#pool surrounds gold coast
sandstoneworks · 1 year
Your One-Stop Destination for Himalayan Sandstone Pool Surrounds in Gold Coast and Brisbane
Sandstone Works is a premium-quality sandstone supplier for the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, and Mackay. They specialize in Himalayan Sandstones for Sandstone Pavers, Sandstone Tiles, and Pool Surrounds. If you’re looking for pool surrounds in Gold Coast or Brisbane, Sandstone Works has got you covered. They offer traditional bullnose pool coping made of Himalayan sandstone with a rounded smooth edge that’s perfect for pool surrounds. You can also opt for rebated sandstone bullnose that can be applied to your pool surrounds. Himalayan stone exhibits a variety of attractive colors and all the warmth and charm associated with natural stone 1. Sandstone Works’ Himalayan stone exhibits a variety of attractive colors and all the warmth and charm associated with natural stone
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houserautha · 4 months
At the risk of sounding horny (I am, hopelessly) could we pls possibly get a Feyd’s wife!reader bathtub sex blurb or mini fic 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Welcome, all who are hopelessly horny may enter
Warnings: mention of rough sex and bruising, praise kink
“Come, wife.”
Dutifully, you peel yourself from the bed, mindful of your aching body. You follow Feyd into the bathroom and to the impressive, claw-footed tub that resides there, surrounded by marble and gold. Steam rises and curls in the air as he summons water to fill the tub, and you watch, more fatigued than dumbfounded, as he gathers expensive soaps and shampoos.
You’re not a stranger to rough sex. Especially not with your husband, who seems to lean more into the violence than not. And this session you feel blissfully bruised and abused, but he must have been able to tell that you needed extra attention afterward. Feyd helps you into the tub and you let out an embarrassing groan as the hot water immediately relaxes your muscles.
Wordlessly, he sets to work bathing you, lathering your hair with shampoo and using a cloth to wash your body from the blood and sweat and semen. Your eyes are closed the entire time as he lavishes you, feeling the tenseness subside with each stroke and touch of his hands.
Still, like a slumbering beast lifting its head to investigate a sound, you react when you feel his fingers at your clit. You open one eye, lazy, adrift in this watery, peaceful world but unable to resist this man. Feyd is now near the side of the tub, kneeling, pupils blown with lust and fascination, the bloodied water soaking his sleeve up to the elbow. He applies the slightest pressure to your sensitive clit, and says, “You always take it so well, wife. What a good girl you are. So pretty and obedient. And you would take more, wouldn’t you?”
You don’t have the clarity to speak so you just nod your head. Despite your muscles screaming out in pain, your cunt thoroughly fucked and sore, you tilt your head back and sigh as Feyd touches you. He’s gentle this time, almost curious, languishing between your folds and back to your clit before slipping inside. You seize at the intrusion, body protesting despite the desire pooling in your belly. This does nothing to deter Feyd, however, who derives satisfaction in making you orgasm, water sloshing over the edges of the tub as you writhe and grind up against his hand.
Effortlessly Feyd lifts you from the tub. You let him carry you — not to the bed, as it’s been sufficiently ruined — but to a seat by the window. Feyd lays you down then immediately covers your body with his own, mouth soft on your freshly scrubbed skin, fumbling for his pants. This time when he fucks you it is devoid completely of the previous vigor, a display of appreciation. He coasts his hands over the bruises and love marks he left on you, kissing each one.
And when you’re done he pulls you close to him and brushes his lips over the shell of your ear. “Such a good wife,” he murmurs.
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tarnishedbloodhound · 24 days
Flowers of Liurnia, Far From Home
Or, the Tarnished goes on a photography trip throughout the Lands Between, and all for one specific flower of royal Carian blue.
This small blue flower grows plentifully in groups, on dry land or in shallow water. Whilst found extensively in Liurnia, there are small patches of found growing in other regions as well. I've noticed that they are found near exclusively in or near places associated with sorcery, with a couple exceptions.
These flowers are scarcely found in the Shadows Lands, except for two places, the Cerulean coast, where they glow with almost magical effect, and the Manus Metyr cathedral.
This got a little long so more under the cut:
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All throughout the Liurnia region, the player will ride and fight through countless patches of the blue flowers in question. Both within and without the Carian Manor and the Three Sisters grounds:
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in the gardens of the Academy of Raya Lucaria:
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outside the Carian Study Hall, glowing vibrantly as those in the Cerulean Coast in the Shadow Lands do:
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the Church of Vows, but curiously only specifically inside the church, not outside. The blue and gold flowers together likely signify the bond once made here by the Houses of the Moon and Erdtree, by Rennala and Radagon:
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Outwith Liurnia, these flowers can be found in Limgrave with their red counterparts, on the road south leading to the Weeping Peninsula:
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In Caelid, there is no surprise they are found growing in the Sellia town of magic, suggesting a hardiness to these flowers to be able to resist the rot:
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but also in the Caelid region they can be found surrounding Lenne's Rise:
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I have found the flowers in two spots so far in the Altus Plateau Leyndell region, in a shallow pool of water between the windmill pastures, close to where a lone battlemage stands watch on the rocks above;
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and in the outer moat, where you fight the Dung Eater and where the death-touched (coughGodwyncough) shell crabs live:
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I've yet to find in the flowers are in the Mt. Gelmir region, but it is a volcano so I doubt there would be many flowers growing there. Still, I'll check in the future.
