first, bowing deeply and taking his hand. "Thank you for inviting us. It's a real honor."
"It's a pleasure to see you boys again." The president gives him a smile, greeting each boy with a warm hug.
Jimin tenses when he feels him squeeze him, a cough escaping his lips, quickly pulling away and bowing deeply. "I'm sorry..."
"Are you unwell?" The South korean president asked.
"It's nothing serious, I'm..I'm.." Jimin turns away from him, covering his face with his hands as a squeak of a sneeze comes out of him. "Hehitch!" He sniffles wetly, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as he turns back, bowing again. "I'm sorry."
"Bless you." Hoseok rubs his back, giving him a tissue for his dripping nose. "Here, Jiminie."
Jimin wipes his nose, feeling it trying to drip into his mouth. I'm so gross.. I'm supposed to be here to represent my nation..
"Do you think you can perform today?" The president asks with concern, making Jimin's heart skip a beat. He had almost forgotten they were going to record before the meeting.
"I'll be okay.." Jimin says, trying to keep his voice steady. He wasn't just performing for army.. this was representing his nation. He couldn't mess this up.
"You got this.. I'll be here to back you up okay? I've been memorizing your lyrics with Taehyungie hyungie on the plane just I'm case you needed help?" Jungkook tries to rub some of the tension out of Jimin's shoulders. He couldn't help him with his speech, but he could at least lend him his voice while they performed, just as Jimin did for him before.
"Thanks Gukkie.." Jimin gives him a small smile, appreciating the gesture, but he didn't want to put extra work on the younger members.
"We got five minutes before rolling." A staff member alerts them.
Jimin pops a cough drop into his mouth to try to soothe his raw throat, feeling the mentol numbing a bit of the pain away. "I'll be okay.. my throat feels a little better after the tea staff gave me. Just worry about your parts okay?" He sniffles, making Jungkook leave his side to find him a tissue.
Jimin blows his nose one last time before getting into position to perform with his members, checking that the lighting was okay and that everyone's mic was working properly. He put one hand over the other to keep the mic steady in his stretching hands.
"Testing, 1..2.." Jimin could hear his voice in his ear piece, grimacing on how he sounded, clearing his throat to see if it would help. "Ahh..ahh.." he makes more sound into the mic, relaxing when he sounds more like himself again.
"Jiminie you got this!" Hoseok cheered into his mic.
"Let's go J.M!" Namjoon joins in.
Jimin smiles, wishing he had as much confidence in himself as they did.
He heard staff counting down for the cameras to roll, taking a deep breath, coughing instead of exhaling. He apologizes when he hears them starts the count over, feeling the eyes of his concerned members watching him.
I can do this.. I have to do this..
Jimin wishes it wasn't him that was singing first, that he asked to change it to a song without so many high notes, but he couldn't bring himself to ask the members to do it with less than a 24 hour notice.
He took another deep breath this time his voice coming out, singing calmly into the mic despite his heart thumping loudly in his ears and hammering against his chest.
"Open my eyes I'm in the dark..The sound of my heart beating... When it's unfamiliar.."
He sings the lyrics with his eyes closed, pressing his palm by his throat to try to help ease the pain. This isn't even the high part.. but it hurts..
Jungkook takes over the next part, Jimin pursing his lips together as a cough tries escaping. He was glad they didn't have any choreography to do. He was already having a rough time breathing, his nose already stuffing up once more during Yoongi's part. He took a deep breath when he heard Jungkook singing, cursing himself for shaking so much.
"Maybe I fell in order to take the place of those countless stars..." Jimin's voice came out strained, cracking at the end, making tears start to well up in his eyes, quickly looking up to try to stop them, blinking rapidly, singing softer.
"The target of thousands of bright arrows is me alone, ayy.." Jungkook sings along with him.
The notes will only get higher from here..
Jimin feels Jungkook and Jin move on either side of him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and swaying him as they sing the chorus.
Jimin takes a shaky breath, smiling through his tears, wrapping his arms around the waist of his members. As if planned, Taehyung wraps his arm around Jungkook, the two singing the post chorus together,sharing Taehyung's mic.
Namjoon wraps around Taehyung and Hoseok to Jin as they sing their parts, Hoseok beckoning Yoongi over by opening up his arm, the rapper shyly joining in the line.
Jimin smiles, despite the tears that flowed down his cheeks, feeling the love pouring from his members. Jungkook kept his word, Taehyung and Jungkook harmonizing with him for his parts to cover up his mistakes, the boys moving outside during the last minute of the song, quickly jumping into the next.
Jimin felt his voice growing weaker and weaker as he sang the two youngest members', voices overpowering his by the end of the second song. He focused on the choreography, pushing his limits to try to put on a good, completely exhausted by the end of it.
As soon as Jimin heard the word, he collapsed into the grass, coughing into his fist, screwing his eyes shut from the pain in his throat.
"Jimin-ah, are you okay? Do you need oxygen" Hoseok rushes to his side, rubbing upper chest try to loosen the mucus. "Please, could I have some water?" He asks staff, using his sleeves to wipe the sweat from Jimin's brow.
Jimin spits up phelm, taking deep breaths to try to slow his coughing. A staff member gives him a water bottle, Jimin giving him a quick bow before gulping it down, the cool liquid soothing his throat.
"I'm fi.." Jimin's voice was only a hoarse whisper, cracking at the end, his eyes widening. Oh no. This can't be happening. I have a speech to give..
"My..my voice.." Jimin feels his eyes water, burying his face in Hoseok's shoulder.
"Aiigo.. the performance was too much.." Hoseok coos sympathically, hugging him close. "It's okay baby, it's okay.. you gave it your all.."
"I should've told him not to sing. Im sorry, Jimin.." Namjoon felt guilty for letting him push himself past his limits, but Jimin shook his head.
"I wanted to do it.." Jimin looks up helplessly at Namjoon. "But..now..what about the speech?"
"I told you before not to worry about that..it's not important.." Namjoon pulls him close. "Don't worry about it, Jiminie. Just worry about getting better, okay? I can read it for you."
Namjoon puts a finger on his lips. "No. No more talking. Let hyung handle it." He pulls the older card on Jimin. "You rest and don't cry.. you can't help it if you get sick.."
Jimin nods, knowing that even if he argued against him, he wouldn't be able to do it. Jimin takes the tissue staff offered him, cleaning up his face. As soon af the tissue touched his nose the sneezes he held back came one by one. "Heh..uughchi! Heh'itchi...Ha..hexifgh..! Heh'xxcghi!"
"My poor baby.." Hoseok rubs Jimin's back, trying to soothe him. "We'll have to get you more medicine when we get to the hotel.."
"I'm sorry.. for embarrassing everyone.." Jimin sniffles.
"You didn't embarrass anybody. It's perfect normal to be sick okay Jiminie?" Yoongi tells him in a serious tone.
"Yeah, we're proud you pushed through two songs when you were in such bad condition." Jin adds wiping Jimins eyes. "You're gonna make me cry.."
"So..I can..still go on stage and stand with you guys?" Jimin asks, voice cracking.
"What kind of question is that?" Taehyung sounds mock offended. "Of course you're going to be with us. You just got to stay quiet, and every time you try to talk I'll hit you with my shoe." He teases, untying his shoe.
"Taehyungie you better keep your shoes on while on stage. Dont embarrass me." Namjoon scolds playfully, getting a giggle out of the 95ers.
"Keep your sweaty shoe to yourself." Jimin whispers with a tiny giggle, pushing away the shoe Taehyung was threatening him with.
"I said no talking." Taehyung playfully hits Jimin in the thigh with the shoe. "Bad Jimin."
"Come on kids, we gotta get ready. Sick or not, we still have a meeting to attend.." Jin gathers up his members, going back inside.
"Jiminie remember, it doesn't matter what the world thinks. Only Army..and they'll understand you aren't always like this okay?" Hoseok tells him taking his hand. "Just get better soon okay?"
Jimin smiles, nodding his head, feeling himself calming down. He makes a heart to Hoseok, the older member smiling.
"I love you too Jiminie." Hoseok pulls Jimin close to kiss the top of his head. "A lot of people do, so take better care of yourself."
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aamalaaa · 2 years
sunrises & liquor (m) | myg
all that jazz
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pairing: yoongi x reader
series: sunrises & liquor
rating: m(18+); cursing, alcohol consumption, smut, explicit content
genre: bar workers au, barman yoongi au, (kinda) forbidden relationship, angst, fluff, smut
summary: after a failed academic pursuit and a few meaningless and disappointing relationships, you decided to go back to what you never thought you would: the bar industry. There you find a family, friends, heartache, misunderstandings and one particular barman who just won’t get out of your head.
warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption (duh), smut, dom!yoongi, sub/brat!reader, dirty talk, oral sex(m.receiving), unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it folks), car sex, rough sex, angst, reader has issues bro
a/n: welcome folks, to yet another chapter of s&l! it’s been more than lovely having you around, sharing your thoughts and screaming with me. I appreciate you!! anyhow, this is the longest one yet, my bad, and we’re getting into the final arc of this story, I reckon. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one<3
//: btw, I listened to ‘Lost’ and ‘Thinkin bout you’ by Frank Ocean, and also ‘Meet me in the Hallway’ by Harry Styles while writing this one, I recommend it.
chapter word count: 8.5k (my bad)
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Today was a long day.
It started well enough, you woke up and ate breakfast with two of your best friends, exchanged a few texts with Yoongi and tried to help Jimin with his Hoseok problem. You even managed to convince him to meet up with the latter.
Turns out it ended up unraveling in the worst possible way and you were left to pick up the pieces of your dear friend’s heart all throughout the afternoon, trying to ignore the guilt gnawing at you in favor of focusing on your friend who really needed you.
Because this isn’t about you and how you feel bad about what happened and the role you played in this whole situation. This is about Jimin and how he just got basically rejected by his longtime crush and friend.
So you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to understand what in the actual fuck happened today and how to help, what to do to make both your friends feel a little less miserable.
And Hoseok may have rejected Jimin, but you know him and you’re sure this whole thing is eating at him, will probably keep him up at night. Hoseok never wants to hurt anyone, on the contrary, he always tries to help people feel a little more hopeful, a little less out of control.
You facepalm yourself and sigh loudly. How the fuck do you always end up all up in everybody’s business, your life is enough of a mess as it is. 
Your phone vibrates and you unlock it, smiling like a whole ass fool as soon as you notice Yoongi’s contact name pop up on your screen.
Love [6:37]: badly, spent the whole afternoon consoling Jiminie
Love [6:38]: I’m so tired
You drop your phone on the bed and head towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower. You stand under the stream of hot water for, well, way too long, before you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your naked form, blow drying your hair as soon as you do.
You leisurely make your way towards your dresser and slip on a simple black t-shirt. Then, you unlock your cell phone again and try to force down the surge of energy you get when you notice two new messages from Yoongi. 
Music Man [6:41]: shit. poor Chim.
Music Man [6:41]: are you ok?
You sigh contentedly as you type in a response and send it.
Love [7:29]: yeah I am, just need to unwind and go to sleep early.
You start scrolling through netflix, almost settling on a title before you feel your phone vibrate on your stomach.
Music Man [7:36]: wanna come over?
You grin and start typing.
Love [7:37]: mmmhm, idk. that’s at least a 15 minutes drive.
The reply is almost instantaneous.
Music Man [7:37]: I made budae jjigae..
Love [7:38]: say no more
Love [7:38]: leaving in 10
You start getting ready, pulling on some jeans and a coat, then you brush your teeth and grab your purse.
You look at your phone before dropping it in your bag.
Music Man [7:40]: bring overnight stuff [:
“Did you get my last text?”
You push past Yoongi and head inside the apartment.
“I did,” You reply in a monotonous tone.
He closes the front door. “Where’s your overnight stuff?”
You grin and lift your purse up,
“You’re sleeping in… jeans?”
You slip your coat off and hang it, wagging your eyebrows playfully. “Or maybe I’m sleeping naked?”
“Are you trying to be the end of me?” Yoongi groans.
You chuckle lightheartedly,
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen a naked woman before, please.”
“Definitely not, but they weren’t you. I don’t think you realize the power you have over me, love.” He draws closer and engulfs you in a tight embrace, laying a gentle press of his lips on top of your head.
You blush profusely, thankful for the fact that your face is hidden from Yoongi’s scrutinizing gaze. This might be the most romantic and simultaneously arousing thing you’ve ever heard. 
“Then you’ll lend me sleeping clothes will you?” You nip at his exposed collarbones.
Yoongi shudders quietly. “So this was your plan the whole time? Make a man weak so you can steal his clothes and why not, his cat too maybe?”
