#poly!Chiffany x reader
bisexual-horror-fan · 9 months
Do-Over-December Masterlist.
December 1st. Red Lace. Freddy Krueger. NSFW.
December 4th. Fireplace Sex. Mayor Buckman. NSFW.
December 5th. Mistletoe. Leslie Vernon. NSFW.
December 8th. Threesome. Poly!Chiffany. NSFW.
December 10th. Mirror Sex. Bo Sinclair. NSFW.
December 11th. Candy Cane. Poly!Ghostface. NSFW.
December 14th. Blindfold. NN! Freddy Krueger. NSFW.
December 16th. 69. Sam Wescott. NSFW.
December 17th. Choking. Vincent Sinclair. NSFW.
December 18th. Public Sex. Doc Halloran. NSFW.
December 19th. Ice And Handcuffs. Herbert West. NSFW.
December 20th. Role Reversal. Billy Loomis. NSFW.
December 24th. Santa And Spanking. Freddy Krueger. NSFW.
December 26th. Sugar And Knife play. Buddy Swanson. NSFW.
December 28th. Red Lipstick. Lester Sinclair. NSFW.
December 30th. Begging. Leslie Vernon. NSFW.
December 31st. New Year's Sex. Stu Macher. NSFW.
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applesontheground · 1 year
💘 house call 💉
sending birthday wishes to @bisexual-horror-fan! as always, utterly thankful for a great friendship, and how else to show it by making our barbies kiss each other? this was another hypothetical we had talked about a little after the last cross-canon piece -- how the triads would react to properly meeting each other -- and in my nature i ran to write it for the special day.
(btw, i def intend for this to be something that happens outside the events of prometheus/post the "oh my god they finally hooked up" moment that's still coming. it's a slow burn after all, so spoilers that they get together eventually, i suppose?)
also: just to avoid confusion since there are a severe lack of names in this, i use she/her for the TTHITOW reader and they/them for the YOP reader!
SFW | Word Count: 2,771 | Tiffany Valentine x Reader x Charles Lee Ray & Herbert West x Reader x Daniel Cain contains canon typical/injury, compliant with Through The Heart Is The Only Way and Your Own Prometheus
In the dead of night, a car went squealing down the road. Trying to get away from an audience of dark windows, clear and open like crystal eyes peering into where they were going – and more importantly, who they were.
“Stop lettin’ go of it, you’re just gonna bleed out!”
“I’m not. Tiff, don’t fuckin-! OW!”
Another yelp from the backseat made the tires squeal, causing a sharp turn being made and the woman behind the wheel to finally slam both her palms down in an aggravated motion. “I can’t drive straight if you two are screaming in my ear! I just can’t!” She cried, hands white knuckling as they returned to take control.
Chucky looked to the ceiling of the car cabin, rolling his eyes and disguising it as agony to keep both of his girls off his back. Tiffany swung around from the passenger seat, and she argued, “He’s the one that says we can’t go to a hospital, especially not with the sorry sap in the back.”
Being reminded of the body in the trunk, the waitress rolled her neck but finally gritted, “No, nope. Fuck it, I have somewhere better than a hospital. Somewhere far safer for all of us, sealed lips and all.”
“Sure, sure. Take us wherever is best right now, baby cakes.” Tiffany finally softened, an arm on the crook of her elbow. “Only thing I have t’ask is where it is.”
“…Across from a cemetery…one town over or so…” She mulled, then quickly insisted, “A friend of mine, they work as a document runner. Believe me, we can trust them-“
“Oh, that’s nice. Perfect, just what we needed.” Chucky grimaced in a sarcastic bite, but the waitress snapped, “For God’s sake, if I’m your accomplice you could let me fucking finish-” Tiffany gave a downright diabolical look to him, patting the waitress’ arm as she mustered the patience. “…They got a couple doctors for roommates.”
“Oh,” His hands came up in a shrug, “Fine, that’s actually better than I thought.
Let’s make a house call. Sure they’d fuckin’ love that at this time of the night.”
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Knock on the door.
From inside the house, the sole person in the kitchen looked up from the counter. First at the door an ocean’s away with the desolate living room seeming so vast; then at the clock on the mantle. Finally, a familiar voice hushing on the other side made them sprout up from their seat, discarding the question of a warrant before entering that had been forming in their mind. Even though no one else was on the main floor with them, they couldn’t help sneaking, the heavy quiet making them very aware of their own footsteps.
Opening the door, their eyes fell, a little disheveled in an expected way for this time of the night but growing in moments at the scene before them. Two women holding a man between them, one of them they recognized like the back of their hand. If there wasn’t a dark stain trailing down the man’s torso, they would’ve been quicker to say hello.
“Is everyone home?” The waitress asked, giving a pointed look from under one of his arms. The courier stammered, “I- They’re…” They looked to one woman, then the other. Finally, the man for only a brief glimpse as they answered more confidently, “They’re downstairs, but I can…Oh my god,come inside.” Forgetting formality, they held the door open.
“Downstairs, like in a basement?” Chucky clarified. Tiffany sighed, “What else could we be talking about, huh? Come on, you’re bleeding all over the porch.”
“Oh yeah, let’s go inside and bleed on the carpet-“ He snarked, his other girlfriend lingering by the door to catch a worrisome glance from the courier. Still, they smirked as she murmured, “I can explain, I promise. Thank you so much. We just couldn’t go to the hospital, you know.”
“Sure, of course.” They assured, nothing else needed to be said as they guided them in. One last look into the street, across it to the cemetery for a beat, then they closed the door behind them.
“Good timing. I had just been up and walking around when you pulled up.” The courier explained, ushering an open jar of peanut butter behind the toaster on the counter, one second upright and another crouched down, opening a drawer where you might expect them to keep the pots. Looking over one shoulder, they offered, “You can take a seat anywhere you’d like, by the way.”
“So, sweets.” Chucky rolled his eyes over to the waitress, and teased, “Do you have multiple pals that happen to be bangin’ a couple doctors, or is this who I think it is? Be honest.” The courier perked up, trying not to smirk. “She’s told you about me?”
Chucky shot a look towards the woman on his left. “All I’m saying is that you told me that you weren’t taking me to the Frankensteins. What do we mean by doctors, exactly?”
The waitress asked, “Do you want to be taken care of without the legal work or not?” and the courier lamented as they set some medical supplies on the counter, “Do we have to word it like that?” The gears continuing to turn in their head as they tore the seal on a bottle of peroxide, they then repeated in a confused tone: “Frankensteins?”
Seeing them busy quickly, even finding a pair of nitrile gloves conveniently stashed with the rest of the supplies and wasting no time to stretch them over their hands, Chucky scoffed, “Well, this whole household’s full of doctors, huh?” They met eyes with him and chirped, “Oh no, I’m a courier for the county, actually.” He gave a look of concern back down to the heavy tear – both through his sweater and doubling down into his skin – above his stomach.
They then hummed, “It’s alright. When you live with people in the business, you learn a little. Believe me, I may not be licensed but I know what I’m doing. I’ve patched up those doctors themselves a few times when they weren’t able to.”
“What, when they burn their hand on the stove or something?” Chucky scoffed, getting a small laugh from the courier. “Sure, or when they stub their toe on a doorframe.” They went along with it, shrugging casually but their smile slightly bent into a disguised grimace.
Chucky sighed, half from the load off he took on a barstool by the counter and half by the return of his humor. “Sure. Just like everyone here, you also know a thing or two about all that necromancy garbo, too. I know a sadist when I see one.”
The courier’s kind eyes grew wide. “Oh, did she tell you about that, or…?” They met eyes again, both confused now. He mumbled out, “…No? No, I was- I was joking, buddy.”
Before they could rewind their terrified expression, a door opening down the hall towards the right side of the house made their head snap towards it. They dropped the gauze from their hands into Tiffany’s lap. She merely watched in shock as the poor thing nearly lost balance shooting around the counter.
“The boys must be in.” Tiffany mused, one hand resuming the work they had been doing but still giving a curious glance towards the doorway where they had slipped out of sight.
Hushed conversation. The courier begging with a quiet, “please” was all they caught before they slipped back around the doorway and cleared their throat so all three people in the kitchen looked over. There were emerging figures from the hall, still shrouded in the deep dark of the corridor but still clear enough to see that one was taller, lankier while the other had a pair of metallic-framed glasses.
“These are friends of mine. They ran into some trouble and just needed the help.” The courier explained, “Friends, these are my partners.” The two men finally followed as they walked back in, the light showing their faces far better. The taller one was quick to react, giving a confused nod before his eyes settled on the blood seeping across the counter, finding the source and immediately softening in stature at the sight, concern making him antsy in how he stood behind the other two. His counterpart was far less disposed to it, still giving a close look to the courier, a raise of the eyebrows when they locked stares in a silent ask of ‘All this, and you brought them inside?’
“Oh, that one’s definitely a freak.” Chucky cringed under his breath, both of his girlfriends slapping hands over their own mouths and then his with the free ones. The courier disregarded it, ignoring the offense from one man by saying his name. “Herbert, Dan. This is a friend I meet up with every Thursday after late runs, and … her partners. Chucky and Tiffany?” Looking in a silent question to the other two just to be safe, both silently greeted in affirmation.
“Sorry about the blood, you guys. I know tricks on how to get it out of linoleum if you need.” Tiffany mentioned to them as both men tried to find their place in the scene unfolding. Dan quickly responded, shaking his head hurriedly and trying to crack an edgeless smile for her, “Oh, we got cleanup down well. I, uh- “ He gestured to the courier, “They get nosebleeds a lot, actually. Don’t you, honey?” Briefly pecking each other on the lips, the courier put a hand to Dan’s lower back and commented, “Yeah, about that. They know we do more than nosebleeds around here.”
“They what?” Herbert turned from the counter, paused in his movement to find some gauze. He even held it close to one shoulder, like he was about to abstain from the entire ordeal, but Dan quickly snatched it from him. Knowing there were more pressing matters, he came around the counter and asked Chucky, “How did you manage something so bloody? At this time of night, too?”
“Believe me, it’s better you don’t ask. What’s important is making sure I don’t die around your boyfriend over there.” Chucky grimaced, earning a suppressed glance from the man.
Herbert snorted at that, the courier cringing to themselves as Dan assured him, “Come on, you’re not doing that. You haven’t lost enough blood to die, I promise.” The courier then added kindly, “You’d need a lot more than that, actually.”
“I’m sure stranger things have happened,” Herbert warned, making Dan finally frown over at him as the courier hissed, “Enough.”
Chucky groaned, “For Christ’s sake, I think I know where this caravan is going. We all kill people, or at least know about the whole murder ordeal, so let’s stop being a bunch of pusses while we have this small talk, huh?”
“Kill people?” Dan echoed, half terrified of the mere mention but trying to disguise it as confusion.
“Oh, murder?” The word stained Herbert’s tongue, like a bad burn, “Is that what you call it?”
The courier scoffed at him, “I didn’t give them that word.” Giving a pointed look back, like they were growing exasperated from the assumptions, they silently resolved the issue and looked back to the others.
“Huh, we seem to know a little more ‘bout each other than I thought. Have you been yapping, too?” Tiffany then asked the waitress, crossing her arms to make the other woman huff, “Not…not anything specific about what you and Chuck do for a living, if that’s what you mean.”
“Well, we can understand now, can’t we?” Herbert piped up again, the courier handing him a pair of gloves as he now joined the small circle forming in the center of the room, “We don’t need to be so discrete: If you must know, I met Daniel in a morgue and the other one sneaking around two nights after they had moved in.” Even though it was a bit rude, the courier seemed tickled by the use of the other one, and when Tiffany noticed with a narrow of her eyes they whispered, “Long story.”
The right man for the job, Dan closed in as the one in charge of patching Chucky up. Herbert watched in a thinly veiled , but was soon distracted by the courier, who mosied over and took his fiddling hands. He gave them a tough look, but it was ignored in favor of peppering a soft kiss to one knuckle, whispering something that made him roll his eyes but finally release the tension in his hands and let them rest on his sides.
He fell far more content with watching, their chin on his shoulder as they mouthed, “God, he’s handsome, isn’t he?” Herbert didn’t respond, but a contemplative glance back over at Dan was all the courier needed to smile a little. They met eyes with the waitress, and they couldn’t help but feel some sort of strangely placed perfection in how they acted with the two misfits that had emerged from the depths of this strange little house in the middle of some desolate valley of silence and almost crypt-like complacency.
The waitress then turned her attention back to her own two. Tiffany had been idly speaking with Dan, but as soon as the awful gash in Chucky’s side was no longer visible under a healthy layer of gauze she was looking at him.
Dan finally gave them space, nodding one last time before walking over to the sink to wash his hands, meeting the other two there. Putting a hand on his shoulder, the waitress grinned as they shared a kiss themselves as Tiffany huffed, “Very nice work, Dan. My man’s almost good as new. If only you could fix that clunky chip on his shoulder.” Chucky made a face, and muttered, “Keep talking like that, and I’m running away with this one.” The waitress giggled, slapping him on the shoulder playfully as he pulled her into the two of them, giving her a kiss as well. A dim thought fell over her, and her smile faded as she murmured, “Well, now we just need to scrap the body that’s still in the car.”
There was a plastic clatter on the counter over by the sink, the triad looking at them while Dan slowly turned off the water. “You guys brought the body?” The courier gasped, and Chucky shrugged, “What, were we supposed to leave it out in the open with our fingerprints all over it?”
Tiffany then pointed out, “Well, we’re by a cemetery, we can just find a hole in the ground and take care of it.” She looked at Dan, who was shooting a gaze to the living room with the window pointing towards the graveyard. “You guys know a good spot for that, I suppose?”
“Body disposal?” Dan murmured, letting one of his dry hands slip around the courier’s hip, having them fit snug against him. Chucky jutted his chin towards him. “What, are any of you gonna say something?”
Tiffany then sighed, “Whether it’s burying the guy, dissolvin’ him in a bathtub like you see in those over-the-top crime shows…I dunno, we just need it gone one way or another, so we all don’t go to jail.” The courier gave a careful look to the hem of their shirt, streaked a bit with blood that had been lingering on someone’s hand while they had brushed past them.
Finally, Dan offered, “Well…we can help with that, too. I-If you want, I mean- we know how difficult…” Listening to him stumble, the courier’s arm came up to press their fingers into his back in mute support, “It can be to get rid of evid- Bodies, all of that stuff.” He finally swallowed his last thoughts, looking down at the tile floor with an almost ill look on his face.
Herbert stopped rubbing the smudges from his glasses, placing them back on his face. When he got another uncertain glance from the waitress, he then mused more to his partners than them with an amused tone.
“Yes, I think that can be arranged.”
Tiffany beamed, “Great, so it’s a double date?”
The courier looked over at the waitress, and instead of anxiety, confusion, worry… There was a glimmer of mischief on the way they pursed their lips. It was more to hide a smirk than to express discomfort, and the waitress had to put a hand over their mouth to hide the matching smile.
It was dangerous; they had a match made in Hell and they weren’t sorry about it.
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18+ ONLY!
I will not write —
incest, anything that makes me uncomfortable ( I have the right to deny a request if I don't want to write it ) , abuse ( if it's mentioned for their past, that's fine but I will not allow for canon characters to abuse reader or oc ), cheating, self-harm, character x character, changing someone’s sexuality ( if a character is gay, please don't request a female reader as a love interest for a gay guy ), if I think of anything else I’ll add it since I can't think of anything else at the moment. though I'm only writing for characters I feel like writing for, so if they're not listed, please don't ask. If I feel like it in the future I'll add them but for now, it's my choice who I want to write for.
I will write —
poly character x reader/oc x character, nsfw, fluff, angst, fics, headcanons, one shots, plus-sized reader/oc, poc reader/oc, female reader/oc, gender neutral reader/oc and more!
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carnoshin · 5 years
If requests are open can I ask about how billy & Stu (poly plz / anyone else you wanted) would react to their s/o finding out they were pregnant?
I think I’m gonna do… All the poly ships I write for. For this ask. Yeah.
Billy+Stu (Ghostface)
The boys are both pretty young. I write for them as if they’re college age, but. That’s still pretty young. This is also assuming that you weren’t trying for a kid.
They both just go dead quiet as soon as you say something. If you don’t say anything Stu might be like “Wait, with who’s kid?” and Billy will shove at his chest roughly—it doesn’t really matter either way, after all.
It’ll take some prodding on your end before they say anything: they aren’t sure the exact reason why you’re telling them. Is it you asking them what to do? Is it you saying you’re keeping the baby? Are you just letting them know?
They’re going to be pretty hesitant about the idea of being fathers. Even Stu, who is terribly loving, probably just. Isn’t prepared for fatherhood yet.
Neither of the boys are terribly close with their fathers, so they wouldn’t even know where to begin and something close to despair kind of sets in.
If you choose to keep the baby, they suppose they can’t stop you in any way that wouldn’t make them feel like shit (ie they don’t want to kill you).
It’s unclear for a while whether or not they’ll actually support the kid (financially and emotionally), but they’d probably get pretty used to the idea the further along the pregnancy gets.
Chucky and Tiffany
So there’s a lot to go over here.
Absolutely, you must have been trying for a baby. Because. Chucky is a doll and IDK about y’all, but the idea of getting with doll Chucky squicks me out like whoa. Or maybe you got an egg transplant from Tiff—either way, it was on purpose.
Tiff is definitely excited about it. She calls up Glen and Glenda to tell them that they’re going to have a baby brother or sister or “maybe just a baby sibling—I dunno, why not? It’s 2019.” The twins both have some concerns.
(Glenda probably doesn’t like you and Glen, at the very least, cares about your safety—more realistically, he probably sees you as his third parent and likes you better than he likes his father.)
Chucky is just like. “Whatever, yeah. I’m happy I don’t have to go to town with the baster anymore; it stops being hot after the clean up.” Bastard man is a bastard, what can I say?
The closest Chucky gets to showing genuine care is telling Glenda to stop making jokes about killing you before you have the baby. He loves his daughter, but she’s goddamned insane—he is slightly worried about her actually doing something, which sometimes keeps him up at night. It’s hard to raise a murderer.
Glen starts hanging out at home more, as opposed to living in the dorms at his school. He wants to bond with you, as his parent, and he is very clearly excited about the idea of being a big brother. Also, he is pretty worried about Glenda—she’s just joking, as far as he knows, but it still spooks him.
(Note: If you don’t like Glen and Glenda, you have chosen the wrong blog. And the wrong couple, for that matter.)
Herbert and Dan
They’re also very like. “Huh? What was that?” They both assume Dan is the father, despite knowing there’s a lot of deniable plausibility there.
Dan is pretty happy about it: he’s a real sucker for domesticity and having a kid is certainly in that realm. Herbert, meanwhile, feels pretty removed from the whole thing: again, both of the men assume Dan is the father.
Herbert is more likely to ask what you plan to do than Dan is, even after Dan is practically jumping up and down like “I’m gonna be a father!” Dan gets offended by this, without a doubt. If you were just telling the guys to let them know before terminating the pregnancy though, Herbert is a total godsend.
Dan already has some money put aside to buy a house and have a proper wedding and whatnot, because even though he does love Herbert… Well, he never really planned on spending his whole life with Herbert? Honestly, this whole thing is kind of off-putting about what it’ll do to you three’s relationship. Mainly because Dan kind of wants to leave Herbert to pursue a “normal lifestyle.”
If Dan mentions out loud that he’s leaving or you tell Herbert your concern, he will only then consider the possibility of the child being his and will insist that there will be a paternity test—after the child is born, of course: there’s a lot of risks associated with paternity tests before delivery.
Herbert just assumed the baby would be “upstairs,” as he’s come to refer to the semi-normal life he leads outside of the morgue/lab. Thus he assumed that Dan would just stick around.
After the baby is born, Herbert is surprisingly better than Dan at caring for the baby. Like, it takes Dan a good while to learn how to care for the kid, but Herbert has it down before you leave the hospital.
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theamateurblogger · 5 years
au bride of chucky poly chucky x reader x tiff where they're both dolls and their s/o teases them and stuff like that scenario? just some cute hotheaded fluff ☺
*I’ve come to the realization that everyone fucking loooves Poly Chiffany lmao
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You’d probably put their stuff on shelves evvver so slighty too high for them to reach
And you’d be hiding behind a wall, watching and trying not to laugh too loudly
The biggest shit eating grin on your face
Even better if it’s Chucky’s knife or Tiff’s pack of cigarettes
They just get so angry
And you love it 
Tiff will just growl at you to grab the damn thing
But Chucky is a stubborn little doll, so as to make a point, he will climb his way up and get what he needs
You make sure to tell him how intimidating he looks with his little legs kicking off the counter
There was one night where you reallly needed to finish a project you were working on and it was already 2am but Chucky, the sweet boy that he is, complains about how hungry he is 
So, you get up and walk to the kitchen. 
When you return, you have an infant’s bottle filled with warm milk 
You still have scars on the backs of your legs from Chucky chasing you down the hallway with a knife for that one
when they need new clothes to wear around your house?
It’s only obvious that you’d go to the children’s section of a store
You can’t contain the laughter once you get to see them both in the matching onesies you chose for them 
Every time you wear a dress or you get out of the shower with a towel wrapped around you, they just sliiide right underneath you like the little shits they are
There’s constantly chairs and stools left all over the house 
They love it when you stub your toe on the one left haphazardly in your hallway at 1am
You have to drive everywhere, obviously 
And evvvery time you can expect to have Tiff and Chucky argue over who gets to sit up front and control the music
So you buy them children’s car seats and put them in the back, as they grumble 
and you definitely have to threaten to “turn this car around” if they don’t shut the fuck up back there
When they get themselves out of the childlocked seats, you just give them a break check and watch their little bodies fling across the car
All in all, you certainly find humor in their misfortune 
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bisexual-horror-fan · 4 months
For Multi-May: Chucky!Nica x Tiffany x Reader 👀
Okay! I am very here for this! Writing Chucky!Nica is always fun! Love doing a good threesome, hope you are okay with some strap-on sex! I used mostly he pronouns for Chucky!Nica because he is still all about being himself while in Nica's body, you know what I mean? Hope this satisfies! Multi-May continues on!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 1.1K. Chucky!Nica X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Threesome. Handcuffs. Strap-On Sex. Taunting. Teasing. Dirty Talk. Nipple Play. Orgasm Delay.
Like That?
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Chucky missed a lot of things about his old body, the strength and capability it had. Not like there wasn’t things to like about this one, he wasn’t going to knock having tits, and he wasn’t saying that it didn’t have its own advantages in some ways, but it just wasn’t the same in some respects, he could mourn the loss, or he could bridge the gap.
Technology is a wonderful thing to help do just that, thanks to all the advancements in sex toys, it didn’t matter as much that Chuck didn’t have a dick like he used to, when he can just buy (or steal, usually steal) a series of impressive strap-ons. Some were built purely for size meant to nearly tare you open, some had tubes in them to release lube that looks like cum, able to paint someone with ropes of the stuff or fill a ready and willing hole, making it so he was really play pretend, but Chucky had his favourite. The one he loved best was strapless, held inside with one end, curved to press that spot inside just so, the toy itself is long, curved, a little ribbed, had a spot to rub externally on and the whole thing vibrated not just his cunt inside and out but also treated whoever he was fucking to some of the same. 
And being treated you were, you’d been picked up by the duo out at a bar, the offer of a good time much too wonderful to pass up and here you were, I mean the two of them were gorgeous together and being pressed between two beautiful women there is no better way to spend an evening in your mind.
Tiffany was laying on her side on the large king-sized hotel bed, she had a drink in one hand and a remote in the other, her thumb toying with the control, a smile playing on her lips, as she asked, “How’s that feel?” 
The vibration of the toy currently buried in your cunt increased as did your pleasure, your back arches with a sound bordering on the pathetic, tugging on the handcuffs on your wrists, the chain of which was looped on part of the headboard over your head. Chucky laughed amused through Nica’s body, hips slamming forward more forcefully, burying the firm silicone into you over and over, every time his body met yours he was able to grind his clit on the small vibrating pad, a bright burst of pleasure whenever he was fully inside. The pleasure doesn’t even recede on pulling out, instead it pushes more strongly on his G-spot on moving back, it feels fucking incredible, almost like he really has that part of himself back. It isn’t quite the same as the real thing but fuck, it does feel amazing. 
“Guh-good, feels so fuck-ing good-” You moan, a shuddering exhale, eyes half lidded, chest heaving. 
“Yeah? Looks like it feels good.” She responds, grin widening, and she bumps up the vibration another notch, and you moan louder. 
It did, so good in fact you were getting close, your eyes start to drift shut, brow creased as you focused on the rising pleasure, teeth tugged on by your bottom lip, a hard inhale through your nose as you attempt to hold on. A small adjustment is made and the change in angle presses just right inside causing a jolt of sensation is so strong it makes you gasp out, “Oh my Goddd, just like that-”
A raise of eyebrows is followed by the slowing of hips and a taunting question, “Oh?” A grind into that new spot that makes you nearly sob, “Like that?”
The view is incredible, Nica just having on thigh high stockings and a bra, the cups pulled down to expose and push up her breasts, hands resting on your waist, sweat trailing down her temple, face flush and lips parted, eyes mischievous. You nod frantically, “Mmmff-yes!”
“Gettin’ close?” The question makes another wash of heat soak into your skin, and he slows further, you whine, “Yeahhh, I was, c’mon, speed up-” 
You start to move your hips, too impatient to wait for compliance, desperate to get off already and they both laugh again, “Awe, can’t wait?”
Fully stopping you want to cry, “Nooo, fuck, please-” and Chuck clicks his tongue sympathetically, “No, no, you want it, take it! Show us how bad you wanna cum-”
Tiffany agrees, “Yeah show us.” She moves closer, reaching out, fingers tracing the curve of your breast before gripping onto one of your nipples, a squeeze, a gentle twist, the sting of pain pushes you forward. Your hips start moving again, you try to replicate the angle and pace the same way, it’s hard with how your arms are positioned above your head, your fists clench, nails bite into your palms as you fuck down onto the strap. 
You watch helplessly as Tiffany leans in and the pair starts to kiss right in front of you, a whimper spills out, you want that, it’d help to be able to kiss either of them, would make you cum faster, harder. Your movements become needier and more erratic, little sounds leave you on every need fuelled move until they break the kiss, watching, leaning against each other. “Fuck that’s good-”
Finally, they start to help, Tiffany’s hand is on your hip pulling you, helping guide you as her other hand continues to tease your nipple, she continues to ease the work you were doing, and he starts to thrust again, meeting you in the middle, “Keep it up, and you’ll make me cum too.”
You moaned, head tipping back, you wanted that, desperately wanted to make that happen. “There you go, night is far from over, put in the work.” Tiffany teases lightly.
All your effort is working, you were close again, your thighs burned, hips hurt, but you didn’t fucking care, you were almost there. “Oh yes, I can see it, so, so fucking close-”
Her words make you moan, nodding frantically, and Chucky with this almost sadistic grin plastered on Nica’s face, voice is condescending as he tells you, “Give it to us.” 
That is what sets you off, makes the thread snap and all the tension come unravelling, body trembling as the pleasure overtakes, a broken sob that could be read as a mix of their names if you squint hard enough. Thank fucking God they took over because you could not keep moving, body going totally boneless, a beautiful fucking rag doll they were having endless fun playing with and still so much to do.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 9 months
Do-Over-December 8th. Threesome. "Share And Share Alike." Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X AFAB! Reader.
SO! I know this is two days late but fuck it, I had some IRL shit going on pertaining to my current shitty job not giving a single fuck about my personal safety, so shit got nuts. On we go with Kinky December 's do over. Anyway, so this is the first thing I wrote with both Chuck and Tiff a while before I even started Through The Heart Is The Only Way, it was fun coming back to it and fixing it up! I hope you all enjoy it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3.4K (Old Length.3.1K) Warnings: Public Sex. Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Blood. Violence. Murder. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnilingus. Dirty Talk. Teasing. Rough Oral Sex. Blow Job. Vaginal Sex. Strap-On Sex. Sex Toys. Threesome. Smoking. Chucky Is A Bastard, Tiff Is An Angel, What Else Is New? 
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How the three of you met was quite unusual. It was most assuredly not a traditional meet-cute that lead you to getting to know them.
You were working late one night which was strange enough as it was, you normally are not one to do the closing shift, it was a long and hard day, retail work was so damn tedious and tiring. You were almost out of here though, about to pack up and leave, the mall you worked at was almost totally empty by this point, the cleaning tonight ran long after your hectic day. Cleaning like this was not even a usual task, but the dedicated cleaner called out sick, so you had to step up. You were just returning something to the back and grabbing your shit, you would be out of here. No one else was around, or so you thought. 
