#poopy piss boy
prinxejeanne02 · 5 months
Fell asleep on the phone with my partner, and finally woke up to them still on the call....... and then their phone died immediately :((
This is homophobia fr
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leichter-peter · 3 months
Tena Super Grün
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wittlesissyb4by · 7 months
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“Here they are. All your dirty, disgusting diapers for the week. Look how many of them there are! Look at how many times you pissed and shit all over yourself. Isn’t that embarrassing? Isn’t that fucking pathetic? How can you try to say you’re a man when you have a giant bag of your poopy pampers right in front of you?
Oh don’t try to tell me I ‘forced’ you. *I* didn’t make you piss them. If you were a real man, you could keep a diaper dry for 12 hours, but you just couldn’t manage, could you? Look at all the times you failed as a man. Look at how many times I had to lay you down on the floor or a changing table to wipe your wittle bum bum! Such a disgusting little pig.
Well guess what, honey? Mommy’s feeling generous today! I’m gonna unlock your little chastity cage and let you make humpies! Isn’t that exciting?? Haha noo you’re not gonna get to hump Mommy, silly boy! Those days are long gone! You don’t even get to hump the floor! Nope, instead you’re going to hop on this big, putrid, disgusting bag of dirty diapers, and take them to pound town!
That’s right, you’re gonna pump your pitiful pampers against allll your poopy presents! I’ll even make you kiss the bag the whole time like it’s your little girlfriend! Show me what it looked like while you were cheating on me! I don’t care how bad it smells, I don’t care how humiliating it is, this is your only chance to cum for the next month, so you better make the best of it, and you better make it look convincing! I want to send her a video of you disgracing yourself on your mushy mountain!”
If you like my captions, please consider supporting me so I can keep making more. I am likely going to have to get a 2nd job soon if things don’t turn around, which will cause a significant dip in my time/desire to write. I would much rather my second job be to make depraved captions/gifs that (hopefully) make you cum in your pampers. So join my SubStar so I can keep doing so! You can even get your very own custom caption if you subscribe to Silver tier or higher! Regardless, thanks for reading!
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode five.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: Swearing, mentions of divorce, mentions of deceased parents, some cringey asf moments.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
a/n: I am beyond overwhelmed by the amount of love this series is receiving. It means so much to me, you have no idea. Thank you <3
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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There were bad days, and then there were bad days. And Min Ho was clearly having the second one. After you slammed the door in his face, he dropped on the couch next to Q. He might have hoped a little that his friend was going to be of any moral support but he couldn't be any far from the truth. Q was still pissed at him. In fact, almost everyone he knew was.
Dae came back to the dorm after Q left to go to bed. Seeing Min Ho alone, he greeted him kindly.
"You're here. How was your day?"
"It sucked." Dae gave him a sad look as Min Ho let out a sigh. "It sucked."
He went to sit across him and gave him a sad smile. "What happened earlier, I'm sorry... Things are crazy these days."
"I know, that's why I'm trying to help you." he said in frustration. "Why are you keeping secrets from me? You didn't even tell me you were dating Yuri all summer... And why did you tell Kitty about Poopy Baby?"
Dae gulped, not saying anything back.
"Are you really my friend?"
He let himself fall back on the seat in defeat. "I'm such garbage."
"Well, at least you know that."
"Hey. You still have feelings for her, right?" he was replied with a hum. "If I can be honest, I saw something today. On the Internet. Randomly! Accidentally!"
There was a pause before Dae hopped on his chair as he suggested they play Overwatch. After agreeing to order hot wings and do face masks, Kitty walked in and rushed to go see Q in his room. Dae's stare lingered to the door and Min Ho snapped him out of it.
Overhearing it all, you heard them call Kitty out of the room to show her something. Curiosity got the best of you, so you joined the others and walked up behind Q to watch what was going on. The sight horrified you. Why would someone stream their roommate in their sleep?
"What? My roommate put me on some weird website as I was sleeping." Kitty scoffed.
"I don't see the appeal." Min Ho sighed.
"And yet you somehow found the site."
He looked at you as you grabbed his attention but only received a death stare from your part. You definitely needed to work on your weird dynamic.
"Kitty, you should move." Dae said, more like an command than a suggestion. "You can't live with this girl anymore."
Q nodded. "Yeah, I agree with Dae. This is kind of sketchy."
She huffed. "I tried but there is no other room."
"Uh, how about a hotel? My driver could take you right now." Min Ho offered although he was well aware this wasn't an option.
"I can't afford that for an entire semester."
"I'm sure Dae can hook you up with a discount at Han Hotels."
"Shut up, Min Ho." you said, growing more annoyed with him by the second.
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "Just trying to help."
"You helped enough today."
Before another argument broke, Q's face brightened as an idea popped in his mind. He offered to switch rooms with Dae for Kitty to come live with the rest of you again. In secret. Though unsure, she agreed because of how much she couldn't take her roommate anymore.
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Chuseok used to be your favourite day of the year. You would have a delicious meal with your parents at home, free of worries and problems. Your mom's japchae was what truly kept the tradition living. Needless to say, their death definitely left its mark on you but it became easier with time. And tomorrow, you were going to enjoy it to the fullest. At least try to.
Kitty had spontaneously offered to organize a Chuseok for the expats of the school and begged you to help her out. You would have turned it down but her pleas were almost getting on your nerves that you gave in. She asked you about traditional meals you'd cook with your own family and you put together a list of ingredients she would need to buy. As the list only got longer, you opted to go grocery shopping together.
"Can you get soy sauce? I'll get the gochugaru."