You laugh against the crook of his neck. “Damn, you caught me.”
“That’s cold, angel.”
You lift your head up and your eyes meet an absolutely devastating pout.
“Poor baby,” You coo before cupping his soft cheeks, pressing your lips on his for a few seconds and sighing in absolute bliss, the blond man’s arms tightening around you as you get lost in each other’s taste. You break it off first, parting an inch or two from him and staying there for a short moment, the both of you breathing in each other’s air, eyes closed.
“I just think your clothes smell nice,” You whisper tenderly.
Yoongi hums. “What do they smell like?”
You dip your head down and press your forehead on his shoulder, a light pinkish tint taking over your cheeks, and mumble, “You.”
“So you think I smell nice?” 
You slap his hip and groan in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
“Sure you do.” He chortles, a calloused hand making its way through your freshly washed hair.
You stay unmoving for a few moments, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away and then raise your head, first noticing Cat, laying on the couch and judging the both of you with it’s golden orbs, before catching the spicy scent of budae jjigae for the first time since you came in.
“You actually cooked, like for real.”
Yoongi lets go of his hold on you and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, yeah.”
You approach the stove top, taking  in a deep breath through your nose.
“I thought you were finessing me so I would come over.”
“That’s rich coming from you, clothes stealer.” Yoongi says, a playful indignant tone to his voice.
“Hey! I borrow them, I don’t steal them.”
“Tell that to the hoodie I haven’t seen in the last two months.”
You cross your arms and pout, leaning on the counter. “You gave that to me, meanie.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“That’s not fair,” You squint your eyes at him.
Yoongi chuckles and kisses your temple, taking two bowls from the cupboard and filling them with two portions of the still-warm meal before putting them down on the counter along with utensils and two water bottles.
“Eat up before it gets cold.”
You whine but still sit down at the counter, slurping and munching hungrily at the delicious comforting meal. Yoongi watches you with an amused expression, eating quietly and slowly. Once you’ve annihilated your portion you put your utensils down and quirk a brow at the blond man,
“What?” you take a sip of water.
Yoongi shrugs, a crooked smile on his lips. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
You choke on the liquid, coughing loudly and bring a hand up to your chest, violently slapping it to help clear your obstructed airways. Yoongi laughs and runs a hand up and down your back in a soothing motion. 
“You’re mean,” You croak out once your fit of coughs settles down.
“I’m sorry,” He massages the nape of your neck, dissipating any feeling of annoyance you might’ve had.
You pout. “Better make it up to me then.”
“Anything you want, love.”
"Anything?" You lift a brow and send him a seductive smile, slowly getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Yoongi’s breath hitches in his throat as he lets out a low, rumbly, “Anything.”
You twirl a blond strand of hair between your deft fingers, a wicked grin lifting the corners of your mouth. “Then I want a massage and cuddles.”
Yoongi huffs incredulously and shakes his head, lightly swatting at your ass. “It would be my pleasure.”
He lends you a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and you quickly brush your teeth before going to the living room and petting the furry animal, cooing and squealing when it starts purring in content.You then make your way back to Yoongi's room and swiftly slide under the bed’s covers. 
Yoongi enters the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later to find you almost passed out, snuggled in his sheets. He slides under the covers next to you and whispers,
“Do you want to go to sleep now, love?”
You shake your head and blink slowly, meeting deep chocolate-like eyes. Even in complete darkness Yoongi looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, and you feel so fucking fond and grateful to be sharing a bed with him.
“Nuh-uh, you still have to give me a massage.”
“Alright, on your stomach then,” Yoongi chuckles and tucks a strand of hair beneath your ear. 
You leisurely comply, and give him an expectant look.
“It would be better if I took off your shirt, but it’s all up to you.”
You nod and send him a small smile, giving him permission.
And so Yoongi sits up straight and starts tugging your shirt off, you help him by lifting your torso and arms up. 
Once the garment is off, Yoongi slides his palms up your back with increasing pressure, spurring a satisfied moan out of you. 
“Is that enough pressure?” He whispers in a dark, gruff tone, sending shivers up your spine
You barely manage to whisper the next words, 
“It’s perfect.” 
He continues his ministrations, lingering for a long moment on your shoulders and collarbones, then trailing down to the dip of your back and slowly pressing his thumbs there while you can only let out small mewls of appreciation. 
You slowly slip in and out of consciousness, not even noticing that Yoongi has stopped massaging you until he whispers against your ear,   
“Time to sleep, angel.”
You groan and begrudgingly sit up, tugging the white t-shirt on before slumping down on your side, facing the opposite way from Yoongi. The latter inches closer and wraps a lazy arm around your waist, pressing himself flush against your back.
“Sweet dreams,” He presses a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
You wiggle in his embrace before slurring out a small,
“Sweet dreams Yoongi.”
You tug nervously at the off-the-shoulder neckline of the emerald green, floor length dress you put on merely a few minutes ago.
It’s 7:04, which means Yoongi is late, and Yoongi is almost never late. Which might mean something happened, but it could also just be your anxiety riddled mind making up scenarios to taunt you.
Nevertheless you can’t tame down the bubbling anxiety rising in your chest.
You’re checking your phone for the upteenth when you hear a slightly reluctant knock at your front door.
You swing it open in a matter of seconds, letting out a shaky breath of relief as soon as you see Yoongi’s soft features.
Your relief is short lived though, because his appearance knocks the air straight out of you.
You grip the doorknob forcefully as you take in the fitted black suit Yoongi is sporting, the white dress shirt and black bow, but most importantly his luscious locks of hair. Because they’re not the light, bleached blond you’ve been drawn to since you’ve met him. No, oh no. 
His hair is black. 
Jet black, as dark as a raven’s feathers. 
And if you thought blond was the best color for Yoongi before, you were not prepared for this one. Because holy shit, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever been blessed to lay your eyes upon. 
The night’s announcing itself to be a long one. 
“You look amazing,” Yoongi declares as he tucks his hands in the pockets of his trousers, an awestruck look in his eyes.
“Holy shit,” Is all you manage to say, completely unaware of the compliment he just bestowed upon you.
Yoongi nervously cards a hand through his black hair. “Yeah..”
“Yoongi. Fucking hell. Don’t do that.” Your grip on the door handle strengthens and you take a deep breath, looking anywhere but in his direction. 
“Do what?” He scratches his head in confusion, oblivious to your internal struggle. 
“Your hair, oh my god.” You snap your gaze up, just now noticing how awkward the man looks standing in the doorway. “Umm, sorry, come in.”
You step out of the way and Yoongi slides in through the threshold, closing the door as you make your way to the closet and take out your winter coat. 
“Yeah I was so done with bleaching it, so I just went back to my natural color.”
You hum understandingly and the man leans on the wall, watching you curiously as your shaky hands fumble with the buttons of your black, fake fur coat. 
“Do you like it?” He questions, an amused glint to his tone.
You gulp loudly. “Y-yeah I do.” 
You curse under your breath as you struggle to button your coat, your mind reeling with thousands of filthy images you try to rid yourself of. Crazy how a simple change of hair color can have such an impact on you. 
But you’re only human, and Yoongi clearly is something else, no way a human being is allowed to look like this, like sin incarnated but also a god sent creature. It’s not fucking fair.
Strong, capable hands deftly take a hold of yours and snap the coat’s buttons in place. 
“You like it that much?” He chuckles teasingly.
You send a glare his way, only now noticing how close he’s standing. “How fucking dare you look this good in my house, in front of my fake plants nonetheless!”
Yoongi lifts a brow in amusement before taking a hold of your waist and drawing you flush against his broad chest. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
You gasp and slap his shoulder. “I can’t with you, I swear to god.”
Yoongi laughs loudly, showing off a heart shattering gummy smile that has your heartbeat picking up at an alarming rate.
“Are you actually mad?” He runs a hand up and down your back. You curse yourself for putting on your winter garment, wanting more than anything to feel his fingers on you.
“Yes, I am! How am I supposed to watch the musical when you look like this?” You pout angrily. 
“So dramatic..” 
And just like that he stops you from responding by locking his lips onto yours, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss before biting lightly at your bottom lip, tearing a soft whimper out of you.
He slowly backs you up against the wall, using the surprised gasp you emit to slide his tongue against your own, licking languidly and relentlessly as you try to take charge, failing time and time again.
You slide your hand all the way up to the back of his head, tugging lightly at the soft locks of hair, something you’ve been desperate to do since he appeared at your doorstep. 
Yoongi emits a deep groan, shivers instantly pricking at your skin despite the warm clothing you’re wearing and you slide your other hand up to the button of his jacket, wanting nothing more than to take it off and feel his warm skin sizzling under your palms.
But he parts from your lips just as your hand reaches the obstructing button and chuckles hoarsely,
“We can’t miss this show, love. Tae would be sad and you’d feel bad.”
“Damn, I hate that you’re right.”
Yoongi rests his forehead against yours and lightly shakes his head. “Believe me, I hate that I am too.” 
You stay there, catching your breaths for a few moments before you speak up again,
“Alright let’s go now, otherwise we won’t be leaving tonight.”
You see his jaw twitch as he steps away and takes your hand in his. 
“I’m in pain,” He solemnly declares.
You chuckle heartily,
“So dramatic.”
You arrive at the theater a mere thirty-something minutes before the musical Taehyung stars in begins, the billboard announcing ‘Chicago’ in bright capital letters.
You notice Seokjin and Hoseok almost as soon as you make your way in after dropping off your things at coat check.
They’re leaning against a high circular table and chatting, flutes of champagne in hand.
Seokjin speaks first,
“We were starting to wonder if you guys decided to bail on us to go have sex at Yoongi’s place or something.”
You give him a mortified look while Hoseok loudly chortles, gripping his stomach as he does so.
Yoongi lets out a drawn out sigh. “I need a drink.”
Seokjin perks up. “Let me accompany you! There’s a bit of a line.” 
He downs his own flute in one gulp as Yoongi sends a pained look your way but follows the older man nonetheless, leaving you and Hoseok alone.
The silence that reigns over the both of you feels awkward and strange. You don’t like it, not one bit.
“How is he?”
You snap your gaze towards the red haired man.
“Who?” You question futilely, already knowing the answer.
Hoseok sighs, a downcast look in his eyes. “Jimin..” 
You pick at your nails nervously, unsure if you should be talking about it or not. You ultimately decide it couldn’t hurt to do so. 
“I mean.. how do you think? You know him, he’s taking it pretty badly but he wouldn’t talk about it or what really happened. He’s resilient though, he’ll manage.”
“I know.. I’m just-“ He pauses. “I’m just kinda confused and lost right now? I didn’t expect this, at all. And I’ve wanted him to tell me that he loves me for so long, even dreamt about it. But I met Lia a few weeks ago and it’s going well you know? She’s kind and I know exactly what she thinks and where she’s at..”
You didn’t know about any of this. “Lia?” 
“Yeah, I met her at a party. You’d like her a lot I think.” He shoots you a half-hearted smile, making your heart sink. 
Hoseok doesn’t do half-hearted smiles.
“If you do, I’m sure I would too.”
Hoseok stares at the floor, eyebrows furrowed, like he’s deep in thoughts.
You sigh and ruffle his hair. “Whatever you do, I’ll be happy for you. As long as you know you’re making the right decision for you. Not anyone else.”
Hoseok eyes you almost pleadingly. “But no matter what I do, someone’s going to end up hurting..”
“Yup. That’s just the way things go most of the time.” You try to swallow the uptick of emotions in your throat.
“You’re such a pessimist,” The corner of his eyes crinkle in amusement.
“I have nothing to say in my defense.”
You notice Yoongi and Seokjin coming back your way, holding three flutes of champagne.
You give Hoseok a meaningful look, “Seriously though, think about it. I don’t want you to regret your decision later on, whatever that decision is.”
He nods harshly, just as the two men come up to you. Yoongi hands you a flute.
“Thanks,” You beam at him, touched that he thought to bring you one too.
He snakes an arm around your waist and takes a small sip of the bubbly drink. “Of course.”
“So, what role is Taehyung playing anyway?” Hoseok asks.
You perk up, excited about your friend’s upcoming performance. “Roxie! It’s a gender swapped reinterpretation of Chicago.”
“Damn, he basically got the lead role.” Yoongi whistles, impressed.
You preen with pride for your friend.
“He did,” Seokjin confirms in an adoring tone.
“Sweet!” Hoseok exclaims, drawing in a few pair of curious eyes.
You all drink your flutes pretty quickly and make a stop at the restroom before heading inside the theater and taking your seats.