Even in the Consecrated Snowfields there are flowers to find. Whether they are actually blue flowers just covered with frost, or white flowers with a slight blue tinge, it is difficult to discern, but evenso. I'll let you be the judge of them:
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Now, about those flowers in the Shadow Lands. My search is ongoing, but obviously they are found in vast glowing quantities in the Cerulean Coast, giving the region its name. They grow in such quantities that they are likely native to the area, and merely only happen to share the appearance of their Liurnian counterparts.
The non-glowing flowers can also be found in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. In the tortoise ponds at the back:
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And very specifically, growing around the grave of Yuri, son of Ymir:
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So what's the point of this long flowery post? We know Ymir was once a mentor of Princess Rellana of the Carian royal family. Likely he came to the Shadow Lands as part of her entourage, either as a Carian himself or an independant researcher, we don't know when exactly he left his allegiance to the moon.
As Rellana's mentor, he would have had access to the Carian Manor, home of the royal family, and the Study Hall as well. As a learned sorcerer, he would have spent much time at the academy too. He would have likely spent much time in any one or all of these places, and travelling between the three. As an observant man he would of course have taken note of the plentiful, beautiful, blue flowers.
I like to believe that before he was sent or decided to go to the Shadow Lands, he took some of the flowers of Liurnia with him as a keepsake, and after all in the Shadow Lands were abandoned and forbidden by Marika from ever returning to the Lands Between, they were one of the few pieces of his homeland he managed to take with him. (I highly doubt those who left for holy war in the Shadow Lands knew that Marika would abandon them there. Would they honestly go if they knew?)
The flowers in the cemetery are well cared for. They and the grass around them are lively and with colour, the foliage around them the same drab lifeless colour as plantlife in lands touched by the war.
We don't know for certain if Yuri was always just a fingercreeper or once a human boy who passed away before the events of the DLC. Nevertheless Ymir loved him enough to surround him to with the flowers of Liurnia, of magic and sorcerers, of their homeland. A small patch of beauty amongst the bleakness of the land.
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ransprang · 2 years
Kukulkan x fem! human reader - Drowning in the Ocean
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You stood by the coast of your local beach, next to the sea you were used to the cold breeze and the crashing sound of the waves. You loved feeling the sun reflect off your roast brown skin, and the way it made you look golden. This was your retreat after a long day of working, away from the bustle of your parents. Today was different, as you stared into the horizon you felt a presence, a calling into the ocean. The force drew you closer as you stepped into the water and walked deeper. As the waves reached your hips, you snapped out of your trance and became aware. You felt panic come over you, despite your love for the vast seas you didn’t quite know survival swimming.
The receding current was strong and as you flapped around your arms it reeled you into the depths. You gasped for air frantically, as your senses slowly left your body. Drifting, floating deep into the dark blue water you opened your eyes after countless days. A dark blue cave of rock, with fluorescent water being reflected against its walls, you coughed out water and marveled at your surroundings. It didn’t take long for you to realize that you were deep under water, and it wasn’t by chance that you survived. You stood up scared and alone, but silent. Calling out for help would do you no good, after all who would be alive in this place? You closed your eyes and dropped to your knees as you gave up and accepted your fate.
Just as you fell against the wet rock a blue hand broke the surface of the pool in the cave. You screamed as a human like blue creature stood before you. She said something in a foreign language as she held out her hand for you to hold. You had no choice, stranded, this was the only way forward. You leapt up and held her hand with faith in your eyes. She jumped into the water dragging you with her as she swam so gracefully at a high speed. You were in awe as you focused on holding your breath, the pressure of the deep sea was building on your chest and weren’t sure how long you would last.
Before you knew it you were above water again but still in a cave, the mystery humanoid left you alone there. Your breath echoed against the walls, as you sat down trying not to cry. A few moments later a man with chestnut skin emerges, he was gold clad with green shorts, and his feet had wings. He was well built and had black hair, his brown eyes peering into you he said with an accent “I found you floating near the surface of my kingdom, who are you?”- “you speak English! I’m y/n and I… drowned at my beach!”, he smirked “surface dwellers don’t belong in the ocean yet they keep coming close…” you were desperate to get out till he said that, no one had the right to say that. No one owned the planet, the skies, land or the sea. You frowned and shot back “you do not tell me how to feel for the ocean, you do not own it.”
He raised his eyebrow and inched closer, he had your back against the cave wall. You felt his breath against your cheek as he spoke into your ear “you do not tell me what to do in my sea, with my kingdom and my people.” You breathed shakily as your heavy chest touched his, he didn’t flinch. He moved away and let you free, as he turned around, you screamed “you’re not sending me anywhere from here Mr merman” without thinking, it was a challenge yet it came from a sense of security. You knew deep within you didn’t want to go back to your mundane life, something in you drew you towards this tall man and lastly, why didn’t he want you here?… this mix of emotions made you blurt the words that changed your life.
