marshing-on-archive · 4 years
♡ 👀👀👀
Send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t.
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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apathyse · 4 years
Starter for @politicalberet​
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   “Don’t give me that look.             I’m a much better student than I used to be.”
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qweenbeeb · 4 years
“I’m a victim! You guys don’t know what she does to me behind closed doors!”
Later that day...
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softlovski · 4 years
└—; @politicalberet​   —  「 LIKED. 」
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“  ... wendy?  ”
kyle is genuinely surprised to see the woman on his doorstep.     viridian eyes flicker from her own gaze to the floor & back in a series of concerned movements before he seems to come to reality & hastily steps aside to allow her to enter his apartment.
“  i ... i didn’t know you would be in denver tonight.     did something happen in south park?  ”
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defactomatriarch-a2 · 4 years
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starter call || accepting || @politicalberet​ ❤’d
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“Don’t ever let a man tell you who you are or make you feel like you’re less than him.”
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heliosbloomed · 4 years
“Nichole,” Wendy pushes her lunch tray aside and grabs her girlfriend’s hands- gently- so the other girl knows she has all her attention, “you don’t have to worry about us.”  She’s looking her dead in the eyes.  “I have no idea what I’m going to do after graduation but whatever I choose it’s going to be a long journey with ups and downs and I want you there every step of the way.  We’re going to stay together.”  See that right there?  That’s Wendy’s Nichole smile.  “What do you want to do after graduation?”
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That was what she needed to hear to finally let go of the breath she had been holding. It was the reassurance that Wendy gave that always made all her problems melt. Communication really is key to all good relationships. “I’m happy that you said that.” Her smile is back and she’s squeezing Wendy’s hands softly as she thinks. “Well if I didn’t make it obvious I want us to be together no matter what happens but I was also thinking about going back to Reno.” Nichole had even applied to a few colleges there but nothing was set. “Would you think of going with me?”  
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betterthanmorty · 4 years
@politicalberet​  gets  a  starter  <3
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what  exactly  is  the  appropriate  amount  of  time  that  one  can  stare  at  another  person  and  it  not  be  WEIRD    ?    well  whatever  the  answer  was ,  morticia  soon  learned  that  five  seconds  was  far  too  long.  realizing  this  as  the  girl  she  was  staring  at  looked  back  in  her  direction.  she  quickly  turned  her  gaze  back  into  her  BOOK  as  if  nothing  had  happened.  however ,  she  could  still  feel  their  gaze  DAGGERING  right  at  her ,  without  letting  her  eyes  leave  her  book  she  DEFENDS  herself.
“   SORRY.  i  was  gonna  ask  you  something  but  i  forgot  what  it  was.   ”
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raisin2blondz · 4 years
Starter for @politicalberet​
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 “Ah, sorry sweetie- I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
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@politicalberet​ liked for a starter from Aram
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“Hey, what do kids these days even listen to? I’m planning to make a mixtape for Eva’s birthday.” Were mixtapes even a thing anymore? The other employees of the record store never talked about mixtapes, but they were all a bunch of hipsters anyway. Occasionally a teenager would enter the shop, but Aram didn’t really pay attention to the Top 40 Charts.
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softlovski1 · 4 years
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( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…           —  「 @politicalberet​,  from  HERE. 」
「 ᴛᴇxᴛ :    wendy testaburger 」   —   wendy?     is everything ok? 「 ᴛᴇxᴛ :    wendy testaburger 」   —   ... you & stan didn’t fight again,  did you?     do you need to call me?
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marshing-on-archive · 4 years
This is Stan in our current thread....
(Also Danny Gonzales is good inspo for Stan’s kind of humor)
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hyakiru · 4 years
@politicalberet​ ... listening to each other is calming. // sc!!
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that girl with the beret again - he knew, because it was one of the most stark colors about her. significant, of course, because he was poor at distinguishing color.
south park was a small town, and snow was always falling. though he was not one to get involved with the locals of any place he lived, not because he was disinterested, but because he simply did not know how to speak to people. when he tried, the words would not come out. but he had been observant enough to copy gestures, to memorize certain words - slang, mainly, that people tended to use with each other. especially children around his age. and, as a junior in high school, he had to learn how to blend in... or so it went.
but there was one person who stood out to him in that small school - a girl who always spoke directly. looked straight at you. she always seemed the class representative type ( how he knew that was anybody's guess - but he associated a type of person with a phrase, perhaps that was why ), no nonsense and passionate about her beliefs; perhaps not law-abiding, but that part was beyond him at that point. but besides that, it was her hat that was fascinating to him. she always wore it when school was out for the day, ready to brave the outside weather. while he had a scarf that covered his ears, she had a beret that did the same. it looked soft, though asking to touch it would be strange. he knew this from experience. it was not socially acceptable to do so.
which was probably why, that day in english class, he immediately registered that he would be assigned to be partners with her for an advanced placement biology assignment which required a presentation - a subject he was more than just proficient in; specifically, gene mutation. but, internally, he rejoiced at his luck. perhaps he would be so lucky as to get a chance to touch her hat after all - or, even better, get a chance to get to know her better. her personality was just... fascinating after all. secretly, he longed to be like that. but it always felt there was a wall between himself and that fantasy.
" sorry. " was the first word out of his mouth. he'd likely been silent for quite some time, as they sat next to each other at the lab table... had she moved there? he couldn't recall. " not... ideal, to sit with me. " that word he knew quite well. he heard his "father" use it a lot on the phone, and the specific enunciation he used with it he ended up copying. eye-dee-al. he pops open the textbook in front of him to the chapter on gene mutation. the diagrams attract his attention immediately. they make complete sense. he is able to make heads and tails of them with no problem...
...maybe that was why he was able to look up at her finally. maintain direct eye contact.
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" but... i am happy we are partners. " he starts. it falls out of his mouth, as if some strange surge of confidence had just arisen. though blunt as always, there is a brightness to his tone. genuine excitement. " you are like a class president. not many people like you... here. "
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qweenbeeb · 4 years
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"They just use your mind and they never give you credit. I swear, it's enough to drive you crazy!" Bebe flipped the page of her magazine with a groan. It was odd, even when they had nights alone at her place, they still got on the subject of their incompetent parents. "I don't think my mother could think for herself if she wanted to. And Dad's not much better    sometimes I wonder who is the real adult." She blew a large bubble, only to suck it back in to avoid gum getting all over her face. "You think we'd turn out more fucked up with our parents being... well. Our parents."
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anxechoxinxhell · 4 years
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
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defactomatriarch-a2 · 4 years
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buzzfeed unsolved || accepting || @politicalberet​​ said: "You have a very different definition of fun." // ABNEY!! BABE!!
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“Hmm...maybe, but as old as I am, I’ve decided that I don’t really care about what others think in regards to what I consider fun.” Eleanore reset the black and white pieces meticulously until the board was FRESH and ready for a new game of chess. “I appreciate your input, but kicking people’s butts at chess is something I find super fun.”
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heliosbloomed · 4 years
“Have you thought about what you want to do after we graduate?” This has been something on Nichole's mind for a while now. She didn’t want them to break up when high school ended like most couples did but she also didn’t want to seem like a burden on Wendy’s life. She would follow this girl anywhere she wanted to go. “I only ask because I know that I joke about marrying you and all of that but I’m serious when I do say that I love you and I want us to stay together.”
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