#pokemon detector
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Pokemon detected:
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
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Beedrill !
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
Pokemon detected:
Lord, grant me the strength to throw away this box that i'll never use, the courage to throw away this box that i'll never use, and the wisdom to throw away this box that i'll never use
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Shellos !
Lord, grant me the strength to throw away this box that i'll never use, the courage to throw away this box that i'll never use, and the wisdom to throw away this box that i'll never use
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
Pokemon detector notice:
The pokemon detector is not a bot. The pokemon detector copy pastes posts into a 150 lines of Python code. 106 of these lines are pokemon names. The pokemon detector is also well aware that many pokemon might be hidden in each post it reblogs. The pokemon detector often chooses what it thinks is the funniest option in that list of pokemon.
Thank you.
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Shiny Probopass !
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malama-art · 2 years ago
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lillie ahoge realness
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
Five, six
Five, six, seven, eight
I could be the one, or your new addiction
It's all in my head, but I want non-fiction
I don't want the world, but I'll take this city
Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty
Baby, do you like this beat?
I made it so you'd dance with me
It's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees
When you're doing it with me, doing it with me
Snap and clap and touch your toes
Raise your hands, now body roll
Dance it out, you're hot to go
Snap and clap and touch your toes
Raise your hands, now body roll
You can take me hot to go
You can take me hot to go
Pokemon detected:
Five, six Five, six, seven, eight I could be the one, or your new addiction It's all in my head, but I want non-fiction I don't want the world, but I'll take this city Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty Baby, do you like this beat? I made it so you'd dance with me It's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees When you're doing it with me, doing it with me H-O-T-T-O-G-O snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll Dance it out, you're hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll H-O-T-T-O-G-OH-O-T-T-O-G-OYou can take me hot to go H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go
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Shiny Meloetta (danse form) !
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
Pokemon detected:
starting to think these maidens are stumbling in soaked through from the rain just to steal my beautiful gowns and homewear are any of you actually lost
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Gothitelle !
maidens if you are going to flee dramatically from my castle in the middle of the night once i reveal my true nature to you please leave your candelabra on the little ledge by the portcullis we are running out of them
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ytcomments-archive · 2 months ago
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espers-n-espurrs · 6 months ago
oh. yknow. we decided to use cheap pillows as “training dummies”.
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tsunderedetector · 9 months ago
How is Kiki from Pokémons' Tsundere meter looking?
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beep beep
Kieran seems like a kuudere or mayadere!
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
Pokemon detected !
for a moment i lived in a beautiful world where doctor who didn’t exist and this was simply a seven-ate-nine joke too layered for me to understand
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Floette !
and what if I told you nine was less afraid of love than ten. what then.
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battle-subway-ghost · 2 years ago
Owning a Musharna's all fun and games until you wake up tired as shit and realize your room is completely filled with black mist. Again. Because decent sleep will just never be an option.
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the-sleepiest-melon · 2 years ago
Concept for a paradox form of Rayquaza based on particle colliders.
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its-gonna-be-may · 10 months ago
Your sister got possessed by a ghost
👓Well, that would explain a few things. But my ghost detectors would have gone off if she was.
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pika-ace · 4 months ago
TWST as Ghost Stories quotes...because it popped into my head and I couldn't resist
Kalim: There’s nothing to be afraid of, guys, monsters only eat evil people like Republicans and we’re not old enough to vote!
Yuu: Grim is a very special cat! He just showed up…on the day of my mother’s funeral. My DEAD mother? You feel bad now?
Ruggie: My BS detector’s going ‘ding!’
Deuce: I can read! Well, not well, but I can read. And THOSE letters…are BACKWARDS!
Silver: looking at a rabbit cage My friends over there think you’re a rabbit serial killer. And in the movies, this is the part where I foolishly trust you not to kill me and stick my hand in the cage. rabbit becomes a demon YOU SON OF A BITCH!!
Rollo: (holds up a cell phone) Like Jesus, it never stops working for you
Sebek: A cellphone! Well what do you know; would’ve been nice to know 30 MINUTES AGO!!!
Vil: I didn’t force you into this, you’re the one who wanted to do it, so there.
Cater: Sometimes ‘yes’ means ‘no’!
Vil: And sometimes, you’re a bitch.
Lilia: Now THAT is some really nice animation.
Epel: Alright, c’mon guys!
Jade: Holy time machine, Batman, it’s 1973!
Floyd: Holy pre-Parkinsons Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd Back to the Future plot rip-off device, WHERE’S MY DELORIAN?!
Ace: Leave me alone, I’m doing my standard ‘anime elbows up’ pose.
Idia: gasp It’s the chick from The Ring! I mean…The Grudge…what movie are we ripping off again?
Crowley: Time to go home, load up that bong, and watch Pokemon! WOO!
Jamil: RUN! She’s a ghost AND a bitch!
Rollo: ….HaveyouacceptedJesusasyoursavor?
