#pointless facts pt 1
atlabeth · 2 months
heat lightning
pt 1
pairing: spencer reid x fem gideon!reader
summary: you end up at the heart of the bau's latest case.
a/n: took way too long but here's more gideon reader! just as irritable as ever with some actual human emotions this time around. send help and prayers bc she's gonna need it. and before you ask there will in fact be some more parts to close up this case, i just have to write them first and it may take approximately 10 years. thank you for your consideration
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): reader still has daddy issues, still hates spence, and still argues w gideon the whole time. more angst! typical cm case stuff (a stalker that has taken vulnerable pics of reader) read w/ discretion if you are sensitive to those things. more drama and more tension and more not being a good time for anyone but me
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“On your right, pretty boy.” 
Spencer stops as Morgan rushes past him back to his desk, eyes trained on the hallway. 
“Why are you in such a hurry?” he complains. “I nearly spilled my coffee.”
“Gideon’s daughter is here again,” he says. “Did you not feel the temperature drop five degrees?”
Spencer frowns. He opens his mouth to say something when he hears the telltale signs of your arrival: arguing. 
“—so typical of you! I have to drop everything the moment you need me, but it’s like pulling teeth to get you to listen to me.”
Gideon turns the corner with you in tow. He has a duffle bag in one hand and a file in his other, his brow furrowed in frustration. 
“That’s because this is important,” he says. 
“Oh, and everything else I try to get you to be around for isn’t?” 
“You know that isn’t what I meant,” Gideon says, keeping his voice level. 
“This is ridiculous,” you spit. 
“It’s necessary,” he corrects. “I’m not going to play games with your safety.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you mock. “Because you’ve always cared about that.” 
He just shakes his head. “I’m not debating this with you.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?”
You follow Gideon into his office and Spencer watches him close the blinds. The door slams shut, and though he can still hear the muffled argument he can’t make anything out.
“Oh, great,” Morgan says. “Now we can’t even get Reid to read their lips.”
“I don’t think we need it to know what they’re talking about,” Elle says. “They’ve been arguing since she was brought in.”
“Of course they have,” JJ says. “Gideon sent Hotch to pick her up instead of doing it himself. She sees it as another slight.”
“She sees everything as a slight,” Spencer says. “She hates him.” 
“I don’t blame her,” Morgan mutters. “Not when we only found out about her last month.” 
“Surely this isn’t helping with anything,” JJ says wryly. 
Elle shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. Sometimes pointless arguing makes you feel better, even when you’re in the wrong.” 
“That’s enough, agents.” Spencer’s attention—along with everyone else’s—snaps to the top of the bullpen to see Hotch holding a file with the same expression as always. “I need you all in the conference room.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that?” Morgan asks, tilting his head towards Gideon’s office. 
“You’ll find out,” he says. Hotch starts walking to the conference room, the conversation clearly over. 
JJ sighs as she stands up and grabs the files on her desk. “I’ll get Penelope. The rest of you try not to gossip too much.” 
She goes off, and the others disperse back to their desk to finish up some last-minute things before the case takes them away. Spencer can’t tear his eyes away from Gideon’s office, even though he’s not getting anything. 
All he can think about is the last time you were here, when he got caught in the middle of your argument with Gideon—your dad, which was still a little weird—and he can’t help but feel guilty. 
Gideon is a father figure to him, sure, but it isn’t that difficult to end up with that dynamic when Spencer’s the youngest on the team. And he can go into everything about his father leaving and the psychology of that, but it doesn’t matter. Gideon treated him like a son when he had a daughter all along that he’d been neglecting. 
For all Spencer knows, it is his fault. 
“Reid,” Elle says, snapping him out of his thoughts, “you coming?”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding far too many times as he catches up to her in a few quick strides. “Sorry.”
“No need,” she remarks. “Gideon’s kid was all anyone could talk about when she first showed up here. This is only gonna make things worse.”
“He can’t really be that bad of a dad,” Spencer says, “right?”
“All I know is that having a parent in the force rarely ends well,” Elle murmurs. She opens the door to the conference room and looks at him. “We can’t be too hard on her when we probably see Gideon more than she does.”
Spencer recalls his meeting with you, how he barely got a word in edgewise while you spent the whole time arguing with someone half the office viewed as immovable. 
“Yeah,” he says distantly. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?” 
Your dad shuts the blinds on all the windows in his office, then closes the door behind you. He sets your duffle down on the floor then looks at you, that infuriatingly even expression still unchanged.
“It’s not ridiculous,” he says. “Sit down and lower your voice, please. We have some things to talk about.” 
“I gathered that when you sent your guy to pick me up,” you say, crossing your arms as he walks over to his desk. “Couldn’t even do it yourself?” 
“Aaron Hotchner is the chief of this unit and one of the most accomplished agents here,” he says. “He lives closer to you than I do, and I asked him to pick you up on his way in because I knew you would be safe with him. Sit down, please.” 
“There it is again. My safety.” You remain standing. “Tell me what this is about. I’m missing work right now— I know you can understand that, at least.” 
He lets out a sigh as he says your name and looks at you. “Can we get through this without any arguments for once?” 
“That depends. Are you going to treat me like your daughter or an inconvenience?” 
“You’re my daughter, I love you, and your life is in danger,” he says evenly. 
You open your mouth to retort, but your dad opens the file in his hands and sets it down on the other side of the desk. You can see from your position that they’re photos, but your curiosity ultimately wins out. You walk over to get a closer look, and any words die in your throat as you pick up the first photo. 
A photo of you. 
You pick up the next one, only to see it’s another picture of you. At least ten photos are tucked away in the file, and they’re all of you. Taken outside your work, at your apartment, on your morning run— god, there’s even one taken through the window of your bedroom, half-naked in a towel after a shower. 
You fall silently into the chair, your heart hammering inside your chest as your eyes dart between all of the photos. You want to crawl out of your skin. 
“What the fuck is this?” you breathe. 
“The heart of our newest case,” your dad says. “It appears that you have a stalker.” 
“Yeah,” you whisper, eyes still glued to your oblivious self, “I would fucking think so.”
“These photos were dropped off at my door this morning,” he says, and he flips to the next section of the file, “with that note.”
The erratic handwriting instantly stands out to you as you pick the photocopy up, the lump in your throat growing with every word you read. 
such a pretty little thing. I wonder if she knows it.
you don’t care about her, but I do. she’s just like all the rest of us, everyone that you’ve ruined.
think about your priorities, agent gideon. I’ll be watching.  
“What the fuck is this?” you repeat. Blood pounds in your skull as a distant chill creeps down your spine. “I— I’m one of your cases now?” 
“We’re not sure yet,” he admits. “These only appeared yesterday, but from the looks of it, the unsub has been watching you for a while. Can you pinpoint when any of these photos were taken? 
You stare at him. “Some psycho has been stalking me for a while?” 
Your dad says your name again, slightly strained. “Please. I know this is difficult to think about, but figuring out a time frame would help us.” 
“Difficult,” you scoff. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” 
But it doesn’t have the bite your words usually hold. For once, you don’t think you’re mad at your dad. You think you’re terrified. 
“...Yeah,” you finally murmur, and you pick up one of the photos. “I thrifted a mirror a month ago, and this one doesn’t have it.”
Your dad nods, and he picks up two others. “Neither do these.” 
“So this has been going on for at least a month,” you say bitterly. “Great.”
Your dad says your name, quieter this time, and when you finally look at him his eyes have softened. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” he says. “This is a threat against an FBI agent’s family, and it will be treated accordingly. Forensics is doing tests on all the original copies to try and find a lead. The whole BAU will be on your case—I will be on it, and we won’t rest until we find whoever’s doing this.” 
“Yeah,” you say numbly. “You sure that’ll help? Because it looks like all this is happening because I’m your daughter.” 
“I know this is scary,” he says. “This… this is nothing like you’ve ever dealt with before. You shouldn’t have to deal with it. But you have to trust my team. We know what we’re doing.” 
“Of course you know what you’re doing,” you say. “You’re always here.” 
Your words have no bite behind them, more of an instinct as you grab your purse from the ground. You can feel the pinpricks of incoming tears, and you refuse to cry in front of your dad. 
“I— I need a minute,” you say. “This is all just—” 
“I understand,” he says. “Just don’t go far. Stay on this floor.”
You nod and start towards the door, but you pause right before you reach it. Your mouth opens as you try to think of something to say, but it falls shut just as quickly. You shake your head as you reach for the door handle, but before you get the chance, it swings open and you’re met with a familiar face. 
Spencer Reid, the kid your dad likes more than you. He’s nothing less than surprised to see you, from his stumbled step back, the slightly wide eyes, his hand poised to knock on the door. 
A mumbled apology falls from your lips as you move around him, and you can still feel his eyes on you as you speed off. You wonder what ideas he and the rest of the BAU have drawn up about you since your last visit to the office. 
You don’t really care. 
True to your word, you don’t go far—just to the bathroom. Thankfully it’s close, because the moment you make it to one of the stalls, knees stinging as you fall to the tiled floor, you vomit. 
By the time you’ve expelled the contents of your stomach, it feels just as empty as the rest of you. You stare at the wall, breathing slightly harried and skin warm to the touch, and you resist the urge to punch it. 
You have a stalker. Someone has been watching you for a month—at least a month, maybe longer—and you had no fucking clue, and now your only decent hope lies with your dad and his team. 
Normally, you wrote off anything depending on your dad as fruitless, but this involved the thing he loved more than anything in the world: his job. 
You huff a wry laugh at the thought. This wouldn’t get solved because it concerned you, it would get solved because it concerned his job. 
You stand up and walk over to the sink. You rinse your mouth, then just stare at yourself in the mirror. 
It— it feels strange. Looking at yourself like this, knowing someone has been—still is—watching you. 
You recall their words. 
Pretty little thing. 
You don’t care about her, but I do. 
A chill crawls up your spine. You can’t shake the dread settling all over you. 
What the fuck are you going to do?
You have to trust your dad, but you’ve never trusted your dad. God, he’s not even really your dad. He’s Senior Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon, nothing more—the estranged kid is an unfortunate side effect of the estranged wife.
You let out another breathy laugh. Would he even care if this psycho actually ends up killing you? 
You stand there for another couple minutes, time idling in the background as you continue to stare at the mirror. 
You haven’t cried, at least. That’s certainly something.
The door opens ever so slightly and someone says your name. Your eyes flick to the mirror almost immediately as your body tenses, and you recognize her as one of the BAU’s agents. She’s pretty and blonde with sympathetic eyes, and you know they’ve been briefed on your situation. 
If you have to deal with an office of pitying looks, you think you might lose your mind. 
“Are you alright?” she asks softly. 
“Just peachy,” you mumble. “My dad ask you to check up on me?” 
She nods. “You can imagine why Gideon is a bit high strung at the moment.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeat. “I just… needed a second.” 
“I understand,” she murmurs. “Do you still need some time?” 
“What do you need?” 
“Gideon wants to talk to you. It’s best if he explains it.” 
You huff a laugh and shake your head. “Fine. Lead the way, Agent…” 
“Jareau,” she supplies. “But call me JJ, please.” 
In lieu of a response, you walk over to her. She offers a thin smile and holds the door for you, then falls into step with you. A moment of silence passes before she speaks up. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” JJ says. “Your dad is one of the best to walk through these doors. If anyone can solve this, he can.” 
“So I keep hearing,” you murmur. 
Spencer watches you hurry off with wide eyes, and it takes a few seconds for him to snap out of it. He’s less surprised by your pace, and more surprised that you actually apologized for bumping into him. 
“Reid,” Gideon speaks up, and his attention snaps back over to his superior. “What do you need?” 
“Is she okay?” he asks instead. He can’t help it—after what Hotch just told all of them, he’s worried about you. 
Gideon gathers the photos back into the file then stands up. “Our job is to make sure she will be.”
“Hotch briefed us,” he says, and his eyes darted back to the doorway almost on instinct. “This— this is crazy. We just found out about her last month, and some guy’s been after her for longer?” 
“What this is is one of my enemies targeting my daughter because they’re too much of a coward to go after me,” Gideon says evenly. “We just have to figure out which one before they escalate.”
“How do you know?” he asks. 
“What you said is true,” he admits. “Hardly anyone knows I have a daughter. Even fewer would know where she lives. Someone who wants to hurt me would have incentive to discover both.” 
“So we look into unsubs you’ve put away that have been released,” Spencer says. “Or ones that are still in, but have family that might be bitter.”
“Exactly,” Gideon nods. “But I have to ask something of you, Reid.”
He frowns. “Anything.”
“We’re working on getting a safe house for my daughter,” Gideon says. “I need you to stay there with her.” 
Somehow, his frown deepens. “What?”
“I need to know she’s with someone I can trust,” he says. “There’s someone after her, and we don’t know who—that means we need to keep this circle tight.”
“So you want me to be her bodyguard?” Spencer marvels. “Do you remember that you had to waive all my physical tests?”
“Less of a bodyguard,” he says. “More just… keeping her company. Making sure she’s alright—mentally as much as physically.”
“Why am I the one that has to keep an eye on her?” Spencer asks. “She hates me!” 
“Don’t take it personally,” Gideon says. “She hates a lot of things.” 
“But it is personal,” Spencer insists. “She hates me because she thinks you like me more than her.” 
Gideon doesn’t seem phased at the comment. “She’s opinionated, but she’s harmless. And right now, I need to know that she’s with someone I can trust.”
“I— I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Please, Reid.” Gideon leans forward, and there’s an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his eyes. "If I'm going to be on this case, I need to know that she's safe. I won't be able to focus otherwise."
Spencer wasn’t going to lie—he genuinely thought it was a bad idea. But… Gideon said he trusted him. And this was his daughter—they might’ve argued, but they still cared about each other. if he could keep Lila Archer safe, he could keep you safe. 
“…Okay,” he finally concedes. “Okay.”
Gideon nods, and he watches the change in his eyes, the slightest bit of tension leaving his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“Just… make sure there are two bedrooms,” Spencer says. “I don’t need her to kill me one day in.”
At that, he cracks a rare smile. Spencer is thankful for it, that he can bring even the smallest amount of levity to Gideon’s life right now. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Your dad says your name, but you hardly let him finish. 
“No! First I find out I have a stalker, then my whole life’s going to be uprooted until you find them, and now I have to be stuck with boy genius?”
“You know, we’re about the same age—”
“Do you ever stop talking?” you cry, whirling on Spencer.
“I actually don’t talk that much when I’m around you,” Spencer says, his brows creasing. “This is the third time I’ve met you, and I’ve only said nine sentences across those meetings. Thirteen, if you count all of these too.”
You let out a strained laugh as you shake your head, trying to blink back tears. “This is fucking unbelievable. I know he’s practically your son, but this is just—”
“A safety precaution,” your dad interrupts. “Doctor Spencer Reid is another one of the BAU’s finest agents, and he is fully qualified to keep you safe.”
“He looks like a strong breeze could snap him in half.”
“This is not a joke,” your dad says sternly. “None of this is a joke. Your life is in danger—you have a stalker that has been watching your every move for at least a month, and we have no idea what their next move will be. Doctor Reid is more experienced than you in every facet of this, and I am entrusting him to your care. I respect him immensely, and you will do so as well.”
You don’t even look at Spencer, quiet rage simmering beneath the surface as you stare at your father.
“You really don’t get it,” you murmur. “Do you?”
“The only thing to get is that your life is in increasing danger with every moment you spend pushing against me,” your dad says, and he stands up. “Get your purse. Reid, get her duffle. We’re leaving.”
He leaves before you get the chance to do anything—you assume he’s finally tired of you. 
You just shake your head and pick up your purse, and Spencer clears his throat as he reaches for your duffle bag. You wonder if it even has anything useful—Aaron Hotchner was the one who packed it. 
“…So,” Spencer says. “I guess we’re gonna be roommates for a while.”
You huff in fully unveiled annoyance, and you push past him on your way out. 
“Great,” he mutters to himself as he follows you. “So this is what Gideon’s trust earns me.” 
It doesn’t take him too long to catch up to you, despite the unnecessary quick pace you’re taking. You bypass the elevator and head towards the stairwell, and Spencer catches the door before it’s able to slam on him. 
He says your name, but you just shake your head. 
“If we’re gonna be stuck together until this is over, I’d prefer silence.” 
“I don’t really do silence,” Spencer says. 
“I’m sure there’ll be plenty of books for you to read in whatever jail cell they throw me in.” 
“It’s actually going to be a pretty nice safe house,” he starts, throwing his hand up against the wall to catch himself from running into it as he turns, because god you are moving fast, “Gideon picked it out himself.” 
“Oh, then it’ll definitely be a jail cell,” you mock. “It’s not like he knows anything about me, so he’ll probably think that it’s perfect.” 
Spencer frowns. “Cut him some slack. This is all just as hard on him as it is on you.” 
You come to a sudden stop, whirling around to face him, and Spencer has to reel to the side to prevent himself from running into you. Had he not already been pressed up against the wall, he would have moved back further, what with the fire blazing in your eyes. 
“I’m not going to cut him any slack,” you spit. “This is the most time I’ve gotten to spend with my dad in months, and it’s only because some creep is stalking me to get back at him. The only reason I’m in this at all is because of his job that he cares about more than me, and now he’s sticking me with the guy that he wishes was his kid. So no, Doctor Reid—I’m not going to cut him any slack.” 
You’re already off on your way again before Spencer even has time to blink, and you’ve made it down the whole last flight by the time he pushes himself back up. 
He takes the steps three at a time to catch up to you, and he once again barely manages to catch the door before it slams on him. He calls your name, finally managing to fall into step with you right before you reach Gideon. He, like a normal person, deigned to take the elevator. 
“You haven’t started arguing already,” he says, passing a glance at Spencer, “have you?” 
“What do you think?” you ask, your arms crossed. 
“I think you’re giving him a hard time that you usually reserve for me,” he says. “Cut him some slack.” 
Your jaw clenches. “I’ve been getting a lot of that lately. Save the profiling for my stalker, will you?”  
“There’s plenty of profiling to go around,” Gideon says. “You two wait here—I need to confirm the safe house location before we head out.” 
“Can we stop by my place before we go?” Spencer asks. “I need to pick up some things.” 
“You have a go bag, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, but I— I wasn’t exactly prepared for this sort of thing when I came in today.” 
“You’ll be fine,” Gideon says. He walks off before Spencer can protest, and he sighs. 
You lean against the wall, your arms crossed with your purse hanging off your shoulder, and for once you don’t pass judgment on his—admittedly small—plight. 
“I changed my mind,” Spencer speaks up, deciding to try and break the remarkably high amount of tension that had built up in such a short time, and your eyebrows rise as you glance at him. 
“About what?” 
“I— I think I can do silence,” he says. “Temporarily.” 
You huff a laugh. “Really?” 
“I don’t really want to annoy you while we’re stuck together in an undisclosed location,” he says. “I don’t know what you’re capable of.” 
And for the first time since Spencer has met you, you actually smile. It’s the smallest thing, just a slight tilt of your lips that’s more akin to Hotch’s moments of levity than anything, but it’s a smile. 
“...Good choice,” you say. It feels like a joke, but Spencer isn’t sure. 
He smiles anyway. You meet his eyes, and for a moment, you’re just another girl. Someone that Spencer could imagine himself stealing glances at in a lecture hall, a regular at his favorite coffee shop that he falls for over the course of an especially cold winter, someone he meets on a night out with the team that he ends up talking to all night. 
You really do have pretty eyes. 
And then your gaze hardens, darts away from him, and Spencer sees Gideon coming back in his peripherals. The moment fractures. 
You’re not just a girl. You’re Gideon’s daughter, you’re in a remarkable amount of danger, and lest he forget, you do in fact hate him. 
Spencer lets out another short sigh. 
