#politicians they're just like us
What about historical people who are known to be Christians? I have some fave historical figures.
Nope, sorry! People who have already died still fall under the no real people rule. Basically, it goes down to the fact that whatever people say, all we can really do is guess from their actions, and we don't want to make claims about the state of other people's souls. We can't know what is between someone else and God.
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heskynn · 7 months
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Visual representation of nsfw creators all over the world being subject to USAmerican movements and having to just hold on and hope the US-only petitions make enough noise.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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Living as a trans man, I can personally confirm that, truthfully, we transition for the betterment of our well-being. "Escaping misogyny" hasn't been a goal of mine because (at least personally) I'm still persecuted because I am a trans man. Legally, trans people are not at an advantage. Socially, trans people are not at an advantage. At least currently, trans people are encouraged (or forced) away from being trans, because transphobia is rampant. At the very least, what people can do is rely on us to narrarate our experiences, not to assume what our motives are. Nine times out of ten, you will be wrong
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miodiodavinci · 3 months
(single loud AA) (the forest goes silent immediately after) (birdsong returns moments later)
#i am once again begging everyone to recognize that we do not live in a world where pointing out the little idiosyncrasies of these people#causes them to spontaneously combust like a scooby doo villain#like yes cool you can report to me on these matters#but can we stop talking at length about how#'omg!! this PROVES this guy was lying!! about this thing everyone clearly knows he's lying about!!'#'because the playbook for this thing includes specifically lying about it!! surely now everyone will see this for what it is 😏'#like sorry to break it to you man but the atrocities happening in our world aren't happening because the people in power#just somehow don't know about them#and if someone just points out all the right things#then the people in power will be Enlightened!! and will immediately act in the most just way possible to prevent evil-doing#like newsflash idiot: Everyone Knows.#Everyone Knows Especially Those In Power And It Is Their Vested Interest For This To Keep Happening#it's the same frustration i have over people going#'omg!! this guy doesn't even realize it but there's a CLEAR DISCONNECT between his actions and his stated beliefs!! fail!!'#as some kind of gotcha#as if the people in question are not Literally Doing That On Purpose Because#SPOILERS folks ! ! ! !#the stated beliefs are either fake or deliberately misleading#it's part of the playbook folks#pointing it out won't cause them to have an ace attorney freak out where they're crushed by the moral and logical inconsistency of it all#sorry. i'm just. really sick of reporting that frames every little fucked up thing politicians are doing in the world as#'woah!!!!!! how can they not see that this is bad!?'#they know it's bad. put your outrage towards their goals not the funny little words they use to get there.#i don't need this gaping that acts like listening to gossip and activism are the same thing.
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bunnihearted · 4 months
the earth is getting hotter and hotter and nobody's doing anything about it but im misanthropic and depressive because i can see nothing that inspires hope 🤙
#sure... we CAN stop it...#but... most ppl are denying climate chrisis.... most ppl in the world are currently voting for rightists#(who are all against making improvements and trying to stop our imminent demise)#in fact.. ppl are voting for rightists and the right are making decisions that only accelerates global warming......#ppl in general dont care nor believe in this chrisis.. outside i often overhear ppl's convos and they say stuff like#'those crazy environmentalist freaks' 💀#and yk those few protestors that do that thing where they lie down on roads and stuff to cause an interruptance in trafic....#they're constantly verbally assaulted but also physically assaulted and run over#by ppl who just fkn HAVE TO GET TO THEIR 9-5!!! or they'll explode bc they loooove working sm#yeah i just dont know... tbh i think soooo many ppl#are like just plain dumb... there is hope if we actually decide to fkn do smth#but just putting your head in the sand and go lalalalal hha peace and love on earth humanity is amazing omg i love ppl 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 wont do sh#now you're just being childish and toxic and fake 🥴#ppl dont even wanna make small changes in their everyday lives for the environment... nobody is ready nor willing to do real things to chan#bc im sorry but skipping around and being a positive little uwu bean is just harmful.. bc theyre not acknowledging reality#and reality is that the earth is getting so fucking hot and it is only getting hotter and there is bno hope in sight#bc ppl are destined to be fucking stupid!!!!