He turned around and before jumping he said with a low hoarse voice “My name is Kukulkan” then seamlessly dipped into the water. A few minutes passed by and you began feeling abandoned, suddenly 4 blue women emerge from the pool before you. Each one held an item in their hand, the first held a concoction in a sealed bowl, the second a dress, third was jewelry and the final one was an empty bag. The first woman gave you the drink and as you sipped on it you fell choking on the ground. Heat rose to your chest and it felt like you were about to explode, you weren’t sure how much time you were passed out for but as you opened your eyes, nothing had changed. You stood up and looked around, then at yourself… everything was still the same, but you ignored this even though it had you a little worried. The second woman gave you a beautiful fish scale dress, that had a long flowing train. It complimented your brown skin tone. You dawned yourself in the gold jewelry that reminded you of your ancestors and how they used to wear large golden ornaments before getting colonized. You felt oddly empowered and connected to your heritage. After keeping your old clothes in the empty bag and you were ready to face this odd new world.
The four of them ushered you towards the pool, but you resisted knowing you couldn’t swim. The doubt in your eyes increased as you saw the deep darkness within the water, as you felt one of the blue ladies hands pat you on the back. Your worries seemed to lighten, you had an unspoken trust. With one leap you plunged yourself into the water and to your surprise you could breath, the oxygen was diffusing through your skin, you were alive and as you figured out how to swim your new friends supported you.
Soon your eyes widened as you entered a massive underwater city beyond your imagination. It was beautiful…the houses, the corals, the people and their smiles. It was a warm welcome as everyone waved at you as you swam past them with your newly found skills. A bit beyond and there he was, with a beautiful feathered head gear, Kukulkan sat majestic upon his throne. He gave you a unique hand sign, and people around him followed. It seemed like a welcome, and you were grateful. He held out his hand “no surface dweller goes back alive with the knowledge of our secret empire Talokan, but your eyes told me that you wanted to stay, so you shall”. You gave him a smile, despite a glint of uncertainty, “thank you Kukulkan”.
There was an undeniable chemistry between you two, the Mayan felt it. You and Kukulkan would be always challenging one another as if it were a game. Sometimes he would let you hold his back as he swam to display his speed and strength to you. Even he didn’t know why he did that. Kukulkan was a 600 year old king of ancient Mayans, yet a young woman had him behaving like an average high schooler with a crush. You wondered alone at night, how many wives, how many women he must’ve been with over these long 600 years. These thoughts alone had you wishing this entire thing hadn’t happened, and just like that one day you began sobbing before him. Kukulkan cupped your face with his strong masculine hands and whispered “time has come and passed, but you are the present, and till the day you depart I will be your present.” With these words there was a union of two souls, a new beginning.
Your Soul,
Admin Sav
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eluvisen · 1 year
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Still Waters
Fandom: Andromeda Six
Characters: pre-relationship Vexx Serif/Traveller
Rating: T
Summary: Queen Nikolle’s youngest daughter has a habit of swimming in the fountains, and Vexx discovers some of the currents beneath the palace’s surface.
The first time Princess Nephien emerges from her suite wearing only a silk robe, Vexx has no idea what’s going on.
He follows her to one of the many gardens scattered throughout the palace grounds, stopping beside a fountain. This one is as large as a swimming pool and maybe as deep, lined with bright mosaics in blue and gold. A three tiered sculpture rises from the centre, sending streams of water into the basin. Vexx finds an unobtrusive spot in the shade of a wisteria trellis that gives him a decent view of the garden at large.
Nephien sets her towel on a nearby bench and slides the robe from her shoulders. It finally clicks when he sees the swimsuit she’s wearing beneath. Her skin is a flawless brown, and he’s surprised to see the shift of sinewy muscles as she steps up onto the edge of the fountain, highlighting her slender shoulders and the curves of her hips. 
Despite himself, he’s caught by the arch of her body. She’s more graceful than he expected as she dives into the fountain, sailing beneath the water’s surface. Not that she’s ungraceful on land, exactly, but she’s usually doing everything she can to pretend she doesn’t exist. But she owns the water with sure strokes as she makes several quick laps around the pool, and it’s frankly impressive how long she can hold her breath for. While her gills might be more pronounced than his, they aren’t any more usable. If she wasn’t half-human—and Kitalpha wasn’t a graveyard—she’d probably do better underwater than above it.
Vexx watches Nephien drift by, now floating beneath the surface with her eyes closed, and she propels herself with a lazy flick of a foot. She looks positively lustrous with her skin all but shimmering and her hair billowing around her in thick ripples. For the first time, he notices—okay, lets himself admit—that she’s beautiful. It’s a shame, really.
The princess’s fountain dip becomes something of a routine as the weeks pass. Regular, but not so regular that anyone can predict her schedule as she visits different fountains across the grounds, and it takes Vexx longer than it should to realise she times her swims after the patrol has swept through the garden to maximise her time alone. She never quite relaxes, either. Whenever she comes up for air, the first thing she does is scan her surroundings, and her shoulders don’t come down from around her ears until she’s confirmed the coast is clear.
