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shaiatka · 2 years ago
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I have 2 medicine-related OCs.
The first one is a pharmacist who'd give you meds for free and later call to check up on you... the other one is the post-apo equivalent of an eastern euro school nurse who'd pour hydrogen peroxide in your eyes and call you a bitch.
Choose wisely.
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spainhomes · 1 year ago
Polop 🇪🇦 2023
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moviemosaics · 1 year ago
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The Murder Mansion
directed by Francisco Lara Polop, 1972
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7manmenswear · 4 months ago
💥Co-ord Set ₹259 🛍️✅
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mundillotaurino · 8 months ago
Arles : Malgré le temps, une belle novillada sans picadors de Alain Tardieu
La pluie et le vent menaçaient et ont certainement conduit une partie des spectateurs attendus à rester à l’abri. C’était sans compter sur la capacité des toreros, et les novilleros présents ce samedi 29 juin aux arènes d’Arles sont de la graine de toreros, à affronter vent et pluie… et même à les arrêter ! En effet,à part une ou deux courtes ondées, vent et pluie ont préféré passer leur…
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moviesandmania · 1 year ago
THE MURDER MANSION (1972) Reviews and free to watch online in 4K Ultra HD!
The Murder Mansion is a 1972 Spanish-Italian horror film about a group of people stranded at an old house by a heavy fog. Directed by Francisco Lara Polop (The Monk, 1990) from a screenplay co-written by Luis G. de Blain and Antonio Troiso [as Antonio Troisio], based on de Blain’s story. The Mundial Film-Tritone Cinematografica co-production stars Evelyn Stewart, Analía Gadé, Lisa Leonardi,…
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60sgroove · 7 months ago
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Ornella Muti in Cebo para una adolescente (1974) dir. Fransisco Lara Polop
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sea-salted-wolverine · 2 years ago
Canning is so fuckin satisfying.
Edit: the TERFs have found this post so let's point out that traditional cooking techniques have absolutely nothing to do with the garbage you're espousing as "traditional values". fuck off and learn some basic human decency.
Imagine the feeling of having exactly the right amount of leftovers to perfectly fill the Tupperware. And then that over and over again because the jars come in standard sizes and you can do the math beforehand. Something is satisfied in the monkey brain when you get to cram a bunch of things in containers. You get to watch the cooling jars go plop-polop as they seal themselves and you never have to worry about them going bad. Even if you forget about them for years you will never run into the adhd food tax. Its literally the single most sustainable way to store food, there's no refrigeration, no perpetual carbon foot print or fee. You can reuse the jars for decades. You can do one jar on a stove top or you can scale up and do dozens at once. Sunlight gleaming through jars of canned veggies is one of the most gorgeous things you can see in this life. You can gift them and you don't even have to wrap it because unless you're canning some really odd shit its always appreciated. There isn't much that can't be canned and you can start mixing things up until you have a simple meal that just needs to be warmed up ready to go at all times. If you're concerned about allergies you have complete control about what's going into your canned goods. You can do big jars or teeny jars or fancy jars and the jars are cheap.
Magnificent monkey brain activity. I've been possessed by spirit of a woman from 1846.
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theflaggerrrr · 2 months ago
This is actually just a question, but like...how do you even begin with making flags, or a page (or whatever tumblr pages are called) for flags? And if you're okay with helping me out here, the hell is coining/claiming or ajsghah? I just thought it'd be a good idea to ask from you because...listen you're cool
Well, I mean, I just made a side blog for my flags. That's it. You don't even need an aesthetic for your account, you just make flags, I guess.
BUT! If you make an account, I recommend the following:
- Make a DNI/BYF banner, one that appears under your posts for people to be warned of what you don't support and what you support.
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- Make Image Descriptions for your banners. Examples:
[ID: A rectangular white banner with a drawing of a stick figure waving at the reader. To the right, there is a text that says "Guy protects this blog", as well as another text that says "DNI if: Gloob, polop, galaw, giruz, gigi, papalao, etc.]
[ID: A rectangular white banner with the text "This flag was made by an anti-xyz, but anybody may use this flag." with a drawing of a stick figure on the right.]
- Make an intro, of course! Pin a post that introduces you and your boundaries!
- Do not clog your flag posts with aesthetic graphics/text! They take a lot of space and make it very hard to see anything being presented.
