#pointe saint-mathieu
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Abbaye Saint-Mathieu (29)
#bretagne#breizh#bzh#finistere#29#saint-mathieu#abbey#abbaye#pointe saint-mathieu#brittany#ruins#arhitecture#medieval building#moyen-age#medieval#art
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Troisième étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s : Christian en Bretagne, près de Brest, il y a un mois déjà.
A Plougonvelin, la Pointe Saint-Mathieu. Le Cénotaphe pour les Marins morts pour la France, avec son mémorial (où l'on voit des centaines de photos de marins civils et militaires, morts pendant l'une des guerres) , et sa longue stèle Art Déco.
#bretagne#rade de brest#plougonvelin#saint-mathieu#pointe saint-mathieu#cénotaphe#mémorial#marin#marins#ww1#ww2#première guerre mondiale#deuxième guerre mondiale#14-18#39-45#canono#stèle#art déco
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Semaphore of Pointe Saint-Mathieu, Brittany region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1910 to Paris
#france#tarjeta#postkaart#sepia#saint#carte postale#pointe#semaphore#ansichtskarte#mailed#briefkaart#region#photo#photography#postal#postkarte#1910#paris#vintage#french#brittany#mathieu#postcard#historic#pointe saint-mathieu#ephemera
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Phare (Pointe Saint Mathieu, Bretagne)
#bretagne#breizh#bzh#pointe saint mathieu#finistère#phare#photography#photographie#noir et blanc#black and white#photographers on tumblr
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Do you happen to know how often it occurred for wives of arrested deputies to share the same fate of their husbands, so either imprisoned, or condemned to death ? Do you have some examples? I'm referring to the years between 92-95. Moreover if it's not too much to ask for, could you also point out the signature of the CSP members who signed such warrants?
That’s a very interesting question, especially since no official studies seem to have been made on the subject. What I’ve found so far (and it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s way more) is:
Félicité Brissot — after the news of her husband’s arrest, Félicité, who had lived in Saint-Cloud with her three children since April 1793, traveled to Chartres. There (on an unspecified date?) she and her youngest son Anacharsis (born 1791) were arrested by the Revolutionary Committee of Saint-Cloud (the two older children had been taken in by other people) which sent her to Paris. Once arrived in the capital, Felicité was placed under surveillance in the Necker hotel, rue de Richelieu, in accordance with an order from the Committee of General Security dated August 9 1793 (she could not be placed under house arrest in her own apartment, since seals had already been placed on it). On August 11 she underwent an interrogation, and on October 13, she was sent from her house arrest (where she had still enjoyed a relative liberty) to the La Force prison. Félicité and her son were set free on February 4 1794, after six months spent under arrest. The order for her release was it too issued by the Committee of General Security, and signed by Lacoste, Vadier, Dubarran, Guffroy, Amar, Louis (du Bas-Rhin), and Voulland. Source: J.-P. Brissot mémoires (1754-1793); [suivi de] correspondance et papiers (1912) by Claude Perroud)
Suzanne Pétion — In a letter to the Convention dated July 26 1793, Carrier reports that ”Péthion's [sic] wife, their son and the wife of another fugitive, were arrested in Homfleurs, we are going to take them to Paris.” On August 9, we find a CGS decree ordering Suzanne and her ten year old son, for the moment under house arrest, to be taken to the Sainte-Pélagie prison. Ten days after that, August 19, the CGS orders the furniture in Suzanne’s apartment to be brought over to her. A year later, August 13 1794, we find a letter from Suzanne to the Committee of Public Safety pleading for the release of her and her son, imprisoned only for sharing the name of a proscribed deputy. But this would appear to have lead nowhere, and the two were instead transported from the Sainte-Pélagie prison to the Maison Desnos. Finally, on December 9 1795, after one year, four months and thirteen days imprisoned, a CGS decree with the signatures of Mathieu, Reverchon, Bourdon, Montmayou, Barras and Comorel on it ordered Suzanne and her son released and their seals lifted immediately.
Louise-Catherine-Àngélique Ricard, widow Lefebvre (Suzanne Pétion’s mother) — According to Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: avec le journal de ses actes (1880) by Henri Wallon, Louise was called before the parisian Revolutionary Tribunal on September 24 1793, accused “of having applauded the escape of Minister Lebrun by saying: “So much the better, we must not desire blood,” of having declared that the Brissolins and the Girondins were good republicans (“Yes,” her interlocutor replied, “once the national ax has fallen on the corpses of all of them”), for having said, when someone came to tell her that the condemned Tonduti had shouted “Long live the king” while going to execution; that everyone would have to share this feeling, and that for the public good there would have to be a king whom the “Convention and its paraphernalia ate more than the old regime”. She denied this when asked about Tonduti, limiting herself to having said: “Ah! the unfortunate.” Asked why she had made this exclamation she responded: ”through a sentiment of humanity.” She was condemned and executed the very same day.
Marie Anne Victoire Buzot — It would appear she was put under house arrest, but was able to escape from there. According to Provincial Patriot of the French Revolution: François Buzot, 1760–1794 (2015) by Bette W. Oliver, ”[Marie] had remained in Paris after her husband fled on June 2 [1793], but she was watched by a guard who had been sent to the Hôtel de Bouillon. Soon thereafter, Madame Buzot and her ”domestics” disappeared, along with all of the personal effects in the apartment. […] Madame Buzot would join her husband in Caen, but not until July 10; and no evidence remains regarding her whereabouts between the time that she left Paris in June and her arrival in Caen. At a later date, however, she wrote that she had fled, not because she feared death, but because she could not face the ”ferocious vengeance of our persecutors” who ignored the law and refused ”to listen to our justification.” I’ve unfortunately not been able to access the source used to back this though…
Marie Françoise Hébert — arrested on March 14 1794, presumably on the orders of the Committee of General Security since I can’t find any decree regarding the affair in Recueil des actes du Comité de salut public. Imprisoned in the Conciergerie until her execution on April 13 1794, so 30 days in total. See this post.
Marie Françoise Joséphine Momoro — imprisoned in the Prison de Port-libre from March 14 to May 27 1794 (2 months and 13 days), as seen through Jean-Baptiste Laboureau’s diary, cited in Mémoires sur les prisons… (1823) page 68, 72, 109.
Lucile Desmoulins — arrested on April 4 1794 according to a joint order with the signatures of Du Barran (who had also drafted it) and Voulland from the CGS and Billaud-Varennes, C-A Prieur, Carnot, Couthon, Barère and Robespierre from the CPS on it. Imprisoned in the Sainte-Pélagie prison up until April 9, when she was transferred to the Conciergerie in time for her trial to begin. Executed on April 13 1794, after nine days spent in prison. See this post.
Théresa Cabarrus — ordered arrested and put in isolation on May 22 1794, though a CPS warrant drafted by Robespierre and signed by him, Billaud-Varennes, Barère and Collot d’Herbois. Set free on July 30 (according to Madame Tallien : notre Dame de Thermidor from the last days of the French Revolution until her death as Princess de Chimay in 1835 (1913)), after two months and eight days imprisoned.
