#pokemon lunar tinybe
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pokemonlunarregion · 6 months ago
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This is Tinybe. It is a small town where the main character once had a best friend who lived here until the friend passed away from an illness. The friend's name was Melody when she was alive. It is the closest town to Jewel city. The main character will stop here after receiving a starter to pay a visit and respects to the friend's grave before going to explore the region on an adventure. The town reminds the main character of Melody. It is a town and no one calls it a city since it isn't one. The main thing it is known for is the graveyard and a place of respect to the dead.
The house with broken parts is where the friend used to live with her mother before passing away. The mother abandoned the home to return to the city she was born in during her grief over the loss of her daughter. The house was left alone as other towns people knew how much it meant to the main character. However the weather and wild pokemon don't really get that message and though the pokemon are chased out they still have caused some damage to the house. The main character told the town people that it was okay that it wasn't fixed feeling like Melody wouldn't want wasted resources for the house. All the important things were removed by the main character and Melody's mother to be protected and treasured.
The house beside Melody's old home is home to a woman who used to work in the the Lavender town Pokemon tower. She moved here to help maintain the graveyard at the end of the town. She also set up the rope section where loved ones can leave notes for those that passed away. The notes usually stay up for a good while and usually get taken by the weather or other natural factors like sometimes wild pokemon, however on occasion the lady will clean up the letters off the rope if need be and bury them at each grave the letter was addressed to. She doesn't bury it far underground just as long as its covered.
The house at the top beside the graveyard is a newly married couple who are hoping for kids of their own one day. The wife is highly focused on that though the husband wants to move to a place without a graveyard if they do have kids, he just doesn't want to admit it since its his wife's late parents home so it means a lot to her. The main character leaves it alone feeling like it should be up to the couple what they will do. Though if the main character agrees with the husband then the husband will give a potion as a thanks that someone else agrees with him at least.
The house under the rope of notes to the dead is just an old lady who is a retired nurse at the pokemon center. She has always loved the convenience of being right next to it plus the quietness of the town. She just recommends making sure that the pokemon are healthy whenever a pokemon center is seen. Basically if this was a game then this would be an NPC telling the player that the pokemon center heals the pokemon.
There is the pokemon center which has an upper floor as a doctors office for humans. There isn't really much to say about it other than it can help both humans and pokemon.
The store is pretty simple with some shelves lined with products from various everyday items to things that help trainers on their journey. The main character can talk to the employee at the counter to buy stuff. Though when starting out the main character can only buy basic things seen in actual pokemon games for the start of the journey. More opens up to the main character the further in the journey the main character is.
The last house is a tiny house where a guy lives by himself. He lets his pokemon run around freely being proud of having all of the pokemon found on the way between Jewel city and Tinybe. The pokemon are nice and the guy will even allow the main character to pet his pokemon as long as hes allowed to supervise. He will also talk about how rare or common each one is when the pokemon is interacted with. This house in a game would only serve to try to show that there is common, uncommon and rare pokemon on the routes to look out for.
The graveyard is a graveyard. It's mainly the graveyard for the small town and other nearby areas. Other towns and cities have their own spots to bury the dead. The graveyard mainly consists of humans who are burned up and the ashes sealed in the tombstone. Any pokemon that need burial depends on the life they lead like if they were close to someone who passed before or belonged to a relative of the one who passed then it is optional to add the pokemon's ashes in with the dead humans ashes, or as a second option bury in special vase somewhere by the grave of the dead human, if there is no one to bury the pokemon with or by then the pokemon will get their own spot with an offer to save the spot for the trainer or owner to be buried there with their pokemon when they pass whenever that is.
There isn't really much here. It is a stop to pay respects to a very good friend of the main characters and the first spot where the store and pokemon center are seen. Also being the first stop for the main character on the journey.
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