At least this safe house won’t have a pool.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 1 year
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pairing: han lue x waitress!reader
word count: 8.7k
warnings: smut
notes: part 3 is finally here! so sorry for the delay. i wanna say thank you for all the love on part 1 and 2 as well as in the requests. this will be the last part of the waitress!reader headcanons for now. i left the ending open to give myself space to come back and add more if i'd like. i've been thinking of doing a mini series of han and that other person that comes up in the end (sorry im trying not to give anything away).
if you guys want me to expand on any part of the headcanons even if it's just a one liner let me know and maybe i can write a small drabble or oneshot on it.
i have my fingers crossed that you like how it turns out. i definitely have a favorite part of this particular part of the headcanons. again, thank you! enjoy!
ps. want to add a little warning that these headcanons might not be the most grammatically correct in terms of punctuation just because i don't go deep editing. it's a choice i make but if you've read my oneshots you know i am better than this lol.
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-everyone has a side of the bed, you and han are not an exception. from the first moment you slept over at han's the side farthest from the door has been your side.
-on a random day the conversation comes up and you ask han why the side closest to the door is his side. he tells you it's in case an intruder were to break in (which is highly unlikely) you'd have time to escape.
-lowkey all this time you guessed he picked that side because it's right under the ac vent and he gets hot at night. so you call out his bullshit and he admits that's partly the reason, but what he said remains true, it's safer for him to be right by the door. ridiculous because there is no way you are going to run away and leave han to fend for himself.
-talking about apartments and sides of beds. when you moved out of your place you brought along a box or two of knick knacks that couldn't be stored in a warehouse. you placed them strategically around han’s (now both of yours) apartment.
-han admits he likes having a shared space with you. you gave it a different flare with your decorations. or simply, you took away the fact that it was a former bachelor pad.
-he likes coming home to you everyday. whenever you stay with mindy, for one reason or another, it feels lonely. something he'd never felt before. it's like somewhere along the way he got attached to you and now he's constantly seeking you out.
-one thing han detests though is the abundance of pillows on his bed. you don’t even use all of them! before going to bed you throw them by the chair on the corner of the room. he says it's pointless, you say it's decor.
-because you have a semi normal schedule now you have more time to visit han at his garage. you make sure to talk a bit with reiko and han's other friends but most of the time he steals you away from them.
-if the crew at han's garage is not careful they run the risk of finding you and han in compromising positions. you try to prevent han from getting carried away but it's hard when you want him just as much. you've had to apologize to twinkie and sean one too many times. poor boys can't even look you in the eyes after what they've witnessed.
-han is the type of guy to tell you to check something out under the hood of the car despite you warning him you don't know shit about cars. he couldn't care less, it's an excuse to see your ass bent over his car.
-you would be talking to him about how it all looks like a bunch of scrap metal when you feel him pressing up against your backside. you'd look over your shoulder and han would say 'everyone went out to grab a bite. thought i'd have mine right here, baby.'
-you would roll your eyes at him but would push up against him nonetheless. in record time he'd push down your pants and underwear and sink his cock into you. you hang on to whatever part of the car you can as han thrusts repeatedly into you. 'you look so fucking pretty, baby. should’ve gotten you like this sooner.’
-all this time you're moaning and calling out his name. until he suddenly slaps his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. with slow deep thrusts he'd lean down to whisper in your ear 'fuck, baby. they're back, but don't worry i'm almost done. just keep quiet for me.'
-han knows his way around your body so with precise touches to your clit and the angle of his thrusts he makes you cum quickly which prompts his orgasm as well. his near silent grunts are music to your ears.
-by the time sean comes looking for him han is bent besides you on the car pointing at something called a radiator. had he been there 5 seconds earlier he would've found han tucking himself into his jeans and you pulling up your pants.
-with han's help you get the restaurant running in eight months. it was a long eight months filled with work, day and night. the old diner was remodeled in its entirety which included kitchen, storage area, and dining space.
-you lovingly named the restaurant CATCH MY DRIFT. it's cheesy and punny but you love it. you found it necessary to pay homage to han in some way.
-the soft launch is successful thanks to your staff, some of which are the same people you worked with when it was a diner. you and han invited friends and other important people who would help spread the word about your little restaurant.
-mindy was in charge of the restaurants social media. she made it her mission to help you succeed and she did a wonderful job. she took beautiful pictures of both the restaurant and you. the socials began gaining a following pretty quickly thanks to her and her abilities.
-after the first official day of the restaurant being open and all the staff left, you prepared a table with candles and rose petals. there is one last person you had to serve for the night.
-han had been there with you through it all. he's been your support through every sleepless night and anxiety attack due to your fear of failing. he made last minute runs to get anything you might've forgotten and forced you on aimless drives around town to get your mind off things.
-han made your dream a reality. han wove himself seamlessly through all your hopes and dreams and became an integral part of them. now you can't see your life without him by your side.
-han returned to the restaurant under the impression he was going to pick you up. you might not work the night shift as a waitress anymore and you know how to drive now too, but he'll always pick you up and take you home. it gives him time to talk to you before you go through your night routine, head to bed and he heads out to the races or any other errand he has to run.
-when he enters he sees the romantic setting and you waiting for him in a beautiful red dress. you smiled softly at him and took his hand in yours.
"what's all this?" han asks, following you to the table where you pull his chair out for him.
"it's a thank you," you say, walking around the table to find your seat that faces him.
"you didn't have to, baby. you've been working all day," han shakes his head, although there's a grin plastered in his face. he appreciates what you've done.
you've told him countless times how much it means to you everything he's done. the moment he walked into your life he changed it all for the better.
"maybe i didn't, but i wanted to. all of this was possible because of you," you tell him, grabbing his hand that lays on the table, "will you let me start making it up to you?"
-it's come up on your late night conversations how you're guilty of han spending so much money on you. the last thing you want is to make him believe you're with him for the money. so you take each opportunity that presents itself to make it up to him.
"alright. what you got?" han asks.
you uncover the dinner plates to reveal a simple bacon burger with fries. no pickles. han's smile spreads even further touched by the gesture. it's been a long time since he's had one of these.
"i figured you missed your order considering i have been feeding you fancy dishes all these months," you chuckle, remembering all the tastings han had to go through. "i'll always have a stock of burgers and fries just for you. all you have to do is ask."
"have i told you i love you," han says, lacing your fingers together.
you hum quietly, pretending to think and say, "not today." you bring his hand up to your lips, kissing the back of it.
"i love you, baby," han repeats for the first time today but for the thousandth time since he said it first.
-there are times where han runs out of his snacks and doesn't have access to a store immediately. wether it's because he's at the races or driving around the country side or any other reason.
-when this happens he gets really antsy. he'll pick at loose threads, or at the skin around his fingers, he'll drum his fingers against something, or his leg will bounce. it's very noticeable that something is bothering him.
-it happens while on a trip around europe. han planned it as a vacation for the two of you for your second anniversary. he (you) had exhausted all his snacks and you were about an hour away from civilization. an idea suddenly pops into your head, han wants to have his hands and lips busy and you have the perfect thing.
-you take off your seatbelt and lean over the center consol. han doesn't question you until you kiss his cheek down to his neck.
"what're you doing, baby?" he murmurs, his eyes briefly looking at you before they return to the long stretch of pavement.
"making you crave something else," you whisper in his ear, biting his earlobe.
"get in my lap," he immediately responds. han's pretty tall so there's a huge gap between his chest and the steering wheel, leaving his lap free for you to sit on. 'if i fits i sits' style.
-you don't hesitate, since you've adopted han's risky behavior. once in his lap he catches his lips on yours. the focus he has to maintain on the road while kissing you is enough to make him forget his cravings.
-you eventually forget what lead you to this as you get lost in the kiss. it's not often you get to take the upper hand. taking advantage of the situation you slip your tongue inside han's mouth, massaging his tongue with yours.
-when he makes it to a gas station in the middle of nowhere he parks far away from the pump. you whine about having to walk the long distance to the convenience store.
"i need you now, baby," he grunts, grabbing the back of your neck to smash his lips against yours and showing you his true intentions.
"hannie this car is tiny, it'll be so uncomfortable," you whine against his lips.
"it's either the half a millon car or the public bathroom," he breathes, lifting your dress without waiting for your answer.
"i can make it work here," you huff, straddling him. you bump your head on the roof of the car but han quickly pulls you down flush against his covered cock.
"that's what i thought," he groans into your mouth as you grind against him.
-when you finish your risky endeavor you stumble out of the car and speed to the bathroom to clean yourself. han goes inside to grab snacks and pay for gas. he grabs snacks for you as well seeing that was what led him to run out in the first place. you made up for it in your own way though.
-in terms of your family, you haven't talked to them in about four years. once you spoke up about hating your college major and the fact you were gonna switch they presented you with a choice. continue the path your father paved for you or leave.
-you gave it a lot of thought. you finished your semester and everything. but in the end you decided you didn't want it. you hated your classes and was miserable. so you left. and your father told you not to come back unless you got your priorities straight.
-mindy took you in, let you live with her while you found a new place to live and a job. without your parents support you couldn't afford the culinary school you wanted to go to. with what little savings you had you got your apartment and soon found a job in the american themed diner.
-the diner was your saving grace. they let you stay on the overnight shifts. you didn't have a family to go to, you didn't exactly go to school during the day either, so it worked.
-you had other jobs along with the diner but none lasted and then han came along and it all changed for the better.
-you think about your family often. you remember your parents and sisters birthday and the anniversaries. when those days come along you keep yourself occupied.
-one night you and your staff are cleaning after a long shift and the door chimes as someone enters. you ignore it believing it's han that's come to give you company and take you home, but someone clearing their throat makes you look up.
-your mom stands there, she's still the same as the last day you saw her. her clothes are as expensive as ever, her shoes and bag matching perfectly.
"i thought i'd find you here," she speaks smoothly with her head held high as she assesses the restaurant.
"how did you find me?" you ask not giving her the pleasure to have your full attention as you finish wiping down tables.
"there's been buzz going around about a brand new restaurant. one of my friends came and saw you," she goes silent. "she was right, it's a nice place, is this all yours?"
"is there something you want?" you ask her, finally facing her. you didn't feel inclined to go on to explain your mysteriously wealthy boyfriend funded it.
"we need to talk," she tells you plainly as if she hasn't lost the right to speak to you.
"we're talking," you huff, ignoring the true meaning of her words.
"in private," your mom grits, grabbing hold of your arm much like when you were younger and refused to listen.
-to avoid a scene you know she's fully capable of making you guide her to your office. it's simply decorated with a desk and a few chairs scattered around. there's a white board on the wall where you write down your menu ideas and to do lists. there are also sticky notes on it that han has left behind throughout the months. some are sweet and encouraging and some are naughtier with innuendos and inside jokes.
"talk," you say when she stands in the middle of the room taking it all in.
"is that a way to treat your mother?" she scolds you.
"we haven't seen each other in four years and you suddenly come here. just say what you have to say," you angrily exclaim, crossing your arms over your chest.
"i never agreed with what your father did," she then reveals.
"and yet you didn't do a single thing about it. either way, he got his perfect daughter" you humorlessly laugh, referring to your sister who did everything your father expected of you. "is that why you're here? to suddenly apologize?"
"i want you to come back home," she responds.
you shake your head, "that's not happening. i have a life and i can't drop it just because you want me to. besides it's not like dad wants me there."
"he does, he's too stubborn to admit it, please come back," your mother pleads, forcefully grabbing your hand in hers.
"why now? i refuse to believe this is coming out of nowhere." you rip your hand from hers and a disappointed expression crosses her face.
"your dad is sick. the doctors don't think he has a lot of time," she gulps, turning her back to you.
you're quiet as you process her words, "i'll think about it. if you'll excuse me i have a restaurant to take care of."
you leave her behind and see her walk out of the restaurant soon after. your mind remains busy there after as you mull over her words.
-days go by of constantly thinking about it. han notices the moment he picks you up that night but wants to give you time to bring it up. except you don't.
-three days later he finds you in his bathroom, deep in your thoughts in his bathtub, the water a bright pink from a bathbomb you must've used.
-he gets in the tub with you. the water is still hot as he sinks in and sits behind you. you must've gotten in not long ago. instantly you relax against him. han wraps his arms around you, tracing figures against your stomach and thighs.
"rough week, baby?" he murmurs in your ear.
"mm yes, the delivery came late, not once but twice. burned my finger, cut my finger, burnt some food, feel like a loser," you list out, rubbing his thighs which are around you.
"it's one bad week, among a sea of other good ones," he reminds you, lacing his hands with yours.
"hope so or i'm retiring at the ripe age of twenty six," you smile, turning your head slightly to kiss his jaw.
"it's okay. i'll be your sugar daddy," he jokes with you. although he definitely would be your sugar daddy if you decide not to work another day in your life.
-theres a glass of wine by the bathtub that han notices. you only drink wine when something is troubling you. with gentle coaxing han convinces you to tell him what's been on your mind.
-it's he who convinces you to go and see your dad at least once. he put into perspective you might regret it in the future. you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for yourself.
-you contact your mom and tell her your decision. she invites you over for dinner. it'll be just the four of you. you didn't want to bring han in case all hell broke loose.
-as you get ready han helps you with the clasp of your high heels. you prop your foot in his knee, your dress riding up, revealing your black lacy underwear. he takes the opportunity to caress your leg from your thigh down to your ankle. he'd buckle the strap of the heels he gifted you that make your ass look great and then he'd kiss your knee.
-han would repeat the process on your other leg too. only that after you straighten up he'd pull you down to his lap to kiss you and try to convince you to a quicky. just this once you don't give in. you don't want to cast a bad impression by being late to see your family for the first time in four years.
-nervously you knock on the door. your mom answers and she welcomes you in. it's oddly strange to be back in this house, you feel out of place. you peep the wall where your parents measured you and your sister when you were growing up. the dent on the wall you caused using your bike inside. your childhood is present still.
-your mom failed to mention she didn't tell anyone you were coming as your sister is quick to stand "what is she doing here?"
"i invited her," your mom tell her.
your dad is quiet as you take a seat where you always sat when you lived there. there's an unbearable silence until he speaks, "can i ask why the sudden appearance?"
"mom told me about your situation," you tell him with a frown.
"what situation?" he prompts, looking at your mother.
"that your sick...although you look pretty healthy to me," you softly say, redirecting your gaze towards your mother.
"i lied yes, but i thought this was the only way to get you here," she shakily admits, secretly hoping you don't up and leave.
"mom, oh god," you sigh in relief. your shoulder no longer holding the weight of your father possibly dying.
"do you realize how fucked up that is?" your sister adds.
"it got her here!" your mom yells, making everyone go quiet.
-the rest of dinner goes by as normal as it can. your parent ask you about your new life and everything you've been doing. it was agonizing. you answer most of their question albeit reluctantly.
-the question you've been dreading comes up. 'are you dating anybody?' you tell them you're in a two year and a half relationship.
-you avoid saying he's the one that funded the restaurant. you owe everything to han but if you tell them it was him who put in the money they will probably discredit you and your abilities.
-your dad calls you over to his office to talk after dinner, your sister glares at you, she's upset you chose to leave, cause it means you turned your back to the whole family. she believes you're selfish because you 'forced' the family business onto her.
-you emptily apologize for coming home when he told you not. surprisingly he asks you about your new priorities and although they don't necessarily align with what he had in mind for you, he accepts them and asks you to be around more.
-more importantly he apologizes for what he did. he had a health scare recently and realize he wanted you by his side (it’s where your mom got the idea). after talking to him you leave. going back to talking to your family will be hard because for the longest time you suppressed it.
-han waits for you back home, your true home. he's watching tv, an old japanese movie from the 90s. you tell him all about your family dinner and how your mom lied but he was right. you would've regretted not going.
-feeling good about your night you give in to han's advances. throughout the night he couldn't shake off the sight of you in your pretty dress and heels. he doesn't ruin the illusion as he only takes off your panties. the dress and heels stay on as he fucks you, your legs pressed to your chest as he wants to be as deep and close to you as possible.
-while your parents want you back in their life you don't instantly go back, choosing to show them you got back on your feet without them. you have a new life.
-but once your moms birthday rolls around you don't feel the need to busy yourself, instead you pick up the phone and give her a call wishing her a 'happy birthday'.
-han eventually meets your family. your mom is instantly charmed by him so much so that by the end she has him calling her by her first name. he certainly made a great impression with the flowers and expensive earrings he picked out for her.
-your dad takes longer to come around but by the end of the night han has him wrapped around his pinky finger as well. your dad likes that he's a 'business man'. if only he knew how shady han really is.
-in just in a few hours they were able to see how much you and han care for each other. it's in the way han searches for you in the busy room. he looks out for you constantly in a non-possessive way. or the way you constantly reach out for him to hold his hand or wrap his arm around you.
-han is not one for big and elaborate love gestures. he believes in showing his love and appreciation everyday with smaller gestures. like restocking your skin care products when you're running low or leaving hand warmers on your coat pockets in the cold winters or buying take out of whatever food you're craving.
-he listens to you when you rant about your interests like the new season of Game of Thrones or about a new compilation that came out of your favorite artist. he'd make an effort to learn about it just so he can have an input in your conversation. han loves the way your eyes light up whenever he voices out an opinion, especially when it goes against yours.
-'friendly' debates are your thing as a couple. it's coincidental that in some minor things your opinions are different. like if the dress is 'black and blue' or 'gold and white'. you swear its black and blue but han insists it's not.
-the same goes for you, because you see all the effort han makes for you, you try and learn about cars and drifting and learn the names of whatever technique is popular. you learn about his favorite foods and favorite movies (which are mostly american and from the 90s) and tag along for the occasional race.
-han's favorite way of showing you his love is with colorful post-it notes. you'd often find them in your office in the restaurant, in the mirror you use to get ready for the day, the fridge door, on your kitchen counter along with your favorite chocolate bar. you'd even find them on the depths of your purse.
-funny thing is you've never caught him sticking them anywhere. so it's always a fun surprise.
'don't worry about lunch today. i'll stop by the restaurant with your favorite! -h'
'i love you, baby -h'
'roses are red, violets are blue, i love you, let’s go screw -h'
'cutie pie ;) -h'
'stop stealing my peanut crackers :( -h'
'you're both my favorite chef and my favorite meal -h'
-after two and a half years of dating han you finally get the opportunity to meet the toretto crew. they would be staying in japan for about a month in a mansion they rented out in the mountains.
-han is beyond excited that his friends are visiting. he constantly talks about them and has all these plans for when they arrive.
-you're nervous to say the least. this is his chosen family and he's been through so much with them. gisele was part of that family too and you feel the pressure of being compared to her once you meet them.
-you convince han to go meet up with then first and you'd join them later that night. you didn't want him to wait so long for you to finish work. besides in your mind it's better if he catches up with them before you get there. you wanted him to enjoy being with his friends without worrying about you.
-when the day finally comes you say goodbye to a sleepy han, go prep the restaurant, work your butt off for the day and once you clos the restaurant you go to mindy's house to get ready.
-you visit her to distract yourself and to have someone call you ridiculous for being afraid of meeting han's friends. it also helps as she distracts you with talk of her newish relationship.
-as you scramble through your toiletry bag looking for a hair tie, you push away your deodorant, tampons, dry shampoo. but you come back to the tampons realizing it's been over six weeks since your last cycle...
"i know what i said was out of bounds but he called me a dramatic bitch!" mindy exclaims from her spot on the bed where she scrolls through instagram.
"tampons!" you yell, pulling them out of your bag.
"what about them?" she asks, looking at you over her phone.
"i haven’t used them.”
"you want me to give you a prize or something?" she mumbles, shooting you a strange look.
"no, mindy, no. i haven't gotten my period!' you begin pacing around the room with the box of tampons in your grasp.
mindy jumps from the bed and begins panicking as well, “oh, we'e going through this. we're having the pregnancy scare, how exciting! every pair of best friends have to go through this."
-mindy runs to the pharmacy on her block to get you a pregnancy test while you chug down two water bottles. she gets you one of each test they had. you had to pee but your nerves made it difficult. mindy forced you to chug down a soda too cause if you don’t pee wilingly you'll do it forcefully.
-through all this mess han calls you. he's been expecting you for the past hour. everyone is excited to meet you. he's spoken so much about you and your name has slipped past his lips a few times during the day. they can tell he's more than obsessed with you.
"hey baby, are you on your way?"
you’re dressed but your makeup is barely done. considering the stress you’re currently going through you definitely have to put on some makeup.
mindy motions to you to respond as she holds your phone on you hands because you were washing your hands free of pee.