Thérèse Bouquey (Guadet’s sister-in-law) — arrested on June 17 1794 once it was revealed she and her husband for the past months had been hiding the proscribed girondins Pétion, Buzot, Barbaroux, Guadet and Salles. She, alongside her husband and father and Guadet’s father and aunt, were condemned to death and executed in Bordeaux on July 20 1794. Source: Paris révolutionnaire: Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers (1906), volume 3, chapter 15.
Marie Guadet (Guadet’s paternal aunt) — Condemned to death and executed in Bordeaux on July 20 1794, alongside her brother and his son, the Bouqueys and Xavier Dupeyrat. Source: Charlotte Corday et les Girondins: pièces classées et annotées (1872) by Charles Vatel.
Charlotte Robespierre — Arrested and interrogated on July 31 1794 (see this post). According to the article Charlotte Robespierre et ses amis (1961), no decree ordering her release appears to exist. In her memoirs (1834), Charlotte claims she was set free after a fortnight, and while the account she gives over her arrest as a whole should probably be doubted, it seems strange she would lie to make the imprisonment shorter than it really was. We know for a fact she had been set free by November 18 1794, when we find this letter from her to her uncle.
Françoise Magdeleine Fleuriet-Lescot — put under house arrest on July 28 1794, the same day as her husband’s execution. Interrogated on July 31. By August 7 1794 she had been transferred to the Carmes prison, where she the same day wrote a letter to the president of the Convention (who she asked to in turn give it to Panis) begging for her freedom. On September 5 the letter was sent to the Committee of General Security. I have been unable to discover when she was set free. Source: Papiers inédits trouvés chez Robespierre, Saint-Just, Payan, etc. supprimés ou omis par Courtois. précédés du Rapport de ce député à la Convention Nationale, volume 3, page 295-300.
Françoise Duplay — a CGS decree dated July 27 1794 orders the arrest of her, her husband and their son, and for all three to be put in isolation. The order was carried out one day later, July 28 1794, when all three were brought to the Pélagie prison. On July 29, Françoise was found hanged in her cell. See this post.
Élisabeth Le Bas Duplay — imprisoned with her infant son from July 31 to December 8 1794, 4 months and 7 days. The orders for her arrest and release were both issued by the CGS. See this post.
Sophie Auzat Duplay — She and her husband Antoine were arrested in Bruxelles on August 1 1794. By October 30 the two had been transferred to Paris, as we on that date find a letter from Sophie written from the Conciergerie prison. She was set free by a CPS decree (that I can’t find in Recueil des actes du Comité de salut public…) on November 19 1794, after 3 months and 18 days of imprisonment. When her husband got liberated is unclear. See this post.
Victoire Duplay — Arrested in Péronne by representative on mission Florent Guiot (he reveals this in a letter to the CPS dated August 4 1794). When she got set free is unknown. See this post.
Éléonore Duplay — Her arrest warrant, ordering her to be put in the Pélagie prison, was drafted by the CGS on August 6 1794. Somewhere after this date she was moved to the Port-Libré prison, and on April 21 1795, from there to the Plessis prison. She was transfered back to the Pélagie prison on May 16 1795. Finally, on July 19 1795, after as much as 11 months and 13 days in prison, Éléonore was liberated through a decree from the CGS. See this post.
Élisabeth Le Bon — arrested in Saint-Pol on August 25 1794, ”suspected of acts of oppression” and sent to Arras together with her one year old daughter Pauline. The two were locked up in ”the house of the former Providence.” On October 26, Élisabeth gave birth to her second child, Émile, while in prison. She was released from prison on October 14 1795, four days after the execution of her husband. By then, she had been imprisoned for 1 year, 1 month and 19 days. Source: Paris révolutionnaire: Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers (1906), volume 3, chapter 1.
#frev#french revolution#madame roland is of course here too but she might go in the notlikeothergirls camp in this particular instance#félicité brissot#suzanne pétion#éléonore duplay#élisabeth lebas#charlotte robespierre#théresa cabarrus#lucile desmoulins#marie françoise hébert#everyone: is held in prison from anything from two months to a whole year if not executed before then#charlotte: two weeks…#i mean i’m not surprised but…
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Pointe Saint-Mathieu
Part III
Rando photo avec M. Rivrin
#photographers on tumblr#photography#photoshoot#photooftheday#photos#art#artists on tumblr#beautiful photos#travel#france#lighthouse#sonya7iii#sonyphotography
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Ancienne Tour a feu, elle servait a guider les navires, a la pointe Saint Mathieu (1600, environ )
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Balade à la Pointe Saint Mathieu
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Queer MTL things to do : November 2024

As the weather grows colder in November, indoor activities heat up all over the city! And like every month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
Alors que le temps se refroidit en novembre, les activités d’intérieur nous réchauffent dans toute la ville! Et comme tous les mois, Montréal propose une foule d’événements, de soirées et d’expériences uniques qui font briller toutes les nuances de l’arc-en-ciel LGBTQ+. Entre prestations drag et activités communautaires, festivals bien en vue et événements underground, voici notre sélection des choses les plus gaies à faire dans la ville. Pour rester à l’affût de tout ajout, suivez QueerMTL sur Instagram, X, Facebook et Tumblr! Vous présentez un événement? Écrivez-nous!
