#poise? mature? disciplined? well-mannered
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fibbib · 5 months ago
I want Shadow Milk Cookie to have a perfect child syndrome.
"But doesn't Raspberry/Creme Brulle Cookie already have that-" Okay. well- then i want him to have a musicman syndrome.
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rhaenyratargeryn · 4 years ago
Pairing: Takemura Goro x (female) V Rating: Mature Summary: When his plans for revenge fail, V and Takemura are left right where they once started. A dying thief and a disgraced soldier, with as much in common as they lack and an improbable bond that holds them to one another. Notes: Post-Canon, Nomad ending. Spoilers for post-game! Read on AO3 Read Ch. 1
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The first awareness was that of light. Warm and bright behind his lids. The second awareness was ache. Persistent, painful and sharpened to a razor’s edge at every small movement.
Takemura begrudgingly accepted consciousness, finding the will somewhere inside him to open his eyes and look towards where the offending ray of sunshine was being allowed in.
The tent flap was being held open, just a sliver, and a pair of soft brown eyes, large and doe like in the middle of a tan-skinned face stared at him with interest. She had full round cheeks, youthfulness in every aspect of her cherub like features. The child froze as their eyes met, but slowly she smiled, a dimple in each corner of her mouth.
It was the height of spring, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and their petals scattered over the still pond in the gardens of the estate. Small pink ships, sailing endlessly on the vast sea.
Takemura was twenty-nine, three years dedicated already as an elite Arasaka soldier and known for his discipline, his dutifulness and his loyalty. When he did not pace the nearby halls, or stand at attention near Saburo-sama’s side, he was allowed to sit kneeled on a small mat on the wooden floor. His hand would remain on one hip, poised over his katana and another over his gun, his eyes sharp and his cyberware readings keenly attuned to every person who may move within the family halls.
It should have been a point of great shame for him then, that the tiny stumble of socked feet did not catch his attention until he found before him a small girl, her cherub cheeks puffed with a smile. She held up a drawing, or rather, scribbles upon paper in varying shades of black and red and tanned peach, all forming together to make a familiar silhouette.
“Taka-san, I drew you!”
In his duty, Takemeru was not to engage with others. He was meant to be as the room, as furniture or a tool left out. A knife on a table. What he was not meant to do, was speak to Saburo-sama’s three year old daughter. She was Saburo-sama’s joy, his greatest treasure, a child he doted on and who went everywhere at her father’s side.
Takemura looked to him now, for guidance, he told himself, but the look he gave Saburo-sama was more aligned with pleading.
“My daughter has presented you with a gift, Takameru. Be polite.” his master said without another glance, turning his attention back to his tablet.
Hanako waited patiently, expectantly. Takemeru found it difficult to even bring the words forth, his tongue sluggish and thick from so long hardly speaking much at all.
“Thank you, Hanako-sama. It is… lovely.”
She beamed, her smile drawing wider until a tiny dimple dotted high on her cheek. With insistence, she held it out for him and with equal amounts of hesitation, Takemeru took his hand from his blade and slipped the paper from her hands.
A voice called out a name, the sound hazy and muted on Takemeru’s ears. The girl turned, answering the call without looking back, leaving only the sway of dropped tent flap to ever prove she was there at all.
Takemeru let his eyes drift back closed, trying to recall the lines, the colors of the drawing. He had kept it, folded and safe beneath his armored vest for several days… but where did it go? What had he done with it after? It had been eighteen years since the blossoms and yet the few months he had spent alone, masterless and exiled, felt so much longer.
The tent opened again and Takemura groaned when the light flashed into his pupils.
“Morning.” a voice spoke, the man who had sewn up his shoulder and his side coming to sit near the cot Takemura was still shackled too. The man, too his wisdom, kept a good distance between them still.
“Is the pain bad? We scrounged up some MaxDoc to help take the edge off if you’re needin’ some.”
Takemura did not reply.
“Also need to change your IV. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways when it comes to saline and good ole H2O…. unless you’re feeling up to drinking some water?”
Water. The very word drew Takemura’s attention to how dry his throat was, how paperlike his tongue felt against the roof of his mouth. Water. His body pleaded to his mind. Water.
Takemura nodded, short and curt.
“Great. Hold on— “
Takemura watched the man as he moved around the tent, doing a good job still of keeping out of arm's reach. As his eyes traced his movements, he noted a change to the room.
There was a second cot set up at his other side.
In the second cot, was V.
Takemura felt a snarl build up near his teeth, a look of disgust and outrage ready to mar his features… until his eyes caught up with his emotions.
V looked terrible. Worse than terrible. Her skin had an unhealthy pallor to it, greyish and clammy. Her breaths were short and slow, as if her own lungs were too tired to make more of an effort. Some strange band was attached around her head, monitors fixed to her temples as a nearby computer beeped and monitored large spikes and numbers that made no sense to Takemura.
The doctor caught him staring as he returned with a cup of water. Takemura sat up as best he could manage, unsurprised when the doctor called in another to stand guard with a gun in their hand while he held the cup for Takemura to drink from. He was not to be unrestrained it would seem, though his prey lay but a scant few feet away.
“Another seizure. Hit her hard. Been out as long as you now, but… well. We’ll see what happens.”
Takemura frowned, “‘What happens’?”
He cursed himself for speaking, but the words were out before he could catch himself.
“If she wakes up. Every time it seems she has one it takes longer and longer… one day I figure she just won’t.”
V had succeeded in removing the relic, had rid herself of her demon and in doing so had thought to free herself from impending doom… and it had all been for nothing. Saburo was dead. Hanako was dead… and V was still going to die.
Takemura refused food when offered and drank only a little, the pain of his wounds a welcome distraction for the turmoil in his chest.
He never would have thought nomads would have such tech available to them, but in the large tent there was enough equipment and cases to fill a small clinic. This man is what Takemura could only imagine was their version of a ripperdoc, but he didn’t have to worry about the man trying to invoke his sympathies towards V for long. A young woman entered the tent and the ripperdoc gave her a respectful nod.
“She good, Tom?” the woman asked and Tom nodded, “Okay. Take a breather.”
She shrugged toward the tent entrance. Tom frowned, but he didn’t argue, getting up and exiting the tent and offering Takemura a quick view of the guards outside. They were still present. Not a good tactical advantage.
The woman set her fists on her hips, eyes narrowed as she scrutinized him with dark brown eyes. She has no visible cyberware to speak of, but it was common for Nomads to reject enhancement, at least in his limited experience.
Takemura, despite his feelings, spoke politely enough.
“I am Takemura Goro. If V has not already informed you.”
The woman looked a bit taken back by his easy words, but after a moment that surprise resumed an expression of suspicion.
“She did. Now you wanna tell me how you found us? And who else knows where we are?”
Takemura frowned, “It is considered extremely rude not to introduce oneself. Even to enemies.”
The woman’s face flushed red down to her neck and her teeth set against the inside of her cheek. She had a short-temper, but also a position of authority and respect given how the ripperdoc had so easily relented to her requests. She was a leader, but a potentially weak one, Takemura set that information aside for later.
“You attack my people and you wanna school me on manners, Corpo?”
“...You have someone I want.” Takemura stated, a simple reasoning for why the young Nomads he encountered were threatened.
“Too god damn bad. Now who else knows where we are?”
Takemura fell silent again, a sigh held back in his throat. V stirred slightly on the cot nearby, drawing both of their attention to the other woman as she flinched and jerked slightly in sleep. The monitors sped for only a moment and then slowed again, whatever neurological event passing quickly.
The Nomad woman’s expression had broken apart quickly from one of stubbornness and annoyance to worry… colored with affection and familial concern. She cared for V. She cared for V very strongly. That would complicate any attempts of persuasion or negotiation, but then again, Takemura had not considered those to be strong tactics to begin with.
The woman looked down at her boots and then, curtly spoke, “I’m Panam Palmer.”
“It is good to meet you, Palmer-san.” Takemeru said, but his words were filled with polite detachment that would make it quite evident even to Panam that they were simply a platitude.
“How did you find us?”
“Simple reconnaissance. I visited towns. Spoke to people. It was difficult for several weeks, but then…” Takemura paused.
“You and your people became lazy.”
Panam sucked in her cheek again, but controlled her emotions.
“Are there others coming?”
“Wow… I mean, wow. Didn’t expect you to just offer that one up.”
“I have no reason to lie. My purpose is simple. You and your people are responsible for the death of one I held in utmost regard and respect. I am duty bound to end the life of the one who commanded it.”
