#poolside fire pit
wucrnos · 1 year
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Poolhouse - Poolhouse Inspiration for a huge modern backyard tile and l-shaped infinity pool house remodel
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glennkotche · 8 months
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Fire Pit Landscape This is an illustration of a sizable, formal, full-sun backyard stone garden with a fire pit in the summer.
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klllerwithin · 1 year
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Fire Pit - Patio
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cosmysla · 2 years
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Large fashionable backyard image with a rectangular lap pool
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huggybearhughes43 · 3 months
Inexperienced reader threesome with Ethan Edwards and Jack Hughes?
- reader and Jack are best friends
- everyone’s at the lake house
- Ethan has a school boy crush
- Jack thinks it’s funny that Ethan thinks he has a chance with you
- possessive Jack who claims it’s just because you’re his best friend
- Ethan is sweet and gentle (treats you like a gentleman)
- Jack is rougher and tries to show Ethan how the “grown ups” please a girl
- almost like a competition between the two to see how many times they can make her cum/who pleases her better
- lots of dirty talk, thigh riding, sex in front of a mirror
(Sorry if this was too detailed 🥲)
My Turn.
Jack Hughes x Fem! Reader x Ethan Edwards
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Warnings- smut, threesome, dirty talk, pet names (slut, whore, pretty girl, baby, good girl), Mean! Dom! Jack + Soft! Dom! Ethan + Sub! Reader, creampie, squirting, I think that’s it
Summary- In the ask <3
Word count- 2.2k
No one bats an eye as Ethan stares at me from across the pool. I’m laid out alongside Jack, bathing in the sun. Almost everyone knew about Ethan’s crush but I was oblivious. I grew up with the Hughes brothers, being only a year older than Luke, I went to Michigan with him. That’s how I knew Ethan. Jack and Quinn invited some of their buddies from their teams and past teams, while Luke invited his friends from Michigan.
The Dukes were stationed at their usual spot, the grill, cooking everyone dinner after a long day. Most of the day was spent on the boat. There were times that Jack would catch Ethan mindlessly checking me out but he’d just smirk and roll his eyes. Jack was confident that Ethan would never have a chance with me.
I sigh and stand up, wrapping myself in the towel I was laying on. “I’m going inside to change.” I notify Jack and he nods, eyes still focused on his phone from before. I make my way inside, walking up to mine and Jacks shared room. My towel was long discarded in the hamper as I stood next to the bed, rummaging through my bag to find an outfit to wear. I pull out a soft white sundress with red flowers scattered over it.
Confident that everyone was outside still, I stripped of my bathing suit in the room. Granted, the only one who would walk in with no warning would be Jack. Who, hard to admit, had walked in on me changing plenty of times in the years of our friendship. I slip the dress on and a pretty thong that matched the flowers on the dress. One thing about me, I dress for myself. I don’t care one bit if anyone sees it just gives a piece of mind knowing I match.
The straps of the dress were in an awkward spot, just barely being able to reach high enough, definitely not being able to tie it by myself. My back was turned towards the door when it barged open. “Jack I-“ I turn around and furrow my brows then smile softly, “Hey Ethan, can you help me tie this?” He scratches his neck and nods, walking over to me. I hold my hair out of the way as he ties it. “I should’ve knocked, I’m sorry” he chuckles nervously. “Jack was too busy on his ass to come up here at get you. Foods ready, by the way.” He softly pats my shoulder to signal he’s done.
“Thank you, Ethan” His face heats up with a goofy smile on his face. “You’re welcome, this dress looks good on you- I mean every dress does- everything does- shit.” He sighs frustratedly causing me to giggle. “Come on, the foods gonna get cold.” I grab ahold of his arm and lead him back to the poolside. Jack walks over to the two of us once we get outside, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Nice of you to go and get my girl for me.” I scoff, “your girl?” I look over to see Ethan’s annoyed face. “I’m not his girl!” Ethan’s face was still unconvinced and jacks with a smirk plastered over it. I scoff and swat Jacks hand away, splitting away from them and deciding to eat my dinner with Luke.
The sun was far gone by the time everyone finished up their food. The cold air nipped at my nose as Luke and Mark threw some sticks into a fire pit to warm us up. I twist my hangs together to keep them warm. A soft hand wrapped itself around my waist from my right side. I look over to see the Michigan boy smiling down at me, “You looked cold.” He says with a shrug. “Thanks Ethan” I smile and snuggle closer to his side. Jack glared from the other side of the now lit fire pit. He sipped on a cup of a mysterious alcoholic mixture. He crumbled the cup in his hand before throwing it on a random table, making his way over to us.
“It’s cute you think you have a chance.” Is what Jack doesn’t know I hear he whispers to Ethan as he passes. Ethan gets an obvious face of distaste as Jack approaches. I gently rub my fingers along his back in a stupid attempt to soothe him. “Jack, you’re drunk.” I simply say and he just smiles. “Just had one drink for confidence.” Luke and Marks stares caught my eye and I huff. I grab ahold of both of the hockey players arms and drag them inside the house and up into mine and Jacks shared room.
“What the fuck is your problem, Jack?” I burst out which surprises both of them. “What’re you talking about? You’re my best friend, you deserve way more than a little college boy with a school crush.” He says matter of factly and crosses his arms. “I’m what? A year younger than you? Get over yourself.” I’m surprised at Ethan’s words. They almost make me laugh because of how right they were. I sit myself on the edge of the shared bed in the awkwardness of the silence in which Jack breaks. “Fine, you decide. Which one of us would you rather have?” I don’t answer, instead subconsciously squeezing my legs together. “Oh-“ Jack laughs, “I get it now, you want both of us, don’t you?”
I go to speak up but Jack cuts me off, turning his head to look at Ethan. “What do you think, Edwards? Wanna share her?” Ethan looks from Jack to me. “If it’s okay with you?” Ethan asks. I think for a moment, looking between them before I nod. Jack smirks and walks over to me, “That’s what I thought.” Ethan’s close behind, making his way to me to lift me to stand. “What a dirty slut.” I gasp and Jacks words as he attacks my neck with kisses and bites. Ethan presses a soft kiss to my forehead before reaching around to untie my dress, letting it puddle to the floor around my feet. Leaving me only in the skimpy thong I put on earlier. “So pretty” Ethan whispers in my ear before running soft kisses over my shoulder.
Jack drops to his knees, pulling the last piece of clothing down my legs. Ethan pulls me gently back onto the bed and onto his lap. I turn my head and press my lips deeply into Ethan’s, causing him to smile onto my lips. “So wet” Jack teases from between my legs, “Fuck, you like this that much? Fucking whore.” His lips connecting to my wet cunt pulls me away from Ethan’s lips. My head thrown back in pleasure and my hand it Jacks soft hair. I moan out and buck my hips into his face while he eats me like a starved man. His tongue strategically moving from my clit to dip deep into my wet cunt. My back arching causing Ethan to groan, accidentally grinding back into his bulge.
With one last swipe of jacks tongue over my clit, my juices explode over his mouth. He smirks as he raises off of me, licking his lips to get as much of the taste as he could. “Come on pretty girl.” Ethan hoists me up and places me down on his thigh. My sensitive cunt already close just from the fabric of his jeans rubbing against my clit. “That feels good, hm?” Ethan smiles at me, “then ride it.” I bite my lip and whine, already overstimulated. Ethan softly laughs and holds my hips. “I’ll help you, pretty.” He softly and slowly moves my hips back and forth, my cunt leaving a warm sticky spot on his jeans. It would be embarrassing if I wasn’t holding onto his shoulders for dear life, moaning out his name. “See how wet that dirty little cunt is for us? Such a slut for us isn’t she?”
Jacks words were blocked out of my ears as I focus on my second orgasm on Ethan’s leg. “Our pretty little slut, so perfect.” Ethan praises as he guides me over his thigh. “Ethan- mm, fuck! I’m cumming!” I warn him as my legs shake. He continues his paste at moving my hips. I stutter and cream all over thigh. I lean my head into his shoulder as I steady my breathing. “My turn.” Jack pulls me back to him. He had discarded his clothes off and was now completely naked. “Gonna let me fuck this pussy?” He asks shakily in my ear as he sits he on his lap, facing away from him. Jacks hand holds my jaw “open your eyes for me.” I open them to see he had me sat in front of the mirror in the corner of the room. “Want you to see how perfect you look when I stuff you full.”
I groggily nod as he lines himself up from below me. He forces my hips down in one motion, filling me to the full with his thick cock. Ethan sits next to us. My hand finds its way into his pants, not wanting to leave him untouched. Jack fucks up into me as I jerk Ethan off under his pants. “Look it the mirror. Look how much of a whore you are.” Jack demands and I force myself to look into the mirror. My jaw is dropped, moaning out jacks name now as he fucks up into my g spot. “Hear this, Edwards? That’s how men are supposed to make a woman sound.” I was too fucked out to hiss at Jack for being an asshole. My hand is covered in Ethan’s warm cum in no time, his shaky moans keeping me going. Ethan has to force my hand away from him, accidentally overstimulating him.
I smile lick the stickiness off of my fingers. Jack wraps his arms around my waist, steadying me as he fucked up into me. His repeated hits on my G spot had me closer and closer to my release. “Jack I-“ “I know, cum, baby. Cum all over my dick for me.” I moan out as I cum around him. “I- fuck- I’m on the pill.” Jack smirks and nods, holding my waist tightly down on him as he fills me up. I clutch onto the side of the bed tightly as I feel his warm ropes coat my walls. Jack lifts me up and lays me down on the bed.
Jacks warm cum dripping out of me. “Think you can do one more, pretty girl?” Ethan asks, rubbing my thighs gently. My cunt was sensitive and aching but the way Ethan was looking at me I just couldn’t deny him. I nod softly and Ethan smiles. Ethan pulls off his t shirt along with his pants and boxers, leaving himself bare. He was thicker than Jack but about the same in length. He pumps himself a few times before lining himself up. “Ready?” He asks to double check. I smile and nod. He pushes in slowly, my back arching and my mouth moaning out at the sting of the stretch. He stays still for a moment, letting me get used to him. My hands rub up and down on his abs to tell him I’m ready. He pulls out all the way before harshly slamming back in. Jacks cum from before being used as lube.
Loud moans fall from my tongue, chanting Ethan’s name as he fucks in and out of me. Ethan laughs breathlessly and looks over at Jack. “What were you saying about how a woman should sound, again?” “Shut up, Edwards.” Jack stands next to us pumping his cock between his hands. I turn my head and open my mouth for Jack. He smirks and slaps his dick onto my tongue before pushing it into my mouth. Ethan pounding into my cunt and Jack fucking my throat almost sends me right into my fourth orgasm of the night. I moan around Jacks dick, causing him to cum down my throat. I pull off, sticking out my tongue to show him I’ve swallowed it all. He whispers a quiet “good girl.” I turn to look back at Ethan. His fucked out face making me closer and closer to cumming. Jack snakes his hand down to my clit. The action making me arch my back into Ethan and squirt around him. I shakily fall back onto the bed as Ethan fucks into me a few more times before cumming in me, his cum mixing with Jacks.
Ethan pulls out slowly and lays next to me, Jack doing the same. After a moment Ethan gets up and leaves for a while, coming back with his sweatpants back on, two cloths in his hands, and two water bottles. He tosses a cloth and a water bottle to Jack. Shaking his head with a groan, “thanks”. Ethan nods and takes the other cloth the clean me up, opening the water bottle for me. “Thank you, Ethan.” I smile and drink the water. Ethan lays back down next to me. I snuggle up to Ethan, Jack laying behind me and wrapping his arms around me. “I guess…” Jack presses soft kisses to my shoulder “we can share since she liked it so much.”
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
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Steve Harrington x fem!reader [9.7K] late nights, poolside, getting high and wondering why the boy next door is always sporting a black eye. smut.
Summer at two am smelled like chlorine and smoke, like boys aftershave and the coconut sunscreen you hadn’t reapplied since that afternoon. It was pool lights underwater, the warm glow of a patio pit fire, the buzz of faraway cicadas. It felt rosy, hazy, like the sky wasn’t dark and the sun still lingered, even amongst the stars.
Summer at two am brought out the boy next door, cuts and bruises and all, a freshly rolled joint in his hand as he leaned over the garden fence and asked, “got a light?”
That’s how it started, this thing, this friendship, with Steve Harrington. You just didn’t expect it to lead to what it did. 