You sit at the end of the row, Yoongi directly to your left, then followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. You apply a thin layer of lip gloss before tucking the stick back into your purse, only then noticing Yoongi eyeing you, indecipherable emotions swimming in his dark orbs.
You lean closer and lay a hand on his thigh,
“Something on my face?”
Yoongi snorts. “Anything I could answer to that would be corny as fuck.”
You feel your face heat up and look down bashfully.
“Hey,” He lifts your chin up with his index finger. “I didn’t say I was done looking.”
“Oh my god Yoongi, stop.” You squeeze his thigh in warning, very thankful for the low lighting, otherwise you’re positive he would notice the bright red tint spreading all over your face.
“Cute,” He coos softly, caressing your cheek gently before draping his arm around your shoulders, you lean onto him . 
The musical soon starts, and it’s absolutely mind blowing. You don’t remember ever seeing something quite like it. Taehyung adds a lot of flair to it, and you might’ve seen him in other plays before, but this takes home the cake, in your opinion at least. Because he owns the stage, the role, the songs. 
He is the role.
But as much as you try to stay focused, you can’t help but let yourself peer at Yoongi from time to time, getting caught up in the way the light illuminating the stage creates all sorts of shapes and shadows upon his hypnotizing features.
He’s fucking stunning.
You leave your hand on his thigh all throughout the show, rubbing slow circles on his knee with your dainty thumb.
And you’re acutely aware of the occasional shivers coursing through Yoongi as you sometimes let your hand wander a bit further up his thigh, notice the way his jaw ticks when you lightly squeeze the muscular limb. You also notice how your heartbeat picks up its pace the longer you keep testing the man’s patience, as if maybe your little teasing might have even more of an effect on you than on him.
When the last musical number starts, you let your hand venture even further up, your fingers now almost reaching the place you want them to reach the most.
You feel Yoongi‘s muscle strain, almost missing the low groan that reverberates through him when he forcefully grabs your wrist in warning, which automatically sends a rush of heat through your whole body.
You chance a glance at his tense features, his clenched jaw, his eyes staring intently at the stage, and almost pout when he doesn’t give you any attention, simply keeping his steady and forcefull hold on your wrist, making it impossible for you to move your hand in any way. 
The play soon ends and you all get up, Yoongi lets go of your wrist to applaud and once he’s done, he gets a hold of your hand and interwines your fingers, sending you a dark menacing look as he does so.
The four of you quickly make your way to the front hall and you text your friend.
my queen [10:43]: we’re waiting for you in the front hall! you were fucking incredible tae omg
You feel Yoongi’s hold on your hand strengthen as you wait for a reply.
Taebear [10:45]: be there in 15, gotta wait for ppl to leave 
And so you all wait, eagerly discussing and praising your friend’s performance and the musical as a whole between the four of you.
Time goes by so quickly that you yelp in surprise when you notice your best friend making his way towards your group.
“Tae oh my fucking god!” You let go of Yoongi’s hand and run into Taehyung’s arms. “You were unreal up there.” 
You part from him to let everyone congratulate his performance, Hoseok clapping excitedly and crushing him into a fierce hug while Yoongi simply pats him on the shoulder.
“You were born to be on stage sweetie,” Seokjin approaches him and lays a passionate kiss on the younger man’s lips.
They exchange a few words before Taehyung addresses you, his head laying on Seokjin’s large shoulders,
“I know we planned to go somewhere after this but I’m officially drained. Rain check? Y’all still owe me a celebratory meal.” 
You snort loudly. “All good babe. Go rest, you need it.”
Hoseok ruffles Seokjin’s hair. “Can I catch a ride with you?”
“As long as you never, ever, touch my hair again, yes.” 
Taehyung chuckles airily, an endeared boxy grin etched upon his face as he glances adoringly at the older man. 
And so you all say goodbye and head towards your respective cars. You slump down the passenger side’s seat and tug your coat off, waiting for Yoongi to start the ignition. 
He drives out of the parking lot and onto the highway, glancing at you from time to time, not saying a single word. You feel anxiety bubbling up your chest and decide to break the tense silence,
“Are you dropping me off at home?” 
Yoongi chuckles almost menacingly. “Oh no, we’re sleeping at my place tonight.” 
“Umm.. since when?” You give him a quizzical look.
He clenches his jaw before replying,
“Since you decided to play a game you know you can’t win.”
You slide a hand up his thigh, your fingers brushing over his crotch, and relish in the sharp intake of air that reaches your ears. 
“What game?” You tease.
“Angel,” Yoongi rasps through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the wheel so forcefully that his knuckles turn white.
And you might be liking this a bit too much, but it’s way too fun to stop now. 
So you repeat the motion, sliding your hand up and down his thigh, brushing over his crotch again.
“Yes?” You flutter your eyelashes innocently. 
You barely even notice Yoongi taking the next exit and driving down small deserted streets until the car stops in a small parking lot next to the water.
You don’t recognize the public park in which you now find yourself in. 
“Uh, Yoongi? This isn’t your place as far as I know.”
The man lowers the backrest of the car seat to a more comfortable position, unfastens his seatbelt and grabs your hand, pushing it against the growing tent in his trousers, electrifying arousal growing sharply in your abdomen as he does so.
“Well, it seems like you couldn’t wait to be home to act like a brat. So go ahead, do what you want.”
You swallow thickly. “Here? What if someone walks past us?” 
Yoongi smirks and closes his eyes before bringing his arms up and slipping his hands behind his head. “Didn’t seem to bother you one bit earlier.”
And maybe it shouldn’t, but the thought of maybe getting caught, coupled with the alluring confidence emanating from Yoongi casts a hazy cloud in your mind, making you want to please the man more than anything in the world.
And so you unfasten your seatbelt and lift your skirt up to straddle the man easily. But he stops you before you can climb him,
You stare at him in sheer confusion. 
“That’s not what you were trying to do earlier. Use your hands angel, then we’ll see if you deserve more.” 
You all but shudder and nod weakly. Yoongi might’ve been a bit dominating before, but it was nothing compared to this. The confident, authoritative glint in his voice sends your mind into a frenzy, you want to get to know this side of him better.
He quirks a brow at you and closes his eyes again,
You snake a trembling hand up to the zipper of his trousers, struggling a bit before sliding it all the way down. You can feel how aroused he is, how hard his thick, warm length feels under the thin material of his underwear. It gives you a major boost of confidence, knowing how eager Yoongi actually is to feel you.
“Can you um..lift your hips,” You bashfully ask.
Yoongi blinks and chuckles amusedly before lifting his hips up and tugging his boxers and trousers halfway down, liberating his warm cock from the confines of his clothes. 
He watches carefully as you bring a hand up to your mouth and spit on it, his eyes darkening as soon as the thick saliva trickles down your palm.
His gaze only falters for a few seconds when you wrap your hand around him, and focuses again as soon as you start pumping him in slow, drawn out motions.
He stays silent, though immensely focused when you start going faster, swirling your wrist from time to time and applying a little more pressure when you reach his reddened tip, only to dive down again and again. 
His ragged breathing is the only thing that cues you in on how much he’s actually enjoying this and so, you ask with a tiny, shaky voice,
“Can I umm..”
The words don't come out. It’s not that you’re shy about doing it, It just feels weird to say out loud.
“Can you what?” He asks with a gravely low voice that sends a wave of shivers up your spine.
You look at him with pleading eyes as you continue sliding your hand up and down his length. Yoongi simply quirks a brow at you, refusing you mercy. 
“Can you what, love?”
You take a shallow breath and whisper, 
“Can I suck you off?”
You can almost sense the moment he breaks, it feels like the air inside the small car gets even more suffocating, making you lightheaded.
“Fuck, yeah, go on.”
A pleasurable knot forms itself in your stomach as you eagerly dive down to leave a teasing lick on the tip of Yoongi’s cock, the salty taste of precum coating your tongue deliciously.
You flick your tongue against the slit of his girth, smirking when you feel Yoongi jolt and moan quietly. He pushes away the strands of hair dangling in front of your eyes and grabs the rest of your hair in a messy bun, holding it in a firm but gentle grip.
He groans lowly when you slowly wrap your lips around him and slide down his length, pressing your tongue along his frenulum as you do so, and repeat the motion a few times, hollowing your cheeks to coax as much pleasure as you possibly can out of him. 
You come up for air for a few seconds before spitting on his cock and taking him back in your mouth, feeling every protruding vein on his thick member as you swirl your tongue around it. You rapidly pick up a faster pace, bobbing your head up and down as you hear a myriad of curses escape Yoongi’s lips.
It only makes you grow bolder and bolder and so you dive down lower, only stopping when your nose brushes against soft skin. You gag lightly and repeat the motion a second time, to the man’s greatest pleasure, if his choked guttural groan is anything to go by.
As soon as the tip of his thick length hits the back of your throat, you feel Yoongi bucking his hips forward, making you gag and cough loudly around him, saliva trickling down your mouth filthily. 
“Fuck I’m so sorry,” He tugs on your hair and lifts you up, the sharp sting sending a shock of pleasure through you.
You gasp for air and feel drool sliding along your throat, all the way down to the neckline of your dress, a few teardrops escaping your eyes.
“It’s ok.. I like it,” You rasp out as soon as you can breathe somewhat normally.
Yoongi groans. “Fucking hell, yeah? You like choking on my cock, angel?” 
You mewl in response, feeling a familiar wetness in between your legs slowly spreading to the inside of your thighs. 
“Can I fuck your mouth, mmhm? Can you do that for me?” He tilts your head upwards and brings you closer, his face now a few inches away from yours.
You nod frantically, more than excited by the prospect of Yoongi fucking into your mouth aggressively, using you as he pleases to get himself off. There’s nothing quite as tempting in the whole world. At least at this moment.
“You sure?” He wipes drool off your chin and gently strokes your flushed cheek with the back of his hand.
“Yes, please..”
“Begging to choke on my cock, for fuck’s sake.”
Yoongi bruisingly crashes his lips onto yours and devours your mouth with unbridled passion, instantly and greedily swallowing your whimpers as they reach your throat. 
He disconnects your mouths and breathes out unevenly. “You ready?” 
You nod eagerly and Yoongi guides you back to his painfully hard erection. You instantly wrap your lips around him, sighing in relief as soon as you do.
He growls mutedly. “Squeeze my thigh if you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, ok angel?”
You hum and tantalizingly lick the side of his length, which only makes him tighten his hold on your hair. 
He starts bucking his hips forward, and it’s slow at first, as he drags the tip of his erection against your warm tongue numerous times. But he soon picks up his pace, snapping in and out of your mouth rapidly before engulfing himself far down your tight throat, only stopping when he hears you gagging around him. 
Then he picks up an unhurried pace again and alternates between slow and fast, aggressive and gentle. You feel dizzy and completely fucked out, your underwear completely ruined by sheer arousal. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life.
You squeal in surprise when Yoongi lifts you up swiftly and kisses you feverishly, as if trying to taste each and every corner of your mouth with the help of his skilled tongue.
A thick trail of saliva connects both of your mouths when you part for air. Yoongi cups your cheeks and leaves a soft peck on your swollen lips, it has you seeing stars, your heart growing bigger in size at the care he exudes through his actions.
“Such a good girl for me.” 
You smile shyly at him and nuzzle the tip of his nose, pride blooming in your chest as you realize how good you’ve made him feel.  
“Come here angel.” 
He skirts your dress up to your hip bones and helps you straddle him, holding you in place as you settle somewhat comfortably on his lap. Your legs tremble furiously when you try to hold yourself up and you whine pitifully.
“Yoongi, I don’t think I can move my legs for long.”
He leaves a sweet peck on your lips before murmuring,
“I got you.”
Your heart soars as his words register and you dive down to the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses as you get rid of the bow around his collar. 
When the accessory is finally off, you leisurely unbutton his dress shirt, your fingers lingering longingly on the small expanse of his chest, now available to your rapacious hands.
You're thrown off guard when Yoongi drags the tip of his fingers against your covered core, spurring light jolts out of you as he teases you mercilessly for a few interminable seconds.
“Yoongi, please, I need you..” You sob out, your legs now shaking uncontrollably. 
“Just-, Give me a minute to make sure I don’t hurt you alright?”
“But I’m ready, please.” You plead brokenly, completely unbothered by how fucking needy you sound.
He takes a deep inhale, holding your waist with one hand before pushing your underwear aside and sliding two digits into you, his fingers meeting no resistance whatsoever.
You moan softly, and you think you could come just like this with how fucking aroused you are. 
“Fuck, you are ready.” 