Silence followed the end of his words, the steady beeping of the monitor filling the room. Suddenly then, Panam scoffed out a laugh and Takemura jerked his head up to glare at the young woman, forgetting himself.
“Jesus christ… you Corpo’s are really crazy, you know that? You’re ‘duty bound’? By who? You aren’t Arasaka. You aren’t anything. You come here and try to kill my sister because of some deluded belief you owe a buncha criminals and psychopaths? Who don’t want you?”
With each word her volume increased, the look of revulsion so prominent on her features that even if she had chosen not to mince her words, her distaste would have been clear. Negotiation it would seem, was not a viable option.
Takemura felt her words, but only in that they stoked a growing tension edging through his limbs and fueled a gnawing want to snap this crude woman’s neck. He let his anger stream out from his chest and into his hands, clenching them a bit tighter to try and relieve some of the pressure his growing anger exuded.
“This is what is gonna happen,” Panam began, her voice having grown colder, “We’re gonna dump you out on the sand with a quart of motor oil and a pistol and take bets on whether you shoot yourself before or after the thirst makes you crazy enough to drink it.”
The image was certainly— vivid. The sadism of such a statement catching Takemura slightly off guard.
“Wow. ” said a voice instantly recognized by both of them as V’s , “I mean, that is one stone cold line. I think I’ll steal that.”
“Shit, V— you need me to get Tom?” Panam had all but forgotten about Takemura, moving around to V’s cot to try and prevent the other woman from getting up.
Yes. An indignant Johnny-Silverhand-induced auditory hallucination said quietly in the back of her mind. Maybe one day she’d get lucky and forget what the guy sounded like, then her head-voice would go back to just being her voice.
More importantly, she was nauseated as all fucking get out and Panam’s hand on her arm was doing a great job of making V feel a bit more grounded. She heard a faint click, the sound of someone chidingly clicking their tongue against their teeth and looked up to see Takemura had turned from them both, staring pointedly at nothing. But it was nothing away from V.
“No execution by desert, aight?” V said, lulling her head back towards Panam.
“Sure. Fine. Execution by bullet works just as well.” Panam said, shooting Takemura a dirty look that went unnoticed.
“Talkabout it later.” V said, only slightly slurring her words as she pulled the band off her head and peeled the monitors off a moment later. The computer made an alarming noise and V had a funny feeling it was becoming quickly overcrowded and overly loud for the former Arasaka bodyguard.
“Got an idea to make everyone happy.”
Takemura’s interest had been piqued. V caught him casting a look out of the corner of his eye at her.
What the fuck, V. Panam's voice still rang in her head, rolling around in her ears and in her skull and fueling an oncoming headache. For once, the voice didn't sound like Johnny though and maybe that was a good sign.
Of course Panam would hate the plan. But in the end, it wasn’t her choice. It wasn’t her life and although it had gone over about as well as V expected, for now, things were set. When she came back inside the tent, Tom had provided Takemura with an old t-shirt, the design on the front so faded it was barely more than a static of print.
His hair was down, which shrouded the grey near his temples and made him look somehow… younger. Less stiff. The look in his eyes though had not changed. Steel resolve and hardened granite. He had built a wall between them and V could hardly blame him for it… in the end, she hadn’t kept her end of the deal. But then again, she was still right where she was at the start. Sick, dying and Arasaka’s most wanted. So he could hardly say he kept up his either.
“Option one,” she began, “I’m dying. So honestly, killin’ me at this juncture would be a relief from what I got coming for me. It’s gonna be slow. It’s gonna be awful. I’m offering you front row seats to watchin’ my body slowly eat itself alive.”
Takemura’s eyes narrowed.
“I know what you’re thinkin’. ‘But you’re lookin’ for a cure’. We are. Which brings me to option two. We let you stick around while we look. If we find one and I get fixed up? You get your pistols at dawn or whatever. Get the satisfaction of knowing you got to kill me when I’m not already dead. Hell, not gonna lie. You killin' me after all this bullshit and then after I save my life too? That would be... well, I’ll give you a genuine fight for my life. If that’s what you want.”
V shrugged, “And you’ve already heard option three.”
“These options require me staying with this caravan for an unknown amount of time.”
“Six months, actually. Or five rather. So yeah. Five month wait..”
“How do I know they will not kill me before either of these things happen?”
V grinned.
“I asked them nicely.”
Her smile faltered.
“Why not pick option three for yourself?” Takemura said, offering the most practical and simple solution. The one she was sure right now, if they were in reverse situations, he would take.
It was a good damn question too. And V was certain she had a good damn answer half a second ago, but now with Takemura staring at her, grey eyes shrewd and with just a flicker of uncertainty… shit, seeing him at all… it made the words sound so ridiculous.
“I told you I didn’t mean for what happened to happen. I owe you, for a lot and this is the only way it’ll… sit right. For us both, I think. You don’t seem the type that would get much satisfaction outta killing me how I am now.”
V laughed, a nervous bubble of sound as she turned her eyes away and picked at a frayed thread on the knee of her pants.
“Also...guess cause we were friends once I feel like I should give you some closure. Not somethin’ I’ve gotten much in life, but welp. Here is my chance to give some.”
“...You wish to die with some honor restored.” Takemura’s voice for once held no trace of disgust, no edge of hatred. His voice was quiet, resigned. Understanding. It was not a tone V had ever thought to hear again from the man.
“Yeah, sure... if you’ll let me.”
Neither of them met each other's eyes. Two people, staring holes into opposite sides of a tent, as if refusing to acknowledge one another would somehow make them feel less.
“It is two options, not three.”
V looked up at the remark.
“Option one is, remain to witness your death or be the cause of it should you recover. Option two is motor oil and pistol.”
V held back a smile just barely. How could someone remain this pedantic even when discussing such a morbid topic?
“I accept option one.” Takemura met her eyes, only briefly, “I am patient man. I can wait.”
“Plus it gives you time to actually heal and then say fuck it and off me in my sleep or something.”
Takemura wrinkled his nose, “I could ‘off’ you now if you’d like.”
He pulled up his arm, revealing that at some time during all this chatting and debating he had gotten out of one of the cuffs.
Takemura casually used his other hand to put his thumb back in its socket, finding it impossible to miss how V did a full body shudder at the sound.
“Hard pass.” she said, still cringing.
“I will honor my word,” Takemura said, easily making work of the other handcuff and tossing it aside. He flexed his fingers, bringing them up to begin pulling his hair out of his face. V, for some reason, felt compelled to avert her gaze. It felt weirdly intimate, like she was watching him undress. Takemura brushed his fingertips over his wrist, frowning to himself before letting his hair go, falling back around his shoulders.
“You need a scrunchie?” V asked, unable to stop the small smile from forming at the corner of her mouth. What could she say? Johnny had tried to kill her once and she forgave him. Her standards were never exactly high. And a part of her, a small hopeful part of her thought maybe there was still time to make something right before she died.
Wrong city for happy endings. Her inner voice chided in Johnny's flat tone. But they weren't in Night City anymore.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian: How Luke’s Powers Compare to Ahsoka’s
Just last year, The Mandalorian’s unforgettable second season finale provided the early post-Original-Trilogy glimpse of Luke Skywalker for which Star Wars fans have long-craved. Yet, it was apparent that the Original Trilogy protagonist’s powers increased exponentially in the five years that passed in the timeline; a notion that reinforced the belief that Luke is the most powerful Jedi in the universe. However, the impressive live-action debut of animated icon Ahsoka Tano earlier in the season invited a debate on Jedi powers. It’s a topic that was recently reignited, thanks to comments from executive producer Dave Filoni.
The recent premiere of Disney+ documentary series Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 2 has proven profoundly revelatory about the technological magic that brought a Return of the Jedi-era Mark Hamill back onscreen in 2020 as Luke Skywalker for The Mandalorian “Chapter 16: The Rescue.” Interestingly, it also revealed the thought process that went behind the way that this rendition of Luke would be presented, powers-wise. After all, the scene in question, while poised to deliver the reddest of red meat moments to the fandom, still needed to be executed with the narrative discipline to present Luke as an awe-inspiring Force-powered figure while avoiding the pitfalls of making him an obscenely overpowered plot-lifting deus ex-machina manifestation. However, in explaining his though process on limiting Luke’s powers, Filoni unwittingly kicked an Ahsoka-shaped hornet’s nest.  
“It would be very easy to just make [Luke] so over-the-top skilled,” says Filoni. “But I was like, ‘You know, what’s interesting is he’s had training, but I don’t know who’s been teaching him sword-fight training lately.’ So, he had to have a style that was better than what we saw in Jedi, but fundamentally still of the same tree of sword-fighting technique. And his technique and Ahsoka’s technique should be very different. And technically, she’s had vastly more training than he ever has. She’s actually his senior, which is, I think, difficult for people to remember ‘cause of when these characters were created.”
