polishflower · 8 years
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Polish Word - Smutny/a/e. Translation: Sad 💁🏻‍♂️On jest smutny. [ He's sad] 💁🏼Ona jest smutna. [She's sad]👩‍👧[ Females - They are sad ]One są smutne. #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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hwiltschek · 5 years
To follow up that German question and since you have mentioned it: what kind of blogs would you recommend for Polish? Either langblr or studyblr? Would be nice to see if you know some more, as I'm not really into these sub tumblrs in general
Hey anon! When I saw this question I thought well here’s one that I can answer for sure 100% and thus avoid the shame of apparently being a really bad and antisocial blog 😂 I was so sure I had this one because I know I have actively been looking for polish langblrs and then I remembered that although I have followed many I don’t see many polish posts on my dash, so this brought me to the conclusion that they are probably inactive. I am terrible at remembering blogs apparently so I’m sorry if I don’t include you and if any of you know any more blogs or are a blog that posts about the polish language pls let me know ok? So the people I know are learning polish on here are: @blumensprache @polskieserce @languageoclock there’s a couple more for example @polishlangblr. As far as me learning Polish here is concerned I gotta say that @matkomakto helped a lot since she was always there to correct me when I messed up which I feel is really important and also super nice of her ❤️
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polishflower · 8 years
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Polish Word- Szczęśliwy. Translation: Happy. 💁🏻‍♂️ On jest szczesliw-y. 💁🏼Ona jest szczęśliw-a. #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Gold. ZŁOTY. [zwoti]. What is ZŁOTY in Poland ?? Polish currency.#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Grey. SZARY. [shari].#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Pink. Różowy. [roozhovi].#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Brown. BRĄZOWY. [bronzovi].#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: purple. Fioletowy. [fioletovi].#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: White. Biały. [biawi].#polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Blue. Niebieski. [niebieskee]. #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Green. Zielony. [zheloni] #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Yellow. Żółty. [zhoowti] #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Color: Red. Czerwony [chervoni]. #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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Let's refresh your memory a little bit! Let's repeat personal pronouns! #learnpolishlanguage #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #polishlanguage #polishlanguagelesson #polishlangblr #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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#YouTube #video available now ! https://youtu.be/PTOcuH_AFt8 When You Get Sick Part 2. Follow along with me and do not forget to repeat :) I hope this will help you out. It will come handy when you are trying to tell someone what is wrong with you.
WHAT HURTS? It hurts here - Boli mnie tu [bolee mnie too] It hurts … Boli mnie … [bolee mnie…] - Head - Głowa [gwova] - Tooth - ząb [zomp] - chust - klatka piersiowa [klahtkah pyehrsyovah] - ear - ucho [ooho] - eye - oko [oko] - heart - serce [sertse] - neck - szyja [shiya] - spine - kręgosłup [krehngoswoop] - stomach - brzuch [bzhooh] - throat - gardło [gahrdwo]
MEDICAL ALLERGIES I am allergic to … - mam uczulenie na…[mam oochoolenie na…] - antibiotics - antibiotyki [antibiotikee] - cortisone - kortyzon [kortyzon] - iron - żelazo [zhelazo] - penicillin - penicylinę [peneetsileene]. #learnpolishlanguage #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #polishlanguage #polishlanguagelesson #polishlangblr #polishlanguagelessons#learningpolishlanguage #learningpolish #polski #jezykpolski #poland #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #learnpolishonline #polishlanguagelesson #polishlanguage #pol #polishlangblr #europe
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polishflower · 8 years
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"Phrases to Know Part 1" Hello - Dzień Dobry [djeñ dobri] Hi - Cześć [cheshch] Goodbye -Do widzenia [do veedzenia] Good morning - Dzień Dobry [djeñ dobri] Good evening - Dobry wieczór [dobri viechoor] Good night - Dobranoc [dobranots] See You later - Do zobaczenia [do zobacheñah] Yes - tak [tahk] No - nie [ñeh] Please - proszę [proshe] You're welcome - [proshe ba-rdzo] Thank You - dziękuje [djenkooye] Thank You very much - dziękuje bardzo [ djenkooye ba-rdzo] This is Mr. - To jest pan... [to yest pahn] This is Mrs/Miss - To jest pani ... [to yest pañee] I am pleased to meet you - Miło mi pana/panią poznać [meewo mee pahna/pañah poznahtsh] ***Pana - Mrs ***Panią - Mrs/Miss How are you ? - Jak się pan/pani miewa ? [yak syeh pahn/pahñee myehvah] More and video coming soon! #poland #polski #learnpolishlanguage #learnpolish #learnpolishwithpolishflower #polishlanguage #polishlanguagelesson #polishlangblr #polishlanguagelessons
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