"h-hey hannie, two more minutes and ill be on my way. mindy is going to take me," you scrunch your eyes at the stutter. you never stutter!
"okay, let me know when you're nearly here," he says unsure.
"mhm, bye," you say, motioning for mindy to hang up.
"girl that wasn't smooth. he knows something is up," she flat out tells you.
"you're not helping," you grumble.
-while the three minutes tick away mindy forces you to sit and have a chat. she asks if you’ve talked to han about a future together. marriage and kids and the whole deal. she asks what you want to do if the result comes back positive. she’s cool being the fun cool aunt but if you don’t want to go through with it she’ll be your confidant and drive you to the clinic.
-once your phone alarm goes off you walk into the bathroom alone. with a racing heart you turn on the phone to record yourself because be damned you don't have this reaction to show han later. baby or not.
-one test after another you turn them around with shaky hands and they all say the same thing, p o s i t i v e
-you sob not out of sadness but overwhelmed. this is so messy. you just got the restaurant running, you're not married and you are expecting a baby. the only thing that seems right is that it's the love of your life's baby.
-you step out the bathroom ten long minutes after. with one look mindy knows all she has to know. she helps you finish getting ready, puts drops in your eyes to reduce the redness and drives you over to han. on the way out you give yourself a look in the mirror but you look just the same. you're only a couple of weeks along it would be crazy to see a difference so soon but you already know everything is different.
-mindy drops you off after hyping you up all the way to your destination.
"thanks for bringing her," han says, helping you out the suv.
"anytime, she might have her license but there’s no way i’m letting her drive." she jokes at your expense.
"i’m not that bad a driver. you just don’t let me practice," you defend yourself.
-han grabs your hand and your bag and walks you to the front door, you can hear music and chatter from his friends. but he stops before going on.
-he asks if you’re okay. and you tell him you’re nervous, a half lie. han nods in understanding. ‘they’ll love you, baby.’
-he kisses your lips lightly before opening the door because he hasn’t seen you all day and he missed you. but of course roman pierce has to interrupt. he opens the door, interrupting their moment, ‘aye! she's here han is hogging her.’
-roman insists he knows japanese and tries greeting you using the language. you respond fully in japanese just to fuck with him, even adding the bow in your greeting. he bows back and just stares back with an empty smile. he did not understand a word you just said.
-han pushes past him and leads you to where everyone is gathered. he introduces you to everyone and you say 'hi, it's nice to finally meet all you. i've heard so much!'
roman stands besides han with a scowl and whispers. ‘man you could’ve told me she speaks english.’
-you are received with open arms as han introduces you to everyone that came along. dominic, letty, mia, brian, tej, roman, ramsey and all of their kids. it’s nice to be able to place faces to the names you’ve heard for the last two years.
-with you now present they ask all about how you and han met, eager to view your perspective. you respond as much as you can, laughing at the quirky remarks the others throw. they tease han like never before and he deserves it because he went MIA for three years.
-it's enough to make you forget momentarily about the pregnancy tests in your overnight bag. until letty offers you a beer, you pause but react quick enough where no one notices your hesitation. you'll just have to sneak your way around this one.
-han is a lot more reserved around the toretto crew than when he's around sean or twinkie. there's no big in-your-face make out sessions or random gropes of your ass. he respects the crew to much to subject them to that.
-doesn't mean he's not constantly attached to you. throughout the night han has his arm around your shoulders or his hand pressed on the small of your back. it helps a lot ease your nerves when facing the room of friendly strangers.
-eventually the subject of your restaurant comes up. you barely get the name out when ramsey squeals in excitement. turns out she's a big foodie with an instagram account and on her to-do list for japan is visiting your restaurant. she didn't know you were the same person until now. 'you're all welcome whenever you'd like. i'm there most of the week,' you tell the bunch.
-as the hours go by the crew starts turning in for the night. han pulls you up from the couch you were sitting on and guides you to a room.
"what did you think?" han asks as you both change into your pajamas.
"you were right they are all very welcoming. even if i have only known them for a few hours i see you guys have a very familial relationship."
you sit on the edge of the bed with your head hanging. the weight of your secret is crushing you down, your stomach has been swirling since you and han retreated to the bedroom.
han stands in front of you, tilting your head up to look at him. his eyes are soft as he rubs his thumb across your cheek. "what's wrong, baby?"
"'you love me, right?" your eyes fill with tears. suddenly feeling an unreasonable fear in the pit of your stomach. han has shown you more than enough times how much he loves you.
"more than anyone i have ever loved," he assures you. han is concerned. you've never been overly emotional and nothing has happened that he's aware off.
you hug him by the waist, burying your head on his stomach. he hugs you back, holding your head and running a hand up and down your back.
you pull back from his embrace, wiping your tears and some snot and manage to hiccup your news, 'hannie, i-i'm pregnant.'
han freezes momentarily. he thinks he heard you incorrectly but he couldn't have. your words were clear. leaning down in front of you so he's level with your- still not showing-belly he gasps, "we're having a baby?"
-one nod of yours causes a tsunami of questions. when did you find out? how? are you happy? how far along? boy or girl?
-han is over the moon. he is taken aback by just how happy he feels. he wants this but he thought it wouldn't happen for another year or two. the baby is more than welcome though.
-just earlier today he had been thinking about having kids with you as he watched the o'conner and toretto children run around.
-with both of your emotions running high han pulls you close and kisses you like never before. he takes you to bed and fucks you hard and deep and slow. him on top of you, never ceasing his attack on your lips. whenever he does it’s to tell you he loves you and how happy you’ve made him. it's like he wants to get you pregnant all over again.
-'wait, is that why you were switching our beers earlier?' han asks when you’re laying in bed, your head on his chest. you laugh at his question, having forgotten your attempts at not drinking alcohol.
-at around 4 am you and han sneak to the kitchen where you make a snack. you were starving and so was han. he sits you on the kitchen counter as you eat. he stands between your thighs speaking softly about future plans with your baby now included in them.
-'it's 4 am, don't you two sleep?' its tej who came downstairs for water. he shakes his head in disapproval at the two of you going back to his bedroom once he got his water.
-letty is the one to bring up the happiness that oozes out of you and han the following days, 'you two look awfully happy.'
"got some good news the other day," han softly drawls, "you want to tell them?"
you're sitting on his lap with his hand wrapped around your waist as you nod, "we're expecting a little lue."
-the crew is nearly as happy as the two of you. they congratulate the both of you. the girls whipping you away from han to ask all the questions and give you any advice you might need. the guys tease han about not wasting any time with you.
-han is surprised yet not because you two go at it like rabbits. he's surprised he didn't get you knocked up before then. your birth control must've given up.
-han is happy, he is content, he is satisfied. you're pregnant and having his baby. the crew visiting tokyo only amplified his joy. not even roman's teasing put a dent on him.
-as he's talking to dom, brian and tej a question comes up. is han going to ask you to marry him? his response is simple. no. or at least not yet. he doesn't want to ask you to marry him just because he knocked you up. when he asks he wants you to be sure that it's because he wants it too. and he does want it right now, he adores you. the baby only put his plans to propose on pause. he knows you're the one for him, he's known for a while and he's in no rush.
-his life has consisted about running and races and winning. but with you it's different. he feels like he can slow down and take things at his own leisure pace. make things right and give you everything you deserve.
-you've never called han daddy. it's not your kink and you don't think it's his either considering he hasn't asked you to call him that. now that you're expecting you have teasingly been calling him that. he finds it endearing to say the least.
he passes you something across the table? 'thanks daddy'
'can daddy do the dishes?'
'mommy has a craving for rocky road ice cream, do you think daddy will be good and get some for me baby?' you ask looking down at your belly.
-pregnancy is not kind to you at first. in the first trimester, everything you eat ends up flushed down the toilet. you're miserable. han sympathizes with you and helps you out as much as he can. holds your hair back, rubs your back, prepares your toothbrush, etc.
-because of all the puking you barely show at first until suddenly you popped and the nausea stopped in the second trimester. that's when you started noticing the pregnancy glow and felt cute enough to highlight your bump with your clothes.
-han is obsessed with it. each night when he goes to sleep he puts a hand on your bump and talks to the baby. whether you're asleep or not. he'll rub his hand on your stomach soothing any pain or nausea you might feel.
-han goes with you to each and every doctors appointment. he doesn't dare miss one. he loves when the doctor sets up the ultrasound and the baby starts shaping up and taking form as the weeks go by.
-han keeps a picture of an ultrasound in his car. along with one of you two. it's everything he loves all in one place.
-han is the first to feel the baby kick surprisingly. it's one of those nights he returned home from the races. he settled in bed and touched your growing belly. it's slick from all the oils and lotions you apply to try and prevent stretch marks. then he feels it a small 'thud' he thinks he imagines it, until it happens again.
"baby, wake up," he softly calls you, rousing you from sleep.
"what's wrong, hannie?" you mutter with your eyes still closed.
"the baby is kicking," he whispers, grabbing your hand and placing it where he felt the kick. his hand over yours.
"no, it's no- oh my god, it is," you shiver finding the sensation a bit strange at first. you spend the next hour just waiting to feel the baby kick again.
-when you tell your parents you're pregnant they become the most doting grandparents ever. they start buying everything and anything they can get their hands on. it's their first grandchild and most of their friends already have grandchildren. they want to be the best. plus, they feel like they owe it to you for what they did.
-although han's apartment is bigger than yours you don't believe it's big enough for a baby. you spend months apartment hunting until you find the perfect place. a three bedroom, two bathroom penthouse.
-you insisted it was too much space but han reassured you it's not. because he wants more children and he doesn't want to move again when you have another baby. your words were:
'give me a break hannie, i haven't even pushed the first out. let's see how it goes."
-with pregnancy a woman goes through many changes. besides your bump han's favorite is still your tits which have grown larger. he notices that change instantly, but with each gain there is a loss. the piercings had to go. you also tease han that now he'll have to share.
-not surprisingly pregnancy does a number on you and you get hornier than ever. it's like constantly ovulating and having to be pounded. which doesn't make sense cause you're already pregnant.
-it's not something han finds himself complaining about. it's fun to explore the changes your body is going through and how the sensations shift. like how your nipples get very sensitive in your pregnancy and how han takes advantage of that.
-you go on a journey of finding your self-love once more. the changes your body go through are out of your control, they are necessary to sustain the life inside of you and yet some made you insecure.
-the love you felt for your bump at first then made you insecure as it grew larger and stretch marks decorated it. you're not used to the sight. sure you've always had some faded ones on your thighs or your boobs but you've had them for so long you got used to them. these were long and red and they made you cry.
-for about a week you felt so insecure and looked for ways around being intimate with han because if you hate them surely he will too.
"lets get this off, baby," han says, pulling up your silky night dress up your thighs.
"no, no, let's keep it on," you laugh it off, holding hans hands with yours.
"alright, what's going on?" he asks, leaving his hands on your thighs and squeezing them lovingly.
"what do you mean?" you feign innocence.
"baby, don't think i haven't noticed you've been covering up and acting strange."
you avoid his gaze but he cups your cheek and returns it back to his. "i'm scared you won't like the way i look now," you mutter.
"are you joking? i've never liked the way you looked more than i do now," he speaks without any hesitation.
"really?" you peer up at him through your lashes.
"oh yeah. i think this is the sexiest you've ever looked. you're carrying my baby, how can i not like the body that's helping it grow and keeping it safe? And you know i love how much more responsive and sensitive you've gotten."
"oh god, you've made me even hornier," you say, pulling him down to kiss him.
"and you're glowing and look so cute waddling around the house," he teases, breaking the kiss.
"i do not waddle!" yes. you, in fact, do.
-han is always asking for the baby to kick, those lazy morning spent in bed, he'll have a hand on your belly talking to the it.
"come on kid, kick for daddy"
"let them be, it's not your bladder they're kicking"
he softly apologizes, knowing that as the day gets nearer the more trips to the bathroom you make.
-han dotes on you every second of every day, he barely leaves your side. you need something to drink or eat? he'll get it. your feet hurt? hell massage them. get cravings? he'll make a trip to the convenience store.
-as a couple you decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise. which just led to the two of you to place bets on what's it gonna be. han swears you're hanging low (whatever that means) so you'll be having a boy and because of your morning sickness you think it's a girl.
-realistically both you and han are fine with either one. which is why you'll be trying for another one when the time comes. if it turns out the same gender you'll try for a third, but that's all! if all three turn out the same, tough luck!
-you go into a small crisis thinking you'll never be able to wear your short dresses and skirts. you're going to be a mom surely you'll have to dress like one? han assures you you can wear whatever you want because he knows you'll be a good mom, which is all that matters. plus, he likes seeing you wear that type of clothes.
-han invests in another car. one he never though of having. a toyota sienna le. it's a minivan. always one for cars, han details it, adds leather seat covers, a few cool features and an overly complicated car seat.
-as your due date nears you spend more and more time in bed with han, having sex obviously. you had read somewhere it was good for contractions and when you go into labor. plus, you just had these boosts of energy and it was the only way to get you to sleep.
-han eventually stops working for takashi. more people are at risk now if he continues. takashi lets him go without much trouble. han did help him expand his business a lot quicker had he done it by himself.
-when the time comes to give birth, han races to the hospital in his new minivan. finds it stressful cause the thing can't go as fast as his precious mazda. but he makes it to the hospital in record time.
-your doctor is waiting for you, they have a room prepared for you. han stays by your side through it all even as you curse him out through your pain. your labor is long and painful being a first time mom and all.
-at some point you start crying that you can't do it and han is there to wipe your tears away and tell you you can. it's holding his hand that you push and push. he doesn't whine or complain once, ignoring the insults you throw at him and the pain in his hand.
-then it happens, a cry resonates through the room and your hand stops squeezing his. the nurse places your baby on your chest. it has a full head of dark hair already.
"it's a girl," the nurse coo's.
-han didn't think he'd be able to love someone as much as he loves you. he's proven wrong as he softly touches his baby girls head. she's slimey and a little ugly (being a newborn and all) but this emotion swells his chest and tears well up in his eyes.
-you softly call out his name and he looks at you and just says, 'i love you.’
-to make up for your pain han gets you a push gift. it's a pretty golden necklace. it has a thin chain and a pendant with a little gem, behind the pendant the initial of your baby girls name is engraved. it has enough space to add when your family expands eventually.
-fatherhood suits him. he's patient and soft spoken and baby girl adores him. han is a night owl so he has no problem getting up at night to feed his baby girl or change her diaper.
-it takes time to adapt and start feeling like yourself again but han makes it easy for you. he loves you no matter what and does everything possible to make the transition a smoother one. you gave him everything he wanted and more.
-you left the restaurant in good hands while you rode out the last month of your pregnancy and the first two postpartum. returning to work felt good. you love baby girl but getting out the house without puke on your shoulder was necessary.
-han stays with her during the morning embracing being a stay at home dad. granted he slips out now and then to the races or to hang out at the garage. in fact, when baby girl is older he sets up an area just for her.
-sean and twinkie make fun of him and his minivan. to which han threatens to kick them out the garage they don't even have to pay for.
-when your baby girl is almost 1 year old, he pops the question. it was date night, your parents were taking care of the baby. he picked you up in his orange mazda that just so happened matched your nails. you were back to wearing your usual dresses and sparkly heels. although you were rebuilding the confidence you had two years ago.
he took you to dinner and then dessert and then you walked through a park. it's cherry blossom season you had to make the most of it. that's when he does it. under the rain of sakura flowers he asked his question.
"will you marry me, baby?" han asks, down in one knee.
"i thought you would never ask," you cry out, extending your hand so he can slip the ring on your finger.
"that's not an answer," he teases, before he slides the ring on your finger.
"yes! it's a yes!"
finally he puts the ring on your finger and it's just like you'd imagine it to be.
-you have your ceremony not even a year after. the toretto crew comes back to japan. even hans family (that you've only met like twice in four years) attends. your family and friends are invited as well. mindy is your maid of honor and your baby girl the ring bearer.
-it's on your honeymoon, that is really more like a family vacation because baby girl is with you, that you tell han a little secret.
'We're having another baby!'
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if you’d like to scream at me or cry with me about the headcanons feel free to send me a message through the asks! i didn't think before making this blog a sideblog so i can't answer comments from this account but from my main.
lol in case you didn't catch that i'd like to make a mini series of sorts of han with his baby girl. i've got ideas floating around so if it's something you'd be interested in let me know!
also been thinking of making a brian o'connor one shot or something cause those baby blues are irresistible.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 11 months
The Hope in the Fault Lines, part 1
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Summary: after your sister and her husband are tragically killed, you become the guardian of their daughter, your niece. As you try to pick up the pieces of your life, you become aware that you need help. Desperately. So you hire a nanny. Enter Mingyu, an ex-agent-turned-childcare-professional with a past of his own.
Genre: fluff, heavy themes, (light) smut in later parts (minors DNI)
Warnings: (applies to most of the parts) descriptions of grief, mental illness, disordered eating, instant parenthood, loss of sibling, vehicle-related death, police investigation, child custody court, parental abuse
Word count for pt 1: 4.3k
part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Why aren’t I numb yet? you think to yourself.
Because really, you should be there by now. Hell, you’d even planned to be there by now so you could go back to work. But here you are — standing in your seven-month-old niece’s bedroom, crying along with her, the agony in your chest building like water that slowly heightens to a boil, its persistent, grief-tinged bubbles roiling in time with every pointless beat of your absolutely shattered heart.
You stroke the back of your niece Sara’s head and made soothing noises as well as you could around your own tears. Surely, at some point, she had to stop crying, right? Then maybe you could get back to sleep, which so far has been the only semi-consistent way to forget the grim truth of your reality.
Which was that your sister, Jeri — the proper mother for this fussing thing in your arms — and her husband, Jisung, were dead. That was why you were here, with a child who was missing the same person you were missing but had much less of a vocabulary to express it, so she just cried and cried and cried until you realized she was voicing your own internal monologue. Both of you were hoping that she’d walk in any minute and hold you and make the world stop its incessant spinning for a moment.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I’m sorry you only have me. I’m sorry that’s the best I can give you.” You stifle a sob. “I’m sorry that she’s gone. I miss her too.”
Eventually, Sara’s wails quieted, and she slumped against your shoulder, exhausted. You collapsed into the chair in the nursery, exhausted enough to fall asleep immediately, holding Sara in your arms.
You were awakened by the sound of the door opening. Had you forgotten to lock it? You suddenly panic, gently placing Sara’s still-sleeping form into her crib before tiptoeing into the hallway, colliding with your best friend, Bora.
“Did I not lock the door?” you blurt in shock.
She looks you up and down. “No, you did,” she reassures, her worried look intensifying. “I’ve had a key for five years.”
You deflate in relief. “Right,” you say aimlessly, looking at her. “Okay. Um…coffee?”
“Girl, I should be making you coffee,” Bora said. She put a hand to your forehead. “You’re ill, sweetheart.”
You blink at her. “I am?”
“Undoubtedly,” she confirms, leading you back to your bedroom. “Don’t worry about Sara. I’ll be here all day, so you just rest, okay?” She nearly pushes you onto your bed, and pulls a blanket off the floor to tuck around you.
You take stock of yourself. Head aching -- that wasn’t new. Eyes dry and puffy -- same as always. No, the only difference you could tell from last night is a hollow, cavernous emptiness in your chest where the clawing agony used to sit. Right on cue, the numbness has begun to engulf you.
You pass the day in a haze, only briefly aware of the activities of Sara, who at seven months old is only fussy around strangers when it gets dark, and your friend. You simply lay there in bed, not sleeping despite your tiredness, not even able to muster up the energy to reach for the food Bora brings you at midday. In fact, the sun is setting before you’re able to become conscious, sitting up and rubbing at your stinging eyes as Bora comes in to check on you.
“What about Morrie and Cal?” you ask her, referencing Bora’s own daughter Morna and her husband Calvin. “Did you really leave them all day?”
Bora nodded. “Yeah, Cal’s got it. Which is what I wanted to talk to you about.” She brushes your hair out of your face in a motherly way. “You need help here.”
