zuis0520 · 5 years
Rp @ericaleshai - I really didn’t even want to talk about this because I knew I would be upset with the outcome. But I see a lot of us applauding the constant forgiveness we’re so accustomed to giving white people, and I also see a lot of us calling Botham Jean’s brother a coon. He lost his brother and is trying to deal with that. What he doesn’t need is the internet collectively bullying him. However; that doesn’t mean that we continue to extend forgiveness to a people that vigorously fight to uphold and maintain systematic oppression. Let’s only reserve forgiveness and compassion to those who are worthy of it (our own people). I’m tired of this docile agenda that continues to be pushed onto us. This whole case has been turned into mercy, compassion, and forgiveness; subconsciously programming us how to respond to white supremacy as a whole. There was no mercy or compassion when Amber Guyger murdered Botham Jean in his own apartment. 😒 . . . . . . . #amberguyger #amberguygerisamurderer. #blackamoor #blackcodes #BothamJean #christiancolorslavecodes #domesticterrorism #jimcrow #murder #policerepression #RIP #thisisamerikkka #thedevilisaliar #uniteorperish #vanillaisis #weareunderaattack #whiteisalegalstatus #whitejesus #whitesaviorcomplex #whitesupremacy https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LuEI1pM3s/?igshid=1egk8gi7s3g12
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cyclocerous · 7 years
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#G20 getting a well deserved #anticapitalist reception in #Hamburg the state responds with #policerepression. How typical! Support your local #Antifa (at Linden Street Community Plaza)
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Our new print fun, multi-purpose Ⓐ Loop protects you from sun, wind and police repression. Limited run to raise funds for anti-G20-actions. Learn more: https://g20tohell.blackblogs.org www.g20hamburg.org #antiG20 #G20 #G20HH #smashG20 #welcometohell #policerepression #blackspokecollective #bsc #diy #hippieloop #axelrose
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puertoricanflagsup · 7 years
@Regrann from @nuestra_patriapr - Se ha dado la señal! ¿Dónde está Ricky? Ricky no está aquí, Ricky está vendiendo lo que queda del país" @ricardorossello #RickyRosselló #Rickyrossello #ricardorosselló #ricardorossello #Gusano #Vendepatria #PuertoRico #Peñuelas #PoliciadePuertoRico #IslaDeEncanto #PR #PuertoRock #Boricua #policebrutality #PoliceRepression #Guayama #PeñuelasIsStandingRock #SeAcabaronLasPromesas - #regrann
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mentalnahigijena · 3 years
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U toku je puštanje na slobodu zadržanih građana na Cetinju, bez njihovog procesuiranja, kazao je koordinator i član savjeta Građanske inicijative 21.maj, Aleksandar Saša Zeković. On je ranije saopštio da je crnogorska policija bez objašnjenja uhapsila desetoricu građana Cetinja. - Zahtijevamo njihovo puštanje na slobodu - poručio je on na Tviteru. O zadržavanju je, kako je rekao, obaviještena građanska kontrola rada policije. - Tražimo da Uprava policije saopšti zakonski osnov za zadržavanje i njihov identitet. Tražimo da se svu zadržani pušte na slobodu - poručio je Zeković. Policija je bez objašnjenja uhapsila desetoricu građana Cetinja. Zahtijevamo njihovo puštanje na slobodu #montenegro #policerepression — Aleksandar Sasa ZEKOVIC (@aszekovic) September 4, 2021 Na Cetinju je danas napeta atmosfera - veliki broj građana protestuje zbog najavljenog ustoličenja mitropolita crnogorsko-primorskog u Cetinjskom manastiru. Jutros je policija postavila zaštitne ograde od velikog parkinga kod Ljetnje pozornice do Vladinog doma uprkos tome što Komunalna policija nije izdala dozvolu za to. Građni su ograde uklonili, a barijeru drži kordon policije.
