#pokemon utlra moon
trans-rights-gastly · 5 years
[Posted without the ask attached like requested. Original ask HERE]
Eli played with the mint in his mouth. The branch chief had a strict ‘no food’ rule in place but he made an exception for things like small candies. Never gum though, he considered it not to be a snack but a toy with flavour.
The entire office was silent except for the silent humming of the computers and the occasional clicking of the branch chief’s pen. [Click Click] A habit, he had noticed.  Eli looked at the branch chief from the corner of his eye, a thing he caught himself doing a lot lately. Not because he was, as his co-workers would playfully tease him with, crushing on the guy but because Eli was bored. Occasionally he would imagine what kind of person would.. or should he say could, fall in love with someone like his boss.
The guy wasn’t handsome by any means and Eli wondered if he ever was. Even in old pictures he would occasionally see on a senior-employee’s desk or an old employee group photo the branch chief had looked almost the same; naturally skinny with a sickly skin and hair color.
If Eli had to call one thing of his boss handsome or beautiful it would’ve been his eyes. There was something about the icy blue of it that just stood out, especially against the backdrop of the rest of his boss. He wondered why he would hide them behind those coloured glasses. According to rumors, Eli himself wasn’t around to see it for himself, the branch chief always had worn glasses in weird colours, pink, yellow and now of course, green.
The odd shape of it made him look bug-eyed and even odder than usual. He was so lost in thought that he forgot he was staring but it wasn’t like the branch chief noticed. If he was working, he was working and not a single thing on this earth or outside of it would distract him from it, he’d only stop to click his pen and that was it. [Click Click]
Sometimes Eli entertained the thought of replacing himself with a bag of flower wearing a hat and a wig and just taking a paid day off, the guy probably wouldn’t notice the difference anyway. However he never did. He was so close to earning that promotion and he really could use the money. Aether was far from the worst job as it was safe, clean and it paid well. Which was good news considering that he was the sole breadwinner in his household. So if the boss needed a sucking up to, he was there. Not because he like the guy, no far from it, the guy was an asshat, but because flattery gets you everywhere.
He would offer to get lunches, to come in earlier and already boot up all the PC’s, to be close to him so that if he ever needed anything- he’d be there in less than a minute. It was soul crushing, but Eli know he was close to get his reward. Lately whenever, he did something well, he would notice a faint smile on his boss’ lips, a genuine smile, not the creepy one he would sport for events and tours.
The sudden voice halted his train of thought right away. “Huh- I mean, yes branch chief?” Eli had made a habit of calling his boss by his full title, a thing that earned him lots and lots of points and would always pay off.
“Do you ever think about leaving this place?” The fact that he didn’t get an ear meant that his first response was deemed good enough.
“No, sir. I love it here.” Another rehearsed response. Sure, you were free to leave and go do something else but that’s not what his peers wanted to hear now, was it?
“Good, very good. Because see, there has recently been a job opening- It’s still within the wonderful foundation but it’s higher up and of course that means.. higher pay.”
For a split second Eli wondered if his boss rehearsed this as well but he shook it off, he worked for this and he had earned it. He never made fun of the guy and even protected him. He needed this promotion and he deserved it! “And you are telling me this because…” He dared not finish the sentence himself, afraid that he may mess up.
“Because I consider you a worthy candidate.” [Click Click] Eli felt his inside become warm and bubbly but he contained himself. An employee must always be prim and proper, that was the rule. “I- Thank you, sir. I do not know what to say.” “If you say yes, you can start tomorrow.” [Click Click]
The next day Eli arrived even earlier than he usually did. He shifted his weight from his one leg to the other and was looking forward to wearing a different uniform from now on. This one was tight and a little too revealing to his tastes.
A cold finger suddenly poked his neck which made Eli jump a little. He turned around ready to confront his attacker when he saw it was his boss. He wondered how it was possible for the guy to have fingers THAT cold while wearing gloves.
“Branch Chief..! You scared me.” Eli had not hear him walk in at all, one would think that wearing golden plated heals would make you less stealthy but the branch chief proved otherwise.  
