pamelaaminou · 10 months
Monday’s Photography Inspiration – Herbert G. Ponting
Herbert George Ponting was a Brisitsh photographer best known as the expedition photographer and cinematographer for Robert Falcon Scott’s Terra Nova Expedition to the Ross Sea and South Pole (1910–1913). In this role, he captured some of the most enduring images of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Herbert George Ponting was born on March 21, 1870, in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. From…
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/08/10 Pasamos a saludar a muchos primos que estaban en el museo, algunos de ellos muy brillantes.
We stopped by to say hello to many cousins who were in the museum, some of them very bright.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Passamos para cumprimentar muitos primos que estavam no museu, alguns deles muito brilhantes.
Google translation into Italian: Ci siamo fermati a salutare tanti cugini che erano nel museo, alcuni dei quali molto brillanti.
Google Translation into French: Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour dire bonjour à de nombreux cousins ​​​​qui étaient dans le musée, certains d'entre eux très brillants.
Google Translation into Arabic: توقفنا لنلقي التحية على العديد من أبناء عمومتهم الذين كانوا في المتحف ، وبعضهم مشرق للغاية.
Google Translation into German: Wir hielten an, um vielen Cousins ​​​​Hallo zu sagen, die im Museum waren, einige von ihnen sehr hell.
Google Translation into Albanisch: U ndalëm për t'u përshëndetur shumë kushërinjve që ishin në muze, disa prej tyre shumë të shndritshëm.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Спряхме да поздравим много от братовчедите, които бяха в музея, някои от тях много умни.
Google Translation into Czech: Zastavili jsme se, abychom pozdravili mnoho bratranců, kteří byli v muzeu, někteří z nich byli velmi bystří.
Google Translation into Slovak: Zastavili sme sa pozdraviť mnohých bratrancov, ktorí boli v múzeu, niektorí z nich boli veľmi bystrí.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ustavili smo se, da bi pozdravili številne bratrance, ki so bili v muzeju, nekateri med njimi so bili zelo bistri.
Google Translation into Suomi: Pysähdyimme tervehtimään monia museossa olleita serkkuja, joista osa oli erittäin valoisia.
Google Translation into Greek: Σταματήσαμε να πούμε ένα γεια σε πολλά από τα ξαδέρφια που ήταν στο μουσείο, μερικά από αυτά πολύ φωτεινά.
Google Translation into Dutch: We stopten om hallo te zeggen tegen veel van de neven en nichten die in het museum waren, sommigen van hen waren erg slim.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi stoppet for å hilse på mange av søskenbarna som var på museet, noen av dem veldig lyse.
Google Translation into Polish: Zatrzymaliśmy się, aby przywitać się z wieloma kuzynami, którzy byli w muzeum, niektórzy z nich byli bardzo bystrzy.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ne-am oprit să salutăm mulți dintre verii care se aflau în muzeu, unii dintre ei foarte strălucitori.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы остановились, чтобы поздороваться со многими двоюродными братьями, которые были в музее, некоторые из них очень умны.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi stannade för att säga hej till många av kusinerna som var i museet, några av dem väldigt ljusa.
Google Translation into Turkish: Müzede bulunan, bazıları çok parlak kuzenlerin birçoğuna merhaba demek için durduk.
Google Translation into Hebrew: עצרנו להגיד שלום לרבים מבני הדודים שהיו במוזיאון, חלקם מבריקים מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindi: हमने कई चचेरे भाइयों को नमस्ते कहना बंद कर दिया, जो संग्रहालय में थे, उनमें से कुछ बहुत उज्ज्वल थे।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami berhenti untuk menyapa banyak sepupu yang berada di museum, beberapa di antaranya sangat cerdas.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami berhenti untuk bertanya khabar kepada ramai sepupu yang berada di muzium, sebahagian daripada mereka sangat cerah.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは、博物館にいた多くのいとこに挨拶するために立ち止まりました。その中には非常に明るい人もいました。
Google Translation into Korean: 우��는 박물관에 있던 많은 사촌들에게 인사하기 위해 멈춰 섰습니다. 그들 중 일부는 매우 밝았습니다.
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们停下来向博物馆里的许多堂兄弟打招呼,其中一些非常聪明。
Google Translation into Persian: ما ایستادیم تا به بسیاری از پسرعموهایی که در موزه بودند سلام کنیم، برخی از آنها بسیار خوش فکر.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Huminto kami para kumustahin ang marami sa mga pinsan na nasa museo, ang ilan sa kanila ay napakatalino.
Google Translation into Thai: เราแวะทักทายลูกพี่ลูกน้องหลายคนที่อยู่ในพิพิธภัณฑ์ซึ่งบางคนก็สดใสมาก
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা মিউজিয়ামে থাকা অনেক কাজিনকে হ্যালো বলতে থামলাম, তাদের মধ্যে কিছু খুব উজ্জ্বল।
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми зупинилися, щоб привітатися з багатьма двоюрідними братами, які були в музеї, деякі з них дуже розумні.