#i mean what if ALL of us just simply refused to participate in society?#ppl everywhere all over the world should just go outside and sit down and refuse to contribute to capitalism and the#then* force politicians into taking action#the issue with this? nobody fkn cares! nobody wants to do anything#the earth is being killed. but nobody believes in it bc they just think it's 'conspiratory bullshit' ....#so yeah ofc u can walk around and go nooooo dont hate humanity! we CAN stop it uwu 🥰👍#ummm ok so then why arent anyone doing shit? theyre all still travelling and working and caring abt dumb shit and going to concerts and buy#ng too much and throwing away food and riding their cars everywhere and just fkn doing soooo much damage to the earth in every single littl#thing they do...... they dont care.#plussss dont y'all know that environmental activists are like straight up murdered? bc they're capitalist enemy no 1.#in south america they'll kill CHILDREN who are dedicating their entire lives to fight for the earth...#if u even mention the global warming thing to normal ppl out in the world they'll sigh and shake their heads and tell u to stop being so dr#dramatic*
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
I’m fairly new to the fandom, but I do have a question if you can answer it! Why do people ship Daigo with Aoki / Masato? I tried looking to see if they’ve interacted before, but couldn’t find anything! Sorry for asking I’m just </3 dumb AND I LOVE YOUR ART OF THEM!!! Nerd looking ahhhhhh
hi ! welcome to the community i hope you're having a lovely time so far and ty for enjoyin my stuff :) no need for apologies it's a very fair question to have :]
i cant speak for everyone (all. ten people into masadai anyway) but Personally To Me i just think the idea of them together is very funny. thats quite literally it im afraid..
#snap chats#//twenty page google doc in the background// ignore that. it's mostly for comedic purposes#might also be my fault idk sorry about that. allegedly. idk ive had like three people tell me they started to ship them cause of me 🧍‍♂️#@mementoasts is another person who's drawn masadai and whose stuff i love and am inspod by .. i love their disneyland fic sm ...#there was another artist on twitter who posted a neat drawing of them but i cant remember who they were and i didnt bookmark it //screams//#recently there's been ANOTHER masadai artist ive started following on twitter - @wifekiryu. his account's n/s/f/w fyi before you go looking#he has a tumblr too @foxdies. i say cause i realized as much recently vjeaKLGJALKGJ#oh but I GUESS ill get deeper into why. /i/ personally ship masadai or whatever#first off they're opposing factions yet their character alignments Do Not Match their roles. stereotypically anyway#aoki who leads the 'surface' of society and is meant to be an admirable figure and someone 'just' when really. he sucks LMAO#though that's not atypical of politicians but just from a stereotypical This Is A Respectable Individual perspective of his role#daigo on the other hand leads the 'underbelly' of society- yk comprised of dangerous criminals and outcasts and whatnot#yet as we know him daigo's compassionate and considerate of his men- he doesnt treat them like tools like aoki does#if put in a room with the two daigo would be most people's choice of person to hang out with. probably open a trapdoor on aoki tbh#and i think thats really cool and epic i always love that kinda Subverting Expectations thing#theres also the fact they both started off like. edgy/angsty in the franchise and then brush up down the line#masato does a stronger 180. publicly. obviously but its still really funny they both have to get their act together#if you wanna talk about in-text reasons. there really is none LMAO I TELLS YOU masadai is pure crack#but if i wanted to pull a muscle reaching then there's daigo being on aoki's side while everyone else is on arakawa's during the funeral#im lying of course. mitsu was behind him. rgg tryna make me forget mitsu exist .... put him back in y8 ....#and ofc ichi joins that side to even out the seating but moving on another Goofy Reason is arakawa being like#'the chairman and my son are like p much the same age Surely he knows how he thinks :)'#and then i just think daigo being all smarmy about outsmarting aoki is really goofy and im choosing to interpret that as personal#they both also have issues with their dad. s. dad/s/. anyway.#tbh the google doc tag was a joke but i really could sit here and list every dumb reason why i think theyre funny together#like i started going over the tag limit so uhhhh yeah needless to say i have a lot of. dumb reasons 💀💀💀💀#one day ill use the main text for long rambles like this but todays not that day Point Is my imagination is rampant im afraid#so the short and sweet of it is I Think It's Funny. And They'd Be Terrible Together. Which Is Why It's Funny.#and the unfortunate part is anything i find funny i obsess over for a year so. //gestures to the mountain of bullshit thats my masadai tag/
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in---earnest · 7 months
What For?