You went to the end of the aisle as she called out for you to ask which kind of sauce she needed to get. Being already in front of the gochugaru, you assumed she could wait a second more for you to pick it up. You crouched down to get it off the shelf. Satisfied with the brand you chose, you got up and were greeted by Min Ho standing in front of you, a basket in hands. His shoulders dropped as you stared back at each other, you doing the same.
"You're seriously everywhere." he complained.
"It's not like I intend on seeing you everywhere."
Kitty came next to you with her cart, having picked out herself a random bottle of soy sauce. "Min Ho."
"And Kitty? You two are like my own sasaengs." he scoffed which Kitty seemed to not have understood.
"What's a sasaeng?" she asked, confirming your thoughts.
"Like a very obsessed fan." you explained. "But we're not."
"Yeah, sure." he smirked at you.
"What are you even doing in a grocery store?" Kitty asked.
"Yeah." you added. "Shouldn't you be on a yatch being rich and annoying?"
He faked a smile. "My dad is doing that with wife number three with her new fillers. I have decided to stay here as a favour to all women who want a piece of me this Chuseok."
He sent you a look before pulling a box of chocolates out of his basket. You could do nothing but roll your eyes at how pathetic it looked.
"Strawberries and chocolate? I'm going to be sick." Kitty said in a boring tone.
"I'm sure Lulu would appreciate it."
This caught your attention. "Lulu? The pop star? You got her to be one of your Min Hoes?"
He scoffed as his infamous smug look appeared. "That's cute, puppy. And she's only the fastest rising popstar in the country."
"And?" Kitty said, not sure what point he was trying to make.
He held up his phone to show you a picture of Lulu but you only frowned.
"We've been flirting since her trainee days." he justified.
"What a surprise." you said sarcastically.
Nonetheless, you couldn't ignore the feeling in the pit of your stomach. It felt like it was ripping apart and you only hoped it didn't mean what you thought it meant.
"She's on break from tour for the holiday. Even K-Pop stops for Chuseok." he continued.
"Okay." Kitty said, unimpressed.
Min Ho analyzed the content of your cart and frowned at you. Taking a pack that laid on top of the rest of your items, he showed it to you.
"Do you even know what to do with this?"
You snatched it back from him. "We're fine, thanks."
"I am admittedly entering new territory but with the help of TikTok, Y/N, and a positive attitude, I'll manage just fine." Kitty said and you facepalmed. "If not, I've won awards for my mashed potatoes."
She was about to push her cart forward and walk away but Min Ho stopped her. "No, no, no. As a Korean national, I cannot in good conscience let you desecrate my native cuisine like this."
"You do know I'll be doing most of the cooking, right?" you asked.
He acted as if he hadn't heard you and dropped his basket in your cart before removing Kitty from her spot to push it himself. "Do you want to poison your classmates or do you need my help?"
"Min Ho." you exhaled.
"This is me being kind right now."
Kitty sighed. "Fine. But I'm still making my mashed potatoes."
You and Min Ho groaned at her words and walked towards the next aisle. She followed behind in panic, telling you to not mess her system up.
While she was watching you two add products to the cart, you kept on bickering on anything really. Disagreeing on certains articles, disputing over a certain dish he wanted to cook, complaining about what you wanted to make...
You managed to go up to the cash register and he insisted on paying for it all. Having fought enough with him, you didn't protest and he helped you and Kitty with getting everything back to the dorm.
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You got up from bed earlier than usual, wanting to focus on the side dishes you planned on making. It was going to take a while to get everything done so the sooner you started, the better.
What you didn't expect was to see Min Ho already standing in the kitchen as he dressed in a black tank top with a funny-looking apron over it. He didn't see you right away but he was quick to do so when you let a laugh slip out of your mouth.
"Well, well. Who's decided to be an early bird this morning?" he snickered, referring to your usual moody self when you wake up.
"Looks like we've had the same idea. I wanted to start cooking right away." you said as you went to stand next to him. "Need help?"
He shook his head. "I'm good. You can start on the budae jjigae, though."
Doing as told, you took the ingredients out of the refrigerator and Min Ho moved his own material to leave you space to work. It was silent but unlike normally, it felt nice. You almost dared to think that you liked being this comfortable with him.
"What's this?" you asked about the basket on the stool.
"My mom got it for me, my love language is gifts."
"I would have never guessed." you joked.
"She sent it from Los Angeles since she couldn't be here." He looked down. "We usually spend Chuseok together."
You smiled sadly. "It must suck, I get that. My parents and I never missed Chuseok together. Well, until... yeah."
He cleared his throat to ease the tension and continued to chop his onions. You watched him go at it and were pleasantly surprised by his skills.
"I would have never guessed you knew how to cook. Nor would I have expected you to help Kitty. I suppose you can be nice."
He gave you a side eye. "I'm famously anti-Kitty, I'm only doing this to honour our traditional food properly."
"Try to convince me. You have a soft spot."
He chuckled while shaking his head. "Well, if you want me to be nice so badly, should I ask if you're okay?"
You cocked your head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"With your parents and all. I bet it's not easy."
You nodded. "Yeah, definitely a difficult holiday." you breathed out.
"I'm sorry but can I ask what happened?"
You looked at him and saw his eyes softened. "It's..." you hesitated. "They had a business trip and never came back." you kept it short
He rubbed your arm and you shivered at the contact. "That's awful. I'm sure they're looking after you. They must be proud."
Your breath hitched as you felt his head hover yours. You didn't dare to look up but you knew he was looking at you.
"Thank you, Min Ho."
You felt him breathe on the top of your head. It was unsteady and hot, you felt like you were about to melt.
"Good morning." Kitty yawned, coming to join the two of you.
You jumped away from each other and focused back on your tasks, attempting to forget what had just happened. "Hey, slept well?"