The first night, June had barely started and Steve was just another boy you’d known from school, a pretty boy with a bruised up face and he appeared at your shared fence, hazy behind the steam that came off of the heated pool. He was lit up in shades of blue, from the water, the reflections, the marks around his eyes and cheek, hanging over the wooden slats, looking like he didn’t care anymore.
About anything. Anything at all.
He watched the way you brought your own roll up to your lips, the end burning amber, almost smoked down to the roach. You were sitting at your pool, bare legs in the water and the too big shirt you wore only held together by a few buttons. The big, expensive house behind you lying as empty as the Harrington’s and when Steve asked if he could borrow the lighter that sat on the patio tiles beside you, you’d nodded.
But you hadn’t expected him to jump the fence so effortlessly, trainers crunching gravel under their soles and he walked towards you like it was no big deal, like you were more than just two people who had nodded at each other in the hallway, who got off at the same bus stop every day before Steve got a car and drove by you instead. 
Sometimes you’d see him in his own yard, lying out bare chested in the afternoon heat, a can of soda and a pair of headphones for company. And when his parents were home from whatever business trip they’d been on, you only saw the boy through his bedroom window, adjacent to yours, an accidental TV screen to what King Steve got up to when he was alone.
You knew by default that that meant he could see into your room too, with the buttercup yellow walls and pinned polaroids. You knew he’d caught a glance or two of you in a state of undress, underwear on show, sleep shirt too short and riding up past your thighs. 
You’d burned before you remembered to close the curtains, telling yourself that you did care.
But he was the boy that was once popular, pretty face, kind eyes, never home and running around with a new crowd that didn’t seem to be accepting new memberships. You heard his car leave his driveway and not come back for a full day, sometimes not until the next. And from through the gap in your curtains, you always expected the boy to stumble into his house with a girl in tow, maybe a boy, maybe both. Attached at the lips like in the movies, hands groping, eyes closed, in the throes of something heated. But if Steve wasn’t alone, he was only ever with friends. 
And then, at nights, by the pool with you. 
You didn’t ask him where the bruises came from, you didn’t pry, and Steve liked that. It’s why he sat down next to you after he’d lit his own joint, cotton shorts pulled across his thighs as he let his legs drop into the warm water beside your own.
You watched him take a long drag, head tipped back so he could look at the stars as he held the smoke in his lungs and when he blew it all out, it sounded like the world’s heaviest sigh. Steve looked tired, he looked sore and the lavender colour bruises along his cheekbone looked mottled and dark. 
His fingers brushed yours when he handed back the zippo, heavy and silver with a curling sticker on the front, a pastel coloured peach that you’d drawn eyes and a smile on. 
“Thanks,” he’d said, taking a few more puffs before offering the joint to you, and you’d accept, ‘cause it was only polite, right?
You were already past the point of feeling lighter, floaty, airy. And Steve was quick to join you there, on a pool water coloured cloud above your yard, ankles dipped in the warmth, head resting in the sky.
Well, that’s what it felt like, lying on your backs side by side, the dampness of the grass pressed to your backs and it was strange, the way you could speak to Steve a little easier when you were both staring at the sky. 
You whispered into the night with him, stayed up until the sun broke the blackness and started colouring the clouds tangerine and pink, a cotton candy sky appearing on the horizon and you missed the stars, the way Steve’s words seemed to get stolen by the moon, ‘cause there was nothing out there but you two. 
But the sun came up and the high wore off, the joint smoked to a stub. The air only grew warmer as a new day began and you heard the tell tale sound of six am sprinklers, Mr and Mrs Sibbald’s garden hose coming to life.
You’d watched as Steve sat up and stretched, blinking in the red morning light and he’d  looked over at you as if he wasn’t all that sure if you were real, if you were a dream, if you were supposed to have disappeared with the stars. You weren’t sure what you’d spent four hours talking about, if you were totally honest, the joint had been passed and finished an hour in, the rest of the night taken up by shared secrets that neither of you could remember, small laughs and bright smiles, the kind that made Steve’s eyes turn into honey.
He hopped back over the fence like it was nothing, as if he’d never even been there to begin with. The only evidence he left was wet footprints across the patio, leading from you to the edge of your yard and you thought that that was it, a one off, one night, a Thing never to be spoken about again. 
But the week after, when Friday night was leaking into Saturday morning, a small pebble narrowly missed your knee and plopped into the pool instead. You tried to hide the smoking joint behind your back on instinct, heart rattling your ribcage at the thought of your parents returning home early.
You looked up from where you sat, legs back in the water, a book by your thigh and an ex-boyfriend's hoodie covering your bikini from the summer night breeze. It wasn’t your dad though, or your mom. No disappointed gazes, furrowed brows or downturned lips. No, none of that.
Steve stood by the fence instead, forearms leaning against the ledge, another rock held between finger and thumb. He dropped it when your gaze found his, no need for any other projectiles now he had your attention. There was an unlit joint tucked behind his ear and the bruises from last week were fading. But he had glasses on this time, thin, gold rimmed ones that made him look prettier than ever, a disarmingly kind of charming. His hair was messy, his t-shirt soft looking and threadbare and he didn’t saything to you this time, just raised his brows and smiled.
You tried to hide your own, the way it wanted to stretch across your lips too big and too bright, too excited. ‘Cause the night had settled in and the town was too quiet, like you and Steve Harrington were the only ones left awake. You nodded, kicked a leg through the water and you didn’t need to look to know that Steve saw.
The boy hopped the fence. 
He was warm and solid as he sat down beside you, almost too close too soon but you didn’t find that minded all that much. He smelled nice, like aftershave and boy and a little line mint and the forest, sharp and clean. He was showing off too much skin again, old gym shorts hiked up his thighs as he sat with his legs in the water, the collar of his shirt thin and stretched out, like he wore it for comfort not style. 
You didn’t let Steve bother lighting his own smoke, handing him your own joint instead of your zippo and you noted the flicker of surprise on his face. But he didn’t say protest, just took it carefully from your fingers and slipped it between his lips, murmuring a soft ‘thanks’ as he did. 
It took one puff, one pass, two puffs, three, before anyone spoke again and you were surprised to find it was Steve who did it first. You were still a couple of drags away from finding the courage, that warm, slow feeling that would let you look the boy in the eye without burning up. 
“Where’re your folks?” He asked quietly. 
You peered up at him, wondering if he’d really noticed these things the way you noticed him. “Uh, country club? I think? Or a dinner at a friend's place, I can’t remember.”
“They’re not around a whole lot, huh?” Steve posed it like a question but you knew it wasn’t. ‘Cause he kept talking, didn’t wait for an answer that he already knew. “Neither are mine.”
You nodded, not trying to pretend that you didn’t know that either. ‘Cause there was only ever Steve’s car in the driveway and when Mr and Mrs Harrington did return, their son was always out, making a point of leaving early and coming home too late. 
“Gets lonely right?” You whispered to the pool, that floaty, hazy feeling you wanted finally settling over your head. The pool glittered in response. “In those big houses, when it’s just you.”
Steve hummed, agreeing and you were brave enough then, high enough then, to look over at him. He was shades of blue, all indigo shadows and aquamarine highlights, reflections from the pool lights on his skin. And that’s all it took, that shared gaze, the shared joint, the feeling of knowing that someone felt the same way you did. 
After that, you and the boy created some sort of routine. That wasn’t to say you saw every night, or every Saturday. In fact, some weeks you didn’t see him at all. Those days were lonely, stretched out on a neon pink pool float, your shirt wet as you lazed around the edges of the pool until the sun came up and your parents realised you weren’t in your bed. 
You’d see Steve during the gaps in the day, maybe a glimpse of him through the gap in his curtains, shirtless and half asleep, lying on his bed with a new bruise on his side. Sometimes out the window when a van pulled up on the street, Eddie Munson waiting in the front for Steve to jump in and you’d stare as they drove off, wondering why they looked so worried. 
It was the nights after these stretches of loneliness that were the best. When you left the backyard lights on for Steve to see, sitting out by the pool half dressed, the summer air suffocating, smoke and steam from your lips and the water filling the night sky. 
A familiar dance. 
Two o’clock, stars out, the buzz of the pool filter, the heat from the water and the leftover July sun. The smell of chlorine and weed, the sunscreen you’d rubbed into your skin earlier that day and this… this thing… with Steve? 
It had been happening so often that now he didn’t ask, didn’t seek out permission to join you. You just waited for the slide of his back door, the soft sigh he gave out when he spotted you and god, it made your heart rattle. 
You weren’t sure he even knew that he made that little noise. But sometimes, after the sun came up, and you went to bed alone, you would dream about it. 
He’d jump the fence, as always, effortless and easy. A joint held out in offering, sometimes refused ‘cause you’d already lit one in anticipation of his company. He sat too close, he always did. Bare skin on bare skin, arms brushing, shoulders bumping, knees pressed up against the others as you both sunk your feet into the water. 
You knew the colour of his eyes then, all the shades of brown and gold and caramel. You knew the way he laughed, how his lashes met in the corners when he really, really smiled at you. You knew that he was touchy, almost flirty, all soft words despite the way he was all sharp lines. 
“M’gonna owe you a whole greenhouse by the time summer's up,” Steve commented mildly, but he took your offered joint all the same.
The water trickled, lapped around the edges of both of your legs and you grinned at the boy, shrugging ‘cause you really didn’t mind sharing. Not with Steve. 
“You took forever to come out,” you complained without heat. “I got bored.”
Steve snorted, nudging his shoulder to yours. “No, you’re just impatient.”
You didn’t reply to that, didn’t really need to because the boy was right and it had only been one month but he could read you like a book already. And what an odd thing to realise, considering you didn’t let many people into your pages. 
Instead, you let your gaze settle on his cheek, the edges of an old bruise still blooming blue, mottled green and yellow as it started to heal. It covered the slant of his cheek bone, narrowly missing his eye. More often than not, Steve Harrington was a watercolour of injuries, and after watching him lead the basketball team in high school, you had a feeling it wasn’t due to clumsiness.
“Does that still hurt?” 
You never asked why, you never asked how or who or what. That was one of Steve’s favourite things about you. You knew his favourite colour, his favourite movie. You asked him about his job and his day and his friends and how he was feeling. 
But on the nights he spent with you in your backyard, when he was cut and bruised and with an eye swollen shut, you never pried. 
This was as close as you’d ever got to acknowledging it. 
So Steve took a long drag as he thought what to say, because he knew he owed you that much. And you asked it so sweetly, in a small, soft voice that Steve didn’t hear from you all that much ‘cause you were brave and unapologetic and sometimes a little mean to him but he loved the way you teased. 
He blew the smoke to the sky, counted the stars that he could see amongst the glow of the streetlights and then turned back to you. He passed the joint, smiled a little tiredly but then he shook his head. 
“Nah,” he told you softly, his voice a little rough with emotion and god, he wasn’t supposed to feel the way he felt when he looked at you. That wasn’t the plan. “Nah, s’okay now.”
“Yeah?” You blinked at him, joint forgotten about as you gazed at him, wide eyed. 
Christ, you were too sweet. 
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he smiled, blinding and pretty, and Steve tucked his chin to his chest to hide it. 
And then: “It’s not… it’s not your dad, right?”
You were almost positive it wasn’t. Steve bloomed fresh bruises when his dad was out of town, out of state. But sometimes you heard the yelling when the older man was home and there was often the sound of a fist hitting a wall, a table, maybe something else. 
Steve’s smile faltered, just for a second, and you watched him look back to you, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. You thought he’d maybe be offended, shocked at the idea of you thinking such a thing. But he looked at you and he knew what you knew, what you’d heard, what you understood. 
His foot touched yours underwater, feeling much warmer than it should’ve been, ‘cause the brush of his skin over yours felt so, so intimate. 
Steve shook his head, held your stare so you’d see the truth there. 
“It’s not, no,” he told you. “Promise.”
Maybe you were too high, maybe you were feeling brave in the dark, with nothing but the lights on the water. You reached up, slow and careful, giving the boy time to pull away if he wanted to. 
He didn’t. 
You brushed the tips of your fingers over the faded bruise, over the slant of Steve’s cheekbone and your breath hitched at the way he leaned into your touch. You traced the colours there, the freckle that was hidden amongst the blue and lavender. 
Steve blinked, pretty eyes all heavy and sleepy, pupils blown wide from the weed, maybe from you. 
