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un'ipocrisia dilagante.
e quel nazista di Lollobrigida dovrebbe andare a raccogliere pomidoro in qualche paese caldo

Oggi e' uscita questa vignetta satirica sul Fatto Quotidiano. Apriti cielo!! Ha tuonato la mamma, la moglie, la cristiana Meloni. Hanno tuonato le massime cariche istituzionali della politica e ministri del governo. Questo mare di indignazione da parte di personaggi che fanno capo a quella parte politica, posso anche capirla, come mamma orsa Jj4 quando ha difeso i suoi cuccioli da un possibile pericolo. Quello che proprio non ho capito e' la solidarieta' data dai massimi vertici del PD. Ha iniziato la Schlein: "assordante silenzio sullo sfregio del Fatto ad Arianna Meloni". A seguire tanti altri politici del partito. Addirittura Saviano scrive sul profilo FB della Presidente Meloni per dare solidarieta' a lei e alla sorella.. ma..ma.. Ma io non ci capisco piu' niente. Politici del PD che non hanno mai dato troppa solidarieta' alla Boldrini, donna di sx che per anni e' stata massacrata in tutti i sensi, muti come pesci ai tempi di "Patata bollente" rivolta alla sindaca di Roma, zitti quando Salvini dava della Lewinsky alla ministra Azzolina alludendo a quella bocca piena di rossetto buona per fare esami orali. E oggi? Oggi va a suonare il campanello Lollobrigida-Meloni, dai massimi esponenti nazionali a quelli che siedono nel Parlamento Europeo e porta solidarieta' come re magi davanti la culla del Gesu'.
Che tristezza!! Fantasmi sbiaditi di un partito un tempo glorioso.. @ilpianistasultetto
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I pomodori rappresentano il Sud e l’Amore. Rossi come la passione, simbolo di tradizione. E così anno dopo anno mi ritrovo a fare la conserva di pomodoro 🍅 perché la Salsa è #Amore e là si concede solo a chi si ama #Sud #vita #amore #pomidoro #pompdori #pummarola #salsa #sugodipomodoro (Botticino Sera) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd3ZBCiZXi/?igshid=7cuh70cmin89
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Ripe tomatoes 😍🍅🍅🍅 ready to be collected 😉 Options: 1) for sauce 2) to be dried 3)for fermentation Which option of these to choose? 🤔🤔 #tomatoes #reddish #ripe #crazytomato #helwayaouta #howto #whatto #pictures #homegoods #bio #fresh #pomidory #pomidoro #قوطه (at Łódź, Poland)
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#konstancinjeziorna #starapapiernia #pomidoro #pizza #wino #vibe Magda #dziękuję .Bez Twojej #pomocy #kolacja nie była #pyszna. Następnym razem przyjdę na #zupa (w: Konstancin-Jeziorna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUk0x8I4VD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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29 agosto 2020
#basilico#odore#pastaal pomodoro#pomodori#pomodori in vaso#tomato#tomato in vaso#tomato. pomidoro#puffo80; tomato#grandi tomato#ortaggi blog tumblr#asciano ortaggi#siena#orto delle crete#crete senesi#crete#creteisland#greece crete
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MAIS QUI EST CE CHEF ? Mais qui est ce chef aux traits parfaits, à la plastique digne des tops modèles le plus en vogue du moment ? Et bien ce chef est virtuel, c’est un avatar mis en ligne sur le compte Instagram créé à cet effet par le groupe de restaurant Mamamia à Paris pour l’ouverture de sa nouvelle adresse. Il se nomme Giovanni, vous nous direz c’est pas très original pour un chef…
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Al supermercato

[...] trascinano fino alle auto la caterva degli acquisti, dodici bottiglie di acqua gazzosa, dieci pacchetti di gallettine, olive verdi col nocciolo e senza, gli assorbenti igienici per la signora, perché tanto anche 'sto mese ci sono stati attenti, un osso di plastica per il barboncino, venti barattoli di pomodori (anzi di pomidoro, dicono), un pelapatate americano brevettato, che si adopera anche con la sinistra, i grissini, gli sfìlatini, i salatini, gli stecchini, i moscardini e i tovagliolini di carta con le figure a fantasia, tanto spiritosi, tanto divertenti. Io lo dico sempre, metteteci una catasta di libri, e accecati come sono comprerebbero anche quelli.
Nota: Il grassetto è mio.
L. Bianciardi, La vita agra [1962], Milano, RCS Libri, 2006
(Grosseto, 14 dicembre 1922 – Milano, 14 novembre 1971)
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It’s Just A Spark Ch.4 - Second Glances
Hiccup was late the next day, earling a partly stern, partly amused look from Gobber.
"So … went well last night?"
Hiccup did not fail to notice his suggestive tone and huffed, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
"Not as 'well' as you think. We just stayed out pretty late last night and I overslept."
"Ah," Gobber acknowledged, still smirking. "Seeing as she didn't run away the second she saw you as you assumed-"
"Honestly, Gobber, that's a new low, even for you."