The only threat in the palace is the royal family itself, he’s learned. 
One afternoon, Vexx notices movement in the garden. A member of the Guard, and one he can’t place by sight. Not part of a patrol, not at this hour, and not one stationed at the south wing. Which means he’s someone’s security detail—and the asshole he’s assigned to has to be nearby. 
The guard captain emphasised that Vexx isn’t supposed to initiate conversation with his charge unless it’s a life-or-death emergency, and shitty family doesn’t qualify. But what the hell. Out of all these pricks, the princess is one of the least awful. Between her and the rest of them, he doesn’t want them to win. 
And who knows, if he gets in her good graces, she might drop some more interesting tidbits about the palace.
When Nephien next surfaces, Vexx says, “Your Highness. You have company.”
[Read on AO3]
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days-like-these · 19 days
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setting: san isabela, california
located on california's central coast lies the bustling city of san isabela. halfway between los angeles and san francisco, it is renowned for its infinite white sands, postcard sunsets, boardwalk attractions and nearby state park. the city sits south of the san luis obispo county, with an average of 300 days of sunshine per year. san isabela perfectly blends urban sophistication with beach-town vibes, giving a small town impression beneath its cityscape facade.
with beachside attitude and big city excitement, san isabela has limitless potential. it has a thriving urban core complete with art, dining and a night scene easily rivalling the nearby cities. explore san isabela's diverse coastal, urban and inland neighborhoods; each with its own unique palate. enjoy a day out on the beachfront of penn harbor, then head down to sunset plaza and indulde in its sizzling nightlife and rooftop bars. alternatively, the pizzazz of the astoria hills serves a more exquisite late night experience. devour the city's art and culture in the hub of san isabela's history, old beal city, or befall the quaint amenities of newbridge. otherwise, serenity is waiting to be discovered in the nature reserves of north passage.
whether spending a few days infusing in the city's myriad of beaches, visiting the waterfront amusements, or exploring the inland offerings of the city, san isabela refuses to disappoint. its golden shorelines are endless in the hearts of locals and tourists alike.
neighborhoods: astoria hills
often labelled the 'little hollywood hills', astoria is one of san isabela's more affluent neighborhoods. its hills are adorned with lavish mansions and backyard pools, with a fusion of styles old and new. on all parts of the hills are luxurious hotels, upscale restaurants and a decadent nightlife completely opposed to the plaza. while a lot of wealth surrounds astoria hills, its charming eateries and clothing boutiques take its desirability to a completely new level.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom $3500, 2 bedroom $4800, 3 bedroom $6200 notable attractions: san isabela regional airport
neighborhoods: newbridge
take a walk through the tree-lined streets of newbridge with its quaint, family-friendly feel. this neighborhood offers a blend of small-town charm and big-city amenities from its thriving small business scene to the university of san isabela, located to the south of the city. newbridge is often referred to as 'san isabela's hidden gem', with a unique variety of boutiques, restaurants and cafes alike.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom $2300, 2 bedroom $3100, 3 bedroom $3600 notable attractions: university of san isabela, california
neighborhoods: north passage
the majority of north passage is made up of the nearby state park with fewer than 20,000 living to the south of the neighborhood. the community of north passage is historically diverse, and in recent years, significant development has started to take place with locals campaigning to prevent further expansion into the forests. the outdoorsy feel of the area makes it particularly individual from the rest of the city, promising many prime locations for walking and biking.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom £1400, 2 bedroom £1900, 3 bedroom $2500 notable attractions: north passage state park
neighborhoods: old beal city
located east of downtown san isabela lies old beal city. this historic neighborhood retains its antiquity with a mixture of beautifully preserved victorian homes nestled between high-rise infrastructure. with over 200 years of history, it's known for its buildings, some of which can be dated back to the gold rush days. this effervescent community offers a diverse food and drink scene, museums, art galleries, and so much more.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom $3500, 2 bedroom $4500, 3 bedroom $5500 notable attractions: old beal memorial hospital
neighborhoods: penn harbor
due to its proximity to the bay, penn harbor was once a thriving industry which boasted warehouses and docks. whilst the latter remained, the warehouses have since been converted into condos and offices, proving popular for students and young professionals. not surprisingly, penn harbor is most notable for its seafood cuisine, with many restaurants lining the boardwalk.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom $2800, 2 bedroom $3500, 3 bedroom $4200 notable attractions: penn harbor boardwalk, the harbor, the pier
neighborhoods: sunset plaza
as san isabela's central hub for music, art, food and nightlife, 'the plaza' acts as the city's main metropolitan area. it's the heart of san isabela, with the police headquarters to the north of the neighborhood. it's easy to immerse in the vibrant streets of downtown, with nightclubs, cocktail lounges and dive bars galore. sunset plaza is renowned for its dynamic culture, and this is truly shown in the pulse of the city.