You were walking across the tiled floor, the back of the house finally in sight, and you started to lose your footing, something wet underneath your shoes making you slip, your arms flying out, steadying yourself quickly, you managed to avoid falling, a close call.  You breathed a sigh of relief at your near miss and looked down to see-
Your mouth feels dry, your brows furrow, and you are shocked. It was unmistakable. Thick and syrupy and deep red, near black, the smell of iron hits as you looked around and could hear something, you weren’t actually as alone as you initially thought. You swallowed thickly, and your eyes flicked to the door nearby. 
You could leave. 
Just run and go home and forget you ever saw this-
Eyes back down and you cursed under your breath. Your shoes were in the blood, you’d track footprints, how would you explain yourself? A deep breath as you thought for a moment. 
And then you decided to say fuck it and see if you could find the source. Not the smartest of ideas, but you didn’t have many options. The phone was in the backroom, you couldn’t call for help, and you’d try to be quiet. You proceeded forward carefully and quietly until you found just what you were looking for-but not what you expected to see at all.
There was a body, the source of the blood, yes, but there was something that was much more eye-catching in this aisle. Seems whoever did this wasn’t alone. Now, on an average day? You laying your eyes on this couple would have made you stare but catching them like this? You stopped dead and couldn’t move, transfixed by this couple a few feet away, thus far unaware of your presence. 
They were both a little bloody and, as it seems, currently having what looks to be very passionate and intense sex against the shelves in this aisle, mere feet away from this poor victim. 
The woman of the couple was fucking gorgeous, blond hair and dark lipstick and killer make up, dark clothes with a gothic kind of vibe with undeniable style, skirt hiked up and a heel on one of the lower shelves. She had her hands on the man, one fisted in his long red hair and the other gripping the back of his jacket, fuck, even her manicure looked perfect. And while she was something to marvel at, you were still drawn to the man currently drawing those sounds from her, hushed, but you could still hear them in the deathly quiet store. 
One hand under her thigh, holding her leg up, the other one of the shelves near her head, what you figured was the murder weapon, a bloody knife still clenched in his fist as he fucked into her. He was still mostly dressed, pants barely pulled down enough to get inside of her, his jacket still on, obviously both needing each other right then, and you were unbelievably into the sight of them together. 
Her head lolled back, the most delicious sounding moan crossing her lips as her head now rested against one of the shelves and her eyes that were previously closed open, and she caught sight of you. You should have hid a little better. The two of you made eye contact, and you contemplated running, she tugged on the sleeve of his jacket and said, “Chucky-we aren’t alone.”
Fucking God above, her voice.
The man, Chucky apparently, stilled and looked over his shoulder at you, he seemed none too pleased about being interrupted like this if that intense look was anything to go by, could you recall a time you saw eyes more blue than his? Okay, shit, what was wrong with you right now? He looked about ready to pounce and kill you for disturbing this and for catching them post murder and mid-fuck, and you were over here thinking about how fucking good they both looked. 
“Seems like we ain’t.” his voice too, yeah, you were in deep trouble.
You were frozen in place still, your mind was racing however, you noticed he clenched that knife tighter, and that beautiful blonde woman looked almost excited and urged him on, “Do it.”
You knew it was do-or-die time, you said quickly, before he could make a move,“I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone!”
A scoff and stifled laughter, your heart is hammering as he rolled his eyes, and she covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed, he spoke first, “Oh never heard that one before right, Tiff?”
That wasn’t a good sign. They were both using their names in front of you, uncensored, obviously unconcerned about you identifying them, their intention to kill you is crystal clear. 
“Oh yeah, never, ever heard that one. Real original.” He said is so sarcastically as her laughter was dying off. You need to implore them, appeal to their humanity if you have any hope of getting out of this. Yet to this day you still weren’t 100% sure where this next part came from, but you said,“I can help cover this up! I’ll help, so if I talk I’ll be in just as much trouble.”
You said it with such conviction. They shared a look, confused, clearly. She spoke first, this time looking back over to you, “Now that’s one I haven’t heard before.”
“Yeah. Now, why would you want to do somethin’ like that?”
It took a lot of guts to be honest, you weren’t sure what was making you feel so bold, you so weren’t normally like this. I mean, who does this? Stumbling upon a couple who just killed someone and instead of any normal reaction, fear or just anything, you were turned on. 
Fuck it. You might die tonight, why not lay it all out there? You had nothing to lose.
“Because I…I want in on this-” You gestured vaguely and cleared your throat, “You know?”
It took a moment for the realization to hit, but yeah, they both knew. He smirked and said, “No, I don’t think I know. Why don’t you tell us?”
They made you spell it out. 
It’s hard, but you do as they wanted, you tell them in a rush, “This, I want to be with you…Both of you, I-I want it so badly that I’ll help you cover this up, just let me prove myself, prove I’m worth your time and the trouble.”
Oh, they liked you.
Just from that they liked you, but when they had you between them, cemented it. The way you gasped when Tiffany fingered you and the way you trembled and moaned when Chucky had you bent over and gripping one of the shelves still standing in the pool of blood they had spilled was something special. You were hot and fun, and took direction well too. 
Disposing a body with three was also easier than when it’s just them. They kept seeing you, and you just kinda slipped into it, they were already together, and you ended up becoming their third. 
They filled you in on what happened that night after the fact, some asshole that they had almost taken out, but he managed to run off, he took off into the backdoor of your store, and they had caught him and killed him right there. You realized your co-worker had left the backdoor open earlier when they took the garbage out which gave the two their way in, you normally scolded said co-worker for such carelessness, but now you were thankful they fucked up that night, or you might have never met them. 
So that was how you met. 
You had been seeing them for months now, you had essentially moved in. Holidays fast approaching, they had been out earlier doing some shopping, you had been as well, fussing trying to figure out what would be the best to get for them but coming up empty thus far. You had got home before them, had started making dinner when they both came in, you heard bags dropped near the door. You had come out of the kitchen to greet them and noticed the pair of them are a little dishevelled, if it was someone else, someone who was not you, who wasn’t used to looking for those signs they might have missed it. 
But not you.
You noticed the smudged flecks of blood and the tension, the overall energy, it was always like this when they came home after another kill. It reminded you of how you met. And the other nights they came home after that kind of thing, it made you squirm.
“Hey sweet thing.”
You loved how she said that when Tiffany greeted you walked over to you first, heels clicking on hardwood and her hands on your face, her gloves felt soft and cold as she kissed you. Your hands reaching out and gripped her coat as you tilted up more into the kiss, fuck, it felt good. She pulled away, hands still on your face, and you were looking into her eyes and she asked, “How was your day?”
“Good.” You responded with a soft smile before asking,“Yours?”
“Wonderful. Better to be home.” She was always so sweet to you, so caring, your gaze broke away, and you saw Chucky there taking his scarf and jacket off and hanging them up. From the body language you could tell just where this was going, you looked back to Tiffany, and she said, “Go to the bedroom, we’ll be in a minute. Okay?”
You didn’t need to be told twice. A quick nod and her hands left you as you scurried off to the bedroom. 
Sitting on the bed, waiting like this. It always got to you. It was always intense when they came home after a kill. You didn’t like knowing all the details, but you couldn’t help being curious about it, if you asked they would tell you, but you didn’t always ask. 
Curiosity got the better of you tonight. 
Soon you were pressed between the two of them, not in a dissimilar fashion to how you were that first night and so many others afterwards. Tiffany was behind you, leaning against the headboard, her fingertips tracing lightly over exposed skin, and you had your back to her chest as your pants were being pulled off by Chucky. You could go on and on about Tiffany’s beauty, but there was something about him that couldn’t be ignored either. Something about the look in his eyes or how he spoke to you, his hair, maybe it was all of it that made him so attractive to you? A deep breath from you before you asked quietly, “How’d it go this time?”
You knew they hadn’t planned on doing anything like that when they went out today, but sometimes things just happened, it was supposed to just be shopping, not slashing more than just prices. They loved to tell you, Chucky in particular liked it, he liked it best when you asked during these times, clothes being stripped away as they touched you. He liked how much you squirmed, almost ashamed by how much you wanted to hear about it while they did this. 
Holiday shopping could always get crazy, some asshole pissed Chuck off, not like that was hard to do, and it was easy enough to get him into an alley and of course he had his knife on him and that was that. You had been stripped by this point, re-positioned, on your knees, Tiffany still leaning into your back, whispering in your ear as her hand was between your legs, touching you softly, fingers stroking through your folds, “Always get so wet when we tell you about it.”
“Mmm they must really like it.” Chucky mused.
They both liked to tease you about how into this you were and that always made it worse, made you want to hide your face and your head dipped down and Chucky didn’t like that. Grabbed by your hair, head forced back up making you look at him in the eyes and he asked, “Do you like it?”
Tiffany stopped touching you causing you to whine, she kissed your temple and she said low, “C’mon, if you want more, you gotta answer him.”
You squirmed and Tiffany slipped her other hand around to palm one of your breasts as encouragement, you forced it out, saying, “Yes I-I like it.”
That was what he wanted to hear, it made him smirk, so smug and self-satisfied, he kept gripping your hair as he pulled you down, you had one hand around him, had been stroking him while they had told you about it, and now he wanted more. You wanted to give and give as much as they gave to you, your mouth opening and tongue running over the head of his cock as you kept looking up at him, and Tiffany resumed touching you. Once you slipped his head past your lips he sucked a harsh inhale through his teeth and as Tiffany’s skilled fingers circled your clit you moaned against him and fuck, it all just felt right. 
Being shared by them was fucking amazing. You loved the dynamic of it all. Particularly for moments like this. 
You had been going at your own pace but good ol’ Chuck had gotten tired of that, pulling you towards him with his hand still on your head and his hips thrusting forward into your mouth, being rough and taking his pleasure how he wanted it from you, Tiffany touching you and being so sweet and soft, encouraging. “You take it so well, sweetheart, look at you.”
One hand stroking down your back gently as she had two fingers fucking in and out of you, one particularly hard thrust into your mouth made you gag a little and that made Tiff click her tongue disapprovingly and speak up, “Why are you always so rough with them?”
A laugh from him, another thrust, harder, another gag from you and he responded, “What? They like it! Don’tcha?”
A hard pull on your hair, another thrust that made your eyes roll back, and you clenched down on Tiffany’s fingers with a nod. You did love it, adored the dichotomy of the two of them being with you at once, “See?”
The look on his face, once again, smug as hell, a shit eating grin, he knew the effect he could have on you, how much him being so hard on you while Tiffany showed you such softness and affection, got to you. He could feel it in every look and action, every single touch and movement.
You swear you could feel Tiffany roll her eyes behind you, her thumb rubbed over your clit as her fingers curled inside of you, making you whine all over again as she said, “Asshole.”
You weren’t sure why, but you loved how they talked to each other, the light kind of teasing they did, banter and name-calling, sometimes a little too harsh, yet you could tell the undeniable love under the surface. 
Such a mess by this point, drool running down your chin from the throat fucking, hair messier from how Chucky had been holding it, deep purple lipstick marks left over your skin from Tiffany kissing you. There was mess on your thighs, shaking, already very needy.
“She ready?”
You were. She asked, “Mmm you want it sweetie?” You nodded once, mouth still stuffed full of cock, and that is how you ended up now. 
This right here was one of your favourites. On your hands and knees, getting fucked, strong hands on your hips, pulling you back onto him as your face was buried between your girlfriend’s thighs. Tiffany loved how hard you tried, it was difficult to maintain a good rhythm when you were being split open on his cock like this, but you were getting better and better at it. How you moaned against her dripping pussy was hot as Hell for her, not to mention how fun it was to watch you struggle to continue to please her, your tongue slipping up through her folds and over her twitching clit.
I mean, it was easy to see why you loved it so much, she tasted amazing and every sigh and moan you could pull from her sounded nothing short of divine. Tiffany was insanely talented with her own mouth and fingers, you only hoped you could give back half of what she did to you.
It was impossible to get over how lucky you felt, how spoiled you were, you had every single thing you could ever want. You were truly endlessly grateful. 
“Look so fuckin’ good.” Of course Chucky wasn’t going to complain about the view, his two favourite people in his life, spread in front of them, buried to the hilt in you as your hands were on Tiffany’s outer thighs as you shivered and moaned and ate her out. 
“Mmmf the best.” Tiffany confirmed, her praise meant the world to you, looking up to her, tongue running over her clit again with another moan, and it was so arousing to you that you clenched down again drawing a moan from the man behind you. 
It always seemed to work out like that, it was easy for the three of you, all feeding off of each other, it often happened, someone doing something to someone else and the reaction it pulled adding to it, making it hotter, made it feel better. And so it went. 
It usually played out like this, Chucky would love to have you first, make you a mess, almost forcing you to cum for him, pulling you over that edge like it was some kind of race. You would be left sore and well stretched, he was rough as always, and after he had cum inside you, he would watch as Tiffany had you. He would relax totally amused, cigarette in hand as Tiffany would play with you, much softer and sweeter, she wouldn’t be rough as you helped prep the strap-on, not like it needed much when your pussy was stuffed with cum. 
“Such a good mouth.” She praised, and she would gently pull you away, your mouth sliding off of the strap-on with a wet and audible pop, and she would lie you down and kiss you so sweetly as she lined up and filled you. 
Your thighs on either side of her hips as she was on top of you, and she would make you cum too of course, the build slow and gentle and damn intense in a different kind of way, and she’d be praising you all along the way.
Or it would be that way until Chucky had enough of just watching and got his hands into the toy box. Having her fuck you while he would use a vibrator on you was nearly too much to handle and they both knew it, the way you would squirm and twitch was too good to pass up, and the way it would make Tiffany lose control just a little bit and get a tad rougher was more than welcome. 
You knew the dinner preparations you had started earlier would be no good, there was no way they were close to done with you. You could always order in later, you supposed. 
It was truly a blessing and a curse having two partners, it usually meant no rest for you, one could take it easy until the other was ready for more, not to mention when they were both using you at once. 
Both of them had such presence and had such strong personalities, they seemed to fight often but again when it came to you? 
Sharing came easy.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 5 months
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Eleven. "Trying To Get Settled."
I know a bit late today but here is today's addition to Multi-May! The long awaited update to Through The Heart Is The Only Way! Sorry for the eight fucking month long hiatus, but we are back! Hopefully updates will be more frequent from here on out! Series Masterlist is here. Hope you all enjoy this and find it worth the wait! Also partly inspired by me going to my first gay club last summer.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4K. Charles Lee Ray/Tiffany Ray Valentine/FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Stressed And Anxious Reader. Drinking. Softness. Making Out. Fingering. Implied Threesome.
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The rest of the shift goes by in a blur. Rachel stays behind after close, you and your coworkers sit, huddled around a table, all the other ones already wiped down, chairs upside down on top of them, hushed tones as you try to comfort her. Logan makes drinks, the lights are low as you all talk it over, trying to make her feel better. By night's end she looks less shaken, you and Jackson walk to the train station, hand in hand. 
You hold his hand very tightly, fingers interlaced, you wonder if your grip makes his knuckles ache. You walk with him and the air feels a bit tense. Jackson and you talk about anything and just about everything, filling the spaces with whatever else mundane shit that you can. When finally on the train platform, a moment of silence has overtaken. You are the one to break it. You ask quietly into the cold, breath fogging in front of your face, “Why am I so scared right now?”
Jackson’s head turns, so does yours, he looks down as you look up and concern has painted his features, his mouth opens and then closes. He seriously considers what to say before responding, “Because it’s normal. It’s really normal to be scared by this kinda thing, Rach was…She was freaking out, and we care about her, so we are freaked out too.”
You know it’s more than that, you are sure Jackson knows it is more than that, too. You remember a conversation you had with him over a year ago where he confessed to you his own story similar to the one you had about Trent.
It was winter back then too, it was cold, you and he were having a drink post work, crowded around a table, hoping the snow died down a bit before leaving as he filled you in. Jackson told you about some guy who came onto him and then, asshole that he was, got violent with him after, making claims that he “wasn’t really like that” and blaming it all on him, that Jackson was asking for it on and on. You held his hand and listened intently over half drunk cocktails and didn’t judge him, handing over a napkin for him to wipe his eyes. 
It was totally unfair bullshit. 
What happened with Rachel is another fucking reminder that this job is a touch more dangerous than you’d like. It reminds you that there are total fucking jerks at every turn, whether it be customers who treat you like shit and less than human, or even some of the good ones could be at the mercy of similarly terrible treatment. You love your job most of the time, but it is exhausting on nights like this.
You rest your head on Jackson’s shoulder, and he says as he leans his head on yours, “She is going to be okay. I am going to be okay, and so are you.” 
Your mind wanders to them, thoughts flood your brain of your newly minted boyfriend and girlfriend. You worry. What if something were to happen to them? What would you do? Your heart is beating out of your chest and your palms are sweaty, you are thankful for the gloves you wore, that Jackson couldn’t feel how slick your hands were and feel in turn your massive anxiety. Christ you are being crazy you just started dating them, you need to reel in your emotions right now, this is an outlier of a situation, this is fine, you are fine. You shake off the bad thoughts and look back up at him, a quick glance as you make the decision to try and believe him, you say, “Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks.”
Jackson smiles. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
You stand in heavy silence once more, both your eyes and his staring forward until the train comes. When it does arrive you part from Jackson reluctantly, waves and promises to see each other the next day at work again. The ride feels too long, when you come to your stop you race home and once there you have trouble sleeping, when you eventually attempt to. 
Tossing and turning, sleep claims you after quite some time. 
Over the course of the next few days, you slowly start to calm down, but you are still on edge, the knowledge of what happened to Randall poking at the back of your mind, reminders cropping up at inopportune moments and giving you small setbacks. You should be over this, it’s been a long time, why is this sticking with you so badly?
There was no news.
You’d see Rachel at work and meet her eyes and she’d know what you were going to ask, she’d shake her head and your look would turn from pleading to know what she did, to instead sympathetic as your stomach turned and heart ached for her. 
It’s late, it’s after work on a different day, you need some serious stress relief, Jackson had the day off and so you didn’t have accompaniment to the train station, too alone with your thoughts at the moment. You can’t keep feeling like this, you can’t keep hiding, so you make the decision to do something for yourself, try to feel a bit better. 
You go to your favourite rink. 
Winter is slowly on the way out, the extreme storm is beginning to thaw, this will probably be your last skate of the season. The rink is closed this late, you weren’t planning on this and don’t have your skates, so you snagged a pair that other people would pay to rent, no one was around, not like you’d get caught. You find your size easily under the open air renting counter, and soon you are at a bench, boots off and lacing the skates up. 
Your bag is left near the bench, and you make your way out onto the ice. You start to skate, gliding on the ice easily, it’s quiet, cloudy but not snowing, it’s very still and the only sound is metal on frozen water and your breath. Mind turns to them as you turn on the ice, the last time you were here was on your date, you smile, lips turning up as you recall how shitty Chucky was at skating, how he had to cling to you and Tiff to stay upright. You wonder if you will still be together to do that again next winter, maybe you can teach your new boyfriend a thing or two. 
You pick up the pace, skating faster, sharper turns, you enjoy the speed, the wind on your face, the chill and then the silence and rhythm you had gotten into before it is broken, a call of, “Hey!”
It makes you stop short, ice shavings kicked up from the abrupt halt, a turn of your head towards the voice and look who it is, boots crunching through snow, tight jeans, a fashionable jacket and that familiar blonde head of hair with a warm smile. 
You skate up as she reaches the edge of the rink, she holds her hands out, and you take them, a quick glance and no one is around, so you do it. Leaning in, she meets you in the middle, she kisses you and the cold of the night is forgotten. The bliss is short-lived, but it is a balm to your frayed nerves and calming to your rushing mind. You pull back, smile stretching wider as you say softly, finally returning her greeting, “Hi.”
You squeeze her hands and ask, “What are you doing out?”
“Coming back from seeing a friend, just cutting through the park on the way home-” She leans closer while looking in your eyes she jokes, “-probably a bad idea with all the news lately.” 
You stiffen immediately and without meaning to, your smile faltering a little. The reminder isn’t helpful, it’s well after midnight, and you are skating alone in a park, it’s asking for fucking trouble. Gaze has dropped, and your mind is churning, one of her hands releases yours and cups your cheek, tilting you to look at her again, “Hey, you okay?”
You bite your bottom lip, and you know that you should be honest, if you can’t be with your girlfriend than who could you be? You spill, “I’ve been having some stress lately, not been feeling the best, just kinda, bogged down.”
“Oh sweetheart.” She hums, she pulls you into a hug, arms tight around you, “I am so sorry.” 
You slip your arms around her, return the affection, and melt into her closer. God, you needed this, needed her, you had really been missing her without realizing it. The smell of lingering cigarette smoke and her favored perfume has become an intimate comfort, mixing with the winter night air, it’s more than welcome, it was craved. Eventually she pulls back, her hands on your arms, and she says, “I think you need some help with your stress and if there is one thing I am good at, it’s relieving stress.”
A small laugh bubbles out of you, “Okay, doctor Valentine, what do you recommend?”
“I’m gonna take you out, night on the town just you and me, a special date.” She offers, and you ask, intrigued, “A special date?”
“Yeah! I know a great club, I think a night to cut loose would do you good.” Her eyes were alight with mischief, she seemed excited and honestly, so were you at the idea, your first official date out with her being your girlfriend. It had been forever since you’d gone out to a club, last time was probably before you started working at one, the idea of going out to one with her sounded like just what you needed. 
“Tiffany, that sounds amazing, I’d love that.” You tell her sincerely, and she makes a sound of pure delight, it’s adorable,  “Yessss! When is your next day off?”
You tell her and the date is set for then. You end up taking your skates off and returning them, she walks you to your train station as you talk and get caught up on the past few days she had, and then she bids you goodnight, leaving you excited about your next night off.
Tiffany came by to get you as opposed to you meeting her out and that felt nice, not like you didn’t like going to her, but getting picked up was still special and an appreciated gesture. 
You’d seen her dressed up for clubbing before, obviously, the many times she came to your work, this was just a touch different, almost hard to put your finger on, but then it clicks. She is wearing things you’ve complimented on her previously. The instances flit over your mind, times you’ve told her particular hem lines or cuts look good, what colours you think look best on her skin and further, she absorbed every sweet word, took it to heart and was dressed not explicitly for you, she was still dressed like herself, but had just taken what you’d expressed that you liked and applied it. Her coat was open at the moment, leather gloves on her hands to combat the cold outside your apartment building, the skirt was tight, the top was flattering, the belt sitting on her hips was more decorative than to help keep anything on, and you wanted to dip your fingers in the shiny chains and tug her close to kiss her, ruin the pretty lipstick she wore. 
Your arms open, lean close, inviting her in, the hallway is empty, and she takes you up on it, the hug is nice, the kiss is nicer, you breathe the compliment as your lips break apart, “You’re stunning.” 
“And you’re sweet.” She hums, pulling back she tells you, “And you’re one to talk, you look incredible, angel.” 
You preen under her praise, you had purposefully made sure to wear something different from what you usually did to work, typically dark colours and clothing designed to get boat loads of tips as opposed to something that reflected your personal style, not tonight. Now you’d chosen something with colour, a dress that was well suited to go out, on the tighter side, you felt good in it and hoped it’d invite her to touch, give her that same craving you found yourself always infected with when near her. 
“You ready to go?” She asked, and you nodded, your own coat was shrugged on, purse over your shoulder, and you closed the door, she stood next to you as you locked the door. Soon you and her were walking down the hall, headed to the stairs, and you asked, “So where you taking me?”
“I told you already, M’ taking you to a club, gorgeous.” She teased, and you laughed slightly, “Yeah I know that, but what club?”
She refused to tell you, not until you were there. The club entrance was a little hard to find, well it would have been hard to find if you were trying to get there solo just off the address information, Tiffany seemed to know just where it was, the front of the building was dark, a single light over the metal industrial looking door with one person standing out front to let people in. 
You were ushered in with no issue, the music now reaching you once the door was opened, you check your coats and let her lead you deeper into the bar, coming near the end of the darker hallway you ask, “You finally gonna tell me what is so special about this place?” 
In a moment of ridiculously perfect timing, you come around the corner, the music gets louder, the lights are bright, and you see the crowd, people close together, dancing and as your eyes struggle to adjust, she leans closer. Next, she is saying into your ear so you could hear over the thrum, “It’s a gay bar.” 
Holy fucking shit. 
What that means hits immediately, you can act like any other couple, can act like her and Chucky do out at your work or how you and her do in private, you can hold her hand and kiss her and more without worry. A full on date without restrictions in public. You had no idea this was possible for you and her.
You were so happy you could hardly stand it, you threw your arms around her neck and hugged her tightly to you, “Oh my God, are you serious?!”
She laughs, her hands rest on your waist before sliding slowly over your lower back, hugging you as she responds, “As the dead, beautiful.” 
You pull back, hands on her shoulders as you say, “Well c’mon, I don’t want to waste any time.”
Tiffany grins and let's go of you, taking your hand she leads you deeper inside. First order of business was getting you both a drink, you pass through the moving bodies on the dance floor towards the bar. You stand next to her, fingers lacing together with hers as you observe the people nearby, you try not to stare any place for too long, which is easy because you can’t help moving from one person to the next. You see couples not unlike Tiffany and yourself, groups of friends, easy displays of intimacy in any and every direction, it makes you feel warm and affectionate. You lean closer to her, press a kiss to her cheek, and she turns her head, saying, “You can do better than that, can’t you?”
You take her hint, the hand that wasn’t currently holding hers coming up, fingers stroke over her impossibly soft cheek, and you lean in, soon kissing her. She kisses you back, the taste of her lipstick and faint cigarettes greets you, it is easy to get swept up in it, in her, you can’t believe you can do this in a crowded public place. One thing snaps you out of it, namely a person misjudging how close they were to you, accidentally bumping into you, the kiss breaks and the person says, with a wave, “Sorry!” 
The stupid grin takes over your face, you squeeze Tiffany’s hand and say, “No problem.” 
And there really wasn’t. Just the fact that it has the potential to happen, a totally harmless and innocuous annoyance of someone accidentally interrupting you kissing your girlfriend, is a fantastic change of pace. You would gladly take it over trying to steal small moments of affection, terrified of someone seeing you and outing yourselves.
You get your drinks after that, fruity cocktails that Tiffany selected, you end up at a standing table near the dance floor, it is hard to talk over the thrum of the music, but you are just giddy to be out with her. After the first drink you can’t help it, pulling her out onto the floor, the music isn’t even necessarily to your taste but who gives a fuck about that when she is pressed against you like she is at this moment. The smile on her face is infectious, the sway of her hips captivating, and the mood is undeniably high. You realize you’ve only ever watched Tiffany dance before this, never had the opportunity to dance with her and God, you need to go out clubbing more often for the chance to. 
You love the time you spend with her and Chucky together but getting to have her to yourself is addicting, how she brushes hair aside to whisper in your ear, leading you as you dance, you find yourself forgetting your stress, all your problems seem so far away. 
After getting both of you another drink, you come back to someone hitting on Tiffany. She looks amused at the nervous attempt, the short haired redhead is doing her best, and it’s endearing, sweet, you come up and slot yourself against her side, giving her the cocktail, she takes it as you kiss her cheek, “Hey honey, who’s this?” 
“Someone who I think is trying to ask me out.” The blonde responds with a smirk. The cute girl ends up profusely apologizing not aware she was seeing you, “Oh my fucking God, I am so sorry, I wouldn’t have if I knew-” Tiff and you laugh it off, and end up having a good conversation with the girl.
The night stretches on, you end up talking to some other people, you have more drinks and dances, at one point you are in the bathroom, she is washing her hands, and you are looking at her in the mirror. Her eyes caught yours, and she grins, “What? Something on my face?”
You laugh, a shake of your head, “Sorry, just, I can’t get over how great tonight has been.” 
“Yeah?” She asks as she dries her hands, and you nod once, finding it impossible to look away, “Yeah. I am so out of the loop, I’ve never been to a place like this and coming here with you for my first time has been incredible, you, Tiffany, are incredible.”
She tosses the paper towel into the trash. She inquires, “You always this soft and sentimental when you drink?” She closes the distance, no one else is in here at the moment, funny how you keep finding yourself alone in empty club bathrooms with her. 
“Hardly.” You reach out, fingers brush down her arm as you tell her, “You just bring it out of me.” 
“My sappy little sweet thing.” She hums before leaning in, she kisses you, and it has the ability to do your head in more than any drink. The realization you are kissing again in a club bathroom is not lost on you.
The time together flies by after that. 
The club is getting near closing, you and her are splitting one last drink, you ask over the music, “Can we come here again sometime?”
She beams and tells you, “Anytime you want.” 
Lucky you. 
The last dregs swallowed, the last call completed, you and her are headed back out into the night, you see that redhead from earlier ended up with someone else, and it makes you happy to see. Your coats pulled tight around yourselves, holding hands and unable to stop smiling.
“You wanna come back to our place?” She asks, and you couldn’t agree faster. 
