#poor elle not even making the top 10 post release :(
kresnikcest · 2 years
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Tbh the biggest glow up was Julius ranking tenth in the X2 popularity poll pre-release and then ranking second to Ludger post-release 😂
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givemesnekboiasap · 6 years
Photo Booth
Here’s a one-shot inspired by @ikesenhell Glitter and Gold. Set in Modern AU
Some Fluff, Some NSFW, overall my first attempt at 3 person relationship. Hope you’ll enjoy.
@cherryb0mb79 ​sorry about the delay on the Mitsu-chan continuation. I’ll edit it a bit before posting within the next 24 hrs. In the mean time, hope you’ll enjoy this little doujinshi
 @deathbyotome a little something for you to read, heehee
Japanese honorifics - sama, dono, san, chan, kun (rank in according to formality)
“Tell me why am I doing this with the both of them……”
“Well...technically, you lose the bet and you promised to clear the forfeit by today and since you cannot make a decision, the 11 of them, excluding myself, draw lots and those who drew the longest stick wins
“Longest? I thought it was supposed to be the shortest….”
Sasuke whispered, “the thing is, none of them find it a chore to perform the forfeit, especially if you’re the prize...” the last sentence nearly muffled as he covers his mouth. Kelsey Lee looks at him, her cousin cum childhood friend. She counts the familiar faces that always hangs around with her nerdy cousin and those who she seen before in her workplace in the cosplay cafe.
“...why is Mori-dono doing among them?! He knows my boss!”
“He’s a friend to Shingen-sama and Kenshin-sama. I’m sorry about this, had I know about your connection with him, I would never would have asked him to join in. He’s one of four among them comfortable in cosplaying.”
“Let me guess, the other 3 would be Oda and Date and Shingen himself then….ahhhhh, fine! Let’s get this over with...which of the guys am I partnering with?....No...not them…...please, Sasuke, please tell me it’s not them...”
The silence speaks for itself, as the two males, one with ebony hair, the other chestnut mane, chiseled faces, toned bodies, long legged swagger and confident strides brought them to her doorstep.
“Seems like we’re your escorts today, kitten. Right, Nobu?”
She scrowls at the both of them, especially Nobu, who gives her a smirk that sets her teeth on the edge. Kel turns away from them, walking to the booth to get their costumes.
Today, there’s an anime festival for otome games, and they need change into costumes to cosplay as in-game characters. She has to stand-in for a fellow colleague, who’s down with flu, when the guys dropped a bomb on her head, telling her she needs to fulfill the forfeit now; which is to date with one of them, according to Nobu. Her manager, Ms Hana, takes one look at the gathering and propose an alternative; cafe mascot cum dating. Kelsey nearly expires on the spot when Ms Hana said she needs 2 male volunteers dressed up as famous warlords.  
“Hurry up, we haven't got all day!”
“If you’re not out by the count of 10, I’m coming in...1...2...3...”
“!!!...Wait! I’m...having problem...the sash...”
Nobu had enough of waiting and pulls the curtain aside, causing Kel to shout at the top of her voice.
“GET THE FREAKING ‘ELL OUT OF HERE!!!” Nobu winces but ignores her command. He slides the curtain back and takes a long look at the source of her problem.
“Next time, call for help….stubborn female...” He holds the heavy obi sash for her and tighten it as she ties the obi coil in place.
“...even if you and Masa were the last males available….” she stops as she recalls the last time she did that, she was being kissed within an inch of her life by him, of all people. His lips curve into a teasing smile as he too, remembers how this conversation ends up.
“Done...I must commend you on your appearance. You truly look wonderful in traditional kimono.” His hands lingers on her obi, she can sense the heat and the heavy presence of his appendages just below her bustline. Her breathing deepens unintentionally, syncing with him. If she tilts her head back, she knows he’ll look down and that would lead to complications. Neither wants to make the first move, cocooned in the tiny changing closet.
Masa’s voice shatters the intimate moment as he draws the curtain open. “Are you ready? Your manager is hounding outside. Seems like we, as new additions, has caused a surge of customers hovering outside the cafe….ooohhh, well now...I must say you look absolutely gorgeous, Kelly. You should wear kimono more often.”
Luckily Nobu already had his hands removed from her person and took a step back when the curtain is drawn. Releasing a sigh, she squares her shoulders and look at her partners cum dates for today and smiles.
“Let’s get started. Today is going to be a very busy day...I wish to the both of you to have the patience and stamina for the day.”
Break arrives and the trio hunker down in a private booth at the back of the cafe to rest. The cafe is closed in preparation for guest arrivals of other cosplayers. The guys had no idea that modelling for avid fans to take snapshots after snapshots of them as the in-game characters would be this tiring. And some of those fans are professional photographers, representing famous magazines catering to the otaku industry. The poses and fighting stance they had to put up with taxed their arms and backs. Then there were the females who wants to take selfie with them. Kelsey chuckles as she watches them shudder in reaction.