🎥 Cinema 👑 Drag 🥳 Parties 🎶 Concert ✊ Activism 🏳️⚧️ Trans 🏳️🌈 Community 😆 Comedy 🎭 Performance 💪 Sports 👯♀️ Dance 🎤 Karaoke 🎨 Arts 📚 Literary / Educational 👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Friday, November 1, 2024
🎨 Pointe-à-Callière’s exhibition Witches—Out of the Shadows runs until April 6, 2025, Pointe-à-Callière 🥳 Pikete returns with Ori Lababy, La Niña Kiwi, Jashim, Culturalex, Anaconda Lasabrosa, Sisi Superstar, Queefy Latina and MCHERRY, La Sotterenea 🥳 GIRLS THEYS RAVE present GTR | Lesbian & Sapphic Halloween with DJs GwineStefani, Dracvla and Medasking, Cabaret Berlin 🥳 Cerise Noire goth night with UN, Esther Splett and DJ JTA, Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles 🥳 BIMBO presents BIMBOWEEN with Ian Jackman, DISKOMMANDER, DJ G3MINI and Esirena, plus a multi-category costume contest, Le Livart 🥳 Psychdelic Babylon presents the Psychedelic Halloween Masquerade with Electric Universe and Phase, Le Sainte-Catherine Hall 🎭 Closet d’Alibabette presents Le Cabaret des Curiosités : Spécial Halloween with La Freak du Show, Demone Lastrange, Sir Vergon, Xtra Dip and others, Centre de médiation culturelle “L’éphémère 💪 Montréal Roller Derby hosts Champs at Champs: Global Championship Roller Derby Watch Party Fundraiser with DJs and crafting, Champs 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Tracy Trash, Carmen Sutra, Erica and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Saturday, November 2, 2024
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 👑 Doll Domination featuring an all-trans cast with Esirena, Denim, Jay Show, Casanova, Bijoux, Shasha and Safierce Diamonds, Complexe Sky 🥳 Homegrown Harvest presents Halloween Rave 2024 with WATA IGARASHI, Marie Davidson, Lis Dalton b2b Esme, Xia b2b urmumsfavdj, Hidi, Kris Guilty b2b Gene Tellem, Lexis and Alina b2b Guthrie, venue announced day of 🥳 Queen & Queer hosts their Halloween Dance Party with Sandy Duperval, DJ Mc Coy, Lisa Dalton and Lia Plutonic in B2B and DJ Sam, Bain Mathieu 🎭 Voulez Vous Productions presents an Affordable Costume Making Class with Rosie Bourgeoisie, book for location 😆 Le brunch with Raquel, a queer and trans bilingual comedy show with Raquel Maestre, Kě, Lucy Gervais, Carmina Berbari, Nat Pace, Alo Azimov and Caro Monast, Agenda 💪 Montréal Roller Derby hosts Champs at Champs: Global Championship Roller Derby Watch Party Fundraiser with DJs and crafting, Champs 🥳 🏳️🌈 Studio ZX, FANTOM and PUMP present PUMP with DJs FLLEUR, Technique Nado and Syana and rhythmic cardio by Mags, Place du Village 🥳 SUPER TASTE MTL presents 90's DANCE PARTY : Édition Halloween, Ausgang Plaza 📚 L'Euguélionne, feminist bookstore hosts a book launch for Monia Mazigh’s Farida, L'Euguélionne 👑 Jackbox Games with the Gahds with Uma Gahd and Selma Gahd, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Tracy Trash, Carmen Sutra, Erica and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Sunday, November 3, 2024
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 💪 Montréal Roller Derby hosts Champs at Champs: Global Championship Roller Derby Watch Party Fundraiser with DJs and crafting, Champs 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and Bobépine, Carmen Sutra and Gina Gates, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Monday, November 4, 2024
👑 C’est juste lundi, place à la relève !! with Sally-D, Bar Le Cocktail
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
👑 Full Gisèle : Top et bottom with Gisèle Lullaby, Lady Guidoune, Victoire de Rockwell, Clay Thorris and Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts a book launch for Martina Chumova’s Je mets mes rêves sur la table, L'Euguélionne 👑 Sasha Baga presents DIVAAS with Pétula Claque and Adriana, Cabaret Mado
Thursday, November 7, 2024
👑 Krystella Fame presents Girls’ Night Out with Crystal Starz and Zahra Bizarre, Cabaret Mado 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club
Friday, November 8, 2024
📚 L’Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts reading and signing with Chanel Sutherland and Murgatroyd Monaghan, L’Euguélionne 🏳️🌈 Eros and JAG host the Le VibraFonds 2024—Soirée Bingo!, Longueuil 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Crystal Starz, Ciatha Night, Velma Jones and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Saturday, November 9, 2024
📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads Alice Winn’s In Memoriam, Librairie Pulp Books & Cafe 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts a book launch for Eve Martin Jalbert’s Promesse d'un monde encore incertain, L'Euguélionne 🥳 🏳️🌈 Studio ZX and FANTOM present Oxygen with DJs Bullshit Artist and Persuasion, Place du Village 🥳 SUPER TASTE MTL and Homopop presents Hot To Go: Chappell Roan & Friends Dance Party, Bar Le Ritz PDB 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Crystal Starz, Ciatha Night, Velma Jones and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Sunday, November 10, 2024
👑 Le Brunch aux Folles with Misty Waterfalls, Sisi Sinatra and Miss Fountain, Social Verdun 👑 Afternoon Drag Cafe with Itsh and Timothy Toxic, Agenda Co-op Bookstore 🎭 Reines Stones present Sunday Sin Day: Circus of Hell with Quinzy Chase, Sasha Désir, Siren Mayhem and Mina Minou, Wiggle Room 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and Kiara, Kelly Torrieli and Marla Deer, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Monday, November 11, 2024
👑 Vous êtes invité.e.s featuring the wedding ceremony of Val de Freak and Prudence, officiated by Heaven Genderfck with special performances, Cabaret Mado 👑 C’est juste lundi, place à la relève !! with Sally-D, Bar Le Cocktail
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
👑 Full Gisèle : Pop Y2K with Gisèle Lullaby, Saltina Shaker, Sunshine Glitterchild, Lady Boom Boom and Pétula Claque, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts a bilingual discussion on Mandi Gray’s Suing for Silence: Sexual Violence and Defamation and Kharoll-Ann Souffrant’s Le privilège de dénoncer with the authors in attendance, L'Euguélionne 👑 Dance Again with Amy Haze, Gabriella, Kelly Torrieli, Kitana, Miss Butterfly, Rita Baga and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado
Thursday, November 14, 2024
🎭 Slaysians with Manny, Ad’horrible, CC Chanel, EmmÖtional Damage, Jebbie, Justin, Kajol, Khann, Korra Anarch’key, Psyberia, Rameez Karim, Song, Suri Racha and Ken Antonio, Cabaret Mado 👯♀️ Montréal Heels Festival, dedicated to the art of dancing in heels, Hôtel Bonaventure Montréal 🎭 Sis Void and Dark Felina present Cabaret Nocturna with Diana Bastet, Celesta O’Lee, Tristan Ginger, Miss Pretty Pretentious, Royal T and Sasha Désir, Cabaret Berlin 🎥 Queer Cinema Club of Montréal and Image+Nation hosts two screenings of Gregg Araki's Mysterious Skin, Cinema Moderne 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club
Friday, November 15, 2024
📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts a book launch for Aimée Lévesque’s Parmi les femmes, L’Euguélionne 👯♀️ Montréal Heels Festival, dedicated to the art of dancing in heels, Hôtel Bonaventure Montréal 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Barbada, Daisy Wood, Peggy Sue, Krystella Fame and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou : Pants Free Evening with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Saturday, November 16, 2024
🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 🥳 Lez Dance hosts Soirée entre elles! LEZ DANZE together! with DJ Franklyne, Stock & Soda 🥳 Butch-Femme Prom, Champs Bar 👯♀️ Montréal Heels Festival, dedicated to the art of dancing in heels, Hôtel Bonaventure Montréal 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts the roundtable discussion Littérature et révolution with Sayaka Araniva-Yanez, Liza Hammar, Paola Ouédraogo and Missila Izza, L’Euguélionne 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Madonna: The Celebration Tour, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mary J. Kay presents Patsy Gallant, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Barbada, Daisy Wood, Peggy Sue, Krystella Fame and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Sunday, November 17, 2024
