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Day 66
Giorno 66 - ieri.
Totale caffè bevuti, 2.
A pranzo: IKEA, perché si. Polpettine, salse, tortino di zucchine, patate.
A cena: ottime polpette di verdure preparate dalla mia partner in crime. 1 figlio su due le ha apprezzate, l'altro imparerà da grande ad amare le verdure e quindi ha ripiegato sulla coppa. Good for us, ce n'erano di più per noi.
Ieri sera ho fatto appena in tempo a scrivere che mi stavo buttando a letto e son crollato totalmente. Non ho dormito male ma ho sognato di dovermi sposare (di nuovo?) e di essere alla ricerca di un vestito decente da mettere senza trovarlo; in questo atelier il proprietario mi mostrava un mio collega vestito anni '20 da donna, con tanto di rossetto, e io dicevo "ah, lo stile dei ruggenti anni 20". Bah.
Oggi lavoro da casa e la gente ritiene utile fissare meeting di 3h senza avvisarmi almeno un giorno prima. Prevedo bestemmie.
MA: Stasera c'è il season finale di Rings of Power!
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regalo polpettine di ceci a chi viene a rapirmi a lavoro e mi porta lontano da questo posto che pullula di gente puzzolente e rompiscatole
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I finished MCLAL Armin, episode 6. It cost me, 1182 AP. I got the illustration. Here is the summary:
(This summary is the sequel of the summary proposal route episode 5: https://www.tumblr.com/magic-belodie/710622731941609472/i-finished-the-proposal-route-of-mclal-armin?source=share)
You start this episode in your own house. You have been busy with making it ready. Armin has arranged a truck for a few days to move everything. His now looking things up for a wedding suit. He wants something a little less traditional. He found a nice batman suit. Armin was also looking for an outfit for you. You like Ivy the most, but it would be weird if she would marry batman. But that kind of goes for every female character. And your parents will be there, maybe they don't like that kind of wedding. But it is your wedding. Maybe you two could decide over a Super Mario Kart game. That is not going to work for every wedding decision. Maybe we could go for a little more classic. Armin looks annoyed. You kiss him and tell him that he could still order suits. You two could use them for later. He tells you to stop. Armin has to concentrate, there is so much to do. For the wedding and the house. You two make a schedule for the coming time. You are going to get the wedding outfits end of this week. Armin is going to take care of the batman outfits. But he has to stay within the budget. At the beginning of this week, you two will see the caterer. The bachelor parties are arranged by the maid of honor and the best man. Nathaniel and Alexy are Armin's best men. You haven't asked anyone, yet. Rosa seems to be the good choice for you, and you also like to ask Chani. You will call them both tomorrow. You also have to do a lunch with both of the parents. They did help you both a lot with the wedding. You will both work that out. You still can't believe it, you are going to get married in an amusement park in front of the castle. The whole trip has been planned. But you still feel like you missed something. You are playing with your engagement ring and suddenly you know. You forgot about the wedding rings. Armin wants to do that as soon as possible. The day after tomorrow, you both have time. It feels a bit weird for Armin to buy wedding rings. It will make everything very concrete. You are scared that Armin has doubt. But he doesn't he is looking forward to it a lot. Only two days left to go.
The wedding rings The drive to the center only takes 15 minutes. Your new house feels far away, but exactly it lies perfect. Armin and you walk happily toward the jewelry shop. Armin would love to have rings inspired by a movie. But if they don't have that, he would like something original. You both walk into the store. There are a lot of options. Armin sees a ring he likes a lot. It looks nice, but you haven't thought about it yet. You still like the idea of getting a simple gold ring. There is also one thing that you haven't decided on, the ring bearer. Armin thought of asking Evan, since he isn't one of his best men. He is still his brother. But you like the idea of going with Rocket. Armin likes the idea, but he doesn't know how to explain to Rocket what he has to do. Evan could guide Rocket. That way, Evan would also be part of it. That idea makes Armin smile a lot. It is the best idea ever. Back to the rings itself. You look again at all the options. You like the black with neon details. They fit with you two. It was the one that Armin liked so much. He hugs you. You two buy the rings. Armin feels so happy with the rings.