Filoni’s comment led to a debate of sorts on (where else?) Twitter, the welcoming social media hub for measured, mature and always-respectful discourse over differing opinions. Possibly attributed to perceived bias on the part of Filoni (as Ahsoka’s creator), the comment was taken as a claim that Ahsoka is more powerful than Luke. While that, of course, remains subjective, his actually-stated notion of Ahsoka being Luke’s senior is factually accurate, based on the canonical timeline. Additionally, her training in the ways of the Force was substantially longer and more formal. While that doesn’t necessarily make her more powerful, it does likely mean that she’s more knowledgeable than Luke, not just from being older, but due to the pedigree of her Jedi training.
Ahsoka’s academic program started after being found by Jedi Master Plo Koon as a small child on her native planet of Togruta, after which she went through the regular academic wringer at the Jedi Temple under the direct tutelage of myriad Jedi Knights and Masters, patiently trained to harness her innate Force powers in what was to be a life-long learning endeavor. Indeed, the grandiose, elite life path of Jedi was first implied in The Phantom Menace when Yoda initially deemed an 8-year-old Anakin Skywalker “too old” to be trained in the ways of the Force. Clearly, Coruscant’s Jedi Temple is no one’s backup school.
Read more
How The Mandalorian Resurrected a Jedi to Cover Luke’s Surprise Role
By Joseph Baxter
What The Mandalorian Means for Ahsoka Tano’s Future in Star Wars
By John Saavedra
Indisputable facts state that Ahsoka was wandering the galaxy toward the end of the Clone Wars as a formidable apostate Jedi well before Luke was even a forbidden gleam in the sand-hating Anakin Skywalker’s eye. We even witnessed a notable step in her extensive training process in Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ 2008 series-launching feature film, in which an adolescent Ahsoka—already a skilled fighter—was first assigned as a Padawan learner to an initially-reluctant Anakin. Naturally, we saw Ahsoka’s skills evolve for years on the series, tested against the events of the titular war, and she would even rise to supreme splendor years later upon resurfacing on Star Wars Rebels to take on Darth Vader. Consequently, by the time we reach the post-Return of the Jedi era of Rosario Dawson’s live-action Ahsoka on The Mandalorian, she clearly achieved a sagely level—not just when comes to her signature two-lightsaber combat style, but also deep wisdom regarding her spiritual connection with the Force, through which she was able to reveal Baby Yoda’s true name as Grogu. In the very least, most can agree Ahsoka would have a lot to teach Luke—that is, if they haven’t met already, which we don’t know for sure.
Nevertheless, in a stark contrast pertinent to our pandemic era, Luke Skywalker was the original distance learner; a product of formerly-lofty institutional standards loosened out of necessity (in this case the extermination of the Jedi Order). His in-person training was—at least, as portrayed in the Original Trilogy—severely limited to a few fundamentals imparted ever-so-briefly by Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Millennium Falcon, and later from what amounted to a few days of Force training on Dagobah with Yoda. Consequently, in the arena of formally recognized Jedi credentials, Ahsoka is an Ivy League university graduate with workplace experience from years fighting the Clone Wars. Luke, on the other hand, came off a fast-tracked Jedi GED to earn a Jedi Skills Certificate from the proverbial online school of discovered Jedi texts and holocrons, making him a galactic Zoom class student, presumably deprived of opportunities to physically implement what he’d learned.
Of course, those ideas don’t necessarily seal the deal in the Luke/Ahsoka debate (if it even is a debate), since the true extent of Luke’s post-Jedi education is not really known. While “The Rescue” didn’t answer the question of who’s been teaching Luke advanced lightsaber techniques, the ease and stylistic panache with which he single-handedly dispatched a heavily-armed and armored platoon of Moff Gideon’s robotic Dark Troopers make it abundantly clear that his combat skills somehow evolved substantially from the rudimentary wide swipes and overhead caveman-swings showcased in Return of the Jedi. Thus, Luke’s upgraded skills seem attributed to something far more substantial than ancient books. Additionally, his life in the post-Original Trilogy, pre-Sequel Trilogy remains fertile ground in the Disney-designated franchise; a state due in no small part to the company’s canonical erasure of the vast array of Expanded Universe books and comics, now dubbed the “Legends” lore, which extensively showcased a now-apocryphal version of that era.
However, as we’ve seen with the Force, combat skills don’t necessarily make one more powerful, at least not in the manner through which the Jedi view the balance of the universe. For example, Qui-Gon Jinn was defeated in a duel with a mere Sith apprentice in Darth Maul, but his spiritual knowledge facilitated a subsequent trail-blazing ascension to the living Force, becoming the first fully-manifested Jedi Spirit, as vaguely teased in the Prequel Trilogy, and showcased on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Moreover, Matthew Stover’s novelization of Sequel Trilogy closer Revenge of the Sith provides a key contextual moment omitted from the film, since Qui-Gon appears to Yoda fully-manifested as a Jedi spirit, offering to teach him the technique. At that point, the ancient and conventionally more-powerful Jedi master admits his hubris and exercises humility, stating to the spectral Qui-Gon, “A great Jedi Master you always were, but too blind I was to see it. Your apprentice, I gratefully become.”
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Pertinent to this point, the version of Luke we saw over 30 years beyond the timeline of his monumental Mandalorian moment in sequel films The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi may have been—to much controversy—disheveled, disenchanted and oddly-indifferent, but he was able to demonstrate some unprecedented Omega-level abilities (to borrow from the X-Men’s parlance). This idea proves that Luke’s Force education—such as it was—was nevertheless substantial enough for him to form a Jedi Academy to carry on the lost traditions—tragic ending of said academy notwithstanding. Consequently, any earnest debate about which Jedi is more powerful would likely require far more detail and nuance than the various agendas of the Twittersphere are able to conjure.
The post The Mandalorian: How Luke’s Powers Compare to Ahsoka’s appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2UYcFdg
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lastpic21 · 4 years ago
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The day you go to get your new puppy always has a bit of magic about it. It is a day of anticipation and excitement, dreams and possibilities, hopes and aspirations. Puppies have a way of reducing even the most serious adult to spontaneous displays of childlike delight. This is part of their charm. A puppy touches something very deep in us, and when we first hold one in our arms it is easy to be swept away with blind enthusiasm. Who would suspect the challenge that awaits us?
Nevertheless, a puppy’s “magic” is deceiving. Whether this day is truly blessed remains to be seen, and so we offer a word of caution: enthusiasm that is not grounded in reality—not supported by knowledge and understanding—has a way of fizzling when ordinary problems develop. Once the puppy passes the novelty stage, once he becomes a familiar part of your household, the true nature of the relationship becomes apparent, and second thoughts may arise. New owners can quickly lose interest. Always keep in mind that a sustained relationship requires a more substantial foundation than mere enthusiasm.
Beyond the joy and emotion of getting a puppy—beyond the good feelings this new bundle of life inspires in us—lies a deeper, more profound reality that should be the anchor of any relationship with a dog: adoption. Adopting a puppy means bringing him into the heart of your home, and developing a healthy relationship demands plenty of hard work and dedication from you—especially now, at the beginning. The day you adopt a puppy begins a new phase in his existence, one rooted in his earliest experiences yet now poised to take fresh expression in your life. How he develops now depends largely on you. The puppy is no longer the breeder’s, no longer his mother’s. Today he becomes your puppy, a new member of your family, and this means you become parent, companion, pack leader—the puppy’s closest friend.
If this sounds sentimental or idealistic to you, think again. Canines are among the most sociable species in the animal kingdom. Whereas a wolf pup is naturally integrated into the wider pack with his brothers and sisters, your pup does not have that possibility. Instead, he adapts himself by establishing his closest social bonds with you and those you live with, treating all of you as his fellow pack members. It is now up to you to teach your pup his proper role in your pack family, a process that begins the moment you adopt him.
As we have seen over and over again, a puppy builds on previous experiences, and this is especially true of his first few days in your home. Good habits start from the beginning. Planning ahead, taking the time and energy necessary to help your pup make a smooth transition to his new home, increases the probability that his good behavior will continue to develop into maturity. The opposite is also true. High amounts of stress, careless house-training procedures, pampering, and improper discipline, to name just a few potential problems, can get the relationship off to a rocky start and lead to serious problems later on. Since it is reasonable to assume that this puppy will be an intimate part of your life for the next ten to fifteen years, you should put serious thought and effort into these first few days in order to establish a sound framework for the future.
