#pookie they did you so dirty I will never forgive them
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trinrose3 · 7 days ago
Every once in a while I remember that word of god comment about Illario being the type of person who would have an in-depth PowerPoint presentation just to explain his MAIN PowerPoint presentation and it pisses me off cause nowhere in the games or writing do we actually see that portrayal.
A part of me is upset by the shoehorning of that statement that we’re just supposed to take as “fact”. And the other part of me is upset by how fucked up his characterization truly was if that was the mentality that went into his characterization. You’re telling me someone who would do THAT let the incompetent Venatori handle something as important as murdering his cousin the demon of vyrantium, kidnapping his Nonna the first fucking talon, all to secure his position as the new first talon??????? Doubt.
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listerbirdloml · 2 years ago
Good Land, or at Least it Was.
Summary: Two years after the events of I Was Born For This, Lister Bird relapses. It's a good thing his boyfriend and best friend love him so much.
Warnings: alcoholism, disordered eating, fears of suicidal intention (to be clear, there are none. it is just worried that there might be. only one line or so), self deprecating thoughts, strong language, slight derealisation, fear of kindness being repaid by intimate acts, and fear of saying no to these acts. (again, this does not really happen it is just a fear! only one line or so), preferably 16+ readers.
Ships: established Bicci
Word count: 2.6k
an excuse to write my pookie lister being cared for and loved
After almost two years of sobriety, there were bound to be bad days.
And there was. There were plenty of bad days. Days that made Lister itch for a joint. Made his brain beg for a drink of something. Anything. It was all just the process of recovery. He knew that logically. If he was any other recovering addict, he would be able to look at himself with compassion. He would understand that sometimes there are mishaps. Logically, that all made sense.
But when it came to that finger turning on himself, all he could feel was judgement. He had been clean almost since the day he woke up in a hospital with a broken leg and stab wound. He had been to rehab. He had spent six months at home with his mum. He had no excuse to relapse. An argument with Jimmy was just not good enough. It was selfish, even. How could he expect his boyfriend to want to stay with him if the threat of a relapse was constantly held over his head?
Lying on the sofa, blankets bundled up to his chin and gaze locked onto the ceiling above him, he knew he looked just as pathetic as he felt. He had only gotten up from the sofa three times in the past four days, only to go to the toilet. He hadn’t stooped that low just yet.
He hadn’t been eating right. He never did. Eating was boring. It took up too much time, too much effort, and it made a mess. Rowan hated the flat being messy, and Jimmy was prone to fright when he could hear pots and pans clattering about. He could have easily ordered something, but he didn’t want to get up to bring it in, and he really didn’t want to bother either of the other occupants of the flat.
After the fight on Monday afternoon, when Lister had disappeared for five hours and come home smelling like a brewery, the two had verbally made up. They had both said their apologies and given their forgiveness. But they hadn’t really spoken in the past few days Lister's been lying here. Jimmy would walk into the connected kitchen and pretend to not be staring, but Lister could feel his eyes lingering on the way his own useless body laid limp, swarmed by thick fabrics.
He can feel parts of his hair tangling in knots that will be the death of him when he eventually finds the strength to brush them out. He knows his clothes are dirty. They’re not the clothes he came home in on Monday night, thank God. Those particular clothes were probably thrown out by Rowan. There was no saving them from the upset of his alcohol-laden stomach.
If he had to guess, it was probably around six p.m. on Thursday. But he had no idea. His phone had died Tuesday morning, and he had made no move to go and get his charger.
There was a face intruding on his view of the white ceiling. It was Rowan.
"Allister." His voice is as deep as ever, holding firmness in a way that usually Lister would scoff at and make fun of. Right now, he could barely muster a smile. "You need to get up."
When the drummer went to reply, he didn’t realise how scratchy his throat felt. He hadn’t had anything in probably two days. Jimmy had left him a glass on Monday night, and he’d still been drinking it by Tuesday night. He just shook his head, but Rowan didn’t accept that.
"You need to eat. You need water." His hands had been resting on his hips, but now they were wrestling the blankets away from Lister. "You need a shower."
"You saying I smell bad?"
"Yes. I am." Lister did manage a small huff of laughter for that. He noticed on the coffee table next to him a fresh glass of water. He picked it up, his hands slightly shaky from the exertion.
"Lis, look at your hair." Rowan was sighing, bringing a hand up to gently touch the large knots where Lister had been lying down. "This is what happens when you don’t get up for over a week."
Over a week? Huh. Lister didn’t even notice. So it hadn't only been a few days since his last proper meal. And it definalty wasn't Thursday.
He made a swatting motion behind his head, and Rowan let go of the tangles. "I’ll get to it."
Jimmy was standing in the kitchen. Had he always been here? Lister smiled at him, happy to see the singer nonetheless. Jimmy tried to reciprocate the smile, but his face was his usual display of nerves and concern.
"I’ll get it. Just sit on the floor." Rowan instructed, taking a pillow and placing it on the ground. Lister hesitates for a moment before he musters up as much strength as he could and pushed himself onto the floor, his long legs tucked under himself so he was sitting cross-legged. The bones were as prominent as ever, likely a testament to his poor diet. Even before the night of his fight with Jimmy, he’d been neglecting his most basic need in honour of practising with Jimmy and working out with Rowan.
Rowan had disappeared down the hallway, and Lister could hear the door to his room opening. Jimmy rounded the kitchen island and entered the living room with his slipper-clad feet. He kneeled in front of Lister and took his hand. Lister smiled and squeezed it, bringing it up to rest against his heart. Jimmy had once told him since The-Day-We-Shall-Forever-Lay-To-Rest, that hearing or feeling Listers heartbeat was a huge comfort. It was confirmation that the drummer had survived. That those moments of cradling his body sat in a freezing river while Lister bled out hadn’t been the last they shared. That their story had ended before their favourite chapter had even begun.
"Am I still pretty?" He most certainly was not. His skin was oily and pale, his hair was a matted mess, and he most definitely smelled like a hamster cage. Jimmy smiled anyway.
"The prettiest." He answered easily, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to Listers cracked lips. The drummer smiled and rested his head on Jimmy's shoulder when they had pulled away. 
"I’m sor-" 
"Uh uh. None of that." Rowan interrupted, managing to also interrupt Jimmy, who had been about to say the exact same thing. He had reappeared in the doorway, and in his arms held a comb, a bowl of water, and a jar of what was either shea butter or coconut oil. There was a towel draped over his shoulder, and he fitted it over Lister's shoulders when he sat down behind him on the couch.
Jimmy gently patted Lister's chest before he stood up from his crouch. "I’m going to make you something, you are going to eat it all. Understood?"
Lister never understood the twinge of fear at the mention of eating, but he wasn’t going to try and have today be his epic moment of discovery. He just nodded, and then let Rowan move his head backwards into the bowl of warm water. He let Lister rest his head in it for a few minutes; no one in the room speaking. Jimmy had turned on the Alexa, and soon the opening chords of Willow by Taylor Swift floated through the flat. Lister couldn’t help but smile. Evermore always had a calming effect on him ever since it came out, and Jimmy knowing to play it at this moment made his heart feel just as warm and fuzzy as it did when he first kissed him on the very couch he had spent over a week rotting on.
He couldn’t really tell what Jimmy was making, but he could smell melted cheese.
Rowan lifted his head out of the bowl, gently squeezing some of the water out before he began to apply what was definitely coconut oil to the particularly bad tangles.
This carried on for a fair few minutes, Lister leaning into the kind touch from his closest friend, his eyes slipping shut as Rowan slowly and meticulously separated the blonde strands and ran the comb through them. Lister would wince occasionally as his scalp was tugged, and each time Rowan would murmur his apologies. 
He was about halfway done when Jimmy came back over. Lister had been humming along to Happiness as it played, but stopped when Jimmy once again sat in front of him. He was a lot closer this time, also sitting cross-legged. Lister could feel their skin brush at the point where their knees met. The bowl Jimmy was holding was filled with macaroni from a box; the one meal Lister was guaranteed to always finish. He also had another glass of water, but Lister didn’t want it. He just wanted his macaroni.