"I guess." she yawned again. "Oh, Pepero." she said excitedly and reached out to get it from Min Ho's gift from his mother.
He slapped her hand away. "Don't."
Hours of cooking went by and you were happy to have almost forgotten about your moment with Min Ho. Almost. Having finished with your budae jjigae, you sat at the stool and watched Kitty make her mashed potatoes. Growing bored, you connected your phone to the speakers and scrolled through your playlists to find something to add to the ambiance. After selecting one song, you heard a phone buzzing. Min Ho took his device out and smiled as he replied to a text.
"Confirmed Lulu will be at the premises at 8pm." he said with a smirk before putting his phone away.
Your stomach felt weird again.
"I'm sure she'll love the chocolate." Kitty smiled sarcastically.
"The chocolate was actually for," he began to say and moved his gaze to focus on you. "someone else."
Kitty eye-judged him as she kept mixing her potatoes.
"Hey, don't judge." he exclaimed. "Not all people need to be star-crossed lovers to be compatible. Like, hot people, for example." he pointed to himself. "We can, and want to play the field."
You mentally thanked him for saying that as it gave you a reminder that he was nothing but a jackass. That helped the weird tug in your belly go away.
"That's because you haven't found your perfect match." she looked at you for a second and you coughed in disapproval.
Min Ho grunted. "I've found many, many matches."
"I'm just saying, I've seen the magic when people find the one." she smiled to herself.
"That's sweet to think, Kitty." you said in a bored voice, not believing in what she was saying.
"Y/N's right. My parents both thought they found the one." Min Ho continued. "They were the 'it' couple. Beautiful, young starlet. Chaebol heir. The tabloids literally called them the perfect match. Look at them now."
Visibly, the divorce of his parents seemed to have impacted him more than he would admit. You kind of felt bad but, again, this was Min Ho. He didn't deserve your empathy.
"I'm sorry." you let yourself spill out unintentionally.
He shrugged. "Whatever."
Kitty coughed to clear the atmosphere and served him a bowl of her potatoes for him to taste. He took a spoonful of it and hummed as it was better than he thought.
"It must be weird to have people know all about your family." you continued on topic.
You were glad that he didn't mind keeping on telling you about it. "They think they know, they don't really. That's my point."
You nodded in agreement and he continued.
"There's really only one thing that matters at the end of the day."
"Which is what?" Kitty asked curiously.
"The truth." he responded as if it was obvious.
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You helped Kitty with organizing the place. As more people came to her gathering, you welcomed everyone nicely by offering them drinks. You saw Q and Florian arrive and joined Kitty's side to say hello.
"Wow." Q breathed out in amazement. "People are calling this Chingu-seok."
"What?" Kitty asked and you were starting to wonder if she really was working on her Korean like she told you she was.
"It's a pun with chinggu, which means 'friends' and Chuseok." Florian explained. "You started a new tradition."
She was in awe but it was ruined when her eyes spotted Professor Lee. "Oh, no. Why is he here?"
"Because he's sad and lonely." Min Ho answered making you almost choke in your orange juice. "Mind helping me, Y/N?"
You followed him to the main table where you had placed the food dishes. He passed you a bowl of cold noodles and asked you to bring them to a table. As he was placing a plate himself, Madison appeared out of nowhere and waved at him.
"Min Ho, hi."
He shut his eyes closed, clearly not wanting to converse with her. "Hello, Madison."
"I wasn't expecting you to be here." she frowned but then noticed the plate he was holding. "Oh my God, you cooked."
"Yes, but I'm not staying long. Got a date tonight."
You had heard enough and moved to the entrance to invite people in. The weird knot in your belly came back and you absolutely hated it. You hated even more that Min Ho was seemingly the cause of it.
"Y/N!" he called out for you again.
With a lack of enthusiasm, you came to him and he asked you to put the plates away with him. Madison had left so you saw no problem in giving him a hand. Happy with the result, you went to Kitty's table together and stopped to look for which seat to take. You sat at the edge of the table, two seats away from your professor. Although awkward, Kitty was going to be in front of you anyway. Plus, you were only there to enjoy the food.
You raised an eyebrow at Min Ho. "You're sitting here? Willingly?"
He repositioned himself on the seat next to you and shook his head. "No. Yes? Just drop it."
"My bad."
Q insisted for Kitty to make a toast and she did a great job as she mentioned sweet thoughts such as gathering together and her mother. She ended her speech with a 'cheers' and you clang your drinks together. With Min Ho's first.
"Happy Chuseok, little pup." he nudged your shoulder. "Thank you for the food."
"Thank you to you too." you smiled.
You started to serve yourself and were, honestly, overwhelmed by how much food there was. You wanted to taste each one of them.
"Can you pass the japchae?" Min Ho asked Q.
Your head rose from the mention of this specific food. "You made japchae?"
He put it down in front of you two. "Yeah, first thing this morning. Didn't you see?"
You shook your head as a no. "I haven't eaten that in years."
Min Ho brought your plate closer and dumped some in it. "Dig in."
The last time you had actual good japchae was at your last Chuseok with your parents. None had own up to it so far and you were curious to see if his cooking skills were as good as he claimed them to be. You took a bite and chewed slowly. Your eyes grew bigger and you shook his shoulder.
"This tastes exactly like my mom's."
He chuckled. "Really? She might have sent you my way so you could taste it."
You rolled your eyes. "Don't ruin the moment."
He shrugged. "I'm just saying." he checked his phone quickly. "I'm off... to fulfill my destiny."
"Ah, Lulu?" you asked and he wiggled his eyebrows at you while getting up.
"Can't wait to read about it tomorrow." Q commented.