Yoongi thrusts his fingers in and out of you, dragging them along your walls before slipping them out of you, much to your disappointment.
You whine and pout deeply. “I told you.”
“I know baby,” He soothes as he lightly slaps your cunt, making you shudder in his hold. 
He grips his own veiny girth, pumping it a few times while simultaneously holding your panties to the side before aligning himself with your entrance.
Your pout slowly morphs into a gasp when you feel his throbbing length sliding into you in one smooth motion, stretching you nicely around its circumference. 
“Oh fuck,” You harshly breathe out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head before coming back to focus on Yoongi’s.
The black haired man brings one hand to your hip and the other up to your throat, squeezing lightly as he steadily holds your gaze, burning lava swimming in his dark brown orbs. 
And that’s exactly how your whole body feels as Yoongi picks up a long languorous pace. Like lava, malleable, pliant and hot to the touch, like the only thing capable of laying a hand upon you would have to be something equally fiery. 
You always thought that Yoongi shared a lot of similarities with burning coal. Intoxicating, warm. Like if he wanted to, he could make you burn alongside him.
Though, if you’re being honest, you think you’ve been burning for quite some time.
You snap out of a daze like state when you feel Yoongi’s grip on your throat tightening and mewl loudly as he starts rapidly thrusting into you. He swirls his hips up and down and you can only hold on to his broad shoulders, gripping so harshly you might have left marks if it wasn’t for the jacket that the man hadn’t bothered to shrug off.
Then he slows down again, his shallow breath fanning over your face over and over again as you peer deep in his eyes, the knot in your abdomen tightening exponentially with every sharp thrust of his hips. 
You feel deft fingers crawling down your side, unzipping your dress in one quick motion before they tug the upper part of the garment down, your breast now bouncing up and down as Yoongi keeps fucking into you. 
He tweaks one of your pert nipples and latches his mouth on the other one, flicking and nibbling teasingly at it while you can only shiver in pure ecstasy.
A wanton moan slips past your throat when he suddenly picks up an unrelenting pace and you instinctively arch your back, deepening the angle at which he rams into you at full speed.
“Yoongi..” You whimper, bringing your forehead against his and the man soon cradles the side of your face. 
“Y-yeah?” He chokes out unevenly. 
Your vision focuses onto him as the rest grows blurry, you feel your orgasm at the tip of your fingers, tingling all over the extremities of your limbs, like a dam ready to burst at any moment.
“Don’t stop, fuck-“
Your head falls down on his shoulder and your peak washes over you in overwhelming waves, blinding you for a few moments as you hold onto his strong frame for dear life. You convulse and pulse steadily around him, clenching and unclenching while he continues his ministrations, his cock throbbing around your swollen folds.
“Babe-“ Yoongi starts, out of breath. “You need to get off, I’m gonna cum-” He rasps out, sinking his nails into the supple skin of your thigh.
And so you muster all the strength you can gather and lift your hips up, setting them back down as soon as you feel him slip out, much to your dismay.
He tries to grip himself but you beat him to it, pumping his veiny length fast and hard as Yoongi moans hoarsely and comes undone, spilling all over your hand in thick spurts of unrestrained pleasure.
You look into his eyes and bring your sticky hand up, licking away all traces of his white release while thoroughly maintaining eye contact. Yoongi stares at you with his mouth agape, breathing heavily and swallowing thickly.
“What are you doing to me,” He blinks and cards a trembling hand through his jet black hair, the other one softly caressing your bruised thigh.
“And what are you doing to-“ You abruptly stop, noticing light coming your way through the fogged up window. “Holy shit, someone’s coming!”
Yoongi sends you an alarmed look and lowers the backrest of his seat all the way down, making you lose your balance. You plant your hands on both sides of his body to try not to crush him under your weight and hide your face against his chest. 
“Are they close,” He whispers as he tries to cover your bare ass by laying a coat on top of your frame.
You roll your eyes against closed eyelids,
“I don’t know, I’d have to be able to see to tell you that.”
Yoongi swallows down a chuckle. “Fair enough.”
“Shhhh!” You whisper aggressively.
You both stay silent for a minute or two, your heart rates picking up when the light gets so close you can see it behind closed eyelids. But no one comes knocking on the window, and after a minute or two you lift your head up and tentatively take a peek outside.
“Oh my fucking god it was the cops, they didn’t see us,” You clasp a hand over your mouth and look at Yoongi with a mortified expression. “Can you imagine if they got here a few minutes ago.”
He glances at you with wide eyes before bursting into laughter, a wide grin appearing on his face. And you can’t help but follow suit, throwing yourself back against his chest as you both giggle endlessly.
“Oh shit, that was such a close call,” He wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You slap his chest playfully. “What a bad idea.”
“You weren’t complaining earlier,” He teases as he pulls your dress up and zips it back up, taking the opportunity to draw shapes along the expanse of your collarbone. 
You lay a long, soft kiss upon his pillowy lips, sinking into his hold for a few moments before murmuring against his lips,
“Let’s go home before someone else comes, yeah?” 
And he gives you such a tender look that you can’t help but feel so many things, things you don’t want to feel, things you’re scared of and can’t even mention out loud.
But you feel them still, simmering in your stomach comfortingly despite the terror lurking in your mind like a shadow.
“Yeah, let’s.”
“How are we this late?” 
Yoongi shoots you an unimpressed look.
“We’re late because someone decided to lay on the ground and cuddle Cat for at least a good ten minutes.” 
“Hey!” You yelp indignantly. “Cat looked like it needed cuddles.”
Yoongi slips his hand in yours as you both walk rapidly towards the bar’s main entrance.
“Cat always needs cuddles.”
“Ooo, reminds me of someone.”
The look of disgust on Yoongi’s face sends you into a raucous fit of laughter.
“Says you.”
You click your tongue, “Oh but I’m not afraid to admit it. You, on the other hand, will pretend you don’t want cuddles and affection, but you so do.”
“I’m leaving you on the side of the road tonight,” He deadpans, letting go of your hand and walking faster ahead. 
“That’s mean!” You holler and quicken your pace, grabbing his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder as the man wraps an arm around your waist.
You stop just a few feet away from the door and tug on his arm. “Yoongi.” 
“What is it?” He lifts his hand up to your cheek, carefully cradling it.
“Kiss me?” You give him your best puppy eyes.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but still leans down to lay a chaste (but fatal nonetheless) kiss upon your lips, stroking your cold cheek with the back of his thumb as he does so. 
You chase after his plush lips once he parts from you, earning you a low chuckle from the object of your affection, “Greedy.”
You pout, “So what.”
The barman shakes his head fondly. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
“You guys coming in or?” 
You both simultaneously turn towards the disruption, annoyed, just then noticing Namjoon holding the door open from the inside of the establishment.
The doorman shrugs and gives you a dimpled smile. “It’s freezing, I’m not gonna hold it forever.”
“Yeah we’re coming,” Yoongi mumbles as he slips his hand in yours and walks through the threshold.
You follow him as he steps up the stairs, an impish smile on your lips. “You’re holding my hand again.” 
He gives you a questioning look. “So what?” 
“You and Cat share a lot of traits, that’s all.”
“Oh fucking hell.”
Saturday night ends up being a pretty busy night, as usual, and so, time goes by so fast you barely have time to blink before the night is over.
You’re probing through your purse in the employees lounge when Yoongi’s voice reaches your ears, making you still in your movements instantly.
“I mean what do you want me to say Joon? I thought it might’ve been something special, but turns out it was only physical attraction and sex. I realized that not too long ago.” He sighs. “I feel fucking awful, but it is what it is.”
And if you thought you’d known heartbreak before, nothing could prepare you for the painful manner in which your stomach churns as Yoongi’s words sink in, or the way your heart feels like it’s been ripped from your chest, only to be aggressively stepped on again and again.
You don’t understand, can’t comprehend, how Yoongi can act the way he does when he’s with you, only to then say that the connection you share is merely physical, replaceable. 
You fight back tears as you make your way behind the bar, staring intently at the back of Yoongi’s black head of hair. 
“I mean it can be pretty hard to tell the difference between lust and love, I get it. They’re both so intertwined together most of the time.” Namjoon explains matter-of-factly.
“I mean what I did still sucks-“
“Yoongi..” You croak out, trying to the best of your abilities to keep it together, though you feel like you probably won’t succeed in doing so.
Both men turn around and look at you in surprise.
“I thought-“ Your voice cracks under the weight of overwhelming emotions tearing through your chest and up your throat.
You feel like throwing up, actually throwing up.
Yoongi’s surprised expression morphs into one of immense concern, he furrows his brows and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” He asks with urgency.
You shake your head frantically and step backwards as a teardrop rolls down your cheek treacherously. “I thought-“ You stop again. 
“I don’t.. I don’t know what I thought, it clearly doesn’t matter.” You turn on your heels and head back to the employees lounge, taking your purse and coat as Yoongi follows you and grabs your elbow, making you swivel around in a dizzying motion.
“Talk to me angel, what’s happening? What are you talking about? You’re scaring me..”
“Yeah well, maybe if you told me I was only a good fuck from the moment you figured it out, we wouldn’t be here right now.” You sneer angrily, hurt and shame engulfing you in a red fog of anger
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Woah, what are you talking about? I’m confused as fuck.” 
“So am I! I can’t talk to you right now Yoongi, I’ll take a cab home.”
You shrug his hands off and storm out of the lounge, not even noticing your friends' shocked stares as you almost run to the exit, too ashamed by your emotions to let them see you like this. 
Swinging the door open, you step down the street, only stopping in your tracks once you remember your car isn’t here and you need to order a cab.
And so you open the uber app and book a ride, ignoring a notification from Jimin as the screen informs you that your driver should be here in five minutes. You exhale sharply and close your eyes, reminding yourself to take deep breaths. 
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you hear a door being thrown open and footsteps inching closer to you.
“Angel what the fuck is going on, talk to me. I don’t understand, fuck, you know I don’t see you as just a good fuck I-“ Yoongi’s pleading voice tugs viciously at your heartstrings, tears now streaming down your face in an unrestrained manner.
“I heard you talking to Namjoon just now, Yoongi..” You hiccup brokenly.
Yoongi cups your face delicately and you avoid his troubled gaze, opting to look at the ground instead.
There’s a thin layer of snow glistening on the concrete. You hadn’t even noticed it had been snowing until now.
“Look at me please.” 
You shake your head no, knowing you would probably break down and full on sob if you did.
He brings his forehead against yours, his hold on both sides of your face steady and so comforting it only amplifies your confused state. 
“Look at me..” 
And you can’t ignore the way his voice breaks, so you sniffle loudly and slowly lift your gaze up, meeting teary dark pools of gloom as you do. 
“I wasn’t talking about you just now, Namjoon-ah asked about Sam.. You know I think so much more of you, why would you even think I’d treat you like this..”
A sob racks through your whole being as you shakily exhale and squeeze your eyes shut. “I didn’t- I’m sorry I just assumed the worst I-“ 
“Shhh, hey, it’s ok.” 
“But it’s not ok Yoongi.” You blink a few tears away and hold his gaze. “You give me absolutely no reason to doubt you, and yet.”
You inhale deeply before speaking again, your voice tiny and feeble, unfamiliar to your own ears, 
“How is this supposed to work -us- if I can’t bring myself to trust you?”
“Woah, what are you even saying? We’ll figure it out.” Yoongi soothes, a hint of anxiousness in his warm tone.
“No, you’re not listening. You deserve better than this, than me.” 
“That’s not true.”
Yoongi’s eyes glisten with unshed tears and you just know, at that exact moment, that you really do not deserve him. Because anybody responsible for this man’s tears and pain isn’t deserving of him, plain and simple.
A black car enters your field of view and halts in front of the bar’s facade, a few meters away from you and Yoongi. You recognize the little taxi sign on top of it.
“My cab is here,” You whisper, as you peck his cheek one last time and start heading towards the cab, walking away from a dejected Yoongi with a numb mind and shattered heart.
You want to go back to his arms, let yourself be happy and content in his secure hold. But you can’t, because you feel so much for him, too much. Too much love, admiration and affection, and you can’t hold him back.
You won’t.
a/n: im not crying it’s fine, we’re good. ok ok.. I’m sorry, I love you<3 as always your feedback and comments are ALWAYS appreciated, thank you<3
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sneakykpopblog · 1 year
Purple Everywhere
(Inspired by what Hobi said, I’m sorry, I’m on a road trip and feeling very creative)
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretaker: Yoongi
1k words
Warnings: Vomiting, alcohol, drunkenness
Yoongi should have known better than to let Hoseok have “one more sip” (not a sip, and not just one) of wine. Not when his eyes were already that droopy and he had only spoken three words in the past twenty minutes (“yeah”, “uh-huh”, and “yep”, respectively).
