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deathridersofficial · 4 years ago
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Wishing a ROCKIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to the one and only LIPS Kudlow ANVIL Metal Hall Of Fame #oscardronjak #fredriklarsson #neilturbin #lipsanvil @lipsanvil #jackiechambers #joacimcans #robreiner #davidwallin #metalmikechlasciak #pontusnorgren #hammerfall #girlschool #anvil #halford Neil Turbin THE METAL VOICE @themetalvoice #vocalfirepower #deathriders #bleedthehunger #screaminsouldemon #anthrax #themetalvoice #metalhalloffame #fistfulofmetal #metalthrashingmad #texashatters #lewisleathers #bluguitar #solodallas #empireears #matrixamplification #originalanthraxsinger @deathriders @bleedthehunger @screaminsouldemon @vocalfirepower (at Metal Hall of Fame) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7PPfXh_bS/?igshid=1q3znuehcuibn
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katjaspn · 6 years ago
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I was at the #musicfestival yesterday --> #metalonthehill, listening my favourite band ever --> #hammerfall. For the second time in 2 months!! How lucky am I?!😀 Thanks for the amazing show, guys!!😎🤘🎸🎶 Happy Sunday, everyone!!☀️ #KatjaGH #hammerfall_official #joacimcans #oscardronjak #pontusnorgren #fredriklarsson #andersjohansson #schlossberggraz #Austria #summer2019 #enjoyinglife #concert #heavymetal (at Schlossberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Tq4ApiQqO/?igshid=fkrb7iapzhgr
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andymcgain · 8 years ago
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Gitarrvirtuosen Pontus Norgren ifrån Hammerfall är äntligen tillbaka med ett till kompletterende avsnitt! Vi bygger på podcast #010 pratar anekdoter, nördar ner oss och ger ljudexempel!  Guitar Geeks Podcast följer ni här: •Android: • Podbean  •iPhone: Itunes Vi vill alltid veta hur vi kan bli bättre, ge er Feedback till oss i kommentarerna nedan! TACK för att ni Delar och Recenserar! @hammerfall_official @pontus_norgren @guitargeeks.se @andymcgain @sandbergguitars #pontusnorgren #hammerfall #podcast #podcasts #podcaster #podcasters #podcasting #podcastshow #guitar #guitargear #guitartone #coffee #guitargeekspodcast #guitarhero #guitartone #guitarsmps (på/i Eriksberg Vilt & Natur)
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gina1892 · 8 years ago
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Last show of the tour!!! I want to thank the great awesome guys of Hammerfall for such nice moments during their shows I had the pleasure to attend on this tour, in Canada 😄 I have to admit I’ve never seen them before, but from the first Hammerfall song I heard live, I was totally captivated by their amazing sound and energy on stage! I ended up becoming a total Hammerfall fan after the first show I attended. Also I have very good memories of talking to the guys off the stage, they’re great, funny, cool and friendly people 😊🍻 I’m really really looking forward to see them again but next time in my country Mexico!!!! Thank you so much, Hammerfall!!!! And congratulations on such a successful tour, have a safe trip back home, and also…. have a blast tonight in Atlanta 🤘😁🤘🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪❤❤ #Hammerfall
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adondeirhoy · 3 years ago
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Hoy en la historia de la música https://ift.tt/SPdjtT9 (For English see below) 20 de febrero de 2009 La banda sueca de Heavy / Power Metal Hammerfall publicó su séptimo álbum de estudio: “No Sacrifice, No Victory” - grabado en los estudios PAMA Studios en Torsås y en los estudios Sonic Train Studios en Varberg, propiedad del guitarrista Andy LaRocque. El álbum incluye el tema instrumental “Something for the Ages” compuesto por el nuevo guitarrista Pontus Norgren, y el cover “My Sharona” de The Knack. El guitarrista Pontus Norgren se unió a Hammerfall como sustituto de Stefan Elmgren, quien abandonaría la agrupación para iniciar sus propios proyectos. Comenta y dinos que quieres escuchar en @pontikradio y taguea a tus amigos. Escucha nuestra estación de radio 24/7 sin anuncios SALVA este POST para que puedas volver a leer esta info.⁠ Today in music history February 20, 2009 Swedish Heavy / Power Metal band Hammerfall released their seventh studio album: “No Sacrifice, No Victory” - recorded at PAMA Studios in Torsås and Sonic Train Studios in Varberg, owned by guitarist Andy LaRocque. The album includes the instrumental track "Something for the Ages" composed by new guitarist Pontus Norgren, and the cover of "My Sharona" by The Knack. Guitarist Pontus Norgren joined Hammerfall as a replacement for Stefan Elmgren, who would leave the group to start his own projects. Comment and tell us what you want to hear on @pontikradio and tag your friends. Listen to our radio station 24/7 without ads https://ift.tt/SPdjtT9 ⁠ ⁠SAVE this POST so you can read this info again. ⁠------ #pontikradio #hoyenlamusica #thisdayinmusic #todayinmusichistory #oldies #oldiesbutgoodies #oldiesmusic⁠ #music #musica #retromusic #musictime #musiclegend #leyenda #Hammerfall #NoSacrificeNoVictory #NuclearBlast #CharlieBauerfeind #SomethingForTheAges #MySharona #OscarDronjak #JoacimCans #AndersJohansson #PontusNorgren #FredrikLarsson @hammerfall #rocknews https://ift.tt/ZRWmCNh
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deathridersofficial · 5 years ago
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Heavy Metal Hall Of Fame #oscardronjak #fredriklarsson #neilturbin #lipsanvil #jackiechambers #joacimcans #robreiner #davidwallin #metalmikechlasciak #pontusnorgren #hammerfall #girlschool #anvil #halford #deathriders #bleedthehunger #anthrax #purplerainbowx #themetalbeast #fistfulofmetal #armedanddangerous #spreadingthedisease #thebig4 #heavymetalhall #themetalvoice #empireears #bluguitar #lewisleathers #originalanthraxsinger #originalscreamindemonofthrash (at Metal Hall of Fame) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KRdY9gt5z/?igshid=mf7dr3fgkp7p
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deathridersofficial · 6 years ago
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Michael Spencer Flotsam And Jetsam Joacim Cans HammerFall #whiskyagogo #hammerfall #joacimcans #michaelspencer #flotsamandjetsam #oscardronjak #fredriklarsson #pontusnorgren #davidwallin #neilturbin #deathriders #bleedthehunger #purplerainbowx #masterandsinners #themetalvoice #themetalbeast #fistfulofmetal #armedanddangerous #deathrider #spreadingthedisease #gungho #metalthrashingmad #empireears #chromehearts #texashatters #lewisleathers #matrixamplification #krusekontrolamps #thaliacapos #originalanthraxsinger #shure #originalscreamindemonofthrash (at Whisky A Go-Go) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Preo4gA-H/?igshid=1hgrev3fa1irr
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deathridersofficial · 6 years ago
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Hammer High!! Singing for mighty HammerFall at Whisky a Go-Go #hammerfall #joacimcans #oscardronjak #fredriklarsson #pontusnorgren #davidwallin #neilturbin #deathriders #bleedthehunger #purplerainbowx #masterandsinners #themetalvoice #themetalbeast #fistfulofmetal #armedanddangerous #deathrider #spreadingthedisease #gungho #metalthrashingmad #empireears #chromehearts #texashatters #lewisleathers #matrixamplification #krusekontrolamps #thaliacapos #originalanthraxsinger #shure #originalscreamindemonofthrash (at Whisky A Go-Go) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KxBfCAJnR/?igshid=1wioen44vouwn
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