The older man just laughed. After a while, Hiccup uttered, "Remember what you said about not spending the time I spend with her in my head? The second she opened her door, I just sort of stopped. I spent the whole evening with her without second guessing myself. She's just …" he tousled his hair again, letting out a breathless chuckle. "She's something else. It feels like with her I don't really have to decide, or turn things over and over, it's … confusing. In a good way.I wanna figure her out. I wanna know what makes her tick and know the way she thinks."
"Oh boy …" Gobber mumbled to himself, thinking, 'he is absolutely smitten'.
Astrid was humming. While working. It seemed almost outrageous to be in this much of a good mood. She was supposed to concentrate on her tasks - even if it was something as mindless as cleaning the cages - and not on the events of last night! And yet, she couldn't help but let her thoughts linger. Specifically on Hiccup. She smiled as she realised she silently referred to him as Hiccup too now.
He'd walked her home that night. Usually people would simply insist on doing so and Astrid would refuse, but Hiccup had simply grinned that lopsided grin of his and had said, that if she wanted to he'd like to walk her home and Astrid had accepted, gladly even. It was the she realised she hadn't really wanted to say goodbye just yet. She'd never say this out loud but that scared her a bit. She wasn't used to these kind of feelings and wasn't sure yet if she was okay with them. It all had all gone a bit fast, but then again, this had been building up for some time now.
Her first impression with him then had been so different from what she knew now. When they'd met she thought she'd only seen his physical attributes and had seen him as this serious, precise and abrupt professional.
The second glance had revealed much more - of course, he still was outrageously attractive, but Astrid now knew that he was in fact not as serious, nor curt or simple. He was funny and considerate and thoughtful and gentle and, goodness, that wasn't enough. She wanted second glances and third, fourth, fifth glances. She wanted to get to know him - really get to know him, past his smile and his lighthearted jokes.
Astrid sat there in litter and sand and thought, 'I hope he lets me.'
It was already dark when Hiccup got home. He felt as if he'd been dragged through hell and back; his lungs felt accordingly.
"Hey, bud," he rasped and gently scratched the black cat's ears. "Sorry for taking so long. We had two fires today. I'm just glad everyone got out well. You hungry?"
Toothless meowed and scrutinised him with bright green eyes, snapping his tail. Hiccup grinned and click-thumped towards the cupboard, wincing slightly with every step he took.
"I can't wait to get some ice on there," he muttered. "Remind me to keep some at the office."
He watched Toothless eat for a while, then he carefully shifted his weight back on his prosthesis and shuffled into the bathroom in search for his diffuser.
'A one-legged fireman with asthma,' he thought. 'How ironic.'
His phone started ringing just as he set his foot into the cold water. Hiccup shivered and picked up.
"I heard you had a date" the solemn voice of his father established. Hiccup rolled his eyes.
"Hey Dad, how are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking."
"Okay, sorry. So Gobber already spilled, huh? That didn't last long," Hiccup commented dryly, heaved the diffuser onto the stool next to the bathtub and turned it on.
"No," his father replied but then quickly picked up the reason for his call again. "So? A date?"
"How'd you manage?"
"Wow, dad, don't make it sound like being a 23-year old man who didn't have a date in the past five years of his life is disappointing."
His dad laughed. "So, come on, who is she?"
"Her name is Astrid Hofferson, she lives a couple of blocks away from me, actually. We met because she set her stove on fire - several times, I should mention. It took me a while to work up the courage to ask for her number. We went out yesterday at had a nice dinner at the Che Dragon."
"Hold on, did you say Hofferson? That name rings a bell." His father stayed silent for a while, which Hiccup used to dry his still slightly aching stump.
"Ah, now I remember!" Stoick Haddock bellowed, making his son flinch involuntarily. "Astrid Hofferson, of course! She's at the Smith's whenever we have a get together with the company."
"Oh. Yeah, she mentioned working part-time in a bar."
"She's a nice young lady, Hiccup, congratulations."
He chuckled. "We're not getting married, Dad, we just had our first date."
"So there will be others?"
"Well, as a matter of fact, yes. I invited her over for Friday. I'm cooking."
He practically heard his father raise an eyebrow and sighed.
"I promise my intentions are honorable."
"Good, I didn't raise you to be a brute like your cousin."
Silence. A defiant 'Snot changed a lot since he was sixteen, Dad' was quickly swallowed back down.
Instead Hiccup replied, "I know, Dad, I know. But, um … promise next time you see her not to talk about me. She probably doesn't even know you're my dad."
"Alright, my lips are sealed. I'll see you next Wednesday for lunch?"
Hiccup smiled. "Yup. 'Night, Dad."
"Good night, boy."
Stoick hung up. Hiccup sighed. Twenty-three years old and his father still refused to acknowledge it. The thoughts about his father were loudly interrupted by his growling stomach. Right. Nourishment. Pasta sounded good. Humming lightly Hiccup strapped his prosthesis back on and made his way back downstairs where Toothless waited for him. On the way down he idly wondered what Astrid's favourite kind of pasta was.