average rent prices: 1 bedroom $2500, 2 bedroom $3200, 3 bedroom $3800 notable attractions: san isabela police headquarters
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vintageviewmaster · 2 years
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Booklet Description: 3. GETTING A WINTER TAN AT MIAMI BEACH Across Biscayne Bay from Miami is the Manhattan of Florida's Gold Coast, Miami Beach. This "sunsational" (Walter Winchell) winter resort has erected 370 gigantic luxury hotels each with its own palm-fringed swimming pool, dance pavilion, and shipping arcade. Half a century ago, Miami Beach (1950 pop. 46,282) was a desolate sand bar cut off from the mainland, and surrounded by swampy mangrove islands. Nevertheless, the sun shone 6 days out of 7, the average year-round temperature was 75°, and the Gulf Stream curved in closer here than anywhere else on the coast bringing warm waters for swimming, cooling breezes for sleeping, and the big fish within casting range of the beaches. No wonder this became the American Riviera, the mecca for the great of show business, the favorite "lazing" place to acquire the highly-prized winter tan!
Brand: View-Master Packet Title: Florida Reel Title: Florida The Peninsula State Reel Subtitle: I - U.S.A. Reel Number: FLA-1 Reel Edition: N/A Image Number: 3 Date: 1955
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spilledreality · 9 months
On Joanna Newsom:
...So did they retire to Moorcrest, historied estate of Beachwood Canyon in the City of Angels, fallen from Krotona’s garden—replacing (for instance) an earlier Astor, Astor not by birth or marriage but dream and moxie, a surname war-roomed with the Paramount chief and the local whisper-weaver (not welcome, for instance, among the redwoods of Boho)...
Krotona was to be its West Coast jewel, nestled amidst the glamour and greenbacks of a not-yet-goldbricking Hollywood, a Roaring Twenties predecessor to the wedgwood blue of the Pacific Command Base at 4833 Fountain (known more casually among Operating Thetans as Big Blue). Heineman drew the first sketches, the same Arthur who, like the many touring bands that followed him, selected San Luis County for its midway sitch atween San Fran and Lotusville, thus building the world’s first motel off 101 North. The area was chosen for its temperate climate, its virgin magnetic conditions, and its ease of access; but what draws one draws many—desires being, as they are, socially learned and evolutionarily inherited from shared stock and shared situation—Thus, they found, like many Angelanos, the town’s stock reducing to something more common (“Los Demonios”) and at last departed to more pastoral surrounds: a new Shangri-La, the once-Chumash Ojai dressed in Normandy fashions as the Taormina hood.
Another singer had fantasized the house a hundred years prior, had imagined its layout in magic specificity for the “rote” builders that followed. Her memories of travel informed its hybrid of Christian, Islamic, and Hindu design: Marie Russak had spent some time in Tamil Nadu, with a view of the Adyar River’s ox-led plows and palm trees. Did she see Los Angeles in the shimmering reflections of fronds on water, rippling like the curls of her hip-length hair? Marie’d been born in the first Indian summer of the postbellum, had studied music at the Mill and specialized in Wagner before her own ceremony (in satin faille with mousseline de soie and pointe d’aiguille lace was she lambent in pearls). Then a Theosophist and devotee-assistant to HiS Majesty Olcott, was initiated into the co-ed Masons, rising to its Provisional Supreme Council of the West Hemisphere on the fall of Paris to Hitler. Helios, they called her, Lady Helios. Now her text-trace survives in Helios Drive (the event lives only in print); she slipped off her gloves as she’d donned them, at the end of an epoch-making war. She’d come to believe in the spirit’s transcendence, “the lodger within me, larger than me”—in a hierarchy of body and soul, purification from mud.
The structures she left behind, upon spirit’s ascent? “Leaded stained-glass windows, copper and marble baseboards, custom cabinetry, hand-painted frescos and elaborate mosaic tiles.” Light floods its glassy atrium, darkness its stony grotto near the old lotus pond. Was the pool once Charlie’s sea-sim piscina, Caribbean sand and water saline, before his breakaway to shortened time horizons?
Now Joanna sits under the eaves where veggie ‘phists compared a day’s keynotes—Methods for Discerning Human Aura, and After-Death Experiences of Soldiers Killed in Battle. She’s just a California girl—raised in gold-rush country NorCal sure but planted now in Sur—but her penchant for layers (does Paul’s sirened short film attest) is decidedly Eastern in orient. Raise a Peach Melba and clink your grails in toast, King Fisher, “dear Mr. Smith,” for the mill churns eternal return on the waterway, bound to the wheel, round and round, again and again—a sense of cycles from the tomb of the womb to the womb of the tomb, amidst cypress trees and sun-bleached stone and chaliced poppies flamed to red...
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idsb · 1 year
hi i know this is so unbelievably random but i'm going to be moving to asia next year, and i want to visit australia over xmas 2024 (ik it's not that close haha but it's the closest i'll ever be). i'll probably only be there for a week max, so where would you recommend visiting. i know you've been there, and i was just wondering if you had thoughts
Hi omg yes I’d be happy to help!!! Also I’m really stoked for you bc this was the exact time of year I went for the first time and you’re going to have an incredible time!!!