“I’m not getting married anytime soon, Bo,” you say dryly.
“I’m not talking about marriage,” she says. “I’m talking about a nanny.”
You bite your lip. “Are you saying I’m bad at motherhood?” you ask, and if you could sound hurt through all the nothingness you feel, you’re sure you would.
“No,” Bora says gently. “I’m saying you didn’t bargain for motherhood on top of dealing with your grief, and you still have a whole life ahead of you that needs your attention, outside of this apartment. You have a job you love that you really need to get back to -- for you, sweetheart, not for the company, because I know that the work you do makes you happy. You need more time like that, more time for you. I know there’s a big difference in the circumstances, but when I became a mother, having Cal as a partner made it really easy for me to do things outside of the house that gave me purpose. It really helped me get a handle on myself outside of motherhood so that I could maintain a healthy relationship with Morrie without resenting her or losing myself. And honestly, you need that. We all do. And since marriage isn’t the move right now, and you have the means, a nanny might be the best possible thing for you.”
You nod slowly. “So they’d just come watch Sara while I’m at work?”
She nods. “They can be here as much or as little as you want.”
“Okay. How do I make sure they’re not a child snatcher or a pervert?”
Bora snorts. “Well, I’d recommend interviewing them so that your spidey-senses can alert you to any potential creeps,” she advises.
“I’m tired just thinking about that,” you groan. The phone begins to ring, and you check the ID — it’s your head editor, Cory.
You answer. “Hey,” you say, trying not to sound as dead inside as you are. “What’s up?”
“How are you doing?” he asks, his tone hesitant. This was one of the worst parts of tragedy, you thought to yourself: the awkwardness. Suddenly there was no comfort anywhere. Nobody knew what to say to you, or how to address the event, so everyone skated around it and you in a cautious dance of embarrassment and pity. Part of you wishes someone would just acknowledge it -- “so, your sister is dead,” and then move on.
“I’m fine,” you lie. “I should be back to work...soon. I just need to find a nanny for my niece.”
“Oh, that’s...that’s good,” Cory says, sounding surprised. “I wasn’t actually calling about that, I was actually just...worried about you.”
You sigh. “Everybody is, Cory. But I’ll pull through this. I always do.”
“I know,” he says, “and I trust that you will. I just...wanted you to know that we’re -- that I’m thinking of you.”
You try to feel curious about his choice of words, but can’t muster the energy to care that much. “Thanks, Cory,” you say. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.” Another lie, but the last one you feel compelled to tell him. “Bye.”
Bora is looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “He seems friendly,” she says, and through the haze that seems to coat your brain you know she’s making an implication.
This is yet another thing you don’t have the energy to address right now, so you don’t. “So, I need to interview nannies.”
“Well, you could also have your assistant do it,” Bora offers. “She’d lay on train tracks for you. I’m sure she’d do a good job.”
The corner of your mouth twitches as you think of making Emily, your eager assistant, vet nannies for Sara. She was young and enthusiastic and proactive, and she’d do a great job. “I think that’s a good idea,” you say. “Thanks, Bora. I know I haven’t been -- well, I know you have better things to do than worry about me, and I’m s--”
“Don’t you dare finish that thought,” she says, holding her manicured hand up to silence you. “You have people around you who care about and love you. Me included. This is the time where you need to lean on those people. And we all want that.”
“Thank you,” you say again.
“Eat,” she says sternly. “I need to get home, but I refuse to leave Sara with you until you’ve got food in your body.”
You wrinkle your nose at the idea of putting something in your mouth and chewing, but you realize that Bora’s made you some kind of thick, creamy soup that requires nothing but small sips. It’s easy to eat, and before you know it, despite not really tasting it as it passed through your lips, you’ve finished the bowl. Bora nods approvingly, leaning in and kissing your forehead before standing up to leave. “I love you, sweetheart,” she says. “Call me in the morning, okay?”
And with that, she leaves.
Six days later, you’re somewhere that you never expected to be at this point -- at dinner with your friend Gwen and her husband, Chan. Bora had showed up, instructed you to get ready, and taken Sara home with her as the couple had showed up at your front door. “You need a night out,” she insisted as you halfheartedly protested.
You had taken her advice and asked Emily to start interviewing nannies, but so far, her search for someone who could be there during your required time period and had the right background checks and qualifications had come up with very few results. This was a bit disheartening, but you hadn’t really given up yet, hoping someone would pull through for you. If you believed in God at this point, you’d probably pray for it.
These are the thoughts that are consuming you at dinner with your friends, when you’re supposed to be listening to them talk. They, gratefully, are a comforting pair, who make a point not to look at you with the customary pity. Instead, they ask about work and Sara and even about your thoughts on how the funeral had gone, which is kind of a relief -- none of that timid skirting around the big, ugly elephant in the room. Maybe this openness they’ve pulled out of you is the reason you feel you can speak to them about your current issue. “Actually, I’m trying to get back to work,” you say. “Those bills aren’t going to pay themselves. The only issue is, I need to find a nanny for Sara, but my assistant has been having trouble finding someone who fits the bill,” you explain, picking at the food in front of you.
To your surprise, Chan’s eyes light up. “I might know a guy. He used to work with me, and he just moved back here after awhile.”
You stare at him. “Chan, aren’t you a federal officer?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he says.
“Why would a federal agent want to work as my nanny?” you ask him.
“Former federal agent,” he corrects you. “Turned nanny.”
“You know someone who quit being a secret agent to become a child-care worker?” you say in disbelief.
Gwen nods. “Actually, he’s really good. The family he was just with fell on some hard times, which is why he’s back now, but I think he might be looking for a new gig.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “You got the contact information for this guy?” you ask Chan.
“Yeah. His name’s Mingyu. I’ll forward the info on to Emily.”
“Thanks,” you say. “Really, Chan.” You allow yourself to hope for a moment, which provides just the right amount of energy to finish dinner and make your way back home. Once you’re inside your wreck of an apartment, which hasn’t been really cleaned since the accident, you lean heavily against the door, releasing a big breath.
You head to Sara’s room before realizing she’s still at Bora’s house. You text her that you’re home, and before you know it, Bora is handing a sleeping Sara back into your arms.
“She was really good today,” Bora whispers. “How was dinner?”
“It was...okay,” you say, and for the first time, you’re honest. For some reason, you feel like this Mingyu person is the one who’s going to stick, and that leaves you with a modicum of relief. A change is coming, and this one feels like it’s bound to be better than whatever you’re trying to do now. Bora leaves, and you go to the nursery -- the one room that’s intact and clean -- and sink into the rocking chair with Sara.
“Sometime soon, we’re going to have someone to help us out, Sara,” you promise. “I know this isn’t the life your parents probably imagined for you, but I’m going to try and give you something close to what they wanted you to have. I mean that.”
Slowly, you pull her off your shoulder to look at her cherubic little face -- at the black curls that surround her face, her long eyelashes fluttering in sleep. She’s a darling baby, but what you notice is something that penetrates through the cloud of numbness: she’s smiling, her little dimples so reminiscent of --
“Jeri,” you breathe, and a rush of warmth hits you right in your chest for a moment before it’s once again extinguished by your grief, like a flaming arrow shot into a dark, black lake. You suppose, as you hold her close to you once again, that in a way, Sara has immortalized your sister.
You fall asleep holding Sara, who for the first time since she became yours sleeps through the night.
You’re standing in your sweatpants, braless, your hair thrown haphazardly on top of your head, feeding Sarah some baby food as she babbles happily in her high chair, when the doorbell rings. You check your watch in disbelief -- it’s seven in the morning, which is the time you had asked Mingyu to show up for his first day of work. You’d never met him in person, although you had talked to him on the phone, and you’d wanted to make a good first impression. But then Sara had had a blowout, and you’d had to change your own sheets because she’d slept in your bed with you, and then you’d had to bathe her (it was that bad), and you were finally getting to feed Sara. You hadn’t even eaten yet, and you’d planned to be fully ready and put together by the time he arrived.
But there was no postponing this -- you couldn’t just let him rot on your porch. So you head for the door, praying Sara won’t throw the spoon on the floor as she has been wont to do recently, and look through the peephole. When you see him, the only thing you can do is whisper “shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.”
Because how could Emily not have told you that the man was beautiful?
And he isn’t beautiful in like, your everyday way either. The man on your porch is tall, probably dwarfing you by both head and shoulders, with a broad chest that pulled at the simple black tee he wears and arms that the pre-accident you would have swooned over. His hair is cropped short like a fed, and he is dressed practically, and yet, he was a god. There was no other way around it. You look down at yourself -- stained t-shirt, sweats with holes in embarrassing places, hair in disarray -- and shrug. There’s nothing you can do but pull the door open. “Hi,” you say. “Mr. Kim?”
“Yeah,” he replies, and he doesn’t seem to register your haggard appearance, just smiles. “I’m guessing you’re --”
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Um, please come in.”
He does, carefully removing his tennis shoes and stepping into the entryway. “Sara’s in the kitchen. Probably throwing stuff.”
He chuckles. “She’s seven months?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“They do that,” he says conspiratorially.
It has taken you very little time to realize you might be in trouble. Mingyu’s smile is open and warm, his eyes full of life. He is nothing like the gruff, stern former agent that you were picturing in your head. You watch him crouch to greet Sara, whose face lights up at his friendly wave. “Hi, Sara,” he says, brushing a bit of blended squash off her nose. “You’re a cutie, that’s for sure.”
“I’m so sorry for the mess,” you can’t help but say. “It’s...it’s been insane.”
He looks up at you. “I get it. Your assistant kind of explained the situation. How are you holding up?” he asks.
You scratch the back of your head. “Well, Sara’s still alive, and that’s pretty much the extent of my current goals, so I guess we’re doing pretty well, all things considered.”
He nods sympathetically. “Honestly, great job. Becoming an instant parent can’t be easy.”
“I actually need to be at work at 8:30,” you suddenly realize. “Can I show you around? I’ll have to dash right afterward.”
“Yeah, sure,” he says, following you down the hall.
“This is the guest room,” you say. “It hasn’t been touched for a minute, but this is where you’ll sleep if we ever need you to stay overnight. I occasionally have business trips.” You lead him further down the hall and up the short staircase, opening the door to the nursery. “Right there is the bathroom. This is Sara’s room, so when she goes down for naps, this is where you can put her.”
You look at him, and his face is thoughtful as you point down the hall. “Door at the end is my bedroom,” you say, remembering what an absolute disaster it is. A blush rises in your cheek. “And please,” you say, going back down the stairs. “You can make yourself at home. Feel free to use the TV while Sara’s napping, or eat what’s in the fridge or pantry if you’re hungry.”
“Okay,” he agrees.
You pull out your wallet and hand him a card. “This one is for you. If you ever feel like eating anything or going somewhere with Sara, you can use this. I opened it for you specifically -- I figured it’d be easier than reimbursing you.”
He pockets it. “Sounds good,” he says.
You stand there, feeling awkward. “Well, I think that was all.”
He nods. “Go get ready,” he says reassuringly. “If I need something or have any questions, I’ll shoot you a text. Is that okay?”
“Of course,” you say in relief. “Thanks.”
You nearly sprint upstairs and jump in the shower. It takes you two minutes to do everything you need to do -- you’ve been taking micro-showers since you took Sara in, terrified that something would happen to her in your absence. Watching the time, you blow your hair dry, apply simple makeup, and change into a comfortable pair of black slacks and a white button-up. You arrive downstairs to see Mingyu at the sink with Sara, having sat her in the crook of his arm so he can wash her sticky face.
The sight of them warms your heart. “Okay, I’ve gotta dash,” you say. “Please, reach out to me if you need anything.”
He smiles. “I will. Drive safe.”
“Okay,” you say, bounding out the door and into your car.
The office hushes a bit when you walk in. They knew you were coming back today, but it must be surreal after the three months you’ve been gone, especially when this is your magazine -- you’re the only person at the company who’s been there since the beginning, because you started it. Cory is quick to hop to your side. “Hi, boss,” he greets. The rest of the office goes back to their activities as you enter your large, glass-paneled office.
“Hi, Cory,” you say. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” he says, seemingly lost for any other words. “It’s good to have you back.”
“Thanks,” you say. “So, update me. Where are we at with the Serena Williams feature?”
“She was super understanding, and the publishers were too,” he says. “Ruby wrote a great piece, though, so as soon as we’ve got the green light we’ll start the launch. I’ve got Jojo on the social media build, and she’s got a two-on-one scheduled with us later to go over it.”
You nod in approval. “Okay, sounds good. I’m gonna contact Park Seojun’s agent today, so I’d like a list of writers you think could write that story well before our meeting with Jojo. I’m thinking we use someone in-house, but I’m open to contracting out if you’re worried people in the office already have too much to do.”
Cory gives you a thumbs up. “Got it,” he says, heading back to his desk.
You breathe in your office air, feeling some of the tension in your shoulders dissolve. You can’t say you’re happy, per se -- but you aren’t as empty as you have been. Bora had been right -- getting back to work is going to be good for you.
Toward the end of the day, though, you begin feeling a strange pull -- a pull toward home. You know Mingyu and Sara have been fine, because Mingyu has been texting you periodically throughout the day:
MG: hey, we’re out of wet wipes over here. do you have any extra boxes?
You: yeah they’re in your bathroom under the sink!
MG: okay I should’ve thought to check there, thanks! You saved my life haha
You: no worries! Is everything ok?
MG: yeah its good, no need to stress. Sara just needs a diaper change.
You: ok, sounds good! Thanks!
MG: sara reeeeeeeeeeeally likes pears
You: oh yeah they’re her favorite lol
He’d sent you a video of Sara screeching with joy as he put a spoonful of pear mush into her mouth.
MG: like i’ve never seen anyone so enthusiastic about pears
You: i love it when she screams at her food, that’s the best
MG: me too its so cute haha
MG: ok i forgot to ask
MG: how long are her naps supposed to be
You: tbh I usually let her sleep an hour or so...i should probably do research on what’s developmentally appropriate
MG: lmao nah i gotchu
Then a few minutes later:
MG: so apparently huckleberrycare.com suggests 2-3 hours of daytime sleep for kids sara’s age
You: damn, that’s a long time
You: well, i guess let her sleep? She might not stay down that long, but we can adjust her routine a bit to try and get her there
MG: sounds good. Is she a light sleeper? She’s on me rn and i don’t want to wake her up if i move her
You: oh no you can totally put her in her crib lol she won’t wake up
MG: ok thanks haha my arm was kind of going numb bc i was too scared to change positions lmao
You: hahaha yes you’re totally fine to put her in as soon as she goes to sleep usually
MG: great to know, thanks lol
And more throughout the day, littered with photos of Sara in varying states of ridiculousness. You found yourself actually smiling as each text rolled in, grateful for the updates, knowing you would’ve felt a lot more anxious if you hadn’t heard anything.
Still, you didn’t want to keep Mingyu waiting too long. He was supposed to get off at 6, and you wanted to make sure he didn’t feel like you were taking advantage of him. So you left work earlier than normal, beating the rush hour traffic and coming through the door to see Mingyu playing with your niece on the floor. He looks up at you as you come in and waves you over. “She rolled over just barely,” he whispers excitedly. “Watch!”
Sara struggles, whining a little bit, before rolling from her stomach to her back. You clap excitedly, lifting her from the floor into your arms and kissing her pudgy cheek. “Good job, Sara!” you coo, and she burbles happily, touching your face with a fat hand.
Suddenly, you notice something -- the house is clean.
“Mr. Kim,” you say slowly, “did you clean my house?”
He suddenly looks sheepish. “Uh, yeah, I did,” he says. “I’m sorry if that was...I don’t know, not my place.”
“Are you apologizing for cleaning?” you ask him, amused. “I feel bad you felt the need to do that! I shouldn’t have -- have let it get so bad.”
He gives you an extremely gentle look that you are sure he didn’t intend to make your knees go weak. “You’ve been through a lot recently,” he says. “I think you should be kinder to yourself. Also, there was a time when I was in college and living with roommates, and it was way worse cleaning up after some of them.”
“Well, at least there’s that,” you say, returning his smile with Sara propped on your hip.
You stare at him for a minute, and then shake yourself. “Well, I’m here now, so I guess you can...go?” You make a face at your phrasing. “I’m not trying to kick you out. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to stay past your hours.”
He chuckles. “It’s okay. I get you. Have a good night.” He heads for the door, calling over his shoulder. “Actually, I made some fried rice this afternoon. The leftovers are in the fridge. Help yourself.”
Your jaw drops. “Wait a minute, Mr. Kim,” you call after him, following him on his way out.
He turns around, smiling at your tone. “You can call me Mingyu,” he offers.
You nod. “Okay, Mingyu. You cooked, cleaned, and took care of Sara while I was at work?”
“Yeah,” he says, a laugh in his voice. “Is that so odd?”
“I never managed to do all three in one day,” you admit ashamedly.
“Well, I’m not mourning the loss of my sister,” he reminds you, and his voice is a bit stern. “That kind of thing takes a lot of energy.” He rests a big hand on your shoulder comfortingly before opening the door. “See you tomorrow.”
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
infidelity | futile devices pt. 1
pairings: fuckboy!natasha romanoff x fem!reader
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation
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summary: you and wanda have been best friends ever since you were little babies, and you’ve went through a lot with her. in august 2019 when you met wanda’s girlfriend, natasha, you completely fell in love with her. what happens when the three of you create a love triangle that could possibly ruin everything?
warnings: intense staring, infidelity, and nothing much since it’s only the start of the story.
author’s note: enjoy the first part of the story! what do you want to happen in the next part? let me know!
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Years ago, before I knew what futile devices were, I met Wanda at kindergarten in our small town in New England. She started out as a bully, but after we ate lunch together, I knew we would become more than just a bully and a victim. Since then, she has protected me, especially from those who didn't like me very much. I may have had a crush on her at first, but I was aware that if I said anything inappropriate, our friendship would end. I couldn't stop myself from having a crush on Wanda Maximoff at the time. She was a tall brunette with big green eyes who always tried to protect me. We've been through so much together as best friends, and we even shared our first kiss because no one would dare to kiss me. Wanda, on the other hand, always saved her first mind-blowing kiss for me, and it was surprisingly good when we did it. I recall her saying, "There you go, now you can kiss anyone in this room," but that never happened. I was too afraid to be in a relationship after witnessing Wanda's, which was not particularly good.
She told me the meaning of futile devices while we were in the park together. “Beyond words,” she says. “Futile means vain, pointless. In other words, if you want to say your love for them, you can’t. It’s just too much.”
“Is that supposed to be romantic?” I asked, she only lets out a controlled chuckle before drinking from her flask.
“Sure, if you want it to be.”
Since then, I knew that I could never describe my love for Wanda – because it was too much, too impotent, and vain. If I say it out loud, what would she do? Perhaps she would leave me in the air, possibly never speaking to me again. But knowing her so well, I knew she wouldn’t do that to me. It was still scary to say it out loud, and I’m sure that I could never say how much I love her – no matter how painful it could be.
We stayed friends until we graduated from high school together. Wanda had a boyfriend named Chucky, and I was with Brandon, my date because he was the only boy I could find. Brandon was with me the majority of the time because I didn't want to be alone this summer. I suppose you could say he was my first boyfriend with whom I never lost my virginity. We split up when our first semester began. When he left me, I didn't feel too much emotion; in fact, I was relieved that he did. Wanda asked why I was always smiling when she brought me chocolates after my breakup.
“Aren’t you sad that Brandon left you?” I shook my head, eating the last piece of chocolate bar in the wrapper. “You’re so weird, you know that?”
“Yeah, but I’m your weirdo.”
She only laughs, agreeing with a nod.
“Yes you are,” she said. “Let’s just watch a movie, yeah? We still have to study tomorrow.”
Months later, I was working at a bakery shop while Wanda was trying to learn to be a bartender since it’s always been her first dream job. I did like my life for a little while, working at a bakery shop was the best thing that ever happened to me. Wanda did like hers since she came home with a drunk look on her face. When August came along, we started to become distant from each other. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’ve gotten so busy with my job and my school work, and she was always out since she has a new girlfriend. I never expected that from her, dating a girl. I mean, I always knew that she was bisexual, but it was unexpected when she told me that she was truly in love with this college girl from a different university.