He held out his hands to accept the bowl and fork, but Jimmy pulled them out of his reach. Lister raised an eyebrow in question before he realised Jimmy was holding the fork up to his lips. It was already loaded with pasta, and Lister couldn’t help his smile as he opened his mouth and took the offered foods.
The two worked in silence, Rowan combing hair and massaging a scalp, Jimmy feeding and wiping a mouth. They both showed their love and dedication to their drummer in their actions. By the time Marjorie was playing, Lister felt as though he could cry. He was nearly done with his pasta, and his hair had been thoroughly detangled. He felt loved, even if he also felt he did not deserve it.
Rowan patted his shoulder, setting the water bowl and the other products he’d used onto the coffee table, Jimmy following with the empty pasta bowl. Lister expected annoyance. They had been so dutifully caring for him in the aftermath of a mistake he made. He’d decided to go out and find a drink after starting an argument with Jimmy, and then he’d let the decision leave him tethered to a couch for over a week. And yet, they hadn’t complained once. They were only worried. They cared about him. They loved him.
Jimmy wiped his cheek, and Lister noticed a few tears had fallen from his bloodshot eyes. He kissed Lister's forehead and then leaned back to look into his eyes. "Now, sweetheart. You really need a shower."
Lister laughs at that, nodding as he too wiped his eyes. Rowan moved so that Jimmy could help Lister up, the drummer's knees creaking as he stood after so long. He mumbled his thanks, making his way to the corridor. Jimmy followed him, however, making him pause.
"What?" He asked. He could see Rowan and Jimmy do that thing where they have a whole conversation with the twitch of an eye or the purse of a lip. Lister hated that. Hated that he would never be a part of their seemingly telepathic connection.
"I’m going to come with you." Jimmy finally vocalises.
"Why?" He looked at Rowan. He knew it was only right that he repaid Jimmy's kind service to him, but he really didn’t want to in that way. He was hesitant when he leaned in closer to Jimmy, whispering, "Jimmy… I- I really don’t want to-" 
"No! Lis, baby. No, not that." Jimmy quickly clarified. As morbid as it was, he couldn’t help but be proud of Lister's confidence to speak up and say no. Even if that wasn’t what he had meant to insinuate at all. Rowan looked about as mortified as Jimmy.
"You’re just... you’re not very well right now, Lis." It was Rowan speaking. He had made his way to the doorway and rested a hand on Lister's shoulder.
"Are you serious?" Lister looked between his two band members, his temper spiking. "You’re putting me on fucking suic-"
"Allister." It was Jimmy. Listers neck snapped down to look at Jimmy. His tone had been steely, but his gaze was worried. "We love you. We’re worried about you. I just want to be sure you’re okay." Lister could feel his shoulders deflate. They had spent all night taking care of him and all week worrying about him, and yet within minutes of being up and walking again, he had already been so ungrateful. So eager to start another argument. He could only nod, accepting his fate.
Jimmy had a hand on his back, guiding him to the bathroom. Once they were in, he turned around and let Lister get into the bath. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen Lister undress before, but right now his priority was helping Lister understand that this was not a romantic moment but a moment of help. Of healing. 
The drummer sank under the water, and Jimmy turned around and picked up the dirty clothing he’d been wearing so that he could throw them in the washing basket across the room. Lister was resting with just his nose above the water, the bubbles he had added covering the water. He watched Jimmy as he moved around before he dunked his head under the water. Just as Jimmy was about to begin panicking, he rose back up, face and hair soaked. He began scrubbing at his arms with the washcloth Jimmy handed him.
"I’m sorry." It was Jimmy speaking, and Lister looked up in confusion.
"What for?"
"I shouldn’t have shouted at you. The other night." Lister kept scrubbing his skin. "You were just trying to… to spend some time with me." Jimmy's voice sounded shaky, but he seemed determined not to cry.
Lister wanted to object, to push the blame onto himself where it rightfully belonged. But he didn’t. He just smiled, dropping his rag and taking Jimmy's dry hand in his wet ones. "Its okay." He reassured, and Jimmy leaned in. The kiss was brief—nothing particularly spectacular. Lister's breath tasted like cheese, Jimmy's lips were chapped, and Lister hadn’t shaved in a week. But they didn’t care. Both their hands were resting over his heart once again.
"You really need to shave." Jimmy broke the gentle silence, making Lister laugh again.
"You don’t like my rugged look?"
"Rugged? Love, you look like a thirteen-year-old trying to grow a beard."
"Wow. Ouch." Lister smiled, kissing him again.
When Lister deemed himself clean, Jimmy helped him up and drained the bath. With instructions to wait until he was back, Jimmy went to their shared room and grabbed a pair of shorts and a fuzzy quarter zip for Lister. He came back to the bathroom to find the drummer wrapped in a large fluffy towel, his head poking out over the top of it. Jimmy couldn’t help but kiss the wet and clean hair, smelling the shampoo Lister used.
"Thank you, babe." Lister hummed as he got dressed. When he was done, Jimmy once again sat him down on the edge of the bath. Lister sighed but went along with it.
"I can do this myself, you know." His tone is lighthearted. Jimmy rolls his eyes, taking out shaving cream and one of Listers fancy razors. He had bought them on a whim, the metal handle feeling nicer in his hands than standard Bic razors.
"I know you can. I just want to."
Soon, Lister was clean, shaved, fed, and warm under the blankets of their shared bed. His head was resting on Jimmy's chest as they watched a movie, Jimmy's hands resting in Listers smooth hair and mindlessly playing with it.
There was still a nagging voice in his brain. It was telling him that all the hard work he himself and those around him had put into assisting his sobriety over the last two years had gone to waste. That he had only sealed his own fate as a failed sobriety project.
But under warm blankets, with his head resting on the chest which homed the heart he cherished the most, Lister was sure things would be okay.
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gingernut1314 · 8 months ago
Hii! Do you have an F/O list? 💙
Do I have a F/O list? DO I??
......of course, I do.....it is too long....it's ever-growing....I can't stop it
I am but a lowly gingerbread girly with an ever-growing list of fictional spouses after all--I can't do anything about it 🤷‍♀️
I'll just share my current top five because I could go on and on and on and on and then this post would be all too long and no one but me wants that lololol
Polnareff (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
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He is my darling husband. The light of my life, my beating heart, my sugar plum, honeybunch, sweetie-pie, pookie bear, silly goose. He crash-landed into my life and he is not going ANYWHERE for a long long while. This man makes the butterflies in my stomach go CRAZY like--I can't stop ittttttt
Just let me hold his handdddd PLEASE!!!! Let me LOVE HIM!!!!
We thank @cinnbar-bun every day for introducing us and she will be my maid of honor at our vow renewal
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Anyway.....moving on cause I could go on ALL DAY about this man if I don't stop myself
2. Sanji (One Piece)
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*softly crying in a corner as I pull my hair out over this man*
So....I have a thing for fictional French guys?? Correction, fictional French sweethearts who could do no wrong
Gotta give this sweet boy a big old kiss on the cheek before moving on
3. Nico Robin (One Piece)
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Just....I really have no words for how much I love her.
She's a little silly, she likes history, AND weird/morbid facts?? My kinda girl right there
Let me give her a kiss on the forehead and wrap a fluffy blanket around her shoulders while she reads before we hop down to my next spouse
4. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
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Here is my first and forever husband. Another silly goofy guy who I just need to hug and kiss and take care of.
Supernatural....you did him dirty and I will never forgive you
Passing him a beer and giving his beautiful lips a kiss before I walk on over to my next love
5. Nami (One Piece)
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Oh....oh Nami dearest I could just look at you all day and never grow bored.
