#polish alternative
frozenbody · 28 days
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ed13d1 · 2 months
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great old mother
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transmechanicus · 7 months
Idk if i’ll be able to articulate this properly but i love trans ppl in alternative subcultures. Here you have these aesthetics with an already higher than average baseline of gnc attributes in terms of hair, makeup, clothing, and accessories or lack therof. But then you add in the fact that the person dressing in this way that is gnc as part of this culture is doing something that is gender affirming for them when in other contexts it might not be. Like, a punk trans girl with buzzed hair and a tank top, or an emo tboy wearing a skirt and eyeliner are being gnc in a way that fits to their preferred gender even though to outsiders they might look #Normal. I just think it’s really cool, and also pretty smoking hot! Yeah!!!
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froggyforest · 2 months
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The top is pretty much done. I may add more blank patches in the future
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grechkathekasha · 3 months
slavic and in love
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sibelin · 7 months
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How to find new goth music that you'll love : a silly tutorial for people wanting to find new dark songs to obsess about.
Okay so following my last post, I'm going to do a tiny tutorial on how I find new goth/post-punk/darkwave/etc music and bands with only two tools : Internet and a bit of free time. I can guarantee it's worth it, especially if you want to invest yourself more into the subculture. Supporting new and active bands is a must if you want to see the goth genre flourish.
(Sorry in advance, most the screenshots will be in french. And if there's typos, my bad. I did my best but english is not my native language!)
the "Similar Artists" feature.
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Probably one of the easiest way to find bands similar to the one you already like is using a website that will give you similar artists. This feature is a common one on listening plateforms like Spotify (left) or Last.fm (right). I tend to prefer the Last.fm one because you can see what genres the artists are tagged with. This gives you way more informations about the band, its influences and why it's in the similar artist section in the first place. You can also click on these tags to find other bands or, even better, repeat the process with the newer bands you find to delve deeper down the rabbit hole!
Both these exemples are "similar bands" found on the Boy Harsher page.
2. Playlists and sets
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This one sounds obvious but it's one of the most efficient method to find new music without putting too much work into it. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to be precise with your keywords. For exemple, if you want to find new goth music but don't like EBM, you'll have to type your research with keywords like "gothrock", "deathrock" or "synthpop" "darkwave", etc....
Personally, there is two plateforms that I use fairly often for this purpose but I'm pretty sure it exists on every listening plateforms, so feel free to use the one you prefer. For me, it's Youtube and Spotify. I tend to prefer Youtube because it's more like a DJ set, with someone picking a limited amount of songs and new releases and sharing them like every few months. There are several accounts that do this, you just have to keep an eye out for them.
The images featured are the first playlists that pop up when I type "goth 2024" and "post-punk 2024" in the mentionned plateforms.
Keep in mind that you won't like everything and that you can skip the songs until you find one that makes you bop your head dracula style.
3. Music labels and samplers
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We're entering a more niche category with this one. So, you really like a band and want to find something similar or, at least, something with the same qualities (be it the level of production, the subgenres explored, etc). Well, labels can help you! A music label is a production or publishing company that usually have several bands to manage. Some bands, of course, do everything by themselves but for the others, it's a GREAT way to find new similar music.
You can find the labels by looking at a band's website, social media or, even more efficiently, by looking at the records themselves. Usually, the label name/logo is somewhere on the cover. When you find it, you can simply type the name of the label and find the artists that are associated with it.
A lot of labels have a strong presence on Bandcamp and do "samplers". These are basically playlists featuring the artists they publish. If you don't want to click on every artists one at a time, you can simply listen to a sampler and see if anything is interesting you before going further.
The images I have used are both labels that are producing goth, darkwave and ebm music. The first one is Artoffact records (ACTORS, Cevin Key's solo work, etc...) and the second is AVANT! records (Buzz Kull, Blind Seagull, etc...)
4. Touring bands and opening acts
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GREAT! One of your favourite band is touring. Maybe it's a big band, a classic goth staple, or maybe it's a tinier band you already enjoy. Either way, it will probably have an opening act, maybe several depending on the dates. When I see a band I like announcing gigs, I usually check the other bands that are following them in the tour. They can be less famous or they can even be local bands sometimes. No matter if you can attend the event or not, this is a good way to stay in touch with the scene and what's being played in venues. You can also just check the scheduled dates in goth or post-punk venues, nearby or far away.