Your feet ache, and you feel lightheaded and joyful as you stumble into her apartment, heels are discarded, you are moving backwards towards the couch, fumbling to get your coat off. She has shrugged her own coat off, letting it drop onto the floor along with yours, you’d pick them up later. 
Her mouth is moving down the side of your jaw and down your neck and soon the backs of your knees hit the edge of the couch, and you flop onto your back, hands hooked on the straps of her top you pull her down on top of you. 
The heat sparking inside of you is stealing your breath away, you gasp her name as her leg slots between yours as she starts to suck a mark into your collarbone. You tug uselessly at the straps, she is already as close as could be, but the move shows just how needy you are, a move of your hips, grinding on her thigh you let out a weak moan. 
She breathes out your name as your hand moves, slides down her body and between her own legs, her head tips forward with a sharp inhale from the rush you provide her. You are constantly taken aback by how she can make you feel, whenever you have a moment like this, that you affect her in just the same way, it does everything for you, strokes your ego, turns you on further. 
She helps with her clothing in the way and your hand is in her underwear now, you can feel how wet she is and when your fingers slip inside, curling to find that spot you’ve come to know so well, you remember you aren’t alone. 
“Man, you two are not good at being quiet.” Your head jerks up as does hers, a look over, and you see Chucky standing there in the doorway of the living room, cocky half smile on his face. 
“Who says we were tryna be?” You giggle as you press, fuck your fingers in and out of Tiffany, and she moans louder, unapologetic smile on your face at the sound you dragged from her. 
“Ye-ahhh, sorry sweetface, did we wake you up?” Tiffany asks with a small upward curve of her own mouth. 
“You did! Terrible, the both of you.” He laughs, very amused, as he comes over. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, or socks, just a pair of pyjama pants sitting low on his hips, and you want to reach out and touch him too. 
“We are the worst. You should come teach us a lesson.” You tease, and he gets onto the couch next to you, a hand reaching down, fingers stroke under your chin, tilting your head up, and he says, “Yeah I think you are right about that. Can’t let you go around thinking you can just do whatever you want, when you want.”  
“Mmm, that would be truly awful.” Tiffany mused, watching as Chucky kissed you, making you melt. Being pressed between both your partners, passed back and forth, in the early hours of the morning, there isn’t anything better than tasting the heady mix of him and her.
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Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Ten: "Getting Better All The Time." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Okay! Here it is! Chapter fucking ten at long last. So I hope everyone loves this, shit is getting serious in a lot of ways. Just wait for shit to pick up after this one because it is about to go off. I’d looove to see ChatGTP do something like this but we all know that it is incapable. Either way, I adore this fic, it’s my baby, I am obsessed with it, this has some moments in it that I have had planned since the fic was in the planning stages. Masterlist for the whole series here. Shoutout to @eggsandbeer for the proofread on this and betaing it. Enjoy!
Rating. Somewhat NSFW. Length. 6.6K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Softness. Fluff. Mentions Of Sex. Emotional Closeness. Cunnlingus. Smoking. Drinking. Serious Emotional Developments. Mentions Of Murder. 
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Why did the lasagna she made earlier taste even better when reheated? Was it that you were that hungry or was it the fact that Tiffany is the one currently feeding it to you while you are post sex and still in the warm sheets of her and Chucky’s bed that made it so delicious? You did not know and you did not care, you found that to be the trend when you were with them. 
“You have to show me how to make this.” You sighed with your hand over your mouth, trying to still be polite even with the bite she fed you, leaning back against the headboard of the bed.  
She is leaning against Chucky, her head on his shoulder, you take them in at this moment, they look so right next to each other, the easy physical contact between the pair is second nature. Tiffany responds to you, “Name the time and place.” 
“So you were serious about your offer before?” You inquired and she gave a questioning look before you filled in the blank, “When you said you would show me how to cook?” 
She sounded slightly confused, “I said show you some recipes but don’t you know how to cook? You made us that great dinner.” 
“Yeah, those burgers were fucking good.” Chucky affirmed with a nod and you looked away, “Welll-...I’m not that great at cooking, I know how to make like five things, I eat out and do takeout the rest of the time, I don’t have that many skills in the kitchen. But I’d really like to get better.” 
Tiffany’s hand landed on your knee, your eyes drop to the new point of touch before looking up to see that she leaned closer and said, “Oh sweetheart, c’mon we all have gaps in places, if you didn’t have someone to take the time to show you, how would you ever know?”
She was so impossibly sweet. A soft smile creeps onto your face as you respond, “You make a good point.”
“So it’s settled, I’ll show you how to cook.” 
She said it like it was the easiest thing in the world, with a casual shrug. You couldn’t wait. 
When you all did settle down for sleep it wasn’t like a typical sleepover. No talking in the dark for hours, you were all beat, their bed was comfortable, on top of that you felt so safe, you passed out between the pair of them sometime around four in the morning. You didn’t wake up until a while after noon, the start of the morning, or afternoon rather, was slow. You weren’t in a rush to get out of bed, you didn’t have anywhere to be for hours yet. Once you were all aware of being awake you managed to get even closer together. You didn’t know that being in bed like this, squished between two people could feel so fucking good, it doesn’t feel claustrophobic or uncomfortable or too hot, you just feel embarrassingly and overwhelmingly happy. 
You all move slowly. 
No real rush. You didn’t have work for hours yet, not till tonight, and intended to soak up this last bit of time with them. Chucky is brushing his teeth and you are sitting on their bed while Tiffany is perched in front of her vanity, brushing her hair and she breaks the comfortable silence to suggest, “How about we all go out for breakfast?”
Sounded perfect to you and the pleased hum of agreement that comes from the bathroom tells you that he thinks so too.
You get in your jeans and Tiffany offers you a shirt, you all get your stuff together and around a half hour later are stepping out of their apartment building into the warm sunlight. The storm is definitely over but Christ the city got dumped on hard, piles of snow everywhere, the snowplows still hadn’t caught up even though it is almost one p.m. There was, of course, only one option of where to go to eat. 
The diner you love, the one near your work, that same one that you ran into them that rainy night and they invited you to stay and talk. It wasn’t busy at the moment, you end up in that same booth, both of them on the other side and you across from them just like before, you had the coats piled on the seat next to you, menus in hand and coffee in mugs, more awake as you talk about what to get. You know you look a bit ridiculous, the smile just will not leave your face but you are too happy to care. 
You think you might have ordered a little too much, the table is practically covered between the plates of food, mugs of coffee and glasses of juice. You wanted sweet but also craved something more savoury so compromise was made. You all got your own more traditional meals, bacon, eggs, hash browns but got a big plate of the small stack of pancakes to split. 
The mood is light and seemingly brightening, Chucky doesn’t seem like much of a morning person but with coffee and food he seems to be much more present, Tiffany also seems to be in better spirits. They both got their eggs the same way as that previous night, his over easy, hers scrambled with chives, she prefers white toast, he takes rye and you like learning all these small details that help make them, them. The tiny things that they like and dislike, that you come to know through spending ample time with someone or in their case, someone’s.
“So what are the best pancakes?” You asked as you were cutting into the one you’d just hauled onto your plate, and Chucky answers easily, “Chocolate chip.” 
“Really?” You asked and he hums, “I don’t always want something sweet but when I crave it I want it really sweet.” 
“Fair enough and you?” The question is posed to Tiff and she says, “Plain jane, butter and syrup is enough.” 
You told her with a smile, “Weak answer. I expected better of you.” 
She quirked a brow at your teasing, responding with, “Yet we got the plain and you’re busting my balls.”  And you tell her, “Blueberry is clearly the best, when the berries are in season it is divine but sadly, tragically they are-”
“Out of season, yeah I get you. So you’re stuck with subpar cakes, how terrible.” She reaches across the table and holds your hand and you sigh, “Right? I am so hard done by.” 
Chucky was cutting into his eggs as he said with a smile, “Poor thing. You should kiss that frown right off her face.” 
If only you weren’t in public then she could, she lets go of your hand and picks up her knife and fork again. 
“I am shocked he doesn’t pull that card more often.” Tiffany said and you responded before you take a sip of your coffee, “I think it might get worse now that he’s fucked me.” 
“Think?” Tiffany questioned and you laughed and he glanced around as he said, “Ignoring how mean you both are to me-” once sure no one in the place was looking or listening he was leaning closer over the table and he said quieter, “-how fun was last night?”
“Oh my God.” Tiffany put down her silverware a little too loudly and you nearly dropped your mug at the flood of memories as well as how candid he was being, your response leaves you hushed and quickly as you reply, “Unreal. I am pretty sure if we filmed and tried to sell it we might never have to work again.” 
“Wow one time in and she’s ready to be a porn star, you know how to pick em Chucky.” He fires back at her, “Like you weren’t loving seeing her and I fuck.” 
“Oh no I was very, very into it.” She admitted and you bite your bottom lip for a moment and nod, “Yeah Tiff we both felt how wet you were, we know.”  
This was great. Being able to go out and quietly but openly talk about how great the sex you had with them last night in hushed tones over plates of bacon and eggs is fantastic, it’s needed and thoroughly exciting.
You paid for breakfast since Tiffany made dinner last night and you all end up outside the place saying good-bye. They were lighting up for their first smoke of the day, post meal, and Chucky said on an exhale of smoke, “Great time last night, can’t wait to do it again.” 
“Me either. Wish we could keep hanging out but I have to go return these tapes and do some stuff before work.” You explained and Tiffany waved you off, “No worries, we’ll see you soon. I’ll get that shirt back from you one way or another.” 
“You’ll have to steal it off my back.” You tell her with a wave. 
“Tempting, tempting.” Tiffany said and Chucky chimed in and you hear him asking her as you break off, “I get a front row seat, right?” 
You laugh with a shake of your head as you head into the opposite direction, you return those video tapes, you have a shower, get ready for work and have as good a shift as you can.
Things with them just got so much better, it really felt like that sleepover brought you much closer together. 
They visit you more often at work again, you have dates here and there. You have planned dates and short spur of the moments that you carve out in busy schedules to show how important you all are to each other as well as being able to just satisfy those needs to spend time together. Some of these dates included more dinners out, grabbing coffee, another movie here and there and of course, enjoying the new expanded physical aspects of your relationship immensely. 
You are happier than you thought possible, you didn’t think you needed a serious romantic attachment like this, assumed you were content as is but this isn’t the first time that you were wrong about something. You are deep in the honeymoon period of dating them and intend on just soaking it up. 
It had been about three weeks since that first sleepover and there hadn’t been another one yet but you didn’t mind that at all, things had been a little hectic and you had seen them more than enough to make up for it. You even had some fantastic solo dates with them one on one which were really great. You loved spending time together but appreciate that you could spend time with just one of them and there were no weird feelings or jealousy. Being able to get together with just two of you was easier at times than being able to get all three of you in the same place, you are glad that you all were on the same page, if you only saw them when you could be a trio you would see them much less. 
You had that solo date with Tiffany about a week and a half after your sleepover. She and Chucky had stopped by your work for a drink and after you set down her glass she took your hand before you could pull it away and said, “I love your nails. Where do you get them done?” 
The current colour was a good one, you had painted them this adorably soft glittery kind of blush pink, nail ends longer and rounded, they were shiny and bright. You painted them last week and liked how they looked against the darker uniforms you usually wore for work along with the harsher make-up, the dichotomy was fun. “I paint them myself.”
Her jaw drops, she brings your hand up closer, inspecting your fingers more carefully and said, “No way! These are like salon quality! Like I thought this was a professional manicure.” 
You respond to her, smiling warmly, “Tiffany, Jesus that is so sweet, you mean it?” 
“I do! You totally have to do mine!” Her eyes were bright, her smile big and her hands felt so soft as they held yours, you tell her, “I’d love to.” 
So a date was made that night. Chucky encouraged it heavily since he had something to do and the next day Tiffany was coming to your apartment after lunch for a little spa date in. You let her in and soon you are sitting at the kitchen table, nail kit out, radio on and she sat with you as you began to scrub the old colour off her nails, “This is so nice, I was going to go pay for a manicure this week but now you are saving me some money.” 
“About time after how much you and Chuck spend on me.” You tease as you remove the deep purple and she asks, “So where did you learn to do this?”
“Self taught. I love having nice nails, I think it makes a good impression, I love how they make me feel, so I thought instead of spending money I thought why not do it myself?” 
“I love that.” She said it so sincerely and this was lovely. Having her alone in your place, doing one of your favourite things, is there a better way to spend an afternoon? She leaned over, she kissed you and your fingers stopped working for a moment as you returned it, leaning over, kissing her deeper, revelling in it before she moved back, breaking it. You have her nails clean and you are shaping them with a nail file and asked, “What colour are you thinking of?”
“I am considering black.” You hummed, you thought of her with sharp shiny onyx nails and it is a good look, you nod and agree with her, “I think that would look great.” 
You focused on filing and a comfortable silence fell over you both. Your mind however was still whirring and running, you had been getting into this habit ever since that sleepover, you started to feel more comfortable overall and would ask them questions about the relationship Chucky and Tiffany had before you were in the picture. The questions were small and quick, posing them to her or him on occasion when they pop up, “When did you get together?” “What is the first meal you cooked for Chucky?” “How did you bond so quickly?”
You got satisfactory answers and they found it sweet you wanted to know, it had gotten to a point they were offering up some information on their own. Which led to this, to now, a break in the conversation, with you starting up the conversation by asking quietly, “Is there anything about Chuck you don’t know?”
“Oh I dunno, he has told me a lot but I don’t think I know everything, you however, still have so much to learn.” She muses and you ask with a small smile, “Yeah? Like what?
Her grin nearly splits her face, eyes full of mischief, she asks, “Are you trying to get me to tell all his secrets?”
“No, God no, not all of them, Tiff.” You tell her before asking, “How about you just start by telling me one?”
“Just one?” She asks and you nod, “Just one.”
“How am I supposed to pick?” She muses and you cut in, “How about your favourite one?” 
The look in her eyes shifts, she says, “I can do that.” She thinks, takes a moment and hums and then she says, “I got just the one.”
“Ooh this’ll be good.” You say mostly to yourself and she says, “You have no idea how good.” 
You finished filing, you were cleaning up and preparing to start painting her nails, “Well don’t keep me in suspense forever hon.” 
“I won’t! I’m just building tension.” She assures and after another beat she tells you, “He loves art.” 
That makes your eyebrows raise, “He loves art?”
“Loves it, more than that he is an artist himself, a painter mostly.” She says it so sincerely and you just have to believe her but still you question, “What does he paint?”
“Portraits, abstract, still life, fuck, almost anything and everything that strikes him just right.” She says and you say, genuinely surprised, “No fucking way.”
You love that, appreciate the fact she shared something so personal. “And how is he gonna feel about you sharing that?”
“He might not be the biggest fan but it will come out eventually, plus, I bet he will ultimately end up thanking me for it.”
“So confident.” You sigh as you shake the bottle of polish, she asks you, “Can you blame me?” 
“I can not.” You unscrew the cap of the polish and take her hand, and you say as you bring the brush down, “You know, I’m something of a painter myself.” 
She laughed, head tipping back as you start to paint, “Yeah you bring that up to him and I am sure he will find that hysterical.” 
Your conversation continues as you work, she tells you in soft tones about sweet things he had done, times he got her gifts, dates they had, intimate dinners, moments of tenderness and closeness and it makes you ache. You love what they have and adore that you get to be included and privy to this information. Your gaze moves up from painting her nails, taking in her expression as she has this heart wrenching gorgeous smile on her face, telling you about the time he managed to get her a reservation for a truly wonderful birthday dinner for her.
He makes her happy and that makes you happy too. 
Once they are done you are screwing the bottle top back on and telling her, “Right, they are done, tell me what you think.” 
She excitedly turned her hands over, fingers folded over to check them out up close and you watched the expression on her face shift, “Oh wow!”
“Good wow?” You ask and she scoffs, “Amazing wow.” 
You had to admit you were pretty proud of yourself. You went in really hard, sharpened the ends a touch, gave shape to her natural nails and the small slight sheen of glitter, very subtle, still didn’t go unnoticed by her. She flexed her fingers, watching how the light caught her nails at different angles and she said, “Seriously, you did it so quick too.”
True, less than an hour and her nails were good to go. “Now be careful with what you touch, they still need to dry properly.” 
“Terrible. I want to touch you.” That makes you pause from cleaning up your nail kit, your eyes flick to her and say carefully, “Well I guess you will have to wait.” 
She gets off her chair, starts to come around the table as she says, “Orrrr I could just not use my hands.” 
Now in front of you, bent at the waist, she kisses you and you return it easily before she starts to move, lips drag from your mouth to over the line of your jaw and down your neck. Head tipping back, you moan her name quietly at the affection, the quickness of the arousal sinking in, the heat she makes spark inside of you. Soon she is on her knees after having worked down your body, she is between your legs, cheek resting on your inner thigh and you got her hint. 
You assist her, strip what is needed and all too quickly you have a leg over one of her shoulders, her mouth working eagerly between your thighs and her hands holding yours, fingers laced together, showing off her pretty new manicure thanks to you. She is holding your hands for a few reasons, one, the added affection and closeness, and another, to keep her good and your hard work safe, otherwise she doubts she would be able to stop herself from touching you.
By the time she is leaving you are on cloud nine. The afternoon once her nails were dry and you both had cum at least twice you spent more time doing your little at home spa date, face masks and a shared bath and more, you feel relaxed and boneless as you lean against the door frame, clad in just a robe as you waved goodbye to her. 
You could get very, very used to solo dates with her, it was different than when you dated both of them at the same time but you liked the up close and personal look you got at her, how she acted just alone with you when he wasn’t there. 
Similarly when you were alone with him it was different but welcome. One night, a few days after your solo date with Tiffany, while you were at work he came in, she was apparently busy that night, he came by for some quality time, it was nice. When the place closed down, your duties finished and you managed to wiggle away from your coworkers you seek him out. He was waiting outside for you, a block over right where you told him to. He was leaning against the brick outside of a building, having a smoke and upon seeing you again he lights up, “There she is! Hey baby.”
You come up with a greeting of, “Hiya Chuck.” 
His hand that isn’t holding his smoke is gripping your hand and tugging you to him, he kisses you, it’s playful, you feel him smile against your lips and you return his kiss before pulling back, “Someone’s happy.” 
“I am! M’ happy and hungry too.” He was very tipsy from the drinks you’d served him, he had just thrown an arm around your shoulders and you asked him, “I could eat. So where are you thinking?”
“I dunno, you know this area well, any ideas?” He asked and you knew just the place, took him to that late night pizza place near your work you’d visited with your coworkers from time to time. 
Sitting at one of the two person tables at the back, a medium pizza to split and sodas you ask, “So you never said what is Tiffany getting up to tonight?”
“Ah nothing major, seein’ some friends of hers.” He said with a shrug. You wonder briefly if you will get to meet them and you asked, “And you didn’t want to go?”
“Nah she deserves some time alone with them and besides, I wanted to do this.” He said as he picked up a slice of pizza, “Do what?”
“This. Spend some time with you solo, Tiffany did and seemed like it was real nice.” He admitted and you asked, “She told you about it?”
“Yeah, filled me all in. Kept going on and on about how much she loved her nails.” He nodded before taking a bite, the rise of his eyebrows tattled on the fact that she told him about how she was on her knees in your kitchen. Your fingers were playing with the straw in your drink, “Did she tell you what she told me about you?”
He looks confused and asked after swallowing his current bite, “She told you somethin’ about me?” 
You figured she wouldn’t spill and you grin, “She did.” You let it hang for a moment and he said, “I hope it was good or flattering. Was it either of those things?” 
“Oh yeah I loved hearing it honestly. She told me that you like art, more than that, that you are an artist yourself.” He dropped his slice with a laugh, non greasy hand coming up to comb through his hair, “Christ Tiff, selling me out.” 
You laughed, “Awe, what? I think it’s great! Why didn’t you tell me yourself?” 
“S’ not something I talk about with just anyone, some people have given me shit over it previously, alright?” Fair enough. Again, you hid a pretty big thing and this was small in comparison. “I get that Chuck, but seriously, I’m not like them, you can talk to me about it.”
He looks you over, considering and he can’t help it, the smile comes back to his face and he sighs, “Fine, you’re right.” 
You appreciated his willingness and ability to be open with you. “How did it even come up, anyway?”
“I was asking her more stuff about you both before I came into the picture and she told me that.” 
“Is that all she said?” He asked and you told him, “No hardly, she told me about some dates you’ve had, sweet things you’ve said and done, she made you look really good.”
It is true. How she is around him, looks at him, speaks about him, makes you like him more, look at him in an even better light. “Well shit, I don’t wanna be left out, maybe I can tell you some stuff too.” 
That was a pleasant surprise. “Really? You are offering up information?” 
“I am. Maybe I’m a little too drunk but M’ in a good mood, so!” He clapped once before pointing at you, elbows resting on the table, leaning forward, “Fuck it. Ask away.” 
What to ask him? You had no idea how long this deal would be good for. Maybe he is just willing to be this open because of the amount of drinks he choked down earlier, you should take advantage of this. The idea strikes like lightning and you ask, “She told me about some dates you’ve had, but I am curious, what is your favourite one?” 
He didn’t need to think about it, he knew just which one, is he seriously going to tell you all about it? You were looking at him expectantly. Leaning closer and clearly very excited and fuck it, why not tell you? Who were you going to spill this too anyway? Cat was already out of the bag about him being into art so with that important detail divulged, the risk was nil. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you. So back in New Jersey there was this old as fuck building, no one was using it for anything, no one cared about it, place was practically falling apart, right?” 
You nod along and listen as he tells you about it. This old building he talked about, the one no one gave a fuck about, he was able to do whatever he wanted with it because of that and what he decided to do with it was use it as a makeshift art studio. He’d do all his work there and spent ample time within the dilapidated walls. He’d been doing work in said building for months, the city didn’t seem in a rush to sell it or tear it down, just one of those things that fell through the cracks, he came and went as he pleased, no one bothered him and he liked it that way. 
“I met Tiff that night we told you about, where she was just so incredible I totally forgot about that other girl. We had been seeing each other for a while, and had started getting to that point of spending more nights together than not. I wanted to be in the studio that night but I also wanted to see her and I thought, you know what, fuck it? Why not bring her there.” 
He proceeded to tell you that he told her he had something to show her, brought her to the place and let her see all of it. She loved it, he talked to her about what pieces he liked best, motivations, times in his life and what was going on when he made them, what drove him to create them. Sounded like a very vulnerable conversation but you aren’t that surprised, Tiffany is a special kind of lady and they have a particular kind of bond. 
“She was looking at this series I had done, was tryna push myself by doing this set of still life and using very precise colour palettes, blah, blah, it ain’t that important but what it led to was.” 
“What did it lead to?” You were all too into the story and he could tell, he smiles and then expounds, “She asked me in that very Tiffany way of hers, I am sure you can hear it, all, ‘do you paint people?’ and I told her I have, I just hadn’t in a while, hadn’t had anyone to the studio but her.”
“Oh you fucking smooth talker. She must have eaten that up.” He shrugs but there is that cocky air about it that makes it totally clear he knows how what he said got to her. “I mean who wouldn’t?”
You certainly would have in her shoes. “So an idea struck me then, I told her why don’t I fix that?”
He didn’t have to say it, you realised it right then before he could utter the next sentence but you still listened, hanging off every word. “I offered to paint her.” 
How fucking romantic is that? You didn’t think he had it in him, even after all the sweet things Tiffany told you he did the other day. You wonder why she left this one out but you didn’t focus on it much. Just listened more as he told you the rest of it. 
“We were up all night. We ended up getting takeout, we drank, we smoked, we laughed and talked and I painted her.” 
“How was she?” You asked quietly and he imparted, “I had this bed there, this mattress I dragged into the space because sometimes I’d get so caught up working and I didn’t want to go back to my actual place, so I’d crash there. I wanted her to be comfortable, so she sat there, I had this stool and my canvas and-”
The place was going to close soon, you still had some slices left, soda’s half full, you don’t care, you ask, “And?”
It was summer. It was hot but not stiflingly so. He isn’t sure the time, it’s that time where it stops being late and the question of it being early creeps in. He can’t stop looking at her, she is not in much, the dress she wore suited the weather, straps slipped down her shoulders, hem had rode up her thighs, heels off and next to the empty and overturned bottle of wine at the foot of the mattress. She wore a smile, cigarette between her fingers, blonde hair piled up and out of her face except for the few small bits framing it. She was stunning, a perfect subject really, all curves and kept him engaged in conversation while he worked. She was so funny. She was telling him some story about her sister and he was making sure to keep his brush away from the canvas, and didn't want to make any mistakes so close to being down with this. His hand that wasn’t holding the brush was resting on the top of the canvas, his hair was pulled out of the way, his button up shirt was off, white tank top as well as his pants and arms sported a few paint stains. 
“And then what did she do?” He asked amusedly, and she giggled before telling him with a gesture of the cigarette in her hand, “She left! I mean fuck, would you stay after that shit? I dunno how she ever showed her face again!” 
He laughs and so does she. 
The urge of it surprises him. The laughter goes quiet. The conversation stops, falling into a comfortable silence, he is staring into her eyes and she is looking back. The space between them wasn’t much, he could reach out and touch her if he wanted to and fuck, he did want to. He speaks without thought, just tells her, honestly, “You know…Tiff I…I’ve never said this to, fuck, well anyone before but…”
“But?” She asks, a cock of her head, genuinely curious and he says it, almost as if he doesn’t believe it as the words leave his mouth, “I think I’m in love with you.” 
She leans over, the remainder of her cigarette stamped out in the ashtray, looking at him all the while, “Oh my God Chucky.”
Eyes scan his face and she takes in his body language and she says quietly, “You’re serious.” 
A nod, a somewhat nervous laugh that is more of an exhale than anything else, “I am sweetheart, I really am.” 
The tension is thick, it is quiet again, he asks, “Are you gonna leave a guy hanging here forever orrr?”
She smiles, a small laugh as she shakes her head, “Fuck, sorry, I didn’t think I had to say it, sweetface. Of course I love you.” 
Her hands reach out, the canvas is leaned carefully against the stool and he joins her on the bed. He kisses her first but she returns it fast, desperate, needy, laden with emotion and the main event of the evening, the painting, the act of creation, him the painter and her the muse, is forgotten, now both of them are consumed with expressing feelings for each other. The ceiling of the place isn’t intact, the orange light filtering in making her look even more gorgeous if that is somehow possible, as they have sex while the sun comes up, it is the most inspiring non violent experience he has ever had. 
After it is over they lie together, they smoke more, they talk and they have been on this date for over twelve hours. They go out for breakfast after, he finishes the painting at a different time, he tells you that is when things got really serious between him and Tiffany, that is when they start making plans, talking about a fresh start, moving. 
The pizza is eaten. The soda drank. The place is closed. You are on the street with him and stunned. “No wonder that is your favourite.” 
He is lighting up another smoke, he hums in acknowledgment and nods. 
After it’s lit you reach out, your hand closes his lighter, snuffing out the flame, he turns, looking down at you and you tell him, “You…Didn’t have to tell me all that but, the fact you did, it isn’t lost on me Chuck. Thank you. Really.” 
“Course. I thought you’d like to know and honestly? It felt good to share.” He has this expression, it is hard to define but it is one that you had seen look at Tiffany with previously, it says, affection and that makes you melt almost as much as the story did. 
You lean up, you kiss him, soft and sweet, when you break it, pull away you say, “I had no idea how much you loved art.”
He tries to play it off, tone very casual as he tells you, “Eh, it’s alright.” You laugh, a scoff with a roll of your eyes. You let it go. You hold hands and he walks you to the train station, you tell him, “We should go to a museum sometime.”
He squeezed your hand and told you sincerely, “Sounds fun.” 
You get home safe that night, feeling like you know them much, much better. You feel included, part of this, of what they have even before you were there by having this knowledge of how they were. A call from them a few days after brings you to dinner with them before you had to work. 
Showing up to their place dressed up, having to go start your shift sooner rather than later and happy to see them, it is a pretty usual date by all accounts. They talk you into a glass of wine, the food is lovely and you are just enjoying their company. So when the food is eaten, both of them take a hand of yours and the question of, “Will you be our girlfriend?” shocks you. 
“What?” You asked and your eyes flicked back and forth between them, hands were sweaty, you didn’t want to let go but you wanted to wipe them off on your napkin, she speaks and distracts you, “We’ve been talking a lot.”
“So much.” He nods and she says, “We’ve been doing this for a while now and we both really like you.”
You had no idea what to say. Sure you had been dating, you’d kissed and had sex and shared pieces of yourself with them that you hadn’t with anyone, they had done their own fair share of divulging but still, you thought you were just a side thing, you knew they cared but not to this level, you thought you were ultimately some fun. You were okay with that, just getting to have them in any small way was fine for now, you didn’t think about the future, didn’t think this was building towards anything serious. 