I was a little jealous because Wanda had been spending too much time with her instead of with me, and if I had to lie to myself, I'd say I was happy for her - but I wasn't. How could you choose someone you met two months ago and decide to leave me hanging? What happened to both of us? This isn't going to last, I tell myself. That was something I had to tell myself in order not to get hurt. But every time she comes home, I get the impression that I'm no longer number one in her heart.
In the third week of September, Wanda decided to bring her girlfriend over to our apartment, with our two friends from the university. While I was preparing for dinner, our friend Peter and Kate was at the door. I opened it slowly and gave them a big smile on my face since I don’t know what other emotions I should use.
“Did you only invite us because Wanda has this amazing hot girlfriend?” Kate giggled, which I nodded in response. She knew that I was joking, I never thought I have humor.
“Are you also excited to meet her?”
“Hey, maybe she’s nice!” Peter exclaimed happily, walking towards the dining area as he sits beside Kate. “It’s only the right time for Wanda, I mean she always has this boyfriend or girlfriend until she’ll break up with them two weeks later.”
“She seems like a green flag,” Kate said. “Aren’t you happy for her? You guys have been best friends ever since you came out from your mother’s vagina.”
I chuckled, “We met at kindergarten.”
“The point is, you should be happy for her. I know you’re still in love with her–”
“We don’t talk about that.”
“-But maybe you should start moving on,” she finishes herself, sighing deeply. “I have a dude for you, his name is Steve. He’s in my class.”
Will this guy help me move on from Wanda Maximoff?
“Oh yeah? What does he do?”
“He’s apparently taking medicine, which means he’s also not available. People who take medicine are always busy, like extremely busy.”
I turned around, shrugging my shoulders. “So what’s the point of me dating this guy then if he’s not available?”
She mimicked my shrug, playing with her fingers. “I don’t know, I was just suggesting–”
“Thanks for the suggestion but, I’m good being on my own.”
I’ve always been on my own, even though Wanda was always around.
30 minutes later, I heard murmuring from the other room, and I realized Wanda had brought her girlfriend, who had caught my eye. She was tall - but not too tall - and had her hair tied in the back of her head; she also had green eyes like Wanda, but hers were darker, so I couldn't see the details of her pupils. When the woman caught my eye, I turned away and hugged Wanda briefly, asking, "So this is her?"
“Yeah,” she replied. “This is Natasha, my girlfriend for a month.”
I cast a quick glance at Natasha and shook her hand; it was calloused but not too rough on my skin. She smiled warmly and said, "It's nice to meet you, Y/n. Wanda has told me lots of stories about you.”
“Like how I’m such a bad friend?” I said in a joking matter, watching as Wanda playfully rolls her eyes. “I’m glad you can make it, how about you sit down? The food is ready.”
I returned to my table and sat beside Wanda while Natasha was in the opposite direction, her eyes roaming all over the place. I assumed that she was enticed by our home since it was full of framed paintings and a telephone from the corner of the room – it wasn’t working, we just decided that it looked nice in our apartment.
“So where do you study, Romanoff?” Kate asked while drinking from the wine glass that I bought from a dollar store. Natasha sighed and placed her fork on the plate, slowly chewing the food.
“I study at Columbia,” she responded quietly. “I met Wanda at my university, and we hit it off right away.”
“But aren’t you from NYU, Wanda?”
“I just had a quick visit at the university, to see if I still had other options.”
“Were you ever going to tell me that you’ll be studying at Columbia?” I asked, trying my best not to show defectiveness about this conversation. “I thought we agreed to study together and graduate in the same school together.”
“That was the plan, and I want to study with you,” Wanda said, sighing through her nose. “I was just looking at my options. If I didn’t end up studying at NYU, then I’d study at Columbia.”
“But if you ever did study in Columbia, were you going to tell me?”
I was hurt by this information since Wanda knows that she was my only friend, and will always be my best friend. Before we even started college, we both agreed that attending the same school was the best option. I guess she changed her mind after meeting Natasha, who appears to be my nemesis. It’s not like I didn’t want the best for her, but her going to the same school as I made me feel like I was important to her. I would say I’m a little self-centered.
“Of course,” said Wanda with a small smile on her face, holding hands with Natasha. “We still live together, you know? What would be a harm studying in at another university?”
She was right, she has always been right.
I caught Natasha's gaze while we were eating and talking about physics, which I dislike talking about because I despise science. Her eyes appeared... hungry. But I couldn't assume she wanted me that way because she had Wanda, so I shifted my gaze to Kate's. But I could still feel her eyes on me as if they were glued to me only. When I returned my gaze to her, she was staring at Wanda. As strange as it may sound, I liked how she gave me those stares in her eyes because no one would ever stare at me like that.
“What do you study, Y/n?” Natasha asked, eating a forkful of meat that I had just baked in the oven.
“Literature,” I replied quietly, placing my foot on top of the other since I feel like I’m having anxiety talking to this woman who looks like a senior. “You? You seem like a person who doesn’t study.”
“And she speaks,” Wanda giggled, causing everyone to laugh too. “Who taught you how to talk back, missy?”
I shrugged, “Just myself.”
"Photography, in case you were wondering," the redhead replied, wiping her mouth with a tissue as she drank a bottle of beer that I had opened for her. "I photograph places, people, and a variety of other subjects. That’s why me and Wanda are a match, she likes photography.”
There was no way I'd ever match this obnoxious, self-centered, narcissistic individual. I wouldn't call her a narcissist, but she certainly has the appearance of one. Plus, why am I thinking that I could ever get with her? She clearly has those lovey-dovey eyes on Wanda; not me.
“What year are you in?” Kate chimes in, looking at Natasha with curiosity in her eyes.
“Fourth year,” she said. “This is my last year, actually. After that, I might move back to Ohio.”
“Why Ohio?” Peter suddenly asked. Natasha only sighs in response and takes another drink from her beer, smacking her lips together, as if she doesn’t know what to say next or do. Yet, she still replies in that husk tone.
“I have a family there,” she slowly responded, looking briefly at Wanda and then towards me. “Wanda says you’re from Ohio too, that’s where you two met.”
“That’s true,” I said. “But we moved to New York shortly after high school, I’m not technically from here.”
“It seems like it, you don’t have that New Yorker accent.”
"But Peter does," Wanda laughs as she pours herself another cheap red wine and swirls it in her glass. "How do you like living in New York?" It's as if we're in our thirties, but half of us are only in our twenties, and Natasha is almost in her late twenties because Wanda told me her age.
“It’s great,” he says in a positive tone and clasped his hands together on his lap. “The rent is expensive, but it’s all good. I still like the smell of the air here, it never gets old.”
“New York isn’t the most ideal city,” Kate chimed in again. “But you know, they have good schools here. My parents are billionaires, so like I don’t really have to worry about rent.”
“I wish I lived in your life,” I murmured, smirking at her playfully, which Wanda saw and felt uncomfortable in her seat. Was she jealous? “You have billionaire parents and live that rich life, I’m just a girl from Ohio who is incredibly in love with her job.”
“Didn’t you say you work at the bakery?” now, Natasha’s eyes were on me as she spoke. I slowly nodded my head before taking a sip from my wine glass, licking it between my lips. “Do you like working there?”
“It pays the rent, so yeah.”
After dinner, Peter and Kate said their goodbyes and returned home, leaving just me, Wanda, and Natasha on the couch. I was scrolling through Tinder on my phone when I noticed Natasha giving Wanda a head massage and kissing her on the forehead. When I see them do this, especially right in front of me, it makes my stomach churn. How did Wanda find someone so quickly and not me? Why isn't she head over heels in love with me? Why can't I be the one? But if I keep comparing myself to this woman, I know I'll end up feeling terrible.
“You guys should get a room, you’re making me want to vomit," I muttered under my breath, turning off my phone to get a better look at them - but that turned out to be the most sickening thing I've ever done because I was watching them kissing sweetly right in front of me, causing me to stand up and walk back to my room. I went to bed with my lights turned off after a quick warm shower and skincare routine. They were either going to kill me or that girlfriend Wanda had brought into this apartment. Throughout this eventful evening, her eyes were on me instead of Wanda’s – which is kind of suspicious.
I took a deep breath and rolled over on my back, clasping my hands together as my palms sweat. I'm not sure what was wrong with me; I just had this strange feeling about Natasha. Something thumped inside of me when I met her. I sighed and whispered, “Futile devices, how ridiculous that sounds.”
And it truly does if you think about your best friend’s girlfriend.
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it gets real in the next part lol
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okminer07 · 2 months
Back with another story with no name Pt 1
This has been marinating in my head for a little bit, but I wasn't sure if I should write it. I ended up doing so to cure some writer's block. Let me know if you're interested and if I should continue it alongside my other stuff.
Jeremy's leg began to bounce nervously as he hung up the phone. He had decided; that today would be the day he'd ask her.  The question was, how the fuck was he supposed to do that?  If he hadn't been able to do it for the last three years, what made him think he could ask Lily out now?!
He sighed, getting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen. Several granola bar wrappers already littered the coffee table, but he really needed another one. Maybe it was his nerves making him so hungry? He had no idea. Opening the pantry, he fished out the box only to find it empty.  He groaned, shoving the box back on the shelf and closing the pantry door. Though he was still hungry, he didn't want to spend too much of his grandma's money while she was away, lest she think he was blowing it all and never leave him alone again.  It annoyed him slightly, that just now after turning seventeen she decided he was ready to be home alone for more than a night or two.
The house wasn't much different with her gone; still dark, still quiet, still always dusty. However, there was one thing to gain from her absence. She'd never let him have friends stay overnight. Well, now was his chance, and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
His nerves kicked right back into gear at the thought of having Lily actually spend the night. She'd come over before yes, but her agreeing to spend the night just made him feel like he had to make a move.  The thought made him nervous, but also giddy beyond belief. 
That feeling was dashed though when he looked in the full-length mirror across the hall by the front door. He frowned, the only thing he really had going for him was his decent build, but that seemed pointless when coupled with his height. Standing at 5'3", he felt like some dwarf out of Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons. There was also the fact that he just wasn't what most of the girls at school would call handsome. His plain brown hair sat like a messy mop on top of his head due to him always forgetting to get it cut and his bulbous nose made him look almost like an orc. 
He glared down at the ground, before marching right up to the mirror. If he was going to pull this off, he'd have to crank up the charisma. Clearing his throat, he looked his reflection right in the eye before smiling, "Hey Alice, glad you could come." No no, that made him sound like a pussy. He fixed his face up in a confident smirk, "How's it going Alice, you are looking damn fine today." He shot finger guns at the mirror only to slap himself in the face, "Stupid. That's stupid. No one does that."  
Jeremy sighed. Would he even be able to do this?  What if he screwed up so bad she left? or worse? He looked back up at his reflection, straightening and rolling his shoulders back, "Alice, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for some time now, I- Ach!"
Out of nowhere, pain bloomed from his chest. Burning, aching pain that pulsated in waves and began to spread out to his limbs. His legs gave out from under him.  Falling to his knees, he gritted his teeth, clenching his fists.
"W-wha- what the hell?!" he managed to squeeze out before he yelled out as the pain increased tenfold and a resounding snapping noise filled his ears. Vision blinded, Jeremy over onto his side, curled up in the fetal position as he clawed at the floorboards in agony.  He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. All he could do was writhe on the floor while it felt like every bone and muscle in his body was being ripped apart.
It stopped. As suddenly as it had started, it stopped. Jeremy gasped for air, sweat dripping from his face. W-what… What happened?  His hand came up to rub his forehead as he sat up.  He began to stand up.
"Ah!" his hands flew up to the top of his head, having hit something. He recoiled, hunching his back and finally opening his eyes.
He froze.
He was looking down at himself, seeing his cargo pants now resemble beige shorts that hugged his bottom half so tightly it was becoming uncomfortable. The red shirt he had been wearing now looked like a very short, cropped top. His heart began to race. He looked up only to have all the air in his body leave him.
The familiar open-planned kitchen and living room lay before him, looking the same as it always had except for one glaring detail. Everything seemed so much closer to the ground and even smaller. He was seeing everything from much higher up, he was higher up!
He raised his hands and looked up, gaping as he ran his fingers across the ceiling. The ceiling that had always been over eight feet high!
"H-holy- holy shit." he breathed, backing away. His skin erupted in goosebumps when he hit the nearest wall, "Holy shit!" 
Jeremy shoved himself away from the wall, falling to the floor with a loud thud. He whipped his head around every which way as he backpedaled further away. This isn't happening, this can't be happening!  His body began to tremble as he looked down at himself and then back at his surroundings. He was taller, bigger. He had grown!
"No, no!" he scrambled to his feet, crying out when his head smacked against the ceiling again. His hands came up and began grabbing and pulling bunches of his hair, "T-this is not happening!" he yelled to himself, "You're dreaming, this is just a dream!" 
He stumbled over to the kitchen and wrenched open one of the cabinets, yelping when the whole door was ripped off by his own hand. The door clattered to the floor as he hastily dropped it and hurried over to the sink. Bending down, he reached out his shaking fingers and turned the tap. He cupped his hands, gathering up the water before promptly splashing himself in the face. 
"Wake up, come on, wake up." When he opened his eyes, nothing had changed, "Come on wake up!" he cried, filling up his cupped hands again and splashing more water onto himself, "Wake up! Wake up!" when nothing changed, he began to slap his face, "Fucking wake up!"  he closed his eyes, praying that he'd be staring up at his bedroom ceiling when he opened them. Instead, he opened them to see the same scene before him.  
Moaning in exasperation, he slumped back onto the ground, the cups in the open cabinet clinking in response. How is this happening?! it can't be happening! this is impossible!  He held his head in his hands, his elbows resting upon his knees. The room stilled, the only sound that filled it was Jeremy's rapid and heavy breathing.
However, a minute or two later, a new sound rang out. Knocking. Someone knocking at the 
front door. 
Jeremy froze.
"Hello? Jeremy, are you there?" 
Crawling over to the front door on his hands and knees and not even having to get off them to reach the peephole, he peered outside. There she was, Lily. Still in her blue school blazer and a plaid skirt that was a bit big on her. As she turned her head, her curtain of black hair shimmered thanks to the setting sun.  
Jeremy felt his heart murmur at the sight of her before he began to fly into a panic. What the fuck was he supposed to do?! He couldn’t let her in, not when he was like this! Whatever this was. Seriously, people don’t just grow! People can’t! They can’t just suddenly double in size!  
“Jeremy?” Lily continued to knock. He leaned away from the door when she stood on the tips of her toes to try and peer through. 
“I uh…. I’m here.” he called, his voice shaking, “W-what are you doing here so early?” 
“Oh, I was just in the area when you called, grabbing a donut from Gusto Glaze. I got you something too” Jeremy felt a touch of warmth, hearing she had thought of him, “Are you going to let me in?” 
“Oh uh…. About that.” he feigned a cough, “I’m….. not feeling so good.” 
“Really? You seemed just fine at school.” 
He faked another cough, “Yeah well, it just kind of came out of nowhere.” he waited, praying she’d buy it. 
“I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help? Anything I can get you?”  
“No!” He cringed, the word coming out louder and harsher than he had meant, “No, no I’m alright. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to catch it” 
“Are you sure? I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone and sick.” 
He internally groaned. Of all the times for her to be nice and offer to keep him company, why did it have to be now? “I’m sure I’ll be fine. You don’t have to-” 
His voice was interrupted by a loud growling and gurgling sound coming from Jeremy’s middle. He winced, slapping a hand over his stomach which continued to rumble. 
“What was that?” 
“Uh, nothing.” he glared down, pressing down harder in an attempt to silence his own body. 
“Was that your stomach? Have you eaten at all today?” Lily’s voice was growing worried, and in any other circumstance, Jeremy would have been over the moon about it.  
“Of course, well not much.” that had been the wrong answer. 
“Well, you clearly haven’t had enough. You sound like you’re starving! Here, let me in so I can give you your donut and maybe make you something else.” 
The doorknob began the jiggle. Jeremy shot his hand out to hold it still, “You really don’t need to do that. I’m perfectly fine on my own!”  
“Then why did you let yourself get this hungry? Please, let me in and help.”  
He paused, thinking over her words. What if…… what if she could help? Help him with whatever the hell is going on. She had always been more academic than him. Maybe she’d at least have a figment of knowledge about whatever this was. He glanced down at his oversized body. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of her seeing him like this, but what choice did he have? If he wanted help, which he honestly did. 
“Uh, Lily” he started, “Look I’m….. I’m not sick, or at least not with the flu or anything like that. But….. but something’s wrong.”  
There was a pause before Lily responded, “What do you mean? What’s going on Jeremy?” 
He gulped, not sure how to tell her or even begin to describe what was going on, “I don’t really know. But…..” he shook his head, “Something is really wrong with me and I don’t know what to do about it.” 
“Well, let me in please so I could help you figure that out.”  
Jeremy ran a hand down his face, “Are you sure?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?”  
She has no idea what she’s in for. He slowly took his hand off of the doorknob, “If I let you in…. Promise you won’t scream?”  
Silence on the other side, then, “I promise.”  
He let out a shaky sigh, raising his hand and unlocking the door. He backed away, watching with bated breath as it was slowly pushed open. 
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emelinstriker · 1 year
Nezha ♡ A Special Stranger Pt.2
Art drawn by me- I also got more Special Stranger Nezha doodles. c:
> Example
More pre-relationship fluff! MORE!!1!
If peeps like this one, I might do a part 3 cuz I got an idea that even made one of my friends go ":O OMG THAT'S SO CUTE"
♡ Part 1 | ♡ Part 2 | ♡ Part 3
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"It would be so much more comfortable if I just went around town in my armor", the Lotus Prince complained as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, seemingly trying to stretch it out to make it longer. He didn't particularly enjoy how it was designed to stop barely halfway down his midsection. The celestial proceeded to place his cap back on his head to complete the outfit. Meanwhile, Wukong adjusted some sunglasses on his nose.
"Chill out, Nezha. You and I both know that it's best if we don't reveal ourselves. Besides, who knows? Maybe your new look will be even more eye candy for them~", the now 'disguised' Monkey King hinted as he wiggled his eyebrows at the celestial. Who, in response, blushed in embarrassment and angrily looked away. The monkey laughed in return.
The Lotus Prince groaned as he dragged one hand down his face in frustration. Why, out of all the beings that could help him find you again, did destiny give him Sun Wukong as assistant. He personally would've even preferred the Demon Bull King's son as search partner. At least he wouldn't be teasing him over every little thing that could start a relationship with you. The fact that Wukong's 'disguise' was literally just a hoodie with a sunglasses didn't make him feel any more at ease.
Not only that, but he now felt bound to this mission of finding you. Of course, he should be actively protecting the Celestial Realm and its items right about now. But on the other hand... If the Monkey King did find you with his cap, then proceed to tease him more behind his back in front of you... He would never hear the end of it.
Speaking of the literal demon, the Monkey King lead him around the streets of Megapolis, sniffing the air occasionally. Nezha raised an eyebrow at his behavior, "Wukong, what are you doing?"
"Trying to pick up their scent. I was able to faintly smell it around the café we walked past earlier. They most likely were here today, so we're getting closer", the hooded simian responded casually.
"...How do you have their scent?"
"The hat they gave you, dum-dum. It still has their scent on it with how long it must've been rotting away in their bag." He then turned back around and proceeded to sniff the air again, but this time Nezha noticed his tail flicking upward. He glanced over at a nearby building, then turned back around to face his friend with a proud smirk. "How about we split up. You'll check the library over there and I'll check the other store. Good luck!" And with that, the Monkey King jogged into the store next to the building he glanced at previously. Once again leaving the Lotus Prince behind to his own thoughts. Nezha blinked in confusion, baffled at the monkey's sudden change of plans. 'Rude', he thought.