"Wait, you're leaving?" Kitty stopped him.
"Hello, hot date with popstar? Later, sasaeng." he tapped her head and walked away.
You felt disappointed he left. Of course, you would never admit it out loud. To suppress the annoying tingle that seemed to never go away from your chest, you focused on the japchae. Taking more and more bites of it, you reminisced your parents. You missed them terribly. But you were convinced they were watching you and you wanted to make them proud. Min Ho said they would be, after all.
And there it was again, Min Ho coming to your mind. You tried to shake it off but he simply wouldn't go away. And now you pictured him being with his date at this exact moment...
You took out your phone from your pocket and read the messages you had just gotten.
Min Ho: Y/N!
Min Ho: Y/N, answer!
Min Ho: Help me!
Min Ho: I don't know who else to call, come help me!
He was definitely going to be the death of you. Putting your pride aside, you left the dinner to head to the school's entrance. You looked around but there was no one. You yelled out his name a few times but you were left unanswered. As you were about to give up and go back to the others, Min Ho's head popped out of the bushes.
"What the hell did Kitty put in those potatoes?"
You looked at him curiously. "What the- Weren't you going out just now?"
"Y/N, answer, please."
You shrugged. "Milk, cheese... I heard her mention it."
He squinted his eyes in shame. "Really, that little piece of-"
"Min Ho." you stopped him but he then groaned in pain and you heard his tummy rumble. "Awe, Poopy Baby. Are you okay? Do you need help with the potty?" you teased him.
"Real funny." he said while his face stayed still. "Lulu could come any minute now. You have to get rid of her. She can't see me like this. But keep her hooked on me."
You scoffed. "And why would I do that?"
"If her fans find out, I'm done for."
"Sounds like a you problem." you replied and started to walk away.
The sound of a car brought your attention back to where Min Ho was and you immediately connected that this was Lulu. Cursing at yourself, you turned back on your heels and greeted the idol with a forced smile.
"Hi." you bowed at her as she stepped out of the car. "Min Ho's running late."
"Who are you?" she asked in a bored voice.
"Min Ho's fanclub president, first in line for a date night with him."
You wanted to die just then and there. Fanclub president, what were you thinking?
"Uh?" she said, confused.
"My date with him just ended. I can't believe I even got to see him up close."
And more will to bury yourself ten thousand miles deep.
"That jerk double-booked me?"
You smiled, almost afraid of what you were going to say next. "He is the most handsome guy at school. I'm not going to lie, he ruined me for other guys. He's just so... well, you know."
"Intriguing... But I refuse to come second. You tell him I come back at 6pm tomorrow night. And that he better clear off the rest of his schedule."
"Oh." was all that you could say.
"When he has a night with me, he won't be seeing anyone else after."
She got back into the car, not leaving you time to say something back, and took off. Min Ho scoffed in disbelief.
"How did you do that?"
"Talent?" you answered, although it came out more like a question. "You owe me."
"I know, I know."
You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. "Well, I'll go now."
"Y/N, wait."
Halting on your steps, you looked at him, confused, and waited for him to go on. He cleared his throat and looked anywhere but at you.
"The chocolate. It was for you. You can take them when you get home."
You froze. "For me?"
"Yeah." he affirmed and finally looked at you. "As an apology for the other day when I yelled."
You let out a small laugh. "Love language is gifts, uh?"
He rolled his eyes. "Say thank you and we move on?"
"Thank you, Min Ho." you smiled.
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife |@soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomori | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @aar0n3tte | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @boba-tea1206 | @callsign-haze
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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imeanhesqueer · 1 year
ok like hugggggeeee shitpost but erm why is captian underpants lowkey kinda like beavis and butthead for little kids.
my reasons↓↓
1) both duos are teenager best friends who are lil shits
2) both duos are childhood friends
3) both duos piss off their principals and like both of the principals are so distraught over them and are desperate to get the duos in trouble
4) both cause lots of trouble at their schools (pranks, screwing over teachers and other students, etc)
5) again, both duos are awful shits to ALL their teachers
6) both duos are fucking goofy and make lewd, potty humour & silly jokes
7) beavis and harold have the same damn hairstyle ↓
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8) both principals look kinda similar too. ngl ↓
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9) uhmm....