With this in mind, let us take a detailed look at your pup’s first few days with you. During this time, the guiding principle should be to minimize unnecessarily stressful experiences and to establish a natural rhythm to which your puppy can easily adjust. Since there is so much to remember, having a clear set of guidelines will help bring order and understanding to a potentially chaotic period and reduce stress for you and your puppy. The following suggestions will get you and your dog off to a good start, one that you will appreciate in the months and years to come. “In my beginning is my end.”
At the Breeder’s
A puppy should be adopted only when someone can stay with him most of the time during the first week to promote house-training and socialization. This may mean sacrificing a week of vacation; however, the long-term benefits make it worthwhile. Speak with the breeder in advance and arrange to pick up your puppy on the morning of the first day of a long weekend or planned vacation. This will allow the puppy to spend most of the first day with you and will hasten his adjustment to both you and your home.
Ask your breeder not to give the puppy food or water on the morning of pickup. Most do this routinely, but it is best to confirm. Fasting will not harm the pup and reduces the likelihood that he will get carsick and vomit on the way home. Also, we advise that you bring at least one other adult with you, since it is difficult to drive and watch the puppy at the same time. If you have a long trip ahead of you, you might consider carrying a crate in the car; however, if you do this, you should have the breeder expose the pup to a crate several days beforehand.
If your puppy has already been selected for you, you will naturally want to spend some time with him when you arrive at the breeder’s. When you first meet your pup, sit or crouch down to his level and start playing with him. We like clients to take ten or fifteen minutes to make friends with the pup before we start answering particular questions and going over the necessary paperwork. This gives the new owners’ initial excitement and anticipation a chance to subside and helps everyone pay closer attention to instructions during the interview.
New owners ordinarily have lots of questions for the breeder, so it is wise to make a list of them beforehand. In addition to specific questions about the way the puppy was raised and the type of personality he possesses (in the litter as well as by himself), you should ask how he scored on his Puppy Aptitude Test (see appendix). The results will suggest specific guidelines for handling your particular pup andwill help you avoid management errors during the first weeks.
Make sure that you get a written record of the immunizations and wormings your puppy has received. If your pup is purebred, you should be given a copy of his pedigree and the AKC registration slip. Though you may have a particular type of dog food in mind for your pup, it is always best to continue feeding the brand that the puppy is currently eating for several more days, gradually changing to the new brand. Sudden shifts in diet add stress and can lead to diarrhea or loss of appetite. If you do not plan to use the brand chosen by the breeder, ask if he can give you several days’ supply to help with the weaning process.
The Ride Home
Keep the ride home as relaxed and low-key as possible, allowing whoever accompanied you to do the driving. Unless you are using a dog crate, cover your lap and the seating area next to you with a towel or old bedsheet in case the puppy gets carsick. Let the pup ride in either location, and keep one hand in gentle contact with him. It is best to avoid any kind of coddling or doting behavior, especially if the pup starts to whine, since this only reinforces whining as an attention-getting behavior. A certain amount of whimpering is to be expected; if things get too noisy, try putting the pup on the floor between your feet: the vibrations of the car often have a calming effect. Do not punish the pup for whining or vomiting. On the way home, stop periodically and let the puppy stretch his legs, but stay away from any area that is frequented by other dogs, since your pup is not yet fully vaccinated and is vulnerable to contagious diseases.
Introduction to the House
When you arrive home, first take the puppy outdoors to the spot you have chosen for his soiling area and wait for him to eliminate. Normally after a car ride the puppy will have to relieve himself, and when he does so, be sure to praise him enthusiastically. Then bring the puppy into the house and allow him to walk around and explore, keeping an eye on him from a distance. Do not be surprised if the pup seems a little disoriented at first. Even the most outgoing puppy will experience strain or confusion in a strange environment, separated from his littermates. Be calm and reassuring, and allow the pup to adjust at his own pace.
If, while exploring, the puppy shows interest in chewing something inappropriate, gently distract him by focusing his attention on a squeak toy or meat-scented nylon bone. Do not discipline the pup at this time. Should your dog not seem interested in the toy or bone, entice him with some play-inducing gestures such as quick clapping or rubbing your hands along the floor. If he starts to follow you around the house, encourage him. Tap the side of your leg (or jingle keys if the pup is used to them) and call his name as you walk, praising him as he comes along and investigates the different rooms. During these first days, whenever your pup begins to focus his attention on you—either to follow or simply tolook up at you—say his name in a cheerful, pleasant tone that encourages him to hold eye contact. These simple dominance exercises quickly teach your pup his name while presenting you as his leader in a way that builds confidence and trust. Conclude the session by crouching down and playing with him on his level for a while.
Keep the introduction to your household quiet and unforced, allowing the process of bonding to develop in a relaxed and gradual manner. For the first few days, it is important not to overwhelm the puppy with visitors who are curious about the new arrival. Don’t introduce your pup to friends and relatives until you are certain he has made a smooth transition, usually after two or three days. Then you may initiate a variety of important socializing experiences, described later.
Usually puppies are not interested in eating as soon as they get home, since everything is unfamiliar. Hold off feeding your puppy for at least a couple of hours until he has begun to settle down. Then offer him some food, and when he has finished eating, take him out to his soiling area and wait for him to eliminate. Puppies typically have to urinate and/or defecate following eating and drinking, waking (short naps included), vigorous play, and chewing a bone. If the pup has not eliminated after ten to fifteen minutes, take him back into the house for several minutes and then try again. Repeat this procedure as necessary. When he does finish, praise the puppy and again bring him into the house. He should now be ready for a nap.
Young puppies require plenty of sleep and should have several naps during the day. Choose an area that is safe for the pup when he cannot be supervised and that is not isolated from family activity. Usually the best location for this is the kitchen, since it is large enough for the dog to move around in and can be easily blocked off with one or two gates. Make sure the area is puppy-proofed for anything that could be dangerous, such as electric cords, small and chewable objects (rubber galoshes, shoes, etc.), and anything made of wood. We also recommend adding a shipping crate to serve as the pup’s den during the day. As described in the next chapter, throughout the early stages of house-training you will be keeping your pup alternately in either of these two confined areas. For this first nap, leave the door of the crate open (you can tie it so that it does not shut if the pup knocks into it) and place comfortable bedding or fake fur in the crate itself. Puppies will naturally seek the security of the den atmosphere on their own. Do not be concerned if the pup initially starts to whine in his confined area; wait for him to relax and fall asleep and then periodically check on him to see when he wakes. At that time, take the puppy out to his soiling area and let him eliminate.
During these first few days, you will need to pick the puppy up from time to time to help him get around; young puppies are rarely conditioned to a leash at the breeder’s, and it may take at least several days for the dog to be relaxed with the lead. While you should encourage a pup to walk on his own whenever possible, unfamiliar experiences such as going up stairs may initially require some help. There is a right and a wrong way to pick up your puppy.