Though, splitting up could also serve as a benefit for him to calm his nerves and think about what do say if he did find you. Honestly, he did find you endearing, but he didn't even think about having you as potential romantic partner until Wukong pointed out the synergy you two could have. If he had run into you a second time on accident without ever speaking to Wukong, then he would've only viewed you as potential friend. But now he couldn't remove the thought from his brain and couldn't stop his imagination from running wild. The disguised Prince huffed at Wukong's sudden disappearance, but decided to follow his suggestion and entered the library with his hands in his vest's pockets. As expected, he couldn't spot anything or anyone out of the ordinary. Why would Sun Wukong insist on looking for you in a library.
To be honest, looking for you in here would be pointless. Instead he decided to browse through the bookshelves for anything that might pique his interest. Even if it was just to get a mental break from the search. He wasn't a fan of many books, so finding one he would genuinely enjoy might prove itself as difficult. However, that's when he spotted the Ancient Myths Section. Also known as the library's corner with a bunch of tales about past and present deities, ancient evils, mystical relics, legends, most feared demons, and more. Now here is where he might find something interesting.
And find something he did. In fact, he did already somewhat expect to see himself featured in one of the books he was skimming through. His pages were filled with old depictions of how people roughly remembered his looks whenever he showed up in the Mortal Realm. Besides some mistakes in the detailing, the artist(s) got his past and present looks down pretty accurately. Even his biography was correct for the most part.
"Excuse me, are you done reading that book?"
He froze.
That... familiar voice.
Slowly turning around, he came face-to-face with you. The human him and his companion were looking for. Apparently you were just as surprised as he was, judging by your eyes widening once you recognized his face.
"Wait... Nezha??"
"(Y/N)- Wh- Uh... What brings you here?" He laughed nervously at how awkward this encounter started, practically slamming the book he was holding shut.
You placed one hand on your hip while your other hand was holding onto a different book by your side. "I could ask you the same thing- I didn't know you live in Megapolis too!"
"Well I, uh, don't live here actually... But I do come to the city from time to time to visit friends." That wasn't exactly a lie. Though, by 'from time to time to visit friends', he actually meant 'whenever Sun Wukong is pulling potentially dangerous stunts'. But you didn't need to know that. "And I just felt like looking through the books here today. The... friend I was with kind of, sort of, left to somewhere else without me."
You gave him a relieved smile, "At least that means you're not a stalker. I was already starting to worry!"
"Haha, yeah!" He laughed nervously. Now that he thought about it, him and Wukong actively looking for you with the monkey sniffing the air to find you did give off stalker vibes.
Eyeing his arguably handsome appearance, you noticed the cap that still read '(Y/N)'s Special Stranger' on his head. "Oh! I honestly didn't think you would keep the cap."
"Like you said, it's a souvenir... a memory. And I don't like getting rid of memories", he stated proudly at your flattered expression as he lowered the front of his cap, trying to hide his own faint blush.
You hummed, glancing at the book he was holding. "Anyway, my question still stands. Are you done reading? I noticed you were skimming through 'Celestial Warriors'. And I just finished reading through the previous volume." Holding up your book, you raised an eyebrow at him.
Nezha shook his head, "You can read it. I was merely looking at the pictures." He then handed you the book. However, after comparing the cover art of the two books you were now holding, you held out the book you were previously reading.
"If you want, you can look through the one I just finished reading. It's mainly about ancient relics from the Celestial Realm, but it also features celestial architectures and divine structures found in the Mortal Realm", you suggested.
The disguised Lotus Prince gave you a surprised look before accepting the offer. Looking at the cover art, he noted that it did feature parts of the Celestial Realm's layout, as well as where certain relics seemed to be located. Either a human managed to actually go there and drew those or a fellow celestial being told humans about the most obvious parts of the layout. Perhaps the celestial even drew it themselves. "Ah, thank you."
You then were reminded of something. "Oh, yeah! Before I forget again! Something I didn't even think about when we first met was your name-"
Nezha's expression suddenly became nervous once more.
"Your parents really must be into the history of the Celestial Realm too. I knew your name was familiar somehow, but I didn't even recognize it as the name of the Third Lotus Prince until I got home! It must be amazing sharing the same name as a god." You commented sheepishly, scratching your cheek. He would most certainly be fucked if he told you how he actually was the god you were talking about. Thus, he decided to play along.
"...Yeah, I guess... Though, I'm also grateful for my name. It already puts fear and respect onto others before I even need to bring justice", he replied. You looked at him in confusion before your eyes widened.
You gasped, "Oh right! You're a guard!" He huffed with a small smile, feeling flattered that you remembered. "What are you guarding actually? If I'm, well, allowed to ask... that is."
He glanced down at the book featuring various ancient relics and buildings found within the Celestial Realm. Nezha averted his gaze towards some humans sittings at a nearby table, avoiding eye contact with you. "It's confidential. I'm sorry."
You waved your free hand dismissively. "Oh no, I should be the one apologizing for asking."
"But you were simply asking", he retorted, now holding a firm gaze on your own eyes.
"Yes, but it's something you're not allowed to answer."
"That still doesn't warrant an apology from you."
"Neither does you doing your job and keeping it a secret per contract."
Small laughter broke out between the two of you at the intensity of this 'argument'.
You gave him a wholehearted smile. "Well, do you want to go sit somewhere? We got tables around the library, otherwise we could also chill outside. Just so we don't have to stand the entire time."
"I'd say let's stay inside", the disguised Lotus Prince responded. Mainly due to the fact that Sun Wukong was still out there and would most definitely intervene, making things a lot more awkward than they need to be. You lead him over to an unoccupied table, placing your book in front of you as you two sat down.
Almost an hour of talking passed by when you decided that it was time to part ways once more. However, instead of a souvenir, you handed him a folded pieces of paper with your number instead.
"Feel free to hit me up whenever. Work tends to get so boring that I usually text people", you confessed with a sheepish smile. Nezha was surprised, to say the least. He now had an official way to contact you.
He hummed in amusement, "Talking to others while working? Unbelievable." You snorted at the irony. If he actually was as busy as he claimed to be, he would not even consider adding your number.
"Hope I get to talk to you again, my dear special stranger... I guess we're not exactly strangers anymore, huh", you commented as you stood up from your seat, clutching your book close to your chest. "Do I have to start referring to you as special acquaintance?"
He crossed his arms as he leaned back into his seat with a grin. "I'd rather be seen as special friend."
Rolling your eyes with your own little smile, you started turning away from him while waving. "See you another time then, my dear special friend." You then let out a quiet laugh before leaving to put your book away. Nezha didn't say anything and instead opted to simply waving back while smiling. He may not have been able to see himself, but a certain someone did see his lovestruck gaze lingering on your exiting form.
Once you were out of sight, he suddenly felt a strong presence sit down next to him. Turning to his side, he immediately glared when he noticed the colors of Sun Wukong's hoodie. "So", the Monkey King started as he munched on a peach. If it was a normal one was up for debate, and that only annoyed Nezha even more. "How wash youw dade?"
"That was not a date, Sun Wukong. You set us up", the Lotus Prince hissed out quietly as to not disturb the mortals around him.
"Aha." He took another bite. "Youw conwershashion 'nd genewaw chemishty shays oderwise, bud." He swallowed the piece and sighed. "Also, I didn't set you up, we were trying to look for them anyway. I just helped the mood by removing myself from the situation~"
Nezha's glare only hardened at the disrespect Wukong brought in as usual by simply eating a snack. "...You're not allowed to eat in a library", he commented, to which the simian shrugged. Instead of putting the peach away, he decided to practically swallow it whole in one bite. His friend gave him a look that was a mix of him feeling offended and disturbed, but he eventually put his hands in his pockets and stood up. "While I do appreciate your help, I believe I already used up enough of my time. Now I shall return to my duties. I'll try to get in contact with them later."
"Actually, I saw them hand you a note. Did they already give you their address?" Wukong asked, leaning his head back onto the chair with his eyes closed.
The Lotus Prince looked down at the neatly folded paper between his fingers. "No, of course not. Though, they did give me their number-" He froze at the realization. "Wait- I don't have a phone- How am I supposed to... Fuck, I didn't think this through..." His voice got suddenly really quiet towards the end as he cursed under his breath.
The monkey picked up on it however and whistled, opening one eye to look at the prince, smirking. "Wow, I haven't heard you curse in a long while. Guess making this all go as smoothly as possible actually matters to you, huh~?" There goes his teasing again. Grumbling to himself in annoyance, Nezha returned his own book and made his way out of the library. And as expected, Wukong followed close by.
"Ahem. You know, I can ask my successor for help to get you a phone. And all I'm asking for is a favor for later", the Monkey King grinned as both of them arrived at a rather unpopulated area. The Lotus Prince turned to him with an unamused expression.
"I refuse to hand out favors regarding you getting a free ticket to steal from the Celestial Realm."
"Ouch, you wound me. Do you really think that low of me over what I would use the favor for?
"Yes. Very much so."
"Aw, c'mon Nezha! We can talk about this! ...Why are you going faster- Wh- Hey! Wait up!"
And thus, their return to the Celestial Realm was filled with a lot of whining and a lot of 'No's.
However, a compromise was eventually made.
> Masterlist <
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 days
Also Madarame basically financially abused him, so, it's also possible he doesn't have the best grasp of what counts as expensive or not and what is or isn't necessary for his studies/hobbies.
Yeah like if you want to make the argument that:
1. Yusuke is not poor in canon. He has some source of income that we don't know about, and we're ignoring the spin-offs where he says he's poor, and that unknown source of income is enough to pay for food, utilities, AND any art supplies he needs for school
2. The reason he's constantly starving and crimping and saving is because he's just so bad with money he keeps impulse buying lobsters instead of balancing his budget properly
3. Having a budget that's so tightly managed you can't make an impulse purchase of something you want without skipping out on meals is still! Not! Poor!
There's still like the issue where Yusuke is an abused child who's never had to fend for himself and the end result is he's starving himself? Like. Is that not something his friends and teachers should be concerned about because it's somewhat self inflicted? It's bad for a 16 year old to be on the edge of starvation constabtly, regardless of the why, guys.
(Again I'm not saying the PT are bad friends for not doing something, I'm saying the writing is bad and doesn't consider how this comes across because the fact that Yusuke is starving is a joke the writers haven't actually considered)
So I think going "people don't understand Yusuke isn't REALLY poor" is fundamentally incorrect. At best it's as ambiguous as, say Ryuji's financial situation (we know Ryuji can't get to college w/o a scholarship, but whether that's because of money or grades or what that says about his day to day living conditions isn't clear, I don't think there's ever a point where he mentions not being able to buy something he wants but also my Ryuji details are vaguer than Yusuke stuff) in which case correcting people is pointless because there's not an answer. At worst it's fully incorrect and directly contradicted by canon, and shows you have not put any thought into Yusuke's living situation so just. Assumed his money issues are fixable and 100% his fault and if he just didn't buy avocado toast "art stuff"
Not really a hill to die on either way
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dr-futbol-blog · 2 months
The Siege I, Pt. 1
The Siege is a three-part story containing the two-part finale of the first season, the resolution of which takes place in the first episode of the second season. But it's actually the second and third episodes that make a double episode where the first is really a self-contained story that is still just preparation for the culmination of the A-plot of the season. And in this episode, of course, McKay and Sheppard are once again separated because they have to come up with ever more flimsy excuses as to why the two of them need to be kept from being alone together on screen. Only this time there's a reason for it.
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The episode begins, like so many do, with a meeting in the conference room. The room is filled to the brim with both scientists and military, they've brought in a screen for show-and-tell, and it seems like this is McKay's show. He is giving a presentation on their current situation to all gathered, all eyes naturally on him. Teyla is not attending the meeting and it is interesting that McKay, who was absent for the events of the latter part of the previous episode with no explanation, mentions her by name right off the bat as though he has at the very least been filled in on everything that happened when he wasn't there. In fact, he begins by referring the very last thing Teyla said when Sheppard, Weir and Beckett were present by her hospital bed, so either McKay has heard all of this from Teyla herself later on, or from one of the people that were present:
McKay: Not only has Teyla been able to ascertain that the wraith are more interested in Earth than Atlantis, which is... you know, terrifying, she realized that the hive ships will go right past the only surviving LaGrange point satellite. Zelenka: The last of what we assume were dozens of defense satellites destroyed during the Ancients' last stand with the wraith. McKay: Yes, yes, yes--the point is, we think we can use it to our advantage. Sheppard: I thought you said it was dead.
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Sheppard seems to remember what McKay told him months ago. Not for the first time, not for the last time. Perhaps he just found what McKay said in The Defiant One (S01E11) important enough to file into memory. Or he just has a really good memory. Or he just really cares about things McKay says. Also, this is an inside reference. He is referring to something only the two of them would know. He is bringing up a memory shared by the two of them. His comment is also pretty pointless so it seems like it's intended purpose was just to get McKay's attention back to himself because he had wandered too far into the room and away from him for Sheppard's comfort. But let's put a pin on the first thing he says in this episode because it is relevant for the final scene.
And again we may note that Sheppard is not resting his arm on the table where it would make a barrier between himself and McKay (in fact, and this sounds really saccharine, but like a flower turning toward the sun he juts out his face toward McKay as the moves). Sheppard isn't really resting his chin on his fist, he is once more rubbing the corner of his jaw in this auto-erotic fashion. And as soon as McKay starts moving, is gaze follows him. He's not looking at Zelenka, who is talking. He is watching McKay.
Also notice how McKay is impatient with Zelenka, they've clearly been spending so much time together in the lab that he is just done and has no forbearance to listen to him even though Zelenka is just trying to explain things that McKay left unexplained to the audience at large. He does not appreciate being interrupted by what he sees as inane comments. Whereas while Sheppard's comment had no purpose other than to connect with McKay by reminding him of the thing he said back when, McKay answers him in a completely different tone, a hint of excitement in his voice. He also leaves what he says open, giving Sheppard a clear space to say something back to him, perhaps even expected and wanted to hear what Sheppard had to say about what he said (because the two of them have this on-going conversation that may jump from topic to topic but is only ever on pause), but he is again interrupted by Zelenka.
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Now, where McKay was standing while giving his presentation, Sheppard had clearly chosen the spot to sit that is closest to him and from where he could not even see the screen (it's possible that the smaller screens in front of everyone is showing the same thing as the main screen but what even is the point of the big screen that being the case?). He did have a really good view of McKay's backside from that vantage point, however.
Sheppard is not in his fatigues but is wearing a black shirt, less formal than his uniform. In the previous episode, we saw him wearing the shirt when he was practicing the Athosian martial art with Teyla so it's possible that he attended this meeting straight from doing something else. All the other military personnel are in their uniforms. It's also notable that he wears this black shirt for most of the episode so either we are meant to start thinking about him as "the man in black" (having just seen the Johnny Cash poster in the previous episode) because of what he does there at the end, or there is some other reason for which he eschews wearing the full uniform at this time. Sheppard also seemed to be lost in thought when we joined the meeting, distracted or zoned out, and it wasn't until McKay had walked further away to stand in front of Zelenka that he reacts to what McKay originally said.
Zelenka also manages to keep Sheppard and McKay from devolving into discussing the topic just between themselves, also clarifying to the audience points that McKay didn't deem worth explaining:
McKay: It is, but we think we've learned enough about how it works to bring it back. Zelenka: If we are right about what is wrong with it. McKay: Yes, of course if we're right about what's wrong with it! But if we're right, and it's just out of power, the Wraith have simply been ignoring it. Zelenka: Our preliminary estimates indicate a single naqahdah generator would be enough to bring it back online.
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McKay walks back toward the screen and Sheppard seems to have a hard time drawing his eyes away from him. He is also doing this nervous motion with his fist, tightening and loosening it. Ford starts talking next to him and it takes him a moment to do the polite thing and turn his head to follow the conversation happening to his side. And even when it seems like Sheppard was asking Zelenka a question (who, again, was the one doing the talking), he looks up at McKay half-way through the question indicating that it was meant for him and not Zelenka. Or, he asked Zelenka the question but actually wanted the answer from McKay. His attention is on McKay.
Zelenka: Because those systems were designed to be powered by the Zero Point Module and the satellite isn't. Sheppard: And you think it's powerful enough to take out a Wraith hive ship? McKay: According to the Ancient database, it should be able to take out all three when fully charged.
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McKay is looking hella good up there in his tight T-shirt showing off his biceps, though. Can't really blame the man for wanting to keep his eyes on this. Even Doctor Beefcake in the background is watching McKay. Whether it is because it seems like they finally have something to combat the wraith with, but McKay also sounds rather pleased as he is talking about the satellite to Sheppard. And so, in spite of Zelenka's valiant efforts, it does not take long at all for McKay and Sheppard to fall into their bubble and start talking to just each other even with the whole host of people present around them like they just suddenly shut all of them out. And even though they do this frequently, usually it is in smaller, more intimate meetings among people they both know very well. Here they are, doing the same song and dance, surrounded by all manner of people:
McKay: Keep in mind that the Ancient technology was far superior -- they only lost the war because they were vastly outnumbered. Sheppard: Well, we're vastly outnumbered!
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Now, the episode seems to call back to The Defiant One in more ways than just the Ancient defensive satellite introduced in it now being one of the main features. While Sheppard was teaching McKay how to fly a jumper, "this baby," McKay made a reference to 'space pilot parlance'. Here, he makes a similar reference: "In military parlance, surprise… is an element on our side."
It's cute in that he is so obviously trying to impress Sheppard finishing his presentation with this saying but he realizes half-way through that he messed it up. What he says makes perfect sense but it is obviously not a known saying. Given that McKay has been thinking about leadership lately, it is of course possible that he has tried to brush up on military parlance and tactics, and we certainly see him improve in the use of weapons and to try to e.g., learn the tactical hand-signs--try being the operative word.
Now, the US Army Field Manual (which someone must have had with them) does refer to surprise, "Surprise can decisively shift the balance of combat power." McKay could be trying to refer to this. He might be referring to Sun Tzu's Art of War where he wrote: "Surprise will lead to victory. Those who are skilled in producing surprises will win." But most of all, what he says sounds a lot like what the character Zapp Branigan, the dashing captain that is a parody of James T. Kirk from the show Futurama (a "sister show" or companion series to The Simpsons, which was frequently referenced in SG-1) says: "The key to victory is the element of surprise." The line was used in the episode War is the H Word, which is a parody of several war in space stories and hence would be a fitting reference.
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Regardless, McKay is embarrassed by botching up the quote. We don't see Sheppard's reaction to this, albeit he undoubtedly had one, where Weir decides to save him by sticking to business:
Weir: What do you need? McKay: The satellite's fifteen hours away by Puddle Jumper. I recommend that we put together a small crew--say myself, Grodin and a pilot. Sheppard: I'll go. Weir: No, Miller can handle it. Major, I need you to keep searching for alternate Alpha sites, just in case this fails.
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Sheppard feigns a sigh like he's begrudgingly willing to go on this mission, twist his arm if you must, which might have had a better effect if he hadn't started talking before McKay had even finished saying he needed a pilot. McKay had also just pointed out that the trip takes 15 hours by puddle jumper so it appears as though he did not find the previous 15 hours he spent with McKay going both ways tedious. Sheppard really wanted to go and as Weir tells him no, he looks really upset about this. His face falls immediately. His first expression was feigned, the second one is visceral.
Clearly, he has decided that starting a civil strife in the middle of war preparations is a counter-productive thing to do and hence he defers to Weir's leadership when it really should be the other way around at this point. So he accepts her decision but you can see it on his face that letting McKay go on this quest alone bothers him. Make no mistake, he wanted to go with him. He did not volunteer because he has nothing better to do or because he's hankering for some action or because he might as well go.
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There's an actual shadow that passes over him as he's having to think this over.
Weir also reminds him that this mission McKay is taking on is far from safe and Sheppard is clearly having thoughts relating to this. And notice that he does not respond to Weir. He doesn't say anything to Weir "expressing her need" which seemed to be like an order but still not an actual order. He's not acknowledging it, not even with an expression. He looks away from her. He seems to be seriously thinking over whether he actually will go along with this and whether he wants to be taking any orders from her at all at this point. Sure, finding another Alpha Site is important but for him everything that isn't McKay is a side quest.