Also, coining is a term for when someone creates something. For example, rabidbatboy coined the term "bat" and cocajimmycola coined the term "mikuine" (I'm pretty sure)
I hope this helped!
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rudhira · 2 years ago
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Apparently I just Have To make defaults today so here are some more thangs.
afbodypolopants and tfbodypolopants replaced with joliebean Skinny Legend by @deedee-sims, set as everyday and formal.
Download polopants! - swatch
afbodydressthai replaced with zeussim Gita Saari by @platinumaspiration, also set as everyday and formal.
Download dressthai! - swatch
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blacksnake3 · 11 months ago
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Ornella Muti in "Cebo para una adolescente" dir. Francisco Lara Polop (1974).
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spainhomes · 6 months ago
Villa in Polop for sale on the hillside of Mount Ponoig, Spain | Villas ...
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ello-sims · 2 years ago
Hi! Do you still have the standalone version of your TF polopants replacement? The link in your post just goes to the repoed one.
Hi anon
My apologies! Links have been fixed in the original but here is the stand-alone for your ease here
Thanks for letting me know!
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444names · 1 year ago
jewish and gaelic names BUT excluding "c"
Abber Abisters Addew Adelint Ahaly Airson Airvin Aligan Aloolliar Ammozevan Amory Aperger Apman Arbir Arosky Artle Ashkohmey Aumey Avers Axmanthit Azimey Baiddienry Bainnah Bakol Balkingan Baunni Bauro Bedny Begelar Behmazin Beirap Beirsh Beissley Beldie Beldron Beney Bergena Bergernfis Bergolly Berner Berzara Bigneustel Binabar Blann Bluff Blughy Boavert Bolter Borazziva Borsh Bowel Brams Bramshnes Brena Brenbau Brizenstey Broby Brofeis Broim Brosgrut Brour Bunswenher Daude Davinan Dekeatt Dilow Dolfaliger Doner Donerraw Donkin Dorayd Dorey Dovit Doweing Dreimkin Drenferk Dreshlap Dritt Droff Droyann Dufmangton Dugillin Dunek Dunkman Duren Duryess Dweller Dwitwise Ebbinster Ebhul Einneth Elben Elffe Elver Ennissi Ephaw Epsteig Ewarenan Farben Farman Farrionsky Fatell Fathubie Feibinon Felds Feliersky Felleval Felly Fiell Files Finey Finnd Fisenish Fishkey Fithbigind Flavit Fluie Fogger Forabill Forkin Fougher Frairon Freinker Frest Frohaeber Fronnedan Frosleyes Ganlig Gassa Gelsoneall Geren Gerksmand Geser Giber Gilds Gilinn Glarlossle Golaw Goldek Goldeld Golds Golpman Gontirazar Gorbenur Gornern Gosseatal Gover Govin Gozan Gozerzh Grain Grairstess Grassyak Grehrawry Grunthuv Guinaddiv Haffe Haiskirkne Halerg Hally Hamier Hanniedon Hanny Haradoweim Haraton Harpethn Harstein Hatird Hauzzan Havitz Hazantie Heann Heatona Heiffian Heiwensky Hesslathit Hetzadiney Hieden Holah Holdis Honror Identan Isharma Itzefkie Ivakorth Ivnerg Jesoldin Jessmas Jezney Joseliv Kallorn Kasaple Kathain Kathaini Katin Kaymo Keagal Keann Kenow Kilverdy Kiney Kinge Kinieber Kinorff Kirst Klisty Klivey Kofsky Kosey Kostein Kriston Krols Kropler Krott Kwairenin Laidender Laidhall Lanahy Laoine Lasdatz Latkeld Laugh Leivkam Lemmoon Lenger Lesht Linna Lishein Lissirke Loffn Loream Lotenber Lourrin Luigeenkie Magiddel Mairen Malle Manapper Manatheal Mandree Maner Manerg Mannieberg Mannone Mantz Matigaimbi Mauer Maxman Meann Mehrain Meldhard Melefs Meler Mergetzkel Mergs Midenst Mielmalk Mimsley Mineraguir Minnoreell