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10) professor poopy pants (goofy ass name fr) wanting to destroy laughter (mostly george and harolds) is giving the no laughing beavis and butthead episode from season 2
11) both duos hate one main boy kid ↓
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12) mean/cruel gym teachers ↓
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13) female voice of reason that tries to talk the duos out of shit/is the brains of the duo ↓
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am i reaching?? yes, but honestly like... im not that delusional right, like the similarities are there.. like im onto something!!!! anyways thanks 4 coming to my tedtalk #likeandsubscribe to my channel and tune in next week for my weekly shenanigans 🌞
also ignore the fact that some photos are screenshotted(?) together, it was the only way i could include all the photos 🙁
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gaybaby2424 · 1 month
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I just turned 20 and just got this gay app Grindr and scrolled til I found a cute 14 year old looking to dominate guys so we start talking and then we wanted to meet eachother so we agreed to meet the next day at his house at 9 in the morning and he said plan on staying for 1 week. The next morning I woke up got ready and left for his house when I got there it was a huge house and a big driveway. I parked next to his vehicle and started walking up to his door right as I was about to know he opens the door and says hey sexy and he invited me in he closed the door and stood right in front of me for a sec before he starts ripping my clothes off til I’m butt naked he looks at my dick and giggles at it he then took his off and I couldn’t believe how big the boy was he told me to be a good fag and get on your knees and then he got hard so fast and forced it in my mouth as he roughly face fucked me after he was done he put a dog collar and a leash on me and said follow me doggy we went to his couch as I crawled behind him like a dog I got up on the couch on all fours then rammed his huge 9 inch cock inside me and after 3 hours he had cum inside my ass 5 times. After the last fuck I got so hot I passed out and awoke 2 hours later in a baby nursery and I’m strapped in a giant crib wearing the thickest diapers I’ve ever seen and for some reason I couldn’t move anything but my head and I had a big pacifier strapped around my head. I tried screaming but it was muffled and then I felt it my thick diaper on was filled to the brim with a lot of smelly piss and shit. I laid there for a second and just started balling my eyes out and in comes the 14 year old that fucked me and he came over to the crib and bent down and put his face right on my diaper and started inhaling the stench of my overflowing diaper. He finally stood up and looked right into my eyes and said awww look at that some big dumb baby had a huge accident in there diapees didn’t they and all I could do was stare and cry. He then unlocked the crib picked me up like a rag doll and carried me downstairs to the living room where there was 2 other teen boys all 3 of them were naked and hard as a rock they look up and see me and asked how old I was the boy told his friends I was 20 and they laughed and laughed until the boy put me in a big baby jumper and left me there to bounce in my dirty diapers while they watched me and then they all got up at the same time and walked over to me and finally took me out and put me on the floor in front of the couch and started taking my diaper off and put a chastity cage on me and shoved the huge thick diaper under my butt and I thought they were gonna tape it up but they decided to get nasty and kinky so the first boy squated down over the front of my diaper and starts pooping so much and after he was done he plopped his shitty hole right on my face as I was told to lick him clean as the next boy started shitting in my diapers even more and he also made me lick his shitty hole too and then the last boy decided to do something different as he left the room the two boys taped up my shitty diaper and started rubbing all the shit everywhere and then the other boy came back with a big baby bottle and said daddy’s got a special surprise for you faggot and picked me up and placed me in his arms as he puts the bottle in my mouth and tells me to start sucking and as I did I know what he did he pooped in it and made it watery. After a long time it seemed like I finished the poopy bottle they then put me back on the floor and put me in another diaper and told me that he also put 20 melted exlax chocolate in it so get ready to stink like a big dumb pathetic baby as I sit there sobbing they had an idea they put there clothes on grabbed a big stroller and put me in it while just in my diaper and we headed out the door down the street while everybody is walking by they are staring and laughing and after a long walk I realize I’m in a park filled with at least 8 naked boys sitting in a private field where no one can see us.
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via-rant · 2 years
My favorite Snapcube moments (pt. 1)
"It seems you have come to a standstill in Tarzans Forest! You have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes you Hot Topic wanna be and you blue Gumball son of a bitch! You have done nothing but destroy my life, I hope you both die!"
"Hot Topic?!"
"No, my secret!"
"He's faster than Sonic. He's faster than Sonic. What?"
"Why you got hot sauce on your head cuz? What's wrong?"
"I pissed on your wife Robotnick, she's mine now."
"What the actual shit?! What-"
"Shut the fuck up!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Everybody's fucked my wife!!"
"yeah.... But we can fix it I promise. Just join us."
"No! I'm divorcing her ass! I'm throwing your ass in the garbage! I'm throwing all your asses in the garbage! I'm taking your CD's and weed!!"
"All around me are familiar Eggmans. Warn out Eggmans. Warn out Eggmaaaaans. When - I'M BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAIN?!?! Oooooh my Goooood."
"I'm so sick! My-"
"I'm so sick of fucking your wife! She's a tired old hag!! ...... Wait.... Where am I?"
"Are you my mom?"
"No, what... the fuck?"
"I'm calling the police. 911."
"I am the police!"
"Haha ha, 1."
"Guess what Elise?"
"I can never die."
"Please God take me."
"How many times are you gonna run? I've captured you 17 different times."
"I feel like it's gonna be at least 18."
(Looooooong silence)
"The caucasity of this bitch."
"I just love bringing up my favorite game and go to tilted towers - I don't actually play Fornite I don't know any other places."
"I'm not a gamer so..... Maybe they'll respect me."
"That just makes you a Beta Cuck."
"Oh... Oh God! Someone help meeeeee!!"
"That looked like it hurt, right Blaze?"
"B.... Blaze?"
"I didn't see it."
"What's weed?"
"God, you can tell you're white."
"Anyway. I'm gonna break into - WOAH!!"
"Egg poopy poopy butt!"
"Don't you ever fucking call me that again, I'll kill you!"
"Have you actually ever interacted with a woman in your life Mephalis?"
"My name is Mmmmemphis Tennessee. Nice to - (Some Japanese I don't know) as they say in Nepal(?)."
"Nephiles! I should've guessed."
"Let me get a good smell of you boy."
"There's so much physical, rendered blood!"
"Oh no. I'm havin' a flashback."
"Why won't anyone answer me?!"
"What happened to the voice I was doing before? Is this an inner dialogue? It seems I have fallen off a path. (Weird ass noise.)"
"That's fucked up right?"
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prinxejeanne02 · 5 months
I'm making a new blog for privacy AND organizational purposes so tehe
Taken by @aoirumusenthinaliminali
I draw, write, make music, uhhhhhhh serve cunt
I'm gonna tag any suggestive content with "minors dni" so make sure to block that tag if it applies to you OR if you just don't wanna see that stuff
And I'll update this post as needed :3
#sawyer lore - random info about me tehe
#poopy piss boy - posts related to my lovely love
#sawyer's meat vessel contains autism - hyperfixation posting
#let's all love sawyer - me existing in a visual form (picturesss)
#queue the fuck are you - other posts that my ass is too lazy to organize
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raviosrupees · 2 years
Rating the Chain (+ravio) on how nice they would be to bite
Sky: very good bite, 9/10 also no repercussions because he just assumes you're dealing with something and kind of.... lets you. You'd feel a bit guilty because he's a very nice guy but he doesn't mind.