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Now, when people start filing out of the room, Sheppard hangs back. He draws the corners of his mouth back but it is not a smile so much as a grimace; he seems to be gritting his teeth, still unsure of what he should do here.* Weir also stays back to say some private words to McKay when everyone else has gone, and Sheppard waits for even her to leave before he gets up to go. He clearly waited to have a private moment with McKay, brief and stolen though it is. He also walks really close to him as he passes.
Weir: Well, Rodney, I don't mean to put any undue pressure, but at this moment, that satellite is the only thing standing between the Wraith and Atlantis. Sheppard: No undue pressure...
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While all he does is repeat Weir's words to McKay, they still say so much more. He is not saying it to be flippant, he actually means the words that Weir just used as a platitude. The sarcastic tone he uses communicates that the two of them are a team that just got screwed by her. He reminds McKay that he really wanted to be there for him, to go there with him. That he knows there is much too much put on McKay's shoulders and he had wanted to carry some of it for him but now won't be able. That they both have heavy responsibilities but they are ultimately doing all of this for each other.
McKay files out of the room seeming to follow Sheppard. He is also not happy to be leaving without him. He just told all of them that they have so little time that they need to make every moment count but he didn't know that this, and what ever took place once they left the meeting room, would be all the time he has with Sheppard. They don't meet again for the rest of the episode.
Continued in Pt. 2
-* This could also be an expression of of pain as we have seen him display signs of something smarting him on two other occasions when he has had to get up from a seating position (Before I Sleep, The Brotherhood). The reason why this might be I leave for your imagination but I'll also draw attention to Sheppard's body-language with regards to McKay's line about "really slamming into it" in The Gift. Something like this could well be the natural result of one being well-endowed and the other in a perpetual state of hurry, but there may also be a number of reasons why he needs it to hurt, even beyond "you torture yourself every day, John." It makes you feel alive, tests the limits of pleasure, allows you to remember and carry the memory of them in your body through the lingering ache.
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Jimin's article written by a fan...
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On March 24, Jimin released “Like Crazy” (with no features). "Like Crazy" didn't need a feature.
Outside of his work with BTS, Jimin’s highest-charting Hot 100 hit as a solo artist was “Set Me Free pt. 2,” his own song, at number 30.
There were a lot of noteworthy new songs coming out the Friday “Like Crazy” was released, including “Eyes Closed” by Ed Sheeran, “Spice Marley” by Spice and “Don't Play With It Remix” by Lola Brooke ft. Latto and Yung Miami. Not only that, but songs like “Flowers” (Miley Cyrus), “Last Night” (Morgan Wallen), “Kill Bill” (Sza) and “Die For You” (The Weeknd and Ariana Grande) continued to dominate streaming charts. With all that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how “Like Crazy” performed in its first week. The chart data for the seven days following March 24 was reflected in the Billboard chart dated April 04.
According to Billboard, “FACE” and "Like Crazy" massed 10 million streams and sold 234,000 units on the week of its release. According to Oricon, "FACE" recorded 222,120 sales on the first day, making it the 3rd album with the biggest first day sales. Jimin earned the BIGGEST First Week sales for a Korean album by a Korean Soloist in Oricon History. Immediately after its release on March 24, Jimin’s album made Hanteo history by being the first to surpass 1 million first-day sales of an album by a Korean soloist, despite the unclear issues that arose that day and the sales that were deleted. Even though the cd single of "Like Crazy" has not been restocked after 4 months, the sales it pulled from full album sales and digital sales were impressive. Although most were not counted after week 2 because fans were not informed of the rule changes Billboard had made to its chart. By the end of the first week, the song had been streamed nearly 22 million times and sold 234,000 album equivalent units in the US. With those 234,000 sales—the second highest of any song for the week—thrown on top of all its streaming figures, “Like Crazy” climbed to the top spot on the Hot 100. 
The song’s performance on the charts is noteworthy, but what is particularly impressive is its extensive streaming numbers, especially worldwide. On Spotify, “Like Crazy ” swiftly rose to number one on Worldwide iTunes Chart, Worldwide iTunes Song, European iTunes, and Japan's Line Music. "Like Crazy" also topped Spotify’s Daily Top Global Songs chart and Jimin was the first Korean soloist to do so. "Like Crazy (English Version)” also debuted at no. 2 on the daily Global Top Songs chart with 6.6 million streams. Out of the 7 tracks, 6 of them took up the top 6 positions on the Oricon Daily Digital Ranking, showing how much the album had been anticipated. The album also dominated the Worldwide Apple Music Album Chart and all songs were top sellers in Digital Music New Release, Digital Music Best Seller, International New Release, and International Best Seller in Amazon Music USA. According to Melon, "Like Crazy" in its first day, peaked at #8 and maintained the position in the chart. After 24 hours, "Like Crazy" obtained almost 3 million streams on Melon. Even after months have passed by, the song continues to be streamed over 2.5 million times every day. So far, the song has been no.1 in 111 countries, setting the record for the most no.1 on iTunes in 2023.
It's pointless to compare "Like Crazy" to other Western Songs or Korean song because there is nothing like "Like Crazy". It is one of a kind.
The song is written in Korean and there is also an English version that should be combined but hasn't been despite other artists having theirs combined, this marks an even more historic debut for an Asian artist, and the fact that it had only 0.6m of radio airplay is reflecting that significance. A sultry club synth pop song was the last thing I was expecting among solo discographies of BTS members. But the fact that this song has become one of the biggest K-pop hits is beyong exciting. As K-pop continues to explore new themes and approaches, the bold move of “Like Crazy” and its early and ongoing success may serve as inspiration for the next generation of K-pop artists, even his own company, to take similar courageous steps.
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what are your fanfic.net exclusive fic reccs? or fave fics from ff.net. I've never read sherlock ff from that site so I'm curious.
Anonymous asked: Steph!!! FF.net is probably closing or being abandoned, and I need to know the best fanfics over there before it closes forever!!! Any recs?
Hey Lovelies!!!
Ah, I've so many FFNet fics... it's where I started, just haven't filed them like I did with my AO3 fics, hahah. I've done lists in the past you will enjoy, but I'll use your asks for an excuse to do another list!! <3 Hope you guys enjoy!
As an aside, I just want to state that I don't know if these are EXCLUSIVE to FFnet; they probably have AO3 counterparts, I just don't know. These are just fics, at the time of making this list, I had on my FFNet bookmarks and haven't found on AO3 yet :) Enjoy!
See also:
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics (Nov. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics Pt 2 (Apr 2022)
Five Seconds by xXLadyLovelaceXx (K+, 658 w., 1 Ch. || TGG Pool Scene, Friendship, Introspection) – In the half-second before Sherlock shoots the jacket, John notices something.
Message Not Sent by Queerasil  (K, 762 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, One-Sided Texting, Pining Sherlock) - Sherlock texts John after the fall and during the hiatus. The messages are sent, but never received. Sequel to WORDLOCKED, TSTM, and Wait, How Do You Play This Game Again?
The Three-Word Tin Collection by TheBookshelfDweller (K, 1,885 w., 1 Ch. || First Person Sherlock POV, Mild Pining, Angst, Romance, Hiatus) – What happens when Sherlock has to store the things he wants to say to John while deconstructing Moriarty's web, but the Mind palace proves an inadequate place to store them?
BBCSH 'The Comfort of Company' by tigersilver (T, 2,769 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF/Mary, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Bed Sharing, Grumpy John, Touching, Clingy/Handsy Sherlock, Cranky Sherlock, Fluff and Light Angst) – It's a trope that John and Sherlock end up sharing in the same bed eventually and I admit I do adore it unconditionally, along with all it infers as to the lowering of defenses and the heightening of trust. I put forth for your consideration that the notion persists because those who think about these things realize these two men are each in dire need of some good company.
Explosions, Literal and Otherwise by Jennistar1 (T, 3,288 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Worried Sherlock, Sort of Rev.-Reichenbach) – Sherlock does not react well to the idea that John might be dead.
Very Good Indeed by StillWaters1 (T, 4,531 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Doctor John, John Whump) – John Watson was a doctor, trained to observe details; a fact Sherlock had never been more aware of than when a drugged John’s lifesaving instructions were based on an unlabeled syringe and an unconscious murder suspect’s body.
De Veritate Unicornis Moderni by tepid sponge bath (T, 5,260 w., 5 Ch. || Fantasy & Drama) – John Watson, a unicorn of this day and age, is trapped in a mortal body. Life as it is seems pretty pointless, almost unendurable, until he meets one Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective and very much a virgin.
London's Ghost by JustlikeWater (K+, 5,642 w., 1 Ch. || Tragedy, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Post-TRF AU, Sherlock POV) – "Today, it's been weeks since Sherlock died. Other times, years. He doesn't know for sure, though. Time passes differently for the dead" 
Same Same But Different by Kerkerian-Horizon (K+, 6,435 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Angst, Post-TRF, Gladstone, John/Mary, Christmas, No Slash) – After Sherlock's return, a lot of things have changed, things the detective has to learn to contend with- or rather, to accept. A sometime-post-Reichenbach story in two parts, no male pairing. Contains Mary, the puppy Gladstone and Christmas as well.
Not Without You by thisisforyou (T, 6,313 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Adventure, Mycroft is a Good Brother, Pining Sherlock, Suicide Mention, Sherlock First Person POV, Post-TRF / Reunion Fic) – "I can't, Mycroft, I can't do this without John." Mycroft comes up with an alternative solution to the three years of two broken hearts that would have otherwise happened. 
Five Times by AliuIce0814 (T, 6,667 w., 6 Ch. || Drama, Canon-Compliant S1 & 2, Angst, 5 and Ones, Reunion) – ... Sherlock woke John, and one time John woke Sherlock.
Lost for Words by notactivesherlockaccount (T, 6,709 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Temporary Mute John) – While on a case, John temporarily loses his ability to speak, and he and Sherlock have to find a new way to communicate.
Catastrophe Medicine by LaSuen (T, 11,550 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt / Comfort, Suspense, Adventure, Whump, Hard Core Bromance) – Chasing after a pyromaniac bomber Sherlock and John wind up in a deserted building which explodes and leaves them trapped under the rubble, both severely injured.
Always the sun by Rose de Sharon (K+, 12,377 w., 3 Ch. || Song Fic, Alternate Post-TGG, Friendship/Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection / Reflection, Injury Recovery, Obsessive / Protective Sherlock, Nightmares, John’s Past, Bed Sharing / Cuddles) – Sherlock ponders about how much his life has changed since John has become his flatmate.
A Study in Linguistics by rizandace (T, 12,425 w., 1 Ch. || S1 Canon Compliant/S2 Divergence, Friendship, Slices of Life, Communication, Cranky Sherlock, Hospitals, Sherlock Whump, Pet Cat, Jealous John, Sherlock’s Violin, Anxious Sherlock, John Whump) – Sherlock Holmes and John Watson had their own language. It was a language of few words and minute facial expressions, and John had learned that it was nearly the only way to have an honest conversation with his eccentric flat mate.
Sunset's Wake by StillWaters1 (T, 13,136 w., 4 Ch. || Angst, Hurt /Comfort, Minor Character POV) – It wasn't until that moment, when the dazed man in the practical black jacket came pushing through the crowd and into her arms, that she understood why she had been drawn outside St. Bart's that day. 
First Response by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 13,516 w., 6 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Whump / Injury) – Five times John had to perform first aid on Sherlock and one time Sherlock had to perform it on John.
The Acronym by DancingGrimm (T, 15,057 w., 12 Ch.|| Humour) – "'Bee Ay Em Eff'. Hm, that's a new one on me. Do you know what it means, Sherlock?" John might not know what it means, but there are many little ways in which he proves the acronym suits him.
The Haze by Ulura (T, 15,381 w., 12 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Whump, Turmoil, Mystery, Worried Sherlock, Mycroft Helps Sherlock, Flashbacks, Blood, Kidnapped John) – Sherlock wakes up, injured and confused on the floor of 221b, the last two days a complete blank. He must struggle not only to recover but to figure out what happened to him and most importantly, find his missing friend John Watson.
Obsession by storylover18 (K+, 15,213 w., 10 Ch.. || Hurt/Comfort, Case Fic, Friendship, John Whump, Sick Fic) - Dr. John Watson wakes up ill one morning but it is not the 24 hour flu he thinks it was. Soon he lands in hospital, quickly deteriorating and Sherlock must work to find out what has happened to his blogger before it is too late. Case!fic mixed with sick!fic / No slash.
The Consequences of Caring by Richefic (K+, 16,156 w., 5 Ch. || Friendship & Angst, Domestics, Platonics) – Sherlock might scoff at this 'caring' lark. But John Watson's situation cries out to be 'solved' and there is nothing that Holmes likes more than solving things. A series in four parts.  
Partners in Crime by Richefic (T, 16,560 w., 5 Ch. || Post-ASIP/Pre-TBB, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Sick John, Meddling Mycroft, Caring Sherlock, Domestics) – John Watson receives some devastating news which puts a spanner in his medical ambitions. Will Sherlock prove capable of the kind of comfort and reassurance he needs or will their partnership be ended before its even begun? 
Pressure Points by Starlight05 (T, 17,677 w., 11 Ch. || Suspense & Friendship, Intense Themes, Torture) - SEQUEL TO ‘RIDDLES IN THE DARK’ – Sebastian Moran is locked away in prison, but he plots to escape and seek revenge on Mycroft Holmes. Meanwhile, Sherlock and John are dealing with a change in their relationship, trying not to fall apart. And as ties are tested and allegiances altered, events unfold in the streets of London that threaten both the Holmes brothers and everyone they care for.
M Is For Moriarty by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 29,882 w., 12 Ch. || Suspense, Mystery, Case Fic, Worried Sherlock, No Slash, Whump) – A figure at the end of the hospital bed; a needle in the dark...Moriarty has John, and Sherlock must follow the paper trail through London to find him before time runs out. Sequel to BANG.
Sentenced by SarahKnight (T, 44,777 w., 30 Ch. || Dev. Rel., Alternate S4 Canon, Drama, Angst, Pining, Feelings are Hard) – Virtual series 4 opener. Sherlock's in prison being targeted by a murderer, John's married to a pregnant assassin and Moriarty's back.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
The doom of Feylin, pt. 4
ACoMaF- Chapter 9
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Tamlin has problems putting emotions into words. Understandable. But he's not even trying. As soon as Feyre asks about his mental well-being, he shuts her down.
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Not only Tamlin's unwilling to work on his fear of loss, he's decided Feyre shouldn't do anything for anyone ever, because "she's given enough". While I agree she should work on her saviour issues, forbiding her to do anything will only isolate her and make her feel her life is pointless.
"My family was faster and stronger than you." How would he know that, when he's refusing to let her explore her abilities, learn her new limits?
ACoMaF- Chapter 10
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One has to wonder, if what stopped him, was some hard-won self-control or fear of hurting Feyre or the fact she managed to protect herself.
ACoMaF- Chapter 12
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So Tamlin knew exactly what happened, how could Feyre raise her shield, but didn't bother explaining her? Teaching her? He knows she's able to create the same kind of "protection" he, himself, casts on her, yet he insist she's a liability?
I don't think I need to point out just how much he's NOT interested in anyting Feyre might offer, unless it's blind obedience. Or in anything she might need, whenever it's something even remotely inconvenient for him...
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Be patient. Please. You can't even leave a house, but you shoud be more understanding. Tamlin has his reasons. Maybe he'll eventually humour you from time to time.
ACoMaF- Chapter 13
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There's not a single positive association Feyre has with the Spring Court. That was supposed to be her home, but all she remembers is how stifling it was for her.
pt. 1, pt 2, pt. 3
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almalinked · 6 months
Profiles - AlmaLinked OCs - Pt.1
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Raymundo Ortiz - ♥️🐇 Reluctant(?) Protagonist
"If you hit a bat with a broom, it's obvious it'll turn into your classmate in a poof of smoke. Dead in your living room. Yup. I've finally gone insane!"
A university art student who left home to study under a scholarship. As he works day shifts at a café, most of his classes are during the night: his classmates are…unique.  Turns out most humans aren’t supposed to see—or even be drawn to—the night class offers, yet he remains oblivious of this fact for months. Perhaps, this started from the moment he got that scholarship... Raymundo’s passionate and emotionally driven, owner of a fiery temperament and an intimidating glare that often keeps people away. Old habits die hard and he’s too used to being on the defensive to save himself pain, but even so his heart constantly peeks out his sleeve (literally, if you count the birthmark on his wrist).  If you talk to him for more than a couple minutes, you’d find a friendly guy who’s just too worried and overly conscious about being judged by others. His closest friends, Marina and Niko, are all the way back home and while Ray tells himself he can well survive as a loner, he longs to connect to others. Now, if his classmate Angelo would stop being a jerk, they might even become friends…?
Age: 20/21 years old Pronouns: he/him Languages: Spanish (native), English (second) Occupation: art college student, cafe barista/waiter Family: -Dad (died in an accident) -Mom, Stepmom -Grandma -Younger sister, Rosario (17 y/o) -Two older siblings -Back home, they have a rabbit (Canela), a couple fishes, a dog (Batata) Likes: art (drawing, painting, sculpting he manages different mediums); rock/metal music, pop occasionally; bunnies, cute things in general; running, exercise Dislikes: pineapple on pizza; horror movies; feeling lonely; pointless violence; awkward silences/completely silent rooms Appearance: -Short brown hair, longer bangs at the sides which he usually braids (the tips are dyed orange); when drawing or working, he pushes it back with a bandana so it's not in the way -1,65 cm tall, strong torso and arms, balanced build -Has freckles across his cheeks, shoulders and back; dark green eyes; hands often have smudges (pencil, oil, paint), skin is a bit rough, faint scarring around knuckles and one more notable starting between his index and middle finger and ending before his wrist -Has a 'birthmark' on his right wrist curiously shaped like a heart ♥ -Wears earrings and piercings on both ears -Day to day he wears comfortable shirts and jeans or overalls; has a set of overalls specifically for when he paints that have accumulated plenty of oil, watercolor, carbon etc smudges. Back in high school, he used to dress mostly in black, and while these days he's incorporated color, he still enjoys a bit of goth/emo fashion (he'll usually wear those clothes for band concerts). Misc: -Bi, demisexual; has limited romantic experience. -Wears socks with cute patterns (paws, animals, etc) -Doesn't handle horror well--back home, Marina would make him and Niko watch horror movies all the time but he never warmed up to them. He prefers to watch comedy or tear jerkers. Despite how he tries to appear, he's a big sentimental guy. -Focuses better with music in the background -He's a scrappy fighter, with a bit of technique he picked up for self defense. He WILL fight back if provoked.
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Angelo Valentini - ♠️🃏 Self Proclaimed Cryptid
"I'm not dead, you fool. Now, could you take me out of this closet? It's quite cramped..."
(Do vampires count as cryptids? Angelo would say that yes). He's Ray's classmate in some of his classes, and assistant to the head of university; one of the few people who gets to see them in person. His main interest lies in fashion but he enjoys studying a large range of subjects to make up for lost time (and now he has immortality worth of it). No one knows where he goes during the day, or where he lives, or really—much about him.  He’s a man with past regrets, and a future he doesn’t knows what to do with. Upon a first impression, Angelo appears as someone of few words, serious and distant; he’s blunt and to the point and this often causes him to come off as rude (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, but he doesn’t usually care). Logical and calculating, he leaves little room for emotion. It all betrays a secret playful side, and a softer, caring personality reserved for a select few. At first, he and Ray don’t see eye to eye and clash often. But with time, some snacks, close encounters with vampires—and one Christmas where Ray hit him with a broom, they start to become friends. He's also Danielle's ex. But that is a far longer story.