I study. I study for my future. I study for my parents. For myself.
I study. And I study decently well. I work hard. And I bear the fruits of it.
I study. And I read. And I sketch and write and work and apply and am rejected and apply again. And what is it for?
It’s not for my parents. It’s sort of for me. But it’s mostly for my future.
I have a fantasy. It is not realistic, as most fantasies are. But oh, I have a fantasy, and it is one that I will be punished for voicing.
I fantasise that one day I will meet a girl. A girl with honest eyes, a girl with a genuine smile. Whose hair I could run my hands through. Whose waist I could put my arm around. Whose weight I could sink into. Whose words I could wrap around me, a comforting weight.
My fantasy is simple. To be somewhere, somewhere, somewhere I can say I love a girl and know I can have a future with her. Somewhere, somehow, sometime, I can spend my life with her. Or a few months. Or a few years. The luxury of loving who I want to love. Is that such a terrible amount to ask?
Why do you demonise me? Why do you tell me I should be grateful? Should I be fucking grateful that I have told all of five people and only two have kept my dignity? Should I be fucking grateful that I’m not a criminal as of five years ago? Should I fall to my knees and pathetically plead for you to give me rights, give me respect, give me a promise?
Give me a promise; one that you won’t break, won’t go back on, won’t consider unreasonable?
I must fight to exist! I am told that my living body is enough of a blessing, when I can never breathe a word of my desires. I am told my alternatives are some sort of concession on your part.
What harm am I doing to your precious democracy, your caricature of diversity, your farce of a progressive agenda? What harm does it do to you, every minute I die inside because I know I may likely marry someone I will never want to touch.
What is it? Tell me.
What does it feel like?
Is it a knife in your back, poison in your veins, a slit through your throat? Because you know as well as I do, your sadism knows no bounds. My people. Your people. The people who have turned and will turn on you. They met their ends the very same way, correct? You let them meet their ends in the very same way.
You acknowledge our existence only to call us a problem. A box of knickknacks in your attic. They’ll look nice on display, don’t you think? Oh dear, they’re so dirty with dust, coated with cobwebs, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. A problem for another day, don’t you think? A problem for another lifetime.
Oh yes, you think i’m a problem. Of course, you think i’m a problem.
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fangedsaga · 1 year
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the right honourable lord Elya Vrubel of ivyheart castle, tal'dorei ⤷ tiefling hexblood college of lore bard / warlock of the undying
cc tags: @rheallsim (skinblend, eyebrows) / @ratboysims (skintone) / @pyxiidis (eyes, sclera, skin details) / @vibrantpixels (body preset) / @plazasims (suit) / @uxji (ears) / @notegain (tail) / @valhallansim (horns) / @simandy (hair) / @oydis (rings) / @redearcat (gloves)
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gender-euphowrya · 3 months
i seriously don't get how any country can call itself a democracy without having classes dedicated to teaching how politics work in its schools
#like you're just expected to figure it all out yourself#they'll teach you advanced maths you'll never need to use for a day in your life before they teach you the difference between right & left#the most we got here was like. one subject where they would tell us how the government works like the different branches & all#how elections worked etc but. nothing about how to actually pick who to vote for#nothing about how to actually understand which parties want what or how to decode politicians' speeches#like. people get handed fucking fliers telling them all about what this candidate wants to do if elected#and that's supposed to be enough. but like. people don't get this shit ! you never told them how to !#they don't know dick about the economy or policies or jobs or whatever else#they just look for little keywords in the pamphlet that ring a bell to them and vote for the guy who said the most of those#democracy is a 2 step process it's not just Letting People Vote they have to be informed and educated to make their choice first#but they're not ! nothing prepares you for voting ! it's all left up to You to inform yourself and FUCK most people do Not. lol. lmao even#do you really think your average schmuck is gonna sit down and research the intricacies of each political ideology before picking one#or do you think they're just gonna turn their tv on and vote for the guy who screams loudest#do you think if USamericans were politically savvy donald trump would ever have been president#do you think his winning over so many voters wasn't just a case of ''he said lies they wanted to hear''#do you think if stu mcyeehaw from bumfuck arizona had been taught what ad populum fallacies were he would still have worn the red hat
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ameliafuckinjones · 1 month