The caterer Armin and you are testing the appetizers. They all fit with the fairy tale theme. Armin likes them all too much, he can't choose. You go with the Alice's miniature pastries in trompe l'oeil. Everything looks like a dessert, but it is an appetizer. That is a surprising meal. You like that a lot. It will be fun to see the guests reactions. For the main dish, the caterer likes to go with Spaghetti con le polpettine and the vegetarian option would be ratatouille. It tastes amazing. It fits perfectly with everything you have planned. The caterer also called the park, they arranged for them to wear costumes. Armin lights up with that idea. You get to choose what they wear as long as the theme park has it. You like this idea also. The caterer will e-mail you a list with the options. You send your answer back. You now get to choose the cake. The tiered wedding cake would be shaped like a castle. Just like the Cinderella one in the park. You like that idea a lot. But otherwise you could go with a cheesecake. For that, they all have different kinds of options. Armin and you taste every option. You still like the Cinderella castle the most. Then everything is decided. Armin and you leave the caterer. You are both kind of full from everything you have tasted. But it was all too delicious. Armin and you walk towards the restaurant.
Both of your parents are already at the restaurant. You all say hi to each other and go sit at the table. All the planning for the wedding is going well. You just arranged everything with the caterer, and you still have room left for a small lunch. The place you two are getting married is very original. But it suits so well with the two of you. After the ceremony is over, you are allowed to go on all the rides. Everyone is going to have so much fun. Maybe you will also see some of the characters. You still have to buy your outfits. You will meet Rosa in a few days and Armin will get his suit. Armin and you are looking forward to it.
The Dress Armin and you are at Leigh's store. Leigh will close the shop, but when he is about to do that, Alexy walks inside. He is here to help Armin choose his suit. Rosa also comes inside. She will help you find a fairy tale princess dress. Armin will leave with Leigh and his brother to Leigh's workshop. That way he won't see you in your dress before the wedding. You stay behind with Rosa. Rosa explains to you all the dresses she has. You all try them on. When you try on the GHLF one, you are sure Armin will like this. You get to choose the dress. There is only one to pick. Rosa will make sure that your dress is ready on the big day. Armin, Alexy and Leigh get back. Armin found the perfect suit. It wasn't easy, but he found it. You both thank everyone for their help and leave.
The bachelorette party Armin and you are at home. You are a bit tired, Armin and you were busy with getting the house ready. Armin asks you if you still have energy for the party. You have, it won't be a long night. Rosalya has Thia and the other girls still have careers. Armin is going to do A LAN at his party. There are going to be all different kinds of games to play. Armin and you kiss and you leave to go to Leigh's shop.
When you stand in front of the store, you see no one. You look at your phone, and then you see a limousine drive by. Inside are your friends; Rosa, Priya, Chani and Nina. You go inside and drive off to a restaurant. There you eat with everyone. Then you go to the movie theater. You get to see a self-made video. With all the stories about your life. And then back to Leigh's shop. There you all put on different kinds of outfits.
After the party, you see Armin at home. You are both exhausted. There is still a lot of stuff to unpack. Yesterday, you moved from the apartment to this place. You will soon feel at home here. But let's first go to bed. Tomorrow you have to wake up early for the big day.
The big day Armin and you start with packing everything for your trip. Sometimes you have to look for things because a lot of stuff is still in boxes. But you find everything on time. The flight goes easily. Everyone is there on time, and you stay awake and chat with Armin on the flight. When you get there, the place looks perfect. You are with Rosa getting ready. Chani will keep you update on how everything is going. You are not nervous, with being at this place. Everything will be perfect. You are ready. Rosa takes you to your parents.