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hostilebi · 8 years ago
list of positive character traits
A: ambitious, amiable, animated, attractive, analytical, accomplished, artful, animated, altruistic, appealing, agreeable, amusing, affable, active, adventurous, affectionate, animated, attentive, aspiring, appreciative, approachable, articulate, artistic, assertive, authoritative, adaptability, alert, autonomy
B: brave, buoyant, bubbly, bright-eyed, benevolent, benign, bountiful, brilliant, bewitching, bright, balanced approach
C: confident, conserver, courageous, convivial, content, calm, considerate, communicator, consistent, cheerful, childlike, carefree, charming, complimentary, congenial, captivating, charismatic, clean, creative, cerebral, clever, complex, caring, compassionate, concerned, charitable, chivalrous, courteous, civil, cultured, chic, captivating, charismatic, comical, cordial, candid, capable, conscientious, cooperative, curious, chaste, composed, competent, careful
D: defender of weak/innocent, disciplined, doer, doesn’t dwell on negative, disarming, diplomatic, discriminating, deep, daring, delightful, decent, decisive, dependable, determined, diligent, discreet, dutiful, devoted, delicate, dignified, direct, dedicated, driven
E: easygoing, even-tempered, energetic, expressive, empathetic, elegant, enchanting, enthralling, enjoyable, entertaining, eager, efficient, eloquent, encouraging, enthusiastic, excited, expert, exuberant, expansive, educated, exotic
F: forgiving, fashionable, friendly, funny, fun-loving, flattering, far-sighted, feeling, fearless, fascinating, fair, faithful, frank, faith in life/self/others, flexible, focused, frugal, feisty, flamboyant, fresh
G: generous, giver, good-humored, gracious, gentlemanly, gregarious, gentle, gallant, genteel, graceful, good, genial, giving, glamorous, grateful, gregarious, goodwill
H: high self-esteem, humble, happy, honest, high energy, heroic, helpful, humane, humorous, hilarious, hardy, honest, hopeful, hospitable, hard-working, holy, honorable,  harmonious
I: idealist, inspiring, insightful, inquisitive, inventive, independent, innocent, interesting, imaginative, immaculate, impartial, industrious, intelligent, interested, involved, impeccable, informed, intellectual, intuitive, insatiable thirst for knowledge
J: jolly, jaunty, jovial, just, joyful
K: kind, kind-hearted, knowledgeable
L: listener, leader, long-fused, live-for-today, light-hearted, laughs easily, ladylike, logical, laid-back, loving, lovely, likeable, lively, logical, loyal, lucky
M: motivated, mature, mediator, modest, mild, meticulous, mysterious, merciful, mannered, motivating
N: neat, noble, nimble, nice, nonchalant, nostalgic, nurturing, nuanced
O: open-minded, organized, optimist, outgoing, original, obliging, observant, optimistic, orderly, original, objective
P: pliable, praises others, practical, productive, passionate, peaceful, profound, principled, polite, personable, perceptive, patient, powerful, philanthropic, polished, poised, pleasing to the eye, pleasant, pleasing, persevering, persistent, picky, popular, positive, precise, punctual, perceptive, persuasive, pert, pious, private, productive, pride in doing a good job, proper, purpose-driven
Q: quiet, quick, quirky, quick study
R: risk-taker, rational, relaxed, romantic, refined, respectful, refreshing, rational, reliable, relieved, religious, respectful, responsible, responsive, realistic, religious, resilient, romantic, resourceful
S: secure, supportive, sense of humor, straightforward, sensitive, shrewd, savvy, spontaneous, sympathetic, selfless, suave, sophisticated, stylish, skillful, sharp, sociable, safe, satisfied, saucy, secure, sedate, self-reliant, sincere, smart, studious, sweet, self-directed, serious, systematic, saintly, sensual, sentimental, serene, simple, straight-laced, subtle, supportive, self-aware, self-directed, socially conscious, spiritual, sober, striving, surprising, steady, spunky
T: trusting, thinks of others, tolerant, talented, tactful, thoughtful, thick-skinned, tasteful, tenacious, thankful, trustworthy, takes responsibility, telepathic, thrifty, tough, thorough, teamwork, thick skinned, temperance
U: uplifting, unaffected by peer pressure, unaggressive, unselfish, urbane, useful, unpretentious, unassuming, unconventional, uninhibited, un-intimidated, upstanding, use of common sense, uninhibited
V: vivacious, versatile, virile, valiant, virtuous, visionary, venturesome, vigilant
W: warm, well-wisher, well-bred, well-groomed, well-read, wise, wonderful, witty, whimsical, willingness, work-oriented, wholesome, well-informed, willing to learn new things
Y: youthful
Z: zany
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fairfieldthinkspace · 4 years ago
Meet Fairfield University’s School of Engineering Dean Andres Leonardo Carrano, PhD
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Photo: Andres L. Carrano, PhD.
A few weeks into his new role as dean of the School of Engineering, Andres L. Carrano, PhD introduced himself to the Fairfield University community in an interview with Jeannine (Carolan) Graf ’87 of the Marketing & Communications Department. Their conversation covered everything from the new dean’s first impressions of Stag country to how he spends his time when he’s not working in a lab, classroom, or office.
You took on your new role as dean of Fairfield’s School of Engineering in the midst of a pandemic and the same week that Tropical Storm Isaias roared into town – quite a welcome! What was that like?
Indeed, it has been a very interesting experience to say the least – almost surreal in a way. With the ongoing pandemic, the safety our students, faculty, and staff has been my main concern since day one. But having just relocated from Savannah, Georgia, (and having previously lived in Auburn, Alabama) where hurricanes and tornadoes make regular appearances, I found it ironic that one of each kind welcomed me in my first week here at Fairfield. Despite my unusual start, and perhaps because of it, I have received tremendous support and understanding from all units and people across campus and that has made my onboarding that much easier!
Given the current coronavirus-related restrictions on campus, how have you been able to meet and connect with engineering students since the semester began? How are they doing?
This pandemic hit us at a time when videoconferencing technologies are mature enough that we can enjoy some degree of freedom in how we design our interactions. For example, we conducted our first-year convocation and open houses mainly via Zoom. As the Dean’s Office works from several locations in order to reduce staff density, we communicate via Teams and other tools. Within the circumstances, generally speaking, the students are appreciative and grateful for the opportunity to be on campus and have some in-person classes.  
What excites you the most about becoming dean of Fairfield’s School of Engineering at this time? What do you most look forward to in your first year?
I was very attracted to the immense potential of this School, the superb location in the Northeast Corridor, the beautiful campus and facilities, as well as the Jesuit pedagogical approach and values, all of which makes us a very unique program in the country. During the first year, I look forward to spreading the word and increasing awareness so that Fairfield Engineering becomes well-known outside the Northeast. I am also very excited about the launches of our newest master’s programs in cybersecurity, data science, and entrepreneurship & technology (coming soon), as well as our renewed focus on biomedical engineering.
What are the biggest challenges facing the School of Engineering?
Without a doubt, the biggest challenge right now is to conduct our instruction and research activities in a safe manner. Some of the day-to-day activities we always took for granted are our biggest challenges – for example, conducting socially distanced manufacturing lab sessions where instructor proximity is needed for safety reasons.
You received your BS in industrial engineering from Universidad Católica Andres Bello, the oldest, largest Jesuit university in Venezuela. How has your undergraduate Jesuit education prepared you for your current position at Fairfield?
My undergraduate Jesuit education has prepared me not just for my current position but for life. I often mentioned that it took me more than 25 years to connect the dots and realize the profound impact that my Jesuit formation has had on me. Also, a little-known fact is that I am part of a multi-generational, Jesuit-educated family: my father and all my siblings attended and graduated from Jesuit institutions. Now my daughter is also attending one.
With regard to my preparation, I think engineering programs at Jesuit institutions are very special programs. I say this because, in my opinion, the principles of discernment, social justice, and others take a special meaning in our profession. They are also more challenging to incorporate into a very packed, accreditation-constrained, technical curriculum.
Having said that, engineering has had one of the most significant roles in the advancement of human living standards throughout the course of history. From the technologies behind the procurement of clean water from far distances, the power systems that move everything, the electrification of cities, all the way to the ice cube in your drink — that you sip while you open an app on your phone to place a purchase. I firmly believe that graduating engineers with a deep sense and awareness of social and humanitarian issues is paramount to remediating some of them. I have a tremendous amount of faith in these younger generations of engineers who, if equipped with the right tools and armed with the right motivations, will accomplish things we could not even dream of.      
What do you see as the biggest advantages to studying engineering at a university with a liberal humanistic approach to education?
I believe that a solid liberal arts foundation is fundamental for engineers, as it is for most other disciplines. In fact, it pains me to see the trend in some other engineering programs around the country to remove liberal arts content and become much more specialized in a technical discipline. While this may maximize short term proficiency, technologies become obsolete within months (if not sooner) and we cannot anticipate the technical preparation that someone might need to tackle problems 10 or 20 years from now. Rather, we can focus on forming the best professional engineers, who in addition to a solid technical education, possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, are able to solve problems in teams of people from a variety of backgrounds, and have a profound situational awareness and emotional intelligence. Perhaps more importantly, our engineers will be mindful of the larger issues, including social justice, environmental problems, etc. Because of this, our engineers are always poised to become effective leaders everywhere they go. We cannot achieve this unless we have a more holistic approach in the engineering curriculum and that involves a comprehensive liberal arts foundation.
As an industrial/mechanical engineer in an increasingly virtual software-controlled world, how important is hands-on, experiential learning across engineering disciplines?
Experiential learning is crucial in engineering as it has been demonstrated countless times that the longest knowledge retention occurs when performing the activity or, in other words, learning by doing. Furthermore, engineering is based on problem solving and design skills and both are best understood through tactile (in the broadest sense) experiences. At Fairfield Engineering, we pride ourselves on incorporating experiential learning throughout the curriculum through ample laboratory opportunities, hands-on class projects, internship with local industry and other. We also have extracurricular opportunities in which hands-on learning occurs, such as the many clubs (including the Baja racing team, Engineers Without Borders, Biomedical Engineering Society, etc.) international service trips, and our professional development/leadership series. Finally, and because you mentioned computers and software, there are wonderful opportunities to provide experiential learning through these – including digital simulations among others.