The big plus of doing this is seeing the amazing art some tour posters feature (illustraded here by Buzzkull/Kontravoid and Rue Oberkampf). If you follow bands or venues on Instagram (and other social media where bands actually post), they are seen fairly often in tour and dates announcements. You can also check tour dates on several websites like Songkick, Bandsintown, etc.... I always prefer following the bands and venues themselves, though.
5. Webzines (and other internet tools) We're going even more niche with webzines, something that will probably disappear in a couple of years but that thankfully still exist nowadays. Basically, a webzine is just like a magazine/fanzine but online. By looking up the right keywords, or even looking at webzines focused on alternative music in your area, you might find a great ressource not only to find new music but also to find gigs and events related to the subculture. I'd advise everyone to broaden their horizons when looking for webzines : as an exemple, the one i use fairly often to find gigs in my area is not only goth related. it's more of an underground culture thing which leads me to find non-goth events that I could enjoy too!
Of course, Webzines are only a little part of the iceberg. I am sure there are plenty of facebook groups, blogs, forums and newsletter that basically lead you to find the same kind of informations. On this side, you have to be ressourceful depending on where you live, what is the culture around you and also how safe it is for you to navigate in these spaces.
6. Word-to-Mouth, mutuals, etc... At last, we are lucky enough to be on a website that allows everyone to share links like Spotify, Bandcamp and so on. There are several accounts dedicated to share goth music. For exemple, there is @nugothrhythms who share modern and newer goth sounds or the more recent @gothlisteningclub which is a great way to discover and listen to goth albums you've never heard of. I won't plug my own sideblog but you know, do your research, find mutuals that actually put a bit of work into sharing music! And, of course, feel free to do the same! I hope this little tutorial can help some people to find new music. The internet is a fabulous tool to keep subcultures alive. If you put a little work into it, you'll soon discover great bands and maybe even find a few gigs to attend. Remember, stay curious, don't limit yourself and always expend your horizons with art! Feel free to add anything that can help people finding new goth or post-punk music : blogs, playlists, etc!
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lokh · 5 months
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sweetdreamfallx · 26 days
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You all said "yeah uh" for me to make Polish version of Miku. So I drew it. Hope you'll like her.
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geokitties · 2 years
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diana-andraste · 4 months
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NOIR ET BLANC - Numero Sept, Sławomir Rudnicki-Drabik, n.d.
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Picture painted by Zdzisław Beksiński, 1979
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cheesybunni · 3 months
i think that magical girl is a species. go depressed white man in his 30s go put your frilly outfit on!!
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sweetteaanddragons · 1 year
Raise Them Well (Or Out of Spite)
He didn’t remember how he had gotten here. He remembered the messenger that had brought him the news, and then - Everything after that was a dark void.
His father was gone. Feanaro did not want to remember more. 
He had been on his way to Tirion already when the news came. They had known the birth would be soon even if no one had expected it would be this soon; they had thought to have nearly another month. He had not wanted to be at the birth, but his father had asked him to be there, and -
His father.
Feanaro’s head fell forward into his hands. It wasn’t a dignified position; he had come back to himself from the void of memory slumped against one of the endless tapestries that lined the marble walls of the palace, knees drawn up nearly to his chest.
On the opposite wall was a door that gaped open to an empty room where his father had once slept.
Where his father had died.
So it did not matter if he was dignified. Anyone who dared to disturb him -
“What a tragedy.”
His head snapped up. 
Melkor had taken the form of an elf today - a striking one who looked almost familiar - but there was no true disguise for any of the Valar. Their presence inevitably made itself felt.
“Another queen of the Noldor lost,” Melkor said, shaking his head. “And your father with her! I can only imagine how he must have loved her.”
“Get out.” His voice was a hollow echo of the rage he wanted to feel.
“Forgive me,” Melkor said hastily. “Forgive me, I did not mean to imply -'' He sat gingerly against the opposing wall instead of leaving.
Of course he did. What respect could he - could any of the Valar - truly have for grief?
“I cannot imagine what you are going through,'' the Vala said gently, almost as if he had plucked the thought from Feanaro’s face - or, more likely, from his glare at the place Melkor’s back rumpled the fabric of the closest tapestry.
“No. You can’t.”
The Vala’s smile flickered. “At least Ingwion will be here soon.”
“Ingwion,” he repeated, uncomprehending. What was it to him if Indis’s nephew came?