LET ME HOLD HER TIGHT AND GIVE HER KISSES PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I'm begging on my hands and kneesssss
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about my lovely, lovely husbands and wives because I think about them all the time 😩
Honorable Mentions before I dip cause I can never just shut up are: Buggy the Clown (One Piece), Gabriel (Supernatural), and Hamish Duke (The Order)
Love youuuuu and thank you again for asking this, it was much fun and much needed 🩷🩷🩷
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yoongsisbae · 4 years ago
Caught! House of Cards - Chapter 3
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You joined a website to make some quick and easy cash. Men paying to look at you, harmless fun, right? Little did you know how dangerous the members of House of Cards were. Watch out! Houses built with cards come tumbling down…
OT7 yandere!BTS x reader / Namjoon x Taehyung x reader this chapter
Oh, I was dying writing this chapter so I think I wrote it well? Heh there’s a lot going on, so you have been warned lol. Also hope to post HOAL soon, that is if BTS would stop attacking me with all these sexy bad boy photoshoots that scream C!HOC mens. Sorry, but can you really blame me? :(
Warnings: 18+ dark themes, reader manipulation, scary yandere behavior, voyeur, masturbation, lots of drinking and drunkenness, dubcon, dry humping on the dance floor lol, this is pretty filthy, all of them are horny, dom!Namjoon, dom!Taehyung, Tae’s a lot, shibari, bondage, blindfold, rough sex, edging, multiple orgasms, threesome, degradation, Yoongi continues to be a meanie, slut shaming, extreme regret for reader that could be triggering I think, tell me if I need to tag anything else
PSA: to reiterate, this is a yandere fic, this is all fantasy, this is scary, no one actually wants this to happen to them irl. But I’m also here for you if you wanna enjoy some hot fictional villains, alright? I got u boo.
Word Count: 8.7k
Playlist: Rotimi - Push Button Start // Shenseea - Blessed (with Tyga) // ROSALIA - Con Altura // Sean Paul - Go Down Deh // Afro B - Drogba // Aya Nakamura - Pookie // DJ Nelson - PAPI //J Balvin - Amarillo // SUPA NYTRO - Tik Pon Cock // Paris Lain - Way (links here)
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum, Daddy.”
He groans in your ear. “Hmm no.” He pulls his fingers out of you, you hold onto the banister as your orgasm escapes you. Your body shakes with need.
“You’ll come find me later tonight, won’t you, baby girl?” His warmth leaves your body, when you turn around no one is there.
Your legs are still shaking as you make your way downstairs. You tried not to think about the slick between your thighs as you descended each step, or think about RM’s warm breath against your ear. No, you won’t think about his deep voice that makes you shiver still, or the way he massaged your neck like he had done it a hundred times before...out of all the weird fucked up things you thought could happen tonight, never ever did you expect to meet RM again.
He reminded you of all the reasons why you allowed yourself to fall deeper into that kind of exhibitionistic lifestyle as a carded member. The money was good, but the sweetest rewards were corporal. The saccharine praise your admirers would give you became addicting. You even became close to some of them, for an extra fee.
What was it your old school counselor would say? It wasn’t about the destination, the real reward was the friends you made along the way. Except your new friends told you all their dirty filthy desires and watched as you would get off for them. You learned quickly your sexual appetite was ravenous, the more you indulged the worse it got. You had been starved for attention for so long, quarantine only amplifying your loneliness, and the dark site fed you well.
RM also reminded you of all the reasons why you left. You still don’t understand how you fell so deep so fast, let digital become physical when you promised yourself you wouldn’t. The House Rules made the descent into filth almost inevitable. During your only experience inside The House, you had been shown truths you didn’t want to face, depravities you enjoyed. After that night you went home, showered away your sins until your skin burned, logged out and never logged back in. It was the best way to end your addiction to House of Cards, end it cold turkey.
You were not prepared for this again. You were not prepared for how much you craved it.
The party became wild. Your body now hyper aware of everything after RM worked you up so skillfully and denied you any release. The music reverberates throughout the halls, the beats of the bass clashes with the pounding in your head. The smell of drugs and sex assaults your nostrils, and every time a dancer bumps into you, your body remembers RM’s touch.
So many bodies around you and you feel all alone like an outcast. Where’s Yoongi? You're beginning to miss that annoying smirk and the overconfident man attached to it, you could use some of that confidence right now.
As the room spins around you, your eyes find the place where you had been standing. You’re disappointed it’s empty. Not that you knew what RM looked like, but you feel like you’d recognize him as soon as you saw him, a man like that would look like walking sin.
You shift your upward gaze to the gold ropes hanging from the ceiling, eyes traveling down until you meet the glistening body of a woman. She’s so beautiful it makes you ache, arms secured behind her back, her leg extended and tied high, her other leg bent and pressed to her side and her spread open for everyone to see.
You play with the pendant around your neck, and you can’t help but imagine yourself in her position, tied up for everyone to see, for Yoongi to watch. You’re soaking. You need a drink.
“Hey,” you bump into Yoongi’s side as you sit down, grabbing his whisky glass and downing what’s left. The burning liquid makes you grimace, face scrunching up in distaste.
He pulls the glass from your grip, looking you up and down, sharp eyes narrowing, “Where have you been?”
“I got lost.” His arm snakes around your waist. His touch feels good, you don’t want to admit how much your body yearns for more, wants to be wanted. “Where are Jimin and Hobi?”
“Dancing,” Taehyung interjects as he gets closer to you, offering you another glass of champagne. You take it gratefully, sipping on the sweet liquid, anything to numb the ache you feel inside.
His eyes sparkle as he scrutinizes you up close, examining your dark makeup and tight dress. He wants to smear the red lipstick on your lips with his fingers, and his mouth, and his cock. He wants to stain your pretty black dress with his cum, let the milky white fluid drip all over the black silky fabric, between your breasts-
“I’m sorry, what is your name again?”
You ask him so innocently, Taehyung can forgive you for forgetting. Jungkook on the other hand, silently simmers with rage, especially when Yoongi smirks at him, sitting pressed to your side like a lover would.
“Taehyung,” The man gives you a big wide smile, “that's Seokjin,” he points to the tall man who keeps his distance, “and this,” he hits Jungkook’s chest and pulls him into a headlock, “is Jungkook!” Taehyung leans in to whisper in your ear, “a big fan.”
Your eyes go wide, did you hear him correctly? You watch the two play fight. Jungkook punches his older friend in the side a bit harder than he was expecting, earning a yell from Taehyung. They act cute, you think, Jungkook looks too innocent, you can’t believe he had watched you in his free time.
Hoseok and Jimin find their way back into the group. “Y/n, you’re back! Yoongi was about to send out a search party for you.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, and you lean your chin onto your palm, raising your eyebrows at him, trying to hide your smile at the way they tease him.
“Is that so?” His fingers pinch the flesh of your back at your retort, making you squirm at the ticklish sensation. When you try to pull his hand away, he takes the opportunity to intertwine your fingers together, pulling you firmly to his side.
You look down at Yoongi’s hand in yours, resting on your hip. Without the alcohol cursing through your veins you might have pushed him off you, but instead you sit buzzed and docile. He acts so possessive of you in front of the others, it makes your heart race. “Well I’m here now.”
“I’ll cheers to that!” Jimin fills everyone’s drinks. 7 glasses clang together and they cheer, making you giggle as you down the glass. One cheers becomes two, and then another bottle comes, until you're welcoming back that hazed state of mind that feels so freeing. The background fades away and the booming music around you becomes muffled as you try your best to focus on the conversation, until you realize you’re in Yoongi’s lap, his veiny hands dancing around your exposed thigh. He says something you can’t hear, so you tilt your head back, resting on his shoulder, whining out a slurred, “what!”
“You’re having too much fun.” He suppresses the urge to move his fingers higher, instead tracing lazy circles into your leg, making you twist in his lap, lips parting as you enjoy the sensation. Your body feels heavy from inebriation, so you lean your weight onto him more, focused on his cold rings against your warm skin.
You move your head closer to his. “You wanted to bring me here, right?” you laugh, and you swivel your body against him, grinding into his lap to the tempo of the music. Yoongi notices the others' heated stares, so he shifts his leg, pressing his hands into your thighs, opening your legs wider, and you’re too drunk to notice or care.
Yoongi tries to hold onto his thinning composure, how many times had he thought of you like this? So receptive and needy in his arms. He enjoys your torturous hip rolls, reveling in the fact that the sight tortures his audience even more. But you’re not really paying attention to that, your body only responding to how the music beat hits so well, his growing erection encouraging you to keep rubbing up against him like a cat in heat.
“Y/n, let's go dance!” Hoseok calls out to you over the music. His request pulls you from your trance. You sit up, shaking the clouded haze from your mind.
“Dance? Okay!” You let Hoseok pull you to your feet, stumbling slightly into him.
