#poor Cahira
lostpetsrecovery · 5 months
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Please let us know in the comments what you think about her progress!! 👇
CAHIRA (ca-hi-ra). The baby girl name Cahira is of Irish origin. The meaning of the name is “a woman warrior”.
You’ll certainly remember the pictures of this poor, sweet girl but this is a recap of what she had going on:
“Cahira is currently heartworm positive, Lyme disease positive, diabetic with bg 600+, anemic, hypothyroid, with elevated liver enzymes, and has an ulceration of the cornea in her left eye.”
Our friends at Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue have really worked miracles with this girl! Here’s how it has gone
WEEK 1: the first week was spent getting Cahira’s insulin dosages correct in order to get her blood sugar well-regulated, in conjunction with feeding several times a day to allow her system to adjust slowly.
WEEK 2: by the end of week 2, the scale told us Cahira had put on 4-5 pounds, which we were glad to know because it was still not at all apparent by looking at her!
WEEK 3: Cahira was definitely feeling better and her true colors started shining through—she is quite a hellion! She broke out of the gated area in which she was confined (more than once!) to take herself shopping in the treat bins!
WEEK 5: we are THRILLED to report that Cahira’s followup bloodwork came back great! With her diabetes under control and, being given other proper care, most of the issues resolved on their own, as we hoped.
With her overall condition much improved and her strength returned, it’s time to begin the dreaded heartworm treatment. We are really pulling for this girl and we know we can count on you all, too. Please keep her in your thoughts prayers as she undergoes this months-long treatment. 💕
Cahira’s recovery has been already been expensive. Her diabetic food is $$$. As many of you know, the heartworm treatment is also costly. If you would like to contribute to Cahira’s ongoing care and upcoming medical expenses, you can donate from the button on the post or you can also donate directly to this tumblr
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The results speak for themselves. An Ejderhalar raised by a Saiyan!
I’ve decided that she will be an Arctic (Draykle) Ejderhalar! The first one that I’ve truly made into an OC. Time to make my first fluffy girl! Who’s also ready to beat your face into the ground.
As well as scaring the shit out of Poor Cahira who just wants to help this ejderhalar understand her heritage, but since this ejderhalar is raised by Saiyans, she wouldn’t find herself able to connect to Cahira as an ejderhalar, maybe even holds some resentment because of what happened either to her actual parents or even to the other Saiyans.
Cause if she feels more at home with Saiyans (but still understand Ejderhalar habits), she could mad that the ejderhalar didn't do anything to help the Saiyans from their near extinction 
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smoozie · 3 years
hi hi!!! i notice you rb a whole lotta oc stuff and i actually. have no idea who your ocs are sorry dsjlghndsljkgh
if you dont mind id like to hear what you have to say abt them so i can actually participate in those "ask abt my ocs pls" things!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did one of these a while ago but it's been a hot minute, all OCs I talk abt on here are from the same world so don't worry abt aus or anything
Coira: technically the main character, kinda, major bitch, super girl boss, princess, mom is highkey toxic, can run in heels, dragon motif, fangs, hot as fuck, will kill you
Coen: Coira's brother (twin), sweet baby, does his best, good, lonely, misses sister, tired of castle, kinda kickstarts the story? Eh idk its rough rn, he's a good dude and @winter-jay-official and @hootyloveclub love him, I need to redesign him, has strong magic (in theory) but refuses to use it
Trynn: lower class, adopted into royal fam, hates royal fam, runs away all the time, orphaned at young age, chaotic, likes to fuck with people, dry sense of humor, super powerful could kill you
Synne: besties with Trynn, has like 5 younger siblings (exact number is iffy), loves to get in fights, lots of scars, antagonizes people (Coira), actually great sister, rough exterior, no magic, poor
Saar: seems like a sweetheart, slightly mischievous, very messy, loud, would bite you but feels too bad to, makes her own clothes, mirabel, lots of bright colors, cannot bake to save her life (bakes a lot)
Andrew: Saar's older bro, caretaker, weak magic, no mom :(, kinda bossy, calmer than literally everyone else, the chill in the group, doesn't hate anyone, very loyal
Cahira: Andrew's bestie, big sis energy, Luisa, very strong physically, weak magic (can heal tho), just realized I created Luisa but before disney and slightly off but still, head strong, wants to keep everyone safe all the time
Mika: high class, lonely, doesn't talk to people, only friend is Coira (not really friends), no mom just dad, very high standards, very powerful but not applied, awkward, comes off as rude at times, human interaction skill level -1, loves flowers
Koda: former popular girl, kinda disappeared for a few years, sort of friends with the group??, Andrew is her only connection, oldest, stunning, pretty powerful, secretive, kind of an outcast within the group, avoids most people, smth's off abt her no one's figured it out yet tho
That's off the top of my head without having touched this guys in a hot minute tho, some of that shit I made up on the fly but it's all good
So yeah, those are them <3
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 years
WHG Prompt 3 Lynne
Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @nightskywriter, @rhikasa, @pen-of-roses, @aeslin-writes, @the-moving-finger-writes, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @makeitmonstrous, and @timefirewrites!