Your bio includes an impressive range of engineering scholarship. Can you tell us a bit about any research or other projects you have recently finished or are currently working on?
With my former research group (the 3D Printed Biosurfaces Lab), we just published the results of a study that showed how a very cool 3D-printed complex sphere (that we modeled mathematically to optimize the surface area) could be used as biofilter media to clean wastewater much more efficiently than commercial products. Well, technically speaking, by cleaning wastewater, I mean converting ammonia nitrogen and producing nitrates. It combines many of the basic sciences (biology, chemistry, math) to engineer a better water-processing system – the kind of stuff NASA and the likes might be interested in!      
Beyond professional accomplishments, what does Andres Carrano like to do when not on campus?
On a daily basis, I am pretty much a homebody who likes to spend time with my family. I also have two large dogs who take a good chunk of my time. On the hobby side of things, I like to watch European soccer, eat out at the many wonderful ethnic hole-in-the-wall restaurants in the Bridgeport/Fairfield/New Haven area, and love international travel that takes me off the beaten path.  
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bookyogaretreat-blog · 6 years ago
What is Raja Yoga and what is the benefit of it?
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Meditation is simply the voyage inwards, an adventure revelation or, indeed, re-disclosure. Meditation is time taken for silence and calm reflection, away from the hurrying around of everyday living. Investing significant time empowers us to return to a focused spot of being. In our cutting edge world, the pace of life is becoming ever quicker, and we are putting some distance between our actual inward harmony and power. When we never again feel grounded, we can encounter ourselves pushed and pulled in a wide range of headings. It is now that we begin to experience pressure and sentiment of being caught. Step by step, after some time, this inclination prompts ailment and sickness, as our psychological, physical and emotional wellbeing is tossed out of balance.
What is Raja Yoga?
Raja Yoga is an old arrangement of spiritual understanding and meditation. It empowers us to come back to a condition of personal power, inner peace, and self-esteem through reviving the spirit’s unique virtues and qualities. It gives numerous responses to age-old inquiries identifying with our character and reason and opens up a pathway to genuine true serenity and a specific condition of joy.
Raja Yoga meditation offers you an unmistakable profound comprehension of yourself, encourages you re-find, and utilize the positive characteristics effectively idle inside you. It causes you to make new demeanours and grow new reactions. Like any expertise, this requires practice. By completing a little reflection consistently, it before long turns into a characteristic and simple propensity, which liberally compensates you for the exertion it includes.
Raja Yoga meditation is a method referenced in the Bhagavad Gita, advanced by Swami Vivekananda in the nineteenth century. From that point forward, it has picked up ubiquity and is broadly educated the world over to keep up mind soundness and mental soundness. The contemplation is named ‘raja’ because the training expects to grant lords like characteristics of certainty, mindfulness, and autonomy.
Why is Raja Yoga Meditation Unique?
Meditation is performed with open eyes. There are no pose, physical exercise, or breathing activity. We take our psyche past the impact of the body. This makes an encounter of opportunity and profound internal harmony. The body consequently unwinds: “personality over the issue.” There are no mantras. We figure out how to make our mind our closest companion and saddle its capacity. This realizes freshness in the manner I consider myself and the world I live in. Includes understanding ‘oneself’ and the ‘Ultimate Being’
Raja Yoga is as well known as Ashtanga Yoga, as it is organized in eight parts:
Niyama- Discipline
Yama – Self-control
Pranayama – Breath exercises
Asana – Physical exercises
Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the feeling from external objects
Dhyana – Meditation
Dharana – Concentration
Samadhi – Complete Realisation
The eight stages of Raja Yoga give methodical guidance to achieve internal harmony, transparency, Realization, and self-control.
Benefits of Raja Yoga:
It is a way of self-control wherein the searcher rehearses discipline, separation from common things, meditation, and concentration to accomplish Self-acknowledgment. Notwithstanding when one is advancing toward Self-acknowledgment, routine with regards to Raja Yoga brings internal clarity and peace.
The order required for the performance of Raja Yoga normally achieves a sound way of life, as an unadulterated lifestyle, with the balance in eating regimen, and great propensities that add to physical and mental prosperity.
Raja Yoga comprises of eight stages: poise, discipline, physical activities, breathing activities, pulling back the faculties from outer items, focus, reflection, and acknowledgement. The standards of peacefulness, honesty, and complete virtue of brain are inborn in these means.
All these have wide-going advantages that influence as long as one can remember. For instance, the internal harmony and satisfaction experienced by routine with regards to Raja Yoga contemplation cause one to understand that simply collecting assets do not bring joy. Despite what might be expected, one who has numerous belongings likewise has numerous
Not collecting likewise implies not clutching other individuals. When we let go of a person or thing, we set ourselves free from reliance or connection.
The physical part of yoga and its medical advantages are outstanding; what is less known is that a portion of those prizes originates from the adjustment in deduction, dispositions, and feelings empowered by routine with regards to Raja Yoga.
More than physical poses, the stance of the mind matters, and thought control precedes breath control: If one’s psyche is disturbed, one’s breathing won’t be quiet.
Modern science presently verifies the wide scope of mending properties of the old craft of contemplation. Reflection has been clinically demonstrated to soothe incessant agony, decrease pressure, moderate maturing, and lower circulatory strain, improve heart and lung work, lessen melancholy, and improve rest.
Many consider meditation to be a single action more qualified to antisocial people. However, it has been found to build one’s feeling of association with others and improve the emotional intelligence of someone.
Meditation may likewise change cerebrum and resistant capacity in positive ways, and it has been believed to improve one’s capacity to control feelings.
Some are under the feeling that meditation is simply sitting, sitting idle, and in this manner, an exercise in futility. In any case, it has been found to expand one’s concentration and consideration, improve the capacity to perform various tasks and upgrade memory, all of which improves profitability.
By helping the expert scrub the brain and clear the intellect, Raja Yoga empowers right recognition and right basic Self-image, outrage, and different shortcomings never again cloud the psyche, and one can see the bigger picture. Along these lines, Raja Yoga encourages one think past the limits made by one’s desires and fears.
Raja Yoga is always practised to remain our body away from stress and illness. It also boosts our concentration. So, if you want to let your body and mind work in the same way, then you can go ahead for Raja Yoga.