You turn to Yoongi, “You don’t mind, do you?” you ask, ready to start a fight. He glares at you. You sway on your feet and glare back. Such a brat, he thinks, you’ll just have to be taught a lesson later. Yoongi picks up his whisky and waves you off.
The dance floor is hot and alive with writhing bodies. You let Hoseok roll his hips into you from behind, your own hips following his movements. His toned arms lock around you, holding you, as he pulls your body lower and lower, until you’re crouched to the floor, your bodies connecting again and again as he rubs his hardening bulge into your ass to the beat.
It feels so so good, his warm body on you, seeking pleasure from one another. Every roll and buck helps to release the frustration RM did to you.
Hoseok’s hands pull your dress higher so you can spread your knees wider. He holds the bunched up fabric to your core to keep what’s left of your modesty, and your arms reach behind you to hook around his neck to keep yourself steady.
Hoseok is such a good dancer, masterfully guiding your loose body. You pull and push each other along to the sensual music, shifting your weight against your combined center of gravity as your bodies heat up in each other’s embrace.
Hoseok moves the hair from your neck away, blowing air on the back of your neck. His hand cups your breast, fondling you out in the open, “You like when I do this to you, don’t you Dahlia?” You’re too drunk to catch the pseudonym he uses.
You close your eyes focusing on his hands groping your body, your fingers fisting into his hair, pulling him closer, and his tongue licks off the sweat on your neck. Hoseok knows all the ways to leave you delirious with lust, hands running up and down your body, massaging your curves and leading your hips to meet his. If he’s making you feel this good with your clothes on, you can only imagine how amazing he’d be in bed, hips rolling against you as he fills you up with his stiff cock...
You’re so focused on Hoseok you don’t realize another body moving closer to you, another pair of hands on you, until Taehyung presses himself into your front.
The music fills your head, the dirty words being sung encouraging you to release all your inhibitions. Your arms reach out to run up Taehyung’s abdomen, up and up his chest, loving the feel of his muscles under your fingers.
He places your arms around his neck as he moves forward, his leg slotting between yours. With Hoseok grinding against your back and Taehyung rubbing against your front, you feel like you’re going to combust. The crowd around you is a blur, but everything about them feels so solid, so hard against you. Caged between them, you submit to every caress, every touch from both men.
Taehyung holds the back of your head to keep your eyes on him as Hoseok leaves open mouth kisses on your shoulder. Taehyung’s thumb caresses your cheek, “You’re so beautiful.” his mouth slides across your jaw, under your ear, licking and nibbling at your lobe, giving you goosebumps, “You’re the most beautiful woman here.”
You place your finger over his mouth pushing him away, too embarrassed to hear more, but your hips can’t help but push into him at the praise.
“Come with me,” he pulls you away from Hoseok, his friend winking at him behind your back, and you foolishly follow him through the sea of dancing bodies.
Pulling you into a dark corner, he cages you in before you can protest. Lips finding your neck, hooking a finger under your choker, pulling up, forcing your neck to tilt so he can reach more skin. Even if you want more, you still have some sense left in you to know letting Yoongi’s friend do this to you in front of everyone is a bad idea. “W-wait. Yoongi will-”
Taehyung’s arm slams into the wall. The noise startles you into silence. It’s Yoongi, always Yoongi. What about him? He steadies his breathing after noticing your wide eyes.
“Y/n, do you know who I am?” He leans onto the wall hovering over you, dark eyes peering down at you as he waits for your answer.
You feel your stomach drop under his intimidating gaze. “Should I know who you are?”
He answers your question with another question, “Do you know who Yoongi is? Do you really have no idea?” His interrogation takes you aback.
“He’s one of my...v-viewers...”
“Yes, who? You never thought to ask, baby?” Taehyung looks at you so accusingly, you feel ashamed that you can’t answer him.
“Who is he?” You ask.
He smiles, a twisted grin that makes you feel uneasy. Eyes lighting up darkly once his suspicions were proved right.
“How about this, since we both have so many unanswered questions, why don’t we play a game? I’ll answer one of your questions and then you answer one of mine. I’ll even let you go first.” His playful demeanor is back, fingers playing with the ends of your hair.
“Who are you?”
Taehyung smiles wide. You asked the right question. “I go by V.”
What? “You’re V?”
You log into the House of Cards website, open your account to a litany of unread messages. Your eyes skim through them, and one catches your eye. It’s V, the second highest donator from the other night’s stream.
V: you looked so beautiful the other night. I hope to see another broadcast soon...for next time?
V sent you an eighty dollar donation and a link to a lingerie set: pink lace, a sheer see-through pattern on the cups with a matching lace thong and garter belt.
You’ve bought lingerie for men before, for then boyfriends on your anniversaries or Valentine’s day dates, but you’ve never had a man buy you lingerie before. With shipping you’ll still have money left over, so you decide to add some more things in your basket to surprise him for being such a generous donor. It’s not because you had enjoyed his compliments the most during your stream, no. You found a cute pair of thigh high socks and some stick on rhinestones, coming up with a plan to get V’s attention. You squeal once the order goes through, ‘time to arts and craft in this bitch.’
You open his message again, fingers hovering over the keyboard, what should you say? Should you make it sound sexy or cute? ‘C’mon y/n, just flirt.’
Dahlia: Thank you, V. I will wear it for my next broadcast. Just for you sexy <3
Ew ew. No. Before pressing enter you delete the last sentence.
Dahlia: Thank you, V. I will wear it for my next broadcast. See you soon ;)
You go through all your messages, in a much better mood than you’ve been in a long time. You bop your head to the music that flows through your speakers in your living room while coming up with different replies to each new viewer.
It feels good to be stress free, you think, while sipping on cup ramen because you’re still waiting until your earnings clear your account to buy groceries. You’ve managed to answer every message when a new notification dings. V attached a picture.
V: I can’t wait.
Holy... A picture of a shirtless man from the neck down pops up. He’s not overly muscular, but he’s lean and toned, with defined pecs and v-line. Mmm. ‘V’ indeed. His jeans are unbuttoned. His legs spread wide, as if he were inviting you to sit on his lap.
You’re being catfished, you surmise. This man has to be using someone else’s pictures. Or he has a face only a mother could love. Either way, you’ll play with this fantasy. it’s not like you’ll actually ever meet in real life.
So you decide to play along, it’s not like you had work to go to, or anything to do really. Locked up in your tiny home alone and slowly going stir crazy would lead to some unfortunate decisions for you. One of the worst, allowing V to get so close to you.
Abandoning your snacks, you grab your laptop and run to the bedroom, jumping on your bed. Your laptop opens to another risque photo, his jeans zipped even lower. Hand grabbing a very defined bulge resting inside his pants leg. Well fuck.
Dahlia: is that really you?
V: yes baby
V: I wish you were here with me right now. I would make you feel so good, just like you deserve.
V: How about you, am I turning you on?
You clench your legs together instinctively.
Dahlia: you are.
V: are you touching yourself?
Should you lie? You could. But the pictures and his words are doing something to you, you feel jitters and a quick pace and a throbbing core. Suddenly you have an idea.
Dahlia: why don’t you see for yourself?
You create a private room, aim your camera down, mirroring the same angle in V’s picture and send the link to him. You pull the front of your sundress down to show more cleavage and the hem up to show more leg, and you wait.
There’s a notification: ‘1 new viewer.’
V: you look so pretty, you look like a doll
V: I wish I was there.
“Yeah? What would you do to me?”
V: I would spread your legs
You spread your legs at his words. Your stream plays in Taehyung's bedroom, he watches intently, and when your panties come into view he pulls his jeans down to his thighs freeing his hard erection, slowly stroking himself to the sight of your body.
V: fuck, so good baby. being so good for me.
V: I would take off your panties. slowly
You follow his commands and slowly remove your underwear. You like being told what to do, you imagine he’s on the bed with you, telling you everything, guiding your pleasure.
V: touch yourself for me
V: you’re wet already? how cute
V: that’s a good girl, just like that
V: imagine it’s me. my fingers stuffed inside of you, giving you everything you want
V: you’re mine and mine only
V: you’re going to be mine to kiss and fuck. I’ll take care of you baby doll, make you cum all over my fingers. You want that too?