My first visitors were, of course, my adoptive parents. Both of them were crying, but that was probably fake. My adoptive mother just clung to me as my adoptive father stood in front of me, dabbing at the “tears” in his eyes. “Evelynne, you better win. We couldn’t stand it if you never came back. Please don’t upset your mother.”
She wasn’t my mother, and he wasn’t my father. “I’ll see what I can do.”
My adoptive mother spoke between “sobs”. “Think of the prestige you will give your poor family if you won. Please.”
I just looked away from them, and they left a little bit later. The door didn’t even close before someone else walked in. There were screams coming from the hallway. That sounded like Aster.
“Your boyfriend is making a big scene because they won’t let him come see you.”
I finally processed who was standing in front of me. Iri. I grinned and flung my arms around him. “It’s so good to see you! You’ve been keeping a low profile. I haven’t heard anything about your exploits since I was taken.”
He laughed and hugged me back. “That just means I’m good at my job. How are you doing, Microburst?” (Microburst was the name Iri gave me when he found me, and since I wanted to stick with the theme of weather nicknames, I, being a five-year-old, decided to call him Strongwinds).
I took a deep breath. “This is what I wanted. I had to get away from my adoptive parents. I have accepted that I might die, but I have taken measures. I contacted a group that is notorious for helping tributes escape the arena. They should be willing to help me too.”
Iri backed away a little and held up a letter with a smile. “Good thing their leader gave me a note before I came in.”
Finally. I snatched it from his hand before he could try to pull it away, and he cursed under his breath as I tore it open.
It will be my pleasure to help you escape the arena. One of my own is most likely heading to the arena as well, so I will be in touch through her. It is a pleasure doing business with you!
Perfect. I grinned over at Iri. “I will be fine now. I have a way out.”
He crossed his arms. “You also have a capable mentor. My mother: Cahira.”
“Grannie!” I hugged him again. “Thanks for watching out for me!”
“Oh, it wasn’t my choice. She saw that you volunteered, and she told me: “That girl doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into. Someone has to make sure she doesn’t continue making stupid decisions.”” He paused and took a deep breath. “You better keep yourself safe. I better not see you die.”
I laughed. “Now, don’t underestimate me, old man. Just because you can’t fight as well as you used to doesn’t mean that everyone else also got worse. I’ve been training. That should hopefully keep me safe until I can escape.”
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datorchoe · 4 years
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Poor Fenn has a nightmare about, ya know, and Cahira’s mom instincts kick in
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
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"A Frog for the Little Witch!”
In a RP with @british-hero her Sacrier, Cahira, got transported back in time (much to my poor Xelor’s chagrin) and ended up falling from the sky. She was rescued by a young Goultard who, from then on out, referred to her as “Little Witch”. The two became like childhood friends until she had to leave.
Man I love drawing her OCs, and drawing Goultard as a child was fun! That poor frog has been in better situations I’m sure...
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iloveallmyhusbands · 4 years
Playing Animal Crossing
Zamasu: Mortal my island... I shall make it into a paradise that all of the other gods and mortals will be jealous of its splendor.
Goku Black: I’m going to make mine pure hell. All the villagers will be imprisoned in their homes, they will be given only gifts of trash, and when they ask to leave I will refuse their requests.
Cahira: That’s nice dears.
Everyone else at Bulma’s dinner party: ...
Vegeta: Cahira why did you buy them separate Switches? I thought you were poor?
Cahira: I didn’t buy them seperate systems; they stole them because it suited a “higher purpose” or something. I stopped questioning their motives on things a long time ago.
Vegeta: I see. Seeing the other Supreme Kai’s islands made them jealous. I suppose it only make sense for failures like them.
Goku Black: I will gut you saiyan for insulting our abilities as gods!
Vegeta: Oh really? Then let’s see you try.
Goku: Are we fighting already?! Yay I just finished eating, and I’m ready to work that meal off!