“Apologies!” He threw his hands up in the hair like he genuinely meant it. Eli had worked for him for almost 6 years and never heard him apologise, not just to him but to everyone the branch chief talked to. It was always THEIR fault. “Also please, call me Faba.” He said with a grin that would make a cheap cartoon villain jealous.  
“Come now, can’t be late to your first day, now can you!” There was a weird hint of excitement in Faba’s voice. Deep down there was a voice within Eli telling him to run, just run and never look back but he ignored it.
[Click Click].
And then it was gone, the entire feeling of anxiety and nerves, just gone. Was it really so weird for Eli to think that his boss was genuinely happy for him? Of course he was happy, he was his protege! With a spring in his step he followed the branch chief to the elevator and watched him punch in a code he never saw before.
“You’ll be working a little deeper down than usual. It gets a bit clammy because it’s below sea level but otherwise you won’t even notice the difference!”
The elevator went down for what felt like almost 20 minutes when it came to a stop. Eli never knew that this was under the surface.. He couldn’t wait to tell the others about it.
He couldn’t believe what he saw, to the left and right of him were huge thick doors that seemed impossible to open. He thought about the fire safety drill they had to do once a month and how this was absolutely not fire safe. He kept looking around till he slammed into Faba who had come to a sudden stop and got a facefull of hair.
Faba was almost a head shorter than him and landed face first in the little tuft of hair on the top of his head. “I.. I’m sorry..” Eli braced himself to be scolded, to be told to turn around and hand in his letter of resignation but to his surprise the branch chief just smiled.
“I should have told you I was stopping. My bad.” Eli now noticed that Faba had taken his glasses off, icy blue eyes looked at him like he was wounded prey and [Click Click]. Actually scratch that. It looked fine. Pretty even.
“So this is where you’ll be outfitted, you have to look the part. Presentation is everything.”
Eli nodded. He was not going to mess up again. If the branch chief told him to jump he would ask how high.
“I’ll leave you to it! Privacy is also important.” And with that Faba turned on his heels and left the room, the thick and heavy doors slamming shut behind him.
Eli looked around and found a locker with his name written on it in neat handwriting. Like Faba had said there was an outfit waiting for him. A lab coat that looked like a simple version of the one faba was wearing, some new looser pants and new shoes and gloves with a golden rim.
He changed faster than he ever did and looked at himself from all angles and decided that he looked good.
Eli smiled and felt amazing, this paid off. Finally he could do more in life that just work. Now he could spoil the people at home, maybe take them to vacation. Kalos is nice this time of year and-
He swallowed hard, did he hear a voice? It wasn’t the branch chief voice, that was sure. He held his breath when he heard it again, a faint voice yelling for help. It was so far away but it was human and in panic.
“Hello..?” The word barely escaped his lips and he only now realised how dry his mouth was. Eli scanned the room and saw an air vent, a few inches above the floor. He got to his knees and put his ear next to it.
His stomach turned. He heard something that he could only describe as soup falling to the floor, it sounded wet but with stuff like noodles in it, the screaming slowly faded away.
Eli brought his knees up to his chin and wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. Maybe… Maybe he heard wrong. Maybe it was something else. The foundation.. it helped people and Pokemon alike. Maybe someone was watching a movie, but it sounded so real.. He should tell the branch chief or his new co-workers.. Wait- did he ever see someone wearing the outfit he was wearing right now?
“Already tired?”
Eli jumped up, equally happy to see a familiar face but terrified from what he just heard.
[Click Click]
His heartbeat slowed to a normal pace again and he exhaled. “I’m.. I’m so sorry, branch- I mean Faba. I just thought I heard something and it scared me.”
Faba looked at him, icy blues piercing directly into Eli’s soul and that smile… It seemed to go from ear to ear with slightly crooked teeth that looked weirdly sharp in this kind of light.
“Oh that.” And that was apparently all he was going to say on the topic. “I returned because I forgot something important. See, you’ll be working in a place that is a little… let’s say more dangerous than your old job so you need to be wearing this!” Eli looked at the box Faba was holding, it was neatly wrapped, like a present but Faba seemed way more excited than he was.
He carefully unwrapped the box and looked inside. It was a helmet. A weird one, with a mouth piece that looked like a modern gas mask and a golden vizor that covered the entire face.