Age: 22/23 at time of turning; as a vampire, ? Pronouns: he/him Languages: Italian (Native), English (Second), some Spanish and a little French Occupation: student; assistant in university (bookkeeper, helps manage the library, various duties). Family (as human): -Mother (died of sickness when he was 14; she was a nurse) -Biological Father (unknown status, didn’t meet him→someone his mother had an affair with) -Step Father (in name only, never liked Angelo) -Younger sister, Luchia (the person he did everything for while alive) Likes: fashion, fashion history, making clothes; languages; fruits, pineapple on pizza; mystery and suspense, undiscovered things, cryptids, legends and myths Dislikes: pushy/meddling people; romcoms; asking for help Appearance: -Long, pale hair, often loose or braid or ponytail. -Long lashes, slender hands; naturally slender body but a little too thin at times due to lack of eating; in the past, his hands would have scattered bandages or bandaids from manual work/lack of care and resources for it. Having become a vampire, his complexion actually got better in some aspects (wounds heal faster) but if you take a close look, his body retains the memory of his habits as a human (and he still sucks at taking care of himself). -Tallish, around 1,70cm, long legs -Day to day, he usually wears dress pants, shirt and vest (no tie, but sometimes a cravat), which makes him stand out amidst more casually dressed students (Ray joked once he dressed LIKE a vampire). He enjoys a wide range of fashion, though, particularly long elegant dresses (one of his favorite pieces to make, as well). -As a human (disguise or past self),aquamarine/emerald green eyes, otherwise red; large bat ears/fangs/etc. -In bat mode, he’s an albino fruit bat. Misc: -Gay, demiromantic; he's slept with multiple people across his mortal and immortal life, but only loved one (so far). If not for him, he may not have become a vampire... -Back in the day, he learned to sew and often crafted clothes for himself or his sister due to lack of money. However he quite enjoys it. -Knowledgeable in Gambling/Cardgames: he learned many games and gambling techniques to make money. -Cryptid hunter: the truth is out there...
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Hypnokink Basics: Special Techniques (pt 3) - Rapid / Instant Induction
Example (video - for the record I'd call this "rapid" not "instant" but the distinction is pretty vague and pointless)
For when you want to "get to the 'good' stuff" (unless you're like me, and the trance is the good stuff) as soon as possible or walk up to someone and have them as putty in your hands within five seconds flat, there is nothing quite like a Rapid or Instant Induction. There are a number of different techniques for these, and there are people who are particular experts in those techniques, but the general basis comes down to three factors: 1) Establish yourself as a confident and trustworthy, or credentialed, person as quickly as possible 2) Assert that the person will drop into trance in a manner that does not allow them to question that 'fact' 3) Interrupt the process of their questioning it through some sort of physical or verbal process in order to get them to give up the fight and just give in
What that often looks like is walking up to a person with a confident sparkle in your eyes, looking them in the eyes, assertively saying "Sleep!" and then pushing their head over backwards while catching them by the small of their back. They are so caught off-guard by the physical disruption that they don't have time to question whether they should "sleep" (i.e. trance) or not and so they just... do. That is obviously situational and depends on the person being placed in trance, the relationship they have with the person doing the trancing, how that person delivers the line and the touch, the place that everything happens and a dozen other nuances, but it works often enough that it gets its own entry here and is plenty fun to do for people who enjoy it. Also, you have examples like the handshake induction shown at the link, where the hypnotist tells their partner what is going to happen and essentially allows them to hypnotize themselves. If you watch, between the second and third handshake, when the hypnotist says "and you will stay standing..." and other verbiage like that... that's not an induction, that's a suggestion. She's already in enough of a trance that she's responding to suggestions for him.
All of that may well seem like magic, and that is why instant inductions are so often the province of stage magicians and stage hypnotists, but they are really a blend of three things - confidence, trust, and a pattern interrupt. You can use any number of different manifestation of those three things to get it done, but that's what it all boils down to.
This is part of my larger article on Hypnokink Basics: Special Techniques (pt. 3)! Click the Link to read the whole thing!
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sk1fanfiction · 1 year
concept: padmé should not have been fridged at the end of ROTS
Padmé should have started the rebellion, and I maintain that this not being canon is a narrative flaw and surrender to cliché. Why create a character who's a skilled diplomat and leader and can hold her own in a fight and not let her do the thing? I know it's stated that Luke and Leia don't remember either of their parents, but she could have separated the twins at birth to keep them safe. And to keep her from appearing in the OT, she could have been assassinated or killed in action between ROTS and ANH.
In the end of ROTS, Padmé dies of a broken heart, literally losing the will to live. Yes, it's true that emotional stress can cause short-term heart muscle failure but it's only very rarely fatal. Besides, it is established that nothing is physically wrong with her.
I think what is actually going on (from a Doylist perspective) is (1) 'dying of a broken heart' is an irresistibly romantic and cliché way to end a story about star-crossed lovers and the PT is a love story first and foremost or (2) Padmé is a plot device and there's no reason for her to exist without Anakin so whelp gotta kill her off. If (1) that's unsatisfying, if (2) that's literally the definition of fridging :/
I'm inclined to think it's (1) for the simple fact that Padmé is shown to have goals and ambitions that don't revolve around Anakin (like being a Senator). If so, all the more reason she should have stayed alive.
Yes, Padmé's death symbolizes the end of the Republic (as her character represents democracy), but her survival could also have been thematically meaningful (hope for the Republic remains alive, which leads into ANH). It also would not have disrupted the utter pointlessness of Anakin's fall, as it shows Padmé would still have survived if he hadn't betrayed the Jedi.
Doesn't 'The Alliance to Restore the Republic' sound like something Padmé would come up with? She was amongst the first Senators to oppose Palpatine after all. Plus she'd be the 'mother of the rebellion' in both a literal and figurative sense. It's like poetry, it rhymes.
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acidinbubbles · 2 years
✎♡ Teachers Pet Pt.2
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Teacher! Eren Yeager x Student! Fem reader Pt.1 Here WC: 1k+
Synopsis: Maybe happy endings do exist.
Contains: age gap (reader is of a age), oral(f), creampie, praise, slight angst, cheating, unprotected sex, and probably more!
Notes: so sorry for how long this took, I don't know if I like this or not. Not proofread.
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You got up for school the following day, your eyes looked bloodshot and puffy from crying all night. But unfortunately the world doesn’t stop over a broken heart. You followed your day to day routine by doing your hair, putting on your usual makeup look, and your school issued uniform. You longed for his touch, his taste, his beautiful stares, you desired him. But he was the forbidden fruit as well as the serpent in your garden.
You walked to school as usual, book bag in hand, dreading the school day to begin. Your legs felt like stone, you felt like whatever energy you had left drained from your body as soon as you saw the looming doors to the school entrance, yet the show must go on. Your school day proceeds as normal, small talk with friends, boring textbooks, and pointless lessons. Most days you would be ecstatic for your last period to come, excited to finally see him. Instead you absolutely dreaded it, till it finally came.
You sat in your usual spot, directly in front of his field of vision. But you didn’t greet him with a cheeky smile or a flirtatious comment only he would understand, instead you just stared at the carvings of your desk, the lines on the floor, how the nail polish on your nails was chipping away. Class started as normal with whatever lesson Eren planned out. But you weren’t the first to raise your hand at every single question he asked, you did the exact opposite in fact, you laid your head on your desk and watched the clock tick.
This behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Eren, he watched as you walked in without giving him so much as a glance, how you looked at the desk like it was going to devour you, how you laid your head to rest on the cold wood not paying an ounce of attention to his lesson, and for some reason this made him angry. Why weren’t you giving him your attention? What felt like an eternity of staring at that stupid clock, the bell finally rung. You quickly stood up packing up your things, but before you had a chance to leave
“Y/n can you please stay for a minute? I need to discuss something with you” It’s like all the air left your lungs, you froze in place. You leaned against your desk still looking at the ground, once the room had cleared of students, he finally approached you. He stood in front of you, yet you still couldn’t find the confidence to lift your head and look him in the eyes.
His hands brushed the hair out of your face, with delicate hands he tilted your chin up and there he was. His beautiful green eyes you could get lost in, his eyes softened upon meeting your eyes. Then the sharp pain to your chest came, your heart breaking into a million pieces all over again. But you couldn’t cry, not here and definitely not in front of him. “Are you okay?” No A thousand times no, but you can’t tell him that, “Yeah just tired.” you said with a light yet forced smile. What you really wanted to do was shout at the top of your lungs and beg him to love you, but you couldn’t do that. He smiled at you, his hands now on your hips pulling you against him, and no matter how much it hurts you to be used like this, you could never decline his touch. And like nothing had ever happened, your performance began as you leaned into his touch. You held his face and before you could even speak, his lips were on yours, it felt different. Instead of a lust filled kiss it felt passionate, loving, and you swallowed every bit of that sensation. He wrapped his arms around your thighs, taking you to his desk like he always did. Eren knew something was off, and he wanted nothing more than to make you feel better, and he couldn’t understand why. He laid you on his desk still not breaking the kiss, undoing the buttons to your uniform while trailing kisses down your neck. All you could do was stare at the ceiling, it’s not like you weren’t enjoying it, his feather-like kisses making their way down your stomach felt like heaven. But it couldn’t distract the throbbing pain in your chest. He pulled your skirt down till it was discarded on the floor. He did it all in silence, but his touch was all you needed to have a “conversation”.
He kissed your folds through the thin layer of fabric, he pushed your panties to the side and began to devour you, you don’t know if you were tearing up because of how good his tongue felt on your clit, or because how much you wished this was more than a hookup. “God you taste so fucking good, so wet for me.” you babbled some type of agreement, too dazed and emotional to actually speak coherent sentences. He continued to suck and kiss your folds until the tent in his pants became unbearably painful.
He stood up quickly to undo his belt and free his dick from his boxers. You knew even though he was the cause for this heartthrob, this could make you feel better. He pushed your panties to the side once more and stuffed you to brim before you could even process what was happening. You both moaned in pleasure. He bent over to kiss you while gently thrusting into you. You mewled into his mouth gasping every time his dick dragged against your walls just to thrust into you again. “I love you too.” you thought you were hearing things, did Eren just say he loved you?
The dam of tears finally broke, you began to sob, and each tear that fell he kissed away. He moved his hands from your hips to your hands and intertwined your fingers. Without fail each time he hit your g-spot it was followed by “I love you, I love you, I love you.” you couldn’t get enough of it. “Please never stop loving me.” you managed to say in between each thrust. He peppered kisses all over your face, “I won’t” you came right then and there with no warning. You cried from sensitivity as Eren’s thrust became more aggressive and sloppy. He was close really fucking close, he pressed his forehead to yours and moaned into your lips “I love you so fucking much.” covering your gummy walls with ropes of cum. And for once he didn’t immediately pull out to get dressed and borderline kick you out, you both stayed like that for what felt like forever. Finally he got up and tucked himself away, you sat up buttoning your shirt and picking up your skirt and putting it on.
When you were grabbing your things and getting ready to leave, Eren spoke, “I’m getting a divorce.” and then, the world went silent.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
Word Count : 2.2k TW : yandere!themese ; smut ; unprotected sex (PRACTICE SAFE SEX EVERYONE) ; creampie ; fingering ; let me know if there's more that I missed!! ; A/N : While I was writing the first part I was like "man, I want a love like this..." and I too had to do a double take and remember, that kind of love is not healthy at all. Thank you so much for requesting! Request : (@whatudowhennooneseesyou ) I can imagine that when he meets her in the bedroom he would worship her body & pin her down & say over & over again 'you're mine, I love you, you can't leave me, you're so beautiful etc'. I'd love to see a Pt.2 to the request where that happens. Pairing : yandere!Lee Know x F!Reader Part 1
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Drops of water dripped from your hair as you walked into the bedroom, pulling on one of Lee Knows shirts after dropping the towel to the floor. It’s not that you particularly found comfort in wearing it, but you knew that he liked seeing you in his clothes, the sight of it only fueling his possessiveness even more, but he was already so far gone, there was no point in trying to get your Lee Know back, and the only glimpse of him that you ever really got was when you did things like this. He’d become softer with you, his touch gentle, his kisses so light that you could barely feel his lips as they brushed against yours. He’d adore you the way he used to, and you missed it so much, you’d do anything and everything you could to catch even a glimpse of that side of him again. 
The sound of the sink running in the kitchen let you know that he was still washing the dishes, the attempt at domesticity by him was overshadowed by the fact that he wasn’t doing it because he really wanted to, he didn’t enjoy it, he just thought that acting this way would keep you with him, and in a sense, he was right. You had no reason to leave right now, and you’d give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the old Lee Know while he showed his beautiful face before the new and “improved” Lee Know returned. 
Right now you had your chance to be alone, and while you’d love to be able to scroll through your phone, message your family and friends, your phone had been shattered and discarded on day one of you being locked in and you had never gotten a new one. He thought it was pointless for you to maintain contact with anyone other than him, and he had his ways of talking to you without you needing a mobile device, those ways being the cameras and intercom system that he had installed in the house. “For your safety.” 
He had given the excuse so casually as the stranger placed the cameras in every corner of every room of the house, and while you wanted nothing more than to run to the man and beg him to help you, to get you out of there, Lee Know was one step ahead and had kept his arms around you, walking behind you the entire time so that you’d never get the chance. Of course, you knew the man had it coming for him, you felt the way Lee Know tensed up when he noticed the man looking at you just a little too long, concern etched across his face, and you knew Lee Know wouldn’t let something like that slide. It was a threat to the perfect thing he had going, and he wasn’t going to let some stranger destroy it. 
“What are you reading, my love?” His voice had you slowly lowering the book down onto your lap. The towel that he had been using to dry his hands was slung over his shoulder, as he leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked you over. “Is that my shirt?” His gaze softened exponentially as you shyly nodded your head, placing the book on the nightstand beside the bed and patting the bed, motioning for him to join you. 
Sometimes it was just easier to give yourself to him, to be everything he wanted you to be, and it was easier for you to be it for him when he was like this. “Are you tired?” You asked as he made his way over to the bed, stripping himself of the clothes that he wore to work, climbing under the sheets with just his boxers on, scooting as close to you as possible and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull your back against his chest. 
“Not at all, my love…” He hummed, nuzzling his nose against your neck before trailing kisses along the sensitive skin, nibbling softly at it, loving the way it made you squirm when he did. “You don’t seem tired either.” He mused, his fingers gliding slowly down across your stomach until he reached the hem of the shirt, sliding it up and letting out a sigh of content when he felt that you weren’t wearing anything at all under the shirt. 
“It was a good read…” You murmured, a shiver running through you when you felt his cold fingertips brush along your inner thigh, moving dangerously close to that sensitive spot between your legs that was already wet just from him being so close to you. It was strange how your body reacted to him, even though your mind screamed at you to push him away, you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it, not when you wanted him so bad. 
“Was it?” He questioned, his finger flicking along your sensitive bud, your legs instinctively spreading open for him. “Do you want to continue reading it?” He knew that the answer would be no, especially when his thumb was circling so painstakingly slow on your clit, your eyes squeezing shut as you bit your lip, knowing that the only reason he was doing it like this was to hear you beg him for more. 
“Nuhuh…” You whimpered, pushing your ass back against him, feeling how hard he was already through the thin fabric of his boxer shorts. He grunted softly, bucking his hips against you as he latched his lips onto your neck, biting and sucking the skin harshly, eliciting loud drawn out moans from you as you rolled your hips against his fingers. 
His tongue lapped over the freshly made mark that he left on your neck, blowing softly against the wet skin, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin from the chill. “So gorgeous, my love…” He whispered, pulling his hand back, leaving you feeling empty, but he quickly climbed on top of you, grabbing your hands that attempted to reach out for him and pinning them down at your sides. “Tell me you’re mine… That you’ll never leave me, Y/N…” 
You swallowed thickly, meeting his lust filled eyes that scanned over your face, moving down to your body that was partially covered by the t-shirt that was riding up your form, revealing more and more of your skin the more you shifted on the bed. “I’m yours, Lee Know… I’ll never leave…” You pushed against his hands, wanting to reach out and touch him, and he didn’t restrain you anymore, having gotten the answer that he wanted. 
As soon as he let go, your hands flew to his chest, running down the bare skin before reaching the waistband of his boxers and tugging at them. “So impatient, my love… Tell me what it is that you want.” He stopped your hands while your fingers were still slipped into his boxers, his eyebrows arched as he looked you over, it almost felt like he was judging you for how eager you were being right now, but you that that was all it was, just a feeling, because in reality, he was admiring you, adoring you, loving the way needily and greedily pulled at him. 
“You… I want you, Lee Know…” and only you, you finished in your mind. You didn’t have to say it out loud, it wasn’t like you were allowed to want anyone else anyway, so why should you deny yourself the opportunity to be loved when he was right there willing to give it to you so freely. He wasn’t going to deny you either, he would give you everything you wanted, unless that thing was for him to let you go, but freedom was quite a small commodity in comparison to everything else he could give you. 
His lips pressed against yours, his body pinning you down to the mattress and his hand slipped between the both of you to pull his cock from the confines of his boxers. Foreplay would be a waste of time, and as much as he enjoyed the taste of you on his tongue and watching you writhe with pleasure from between your legs, he knew exactly what you wanted right now, and that was to feel him, to feel all of him. He loved when you got needy, it let him know that what he was doing was working in his favor, that you wouldn’t be able to leave him, not when the feeling of him between your legs lingered long after the fun was over. 
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you are today?” He mused, rubbing his tip between your folds, collecting your arousal and stroking it on his cock, the perfect lubricant to slide into you with ease. “I love you so much…” The words were said as he slowly slid into you, so slow that you could feel yourself stretching around him, inch by inch as he pushed deeper and deeper until he bottomed out. “So, so much…” 
You clenched around him, wanting to hold him there for a moment more, marveling at the way his lips parted as his eyes shut, a raspy moan being breathed out as his head dropped, his forehead pressed against yours. Your own breaths were shaky as your arms moved to quickly drape over his shoulders, craning your neck to find his lips, desperate to be touched by him, to be kissed by him, to feel him in every single way. 
“See how perfectly we fit together, my love?” He posed as he slowly began to rock his hips, the feeling of your slick walls trying to suck him back in as he pulled out had his eyes rolling back, that mixed with the beautiful moans that poured from your mouth, it was like heaven. “You can’t leave me, we’re made for each other, I’ll never let you go…” And there it was again, his true self shining through, his possessiveness overshadowing the love that he had just seconds ago been showing. “I’ll fill you, and fill you until you can’t hold anymore… You won’t be able to move from the bed without feeling me dripping down your thigh… I’ll mark you inside and out… Everyone will know that you’re mine…” 
His thrusts became heavier, the soft love making was long over now, the sudden urge to prove his point spurring him on and bringing him closer to his own release, and you hated how attractive it was, how turned on his words made you, how low his voice was, how he looked at you when he said it, it was hot and you were disgusted with yourself for the feeling of your own release coming on more quickly, the euphoric feeling of a high that could only be felt with him that had your vision fading around the edges as each and every thrust pushed you closer and closer. 
Your nails dug into his back as your walls pulsated around him, your back arched off the bed and your hips rolling up to meet each of his sporadic thrusts, riding the wave of pleasure that he had sent crashing down over you, his name rolling off your tongue mixed with the most lewd sounding moan that had him unable to hold out any longer. His nails dug into the sheets right beside your head as he thrusted one last time into you, his cock twitching as strings of cum painted your walls white, soft grunts sounding from his throat as he collapsed on top of you. 
“You’re even more beautiful now, knowing that you’re mine, inside and out…” He purred, his fingers brushing away the stray strands of hair that had clung to your sweat beaded forehead. “Let’s get you in the bath to wash up, hmm?” He cooed, the domineering sneer that he had worn moments ago was replaced with a soft smile as he looked you over adoringly. 
You nodded slowly, biting your lip to stifle your whimper as he pulled out of you, rolling over onto your side to watch him leave the bedroom and listening for the sound of the faucet being turned on. You really shouldn’t love him, but times like this made it hard not to, the soft moments after his short episodes of what you could only explain as craziness. It didn’t happen often, or at least you didn’t think it did, or maybe you had just grown numb to most of it that it started to seem normal. Times like this had you wondering why you had even thought of leaving him in the first place. 
“Are you coming, my love?” He called from the bathroom, and you quickly got up, not because you were scared of what he’d do if you didn’t, but because you wanted to be with him. The smile that he greeted you with was so beautiful, and you practically ran into his arms that he held out to embrace you with. “You’ll never find someone who loves you as much as I do, who takes care of you the way I do… You’ll never leave me.”
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