The air stilled, maybe time stopped, but the whole town was quiet and it was like some kind of spell, a slow motion love potion, a pretty kind of magic shared between you and the boy next door. Your touch made his lashes flutter, the brown of his eyes turn softer, impossibly so. Did you lean in first? Did Steve? Were you imagining this? 
And then-- 
The kitchen light snapped on, flooding the backyard in more light than you were used to, illuminating the pair of you by the poolside. You gasped, a sharp, shocked noise and you were turning, staring wide eyed as your parents appeared through the window, lit up by the refrigerator door.
Steve swore, eyes set on the early intrusion and when you turned back to him, your noses brushed and Jesus Christ, you were so close to him. The joint was still burning, the air still sticky sweet and Steve was sitting beside you as if he was still waiting for a kiss. 
The patio door slid open, a slow roll, a warning noise and if it weren’t for the hydrangea’s, your late night secret would’ve been spotted almost immediately. You heard your father, voice only coloured with a little concern, call out your name into the dark.
“Honey? Are you out here?”
You stubbed the joint out on the patio tiles, frantic and Steve’s getaway route was blocked, his side of the fence closer to where your father now stood. So you cursed under your breath and stared at the boy, grimacing in what felt like an apologetic smile. 
“Deep breath,” you managed to warn him and then, you were pushing yourself off of the ledge of the pool, tumbling into the warm water and taking Steve with you. 
The water rushed and bubbled around you both, Steve’s fingers wrapped around your wrists in surprise, his hair floating up in a messy halo around his face. The chlorine fizzed around you both, clothes sticking to skin, wrapped around legs and waists and you pushed yourself up to break the surface, watching as your dad stopped a couple of feet away, arms held out in question.
“What?” the man asked you, brows raised. “What’re you doing? It’s the middle of the night.”
You sucked in a breath, blinking away the water that clung to your lashes and you pushed your arms to the edge of the pool, leaning on the still sunwarmed tiles. Your joint was still smoking, burning red ash only a few inches to your right. 
“Hey, dad,” you grinned, pushed your back from your forehead and tried to act casual. “What’s up?”
Under the water, Steve was clinging to your waist, his hands pushed to your wet shirt, slipping over the bare skin there, trying his best to hold himself under the surface. His forehead brushed against the swell of your stomach, hair tickling your hip bone, nose bumping against your navel as he tried to keep himself hidden.
You could feel him everywhere. 
“Why on earth are you in the pool?” Your dad questioned, and despite it being a reasonable thing to ask, you scrunched your nose, acting offended, fingers curling around the ledge so you could slip further into the water. 
Steve pressed closer, bubbles sneaking out from his lips, his hands wide and warm on your hips as he moved himself into the space between your body and the pool wall, holding himself there. His face was level with your stomach, nose nudging at the space under your breasts, t-shirt riding up with the flow of the water. You knew he could see your underwear, bright green, a wicked emerald colour and you squeaked when he plucked a lace edge, taunting, teasing.
“What? Can’t I indulge in a late night swim?” You frowned, acting hurt. “S’not like you and mom are here to keep me company.”
The man sighed and you could see how he backed off, edging back to the patio doors, back to safety where he didn’t need to deal with his twenty something daughter and her attitude problem. 
“As long as that’s all you’re indulging in.”
It must have only been a minute, tops, but as soon as the patio door rolled shut and the pool faded back to a deep blue, Steve burst to the surface, gasping. You grinned and rolled your eyes, not that he could see, but it was all full of affection and you noted the way he still hadn’t let go of you, one hand still on your waist as he swept his wet hair out of his eyes. He looked awfully pretty, glittering with water under the moon and the pool lights, droplets clinging to his lashes, rolling over the curve of his lip, t-shirt stuck to him.
“Are you under the impression I have gills, or somethin’?” Steve coughed out, grinning at you despite his words. “They’re back early, no?”
“Very early,” you agreed, peering over the pool edge as you watched your parents through the glass doors, making their way up the stairs. 
“Maybe your daddy could sense that his little girl was gettin’ up to no good,” Steve whispered, and god, he was still so close, lips almost at the shell of your ear as you both kicked your legs to stay afloat. 
You shivered despite the heat from the water, lazy tendrils of vapour rolling off of your skin, rolling into the night air. You turned to face the boy, biting away a smile, bottom lip tucked between teeth and you tilted your head at him. 
“Are you talking about the weed? Or you?”
Your palm grazed Steve’s stomach, felt bare skin and a trail of hair from where his shirt and rucked up, wet and stuck across his ribs. The muscles in his abdomen clenched, tightening under your brief touch but neither of you pulled back. Treading water made it easier to hold each other, hands grabbing and brushing up against the other, the water pushing and pulling you away, over and over until it settled around you and the night fell quiet again. 
Maybe it was supposed to be a hint from inside the house, your mother or your fathers silent suggestion that you needed to get out of the damn pool and into your own bed, or maybe it was just very, very good timing. The pool lights went out, the water and the garden going dark, all navy and indigo, the shadows of the trees inky, the house bathed in complete darkness.
It was only the moon that was left to reflect off of the surface of the pool, a warm glow that made the boy look like he was carved from marble. All strong lines, his jaw, his cheekbones, the slope of his nose, the point of his brows.
Steve swallowed, adam’s apple bobbing and he shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips that could’ve been a smirk if he didn’t look so fucking pretty. But that confidence was there, that self assured air that had been growing and building since the first shared smoke, eyes that wandered and lingered, hands that were kept to yourselves. 
It reminded you of the boy you watched in high school, the same flirt and boyish charm, just without the arrogance. Steve had grown into himself, had learned how to hold your gaze and really smile, like it was a present just for you. He knew that you liked it when he pressed his side into yours, shoulder to shoulder, noticed how you always held your breath at the first contact, how you liked to play pretend with him and act like it didn’t affect you. 
So he’d grin and bite back when you snarked at him, rolled your eyes all fond and acted like nothing he did affected you. And Steve would play the same game until the joint was all but gone and the air smelled sweeter and you both forgot that your hands had been resting on the other’s knee for too, too long.
Like now, perhaps.
‘Cause Steve’s knee was nudging between your bare legs, his hands on your hips, wide and warm, fingers splayed over your waist, thumbs pushed to your tummy and he was practically holding you afloat in the water, chest to chest.
“Me, maybe,” he murmured, eyes flickering down to look at your lips, sighing a little at the way your tongue swept over your bottom one. “But I have a feeling you get up to all sorts of trouble on your own.”
You huffed out a soft laugh, bravery pushing through your nerves at all the flirtatious words, the way Steve was looking at you, all parted lips and through the dark line of his lashes. Your hands slipped over his shoulders, broad and strong, fingers curling over his wet shirt, holding on as he moved you easily around the water, pushing your back against the pool wall and caging you against him.
“Says the boy who sneaks over at night to get high with me,” you whispered back and god, the pool was heated, but you were overly warm, skin burning where Steve touched, cheeks flushing at the sight of him smiling for you. “If anything, you’re the bad influence here, Harrington.”
It was sinful, the way Steve grinned, boyish and all charm, big, brown eyes glittering in the low light. He leaned in, careful, still so hesitant despite the way you were both clinging to each other. His nose bumped against your own, head tilted so the line of it ran along yours. Your eyes fluttered, lashes casting shadow on your cheeks when they closed.
Steve’s breath stuttered and it caught in his chest, an audible gasp and sigh that made you push your chest into his more, hands wrapping around his neck as you waited waited waited-- 
“Can I--?” Steve whispered and his top lip was already brushing against your own.
“Is this just ‘cause we’re high?” You asked softly, the question breathed against the boy’s mouth. You briefly wondered what you’d do if he said ‘yes’, if you’d still lean in just so you could say you’d tasted him, just so you’d be able to think of the feel of him when you lay in bed at night, shirt pushed up around your ribs and your hand shoved into the front of your soaked underwear. “Do you really wanna do this?”
“Do I really wanna kiss you?” Steve asked, and he had his eyes closed too, the both of you up to your shoulders in the pool, hands wrapped around wet bodies and chlorine soaked clothes, foreheads touching as you both waited. 
Your hand came to cup his face, too small to really catch most of it but your fingers splayed along the sharp edge of his jaw and your thumb found the corner of his mouth, pulling at the edge of his bottom lip in anticipation and Steve let out a low groan. 
“Yeah,” he whispered hoarsely, “yeah I wanna kiss you. M’high, we both are. But I wanna kiss you when I’m sober too.”
“Yeah?” You asked, breathless, legs tightening around Steves, where he was using one knee to keep you up and level with him. 
He nodded, water splashing quietly as he moved into you more, a hand dropping from your waist to catch your thigh, hand curling around the dough there to hitch it to his hip. He squeezed, an overly soft and affectionate gesture and it made your heartbeat clap against your ribs. 
“Yeah,” Steve breathed out, nose pushing more to your cheek, lips touching yours as he spoke. “Fuck, yeah, sweetheart, I really do.”
So you kissed him, a soft, sweet push of your mouth to Steve’s catching the soft moan he gave you, giving him one back in return. He could’ve pulled you underwater for all you cared, you would’ve just kept kissing him, chlorine and the taste of Steve and smoke all you needed.
It was all slow motion, that same kind of love potion, a magic pull that made your toes curl, made you keen a little needily and open your mouth for the boy. He licked into you, soft and sure, like he knew how to kiss you, like he’d been doing it all along. Steve tilted his head just right, matched the angle you gave him and pushed a hand up your shirt, dragged his palm along your ribs and kept it PG, holding you there as he tried to display every piece of gentlemanly restraint he had and not rock himself into you.
It didn’t help that you were tugging at his hair a little, your hands wandering too, sinking your fingers into the damp curls at the nape of his neck and pulling when his tongue stroked over your own, a surefire way to tell him you liked everything he was doing.
You weren’t sure how far it would’ve gone, how much you would’ve let happen, but somewhere over the fence, a car alarm went off and the Wilkinson’s family dog started barking. 
And that was it. A first kiss, stolen behind your parents back, wet and pushed up against the wall of the pool, all chlorine coated with a boy that tasted like summer and smoke.
That was it, for now.
It wasn’t even a week later when you saw Steve again and he was already waiting by the pool when you came out. He turned at the sound of you opening the patio doors, pyjama shorts high on your thighs, a tiny tank top that didn’t do much against the still too warm night air. 
He was bruised again, a stain around his cheekbone that was threatening to turn black and blue soon. You knew you weren’t supposed to ask questions, he’d told you before that it wasn’t what you thought, that he couldn’t really explain it. 
But it made your heart hurt for him and before you could open your mouth to ask if he was okay, Steve kissed the words away, lips slanting over yours in greeting. It was a little urgent, a little desperate for just a kiss hello and when you both pulled back, you could see the stress knotted between his brows, the dark pull at the corners of his eyes like he hadn’t been sleeping. 
And neither of you had, no really. That’s why you were both outside at one in the morning. 
“I don’t have any shit left,” he told you quietly. “I don’t wanna keep smoking your stash either. I just— I just wanted to see you.”
Steve said it like it wasn’t allowed, as if that wasn’t a part of the agreement, like it was breaking the rules of this… thing you both had going. 
You nodded, let your fingers trail down his forearm until your hand found his. He let you tangle your fingers with his own, too close together under the patio light. You could see how tired he looked, how tension clawed at his body and you let out a sigh. 
“I smoked the last of mine last night,” you murmured, “or else you know I would’ve shared.”
You brushed your thumb over the back of his hand, kept your eyes off of the bruise on his cheek and tried to smile. It was hard to, the boy didn’t look like himself, like this bruise was different, like this had been one hit too many and he finally felt a little defeated. 
With the chaos of the town, the murders, the missing people, you’d watched Steve and his friends disappear each day, only coming home when sleep was needed. 
You didn’t ask questions, didn’t want to, didn’t feel like you could. But the boy looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and it had finally splintered the bones in his back. 
“You look like you need something to help you chill out, Harrington,” you whispered to him, “you’re all tense.”
You ran your other hand up his chest, a brave move considering you hadn’t seen or spoken to him since you both kissed in the pool, under your sleeping parents bedroom window. But he’d greeted you with a kiss, one that tasted a lot like need and want. Your hand cup the nape of his neck, squeezing gently before your fingers slid into his hair. 
You tugged a little at the soft strands, lips parting when his eyes fluttered shut and he leaned onto you, pliable and soft, a small moan leaving his lips at your touch. 
“Are you okay?”