😆 A Very Pretentious Comedy Show #20 with Raquel Maestre, Eve Parker Finley, Lou Laurence, Brad MacDonald, Sara Meleika, Andrina Learmonth, Jason Houle and Sarah Boivin, Café La ligne Verte 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and Sasha Baga, Pétula Claque and Lady Boom Boom, Cabaret Mado 👯♀️ Montréal Heels Festival, dedicated to the art of dancing in heels, Hôtel Bonaventure Montréal 👑 Dimanche Show 19th Anniversary! with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Monday, November 18, 2024
👑 C’est juste lundi, place à la relève !! with Sally-D, Bar Le Cocktail
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
👑 Full Gisèle : Wicked with Gisèle Lullaby, Marla Deer, Johnny Jones, Kiara and Rowena Whey, Cabaret Mado 👑 Lulu Shade and Sally-D present Shade-D Show with Mike Oxlong, Bar Le Cocktail 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 The Alt Comedy Show #2 with Raquel Maestre, Mike Carrozza, Mason Terry, Sadie Moland, Shawn Stenhouse and Carmina Berbari, Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles 👑 Bobépine presents Céline Dion... en Fête with Victoire de Rockwell, Marla Deer, Jay Show, Clay Thorris and Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado
Thursday, November 21, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🎭 The L Word Season 2—Live! with Sarah Laurendeau, Marie-Soleil Dion, Florence Blain Mbaye, Marie-Fanny Guay, Camille Léonard, Noémie Lira, Mélodie Noël Rousseau and Geneviève Labelle, Cabaret Mado 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts the poetry evening À la santé de ce qui nous a pas encore tuées with Emmanuelle Riendeau, Marie-Pier Lafontaine, Marie Darsigny, Rosie Desbiens and Mélopée B. Montminy, L’Euguélionne 🏳️🌈 Festival Jouissif Montréal hosts Noël Jouissif, and erotic and other curiosities market, Bain Mathieu 🎭 MainLine Theatre hosts performances of Michel Marc Bouchard’s Tom à la ferme, MainLine Theatre 👑 Contestant Uma Gahd hosts screenings of Canada’s Drag Race Season 5, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club
Friday, November 22, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts Les disparitions qui nous habitent, a discussion on Sarine Demirjian’s Un froid qui ne me quitte pas and Nada Sattouf’s Requiem d’un après-midi with the authors in attendance, L’Euguélionne 🏳️🌈 Festival Jouissif Montréal hosts Noël Jouissif, and erotic and other curiosities market, Bain Mathieu 🎭 MainLine Theatre hosts performances of Michel Marc Bouchard’s Tom à la ferme, MainLine Theatre 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Jessie Précieuse, Lady Boom Boom, Celes and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Saturday, November 23, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 👑 Xtra Dip! hosts A Verry Glee(k) Show with Uma Gahd, Casanova, Coco Charlemagne, Champagne, Hollie Woods, Alexandra Moss, Muz’Emma and Psyberia, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Céline Dion, Cabaret Mado 🏳️🌈 Festival Jouissif Montréal hosts Noël Jouissif, and erotic and other curiosities market, Bain Mathieu 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Jessie Précieuse, Lady Boom Boom, Celes and Nana, Cabaret Mado 🎭 MainLine Theatre hosts performances of Michel Marc Bouchard’s Tom à la ferme, MainLine Theatre 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Sunday, November 24, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🥳 Vol X. rave with Hector Oaks, x3butterfly, Solitary Dancer and Runa & Asha, details at link 👑 Celebrate 15 years of drag with Emma Déjà-vu, Bar Le Cocktail 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and Victoire de Rockwell, Daisy Wood and Misty Waterfalls, Cabaret Mado
Monday, November 25, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 👑 C’est juste lundi, place à la relève !! with Sally-D, Bar Le Cocktail
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 👑 Full Gisèle : Full Céline with Gisèle Lullaby, Nana, Crystal Starz, Bobépine and Gina Hamilton, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 👑 Marla Deer presents Popcorn Extra Beurre with Gisèle Lullaby, Tracy Trash, Bambi Dextrous, Bobépine, Clay Thorris and Johnny Jones, Cabaret Mado
Thursday, November 28, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🥳 QUARTZ Soirées Lesbiennes presents To The Moon and Back with DJ Lavender May, Club Confessionnal 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts a book launch for Aimee Wall’s Nous, Jane, L'Euguélionne 👑 Celebrate Canada’s Drag Race Season 5 contestant Uma Gahd’s Birthday with special guests, Bar Le Cocktail 🎭 Zize Dupanier presents Zize, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Sami Party with Sami Landri and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Contestant Uma Gahd hosts screenings of Canada’s Drag Race Season 5, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club
Friday, November 29, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🥳 SUPER TASTE MTL presents ABBA and Friends Dance Party: 5th Anniversary, Bar Le Ritz PDB 📚 L'Euguélionne feminist bookstore hosts De corneilles et de tantes / Of crows and aunties: a conversation with Jessica Johns with Catherine Leroux and Éric Fontaine, L'Euguélionne 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Gisèle Lullaby, Marla Deer, Sasha Baga and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Saturday, November 30, 2024
🎥 Image+Nation Culture Queer film festival, various locations 🏳️🌈 CASA Cares hosts Q-Hour, spotlighting queer-owned and operated businesses, Concordia University 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Gisèle Lullaby, Marla Deer, Sasha Baga and Nana, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
💪 Montréal Roller Derby hosts regular matches and open boot camps throughout the year. Follow their Facebook page for additional info.
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud.
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts.
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play.
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
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The only good side of Ezarel's replacement for Mathieu: we didn't become the mother of the oh-no-she's-not-the-one-to-blame murderer. Whether we like it or not, at some point Twylda would die and we would end up with the burden of taking care of the nuisance that is this girl.
If it were Seihai instead of Saint Erika, this would probably be enough for her to realize that if she didn't like children so much in TO, the fact that she'd have to force herself to take care of MA as condition to be in a relationship with Ez in ANE would infuriate her. Faery children were killed by that human freak who dared to think she could be like eldaryans.
And Seihai would get even angrier when she sees the Templar's mark somewhere in her body. Because in BoS, MA is not from Earth, she's from Eldarya, from the templar base that spirits women away from Earth, take them to Eldarya to increase their ranks, and it's how she was born. Her destiny was to become a templar' wife when she was old enough, but well... now here we are, taking care of the brat.
Seihai would come up with a whole plan to eliminate Marie-Anne, but it couldn't be through poison because we know Ez would find out right away...
I guess I'll insert this optional path in the VN version of BoS. In Tenjin's route Marie-Anne dies in TO, but in Ez route I guess I can make an exception lmao
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Entrée du Restaurant La Cour du Louvre - Avignon
Le Petit Louvre se dresse actuellement sur l’emplacement d’une ancienne Commanderie des Templiers édifiée en 1 273.
Cet édifice est d’un grand intérêt pour l’histoire de l’architecture gothique en Provence ; d’une part parce qu’il présente une architecture déjà aboutie d’inspiration septentrionale, qui paraît novatrice et assez isolée dans une région où les témoins conservés d’architecture religieuse du XIIIe siècle sont assez rares, d’autre part parce que son édification entre 1 273 et 1 281 en fait le seul témoin important d’une architecture gothique à Avignon antérieure à l’arrivée des papes. Il est le premier édifice de style gothique en Provence, avec l’église de Saint-Jean-de-Malte à Aix.