Wild: due to the rolling around in horse poopy all day and getting dirty, wild does not taste very good. Also he most definitely bites back, and due to him not knowing his own strength he'll bite harder than you bit him. 0/10
Wind: this is a brat child with prime brother energy, 10/10, would bite again, he deserves it. Like wild though, he also bites back
Time: do you really want to try this? i wont. lemme know if you do tho
Twilight: 7/10 good bite, also has the funniest reaction. He looks completely bewildered and kind of tries to shake you off but mostly just stands there, staring, looking from you to everyone else like, "what do i do? what do i do?" He might bite back in wolf form though.
Four: 2/10 he's such a chill dude i would feel bad. He's probably a good yummy bite but bro goes from 0-100 real quick if you piss him off, he doesn't deserve to be monchd,
Legend: mmm yes very yummy, good taste, also funny reaction as long as you start running after. he doesn't like being bit but at least he wont bite back... probably. 8/10
Warriors: if you bite skin he good, what with him having some of the best hygiene, but if you bite armor its not very nice :( 6/10
Hyrule: bad bite but good friend, 5/10 he gets very excited about it and then you both start biting each other. he doesn't taste very good, but its a bonding moment
Ravio: very overdramatic about the whole thing, but he would be a very good bite. He tastes like frosted animal crackers, those pink and white sprinkle ones? but beware this boy definitely has assault fees
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neververy4 · 2 years
Do we have the funny due tomorrow?
Yeah we do but don’t worry I finished it you can copy my answers but don’t make it obvious or whatever lol
1. sex
2. penis
3. fart
4. poopy
5. pee pee piss boy pee baby pee
6. sex.. 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. butts
8. barf
9. 69 (nice)
10. weed 420 blaze it OOHHHHHH hoo ha sexo!
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thunderboltage · 2 years
Was kinda in a poopy mood cause my glitter gel pens are pretty much out of ink which compounded other things I was pissed about but am I hearing that Fall Out Boy is dropping a new album soon???
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diaperedfairyboi · 11 months
I like to think about how I'm such a babybrain that I think having poopy all over my bottom makes me a sexy boy. Most people would be grossed out and turned off. Like I'm doing the wrong thing to be sexy. Feels so wrong and naughty. And I can't even help it, it's not like I can stop pooping my pants. I can't even go 12 hours without filling my pampers up with shit. And I can't go an hour without pissing myself.
Like, knowing plenty of people would fuck me. Except I'm an incontinent little baby-pants. And waking up next to me means smelling poop and pee first thing in the morning. Idk, there's a concept there. I think I'm a hot twink bottom but I'm just a pathetic, disgusting little baby who smells gross and waddles around in full diapers. Why does abdl fit so well with cuckolding?
I did sit in it btw lol
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vulpine111 · 1 year
I gotta take a moment to process what's going on with poopy boy. I'm just confused/conflicted about how to move forward- even after reading over previous entries on here.
I feel almost guilty that I'm healing, finding it in me to live for myself, etc. All this love I am finding in myself? I thought I wanted it to come from him for so so so long.
There is way more to life than anything I hoped to have with him, though.
I feel terrible for him and in a way I still care but mostly I just wish he'd stop trying to get money from me. I don't need him to love me. I don't need anything from him. He's not the person I thought he was.
He claims he got in trouble for "trespassing" at the school I'm trying to (eventually) get back into. It's an open campus. Imagine how unhinged you have to be to piss them off!
They must have caught him sleeping there. It's like... dude. The bus is free and he would rather sleep there than at my apartment every once and a while? Why is that? Cuz he would rather resort to that than follow the rules here??? Uhhhh??? Geeze. :(
I don't know if this situation warrants jail, but if they lock him up a while, I will be almost relieved at the peace this will give me from him and how much more money I will be able to keep for myself with less of a struggle. I won't have to deal with the discomfort of saying "no" and justifying why my money is mine.
