malumae · 1 month
@polyodynos ( closed starter. )
He’s heard of similar things before, similar people, similar powers; but nothing like this. It is close, oh so terribly close, yet out of his reach should he even attempt to take it. Grappling with the complexities of the situation, he finds himself back on the Xianzhou Luofu, retracing ancient steps, following the path he has taken a million times before. Up one road, down the next alley, the sound of the soles of his shoes hitting the ground with every step echoing in between houses. 
He isn’t alone when he finally returns to a bigger street, blending into the background of locals that swarm the place with chatter and laughter. Ren has one goal, quite the simple one in fact, and he is close enough to achieve it that he can practically taste the bloody outcome it could have. Could, but won’t. It’s nothing but a mystical masochism cultivated by years of punishment he has fed this body, this soul, this mind consumed by mara. 
It happens faster than planned, leaving no room for his prey to interject and stop him. Fingers curl around a much more slender wrist, pulling her into him. He is calm, calculated and moves without rushing, making sure there is not a single witness left behind before he drags her into the nearest alley. 
Her name rolls off his tongue with ease, as though he is calling out for a response or the solution to his indefinite darkness. She could very well be it, at least from what he’s heard, and the whispers are rarely wrong even when infused with filthy venom from the mara. 
“Say, how heavy of a burden is that secret that you keep & how far are you willing to go to keep it just between us?”
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backwaterscum · 3 months
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based on this convo w/ @polyodynos:
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grislyintentions · 23 days
@polyodynos : (x)
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“Tell you what, why don’t you give it a shot and find out for yourself? Free of charge this time around but you’ll have to pay like everyone else if you want more.”
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dasniichts · 26 days
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"Do you have everything you need for your trip?" - @polyodynos
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“Beacons and supplies for the ride? Yes, I do believe that’s everything.”  He could understand Yumina’s concerns, the Genius Society weren’t exactly the easiest collection of people to try and work with. Didn’t matter, supply runs like this were fairly basic. 
Or at least basic according to what his own experience was going by. Still, the logistics weren’t much different than back in the day back home. Though Welt figured there were fairly much less chances of espionage and needing to try and kidnap a person... 
“You’ll be entrusted to watch the train for the time being. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” 
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astrxlfinale · 3 months
@polyodynos replied to your post “NOT THAT I LIKE BEING A NAG. But I gotta vent a...”:
I think we should make a new tag but call it something like hsr rp regular style or hsrrprs.
@swordstance replied to your post “NOT THAT I LIKE BEING A NAG. But I gotta vent a...”:
for HSR, I think #indie hsr rp works a little better for searching
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Hold on now! Liking these ideas right here! Something that's enough to throw off the main wave, and for it to get easily lost in the search function so the original clutter doesn't proceed to catch on. Low activity on the one swordstance posted up, while poly's here would be a fresh slate.
It'll be a good starting mark.
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pantachorei · 3 months
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Auction #1 @kafkaisms 's winner is...
@amourem ( with 8,000 credits ! )
Auction #2 @polyodynos 's winner is...
@dupliciti ( with 100 credits ! )
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politicallysavage · 19 days
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@polyodynos sent: “you must be freezing- here, take my jacket.” / prompt
Lily can't help the small tinge of pink that spreads across her face to the kindness. Here she was trying to keep up her professionalism and make progress towards a report, and she was caught looking vulnerable. Regardless, her jacket was better than nothing and Lily wasn't about to re-board her own ship anytime soon for something as silly as her coat.
"It's, Yumina... Right?" Don't mind the stumble in her words and nervous readjustment of her glasses. "Thank you. Hey, you wouldn't happen to know of a quiet place around here to work, would you? A coffee shop, a hotel with a nice lobby-- anyplace out of this weather at least..."
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deputyrabies · 3 months
@polyodynos asked: ''You don't need to apologize—you didn’t do anything wrong." // I tweaked a prompt a little.
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There's a soft huff of disbelief as he hears the other speak, and with a shake of his head, he offers a crooked smile. "Can't say I've heard that one much, recently," he murmurs, more so to himself, but it doesn't matter if he's heard. He'd drawn the gun on her, after all. Sure, he wasn't expecting anyone around while he went to check on some of the traps Daryl had laid out for him to utilize, but he feels badly.
"Are you on your own?" he finally asks as he opens the third to last trap, groaning again as he sees it's empty, too. Shane spares a glance to the stranger as he resets the trap, offering a soft smile. "If I managed to snag anything, I'll be happy to share."