Your dad will walk you down the aisle. At the end of the aisle you see Armin. He looks so handsome. The story switches to his mind. When he saw you walking towards him. He suddenly felt a rush of stress. It's stupid, but Armin just can't believe it. That you are the one. You look so beautiful. Armin needs to get a hold of him self and enjoy the moment. You are getting closer to Armin and smile at him. It lifts the weight from Armin's chest. Everything is going to be fine. As long as you two are together. You take his hand. Armin is going to explode with happiness. The story switches back to you. You are both very happy. Armin will start with his vow. He still has a hard time realizing how lucky he is. It is hard for Armin to believe all this is real. And Armin is not talking about the place. The place is magical, but it is just a setting. But your new life together is real and that is magical. It may sound a bit lame. But Armin means it. And he wants to make a promise to you. The timing seems right to him. He promises you that he will do everything he can to keep the reality magical, for as long as possible. Because the most important is you. Armin loves you. You have tears in your eyes. It is your turn. You believe in Armin and that he can do it. Over the past few years, Armin has brought so many amazing things into your life. So much imagination, fictions, but also a lot of real things, that you would never have thought to be possible. You never thought you live with a genuine righter of wrongs. You never thought you have so much fun with a game partner and live with a ferret. Or getting married at this place. You have no promise to make other than to marry him and love him as long as possible. You want to thank Armin for turning your life into a fairy tale every day. Armin has tears in his eyes. It is time for the rings. Rocket has the rings on his collar. Evan walks him towards you two. Armin and you both take a ring from the collar. You both say I do and kiss each other. You get the illustration. Armin and you feel like this moment will never end. But the episode ends here.
#MCL#mclal#armin#my candy love armin#MCL ARMIN#alternate life armin#mclal armin#episode 6#summaries#my candy love#alternate life
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Oggi mi sono messa all'opera per i miei commensali, polpettine di pollo zucca e tagliatelle fatte in casa buon pranzo a tutti..
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Fonte Fb🐦
Ci risiamo come ogni anno, con la caduta dei rondoni dai tetti, per il forte caldo.😞
Consigli di primo soccorso, nell'attesa o in mancanza di aiuti da parte dei centri adatti di cura.
I rondoni recuperati, si possono tenere in uno scatolo, in un luogo fresco, e dissetare con qualche goccia d'acqua con una siringa senz'ago.
Come cibo, il pastone per insettivori che trovate nei pet shop, va bene, nella misura di una parte di quello e 3 di carne macinata magra. Gli si danno 3-4 palline di questo miscuglio, della grandezza di un seme di limone, ogni due ore circa, durante tutto il giorno, seguite da qualche goccia d'acqua. Il pastone, una volta fatto, si può anche congelare a polpettine, e scongelare ogni giorno la quantità necessaria per sfamarli quotidianamente.
Quando i piccoli avranno le ali a riposo che superano in lunghezza di un
paio di cm la coda, probabilmente sono pronti a volare e quindi si possono portare in un giardino, tenerli sul palmo della mano a un paio di metri di altezza e dargli una spintarella per fargli provare a spiccare il volo.
Crescono in pochi giorni e dargli libertà e nuova vita arricchisce la propria anima.
Buon volontariato a tutti.🥰
Canuzzi compagni di strada ®
Il volontariato in aiuto alla vita tutta.🙏

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Polpette di Finocchietto
Polpette di Finocchietto
wild fennel fritters with pecorino
6c. wild fennel fronds, picked from stems, boiled, squeeze-dried
1 large red onion, finely diced
2 eggs
3/4c. breadcrumbs
1/2c. grated pecorino cheese
1/4c. small dried raisins or currants
pinch of peperoncino
1T wild fennel seeds
sea salt and black pepper to taste
3c. vegetable oil to deep fry
Prepping the wild fennel is the most time consuming part of this recipe. Pick the soft fronds for the polpette, and discard the thick tough stems. Wash the greens thoroughly in a salad spinner then blanch in boiling salted water for about 15 minutes until softened. Squeeze all of the water from the wild fennel, blot on paper towels, or place it again into the salad spinner to remove as much moisture as possible. In a small food processor or with a chefs knife, chop the fennel greens finely and place in a large mixing bowl. Add the diced red onion, two eggs, parmigiano cheese, raisins and wild fennel seeds. Season with a pinch of peperoncino red chili flakes, sea salt and black pepper. Mix to combine and add the breadcrumbs as needed to hold it all together. You should be able to form small “meatballs” that are not too sticky but will hold their shape. Continue making your polpettine with the remaining mix.