Bulma: Next time I invite you over, your boyfriends aren’t allowed.
Cahira: Understandable.
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captainderyn · 5 years
OC Interview
Thank you for the tag @lumielles​! 
I think most everyone has been tagged...but @delavairesslegacy​ if you’d like to join in the fun?
Let’s do this for little miss Rie shall we?
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1. What is your name? “Rielay Anne Taqq. Captain Rielay Taqq if you please.” 
2. Do you know why you are named that? “My parents must have simply picked a name from a hat, there’s no rhyme or reason to it.” 
3. Are you single or take?
She smiles, her hand going unconsciously to her neck, where a simple band gleams on a chain next to what looks like a smoothed piece of ship metal. “I am very happily taken.” 
4. Have any abilities or powers? At that she throws her head back and laughs. “Me? Honey, the only ability I have is the ability to get myself in trouble.” 
5. Stop being a Mary Sue. “I think you misheard me...my name is Rielay. Taqq. Not Mary. Sue.” she quirks a brow, good eye dancing. “It’s rude to make assumptions.” 
6. What’s your eye color? “Well, the one that’s left is blue...I’m sorry is that humor bad?” 
7. How about your hair color?
"Really? You’re asking? Most people point it our like it’s the end of the world...dark red.” 
8. Have any family members?
She beams. “Several! My husband, our daughters Sirixa and Rina, Fashira and Zasharr of course, Esrin’s parents, Emeldir and Risha...”
9. Oh? How about pets? “Esrin’s akk dog Saavi is still with us and Sirixa has a shadow akk dog she named Cahira.” 
10. That’s cool I guess.  Now tell me something you don’t like? This gives her pause and she narrows her eyes. “What kind of don’t like? Galaxy-spanning-war don’t like or Esrin-put-the-caf-mugs-on-the-top-shelf don’t like?”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? “I’ve always loved singing and tinkering with machines...sometimes both at once. Tinkering with my blasters, with pieces and parts of mechanics...with my ship itself. Or other people’s ships. With their consent of course. That’s illegal otherwise.” 
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Her lower lip pops out and her brows draw together. “Can we go back to the fun questions?” 
13. Ever… killed anyone before? Her silence is enough of an answer, even as she cuts her eyes to the floor and gives one curt nod. 
14. What kind of animal are you? “I’ve been told I am either some manner of enthusiastic dog or a miniature horse. Something about being small and full of rage.” 
15. Name your worst habits. She sulks in your general direction. “Really getting upbeat with these questions, aren’t you? If you must know, I tend to overthink everything and bottle it up instead of talking about it. That’s the worst of them.” 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all? Her pause is prolonged as she looks between herself and up at you. “That feels like the set up for a short joke. I don’t clear five foot, of course I look up to everyone. Especially my husband--I’ve considered carrying around a step ladder.”  17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual? She grins and immediately there’s the sense that you should regret your decision to ask. “Well, you could say I’m amBIdextrous and not just because of my cybernetic hand.” she finger guns at you and off to your left, Emeldir groans, flopping onto the table, though he starts snickering just as Rielay breaks into peals of laughter. 
18. Do you go to school? Rielay lefts her face from her hand and her cheeks are pink from her laughter. “I went until I was 14...after that I joined Zavia Torelli and Tavian Kinsley’s crew aboard the Promise and formal education fell to the wayside. I know what I’ve got to know though.” 
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? “She lifts the chain with the ring from where it rests against her collarbones, jangling it before dropping it. “Done and done. Happily married and a happy mother to two children. Only the mischievous freckled spawn is one I lugged around for nine months though.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys? “Uh...” that gives her pause. “I don’t know.” 
21. What are you most afraid of? “Erm....” she frowns, brows creasing. “I don’t like this question, that’s not something you need to know. Moving on.” 
22. What do you usually wear? “Leather jacket, button up shirt, jeans.” She pauses. “Or my husband’s shirts with a belt. It works surprisingly well.” 
23. What one food that tempts you?
“Anything chocolate. Even if its just mildly chocolate flavor.”
24. Am I annoying to you? She leans back in her chair, leaning it back onto the back legs. “Not yet.” 
25. Well, it’s still not over! “Lovely, next question?”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Well...we’re certainly not poor. But we’re getting by. Doing as we do. Certainty not in the upper echelons of Corellia that’s for damn sure.” 
27. How many friends do you have? "Several! I’ve acquired quite a few lovely people over the years.” 
28. What are your thoughts on pie? "Pie can be good on occasions...chocolate pie is the best and that bad boy better be heaped with whipped cream or honestly what’s the point?” 