He asks, “So what do you say?”
Yet here they were, offering to bring you into the fold, actually make you a part of their relationship. They were offering it out and you felt your heart burst. Warmth floods and you tell them, “Yes, I say yes, of course. I’d love to be.” 
You kiss him first. You kiss her next. They both pull you back to their bedroom.
You are late for work that night, coming in with hair that is just a little too messy, lipstick that is smudged and legs that are just a tad too shaky and a smile that refuses to leave. There are apologies to your coworkers, a lie about the train being late and they buy it, they don’t question because you are never late. 
Losing yourself to the rhythm of work, your mind isn’t focused thought, it’s on them. Girlfriend, you are their girlfriend. You have a boyfriend and a girlfriend, you have two partners, there is no question of how this would work because so far it has been working super well. You wondered how much better things could get, what this would mean. Your mind runs back over all the times you had seen them both, especially before you got together, are you going to get to that level but not just with one person but both? God, you hoped.
You were absurdly overjoyed, so light. 
Mid-way through your shift, there is a call of your name. You turn and see Rachel, she wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight, wasn’t working, at first you smile, figuring maybe she came in for a drink. You wave but then your smile starts to fall, she looks pale, sickly, and rushing towards you frantically. She catches you, hands taking the one of yours that isn’t holding your tray, “Woah Rach, hi, what’s wrong?”
She was breathing so hard, she was talking so fast, babbling out, “I can’t believe it, I know you said not to worry and I tried not to but it felt wrong, not like I thought you were wrong but it just wasn’t right, you know?”
“Rachel, honey, please, slow down, I can’t follow you at all.” She was freaking you out. Your stomach was sinking, you were very worried about her, you’d never seen her so frazzled. She nods, sucks down a deep breath and nods before forcing herself to say slowly, “Do you remember Randall? My old regular?”
You nod as you asked, “Yeah of course hon, what about him?” 
She then says something that makes your blood run cold and feel like the floor drops out from under you, squeezing her hand as hard as she was holding yours, “The police just questioned me, he is missing, presumed dead.” 
So much for your high you were previously on. 
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Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Nine: "Stay." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Well here we are! This might very well be the LAST fic of Multi-May! Can you believe it?! This month has been insane, I mean just look at all I accomplished! With this fic it brings the total up to 12 fics and one update of my current long fic, the total word count of all of these even beating the amount I wrote for Kinky December back in 2020! I might get one more thing out before the month is out but maybe not, don’t hold your breath, a few things I received during this month will still get written though! So if you sent in a request but didn’t see it get done, don’t give up hope! It might just come out a little later. Now, I have been writing this chapter update on and off all month between my other projects, it is a massive labour of love and I hope you all love it too, this is a DOOZY of an update. Massive shout out to @eggsandbeer who proofread this! A very long time coming in many respects, so let’s not waste any more time and let’s finish this month off RIGHT! Masterlist for the whole series is found, here.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 12K. (I KNOW! Okay I know!) Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Masturbation. Softness. Fluff. Big Emotions. Spoilers For Night Of The Lepus AND Stand By Me. Cuddling. Kissing. Making Out. Smoking. Alcohol Consumption. Grinding. Dirty Talk. Taunting. Voyurism. Teasing. Banter. Lingerie. Multiple Orgasms. Vaginal Fingering. Hand Job. Blow Job. Eating Out. Vaginal Sex. Safe Sex. Threesome. Cum Swapping. 
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Normally waking up to a sink full of dishes that you neglected to do the night before would start your day off on the wrong foot, but the following morning after your date hosting Chucky and Tiffany? It feels like nothing could sour your good mood, almost as if the sinkful of sticky and stained porcelain and utensils was an old friend you were excited to see.
Okay that might be a small exaggeration but fuck it, you were happy, you allowed yourself to be a little silly, a bit giddy over how well it went. So with the radio on and coffee brewing you are soon elbow deep in hot soapy water and scrubbing grease laden plates and the heavy bottom frying pan you used last night, humming all the while.
You keep playing last night, particularly the end of your date, over and over in your mind. God, it was such a good time, you were genuinely very excited for your next date, curious what you would do. That kept on occupying your thoughts, every date had been pretty different so far, you wondered if they were going to call you up with a plan all laid out or what. Once the dishes were done the rest of that day was spent pretty typically. After the dishes and some breakfast you find yourself retreating back to your bed, you thought about them so much previously and didn’t satisfy yourself last night so before starting the rest of your day proper you got that out of the way, twice. It isn’t like it took long while you thought about the taste of him thick on your tongue and Tiffany touching and encouraging you the whole time. 
Next you did some errands, some self care, went to work, and it was a lovely day with you in such a good mood, totally in your element, tips flowing well for a normally not great night for them spelling out just how happy you were. Logan and Marcy commented and with a shrug you just told them, “I dunno, lucky night I guess.”
The pair scoff, unconvinced, “Uh-huh, sure.”
For some reason they didn’t believe you that you were simply just that happy to be at work but thankfully they didn’t pry as much as they had previously. 
You don’t let them bother you either way. As excited as you are for this next date, whatever it will be, you were still more than willing to be patient, secure in the knowledge that they would get back to you when they could just as they said.
You continue on living, a night out with co-workers here, working there and finally you get a call a week after your last date. When the phone rang you jumped slightly before hopping to rush and grab the phone, picking it up with a hopeful, “Hello?”
And then you hear her voice, “Ahhh there you are, hey, I’m glad I caught you.” 
You hold the phone closer, a soft sigh, your other hand on the table top as you feel yourself sink into the warm honey of her voice filling your ear, you slide down into the corner of the couch next to the end table you kept your phone on. “Tiffanyyy, how are you?”
“Good, very good, how are you?” She asks and you hum out, “The same, good, been busy at work, waiting for your call.”
“Sorry for the wait honey, what Chucky and I had to do took longer than we were expecting.” You didn’t think she needed to apologise but it was still appreciated, especially when she said it like that. “Oh no worries, I kept busy, it wasn't like I was just sitting by the phone.”
She laughs, “No way, I could never imagine you doing that. You? Spending a whole week sitting alone at home every night?”
You giggle along, fingers instinctively go for the phone cord and curl around the coil as you respond, “You’re right, very much not like me.”
“Oh yeah, total party animal.” She agrees and you say after a moment, “I’d call myself more of a zoo keeper.” 
“A zoo keeper?” She inquires and you respond, “Yeah, I corral and control the party animals and keep 'em in check when I’m working.”
She laughs again, you love the sound. “Cute! That is very cute but still, you should be partying it up when you aren’t corralling the wild animals you feed drinks to night in and night out.” You take that as your cue, “So you got some big party animal plans for our next date then?” 
“Well about that…We were feeling so bad about us taking longer than we were thinkin’ it would, that we wanna make it up to you and wanted to ask what do you want to do?” 
Tiffany was so sweet, offering for you to pick what you would all do was nice, offering to host since you did last time was even better. You want to see her and Chucky sooner rather than later, you are off tomorrow and then not for days and days, thus, you don’t want to wait almost another week. So you ask, “Are you both free tomorrow?”
“Short notice, but let me check.” You hear her pull the phone away, she calls out, asks something to who you assume is naturally Chucky and the phone is brought back, “We are wide open.”
There is one hurdle however. You’d been keeping an eye on the weather as you always did, considering you either walked or relied on the subway system to get basically anywhere, you had to be aware of what you were stepping out into and sadly, even though it is late into March they are calling for a snowstorm tomorrow. It wasn’t supposed to be anything nuts but enough that going out would be a bit of a pain. You had been working hard all week and so the idea hit you and you said, “How about we rent some tapes and have a date night in?”
She lets out this pleased hum and you grin as she says, “Oh that sounds perfect, I hear it’s supposed to be miserable out tomorrow. How about you come over here and we host you since you had us over last time?”
“You wanna check with ol Chuck first? How is Chucky anyway?” She told you how she was but not how he was, she says, “He’s fine and I am sure he will be alright with the idea of you coming over to us and him not having to do a thing.”
Fair point, you laugh at how easily she dismissed your worries. “Rent whatever you want and come by at about four tomorrow before the snow starts?” 
Sounded perfect. “I’ll be there, can’t wait.”
“Me either-” And then she said something that you were thankful she chose to do over the phone, if she would have said it to you in person you might have just died, “-I missed you.” 
“You missed me?” You asked, slight disbelief and she corrected yourself, tone quieter, as if she was trying to hide it from a certain redhead. The image of her turning her body, both hands cradling the phone, a smile on her face that could almost be read as shy as she makes the small confession, floods your mind. “Well, WE missed you but he wouldn’t ever say that out loud.”
Oh you were sure that was the case, you were also sure you’d wear him down eventually and get some semblance of softness out of him. You hadn’t thought that was possible previously but with how this is all going, you think it might happen eventually. You could see it when he was with her, the intimacy, comfortability, the closeness and how he didn’t lean away from it but rather to it. The fact you were allowed to see that, given that little peak in makes you wonder, were you special? Or is she too alluring and makes him react like that even when he rather wouldn’t expose himself in that fashion? 
“Oh my God, you’re getting soft on me!” You exclaim and she says, “What? You think I can’t be soft because I look this tough?
“Yeah the gothy exterior is real misleading, hm? You totally suckered me.” You claim and she laughs, “Hook line and sinker.”
You hear another voice and then Tiffany saying in an annoyed but amused tone, “Alright, alright, here-” And then his voice is in your ear, also sounding very amused, “What is so fucking funny that you all keep laughing over?”
“Awe you feeling left out Chuck? Don’t worry about it, I’ll be there before you know it and her and I can fawn all over you.” The promise seems to please him, “Now that's what I like to hear. Haven’t been too bored without us?” You can picture how he looks too, leaning over the back of their couch, right next to Tiffany, that cocky smile you have gotten to know as he talks into the phone, the occasional glance to her as he does so.
“Hardly, I was just telling your lovely girlfriend that I’ve been keeping myself plenty busy but I can admit that shit is much better with you both around.” Your fingers had been getting tangled in the phone cord during this conversation as you played with it and now you were unwrapping them as he responded, “Naturally, course it is, we’re the best.”
“Mmm you sure are, and now I hate to cut this short but I gotta start getting ready for work tonight.” He groans, “Booo-”
You hear Tiffany, she is still close by just like you thought, “What?” He fills her in, “She’s gotta get ready for work now.”
Tiffany echoes his sentiment, “Boooo-” It sounds like he is holding the phone so they can both hear and respond to you now. 
“You remember where our place is?” He asked and you hummed, “It’s tattooed on my brain.”
You could hear the beginnings of Chucky complaining and you cut him off, “C’mon, less than twenty four hours, I’ll be at your place, think you can live until then?” 
“I’ll do whatever I have to make sure he is alive for your arrival.” Tiffany promises and Chucky jokes, “Anything? Even mouth to mouth?” 
You hear the sound of a playful smack and a quiet, “Ow-” Laughing you tell them, “See you both soon, bye.” 
“Bye.” Comes the call in unison out of the phone, before you hang up. Getting off the couch you make your way to the bedroom to get yourself together for your shift and start to think about just what to wear to their place and what just to watch. Work flies by, you look cute and Logan gives you minimal shit and before you know it, you are back on the walk to the train station with Jackson, deep in conversation.
“So you got the day off tomorrow, what are you getting up to?” He asked and you still weren’t at liberty to give the whole truth, but you could say something, “Oh not much with the storm that is supposed to be rolling in, think I am gonna have a night in, rent some tapes.” 
“Oooh, cosy, sounds good, smart too, not trekking out in that shit.” Jackson says with a nod up to the cloudy sky. “Right, you have fun braving the last vestiges of winter, solo.” You tell him and he groans, “So mean.”
“I’m no meaner than you deserve.” You tease. You wish you could be fully honest with him, but hopefully one day, Jackson takes your hand and you let him, fingers lace and you rest your head on his shoulder as you wait on the platform for your respective trains in comfortable and companionable silence. 
What does one wear to a mostly meant to be casual date in watching movies? That is what you kept asking yourself and ultimately, after much rifling through your drawers and closet you settled on a comfortable sweater and jeans, you didn’t want to look too try hard and this was supposed to be low key after all. 
Now the implication of this was clear, being alone with them in their place like this, you didn’t want to make assumptions but you aren’t dumb, it could very easily get physical again and God after how the last date ended you were liking your chances and hoping that was the case. So with all that in mind, you might have dressed up a little more under the wool and denim. You catch a last look at yourself on your way out the door and yes, you look really fucking cute, you didn’t go as heavy on the make-up as you do when you are at work but you hope Tiffany likes it all the same. Coat pulled tight around yourself and bag over your shoulder, you head out into the late afternoon chill, first stop was the video store.
You stand in front of shelves, eyes scan over vhs cases and countless titles, you are seriously considering what would be entertaining, what would they like? You wander between the aisles and then it hits, that first date you had, the movie that ended up being pretty bad, and all the fun you had ripping on it afterwards over dinner. You found the perfect movie on a bottom shelf, near a corner, it was dusty, you wondered who rented it last and maybe if it had been forgotten about. You selected one other tape and after paying the rental fee you were back out the door, another stop had you then heading for their place, a plastic bag in each hand, one with the movies and the other loaded with snacks. Soon you are inside their building and knocking on their door with a well manicured hand promptly right when you said you would be there, four o’clock on the dot.
The door swings open to see Tiffany there, gorgeous as ever, even in what you assumed were her own more casual and comfortable clothes, the grey sweater she was wearing was big, hung loosely off one shoulder and the spandex showed off what you could see below the hemline of said sweater, very well. 
“Look at you! So punctual as always.” She praised and you said, “Oh I know I couldn’t keep Chucky waiting much longer or he would be totally insufferable.”
She held the door open and let you inside, “Trust me, I can handle him. You look fantastic again by the way, adorable sweater.” 
You came in and set the bags down so you could take off your boots, “Awe thank you, same for you, looks like you could be in a hot chocolate commercial or something, so comfy.” 
In the process of being half bent over you get a look at the fact Tiffany is wearing some very fuzzy and soft looking slippers. Your boots off you stand back up and she is smiling, you tell her, “Cute slippers.” 
A glance down and she asks, “You like em?” 
“They look comfortable but leopard print?” You ask and she laughs, “What? It isn’t like they are made of real leopards.” 
You laughed loudly, “I know that!” Tiffany’s hand rests on your shoulder and she leans over, presses a kiss to your cheek before asking, “So what’s the problem then?”
My God, even that, the soft and small press of her lips to your cheek makes warmth spread through you along with the smear of gloss she left and all complaints and issues are forgotten. You sigh out as she squeezes your shoulder, “None, not a damn one.”
Caught up staring into her eyes for a moment then that familiar voice is cutting in, “Are you not telling me when our guests arrive anymore?”
A look over your shoulder to see him coming into the room, definitely the most dressed down you had seen him, also looking comfortable and at you, relief washes over you, glad you took it easy and didn’t overdress. “You know I think you can get away with wearing t-shirts more often.” 
“Right? I keep telling him that all the time.” Tiffany agrees as her hand leaves your shoulder and he grins, “Starting on the praise already, making up for lost time?”
“Can you blame me?” He was close enough now that you opened your arms, invited him for a hug, he took you up on it but asked, while you were in his arms, “I know what this is really about, she is just tryna keep you all for herself and distracting from that with the sweet talk.” 
“Heaven forbid I want some solo time before you get your grubby mitts all over her.” Tiffany taunted and he laughed, “Yeah, you weren’t complaining they were grubby earlier.” 
She scoffed and he ignored her in favour of asking, “And what? No kiss hello for me?”
You exhale amusedly and roll your eyes, you are sure if any other guy said that to you the urge to clock them in the jaw would overwhelm but with him, saying it in that teasing tone, you can’t help but want to oblige. You pull back, hands remaining on his arms and you lean up and do just what he wanted. It wasn’t especially long but it didn’t need to be to have an effect on you just like hers had earlier. When you broke that kiss, back flat on your feet Tiffany had picked up your bags that you brought in, “Look at all the goodies you brought along!”
“Sweets for the sweet and all that.” You muse before telling them, “I made some guesses on what you both like for movie snacks.” 
“Oh well we will have to grade how you did.” Chucky said with raised eyebrows as he pulled away and all of you moved into the living room, you threw your hands up, “Oooh scary.” 
You had the chance to really take in their apartment, the last time you were sufficiently distracted but now you could really see it. The couch was comfortable looking, lower lighting provided by the few lamps scattered around, and facing the couch, a low coffee table, end tables bracketing said couch, a few windows and something you didn’t expect, plants. A few well tended potted plants were around of various types, you couldn’t place them but they looked nice, definitely added to the space, the lush pops of green are welcome after so much winter. Tiffany patted the spot next to her and you took it, Chucky sitting beside you before turning the bag upside down onto the coffee table. 
“Milk duds? Hell yeah.” Tiffany praised as she plucked up the box and Chucky said, “Junior mints-”
“You got something against chocolate and mint, Chuck?” You cut in and he was already opening the box and popping one into his mouth, “Hardly, I think it’s an underrated combo, but telling that I open my mouth and you think I’m gonna be critical and complain.”
“Well when you do it so frequently-” Tiffany started and he bit back, reaching over you to playfully push her shoulder, “Shut it.” 
“Awe, I thought you liked me with my mouth open?” She asked and he agreed and corrected her with a well timed raise of his eyebrows, the innuendo clear, “Open yes but full preferably.” 
You cut in and ask, “So we making this popcorn I brought or what?” Tiffany picked up the package, dropping the box of candy for the moment and said, “Of course, on it.” 
“Need any help?” You ask and she said while patting you on the shoulder, “I think I got it covered, but thanks honey.” 
You could get so used to her calling you names like that. You watch her go and you are on the couch with Chucky alone, turning to him you asked, “So what did you and Tiff do that ended up running long? You never said.”
“Oh didn’t we? Nothing major, a work thing.” He shrugs and you realise at that moment that they had never told you what they did for work. How has that happened with how long you have been seeing them? It hits then, whenever you are making plans to hang out it is all centered around your work schedule with very little issues from either of them on their front, weird. 
“You know you and Tiff never shared what you do for work.” You said and he asked, in a seemingly uninterested tone, “Didn’t we? Coulda sworn we did.” 
“No, pretty sure you didn’t.” And after he didn’t say anything further you prompt him, “Soooo, what do you do?” 
He glanced over to you, tipping the box over and letting a few more junior mints fall into his hand, “Freelance work, it’s real open ended and flexible, which is nice for us, gives us a ton of freedom.” He said it so easily and you had no reason to not believe him, before you could pry further into what KIND of freelance work Tiffany was coming back in, bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine, “You opposed to a few glasses?”
“Oooh not at all!” Tiffany grabbed wine glasses next and sat next to you again on the couch, she started to pour and Chucky asked, “So what did you rent anyway?”
“Two movies-” You reached out and snatched up the other bag, pulling one VHS tape out, “-Night Of The Lepus is up first.”
“Night of that what?” He asked as he took the tape, as if the clear plastic case would give him a better indication of the movie’s content and you said, “Lepus, Chuck. Night Of The Lepus.”
“The fuck is a Lepus?” You laugh and pluck the tape back out of his grip, “Guess you will have to just watch the movie and find out.”
“Yeah sweetface. I am sure it is going to be good if she picked it out.” You leaned over, a kiss to her cheek, “Thank you.” 
“Anytime.” She coos and in short order the tape is put in the VCR player and the three of you settle in to watch. You liked this, being between the pair of them, sinking into the cushions of the comfortable couch, ample snacks, a drink in your hand and casual points of contact. This feels right. Your thigh was against hers as she leaned into you and Chucky had his arm over your shoulders, his hand playing with some of the loose hair at the base of Tiff’s neck and you felt as relaxed and at ease as you do in your own apartment. 
The movie is rolling and as expected for your little group, there was easy conversation and riffing about what was happening on screen. 
The newscaster on the screen is speaking at this moment, “-it’s difficult to conceive that such an innocent furry rabbit, scientifically known as lepus, can be so destructive.”
“Oh so that is what lepus means? Rabbits?” Tiffany asks and Chucky chimed in, confused tone, “This movie is about what? Mutant bunnies?” 
“Mutant killer bunnies. And yeah! Just wait, trust me, it’s to your taste.” You assure and he decides to but not without a roll of his eyes.
As the movie goes on Tiffany is very into it, when the scientists are capturing bat specimens she is even happier, “Bats AND bunnies? So cute.” Chucky smiled as he said, “You are just in heaven, aren’t you?”
He starts getting into it too, the jokes flow more, conversation more fast paced, Chucky pointing out, “They just blatantly re-used that news footage from the opening-” 
“I like rabbits, mommy!” Exclaims the girl on screen which has him abandoning his original thought to say, “Yeah something tells me she won’t by the end of this.” The tone he says it with almost makes you choke on your sip.
“Wow those sure are some zoom-ins.” Tiffany said and Chucky asked, “What do you think they put on the rabbits faces for the blood?” You offered up, “Jam? I think it's probably jam.” 
“Growling, the rabbits are growling.” You say and Tiffany laughs, “Did you hear that scream?!” Chucky himself laughing, “Like it came from 12-year-old, so high pitched-” You all on cue at the same time mocked it together before falling into another laughing fit.
“These rabbits just do not stop growling.” You say later on and Tiffany says, “I know they are big and bad and we are supposed to hate them but they are just still so cute!”
It is quiet for a moment before Tiffany asks, “Hey sweetface?” 
Without turning his head he says firmly, “We are not getting a rabbit.” She pouts, “Oh why not?” He turned towards your direction, a hand landing on your knee as he said, “You did this, I’m blaming you.”  
You put your hand on his knee in kind, leaning in closer as you say, “I’d apologize and say I’m sorry but It’d be a fat fucking lie, Chuck, so I’ll spare you.” He deadpans, “I love your honesty, it's so sexy.”
And more towards the end of the movie, you had an arm around her, saying, “They aren’t really dying Tiff.” She pulls her glass back from taking another hearty sip and says, “I know that but it looks so convincing, you know?” 
Later still Chucky is saying, “They are talking about the railroad a lot.” And once the movie reached its finale, all the massive nearly car sized bunnies being electrocuted at the railroad trap that was set up he said, “Oh. Well fuck. It was important.”
Once it wrapped up Tiffany was still going on, “They are so big! Do you think I could ride one?” You ask, “Like a pony?” She excitedly agrees, “Yeah like a pony!”
“Well I gotta admit, for a dumb movie about killer bunnies, it was pretty entertaining.” Chucky said, giving it up and you say, “The jokes and drinking helped I am sure.” 
Tiffany leaned over, a quick hug as she said, “The company did too.” 
“Mannn, between this, the slippers, loving the bunnies, you are getting soft.” You tease and she lets you go, “Insulting me in my own home. So rude.” 
“We gonna do some dinner before the next movie?” Chucky asks and you perk up, “Oh that sounds great! What are we thinking?”
“I pre-made a lasagna earlier in anticipation for this, can just put it in the oven and mid-way through the movie when it’s done I can serve it up and we can eat.”
“Look at you, thinking of everything.” He praised as she got up and with a big smile asserted, “Someone’s gotta.” 
You got up, had been on the couch the whole time the movie was on, you stretched and asked them, “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh down the hall there.” You thank him and head off where he directed. When you were washing your hands you turned your head to look out the window and the whole thing was covered with snow. After you dried your hands you figured you should check this out further, you opened the window, took more force than you thought it would, the thing was practically frozen shut and when you got it open you were greeted with pure white sleet so thick you couldn’t see more than a foot in front of you. The chill was bitter, the wind biting and it had you slamming the window closed with a shiver, hands brushing over the front of your shirt, wiping away the snow that had stuck to you in the ten seconds you had the window open. 
The weather channel lied. The storm has evolved into an all out blizzard and it is bad, the worst one in a long time. You come back outside and ask, “Have you seen outside?”
“No, why?” He got up and went over to the window and looked out, “Holy shit, it looks fuckin’ nightmarish out.” 
“Yeah. Maybe I should uh get out of here before it gets worse?” Tiffany and Chucky shared a look before she looked back over her shoulder at you, “No way are you going out in that mess!” 
“Yeah you should spend the night.” Chucky offered, and you asked, “Really? You’d be okay with that?”
“Duh of course. No way should you be out walking in that, we wouldn’t even drive you in it-” Tiffany said and you asked, “Wait drive? You guys have a car?”
“We do. We don’t drive her much in the winter in the city, that much salt you are just asking for rust problems.” Her, the car is a her, he is one of those car guys, you bet “she” even had a name, it was weirdly endearing, and also opened up lots of possibilities too for future dates. “Does he care for the car more than you?”
“Sometimes I wonder.” She muses, “And besides we still have another movie and dinner too.” She makes a good point, you don’t want to leave yet and it would be stupid and dangerous to try and brave that blizzard. The care and concern is sweet, you say, “Thank you both.”
Chucky waves you off, “Don’t even mention it, so how about that next movie?” 
The oven had been preheated, dinner was in and going, drinks were refreshed and at that time Tiffany was asking, “And what is the second movie exactly?” 
You snatched up the bag that had been pushed to one of the upper corners of the coffee table and brought out the second tape, “Stand By Me.” 
“Oh, never seen it.” He admitted and you said, “Me either but I have read the original story by Stephen King.” 
“What is it about?” She asked and you filled them in, “It’s about four twelve-year-old boys and this adventure they set out on to go see a dead body.”
“This is your follow up to giant killer bunnies?” Chucky accused, thoroughly amused and you laughed, “What? I thought it was a good follow up, much more mild, less nuts and out there, a palette cleanser if you will-”
“Just a weird double feature is all.” He says, hands up and Tiffany hums, “Unconventional certainly but I am more than willing.”
The VHS was slid into the VCR and the positions had changed on the couch, you were at one end, back against the arm rest, legs stretched over Tiffany’s lap she is leaning against Chucky as he is resting against the other end of the couch. You feel even more at ease, knowing you were spending the night, having your first sleepover with them, movies and dinner and drinks was the perfect recipe for relaxation.
You felt good, not really tipsy or even buzzed but rather light, happy, the wine they selected was great. 
Chucky spoke up first, the same pattern as the last movie, talking about it as it went on, “These kids got some good insults.” Tiffany exhaled amusedly, “Yeah you really have to step it up.”
“Can’t be outshined by a gaggle of twelve-year-olds in the fifties, think of your rep Charles.” You tease and he gags, “Ugh, can we not?” 
“What no Charles?” You ask and he says, “I’d rather we didn’t.” 
“Touchy, touchy. But fine.” You conceded.
It was quiet for a while until he spoke up again. “Christ, everyone is doing it in this damn movie, I want a smoke.”
Tiffany carefully moved your legs off her lap, “Me too, open the window.” He gets up and goes over to the window and does so carefully, it is still coming down so he opens it just enough for a small crack to blow smoke out of. Both he and Tiffany have a smoke while standing on either side of the window, still in view of the tv. 
“Train dodge?” Tiffany asked, shocked as three out of four friends tried to get the last one off the tracks, trying to explain why attempting to dodge the train was a terrible idea, and Chucky laughed on the exhale, “Oh this kid is gonna die.” You agree with a chuckle, “One hundred percent.” 
You all watch as Chris manages to yank him off the tracks before disaster can strike and Chucky’s hands cup around his mouth as he calls, “Booooo, you shoulda let him try.” You laugh, “Is the body they are going to see not enough?”
He is musing as you all watch, “You know I’ve always wanted a dog-” Tiffany cuts him off, “So no pet bunny but we can get a dog you can train to bite balls off, real fair.” You are laughing hard, “My God what a sentence.” 
“You would do that.” Tiffany said and Chucky asked, “Spit in your face? I mean, only if it got you off.” She bit back with, “Like it doesn’t get you off.” Causing Chucky to say, his fingers brushing over her cheek, the action soft and in no way matching his tone, “Never said it didn’t, I was only concerned for you.” 
“Mmm real concerned, I’m sure.”  Said Tiffany. Those moments you see between the pair of them are some of your favourites when sharing time together, the easy air and banter they share is amazing, you hope to reach a similar level one day. 
You speak up, “You think the body is gonna be gross?” Chucky responded in turn, “I mean we can only hope.” 
While watching the older group of guys in the gang carving into each other, Chucky asked Tiffany, “Should we brand each other?” She laughs as if the idea is hilarious, “Yeah, I’ll get your name right over my heart, how’s that sound?” You all share a laugh over that.
You mused after a while, during a lull with a sigh, “Bull-true. I love that.” Chucky asked, “That gonna end up in your daily lexicon?” You say, “It might.” He takes the chance for the joke, “Bullshit.” Tiffany groans with a roll of her eyes as he is busy snickering over his own quip. 
The scene where the boys are crossing the train tracks over the river, nowhere to jump off without falling one hundred feet into the water you speak up, “You feeling this tension or just me?” 