In a wide sauce pan, heat at least 2-inches of vegetable oil over medium heat. There must be enough oil to deep fry. It will actually help keep them from becoming greasy if you use more oil and allow the food to float. When a small test piece sizzles in the oil, we are ready to fry!
Carefully place enough polpettine into the hot oil so they can float around without being too crowded. This recipe will make about 30 small balls and depending on the size of your pan you can probably fry 10 at at time. When they become a darker shade of green and you can tell by touching them with a metal spider tool that there is a crisp shell, they can be removed. Let the oil drain off over the pan before moving them to a paper-lined tray to blot off and absorb the additional oil. Continue with the next batch and let the polpettine cool slightly on the paper.
Notes from the Chef:
Finocchietto selvatico has a particular savory, earthy, anise or licorice-like flavor that screams “Sicily”. It’s found growing along the side of the road all over the Sicilian countryside during winter and springtime. Wild fennel is most commonly used in the “pasta con le sarde” dish with saffron and sardines. Fennel and wild fennel are different plants, although they come from the same family. Fennel is the more common white bulb that is served raw in salads while the wild fennel is a bright green flowering Mediterranean plant with fluffy fronds, similar to the little sprouts you usually see growing out of the top of a fennel bulb.
So, we all know that everyone loves a meatball! Polpette — or small polpettine in this case, are perfect bite-sized snacks to serve when you have friends coming over and need a little something to nosh on. They are always a hit with the kids as well! Try this simple vegetarian recipe for wild fennel meatballs or feel free to substitute any leafy green like Tuscan kale, frozen spinach or chopped swiss chard if wild fennel greens are not available.
Like most meatballs, there needs to be something added to the mix that will help hold them together. We are using breadcrumbs, grated cheese, and egg to bind them. It could even be made gluten-free with rice/cornflour breadcrumbs. Like many traditional Sicilian recipes, we’re playing with sweet and savory flavors here. The addition of the dried raisins helps to balance the savory and salty notes of the fennel and parmigiano. With a little dash of freshly grated pecorino on top, you’ll have that snowy feeling even if the sun is still shining wherever you may be this winter.
Read the original recipe on MHz Choice network’s website. Photos by Alberta Cuccia. ©2019 MHz Networks and Linda Sarris. All rights reserved. Intended for personal use only. Any unauthorized duplication, distribution or reproduction punishable by law.
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Colazione: caffelatte + galletta di riso con cioccolato e cocco
Pranzo: caco
Merenda: fico d'india
Cena: polpettine di manzo + crocchette di zucca
50 minuti di cyclette, 19,5 km
#alimentazione#diario alimentare#dimagrimento#dimagrire#grassa#percorso#dieta#calorie#calories#diet and exercise
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Day 51
Giorno 51 - ieri
Totale caffè bevuti: 2.
A pranzo: rigatoni con pancetta e melanzane.
A cena: polpettine al sugo.
Oggi sarà una bella sfida mantenermi su due caffè soltanto, dato che sono in trasferta. Però ci provo, giuro!
Odio dover andare a Firenze e non vederla, dovermi chiudere in un ufficio, ma tant'è. Spero almeno el jefe mi offra il pranzo. E chiaramente i manubri e il drawing of the day scalano a stasera...