Now he looked even more out of it, and Yoongi feared he might not be feeling well because he’d stopped idly snacking and was just sitting there like he was in a trance: a distinctly unpleasant one.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi hardly dared to ask at this point.
Not a minute later, Hoseok bolted up from the table and ran. He disappeared around the corner, but that didn’t stop Yoongi from hearing the sickening splatter that meant he hadn’t quite made it. Yoongi got up as well to find Hoseok braced with one arm against the wall, almost falling into the brightly-colored mess on the floor.
Hoseok heaved again, and Yoongi wrinkled up his nose. Purple, all over his nice rug, and the floor, too. Ha. Purple. And a little on the baseboard, too, how nice.
“Sorry,” Hoseok rasped.
“Are you done?”
“Bathroom.” Hoseok didn’t move. “Bathroom, Hoseok.” Yoongi took him firmly by the arm and half-supported, half-dragged him into the bathroom and lowered him to the floor in front of the toilet. “Stay here. If you need to throw up again, right there.”
Hoseok looked mournful.
“I’m coming back,” said Yoongi, just in case his drunk friend got any ideas of trying to stand up and follow him. “Stay right here.”
It wouldn’t be the fist time Yoongi had cleaned vomit off a floor because someone had overestimated their ability to run to a bathroom in time. (Sometimes that someone had been himself. And poor Jimin after the American Fried Fish Incident)
“I can- I can clean,” Hoseok called from the bathroom in a voice as wobbly as a candle flame on a windy day.
“You’re drunk.”
The floor and the baseboard were easy. The rug… Yoongi didn’t like its chances to not be purple forever, but maybe a thorough deep-cleaning could salvage it. At least it wasn’t white.
Hoseok sounded pretty miserable in the bathroom, and Yoongi stuck his head in to make sure he wasn’t dying. He wasn’t. He was, however, hunched over throwing up again, thankfully over the toilet this time. Yoongi moved the rug to be better dealt with later, threw away his cleaning gloves, and scrubbed his hands like Lady Macbeth. Then he got a cup of water from the kitchen and went back to Hoseok.
“I threw up again,” said Hoseok sadly.
“Yeah.” Yoongi offered him the water. “Rinse your mouth.”
Hoseok shied away from the water and gagged over the toilet again, this time only bringing up a little purplish liquid. It sounded painful anyway. Yoongi rubbed gently between his shoulder blades.
“Ew,” said Hoseok eloquently when he was done.
Yoongi offered him the water again, which he made a face at.
“Just rinse your mouth.”
Hoseok looked bewildered. “Like mouthwash?”
Hoseok struggled to get up, but he didn’t get very far.
“Where are you going?”
“To rinse?”
“Right here.” Yoongi succeeded in getting him to take the cup.
“The sink…”
“You can spit in the toilet. It’s okay.”
Hoseok made a disgusted face at it. “That’s gross.”
“You already threw up in it.”
“You’re right.”
He rinsed his mouth without any further complaint, but Yoongi knew the hardest part was still to come.
“I bet you want to sleep,” he said sweetly.
“Yeahhhh…. I’m so floppy.” Hoseok demonstrated this by flopping over and forcing Yoongi to catch him. Water sloshed out of the cup in his hand. “Oops.”
“Don’t worry,” said Yoongi. “Two sips of that and you can lay down.”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Well, you need to.”
“Can I blow my nose?”
Yoongi gave him a tissue for the purpose and tried to ignore him, which was hard with Hoseok still leaning awkwardly into him.
“Ugh, did I puke through my nose?”
“Probably a little. That’s pretty normal,” he added quickly. “Drinking water helps.”
“Don’t wanna throw up again.”
“You won’t,” Yoongi (probably) lied.
Hoseok looked incredulous, but he was drunk and trusting, and he drank a few sips of water without further argument. After a moment’s thought, Yoongi helped him to his feet and led him by the hand to his guest room, where he made him sit down on the bed and tucked him in in his clothes.
“I can sleep on the couch,” said Hoseok.
“It’s easier to change sheets than to clean a couch. I’m much happier this way.”
“Mmm.” Hoseok snuggled a pillow.
“I’ll be right back. Stay awake.” He brought a trash can to put by the side of the bed and water for the bedside table. “If you need to throw up any more, try to use the trash can.” As a precaution, Yoongi dragged the other rug out of harm’s way.
“Okay. Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad. I’d just rather not have to clean my floor again.”
“Okay, thanks. Sorry.”
He was too cute to be mad at anyway. Yoongi smoothed his unruly hair. “It’s okay.”
Hoseok leaned a little into his touch. “Staying?”
He should probably keep an eye on him. “Okay. I need to change real quick.”
He felt a little guilty for making Hoseok sleep in his clothes, but helping someone that drunk change was outside Yoongi’s skill set. He expected Hoseok to already be asleep when he returned, but he was still awake to make grabby hands at him when he climbed into bed. Yoongi indulged him and gave his hand a warm little squeeze.
“You’re so niiiice.”
Yoongi felt a little flash of warmth. “You’re easy to be nice to. Go to sleep.”
“M’really drunk.”
“Yeah. Face that way, I’ll rub your back.”
Hoseok gave him a dopey smile.
“You have to turn around, though.”
It took a minute for Hoseok to register what he’d said, but eventually he did flop ungracefully onto his other side. Now hopefully safer from the possibility of being thrown up on in the night, Yoongi lightly scratched Hoseok’s back until he fell asleep, which was only about a minute.
In the morning, a mostly lucid and very apologetic Hoseok offered to get his rug cleaned, and Yoongi took him up on it.
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
Hii could you write Namjoon with a high fever and vomiting and caretaker of your choice?
Sorry the request took so long but here it is :).
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretaker:Yoongi and slight Hoseok
From the moment Yoongi woke up this morning he knew there something was wrong with Namjoon. Now yes that may sound weird or slightly rude but the rapper had his reasons, You see Namjoon and Yoongi have known each other and have been roommates for ages. For so long in fact that they know each others sleeping positions.
So when Yoongi noticed his dongsaeng twisting and turning uncomfortably in his bed the night before, he knew something probably wasn't right as Namjoon sleeps still and spread out in the sheets. 'What could be up with him' he wonders, pulling the covers over his head to think before dozing back off.
*Beep beep beep*
namjoon's alarm goes off shocking the older man awake, he looks down at the time it's 7:30 everyone needs to be up and ready before eight or they'll be late to dance practice. He stretches and makes his way to the bathroom, he glances over at Namjoon's bed to see it empty, he must have woken up before the alarm so he's probably downstairs.
Or at least that's what Yoongi thought before he opened the bathroom to see Namjoon's pale figure hunched over the sink. "Joon? Are you okay?" Yoongi asks in concern gently placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. The sudden touch makes namjoon lurch forward causing him to spit a string of yellow bile into the sink.
The younger rapper wipes his mouth and points to the thermometer on the counter, "I think I'm sick" he mumbles in response. Yoongi grabs the small device and reads the temperature, "38.5 degrees. That's not good buddy.." Namjoon moans softly in agreement before letting out another mouthful of vomit.
Before yoongi can ask his next question the bathroom door suddenly swings open, it's Hoseok and he doesn't seem happy. "What are u guys doing up here we have to leave in 10 minutes and you're still not-" Namjoon bends over the sink again throwing up his dinner from last night. "Woah, Namjoon are you okay?" his tone instantly changes.
"Sorry Hobi, I think he's caught some kind of bug?" Yoongi states in all honesty he's not entirely sure what Namjoon's got but he knows it's not good. "Oh no my poor Joonie," Hoseok coos though his tone suddenly becomes a bit more serious "Do you think you'll be able to come to rehearsals and that today?"
" 'M really sorry but I don't think I can hyung, I really don't feel good at all," Namjoon says through a grimace. Hoseok nods and kisses the poorly boy on the top of his head "I'll go tell the others okay, Yoongi can u stay back and look after him?"
Yoongi smiles before answering "Sure I'll take care of him and I'll let the managers know we won't be there as well"
"Alright see you later then hyung " Hobi smiles back and feel better soon Joon!"
"Thanks, Hobi hyung"
Before the other boys leave for dance practice they come to the leader's room and give him goodbye hugs and squeezes, wishing for him to feel better soon and to not get sick anymore.
After they're gone Yoongi brings the sick man a cup of water and some pepto bismol, "Here you go, hopefully, this will calm your stomach down a bit" A small grin spreads across Namjoons face, "I love Pepto Bismol" he mutters. "I know u do silly, Yoongi chuckles, now drink up so u can stop puking every 5 minutes"
"I do not!" Namjoon protests his cheeks and ears lightning up with a tinge of red as he says so.
"Yeah? Well your ears and frankly your stomach says otherwise"
Namjoon laughs and rolls his eyes "Whatever"
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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I took so long to write this!! Please forgive me and I'm sorry if it wasn't worth the wait! 🙏🏾💜
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sickybubbies · 2 years
Morning Blues: Hoseok
S/O Sickness Series (1/7)
Synopsis: Hoseok's wife is suffering from morning sickness, he tries to help her despite having a very weak stomach himself.
A/N: doing something a little different this time! Tell me how you guys like it!
Warning: Graphic descriptions of vomit/vomiting, anxiety.
His wife is so, so nauseous this morning. She can't stop moving, can't stop burping. The sound of her retching draws Hoseok's concern like a magnet, the hairs on his neck prickling. A weak stomach isn't so much a weak stomach, more like a stomach in a body that's too susceptible to sensory stimulation. Everything makes him squeamish, everything—he almost gags as he passes the bathroom door.
Hoseok lingers outside the bathroom door. He doesn't think he could stomach the sight of another puddle of vomit without adding to it himself, so he waits for his wife's voice. "Hey. Feeling any better yet?"
This is what he feared most. The retching sounds come first, followed by a wet splash of her vomit spilling back onto the bowl. Hoseok's body begins to quake as he tries his hardest to keep from adding to the puddle, his nails digging into the flesh on the inside of his palms.
His heart shatters in two as his poor wife struggles in vain to reassure him. "Darling..." he says, his tone trembling and desperate. "Oh, my god. Darling, I— I'm coming in."
Hoseok gently closes the door and rushes to his wife's side. She's so pale, so sweaty, so fragile. His hand rests atop her belly with the gentlest of touches. "I'm going to get you some water. Just sit tight, darling." His voice is as gentle and soft as she is ill and miserable; jaw clenching in slight worry in case she starts heaving in front of him.
He hurries to the kitchen, his head swimming with worries. The sight of his wife's fragile form wracked by illness made his chest ache. In the moments that he's gone, his wife's belly rumbles, a low, throaty growl of a noise. The retching begins again, this time with him out of direct earshot of her cries of anguish.
His stomach flips and he claps his hands over his mouth before he can vomit. Hoseok is already feeling like he might keel over at any time. "She's okay. She's okay... I just need to get her water..." he mumbles to himself, it is enough to make him nauseous too.
It's spreading through his veins, his stomach heaving. "Fuck.." he murmurs to himself, his chest feeling hollow, his skin cold as ice. "I'm coming I promise!" He yells out to her.
The smell of sewage and bile swirls in his nostrils, the sounds of his wife's tortured retching only making his own stomach twist even harder. He's already pale; he might be even paler now.
Then comes the wave of heat, washing over him in a sickening wave of prickling. He knows what's coming, what his body is telling him. "I can't do th—achk!"
He barely makes it into the sink in time.
An awful, low, gut-wrenching sound. A deep, guttural heave; it almost sounds like a moan. He can already feel the saliva building in his mouth, and the bile burning in his throat. His entire chest is shaking now, rattling as if every muscle is spasming.
His stomach releases a torrent of thin, yellow bile, the smell of it making his eyes roll. The backs of his knees feel weak, his toes curl against the cool floor beneath him.
"I can't be like this..." he whines, leaning fully into the sink and letting the vomit spill back into its depths. His fingers tremble. He's got no control over his body at this point, his mind is empty. A wet, splashing sound; it's coming from both directions. "H... Ugh... Ugh!"
His stomach spasms and, like a volcano, a lava of half-digested food erupts from his throat and sputters into the sink. He clutches the counter beneath him; his palms are slick, his jaw is in pain. As the worst of the retching passes, his body is wracked by the most violent of seizures.
A wet sound assaults his ears as the vomit rises and rises within him. His cheeks sink, his lips curl. He makes a sound then: a low, moaning whimper that doesn't have the strength to be voiced any higher. His throat convulses with heaving coughs as he spews, eventually just as he began, it all comes to an abrupt stop. His hands fall to his sides and his eyes close. "Christ..."