L’ordre des Templiers était un ordre religieux de moines soldats qui s’était donné pour mission de protéger les pèlerins se rendant en Terre Sainte.
Les Templiers deviennent rapidement un ordre de premier plan, au point d’être les créanciers des rois de France.
En 1 307, Clément V premier pape venu en AVIGNON abolit l’ordre des Templiers sur demande de Philippe le Bel Roi de France, envieux de la puissance et de la richesse de l’ordre. Les biens de l’ordre sont alors dévolus à l’ordre de Malte. L’ordre de Malte est encore aujourd’hui connu pour ses missions caritatives dans le monde entier
On dit que la construction du Palais des Papes, initié en 1 340 par le Pape Benoît XII, a été financée en partie grâce aux richesses dont l’ordre des Templiers a été dépouillé.
Sous la Révolution française la Commanderie des Templiers sera détruite, la chapelle seule restera le témoin de l’époque des Templiers.
La chapelle devient alors bien national.
En 1 875, Anselme Mathieu, un Avignonnais, rachète le lieu pour y construire un hôtel. Il l’appellera l’hôtel du Louvre. Anselme Mathieu, était un homme très proche du courant littéraire provençal appelé le Félibrige. Il accueillera ses plus illustres représentants, Frédéric MISTRAL, Théodore AUBANEL et Joseph ROUMANILLE. Ceux-ci, feront de l’hôtel du Louvre leur cercle de réunion.
#avignon#original photographers#photography#photographe#photographers on tumblr#photo#france#villagedefrance#tourism#francephotography#tourisme#vaucluse
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Troisième étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s : Christian en Bretagne, près de Brest, il y a un mois déjà.
A Plougonvelin, la Pointe Saint-Mathieu. Ici, c'est le choc de l'Histoire, entre ce blockhaus allemand de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale et ces deux menhirs, appelés le Gibet des Moines. Sur la dernière photo, ce sont apparemment des amers, servant de repère aux navires.
#bretagne#saint-mathieu#pointe saint-mathieu#blockhaus#bunker#allemagne#WW2#deuxième guerre mondiale#39-45#menhir#mégalithe#archéologie#mégalithique#gibet des moines#préhistoire#amer#plougonvelin
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Ruins of the monastery and lighthouse of Pointe-Saint-Mathieu, Brittany region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1967 to La Garenne-Colombes
#pointe#historic#lighthouse#garenne#saint#colombes#photo#briefkaart#vintage#region#monastery#sepia#mathieu#pointe-saint-mathieu#brittany#photography#carte postale#postcard#mailed#postkarte#france#postal#tarjeta#la garenne-colombes#ansichtskarte#french#old#ephemera#ruins#postkaart
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2024-25 season
Carbonear: Dawson Mercer (New Jersey)
St. John's: Alex Newhook (Montreal)
Nova Scotia
Halifax: Justin Barron (Montreal/Nashville), Morgan Barron (Winnipeg), Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh), Matthew Highmore (Ottawa), Alex Killorn (Anaheim), Nathan MacKinnon (Colorado) & Liam O'Brien (Utah)
Halifax Municipality: Brad Marchand (Boston)
Yarmouth: Ryan Graves (Pittsburgh)
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Ross Johnston (Anaheim)
Summerside: Noah Dobson (New York Islanders)
New Brunswick
Fredericton: Jake Allen (New Jersey)
Moncton: Phil Myers (Toronto) & Calvin Pickard (Edmonton)
Amos: Nicolas Roy (Vegas)
Bécancour: Sam Montembeault (Montreal)
Bromont: Fréddy Gaudreau (Minnesota)
Kirkland: Joe Veleno (Detroit)
Laval: Simon Benoit (Toronto), Vincent Desharnais (Vancouver), Mathieu Joseph (St. Louis) & Pierre-Olivier Joseph (Pittsburgh)
Longueuil: Anthony Mantha-Pronovost (Calgary)
Montreal: William Carrier (Carolina), Nicolas Deslauriers (Philadelphia), Kris Letang (Pittsburgh), Zachary L'Heureux (Nashville) & Marc-Édouard Vlasic (San José)
Notre-Dame-Des-Prairies: Anthony-John Greer (Florida)
Plessisville: Mavrik Bourque (Dallas)
Pointe-Claire: Anthony Duclair (New York Islanders) & Mike Matheson (Montreal)
Quebec: Alexandre Carrier (Nashville/Montreal), Louis Crevier (Chicago), Kurtis MacDermid (New Jersey), Jonathan Marchessault (Nashville) & Jakob Pelletier (Calgary)
Roberval: Sam Girard (Colorado)
Saint-Eustache: Alex Lafrenière (New York Rangers)
Saint-Hyacinthe: David Savard (Montreal)
Saint-Jérôme: Jonathan Huberdeau (Calgary)
Saint-Narcisse-De-Beaurivage: Yanni Gourde (Seattle)
Sainte-Agathe-Des-Monts: Jonathan Drouin (Colorado) & Pierre-Luc Dubois (Washington)
Sainte-Marie: Thomas Chabot (Ottawa)
Sherbrooke: David Perron (Ottawa)
Sorel-Tracy: Anthony Beauvillier (Pittsburgh) & Marc-André Fleury (Minnesota)
Trois-Rivières: Zach Bolduc (St. Louis) & Anthony Richard (Philadelphia)
Val-d'Or: Jérémy Lauzon (Nashville)
Victoriaville: Phillip Danault (Los Angeles)
Ajax: Michael Carcone (Utah), Connor McMichael (Washington), Matt Poitras (Boston) & Devin Shore (Minnesota)
Aurora: Morgan Frost (Philadelphia) & Robert Thomas (St. Louis)
Barrie: Brent Burns (Carolina)
Belleville: Brian Cousins (Ottawa)
Bowmanville: Declan Chisholm (Minnesota)
Brampton: Sean Monahan (Columbus), Tyler Seguin (Dallas) & Scott Wedgewood (Colorado)
Brantford: Adam Henrique (Edmonton)
Burlington: Josh Anderson (Montreal) & Shane Wright (Seattle)
Caledon: Rory Kerins (Calgary), Andrew Mangiapane (Washington), Darren Raddysh (Tampa Bay) & Taylor Raddysh (Washington)