“Hey, Kelly...how did you stomach people, completely strangers pawing you in the name of taking photos?” She is not surprised that Masa is the one who voiced it. He hates confinement and being pinned in to take tons of photos is making him ansty.
“Aww, my poor baby feeling put out? Don’t worry, the worst is over. We can go for our ‘date’, I don’t shrink from my promises.” She pats his cheek, giving the wild stallion of the gang, a teasing smirk. As she start to withdraw her hand, Masa catches her hand and lifts it to his lips, giving her a kiss on the top of her palm.
“......Masa...” she squeaks, her face flushes pink rapidly. Nobu, who is sitting on her left, turns to sit behind her and pulls her back to his chest with his right arm. Masa starts to nibble her fingertips, causing her breath to hitch. Nobu bends forward, his lips at her ear, whispering
“Relax, he knows. He’s fine with it, I’m fine with it. He already told me of the accidental kissing incident...hold it!” He tighten his grip of her when she starts to struggle out of his embrace.
“It’s your fault, you know. All that fire and energy, when you channel it towards something, it’s fascinating to watch. When you do that to a person, especially a guy, like us, it’s like an unspoken challenge to take you, tame you and own you...” Masa comments as he continues showering affections on her hand with his velvet lips. The eyepatch currently covering his right side made his left eye more brilliant as it glows with banked desire.
Nobu relaxes as she stops all signs of escaping and shifts her onto his lap. “Not to worry, Kelsey. A promise is a promise, this is a date. We will not proceed any further from first base without your verbal consent. What’s more, we need to take a photo to commemorate our official first date together. Masa, let go of her hand. She needs to cool down before we bring her out. I’m not willing to display her current expression to any prying eyes, especially from our group.”
Kelsey’s mind is still spinning from the revelation the two had heaped on her head. How? When? Why me? She still doesn’t understand her appeal; they must have cracked their head from doing too many stunts...wait, that’s more to Masa’s alley. Nobu is the rational one, despite his autocratic attitude. As she tries to figure out what’s going on in their mind, the trio manage to rejoin everyone and they enter the convention hall for the festive celebrations.
Masa found those sticker photo booth and drags everyone there for photo sessions. When Kelsey asks him why, he just shrugs, “This is different from those photo sessions, I can do whatever I like.”
She just shakes her head, chuckling softly. As soon as everyone is occupied with taking photos of themselves, Masa pulls her into one of those booths with a full-length curtain, concealing them once the divider flips down. Nobu steps in a few seconds later, holding her body close to his as Masa fiddles with the touch screen, scanning through the choices available. Kelsey had to whisper to avoid the others from listening into their conversation.
“You do know that this is a one-time deal? After that, we’re going back as friends...” The guys show no indication of letting this ‘date’ slide, with Nobu giving her an arrogant look, and Masa chuckling softly.
“Lass, you can wait for all eternal but there is no way we’re going back as friends...especially after a revelation of my reaction while watching you getting touched by males during the photo sessions” Nobu’s eyes took on a deeper shade of red, something akin to garnet when he speaks.
“...I know you’re worried about how people might look at you if they found out about the threesome. Indeed, that is something I have considered and discuss with Masa. We will, for appearance’s sake, remain as friends. However, you’ll have to limit the point of contact on your person from other males. Neither of us will hold responsibilities when the line is crossed…...behind closed doors, you are ours. Understand?”
“Crystal but I still don’t think….hmph…!!!”
Her protests are being drowned under the onslaught of Masa’s kisses as his lips come into contact with hers. Fingers being entwined by another, her arms pulled back as Kelsey is being squeezed in the middle of two muscular torsos. Nobu grazes her ears, nibbling the outer shell as Masa tilts his head for a deeper penetration. Only when she slumps against the devil’s chest did the dragon releases her to surface.
“......There, perfect for the photo shoot.” Masa grins down as he adjusts her kimono and turns her to face the camera. With his arm on her shoulder, Masa stands on her left as Nobu took her right, placing his left hand on her head. “One, two, three…” CLICKS
By the time Kelsey is aware of her surroundings, the machine has printed out the stickers and Masa retrieves it from the dispenser. After taking one look, Nobu gives a tiny smile. He took it out from the chestnut mane male’s grasp and tucks it into the folds of his kimono. Masa grumbles about someone being possessive, he walks out with her, his arm sliding around her shoulders and keeps her close to his side. Nobu follows behind at a much slower pace, enjoying the view of his interest and rival hand in hand, noting to himself that this is going to be an interesting experience.
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