Me reading early 2010s articles and blogs about the tumultuous Special Relationship in the post-Bush/Iraq war era and Obama's hilariously funny anti-British tendencies for ukus angst ideas:
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dihalect · 11 months
i need to post about palestine on facebook but i'm fucking terrified
#i went to a very jewish college and a very decent percentage of my fb 'friends' are jewish zionists.#i don't use fb often but when i've checked recently‚ i've found a handful of pro-israel posts‚ and they've been well-received.#i have seen one person put a palestine frame on their profile picture. they got a small‚ mostly positive but some negative‚ response.#that's all the reference i have here.#and very importantly: i feel like pretty much anything i say is going to be received as goysplaining.#i think my best bet is to stay away from historical arguments (like‚ yes palestine does actually exist‚ yes it was bad to force them off of#their land in the first place‚ etc)#and also avoid my personal feelings on this re: my relationship with judaism (which is integral to the message i want to send but w/e)#and focus on israel's very obvious current indefensible actions.#however. i feel like i'm doing the movement a disservice if i don't call for a free palestine and explain what that actually means.#but doing that would increase my risk of getting dogpiled from 'high' to 'inevitable'.#and i am not articulate!!! people might try to rebut me‚ and i am very bad at debate!!!!!!! i have multiple anxiety disorders!!!!!!#and people get fired over this kind of thing. i know the chance is small‚ but i don't know if i want to risk my career over this.#my gut is telling me to wait until i'm sure. but i don't know if or when that will happen.#i want to change *someone's* mind‚ but idk if i'll even be able to do that. maybe just my uninformed hometown gentile friends'.#i want to do this before it's 'too late'. but what does 'too late' mean here? my fb friends aren't launching the missiles.#i suppose my goal is to help turn the tide of public opinion‚ in the hopes that that'll affect the politicians/corps at play here.#but maybe i'm more likely to do that by marching. making posters. talking to acquaintances. who knows what else.#just because i don't *see* those minds change doesn't mean they're not changing. maybe those minds are actually more likely to change.#txt
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navree · 2 years
the weird thing about the sarah hess interview (there are a lot of weird things about that interview but if i talked about all of them this would be the length of a phd dissertation) is that, like, if you want us to give some sympathy to aegon and acknowledge the complexities behind him not wanting to rule but wanting it and his relationship with alicent and his siblings and rhaenyra and all that without the audience getting hung up on him being a rapist, don’t write him being a rapist? you are a writer on the show sarah, you’re the one who decides and this was an easily solvable problem
#personal#house of the dragon#this is especially galling because i actually quite like the rest of what they're doing with aegon#like for one the actor is quite good he's one of the few parts of that horrid domina show that i actually like#for two everything that was goin on in sunday's episode was doing a lot#like his scene with aemond and then with alicent where he asks if she loves him and his coronation#and then with rhaenys and meleys when alicent steps up to protect him and all that it was solid work for the character#and his relationships with the people in his life#so you could have quite literally just nixed the rape thing and it wouldn't have even mattered? this isn't affecting the plot at all??#i'd say she can't write him well but i don't think she can write any of these characters well#like she wants us to woobify aegon but after writing him doing vile shit#she isn't giving anything for helaena beyond 'is a dragondreamer and mayyyyybe autism coded'#(and whether or not that's offensive is for someone else as i'm not autistic and can't speak to that)#she flattens out all of rhaenyra's bad traits but makes her a stupid politician#she HATES daemon for whatever reason why is why so much of that bullshit surrounding ep 6 happened#she (and the rest of the writers) have put no effort into giving any depth to corlys or rhaenys or ANY of the velaryon kids#just weird writing choices that are basically the writers getting in their own way#because there's good characterizations here#as i've said everything else with aegon was interesting (and that scene with him encouraging jace with his dragon was v sweet)#and helaena being a dreamer is good and daemon and rhaenyra and alicent are also characters with amazing complexities#and this thing they're doing with daemon in particular and his whole 'wants to be loved' shtick is fun#but they can't get out of their own way and do weird fucking nonsense#and then complain when the audience doesn't get it#you are the person making the story you can bend this story to your will you know!!!!! you can write these characters!!!