Chucky responds with a nod, he is sitting more forward, eyes locked on the screen, “No, no, I'm feeling it.” And when the train actually did show up Tiffany was gripping your arm hard, pretty manicured nails biting into your bicep through the wool of your sweater, “Shit, shit, shit, fuck! Are they gonna make it?!” The level to which Tiffany is into the scene playing on screen makes a smile break out on your face even with all of the previously commented upon tension, she is so cute.
They manage to but just barely and you exclaim, “God, that was so good.” Tiffany gets up, “Stressful more like, I need another smoke.” 
The next few scenes were watched with them both at the window, indulging again. She says easily at one point between drags, “The word of the movie is sincerely.” He nods in agreement, “Seriously.” 
Watching the kids around the fire, you speak, asking, “I don’t smoke so I don’t get it but is a smoke post meal really that good?” Chucky and Tiffany moan in unison just as he is closing the window and they have finished their second smoke of the movie, “Ohhh my Godddd-” she calls and him following up with, “Yes, yes yes-”
Their impassioned reaction gets another laugh from you, true you didn’t get it first hand but they sure got the point across. 
Dinner was finally ready and you all ate in front of the tv as you did so, not wanting to interrupt the movie. It was really fucking good, you were impressed at the skill she displayed, you wished you knew how to make something this good. The fact she liked the dinner you made for them made you happy considering her own cooking ability. “Tiffany this is fantastic, and you just did this today?” 
She shrugged as if it was no big deal, “Yeah this afternoon before you got here. I can show you how sometime, maybe have a date cooking together.” Chucky piped up, “I’m all for it.” 
“Pfft, no shit, we do the work and you get to eat.” Tiffany laughed.
As the boys finished crossing the river, Tiffany groaned, “Oh nooooo, not leeches.” And Chucky states firmly, “This is why you will never, ever catch me swimming in a river.” 
And finally the boys had reached the end of their journey and you spoke up, “Woah.”
Chucky was setting his plate aside, getting ready for that aforementioned post dinner smoke and his third of the movie, as he said, “There he is.” Tiffany asks, “What do you think? Worth it?” You shrug as you say, “I think it’s one of those things where it’s more about the journey than the destination.” 
A mutual hum of agreement as the pair are lighting up.
It is silent during Chris’ comforting and Tiffany said quietly, ��This kid is a good friend.” Something you and Chucky both agree with.
When the ending finally comes there is much exclamation, “Chris became a lawyer oh my God-” And very shortly afterwards, “And he dies?!”
“You show us this movie, get us all invested and Chris bites it?” Chucky asked and you defended yourself, “Yeah years later-” He presses on, “The point still stands!”
The credits roll and as Tiffany is collecting up plates as she says, “Still hurts either way.” 
“That is the point though. This movie is like life, it’s happy but sad, funny but tragic, you know?” She concedes to you on that. Chucky turns to you, “These are the two weirdest movies you could have ever picked for our date night.” 
“But?” You ask and he follows up, “But so fun.” Tiffany calls over her shoulder as she carries messy plates to the kitchen, “So fun!”
“Seriously you should pick for movie nights more often.” He praises and you ask, “We wanna do this a lot more then?”
He shrugs and says easily, “Shit, I mean why not?” 
Why not indeed.
“Sooo the movies are all done, what do we want to do now, since I’m staying?” You ask and he says, “Cards and some tv?”
Sounded good to you, it was still a little early and so you all ended up sitting on the floor around the coffee table, some made for tv movie you didn’t care about providing background noise as you played. There was more conversation flowing over all manner of things, everything and nothing and whatever in between before another few hours later the decision to get into bed for the night was made. Tiffany loaned you something to sleep in, a rather large t-shirt that was warm and comfortable.
You were feeling tired but once you saw Tiffany’s choice in pyjamas, a tank top and short shorts you felt significantly more awake, looked like she had this set for a few years and it was criminally tight. You sat on the edge of the bed and joked, “So you saved the better pyjamas for yourself, I see how it is.” 
“Ha, hardly, you look good, really cute.” She said easily, she was putting her hair up as she sauntered over to you and keeping eye contact was difficult, something she picked up on as she said, “You know you can look, right? It’s kinda what I am hoping for when I wear something like this.” 
“Oh I know just what you mean.” You get bold and take what she said as an invitation to open your legs as your eyes drag over her curves. Your hand dropping down, you pull up the bottom of the t-shirt she loaned you and show off the frankly gorgeous lace and silk underwear you picked out hoping to impress her. Eyebrows raised and she says, “Yeah that is the kinda thing you wear when you wanna garner certain kinds of attention.” 
She finishes putting up her hair and you ask, “Well do I have your attention?” 
In place of a verbal response she leans down, hands rest on your thighs and she kisses you. The speed with which you return her affection is impressive, your hand lets go of the shirt and you reach out, hands on her biceps as you deepen the kiss and she hums into it. That is the moment you hear him come in, “Starting without me again. Is that the theme for tonight?”
You and Tiffany break the kiss with a laugh, big smiles as you look over Tiffany’s shoulder and she does the same, “You were taking too long and she showed me what she has on under this-” She pulled on the sleeve of the t-shirt you had on, “-and what am I supposed to do after that? Not kiss her?”
“Yeah, you snooze, you lose Chuck.” You tease and he comes over, “Apparently, and what exactly do you have on under this?”
He sits next to you on the bed, side saddle, one hand meets your knee and he makes a move to open your legs to get himself a peek and you forcefully keep your legs closed, pretending like you aren’t dying for him to see, “Ooh I dunno-”
“Tease.” He scoffs and Tiffany leans in again, she turns your face back to her, breaking the eye contact you had with Chucky and kissing you again, you melt in short order and focus on her instead. He is able to open your legs easily and when the fabric is pulled up he says, “Christ you weren’t kidding. How can any sane person with a heartbeat not want her after seeing that?”
The kiss was forcefully broken when he pushed you over onto your back and he climbed onto the bed. The action is surprising and honestly much too arousing, you like when he takes charge, the confidence works on him and you are into it. 
He is moving closer as he is talking, “You know, we kept on talking about you while we were away.” He leaned down and you asked, “Yeah?”
“Could not stop thinking about how that last date ended.” He admits and Tiffany agrees, her hands hadn’t left your thighs and they were moving upwards now. “You were too hot for words.” 
Her saying that about you? As she is bent at the waist, her finger starting to dip below the edge of your t-shirt, her ample cleavage on display from the angle, biting her bottom lip and that mischievous glint in her eyes, you think that “too hot for words” fits her much, much better. You still graciously accept the compliment on your oral skills and apparently how good you looked while doing it. 
“I can’t stop thinking about it either.” You divulge as their hands start wandering quickly, her fingers run over your hips before beginning to move back down and his hand is sliding up your side, thumb tracing the curve of your breast and you say, “I want to do more too if you both do-”
“You think we can resist when you are spending the night in our bed, especially wearing something like this?” Tiffany asks as her fingertips brush over the soft edges of the delicate material that was currently encasing your quickly dampening cunt. He was so close now as he told you, “Yeah c’mon, we are only human and we can only show so much restraint.”
Thank fucking God, this has been coming for way too long and with it being so explicitly stated means all bets are off, you can hardly wait to indulge but that doesn’t mean there is any reason to rush. 
You tell him, “So stop holding back.” Before your hand is on the back of his neck, leaning up the last bit, you kiss him, and even though you initiated that kiss, he is soon the one taking over and leading it. 
He clearly takes what you say to heart, they both do, because clothes are coming off in between heated kissing, his shirt and her shorts, and you take off the shirt Tiffany had loaned you, all in all you ended up wearing it for less than ten minutes and when it was taken off both of them pause. The bra was part of a set, it sat on your body beautifully but didn’t leave much to the imagination since the cups were sheer, intricate lace that matched the panties curling around the edges and framed your nipples. “God, she is asking for it, isn’t she?” 
You were.
Tiffany didn’t give much more than a hum with a nod in response, she was on her knees, kissing up your leg as her hand found its way in between, deft fingers stroke up and you arch into her touch. You were plenty warmed up, her fingers slide back down, more pressure and it draws from you a quiet exhale, head falling back and he takes the opportunity to kiss up your neck one of his hands feeling up your chest. His fingers get greedy, dipping into your bra, blunt nails catch on your hardening nipples and the small edge of pain the action provides makes the pleasure radiating out below your waist increase. Tiffany was very into her current task, head resting on your inner thigh, fingers touching, rubbing consistent and steady circles through the satin like fabric over your clit, taking in every reaction of your body as well as watching the sight of the wet spot steadily growing. 
“You good down there?” The question is spoken into the hollow of your throat, another kiss ending his sentence and making your breath stutter as her fingers press harder, she speaks, “So good.”
“I bet.” You feel his smile against your neck, fingers squeeze your nipple and he continues on, “Little known thing about Tiff is she looooves lingerie-”
“Really?” You ask breathlessly with a big smile, the wash of pleasure increasing between the pair of them working you over, “Guilty.” She sighs. 
“Maybe we should go lingerie shopping together sometime.” You suggest absentmindedly, the friction of the thin layer of fabric between your clit and her fingers is making it hard to breathe normally and Tiffany perked right up, fingers slowly slightly, “Oh you mean it?” 
“Yeah, I am sure you have all kinds of things you want to see me in.” You tease and Chucky chimes in, “Think we both have lots of things we want to see you in.”
Tiffany agrees and you ask, “Like?”
He huffs, teeth grazing your pulse point before he asked, “You want to keep talking or do you want to get fucked?” 
She was moving your underwear out of the way, fingers hook in the wet material and she pulls, her thumb stokes over your clit and you gasp out the answer they were hoping for, “Fucked, definitely fucked.” 
“God I cannot wait to see that.” Tiffany’s voice, Christ, it was enough to do your head in on an average day, but like this, almost naked, their hands all over, and the tone she spoke in, it clued you into how desperate she was for it, clearly she was being genuine. You had the smallest wondering if she had masturbated to the thought, the idea of her doing that at all, thinking of you getting railed by her boyfriend or otherwise has your hips bucking to get closer to her touch. Her other hand is on Chucky, nudging him and he takes the hint, he is still close to you but more on his back, his hands abandoning you for the time being, she is helping him out of the rest of his clothing. Her touch on you at this moment is light, rocking gently, you get lost in the feeling and before you know it he is completely naked. 
Your attention is drawn to this because of the groan he lets out, your eyes start at his face, the expression he is wearing is betraying what is already going on, but still you take your time to see it for yourself. You treat it as if it were something you had been greatly looking forward to, which to be honest, you had, allowing time to indulge, not wanting to ruin it by taking it in too quickly, appreciating it. Your eyes are raking down his chest and stomach to then see it live and in colour, Tiffany with one hand around his shaft and the head of his dick between those pretty kissable lips of hers. This is still so new but you sincerely doubt you are ever going to tire of seeing the pair of them be physical with each other. 
Now that she is in a good rhythm with him she picks up the pace on you once more, you had no idea that she was so good at multitasking. Between the pleasure she was foisting on you and the view and sounds of Chucky you can’t take it, you need more, you reach out, a hand meets his cheek and you bring his face over to you, initiating a deep kiss that both of you moan into. It continues on like that, the energy is impressive, all of you are feeding into each other, Tiffany’s tongue flicks over his tip and the inhale is draws from him makes more heat spark inside of you and kiss him deeper, the brush of his own tongue on yours makes you moan and causes her to redouble her efforts and it just doesn’t stop. In between kisses you ask, “How do you stand it?”
“Mmm? What you mean, ugh, her?” He laughs a little breathlessly, a groan spilling out after that and you nod, “Yeah, exactly, her, she’s too much.” 
Tiffany pulls up, he leaves her mouth with a wet pop and she teases, a call back to a previous joke he had made on your last date “The most.” 
You love this too much, the way that even with the hot and heavy atmosphere, feeling this good, you can all still joke around and keep it light. Your forehead leans against his as you snicker, “And funny too, you got yourself quite a catch.” 
“Yeah we lucked out big time.” He agrees, his mouth is back on yours and you feel yourself melting. 
“You flatter me so.” She sighs but your mind is caught up on the “we” still. You wonder if it was an accident or purposeful but him saying we in this context isn’t a small thing. No time to follow up or question however, Tiffany has two fingers sliding into you as she is back to sucking his dick and you are moaning with a grind of your hips to increase the feeling she gives. Between the hot and heavy make out you keep on stealing glances at her, whenever you and he break apart your eyes are drawn down to see how she is taking him nearly to the base with no issue. Her hand and mouth moving in tandem, you notice too that when she takes him as deep as she can that is when she curls her fingers into you, her thumb swirling over your clit while she pulls him out, the level of control she has over you and him is enough to leave you speechless. 
Unlike before you are leading the kiss now, keeping it fun, playful, ample moans and when you can manage to get the words out, scattered praise  for Tiffany is spoken until she is the one who can’t take it anymore, she is the one to push it further. She slides him out of her mouth, resting her head on his thigh, her hand still stroking him and her fingers curling into you again, “Are you both ready?”
“Oh you all needy, hon?” He asks with a surprisingly lack of condesension and a smile, she nods, “I want to see you fuck her.”
Heaven above how she says that, you clench on her fingers, speaking of his fingers, they brush over your cheek and while catching your gaze he asks, “Well? You ready?”
A bite of your bottom lip before you practically moan out, “God thought you’d never ask.” 
You were dying for this just as much as they both were, is it possible to be so hot and bothered that your own blood can threaten to boil you alive in your veins? You have no clue but the culmination of all this time with them about to come to a head, to get fucked by both of them, in their bed, a total dream come true, soaked and more than ready you don’t need the rest of your clothing.
Her hands slip away and his hands are on you, he helps you, taking care of your bra and you sliding your panties off, now completely bare and then he is helping move you how he wants.
Repositioning you is easy, you wonder if they had planned this because they both seem to be on the exact same page about just how they wanted to have you, not like you have any complaints about that. You are on your side, Chucky is behind you, his back practically to your chest  as Tiffany is getting onto the bed, taking her tank top off as she does so and now she is in just her panties and your eyes are wide, “Holy fuck-”
His chin on your shoulder, looking over to see the view of Tiffany in barely anything and he says, “I never, ever get tired of seeing that. Her body is fucking insane, those tits? I mean come onnn-” His hands are on you, the small shake as he moans that out makes you giggle. 
She is throwing the garment aside with a fond roll of her eyes and a smile on her lips, one hand in his hair, an arch of her back pushing her chest out further and she asks you softly, “You wanna touch?” 
You tell her, “If I ever say no to that I think you can assume something is seriously wrong with me.”  She scoots closer as she says with a smile, “Well go ahead.” 
You do as she encourages, one hand cupping her and she is impossibly soft and incredibly warm, she sighs, leaning more into your touch, eyes falling closed and your thumb circles one of her nipples. All of the nice tits comments and filthy compliments aside that you could tell her, instead you utter completely sincerely,  “You’re fucking beautiful. Just my God, Tiffany, you’re stunning.” 
Her smile widens and she looks almost shy? As if she wasn’t expecting you to say that, and certainly not so sweetly and earnestly, you sound practically awed and that gets to her. Makes her heart beat faster, she wonders if you can feel it as you explore. Shocking Chucky doesn’t make some kind of comment on this but you do feel him grind against you, his enjoyment of the view more than apparent.
You vaguely register him pulling away for the moment and hearing the sound of the nightstand drawer pulling open and snapping closed, Tiffany has gotten more comfortable, she is on her side in front of you, she had initiated another kiss as your fingers carefully pinched her nipple between two fingers and rolled it. His hands are on you once more and his hand is between your legs, starting to move, you take the hint, moving with him so he is holding your leg out of the way, your other leg resting tangled between his, chest to back and you feel him there, hard shaft grinds over your lips and you moan into her mouth. 
You break the kiss as his mouth is next to your ear, warm breath sends a shiver up your spine he is grinding against you, wetness from you spreading onto him, head of his dick bumping over your clit. Eyes flit down and you manage to catch a glimpse and the view is hot, you also realise why he leaned away before, while caught up playing with Tiffany he’d grabbed a condom. You were glad you didn’t have to ask, this was still so new, the first time you were doing this so of course it was a necessary precaution, who’s to say it will always be this way, if it is just you and Tiffany being with him there isn’t a reason to not feel him bare. 
It’s just another fun thing to look forward to honestly, this is just the first of many.
He doesn’t need to ask because you take the initiative, reach down, fingers meet his shaft and you tilt your hips back, the position just right you push back as he moves forward and finally starts to sink inside. Your eyes close with a sharp inhale, it doesn’t hurt, far from it with how prepared you are, the stretch of him sliding halfway in on that first stroke feels exquisite. You can feel Tiffany’s eyes locked on the point of connection between you and Chucky, his grip on your thigh near the back of your knee tightens, he pulls out most of the way before driving back in, deeper, causing you to take more and you moan his name softly. A few more purposeful rocks of his hips and he is completely inside, he exhales heavily into your ear, you feel his forehead rest against you, both soaking in the feeling for a moment before Tiffany’s hand on your cheek snaps you out of it. Your eyes open to see her right there, so close you can feel her body heat and she asks, “How’s it feel?”
You don’t know if it is meant to be directed at you or him but you both answer anyway. First you, choking out, “So good, so full-” and then him, “Tight, wet, amazing.” 
A steady pace is started, not fast or slow, a good even tempo that has you wanting to go limp in his grasp. One hand still occupied with holding your leg out of the way, his other arm was hooked around your body, over your shoulder, hand resting over your breasts, the extra point of contact makes it easier still to maneuver you, pull you down as he fucks up. Tiffany is watching intently, her bottom lip is tugged between her teeth, flushed cheeks and eyes flitting over, trying to capture every moment and movement and detail. She is really into this, you knew she would be but this is still a pretty big line to cross, fucking her boyfriend in their shared bed right in front of her, and there seems to be not a single hint of jealousy, no she loves it, that helps you sink even further into it. A turn of your head and you manage to catch his lips in a sloppy kiss, you start to move too, desperate to make this better, increase the feeling as you rock together. 
“He’s being so nice to you.” She praises and you break that kiss with a laugh, asking, “Is he us-usually me-an?”
He exhales amused and thrusts harder into you, “I can be.” He breathes that to you in a way that makes you clench around him, maybe you’d like him being mean to you. 
“M’ sure he won’t be able to be on his best behaviour forever.” Tiffany tells you and you want to sigh out, “Promise?” But instead an incoherent moan leaves you because Tiffany’s hands are getting back to work, fingers press to your clit and swirl making the euphoria spike aggressively. A weakened and hiccupping moan of her name as your movements become sloppy, trying to buck back onto Chucky is becoming more difficult with both of them so focused on you. 
“Fuck Tiff, keep going.” Was he reading your mind when he said that because you were about two seconds from begging for that yourself, his breathing is as laboured as yours. You didn’t think you’d last much longer like this at all and the small fact of that, of getting close makes it worse, unable to keep any of the sounds inside, moaning openly. Tiffany’s fingers working over your sensitive flesh as he continues to fuck into you, steady and deep strokes you are panting, your head raises from where it had been laying on Chucky’s arm that was still hooked around you, managing to catch his gaze. The eye contact is intense, the shared heavy breathing, bodies moving together and consistently getting better, adjusting and figuring each other’s bodies out, your eyes break away only for a second to catch Tiffany’s, she presses harder and you whine out that you are getting close. It is only a few minutes into this and you are threatening to fall apart between them, your hand catches the back of Tiffany’s neck, you pull her close, kissing her, tongue in her mouth and she returns your affection with a groan of her own. 
“Shit, you’re too hot-” Chucky pants out, his grip on your leg just might leave bruises, you don’t care as he fights to keep pace, “-practically stranglin’ me, so tight I can barely fuck-ing move.” 
You are right there, on the very edge, your mouth slips from hers, face buried in her neck and with the combination of one more purposeful thrust from him and a move of her hand you gasped out a pathetic warning of, “-cumming!”
“Yes, fuck yes, come on.” His encouragement fills your ears and makes your skin under his touch tingle. Before it happens, you slip and ecstasy overtakes, body tenses further, trembling as the weight of the feeling threatens to crush you, no real coherent sound, just pitched fluctuations of your breathing and murmurs that could be read as curses if you squint hard enough. You don’t think, you just feel, completely given over to the moment and to them. Her touch only begins to ease when your whimpering sounds like it is beginning to border on painful, he doesn’t relent though, it draws the remnants of your orgasm out for a long time, eventually you do regain some words, mostly it is his name, muttered between kisses you laid on Tiffany’s throat where your face is still buried. You can’t see but you are positive she is touching herself now, the way her moans are mixing with yours and his, how her body shudders, your tongue darts out and tastes the salt of her skin and she arches closer to you. 
Chucky’s entire body is nearly pressed to yours, he is talking again, fractured praise, “So good, I knew you would be but fuck, you-you’re-” His sentence trails off with another groan as his hips slam into yours but you don’t care, even without finishing the compliment it effects you deeply.
When she moves away you want to question it, want to ask what she is doing but it becomes clear in short order, she sinks down. Her hand that isn’t between her own is on your inner thigh, she managed to get in just the right position and she moved in, her lips press gently and carefully to your straining clit and your body reacts as if shocked, spasming with a cry, he must feel it too from the hiss he lets out. “Goddamn you just clenched so hard-”
Tiffany listens, her own fingers are moving quickly between her legs but her mouth moves faster, pretty pink tongue licks up over and over a few times, pulling delicious sounds from you whenever she does before her lips lock around the throbbing nub and she sucks. This one has very little build up, it seems one minute you aren’t and the very next you are, as if she forcefully dragged you to the edge and threw you over the cliffs edge into heaven in a few short minutes. You are calling her name, fingers tangled in soft blonde hair as you ground on her tongue and just when you’re orgasm is at its peak you push on her head, she doesn’t relent, she forces you to feel every single bit of it and only leaves you when she is satisfied with her work. 
You are still shaking, trying to breathe through the aftershocks when three last hard thrusts cause your whole body to move once more with his spell Chucky’s end, your name staining his tongue as he drives that last time to the hilt and holds as he spills into the condom. You feel him slightly trembling through his high and that makes you smile dreamily, feeling powerful you were able to do that, he released this huge breath and sighs as his body starts to go slack, “Jesus, holding out till you were done was practically torture.” 
You clear your throat, finding your voice you say, “M’ sure it’s the kinda torture you’ll happily come back for a second helping of.” 
He laughs breathlessly, “You’re not wrong.” 
The sentiment is nice, him caring enough to make sure you got yours before getting his, he slowly pulls out with a grunt and he lets go of your leg, your hand comes back, you rub your hip as you close your legs again, you feel incredible but this wasn’t over yet. He is on the same page as you because now that the condom was thrown away he was moving closer to Tiffany. She just did a ton of heavy lifting for you both, helped make the first time he fucked you incredible and saw to it that you and he came insanely hard and the only thing on both yours and his minds were returning the favor. You realised she was still wearing those panties and you had to do something about that. Your fingers hook into the sides of the thin material covering the last part of her and you begin to move it out of the way, sliding them down her thighs and exposing her to you. 
Keeping your mouth closed was impossible, it is involuntary, your lips parting slightly as seeing her totally bare and Chucky laughs, you look over to see him, head pitched forward, shaking his head slightly, fuck, his hair was a mess from how your hand was buried in it at one point while he fucked you. “What is so funny, Chuck?”
“Nothin’ just-” His hand runs through his hair before popping back up, sideways smile, as he says, “-I had that exact same look first time I saw her naked.” 
“Only the first time? Try every time.” Her tone is light but at the same time it is undercut with clear need, “Can you blame a guy? You look like you were ripped right outta a magazine.” 
He leaned down, a kiss to her forehead and you reached out, your hand touched down and her legs jerk at the feeling, she was drenched, absolutely soaked and as you learned within a minute, very responsive. You had just cum twice in pretty quick succession, you felt totally satisfied but she was changing that. He was kissing her, hand stroking over her neck and moving to play with her ample chest, you got more comfortable as you used your hands, your head was swimming, finally touching her after so long, hearing the sounds she made, how different touches made her react, you ended up pressing your thighs together when your fingers slipped into her, she gasped your name into his mouth and fuck, you did that. 
She felt incredible inside, slick, pulsing, tight, if it feels this good for your fingers to be inside her you can only imagine what it is like for him to fuck her. He is pulling away from her kisses to ask, “How’s she doing?”
“Amazing-” She sighed that out, lips parted and eyes half lidded in bliss, and he is ginning, “Yeah seems like.” 
He looks over to you and then sits up again, he motions for you to come closer, you do so, leaning nearer and not stopping touching, he whispers to you, telling you, “Make it like you are crossing your fingers like you’re lyin’, twist em back and forth and then curl them up and press hard.” 
Your nose wrinkles in confusion but you do as he suggests, upon you following his instruction,  her whole body bows and she cries out louder than you have ever heard previously, your eyebrows raise in shock and he teases, “Told ya.” 
It turns out that she didn’t need long, between him pinching her nipples, whispering more commands on just what to do, she is cumming on your fingers loudly within five minutes. You wished you looked half as good as she does when she cums, you are totally captivated, the way her body rolls and the moans she lets out, it’s nothing short of pure art. 
Her hand locks on your wrist and she begs, “Please, stop, fuck-”
You do, you’d been so caught up in her that you hadn’t let up for a second, overstimulation must have been setting in hard, poor thing, you slowly and reluctantly pull your fingers out. Before you get the chance to taste her he is pulling your fingers into his mouth and your mouth drops in shock, “You asshole! I worked hard for that treat-”
Your fingers pop out and he says wetly, “You want it? Come get it.”
“You’re such a bitch.” You sighed but you still pulled him nearer and kissed him either way. Sharing the taste of her when you kissed him might just be one of your new favourite things. When the affection finally reached a natural end, Tiffany said, “My legs might not be working right now but don’t leave me out.”
You and Chucky oblige. You both kiss her, one after the other and wrap her up in your arms. Sweaty and tangled limbs all cuddling on top of the messed up sheets as you relax and breathng slowly starts to even out. "That was-" You start, voice trailing off.
"Is there no words, again?" Tiffany asks and you say, "Nope! I swear to God I have a good vocabulary, my brain just doesn't work after what you both do to me."
"Awe yeah sweet thing, you are real smart, we both know it." Tiffany praised. "Fucking you dumb is a good pass time." He muses as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
The come down takes a long while. The bedroom window is cracked the smallest amount possible because it got stiflingly hot in the room as well the snow still coming down so hard making opening it any further a stupid idea. The pair of them doing what you has to assume is their normal ritual post fuck, both lighting up for another cigarette. You were still naked but actually in bed now, under the sheets and just watching them. Sitting up in the low lamp light, easy conversation and joking between the pair, she had his shirt on and he’d tugged his underwear back on, both their hair a mess and you just felt happy. Really fucking happy. 
Nowhere to be, just soaking up the moment with them. He asks, “Is there any of that lasagna left?”
“What are you hungry at this time of night?” She asks on an exhale of smoke and he says, “Yes I am, all that really took it out of me.” 
“Sex like that is hungry work, I have to say I could do with a snack myself.” You say and between the pair of you she can’t say no. So at nearly three AM, smokes finished, the three of you are sitting up in bed and sharing a plate of lasagna, by the time you all do fall asleep it’s almost four and you are thoroughly exhausted and slotted between them, you are positive this has to be the best sleepover you’ve ever had. 
Would it be weird to send a thank you letter to the weather station for getting the forecast so wrong and making all this happen? Probably. And yet you were still considering it. 
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Eight. "I Can Fix This."
Oh fuck, here it is! I know over a month without an update but shit has been wild for me as of late, creativity was sapped hard but hopefully with this job change that will fix things, I should know very soon if I got the job! So, let’s get into this juicy update and not take too much time to get to the goods. Masterlist for the whole series is, here.
Rating Explicit. Length. 8.4K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Manipulation. Gaslighting. Mild Stalking. Trent Is A Fucking Creep. Emotional Vulnerability. Making Out. Dirty Talk. Teasing. Banter. Blow Job. Guided Oral Sex. Swallowing. Praise. Tiffany Is A Sweetheart. 
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He motioned for Tiffany to come closer and she did, leaning over, his hand hiding his mouth from your view as he whispers something you cannot hear to her. She considers it before doing the same action, she says something back to him that again you can’t catch and then they are both turned back to look at you head on. He speaks up and asks, “How exactly do you plan to make it up to us?”
A great fucking question honestly and one that you really should have given some thought to before you presented them with this offer. Luckily you were smart and you thought fast and so working off the model of first thought best thought you offer up, “How about you come over to my place and we can talk this all out?”
A glance between them, the silence too much, you worried it wasn’t enough so in a slight moment of panic you add on just a touch too quickly, “I’ll cook?”
The pair shared yet another look and then Chucky says, “I think I am thirsty now. How about you Tiff?” 