“To take the child,” Melkor elaborated. “I came to assure you that her family has agreed. You won’t have to deal with that . . . reminder.” His tone implied a much worse word than reminder had been bitten back.
“The child.” He hated how his words were mere echoes of Melkor’s own.
“Aracano,” Melkor said helpfully. “That’s what his mother wanted to call him.”
High Chieftain. So she had been scheming after all, despite all her protests.
And none of it mattered because here Feanaro was. Not heir to the Noldor, but king.
He would crown the infant himself if it would have brought his father back. 
But nothing would. Nothing except the will of the Valar.
His father would return, Feanaro tried to assure himself. This was not like his mother’s case. Surely his father would want to return. And then -
Then, he would be proud of Feanaro and how he had handled things. Feanaro would make sure of it.
To his father, everything would most certainly include the child. Aracano. Or, as his father had preferred, Nolofinwe.
(Wise Finwe. Was that why he had wanted another child? Was it wisdom he had thought Feanaro had lacked? If his father had just told him what the deficiency was - )
(His father had not thought him deficient when he was small. He was sure of that. When he had been small, his father had taken Feanaro with him everywhere; he had not for a moment left him, terrified that with one parent gone, Feanaro’s spirit could all too easily have slipped away.)
(Finwe had been enough in the end. If only Feanaro had been enough in turn, his father might still - )
With his father gone, Feanaro was the closest thing the Noldor had to an expert on bringing children through the impossible. Who was he to cede that title to Ingwion?
No. It was not to be borne. The Vanyar had taken enough from him; he would not allow them to take this -
His mind stuttered over what word to choose. Burden? Honor? Responsibility?
This. He would not allow them to take this.
Uneasiness crept in through the cloud of grief and fury. The Vanyar would not; he could prevent it. But Namo . . . It had been three days already since - since the deaths; with Nolofinwe not only orphaned but early - 
Feanaro shoved himself to his feet and stalked toward the end of the hallway, toward what had once been his nursery. It had been scarcely used - his father had not dared leave him there - but with his father’s room vacant, surely Nolofinwe must be there now.
He felt a flicker that on any other day would have been pleasure when Melkor was forced to scramble gracelessly to his feet to follow after.
“Surely you do not intend - “
“Surely you know my mind little.”
“Would you so dishonor your father by shielding that which killed him?”
Feanaro froze.
Fury licked through him like flame. 
It was almost enough to warm the chill that lay heavy over his soul.
“We can be murderers together,” he said, eyes locked on the tapestry at the end of the corridor.
It had been one of Miriel’s, once.
He stalked off to find his charge.
. . .
Nolofinwe had his father’s eyes.
Feanaro’s own eyes burned as he stared down at them.
The baby was so small. Smaller than any other he had seen. Smaller than Nelyafinwe would be when he came -
Nelyafinwe. Nerdanel.
Thrice his line had sired children. Twice the mothers had died in the births. If Nerdanel -
“Fetch a messenger to send word to Mahtan’s house immediately,” he instructed the nursemaid trembling behind him. Nerdanel had agreed to stay there when they thought this was a mere birth, lest she strain herself with the travel, but Feanaro feared she had just been indulging him. If she came now that she’d heard of the catastrophe - “They must know what happened, but gently. There must be no stress, no strain of any kind.” If he lost her - If he lost her now-
He picked up Nolofinwe in a desperate need to hold to someone.
A tiny, flickering fea reached out to his, first tentatively, then with a desperate grip that mirrored Feanaro’s own.
The fea was starving. Weak.
And so, so stubborn.
The nursemaid found enough courage to say, “The healer fears his strength might - “
He wished her courage had remained lost. “He will be as strong as a forest fire. Stronger.”
He pushed some of his own fiery spirit around Nolofinwe in a protective blanket against the biting cold of the world. Despite everyone else’s assurances, he still could not quite believe the room was not too drafty; surely the whole of the chill was not in his mind alone.
It’s his fault, part of him whispered. Just like it was yours.
He shoved the thought away viciously.
Monsters together, another part of him whispered, and he pushed that down too.
His father would want Nolofinwe to be well when he returned. That was the important thing.
So Nolofinwe would be well and grow strong.
He would not be allowed to die.
No one here would be.
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topieliczka · 1 year
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Look at me, look at me, look at me Tell me that you don't like what you see
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voguevampyre · 2 years
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monster high nail polishes that are coffin shaped..i repeat COFFIN SHAPED!
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windysaturday · 3 months
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