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Polpettine di tonno
Velocissime super economiche e super gustose!👌
#𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘲𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘦 (𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘢 😍):
☺︎ 230 gr di tonno sott’olio;
☺︎ 60 gr di pane raffermo;
☺︎ latte q.b.;
☺︎ 1 uovo;
☺︎ 10 capperi;
☺︎ un mazzetto di prezzemolo fresco;
☺︎ pan grattato;
☺︎ olio di semi;
1. Scoliamo benissimo il tonno e lo mettiamo in una ciotola;
2. Mettiamo il pane raffermo nel latte fino a renderlo morbido (il tempo dell’ammollo dipende da quanto è duro);
3. Mescoliamo il tonno con i capperi, tanto prezzemolo tagliato sottile, l’uovo e il pane strizzato dal latte;
4. Creiamo delle palline e le giriamo nel pane grattugiato;
5. Scaldiamo l’olio di semi fino a 170° e friggiamo 2/3 minuti le nostre polpette friggendole ad immersione;
6. Serviamo calde, magari accompagnate con la maionese (fatta da voi! ) che ci sta benissimo!
𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘻𝘻𝘢. 𝘋𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢̀.
𝘌̀ 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘴𝘢, 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘢 🤗
#elisacuorecucinaechiacchiere #elisaccc #popolofelice #leggerezza #buonumore #racconti #risate #ricette #cucinaitaliana #polpette #polpettine #tonno #polpetteditonno #fingerfood #aperitivo #secondo #food #foodblog #foodblogger #foodlover #cucina #passione
Eu traduzo para as #pessoasfelizes! 😂:
Almôndegas de atum
Muito rápido, super barato e super saboroso!👌
#𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘢𝘴 (𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘰 𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪́𝘭𝘪𝘢 😍):
☺︎ 230 gr de atum em óleo;
☺︎ 60 gr de pão dormido;
☺︎ leite a gosto;
☺︎ 1 ovo;
☺︎ 10 alcaparras;
☺︎ um ramo de salsa fresca;
☺︎ panela riscada;
☺︎ óleo de semente;
1. Escorra muito bem o atum e coloque-o numa tigela;
2. Colocamos o pão amanhecido no leite até ficar macio (o tempo de molho depende da dureza);
3. Misture o atum com as alcaparras, muita salsa picadinha, o ovo e o pão espremido no leite;
4. Criamos bolas e rolamos na farinha de rosca;
5. Aqueça o óleo de semente a 170° e frite as almôndegas por 2/3 minutos em imersão;
6. Servimos quentes, talvez acompanhados de maionese (feita por si!) que nos fica bem!
𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘮 𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘻𝘢. 𝘕ã𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘦.
É 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘴𝘰, 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘪𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮 𝘤𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘰 🤗
#receitaitaliana #cozinhaitaliana #receitatradicional #cozinha #cozinhou #bomhumor #histórias #risos #receitas #almôndegas #atum #almôndegasdeatum
#elisacuorecucinaechiacchiere#popolofelice#passione#cucina#risate#felicità#mudita#ricetta#buonumore#elisaccc#ricette#condivisione#amore#tonno#polpette#polpette di tonno
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fatto polpettine di lenticchie e sono uscite SPAZIALI
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Polpettine di lenticchie rosse zucchine e carota 😋😋😋se non avessi provato il Programma Slenderiiznon avrei mai compreso la sua semplicità ����
Chiedi info nei commenti 👇👇👇
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Polpette con Tonno
GLI INGREDIENTI SONO Q.B. ho messo pane grattugiato parmigiano uova pepe sale no perche’ il tonno e’ già salato aglio prezzemolo PREPARAZIONE: mescolo tutti gli ingredienti insieme, faccio delle polpettine, accendo il forno, su una placca da forno con foglio di carta ripongo le polpette e faccio cucinare in forno per una ventina di minuti. Si possono anche friggere!!!
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Oktoberfest 2024 a Cuneo
Dal 26 settembre al 13 ottobre torna l’ Oktoberfest a Cuneo , l’appuntamento che riproduce in miniatura la celebre festa popolare di Monaco di Baviera nell’area del Palazzetto dello Sport , in via Aldo Viglione, nella frazione di San Rocco Castagnaretta. Ci sarà una ricca proposta gastronomica tra taglieri, brezel, würstel, polpettine alla birra, stinco, schnitzel di pollo, spätzle verdi…
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