“Positively dehydrated. I’m practically withering away.”  She drawled with a slight pout and you asked quickly with a nod, “What would you like?”
“You’re pretty good at picking out drinks, surprise us.” He said easily and so off you scurry back to the bar to fetch them some refreshment pronto. 
They watch as you go and unbeknownst to you a conversation is struck, him inhaling deeply from his smoke before Tiffany plucks it from his fingers and he lets her, as she takes a drag he asks, “So what do you think?”
“Dinner at her place?” She asks on an exhale and he nods with a hum,“Yeah, thoughts?” And she responds as she glances at him with a big smile, “I can’t wait.” 
“Not gonna lie, I’m impressed with the idea too, seeing how she lives, having her cook for us, it’s got a certain kinda appeal.” He says with a nudge of his shoulder to hers, she smiles, nose wrinkling with a fond muttering of, “Course you’re into this.” 
He scoffs, “Like you’re not.” She shrugs and says, “Never said I wasn’t.” A deep sigh before asking, “So how do we play it?”
“Let me lead.” He insists and she passes back his cigarette as she sighs, tucking a loose piece of blonde hair behind her ear with the other hand as she says, “I dunnoooo-”
He lets out a small groan around the smoke in his mouth, “C’mon, trust me-”
Back with you, currently on edge as you stood at the bar, nervously tapping your manicured nails on the lacquered wood, nearly whining, “Logan, come onnnn man! I’m fucking busy, I need these drinks yesterday.”
“You wanna try asking that again a little nicer this time?” He inquired as he slapped the shaker to loosen the bond before pulling it apart and pouring the mixture into the first of the two laid out glasses. 
“Lo do not test me right now, please?” You begged and he got this look on his face that you had come to know that meant he was going to deliver some truly cringe worthy joke and you cut him off with a small stamp of your heel and a smack of the tray in your hands against the bar. “I mean it. Don’t.” 
“Jesus, who pissed in your punch?” He asked with a pinched brow and you groaned, “I’m sorry just, people at my tables are being difficult tonight-”
“How difficult? What kind of difficult?” The concern was immediate, he had paused his current action of passing the now finished cocktails to you so you could put them on your tray. You really didn’t want to expend a lot of time or energy reassuring him, you wanted to get your drinks and go back to them so you simply said, “Nothing serious Lo I swear, they just want their drinks strong and service speedy.”
“Honest?” He asked, still cradling those glasses as he looked you over and the response you gave came paired with a nod, “Yes, sorry for snapping at you, it wasn't cool.” 
He stared you down for only a moment more giving over the drinks, placing them onto your tray and said, “You are lucky I am so generous and forgiving you know.”
“Yes, yes I know, you’re the best, you’re the man, I’ll stroke your ego and verbally fellate you later, alright?” You said it with a big and actually genuine smile and he returned it, “I’ll hold you to that.”
“I’m so sure.” You call from over your shoulder and you speedily make your way back to their table to find them waiting for you just as they had been, smoke stamped out in the ashtray in the centre of the table and both of them looking expectantly at you. 
You set the tray down and gave over the drinks, Tiffany taking hers with a thank you and Chucky taking the next one as he says, “Pretty fast, did you sprint?”
“In these heels? You flatter me and my waitressing ability.” The joke earns a smile and you bite back one of your own. You can’t wait, so you ask, “So have you thought over my little proposal?” 
He speaks up and says, “Yeah we talked it over and decided we are open to it.”
“Really you are?” The excitement bleeds into your tone heavily, and Tiffany leans closer, her chin on his shoulder, “Really we are. But we aren’t sold on this all yet, you still got some work to do.”
You do let yourself smile now, “Oh don’t worry I know but thank you, I don’t think you’ll regret it!”
“We better not.” He threatened, the tone makes you laugh and after that your evening is significantly lighter, they stay for a while, finish their drinks, you tend to them and so it is decided in three days time they are going to come to your place for you to make dinner and all of you to talk this through. 
Which means that now, you have a menu to plan.
The rest of your shift is good, you feel lighter and before long it is after close and you are rushing through your closing duties and everyone notices how quick you are moving, Marcy calling you out as you are quickly counting out your tips, “Your train isn’t coming that soon is it?”
“What?” You ask as you keep your mental count, bills passing through your fingers swiftly, laying out the neat piles in front of you. 
Logan joins in, mocking you, repeating what you said in a high whiny tone, “What?”
You flip him off with a sneer that makes him return the gesture with a grin and Marcy expounds, “You’ve been running around like nuts tonight, what is up with you?” 
“Nothing, just a busy night.”  You lied, as if you weren’t used to working under pressure and flourished during busy nights, as you banded up your tips. “Yeah so you said earlier when you were rushing me through making those drinks, did they like them?”
“Yes they did and thank you again for that by the way.” 
“Oh yeah no problem.” He let it hang for a moment before saying, “I seem to recall some promise of verbal fellating and ego stroking?” He reminded you and you groaned, he refused to drop it, drawing out your name in this annoying sing-songy way that had you conceding, “Okay, okay! Fucksake-”
A deep inhale, Logan nudging Marcy as he says, “This’ll be good.”
You begin your praising session towards him, the words over the top and everything he wants to hear but your tone is less than impressed. Honestly it is hilarious to listen to, Marcy is trying to stifle her laughter behind her hand and failing. “Logan, you are the best bartender in the whole city, no one makes a manhattan as good as you, I am jealous and wish I was so talented. In fact that story you tell at parties about how you invented the drink sex on the beach is totally true and next time you try to impress a girl with that I’ll wingman and back you up. There. Happy?”
“You left out the part where I am a living God amongst men but I guess that is good enough.” He assured you with a shit eating grin so large you thought it might just split his face in two. A shake of your head as you say, “I’ll make sure to slip that in next time, kay Lo?” 
Marcy turned to you and asked, “What did you do that required you to say all that to him?”
“Don’t ask.” You tell her as Jackson walks up, his coat on and yours in his grip along with your bag having snagged it from the break area, “Ready to go?”
“Dear Lord, yes.” You got up from your stool as Rachel came up asking, “You not coming out tonight?”
“Nope, something important on the docket tonight, sorry.” You tell her as you take Jackson’s hand and tug him along, he waves with his other hand calling out, “Bye guy’s, see you tomorrow.” 
Thankfully Jackson was so busy on the walk to the train station filling you in on how well his date with that busboy went that he didn’t even think to ask about what was going on with you.
It has been two days and you are struggling to come up with something adequate to serve them. Everything just doesn’t seem right and you are getting more and more frustrated, the more you think about it. You look through cook books you own, pass over elaborate meals deciding they were too tryhard, you felt that vibe didn’t fit the occasion. You remember their rant over their shared distaste for New York city and all its pretension, you didn’t want to offend or alienate or  the last thing you wanted to do was to make them think you were trying to manipulate them into forgiveness by presenting some ridiculously fancy meal. Further even if it was right, it wasn’t like you had the skills to cook something of that caliber anyway.
You searched through your other books and again over and over nothing was quite what you wanted, or within your skill level or wheelhouse, hell you even went to the library and still came up empty. 
All this thinking about food had gotten you really hungry and you’d been running around all day and so you hadn’t had dinner yet, you needed to eat before your shift too so you went to that diner you liked to frequent, the same one you had run into the duo that one rainy evening a while back. 
You sit yourself at your favourite stool at the counter and a menu is handed to you, a thank you is uttered, your eyes scanning over the laminated sheet, trying to decide what you want, breakfast or a sandwich or an entree’ or-
Inspiration hits you like a freight train. 
They loved pizza, breakfast food, this diner, they loved more easy, comforting foods.
You were making this way, way too hard, you need to keep it simple. Your lack of complex cooking skills would actually be an advantage and an asset here. The gesture of you doing this is what is really important, the effort and care, you can make a stellar version of an old classic and wow them, you had this, you could do this.
Emboldened, confidence resorted, you allow yourself to enjoy your lunch, leave an ample tip and then you go shopping for ingredients. 
Work that night was a breeze, nothing could touch you, not a thing could ruin your mood, you even indulged your co-workers post shift, went out for a drink with them and you were very glad you did so. When you go to bed that night you feel ready for tomorrow. 
You have the whole day off, when you get up you devote some time to cleaning the apartment up, making sure everything is looking good, before doing some food prep and then ensuring you are looking good. You don’t go over the top, try to go for a bit more modest and understated just elevate something you would wear at home normally. The jeans fit well, the top a little low cut but not ridiculously, a few more well picked pieces of jewellery, makeup you thought Tiffany would like and hair half up you set to work on dinner seriously. 
You lose yourself in the music on the radio and in the meal prep, you are on schedule and speaking of on schedule, they show up right on time. You hear the knock on the door and drop what you are currently doing, dish towel picked up, hands dried as you walk to answer their call, one hand slinging the slightly damp fabric over your shoulder and the other opening the door. 
The smile that crosses your face upon seeing them standing there is as natural as breathing, said smile broadening slightly as they greet you, “Hey!” 
You respond with an enthusiastic, “Hi, you’re right on time, come on in.” Stepping aside to allow them entrance. 
“Wow, l love this-” Tiffany said with a point, gesturing up and down to your whole outfit, before her head turns and she is starting to look at the space you called home, “-you look great.”
She says it so easily, as if it still doesn’t blow you away that she thinks YOU look great when she is now standing in your apartment for the first time. She is removing her coat to reveal she is in a dress that looks like it could have been painted on her, that is in a colour that suits her so well, beautiful blonde hair piled up, exposing her neck, looking just stunning and so thoroughly her. You compliment her in kind, managing to keep your voice light as you take her and Chucky’s coats, “Amazing dress Tiff.”
He was a bit more dressed down, short sleeved button up shirt, with the first few top buttons undone and slacks, you still eat it up and make sure to let him know. “Here we are going around in circles and not telling ol’ Chuck here how good he looks.”
“Finally, some Goddamn recognition.” 
“Awe sweetface, sorry for not saying something sooner.” Tiffany cooed as she leaned over, a small kiss to his cheek and you wished for the same treatment but wouldn’t dare dream of pushing for that yet before you were sure you were back in their good graces. Since it is their first time in your apartment, naturally you give them the tour.
You really liked your apartment honestly, had found a lot of ways to make it your own, knick knacks, personal touches, pops of colour to place emphasis on certain parts, since you were renting and couldn’t paint of course. You had a few windows, two in the living room on either side of where you had placed your tv, coffee table, some book shelves, and your couch. Your kitchen was nice, if not just a touch messy from you being in the middle of cooking, window was open in there to help keep it cooler so you didn’t overheat when you worked, after showing them the bathroom and your bedroom you then led them to the separate table you had that occupied the space between the kitchen and the living room. 
They hold hands as they walk around, small moments of that easy affection they have and you do your best not to let your stare linger, it hurts too much. You are reminded of what it was like for you before you all got together, a weird layer of separation, on the outside looking in. 
Shrugging off those emotions and complex feelings, you instead provide some drinks and tell them dinner will be ready soon before retreating back into the space to finish up making the food. The pair of them have to admit, especially since you were away from them at the moment, “I like her place.”
“Right? I wasn’t sure what it would look like but it’s cute, totally her.” Tiffany praised as she leaned forward on her elbows, keeping her voice low and he hummed with a nod but the conversation they had didn’t last much longer than that before you were bringing out the plates. You set them down on the table in front of both of them, you had decided to make burgers and hand cut fries, had gone to the trouble to make the patties yourself and took a lot of care to get some ingredients and put your all into this.
Tiffany is in shock. Chucky is making some joke that she can barely hear, something along the lines of, “-this is the best you could do?”
But she didn’t care, wasn’t listening at all, instead she was picking up the burger, taking a close look at it, pausing before taking a bite and practically melting. 
It tastes perfect to her. It tastes like home and like the burger her favourite diner made back in Jersey, the one her mom would get for her whenever something good happened or they had something to celebrate, big milestones, birthdays. It hits the spot perfectly, she is barely able to suppress a moan of pure delight at the flavour exploding over her tongue, and after that first bite is swallowed, eyes back open and she realises her partner is still being kind of an ass to you she refuses to set the burger down and gives him a very pointed look as you turn to go fetch your own plate.
“What?” He asks quietly when you are out of earshot, and she says simply and firmly, “You know what. Cut it out.”
“But-” He starts and she cuts him off, “It’s time to stop, Chuck.”
“Ughhh, not Chuck-” He knows he has been beat. It’s time to drop the act and stop being such a dick. He sighs and says, a hand raking through his hair before he is holding both his hands up, “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll ease up.” He picks up his own burger and after taking that first bite he too had to admit that it was a really fucking good burger.
Dinner is good.
Sharing a meal with them that you crafted with your own hands is really good, you honestly can’t remember the last time you cooked for someone other than yourself. The act of it fed a part within yourself that you hadn’t expected. 
During the meal they feel much more like the them you had been getting to know previously, throughout dinner much conversation is had, and when they complimented what you cooked it made you preen under their praise. Tiffany was hardly able to restrain another moan after another mouthful, “This is so delicious.”
Chucky asked, “Seriously, where did you learn to make a burger this good?”
“Would you believe it was the first thing I learned to make when I started cooking?” You asked and he said, “No shit. You know how to cook a lot?”
“Oh God, no, hardly. I know enough to get by, how to make a few good things for myself,” You shrugged and he looked over to Tiffany and said, “Ooh you could show her a thing or two.”
“Do you cook a lot?”  You asked.
She gave a coy sort of smile, “Well not to brag but I’ve got some skills in the kitchen.”
“She is way underselling it.”  Chucky insisted before he complimented her further by saying, “You should see her knife skills.” She said to you with a fond look on her face, “He’s such a flatterer, isn’t he?”
“I think he’s just a fan of you and honestly I can’t say I blame him.” You pluck up a fry on your plate, raise your eyebrows and look back at Chuck who asks, “We gonna be the co-founders of the Tiff fan club, you and me? What do you say?”
“I say fuck yes, obviously. We can spread the good word and convert people like that.” Punctuating the end of your sentence with a snap of your fingers. 
As Chucky dragged one of his fries through the ketchup you had placed on the table earlier, he said, “Thanks for providing my supposed, what did you call it again? Juvenile?-” A nod from you remembering your lunch you had post skating date, he then finished the thought, “-Preference.” 
“Hey it’s what you like and I’m hosting, it is the very least I could do.” You say simply. “And you didn’t provide any mayo for me?” Tiffany asked, tone taking on the hint of mock offence and you laugh. 
“You just said that is what some people in the world do, not that you like it!” You defend and she says, tone still light, “Maybe I wanna try it?”
“Maybe we should all try it next time?” You offer, your previous stance on the subject softening along with your voice, “If there is you know a…A next time.” 
None of you had talked about the real reason they are here. For you to all hash out and talk through what happened previously and with dinner mostly eaten it seemed like as good a time as any.
A hard swallow, you asked tentatively, “Will there be a next time?”
The pair shared a look, he placed his hand on hers and Tiffany’s gaze broke away from his first, looking at you, “We think we’d like there to be.”
There it is again, that funny feeling, warmth and hope in your chest.
“We just want to understand where you are coming from.” He said and you had to admit that was fair, very, very fair. 
You did think a lot about this, had every intention of giving them more information and thought a lot about what you wanted to say. 
“So. Way back when I first came to Chicago, I had a string of not so great jobs, right? But then, I got this job at this really nice restaurant and things were looking up. I discovered I am really, really good at waitressing and was finally earning some decent, consistent money.” 
A small sigh, “And there was this thing that happened while I worked there that changed everything, that made me want to stop giving out my real name and be more cautious.”
You were going to hold some back but you hadn’t talked about this in full maybe ever? And being here with them, how they were looking at you, listening, you felt safe and like maybe it was all okay. So without you really making the conscious decision it all starts to come spilling out.
“I had this regular customer, Trent, he was in finance, he loved our restaurant, had a lot of money to throw around and decided that he wanted to throw a lot of that money around on me. I kind of became his favourite waitress. It got to a point he didn’t even have to ask, everyone just knew and he would be sat in my section, I’d serve him spectacularly and he would drop just stacks of tip money on me. He’d bring in business clients and I’d help him wow them and he’d close deals, ergo more money, ergo more tips for me. It sounds great right?”
A nod from them both and on you press, a gesture of your hands as you do. “And it was, for a while.”
You take a brief pause before continuing, “Trent was a charming and funny kinda guy, he could make you feel at ease and also important all at once and I thought we had a good thing going, a simpatico relationship between worker and patron but that is all it was.”
You wished you had a drink right now.
“He apparently didn’t see it that way. So this one night, months into me knowing this guy and him coming in, he closed the place down, like stayed for hours. I can’t tell you how much he spent but it was a lot. He clinched this huge deal that was months in the making, he was feeling good about it and so he celebrated it up late. I didn’t have a ride home, I usually didn’t, but he was there and when he found out I didn’t he offered. And, like an idiot, I agreed because I’d known him for like six months, I ‘knew him’, so it was fine, right?” 
You were feeling some serious nerves as you approached this part of the story, “He had a nice car. The drive started out okay but quickly then he started asking all these probing questions…Ones that were just uncomfortable and way, way too personal. I felt small and claustrophobic, and just, weird. It felt different when I was at work with him but now I was very aware of how uhm…”
Then this laugh breaks out, small and bitter before you said, “Fucking stupid this idea was.”
Eyes closing as you go further, “It really sunk in when he made the suggestion of taking a detour to his place, he put his hand on my thigh-” You were staring down at your hands, couldn’t look at them at this moment. “-he made what he wanted from me crystal clear and I started to seriously freak out, wondering just how I could get out of this, I was having what felt like the worst panic attack ever, I could barely rein in my breathing.”
You shake your head, fight off a shiver and then say, eyes opening again, “But thankfully, we stopped at a red light and I took my chance, I unlocked my door and fucking bolted from the car. I heard him calling my name, over and over as I fled and I ran until I couldn’t hear him any longer. I got home shaken but safe that night.”
You finally manage to glance up at them, their eyes still fixed on you, before your eyes go back down and you say, “I kept working that job. He kept wanting me to serve him, I kept refusing and kept my distance as much as I could but one night he cornered me near the bathrooms and he talked at me, not to me. At me. And I hate when people do that.”
Hands curl into fists and you pull your napkin into your lap and twist it in your hands. “He asked me what happened that night? He thought we were getting along well and clicking or something. When I ran off he was totally confused, I tried to tell him that he was imagining things, that we weren’t a thing but then he got angry with me. He told me that he deserved it, I owed him for all the money he threw at me and that clearly I wanted it, he put his hands on me and I-”
You stopped. A deep breath. “I ran again. I quit on the spot. I have never been back to that restaurant, I have never seen him again and I steer clear of the financial district where I know he works.”
Tossing your napkin back onto your plate you say next, “I started lying about my name at my jobs and keeping my distance, being careful about who became my regulars, what I said, what I did. I let myself be close to my co-workers and through that I learned my story isn’t the only one like that sadly, similar things have happened to similar people in my line of work.”
You have been talking for a long time, you realise, you try to rush through the ending “Anyway after that I have always kept customers at arm's length. I started to think that they were only good for what I was there at work for anyway, money. I used em as such and I didn’t feel bad about it either, I didn’t think there were any good people left who come into the places I work at. The only good people are behind the counter, not in front of it.”
Finally you gain courage to look at them again, “Until I met you both. I didn’t think there were any good people left until I met you two.”
You clear your throat, “So uh, again, I should have been upfront and told you my real name sooner but I hope you have a better understanding of why I hide my name the way I do.”
Of course they understood now. Your forearms are resting on the table now and then you feel them, each of them taking a hand, you look up and see them staring at you, concern and worry clear in their expressions.
“We had no idea it was all like that.” Tiffany said quietly. 
Chucky cleared his own throat, gaze shifting to his partner briefly before he said, “Right, no clue but it totally makes sense why you hide your name.”
You nod once, “Yeah I uhm…It’s just easier, makes me feel safer. Harder for someone to really track me down if they are looking for the wrong name.”
“Wait, did Trent ever try to hunt-” Chucky started to ask and you cut him off, “God no, when I stopped working there he dropped it, I mean it, I’ve never seen him or heard from him again, thankfully.”
The pair relaxed slightly at that, “Okay good. But fuck, the fact you had to go through all that.” 
Tiffany agreed, “Yeah, and thanks for sharing it with us.” 
“No small thing to admit all that, especially after what you have been through.” He added on.
You felt better, much, much better for sharing it, for them understanding you, hearing you out and being so reassuring. 
“So are we okay?” You asked and Tiffany said, “Of course we are! Everything is all good, right Chucky?”
“Naturally!” He said it so easily as if it was obvious.
You breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you so much for hearing me out. I’m glad we could work through this, work on moving past it.”
“Me too.” Tiffany said and Chucky gave you a reassuring squeeze of your hand.  
So you were all going to keep seeing each other. You felt immense relief, so much lighter, you felt a smile spreading on your face, just happy this wasn’t over and you were going to see where this went. You ended up clearing the plates, and then set to making dessert. You brought out the tray with what you had made on it. 
“Seems like you are always bringing us drinks.” Chucky mused and Tiffany said, “Right? We should bring her some drinks sometime.” 
You let out a light laugh, as you set the tray down, saying,  “Oh I’d love that.” 
Taking your seat again as you said, “I made us malts for dessert.”
“Shut up, no you didn’t!” Tiffany exclaimed and you said, “I did! Chocolate, classic.” 
Chucky was already picking up his drink and he took the first sip and he was thoroughly impressed, setting it down before saying, “Holy shit.”
Tiffany took a drink from hers too before agreeing, repeating those two words in a shocked tone that made you laugh too hard.
“So malts.” Chucky started and you nodded, “Not milkshakes?” 
The straw popped out of your mouth and you leaned closer and said, “Okay so a milkshake is bullshit in comparison, a milkshake wishes it was a malt. A milkshake is a poor excuse for a treat, lacking depth and nuance. It is cloyingly sweet and just ugh, just fucking awful-”
The pair shared a small look as you continued, “-milkshakes are just so tired, so cliche’!”
“And what makes a malt better?” Chucky dared to ask and you said, “What doesn’t make a malt better than a milkshake?”
“Better question, what makes a malt?” Tiffany asked and you proceeded to expound on the process, a small thought in the back of your mind that you were happy that you managed to finally get your own rant about something when with them.
Once the malts were done, and the small heaviness from your previous confession about what happened to you back then had totally left, it was getting late. You were about to clear away the last of the dishes and an offer to help clean them was given but you refused, brushed them off saying, “I can do it, don’t worry, you are my guests after all.”
“She’s too much.” Tiffany said and he had to agree, pitching up his voice a touch and saying in an overly cheery tone, a small shake of his head, nose scrunching as he said, “The most.”  A joke made that got his partner rolling her eyes with a smile and him snickering from the response. 
You walked them to the door, another conversation struck, “So when are we gonna meet up again?”
“Oh we might be busy for a few days, got something going on but how about we give you a call when it’s sorted and figure it out then?” Chucky offered and as you leaned against the doorframe beside your front door you agreed, “That sounds great.”
It is quiet for a moment before you say, “Thanks again for hearing me out.”
“I am really glad we did and got the whole picture.” Tiffany said as she reached out, her hand on your arm and the contact made you feel warm. 
Clearly the now obvious date was coming to an end and you wanted to reach out, wanted to touch both of them, kiss them, say goodnight properly but again the trepidation was there, not wanting to overstep. Before you could try to really think about how to initiate it, you didn't have to figure it out because she asks so sweetly, “Are you going to kiss us goodnight or?”
You try to school your expression and not appear shocked, instead you just did what felt right and natural, what they wanted from you, leaning closer and into her first. 
The second your lips touched hers, the thought that ruled over all was: God, you missed this.
The heat of her body, the taste of her tinted with her lipstick and cigarettes and the heady smell of her perfume, it was floral but not too sweet, there was more to it. Your hand comes up, touches her face softly, cups her cheek, draws her closer, you can’t stop yourself around them both, they make you feel a little out of control in a very good and very welcome way. You are such a cautious and careful person, maybe being a little more reckless, a bit more spontaneous, giving into the moment a little more is good for you?
You think that they are both good for you. 
His hand is on your wrist and you are reminded of him, you break apart from Tiffany, he has moved much closer, you don’t waste time in making sure he feels included. You race forward and kiss him next and what should have just been a simple good night kiss didn’t stay that way for very long and it was shockingly not his fault, it was hers. Your lips were encouraged to move more fervently against Chucky’s when you felt her hands on you, pushing you closer to him, his own hands meet the back of your neck and you are pressed between them, can feel her against your back. 
Her curves are almost as distracting as Chucky’s mouth, his tongue parting your lips with a tilt of his head, the taste of him invading your senses. The heat sparks in you so quickly, you had been so nervous and keyed up and distracted you had been neglecting yourself, the last time you got off was with them, over a week ago at this point and now that you were kissing him, that need rocketed back into you at a blinding pace. In three short minutes that flew by you were feeling less than steady, hands on him, needing to cling a little closer to him to stay standing upright. Tiffany’s hands slide up your arms, squeeze your shoulders when she reaches them, she leans in closer and you feel her lips brush the shell of your ear, “Seems like you are really into this.”
A hum, refusing to break the kiss with Chucky, particularly when he bit your bottom lip, you were very into this. He was the one to break it, asking,  “Did you miss us?” 
“So much.” You breathed, “Too much.”
“Not sure I believe you.” His tone did something to you, made your need sharper. Still nearly pressed to you, from how you were holding onto him, 
“How can I prove M’ serious?” 
Tiffany says then, “I think I have a way you can.” You felt her hands starting to push down and you took the hint, sinking to your knees. As you sank down, your hands slipped with you, trailing down his sides until they were resting on his hips for a moment before you started to go for his belt. You had thought about this a lot, about finally returning the favour, you thought you’d never get the chance when your little lie came out, but now here you were in your apartment, things smoothed over, safe and warm and in between them, about to do what Tiffany suggested back in that diner, about to “indulge.”
“Oh she is so eager.” The mirth in the blonde’s voice made you smile, the belt in your hands now open, busying fingers with the fly and zipper you say, “Can’t help it, s’ been a long time coming.” 
The hands still on your shoulders squeeze again, “I’ll say, how many times have we both gotten you off so far?” She teased and you say, “Oh at least two each, I got some catching up to do.”
“Damn right.” Chucky affirmed, you could hear the grin on his face. 
You stifled a laugh as you started to pull the fabric down his hips, there was something about this, all of this, that made you feel good, the cocky confidence was worn much too well by him and you found it more amusing than you probably should. 
But the giggles died when you got his pants down, you had felt him, hell, you had him in your hand, made him cum, but you also had Tiffany partially undressed and grinding on your thigh so you were a bit distracted at that particular moment. In fact you had been pouring over that hook-up a lot after it was over, moments break into your mind unbidden constantly as you appreciate it in a way you couldn’t when so caught up with satisfying them and yourself, mind and body overtaken by baser urges to chase sensation.
Now, you could take some time, breathe, really take him in while still in this moment, rather than upon reflection. Fingers hook in the waistband of his underwear before you tug down and are greeted with a more than generous handful of him, hot, heavy and thick mere inches from your face. 
You look up, catch him already look at you and his stare, fuck, it’s intense, just like that first night you met him. It makes you clench around nothing, the still confident grin on his face almost screams, “It’s not gonna suck itself.”, even though he doesn’t actually say that, the energy radiating off of him showed he didn’t have to verbalise it, to get the point across.
More wetness seeps into your panties and without breaking eye contact your hand reaches out and closes around him, you watch the shift in his expression as you do, starting to stroke slowly, purposefully before leaning in, your tongue peeks out from between your lips and you lick, tongue on bare skin for the first time. The taste of salt and pre-cum is a good one, to be honest, one you hadn’t tasted in too long. It makes your eyes break away, wanting to roll back but instead you lean closer, tongue runs from base to tip before your lips close around the head of his dick, nestling into that sensitive ridge before it becomes the shaft and you suck. 
Tongue lathes over, he moans, you are further emboldened and you set to work.
The pace and rhythm is easy, it feels startingly natural considering the amount of time since you last went down on someone, but hey, you’ve known your way around a dick for a damn long time, it isn’t exactly something you forget, especially when you enjoy it as much as you do. 
Is oral your favourite thing? Hard to say, you think pleasing your partner is your favourite and being on your knees is a fantastic way to accomplish that, one you have a lot of skill and natural talent at, it makes whoever is receiving feel special, important, cared for, right? Appreciative of the effort being expended. You liked pleasing, feeling useful, it fuels you, turns you on further. 
Speaking of being turned on further, Tiffany sinks down beside you, her hands hadn’t left you this whole time, leaning in closer, clearly watching and that thought is amazing, her watching you please her man with rapt interest, more than all this, I mean she suggested it. 
“You really seem to be enjoyin’ yourself.” 