His head dips down and rests on the sink. He's pale as a corpse now, his body trembling and sweating under his clothes from the effort of emptying his stomach. "Why do people... get this? Why did this happen? What if she heard me?”
Hoseok's head jerks up, his eyes wide and wild. The room is spinning; the only static point is his wife, standing before him. Her arms hang by her side, her hair in shambles. His chest heaves and he staggers. "Darling..." he pants. "I'm so sorry... I—" He looks like he could vomit again for a second time.
"I tried to hold it in," he manages, fighting a sudden wave of nausea. "I tried so hard, but..." He feels like he's sweating bullets, and he probably is. He begins to wonder if maybe he's sick. This must be how he looked to her just thirty seconds ago... he can only imagine now. "I'm sorry," he rasps.
A moment between the two passes. Y/N's soft hands lift to his face. His eyes squeeze shut, forehead against hers. This is what he feared most. For his wife to see him like this—it would be the end of the fantasy. He has a weak stomach. She knows that he has a weak stomach, but she's never seen it. But here he is, pale and trembling like a leaf in a storm.
The embrace is comforting, and he rests his head on her shoulder. A long sigh falls from his lips. "Darling... what am I going to d-do..." he stammers. Her back is so warm, but his cheeks feel like ice. He can't stop shaking. "I can't be... like this... not in front of you..."
"Hoseok it's okay, you can't help that you have a weak stomach. It's okay baby"
Hoseok sniffs back his tears. It's a humiliating feeling, being this weak. But his heart breaks and his shoulders hunch when his poor wife calls him 'baby'. He's always been the strong one, the resilient one; he's never been the one who needed to be nurtured. "Hnnh... You don't mind? I— I'm sorry... I really am..."
"It's okay," she speaks again, voice as comforting as the touch of her fingers. She strokes his cheek, and the action melts all of his fear and anxiety. No one has made Hoseok feel like this before, and he's glad it's her. "Just take your time... it's okay..." she tells him again, rubbing his side comfortingly.
Slowly, he steps away. His hand is still gripping her hand, his thumb gently caressing her knuckle as he gazes up at her face. His wife looks tired as well, as though her battle had left her worn out. Hoseok's gaze softens, a sweet, sympathetic look as he looks to her and simply says, "You okay?"
She nods in response, leaning up and pressing a kiss on his forehead. "I'm okay, I feel better. Just tired, I've washed up already"
"Mmm... Okay, darling. Come on..." Hoseok gently picks his wife up and moves through the house, carefully laying her in bed and tucking her into the blankets. His eyes are sleepy as he turns to the bathroom to wash his hands, cleaning off his sweaty, vomit-clotted face and rinsing out the sour taste from his mouth.
When he's back in the bedroom, Y/N is already in a deep sleep. Hoseok lays down beside her, his head propped on his arm as he gazes down at her pregnant belly. As he watches it gently swell, he relaxes more, letting Y/N slip further into the quiet, soothing embrace of sleep.
"Oh, you are such a menace, you little rascal." He shakes his head and presses a kiss against his wife's belly. "You keep trying to make her so sick, don't you?" This, Hoseok does. With a tender pat to the tummy, he says, "That's right. You better not do that again today." He smiles, watching as the bump rises and falls, the soft motion of Y/N's breaths.
His eyes droop, his face relaxing into a smile and then a yawn as he lets the darkness take him. In his arms, his wife is still, her body sleeping peacefully in the bed. In that room, it is peaceful; the family is together as they doze for the rest of the morning.
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spookyserenades · 1 year
Soo I hope you're ready for this, because it's gonna be a doozy. I have so many emotions over this story, I cannot tell you. Thank you so much for writing Trouvaille, I feel like it's been something I've been missing all my life. From the very first chapter, you've been able to create a world where anything and everything is possible with our favourite boys. My heart cannot handle it.   I do have a few questions though. Let's go by each member. 
For Joonie: how could you do this to me? This is my favourite depiction of Namjoon. Especially wolfie Namjoon. Everything is right, it just fits.  From the attitude, how he was trying to flex on everyone from the first day, to him loving sweets and being a complete bookworm, it's all so good. I can definitely see this version of Namjoon living in a trailer in the middle of a national park and being obsessed with Bigfoot lol. I also enjoyed how you were able to show how he can be uncomfortable with his emotions. After the incident, when he was trying to apologize to Y/N and he seemed lost and awkward, I really felt that. He's been a lone wolf for so long, it's really not surprising he may be a tad bit emotionally constipated. I definitely know the feeling lol. 
Taehyung: I can't. I cannot with this version of Tae. I love how he is, and his backstory. It's so interesting! How did you come up with it? I've read quite a few hybrid stories, and I can honestly say I've never read a backstory like his before. Poor Tae Bear. I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and cuddle him. He is too good for this world. I love how he was so quick to warm up to Y/N, it's so cute. How he came running when he heard her scream from her bathroom, and went all inspector mode to see if anyone was in there attempting any harm. Ahh.. my heart.
Seokjin: What a backstory for Jin. I was at the edge of my seat reading the last chapter. Why am I not surprised his previous owners would dump him at a shelter when they have no more use for him. He put his heart and soul into performing, and they just discarded him like he was nothing. I would definitely have a few choice words for them, I'd start throwing hands. >:(  The last chapter was amazing. How he felt safe enough to tell Y/N his backstory, his fears, and talk about Hannah. Please tell me we will get a chance to meet Hannah. Please tell me she didn't perish in the accident. Pretty please 
Yoongi: My favourite relationship in this story so far is between Y/N and Yoongi. From the very beginning, it's like they had an understanding. They definitely knew each other in another life, I love how you added that to the story! How he looks after her, doesn't mind cooking and even lets her get away with all that she does, she has him wrapped around her little finger. And he lets her!! Yes. Yes to everything.  I love how protective he is over her- I almost combusted reading the drabble for my boys - yes Yoongi, feel jealous and overprotective of your girl! He gave her the biggest cinnamon roll with the most icing... I squealed. Also, that scenting scene was hot. I hope they have more scenes together in the future.
Hoseok: Ahh Hobi.. the sunshine of the group. Yes to being a cheeky boy. It's like he's been on Y/N's side from the very beginning. He is the one that I've been wondering about the most in this story. Is he going to be able to get over his fear of wolves? Is he ever going to get Y/N to do yoga with him? Are we ever going to meet Keaon, and if so, will a certain foxy be jealous?  So many questions! Also, in the last chapter, when he was whistling his tune and she asked him about it, was that a sort of mating call? I tried looking it up, but I didn't get anywhere with it lol.
Jimin: Ahh Jiminie.. yes. His whole aesthetic - hair slicked back, jean wearing cowboy with the Clark Kent hairstyle. Yes. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I went back to read the chapter where everyone got their hair cut. Out of all the cuts, this one is top notch. I must admit, I did not expect Jimin's backstory in this. Are we going to find out more about why he left home? Does it have anything to do with his family? He has a sister, are we going to meet her as well? Will she like Y/N? So many questions!! 
Jeongguk: Last but cerainly not least, Kookie. My spooky gothic angel. I love his aesthetic in this as well. When you said you were going for a Constantine vibe with him.. I can assure you, you did it. Very very well lol. His attitude with the other guys and with Y/N has me feeling a certain type of way. Poor guy seems like he's been through quite a bit. But I like how he's had his troubles and tribulations with everyone, and he's slowly opening up. His birthday chapter was so cute, he seemed so distrusting of Y/N at the beginning, but he came through at the end. Can we get a drabble of the party as well? I'd love to see how he felt.  Anyways, this post is too long so this is the end of it lol. I cannot wait for October 7th. It cannot come fast enough. Thank you for all you do Dana! 
Hi hello how are you my love!!! 🥰 Thank you so so much for sending me in this lovely feedback! I hope you don't mind a late response, I wanted to answer each of your questions to the best of my ability since you have sent me so much love. Thank you for loving and supporting Trouvaille so much, I'm so grateful and happy that I get to share the story and these boys with you! You're too kind, and I really appreciate you and your love! So I, too, will go member by member for you as well;
Joon: HEHE AHHH It makes me super happy and excited that you love this version of Joonie!! He is my main bias in BTS (I'm hyung line biased, I wonder if it's obvious...) But I loved giving him a little attitude and edge. I feel like it fits his Virgo energy, as well as going hand in hand with being a wolf hybrid. Still though, him being bookish and very into eating sweets are some qualities IRL Namjoon has, and I definitely wanted to keep some of their real personality traits in this story as well. I love Namjoon's past in Trouvaille, it will be revealed piece by piece as the story goes on since he's pretty private (and we'll see even more of it in the eventual release of his prequel!) Namjoon is based loosely off of Fox Mulder from the X-Files, so that's where the Bigfoot/cryptid/paranormal interest comes from. Namjoon has a "lone wolf" complex that we'll see him struggle with throughout the plot, so a lot of human emotions are difficult for him to process and express. I love the term you used-- "emotionally constipated" 💀, that's TOTALLY what he is... I doubt he has ever had to apologize to someone like that. It was definitely new to him!
Taehyung: Kodiak Tae is my baby, my boyfriend... He's a sweet boy!! I'm glad that you like his backstory and find it interesting. It was kind of a risk to incorporate something like a murder within a backstory of one of the boys, but I think that it's added some interest and mystery to his character-- he's not all rainbows and sunshine, he's got darker origins. Most of the boys I have based off of characters from my favorite books/films/shows. As for Tae, I based his backstory off of the TV show Twin Peaks, and a slew of characters from that show, primarily Josie Packard, Big Ed and Audrey Horne. There is a large part of that show that takes place in a logging plant (that's where Tae was working prior to his adoption), so that's where that part of his backstory came from. Other than that, I wanted him to have a sort of Seattle grunge rock vibe, and some skeletons in his closet to counteract his shy and sweet nature. He is such a love though, he really warmed up to Y/N and her personality. And that scene where he ran into the bathroom... he was checking for intruders, ready to beat them up if they dared to break into Y/N's bathroom!! 👹
Seokjin: I love a good dark circus aesthetic! I think that it fits Seokjin in Trouvaille well. He has that pretty face, athletic build, and such a stage presence. It is horrible that in the Trouvaille universe, many companies and people discard hybrids once deemed "damaged" or "useless". Seokjin likely put his all into performing, and was easily damaged-- no wonder he, too, is clingy like Tae. Y/N, like you, is ready to burn the whole circus down for him!!! I'm so happy you liked the last chapter and the focus on some of Seokjin's backstory. It was really fun to finally reveal some of his past to the readers. He definitely feels safe with Y/N, especially because she treats him so gently and doesn't have outrageous expectations for him. As for Hannah- we'll find out a little more about her in the next chapter, and in the future as well! She will definitely be touched upon again, so don't worry! 😉
Yoongi: I could cry!!! 🥺 Yoongi and Y/N's relationship is my favorite so far, as well. I love nothing more than Yoongi's gentle, doting, and selfless personality, and it totally reflects in his character in Trouvaille. The two of them have this almost unspoken connection, and it is very mysterious. I am such a fan of past-life lover stories, so I had to incorporate it at least a little bit in Trouvaille. I classify Yoongi as a househusband in this story, which is a dream of many. Whether Y/N knows it or not, she has Yoongi eating out of the palm of her hand (she's too enamored with him to notice). His love language seems to be acts of service. Anything he can do to make her life easier, he does-- and he definitely gets affection in return. Their piano lessons together... UGH! I'm so jealous, I want that relationship LOL. He is certainly one of the more possessive and jealous ones (Joon and Tae, too) but it's almost like he wants to steal her away for himself! He indulges her so much.. the cinnamon roll AH all she had to do was flirt with him a little! And his scenting scene was my FAVORITE too, so I'm happy you liked it as well. There is certainly more of that coming.
Hoseok: Hobi is just so! I love him so so much. Like Y/N, foxes are my favorite animal. I think the cleverness and quickness of a fox fits Hoseok's personality and vibe well. He is one of the hybrids more shrouded in mystery, and has a tough time opening up, perhaps because he had been waiting so long to be adopted and many of his previous adoptions had fell through. He and Y/N have like a bestie connection, and she feels totally at ease with him. Often, he's the one to break up tension, and he is most similar to Y/N, personality wise (extroverted, optimistic). Y/N is going to try her best to help him get over his wolf phobia, but he likely has a long road ahead of him to sort that out-- I don't see him becoming super chummy with Namjoon right away. Keon may make a comeback in the future, I'm excited that you remembered him! I think not only will Hoseok be jealous, but the rest of them as well... A hybrid from her past? Drama! The whistle: like the others, Hoseok is based off of a film character, his being Mr. Fox from Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox. In the film, Mr. Fox has a "signature" or "trademark" whistle/click noise he makes, and that is what Hoseok does.