29. Favorite drink?
“Alcoholic or non? Corellian ale or whiskey for the first, caf for the second. Never combined. Caf is black or with a little cream.” 
30. What’s your favorite place? "For a long time it was my ship...but she’s seen the last of her days.” Rielay plays with the bit of metal hanging on the chain. “Now I’d have to say here, Corellia, even if I never thought I’d call this redeemed shithole a pleasure again.” 
31. Are you interested in anyone? She raises her eyebrows. “Me, interested in anyone? No, I pulled a stranger off the street and had a kid with him and now he’s living in my house. I should get that fixed.” 
32. That was a stupid question… “Well..stupid is a strong word huh, how about...poorly considered? We all make mistakes.” 
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? “Well, I’m not really one for swimming in general nowadays. But lakes. The saltwater does nasty things to the tech in my arm, learned that the hard way.” 
34. What’s your type?
“Hm...strong military type apparently...but soft and kind, willing to put up with my shit. I believe the type even has a name, let me think....Esrin!”  35. Any fetishes? She blushed a brilliant red. “Uhm...no.” 
36. Camping or outdoors? Her head tilts to the side. “Aren’t those one and the same? I guess so long as I have my warm husband to hold me I’d sleep under the stars, the outdoors I suppose.” 
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smoozie · 4 years
What are your OCs favorite words? Least favorite words? - Pages
Ooo okay I don't know many words so lemme do some research...
Their Favourite words
Coira: Akrasia (lack of self-control)
Coen: Mamihlapinatapei (a look shared by two people, each wishing the other would initiate something they both desire but neither wants to begin)
Trynn: Alpas (to become free)
Mika: Lacuna (a blank space, a missing part)
Andrew: Trouvaille (something lovely discovered by chance)
Saar: Eunoia (beautiful thinking)
Cahira: Komorebi (sunlight filtering through trees)
Koda: Ephemeral (lasting a very short tine)
Synne: Selcouth (strange and yet marvelous)
Least favorites
Coira: Stop
Coen: Prince
Trynn: Cretin
Mika: Perfect
Andrew: Hate
Saar: Moist
Cahira: Poor
Koda: Love
Synne: Grimey
Maybe I'll give reasons for all of them later akdkdj (or if asked 👀)
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smoozie · 4 years
do you have any oc’s? if so, whom? (and since i need a question if not, favorite type of candy and why?)
Oh don't even get me started on my oc's
I have this whole world with nine main characters and I love all of them so much sofjkdjdkd
Okay so we have, Coira and Coen. They're twins. They're also the prince and princess because of course I have a royal family do not @ me. Coira's a bitch and Coen's lonely nerd
Then they have their adopted bro Trill who highkey hates the whole royalty thing so he ditches them all the time
We've also got Mika, who's rich and hates herself cuz high standards and what not
On the opposite side if the specrtum Cahira is super confident, but is poor and her mother is sick
She's friends with Andrew and his sister Saar. They're super positive. Andrew is lowkey the happy dad of the group, Saar is everyone's younger sister and she's gorgeous.
Synne is a bit of a rebel. Unlike everyone else in this world she (and her siblings) doesn't have any sort of powers. She ends up in a lot of fights because she feels the need to protect herself and her younger siblings
Koda's an oddball, she's stunning but she's always pushing people away. No one really knows all that much about her, but she's been friends with Saar for years
That's everyone lol (also I love m&ms but my taste depends on my mood)
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iloveallmyhusbands · 4 years
If Dragon Ball had the same rules as Feh...
Trunks: Cahira! Why is Black here in our house?! And why does that man with him look like you?
Goku Black: Oh poor saiyan, she summoned me so I have a right to stay here like anyone else. As for the young man beside me, look at him a bit closer. I’m sure you can guess just who his father is.
Trunks: No it can’t be! Cahira tell me it isn’t true!
Cahira: ... *Screaming internally*
Goku: I don’t think I get it...
Vegeta: Kakarot, you moron! The color triangle is quite simple! Super Sayain Blue beats Super Saiyan God, Super Sayain God beats regular Super Saiyan, and so forth.
Goku: I guess that makes sense, but what about Ultra Instinct?
Cahira: It isn’t super effective against any type and has no type disadvantage, but since it’s so rare it’s basically so overpowered that the damage multiplier doesn’t matter.
Goku: Okay I think I got it now! I’ll just spam Ultra Instinct when I get bored with base form and totally win every time!
Vegeta: Damnit no!
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