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Starting pride month with the pharmacy denying me my testosterone prescription until mid-June and my doctor saying she can't do anything about it because it's a controlled substance 🙃✌️
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orc-apologist · 7 months
it's funny how when you'll give actual explanations as to why people are racist or transphobic or something similar, like how that happens and why it's happening now out of all times, that go beyond "white people/cishet people evil" so many people will instantly attack you for "apologia"
I think it kinda comes from this idea that identity politics has pushed that people of the unmarked categories like male white and cishet can't possibly struggle with things in life. but economic crises, which we have been in for 16 years now, affect everyone that's not part of the ruling class. prolonged economic instability alienates people from the status quo, from established parties, rhetoric and such. they begin to look elsewhere for solutions. the powers that be know to counteract this with reactionary politics. using scapegoating they'll promise the return to an (often imaginary) better yesterday, the very definition of reactionary politics.
these ideas sound plausible and actionable. things used to be better after all. those scapegoats used to not be there (as visibly) after all.
the way of solving this isn't to go "waaahh people are evil and fascism is back, woe is me" but to a) point out that these reactionary politics are not going to solve the problem because they are not the cause b) point out the actual cause of the problem (capitalism) c) offer actual alternatives (organizing, strikes, expropriating the bourgeoisie, and eventually total labor democracy)
#and no fascism isn't back and it's not going to be back in most of the western world#there's a difference between a military or police dictatorship which is what the US might degenerate into under trump#and actual fascism#most of the things everyone points to as fascist aren't actually fascist they're just reactionary#even genocide isn't unique to fascism. israel for example is a liberal democracy and it's still committing genocide.#all you need for genocide is a class society. its political manifestation is irrelevant tho some forms are certainly easier to do a genocid#in#it's important to understand that so you have no illusions in liberal democracy which is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie#fascism isn't this generally evil society that we are constantly at the brink of falling back into#it was a very specific historical phenomenon#in which the petty bourgeoisie were used by totalitarian reactionaries as a battering ram against the working class#to violently suppress labor organization strikes and the potential downfall of capitalism and the rise of socialism#that was its role in germany italy and spain#it wouldn't work anymore today in the western world because the petty bourgeoisie has dwindled in numbers#as they are doomed to in the monopolization process of capitalist market anarchy#they are no longer a significant percentage of the population and no longer have the numbers to suppress the working class like that#because that's what differentiates fascism from a military dictatorship for example#a military dictatorship is a small group of people violently wrangling control of the state from its current holders#and abusing ALL of society for their personal gain. including the ruling class. marxists call this bonapartism#because napoleon bonaparte was the first to do so under capitalism#most importantly this means a military dictatorship does not have a mass base and relies on ruling by the sword#which makes it highly unstable and turns all of society against it#fascism was so dangerous because it DID have a mass base! the petty bourgeoisie!#vast amounts of them were in total support of fascist rule and actively pursued it. it wasn't just a small group of people.#this made the systems a lot more stable and a lot more powerful because they had large parts of society at their bidding#that sort of power and stability can no longer occur because their social base has mostly disappeared#they can whip up enough reactionary anger in the working class to perhaps GET to power#but as soon as a fascist politician starts going after unions strikes wages#launching the incredibly direct attacks against the working class that fascism always did#that voter base is going to turn against them very quickly
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schattenschreiberin · 7 months
Been seeing a lot of people being upset with what they're government is doing with their tax money.
And it is shitty.
So I'm gonna tell you something you probably don't want to hear, cause it's a chore, it's complicated or maybe even expensive.
Do your taxes.
File them and get back what's rightfully yours.
It might just end up being a small amount but that small amount can be spend how you want. Helping you through the day or helping an organization of your choice.
At least in Germany especially people who aren't obligated to file their taxes are the ones who get money back. Which is why they don't need to file them. They've already paid what they owe and more in some cases.
If you don't know how to do it yourself there's computer programs and organizations out there who can help you for small amounts of money.
Or you can just learn.
I do this for a living in Germany.
And I'm a bit sick of how my government acts myself.
So... just how every donation, no matter how small, matters.
This could also matter, no matter how small your return is. And again, if you want you can still turn it into a donation to whoever you like.
And at least for Germany I can give some tips for the day to day person.
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still obsessed with how whenever you look up nakai you just get adachi front and center instead of arakawa or like. anyone he's actually played
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