Steve hummed, eyes barely opening to look at you fondly. The summer air was heavy, the tension between the two of you palpable. But he smiled, an easy grin taking over his pretty face and he nodded. 
“Yeah, m’okay sweetheart.” He sighed, leaned into you more, head falling forward so your nails could scratch at his neck. “Just tired.”
“You should go to bed,” you told him, all mock admonishment ‘cause you knew as well as Steve did that sleep didn’t always come easily. 
“You should come with me,” he quipped and his words fell from his mouth without much thought and god, he sounded serious about it, no teasing to be found. 
You watched him watch you, hand still curled into his hair, one of his holding your side to keep you close and you watched him swallow, the air thicker than ever. Jesus, were you even breathing? Was Steve?
But you licked at your lip, a nervous habit, noticed how Steve followed the movement with heavy, dark eyes and you nodded, breath catching in your throat before blowing it out shakily. 
“Yeah,” you told him, and then as if it were the most casual thing in the world: “alright.”
Steve blinked, “yeah?”
You smiled, ducked your head to try and hide it, letting your hands fall away from him in the hopes that he’d take the initiative and lead you back to his. 
“Yeah,” you told him, “we’ve gotta make you relax one way or another, right?”
Steve gulped audibly, lips parting and moving over words he couldn’t quite find yet, staring at you silently. But his eyes were hooded and a darker colour than normal, all burnt sugar and heat. 
He nodded, fumbling for the response. His hand found yours and he started to back up towards his house, eyes trained on yours, fingers curling around your own. 
“Right,” he agreed, “of course, yeah.” He was breathing a little faster. 
“And I can help,” you nodded, following him to his side of the fence, waiting until his back was against it to bring your face to his, noses brushing, eyes falling closed. 
“S’real sweet of you,” he huffed out, voice strained because you were so close to kissing him but still so far away from his bed. 
“I’m a really good friend,” you murmured and despite the insinuation behind it, Steve really smiled at your words, ‘cause god, a month or two had passed with nights like these and you were his friend. 
“The best,” he agreed. 
Steve’s room was all shades of blue and violet, the streetlights glowing warm through his closed curtains, the navy plaid bedspread matching the wallpaper. There wasn’t much out of place, everything there that a typical boys room should have. 
The mess of clothes on a desk chair, cassette tapes piled high by a stereo, some old basketball trophies on a shelf, a few pinned Polaroids of friends above his desktop and— and a baseball bat, topped with nails sitting against the wall in a corner. 
You didn’t ask. 
You perched yourself on the edge of the bed, peering up at the boy from underneath your lashes, watching as he moved to stand between your legs. You spread them for him, shivered when he brushed your hair back from your face, a sweet touch of his fingers curling around your ear. 
“You look pretty tired too,” Steve whispered, hand cupping the back of your neck like you had done to him, fingers twisting slightly on your hair and he gave a gentle tug, making your head fall back for him, eyes wide as you looked up and met his gaze. “Little tense, huh?”
You nodded, lips tucked between your teeth because Jesus, god, fuck, the anticipation was electric. 
“So tense,” you agreed and you reached out, hands grabbing at the front of Steve’s shirt, fingers pulling at the hem so he’d lean down for you. He did. “And nothing to smoke to fix it.”
It was an empty complaint, you knew that, the boy knew that. ‘Cause his lips were ghosting over yours and you could feel his smile, less than shy now he knew what you liked, how you wanted to be kissed, learning quickly after hearing you moan for him in the pool a few nights before. 
So he was on you, pushing you back onto the bed, his knee coming up to slot between your thighs as he held himself above you, lips connecting easily, groaning when your mouth parted for him almost instantly. 
The window was open and you could still hear the buzz of the cicadas in the woods out back, the drone of the pool heaters, the trickle of the water from that one broken jet in yours. 
It wasn’t that much cooler in Steve’s room than it was outside, but maybe that was just the way you’d pressed yourself into each other, sleep clothes shifting easily out of the way for wandering hands, a slow soft drag of fingers across ribs, seeking out new places to touch. 
And without the smoke, the week, you could really feel it all, a sudden burn and a live wire touch, no haze to numb the sensation of Steve dragging the rough flat of his palm over the soft of your stomach. 
He tasted like spearmint this time, like leftover toothpaste and when his tongue brushed over yours, you groaned, back arching for him. 
There it was again, that slow motion feeling, present even without the weed, like memories on a film camera, stuttering over grain and dust. Magic, a spell, a live potion, sticky sweet and tinting everything pink and rosy. 
It was dizzying, to kiss Steve like this, to be kissed like this. Slow and lazy, open mouthed and tongues pressing, nose pushed to each other's cheeks, breath coming in huffs and short pants, noises swallowed by the other. 
And when Steve pulled back, just a little, just an inch, his pupils were blown wide and god, you thought, maybe he didn’t need to smoke at all to feel like this - a different kind of high. 
The boy blew out a stuttering breath as he looked down at you, eyes glittering in the low light, shifting so he lay in the cradle of your hips, groaning a little softly when you gasped out at the feel of him. 
“This okay?” He whispered, smoothing the hair back from your forehead, leaning into you to press his lips against your cheek, trailing across your jawline. 
His hand stayed safe at your hip, tucked under the cotton of your sleep shirt, thumb smoothing over the soft skin there and you nodded, chest burning at the way Steve was looking at you. 
Like you were made of gold, like you were some sort of magic. 
“Yeah, Steve,” you gasped out, bringing one knee up to cage him in, thigh pressed to his side and you tried not to get ahead of yourself, tried not to tilt your hips up into his. 
Your hands got too desperate though, grabbed at his face to pull him back to your lips, kissing a little needier than before, the pace quickening, the solid weight of him pressing you into his pillows. Everything smelled like Steve, like cologne and mint and boy. 
It went on like that, hands shaking as you slipped off shorts and shirts and sweatpants, thumbing over the edges of underwear, cotton and lace. It was easy to flip you both over, Steve letting you do what you wanted with him, lying back and pretending that he couldn’t take the control back off of you if he really wanted to. 
Instead, he lay back in the pillows, hand gripping your sides, fingers pushing into the dough there, lips parted and eyes hooded as he stared up at you. He was panting, gaze flickering from your chest to the soft of your stomach, splayed thighs, the way your underwear was hitched high on your hips. 
He couldn’t help but stutter out a moan when you rolled your hips over his, the wet spot on your underwear pressed into his, your cunt pressed over the length of his cock, separated only by his boxers and lace. 
Steve’s face was a pretty riot, eyes wide, hair wild, lips parted and pouty, his cheeks all flushed. It was hard to stay away, too easy to dip back down, your bra scratching softly against his bare chest, lips finding his again in a kiss that made you both lightheaded. 
You pulled away only to whisper to him, lips brushing against his, cupids bows touching, eyes closed. 
“Can I make you feel good?” Your voice was impossibly soft and it made Steve’s chest ache. “Will you let me help you relax?”
The boy couldn’t remember a time he’d felt more pent up, heart racing, too warm. He was far from relaxed, too eager to watch you on top of him, all mismatched cotton and lace hiding the parts of you he wanted to see, if you deemed him lucky enough. 
But he nodded anyway, greedy for your touch, for anything you might give him. The girl next door, too pretty and too sweet, all coconut sunscreen and chlorine scent skin. 
“Christ,” he groaned, “yeah, yeah, please.”
He didn’t know what he was asking for, begging for. He just knew that if you were giving it, he wanted it. You moved slow, a whisper against him, lips trailing sweetly over his jaw, his chin, dipping lower and lower until you were kissing his Adam’s apple and mouthing across his chest, your hair tickling his stomach and he felt you grin against him when his muscles flexed, tensing at your touch. 
Your hands smoothed over the front of his boxers, sucking in a breath when his cock twitched under the material, hot and hard and thick. You looked up to see Steve fighting with himself, struggling between throwing his head back into the pillows - jaw slack and eyes slammed shut - and keeping his gaze trained on everything you were doing. 
You repeated his words back to him, eyes on his as you tucked your fingers into the band of his underwear. “This okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve groaned out. “I think you’re gonna kill me, but yeah, it’s okay,” and he laughed a little here you did, a huff of warm air over his navel as you grinned up at him. 
He shivered at every touch, swore out loud when you dragged the band of his underwear down and let his cock spring free, the weight of it slapping up against his stomach. 
Another pretty noise when you wrapped your hand around him, thick and warm in your palm and you watched as Steve’s jaw clenched. You soothed him with a soft tsk, lips pressed to the tops of his thigh but the boy was a mess.
“Sensitive?” You whispered, your hand pumping him slowly, twisting your wrist when you got to his head, the tip of him already slick and sliding into your palm. 
It took a while for Steve to reply, to contain the boyish whines he was trying not to let out, but he eventually sucked in a breath and pushed himself to his elbows to stare down his body at you, rosy cheeked and in awe. 
“Just, fuck— just been a while, since…” he trailed off, gone for you, entranced by the way you were kissing so close to the base of him, lips teasing at his hipbone, trialing across his thighs. 
“Since?” You squeezed him, hand dragging up and down his length, hiding your smile when his cock jumped for you. 
“Fu-uck, since anyone…” Steve broke off with a groan, deep and dirty. “Since anyone touched me, done this, shit.”
You were sweet with it, moving to lie between his spread legs, free hand rubbing soft circles on his thigh and he was quivering, eyes glazed over as he watched you press a kiss to the side of his cock, keening high at the sight. 
“I’ll go slow then, yeah?” You told him, starting a lazy pump up and down his shaft, “we can take it real easy.”
Steve nodded and looked like he was close to losing it already, unable to form a full sentence. He dragged a hand through your hair, keeping it back from your face so he could cup at your cheek, thumb pulling a little at your bottom lip, letting you suck on it as you kept moving your hand over him. 
“Fucking Christ,” he moaned out, “you look so pretty— too pretty. Think ‘bout you all the damn time, it’s ridiculous.”
You preened at that piece of information, eyes locked onto his before you licked a slow stripe along his cock, getting him slick for you. The boy tensed up, a gutteral sound coming from his lips and it was too hot, too filthy. His hand stayed on your cheek, fingers splayed over your jaw whilst the other one sank into the sheets, gripping them tightly. 
“Holy shit.”
“All the time?” You asked softly, “really?” Steve could only nod, brown eyes wide and doe like as he watched you, lips parted and still swollen from your kisses. He was a pretty, pretty picture. “Tell me.”
He whined, head lolling backwards as you slid your hand over him, up and down, up and down, up and down, soft pants coming from his chest as he tried to speak. 
“Can’t help it,” he mumbled, “would sit out all night and smoke with you and shit, you always look so fucking pretty and you smell so good. Always waitin’ on me with hardly any clothes and oh god — yeah, just like that, fuck — I’d have to go home and jerk off in the shower, always so hard just from thinking ‘bout the things I wanted to do to you.”
It was indecent, the way Steve spoke, breathy and gasping, little moans interrupting every other word and he held your gaze the entire time, completely unabashed. It was hotter than it should’ve been and you could feel the way your eyes drooped, lip tucked between your teeth as you held in your own sounds. 
“Yeah? Like what? I wanna know,” you coaxed him. You leaned in once more, finally wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, lazily licking and sucking at him. 
His hips almost shot off the bed and you hummed in appreciation around him, watching with dark eyes as Steve threw his head back into the pillow, neck taught and pulse thrumming. His hands were both in your hair, doing his best to gently smooth it back instead of yanking on it the way his body was telling him to. 
The boy was speechless. But it only made you pull off of him, the tip of his cock resting against your lips as you kissed at it sweetly, tongue peeking out to press against it. Steve looked like he was about to lose his shit. 
“Tell me,” you urged softly, “tell me what you want to do to me, Harrington. Maybe I’ll let you.”
“Oh, fucking hell, baby.”
Baby. It was a dirty groan, all affection, a heady dose of sticky sweetness as he stared down at you like you were his own personal wet dream. 
He gasped out as you took more of him into your mouth, inch by inch until you had to admit defeat — he was too big. 
“I, uh, god, I think about you… on top of me, how insane you’d look riding me,” Steve hissed at the way you ran your tongue along the underside of him, pulling off with a wet ‘pop’. “Under me, on your hands and knees, against the tiles in m’shower — fucking everywhere, sweetheart.”
He was quick to catch you as you made your way back up his body, legs a little shaky with anticipation, cunt throbbing as you tried your best not to launch yourself at the boy. You settled yourself back on his lap, Steve’s warm hands clutching tight at your waist. 