'Quickfire question: favourite kind of pasta?'
Astrid's heart jumped. Trying to bite back a grin, she texted back, 'Alfredo in terms of fettuchine or spaghetti etc , but Lasagna has a special spot in my heart. Yours? Though I feel like your message served some future reference..'.
Still smiling she set down her phone and turned her attention back to the book in front of her. She was only a couple of pages further in when her phone buzzed again.
'you guessed right ;^) Can't go towards Friday unprepared! I'm a man of simple taste, I usually just make good old pomidoro'.
She hummed.
'Simple taste, huh?'
'Anything else that applies to?'
He typed, then stopped. Then, 'now you're just messing with me.'
She laughed. 'You guessed right ;)'. And after a moment of hesitation she added, 'You had a good evening?'
She imagined him laugh and run his fingers through his hair.
'almost got fried back in the city, but got out alright, everyone else did too. Those are my favourite days'
'I'm really glad - also glad you made it out fine!'
'we also had to rescue a cat from a tree, so I guess that sorta balances it out'
She snorted and scrunched her nose. 'Was that a pun?'
A pause. Then, 'what if I said yes?'
'Then I'd say it wasn't PAWrrible.'
'I'm sorry, did you just become the woman of my dreams'
She knew it was a joke. She could even imagine the tone of voice he'd deadpan this with. And yet, she blushed, her heart singing.
'good night then' she typed back before she did anything stupid.
Hiccup laid on his bed, Toothless on his chest, his leg propped on his pillow, shielding his wide grin from the darkness with the crook of his arm and only rasped out over his blush, "Good one."
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“When it comes to cooking, Heaven and Hell of course each have their own traditions. Angels, we are told, eat manna - although this was contradicted by a mayor of Naples in the 1930s, the Duke of Bovino, who was convinced that the angels in Paradise eat nothing but vermicelli al pomidoro . Either way, it tends to confirm one’s suspicions about the monotony of Paradise in general and the life of an angel in particular. Information on what devils eat is more sketchy, although judging by images from Hieronymus Bosch and others, they probably snacked on slices of the damned. In fact Hell itself is often pictured as a gigantic kitchen, with roaring flames, spits, cauldrons, toasting forks, gridirons, etc. - all briskly cooking the carcasses of sinners while grinning fiends look on and prod them from time to time to see if they are done.”
- Alex Martin and Jerome Fletcher, The Decadent Cookbook.
#alex martin#jerome fletcher#prose#the hole in my belly has started growing#hell#re tag#hell itself is often pictured as a gigantic kitchen#inspiration#HannibalStudyGroup
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C’era volte - uno studio sulla narrazione per l’infanzia (TRAILER)
di e con Sebastiano Sicurezza e Roberta Castorina con la partecipazione di Ludovica Franzè scene Giuseppe Pomidoro luci Luca Giannone audio Laura La Rosa video Rosario Samuel Adonia
liberamente tratto da Racconti, scritto da E.Ionesco illustrato da E.Delessert e tradotto da A.Conti
in collaborazione con Teatro Coppola/Squonk/Città Sommerse Teatro
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Привіт:) Даруємо місцеві томати до наших стейків з яловичини:) Ваш AMbar:) #амбар #ambar #ambarsteak #ambarsteakhouse #bilatserkva #bilatserkvagram #tomato #pomidoro #instafood (AMbar steakhouse -Традиционный мясной ресторан)
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My pleasure … #tomaten #pomidoro #red #dof
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Design label for delicatessen "gustini" delicious tomatoes from Italy, Vesuvius #kunstolgadavid #design #feinkost #pomidoro #vesuv #gustini (hier: Landau Stadt)
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my precious friend here @bakapng refers to toichiro as “senioro pomidoro” (from soviet cartoon ‘chipollino’) too much ........so she kinda asked for this
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Oggi è stata una giornata particolare.
Esci dall'acqua e lasci annegare tutti i pensieri,ti scrolli di dosso ciò che non conta.
Poi passi al mercato.
Amo perdermi tra i colori e i profumi della frutta,con il sole che fa arrossire i pomidoro,e le grida dei bambini che corrono di quà e di la.
Torno a casa,pranzo,mi perdo tra le piante,le mie orchidee stanno fiorendo,e poi....il naso all' in su,verso un cielo cosi azzurro che sembra quasi irreale.
Via il telefono se non per le chiamate importanti,ecco.
Questo è il segreto del mio vivere.
Cogliere l'attimo,lo stupore delle cose semplici.
E quando scende la sera un goccio di vino bianco,quando tutti dormono,io e me stessa.
Ritrovarsi,leggersi dentro,scoprire il bello che ci circonda e non dare mai nulla per scontato.
Non dimenticatevi mai che il tempo piu lungo lo passate con voi stessi.
Sfruttatelo per ciò che vi rende felici,al resto poi ci pensa il destino.
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