V: you're so pretty baby, you like putting on a filthy show for me? desperate little girl
V: open your legs wider
V: doing so well for me, stay just like that. you’re driving me crazy
V: cum for me
You pulse, moaning out loud, reaching your high. When your lust filled haze clears you don’t feel dirty like before, you feel good. Even better when V sends you another eighty dollar donation.
Taehyung played sweet and affectionate very well. When talking to other House members you’d try your best to keep things as vague as possible, but sometimes you’d let certain things slip with V, and he always listened so well. Shit, he treated you better than your ex. He’d send you sweet messages, gifts, and the hottest body shots. He would do that often, it made you needy for more affection. He was a part of a small group of viewers that you’d offer special private streams to. Little did you know your carefree playdates were Taehyung’s obsessions.
Taehyung feels a special kind of gratification at the way you gawk at him, stunned into silence. “Now my turn,” Taehyung’s expression goes from playful to serious in an instant, “Why are you here with Yoongi?”
You swallow, this was V all along. You teetered between happiness and unease, you remembered all the sweet memories you had with him, but this man was still a stranger to you. He keeps staring at you, is this how he looked watching you through the computer screen? Fuck, your imagination could not have dreamed up a sexier man. Oh right, he is waiting for your answer.
You explain to him what happened, Yoongi recognizing you at your job, the agreement you made with him afterwards. Taehyung moves from hovering over you to standing by your side. He listens intently as his eyes scan the crowd. You watch the dancers as you sober up, observing the debauchery you had just been a part of. Taehyung hums as you finish your story.
“Who is-” Taehyung doesn’t let you finish, his eyes staring at the second floor’s balcony. “You looked like you enjoyed yourself. You looked so pretty up there, with my friend’s fingers inside you. You were being such a cute little slut.” His eyes roll back inside his head and he opens his mouth sighing.
He saw you. Did the others- “Did Yoongi see?!” you pull on his arm to get him to focus on you.
“No, he didn’t, just me. My turn!”
You felt tricked, using your question up already.
He turns to face you, leaning his side against the wall. You can't help but notice how he stares at you like he’s undressing you with his eyes, gaze traveling down your body and pausing at every place your skin shows, your cleavage and your thighs. “He really worked you up, you looked so guilty when you came back,” Taehyung’s teasing tone back again, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Yoongi suspected something.”
Your eyes go wide with worry. “I’m willing to keep that secret for you if...” he bites his lip and leans in whispering, “I bet you’re still wet too. Can I have a taste?”
“R-right now?”
“Yes. That’s my turn again! And I’m waiting for my answer.” He gets closer to you, pressing up against you again, his hands brushing against your thigh. You look around, how far away are you from the crowd? How far away are you from Yoongi?
His lips brush against your temple as he leans his jaw against your forehead. “No one will see. Put your hands back on my shoulder, c’mon baby, be good for me.” His body blocks you from everyone’s view.
His head in your hair, taking a long inhale, breathing in your scent, Taehyung can’t get enough of you. Your shaky arms obey him, laying loosely on top of his broad shoulders. You lay your head on his chest, even if his words come out smooth, his heart is racing as he moves quickly between your bodies, dipping his long fingers inside you. You try to bite back a moan, but it feels too good.
Taehyung feels like he’s going to burst. You’re so wet, dripping all over his hand. He tries to fight his urges, there’s so many things he wants to do to you. Your soft whimpers sound so beautiful, so much better in person. You’re his to play with, all his.
He groans, pushing you hard against the wall. He looks like he’s going to devour you, your body tenses and you clench around his fingers. It only encourages him on. You grip his shoulders as he drives his hand upward, fingers pushing into you deeply as you fight against gravity, forced to stand on your tiptoes, struggling against him as his mouth attacks your neck, biting down hard. It’s too rough, too fast. “Tae-V-stop!”
His entire body stills against you, except for his fingers, teasing you still as they steadily press around inside your walls. You try to come to your senses, but everything about him unravels you.
He whispers against your forehead. “Last round, baby doll.” His voice raspy and breathing heavy as he holds himself back from tearing the clothes off your body. “One more question for each of us. I know where RM is, do you want to know?”
'RM,' who told you to find him, and V, who knows where. You gasp and nod your head, waiting but Taehyung smiles down at you in silence, fingers sliding out of you, making you whimper and grip the wall for support when he finally gives you space. He stays quiet as he brings his fingers to his mouth, licking the wetness off his palm.
Your legs feel like jello, your body buzzes with each shameless lick as you watch him. You swallow the saliva accumulating in your mouth, pushing the lump in your throat down. You know what he wants. You played right into his trap, and the worst part is you want it too.
“Where is he?”
“If you think you’re going to keep her all to yourself you’re in for a rude awakening!” Jungkook grits out.
Yoongi sits quietly with his arms folded as Jungkook starts hurling accusations at him. Jin and Hoseok try to calm the youngest down, but it’s no use.
He grabs Yoongi’s collar, the action making Yoongi finally snap, and without warning Yoongi punches him squarely in the face. Yoongi had taken advantage of his friends holding Jungkook back and distracting him, satisfied when the young man recoils, stumbling back.
Before he can really lose it, Hoseok and Jimin drag Jungkook away, as the youngest screams all the ways he’s going to make Yoongi pay, not even aware of the blood leaking from his nose. Jin pulls Yoongi away in the opposite direction, “We need to talk.”
Jin walks Yoongi outside so they can both get some fresh air and clear their heads.
“He needs to learn not to disrespect his elders,” Yoongi mutters, wiping the blood off his knuckles.
“You know how he gets,” Jin counters, “Don’t act like you didn’t want that exact reaction from him. You were egging him on all night with y/n.”
Yoongi scoffs. He can’t stand how Jungkook acts like you belong with him. Jungkook is crazy. He’s too hot-headed and oversensitive, the complete opposite of Yoongi. The youngest suffers from inexperience and naivety. All that bark, and he couldn’t even bring himself to talk to you. No, Jungkook doesn’t deserve you, Yoongi thinks, he could never take care of you like Yoongi could.
“What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You brought y/n back and we’re all happy for that, but if Jungkook is right, then I’m going to have to agree with him, brother.” Jin squeezes his friend’s shoulder and Yoongi shakes him off.
“I wasn’t going to keep her locked away.” Yoongi says dismissively. Not that he didn't think once or twice about it.
“How gracious of you.”
“Listen, I found her. She chose me before and she’ll choose me again. The last time you were with her, what happened, Brother? Hobi and Jimin, Jungkook and even you can fight over her all you want. In the end, she will come back to me.”
Jin smiles, he will let Yoongi think that. “And where is your y/n now?”
“I’ll go find her,” Yoongi goes to leave, itching to get you by his side again.
Jin’s hand on his chest stops him. Jin can’t help but smile at his poor friend’s situation, he had been tricked by the two youngest, a plan they orchestrated themselves and everyone else went along with. But Jin couldn’t keep his friend in the dark any longer, especially when revealing the truth would make the aftermath that much more entertaining for Jin.
“I have to tell you something.”
You stand in front of the door Taehyung had led you to, your nerves on high alert. Taehyung stands behind you, humming to himself. His arm reaches over your shoulder to rapt three knocks on the door.
As the door knob turns, Taehyung exclaims behind you, “Oh! I forgot.” His long fingers cover your eyes, as he pulls your head back, your body stumbling and crashing against him.
“Shh. Calm down, it’s more fun this way,” he whispers in your ear as you hear the door creak open.
“What do we have here?”
“I brought her for you,” Taehyung purrs. You can feel his chest puff up behind you, he’s ecstatic, you played his game so perfectly, he was so proud of you.
“Good boy.”
You feel fingers wrap around yours as Namjoon brings your hands to his lips, caressing your knuckles. “And what about you? Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
Jimin tends to Jungkook’s bleeding nose as Hoseok pours himself a drink. “Thanks for taking one for the team, Kookie.”
Jungkook keeps his head tilted back to stop the blood, glancing over to Hoseok, lips curving in a smile, he’s happy that he accomplished his part of the plan successfully, “I’m going to kill that bastard.”
Jimin flicks him in the forehead. “No you’re not, unless you want y/n to never forgive you.”
“She won’t,” he pouts, “she acts like she hates him. I’ll be doing her a favor.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
The room is quiet, too quiet compared to the raucous party outside. So when Taehyung drags a chair from the corner of the room, the wood scraping against the floor sounds all the more foreboding. Goosebumps bloom on your body as if Taehyung dragged his fingernails along your skin instead.