“You don’t want much, huh?” You teased quietly, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra.
It fell forward, down your arms and Steve reached to pull it off, sighing at the sight of you. He pushed his hands to your chest, cupping your tits as he ran a thumb over each nipple, smiling when it pebbled under his touch. 
“Just you,” he answered honestly. “In any way you’ll let me.”
You whimpered at that, wondering if you should give up the control right then, pass it back to the boy and let him manhandle you about his bed, hands hot and greedy. But you looked down, saw the way he looked blissed out, his cock hard and throbbing for you between your legs, twitching against the soaked centre of your underwear. 
“Just me?” You said instead, smiling prettily as you ran your hands across Steve’s chest, appreciating the muscles that tensed there, broad shoulders flexing as he did the same, hands wandering over your navel, fingers flicking against the band of your underwear. “Aren’t you the sweetest?” You cooed. 
It might have been your voice, or maybe the words you said, but either wait, Steve gave in and let his hips thrust up, all semblance of control slipping through his fingers and he was reaching for you, fingers slipping underneath lace to find what he wanted. You both groaned out at his touch, the boy’s eyes rolling as he found you soaked and slick for him. 
“You make me feel desperate,” Steve stuttered out, pushing himself up to sit against the headboard, dragging you with him to keep you sat on his lap. “D’you know that? D’you feel what you do to me?”
He rolled his hips into you for effect, as if you couldn’t already feel his hard cock pressed against your ass, flush with your cunt, twitching with need for you. 
You could only moan, a stuttering sound that made your chest ache and you were reaching for him, suddenly wanting to feel his lips on yours more than anything. “Steve.”
“Ah, ah,” Steve stopped you, pushed a hand to your sternum, fingers splayed over your throat as he pushed you back into place, sitting pretty across his hips. “Stay there for me, hmm?” A sharp tap to your thigh, soothed by a warm palm. “Spread your legs wider, pretty, there’s a girl.”
It turned out, you didn’t really need to let Steve roll you underneath him to gain back control. 
You did as you were told, splaying your legs apart as far as you could, knees digging into the mattress as you leaned back a little, hands finding purchase on the tops of Steve’s thighs for support. 
It was easy for him like this, much too easy for him to make you fall apart. Fingers hooked into the lace of your underwear, dragging to the side a little dirty, leaving you exposed for him. The boy groaned, a pretty sigh and a soft coo when he slid one thick finger inside of you, barely letting you get used to the stretch before adding another. 
“Jesus, you feel so good,” he whispered to you, smiling when you feel forward, forehead touching his, panting against his mouth, eyes closed. “So soft, feel perfect.”
Steve held his hand there for you, two fingers curled inside your cunt and he moaned out encouragingly as you rocked over them, taking back a little bit of the control as you set the pace, fucking yourself over him. He was panting, pupils blown wide until his eyes were just black, cheeks all flushed pink for you. 
He was mumbling, a steady stream of almost nonsense and praise, mouthing over your throat and jaw, lips kissing at your cheeks and chin as he spoke, telling you how good you were, how pretty, how much he’d thought about this.
And when his thumb pressed to your clit, you mewled, hands grabbing at his hair, the hook in your stomach pulling, a white hot burn, a slow motion explosion, a lick of heat over your navel. 
“M’gonna come, Steve,” you told him, breathless, panting. “Please make me come.”
 “Yeah? Yeah, aww shit, come for me, pretty thing,” Steve gasped out. “Wanna feel you, can you do that, yeah? Let me feel how tight you get for me, Jesus fucking Christ, babe.”
You did, lips parted against Steve’s as you cried out, a barely there kiss, nails leaving half moons on his shoulders, fingers seeking out messy hair that you could pull at. 
And Steve barely had any time to marvel over the sight of you, the feel of you, ‘cause you were still whimpering as you lifted yourself off of him, only to wrap a hand around his cock and line him up with your entrance, the top of him pressed against where you were most wet. 
“Oh my god,” Steve groaned, “you’re gonna kill me.”
“I’m on the pill,” you offered, eyes hooded and lips parted, messy in the prettiest way for him, underwear still stretched to the side. “I haven’t— there hasn’t been anyone in a while.”
Steve nodded helplessly, wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you down and onto him, inch by inch, a tight, warm fit as you still rode out the aftershocks of your orgasm, clenching around him immediately. 
“Oh fuckfuckfuck,” you gasped at the stretch, the feeling of being so full, fingers knitting into his hair to pull him to you, kissing away his sounds, his pretty moans and sighs. 
Steve’s hands stilled you, his breath coming out in short, warm bursts over your lips, his forehead pressed to yours as he tried to gather himself. 
“I need, uh, shit, you need to gimme a minute here, babe, I’m gonna lose it.” Steve’s eyes searched yourself, wide and filled with a stupid amount of fondness, a sweet, sticky kind of wonderment, like he thought you were made of magic. “You feel too good.”
“I want you to lose it,” you told him and god, you sounded wrecked, and it would’ve been embarrassing if Steve didn’t sound the same when he moaned at your words. “Wanna make you feel good too, can I? Steve, please?”
It didn’t take much to coax him backwards, body slumping onto the pillows, head resting against them as he looked up at you through messy hair. His hands soothed over your thighs, knuckles brushing over the soft of your tummy before he gripped your hips and readied himself. 
He nodded, staring down the line of your body, groaning out something filthy when you lifted yourself from him, starting a slow, hot drag of your cunt on his cock, almost letting him slip out before dropping yourself back down. 
You planted your hands on his chest, grinning as you let him grab at your ass, your thighs, your hips, kneading the skin there as he tried to stave off his own orgasm, nose scrunched cutely, lips pressed together to keep his noises in. 
“There you go,” you murmured, catching his chin in one hand as he panted out, lips parting at your touch, biting down softly on your thumb as you pushed it to his mouth. “Look so pretty like this, Stevie. Wanna see you come for me.”
He fell apart for you like that, your thumb tugging on his bottom lip as his jaw fell slack, moaning out your name, hands bruising your hips as he spilled inside of you. Steve’s hips stuttered, legs shaking as you fell into him, his cock still buried inside of you, lips pressed together in a kiss that was just as good as the first one. 
You lay like that for a while, chests pressed together, kissing lazy and soft in the blue light, the air smelling like summer and sex and Steve. He only moved to grab you a warm washcloth, soothing you when you whined as he swiped it between your legs. And when he crawled back into bed with you, sweats hung low on his hips, he gathered you easily, crushed you to his chest and buried his face in your hair. 
Neither of you smelled like smoke, or even of chlorine or the summer night air, that sticky, heavy scent that only came with spending the night outside. And despite that, it was the first time in a while where Steve was asleep before the clock hit four. 
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Fire Island Fics (1970s Era)
An assortment of fics prominently featuring Fire Island and/or the 70s era… not necessarily together. Some time travel or fics that span decades including the 70s or Fire Island adjacent.
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🔥 Only Himself to Blame [E, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) An evening out leads to some fun on the floor.
🏝️ very pretty weeds [T, 2K] by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific Hawk has really put Tim through the emotional wringer this weekend, and he seems far too nice to deserve any of it. Rafael tries his best to give his new friend a warm send-off and a few words of wisdom.
Or, the walk to the ferry from Rafael's POV.
🔥 gold-skinned, eager baby [E, 10K] by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
🏝️ Just Like Church [E, 12K] by @bre1995 | bre_thomas & @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) It starts with a postcard. With Skippy, I need you. It starts with Tim arriving on Fire Island. Where it goes, only the Island knows.
A retelling of White Nights, with some tweaks.
🔥 'I Look at You' [E, 2K] by @bre1995 | bre_thomas Tim and Hawk have an intimate and peaceful conversation over dinner. When old feelings start creeping back in.
🏝️ I'm Sorry [M, 8K] 💠 by arrowtheapollo Set on Fire Island in the 1970s. Tim finds his way back home after the T party, and he and Hawk have a heart-to-heart that they should've had years ago.
🔥 I Have You [NR, 1K]  by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific  After receiving a cryptic postcard, and hearing from Lucy that Hawk's in trouble, Tim takes a trip back east to find out for himself.
A different version of the events that unfold on Fire Island, told from Tim's perspective.
🏝️ To Have And To Hold [M, 945] 💠 by Joycee What could have happened between Hawk’s breakdown and the talk with Tim by the pool on Fire Island.
🔥 a place to be [E, 5K] by @satelarry | satelarry Tim and Hawk spend a week at their house in Fire Island. The brown haired man's been fantasizing about something that his boyfriend is happy to oblige.
🏝️ this time imperfect [M, 16K] by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that the paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🔥 My Friend Tim [G, 2K] 💠 by Joycee Hawk’s explanation to Lucy & Kimberly when he returned from Fire Island.
🏝️ something i can't go without [E, 8K] by @satelarry | satelarry Hawk goes to Fire Island to escape dealing with his feelings, but that isn't far away from Tim's kind heart.
Perhaps he doesn't want it to be.
Or, The Meat Rack AU.
🔥 It's more than just words, it's just tears and rain [E, 2K] by @fuddlewuddle | Fuddlewuddle “Why didn’t you let me just carry on trying to drink myself to death?”
Tim jolts from the doze he’d start to fall into it at Hawk’s question, brow furrowing as his sleep fuzzy brain tries to process the words; before sitting up suddenly, because what the fuck?
🏝️ There's no place I'd rather you be than with me. [E, 719]  by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes
Their embrace was raw and primal, fueled by the angst of wanting each other but being afraid to admit it.
🔥 in the night when I start to miss you [E, 2K] by @alorchik | alorchik One night, a shared fantasy, and two souls, entwined across time and space.
🏝️ Constant Craving Has Always Been [M, 4K] by @kayleebye | kayleebye I've always wondered what happened between Hawk and Tim after their heart-to-heart poolside in episode 7. This is my version of what transpired between them after they left the poolside and the next morning when they had a big fight and Tim says "It meant nothing to you. Everything we said last night. Everything we have been through...." and storms out.
🔥 too late to run for cover [NR, 3K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Lucy's done with Hawk's drinking and tells him to leave, so he buys a house on Fire Island and decides to fully integrate into the lifestyle at great detriment to his own well-being.
Part 1 of and so with the sunshine: the fire island chronicles
🏝️ to share a kiss the devil has known [NR, 8K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords After the loss of his son, Hawk is dancing close to total self-destruction and begging for Tim to come to him. It takes everything in Tim to say no, to keep his distance, but how long can that possibly last?
Part 2 of and so with the sunshine: the fire island chronicles
🔥 nowhere's home and i'm all wrong [M, 3K] by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords Hawk wants to make dinner for Tim in order to convince him that everything is fine, when it's clearly not. He can only keep up the facade for so long. Part 3 of and so with the sunshine: the fire island chronicles
(Not Quite) Fire Island, Adjacent and other 1970s Era Fics
🔥 Cutting this short would be most logical option [T, 4K] by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi It's a lovely day in 1980 and Tim's enjoying a quiet day off. Then there's a knock on his door.
🏝️ He tried---He really tried. But Lost. [E, 6K] by @arlenejp | arlenejp Since there is no backstory as to who or what Craig is, I decided to write something about him. Something about his feelings toward Hawk and their Fire Island escapades.
🔥 Don't leave it to the last dance [M, 2K] by @fuddlewuddle | Fuddlewuddle Tim is in hospital. Hawk brings him his mail. One letter is not like the others.
🏝️ a man i once knew [T, 3K] 💠 by vexinganthony It was the sort of love you read about in novels, none of which Tim had read, but he didn’t need to. He still felt it in his bones, a feeling so potent and alive in his blood, in every breath that he took, every beat of his heart.
It called out just one name.
The name of the man currently standing mere feet away from him with his wife and daughter.
Or, Tim and hawk find themselves at a charity gala in 1974.
🔥 Too old to play (and too young to mess around) [M, 60K] by @bejeweledmp3 | ninav Kimberly Fuller goes on a two-week vacation to San Francisco, in which she: drinks excessive amounts of tea, gets betrayed, cries more than she should, eats donuts, and seeks out truth with the help of a man she only knows from a presentation card; not necessarily in that order.
But mostly, she finds her father in every least expected place. And learns to make her peace with what that means.