Source: https://bookyogatraining.com/blog/what-is-raja-yoga-and-benefit-of-it/
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maleficentberry-blog · 8 years ago
Positive Personality Traits
A: ambitious, amiable, animated, attractive, analytical, accomplished, artful, altruistic, appealing, agreeable, amusing, affable, active, adventurous, affectionate, attentive, aspiring, appreciative, approachable, articulate, artistic, assertive, authoritative, adaptability, alert, autonomy
B: brave, buoyant, bubbly, bright-eyed, benevolent, benign, bountiful, brilliant, bewitching, bright, balanced approach
C: confident, conserver, courageous, convivial, content, calm, considerate, communicator, consistent, cheerful, childlike, carefree, charming, complimentary, congenial, captivating, charismatic, clean, creative, cerebral, clever, complex, caring, compassionate, concerned, charitable, chivalrous, courteous, civil, cultured, chic, comical, cordial, candid, capable, conscientious, cooperative, curious, chaste, composed, competent, careful
D: defender of weak/innocent, disciplined, doer, doesn’t dwell on negative, disarming, diplomatic, deep, daring, delightful, decent, decisive, dependable, determined, diligent, discreet, dutiful, devoted, delicate, dignified, direct, dedicated, driven
E: easygoing, even-tempered, energetic, expressive, empathetic, elegant, enchanting, enthralling, enjoyable, entertaining, eager, efficient, eloquent, encouraging, enthusiastic, excited, expert, exuberant, expansive, educated
F: forgiving, fashionable, friendly, funny, fun-loving, flattering, far-sighted, feeling, fearless, fascinating, fair, faithful, frank, faith in life/self/others, flexible, focused, frugal, feisty, flamboyant, fresh
G: generous, giver, good-humored, gracious, gentlemanly, gregarious, gentle, gallant, genteel, graceful, good, genial, giving, glamorous, grateful, goodwill
H: high self-esteem, humble, happy, honest, high energy, heroic, helpful, humane, humorous, hilarious, hardy, hopeful, hospitable, hard-working, holy, honorable, harmonious
I: idealist, inspiring, insightful, inquisitive, inventive, independent, innocent, interesting, imaginative, immaculate, impartial, industrious, intelligent, interested, involved, impeccable, informed, intellectual, intuitive, insatiable thirst for knowledge
J: jolly, jaunty, jovial, just, joyful
K: kind, kind-hearted, knowledgeable
L: listener, leader, long-fused, live-for-today, light-hearted, laughs easily, ladylike, logical, laid-back, loving, lovely, likeable, lively, loyal, lucky
M: motivated, mature, mediator, modest, mild, meticulous, mysterious, merciful, mannered, motivating
N: neat, noble, nimble, nice, nonchalant, nostalgic, nurturing, nuanced
O: open-minded, organized, optimist, outgoing, original, obliging, observant, optimistic, orderly, objective
P: pliable, praises others, practical, productive, passionate, peaceful, profound, principled, polite, personable, perceptive, patient, powerful, philanthropic, polished, poised, pleasing to the eye, pleasant, pleasing, persevering, persistent, picky, popular, positive, precise, punctual, perceptive, persuasive, pious, private, pride in doing a good job, proper, purpose-driven
Q: quiet, quick, quirky, quick study
R: risk-taker, rational, relaxed, romantic, refined, respectful, refreshing, rational, reliable, relieved, religious, responsible, responsive, realistic, resilient, resourceful
S: secure, supportive, sense of humor, straightforward, sensitive, shrewd, savvy, spontaneous, sympathetic, selfless, suave, sophisticated, stylish, skillful, sharp, sociable, safe, satisfied, saucy, sedate, self-reliant, sincere, smart, studious, sweet, self-directed, serious, systematic, saintly, sensual, sentimental, serene, simple, straight-laced, subtle, supportive, self-aware, socially conscious, spiritual, sober, striving, surprising, steady, spunky
T: trusting, thinks of others, tolerant, talented, tactful, thoughtful, thick-skinned, tasteful, tenacious, thankful, trustworthy, takes responsibility, telepathic, thrifty, tough, thorough, teamwork, temperance
U: uplifting, unaffected by peer pressure, unaggressive, unselfish, urbane, useful, unpretentious, unassuming, unconventional, uninhibited, un-intimidated, upstanding, use of common sense, uninhibited
V: vivacious, versatile, virile, valiant, virtuous, visionary, venturesome, vigilant
W: warm, well-wisher, well-bred, well-groomed, well-read, wise, wonderful, witty, whimsical, willingness, work-oriented, wholesome, well-informed, willing to learn new things
Y: youthful
Z: zany
[ negative traits ]  [ source ]
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List Character Traits (Positive Negative Neutral)
Positive Character Traits:
Able Absentminded Accepting Accessible Accommodating Accountable Accurate Active Adaptable Adjustable Admirable Adventuresome Adventurous Affable Affectionate Affirming Aggressive Agile Agreeable Alert Allocentric Alluring Alternative Altruistic Ambitious Amiable Amicable Amusing Analytical Animalloving Anticipative Appreciative Appropriate Archieving Artful Articulate Artistic Ascetic Aspiring Assertive Astute Athletic Attentive Attractive Authentic Authoritarian Aware
Balanced Benevolent Big-thinker Boisterous Bold Bookworm Boyish Brave Breezy Bright Brilliant Broad-minded Busy
Casual Chummy Competitive Cerebral Competitive Complex Confidential Conservative Crisp Cute Calm Capable Captivating Caring Challenging Charismatic Charming Cheerful Clean Clear-headed Clever Colorful Companionably Compassionate Conciliatory Confident Conscientious Considerate Constant Contemplative Cooperative Courageous Courteous Creative Cultured Curious Cunning Candid Careful Clownish Comforting Comical Communicative Companionable Competent Composed Conforming Congenial Consistent Constructive Convincing Cool-headed Cordial Crafty Cautious Certain Childish Clear Clumsy Collaborative Committed Communicating Companionably Computer-Whiz Connected Conscious Contributes Controltaking Convivial Cool Communicator Compassionable
Daring Debonair Decent Decisive Dedicated Deep Dependable Detailed Determined Devoted Dignified Diligent Diplomatic Direct Directed Directive Disciplined Discreet DownToEarth Dramatic Dreamer Driven Droll Dry Dutiful Dynamic
Eager Earnest Easygoing Ebullient Eccentric Ecofriendly Educated Effective Effeminate Efficient Elegant Eloquent Emotional Empathetic Empowered Empowers Encouraging Energetic Enthusiastic Equestrian Esthetic Ethical Excitable Excited Exciting Experimental Expert Exploring Expressive Extraordinary Exuberant
Fair Fair-minded Faithful Familial Family-Oriented Farsighted Fearless Felicific Firm Flexible Flirty Focused Folksy Forceful Forgiving Formal Forthright Forward Frank Free Freewheeling Freedomloving Freethinker Friendly Frugal Fun Funloving Funny
Gallant Geeky Generative Generous Gentle Genuine Glamorous Good Good-humored Good-natured Good-tempered Good-taste Graceful Gracious Grateful Gratitude Gregarious Groovy Guileless
Happy Hardworking Harmonic Headstrong Healer Healthy Heartfelt Hearty Heavysleeper Helpful Heroic High-minded High-spirited Honest Honorable Hopeful Humanitarian Humble Humorous Hypnotic
Idealistic Idiosyncratic Imaginative Immaculate Impartial Impassive Impressive Incisive Incorruptible Independent Individualistic Industrious Ingenious Initiative Innocent Innovative Inoffensive Inquiring Inquisitive Insightful Insouciant Inspirational Integrated Intellectual Intelligent Intentional Interested Interesting Intimate Introvert Intuitive Inventive Invulnerable Irreligious Irresistible
Jolly Joyful Joyous
Keen Kind Kindhearted Kindly Knowledgeable
Lavish Leader Leaderly Leading Leisurely Levelheaded Liberal Lighthearted Likable Listener Lively Logical Lovable Loving Loyal Lucky Lyrical
Magnanimous Magnetic Manly Many-sided Masculine Maternal Meticulous Mature Meditative Mellow Methodical Meticulous Moderate Modern Modest Moral Moralistic Multi-tasker Multi-leveled Musical Mysterious Mystical
Natural-cook Neat Networking Neutral Nice Noble Non-inquisitive Non-materialistic Non-authoritarian Nonchalant Noncommittal Noncompetitive Nurturing
Obedient Objective Observant Old-fashioned Open Openminded Optimism Optimistic Orderly Ordinary Organized Original Outgoing Outspoken Outstanding
Painstaking Passionate Paternalistic Patient Patriotic Peaceful Peacemaking Perceptive Perfectionist Perfectionistic Persistent Personable Persuasive Philosophical Physical Pioneering Placid Planner Planning Playful Pleasant Pleasure-seeking Plucky Poised Polished Polite Popular Positive Powerful Practical Precise Predictable Preoccupied Principled Private Proactive Problem-solver Problem-solving Productive Proficient Profound Progressive Prompt Protean Protective Proud Providential Prudent Psychic Punctual Pure Purist Purposeful
Questioning Quick Quickwitted Quiet Quirky