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ko-odi · 2 years
Hey stupid dummy idiot poopy head!!!!! Ur art STINKS LIKE PEE!!! and ur brains werent even tasty smh wtf get TASTIER BRAINS and NOT PISS SMELLING ART!!!!! GO DRINK UR PISS PEE BOY!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡💩💩💩💩💩😼😼😼😼😼😼🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
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gaybaby2424 · 1 month
As we walked to big bros room he said I have a lot of fun planned for us baby bro. When we got into his room he laid me down on the bed he closed and locked the door and looked back at me grinning evily. after a few minutes he said let’s have some fun baby bro I got a special surprise for you. He walked over to me and opened my mildly wet diaper got on the bed and squated over my diaper and started pushing a lot of creamy shit right in the front of my diaper after he taped my diaper back up he squated over my face and told me to lick his ass clean. After I licked his shitty ass clean he then got a baby bottle and started pissing in it when he stopped peeing he went to his dresser and got a couple pills out and put it in my bottle and made sure it was mixed well then went over to his bed and sat down and put me on his lap while he said alright baby make sure you drink all of big bros potion then stuck the nipple in my mouth. I really didn’t want to drink but I was so thirsty so I started suckling as fast as I can and finally finished every drop he burped me and told me I was a very good baby and then told me that the pills he put in there were for bladder and bowel incontinence and a muscle relaxer so you are really gonna be a pathetic helpless dirty baby now. I started balling cause of the humiliation and he put a bigger paci in my mouth and strapped it to my head he then went into his closet and brought out a leg spreader and put it on me so now all I can do is crawl. While I was crawling I felt so helpless as I began to piss and shit my diaper so much it was sagging I fell on my side from embarrassment. Big bro came over and took the spreader off and got another diaper I was so excited I thought I was getting a fresh change but he ended up putting it over top of my messy diaper and putting pink frilly locking plastic pants on then picked me up put me in a big bouncer after I was secure he left the room brought in a rolling tv and continued to lock the door again and put some headphones on me and turned the tv on I was trying so hard to ignore it but I caved in and felt my mind go blank. After 2 hours big bro shut the tv off took the headphones off and said how did you love the puppy diaper scat hypnosis tape. I couldn’t even speak I was speaking like a infant babbling and cooing and then it happened again my ass erupted into my diaper filling it fuller with hot shit for some reason I was so horny I started rubbing my diaper and bouncing hard while big bro was watching then he said I guess it worked baby now let’s have some real fun while he took me out of my bouncer and put me on a huge dirty blanket in the middle of the room laid me down and unlocked my plastic pants and undid my diapers and all the hot aroma of my shit came wafting up to my nose and it smelled amazing i unsteadily got on all fours and went to my full diaper and started sniffing it like a puppy then I shoved my face in my very smelly shitty diaper and started moaning as big bro had gotten his phone out and started recording me. He said that I was a very good little piglet for being such a nasty stinker and then told me to look at him as I did he saw shit caked all over my face as I licked my lips tasting my delicious poop as big bro came over and shoved my head in my diaper again but this time he taped it on my head and proceeded to lay me on my back and said I be right back baby piglet and about 10 minutes later he came back and started putting a diaper on me as i put my butt on the diaper I felt a very squishy feeling and big bro noticed and said I had mommy and both daddies go poopy in this diaper as he taped it on and put my plastic pants back on. He picked me up and put me in what felt like a big stroller he’s buckled me up and went outside we walked for 20 minutes til we got to a private park where I heard boys talking when we stopped big bro took me out and put me in some grass and took my poopy diaper off my head and I started crying cause I wanted it on and all the boys just died laughing
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
History of Baby trunks (Dragon ball Z)
When I first started training with my hero and idol Son Gohan to battle the android, Of course my goal was to save the world. It became even more important to me after he was killed in a battle with the twin beasts. Ironically while I've failed to destroy them and lost more then I could ever thought possible, I've done just that since the androids are too busy with my ever lasting torment and humiliation to bother with the rest of the world. My name is Trunks Briefs, and THIS is my story.
It all started after my failed attempt to kill the androids. a young half super sayien giving it his all to avenge a fallen mentor, I had deluded myself into thinking a stood a chance. The notion I stood a chance was quickly beat out of me after they shrugged off my best attack and knocked me around like I was the red headed step child, then openly started to mock me and getting in my head. "Awww, Isn't that the toddler that used to hang out with lefty?" "Sure is! Look who graduated to big boy pants!" At this point I'd lost the ability to hold my super sayian form and had been hiding in one of the building they had cleared out, desperately trying to control my breath AND my bladder. "Awww, look who thinks he's the champ at hide and seek!" 18's voice rang out, making me look around, the bare control I had on my bladder starting to slip. "T-Their bluffing.." I muttered to myself, forgetting that among their many enhancements, hearing was one of them. "Peek a boo." Came 17's voice, a second before he burst though the wall behind him, stopping in front of me and looking over his shoulder. "I found you." even as he backhanded me, sending me flying though was was left of the wall and crashing onto the earth below, my bladder gave way and my light grey jeans did nothing to hide the fact. "Awww, did baby fall down and go boom?" 18's voice rang out. my eyes were closed in pain and shame and I was trying to get up, but her foot came down on the back of my head. "Awww don't worry, I'll make it all bet- ..Holy shit! 17! The bitch pissed himself!" 18 called out, going from condescending to outright amused, laughing. "No way!" 17's voice called out, then it was much closer. "Hahahaha! Oh wow! we have a widdle pants wetter!" "Sheesh, we better finish it off not before baby craps his underoo's." 18 said, and I managed to open my eyes enough to see her looking down at me with a sneer. Oddly 17 was brushing at that and then reached out and grabbed his sisters hand, pulling it back. "Wait.." He said. She went from confused to annoyed and let out a massive sign. "oh god, not again! This never works out and you know it! they break to easily!" She ranted. "But these golden haired weirdos are more durable! come on, Pleassse! I promise I'll handle everything this time!" 17 said and I was MORE then confused as he gave his sister puppy dog eyes and had his hands together. "I must have a concussion.." I muttered. "Hush babykins! Daddies bargaining for your life!" 17 said, shaking a finger at me then turning back to his sister. "You SAY that but then I always end up having to change them because you like them in droopy diapers for hours on end!" 18 said. Poopie diapers? Daddy? Babykin's? let's just say this red flag was fucking crimson and if I hadn't of been too hurt to get up I would of been flying for my life...not that I think it would of helped since I was pretty sure they were faster then me. "Please please please please please please plea-" 17 was saying over and over again until 18 let out a anoyyed sigh. "FINE! But if this one breaks, we're not getting anther!" she said and shook her head. "God, act your destination not your shoe size." "yay! your the better robo twin ever!" 17 said and hugged her then crouched down to look at me. "Welcome to babyhood little guy! Oh..and sorry about this." Before I could even ask what 'this' was, His fist shot towards my face and darkness took over.