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huijuewangluo2024 · 1 month
Powering Polar Missions: Energy Where It's Coldest!
In the unforgiving polar regions, explorers rely on energy storage containers for their survival and research. These containers are the unsung heroes of the icy frontier, providing power for night lights, heating, and essential equipment.
They're built to withstand the cold, ensuring a steady flow of energy for communication and data recording, even in the darkest nights. With the ability to integrate with solar and wind energy, these systems are a testament to human ingenuity in the face of nature's extremes.
Equipped with efficient lithium iron phosphate batteries, they offer a seamless switch between grid and off-grid modes, supported by a smart management system that enhances energy efficiency. It's a fusion of technology and sustainability, powering the quest for knowledge at the Earth's extremes.
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hellbentproductions1 · 3 months
The Doomsday Glacier: Antarctica's Imminent Climate Crisis
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whenthelights-golow · 11 months
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Icy towers, Weddell Sea / Antarctica by Scott Ableman Incredible shot of icy towers in the Weddell Sea of Antarctica, captured by Scott Ableman. Join us on an educational journey as we explore the mesmerizing beauty and extreme conditions of this remote polar region.
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sppock · 11 months
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Llulissat Icefjord, Greenland Unleash your wanderlust and let the breathtaking Llulissat Icefjord in Greenland leave you speechless. Discover the true beauty of nature's masterpiece.
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Icy towers, Weddell Sea / Antarctica by Scott Ableman Incredible shot of icy towers in the Weddell Sea of Antarctica, captured by Scott Ableman. Join us on an educational journey as we explore the mesmerizing beauty and extreme conditions of this remote polar region.
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worstjourney · 1 year
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My Patrons see the #comics get made, from #research to final colour pages. They also see when I forgot where the dog commands were written down and I used a placeholder from Google Translate. You can join their ranks FREE for this weekend only! Link in bio. #comics #process #pencils #roughsketch #howthesausageismade #theworstjourneyintheworld #graphicnovel #scottexpedition #historycomics #illustration #antarctica #heroicage #polarexploration #art #artist #artwork #drawing #artistsoninstagram #design #cartoon #handmade #realmedia #sleddogs #dogsledding #cecilmeares #apsleycherrygarrard #coldboys Crossposted from Instagram: https://ift.tt/N0Ybptq Please allow me a few hours to fix the tags for Tumblr.
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tealin · 2 years
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This is your LAST DAY to see my exhibit at the Polar Museum about adapting #TheWorstJourneyInTheWorld into a graphic novel! (Which is out 24 Nov BTW) Museum closes at 4, exhibit comes down almost immediately, so don't be late! #Cambridge #Museum #HeroicAge #PolarExploration #PolarHistory #Antarctica #HalfTermFun #LimitedTimeOnly — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/WruJSxo
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defensenow · 11 months
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"Operation Frostbound: The 109th Airlift Wing's Mission to Antarctica"
New York National Guard | Story by Jaclyn Lyons | Tuesday, October 24, 2023
#OperationFrostbound #109thAirliftWing #MissionToAntarctica #Antarctica #Airlift #Military #AirForce #Flight #PolarExploration #Adventures #AntarcticaMission #Expedition #Ice #ColdWeather #Aviation #Snow #AntarcticExploration #Winter #FlightOperations #IceAdventures
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alexanderrogge · 1 year
RT - India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission lands on Moon:
Chandrayaan3 #Chandrayaan #LunarLander #ISRO #WaterOnMoon #Moon #PolarExploration #SpaceExploration #Astronomy
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sciencetoastudent · 2 years
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I'm a little behind on posting things, and realized I had never posted this to Instagram (only Facebook and Twitter). As a longtime Shackleton and Antarctica nerd, I never thought this beautiful day would come, but recently, it did. I’m glad to be reminded of the wonder of discovery. Not everything is all bad. Truly breathtaking! (I highly recommend you go search for photos/videos and enjoy!) https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/history-and-civilisation/2022/03/endurance-found/amp #Shackleton #ErnestShackleton #SirErnestShackleton #Endurance #HMSEndurance #Antarctica #Science #PolarExploration #History #Exploration #AntarcticExploration #Antarctic #Maritime #Ocean #Sea https://www.instagram.com/p/CexeMUGu5zm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
2022/08/10 Asi es como se debía sentir una tormenta a bordo del barco de las expediciones polares.
This is how a storm must have felt aboard the ship of the polar expeditions.
Google Translation into Portuguese: É assim que deve ter sentido uma tempestade a bordo do navio das expedições polares.
Google translation into Italian: Così deve essersi sentita una tempesta a bordo della nave delle spedizioni polari.