Jimin: Hnnnnggg I adore blonde Jimin, it's one of his best looks. I have such a clear image in my mind of his really classic looking haircut (suitable for a cowboy, LOL) with the piece of hair in his face... woof. I loved the haircut chapter, it was self indulgent and gave me the opportunity to give them all my favorite looks on them LMAO. His backstory is one of the more "out there" ones, but it's different than the others and I hope you'll find it interesting when we hear more about it in the future! We'll find out why he wanted to leave home, especially when it seems like it is one of the more comfortable ways for a hybrid to live. I will say, it has more to do with Jimin's dreams and ambitions, rather than any quarrels with his family. There is a definite possibility that we'll meet his sister in the future, as well--Y/N will likely want to reunite them even for a few days, if she can. Y/N seems to be pretty happy go lucky and likable, so I'm sure Jimin's sister would approve, especially when she sees how much Y/N cares for her brother.
Jeongguk: The Constantine movie with Keanu Reeves has to be one of my favorite movies, like ever. I'm stoked that you think I've accomplished the aesthetic with Jeongguk! He happens to be one of the more self indulgent characters that I wrote into Trouvaille. I love a gothic sort of bad boy, and the paranormal investigator vibe fits him super well. Even IRL, Jeongguk has expressed interest in paranormal topics before, so I think it is true to him. He has quite an abrasive and temperamental personality in Trouvaille, which I think is refreshing for Jeongguk in fics. There is a reason for the way he acts and his prickliness, and when he feels like he can open up more and doesn't have to be so distrustful and defensive, he will. He is slowly becoming more comfortable in his environment, sharing it with the other hybrids, and with Y/N's presence, as well. I think he realizes now that she isn't there to betray him. His birthday was so so so fun to write, and allowed us to not only see a softer side of him, but get some of his backstory as well. I will jot down that drabble idea, I really think that would be a blast to write!
Thank you a million times for sending in all of your thoughts, I really enjoyed hearing them all 🥺, and I hope I could provide you with new insights! I can't wait to share Chapter Ten with you on the 7th, and I'm sending you so much love! Thank you for reading and supporting Trouvaille! 🩷😘
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yoongisleftshoulder · 2 years
BTS Reacts: Their S/O Has Chronic Insomnia
Jin loves you to death and hates to see you suffering, especially when you aren't capable of doing a basic human function. It breaks his heart to see you cry from exhaustion and see your eyelids get heavier and heavier, knowing that as soon as your head would hit the pillow, you would be wide awake and still up at sunrise. He would be the type to buy you special types of teas and even an air humidifier to soothe you. Jin would also do everything in his power to keep you comfortable during the night because he often had a difficult time staying up too late and would usually fall asleep while you were still awake.
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As much as Yoongi loved being warm and cozy underneath a pile of blankets, whisked away in dreamland, he also knew what it was like to spend countless nights wide awake much later than normal. He wouldn't outright say that he was worried for you; he would tell you with his actions. It wasn't uncommon to share the unusual hours of the night next to him on the couch, plopped in front of the living room tv. Even if you insisted that he return to bed and apologized for waking him up, he would brush you off and brew a cup of hot tea to help you relax. Eventually, he would need to sleep but he would do his best to stay up as late as possible with you and help you in any way he could.
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Poor J-Hope. He would be so desperate to help his love, yet so lost on what to actually do. He knew insomnia wasn't as simple as someone who 'just can't sleep' but couldn't quite grasp the concept of sleeping being basically impossible. Hoseok would most likely feel guilty like it was his own fault every time he woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and saw you teary and red eyed in the living room. Emotional support was the best that he could do for you. Prepare to be snuggled into oblivion and showered in cheek kisses, forehead kisses, and sweet kisses on the lips. He wasn't sure what would be affective but he would be with you every step of the way.
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Namjoon would stay in the bed with you. He would suggest the two of you sit up and rest against the headboard rather than laying down for hours to avoid your muscles becoming sore, worsening the likelihood of falling asleep. The two of you would talk about anything and everything, finding yourselves having the most in depth conversations about random things that popped into Namjoon's brain. As much as he loved talking to you, he would much rather have you sound asleep and at peace next to him but he knew it wasn't that easy so he would be there to distract you from the discomfort of it all and would be there to help you make it through the day come morning.
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After snuggles failed to ease your restlessness and you were still wide awake, like Jungkook, he would probably find some activity the two of you could do together in the mean time. Even though Jimin would be fantisizing about curling up under his quilt and resting his own head on his pillow, he would come up with something more physical. His idea was to not only have you mentally tired, but also physically tired so you could be in a more comfortable state while resting. Afterwards, he would ready a hot shower for you and try once again to cuddle you to sleep.
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Taehyung was high-key a little shocked when he realized that you had chronic insomnia. He was one to stay up a bit too late anyways so it took him a while to put two and two together. Once he learned that you weren't necessarily staying up just to spend more time with him, he felt a ping of guilt. Was he keeping you awake? Was he distracting you too much and preventing you from getting tired? He would tone down a little bit around you at night until you straight up asked him what was wrong. You reassured him that it wasn't him who was keeping you awake constantly and that he actually helped you feel more at ease. After this conversation, he continued staying up late again and found himself paying more attention to you and noticed your behavior and signs of discomfort that he scolded himself for not seeing before.
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Jungkook would subtly let you know that he was concerned for your health but wouldn't put it bluntly. He would more so watch over you during the daylight hours to make sure you were still eating and functioning somewhat properly. When night time came around and the two of you got into bed for the night, he had already thought out what to do if you couldn't fall asleep. He would plan out something the two of you could do together in the house to get your mind off of the stress you were experiencing from sleep deprivation. Whether it be watching a movie, your favorite comfort show, playing a video game together, or simply enjoying each other's company, he would always be prepared for the frequent nights of feeling your side of the bed empty.
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eclipsethemagic · 5 months
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Summary: One drunk night causes Jin to talk more to y/n, and he's not sure if he likes her or not.
Paring: Kim Seokjin x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Drama, Humor
Warning: talking about sex but nothing really happening
☆Playlist ☆Masterlist. ☆ Prev. ☆Next
Seokjin had a hard time showing his feelings. When he was drunk it was a different story. When he stumbled into the the book store late at night poor y/n was shocked. She had just got out of the shower but was about to lock the door. Her wet damped hair was dripping her shirt and the hard wooden floor. Seokjin eyes blink for a couple of seconds then he groans sitting down on the brown couch next to the bookshelf.
Y/n didn't know what to do.. she could either leave him here and go up to bed or she could lock the front door and try to carry him upstairs. After a long thought, she chose the second opinion. Y/n carefully carries the heavier male upstairs to her house. Seokjin was out cold when he laid him on the couch.
She lets out a huff and walks into the kitchen. She grabs a cup and then a water bottle pours some of the water into the cup and walks to the bathroom to grab some medicine. She sets it on the coffee table and grabs a soft red blanket that is in another chair next to the couch. She carefully takes off the male black Nike's and his brown leather jacket. Y/n eyes widen when she sees his pale collarbone. Her brown eyes trail down to his chest and she lets out a little squeak. He was truly buff and he also had a long neck. His pinkish plumped lips and his softly black hair sticking on his forehead. She didn't know if she was being a creep or sexually harassing him. All she knew was that this stranger was handsome. She leaves her thoughts and puts the cover over his body. When she walks to the light switch she looks at Seokjin's body one last time then turns the lights off going into her room and turning the lights off.
The next day was all a blur for Seokjin, he woke up on someone else couch which was surprisingly soft for his back. Jin sits up and groans when he feels his head throbbing. Jin wasn't a lightweight when it came to drinking but he knew his limits. Going out drinking with Hoseok and yoongi was a bad idea which Jin knew. But did he listen? No because he knew he was going to go anyway so why was he complaining?
Jin looks down at the table and sees a cup of water and two pills. His eyes also land on a yellow posted note.
"You came in the bookstore drunk and I didn't know what to do when you passed out, so I took you up to the second floor. I left you some medicine and water for you when you woke up. I would have it to you in the morning but I'll be still asleep by the time you get up."
The note ends with that and Jin shrugs taking the medicine and drinking the water. He stands up and looks around.
"So this is where she lives?" Jin says to himself. The place wasn't bad if you asked him. He walks over to the TV stand and picks up a picture frame. In the picture, there was a tall skinny black man who had his arm wrapped around a short thick woman's waist. She has the most beautiful smile, her braces showing. In the background it didn't look like they were in Korea they looked like they were in New York it was ever snowing too. Jin wondered who it was, he put it back in its right place and turned around then jumped putting his hand over his chest.
"Don't do that again!" Jin yells and the short brown woman tilts her head confused. Oh right, she couldn't hear. Jin looks around and finds a piece of paper and and pin and writes it down. When he turns it around she lets out a little oh and blushes.
"Sorry." She moves her hands and Jin blinks. His eyes trail down her chest and then her legs. She had a rose tattoo going down her brown leg, she was also in a tank top that hugged her chest. She also had on black shorts that also hugged her tights. Jin knew right then and there that he was fucked for good maybe he was still slightly drunk or it was the fact that he woke up confused but what he did know was that he did text her last night and he did know that his fingers did hit the send button because Kim Seokjin knows when he's drunk his heart knows so much more than him.
Was it a bad thing? Maybe but all he knew was that it was his chance. His chance to show him that he wanted something with her. If only his brain didn’t make up fake scenarios once in a while. It wouldn’t be wrong if he kissed her right? Maybe was slightly drunk still, but who would blame him? She was gorgeous in her own right. If only you knew how gorgeous you was.
With one step forward he walks over to you, a smile on his face as he again grabs the pen that he dropped and writes down another thought in his mind. “Dinner? Maybe? I don’t know if I’m still drunk or not but dinner?” His fingers could do it all and maybe sending that text was worth it.
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mariabtsos · 1 year
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One That I Want ||m.yg||
Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
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Unsinkable ||j.jjk||
Description: The 1910s are the peak of passenger ships, it was also the peak of classism, Jungkook is a third class immigrant from Korea, and you are a first class “prisoner” not wanting to go back to a life of strict standards. Once you meet Jungkook, life seems worth living, but when tragedy strikes, will you guys make it out to live the life you planned?
Genre: Titanic AU, poor/artist!JK x rich!f reader, angst, fluff, very slight smut, forbidden love.
Warnings: mention of s*ic*de attempt, major character death, major maritime disaster, graphic description of hypothermia and frostbite, drowning scare. Mentions of DV
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Nuts ||k.nj||
Description: how had Namjoon ended up in this situation? What do you mean he had to actually make a connection instead of fucking your brains out?
Genre: Oneshot, Non-idol AU, Rapper!Namjoon x Makeup Artist f!reader, strangers-to-lovers, Too Hot To Handle inspired, SMUT SMUT SMUT!! Hopeful ending. 
Warnings: Namjoon is a bit of a player and full of himself, just smut overall with a hopefully balanced plot, eventually he’ll get back in touch with his feelings, this might be the longest oneshot I've written? Oral sex f receiving, fingering f receiving, grinding, slight exhibitionism.
Word Count: 8.5k+
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Never Ending ||m.yg||
Description: wasn't Yoongi the one that was supposed to give you flowers for no reason?
Genre: One-shot, Yoongi x f!reader, established relationship, fluff, Yoongi is literally the sweetest man alive (wbk)
WARNINGS: None, this idea came after seeing this really sweet like reddit post, it will be at the end of this post.
Word Count: 2.6k+
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Can I have this Dance? ||j.hs||
Description: Where Hobi asks you to his fraternity spring formal in cinematic way.
Genre: drabble, college au, fluff, smut, established relationship, Hoseok x f!reader.
TW: foreplay, protected sex, virgin sex (mentions of blood), vanilla sex.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Whistle ||p.jm||
Description: you and Jimin meet after your dogs get out.
Genre: Non Idol AU, neighbors-to friends-to lovers, Non-idol!Jimin x f!reader, fluff LOTS of fluff.
TW: anxiety over animals escaping.
Word Count: 3k+
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If Walls Could Talk ||k.th||
Description: where Tae shares a bathroom wall with his next door neighbor and can hear her music choices every time he takes a late night bath.
Genre: forced proximity (kind of?); Recently discharged!Tae x f!reader; some angst; fluff; hopeful ending.