A hum around your mouthful, fingers still locked around the base as you bobbed up and down the length of him, another moan ringing out from above you and Tiffany asked, “Feels good sweetface?”
You suck harder, take him in deeper and he groans out, “Fuck! Yes, so good, she’s, ugh, so-” That same hand slides down, cups and toys, he feels full, heavy, you know the load is going to be impressive. 
“Sooo?” Tiffany asks, “C’mon Chucky, expound.” 
He opens his mouth to try and do so but you take him deeper still, tongue pressed to the underside of his shaft as you pull back up and any attempt at praise is broken into another strangled sound of pleasure. “Damn, you really are good! What a talented mouth on you. It isn’t easy to make him speechless.” 
“But I think it can still be better.” She sighs, she moves, fingers brush over your neck, you shiver before her hand is on the back of your head and asks so sweetly, “Can I give you some pointers?”
Who knew better how to please him than her? You also are very turned on by the idea. You nod, refusing to break stride and she says, “Good girl.”
Her fingers grip and she pushes and pulls you, changing up the rhythm, leading you as you blow him, and you follow along no problem. She speaks right in your ear, “Oh there you go.”
Her praise makes you squeeze your thighs together, “Okay, now, pull up more, mmhmm, good now I want you to-” She told you just how to swirl your tongue around the tip in a way that made his knees get visibly weak and you are dying over how great this all is. 
In another two minutes of her guiding you, telling you how good you were doing, how hot this was and you looked, Chucky had to lean against your door for more support as you practically sucked like your life was dependent on it. “Do you know how long we have been talking about this?” 
You hum with a small shake of your head, not wanting to stop, you could feel if you kept it up he would be at his end soon and you wanted it, so, so badly. 
“Wanna tell her?” She asked and he ran a hand through his hair, a nod, a hard swallow and he tried, “Fu-fuck, she kept going on and on this one night, God, about how she wanted to do fuckin’ this, this shit right here-” He gestured down to you and looking at you and her, staring up at him, his dick half in your mouth, it made him pulse on your tongue and you know he isn’t going to last. 
“About you, being on your knees and her watching, seein’ how you like to do it and how much I wanted to feel it an-and fuck, don’t stop-” The light thunk of his head hitting the wood of your door as another groan leaves him brings you so much satisfaction, “You heard him, don’t stop. He’s real close. Don’t you want him to cum in your mouth?”
Of course you wanted that, you wanted it more than you thought you wanted air in your lungs, your mind was swimming, so totally lost in this moment, in them and what they had confessed. They had talked at length about you in this very scenario, she was filling you in further. You hum the affirmative, hand moving in tandem with your mouth as you take him, a bit messy at this point, spit acting as lube, gliding along with ease, movements just a tad sloppy but undeniably passionate in a very endearing fashion, giving away just how invested you were in this, in the now. “Of course you want it.”
She was whispering in your ear, as if sharing a secret even though you know he knows whatever she is about to divulge, the act still makes you feel special. One of her hands running teasingly down your side as she tells you, “I was on my knees for him last time we talked about it, I played pretend and did to him what I thought you would do.”
Jesus fucking Christ they were going to kill you.
“But seeing it? I gotta say, I didn’t do it justice. You look so, so much better than I ever could have dreamt up.” Her praise is punctuated by that hand leaving your side and palming one of your breasts through the top you had on. 
Then you hear it, him above you, all your work and effort, which while it was impressive, wasn’t that long, him warning you, “Gonna cum, fuck-”
“Ooh, what are you gonna do?” Tiffany asks, louder so he can hear and you don’t even have to think, you look up at him, stare into his eyes and feel it happen, your hand slips away and you push yourself, take him as deep as you can reasonably allow without gagging yourself and he spills into the wet warmth of you. The moan of your name, your real name, the one that when revealed almost unravelled all this and fucked everything up, it passes his lips and the feeling it invokes is as if you have only just really heard it for the first. You didn’t think you could like the sound of your own name so much, but just like with many things you had experienced with them so far, you are proven wrong once again. 
You swallow him with ease, took all he had to offer before you slowly and carefully pulled him out of your mouth, looking up to see the state he is in; his pants open and sitting low on his hips, hair worse for ware from where he had dragged his hand through it, trying to catch his breath and recover post orgasm. 
You feel good, really, really good. You feel better when you hear the soft laugh beside you, her hugging you from behind, her chin on your shoulder as she says, “Oh she swallows! No prompting or anything.” 
Chucky laughed, this breathless amused kind of laugh as he began righting himself, pushing away from the door, doing up his pants, “Yeah she’s a keeper.”
Letting out a laugh yourself, the back of your hand smacks him gently on the thigh as you say, laced with affection, “Asshole.” 
Your knees ache from kneeling on hardwood, you lean back into Tiffany’s hug before asking him, “Help me up?”
“Yeah I gotcha.” He takes your hands as Tiffany untangles herself from you and he helps you stand up. 
You are wondering about what to do for her when she is handing him his coat and plucking up hers from your coat rack. “And what about you?”
“What about me?” She asks, you think she is playing dumb for a joke but you go further anyway, “Don’t you want me to-”
She leaned forward, cuts you off with a kiss that has you melting before she pulls back, “Appreciate the offer but I’m okay and we have to get going but this?”
“Was amazing, totally amazing.” He finished her thought as he pulled his arms through the sleeves of his jacket, and she agreed doing the same, “Yes completely, but it’s late and we gotta get going, I wish we could stay.”
You wanted to tell them,”So stay. If you want to, then stay.”
But you just fixed things, you didn’t want to push, you realise yourself and that tonight was a big step for you all, it’s fine, there will be time for more in the future. You need to give them space and honestly, you think you need some yourself. So you know it’s all good, especially when she says, “We mean it, we’ll call you soon about going out again.”
So instead you say, “Sounds great.”
Another goodnight kiss is shared, this one more chaste then the one previously, you joke, “Good to know you aren’t one of those guys who doesn’t kiss a girl after she swallows your load.” 
That gets a good laugh out of the pair, another joke from him, “You dunno how tolerant I am of bodily fluids.” 
“Yours or other peoples?” You follow up as you open the front door, and as they breeze past you and take a step out the door, she says as, “Wouldn’t you like to know? Goodnight-”
And she said your name, it makes you feel just like how it did when he said it earlier. He follows up with his own, “Yeah goodnight, get home safe.”
The jokes never stop and you say, “I’ll try, night.”
You close the door, walking into the kitchen you see the sink full of dishes and decide to leave them for tomorrow, you turn off the light and think about that question she asked. You go into your bathroom to start getting ready for bed and her voice vibrates around your skull, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You think you really would.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Seven. "What Do You Think?"
Well hey, hey, hey! First fic of the new year and it is an update for this beast of a long fic that I totally fucking adore! I hope that you fucking love it as much as I do! A bit of a shorter update but this is just what I wanted it to be so let’s not linger! I hope the next chapter comes sooner! Masterlist found here.
Rating. SFW. Length. 3.4K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Emotional Turmoil. Anxiety. Depression. Praise. Pep Talk. Smoking. Guilting. Manipulation. Gaslighting. 
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You had been neglecting your nails. 
That is what you had decided the day after your date with them. Last night when you got home you had a shower and ate something and went to bed very early for you. It took forever for sleep to claim you, lots of tossing and turning, insanely restless. 
But it was the next day now and because you went to bed so early, you had hours and hours before work so you thought, what better thing to do than some work on yourself. You needed to distract your whirring mind, keep your hands busy, do something productive and you’d already cleaned your whole place. So you sat on the hardwood floor in the living room, perched on a throw pillow, legs under the coffee table, tv on and your nail kit in front of you. 
This always helped relax you, this was what you needed to calm down. 
Or so you thought. 
Once your nails had been scrubbed clean of their original colour you had your file out and were shaping but your brain refused to stop thinking, you weren’t focusing on smoothing out edges, instead you mulled over that conversation you had with them, confessing to your not so little sin. 
It played over and over in your mind's eye, naked and vulnerable and post hookup, them literally praising you, gushing about how hot they found you and what you all just did was and you ruined the whole mood by admitting to something that maybe you never should have lied about in the first place. A shake of your head as you banished the very thought before it could fully form. No, no you needed to lie about it,  but you definitely should have come clean sooner and definitely before they had made you cum like that in their bed. 
You kept fixating, until you finally snapped out of it and realized you hadn’t stopped filing and your index fingernail was totally fucked, you groaned out loud to yourself, so much for the current shape and longer style you had at the moment. It took you long enough to grow them out as they were and now you’d have to trim a hearty bit of length to get them all to match. You grumble unhappily as you reach for the clippers to fix your mistake, mind still awash with yesterday's foul-up and pondering just what might happen, everything was just getting really good. You couldn’t help feeling like your like fucked everything, what if it was all different now?
You hadn’t had this much fun dating anyone in ages, you didn’t want it to end so soon, there was so much potential here, you could feel it. A heavy sigh as you clipped another nail, if this did cease to be, what was between the three of you, the only person you had to blame was yourself and that feeling was hard to sit with.  
Once your nails were notably shorter you looked through your nail polish for a colour to paint them. You look and pass over red, and pink, and pause on a glitter ridden dark blue, it makes you think of that velvet dress she wore to the club. You sigh again, crossing your arms on the table, resting your cheek on your forearm as you stare at the offending nail polish, it was only serving to further remind you how you fucked this all up.
You missed them already. 
Your hand reached out, one finger on top of the polish, teetering it back and forth, watching how the light caught the glitter buried inside as you tried to grapple with the fact that the only thing you could do was wait. 
If only you knew what they talked about. 
Soon as you left them the day previous, the door closed and a collective exhale was shared by the pair of them. Tiffany was leaning her back against the door, Chucky standing less than two feet away as they both looked at each other. The stare intense, the silence heavy until he ran a hand through his hair and asked, “Cigarette?”
She let out a groan, pushing off the door as she said, “Fuck yes. Please.” 
They both find themselves sitting on the windowsill in the living room after he had fetched his pack and she had pulled on a robe, they both light up, a deep inhale before breathing it back out the open window.
“So-” He started and she nodded saying right after him, “So.”
“What are we gonna do about this?” He asked and she met his question with one of her own, “What do you think about it?”  
“Well to be honest-” He gave a shrug as he took another drag off his smoke, looking like he was seriously considering what he was thinking about saying next before he released that breath he had been holding in and devluging, “-I’m not mad about it.”
“Me either!” Tiffany agreed, “Is that weird?”
“Yeah, I mean for us it is, her lying about somethin’ so-” He made a vague gesture of his hand as he fought to find the right word, she chimed in with, “Fundamental?”
“Exactly, fundamental Tiff, great choice of word. Normally that kinda lie would have us both livid but instead of angry I’m much, much more-” She cut him off by throwing in the word that had been lingering on her mind, “Intrigued?”
“Right again, gorgeous.” He leaned over, the hand that wasn’t holding his cigarette on her arm, a quick kiss given to her which made her smile. He sat back and she said, “It makes me wanna get to know her better, makes me think there’s a ton we don’t know about her Chucky. I wanna see where it goes.”
He nodded along, “Me too. She’s so fun and already such a big help findin’ people for that other kinda fun we like to have.”  A raise of his eyebrows along with that smirk made Tiffany giggle before agreeing.
“That too, she finds us perfect victims that no one has been missing so far. If we take it easy and play it right we can have this as our playground for-” He cut her off this time, “Years, Tiff, if we wanna we can really live here.”
It was all so great. You were so great. They weren’t planning on letting you go, something as small as this wasn’t about to stop them. 
“She’s so easy to talk to.” He continued and she said, “And what just happened in there-” A flick of her gaze towards their bedroom and he let out a groan, “Holy shit, that too, we haven’t even actually fucked her yet and it’s like that?! This can’t end here, no way.” 
“Thank God we are on the same page about that.” She reached over, took his hand, a squeeze as she said, “She’s full of surprises and honestly, sweetface, I want to keep being surprised by her.” 
He finished his smoke, threw the butt out the window and with his now free hand he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and he said, “So do I Tiff.”
So it was more than just settled, it was enthusiastically agreed upon that they didn’t want you to go anywhere. 
She finished her own and discarded it out the window before getting up, he closed it to prevent any more cold from coming in or any more heat from escaping. Tiffany started making her way back to the bedroom as she asked over her shoulder, “When are we gonna see her?”
He followed behind, hands in his pockets as he asked, “You don’t got any plans Friday do you?”
She turned back to face him, a hand on the doorframe and a smile as she said, “I’m wide open.”
You felt distracted at work that night. Thursdays could be so weird, you never knew how they were going to be, they could be a mad dash and shockingly and unexpectedly busy or sometimes they could drag.
Tonight was busy.
And you were having trouble keeping up for once. It was unlike you but your mind was so far away. You didn’t like this feeling. It had been a few dates for fucksake, why were you this shaken up over it? You felt silly for being so affected but at the same time, if you were being honest with yourself, it had never been like this, never felt like this with anyone. You didn’t want to stop. It had been so long since you had been seeing anyone and maybe you should be going easier on yourself for wanting to cling onto this so desperately. 
You however were not going to be easy on yourself in regards to the fact that you were late putting in two orders, spilled a drink on your new fucking shoes and broke a glass in the process. You were sweeping up the sharp and sticky shards while swearing under your breath while Logan leaned over the bar, a slight breather between people, “What the fuck is up with you tonight?”
You glance up at him, nose scrunching in indignation. “Nothing!” You say too quickly, mentally scolding yourself for it, knowing that he would call you out on it and no less than a second later Logan was saying, “Oh bull-fucking-shit, something is up, you never drop anything!”
You stand from your crouching position and come around to behind the bar to dispose of the glass in the trash safely, “You always exaggerate! I’ve totally dropped stuff before!”
He scoffed and said, “You haven’t even dropped your panties in years.” You roll your eyes and slide the dustpan and broom back into their place, if only he knew what you were up to literally yesterday. “Real funny and real original too but seriously it isn’t worth talking about. If you really must know, I just have got something on my mind, okay?”
You don’t give him a chance to keep on you about this, instead leaving from behind the bar, snatching up your tray and forcing a smile as you head back to one of your tables to check in on them.
When your shift was done you felt much more tired than normal. Jackson was even questioning you on your usual walk home to the train station. “You were running around like a chicken with your head cut off tonight.” 
You groaned, head tipping back, “I knowww-” 
“I was worried you were gonna trip at some point! Even Logan said something and told me to check up on you and normally when he is behind the bar he can’t tell ass from elbows, so what is going on?” He reached out and took your hand, you let him, laced your fingers together, safe in the knowledge whatever you tell Jackson will stay with him. He was one of your best friends and was just worried.
You said, “I just did something fucking stupid yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about it so I’m all distracted.” 
“You? Made a mistake?” He asked and you confirmed with a nod and that had him laughing with a shake of his head and you asked, “What are you laughing for?”
“Cuz-” He let go of your hand in favour of slinging an arm around your shoulders, giving you a small shake as he said, “- it’s nice to be reminded of the fact you are human.” He sighed before looking down at you, “You’re always so smart and collected, especially at work, you’re fantastic at your job, it’s great to see you still have worries and insecurities like the rest of us lowly mortals.”
The smile overtook your face easily, no one could hype you up quite like Jackson could. “C’mon, I’m not that great.”
“Fuck off, yes you are!” He exclaimed before going further, “You are almost annoyingly amazing.”  
“While normally I am not opposed to a little bit of praise this is a lot, buddy.” You tease and he said, “No, I just know you and I think you need this right now.” 
You think he might be right. 
“Listen, I dunno what you did, and you don’t have to tell me either, but whatever it is. You’ll get through it.” He reassured you and you took in what he said. You both reached the train platform and your weight shifted from one foot to the other, “I’m just worried what if my mistake ruined everything?”
“Everything?” His arm slipped from around you and he turned to face you better, “I sincerely doubt one mistake ruined everything.” 
Should you tell him what was really going on? Maybe this was the time, maybe if he knew what went down he could better help you out on this, you could believe him better too. The train would be here soon, no way you could divulge it all and you weren’t even sure you still wanted to tell him, could he take it? You couldn’t deal with all the what ifs right now. So instead you asked, “But what if it did?”
“I dunno if it’s as serious as all that-” He reached out, hands on your shoulders, he bent down a little to be eye to eye with you, he quietly said your name before going further, “-but if it is, and whatever this thing is, changes shit in your life in some significant way, you’re young, you’re resilient and resourceful. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Okay?”
A deep breath and a nod, “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He gave you a kiss on the forehead and you rolled your eyes while playfully pushing him away with one hand, wiping at where he kissed with the other, a long running joke he started God knows how long ago that he refused to give up. 
“Hey I got you smiling!” He said with a wide grin of his own. 
“Yeah, yeah, take all the credit, why don’t you?”  A sigh. The train was coming, almost time to part ways. “Thanks for talking me off the ledge.”
“Anytime. And hey, whatever happens with this thing, you got me to help you through it, right?” He was extremely right. Your train pulled up, slowing to a stop and you said, “I’ll let you know how it pans out.”
“Promise?” He asked and you assured, “Promise!” As you walked backwards onto the train, the doors slid closed and you waved goodbye through the window. 
The ride home was quick, the walk without issue and you honestly felt better, Jackson was a really good friend, you would have to do something to show him your appreciation soon. 
You slept better that night, it came easier and the next day you contemplated calling them but figured if you were ever going to talk to them again that they could be the ones to initiate it. The last thing you wanted to do was smother them, put pressure on them and make this all worse. You still find yourself staring at the phone and so you make yourself go out. 
Not even sure what to do, you end up doing a little bit of retail therapy disguised as getting some new work clothes, purchasing a new top and mini-skirt combo that puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step. 
You got some lunch, walked around a bit more and then back at home, a nap, a shower and you are getting ready for work again. The obvious choice was the new outfit you bought, you tucked the tags away from view, tonight is the test run to see if these clothes are winners and if you will keep them, how much money will the hem and neckline earn you in tips is important for work attire. You spent a lot longer getting ready, focusing on your makeup, humming to yourself, “Look good, feel good. Look good, feel good.” 
Your coat was longer to make up for the tight, high cut and low cut nature of tonight's outfit. You wish you had a scarf like Chuck’s to help you out on a night like tonight but you just push the thought away, pull your jacket’s collar up higher and brave the cold. 
Jackon’s pep talk really helped. You felt much, much better tonight. More like your old self. Worrying about what was going to happen with them was idiotic and an exercise in pure futility. You can’t do anything about it by fretting and thinking, so instead you don’t. Throwing yourself into your work and feeling good about it. 
Hours into your shift, dropping off a tray of drinks to a table, a wad of bills passed to you that you took gratefully before departing with one word, “Enjoy!” 
When you return to the bar you take a moment, a breather, folding the money and putting it in your pocket with the rest of it as you scan the floor, seeing what to do or where to cover next, if anyone else has come in. Just then you feel a hand on your lower back and you nearly jump out of your skin until you hear a newly familiar voice in your ear, husky and feminine, “Who you lookin’ for?”
A wide smile as your head turns to see Tiffany right there, her hand feels comforting, but you can’t enjoy it for long as she pulls it away as your reply comes, “You.”
“Me hmm? How flattering. Just me?” She questions and you respond, “No, not just you, is he here?”
“He is.”  She said with a nod towards the back of the place and you followed her eyes to see him leaned against a table, jacket thrown haphazardly next to him. 
“Can you come over for a minute?” She inquired and you said quickly, “For you? Anything.” 
You are thankful Logan is busy otherwise he might have given you shit about the close physical proximity you just had with Tiffany. You wanted to take her hand but you were at work and you weren’t sure where you were standing at the moment so instead you just followed along behind until you were at the table with her. 
“Heya Chuck.” You greeted with a small smile, tray resting on one hip and a wave with your other hand. He didn’t acknowledge you right away, more concerned with pulling out his cigarettes and lighting up, only after he took a deep inhale did he actually look at you. His stare was intense, like the first night you met him, but different, harsher, you had to fight not to recoil slightly from the force of it weighing on you. 
His greeting was a simple, “Hey.” 
Tiffany left her spot beside you, instead sliding next to him, his arm falling around her shoulder effortlessly and even though you were less than two feet from the pair, you feel an immeasurable distance between you and them. The music isn’t as loud over here, you speak up and say, “So how are you doing?”
“Fine.” He responded and the pauses and lack of conversation, Tiffany’s own silence, it was making you uncomfortable. 
Maybe shifting back into work mode would be better, so you clear your throat and ask, “Can I get either of you a drink?” 
“I’m not thirsty.” He said before taking another drag and Tiffany hummed in agreement. 
You felt totally off kilter, this was so unlike the them you knew so far. You took a deep breath and said, “I wanted to apologise for the other afternoon. It wasn’t alright that I hid that for so long, I should have come clean on my own much sooner. There is no good reason for it, no excuse either, I'm just…I’m sorry.” 
They shared another one of those looks, something communicated you again didn’t pick up on and he sighed out, cigarette between two fingers his hand rubbed over his forehead, “I don’t know if we can get over this so easily.”
“Yeah.” Tiffany sighed, “We’ve been real honest with you so far and now it feels like…What does it feel like sweet face?” 
“Like you might be hiding other stuff from us too.” He finished and she agreed, “That’s not a very nice feeling.” 
You felt terrible. They weren’t wrong for thinking or feeling this way, the guilt was terrible, you take a tentative step forward, tray discarded on the table as you said, “I am so sorry, an-and if you don’t want to give me another chance I totally get it but, please? Can you give me an opportunity to make it up to you? No lies, all honesty, I promise.”
Another shared look between the couple as you waited on pins and needles for their response.
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applesontheground · 2 years
💘 where we meet every thursday 💉
so, to start off...i wish another (and fairly belated) happy birthday to the beloved Bex (@bisexual-horror-fan​)!! you’ve been an amazing source of friendship and inspiration to me since joining this community just shy of over a year ago, and i just wanna show a little more gratitude through another cute little blurb.
awhile back, we talked about a fun little hypothetical with the reader from her poly!chiffany fic Through The Heart Is The Only Way having meetups with the reader from my poly!danbert fic Your Own Prometheus, and the conversations that would stem from them confiding in one another about what they put up with. i had to play with that a little more after the seed had been planted (and especially since it’s been awhile since i updated YOP and i miss my boys dearly </3)
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also: just to avoid confusion since there are a severe lack of names in this, i used she/her pronouns for the TTHITOW reader and they/them pronouns for the YOP reader!
SFW | Word Count: 1,207 | implied Tiffany Valentine x Reader x Charles Lee Ray & Herbert West x Reader x Daniel Cain
contains canon typical/mentioned murder, implied NSFW, use of third-person POV/some details are included for the readers
She stood, the usual quiet conversations running amok in her mind without breaking her stare locked onto the front doors. She had been off for a few minutes, and although Tiffany and Chucky knew what she did on Thursday evenings after work, she didn’t like to keep them waiting all the same. Nothing could truly come between her and the comfort of a shared apartment, sleeping with her two people and hearing the gentle bickering from either side while she decompressed from the long evening hours at the local club.
She then caught sight of them, that bustling gait enough to jog the memory and seeing the eyes that seemed to linger on others a little too long as they gave brief greetings. They had their shoulder bag with them this time, must’ve been a busy day. Without a hitch, they headed towards the same booth that they had picked out every time as a regular, and now as her friend.
She smirked when they finally made eye contact, a meek look on their face that seemed to shift their entire body language, like that was all that it took to break them from courier to consort. “You’re a little late, you think?” She called, pushing off the counter she had been leaning on.
The smirk grew into a grin, and they quickly replied, “Hey now, you know I’m busy. Besides, you work here.” Pulling their bag onto the seat before sitting down, they let a more confident smile crook over their face, “You didn’t have to haul ass across the whole county to get a table.”
“I’m just messing with you.” She laughed, crossing her arms over the table and smiling as they situated themselves, hiding a wince when they sat down, but otherwise grinning back.
It had been awhile since they had been able to have a Thursday to meet, two people with very busy lives and little time between work and home. It was originally how their first conversation had blossomed into what they did now. The courier sometimes stopped in just to get a moment to themselves and a cup of coffee, steeping in its warmth as they listened to their own thoughts rather than a calamity that came from the normal routes for work or at their shared home across from the cemetery.
Living with two doctors was an ordeal, even on the quiet nights.
It was a stressor that the woman who worked there – and had grown to enjoy serving them whenever they came in – knew all too well. They asked, “So, how’ve you been? And how are Chuck and Tiff?”
“Oh, they’re hanging in there.” The woman laughed, “Same old, same old. I could ask the same about Herb and Dan.” Their easy expression twitched ever so slightly, and after a pause to consider how they’d answer they then nodded once, a slow motion. “They’ve been good, a little bit stressed.” They then corrected themselves, eyeing the coworker of their friend getting the usual coffee ready on the counter, “Well, Dan’s stressed. You can imagine Herbert’s more prone to…”
“Going with it?” The waitress laughed, and the courier huffed at her tone as they repeated, “Yeah, going with it.”
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“No, no-“ She held her finger up, a nicely manicured nail freezing the courier’s thought mid-speak and making them grin widely, laughing as they let her talk. “It’s not the fact that Tiffany did this with me waiting in the fucking car, right? It’s the fact she murdered him-“
They both froze, lowering their voices and the courier even leaning slightly, ear faced towards her. The word ‘discretion’ was a staple, and when they were sure patrons were no longer staring, she continued, “She just had to get it out of the way, like it was nothing.”
Their friend nodded sympathetically, pulling on their bag without breaking eye contact as they made a noise of confirmation.
“I mean, do they…?” The waitress made a motion with her hand, almost like she was holding something by a narrow handle. The coffee’s acidity curdled their voice the courier murmured, “Did you really just ask me if my boyfriends have ever killed someone at an inopportune time?”
“Oh god, you know what I mean.” She scoffed, and after bearing another incredulous stare while she looked down to her own cup, they replied, “Yes. Many times.” Their expression flattened out, and suddenly their eyes narrowed as a thought struck them: “Why does one always seem surprised that the other one actually did it?”
The waitress cocked her head, and they elaborated, “Like, it’s always ‘Daniel, why did you stab that patient? Are you really that belligerent?’ or ‘Herbert, he’s DEAD!’ …” They stuttered in exasperation, which made the waitress crack another grin as they went on, “Like, you just have to look at them and think, ‘Don’t tell me this is new behavior to you.’, you know?”
“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard-“ The waitress grated her voice slightly, “’Goddamn it, Chucky. Did’ya have to get messy with it!?’” The courier smirked, fingers pressing their bag into their side as they shook their head and murmured, “Yes, like please cut any other artery besides the jugular. I just bleached the blood out of all our white clothes. Really gonna make me go and do it again?”
“Ah.” The waitress then made a dismissive noise, “I can’t complain about Chuck and Tiff too much, though. You probably agree, huh?” The courier set their chin on an open palm, making another positive noise and sighed, “Yeah... You got me there.”
“That’s always where I circle back around. I do love those two, can’t be a sourpuss towards them for long – even when they do what they do.” The waitress sighed, tapping her nail on the handle of the mug and smirking to a distant memory in her mind. The faint dark smudges of Tiff’s lipstick on her neck, or the way Chucky would settle his hand along her back when walking with her.
Humming again in affirmation, the courier had their own thoughts, memories of laughing by the kitchen sink at an ill-timed joke and smudging blood off the surface of that familiar pair of glasses, trying not to let either of them know just how much they had them wrapped around their fingers despite the chaos, impossible to untangle from.
“...And I mean, the sex?” The courier’s eyes flickered back over to her, falling back into the conversation fast while their friend rolled her eyes back slightly. She huffed, “Incredible. A home run, even.”
Grinning, the courier admitted, “Oh, sure. I hear that.” They obviously adjusted one last time in their seat, and while the waitress had been eyeing the gesture from behind another sip of coffee, when it clicked, she nearly felt the hot liquid shoot up through her nose in a stifled cough.
“Good god, really?” She sputtered, smiling from behind a hand, and shrugging, they answered, “When the mortuary’s rockin’, don’t come-a knockin’. Herbert hates it when I say that.”
“Does Dan hate it, too?”
“No. That’s why we keep him around.”
The waitress gasped, but the teasing snort the courier emitted made them only laugh a little more.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Six. "Come Together."
Oh my God, OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!! SO! I know, it’s been so fucking long, I wanted to get this out a while ago but then we got the apartment, I got a new job, left my old one, moved to a whole new city and did a lot more, it’s been a nuts month for me. So I am sorry this took as long as it did but this is a great fucking update in my opinion, an important point in the story that deserved the proper attention! So I hope you all enjoy it, that it was worth the wait, and any and all feedback is highly encouraged here! Thank you so much for reading!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 6.5K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Reader. Warnings: Making Out. Grinding. Thigh Riding. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnlingus. Hand Job. Cum Eating. Pseudo-Threesome. Biting. Dirty Talk. Praise. Denial. Voyurism. Banter. Taunting. Teasing. Begging. Serious Conversation. Emotions. 