🏝️ we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac [M, 4K] by @jesterlesbian | captainquint He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🔥 I Reach for You (And You Bring Me Home) [M, 1K] by @misstwentyynine | misstwentyynine In 1952, Hawk and Tim meet for the first time at a bar located in the enigmatic paradise of Fire Island, forging a powerful connection that continues to bring them together as their story progresses through space and time.
Or, The San Junipero AU
🏝️ The Crumbling Beard [M, 30K] 💠 by AnonymouslyUnknown1900 What was happening with Lucy while Hawk was with Tim for who knows how long in San Francisco? What was going through her mind during the days of no contact with Hawk? What eventually caused her to divorce the man she's been married to for 31 years?
After a phone call with her distant brother (who is now a porn producer) Leonard, everything ends up coming together. Videos from "Fire Island", and other discoveries that the two siblings made after reuniting is unearthed, which not only causes them to bond closer, but it puts a permanent end to Hawk's relationship and ties to the Smiths.
🔥 Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps It’s Real [NR, 35K] 💠 by drabbleswabbles And then it happened. The metallic screech of the gate, the shuffle of men stepping out beyond the prison walls. And suddenly there he was. His hair was shorter than he’d ever seen it. And his glasses were different. But it was him. Their eyes met. Tim stared at him in wide-eyed shock before recognition melted his features into a confused outrage.
Basically a fix-it in which Hawk finds himself back in the early 70s.
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn't linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you're linked already, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
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glamrpevents · 3 months
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Located in Palm Desert, the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa offers a luxurious retreat for Coachella attendees. Surrounded by lush greenery and set against the backdrop of the desert landscape, this resort combines modern elegance with desert charm. Guests can enjoy stylish accommodations, gourmet dining options, and rejuvenating spa experiences. With its idyllic setting and upscale offerings, it's the ideal destination for festival-goers looking for relaxation and indulgence.
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In addition to its unparalleled amenities, the resort also features world-class recreational facilities, including championship golf courses, tennis courts, and sparkling pools. Guests can bask in the desert sun, partake in exhilarating outdoor activities, or simply unwind in the lap of luxury.
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Elevate your experience with spa suite retreat. Discover the romantic Couples Revive complete with side by side massages, a mineral laden bubble bath and champagne or indulge in the luxurious Sanctuary Suite which includes a private entrance, treatment rooms, courtyard and whirlpool and a private butler.
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Designed by course architect Ted Robinson, Desert Springs Golf Club features two championship golf courses - the Palm and the Valley - that welcome players of all levels. Test your skills on the challenging fairways while taking in the beauty of our resort's Palm Springs locale.
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Savor innovative cuisine made from the freshest local ingredients at the Rockwood Grill. This popular Palm Desert restaurant offers amazing water views from its patio, serving breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Explore a myriad of other culinary delights awaiting you at the resort:
Mikado Japanese Steakhouse
Step into Mikado Japanese Steakhouse while at our Palm Desert resort and experience authentic Japanese cuisine in a sophisticated setting. Every morsel is memorable and prepared with fresh, locally grown ingredients.
Aquifer65 and The Sushi Bar
Aquifer65 and The Sushi Bar welcomes restaurant patrons daily with delectable small plates of tantalizing Japanese fare, as well as tempting craft cocktails. Sushi Bar opens at 4pm daily.
“T&T” Time & Temperature Innovation Kitchen (private events only)
Come into “T&T” Time & Temperature Innovation Kitchen for an ever-changing five-course tasting menu designed by our restaurant chefs, who mix and mingle offering their insights on each course. Available for private events only.
Oasis Poolside Bar & Grill
Casual American cuisine served for lunchtime dining at Oasis Poolside Bar & Grill. Enjoy beverages at 10:00am daily with the Kitchen opening at 11:00am Daily.
Blue Star Lounge.
Enjoy California bar bites and cocktails at Blue Star Lounge. This lively bar and lounge open for lunch and dinner and features an inviting indoor lounge and charming outdoor patio with fire pits. Live entertainment Fridays & Saturdays.
Begin your day with rich coffee and a delectable pastry at our recently remodeled Starbucks®. It's also a great spot to refuel with freshly made sandwiches and snacks before heading into meetings or out to explore Palm Desert.
The Spa Bistro
The Spa Bistro features delicious, healthy cuisine, including salads, smoothies, sandwiches and sushi, as well as tempting offerings of champagne and wine to toast to a beautiful day in Palm Desert. Savor every bite and sip inside or beside the spa pool.
Fisherman's Landing restaurant.
Indulge on freshly-caught seafood and local produce, as well as decadent desserts at the award-winning Fisherman's Landing restaurant.
Our In-Room Dining
Enjoy classic American comfort food without leaving your room. Our In-Room Dining menu offers a variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner options.
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Bedroom 1: 1 King
Bedroom 2: 2 Queen(s)
Sofa bed
Rollaway beds not permitted
Cribs permitted: 1
Hailey Baldwin • Sebastian Stan • Justin Bieber
Tom Holland • Zendaya Coleman • Mason Gooding
Taylor Swift • Travis Kelce • Jake Gyllenhaal
Sabrina Carpenter • Rudy Pankow • Barry Keoghan
Niall Horan • Liam Payne • Kylie Jenner
Sydney Sweeney • Jacob Elordi • Luke Hemmings
Nick Jonas • Romee Strijd • Chris Evans
Zayn Malik • Perrie Edwards •
Gigi Hadid • Ryan Gosling • Joe Jonas
Blake Lively • Ryan Reynolds • Aaron Tveit
Shawn Mendes • Barbara Palvin • Madison Beer
Drew Starkey • Madison Bailey • Odessa A'zion
Madelyn Cline • Aaron Johnson • Ella Purnell
Dua Lipa • Callum Turner • Anwar Hadid
Bella Hadid • Abel Tesfaye • Selena Gomez
Chris Hemsworth • Candice Swanepoel •
Joe Keery • Camila Morrone • Renee Rapp
Dylan O'Brien • Hailee Steinfeld • Cindy Kimberly
Hayley Williams • Glenn Powell • Ana de Armas
Margot Robbie • Pedro Pascal • Melissa Barrera
Louis Tomlinson • Danielle Campbell • Danna Paola
Jennifer Lawrence • Charles Melton • Alexa Demie
Florence Pugh • Andrew Garfield • Anya-Taylor Joy
Kendall Jenner • Harry Styles • Theo James
Henry Cavill • Kim Kardashian • Sophie Turner
Nicholas Galitzine • Taylor Zakhar Perez • Jessica Alexander
Jeremy Allen White • Dove Cameron • Addison Timlin
Elsa Hosk • Damiano David • Alexander Skarsgård
Joseph Quinn • Suki Waterhouse • Jade Thirlwall
Ashton Irwin • Olivia Rodrigo • Kaia Gerber
Ariana Grande • Jack Martin • Kelsea Ballerini
Michael Clifford • Lily Rose Depp • Cara Delevingne
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simstorian-blog · 2 months
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The Edris House
(CC List + Links)
[DISCLAIMER: I had routing issues with the ‘clickable worlds’ mod by awingedllama installed. Once I removed that mod, my sims did not have any issues. Please keep this in mind if you plan on using my build. Thank you!]
World Map: Oasis Springs
Area: Acquisition Butte – Affluista Mansion
Lot Size:  50 x 50
Capacity: 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, A Movie Theater Room
Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish
Packs Needed
Expansion Packs
Get Famous
Get Together
Get To Work
High School Years
Snowy Escape
Game Packs
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Stuff Packs
Bowling Night
Game Packs
Desert Luxe
Build Mode
Shop The Look 1 (Sectional Sofa)
Jardane (Fire Pit)
Orjanic Pt.1 (Stone Wall)
Klean Pt. 3 (Concrete Floor, Painted Walls, Painted Walls High Plaster, Painted Walls Low Plaster)
Louer Collection (Stone Stairs)
2001 BMW Z8
Poolside Lounge Pack (Sabal Palmetto-Tall)
Cool Pools (Model 5)
Arcadia Build Set
Multi- Level Carpet
Woodland Ranch Pt. 3 (Plaster Wallpaper)
Fency (Mailbox)
Thatch Roof
Jade Build Pt. 2
Judith Living Room (Flooring 2)
Tray Files: DOWNLOAD
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veiledpurple · 10 months
Long Ahh headcanon dump!!!! (Mostly about wuhu island life)
-Charline is Alice and Barbara's older sister. Alice and Barbara are twins, and Charline is about two years older than them.
-The WSC champions are a friend group and often hang out/cause chaos together.
-Pit is a hothead and likes swearing in German, but he has a hold on controlling his temper. Run a red light, though, and he'll say some very colorful German words. On the flip side, he's very loving and protective of his romantic partners.
-Ren likes making fun little mocktails and runs a little poolside bar at Cocoba Hotel. He's Rin's brother.
-Wuhu Island has it's own airline: Wuhu Airlines. Gwen and Charline sometimes work as flight attendants. Miguel flies the planes sometimes.
-Wuhu Island used to be a monarchy, but eventually just became a democracy, similar to the US government but less dystopian and disgustang
-Saburo takes 5 million years to shave. He's very particular about how his facial hair looks.
-Anna, Fritz, and Alisha share an apartment. They like watching dramas, especially Fritz. They get into a lot of shenanigans together, though Anna is grumpy 90% of the time and has her own mini fridge for alcohol.
-Wuhu Island's currency is called the Wuhu Mahnk. Coins are called wrents. Bank notes have significant locations around the island on them, such as the Candle or Maka Wuhu. Wedge Island is considered Wuhuian territory, so the currency is accepted there too.
-Most islanders are at least bilingual. The most common two languages spoken are the native island language and English.
-The most prevalent religion on Wuhu Island is the worship of Maka Wuhu- not the volcano itself, but the god that represents it (and subsequently controls it). Said god is a cheeky lil thing and oftentimes he hangs out in human form as a tall man named Malcolm. He does have demigod kids, one can tell because they possess some fire magic. Malcolm wears jorts.
-Mike owns a banana tie. Steph hates it so much.
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darkdreamtheorist · 2 years
Worldbuilding Helluva Boss: Mictlan & the Aztec bathhouse
What do other hell-scapes around the world look like in the Helluva Boss canon? Take Mictlán, one of four death houses in Aztec Hell, where sick and old souls endure a four year journey to reach their resting place. Now imagine a stop before that, where the souls would soak in lava pits or ice floes or steam off while served the best foods the mortal realm has to offer. Who would design such a place?
Why, Tlazolteotl, that's who! goddess of vice, filth, lust, and adultery. Tzoltea to her friends. She's also the patroness saint of purification and STEAM BATHS! She conceived the resort after having a day at the spa herself from all corners of the Mortal Realm! At a Pantheon mixer in Olympus, She was given a medallion by Dionysius to an Atlantean bath complex, bathing in the scalding, tepid, and frigid thermae (read/bathhouse); then Ratatoskr, messenger squirrel of Odin, lead her 'round Yggdrasil to a steam house far off a Norwegian village over some mountains followed by a feast at Glasgow during Oktoberfest; soaked on a hot spring in Osaka with a Tanuki, who discussed how using a dragon emulated the natural Onsen effects w/o finding hot spots. Off to the fiery cauldron of Kauai, her last stop, and fire dancers in a luau with some fruity mai-tai n pig on spit!
Such a relaxing holiday, she can't enjoy it on her own, so she got up to design a resort in Mictlán, Tzoltea's Tantalizing Thermae: A sprawling sauna/pool house retreat inspired by her holiday in the mortal world, complete with cabanas, poolside bars, floorshows, an int'l buffet, and the main attraction: three types of bathing experiences from the very countries she skinny-dipped into-- Spicy Maui Lava Pits; Norwegian Spring Saunas; and Floe-ing Fjords! No soul will go restless and grieving when in respite!
To keep thermal conditions of each bathhouse at optimum temperatures, she hired a big fat femme dragon-gator demon with elemental properties who loves a good soak (and vaguely looks like BL ZeBub from Devil & Daniel Mouse) to heat the lava pits and chill the floes when necessary thru secret tunnels while also securing the resort from non-guests dipping a toe w/o reservations. Plus they gets to wear a wonderful one-piece Bandeau swimsuit in charcoal black with a Leuco Dye decal logo that shows a volcano when in the lava pits and glacier in the floes. they should be doing their security/lifeguard duty, but they sneak a chance to skinny dip on one of the pools during off-hours.