TW: Mentions of verbal abuse (not with Tae involved), mentions of cheating.
Word Count: 5.5k+
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If ||k.th||
Description: Welcome to the follow up to If Walls Could Talk! We will get a bit more back story with yn and Yejun and how this is affecting her feelings for Taehyung. This follows your date with Tae and after that, although you’ve been a little hot and cold with him after and he isn’t sure why. 
Genre: drabble, idol!Taehyung x f!reader, friends to lovers, semi-slow burn, fluff, angst.
Warnings: Past relationship trauma, fear of imperfection, mentions of insecurity about your relationship with Tae, miscommunication.
Word Count: 4.6k
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Fool's Gold ||j.jk||
Description: when Jungkook’s prank goes horribly wrong, will he be able to win you back or will this be the end of you and him?
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Prankster!Jungkook x f!reader, established relationship, prank gone too far, angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, happy ending
Warnings: small act of violence.
Word Count: 4.4k+
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btsmosphere · 1 year
BTS band kids II ~ OT7
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summary: teahyung decides it’s time for the groups’ favourite pasttime - teasing their poor maknae pairing: none! just the boys as a big group of friends genre: friendship, crack treated seriously, humour, band kids au, musical theatre au word count: 2343 rating: g warnings: this one is much more chaotic, teasing but it’s harmless and in good fun, Jungkook is clueless as the butt of the joke, but he’s having a good time, overdramatic😅
~a/n: I hope this one makes you smile!!💜
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“It’s time.”
Taehyung spoke up the moment Jungkook left to go to the bathroom during lunch break.
After their rehearsal with the cast yesterday, Adam (who had finally showed up) had plenty to go over with the band today. In all day rehearsal. Jin’s favourite (sense the sarcasm).
“-for the annual ceremony of pin-the-tail-on-the-Jungkook!” Tae was busy announcing.
Jimin and Hobi laughed, already digging impatiently in Tae’s bag as he took out the ‘tails’. Namjoon rolled his eyes along with the eldest two of the group, but wasn’t successful in suppressing his dimpled grin.
Pin-the-tail-on-the-Jungkook had become a tradition, but by no means an annual one as Tae had claimed. No one could remember when it was first played, so now the ‘annual’ resurrection of the game was simply held whenever someone decided they fancied it. The one common denominator was that it happened whenever their maknae was playing viola.
It went without saying that they all loved him, but unofficial orchestra rules were unofficial orchestra rules, and it gave them perfect grounds to poke fun at him. And lord knows he gave back what he got.
“We all know the rules?” Hoseok checked, taking a pack of post-it notes for himself and thrusting a badge into Yoongi’s hand.
“Yes! Now hide them!” Jimin hissed, flapping his hands when he noticed Jungkook coming back.
The rules were simple and self-explanatory. Attach your item to Jungkook without being noticed, with one catch: the game was only on during rehearsal.
So as Jin pulled his violin from his case, a bulky pack of stickers lying in his pocket (definitely not stolen from Tae’s job at the clothing store, how could you think that Jin?), he prepared for the rehearsal to devolve into chaos. Unnoticeable chaos, perhaps, but chaos nonetheless.
Adam called the band to attention and they started their first run-through. First of all, he wanted to practise the strings on their own, and Jin was soon in full-focus, lost in his music. Some passages were very difficult, but he was determined to master them. Beside him, Jimin was equally attentive.
“Okay, the opening was much better that time,” Adam stopped them, “just try to think about- hey guys! Can you quieten down a bit while I run through the violins? Yup, thanks, anyway-“
For a second, the violinists let their attention slide to the back of the band that had just been scolded. They had resorted to whispering as requested, settling down. However, Jin wasn’t put at ease.
Taehyung’s mouth was puckering as he tried to hide a telltale smirk, nodding at the first oboist while his eyes darted between them and the conductor. Most of the woodwind were exchanging little glances, shuffling in their seats.
“Right, from the top! Flutes, can you join us?” Adam rapped his baton on the stand, foiling Jimin’s attempts to catch his best friend’s eye as he turned his gaze back to his music, raising his bow once more.
Rehearsal moved on fairly swiftly. It wasn’t until a good while later that Jin smelled a rat again.
As it happened, Hoseok was the first to shoot his shot. The moment Adam told the brass he would be going over a couple of pieces they weren’t in, he ditched his instrument and dived to retrieve a book from his bag like the rest of the section.
However, from the corner of his eye, Jin could see that all was not as it appeared…
Hoseok’s eyes flicked between the conductor, who was speaking to the horns, and the back of Jungkook’s head. Settling back in his seat, he did his utmost to act nonchalant. It wasn’t convincing. Something about the line of his shoulders… his straight face…
Hoseok always smiled.
Jin narrowed his eyes.
Then, in a blur, Hoseok’s book tumbled from his hands, skidding across the floor.
Bowing his head in apology when Adam looked around, he set off, torso bent parallel with the floor as if that would render him invisible, creeping further forwards. When he reached his stray book, he crouched right down.
He was in position.
Directly behind Jungkook now, he held his breath as he pried the pages of his book open. Grinning prematurely with victory, he took the bright yellow post-it note pad, with ‘TAIL’ written on the top one, from where it was tucked into the pages.
At a painstaking pace, he peeled the first sticky note away. His hand shook as he raised it up, closer and closer until he could place it in the centre of Jungkook’s back as lightly as possible.
Shoulders sagging in relief, he began to shuffle back to his seat. But, hearing the sound behind him, Jungkook looked over his shoulder.
Alas, well-trained agents of the Jungkook-teasing squad always had a backup plan. Hobi’s worked seamlessly; with a smile and nod to the violist, he gestured with the book in his hand so Jungkook knew he had simply been collecting it and there was nothing to see here.
Safely back in his seat, Hoseok winked at Jin. Jimin was muffling his giggles in his jacket sleeve beside him.
For the rest of rehearsal until the next break, nothing more interesting happened. It was safer to spread out their attacks on their youngest friend to avoid suspicion.
After an extended break, they settled back into their seats for the tech run with the cast. Probably the most tiresome part of a show week, often running late into the night with microphones breaking, cast members messing up or directors complaining. All of which equated to a lot of sitting around for the band.
Jungkook had insisted on finishing his snacks before coming back to rehearsal. Yesterday, Taehyung had indeed brought too much and the group had hidden the bag under the tiered seating for extra sustenance today.
Anyway, the end result of this was Jungkook only seating himself once the woodwind had already tuned, in time for the whole band to watch as a yellow sticky note fluttered off his back when he sat down.
Hobi looked devastated.
“Right, mic tests for the band first,” the tech director announced from their position at the top of the audience, “let’s start with violin one, please.”
Everyone played in turn as a harried assistant adjusted mics. Jin was silently practising, staring idly at his music as his fingers mapped out the passagework, when the saxophone was called to play. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but that itself alerted Jin.
Looking around, he found Jimin was already watching the woodwind with an amused smirk.
Usually, Taehyung would play something random and totally unrelated to the show at mic check to make people laugh. He even took requests.
But this saxophonist was sticking to the music.
Sure enough, it wasn’t Tae. Frowning, Jin noticed one of the oboists was on Tae’s chair, playing his saxophone. Searching the section, he spotted Tae with an oboe in his hands. What was going on?
Turning to their conductor, Jin saw Adam flipping through the score. He hadn’t even noticed two of his players had switched places.
When Tae had found the time to plan this was beyond Jin, since the saxophonist had spent the whole of break with the group. Then he remembered whatever the hell went on in the woodwind section during the previous rehearsal. That must have something to do with it…
Oboe was called soon enough, but Tae still didn’t play his normal selection of music. Once again, he stuck perfectly on-script, playing an oboe passage from the beginning of act 2.
Jin had never heard Tae play the oboe before, but that didn’t mean he was surprised. Tae had a habit of picking up random instruments and learning them at the drop of a hat.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little jealous.
It seemed Tae had succeeded in the first stage of his plan, however. And said plan was becoming more apparent.
Jungkook seemed to be the only one that hadn’t noticed Tae’s new seating plan, which put him as close as possible to the target himself. With the limited space in the pit, the oboes were pushed up close behind the violas.
So while the cast lined up for their mic checks, Taehyung leaned forward and gently pressed a sticker of a fox onto Jungkook’s shoulder. Then, after they had played half the overture and were stopped for the first crackly mic of the evening, Taehyung excused himself for the bathroom. On his return, his accomplice followed suit, and normalcy returned.
Taehyung had got away with it.
Much later on, they had finally reached the point in the middle of act 2 where everything is bleak and the actors are singing about losing hope and never loving again. The heroine in particular had such a song, and was struggling with timing.
As such, they were going over the part where she sings alone with the two violins, namely Jimin and Jin.
With the house lights dimmed to allow the stage lights to be tested for the tech run, the band was in near darkness, only stand lights illuminating their music. Adam and the director were close to a collective breakdown. This section was important and the audience should feel her turmoil, they said, and it wouldn’t work if she got her entry wrong.
Perfect timing, Namjoon.
A light flicking off at the back of the band was the only clue as to what was about to happen.
He had deliberately chosen to wait until this part of rehearsal to make his move. As the furthest away from Jungkook, he couldn’t employ Hoseok or Taehyung’s tactics, and he wouldn’t get away with this in a light theatre.
Placing his double bass down, he prayed the singer would mess up just once more to buy him time. Then he got on his hands and knees. The cellists gave him questioning glances as he crawled past them, but said nothing.
Suddenly, Adam sighed, calling the song to a stop, simultaneously running a hand through his hair and tipping his head down to check the score in front of him. On instinct, Namjoon ducked. Or rather, he dropped right down onto his stomach.
“Again!” the director demanded, and Jin and Jimin started up again. The song was quite beautiful in all honesty, delicate and soaring.
But down below the sweet singer, Namjoon was shuffling through the orchestra on his elbows like a large slug. Just as he got close enough, his foot caught on a music stand, making it rattle slightly.
Wincing, he looked up at Jungkook as he threw a glance over his shoulder. Thankfully, Namjoon’s form was below his line of vision, pressed against the floor as he was, and he turned around without event. Bringing his legs forward so he could kneel behind Jungkook, Namjoon made quick work of applying his own sticker, which he had swapped with Jin for the post-it notes he was first given. He had lost faith in the sticky notes after the fate of Hobi’s.
Although Namjoon had evaded detection by Jungkook and Adam, Jimin was in the perfect position to watch the whole endeavour unfold. His eyes kept straying from his music, even though he was one of the only two playing, and his bow was shaking with the effort it took to suppress his laughter.
On Namjoon’s trek back up the pit, his plot finally came undone.
Perhaps he had thought turning his stand light off would hide him from view, but now it only served to make his part of the orchestra completely dark. When he felt safe enough to get off his knees, he tripped instantly on his stool, only just catching himself before he crushed his instrument, but it was loud.
Adam was sure to be sending a dirty look his way, but tried to press on, though it soon became impossible as Jimin’s bow shuddered across the strings, butchering his passage at the same time as a loud snort escaped him. On stage, the actress had jumped at the sound and subsequently lost where she was in the music.
Calling the song to yet another halt, Adam looked at the end of his tether. Jimin’s shoulders shook as he lowered his violin, wheezes and whimpers escaping him as he fought to control himself, all while Jin stared at him in pure confusion.
Once order had been restored, they continued, eventually completing the cursed song and making it to the end of the show.
The lights went up, chatter erupting immediately from the cast while the band slumped back in their seats, beginning to pack away. It was a late one, definitely already dark outside.
Watching Jungkook, Jin saw the boy rubbing his eyes and decided the game was up. Like always, he and Jimin didn’t really have a chance at the game since they were playing the most out of anyone as violinists.
He quickly folded the green post-it note from Namjoon into an aeroplane and sent it flying straight into Jungkook’s face.
Startled, the violist fumbled with it for a moment, blinking his eyes open. At first, he looked between the paper and Jin in bewilderment. Then, Jin swore he could see the precise moment the light bulb flicked on in the boy’s head.
His mouth fell open and he contorted his body around, trying to pull off an owl-style one-eighty to see what was on his back.
As he peeled off Taehyung’s fox, the other boys approached, laughing and clapping him on the back. In return he gave them a bunny smile while his arm stretched over his shoulder to pick off Namjoon’s sticker that his fingers could barely reach.
Collecting his stuff to leave, Jungkook pressed the stickers onto his viola case. There was somewhat of a growing collection on there.
But as Jungkook left the theatre that day, his back was not bare. Yoongi’s badge dangled from his hood, undetected.
No one ever found out how Yoongi put it there.
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