Central Huron: Ryan O'Reilly (Nashville)
Centre Wellington Township: Brock McGinn (Anaheim)
Chatham-Kent: T.J. Brodie (Chicago)
Dorchester: Boone Jenner (Columbus)
Dysart Township: Matt Duchene (Dallas)
East Gwillumbury: Sam Bennett (Florida)
Georgina Township: Joel Hanley (Calgary) & Sean Walker (Carolina)
Haldimand County: Cam Talbot (Detroit)
Halton Hills: Jason Dickinson (Chicago)
Hamilton: Ben Chiarot (Detroit), Mark Jankowski (Nashville), Johnathan Kovacevic (New Jersey), Darnell Nurse (Edmonton), Carter Verhaeghe (Florida) & Arber Xhekaj (Montreal)
Hearst: Claude Giroux (Ottawa)
Kingston: Tye Kartye (Seattle) & Gabe Vilardi (Winnipeg)
King Township: Adam Fantilli (Columbus), Mario Ferraro (San José) & Alex Pietrangelo (Vegas)
Kitchener: Nathan Bastian (New Jersey), Nic Hague (Vegas), Steven Lorentz (Toronto), Tanner Pearson (Vegas), Mark Scheifele (Winnipeg) & Logan Stanley (Winnipeg)
London: Jacob Bryson (Buffalo), Dylan DeMelo (Winnipeg), Bo Horvat (New York Islanders), Nazem Kadri (Calgary), Travis Konecny (Philadelphia) & Nick Suzuki (Montreal)
Markham: Warren Foegele (Los Angeles), Mitch Marner (Toronto), Jeff Skinner (Edmonton) & Steven Stamkos (Nashville)
Mississauga: Vince Dunn (Seattle), Sean Durzi (Utah), Robby Fabbri (Anaheim), Ryan McLeod (Buffalo), Nick Paul (Tampa Bay), Owen Power (Buffalo), Dylan Strome (Washington), Ryan Strome (Anaheim), John Tavares (Toronto) & Philip Tomasino (Pittsburgh)
Newmarket: Quinton Byfield (Los Angeles)
New Tecumseh: Tyson Foerster (Philadelphia)
Oakville: Evan Bouchard (Edmonton), Isaiah George (New York Islanders) & Scott Laughton (Philadelphia)
Oshawa: Justin Danforth (Columbus)
Ottawa: Cody Ceci (San José), Brandt Clarke (Los Angeles), Calvin De Haan (Colorado), Erik Gudbranson (Columbus), Jean-Gabriel Pageau (New York Islanders), Scott Sabourin (San José), Donovan Sebrango (Ottawa) & MacKenzie Weegar (Calgary)
Peterborough: Barrett Hayton (Utah), Mitchell Stephens (Seattle) & Owen Tippett (Philadelphia)
Prescott: Ben Hutton (Vegas)
Richmond Hill: Jordan Binnington (St. Louis), Ryan Lomberg (Calgary) & Connor McDavid (Edmonton)
St. Catherines: Conor Timmins (Toronto)
Sault Ste. Marie: Mike Amadio (Ottawa) & Colin Miller (Winnipeg)
Scugog: Ty Dellandrea (San José)
Six Nations Of The Grand River Reservation: Brandon Montour (Seattle)
Stratford: Jared McCann (Seattle)
Strathroy-Caradoc: Lawson Crouse (Utah)
Sudbury: Tyler Bertuzzi (Chicago)
Temiskaming Shores: Justin Brazeau (Boston) & Corey Perry (Edmonton)
Thunder Bay: Mackenzie Blackwood (San José/Colorado), Robert Bortuzzo (Utah), Jordan Staal (Carolina) & Tyler Tucker (St. Louis)
Toronto: Connor Brown (Edmonton), Michael Bunting (Pittsburgh), Casey Cizikas (New York Islanders), Will Cuylle (New York Rangers), Jamie Drysdale (Philadelphia), Luke Evangelista (Nashville), Jake Evans (Montreal), Mark Friedman (Vancouver), Barclay Goodrow (San José), Dougie Hamilton (New Jersey), Zach Hyman (Edmonton), Wyatt Johnston (Dallas), Jordan Kyrou (St. Louis), Jack McBain (Utah), Jamie Oleksiak (Seattle), Adam Pelech (New York Islanders), Michael Pezzetta (Montreal), Evan Rodrigues (Florida), Brendan Smith (Dallas), Reilly Smith (New York Rangers), Brandon Tanev (Seattle), Chris Tanev (Toronto), Akil Thomas (Los Angeles), Tyler Toffoli (San José), Jake Walman (San José) & Tom Wilson (Washington)
Uxbridge Township: Mason Marchment (Dallas)
Vaughan: Anthony Cirelli (Tampa Bay), Luca Del Bel Belluz (Columbus) & Phil Di Giuseppe (Vancouver)
Waterloo: Ben Jones (Minnesota)
Whitewater Township: Jack Quinn (Buffalo)
Whitby: Jonah Gadjovich (Florida) & Cole Perfetti (Winnipeg)
Whitchurch-Stouffville: Sam Carrick (New York Rangers)
Windsor: Aaron Ekblad (Florida), Cam Fowler (St. Louis) & Matt Martin (New York Islanders)
Woolwich Township: Cole Schwindt (Vegas)
Arborg: James Reimer (Anaheim/Buffalo)
Brandon: Joel Edmundson (Los Angeles), Keegan Kolesar (Vegas), Jordan Martinook (Carolina), Damon Severson (Columbus) & Zach Whitecloud (Vegas)
Dauphin: Ryan Pulock (New York Islanders)
De Salaberry Municipality: Travis Hamonic (Ottawa)
Emerson-Franklin Municipality: Denton Mateychuk (Columbus)
Ritchot Municipality: Owen Pickering (Pittsburgh)
Souris-Glenwood Municipality: Tyson Kozak (Buffalo)
Springfield Municipality: Brett Howden (Vegas)
The Pas: Connor Dewar (Toronto)
Wainwright Municipality: Carson Soucy (Vancouver)
Wallace-Woodworth Municipality: Travis Sanheim (Philadelphia)
Winnipeg: Max Domi (Toronto), Cody Glass (Pittsburgh), Joel Hofer (St. Louis), Seth Jarvis (Carolina), Justin Kirkland (Calgary), Dylan McIlrath (Washington), Ryan Reaves (Toronto) & Mark Stone (Vegas)
Yellowhead Municipality: Conor Geekie (Tampa Bay) & Morgan Geekie (Boston)
Carlyle: Haydn Fleury (Winnipeg)
Davidson: Nolan Allan (Chicago) & Brayden McNabb (Vegas)
Estevan: Brayden Pachal (Calgary)
Humboldt: Dustin Tokarski (Carolina)
Melfort: Jaden Schwartz (Seattle)
Oxbow: Tanner Jeannot (Los Angeles)
Prince Albert: Braden Schneider (New York Rangers)
Regina: Mat Dumba (Dallas) & Jordan Eberle (Seattle)
Saskatoon: Brandon Hagel (Tampa Bay), Connor Ingram (Utah), Darcy Kuemper (Los Angeles), Brayden Schenn (St. Louis), Luke Schenn (Nashville), Chandler Stephenson (Seattle) & Connor Zary (Calgary)