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You responded to Chucky’s question quickly and simply with, “What are we still doing here?”
“Good fuckin’ question.” Came his response and both of your hands were taken, one by each of them and you were tugged and pulled along out of the store, the book you were initially considering buying dropped on a shelf on the way. 
The walk back was more of a half-jog, you were unreasonably excited, could feel the underwear you wore, black lace by the way, a good call on your part, getting significantly damp. The idea they presented, the contest, was unfairly hot, they really wanted you, craved you, wanted to make you feel so good they BET on it for fucks sake. They bet on the privilege of it. You can honestly say you had never had someone, let alone two someone’s, so invested in you and your physical enjoyment, not just so early on but period. 
Your skates, laced together and slung over your shoulder bounced as you nearly skipped along with them, avoiding snow banks and icy patches, you had never seen their place before and you were curious to see how they lived.  
Soon enough you were in front of a modest looking apartment building, keys procured from his pocket and the door unlocked, you were ushered in, her gloved hand on your lower back, “This way sweet thing.”
You could get used to her calling you that. 
There was no elevator, just a few floors and up the staircases you tread till you were led to their apartment, another door unlocked and you went in with them both. The door was closed and then two sets of hands and two mouths were on you. Heated kisses and wandering hands helped and boots were kicked off, scarves untangled and thrown aside, gloves shoved into pockets and coats unzipped and hastily thrown in the direction of the coat rack. All the outer wear was left near the door, skates dropped without a care too and you were far too wrapped up in them to pay much attention to the apartment. 
First she is kissing you before she is breaking away then he is and her hands are on your waist, she’s behind you, leading you, pulling you somewhere as he is kissing your neck and you soon realise you are in a different room. 
Shit, not just any room, their bedroom. You only get time for a quick glance around, you get only a brief sense of the colour palette and style before you are being kissed once again. 
She is on you once more and you are all too aware of how hot and bothered you are, the thin fabric you wore between your legs felt incredibly wet, his leg is between yours and your hips buck on instinct seeking more friction. The seam of your jeans was well placed and provided some very good friction that made your breath catch. 
You heard him laugh, he pressed his thigh harder, his hands gripping your arms to pull you down as he worked you over again, making you grind once more and your mouth broke away from Tiffany’s with a soft moan. He spoke up, “God, she’s real sensitive, huh? Just like someone else I know.”
“Yeah, she’s already been so fun to play with, can’t wait to taste her all over again.” Tiffany responded as he nipped at your ear making your hips rock again. He asked, sounding like he was smiling, “Right?” 
So much focus all on you was almost hard to take, you weren’t sure what to zero in on, his mouth on your neck or his thigh between yours or Tiffany’s hands sliding under your top and feeling her chest press into your back. Her hands aren’t stopping, moving up and feeling the soft skin of your sides until they are high enough to catch the edge of your bra and you aren’t sure who to arch closer into as Tiffany touches you and Chucky’s mouth is on yours once more. 
You lose yourself to this for a moment, to kissing him back, feeling the ache that had been steadily building since the bookstore and you had the briefest thought wondering what you were waiting for? They made it crystal fucking clear they want to get you off again and that was the whole idea of them inviting you to their apartment and into their bed.
God, you were in their bed, how many times had they done this here? How many times had they fucked sprawled in these sheets? And now here you were, both of their attention on you. It was still freezing winter outside but you were melting inside and between them. Hands trembled slightly as you started to take off your clothing, giving a silent signal that you wanted to progress and they were more than welcome to help you strip, something they both took you up on happily. You broke the kiss to start removing clothing and he let out a breathy laugh, “Eager, eh?”
You nodded as she tugged you off of his thigh as you were taking off your shirt, throwing it aside, the pretty bra you had picked out in hopes of something like this happening on display. She was looking over your shoulder as her hands snaked around your front to start opening your jeans, “Fuck, I have been dreaming about this view.” 
She probably had one of the best bodies you had ever seen and to be fair you hadn’t even seen it yet, not really, through all this she has remained fully dressed, although you hoped that would change this afternoon.
Tiffany practically purred it in your ear, nails lightly scratched as they ran up your sides and she said, “C’mon Chucky doesn’t she look amazing?”
You glanced at him to see him rubbing his thumb on his pants as if he was trying to remove a stain, brows furrowed as you wondered what he was doing until you saw the dark spot. You realized you had gotten so fucking excited it had seeped through your jeans, and onto him. His gaze caught yours, cocky and shit eating grin, you watched as he brought his thumb up and sucked the small amount of you that was there, his eyes slowly starting to move down, taking in the view of you in your bra and being peeled out of your jeans by his girlfriend. You had to say this was a pretty successful second date and you weren’t even out of your pants yet. 
He dropped his hand away from his face, leaning closer to help remove the offending clothing the rest of the way off, “She looks better than any dream I’ve had Tiff.”
Awful flirts and teases and flatterers the pair of them. You needed to turn this back on them. 
“I think you both are a little too dressed still.” You asserted and they pair laughed, “Awe honey that’s cute but this is about you gettin’ off still.” 
Chucky agreed with what Tiffany said, throwing your pants aside, with a wide grin as he said, “Yeah, we still have a bet to settle, then we can talk about us getting naked.” 
“Yeah, worry about us later.” She assured you. Both of them couldn’t stop looking at you in the matching black lace that framed you so beautifully. 
A slight pout and were going to try again when Chucky made a move to start touching you, a hand on your hip and the other sliding easily between your legs when Tiffany stopped him, reaching out, her manicured hand gripping his wrist. “What are you doin’?”
“Starting?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and she laughed, “And why do you get to go first?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” He asked and you were stuck in the middle, pressed between the couple, currently arguing over who gets to make you cum first. When did your life become this unbelievable?
You were soaked and honestly wanting them to stop talking and fighting over you and just start doing it. They were stuck in a loop of back and forth and you get an idea, thumbs hook in the sides of your panties and you take them off, holding them up as you spread your legs, playfully spinning the damp garment on your finger, “You gonna keep me waiting all afternoon here?”
A look shared over your shoulder and they realised that no they would not. The fight was dropped, they negotiated much easier after that, since Chucky went first last time, Tiffany got to go first this time. 
You were laying back on the bed and she was making a move to get on her knees but Chucky stopped her, “Uh no way, I don’t think so.”
“What?” She asked with a huff and he said, “You already had your shot at eating out, I say we swap, to make it really fair so she’s had both from both of us. Fingers only for you this time babe.” 
She reluctantly agreed that that made sense with a roll of her eyes. She is fine with this because she is damn good with her fingers and she knows it. He settled in beside you to watch, almost pressed to you, Tiffany is undeterred and if anything emboldened by the prospect of showing off for him. She is on the bed, climbing on top of you, a hand to your cheek and capturing your lips in another intense kiss that shocks you so much it takes a moment to begin to return it. You didn’t have a single care at that moment, fuck your makeup getting ruined, fuck being quiet, you could really let go here in this space, totally safe and not a thing to hide. 
She was very in control, leading the make out easily and you let her, followed along, found a good rhythm of give and take. As her tongue breached your mouth you felt your breathing falter, especially when her hands started to wander again. Fingertips brush over your shoulder, a palm cups your chest, thumb circling your nipple through the thin fabric causing your back to bend, seeking to be closer to the stimulation she provided. 
Just when you felt it might be getting to be too much, just when you wanted to start begging for some serious attention, it’s like she read your mind, her hand now between your legs. Once her hand was there she didn’t waste much time, skillfull fingers tracing up your bare slit, he let out a quiet moan into your mouth. You can hear the smile on her face, pulling away enough to say, “She’s practically dripping over here Chucky.”
“You’re welcome.” He said with that same overly confident grin and she bit back, two fingers working up, starting at your hole and running up and passing over your clit, “Yeah like this is all for you.” 
“Isn’t it?” He asked as he leaned in closer and she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, “Yeah sure big guy, now shut up. You’ll get your turn to disappoint her.” 
“Ouch Tiff.”  He pretended to sound hurt, a hand to his chest and a giggle escaped you before Tiffany kissed you again, ignoring him in favour of you. She really began then, fingers dipped inside briefly, collecting some of your more than ample wetness and using it to make her touch glide along you easier. 
Every move carried a distinct purpose, there was care there but not in a way that showed she didn’t think you could handle some rougher treatment, the pressure she employed was pretty damn great considering this was her what, second time touching you like this? She seemed to be taking in every hint you gave, reading your body language and the pitch of your moans amazingly well, even the broken and weak words you spoke giving her an even better idea. 
The quiet asks, “Harder?” and “Fa-faster-” and “-a little to the left-oh God!” were taken to heart. 
Something else that was also making this so much better was him. Right here, watching intently, in between breaks of Tiffany kissing you, when her mouth would wander lower, her hand never slowing you would see him. His own gaze going from your face, to watching how your body moved and how easily Tiffany manipulated you with two fingers. 
Her tongue traced over your collarbone and you moaned her name, you could see Chucky grinning out of the corner of your eye, “She’s good, eh?” 
You let out something between a half laugh and a half moan, “Soooo good.” 
“Hear that sweetface? I’m sooooo good.” Tiffany teased with a glance over to him and he was the one to roll his eyes this time, “Stop acting like you got this all sewn up, anythin’ could happen.” 
That phrase and the implication with which he said it made you shiver as if you were standing stark naked in the cold winter afternoon outside. There was so much time left in the day, so many possibilities. In the moment though, your head was fairly empty, only concerned with one thing, how good Tiffany was making you feel. Panting breaths slipping out between parted lips and heated kisses, those kisses were getting fewer as her mouth was moving down lower, it causes you to squirm. 
Especially when her tongue passes over your nipple through the thin lace, the sound you make causes her to clench involuntarily and it presses her to do it to you again and again. It leads her other hand, the one that was still below your waist and currently wrecking you, to hook in and pull down, exposing the last bit of you to her.
The other cup is pulled down until the straps have slipped past your shoulders, still hooked around your arms, the rest of the garment sitting underneath your bust and she breathes out as if totally intoxicated and enamoured by the mere sight and feel of your body, “You really are something special.” 
“Fuck yes she is.” And he reached over, made a move to cup your now exposed chest and you were ready, you wanted to feel them, both of them at once but Tiffany lifted up, her mouth twisting into a small frown as she smacked his hand away. “Ow, the fuck Tiff?-”
He cursed and she said firmly with a point, “It’s my turn. No touching.”
“Spoilsport. If anythin’ I’d be helping you-” He started and she laughed, her fingers picked up the pace and you whimpered from the spike in sensation. “No you wouldn’t, we are competing, we gotta do this solo or it taints the whole integrity of the competition.” 
“It’ll taint the whole integrity of the competition-” He started in a mocking tone and she rolled her eyes again and chose that moment for her lips to close around one of your nipples, she sucked, tongue lathed and your eyes fell closed with a loud and indulgent moan. She has a very particular want at that moment and she doesn’t stop herself, slender fingers abandon your clit momentarily, slipping down and then inside causing a sharp inhale from you at the sudden penetration. 
“Oh my God-” She sounded near awed as she experimentally thrust her fingers in and out of you, extremely careful and mindful of her nails which were not obscenely long at the moment, did she opt for a shorter style for this exact purpose? You can’t linger on that as she curls her fingers and says, “-you feel…Fuck, I don’t even know how to describe how you feel inside.”
The praise washes over you and makes you arch closer to her, desperate for more of whatever she has to offer you. 
“You felt this yet?” She asked, eyes looking over to her partner and he said, “I did but I was wearing gloves at the time.” 
“Gloves? The leather ones he likes?” She questioned and you realised it was meant for you and you nodded with a whimper. “So I got to feel you raw first, lucky me.” She hummed, fingers not slowing as her thumb circled your clit, continuing to thrust in and out of you. 
“Stop soundin’ so confident.” He said in an annoyed tone and she laughed, “Never.” 
The longer it went on, the better it got, the better you felt and you were less and less able to be quiet. And during this, through the haze of pleasure you did recognize one thing, that Chucky was having a hard time keeping still and to himself. You knew he wanted to be a part of this, to touch. Did he regret setting up this contest?
You had no time or space to think as she continued to touch and talk. “You sound so pretty.” 
Her teeth graze as she praises you, every single part of you and you feel it build, getting so close so quickly, it snuck up on you, the feeling was good, terribly good but it was starting to peak so suddenly and you can’t breathe properly. 
“Oh you gettin’ close?” She teased and you nodded, a small whine as the climb continued and she laughed, it didn't feel mean spirited, it was light and warm, encouraging, “C’mon then sweetheart. Let go.”
What she says is more than enough to push you over the edge and you fall, blissfully and you cum on her fingers with a shudder, it started low and then worked its way up, running through your whole body. Not like you were aware of what you were doing, not really, all you knew is how fucking incredible it felt, not how your body was responding to what she was doing, you think you were moaning something, praise, or yes or her name, hard to tell with how breathless she made you.
Naive. Totally naive is what you are, for thinking for even a moment that the first time you shared with her was as good as it could get, she outdid herself, easily. It was nearly maddening, the fact that she did it with seemingly so little effort. 
When pleasure finally gave way to slight pain and overstimulation, you swallowed hard, your throat felt dry and tongue thick as you reach out blindly and weakly push on her arm, “Ah, stop, stop, fuck-”
She relented, pulled her fingers out and her hand away as she said around a chuckle, “Alright, alright.” 
She brought her hand up and sucked on her fingers, tasting you as she watched you recover, eyes drawing over your body on the bed below as you panted and tried to regain some strength and come back to yourself post orgasm. 
Again almost sensing what you needed you feel her hands on you, warm and comforting, her touch self assured as she started below your knees and dragged her hands up, touched and felt. It did wonders for you. Made you feel much more comfortable, made your breathing slow, deeper, more natural and full. She helped you come down, once she pressed a soft kiss to your lips with a question of, “You good?”
You responded with a nod and a hum, she rewarded you with another press of her lips to yours before she started to get off of you, sitting at your opposite side, and as soon as she is doing that, ass to bed sheets, he is on you. 
The kissing is frantic, needy, in between him pressing kisses to your mouth he was grinding against you, clearly hard as fuck through his pants and pressing himself into your hip. “That was so fuck-ing hot, Christ.”
You let out a moan that was louder than you meant to into his mouth, his tongue passed over yours before he pulled back, “I knew getting to watch would be good but-”
He couldn’t even finish the thought, as if consumed with the need to he kissed you again and your hips bucked up, heat flaring inside you again so quickly. It was as if that fire never went out, it was simply dimmed but him instigating this make out so forcefully fanned the flames and brought it all back, so fast, caused it to burn bright and strong. 
He pulled back again, finally continuing that thought, “-I had no idea it would be like that.”
You can feel Tiffany’s eyes on you now, her watching and the sheer tension of it, the clear want she was feeling, even though it was less than two minutes since she last touched you. Just as he struggled earlier, she seemed to be, and he hadn’t really done anything as of yet. 
In another two minutes he had pawed and groped and worked his way down to where he is now kneeling on the floor and tossing your bra aside and his hands are on your hips, tugging you to the edge of the bed. He doesn’t waste time, he knows how ready you are, see’s the evidence of it clearly on display, on your inner thighs and the sheets themselves and right there. You are soaked and swollen, leaking, literally throbbing, he takes the smallest pause to look at you, really taking you in for the first time at eye level. 
You can’t help but look at him looking at you, see the arousal wash over him, how he is affected by the sight and smell of you so close to his face. And then, he buries his face between your legs, his tongue makes contact first, at your drooling hole before licking a firm stripe straight up over your straining clit making you arch with your finger tangled in the sheets and a call of his name. After that first lick he takes a deep breath, a quiet, “Fuck, you taste good.” 
Was uttered, a lick of his lips before he was diving back in greedily. 
He eats you out differently than she does, almost like he was doing it for his pleasure more than yours, but by doing that? It made it better, so much fucking better, knowing how much he was getting off it only serves to increase the feeling you experienced. He left no part unexplored, you felt incredibly wet, from him or you you didn’t know as he switched between broad strokes of his tongue over your lips and hole and more small and precise licks against your clit.
He has also clearly gotten tips and instruction from her over their time together but he puts his own spin on it. Hard to define, especially when you are caught up in such strong pleasure, but the way he wraps his lips around your clitoris, the way he flicks his tongue and strong fingers dig into your thighs, it feels unmistakably him. Even if it was at one point partially coached or instructed by her before you stumbled into their lives, as if he took what she said seriously, trusted her, but also wanted to do it HIS way. 
His hands move, slide down under your thighs and come to rest near your ass, his thumbs spread you open, he pulls back, looking up close once more as if in disbelief he was here and doing this with you right now. He leaned in, a hard lick over your whole slit and your clit, a choked moan leaving you before he looked again, seeing how you respond, the clench of your hole and the throb of your sensitive bud he is achingly hard.
“You gonna stare at it all afternoon or are you gonna eat it?” Tiffany taunted and he says, “Shut it.” Before he leans in and latches on and sucking deeply.
“Oh God-Chucky yes!” It tumbled from your mouth so fast, eyes squeezing shut and you heard him hum in acknowledgement and satisfaction, the vibration you felt making you rock into his face. 
Not only did it feel amazing, it also felt hot just from that perspective alone, that this is how he wanted to do it. Tongue flicking up and from side to side, through your folds, and down. He kept any deviation up top and as he went along he felt out your reactions, what made you breathe deeper and make your body tense, he focused on a particular rhythm right where you needed it. 
Another curse broke out and Tiffany, who had of course been watching all of this with great interest, said teasingly, “He can’t be that good.” 
He pulled away briefly with a scoff, his mouth wet with you as he asserted, “Fuck you, yes I am.”
“I dunno about that.” She sighed and he threw her a look from between your legs, “Yes you do, you’ve had it yourself!” 
And as if to illustrate his point that he was done with this conversation his mouth locked back onto your cunt and your cry drowned out Tiffany’s retort. 
Considering how quickly you came before it didn’t take much for you to start getting close. You are so sensitive right now that almost anything fleets like it would be enough to get you there, his careful and specialised attention, with that undercurrent of need was more than needed to make you break apart. 
“Ye-yeah, just like that.” You begged, a small plea for him to not stop, to please just keep going, what you wanted was clear and nothing would make him stop. You rocked your hips, ground your throbbing clit on his tongue, unable to hold back, chasing your own end. The view right now was frankly stellar, his eyes were closed as he focused on you, brows furrowed in concentration, strong hands back on your thighs as he sucked on your clit like his life depended on it. 
He was still far too dressed, as was she, it was infuriating, you were naked, totally bare and you hadn’t even seen him without a shirt on. 
You can feel her next to you,  still watching, can hear her heavy breathing over the blood rushing in your ears, she was just as affected as he was earlier, stuck watching but not partaking. Then, the climb reached its peak, you weren’t on the edge anymore, you were over it. You cum so hard, you don’t think a single coherent word makes it through just a mess of weak moaning as you tremble on the end of his tongue, lost in bliss as he doesn’t relent through your orgasm. You aren’t capable of thought at the moment but if you were it would probably be related to a complete inability to choose between them and be the deciding factor in this contest. How could you ever choose? 
Both were so good but for entirely different reasons, both had completely different approaches that felt thoroughly them. It was like comparing your favourite dinner and your favourite dessert, they are both fantastic but both in totally different categories. How can you seriously compare one orgasm between another? The whole idea of this contest is ludacris but really, the competition is nothing more than an excuse and can you really complain when the centre of it is about you getting off hard and often.
Back to the moment you are currently locked in, unable to stay still, his head still buried between your thighs. 
He softens as you reach the end of it, no longer sucking fiercely instead taking it slower, making sure you aren’t too overstimulated until you make a sound that is clearly discomfort and then Tiffany is kissing you before Chucky has even broken contact. 
You rush to kiss her back and she moans into your mouth, you are reaching out, starting to touch her, hands on her shoulders as Chucky finally breaks away, you feel the bed shifting, him moving to be closer. In between kissing her you start to tell her, “I wanna make you feel good, both of you, want it so much-”
Cutting yourself off as your other hand locks onto Chucky’s collar and pulling him to you, stealing a kiss from him that he leans into for only a minute, until Tiffany is asking, “Wait, wait, wait, who won?”
He hummed and broke the kiss with you to ask, “Yeah, who won?”
You aren’t having it, you attempt to force another kiss but he pulls back, “Uh-uh, tell us-” when he denied you his mouth you leaned down and worked at his neck instead and that made his sentence break off. You kiss and touch, your hand slides down Tiffany’s shoulder and ghost over her chest and you don’t let up. Tiffany tried to ask again and you muttered, “You told me to worry about you and him later. And now? It’s later.”
That is enough and makes their shared resolve break. It escalates quickly after that. Mid make out with Tiffany you started to pull at her clothes and he helped, her jeans are taken off and it is more skin than has ever been exposed to you so far. She favoured skirts and dresses with short hemlines, you had seen plenty of her legs so far, but now they were bare, no tights or stockings, and also those deep purple panties and her gorgeous hips totally on display. You reach out and touch, hands on her thighs and you inhale deeply, her skin is insanely soft and warm, she leaned up closer to you with a sigh, wanting more. 
You provide. 
You rush leaning forward, a hungry kiss, deep and needy, her tongue makes the first move to your mouth, another shared moan from the rush it brings to you both. Your hand is between her legs, feeling her up for the first time and your head is swimming as if she was touching you again. 
Chucky isn’t going to be left out like this, he throws her jeans aside and his hands are on you both next, “You forgettin’ about me already?”
You broke the kiss with Tiffany and you affirmed with an indulgent smile, copying her from earlier as you said, “Never.” 
He grabs a hold of one of your hands and brings it down, he opened his belt and pants, you palm him and really feel him as he teases, “You sayin’ I’m unforgettable?”
You close your hand around him, squeeze through his underwear after you had slid your hand into his open pants and you feel his breath stutter slightly and fuck if that isn’t a powerful feeling. “More like insufferable.” Tiffany quips as she touches you, reaching out, vying for more of your affection and attention as he starts to protest, you flex your hand once more and put a stop to another petty argument starting. A fond, “Shut up.” 
He listens. 
A good position for all of you is found. It isn’t spoken about, not seriously, a few brief words and pulls in between making out and you all settle in. Tiffany is perched on your thigh, rocking her hips back and forth, grinding her slick and silk covered slit on you, he had his underwear pulled down and your hand wrapped around his bare shaft as a strange and new rhythm is found for the first time. It’s a little clumsy, definitely rushed, frantic, a bit thoughtless, much more about feeling because fuck, this has been coming a long time. 
It’s all a blur, of hands and mouths and desperate pleas and moans, panting breaths. It isn’t just you working, both of them know the other so well, hands still gravitate to each other as well as you, mouths still meet and before you can really think at all she is telling you she’s close. It shouldn’t be so shocking but it is, sending another rush of heat through you, Tiffany, totally stunning, usually so composed, with well timed and appropriately biting remakes and jokes, with smudged make-up, about to cum on your thigh. 
You feel an intense urge to kiss her, to have her moan her release into your mouth and but the want to hear her is much, much stronger. Your hand slows slightly as you are touching him and he doesn’t complain, in fact he was so close he whispered right in your ear, just for you to hear, “Watch.”
There is no pithy response to that, all you wanted to do was what he told you to and you got to see her fall apart for the first time before your eyes, and what a sight it was. Partially clinging onto him and onto you, pretty manicured nails biting into your forearm as her hips bucked, wonderfully broken moans spilling out from between her lips, slick with sweat and trembling. Christ, you could watch her forever, you wanted to, you wanted to do this over and over and be even more of a direct cause, rather than her just using your thigh to get off. 
One thing pulls you out of your reverie and that is Chucky’s hips moving, fucking into your slick fist, you break your attention from her, sliding off of your thigh slowly as she attempts to catch her breath, you focus on him. It doesn’t take long with all the build up so far, in two minutes he is breathing out a warning of his own end and Tiffany's fingers graze over his thigh as she prompts gently, "Do it sweetface." 
It must have been all he needed to tumble over the edge with a curse, cum pumping out over your fingers. The pleasure is painted clear on his features, brows pulled together, eyes closed, you don’t resist and lean in, kiss him and swallow the groan he let out, hand not slowing until he winced and pulled away and you let him. 
You sat back on your heels and brought your hand up and started to clean up your fingers, sucking the mess up greedily, he tasted surprisingly good and you caught him watching you, a coy smile crossed your face after pulling your cleaned fingers out. 
“Fuck.” He spoke and you had to agree, the tone and cadence with which he said it, that word said it all. 
You took those clean fingers and made them dirty again, scooping up the mess Tiffany left on your thigh and if he tasted good she tasted great. 
You would call this a fairly successful first hook up, there was some closeness shared in their bed after that, everyone not explicitly cuddling but all touching, comfortable silences too. You felt unreasonably happy, still high on how well it has all gone and it wasn’t over, you could feel some lingering energy that there might be more in store for the afternoon but there was no rush. 
One of those comfortable silences broken, a sweet and sincere compliment as Tiffany asked Chucky, “Can you get over how hot-” and then she said your name.
Your blood ran cold. 
In any other circumstance hearing her post hook up sighing your name like that would be a total fucking joy, a revelation. If only it was your name and not just what she thought your name was. 
He was agreeing and said it too and you bit your bottom lip as you cursed internally. You felt so fucking stupid, you totally forgot about the fake name that was given to them back at your job, you haven’t corrected them yet. Man, nothing makes a person crash back to Earth from their post orgasmic high quite like having to grapple with this complex issue wondering if you should just go by this name and essentially lie, or, ruin the mood and admit you have known them for this long going by this false name. 
You seriously thought about it, barely listening but the sinking feeling in your stomach, you knew you had to fess up and come clean before this dragged on any longer. You knew the hook up could continue but coming clean was more important than getting fucked and so you spoke up. It was now or never as you said too loudly as you sat up, “That’s not my name!”
They both paused, looked over at you and she asked, “What?” and he followed up with, “Yeah, what?” 
“I…That name you have been calling me, it isn’t my real name. It’s a um fake name I go by at work, the bartender? Logan? I tell him that if anyone ever asks my name to tell them that instead, all my coworkers do that.” You said it all in a single rushed exhale, metaphorical guts now on the space on the sheets between you and them. 
“And why do you do that exactly?” He asked, his tone sounded genuinely confused and you sighed, “There was a  co-worker of mine, they had a not so great experience with someone at an old club of mine who got too friendly and I had a few not so awesome times myself and it just became a thing I did…A protection thing or a uhm, preventive measure kinda thing.” 
You took a deep breath and said, “I wasn’t expecting all of this when you first asked for my name but I like you both a lot. I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner, I legitimately forgot until you both said my name and I figured now was better than never.” 
You felt better after saying it all but you waited for their response, they looked shocked and to be perfectly honest they were. They were hiding secrets, plenty of them, they thought they had you all figured out, that you were obvious, but no, you were hiding stuff too. You were more like them than they thought and that was a lot to contend with. It was quiet, the air in the room felt different. 
“What is your name then?” Tiffany asks and you give it as easily as you breathe, softly you tell them your real name. 
They shared a look that once again communicated something you couldn’t pick up on, she gave a half shrug and he nodded and she said, “I think I like that name better anyway.” 
“Yeah agreed, suits you much more.” He affirmed. 
That was a small comfort but their body language and the rest told you that this was still not right, you figured they just needed time. You glanced at the clock and the encroaching darkness outside the window and offered, “It’s getting late, I think I might get going.” 
They didn’t fight you on leaving, simply stating, “If you want to.”
You got redressed, they got partially dressed themselves and walked you to the door, a light kiss from him and one from her on your cheek and you departed, tied skates on your shoulder and coat pulled tight around you. 
You felt off but good that you were honest, the ball was in their court, whatever they chose to do with this new information, all you could do was respect their choice. You stepped out onto the street and it felt much, much colder than it did earlier. 
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Multi-May Masterlist.
"Lessons In Faking It Redux." Reverse!Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"I Love You Best In." Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Three Against One." Mourning Wood (Buddy Swanson, Sam Wescott and Leslie Vernon) X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Helping You, Helping Me." TMOMD Threesome AU! Freddy Kruger X Amber Cottrell X GN! Reader. NSFW-Ish.
"You Can't Steal What Is Willingly Given." Poly!Coven X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Yes, I Can." Poly!Hinge!Sinclairs. X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Another Day." Poly!Camping Boys X GN! Reader. SFW.
"A Lack Of Climax In Act Three." Reverse! Poly!Ghostface X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Wrath Akin To A God." Poly!DanBert X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Sweet On You." Poly!Ghostface X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Life, Imitating Art, Imitating Life." Mickey Altieri And Randy Meeks X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Nine. "Stay." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"You Should Try It." Blossom James X Henry Williamson X FEM! Reader. SFW.
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