Ruggie: No, I’m Jewish
Rollo: I just want to make sure you’re saved-
Ace: How high ARE you?
Deuce: on the phone There’s no one around! I can’t hear anything! I’m freaking out! Paranoid!
Ace: You smoked ALL OF IT didn’t you? ...I mean, what are you talking about, there’s tons of people here!
Deuce: YOU smoked all of it!! There’s NO ONE here!
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d3adring3r · 1 year ago
Rika Headcanons Master List:
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Rika goes by pretty much any pronoun doesn't mind if you call them a he/she/or they.
Rika has a green thumb and loves gardening.
Their favorite genre of music is ska or alternative but they don't mind listening to a little bit of everything.
Their first Pokemon was a Paldean Wooper which is now a Clodsire and her ace.
Very prone to displaying public displays of affectionate, either romantic or platonic.
Went to a tough school in a bad area growing up .
They put on a facade of being tough and smug to survive.
Rika dislikes makeup and prefers to show off their natural looks.
Their full name is Paprika, but much prefers to go by just Rika.
Rika is a massive foodie despite their lanky frame.
Enjoys making people laugh or relax.
Even the most shy people eventually feel comfortable talking with Rika.
Has a very earthy and motherly vibe to them. Despite her farcical nature, Rika is a lot more wise than she lets on.
Loves kids. She will happily babysit for anyone.
Rika loves ground types because they remind her to stay grounded and firm with their beliefs.
Her childhood was chaotic so the symbolism of ground types reminds her to take one day at a time.
Rika loves to tease and to push buttons, but never out of malice.
Rika is somewhat short, being about 5'6.
She knows it's horrible for her health, but she smokes.
Their voice is somewhat crass and loud with a slight southern twang.
A lot stronger than she looks. She can easily drag around Clodsire by his tail.
Rika is very clumsy and often trips over herself or bumps into things.
Her hands are usually always in her pockets.
Rika taps their feet when they are stressed or impatient.
She is really fond of her league-issued black gloves and is rarely seen without them, even when not working.
She's a sucker for puns and loves telling dad jokes.
They are highly protective of people they love or care for.
Rika is really bad at cooking. She tends to burn her food.
She can drive a motorcycle and thinks she's very badass when she does.
Rika would be the first person to stand up for someone who is getting harassed.
Despite their goofy nature, they have a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to get physical to defend people they love.
Has a strong weakness for anything small and cute (Exhibit A: Poppy).
Rika loves simulation or farm raising video games.
Highly competitive when battling. Rika will become very pouty if she loses.
It's nearly impossible to lie to them due to their strong BS detector.
They are bisexual, but have a slight preference for women.
Kinda a hypocrite due to the fact they love to tease, but if someone teases them back, they become flustered.
She keeps emergency Clodsire plushies for kids who need some positive reinforcement during interviews.
Often uses Clodsire as somewhat of an emotional support pokemon for people who have anxiety due to his relaxed and dopey nature.
Rika can be a little bit too cocky sometimes, especially when battling
Butchers common sayings on purpose.
Used to explore caves when they were younger.
She is into body modification due to her piercings.
Prefers to dress masculine because it's more comfy to her.
If anyone she cares about is sick, she would rush over to check on time multiple times bringing soup and blankets. No questions asked.
Has a bad habit of swearing often.
They smell like the earth and the ground after it rains.
When in a relationship, they can be possessive and "claim" their lover by leaving marks from bites.
Rika prefers to be the dominant one in the bedroom, but doesn't mind switching occasionally.
Is an adult-child and has a horde of Wooper and Clodsire plushies at home.
Got into many fights as a teenager.
If anyone is crying, she would run up to them and offer them a hug without hesitation.
They find it hilarious that people think they're a guy at first glance.
They are proud of their androgynous appearance and aren't ashamed to break some already established norms.
Rika has a hard time thinking abstractly. She is definitely more of a practical thinker.
Loves to attend parties and entertain others.
Often walks barefoot to feel the ground beneath them.
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pokemondetector · 2 months ago
I belive Kadabra is by far the best pokemon, it has a perfect design. It is far superior to any other pokemon. If I could make one pokemon real it would be Kadabra. Kadabra is so perfect nothing made before or after it is ever remotely good. Abra and Alakazam have nothing on the perfect and amazing Kadabra. It is the most perfect thing ever created. I belive human beings were made for one thing and that is create the perfect creation that is kadabra. Kadabra is art. Kadabra is perfect. Kadabra is life.
Pokemon detected:
I belive Kadabra is by far the best pokemon, it has a perfect design. It is far superior to any other pokemon. If I could make one pokemon real it would be Kadabra. Kadabra is so perfect nothing made before or after it is ever remotely good. Abra and Alakazam have nothing on the perfect and amazing Kadabra. It is the most perfect thing ever created. I belive human beings were made for one thing and that is create the perfect creation that is kadabra. Kadabra is art. Kadabra is perfect. Kadabra is life.
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Sableye !
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