Yorkton: Kaedan Korczak (Vegas)
Airdrie: Jake Neighbours (St. Louis)
Beaumont: Noah Gregor (Ottawa)
Calgary: Jake Bean (Calgary), Ryker Evans (Seattle), Taylor Hall (Chicago/Carolina), Dylan Holloway (St. Louis), Brett Leason (Anaheim), Cale Makar (Colorado), Josh Morrissey (Winnipeg), William Nylander-Altelius (Toronto), Brayden Point (Tampa Bay), Cole Reinhardt (Ottawa), Matt Rempe (New York Rangers), Logan Thompson (Washington) & Olen Zellweger (Anaheim)
Camrose: Parker Kelly (Colorado)
Canmore: Jacob Bernard-Docker (Ottawa) & Noah Philp (Edmonton)
Cochrane: Justin Dowling (New Jersey)
Edmonton: Eric Comrie (Winnipeg), Jake DeBrusk (Vancouver), Brendan Gallagher (Montreal), Dylan Guenther (Utah), Keaton Middleton (Colorado), Stuart Skinner (Edmonton) & Jared Spurgeon (Minnesota)
Ft. Saskatchewan: Kirby Dach (Montreal)
Lethbridge: Ridly Greig (Ottawa)
Lloydminster: Ty Smith (Carolina)
Okotoks: Peyton Krebs (Buffalo)
St. Albert: Colton Dach (Chicago), Tyson Jost (Carolina), Josh Mahura (Seattle), Zack Ostapchuk (Ottawa) & Colton Parayko (St. Louis)
Slave Lake: Nicolas Aubé-Kubel (Buffalo)
Stony Plain: Brett Kulak (Edmonton)
Strathcona County: Kaiden Guhle (Montreal) & Sam Steel (Dallas)
Wainwright: Bobby McMann (Toronto) & Jake Middleton (Minnesota)
Whitehorse: Dylan Cozens (Buffalo)
British Columbia
Abbotsford: Noah Juulsen (Vancouver) & Devon Toews (Colorado)
Burnaby: Ryan Nugent-Hopkins (Edmonton)
Chilliwack: Zach Benson (Buffalo)
Comox: Adin Hill (Vegas)
Coquitlam: Mathew Barzal (New York Islanders) & Dante Fabbro (Nashville/Columbus)
Cranbrook: Bowen Byram (Buffalo)
Delta: Beck Malenstyn (Buffalo)
Kamloops: Logan Stankoven (Dallas)
Langley: Dennis Cholowski (New York Islanders), Danton Heinen (Vancouver) & Shea Theodore (Vegas)
New Westminster: Kevin Bahl (Calgary)
North Vancouver: Connor Bedard (Chicago), Macklin Celebrini (San José), Sam Reinhart (Florida) & Colton Sissons (Nashville)
Port Alberni: Laurent Brossoit (Chicago)
Port Moody: Kent Johnson (Columbus)
Richmond: Troy Stecher (Edmonton)
Salmon Arm: Curtis Lazar (New Jersey)
Surrey: Brenden Dillon (New Jersey) & Parker Wotherspoon (Boston)
Vancouver: Kyle Burroughs (Los Angeles), Evander Kane (Edmonton), Alex Kerfoot (Utah), Fraser Minten (Toronto), Michael Rasmussen (Detroit) & Morgan Rielly (Toronto)
Victoria: Jamie Benn (Dallas)
West Vancouver: Jake Christiansen (Columbus)
Biddeford: Brian Dumoulin (Anaheim)
Yarmouth: Oliver Wahlstrom (New York Islanders/Boston)
New Hampshire
Manchester: Luke Hughes (New Jersey)
Rochester: Casey DeSmith (Dallas)
Boston: Matt Grzelcyk (Pittsburgh), Noah Hanifin (Vegas), Kevin Hayes (Pittsburgh), Connor Murphy (Chicago) & Jimmy Vesey; Jr. (New York Rangers)
Boxford: Chris Kreider (New York Rangers)
Braintree: Adam Gaudette (Ottawa)
Canton: Kevin Rooney (Calgary)
Chelmsford: Jack Eichel (Vegas)
East Longmeadow: Frank Vatrano (Anaheim)
Easton: John Marino (Utah)
Haverhill: Jordan Harris (Columbus)
Hingham: Matty Beniers (Seattle)
Lawrence: Colin Blackwell (Dallas)
Lexington: Will Smith (San José)
Millville: Matt Boldy (Minnesota)
Milton: Ryan Shea (Pittsburgh)
Natick: John Carlson (Washington)
Needham: Chris Wagner (Colorado)
North Andover: Joel Daccord (Seattle)
Scituate: Ryan Donato (Chicago) & Conor Garland (Vancouver)
Southborough: Henry Thrun (San José)
Weymouth: Charlie Coyle (Boston)
Rhode Island
Cumberland: Jayden Struble (Montreal)
Johnston: Noel Acciari (Pittsburgh)
Darien: Spencer Knight (Florida)
Greenwich: Cam Atkinson (Tampa Bay)
Milford: Jonathan Quick (New York Rangers)
New Canaan: Max Pacioretty (Toronto)
Newtown: Matthew Samoskevich (Florida)
New York
Amherst: Nick DeSimone (Utah)
Bedford: Trevor Zegras (Anaheim)
Buffalo: Marcus Foligno (Minnesota), Nick Foligno (Chicago), Dennis Gilbert; Jr. (Buffalo), Patrick Kane; Jr. (Detroit) & Miles Wood (Colorado)
Canton: Jordan Greenway (Buffalo)
Cicero: Joel Farabee (Philadelphia)
Eden: Alex Iafallo (Winnipeg)
Elmira: Johnny Beecher (Boston)
Greenburgh: Brett Pesce (New Jersey)
Hempstead: Shane Pinto (Ottawa)
Huntington: Matt Coronato (Calgary)
Long Beach: Charlie McAvoy; Jr. (Boston)
Massena: Zach Bogosian (Minnesota)
New York: Jack Drury (Carolina/Colorado)
Oyster Bay: Adam Fox (New York Rangers) & Frank Milano (Washington)
Smithtown: Kyle Palmieri (New York Islanders)
Staten Island: Zach Aston-Reese (Columbus) & Kevin Labanc (Columbus)
Syracuse: Thomas Harley (Dallas) & Alex Tuch (Buffalo)
New Jersey
Bellmawr: Eric Robinson (Carolina)
Chatham: Alex Laferriere (Los Angeles) & Drew O'Connor (Pittsburgh)
Edison Township: Anthony Stolarz (Toronto)
Livingston Township: Kyle MacLean (New York Islanders)
Long Branch: Connor Clifton (Buffalo)
Mantua Township: Tony DeAngelo (New York Islanders)
Middletown Township: James Van Riemsdyk (Columbus) & Trevor Van Riemsdyk (Washington)
Robbinsville Township: Ross Colton (Colorado)
Vorhees Township: Mattias Samuelsson (Buffalo)
Hollidaysburg: Sam Lafferty (Buffalo)
Pittsburgh: Logan Cooley (Utah), John Gibson (Anaheim), Brandon Saad (St. Louis) & Vincent Trocheck (New York Rangers)
Henrico County: Zac Jones (New York Rangers)
North Carolina
Raleigh: Nikolai Kovalenko II (Colorado/San José)
South Carolina
Florence: Mike Kesselring (Utah)
Hilton Head Island: Ryan Hartman (Minnesota)