“Tadaa!!” Faba was giddy like a mom who bought her kids that new gaming console when she said she wouldn’t. “C’mon, put it on!” He guided Eli’s hands towards the helmet and helped put it on.
“Thanks..” He realised his words were slightly slurred a thing he wanted to apologise but before he could a sharp pain like a knife stabbing his brain shut him up.
Eli started to panic and had trouble breathing, he fell to the floor and tried to pry the helmet off but it seemed tighter now.
[Click click]
Eli felt his body relaxing. Was it his body? Whose body was it? Who was he? His name, what was it again? Eli… E…? Wait how did he end up here? There was someone there, through the golden vizor he could see two icy blue circle looking at him and he felt a hand patting him on the shoulders.
“There now.” That voice.. who was it’s owner again?
“My name is Faba.” [Click Click]
“I’m your boss and you are here because I saw potential in you. You are such an obedient little one aren’t you? Always showing up on time, always using my correct title like the good boy you are.”
Was he being spoken to like a pet? Was he a pet? Was he human?
“I need you to Listen to me.” [Click Click]
Okay, listening. He could do that.
“See they aren’t all so wonderful as you are and they’ve become.. difficult. Would you be a dear and show them out, please?” [Click Click]
“I need them in little pieces, it’s easier to dispose off.. Now they may plead with you, beg you and even fight you but I know you will Listen to me and do as your told.”
The other person who called himself Faba reached out a hand and pulled him up.
“Be good.. and I may even give you your name back.”
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capsie · 7 years
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i fixed it youre welcome
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mudkib · 6 years
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morelull ;-;
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secret-of-maana · 7 years
Here’s my theory
Either Lusamine swaps with her husband and works on the Poke Pelago OR all the character from Team Skull are now the Aether Foundation and vice versa.
What do you think?
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rebecca-lotto · 7 years
with the premise of the Rainbow Rocket episode in ultra sumo , where the villians that showed up are ones  from  a universe where the player character never existed 
the homestuck in me got to thinking about doomed timelines in the pokemon universe.
namely ,  what happened to the regional professors in those successful villain timelines. and i came up with 2 things. 
in the pokemon x&y doomed timeline ,  it goes to madoka magica in an instant.  like seriously ,  in that timeline - sycamore is essentially the pokemon version of homura ; forced to reset the timeline over and over again until there’s a timeline where  lysandre  does not use the the ultimate weapon  or witch out in the process.
yep ,  the x&y doomed timeline is also a madoka crossover/ au. only really good thing about this au is qb’s numerous deaths at the hands of garchomp and almost every other pokemon sycamore meets. 
but fair warning the pokemon sun and moon doomed timeline is gonna be dark, like homestuck levels of dark and angsty ,
in the timeline where lusamine did a acrobatic off the fucking deep end , and let the ultra beasts tear alola a new one
sadly .. kukui and burnet were  the first to bite the dust at the  hands of the utlra beasts.
but the two of them came back -through divine intervention no doubt , as a gengar and mismagius respectfully.   
of course they still retain all of their memories from before . 
  they weren’t gonna let death stop them from tearing that irredeemable , weakling  bitch a new one for harming their kids.  
 lillie ends up as a cyborg in this universe , and gladion gets a robotic arm - because ub-burst blasted it off. (the robot arm is the arm gladion grabs at in his ’pose’)
so , yeah ,you have  a cyborg  , her terrifying as hell older brother and  their  ghost pokemon parents.
there’s like theories and what not about ghost pokemon  having powers to create illusions to pass off as humans .  so ,  the  nerd duo can pass off as still being human so the kiddos aren’t spooked too badly 
( author note :  i kinda associate mismagius with burnet , ‘cause  it’s a surprisingly fitting pokemon for professor burnet .  and my reasoning for  dork dad ‘reincarnating’ into a gengar is , both gengar and professor kukui can either be so fucking adorable , or the kind of nightmare fuel that would make guillermo  del toro  sleep with like 3 fucking nightlights and with a family member in his bedroom) 
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snailyslime · 7 years
My one hope for Pokemon Utlra Sun and Ultra Moon
Necrozma gets a gun and uses it to kill Lusamine
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nationalparkpromo · 6 years
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