when I woke up I had a splitting head ache..well ok I ached all over but I was alive. the room I was in spun around and I was forced to close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to fight off a wave of nausea then I started to sit up. the bed I was on felt super soft and had a fuzzy sheet on it and I'd been covered in a light blanket I tossed off, eyes still shut when I felt something weird around my hips, and heard a crinkle. "...Ohhhh no..." I groaned, recalling what 17 had said before he'd knocked my lights out. Slowly I opened one eye and took a look around my new room which just as I had freed, was a semi nursery though it had been set up in a cave. I already knew what I'd see when I opened my other eye and looked down, or at least had thought I'd known. Clearly I was wearing a diaper, from the feel around my hips and the crinkles I was making, but it wasn't really visible unless you counted the bulge that it made under the white diaper shirt with a dino print on it that I was wearing. "Ok..Ok. Don't freak out. Maybe your just in a coma, and this is one of those deep dreams.." I muttered to myself, taking anther look around my cave nursery. It looked like it had at one point been one of the cave lab's that every mad scientist worth his tittle seemed to have (Heck, Mom even used to have one!) but any lab equipment had been replaced with a changing table, a rocking chair, dressers and a toy chest and well, last but not least the crib my diapered ass was sitting in. almost as a after thought since it didn't extend to the walls a rug had been put down. Standing up in the crib my head swam for a second and I almost plopped back down onto my newly pampered backside but instead i just held onto the crib rail and shut my eyes again, swaying a bit. "Great..I'm dressed like a oversized baby and I have a concussion. can this get ANY worse?" I muttered out loud. As it turned out I temping fate and that was one asshole you didn't wanna tempt. even as i finished my statement my guts churned and I hunched slightly, a old familiar need taking hold. "I just HAD to say something didn't I??" I complained to no one, though as I would later learn the room was wired for sound and 17 and 18 had been listening in and watching from hidden cameras with glee.  (They've often joked about maybe selling the footage for a hit reality series on Netflix..I just pray they're kidding.) Just because I was wearing a diaper and the changing table and diaper pail told me what was expected of me, didn't mean I was gonna just sit back and crap myself however. I wasn't as bad as I've heard my father was but I still had my pride. It was easy enough to get out of the crib, I didn't even need to fly though the movement didn't exactly agree with my goal of trying to keep my pants clean and I let out a 12 second ripper that would of had my mom running for a window and Gohan chuckling and telling me to name that sucker. I was eyeing what I was gonna take a dump in as my hands moved down to open up the diaper shirt when suddenly there was a hard swat on my pampered behind that despite their thickness hurt and sent me stumbling forward and tripping, arms coming out so i didn't brain myself on the floor but ending up face down and ass up. it also made what little control I'd had left go out the window and my back door opened up and unleashed it's own take on a big bang attack. "Ah ah ah baby, no touching your dia- Heh..Jeez Kiddo, not wasting anytime huh?" 17 said, appearing in front of me and leaning down, going from wagging a finger at me to realizing what was happening. "I..I..Shut up!" I said, and followed it up with the cutting insult of "Stop watching me poop you perv!" I'm sure despite the look of amusement on his face, 17 was torn to spreads by my witty insults...  Yeah it's a nice fantasy world I live in. you should come and visit sometime. "Awww, Somebodies just cranky because Daddy had to scold him. it's ok..I know the next few days are gonna be rough so I'll go easy on ya." 17 said and ruffled my hair and patted my head in a manner that if anyone else had been doing it and I hadn't of been in the middle of shitting my guts out..might of been nice. "heh, oh yeah, I can see it in your eyes, your gonna be a hostage taker. you needy daddy boys are. just gonna have to crack though that shell first." 17 said. "I am NOT a daddies boy! and I will Never give into y- Ahh! Poopie!" while I had been in the middle of making my defiant statement and finished unloading into the seat of the diaper 17 had just smirked and reached back, and rubbed and squished the seat of the messy diaper in a way that was 70 percent gross and I hated it, and 30 percent  'oh, i could get to like that' Blushing I tried to will myself NOT to react with a stiffie from the wave of kinda nice feelings this was awake when a SHARP pain made me yelp out. "OW! what did you do to my dick!" I cried out. "Awww, did babykins try and get a widdle stiffie from having him's stinky butt pwayed wff? Ever kewt!" 17 coo'ed and chuckled, tickling my chin. "Answer the freaking question!" I huffed, trying to sound scary but I mean.. let's recap: here I was in a diaper shirt, a poopie diaper, and getting hot and bothered from having my stinky butt patted. Destroyer of worlds I was not. "Such a grumpy gus! Just for that you can spend a extra hour in your stinky huggies." 17 said. "Like hell he will! he's worse then the last one!" 18 said, making me look over at the door to my apparently new room. She was holding her nose and glaring at 17pointing at the changing table with her free hand. "Change his butt, NOW!" "Awww but sis, he's totally getting off on it! come on!" 17 pleaded. "Change his diaper or I'm taking him to the dog pound." "..She's joking right?" I asked. "I wish..Finnne be a bitch all your life! Didn't know Gero converted you when you were ridding the cotton pony." 17 snapped, standing up and was about to help me up when he took a kick from 18 that knocked into into the cave wall, leaving a dent. Glaring at him and standing where he was, 18 turned to me and smile. "Don't worry little guy, I'm not made at you. this is all on your daddy. ..You are cute..but you'll be cuter when your nott smelly. Auntie is gonna have LOTS of fun with you and had lots of butt plugs to keep you from stinking her room up." she said then walked away leaving me confused and 217 pulling himself out of the wall. "yeah you better run bitch!" He called after her, getting a middle finger as a response and then she slammed the door. "...Sooo any chance that didn't just ruin me being viewed as the most dominant member of our happy little family?" he asked turning to me. "...I mean.." "Damn it! you only get one chance to imprint with these things! fucking bitch!" Needless to say, this didn't fill me any sort of confidence that things were gonna get better for me.
the end for now
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