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malumae · 1 month
"Why do you get free soil? D:"
" — i can hook you up with my dealer but it'll cost you. up-front payments by the way. 6000 credits for one handful of soil. cough 'em up."
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backwaterscum · 3 months
@polyodynos // from here.
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Yumina's offered kindness is a stake through his heart, and a part of him wonders just when it was that such opinions began to matter to him.
Which is a decent question, sure, but ultimately a pointless one. Daryl already knows the answer, after all-- when Shane Walsh made you join that group, when that little girl went missing, when you were there to hold your people as they cried, when you carried that baby in your arms and named her Asskicker-- and try as he might to become the man he was before he met them, he knows that's pointless, too.
Love changes a person. Family, kin-- once you learn that it doesn't always have to be terrible, they become almost impossible to live without. If only he could show the family he made now that he was on the Astral Express; despite the death of Akivili, it really was still going, and the absentminded dreams of the children around the campfire had been real all along. If only he could have taken more than the memories of them with him. If only...
But there's a reason he'd been alone when he stowed away, and the grief he feels is as vast and endless as the universe laid out before him. Survival instinct runs hot in his blood, but so does guilt. Before Yumina had come in, Daryl had been staring at the wall across from him, an endless loop of it should have been me running in his head.
If she leaves, the words will return. The voices. This alone is what makes him open his mouth before she crosses the threshold, saying--
"You can stay."
Don't leave sounds too weak, even to him.
"I don't..." His brows furrow, hand lifting to ruffle the hair at the back of his head. "No offence, but I dunno if I can even finish this spread. Haven't eaten food this rich in..." Daryl doesn't finish the thought. It's beyond him, now.
"Food shouldn't be wasted, is all I'm sayin'."
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grislyintentions · 1 month
@polyodynos : Don't.
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Come now. Do I look like a people-eater to you?
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dasniichts · 3 months
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@polyodynos - starter call
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"I finished dusting around the lounge seats in the hall, though I think a certain someone forgot that animal-like hair's always going to keep being found." A beat. "Please aah--don't tell them I said that."
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astrxlfinale · 3 months
"Caelus, remember your training! The second rule of trailblazing is not caring what random people think!"
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"If that was any random person that would've been the end of that forever ago. Dealing with more of a thorn in my side than anything else." He admits without a shred of hesitation.
"And it won't see any proper conclusions unless I headbutt that matter directly. I can't go caring about people being concerned about that in the meantime either."
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trlblzd · 3 months
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@polyodynos sent : 👫and i’ll write four headcanons i have about our muse’s relationship
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001. they follow her around like a dog when they have NOTHING better to do. no, there is no distinct reason why they do what they do ( ... ) they just like knowing what yumina is doing and pestering her. besides, the company is nice. they do not do much asides from leaning on her shoulder while tapping along their phone anyway or ABSENTMINDEDLY pointing at a food stall mid-trip to get a bite to eat for the two of them.
002. they fetch her ITEMS from the trash. no, everywhere, actually. if there is something remotely interesting, chances are, they will come back to her with the item in hand & hold it up to her face UNBLINKINGLY until yumina shows a positive and negative reaction to what they deem to be her present. sometimes it can be something nice like a fragrant honey-tree branch, other times ( or in most cases, for this matter ) it is a dumb little trinket like a broken dreamcatcher from the bin that is haphazardly sanitized.
003. asks constantly for her opinion on their battle stance. they like the thought of LOOKING COOL in the battlefield as per march's suggestion & they rely on her opinion to make them appear smooth.
004. they offer to eat the food that she does not like or does not seem to be TOO interested in consuming. their stomach is much like a void and there are worst things that they have eaten - besides, chances are, they won't even FLINCH upon consumption.
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deputyrabies · 14 days
which room in the haunted house do you belong in?
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THE MUSIC ROOM. this is where the treasures of the house are kept. the fine boned piano, the lovely harp, beautiful paintings on the wall. the house knows how much you love beautiful things. the house thinks you are a beautiful thing too. how many days can you spend here, making music?
tagged by: @shilohgreen
tagging: @backwaterbrother @backwaterscum's Jack Donaghy blog when it comes eventually kek kek kek @praynot @auroradicit @polyodynos and you!
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malumae · 8 days
I want you to find peace.
" precious. is it a coincidence that it aligns with what i seek for myself ? "
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