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aqua4pool · 27 days
Understanding how Florida's Aqua4 Pool Design creates luxurious pool designs
Luxury pool designs go beyond the ordinary to create an experience that is both opulent and relaxing. Here are some of the key elements that Aqua4 Pool Design incorporates into their luxury pool projects:
Infinity Pools: These pools create a stunning visual effect, making the water appear to merge seamlessly with the horizon. Infinity pools are perfect for properties with a view, as they enhance the natural beauty of the surroundings.
Water Features: Adding water features such as waterfalls, fountains, and jets can elevate the aesthetic appeal of a pool. Aqua4 Pool Design integrates these elements to create a dynamic and soothing environment.
Lighting: Proper lighting can transform a pool area into a magical space at night. Aqua4 Pool Design uses a combination of underwater LED lights, pathway lights, and ambient lighting to create a captivating atmosphere.
Poolside Amenities: Luxury pools often come with a range of amenities such as spas, sunken seating areas, fire pits, and outdoor kitchens. These features enhance the functionality of the pool area, making it a perfect spot for entertaining and relaxation.
Smart Technology: Modern luxury pools are equipped with smart technology that allows homeowners to control various aspects of the pool remotely. From adjusting the temperature and lighting to managing the filtration system, Aqua4 Pool Design incorporates the latest technology to offer convenience and ease of use.
The Aqua4 Pool Design Process
The process of creating a luxury pool with Aqua4 Pool Design is a collaborative and enjoyable experience. Here’s a glimpse into their process:
Consultation: The journey begins with an in-depth consultation where the team understands the client’s vision, preferences, and budget. They also assess the site to determine the best design approach.
Design and Planning: Based on the initial consultation, the design team creates a detailed plan that includes 3D renderings and sketches. This allows clients to visualize their dream pool before the construction begins.
Final Touches: The team adds the final touches, such as landscaping, lighting, and water features, to complete the look. They also provide a thorough orientation to the clients, explaining how to operate and maintain their new pool.
Ongoing Support: Aqua4 Pool Design offers ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the pool remains in pristine condition for years to come.
 If looking for a pool designer in Florida that offers luxury, quality, and individualized service, Aqua4 Pool Design is the company to call. Their dedication to quality and proficiency in pool design guarantee that every project they take on is a huge success. Aqua4 Pool Design offers the know-how and imagination to turn your ideal pool into a lively party space or a tranquil haven. With Aqua4 Pool Design, you may dive into luxury and create a paradise in your backyard.
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swingzy · 1 month
Swingzy: Revolutionizing Hotel Outdoor Furniture
When it comes to creating unforgettable guest experiences, hotels have to think beyond the interior. Outdoor spaces are becoming increasingly important as travelers seek relaxation and enjoyment in open-air environments. Enter Swingzy, a brand that is setting new standards in hotel outdoor furniture. Swingzy combines innovation, comfort, and aesthetics to elevate outdoor hospitality spaces to new heights.
The Evolution of Hotel Outdoor Furniture
Traditionally, hotel outdoor furniture has been functional but often lacking in style and innovation. Basic loungers and standard patio sets have sufficed for years. However, as the expectations of guests evolve, so does the need for more sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing outdoor setups. Swingzy understands this shift and has stepped up to offer furniture that not only meets but exceeds these expectations.
What Makes Swingzy Stand Out?
Innovative Designs
Swingzy’s designs are anything but ordinary. They blend modern aesthetics with ergonomic functionality, creating pieces that are both visually appealing and incredibly comfortable. From sleek, contemporary loungers to stylish cabanas and swing chairs, Swingzy’s collection caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
Superior Quality
Durability is crucial for hotel outdoor furniture, which must withstand various weather conditions while maintaining its appeal. Swingzy uses high-quality materials such as weather-resistant wicker, rust-proof aluminum, and UV-protected fabrics. This ensures that the furniture remains in top condition, even with constant use and exposure to the elements.
Customization Options
Every hotel has its unique style and brand identity. Swingzy offers customization options to align with the specific themes and aesthetics of different hotels. Whether it’s selecting a particular color scheme, fabric pattern, or design modification, Swingzy provides the flexibility to create furniture that seamlessly integrates with the hotel’s overall design vision.
Comfort and Relaxation
Comfort is paramount when it comes to outdoor furniture. Swingzy places a strong emphasis on ergonomic design, ensuring that guests can relax and unwind in comfort. Plush cushions, adjustable features, and thoughtfully designed support systems make every piece a haven of relaxation.
Transforming Hotel Outdoor Spaces
Poolside Elegance
A poolside area is often a focal point for guests. Swingzy’s luxurious loungers and cabanas transform these spaces into elegant retreats. Picture guests lounging in style on a sleek sunbed, shaded by a chic canopy, sipping their favorite cocktail. Swingzy makes this vision a reality.
Garden Serenity
Gardens and courtyards offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of hotel life. Swingzy’s garden furniture enhances these serene environments. From charming bistro sets perfect for morning coffee to expansive dining tables for alfresco meals, Swingzy’s pieces encourage guests to linger and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Rooftop Chic
Rooftop bars and lounges are increasingly popular, offering stunning views and a unique atmosphere. Swingzy’s stylish and comfortable seating options make these spaces even more enticing. Modular sofas, cozy fire pits, and contemporary bar stools create a chic and inviting ambiance for guests to socialize and relax.
The Swingzy Experience
Choosing Swingzy for hotel outdoor furniture means more than just acquiring beautiful and durable pieces. It’s about creating experiences that guests will remember. It’s about providing comfort, style, and a sense of luxury that enhances their stay.
Case Study: Hotel Luxora
Hotel Luxora, a five-star resort known for its exceptional service and breathtaking views, recently revamped its outdoor spaces with Swingzy furniture. The transformation was remarkable. Guests rave about the comfortable loungers by the infinity pool, the stylish swing chairs in the garden, and the cozy cabanas on the private beach. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many guests specifically mentioning the outdoor furniture as a highlight of their stay.
Swingzy is not just a brand; it’s a game-changer in the realm of hotel outdoor furniture. With its innovative designs, superior quality, customization options, and unwavering focus on comfort, Swingzy helps hotels create outdoor spaces that are as inviting and luxurious as their interiors. In a world where guest satisfaction is paramount, investing in Swingzy furniture is a step toward offering an exceptional and memorable experience.
Transform your hotel's outdoor spaces with Swingzy, and let your guests experience the perfect blend of style, comfort, and elegance.
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dominickjtvy781 · 3 months
The Pros And Cons Of Everyday Restaurant Furniture
Omega Chaise for Sunrooms and Porches
One in all the key trends for 2024 is using neutral colours and natural materials for garden and patio furniture. Beige, grey and charcoal hues are currently trending for frames; while materials like wicker, rattan, teak and aluminum have become widespread choices for cushions and upholstery as these materials are easy to take care of and clean making them suitable for outdoor use.
Omega Chaise for Fire Pit Gatherings
Wicker and forged aluminum furniture are two of the most resilient choices on the market for out of doors seating, ready to stand up to changing weather conditions, direct daylight, and different out of doors elements. And, both materials return with Gar Restaurant Furniture numerous finishes and colors therefore that you'll realize specifically what fits into your condo area.
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Opt for from Nordic galvanized patio sets, eyecatching Acacia wood loveseats and weatherproof resin wicker furniture woven in with weatherproof cushions to seek out your good vogue! Your biggest challenge can be selecting just one!
Patio table and chair sets create great poolside furniture. By getting multiple sets without delay, you can find highquality pieces at discounted prices particularly when purchased from firms who concentrate on wholesale patio furniture for pools and public facilities; such businesses will additionally help guide the planning process. The Park Catalog carries an extensive choice of heavyduty luxury outdoor furniture suitable for hotels, country clubs, spas and resorts. Grosfillex contract commercial resin chairs and tables will face up to rain, snow, ice, wind, harsh sun exposure and chlorine gas exposure for an affordable different to high finish patio furniture created from aluminum and teak.
If you are shopping for pool furniture, the first step should be assessing each your space and budget. A set of 2 chairs that matches comfortably on your tanning ledge may be a perfect beginning point; alternatively Mingja Restaurant Furniture you may purchase a dining bistro set complete with table, high barheight seats and umbrella shade cowl is an extra alternative for sun protection. Another budgetconscious answer would be investing in single reclining lounge chair that comes in numerous styles and fabrics like Phifertex that has been certified GREENGUARDcompliant plus Microban protection for cover from mildew growth and mildew growth.
Manmade synthetics became an increasingly widespread alternative for outdoor furniture because of their versatile designs and cheap costs. Most are treated against weathering and ultraviolet radiation exposure to assist retain their color without fading over time, and a few return woven in wicker patterns for vogue and texture.
Grosfillex offers highend out of doors lounge furniture that's made with antistatic and moisture resistant resin, featuring elegant yet practical styles crafted in Italy for complete Made in Italy production processes.
CB2, the hip younger sibling of Crate & Barrel, offers modern outdoor furniture at great value for a bargain worth. Their shipping is free on all orders and therefore the items will easily be assembled at home and there is an incredible selection of accent chairs, sofas and benches!
A selection of materials are used for luxury outside furniture, as well as materials like olefin. Olefin could be a kind of solutiondyed synthetic fibre, that is incredibly sturdy and stainresistant. This cloth can be found during a wide selection of chairs, sofas, chaise lounges and a lot of. It's immune to UV rays, chlorine and saltwater, making it perfect for outdoor use. It will additionally face up to abrasion, that means it can rise to significant use. It is additionally straightforward to scrub, as it resists deterioration from mildew, chemicals and insects.
Whereas shopping for pool chairs, don't forget to pick up patio tables and other accessories for your pool deck. These pieces will help store pool toys, snacks and drinks furthermore being nice places to store towels and sunscreen.
Homann's AH Outdoor Series boasts a sublime combination of rigorous aesthetic and soft forms chairs and tables can even be stacked to save area!
RentToOwn Out of doors Furniture in Mississippi. Make your backyard the ultimate summer destination with highquality outdoor furniture from renttoown patio dining sets or 2 outsized lounge chairs from renttoown patio dining sets, perfect for hosting massive barbecues with all your family, or rent two to make the ideal spot on your condo porch for relaxation with your partner.
Resin furniture may still draw owners to its natural organic charms, however nextgeneration materials such as resin are quickly gaining in popularity due to their durability and suppleness. Resin furniture pieces could prove worthy alternatives to wooden tables and chairs because of their look without compromising on quality; however, before creating a final call concerning purchasing resin furniture.
Serena & Lily's beachinspired designs exude that soughtafter "wow issue," without going over the prime or being too themed. Their collections provide masses of musthave coastal things that will bring a relaxed, vacation vibe into any backyard setting.
Eco-Friendly Omega Chaise Options
We tend to love this toptier whole for their unbelievable quality and attention to detail in each piece they manufacture, together with their extensive expertise in furniture trade that ends up in highend patio furniture meant to face the check of your time.
Modern Mingja FurnitureOutdoor FurnitureRestaurant Furniture Designs
When searching for outdoor furniture, a set consisting of a table and 4 or six chairs could be your ideal solution. This sort of seating allows for meals and conversations and creates an intimate seating area on your back porch or balcony. Furthermore, tables that embody builtin drinks coolers might additionally prove convenient relaxing Adirondack patio chairs or hammocks might even add vacation vibes whereas encouraging family and friends to pay additional time outside! RentACenter of Greenwood makes your backyard or deck the final summer hangout with topoftheline out of doors furniture, from Nordic galvanized patio sets and trendsetting loveseats made with Acacia wood to resilient resin wicker chairs with weatherproof cushions upholstered with weatherproof cushions upholstered in weatherproof cushions. And we carry relaxing Adirondack patio chairs for relaxing vacation vibes or add four piece lounge sets complete with coffee tables to your condo porch so friends can gather and chat for hours without making an upscale down payment with our easy rent to own rental furniture! Whatever your want could be, our rentable rentals create creating out of doors oasis while not creating a commitment or large down payment simply what you need!
Omega Chaise for Meditation Spaces
If you like ancient aesthetics, take into account teak wood patio furniture sets. Their natural patina will age to an enticing grey over time or they will be given protective coating. Unfortunately, though, such pieces of patio furniture will be quite serious.
Outdoor Furnishings Upholstery and Cushions
Rummage around for chairs with ottomans that provide enough comfort for one person, perfect for relaxing afternoons in the garden. Additionally, explore for ones made from easytoclean materials and that may stand up to out of doors elements.