Mitenstert Mitsman Moldb Money Moodesonn Moramson Moraylan Moretz Morson Movim Moyrnan Muderne Mukey Mulavashan Mullina Mulzeen Munven Myfelinir Myter Nagnaheatt Nahanden Namenih Navaldkie Nelds Neyer Nitzen Nolann Notinber Novinsky Ofmaneatle Opfhe Orandman Ordne Ormong Ornan Otlenbl Ovivan Ovskel Paddel Padhegmal Patteld Pidevel Pindevina Plerg Poloper Poranzer Porney Pornis Prels Prissi Pully Purreud Quiggid Raharkey Rakkay Ramaldhles Ratlis Raugh Rayyaum Reberson Reill Reldson Renled Reudna Ridrosky Ristrie River Rodorwit Rodrann Rohmah Rollan Rolnahaff Rolstelfa Ronst Ronther Rontran Rosalles Rosetz Roskva Roterry Rupessowie Saftan Sakerg Sakneum Samix Sapies Sarker Saulatti Segallman Sellier Senfein Senfel Serresh Seyerbal Shaddim Shaid Shamehan Shbetz Sheag Sheinly Shergen Shesson Shirk Shmagar Shmana Sidelds Sigarahull Sigarlin Sigersky Simande Siustelner Siwein Sleal Slerg Slivey Sonatt Soneen Spatas Speoghan Spoar Sprett Sprovitz Steinn Steinsky Stougg Stril Surry Swereff Swiserfarg Tahan Taley Tamolein Tarin Teimm Teitkinek Tergfelman Teron Tragnan Tremmeliss Tronah Trumsert Tulvan Turrin Twarowitz Tzbag Tzballis Tzidensben Valey Vorezri Walowill Warings Weifka Weilevinn Whart Wiley Wisseben Witbash Withar Witsni Wolli Wolsber Wooldstal Yabranas Yaharby Yamon Yarenhon Yarie Yarken Yehamaneag Yoenkel Yombenmann Yovsky Yuden Zadin Zalin Zamia Zfenonar Ziart Zilike Ziona Zloer Zukey Zurnavit Zwitzke
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VKL Abogados Segunda Oportunidad Alicante
VKL Abogados es un cluster de Despachos y Bufetes de Abogados, con equipos de Abogados Financieros y Bancarios con una amplia experiencia en la Ley de Segunda Oportunidad, ofreciendo servicios a Particulares y Autónomos en Alicante.
Visita nuestra web:
Ofrecemos servicios en:
Agost, Aguas de Busot, Albatera, Alcalalí, Alcoy, Alfaz de Pi, Algorfa, Algueña, Alicante, Almoradí, Altea, Aspe, Bañeres, Benejama, Benejúzar, Benferri, Beniarbeig, Beniarrés, Benidoleig, Benidorm, Benijófar, Benilloba, Benisa, Benitachell, Biar, Bigastro, Busot, Callosa de Ensarriá, Callosa de Segura, Calpe, Campello, Cañada, Castalla, Catral, Cocentaina, Cox, Crevillente, Daya Nueva, Denia, Dolores, Elche, Elda, Els Poblets, Finestrat, Formentera del Segura, Gata de Gorgos, Granja de Rocamora, Guardamar del Segura, Hondón de las Nieves, Hondón de los Frailes, Ibi, Jacarilla, Jalón, Jávea, Jijona, La Nucía, La Romana, Llíber, Lorcha, Los Montesinos, Monforte del Cid, Monóvar, Muchamiel, Muro de Alcoy, Novelda, Ondara, Onil, Orba, Orcheta, Orihuela, Parcent, Pedreguer, Pego, Petrel, Pilar de la Horadada, Pinoso, Planes, Polop, Rafal, Ráfol de Almunia, Redován, Relleu, Rojales, Salinas, San Fulgencio, San Isidro, San Juan de Alicante, San Miguel de Salinas, San Vicente del Raspeig, Santa Pola, Sax, Tárbena, Teulada, Tibi, Torremanzanas, Torrevieja, Vall de Laguart, Vergel, Villajoyosa, Villena.
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tuportavoz · 5 days ago
Acció Ecologista-Agró s’oposa al macroglàmping que amenaça un espai protegit de la Marina
En les al·legacions presentades l’entitat ecologista demana que es denegue la DIC del campament turístic “El Matet” a Polop projectat sobre espais de la Xarxa Natura 2000 Acció Ecologista-Agró va presentar el 21 de febrer, al·legacions davant la Generalitat Valenciana per evitar la construcció del campament turístic “El Matet” a Polop (Alacant), un projecte que pretén urbanitzar 85.000 m² dins…
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