If you only have a week, I’d recommend picking one of 2 itineraries, depending on what you want to see.
1) fly into Melbourne. The climate for this one will be similar to going to California in the spring. Melbourne is an amazing city (I like to describe it as ‘if NYC were in a utopia’ because that’s the vibes it has lol) there is ALWAYS something really cool and typically free going on city-wide, it’s a great walk-able city with FREE public transit, so much to do, and just the best city experience Australia has to offer in my opinion. I’d recommend spending 2ish days in Melb and then doing a road trip on what’s called The Great Ocean Road. If you’ve ever heard of the Pacific Coast Highway in the US, it’s like that but like. On every steroid there is. The entire drive, you’re along these MASSIVE ocean cliffs on one side with the most turquoise water you’ve ever seen, and one of the worlds oldest rainforests on the other, culminating in these rock formations called The Twelve Apostles that are just. Look them up, it’s insane. While it will be likely too cold to swim in this water (it’s the Arctic Ocean!), there’s lots of great camping and there’s wildlife everywhere. There was one rest stop where I got out of the car and 2 birds that were every color of the rainbow landed on my head; there’s a campsite I stopped at where instead of waking up to birds chirping, you woke up to the sound of koalas. There’s a wildlife reserve where I played with dingos and just got to hang out and pet them while they sat on my lap. There’s a golf course frequented by kangaroos where you can rent golf carts just to drive around and look at them. One morning a baby kangaroo was playing 2 feet from my tent. You can zip line through the rainforest and the food at every random cafe I stopped at is some of the best food I’ve ever had. Then on your way back along the inland route there’s Grampians National Park, which just has AMAZING rock formations, great hikes, the coolest views ever. If you just drove the whole thing and didn’t stop it’d be about 8 hours; I did it in 5 days and they were hands down the best 5 days of my life.
2) For a more tropical experience, you’ll want to fly into Brisbane. While I don’t love it as much as Melbourne, it’s a VERY cool city and the best and most iconic thing about it is the MASSIVE city pool right along the river that winds through the city. The way they decorate for Christmas is also really really fun. The best thing about Brisbane is all the stuff surrounding it: Gold Coast to the south has really amazing beaches and Miami kind of vibes, and Sunshine Coast to the north is one of my favorite places in Australia (fun fact I actually almost went to college there). Sunshine Coast is where Steve Irwin’s zoo is and where everyone takes photos holding koalas, altho it’s a bit overpriced for the name recognition compared to the places WAY far north you can go if you have time - it is fun and a great experience! In the Sunny Coast also are the Glass House Mountains, which are these massive pointed towering stones that jut out of the tropical farmland from nowhere. It’s really cool and really beautiful. You’ll find TONS of fresh fruit stands in this area, and driving through it at night is just incredible. A bit north of this is Noosa National Park, which is home to really iconic subtropical beaches, super cute but like, kinda out there beach towns, such amazing warm water to swim in, and a really good amount of hiking - it’s the gateway to Great Sandy National Park, which is home to some of the most beautiful white sand I’ve ever seen, where you can feed wild dolphins every morning and kayak around them in some of the bluest water you’ve ever seen. You can drive north for as long as you have time, and it just keeps getting more tropical and more beautiful the farther up you go.
To be honest I would not bother fucking with Sydney which probably seems like a crazy thing to say but here’s my reasoning. There’s only 2 things to do there that feel extremely like you’re in Australia and not any other major US location, and that’s the Sydney Opera house and Bondi Beach, both of which imo are SUPER touristy and not extremely memorable outside of like “did the thing took a picture here, see I went to Australia”. There are touristy bits about the places I recommended too, but they lean more towards Australian tourists as opposed to world tourists who just turn it into a people zoo. Yes there is hiking and nice beaches a couple hours outside the city, but there’s more remarkable hiking and more remarkable beaches other places. It’s like yeah you COULD spend a day in NYC and spend it at time square because that’s The Thing To Do, or you could just. Go to the cool and really memorable parts and have better experiences.
I hope this all helps and Aussie mutuals please feel free to corroborate this hehe I feel like it’s accurate
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Top Free Activities to Enjoy on the Gold Coast
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The Gold Coast is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant lifestyle, and exciting attractions. While it's easy to spend money on theme parks and shopping, there are plenty of free activities that allow you to experience the beauty and excitement of the region without breaking the bank. Here are the top free things to do on the Gold Coast.
1. Hit the Beaches: The Gold Coast is home to some of the best beaches in Australia. Whether you want to surf, swim, or simply relax on the sand, spots like Surfers Paradise, Burleigh Heads, and Coolangatta offer pristine waters and golden sands, perfect for a day of sun and fun.
2. Explore Burleigh Head National Park: Take a walk through the scenic Burleigh Head National Park, where you can hike through lush rainforests and enjoy panoramic ocean views. The park’s trails offer a peaceful escape and are home to native wildlife, including colorful birds and koalas.
3. Visit the Currumbin Rock Pools: Located inland, the Currumbin Rock Pools provide a natural oasis where you can swim in refreshing freshwater pools, surrounded by nature. It’s a perfect spot for a picnic and a refreshing dip.