You sit kneeling on the floor waiting, knees tucked underneath you. RM sits on the bed behind you, legs outstretched and you between them. You stare down at his shoes, shiny black loafers, and glance at his pants legs on either side of you. It's the first time you’ve ever seen a part of him. You want to look up so badly, the idea sits heavy on you, tensing every muscle in your body as you fight your curiosity. The only thing you want more is to find out what will happen if you obey them.
Taehyung pulls the chair right in front of you, facing the bed, you and RM. Another pair of shoes brush against your knees as Taehyung takes a seat.
RM’s fingers rest atop your head and keep your head tilted down while he waits for his friend to situate himself. Until eventually RM moves behind you, fingers fisting your hair and pulling you to your feet. “Go sit on his lap.”
Taehyung sits looking at you like he's just been given first place prize, smirking pridefully as you walk towards him on shaky legs. His shirt is already unbuttoned, tan skin and taunt muscles in full view. That's V, all right. Your insides ache for him, his seduction luring you in like a firefly to light.
Your dress stretches around your thighs as you straddle him, his hands grabbing at your ass and pulling your body into his.
You hear RM’s low voice growl behind you, “Kiss him.”
For a moment you think about the intense quiet man who brought you to this island, his piercing eyes flashing through your mind until Taehyung’s lips crash into yours and you can only think about how sweet the man devouring you tastes, and you kiss him back, exploring his mouth with your tongue.
His hands grope your body, pull your face closer, force away the fabric of your clothes. His touch is everywhere, keeping you distracted only on him as RM sets things up behind you.
RM pulls off his tie as Taehyung’s hands move to either side of your face, and he pulls you away from him, leaving one last peck on your lips, “You’re doing so well, baby doll. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”
“V...Taehyung, I-I’ve wanted this too.”
“Will you do what I say?” You feel RM’s hands unzip the back of your dress, the fabric lowers and exposes your chest. Taehyung’s grip on your face tightens as you’re momentarily distracted, bringing your attention back to him.
“I want you to fuck RM while I watch.”
He what who?
Taehyung brings his hips up causing you to lose your balance when he senses your hesitation, his hard length rubs against your aching core, “Don’t you want to? You wanted so badly for me to take you to him, didn’t you? All you have to do is say yes.”
His thumb traces your jaw as RM lowers his black tie across your eyes. Your heartbeat races, your thighs clench around Taehyung’s legs making him moan and buck into your heat. You shudder and RM secures his tie behind your head with a tight knot.
“Tae...” your fingers tighten into the loose fabric of his shirt at your sudden loss in vision.
Taehyung clasps his hands around yours, holding your wrists together as RM presses himself against your back, and you feel ropes being wrapped around your wrists. “You’re so pretty like this, remember last time?”
You do remember. Fuck, how did you end up like this again? This is all Yoongi’s fault.
RM’s hand wraps around your neck and his deep voice speaks in your ear, “Answer him, baby girl.”
“I-I remember.” You want to cry, you want to cum, you want them to stop this torture.
“Let us make you feel good again,” Taehyung’s voice lowers even deeper than RM’s.
“You’ll let RM use you?” You nod your head, grateful you can’t see them. You let yourself hide behind the makeshift blindfold.
“Use your words, I want to hear you say it,” RM demands.
“I want you to use me,” you sit and wait, embarrassed the words left your mouth so easily. The lack of response makes your insides churn, you can’t see the way they smile at each other. If Yoongi wants to make you only his, they are just going to have to destroy you for any other man.
RM’s grip around your neck tightens, arm wrapping around your body as he lifts you off your feet. You land on the soft covers of the bed, you have no time to adjust to the drastic change of orientation before you feel harsh tugs as RM works to undress you, throwing the clothes over to Taehyung who takes his time breathing in your scent, licking the moistness from the fabric.
Namjoon pulls on the rope wrapped around your wrists placing them high above your head, his weight bears down on top of your leg as he grabs your other leg and spreads you wide. The way Taehyung moans reach your ears you suspect he has full view of your naked body. You wiggle against RM’s hold as best you can.
“Mmmm so needy and I’m not even doing anything yet.” RM’s hand leaves your wrists as he moves lower, resting his upper body on top of yours, effectively pinning your lower body down. Having full reign to play with you in this position, you feel his fingers teasing at your entrance. Your tied hands explore the expanse of his back, his shoulders so wide you can’t reach around to end his teasing, you can only moan and whimper at his slow ministrations.
“Ahh so wet,” RM massages everywhere except the place you want him most.
This is mean, this is tortuous, you’ve obeyed them and they still tease you. You cry out in frustration, clenching every time his fingers poke at your hole, RM’s grip on your thigh is too tight to move even an inch. You shove his back with your tied hands and RM laughs.
“Tae, help me out.” You feel fingers finally pressing into your aching clit, rubbing slow circles, making you cry out. RM’s fingers continue to drag across your lips, gathering the wetness that drips from your core. They slowly and steadily work the tension out of you until you’re numb with pleasure.
You let out a scream when your orgasm finally hits you. After being tortured all night, teased until you were delirious, the release becomes so intense you black out, and when you come to RM is pumping his fingers into you roughly. Your body seizes up again, racing into another orgasm. He rocks his hand into you, thumb rubbing your sensitive hood, and you release again. But RM doesn’t stop. He takes and takes, leaving you breathless. The sounds of your wetness fills the room, mixing with Taehyung’s grunts and moans at your helpless state.
“I c-can’t...too sensitive!”
“This is what you wanted, for Daddy to use you. Take it.”
Your tied hands try to move RM’s body off of you, but he is like a boulder on top of your body, unaffected by your hits. You struggle until his pleasure overtakes the pain, and you fall back, losing yourself in the way his fingers fill you up, hitting the deepest parts of you so skillfully. You stop fighting and accept the power he holds over you, he is making you feel so good you want him to take it, the thought sends you hurtling into another orgasm, tightening again around his fingers.
He can feel how close you are. “Be a good girl and give me one more,” RM groans, “that’s it.”
You’re wailing in pleasure now, unable to stop your cries. Your weak body shaking in his grasp. You feel something wet hit your outstretched thigh. Taehyung’s deep grunts of release finally undoing the coil inside you, and you orgasm for a third time around RM’s fingers.
RM lets go of you finally and you lie boneless, breathing ragged, blind and numb to the world. The air feels cool on your sweaty body as you come down from your high. You feel the bed dip as RM joins you again. Before he had been fully dressed, now you can feel his warm skin against your slippery body.
He lays himself between your legs. His lips finally meet yours, they feel full. You moan into his mouth as his tongue plays with yours. You want to touch his face but your arms are still tied together, so you caress his hair instead, the back of his neck, his muscular shoulders, trying to feel as much as you can.
His hard length brushes against your oversensitive core, his mouth swallowing your whimpers as he pushes himself in. You’re so wet there’s no resistance, but the stretch still leaves you gasping. His thrusts are hard and deep, you focus on how the weight of his body feels on top of yours as he uses you to reach his high. “You’re taking Daddy so well, baby.”
“T-Thank you, Daddy,” you stutter out between moans.
RM holds your wrists down as he finishes, releasing deep inside you. You feel every pulse from his cock, the pressure almost becoming too much as he fills you up.
You hear the familiar scrape of the chair again as Taehyung comes closer, fingers wiping away the tears on your face making you feel cared for. You don’t see how he licks your salty tears off his hand.
RM lifts your tired body in his arms, cradling you to his chest. He puts you in his lap as he takes a seat in the vacant chair.
“Tae has been such a patient boy, I think it’s time for his reward.”
RM moves your body so your back is flush against his, pulling the rope on your hands around his head, locking your arms. His hand massages up and down your legs, putting his knees in between yours.
“Kneel.” You realize RM is addressing Taehyung. He spreads his legs to make room for Taehyung, forcing your legs open in the process.
“RM-” Namjoon places his hand over your mouth, the same way he did at the party, stifling your scream as Taehyung buries his face into your pussy.