Boca Raton: Jakob Chychrun (Washington)
Coral Springs: Brandon Duhaime (Washington)
Naples: John Hathaway; Jr. (Philadelphia)
Orlando: Jack Hughes (New Jersey) & Quinn Hughes (Vancouver)
Parkland: Andrew Peeke (Boston)
Pembroke Pines: Shayne Gostisbehere (Carolina)
Ann Arbor: Ian Cole (Utah), Andrew Copp (Detroit) & Jeff Petry (Detroit)
Birmingham: Max Sasson (Vancouver)
Canton Charter Township: Paul Cotter (New Jersey) & Matt Roy (Washington)
Clinton Charter Township: Kyle Connor (Winnipeg)
Commerce Charter Township: Connor Hellebuyck (Winnipeg)
Dearborn: Dakota Joshua (Vancouver)
Dearborn Heights: Jordan Oesterle (Boston)
East Grand Rapids: Luke Glendening (Tampa Bay)
Farmington Hills: Alex DeBrincat (Detroit)
Grosse Pointe: Michael McCarron (Nashville) & Zach Werenski (Columbus)
Holland: Lane Hutson (Montreal)
Mt. Clemens: Frank Nazar III (Chicago)
Oxford Township: Josh Norris (Ottawa)
Pontiac: Bryan Rust (Pittsburgh)
Rochester: Jacob Trouba (New York Rangers/Anaheim)
Rochester Hills: Alec Martinez (Chicago)
Rockford: Mitchell Chaffee (Tampa Bay)
St. Clair: Tyler Motte (Detroit)
Washington Charter Township: Nick Blankenburg (Nashville)
Waterford Charter Township: Dylan Larkin (Detroit)
Ypsilanti: Jalen Chatfield (Carolina)
Cleveland: Jansen Harkins (Anaheim)
Columbus: Jack Roslovic (Carolina), Kiefer Sherwood (Vancouver) & Cole Sillinger (Columbus)
Dublin: Sean Kuraly (Columbus)
Parma: Alex Nedeljkovic (Pittsburgh)
Unity Township: J.T. Miller (Vancouver)
Ft. Wayne: Drake Batherson (Ottawa)
Indianapolis: Jack Johnson III (Columbus)
Huntsville: Nic Dowd (Washington)
Mathieu Olivier (Columbus)
Eau Claire: Ty Emberson (Edmonton)
Green Bay: Mason Appleton (Winnipeg)
Madison: Nick Schmaltz (Utah), Craig Smith (Chicago) & Ryan Suter (St. Louis)
Mequon: Spencer Stastney (Nashville)
Milwaukee: Hudson Fasching (New York Islanders)
Mosinee: Cole Caufield (Montreal)
Chicago: Christian Fischer (Detroit), John Hayden (Seattle) & Mike Reilly; Jr. (New York Islanders)
Downers Grove Township: Josh Manson (Colorado)
Elk Grove Township: Alex Turcotte (Los Angeles)
New Trier Township: Alex Vlasic (Chicago)
Northfield Township: J.T. Compher (Detroit)
Palos Township: Christian Dvorak (Montreal)
Proviso Township: Vinnie Hinostroza (Nashville)
Baudette: Alex Lyon (Detroit)
Blaine: Nick Bjugstad (Utah) & Jonny Brodzinski (New York Rangers)
Bloomington: Erik Johnson (Philadelphia)
Brainerd: Cole Smith (Nashville)
Burnsville: Brock Boeser (Vancouver)
Duluth: Derek Forbort (Vancouver) & Dominic Toninato (Winnipeg)
Eden Prairie: Jackson LaCombe (Anaheim), Nick Leddy (St. Louis) & Nick Seeler (Philadelphia)
Edina: Anders Lee (New York Islanders) & Casey Mittelstadt (Colorado)
Elk River: Nick Perbix (Tampa Bay)
Excelsior: Vinni Lettieri (Boston)
Farmington: Drew Helleson (Anaheim)
Fridley: Mikey Anderson (Los Angeles)
Hermantown: Dylan Samberg (Winnipeg)
Hibbing: Scott Perunovich (St. Louis)
Lakeville: Charlie Lindgren (Washington), Sam Malinski (Colorado), Jake Oettinger (Dallas), Ryan Poehling (Philadelphia) & Brady Skjei (Nashville)
Lindström: Blake Lizotte (Pittsburgh)
Maple Grove: Brock Faber (Minnesota)
Minneapolis: Ryan Lindgren (New York Rangers) & Brock Nelson (New York Islanders)
Minnetonka: Bobby Brink (Philadelphia)
Moorhead: Will Borgen (New York Rangers)
St. Cloud: Nate Schmidt (Florida)
St. Paul: Nick Jensen (Ottawa), Ryan McDonagh (Tampa Bay), K'Andre Miller (New York Rangers) & Tommy Novak (Nashville)
South St. Paul: Justin Faulk (St. Louis)
Stillwater: Noah Cates (Philadelphia)
Tonka Bay: Justin Holl (Detroit)
Two Harbors: Cole Koepke (Boston)
Dubuque: Tucker Poolman (Colorado)
Chesterfield: Clayton Keller (Utah) & Luke Kunin (San José)
Dardenne Prairie: Joe Woll (Toronto)
St. Louis: Trent Frederic (Boston), Adam Lowry (Winnipeg), Patrick Maroon (Chicago) & Scott Mayfield (New York Islanders)
Baton Rouge: Mason Lohrei (Boston)
North Dakota
Fargo: Jackson Blake (Carolina) & Tyler Kleven (Ottawa)
South Dakota
Sioux Falls: Walker Duehr (Calgary/San José)
Omaha: Jake Guentzel (Tampa Bay) & Neal Pionk (Winnipeg)
Oklahoma City: Jon Merrill (Minnesota)
Arlington: Jared Jones (Chicago)
Dallas: Samuel Helenius (Los Angeles)
Houston: Tyler Myers (Vancouver)
Missouri City: Logan O'Connor (Colorado)
Plano: Blake Coleman (Calgary) & Stefan Noesen (New Jersey)
Whitefish: Jake Sanderson (Ottawa)
Colorado Springs: Brandon Carlo (Boston)
Denver: Ethen Frank (Washington) & Troy Terry (Anaheim)
Erie: Jaccob Slavin (Carolina)
Littleton: Mikey Eyssimont (Tampa Bay)
Salt Lake City: Trevor Lewis (Los Angeles)
Phoenix: Sean Couturier (Philadelphia), Mark Kastelic (Boston), Matthew Knies (Toronto) & Tage Thompson (Buffalo)
Scottsdale: Josh Doan (Utah), Braeden Tkachuk (Ottawa) & Matthew Tkachuk (Florida)
Anaheim: Cam York (Philadelphia)
Arcadia: Jason Robertson (Dallas)
Gilroy: Dustin Wolf (Calgary)
Long Beach: Matt Nieto (Pittsburgh)
Newport Beach: Jason Zucker (Buffalo)
Pasadena: Nick Robertson (Toronto)
San Diego: Thatcher Demko (Vancouver)
San Ramon: Auston Matthews (Toronto)
Thousand Oaks: Trevor Moore (Los Angeles)
Anchorage: Jeremy Swayman (Boston)
Every North American NHL Player’s Birth City
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Pointe Saint-Mathieu
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