#poiana marului
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stefan1.rusu Poiana Marului, Brasov
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unacunatura · 11 months ago
🌾 where I’d rather be. | eyes of Lina
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dianapopescu · 9 months ago
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25 aprilie: Sfântul Cuvios Vasile de la Poiana Mărului
Sfântul Cuvios Vasile de la Poiana Mărului , călăuzitorul spiritual al Sfântului Paisie Velicicovschi (15 noiembrie), s-a născut spre finele secolului al XVII-lea. A primit tonsura monahală la Schitul Dalhăuți, din Focșani, în 1705 sau 1706, lucrând întru ascetism cu mare fervoare. https://www.diane.ro/2024/04/25-aprilie-sfant-vasile-poiana-marului.html
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fainfrumos · 8 months ago
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Rain, Poiana Marului [07.06.24]
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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years ago
Albert Toynbee, in his monumental study of world history, used
the concepts of "Challenge and Response" to explain how civilizations
they rise and fall.
The challenge that awaits a response from human civilization!
There seem to be no more Russians in the world, because if there were, they would remember the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov: "Find peace in your soul and around you thousands will be saved".
If a peacemaker saves thousands, it means that only a few million could save the world.
There seem to be no more Ukrainians in the world, because if there were, they would remember that Vasile de la Poiana Marului and Paisie Velicicovschi cultivated and taught inner peace as the basis of peace in the world.
There seem to be no more Hindus in the world, because if there were, they would remember that in the Yoga Sutra it is said that in the vicinity of the state of Yoga, conflicting tendencies no longer appear.
And only a few million could save the world.
There seem to be no Tibetans left because they would remember that the Dalai Lama said that "By cultivating the state of inner peace, we can help create a more peaceful and just world."
There seem to be no more Americans in the world because they would remember that Martin Luther King Jr. said that "Inner peace is not only a feeling of comfort or reconciliation, but it is also a practical method to prevent conflicts."
There are no Chinese because they would remember that in Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings, Lao Tzu says:
"Stay calm. Discover the harmony within your own being. Hug her. If you can do that, you will win everything and the world will become healthy again.”  
And only a few million could save the world.
Dear people from all over the world,
Regardless of your culture or religion, there is one universal message that unites us: inner peace. Today, more than ever, we need to focus on this peace, in order to achieve peace in our world.
Seraphim of Sarov, a great Russian saint, said: "Get peace in your soul and around you thousands will be saved." This is a powerful and true message that has been expressed by many other cultures and religions around the world. The Vedas, Tao Te king and many other sages have reminded us that inner peace is the key to a life full of joy and fulfillment.
Today, we invite you to make a commitment to inner peace and world peace. Please take 20 minutes each morning and evening, and during the liturgies, whenever you hear the call "With Peace to the Lord, let us pray," to focus effortlessly on your breathing and remember your inner peace. We follow the breath without influencing it and return to its awareness whenever thoughts appear. The breath calms down and inner peace appears when it is brought to a state of balance where it is neither active nor passive.
Share this message with everyone around you and encourage them to do the same.
In this way, we will begin to build a better, more peaceful and harmonious world. May peace always accompany us and be always present in our souls.
With love and peace,
Disclaimer: Research and if possible replace the framework method offered here with a method that offers you detailed instructions, which is validated by time, easy to learn and practice and whose effects in creating coherence and inner peace and in the environment are extensively validated and documented scientific and accompanied by follow up.
Why Inner peace is so important for you and for your environment?
Alpha-type brain waves are frequently low and occur during a period of calm. 
The work of the brain in a-rhythm is accompanied by the absolute calmness and relaxation of the person. Such a condition is very useful for the body, due to the fact that the central nervous system includes functions such as self-healing and self-regulating, which increases the efficiency of the brain and has a general positive effect on mood.
With a decrease in alpha brain activity, a person is more susceptible to cardiovascular disease (hypertension, angina), low immunity, oncology. At the same time, people with insufficient alpha-wave generation in the brain tend to have negative thinking. These individuals are prone to spillover ingon over their problems, which makes it difficult for them to find their solutions productively.
The brain in alpha mode is able to process large streams of information, which allows a person to look for new, sometimes original, ways to solve existing problems.
The amplitude of the alpha rhythm decreases drastically at the age of 60 and if inner silance is a nice to have for young people for elders is a must have.
In group silance we induce coherence and "in coherent systems, say lasers, the coherence elements in the system have an influence that is directly proportional to their number squared, while incoherent elements have an influence proportional only to their number." Hagelin 
"Orme Johnson et al (1982) hypothesized that changes in the 'social field' or collective consciousness could be identified by EEG (electroencephalographic) changes between individuals.
Victor Geiculescu, Filosofia fizicii, Ed Politica, 1984 says that this "coherence of wave functions at the microscopic level can also be obtained in systems that work at ambient temperature." so in the human body.
He says that a 'coherent state' of all humanity is also necessary in confronting it with the very problem of survival and for the establishment of a rational order."
Why is coherence important?