Taehyung eats you out while RM keeps you open, until you’re shaking in his lap, until you can’t form anything coherent anymore, until you’re so sensitive Taehyung’s lips around your clit is the only thought in your head, the drag of his tongue pulling away from you the last thing you feel before exhaustion sends you into the deepest sleep of your life.
You wake up alone.
You pull the sheets closer to your naked body as you look around the vacant room. Everything is moved back to its place, floor empty. You search the ground for your clothes but there’s nothing there. You pull yourself out of bed, trying to ignore your aching joints and pounding head. You look for your clothes but there’s nothing. You search the entire room, the closet is empty, the dresser is empty, there’s not even a towel in the bathroom. Where the hell are your clothes?!
You make your way back into bed, pulling the covers over your body.
Oh fuck, what are you going to do?
What time is it? They just left you and took your clothes. What kind of sick game is Taehyung playing now? Tears well up in your eyes.
You feel more confused than ever, Taehyung had been so sweet to you before, you had often fantasized meeting him, but he was so different in person. You hadn’t expected this. He’s going to come back, right? Right?!
You are pulled away from your thoughts at the sound of the door creaking open.
“I see you’ve been a very bad girl.” Your eyes widen as Yoongi makes his way into the room, closing the door behind him. He looks as smug as ever, holding a hanger over his shoulder.
“A-Are those my clothes?”
“Are these the clothes I gave you last night? No, looks like you fucked yourself out of those.” You pull the bedsheet closer to you, gritting your teeth, blinking away your tears.
“Hmm?” He leans against the bedpost, the clothes hanger hanging off one finger. You want to punch him, but you know you're walking on thin ice already.
“P-please help me.”
“You lost the clothes I got you. Why should I give you more?” You can tell he’s itching to humiliate you.
“So you’re just going to leave me here naked?!” you yell at him.
His eyes narrow. He grabs the bedsheet and pulls, dragging it off your body before you can stop him. You wrap your arms around your chest and pull your legs together.
“I should, after what you did!” Yoongi screams, “Whoring yourself out to my friends. Two at the same time, enjoy yourself? Fucking slut.” His words sting you. How could you fuck up so badly, you just let yourself become overtaken by lust.
“Now look at you. You let them take advantage of you. They used you and they left you with nothing. What would you have done if I didn’t find you?” He crosses his arms, his cold eyes glaring at you.
You burst into tears. Is he right? Is that what they did to you? “I’m-s-so-sorry,” you manage to say between sobs.
He sighs, “I’m here now.” You need him, he’s going to make you see that. He moves closer, lifting your chin to look at him. “If they had taken this,” his hand brushes your choker, “I would have killed them.”
You look at him pleadingly, trying to silence your sniffles. He offers you the clothes hanger, “Change into this.”
You unzip the clothes bag and pull out a dress with a light flowery pattern. The fabric is sheer and flowy. The matching lingerie set is pastel pink and strappy. Well, even if he is an asshole at least you can count on Yoongi to make you look good. You clean up your makeup and style your hair as best you can in the empty bathroom, removing what's left of the smudged dark eyeshadow, pushing thoughts from last night away. The more you try to make sense of what transpired, the more confused you become, and remembering just makes you feel hot all over.
Yoongi pushes himself off the wall when you open the door.
There is still music playing, still people dancing, a lot less than the night before, but you’re amazed there are any at all.
“Does the party ever end?” you think out loud.
“Only if you want it to.”
Yoongi leads you outside. When you reach the backyard you realize the party truly never really ended, only moved. Partygoers lounge by the pool, drinking and eating.
“Is that a fucking mermaid?” Girls dressed up in tails lay about the pool, you're about to run towards them when Yoongi pulls you away from the pool. “Let’s eat before you decide to go make friends.”
You walk in step. He looks put together as always, wearing simple light clothes, a white shirt tucked into tan pants, an unbuttoned collared shirt on top.
“Is everyone here a House member?” You ask, finally sober enough to start learning some things.
“Yes, I thought it was obvious. It’s nothing official. Just a get-together after our quarterly meeting, something for our investors.”
Right, never did you just have a ‘get-together’ like this. It's annoying how out of touch they are.
You see the familiar faces of his friends sitting in a secluded area. Before you and Yoongi get within earshot he grabs your arm.
“If Taehyung and Jungkook try to touch you again, let me know, will you?”
Wait, Jungkook is RM? What? No way, that doesn’t make any sense. He can’t be, he was downstairs when you first met RM. But why does Yoongi think you fucked him? Jungkook is not RM. Though, you remember how he never spoke to you.
His grip on you tightens when you don’t answer, “Y/n…”
“Okay, okay.”
Jungkook watches you and Yoongi whispering to one another. You look flustered when Yoongi places a soft kiss on your cheek before breaking away.
He takes a deep breath, rubbing his temples to take the tension away. When he looks up again, Yoongi and you are walking towards the group, your eyes fixated on...him? Jungkook breaks eye contact and looks back at you...and you’re still staring at him. He keeps eye contact with you, face going redder and redder.
He watches as you greet his friends, eyes glancing his way too frequently to call it a coincidence. What the fuck did Yoongi tell you to make you look at him like he grew three heads?
“I’ll be right back.” Yoongi makes his way to the far end of the party where Seokjin is talking to another man. You watch as Yoongi embraces the stranger, it’s one of the few times you’ve seen Yoongi smile, not a self satisfied smirk or a threatening grin, but a genuine smile showing off his gums that make the intimidating man look actually cute. The stranger gives him a dimpled smile in return.
“Who’s that with Seokjin?” you ask Jimin.
He looks over to where you're pointing, Jimin's expression full of mirth, “That’s Namjoon, looks like he made it to the party after all.”
Jimin pulls on your arm, turning you to him, “Let’s go swimming!”
“Oh, but I don’t have a bathing suit.”
“That’s okay, you can go in your underwear,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you, making you giggle.
“I’ll, um, be right back,” Jimin whines as you get up, and you promise him it will only take a minute. You know you’d never get a chance to talk to Jungkook with Yoongi by your side, the two of them seem to have an odd tension between them. But now that Yoongi is distracted with Seokjin and Namjoon, it’s the perfect opportunity.
“Er hello?”
Jungkook’s wide doe eyes looks up at you. “Hello...”
Okay, he definitely doesn’t sound like RM. “Hi, I didn’t get to talk to you last night. I just wanted to say hi.”
“Oh, hi.”
This is painfully awkward. You study his frame...he is built. The tank top he’s wearing shows off his broad shoulders and muscular tattooed arms, he looks strong like how you imagine RM. Maybe if you kiss him...
Jungkook watches as you peer over his back. “Dahlia…”
“Hmm? Oh, just call me y/n.” you insist, the alias making you feel self-conscious.
“I missed talking to you...so much.”
“We talked?” Is he really RM? No, it doesn’t feel like him at all.
Jungkook bites his lower lip. His front teeth pressing into his round lips makes him look cute, you think, like a scared rabbit.
“Yes, we used to talk a lot, before...” he bites back the words so he doesn’t make you uncomfortable. “My username is..” Ugh, Jungkook can’t believe he’s saying this to you out loud, why did he have to choose such a dumb username? “PlayboyJK.”
“Oh, oh! I remember you!” You remember your conversations with him. He was a good tipper, a bit unconventional in his requests, but he was always one of the first viewers to your stream.
“Honestly, I can’t believe you would watch me.”
“You’re just so...handsome? I’m just surprised, I guess!”
Jungkook’s ears go red at the compliment. You’re so perfect, you’re a goddess. He’d watch you all day every day, he’d watch you sleep. How could you think he wouldn’t want to watch you?
“I think you’re so beautiful, I like you a lot.”
“T-Thank you,”
“Are you going to start streaming again?
“Ha no no. I put all that behind me. Well, I thought I did,” you say after noticing Jungkook’s confused expression. “Um, it’s a long story.”
“Oh, you don’t have to join again. I could, um, pay you directly.”
“You’d pay me? For what?” you laugh, but you're curious to hear his answer.
“For anything, I’d pay you...just be with me.” you look into Jungkook’s wide eyes, so determined. Maybe if Yoongi had asked you this way, you would have considered it.
“I-HEY!” You squeal as Hoseok lifts you out of your seat. Jungkook gives Jimin a look of dismay as he pulls the younger man to his feet too.
