#polisci not bc i want to be a politician or a lawyer but because i want to help make it more accessible for people
idk if you guys saw biden's new campaign ad (posted here on twitter) but i've had one thought i've been stuck on since it was posted and i wanted to know if anyone else has an opinion.
so an ad that takes a snippet of an opponent saying something that was negative in context but is a positive/something ppl of a similar alignment want to vote for is almost always going to be successful, and i think this one will be too, but-- my one critique is that the music feels so lame! it's light and pleasant, which isn't a bad thing, but they're putting a positive spin on the democratic legacy of FDR and LBJ who are held as modern day champions of the party (we'll ignore how wildly unpopular LBJ was by the end of his term), so i feel like the music should have been more uptempo or something that swelled up slowly over the course of the ad in order to mirror that magnitude and build some excitement about biden's work during his current term and what he could do in his second. it could be argued that using more "dramatic" music is too similar to how the right tends to approach ad campaigns, which might be seen as a negative by centrists/dems, but i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to match energy in this specific context. it just made a compelling ad premise fall a bit flat for me.
but i know i'm biased and not necessarily the target demographic for campaign ads since that's what i study, so i was just curious about what you guys think.
and im curious if you have an opinion on this particular ad!
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pusakalye · 1 year
law school momints
law school is uh over but also not over because its stsrting for real now i just finished my bridging class well no i havent i need to take the final on monday and then its classes back to back until my midterms and hopefully the school gives me uh maybe a week to recuperate like just a week where i dont feel like im behind if i dont do a reading or whatnot
in other news.. dnjfkfg i failed my quiz so thats something for me B) i mean Hopefully it doesnt bring my average down too bad since its
50 - recit, quizzes, perusall &
50 - final exam
so technically i can make up for it this monday on the final but tomorrow i need to like hardcore study for it and just catch up on doctrines and get my head out of the "well technically its can actually be either" mindset my degree has kind of . taught me to default on (i talked abt it extensively w my older brother who advised me to get used to just straight up just not overthink shit).
okay but what i hate is theyre not even giving me at least a day to just recuperate... straight after my final i start like real law classes (like i have consti & crimlaw ady on monday...) and for consti i have to memorize some parts of the consti and allegedly read a 500 page reading all in time adnd im like . lord. plelase just take me.
in other other news. i thought long and hard recently abt what i want to do. i always told everyone i wanted to do intellectual property as my specialization bc its an area that interests me and i am like making moves to do exactly that but recently i think ive been double thinking jt. i have a polisci degree which i think is soo good for making policies but i dont want to be a politician. i think i jsut want to help people and i cannot fathom how to help the masses if i focus on ip but we'll see.
unironically, i hope i really do survive law school. i'll graduate with honors, sign an underbar with the law firm i have my eye on, pass the bar in one take and i'll be a lawyer. BELIEVE IT!!!!!!
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elizabcthh-blog · 7 years
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( danielle campbell / female / she/her ). elizabeth “ellie” hearst is a twenty year old undergrad student studying international relations and history. they are known for being charismatic and selfless, but also being stubborn and condescending. it didn’t take long before everyone started to call them the fervor.
issa intro!! i’m bay and i’m terrible at intros, so bear w me here. anyway, this is my soul child ellie!! she’s philanthropy chair of sigma epsilon chi and involved w student government on campus. she’s majoring in international relations– for her parents’ sake– and history for herself!! below is... more about the nugget!! she’s p outgoing, so we’re ready for characters to be shoved @ us. hmu for plots or like this and i’ll come to you!! 
BIRTHPLACE: falls church city, va
BIRTHDAY: october 30th
MAJOR: double in international relations / history
FAMILY: so she’s got an older brother named Christian who was born & bred to be a politician just like their father who’s name is Daniel and ya know their momma is a class A southern belle trophy wife A++++++ socialite named Annemarie and yeah the Hearst family is old money so basically they’ve never really wanted for anything yikes
NICKNAMES: ellie, lizzie (her dad mostly), eli (her brother mostly), eliza (heR GRANDMA PROBABLY)
ok so her family is old money you know generations of the greatest doctors and lawyers and politicians and writers and ya know a couple of pulitzer prize winners and a couple of nobel prize winners……. basically she’s never really been exposed to anything except a surplus of money and that makes her kind of oblivious to its worth
she’s a bright little thing and she’s always had the best of the best when it comes to education so sometimes she can come across as… condescending with her big words but REALLY she doesn’t mean to at all like it’s literally just the way she talks she’s got that old timey southern drawl and uses obnoxious words because that’s just what daniel and annemarie made her do ((lowkey: if you’ve read the raven cycle……… she is very VERY much based on gansey))
she’s obnoxiously charming like will charm the pants right off of ya but will respectfully help cover you up until you put them back on again idk. she’s a sweetheart really and sometimes you really want to hate her but you just can’t because you know she means well…… or you can because well she’s got that whole…. condescending rich person aspect yeah sometimes i hate her too
she wants to do something bigger with her life. like she knows everything has been handed to her and she gets really frustrated with that sometimes bc she didn’t do anything to deserve it or earn it she was just born into it so she feels a really desperate need to give back to the world in some way, shape, or form…. she just hasn’t quite figured it out yet
she’s v driven so much so that sometimes she’s go go go go without stopping and it ends up in a mess because she took on too many things at once and didn’t give herself the time to breathe.
loyal af
suuuuuper stubborn in that she believes in what she believes in and she... man she does everything she can to get her way
bottles shit up like doesn’t talk about her emotions and gets really quiet when her feelings are hurt. sometimes she snaps on the people closest to her when she gets overwhelmed with bad feelings even if it wasn’t them who hurt her... girl work on ur coping skills please 
she like rADIATES passion. her dad really wanted her to go into polisci or pre-law but in reality she loves history too much to give it up so she’s constantly knee deep in that and  specifically art history because her mom really got her hooked on that, she’s also passionate about other things like she really loves horses but not in a “we all knew that one girl obsessed with horses” way more in like a her family owns a bunch and one of her mom’s things is a summer camp for kids with disabilities and hORSEBACK RIDING so she loves that stuff
she’s weird about her money sometimes like….. homegirl drives a beat up jeep wrangler that likes to break down all the time despite her brother getting a benz for his sixteenth birthday. like she’s... pretty outdoorsy, never really into the shiny technology stuff. as a kid her fave thing to do was venture back to a lake behind the house and use the rope swing to jump in.
she has a very wild imagination and loooooves to go out adventuring like idk yeah hiking and shit that’s what she does in her spare time probably
she writes eVERYTHING DOWN like literally will be in the middle of a sentence, will have a thought and she’ll stop and write it down in her notebook before continuing
literally like.... rory gilmore and richard gansey kajdfah ok that’s alL
again!! if ya wanna plot.... hmu i’m a sucker for past connections and angst.. and fluff... and girl gangs and... plots OK YA LIKE THIS AND I’LL COME TO U
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