Rational Realist Realistic Reasonable Refined Reflective Relaxed Reliable Repairer Reserved Resourceful Respectable Respected Respectful Responsible Responsive Restrained Reverential Romantic Rustic
Sage Sane Sarcastic Scholarly Scrupulous Secure Self-confident Self-disciplined Self-assured Self-conscious Self-contented Self-controlled Self-generating Self-reliant Self-sufficient Selfless Sensational Sensible Sensitive Sensual
Sentimental Seraphic Serious Serving Sexy Sharing Sharp Shy Simple Sincere Skeptical Skilled Skillful Smart Smooth Sober Sociable Social Soft Softhearted Solemn Solid Solitary Sophisticated Spirited Spiritual Spontaneous Sporting Sportsmanlike Stable Steadfast Steady Stern Stoic Straightforward Strategic Strict Strong Strong-minded Stubborn Studious Stylish Suave Subjective Subtle Successful Supportive Surprising Sweet Sympathetic Systematic
Tactful Talented Tasteful Teacherly Teaching Thankful Thorough Thoughtful Tidy Tolerant Tough Tractable Trail-blazer Traveler Trendsetter Trustful Trusting Trustworthy Truth-Seeking Truthful
Unaggressive Unassuming Unchanging Uncomplaining Undemanding Understanding Undogmatic Unfathomable Unhurried Uninhibited Unpatriotic Unpredictable Unselfish Unsentimental Unworldly Upright Urbane Useful
Valiant Venturesome Versatile Vibrant Victorious Virtuous Visionary Vivacious
Warm Warmhearted Well-bred Well-read Well-rounded Whimsical Willing Winning Wise Witty Wordy Worldly
Negative Character Traits:
Abrasive Abrupt Abusive Affected Aggressive Agonizing Agreeable Aimless Aloof Amoral Angry Annoying Antisocial Anxious Apathetic Arbitrary Argumentative Arrogant Artificial Asocial Authoritarian
Bashful Belligerent Bewildered Big-headed Bitchy Bizarre Bland Blunt Boastful Boisterous Bold Bone-idle Boring Bossy Bragging Brittle Brutal
Calculating Callous Calm Cantankerous Careless Casual Cautious Changeable Charmless Cheerless Childish Clinging Clingy Closedoff Clownish Clueless Clumsy Coarse Cold Colorless Complacent Complaining Compulsive Conceited Condemnatory Conforming Conformist Confused Conservative Constricting Contemptible Controlling Conventional Cooperative Covetous Cowardly Cowering Crass Crazy Criminal Critical Crude Cruel Cultured Cunning Cynical
Daredevil Daring Daydreamer Decadent Deceitful Deceptive Decisive Definite Deliberate Delicate Demanding Dependent Depressed Desperate Destructive Detached Devious Difficult Diplomatic Direct Disagreeable Disconcerting Discontented Discouraging Discourteous Discreet Discriminating Dishonest Dishonorable Dislikable Disloyal Disobedient Disorderly Disorganized Disputatious Disrespectful Disruptive Dissatisfied Dissonant Distant Distractible Distrustful Disturbed Disturbing Dogmatic Dominant Dominating Domineering Dreamer Dull
Eager Earnest Easily-discouraged Eccentric Educated Effective Efficient Egocentric Egotistical Emotional Encouraging Energetic Enterprising Entertaining Enthusiastic Envious Erratic Escapist Ethical Excitable Excited Experienced Extravagant Extreme Extroverted Exuberant
Faithless False Fanatical Fanciful Fatalistic Fault-finding Fawning Fearful Fearless Fickle Fiery Finicky Fixed Flamboyant Flirtatious Follower Foolhardy Foolish Forceful Forgetful Fragile Frank Fraudulent Frightening Frivolous Frugal Frustrated Fussy
Gloomy Gossipy Graceless Greedy Grim Grouchy Growing Grumpy Gullible
Harsh Hateful Haughty Heartless Hedonistic Helpless Hesitant Hidebound High-handed High-strung Hostile Hot-headed Hot-tempered Humorless Hurtful Hypochondriac
Idealistic Ignorant Ill-mannered Ill-tempered Illogical Imitative Immature Immodest Impatient Impolite Impractical Impressionable Imprudent Impulsive Inaccurate Inattentive Incompetent Inconsiderate Inconsistent Incurious Indecisive Indifferent Indiscreet Indulgent Inefficient Inexperienced Inflexible Influenced Inhibited Insecure Insensitive Insincere Insolent Insulting Intense Interfering Intolerant Introvert Irascible Irrational Irreligious Irresponsible Irritable Irritating
Jealous Judgmental Jumpy
Lazy Liar Lifeless Listless Lonely Loner Lonesome Loud Loud-mouthed
Machiavellian Maladjusted Malicious Mannerless Materialistic Mean Mechanical Meddlesome Mediocre Meek Melancholic Mental Messy Mischievous Miserable Miserly Misguided Mistaken Moneyminded Moody Morbid Muddleheaded
Naive Narcissistic Narrow Narrowminded Nasty Naughty Negative Neglectful Negligent Nervous Neurotic Never-forgets Nihilistic Noisy Non-inquisitive Nonchalant Nonconfident Nosey
Obedient Obliging Obnoxious Obsessive Obstinate Obvious Odd Offensive Offhand Old-fashioned One-dimensional One-sided Opinionated Opportunistic Oppressed Outrageous Over-sensitive Over-trusting Overcautious Overconfident Overcritical Overemotional Oversensitive
Paranoid Parsimonious Passive Patronizing Pedantic Perfectionist Perverse Pessimistic Petty Phony Picky Pleaser Pleasing Plodding Pompous Possessive Power-hungry Predatory Prejudiced Preoccupied Presumptuous Pretentious Prideful Prim Private Procrastinating Profane Proud Provocative Prudent Puritanical Purposeless Pusillanimous Pyromaniac
Quarrelsome Quicktempered Quirky
Radical Rash Reactionary Reactive Rebellious Reckless Reflective Regimental Regretful Repentant Repressed Resentful Reserved Restless Ridiculous Rigid Ritualistic Rude Ruined Ruthless
Sad Sadistic Sanctimonious Sarcastic Satirical Scheming Scolding Scornful Secretive Sedentary Self-centered Self-conceited Self-concerned Self-conscious Self-critical Self-indulgent Self-pitying Self-possessed Self-satisfied Selfish Sensitive Sentimental Shallow Short-tempered Shortsighted Showoff Shrewd Shy Silly Skeptical Sloppy Slow Sly Smallthinker Smug Sneaky Snobbish Softheaded Sordid Spendthrift Spiteful Squeamish Steely Stern Stiff Stingy Strict Strongminded Stubborn Stupid Submissive Superficial Superstitious Suspicious
Tacky Tactless Tasteless Temperamental Tense Thievish Thoughtless Timid Tiresome Touchy Transparent Treacherous Trendy Troubled Troublesome Truculent Two-faced
Unaccommodating Unadventurous Unagreeable Unappealing Unappreciative Inattentive Uncaring Uncharitable Uncivil Uncompromising Uncongenial Unconventional Unconvincing Uncooperative Uncreative Uncritical Unctuous Uncultured Undecided Underhanded Undisciplined Unenterprising Unentertaining Unenthusiastic Unethical Unfair Unforgiving Unfriendly Ungraceful Ungracious Ungrateful Unhappy Unhealthy Unimaginative Unimpressive Unindustrious Uninquisitive Uninspiring Unintellectual Unintelligent Uninteresting Unkind Unkindly Unlovable Unlucky Unmethodical Unobliging Unobservant Unoriginal Unpleasant Unpleasing Unpoised Unpolished Unpopular Unpredictable Unprincipled Unproductive Unpunctual Unrealistic Unreasonable Unreflective Unreliable Unrestrained Unromantic Unruly Unskilled Unsociable Unsocial Unsophisticated Unstable
Vacuous Vague Vain Vengeful Venomous Victimized Vindictive Vulgar Vulnerable
Weak Weakwilled Willful Worrier
Neutral Character Traits:
Absent-minded Accepting Aggressive Agreeable Alert Altruistic Ambitious Amusing Artful Ascetic Authoritarian Authoritative Average
Bashful Belligerent Big-thinker Blunt Boastful Boisterous Bold Boring Bossy Boyish Breezy Businesslike Busy
Calm Candid Careful Careless Casual Cautious Cerebral Changeable Cheerful Childish Chummy Clumsy Cold Competitive Complex Composed Confidential Conforming Conformist Conservative Consistent Contradictory Conventional Convincing Cooperative Crisp Cute
Daring Daydreamer Deceptive Definite Deliberate Demanding Determined Diplomatic Direct Disagreeable Discontented Discourteous Discreet Dominating Dreamy Driving Droll Dry Dull
Earthy Effeminate Emotional Enigmatic Experimental
Familial Folksy Formal Freewheeling Frugal
Glamorous Gloomy Gossipy Guileless
Hesitant High-spirited Hurried Hypnotic
Iconoclastic Idiosyncratic Impassive Impersonal Impressionable Indifferent Individualistic Informal Innocent Intense Introvert Invisible Irreligious Irreverent
Maladjusted Maternal Mathematical Mellow Methodical Meticulous Middleclass Misfit(ted) Moderated Modern Moralistic Mystical
Neutral Non-inquisitive Nonchalant Noncommittal Noncompetitive Nonconforming Normal Nosey
Obedient Obliging Old-fashioned Opinionated Opportunistic Orderly Ordinary Outspoken Overcautious
Passive Paternalistic Perfectionistic Philosophical Physical Placid Poised Political Pompous Predictable Preoccupied Private Progressive Proud Pure
Questioning Quick Quiet
Rebellious Religious Reserved Resigned Restless Restrained Retiring Righteous
Sarcastic Satirical Scientific Self-conscious Self-righteous Sensual Sentimental Serious Sharp-witted Showy Shy Silent Silly Skeptical Smooth Soft Soft-spoken Solemn Solitary Sophisticated Stern Strict Stubborn Stylish Subjective Subtle Superstitious Surprising Systematic
Talkative Theatrical Thrifty Tough
Unaggressive Unambitious Unceremonious Unchanging Undemanding Unemotional Unfathomable Unhurried Uninhibited Unpatriotic Unpredictable Unselfish Unsentimental
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