Somehow you ended up in the pool with your dress still on. The sheer fabric doing little to hide the lingerie underneath for all the men to see.
The sun has already left the horizon while you sit on the deck of Yoongi’s yacht, drying off your body from the day's watery fun. You listen to the waves hit the walls of his boat as it sloshes around in the water, the rhythm like a whispering melody. The twilight casts everything in blue, the smell of salt and fresh air along with sound of the sea's waves is just so relaxing. What you wouldn't give to experience this all the time.
“Come back with me.” Yoongi's hushed voice breaks your trance.
“And be what, your personal servant?" you scoff, "I don’t think so.”
"What about those girls at the party? You could be like them, always having fun, the center of attention."
You bite your lip. "I don't want that." You wonder if Yoongi will believe you when you don't even believe yourself.
"Or I could just give you all my attention." He gets closer to you. "All this could be your life."
"Maybe I like my life-"
Yoongi laughs at you, earning himself a glare.
"Or I could just keep you here." He smirks down at you.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t dare me.”
You stop glaring at him, turning your head away. You watch the lights on the mansion turn on as the night settles in.
“Do you really want to go back to that boring job?” You roll your eyes at his words. “Don’t you want more? To have fun? I’ll give you everything you want."
"I don’t think you could give me everything."
"Just try. You can always go back, I’m sure that manager friend of yours would rehire you."
You sigh, breathing in deep the salty air.
“I would have to put in my two weeks...”
Hobi’s scene was fun to write, I haven’t been to parties or dancing in so long I was like what the hell happens again? Now I wanna dance! Reader who said Yoongi will throw her into the sea last chapter you made me laugh so hard I almost considered making him do that lol. I guess there’s still some time to piss him off enough! Do you believe Yoongi? What do you think (or want) to happen next? <3
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ashleyspinelliburnbook · 5 years ago
S1E13: Parents’ Night/Swing on Thru to the Other Side
Also, this is the last (pair of) episode(s) in Season 1!
Parents’ Night
You bet Parents’ Night was something I looked forward to every year. We called it Open House, and it was in April, and I think I liked it because I was a parent-pleaser. Not just my own — I wanted to impress all the parents with how mature and/or grown up and/or smart I was.
Spinelli kind of has the opposite problem. She is not at all excited about Parents’ Night, and every year, she has a different excuse as to why her own parents can’t make it. Last year, Spinelli’s parents were in the Amazon. The year before, they were hang-gliding from Mount Everest.
This year, she tells the gang that her parents are having dinner at the White House, and everyone is stoked to hear it. Well, except Gretchen, beautiful buzzkill Gretchen, who points out that the President is in the Middle East this week. Undeterred, Spinelli explains that they’re just house-sitting, more or less. And that the Secret Service can’t do it because it’s their bowling night.
TJ, of course, isn’t having it, so he enlists the gang (minus Spinelli) to stake out her house that night. They see someone taking out the trash...and their cover is immediately blown, because that’s where Mikey is hiding, and it’s Spinelli who’s got the trash.
So next, TJ says they have to be direct — they fill up Mikey with water from the hose until he has to pee really bad, and they ask Spinelli to use her bathroom. She says no. She also says her parents are secret agents, which no one believes. Then...she says she’ll bring them to Parents’ Night.
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A quick runthrough of what some of these parents are like:
The Ashleys’ parents dress in the same color scheme as their daughters and also say “Scandalous!”
Ever wonder why Gretchen’s so smart? Well, she’s a carbon copy of her parents.
TJ’s mom and dad are impressed that he made a whoopee cushion as a science project.
Gus’ dad is impressed that his desk is so clean and organized.
Mikey reads his parents some poetry, and his hippie dad gets so emotional that his mom (who looks like Mikey, but taller and a woman) comforts him.
Vince’s parents...are maybe the Black couple walking in near the beginning of the scene? We never meet them. Typical.
Spinelli shows up with her parents and they seem pretty much like her! They’re the tough-looking characters pictured above. Unfortunately, Spinelli met them in a parking lot and she doesn’t have the cash to keep them there all night. They go out into the hall, and from the classroom window, the gang sees them shaking down Spinelli for all her pennies.
So, the truth comes out: Spinelli’s parents...are embarrassing. That’s all. Except that’s not all, because when they finally show up — they found the Parents’ Night flyer in Spinelli’s dirty clothes — we learn that her mom (played by Katey Sagal!) calls her “pookie” and wipes her daughter’s face using the ol’ licking-her-finger method, and her dad calls her “princess.”
Her parents also aren’t 100% on names. To them, her very best friends are Mickey, Vance, Gretel, Russ, and BJ, and their teacher is Miss Grabkey. Neat. It’s when they share that Spinelli just stopped wetting the bed last year that she can’t take it anymore and heads to the roof.
Spinelli has a nice heart-to-heart with her parents, where they forgive her for her being so embarrassed! Because they love her, and she’ll understand someday, you know? She even shares that she was so embarrassed by them that she told her friends they were secret agents, which gets a good laugh.
They head down to enjoy the last of Parents’ Night together, but Spinelli’s dad tells them to go on without him, because...oops, he’s a secret agent, 006. And he declines a call to save the world because it’s Parents’ Night.
Takeaway: Less a takeaway, more an acknowledgement that Miss Grotke referred to parents as “be they mothers, be they fathers, be they whatever.” And while it’s 1998 and that’s probably not an acknowledgement of nonbinary parents (she’s probably referring to aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other non-parent guardians), that’s how I’m choosing to read it here in 2020.
Swing on Thru to the Other Side
The Church of Swinger Girl: Definitive Texts
Compiled by the prophet Ashley Spinelli
I have seen it! I have seen it with mine own eyes!
Swinger Girl, blessed be thy name, has ascended! Swinger Girl is no longer of this world! Whether she has transported to another dimension or another astral projection has taken my Swinger Girl to freedom, she has truly swung on thru to the other side!
What a pity it is that she did not take more of us with her.
I am a new woman.
My friends know the Old Spinelli, who would terrify all who crossed my path with my mighty fist. Today, the only fist that matters is that which is made when one grasps the chain of a swing, O Powerful Swing, that which snatched our Swinger Girl from this mortal coil!
New Spinelli is peaceful. New Spinelli wishes for peace. And, most of all, New Spinelli finally has purpose, has meaning. New Spinelli must join my Swinger Girl on the other side.
My friend Theodore insists I will be “back to normal” by tomorrow, as if “normal” is anything but a relative construct. This is my normal, Theodore. You will see!
O, the means of emulating my Swinger Girl, deeply do they connect me with something no longer of this world!
My people approached me at the sacred swing today, the swing where it happened, eager for a chance to share in some of its spiritual magic. What a majestic time, watching the playground become one, all because of the actions of my Swinger Girl!
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Brother Mikey brought the supplies for the congregation. All are welcome to experience the glory of Swinger Girl, my Swinger Girl! The headgear and glasses only bring us closer to her!
What might my Swinger Girl have eaten for lunch?
How might she have eaten it?
We know not much about our Swinger Girl, naught but her preference for eating dessert as she wished it, not saving it for the end of a meal. What a powerful message!
I shall live my life as Swinger Girl lived hers!
The hum across the playground indicates the time for my ascension is nigh. I will join my Swinger Girl in her universe, if she will have me. It is, as Swinger Girl would say, the journey that matters.
The journey over the top of the bar.
Takeaway: A classic. Spinelli starts a cult. Absolutely classic.
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kpopgalaxy28 · 7 days ago
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I knew I kept this screenshot for a reason 😭🤣
But yeah so much of what we heard about the characters from the devs don’t line up at all with the version we get in game
Every once in a while I remember that word of god comment about Illario being the type of person who would have an in-depth PowerPoint presentation just to explain his MAIN PowerPoint presentation and it pisses me off cause nowhere in the games or writing do we actually see that portrayal.
A part of me is upset by the shoehorning of that statement that we’re just supposed to take as “fact”. And the other part of me is upset by how fucked up his characterization truly was if that was the mentality that went into his characterization. You’re telling me someone who would do THAT let the incompetent Venatori handle something as important as murdering his cousin the demon of vyrantium, kidnapping his Nonna the first fucking talon, all to secure his position as the new first talon??????? Doubt.
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