"The key word for systems characterized by coherence is communication!" informed about the entire state of the system." (p 232 - New Alliance - Ilya. Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers)
One of the most interesting aspects of dissipative structures is, without a doubt, their coherence. The system then behaves as a whole, as if it were the location of forces with a large range of action. Despite the fact that they do not exceed a sphere of the order of 10 minus 3 cm, the system is structured as if each molecule is 'informed' about the entire state of the system." (p 232) In these systems "portions of the system separated by macroscopic distances, become correlated", "local events have repercussions throughout the entire system. Each part of the system thus becomes able to "feel" what is happening in other parts. The system behaves as a whole. (p 232 - New Alliance - Ilya. Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers)
"At coherence, matter acquires amazing undulatory properties", says Victor Geiculescu in the article "Coherence as order" from the volume Filosofia fizicii, Ed Politica, 1984. He says that "the phenomena of superfluidity and superconductivity in which the properties of matter are so different from those with which our intuition is accustomed in everyday experience are examples of states in which the wave functions of an enormous number of particles are coherent." "The wave functions of all the particles that participate in this state have "settled" in phase and the matter acquires on a macroscopic scale amazing properties typical of undulators"
“Physicists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin."
Entanglement is the new Love say Prof. Dr. Adrian RESTIAN in “The quantum field of love”.
It's like singing together "Ode to joy" by Friedrich Schiller that "Be embraced, millions!" .
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frenchmonkeyslut · 8 months ago
Poiana Marului, Brasov County Romania.
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thegreato1ne · 6 years ago
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New on 500px : Foggy Hills by GeorgiDonev by GeorgiDonev Poiana Marului, Romania from 500px For download Click Here
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razvantilimpea · 8 years ago
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world-naturescapes · 2 years ago
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View from Piatra Craiului over Poiana Marului, Romania
Photo by Ioan Chiriac on 500px
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munteledinspatelecasei · 2 years ago
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Vedere de “La varf” din Poiana Marului
Photo by Adriana Strunphy
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Poiana Marului, Brasov   horoba_aurelian
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makedata · 6 years ago
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Foggy Hills by GeorgiDonev // Poiana Marului, Romania
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axeldaniell · 3 years ago
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at Poiana Marului, Brasov https://www.instagram.com/p/CYboITKoOMK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years ago
Albert Toynbee, in his monumental study of world history, used
the concepts of “Challenge and Response” to explain how civilizations
rise and fall.
Provocarea( Challenge) care asteapta un raspuns(Response) de la civilizatia umana!
In lume pare sa nu mai existe rusi pentru ca daca ar exista si-ar aminti de vorbele lui Sf Serafim de Sarov: "Dobandeste pacea in sufletul tău si in jurul tău mii se vor salva". Daca un facator de pace salveaza mii insemna ca doar cateva milioane ar putea salva lumea. 
In lume par sa nu mai existe ucraineni pentru ca daca ar exista si-ar aminti ca Vasile de la Poiana Marului si Paisie Velicicovschi au cultivat si invatat pacea interioara ca baza a pacii in lume. 
In lume par sa nu mai existe hindusi pentru ca daca ar exista si-ar aminti ca in Yoga Sutra se spune ca in vecinatatea starii de Yoga tendintele conflictuale nu mai apar.  Si doar cateva milioane ar putea salva lumea. 
In lume pare sa nu mai existe tibetani pentru ca ei si-ar aminti ca Dalai Lama a spus ca “Prin cultivarea stării de liniște interioară, putem ajuta la crearea unei lumi mai pașnice și mai juste." 
In lume pare sa nu mai fie americani pentru ca ei si-ar aminti ca Martin Luther King Jr. a spus ca "Pacea interioară nu este doar un sentiment de confort sau de împăcare, ci este și o metodă practică pentru a preveni conflictele.”
In lume pare sa nu mai existe chinezi pentru ca si-ar aminti ca in Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings, Lao Tzu spune: “Rămâi liniștit. Descoperiți armonia din propria ființă. Imbratiseaza-o. Dacă poți face asta, vei câștiga totul și lumea va deveni din nou sănătoasă.”  
Si doar cateva milioane ar putea salva lumea. 
Dragi oameni din întreaga lume,
Indiferent de cultura sau religia voastră, există un mesaj universal care ne unește: pacea interioară. Astăzi, mai mult ca niciodată, avem nevoie să ne concentrăm pe această pace, pentru a ajunge la pacea în lumea noastră.
Serafim de Sarov, un mare sfânt rus, a spus: "Dobândiți pacea în sufletul vostru și în jurul vostru mii se vor salva." Acesta este un mesaj puternic și adevărat, care a fost exprimat de multe alte culturi și religii din întreaga lume. Vedele, Tao Te king și mulți alți înțelepți ne-au amintit că pacea interioară este cheia către o viață plină de bucurie și împlinire.
Astăzi, vă invităm să faceți un angajament pentru pacea interioară și pentru pacea lumii. Vă rugăm să luați 20 de minute în fiecare dimineață și seară, și în timpul liturgiilor, ori de câte ori auziți apelul "Cu pace Domnului să ne rugăm", să vă concentrați fara efort asupra respirației și să vă aduceți aminte de pacea interioară. Urmarim respiratia fara a o influenta si revenim la constientizarea ei ori de cate ori apar ganduri. Respiraţia se linistste si pacea interioara apare cand ea este adusă la o stare de echilibru unde nu este nici activă, nici pasivă.
Împărtășiți acest mesaj cu toți cei din jurul vostru și încurajați-i să facă același lucru.
În acest fel, vom începe să construim o lume mai bună, mai pașnică și mai armonioasă. Fie ca pacea să ne însoțească întotdeauna și să fie mereu prezentă în sufletele noastre.
Cu dragoste și pace,
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thegreato1ne · 6 years ago
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New on 500px : Dreamy Morning by GeorgiDonev by GeorgiDonev Morning fog in Poiana Marului, Romania. from 500px For download Click Here
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cautpensiuni · 5 years ago
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