4. Enjoy the Gold Coast Oceanway: The Gold Coast Oceanway is a network of pathways stretching along the coastline, ideal for walking, cycling, or rollerblading. With breathtaking views of the ocean, this is a great way to explore the area while getting some exercise.
5. Watch a Free Outdoor Movie: Throughout the year, free outdoor movie screenings are held at various parks across the Gold Coast. Bring a blanket, relax under the stars, and enjoy family-friendly films in a laid-back setting.
Conclusion: The Gold Coast is a treasure trove of free activities, from its iconic beaches to its scenic parks and coastal walks. Whether you're a nature lover or looking for fun, there's always something to enjoy without spending a cent.
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sandstoneworks · 1 year
Elevate Your Pool Surrounds with Himalayan Sandstone Bullnose Pool Coping
Enhance poolside beauty with Himalayan Sandstone Bullnose Pool Coping. Smooth and rounded for perfect pool surrounds gold coast and Brisbane. Unmatched durability and elegance in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, and Mackay. Elevate your oasis with our premium sandstone pool coping
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oneespritdevie · 23 days
Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast: Your Ideal Retirement Destination
When planning your retirement, finding the perfect place to call home is crucial. The Gold Coast offers some of the best retirement villages, blending beautiful scenery, modern amenities, and a vibrant community to make your golden years truly special. If you're searching for the best retirement villages Gold Coast, you've come to the right place. This thriving area is known for its sunny climate, stunning beaches, and a lifestyle that caters to retirees looking for comfort and convenience.
Why Choose the Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast?
The best retirement villages Gold Coast offer an unbeatable lifestyle, combining tranquility with access to essential services and leisure activities. Whether you're looking to enjoy peaceful walks along the beach or take part in the bustling social scene, the retirement villages Gold Coast cater to all your needs. These villages are designed with retirees in mind, offering everything from healthcare facilities to recreational spaces.
Modern Amenities in the Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast
The best retirement villages Gold Coast are equipped with world-class facilities to ensure your comfort and well-being. Residents have access to top-tier healthcare services, ensuring peace of mind in case of medical emergencies. The villages also offer state-of-the-art fitness centers, swimming pools, and wellness programs, allowing retirees to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, the best retirement villages Gold Coast come with beautifully designed homes that are spacious, modern, and fitted with safety features to suit your retirement needs.
A Thriving Community in the Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast
One of the key features of the best retirement village Gold Coast is the strong sense of community. You'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share similar interests and values. Many retirement villages Gold Coast organize social activities such as movie nights, group excursions, and hobby classes, creating opportunities for new friendships and a fulfilling social life. Being part of such a supportive and friendly community is one of the reasons why retirees choose the best retirement villages Gold Coast as their new home.
Prime Location of the Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast
The location of the best retirement villages Gold Coast is another factor that makes them stand out. The Gold Coast offers a unique combination of natural beauty and urban convenience. Residents can enjoy easy access to stunning beaches, lush parks, and scenic walks while also being close to shopping centers, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Living in one of the retirement villages Gold Coast means you’ll never be far from the best the region has to offer.
Affordable Living in the Best Retirement Villages Gold Coast
Affordability is an important consideration for retirees, and the best retirement villages Gold Coast provide excellent value for money. There are various accommodation options to suit different budgets, from luxury villas to more affordable units. The cost of living in the retirement villages Gold Coast is designed to be manageable, ensuring that you can enjoy a high quality of life without financial stress. In the best retirement villages Gold Coast, you can expect a fantastic lifestyle that combines comfort, convenience, and community. With modern amenities, a strong social network, and a beautiful location, the best retirement villages Gold Coast are an excellent choice for retirees seeking to enjoy their golden years. For more information, visit us at https://www.mw-one.espritdevie.com.au/
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When You Install the Glass Shower Screen You Don’t Have to Mop the Floor Multiple Times!
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We know that you don’t like mopping the bathroom floor multiple times every day. What might seem like a simple thing to do becomes strenuous when you have to do it every single day. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it anymore. For your bathroom, one of the must have items is the glass shower screen Gold Coast. Once you install it, you will realise why we have been recommending it for so long. The glass shower screen prevents the water from the shower to spread into the rest of the bathroom. As a result, no matter how many times your family members take showers every day, you don’t have to mop the floor. The bathroom floor remains dry and clean. Place a floor mat outside the shower screen so that when one comes out of the shower, they can rub their feet on it and then step out. The frameless glass shower screen does not cost much too.
Now that you are interested to buy the glass shower screen, how about checking out the glass pool fencing Gold Coast? This fencing offers the right amount of protection and safety and at the same time it prevents the swimming pool water from splashing outside. No matter how many times one jumps into the pool, the water will not splash out. You don’t have to mop the floor surrounding the pool every time one makes a splash in the pool. Both these items are extremely useful and you should get it installed right away.
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qldshotcreteservices · 3 months
Streamlining Construction Efficiency: The Role of Concrete Pumping Services on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast, renowned for its vibrant beaches and urban development, is also a hub of construction activity. Among the various technologies transforming the construction landscape, concrete pumping services play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, speed, and precision in building projects. Let's explore why concrete pumping services are indispensable on the Gold Coast and how they contribute to streamlined construction processes.