Outdoor FurnishingsOmega ChaiseOutdoor Furnishings for Sunrooms and Porches
LBO is the premier wholesale provider of aluminum metal patio and pool furniture for public swimming pools, non-public swimming pools, water parks, YMCA's, flats, home homeowners associations (HOA's), hotels and resorts. Their high quality industrial grade patio and pool furniture product are manufactured using superior materials like Marine Grade Polymer that resist warping, fading or chemical breakdown perfect for use at private and non-private pools alike! Contract Furnishings International provides stylish yet snug outside furniture to any business, good for restaurants, hotels or clubs alike. Our big selection of patio furniture matches any theme or vogue with styles designed to face up to rain, snow and sun a vital consideration when choosing out of doors seating for any restaurant, hotel or club.
Classic and Timeless Outdoor Furniture
Some pool users want to just lounge around and unwind, that makes having lounge chairs around an important piece of furniture. It permits guests to come out their shoes, lay backpedal and absorb some sun while not ever needing to leave the water! Lounge chairs also make an excellent place for reading, napping or merely having conversations many styles exist that float whereas others must be placed on deck or patio to be used.
Omega Chaise for Coastal Living
We have a tendency to love this toptier brand for his or her unimaginable quality and attention to detail in each piece they turn out, along with their intensive expertise in furniture trade that ends up in highend patio furniture meant to face the take a look at of your time.
Outdoor Furnishings for Mountain Retreats
Primarily based on your environment, usage, and storage desires, selecting sturdy furniture materials will be essential to its longterm functionality. Some materials are higher suited to certain climate than others and a few require constant upkeep in order to stop harm or discoloration.
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Everyday Restaurant Omega Chaise for Winter Coziness
Cabana Couture understands every resort features a distinct brand and their team works directly with clients to make sure designs align with this. Furthermore, they offer various finishes and materials. Their Aluminum collection is both weatherproof and rustproof while boasting clean line design elements harking back to teak wood grain finish options.
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Eco-Friendly Outdoor Furnishings Options
Metal could be a durable material, and some of the strongest pieces of outside furniture are created of metal frames. As a result of of their strength, metals will be shaped into more complex designs than alternative materials. They�re additionally relatively light-weight, making them straightforward to maneuver and maintain. But some metals heat up quickly within the sun, and that they�re vulnerable to rust or corrosion in harsh environments.
Emu Furniture for Sunrooms and Porches
To keep outdoor furniture stunning and in sensible condition, it's crucial that it is frequently cleaned and guarded against the weather. Regular soap and water cleaning will do just fine, while adding protecting coating such as varnish or wax will keep items looking brand new for an extended period. Alternatively, water repellant spray can additionally work effectively; simply be positive it's been Everyday Restaurant Furniture specifically created for outside furniture as using regular household cleaners can harm its surface. One in every of the most popular trends in outside furniture style is mixing materials. Furniture makers usually mix wood, metal and plastic into fashionable designs that face up to weather elements giving customers a lot of decisions in order to pick out items that best match their personal styles and add texture and depth to a area.
Industrial out of doors furniture is intended for use outside, which means it needs further care than indoor items. More durable materials usually used in its construction enable materials that make up its upholstery to be rinsed down with a hose after every use to remove sweat, sunscreen and pool chemicals; other website amenities like tables chairs and benches also utilise materials that won't rust quickly or break down quickly.
Out of doors furniture sales have experienced unprecedented growth over recent years due to increased shopper spending on leisure activities and experiences, resulting in rising consumer spending on luxury outdoor furniture and an increase in luxury materials like beveled edges and cannage patterns. Meanwhile, minimalistic furniture trends also are having an influenceful result on interior style as home furnishings.
Outdoor Furnishings for Entertaining Guests
When buying outside furniture, look for retailers providing free shipping and financing choices department shops tend to have this benefit and will often offer competitive costs on large furniture sets. Be sure to look into their come policies prior to making any purchases, as these policies can vary widely between retailers. Some provide returns among days whereas others allow longer returns periods for example Macy's offers free shipping with 3 day returns, though their selection is not huge; so it may be best if you visit specialty outlets or on-line retailers instead. Your out of doors furniture plays an important role in making an agreeable atmosphere when hosting friends or simply lounging around on its own. But, it is essential to carefully consider that material was used when creating these items because it wants to stand up to weather well and guarantee long term stability. With numerous selections available these days for locating your next piece, there's sure to be one good for you and your needs!
Grosfillex Furniture for Bohemian Vibes
Sustainable out of doors furniture style has quickly become an rising trend. Several brands, from highend luxury items like Seaside Casual's Envirowood made from HDPE recycled polymers found in milk jugs to recycled plastic lumber utilized by Seaside Casual are using ecofriendly materials like this in their collections. Sustainable choices include teak wood furniture that's naturally immune to rot and insect damage; or outside pieces created of metal, concrete, or any other sturdy materials that stand up to weathering well. Whatever kind of furniture you purchase for out of doors use, perpetually shield it with wood stains, polishes, or paints to cut back weathering and wear; alternatively bring indoor your wood outside pieces throughout winter or cowl them well on rainy days for optimal care.
A number of the simplest pool furniture concepts for outside spaces embrace chaise lounges and alternative chairs crafted from longwearing materials like teak or resin wicker. Though additional expensive than different patio furniture pieces, these chairs can get up higher over time and produce a better aesthetic in your pool space. Furthermore, adjustable backrests could add comfort.
Pool Furniture Offer offers topgrade commercialgrade pool furniture at reasonable prices, made to stand up to even the harshest environments and keep looking its best year after year. Their choice includes lounge chairs, dining tables and umbrellas all at affordable costs and outdoor accessories like citronella candles and string lights and they supply several shipping choices! Blu Dot is wellknown for their eyecatching trendy designs, and their patio furniture is not any completely different. Their intensive line of out of doors seating includes lounge seating, dining chairs, bar carts that job within or outdoors and bar carts to serve drinks on outside terraces or bar carts that job each within and outdoors. Their eight different out of doors collections permit customers to purchase items individually or as sets plus there's also an wonderful return policy with dedicated customer service groups behind it all!
It's conjointly less costly than several acrylics, that will be more pricey than other textiles. This can be because of the very fact that olefin encompasses a wider selection of designs, textures and weaves, gap up a world of style potentialities for luxury outside furniture. It is heat sensitive, however, and should not be exposed to direct daylight or a heater. It ought to be laundered using cold or heat water, and tumble dried on low or no heat after laundering.
Sara Kenton's passion for Van Morrison's music impressed her to launch Tupelo Goods, an Austinbased company giving contemporary outside furniture. Since launching in 2018, Tupelo Goods has rapidly expanded with offerings ranging from beach tote bags which will easily be rinsed once long beach days, to chairs designed with silicone seats for each land and water access. Along with selling traditional adirondack and hammock chairs, the whole additionally sells transportable hearth pits that make entertaining easier, also Zephyr Flyer swings to push slowness in neighborhoods. Their products can be found through retailers such as Target and Whole Foods; with its mission being to bring individuals along through products that create memories and celebrate special moments; their future plans involve expanding its lineup by adding outside games that promote familyfriendly fun!
Pottery Barn offers an impressive collection of outdoor furniture if you are willing to travel the extra mile when choosing outside items for your patio, from chairs and dining tables, through custom orders. Their teak wood furniture stands up well against weather parts. Additionally, this complete provides highend products with luxurious details like handapplied finishes and custom stitching.
Resin furniture may still draw homeowners to its natural organic charms, however nextgeneration materials like resin are quickly gaining in popularity thanks to their sturdiness and flexibility. Resin furniture items might prove worthy alternatives to wooden tables and chairs because of their look while not compromising on quality; but, before making a final decision concerning buying resin furniture.
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lxuruyhouses · 3 months
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King Solomon Luxury Real Estate is happy to present:
This the most luxury house in Israel🏆
The estate is located in Savyon, the most prestigious area in Israel, approximately 20 minutes from Tel Aviv and 15 minutes from the airport. The house was built between 2006-2009, spread over 6 dunams, with about 1000 square meters built on 4 levels. It features a wine cellar, cinema, laundry room, bomb shelter, maid's room with garden access, a stunning countryside-style suite, guest room with private garden access, entrance level with living room, dining room, kitchen, family corner, study, spacious guest bathroom with shower and wardrobe, a beautiful Japanese-style suite with sitting area, large balcony, stone-clad bathtub, and rain shower, an entryway to two royal suites, one containing 2 walk-in closets, 2 bathrooms, and a beautiful sitting area, a large suite with a concession to a bathroom, a 103-inch TV, natural materials throughout the house, including solid wood flooring, natural stone cladding, antique decorative columns from an old Parisian train station, a limed full-wood pergola covering over 200 square meters, underfloor heating throughout the house, central vacuum, 2 gas fireplaces, a handcrafted French stone fireplace in the living room, a gas barbecue in the pergola with stone cladding, a closed garage for four cars, a garden adorned with 25 bronze sculptures, fruit trees, a heated swimming pool, a 40-square-meter children's pool with a slide, a fire pit made of stone cladding, an Italian Jacuzzi, a limestone and oak deck poolside, an atmosphere filled with warmth and good energy, French-profile windows made of special ordered stone, all windows and shutters are Apex, completely airtight, dust-free, energy and noise-efficient, rare artworks, the house can be sold as is, totaling 6 bedrooms, 4 large suites, 2 master bedrooms, a study (office), 4 bathrooms, 6 showers and toilets, a 50-square-meter bomb shelter in steel and concrete with filters, a cinema room, a wine cellar, a laundry room, a maid's room, a wet room for the pool, a designed elevator, 2 dunams with building rights.
For more info, call now or send emaiil
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swimmingpoolstoronto · 2 months
Swimming Pool Builders Uncover Latest Pool Trends
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In the realm of home design, swimming pools stand as timeless symbols of luxury and relaxation. As the seasons change and tastes evolve, so too do the trends in pool construction. Today, let's dive into the latest innovations and styles that swimming pool builders are uncovering.
Naturalistic Designs: Modern homeowners are increasingly drawn to pools that mimic natural bodies of water. Builders are incorporating elements like rock formations, waterfalls, and lush landscaping to create a serene oasis in the backyard. These naturalistic designs blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, offering a tranquil retreat for both body and mind.
Smart Technology Integration: The era of smart homes has extended its reach to swimming pools. Builders are now incorporating technology that allows for remote control of pool features such as temperature, lighting, and filtration systems. Automated cleaning robots ensure that maintenance is effortless, leaving more time for enjoyment.
Infinity Edge Pools: Infinity edge pools continue to captivate homeowners with their stunning visual appeal. These pools create the illusion of water extending endlessly into the horizon, offering an awe-inspiring vista. Whether perched atop a hillside or overlooking a scenic landscape, infinity edge pools elevate the outdoor experience to new heights.
Multi-Functional Spaces: Today's pools are more than just places to swim—they're versatile spaces for relaxation and entertainment. Builders are incorporating features like built-in spas, sunken seating areas, and outdoor kitchens to transform pool areas into complete outdoor living environments. These multi-functional spaces blur the line between indoors and out, fostering a seamless flow of activity and enjoyment.
Sustainable Solutions: With a growing emphasis on environmental consciousness, swimming pool builders are embracing sustainable practices. From energy-efficient pumps and solar heating systems to eco-friendly materials and water-saving designs, sustainability is becoming a key consideration in pool construction. These eco-conscious solutions not only reduce environmental impact but also contribute to long-term cost savings for homeowners.
Statement Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the ambiance of a pool area, and builders are getting creative with their designs. LED lights allow for customizable color schemes, creating dramatic effects both above and below the water's surface. From soft, ambient glows to vibrant, party-ready hues, statement lighting adds an extra layer of excitement to poolside gatherings.
Fire Features: To complement the soothing element of water, builders are incorporating fire features into pool designs. Fire pits, torches, and fire bowls create a captivating juxtaposition of elements, enhancing the overall atmosphere of relaxation and warmth. These features provide not only visual interest but also practical functionality, extending the usability of outdoor spaces into the cooler evenings.
As swimming pool builders continue to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity, the possibilities for designing the perfect pool are virtually limitless. Whether you're envisioning a tranquil retreat inspired by nature or a dynamic entertainment hub equipped with the latest technology, there's a pool trend to suit every taste and lifestyle. So, take the plunge and transform your backyard into a haven of relaxation and enjoyment with the latest pool trends unveiled by visionary builders.
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