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leftparty-blog · 11 years
Statement by the International Left for the immediate acquittal for the oil workers of Las Heras
International Left and its component organizations, Organización de Izquierda Revolucionaria / Organization of Revolutionary Left (OIR-Argentina) and the Left Party (United States) are in favor of the immediate acquittal of the oil workers of Las Heras, some of whom have been sentenced to life imprisonment for exercising their inalienable right to fight for their rights and for acting in self-defense against the police repression that was executed for exercising those rights. The trial of the oil workers of Las Heras was mounted to send a message to the workers to force them to desist from their struggles and submit to the employers, the government and the union bureaucracy. Without evidence but with false testimonies, ¨justice¨ acted with a ruthlessness not even shown in the prosecution of government corruption or the forced disappearance of persons, both of which often occur at the hands of the police. The trial was a farce and adhere to the demands of absolution raised by union activists, political parties and personalities of Argentina. Argentina’s government must decide categorically against this trial and we must demand the reversal of the ruling by any means, including but not limited to the issuance of a pardon, amnesty or other similar resource. This is especially important considering that the current government claims to be a defender of human rights. The unions and their leaders, both those who are aligned with the government and those in the opposition should carry out strong actions to press for the immediate release of the convicted workers or they will, once again, stand accused of failing to defend their members who are criminalized because they fight. International Left: OIR (Argentina); Left Party (USA) International Left Review Izquierda Punto Info
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Declaración de Izquierda Internacional‏ por la inmediata absolución de los Trabajadores Petroleros de Las Heras
Izquierda Internacional y las organizaciones que la componen, Organización de Izquierda Revolucionaria (OIR-Argentina) y el Left Party (Estados Unidos) se pronuncian a favor de la inmediata absolución de los trabajadores petroleros de Las Heras, algunos de los cuales han sido condenados a cadena perpetua por ejercer su derecho inalienable a la lucha por sus derechos y a la autodefensa contra la represión policial por ejercer esos derechos. 
El juicio de los trabajadores petroleros de Las Heras fué montado para enviar un mensaje a los trabajadores para que desistan de sus luchas y se sometan a las patronales, el gobierno y la burocracia sindical. Sin pruebas, con testimonios falseados y con una ¨justicia¨ que actuó con una implacabilidad que no demuestra en la persecución de la corrupción gubernamental o en la desaparición forzada de personas, muchas veces a manos de las fuerzas policiales.  El juicio fué una farsa y nos plegamos a las demandas de absolución levantada por activistas sindicales, partidos políticos y personalidades de Argentina. El gobierno de Argentina debe pronunciarse categóricamente contra este juicio y le exigimos que revierta ese fallo por los medios que fuera, incluso pero no limitado, al dictado de un perdón, amnistía o algún otro recurso semejante. Sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que el actual gobierno se presenta como defensor de los DDHH.  Los sindicatos y sus dirigentes, tanto oficialistas como opositores, deben realizar medidas contundentes para presionar por la libertad inmediata de los trabajadores condenados o quedarán, una vez más, señalados como responsables de no hacer nada para defender contra sus afiliados, perseguidos por luchar.
  Izquierda Internacional:
OIR (Argentina); Left Party (EEUU)
International Left Review
Izquierda Punto Info
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puertoricanflagsup · 7 years
@Regrann from @boricua_spirit - I have no words to express the anger and helplessness I am feeling... my family lives here! My sisters, brothers, niece's & nephews are breathing in these toxic ashes...omg #Repost @nuestra_patriapr "llegó La muerte a Peñuelas!" Those are the words of a Brother born and raised in Peñuelas, who sleeps in Peñuelas! "llegó La muerte a Peñuelas!", these are the words of a brother that loves his community and that has fought for his community! "llegó La muerte a Peñuelas!" What the government of Puerto Rico is doing to our families is criminal, inhuman, its genocide! "llegó La muerte a Peñuelas!" ¿Dónde está Ricky? Ricky no está aquí, Ricky está vendiendo lo que queda del país" @ricardorossello #RickyRosselló #Rickyrossello #ricardorosselló #ricardorossello #Gusano #Vendepatria #PuertoRico #Peñuelas #PoliciadePuertoRico #IslaDeEncanto #PR #PuertoRock #Boricua #policebrutality #PoliceRepression #PeñuelasIsStandingRock - #regrann
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