Google Translation into French: C'est ainsi qu'une tempête a dû se sentir à bord du navire des expéditions polaires.
Google Translation into Arabic: هذا ما شعرت به العاصفة على متن سفينة الرحلات القطبية.
Google Translation into German: So muss sich ein Sturm an Bord des Schiffes der Polarexpeditionen angefühlt haben.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Kështu duhet të jetë ndjerë një stuhi në bordin e anijes së ekspeditës polare.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Сигурно така се е чувствала буря на борда на кораба на полярната експедиция.
Google Translation into Czech: Takhle musela vypadat bouře na palubě polární expediční lodi.
Google Translation into Slovak: Takto musela vyzerať búrka na palube polárnej expedičnej lode.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Tako se je morala počutiti nevihta na ladji polarne ekspedicije.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tältä on täytynyt tuntua myrsky naparetkialuksella.
Google Translation into Greek: Έτσι πρέπει να ένιωθε μια καταιγίδα στο πολικό εκστρατευτικό πλοίο.
Google Translation into Dutch: Zo moet een storm aan boord van het poolexpeditieschip hebben gevoeld.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dette må ha vært hvordan en storm om bord på polarekspedisjonsskipet må ha føltes som.
Google Translation into Polish: Tak musiała wyglądać burza na pokładzie statku ekspedycji polarnej.
Google Translation into Romanian: Trebuie să fi fost așa cum trebuie să fi simțit o furtună la bordul navei de expediție polară.
Google Translation into Swedish: Det här måste ha varit hur en storm ombord på polarexpeditionsfartyget måste ha känts.
Google Translation into Russian: Должно быть, именно так ощущался шторм на борту корабля полярной экспедиции.
Google Translation into Turkish: Kutup keşif gemisinde bir fırtına böyle hissetmiş olmalı.
Google Translation into Hebrew: זו כנראה הייתה התחושה של סערה על סיפון ספינת המשלחת הקוטבית.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह वही रहा होगा जो ध्रुवीय अभियान जहाज पर एक तूफान ने महसूस किया होगा।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Ini pasti seperti apa rasanya badai di atas kapal ekspedisi kutub.
Google Translation into Malay: Ini mesti dirasai oleh ribut di atas kapal ekspedisi kutub itu.
Google Translation into Japanese: これは、極地探検船に乗った嵐がどのように感じたに違いない.
Google Translation into Korean: 극지 탐험선에 타고 있던 폭풍이 이런 느낌이었을 것입니다.
Google Translation into Chinese: 这一定是极地探险船上风暴的感觉。
Google Translation into Persian: طوفان در کشتی اکسپدیشن قطبی باید چنین باشد.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ito siguro ang naramdaman ng isang bagyo na nakasakay sa polar expedition ship.
Google Translation into Thai: นี่ต้องเป็นสิ่งที่พายุบนเรือสำรวจขั้วโลกต้องรู้สึกเช่นนั้น
Google Translation into Bengali: মেরু অভিযাত্রী জাহাজে চড়ে থাকা একটি ঝড়ের অনুভুতি নিশ্চয়ই এমন ছিল।
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Мабуть, саме таким виглядав шторм на кораблі полярної експедиції.
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funnywildlife · 4 years
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Follow Award Winning Polar Photographer & Expedition Leader @joshuaholko and Join him to Photograph the Ultra Cool Ghosts of the Arctic in 2021. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshuaHolko Mighty fine prints, books & more available via his website https://jholko.com #Wildography #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #joshuaholko #polarbear #whiteghost #featuredwildographer #naturelovers #natureaddict #natgeo #natgeotravel #igdaily #arctic #polarexplorer #polarexpedition https://www.instagram.com/p/CHfmiz_gOB5/?igshid=zd184i4bob9g
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hellbentproductions1 · 3 months
Expedition Antarctica: Journey into the Frozen Unknown
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csgt79 · 5 years
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#PolarExplorer from our friend @ed__tang 👌 #rolex #explorer2 #rolexexplorer • FOLLOW -> LIKE -> TAG US for a chance to be featured on our page @watchfluence #watchfluence -> #wristwatchcheck #watchporn #womw #wristshot #timepiece #watchoftheday #wristporn #horology #hautehorology #wristwatch #menstyle #watchfam #watchesofinstagram #watchcollector #instawatch #watchnerd #watch #watches #wristorgasm #head2headcopycat #paneristi #photooftheday * * * 🗣: @dailywatchpic @watchonmywrist @ablogtowatch @hodinkee @wornandwound @wristporn @dailywatch @dailywatchfix @watchonista @watchcollectinglifestyle @watchbox @redbarcrew @thewatchgram @crownandcaliber @filipinotimePH @watchesofinstagram @tourneau https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rRIfhHsqb/?igshid=jgrin8h3fb10
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