1.What is Concrete Pumping?
Concrete pumping involves the use of specialized equipment to transfer liquid concrete through pipelines to construction sites. This method eliminates the need for manual pouring and significantly speeds up the placement of concrete, even in hard-to-reach or high-rise locations. On the Gold Coast, where space and access can be limited, concrete pumping proves invaluable for optimizing construction timelines and logistics.
2. Advantages of Concrete Pumping Services
Enhanced Efficiency: Concrete pumping allows for rapid and continuous placement of concrete, reducing labor requirements and overall construction time.
Precision and Accuracy: The ability to pump concrete directly to the exact location needed ensures precise placement, minimizing material waste and improving project quality.
Versatility: concrete pump gold coast can navigate various terrains and obstacles, making them suitable for a wide range of construction projects, from residential developments to commercial skyscrapers.
Cost-Effectiveness: By speeding up the construction process and reducing labor costs, concrete pumping services contribute to overall project cost savings.
3. Applications on the Gold Coast
Concrete pumping services on the Gold Coast are utilized in diverse construction applications:
High-Rise Buildings: Pumping concrete to upper floors of high-rise structures ensures efficient construction without the limitations of traditional methods.
Residential Developments: From foundations to swimming pools and driveways, concrete pumping facilitates seamless construction in residential projects.
Infrastructure Projects: Bridges, tunnels, and roadways benefit from concrete plumbing’s ability to deliver concrete precisely and efficiently to challenging locations.
4. Environmental Considerations:
Concrete pumping services on the Gold Coast align with sustainable construction practices by reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and material wastage. Efficient use of resources and minimized disturbance to surrounding environments make concrete pumping an environmentally friendly choice for modern construction projects.
5. Innovation and Technological Advances:
Advancements in concrete pumping technology include the development of high-pressure pumps, remote-controlled systems, and GPS-guided equipment. These innovations enhance safety, precision, and efficiency, further reinforcing the role of concrete pumping services in advancing construction capabilities on the Gold Coast.
Concrete pumping services are integral to the construction industry on the Gold Coast, offering unparalleled advantages in efficiency, precision, and sustainability. As urban development and infrastructure projects continue to expand, the demand for reliable and advanced construction methods like concrete pump gold coast will only grow. By embracing these technologies, contractors and developers on the Gold Coast can achieve faster project completions, improved construction quality, and enhanced environmental stewardship, ultimately shaping a more robust and sustainable built environment for the future.
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natureandplacestogo · 3 months
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Purling Brook Falls, also known as Purlingbrook Falls, is a horsetail waterfall located in the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Gondwana Rainforests in South East Queensland, Australia.
It’s situated within the central section of Springbrook National Park, part of the Shield Volcano Group, southwest of Surfers Paradise in the Gold Coast hinterland. The falls drop approximately 100–106 meters (328–348 feet) and flow over a basalt cliff into pools below.
The falls are surrounded by lush rainforest, creating a picturesque and serene environment. Visitors can explore the beautiful Gondwana Rainforests, which are approximately 180 million years old.
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technewsallover · 6 months
Gokulam Grand Turtle on the Beach Resort
Kickstart your trip with a fantastic stay at this property, offering complimentary car parking. Ideally located in Kovalam's lively Hawa Beach area, it provides close proximity to attractions and various dining choices. Rated 5 stars, this top-quality establishment offers guests access to on-site amenities including a restaurant, hot tub, and steam room, guaranteeing an exceptional experience. Gokulam Grand Turtle on the Beach Hotel redefines the vacation experience in this corner of the world by seamlessly blending exquisite art with unparalleled luxury. Whether viewed as a cohesive whole or appreciated for its individual elements, it stands out in every aspect. This uniqueness makes Turtle on the Beach a truly distinctive boutique hotel. Nestled in the tropical paradise of Queensland's Gold Coast, just a 5-minute stroll from the pristine sands of Mermaid Beach, this resort offers fully equipped self-contained apartments. Each unit features kitchen amenities, flat-screen TVs, and complimentary WiFi. Guests can also enjoy access to four swimming pools and an on-site restaurant. Additionally, parking is provided free of charge for all visitors. This is the best hotels in Kovalam. It's suitable for all types of travelers. Surrounded by spacious family-sized residences adorned with lush gardens and inviting swimming pools, Turtle Beach Resort offers relaxation. Visitors can unwind in the spa pool, delight in the thrill of the pool slide, or simply bask in the sunshine by the lagoon pool. Indulge in a delightful array of salads, cocktails, and wood-fired pizzas at The Deck Restaurant and Bar, adding a touch of culinary delight to your tropical getaway. Discover the epitome of luxury and hospitality at our official website for Best Hotels, where you can explore the finest hotels spanning the globe. From exotic beach resorts to charming boutique accommodations, we curate the best destinations to ensure an unforgettable stay. Visit our website now to embark on your journey to unparalleled comfort and luxury.
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